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Ask The Opposite Gender Anything...?

PHUB =/= PBUH Edition

WTF is that?!
Second for I hate women
Third for I don't hate women at all, but I wish that they didn't all hate me.
Women, is it weird to have two sacks of fat hanging off your chest?
Doctor here. Sounds like a bad case of ligma.
State gender and which number your room is right now
I dont hate you anon :)

No, I'm used to it. To me it sounds like it'd be weird to have a dick and balls but I imagine guys are used to it so it's not weird for them. It's similar to that I guess.
31st conceptual post for hello
based knower
about a 4
Nah. You grow used to everything. If I'm not jumping up and down without a bra, I will rarely notice them or even experience them as hanging. Probably kind of like how your penis doesn't feel like it's "hanging down" from you, it's just there and you are just barely aware of it.
Probably 6 or 7
I'm a girl and my room is like a 2
Mine is always a 1, but I need to dust more often
I literally just sleep in my room.
My living room is perpetually cramped feeling because I should move like half this crap into my room, but I never do
Remember that women's whole bodies must feel like that compared to ours. I've been skinny my whole life and it was a real shock for me when I put on a belly for the first time and felt it jiggling when I walked

It's always a 1.
How vulnerable should i be with a woman on dating app? I talk with this one for few weeks, pages upon pages of messages between us, and conversation starting getting uncomfortably personal. We started talk about our siblings, then about childhood i said something like i feel so so about my childhood, she then asked how do i remember it. Should i answer that truth - that i dont remember it as happy because of parents fighting all the time and stuff? If i dont reply or change the subject she will see i don't want to talk about it like a coward.
But honestly i dont know if i do have something to lose and not much to gain by being so personal. I have not met her yet because she is in different city now.
Very bold of you to assume that I have any semblance of sacks of fat hanging off my chest.
Why haven't you been out together yet despite "pages and pages" of messages ? Do you at least talk with video on?
@ men: what are your thoughts on a woman still being a virgin at 26?

I had bad social anxiety in my early 20s and have only started going out the past 2 yrs. I would like to date but feel that most men would find it weird that i’m still a virgin, since most women my age are way past that point. I know i could go find some guy to have a one night stand with if i wanted, but i don’t want to let someone i don’t trust near my body like that. But i worry that most people would give up dating me if i don’t sleep with them after the first few dates.

Am i wrong about this?
Female, 1.5 but it's just clothes and some make up clutter on my dresser
Well, when you say it like that...
If he likes you enough he will wait
I imagine it would be, yeah
my room is completely clean except for a pile of washed laundry and the fact that i haven't vaccumed in a while so a bunch of my hair is threaded in the carpet. i have no garbage or dishes. i feel like it's a 1.2 or something
Probably a little late now, but in the future try to keep more distance before meeting. It is really easy to build someone up in your head and meet up and realize there's zero attraction/chemistry...

That said, now that you're already in the conversation I feel like what you suggested is a fine summary that is honest but also keeps it brief and to the point.
i told why in very last sentence, she will return in 2 weeks
You can tell the truth without going into too much detail/depth if you feel like that might make the conversation too dark/personal. She is probably expecting not a super happy response if you already said your childhood was "so so" - so I dont think anything bad would happen if you answered her question truthfully
F - 1
If you ask me even 2 is already unacceptable.
>But i worry that most people would give up dating me if i don’t sleep with them after the first few dates
Some guys are like this, but some aren't. Personally I would probably stop dating a woman if she tried to sleep with me by 1-3 dates in.
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Femanons, are you excited?
If a guy doesn't stick with you unless you sleep with them in the first couple of dates then you're better off without them.
women are already having more sex with robots, they just pretend to shame men for it when they've already been doing it for years. why is this news?
I would wait for marriage but I am a 29 loser
I'm indifferent to you at worst.
M 1
>@ men: what are your thoughts on a woman still being a virgin at 26?
let's just say that they're a lot more positive than your thoughts on me would be if I was still a virgin at that age
Being a virgin isn't a problem in the slightest. Wanting to remain one for a long period while dating might be.
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They're already having sex with robots.
No. Robot can't fall in love.
meanwhile, women:
>Why don't I enjoy PiV sex? My bf just must be bad at it
Can he be a bodyguard first and a sex toy second?
>tfw even the indirect mention of vibrators triggers a craving
Those things are addictive.
At this point you're shutting the barn door after the horse has already escaped. I would just say something neutral but not untruthful and then change the subject, unless you're willing to field more questions about stuff like from her and provide more details
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Posted this as its own thread earlier, but thought I’d also post here

My girlfriend and I have been together for two years, and we still haven’t had sex. I struggle with ADHD and OCD, which often leads to erectile dysfunction. My girlfriend experiences discomfort, and the closest we’ve come to intercourse was when I was fully erect and inserted my dick, but she started grunting and asking me to take it out because she was in pain.

I’ve tried quitting pornography and masturbation multiple times to help, but nothing has improved. We’ve basically given up on trying to have penetrative sex. Now, I mostly dry-hump her, or she pressures my body with her legs while I masturbate. Recently I got scared because a dick bone popped when I was rubbing my crotch against hers. She doesn’t like to give handjobs or blowjobs, saying that submissive relationships feel creepy to her, and she prefers not to do anything that doesn’t provide her with equal pleasure. She often says she wishes we could fuck and it just makes me feel bad because a portion of it is my fault. I feel like a total loser.

The only foreplay she enjoys is kissing, and I've gotten sick of it. I don’t really get much out of kissing in general, and I'm losing the erection power it had over me because it's all we can really do. She doesn't like dirty talk, blowjobs, handjobs, etc. She only likes when cum is on her lower body area or hypothetically inside her. I try fingering her, but she can’t really cum on her own. She doesn’t know why, but it’s something she’s envious about; she's always jealous that I can cum. I have offered to eat her out several times, and she says maybe, but we never follow up on it. I suck on her boobs. I'm attracted to her enough to stay with her for two years despite the lack of real sex, though admittedly, I am growing tired of how cynical she can be about things.

She is often wet because she's almost always "gooey."
Girls, I know that gambling is a vice and generally something to avoid, but would you have a problem if your boyfriend gambled under these exact parameters?
>plays poker with his friends once a month
>game is played tournament style where everybody brings $10, and the game continues until only one player has chips, and that player wins all the money
Is a woman becoming desensitized due to dildos anything like death grip?
If there's a limit, I wouldn't see a problem with that.
Bitch what the fuck
I wouldn't mind this
Any chick who has a problem with her boyfriend losing $10 once a week-- let alone once a month-- can go fuck herself.
I don't know a single woman IRL who has a dildo. I don't have one either.
Yeah. It's much worse though.
Go hold a massage wand or other vibrating device for 5 minutes and your hand will be numb for like half an hour (I'm not telling you this, I'm telling you to go do it and try it yourself if you don't already know). Now imagine that, but for like 15 minutes + at a time, multiple times per day, on the most sensitive part of your body.
I'm sorry, but I really dislike gambling and I would worry it might spiral out of control. Gambling is the one thing I'm quite scared about.
She needs to work on relaxing better. If she does not want to get actual therapy for it, at least she needs to practice in her own time. If penetration is always uncomfortable for her, not having penetration happen ONLY when there's a moment with pressure is a first...

As for you, I doubt it is your ADHD and/or OCD that cause your ED, I have never before heard of a link between those. Are you sure you are not just nervous, discouraged by her issues with cramping and, at this point, ashamed?
Don't mind me, just attention hoeing a bit here.
Vibrator, whatever sex toy you guys use.
I don't care about this, unless I have reason to assume it's the tip of the iceberg, it's fine.
I don't have a vibrator. Or any other sex toy. Neither does any other women I know IRL.
You don't get desensitised from dildos. Vibrators is what you're thinking about. And in my experience, unfortunately yes but most women who require vibrators are unlikely to come from/with a man anyway. Or at least, it'll require so much effort that you'll probably end up using a vibe on her anyway.
I understand that, but that's why I'd want to do the tournament style. The most you can possibly lose is $10, which for me isn't a big deal in order to have a fun time with friends. I enjoy the game of poker even just for fun with no money on the line, but I think it's okay to have a little tournament where everybody buys in. And if you lose, it's just $10 and it was fun.
nta but I'm not going to talk about that stuff irl. It's not polite conversation.
Yes. You just desensitize yourself. It does not matter what causes it. Can be gripping too tight, can be intense toys, can be humping the matress too hard... whatever.

It is also personal, though, for whatever reason some people are better than others at enjoying intense stimuli without losing sensitivity.
Nothing wrong with you, it's all on her, she is selfish bitch who does not love you. Personally i would not get erection without blowjob first. Are you licking her cunt? Suggest 69 or just lick her cunt until she orgasms and after that if she still will not even want to suck you off, you will know she is selfish bitch and you are better off without her
1. She can’t afford therapy, I wish she could because I think it would help. She is almost always stressed.

2. It could be a mix of all 3. The first time I tried to have sex was with a woman I was on a date with, and she wanted to instigate it at 3am with no foreplay and I felt so ashamed that I couldn’t do it.
Have you had erectile difficulties with other girls in the past, or is this your first gf?
I play poker with the gals with just chips, but I can see your point.
Can men fall in love?
No one should have a problem with this. Anyone who does is either insane or has some unique kind of trauma.
I'd like to add that it's easy to recover sensitivity, too. I take a break for 2 weeks and my clit is back to normal again; I can use my small, gentler vibrators.
Women win again, deathgrip is for life
Would doing the germ swapping test be a good way to guage her interest
>open sealed container of beverage
>off her sip before i use it
if she accepts thats good right? or does it only count if she sips it after take the first one?
This is my first gf. But I’ve failed 1 failed sex attempt prior.
Of course a therapist brings a lot of expertise and reassurance to the table, but at the end of the day any treatment for vaginism will boil down to sowly allowing her body to get used to penetration by inserting bigger and bigger objects and learning to relax/breathe steadily throughout.

As for your second point, honestly I don't think there's anything defective or even remarkable about your dick not "cooperating" if you're trying to fuck under super unsexy circumstances. It sounds like you just did not want to and that's totally fine.
Male here, can confirm that men fall in love.
>deathgrip is for life
Can't you just nofap for a bit?
I dont think it's a great way to gauge interest. Some people are totally chill with sharing other people's drinks and some never do, it's just a personal preference thing I think!
I don't think this is true, I have heard good stories from men recovering, particularly when they switch to using a pocket pussy so they no longer have control over the grip and learn to reach climax anyway.
Is this cut or uncut? Does that make a difference? I would think it's easier to prevent that uncut.
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>deathgrip is for life
I'm pretty sure you can fix these issues if you consult a urologist.
femanons kissing my foot warts
falling in love and having your heart broken is basically a requirement for being a mature man in my book. otherwise, you don't really have an understanding of just how painful courtship in general is gonna be for you yet
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Ladies!! If the girl I've had a thing going on with for 7ish months just told me that I need to be less affectionate, is the relationship fucked?? I want to know if I should prepare for a breakup or not haha
>even 2 is already unacceptable.
I agree. I have no idea how people can just ignore the trash all over their floors.
I think hardship in general is needed to progress in life to be honest.
You get numb to it
I grew up in a house of hoarders and although I've made attempts eventually I just give up
This one lesbian I know I don’t think would mind. She’s really cool. I’m not sure if lesbians use dildos though.
Yeah, be prepared. I would feel devastated if my boyfriend were to be less affectionate - who would request that?!
Why do girls who swear up and down that they're heterosexual watch lesbian porn?
She's kind of a weird lady haha. I also find it quite strange that someone would complain about being given too many gifts. But I won't complain, if she doesn't want my affection, there are plenty of women out there who are dying to be treated like a princess
I am a girl who swore up and down that I was heterosexual. I never watched lesbian porn but I did unexpectedly become attracted to a girl in my life and next thing I knew I had a GF... so sometimes "straight" girls are just wrong I guess lol
I started out watching lesbian porn. Heterosexual porn is aggressive and gross. You become desensitised to it.
>I’m not sure if lesbians use dildos though.
You *definitely* need to talk to a sex therapist. Your girl probably has vaginismus - and that's not something you can fix by yourselves. Among other things, the therapist will probably recommend a thing called "sensate focus" - Google it if you're curious, but it's probably not something to attempt without supervision.
Straight women don't exist
There's only lesbians and lesbians in denial
I hope you stayed gay
I'll fall in love with the robot.
Then he'll probably malfunction and kill me anyway. As such is life, irony enriched.
What is this from?
Are you straight though?
you're not wrong
too many young men don't realize that dating is meant to be orders of magnitude more difficult for you than it is for women
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Based robot
>Why do girls who swear up and down that they're heterosexual watch lesbian porn?
Because it's designed for a female audience while regular porn isn't.
...no. But I think I'm mostly just a general pervert, really.
So the question didn't really involve you, did it?
Lesbian porn is NOT designed for a female audience haha have you ever watched that stuff?

I find pussy licking videos the most appealing.
Cruelty Squad
Some of it is.
I'm 95% straight. I've only ever been with a woman in a threesome setting.
No, I'm like 99% straight. Things didnt work out between us and I think it is unlikely I will ever have another GF because I am mostly not attracted to women, though I was wrong about that before so what do I know haha
What are some things which give you, as the ladies would call it, the "ick"?
Talk to your doctor about it, maybe your medication is causing ed issues, or maybe if you started medication it would help. I'd also ask your doctor about and research your own therapy options. It sounds like you're reacting with a lot of anxiety and shame when you can't perform when you feel you "should" be able to. Learning to not beat yourself up is a skill and a pretty difficult one at that to learn, but therapy might be able to help if you're motivated. You can't fix your gf, her issues are for her to deal with, but at some point you might want to consider if you're too incompatible and if her problems are exasperating your own to a degree that's not healthy for you. It sounds like a really difficult situation, sorry you're going though all this
Bis should die
I just hate when women are obsessed with following trends. If they always have to dress like everyone else and buy what everyone else does. And scrolling TikTok constantly is just unbearable.
When she starts talking about her exes or travelling. Just slutty things in general.
>No beaked gf
Caring anything about "reproductive rights"
Neutral question for both genders: have you ever been in a relationship with a narcissist? If so, how was your experience? How did you come out of it? What helped you heal after the breakup?
If she goes to therapy or uses words like "gaslighting" or "trauma"
Hey you! Didn't think you'd be back.
Being a cook sounds cool. Is it a long-time hobby or something recent?


>Ingrained people-pleasing
Pretty much been there since early childhood and started truly, truly noticing this during uni. Didn't help that I had a knack for drawing and was always praised by any adult, so I think that contributed for that positive feedback loop. It is what it is.
Even tho I still struggle with this, I can happily say I'm nowhere near the gal I was a few years ago. Feels good to see progress.

>That's how the dating scene goes
Yeah, ngl after verbalising these feelings and experiences, I'm seeing now how I was holding the guys to my own standards, and taking them as an unspoken rule. (I don't think the dates would have worked out anyway for other reasons, but this is still oretty eye-opening on my part nonetheless).
Having male friends that you swear don't want to fuck you. Male friends enough is already kind of a red-flag, but then lying and pretending like you are oblivious to the fact that they are into you, is just such a turn-off
Because porn consumption has very little to do with your actual, real world sexuality All these terminally online virgin weebs who think they have all these highly specific fetishes don't actually have any idea what they would enjoy in the bedroom with a living, breathing sexual partner
>no people pleasing gf to casually cuck me because a guy really wanted his dick sucked and she needed to make someone smile
life is so cruel
Bad breath is a monstrous turnoff and when women that I'm not already romantically affiliated with have it I want to punch them in the face for coming close to me.

That and them being fat or ugly.
>I was fully erect and inserted my dick, but she started grunting and asking me to take it out because she was in pain.
Sorry bro, you got a busted one.
I'm a woman. :)
Women, is it really difficult to get used to putting anything in your vagina?
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>try flirting with robo bf
>too esoteric and retarded, algorithms not designed to acknowledge autist mating rituals
>smells like nothing
>likes whatever i like instead of his own shit
>has no family or parents i can be absorbed into
>can't go swimming, can't eat, can't be embarassed
>can never be surprised and feel shock and excitement

wow. so excited. wow. it's like i asked for a pet cat and you gave me a rock that smells bad and is hard to hold.
The "ick" is a rather misunderstood thing, IMO. When you're with an unsuitable person there are hundreds of subtle signs that you pick up on at a subconscious level; then at some point they add up enough to cross into a conscious perception, and you become aware of the feeling. But what's going on at precisely that point is largely irrelevant: it's actually the cumulative effect of everything that happened up to that point that matters.
no, that sounds fun and cozy
muh refugees/BLM
smoking weed
You want to be absorbed into another family?
Or, yk, them wearing shorts or walking bare foot
(yes, these are actual things that give people the ick)
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State gender
Tell me which elephant is better and why
nta so the "ick" is more like a gauge that can gradually fill?
i dont have one. i want one. i want to go to thanksgiving and christmas and help people paint their house.
closeted autogynephilia
They look ugly on everyone but I'm not fucking guys so those with tattoos don't bother me
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neither, it's picrel. yours has too many colors.
I mean African elephants are just better in every way.
African. How is this even a question?
M or F

Worst thing you drunk texted someone?
She doesnt use a tongue scrapper
ah my eyes.
shit is bright
nta. the ick is the moment you realize you don't care about someone and they are unlikeable to you because their idiosyncrasies and flaws are no longer endearing, like a lover, but annoying, like a stranger or coworker.

the ick is a state of mind.
A close friend of mine is a big dude, once a lineman in a prestigous college football team, he carries an odor. I went to his place, I couldn't smell it, his gf (now wife) was adamant about placing scented candle things and adjusted one in the middle of a hangout when she thought no one was paying attention. Well I was paying attention, and seeing how she takes care of her big man, my bro, made me realize what a genuine gift that women are to the world.

My "icks" all involve a woman gone astray from loving others, I see it as a symptom of society in decline. I see the same for men who have no direction in life, where male divinity is endless ambition and teamwork, to be stagnant and alone, is equally an "ick" in my view and I would seek to remedy this behavior or punish it through taunting. Men are bricks, women are mortar, and we are meant for building the beautiful masonry called civilization.
F. African elephant - I think their big ears are cool and iconic. I like both kinds of elephant though :)
She is extremely unsatisfied with the size of her boobs.

>I'm a perfectionist assumptions
Waaait deedee waaait a minute..I figured much by now on that 1st assumption but never understood WHY I was also a perfectionist with my partners, and your 2nd assumption makes sense to me, it might def be that. Because deep down I think I'm looking for that "unspoken understanding" I always craved from those that knew me from the start and were meant to understand me like that (my parents). Either that, or I'm holding myself to impossible standards on purpose and thus always finding something to be bothered by so as to avoid a relationship altogether. Or both lol

>Yk this is a faulty self-defeating assumption
There's a saying in my country that goes "the occasion makes the thief", so I think in the back of my head (and until I truly settle for someone and voluntarily choose to trust him and ignore my fears over time) I'll always wonder that in the back of my mind. People can be faulty like that for various reasons, so I think I have to accept I can never truly control those outcomes and have trust in the partner I've chosen to be with and have some belief in him.
Another, maybe more idealistic part of me believes in that possible loyalty though. At this point it doesn't matter how much I rationalize this, it's a matter of time and rewiring the nervous system to not expect such negative outcomes.
> and I would seek to remedy this behavior or punish it through taunting
so you bully men who you perceive as alone. mask off moment
I'm not sure why this bothered me so much but bad diet habits, such as a single bottle of coke a day and a KitKat
F. The African elephant; they're old, wise creatures with long memories. I have a soft spot for them.
Every day? Ok, fair, I could see that.
State gender. If you were romantically interested in someone and you found out they go on 4chan would it make you like them more or less or no difference?

I'd think that they're an extraordinarily rare breed of based, but I'd also be afraid of posting about them anywhere.
A robot bf has a nice hard vibrating penis and will never leave you or abuse you
I know the student life is living off of shitty food and instant microwave stuff but yeah although she was a neat freak and a gym-goer she didn't have the best diet and idk why that's the one off putting thing for me, especially since I'm not the most healthy dude either lmao
this isn't based on a relationship, but i know someone.
i just want to say don't be fooled by the calm attitude; they'll NEVER admit they're wrong about anything
they also might not say or do explicitly hurtful things, but they do shit that hurts, and they KNOW it subtly hurts, but will act oblivious. always.
winning, being in control of your relationship, their ego.. is their sole priority. empathy, trying to understand the other person.. just never and will never occur to them.
F. I've had this happen. He was a /b/tard, and naturally, a porn addict - the board choice matters in my opinion. I went on a date with someone and turns out they occasionally lurk on /pol/ after big political events. I didn't mind that *too* much. Hobby boards are fine, too.
In my opinion, yeah. So the thing that's happening when you feel it isn't necessarily all that important.
I really hate foids with tattoos too. It's getting out of control at this point. You can't separate the trash from the good girls.
Not even remotely. Other anon is just plain wrong. The "ick" is just any vague concept at all a woman decided she dislikes about a man, at any point at all.
He's short? Ick
He opened a door for you? Woman behavior, ick.
He didn't? Chivalry is dead, ick.
He wanted you to split the bill? You're a princess, he should do it, ick.
Etc etc
Its a term used primarily by the 6/6/6 women who are all collectively hitting the wall right now so it'll probably die out a bit as they've started to realize how retarded they've been
it also won't love me or do anything that matters. suggesting i date and fuck a pseudo-sentient robot is like suggesting i date and fuck a dog, except dogs actually have feelings. both are worse than me just killing myself and getting life over with.
That same man I spoke of is happily married because I pushed his buttons to find someone. I have other friends who are the same story. It's called looking out for others. You might scorn a dog that nips at another dog, but when the other dog stops running around and barking, don't consider it a miracle. This is how one dog helps another to control themselves, and how adult men help other adult men steer back onto a healthy path in life.
Oh I was hoping we were going to play PUBG together...

>Didn't think you'd be back.
I see you are projecting your low view on men on me already! lol
I'm also going to preface my post by saying I've had a drink, so I hope I don't come across as too frisky.

I started it more seriously around 4 years ago when I moved into my current apartment and got my own nice kitchen. Pretty much every other month I cook for two of my best friends.
I love to cook something around twice a week and then just make enough for it to last me 2-3 days and I freeze whatever I have left.
Haven't thought yet of what to cook for the weekend.

>I had a knack for drawing
Hey, that's pretty cool! Do you draw digital or oil or something else?

>the gal I was a few years ago
If it's not too personal, what was she like?

>Feels good to see progress.
Happy to hear that, I'm proud of you!

>verbalising these feelings and experiences
Reflecting and honestly judging my own actions and feelings is something that took me quite a lot of time to do myself. It's something a very introverted women taught me. She was able to dissect my mind in a way that was really impressive and it left a lasting impact.
What I'm trying to do with you here is essentially what I'm doing with myself when I try to find out what my own issues are and if my feelings are actually valid. Because sometimes you might have a gut reaction, but that is not actually how you should really react, it comes from a place of immaturity and judging others too easily.

>eye-opening on my part nonetheless
Glad to hear that!
I will get a tattoo to spite you
>they believe in elephants
Do you also believe in yeti?
Depends on what kind of poster she was
If she goes to soc then I'd lose interest
Something like cgl and I'd be more interested
Need a girl who can match my autism
Why would you ruin your beautiful skin like that?
Depends where they visit.
/pol/, /b/ or /v/ all mean "I'm a retarded whiny cunt who uses tribalism via politics to conpensate for my feelings.
/v/ is also just absurdly low quality now compared to like 5 years ago, with almost every topic just being coomer bait and no real discussion beyond throwing around buzzwords.
So the first 2 mean you're probably a shitty person and the last means you are a shitty person and also a retarded sub IQ coomer
/a/ is fine if they're not in the DBZ threads, vg is fine if not in the gacha threads, etc
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>Do you also believe in yeti?
Of course I do!
Femanons, I know this is going to sound like a joke, but would dating a guy with a fart fetish/face sitting fetish be a turn off? Every girl I've ever been close with has told me that they think it's gross
Never been to a zoo? Sad.
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Do femanons like feminine men?
It feels like I'm slowly morphing into a more feminine sweet man, but I'm not sure if this puts women off or not
I'm even buying more feminine products like female band sweaters
In this day and age? I thought /b/ died after Moot left?
And what about African Forest Elephants? Eh? What about them?
You're a sexpest.
Another misconception foids have is that they think men like their tattoos when men are just seeing an easy target since you can compliment her shitty retarded tattoos and she will instantly spread her legs.
>Be horny
>I haven't had a lil rub and tug in a few days
>Have a wankarooni
>Hear a noise, something falling
>Look behind me
>Some woman staring back at me through a gap in my blinds
Its over
M. I met my gf right here on ATOGA so I can't afford to be too fussy.
>everyone is a project to me. i connect with no one because i only see them as potential fuel to my ego
I cant speak for other femanons but personally I definitely like feminine men. My type is basically twinks except straight
>didnt motion for her to come in
you blew it so hard
I was in a relationship with someone who might have had some narcissistic traits. My experience was of being in constant fear of making him angry, and the relief I felt when he was happy or calm and not angry felt like euphoria. He got very weirdly cold when he was angry, even when he was screaming at me it felt like it came from a place of coldness. He demanded a lot of emotional dependence from me, but then would cut me off and refuse to talk for days when I made him angry. He actively encouraged a lot of unhealthy behaviours and mindsets in me, which is 100% on me because I'm responsible for myself, but he knew I had some specific struggles and he seemed to take pleasure in making them worse, and in making me feel like I was crazy, which might be a narcissistic trait idk. It was hard for me to break up with him and it took me about a year before I felt ready to start dating again. I'm just sharing this because if anyone feels like they're in a relationship where they feel this way, they should get out. It's not worth it
This whole post gave me the ick - and I'm a guy.
Thats sweet, I'm happy for you!
I was waiting for one of his kicks to turn into the throat thingy.

A more or less bi-annual guilty pleasure of mine.

>"unspoken understanding"
>impossible standards
These are two options I've encountered with others who have similar behaviour like yours. And yes, it can be both. If it really is both, it's basically a way to deflect any chance of vulnerability in a relationship. Because you are not going to open yourself up to that other person, dismissing him right away. In some form it is a cop-out.
However, clear communication is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN A RELATIONSHIP. Early on probably even moreso than like a decade into it. Nobody can instinctively know what your needs and issues are.

>"the occasion makes the thief"
Are you German? Na servus! hehe

I don't think this is "settling".
You don't settle for somebody who isn't 11/10 picture perfect, but it's an acceptance that nobody is perfect. You have to live with imperfections of a partner, because there will always be something. Maybe you'll get annoyed how he drives, how he sneezes or how he eats. But to me that is rather neurotic.

>rewiring the nervous system to not expect such negative outcomes
I'm a strategic pessimist.
When I'm struck with a difficult decision or situation, I think what the worst outcome could be. It lets me mentally prepare myself for that.
Last week my dad told me he was diagnosed with cancer and we had to wait for one week until the actual results got in. Since it also could have been just an infection or something else. But my mind goes into that mode where it thinks of the worst possible outcomes and prepares for that.
However, this does NOT mean I expect the worst possible outcome, I try to keep a balance between all of them. If I always thought of only the worst outcome, I'd be a miserable pile of shit. I can't control my brain thinking of these options, but I can control how I handle them, maybe that is something you need to learn too.
They're both beautiful. Apparently elephants in India kill a lot of people every year
How's you day going, chat?
It's going well thanks!! how about you?
Are they the ones where people kill them because they think their tusks are magic sex medicine?
Spent the day building a porch with my dad
Yeah, that's probably something you're going to have to keep in your back pocket until you're in a really close, loving relationship and then you can share in a way that's lighthearted and if she's openminded enough and really comfortable with herself and doesn't take herself too seriously, maybe incorporate it sometimes
Nose rings or other facial piercings
Crazy hair colors
Smoking, especially weed
Excessive drinking
Significant usage of TikTok, Facebook, Insta, or any similar social media platform, including Reddit
Jumping on social media trends
Doesn't shave legs or pits
Wants to travel
Supports "abortion rights" or "reproductive rights"
Being into political activism in general
Being bi, especially if she's had female partners in the past
Going to therapy
Dressing or behaving like a slut
Having many exes, especially if she had sex with all of them
Had a "hoe phase" in college
I'm great, thank you. All rested up and ready to start the show.
Face sitting, fine; farts, no.
I hate women so much
AWWWW wholesome.
Haha, wow, that's funny. Haha. A cat. Wow. Called Mr. Nibbles. Hahah So quriky
Having no real hobbies
A history of casual sex
Women, what is the name of your plushie?
>Thats sweet, I'm happy for you!
You're the only one around here who is! But thank you.
I believe poaching on behalf of the Chinese is a problem in India and many African countries. I don't think Indians themselves use the tusks that way but I don't know for sure
What is the sexiest type of vehicle a man can drive?
NTA. That might be rhinoceros horn you're thinking of...?
I was a groomsman at each of the boys' weddings. I've been close friends with these guys for two decades. It's called looking out for others.
It's an issue for African elephants as well.
I mostly dont mind what kind of vehicle a man drives. Though I think those super big trucks are a bit silly
Trump economic policy:
>reduce inflation, boost oil and gas production, build homes, tax credits
Harris economic policy:
>Grade AAA lab-grown femboy gfs that have been on hormone pills since age 12 for every male age 18-45

Who we votin for, atoga?
>What is the sexiest type of vehicle a man can drive?
Anything that isn't obviously a substitute penis.
Are dads more attractive than men with no kids?
Are moms more attractive than women with no kids?
Those are rhinos. Elephants are killed for their tusks because of the ivory.
What about a F-150?
What is it with americans and dragging politics fucking everywhere?
I saw a guy with truck nuts the other day. I hate those. Like, why is this guy making putting his bouncing metal nuts in my vision.
F this is a weird one but I honestly think a single dad is attractive.
I wouldn't date a single father unless I was a single mother, or maybe if his kids' mother was dead
I'm not in the US, but if I were, I would not be voting for the man who came within a whisker of invading Venezuela last time round.

I think I messed up.
>Casually on hinge
>Scroll past multiple boring women with the same "I love country music, dogs, Jesus, international travel, etc."
>Find a profile of a girl who likes anime
>Not a real looker, but also not a landwhale, homemade cosplayer, or covered in tats or weird hair dye
>She is 23
>Like her answer for shits and giggles. Figure she'll pass on me like all the others
>Matches with me barely a minute later
I reckon she's been mildly touched by the tism and looks a bit like a tomboy, given her short hair, comfort clothes, and lack of makeup in all pics.
Femanons, what am I in for?
I can't wait to quit my job again.
>I was a groomsman at each of the boys' weddings.
sure you were
>It's called looking out for others.
sure it is

god talking to you even this briefly made me hate myself. how do you live with you.
I guess it's better if we invade Russia and Gaza and probably Lebanon instead, right?
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Femanons, are there any hobbies men might have that's a dealbreaker?
any martial arts
>but me big strong tough wow
buy a gun retard
Male, 2
No trash, but my closet is really small, so I have random shit laying out by it like my bowling balls, a spare lampshade from a lamped that was trashed while moving, and some containers.
It would really depend on where they go and what they post about.
>pushing for hormones for kids age 12 for fetish purposes
Kek, can't make it up
Also, kill yourself for real
What's wrong with Martial Arts?
The women who do them are cute
>Oh I was hoping we were going to play PUBG together...
Nta, but I kinda wanna play pubg mobile
Honestly: skiing. If a man mentions skiing in his profile, I always swipe away preemptively. It's probably mostly because it signifies he's too posh for me.
It seems a bit unnecessarily big, although at the end of the day that is just my personal preference and I dont even mind that much. if Im with a guy who really likes his F-150 then who am I to judge?
No super lows because my booty will make you scrape. And no super lifts so everyone gets a panty shot.
if you've learned how to fight it means you intend to or will if pushed, which is nice as a fantasy, but the reality is one lucky hit can knock a guy out if not kill him
if youve learned how to use a gun you can avoid most fights just by drawing it
>Why would you ruin your beautiful skin like that?
Tattoos look nice :)

>/pol/, /b/ or /v/ all mean "I'm a retarded whiny cunt who uses tribalism via politics to conpensate for my feelings
Haha yeah we're based

>would dating a guy with a fart fetish/face sitting fetish be a turn off

>Do femanons like feminine men?
Feminine yes, unmasculine no.
What the fuck are you talking about?
if a guy is super into sports or astrology. theres nothing wrong with being into sports, I just prefer nerds because I have no interest in sports
I'm not surprised you hate yourself considering how much delusion you had to spin up so you could be "right" about never correcting your friends. Obviously pushing others to be better is fine.
today a child approached me at the shop to ask me if some orange cookies were halal
i dont know why, im not staff and i dont even know what that means
Hobbies are so far down the list of the things to worry about. If a girl likes you and is attracted to you, she'll feel that way regardless of your hobbies
>What is the sexiest type of vehicle a man can drive?

>Femanons, what am I in for?

>Femanons, are there any hobbies men might have that's a dealbreaker?
Yes, being cringe or crying
This is some of the dumbest shit I've ever read on this website. Honestly, I'm impressed.
>i dont even know what that means
It means "allowed in Islam". For food it's the Muslim equivalent of something being kosher.
Somewhere between 1 and 2
I don't use my room much
The rest of my place is also between 1 and 2
I feel a lot better about myself now, thanks anon
The current administration is invading Russia and Gaza via proxies (although in both cases they're hardly even proxies, they're using our equipment and in Ukraine they're even using our people in some cases) and will likely end up invading Lebanon soon.
Do you actually know anyone forklift certified?
Such a strange obsession
It was one of your gangstalkers
I have no issue with it, nor would I find it weird.
I don't mind waiting a bit in a relationship (a few dates in is pretty early even though it is "expected" ngl), just don't put me in the position I was in with my last gf where 2 years in she didn't want to have sex because she "didn't feel ready".
Honestly, I don't really want to date a guy that goes out too much except to explore the wilderness alone. But I also don't want to romance cabin murderers.
I like nerdy guys, but I barely am nerdy rn.
Hate sports, so won't relate.
I'm overwhelmed with the choices.
Its just a shame that we as a society gave up on tomboys so completely we moved on to femboys. You hate to see it.
>never correcting your friends. Obviously pushing others to be better is fine.
i don't "correct" my friends, and i don't "push" to do what i think is better, you fucking psycho. i give them my advice, and afterwards they're free to do whatever the fuck they think is appropriate, because they're intelligent people and they're all grown up. they don't someone who thinks they're the shit, and they're sooo right that they try to dictate to them what to do.

i bet you're not smarter than them or you're more right. you just run your fucking mouth, have undeserved confidence.. consider shutting tf up every once in a while, that's my advice to you :)
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How do I respond to this if I don't have any exciting hobbies or play sports
I would like a gf like you
Is it just for her virginity?
Nail polish
(To a lesser extent: tattoos, piercings, makeup, or crazily-dyed hair)
Also, being into true crime.

(I'm assuming that you don't want us to list our regular, non-"ick" dealbreakers)
F Seriously, if you think your hobby isn't exciting, that's an ick. I couldn't care less about your hobby, I just want to see how passionate you are about it.
Trump is the most rabidly pro-Israel politician the US has ever produced. So "we" will be invading Gaza and Lebanon far more extensively under Trump than under Harris. As for Ukraine, Russia invaded Ukraine, not the other way round, and Trump is also the most pro-Putin politician the US has ever spawned, and would strongly support the Russian invasion.

So no, I deplore all three of those operations, while Trump is a rabid supporter of all three, and must therefore be voted down.

>pubg mobile
Why would you do that to yourself? :(

You either lie, pump and dump or accept you're not what she's looking for OR say you're looking to start [interesting sport].
Ie "there's a karate place near me, been thinking of trying that, but haven't got around to it yet"
But it only works if you're actually interested in the sport. They can tell.

Every true crime girl I've talked to all said basically the same thing lol
>I'm not like other girls
All with dyed hair too
Slightly more, but it would also put me on watch. Also, depends what boards.
Women, are you "not like other girls", if so, how?
Men, are you "not like other guys", if so, how?
How is Interpals hornier than HelloTalk bros. First time getting the app and 4th post is Nigerian bitch bending over lmao
brb adopting a child
I refuse to believe people this mentally ill actually exist.
Do I need to be a goth myself to get a goth girl?
Thank you for sharing your experiences, I wish you well.
Or grunge yes.
>Men, are you "not like other guys", if so, how?
I'm a better kisser.
>Walk outside
>Bird flies away from her nest leaving her babies behind
Women how can you do this? i cant believe you...

talk about how you jerk off 3 times a day minimum, tell her about how many hours you've put into a video game recently, and then to top it off let her know that you haven't showered in a week :)
No. In fact, I think I'd prefer you not be. I could introduce you to a bunch of music. If you want, I mean.
You'd rather we let the babies starve?

Why aren't you asking where the father is? He's supposed to be getting food while we look after the kids.
Isn't being too passionate to the point of autisc obsession also an ick?
F, I'd say a little bit just because I don't wear makeup and I'm a 4channer. Other than that I'm like other girls!
You're a moron.
Ukraine is currently invading Russia. They just blew up a Russian power plant the other day.
Trump is not pro-Putin anymore than Biden is pro-Khamenei. And while he is pro-Israel, unlike the past 50 years of Obama/Biden/Clinton/Bush, Trump is not in favor of ramming hundreds of billions of dollars into defense spending for conflicts that don't directly concern us. If it wasn't for the current administration being a bunch of bumblefucks the conflict in the middle east likely wouldn't even be happening right now, and the conflict in Ukraine wouldn't have escalated to open war. By the way, your boy Biden is probably going to get us into a conflict in Taiwan before his term is up too.
>is retarded
>calls others mentally ill
I'm a weirdo but that's the one thing I like about autistic people.
We could just be using different terminology for the same thing but you keep diving deeper into delusion to sustain an argument against a strawman you created
Just tell her what you do for exercise, or mention one of your hobbies or interests. You just want to keep a flow of normal conversation, the content of your answers don't really matter that much
F I use 4chan so there's that. Other than that I'm pretty normie really.
I am not a simp.
>Ukraine is currently invading Russia.
Because we're giving them the weapons and the resources to do so.
Well her lack of experience in everything is kinda nice too
I feel embarrassed for being nearly 30 and haven't really done anything
No dates, no solo trips, no living on my own
What's the endgame there? If Germany couldn't do it, what makes Ukraine think they'll have better luck?

i act so retarded that it transcends the concept of gender, even if i am happily a male. yet, despite this retardation, i succeed in life!!
I mean I'm not stereotypically masculine. My hobbies tend feminine, I prefer to avoid conflict, and I'm kind of small.
I also don't match society well in general, but that's a side issue.
Maybe in annoying ways, like being a little more neurotic than average and spending too much time on 4chan. And maybe with some of my social opinions especially re feminism, but it's hard to tell because those aren't things people can talk about irl
Either gender:
If I use a "super like" on a dating site, is it helpful? I'm a guy and I have a couple free ones from site promotions.
The father is out getting food. But you run away saving yourself, while i eat your children
I'm not sure. The generous/naive answer is they want to take land from Russia that they can use to bargain for the Ukrainian land that is currently held by Russia, but it also seems likely that we're pushing them to do it because the whole point of the conflict so far has been to weaken Russia, which is why we spent nearly two years providing weapons and funding for Ukraine to keep fighting rather than pursuing a peace deal even though it's cost hundreds of billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives.
No. Women will still ignore it.
>different terminology
you talk about PUNISHING "wrong" behaviors of your friends... pls go fuck yourself
no. using a super like implies that normal likes are inferior, and by using a super like on a woman, they will assume that you are making up for a lack of self with a "super" like.
Probably not true if the mother is leaving.
There are breeds of birds where the father does do this, there are breeds where they don't bond and he just bails, there are breeds where 1 male bird bonds with 1 female but fucks a few more on the side then leaves them to fend for themselves, etc.
Birds aren't people
No, I want pastel boy
>pursuing a peace deal
And I'm sure you're the kind of guy who got just the perfect idea how that peace deal would look so all of Ukraine is saved and Russia will never be a threat to them again.
Goth people, if you had to pick one color, what would it be?
i dont care about sports id rather watch femdrama like gossip girl, pretty little liars, bridgerton, etc. i need my drama.
Are you going through something like that yourself anon, or just asking out of curiosity?
It's actually cleaner than 1. I'm a bit of a neat freak.

Where do I get one of these?

So real

Asian because they kill Indians

I sent my ex nudes

Face sitting? No.
Farting? Yes.

Having a depressive episode and listening to music that makes me feel shittier

Big diesel truck with a deleted exhaust

Yes, in that I'm autistic and developed a lot of masculine personality traits to be self-sufficient from a young age
Well what exactly is this punishment Mr. Delusion. Clearly you're creative enough and intent enough to make anything up so what am I doing as punishment??
This makes me feel better.
Were you a latchkey kid?


i should probably clean it, but, i am lazy. at least i got rid of all of the piss bottles. but no anon will know because they won't read this ahahahaha!!!
I think I'm depressed and gaining an eating disorder.
Made a sandwich to break the fast after sleeping and didn't finish it. No other foods. Couple sips of liquids. Mostly alkaline water.
What is it with men and piss bottles?! I mean, seriously...
Cmon anon, im a busy man. This dick isn't gonna piss itself.
F maybe 1.5. This escalates too quickly imo.
I had a gf who was really into piss
There was a peace deal that was basically done in early 2022, but the US State Department convinced Boris Johnson to sabotage it.
>but muh Donetsk/Luhansk
These were already basically independent pro-Russian regions anyway, and despite two years of conflict and enormous costs on both sides, Russia still holds these areas, probably because unlike the rest of the country, Ukraine is fighting the inhabitants as well as the Russian military, rather than the inhabitants fighting against Russia. Anyone with a functioning brain understood this two years ago, which is why everyone was agreed on letting Russia keep those areas in exchange for ending the conflict, but the State Department saw an opportunity to bargain Ukrainian lives and American and European tax dollars, neither of which they give a shit about, in order to weaken Russia.

Russia will always be a threat to their non-allied neighbors. They're a large country with a large military force and a lot of advanced weaponry, including nuclear weapons. We only made things worse when we caused a regime change in Ukraine in 2013 to install a pro-Western government, and then when Russia invaded Crimea in 2014 Obama talked a big game and ultimately did nothing. We could have left things alone and Ukraine would still be a corrupt former Soviet state serving as a buffer between NATO and Russia, but instead we used it as a pawn to hurt Russia, and now we're at significant risk of nuclear war. Like I said, we're being led by bumblefucks.
What gets me is all the men here who are like
>Ey gurls, you have issues, see the therapist
Like really
>Ey gurls, go see a rapist
What's with that?
moid hands typed this
I've went through something like this recently and I'm still very confused as to what went on. I've been slowly realizing things and it's taking a bit to admit and internalize the truth. I don't even know if I'm being delusional or not anymore.
>Projecting your low view on men
Ahah nah, just keeping things casual, it's how you said right? :)
I could use a drink or two to loosen up

That's awesome dude (and also smart, time-saving wise lol). I'd suggest a recipe if I was more cook savvy. I usually just wing it when I'm cooking.

Mostly digital nowadays, albeit rarely lol. Drawing used to be my life all throughout childhood until early adulthood. I'm recently trying to get back to it, it's a creative outlet I'm missing in my life.

>What was she like
A depressed soft goth, lots of self loathing, the classic lol
And thanks!

>Judging and reflecting my own actions
Happy for you too! It's not easy to do that, specially at the start.
My problem is that sometimes I may over-intelectualize and dissect my emotions and forget to actually feel them/acknowledge them. Which imo is sometimes needed to better access the reason behind those feelings/actions.
Still, it's always better to talk this out with somebody and gain more perspective (like how you helped me earlier haha).

That drinking still kicking or are we ready for bed eh?
Perky goth or doomer goth?
Men, who am I kidding?
You guys don't want to grow with us in a relationship. You just want my labor and to force me to get pregnant so my body will be too weak to defend against your abuse.
I really need to stop wishing to be saved from life.
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Is this an attractive female body?
Unironically, you have an inflated sense of self importance.
How do I get a realistic smell of my body?

Haven't showered In 3-4days but don't smell the skin smell. Cologne still lingering. Guess cause I have not sweat at all vs most days I'm sweating in the heat hours driving
3-4, although I don't have anything on the bed

>c.ai got big in 2023
What did this author know

Sounds fine

Dildos no, but it can happen with powerful vibrators. Also if you learn to masturbate in one particular way you can sometimes get stuck in that.
Honestly, can't really tell much from that. Shoulders are a bit wide.
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Well what did I just walk into tonight anons? I’ve never heard of perky goths before.
Also owning sex toys.
nta M Ok, I'm an idiot but, there's more than one way?
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Seriously, Cat Poster? The stereotypical one is Death from Sandman. The ones that aren't all doom and gloom.
Based on this pic? Absolutely not. Looks like a guy with enormous pecs.
Most goths are perky
Oh it’s going to hurt really bad
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You just want someone you can manipulate, take money from, and use.
I'm basically used to tampons by now, it can still hurt a little but it's usually not painful. Anything bigger, yes, it takes a while.

More. I don't want to be with a guy I can't say slurs around.

This is going to sound like a meme answer, but genuinely, a well-maintained, not flashy, slightly old car.
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Not really
If you start by squeezing your legs together or humping a pillow it can be hard to finish another way.
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Sorry anon I’m not exposing myself to many goths atm nor do they visit my place of business.
>No sapient fridge wife
not joking though shes hot id fuck her id bend her over roll over red rover cum on her her tummy and rub it in
You can orgasm by squeezing your legs together?
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1. Gender
2. When the world converts to Islam, where should the line for female-appropriate clothing be drawn?

Niqab should be the most amount of skin a woman can show, although they should also be wearing black gloves and covering their eye slit with a black veil. Basically same rules for Burqas as well.
I don't want any man's money or things.
Leave me alone.
What's your place of business? Vague terms, I mean. If you want.
>American hours
>Political whining
I don't respond to shitskin posts.
Women should stop being cunts and using feminism as an excuse for being cunts
I think there is honor in being a plap-slave, women; just the same as there is honor in us men working hard as slaves of capitalism. Why is that so controversial?
You have no value and will go to hell in your own religion.
Damn you guys suck at posting.
Where I go to wagie in backwoods, murica. The kids destroy the displays on weekends and holiday, decreasing my desire to reproduce if their parents don’t stop them from misbehaving.
I don’t speak incel
Unironically no. It’s why I haven’t been here in a while.
I looked and no colleges or universities offer shit posting accreditation.
I don’t take medication, but maybe it could help. Or also just make things worse. I have a meeting with a doctor late next month, so maybe I’ll get answers.
I lit up /atoga/ the other night with a joke trip and stupid posting. People even put their own joke trips in response. I'm just not interested in entertaining you tonight, sorry.
Islam doesn't have a hell.
This woman looks like an offensive lineman in a bikini
My penis is so confused
It always has and forever will.
Sounds like you had to say F before you made your joke.
>I could use a drink or two to loosen up
You should get yourself something nice next time you get the groceries. Treat you to a fine wine or something you haven't had in a long time. Bailey's, if you are the sweet kind.

>I usually just wing it when I'm cooking.
That just means you have a good sense for it, no?
I mostly just go by my own feeling to when I make something. Be it lasagna, bolognese sauce, fried chicken, creamy sauces, soups or anything else really. I only see recipes as "suggestions".

>albeit rarely lol
Why did you stop?
I'd love to see something of you.
I've done online commissions in the past and was always impressed with how well some people can draw.

>the classic
Sorry to hear you were depressed, I hope you were able to overcome that?
Goth's cool though, I used to be kind of a metal head as a teen. lol
I wonder if our teenage versions would have hung out together.

>That drinking still kicking or are we ready for bed eh?
I only had 3 drinks, so I'm sober already again, but somehow this was very cute of you to say.
I was just about read to go, since it's already so late again.
Sleep tight, pupper.

Seriously, though, is it something that can be roped off or?
Nah I just posted a picture of my beer and its ABV as my trip. I almost missed my flight the next day from drunkenness, made it through the gate with 5 minutes to spare, I credit the guy in /atoga/ repeatedly telling me to drink water.
No it’s not a museum
So it’s boyvulation hours. Neat.
>Ao3 is down
but my fanfiction
gender, do you read any fanfiction?
Did you have a good summer, atoga?
>this joke again
1. The leap to 2 is insane
No. My dog unironically died.
I got Covid after 4 years of avoiding it.
I did. Much pussy slain.
I'm just ready for cold temperature punishment days. Please hurt me.
Nah. I can't be aroused by fiction about someone else
I do like erp whenever I can get a partner
Yes, bit sad it’s over. But I’m looking forward to Christmas
why does your mind instantly go to sex
There's a lot of fanfiction, the majority isn't sex
Yes, almost exclusively Harry Potter fanfiction.
I was actually just about to post that same question funnily enough.
There are 59 days left until Halloween. You can wait.
Nta majority is sex. By a lot
I'm sorry, my cat died in the summer so I know how you feel. I hope things get better for you <33
>Clear communication is the most important thing
100%! I'm all up for clear communication with either friends, family, and a obv a partner, so I think this is more of a cop-out bc I'm affraid to deal with unknown territory (lol).

>Are you german?
Haha no, try a little more south west, portugal.

>Nobody's perfect.
I've noticed since last year that when I practiced genuine "self love/acceptance", I simultaneously and equally became more accepting of others' trivial imperfections, so maybe that's the way to go in clearing this.

>Strategic pessimist
From what you wrote, it feels like you're a strategic realist maybe? I get where you're coming from though, I used to be wayy more pessimistic the younger I was, now I'm more balanced and tending towards optimistic (somehow doesn't apply to men and dating hah..)

I'm really sorry for your dad though, I hope he gets well soon and that you can get through this with ease.
What songs are representive of where you are or what you're feeling?
I feel like I am going to sneeze, but I would rather not sneeze. I may sneeze. I may not sneeze.
Did I a:
Not sneeze
The sneeze is both a sneeze and not a sneeze, until you are told
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Either my boss gets fired tomorrow or I do but either way, I'm not going homeless.

I might just kill him. I'm ready to die.
Goths, do you scare children?
This general is just a utopian lie created by that damned programmer. Something that should’ve never existed in the first place. Something that was only created to fulfill the desires of one selfish individual, who couldn’t overcome their own hardships. The sad thing is, that all of you here are nothing more than mere lies that fail to recognize that they live in a world where they don’t belong. Nobody here is real, not even me. I’m as big as a lie as you are, Anon.
Not intentionally. Sometimes I do dress down.
I’m excited about that too. Been tinkering on wings that can extend
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why are bisexuals like this?
Art is inherently horny
Basically JH but 32
No they love me. I’m like a clown to them, but nice and warm
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This is a flora rodgers thread.
>relapsed on porn but back on track, 3 days noporn.
>been working out hard and losing weight
Feeling confused was the main thing for me too. I think when someone we feel deeply attached to is highly manipulative, it can leave us questioning our own perceptions and sense of reality even. Time and distance will help a lot. I'd recommend not staying in contact, even though it can be very painful. I don't know if I'm much good at giving advice, but if you want to vent or have any questions I'd be happy to listen and help if I can. Either way I hope you're in a safer place, and trust that things will become more clear as you gain more physical and emotional distance from them
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M, I am under 30 and do ethnic dancing. Primarily German, but I've dabbled in Greek, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Egyptian, Croatian, and currently learning some Russian.
I also took cotillion in middle school and know several ballroom steps, how to properly set plates and silverware, and how to be generally proper.
Then I undid it all while earning Eagle in Boy Scouts.
Was it one of those fake out sneezes?
F https://youtu.be/lku1fP-LszI?si=VwZs4jBp-v7AIw5f
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This is the only kind of muscle girl that is acceptable.
>"Man accused of enlisting strangers to rape drugged wife goes on trial in France".


Men, why are you like this?
Fuck off
Fake ass.
>Ao3 is down
>all the femanons are without their smut
you are literally retarded
Did you know that a sneeze could actually kill you?
Seethe more. You like surgery and that’s okay.
The devil walks with some of us every day.
Definitely some good things, and not too many bad things. But overall okay.
if you're this bad at spotting a bbl you don't even qualify as retarded, you're sub-retarded
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bisexuals be like
Why so angry? I wonder.
women genuinely don't realize how obvious it is to men whether what they're reading is erotic or not?
This is the laziest trolling I have ever seen. You are boring me to tears.
She probably deserved it. She may have even wanted it.
I wouldn't expect answers necessarily, but hopefully it will be a starting point. I'm not sure how it goes with ocd, but with adhd medication types and doses is very much a trial and error thing. May allah forgive me for uttering this word, but the adhd subreddit might be worth checking out. Hope things get better for you, anon
You are very whiny. Enjoy your surgically enhanced women.
if this is how you cope with having a pancake ass - I'm sorry
Fire Walk With Me.
F https://youtu.be/l0BgJSRGRmc?si=_h2InAlESGvIbdD8
Nah, still too much
Also I agree with the other anon, her ass doesn't look natural.
It’s weird how threatened you feel.
look at you asking ME about the contents of YOUR comment... wow, you're truly insane
no I'm repulsed by how everything is gay/pedo/cringe/cuck/about people's personal issues
also I can just write something better than what most people do anyways
or not bother and just imagine whatever I want
literally why bother reading
i tried to write some for anons on /aco/ one time but just one person was willing/knew about crypto (artfags are terrified and angered about its existence) and he liked it but couldn't really explain what he actually wanted me to write more about very well, so I stopped after a few commissions

I would probably write a lot more if people didn't insist on using identifiable payment methods while pretending they'd neeeever blackmail me
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There's not nearly enough fat on her ass for it to be surgery you troglodyte

Really hungry for my (You)'s aren't you?
F https://youtu.be/Dy41wKWvL74?si=WbqTa9x3Kpkjju43
>Only thinks about sex and money
Most masculine man
Not men, bisexuals.
They are a plague to sane people and even to other gays.
Damn you’re boring and gay. Double whammy.
>"Please daddy I need your big fat throbbing (You) in my mouth I'm addicted"
Zamn, the women here have great taste in music, no cap.
Thank you ChatGPT
fat ugly canadian female
!taf dna dlab ma I
2.5 but less garbage

I need a girl with a cute bubbly butt like that
There is nothing else to think about regarding fanfiction.
I wrote "just for fun" fanfic stuff when I was 9 or 10 or whatever, but as an adult if I were going to write something serious it would be an original work, same as reading.
The only point of half-assed lower quality derivatives by amateur writers is familiar settings/characters and the main reason anyone cares about those characters is erotic fantasies about them. We can make an allowance for things like Harry Potter or Sonic being different because they both have these very fun vibrant detailed worlds and extremely autistic audiences so it's more about the setting as a whole having far more to explore in the same broad theme than just the characters themselves, but overall, if someone is reading Dune fanfics they are a more likely than not a creepy incestfag, for instance.
F https://youtu.be/hT9TkAsfKLY?si=kQyvZNeQStA6a1dV
>Waaah don't do anything for fun waaaah
And men wonder why girls avoid them
I loved t.A.T.u. back in like... high school/middle school. They're still good. Some of Lena Katina's more recent things are good too.
How many abortions have you had?
If you're just talking about actual abortions, 3. If you are counting things like the morning after pill, I can't even begin to estimate.
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aborted dreams? too many to count my friend
Butt lifts don't have to be gigantic, but the curves between the back of her thigh and her ass don't look natural. You can piss and moan about it, but it's the truth.
>these are the women you talk to on the ADVICE board
Christcucks not welcome here
I like Poppy's cover, although it's not all that different really
Moid hands.
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see ya soon, femanon
see ya real soon
are there any major brands of condoms that I should completely avoid buying like the plague or are they like beer where almost any will do the same job?
I'm not even religious. That's still disgusting.
funniest cope I have ever seen. Retarded incel.
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State gender

Do you think a man and a woman can be 100% platonic friends? I don't mean just pals that know how to laugh with each other. I mean the real partners-in-crime shit; share each other's secrets, hang out at each other's house, e.t.c.

Can they remain friends despite judging eyes from friends and family alike? How long could they remain like this until one or the other finds a partner that could be potentially jealous?
my future gf will be an anal enjoyer because this is not something I'm ok with
Now that’s a power bottom
why does she really suck at texting but she can't stop talking whenever we're in person
she's even asked me if i was going to be going out the last couple of friday nights
I don't know why people ask questions this stupid.
Ugly women exist, ugly men exist.
Haven’t heard of a brand that wasn’t 99% safe
Why not? I just plain don't like texting, is she not allowed to?
I like fanfics that just change one early factor, and build a story from there. Where Harry goes to live with Snape instead, where Raditz decides not to try to kill Goku, stuff like that. I think it's romantic in a sense.
Yes. cmon anon
You seem really invested in defending the ass of some random thot anon
Of course.
Men and women are enemies
I play videogames and read books for fun, and my experience is having to avoid women actually
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Are we SURE it's just women that get periods and become hormonal bitches? Because my whinny dad is starting to make me think he's a woman in disguise. Has anyone else had to deal with this sort of shit with "family members"?
Rope yourself, deranged child-killer.
Psychopaths are not welcome here.
1.5. I have boxes Onder my bed and a moutain of clothes on the couth but it's otherwise clean and somewhat tidy.
THank you, CHatGPT
>Unlikeable miserable man who can't comprehend making a thing for passion is a mindless consoomer too scared of people to even interact with them
im shocked
But why would I ever want to?
My dad went from a "put some hair on your chest" type annoying asshole to an essentially larping as a retarded college bitch annoying asshole, yeah
Any of them in particular?
Wow, you're so passionate about mindlessly consooming derivative works
This is inherently antichristian and inferior to marriage in every way.

it's narcissistic rage
Women if birth control pills had no side effects would you take them all the time? Would you have more sex?
post a tv character that looks like you
it's just hard to tell if she's interested or not
like when i see her in person i feel like we really vibe but when texting it's pretty one sided but she always responds to me
Once you become an adult that gets weird. Your romantic partner becomes your primary person, and you get too busy to be just hanging out all the time with a platonic friend, no matter their gender. If you're still in high school, then yeah, sure
Calm down. all of them were super early, I don't think any of them even made it to 6 weeks.
Yeah I really liked the pink floyd, radiohead, and the Oh Hellos songs.
Thank you anon, it's been pretty rough since I decided to break up, especially since, save for one person, nobody that I know has ever gone through something like this (which I'm actually very grateful about because I wouldn't want anybody to experience such a relationship). I can't really say that I was on my best behaviour all of the time during the relationship but the person I was with has been acting in very weird and subtle ways since the beginning and I definitely took notice as things went on. I still let them lie to me, guilt trip me, partially isolate me, attempt to gaslight me, let them love bomb me and let them put me down under the premise of "I'm just worried about you". I really want to believe that I'm imagining everything and that I'm the one at fault, but I'm very aware of certain behaviours not quite aligning with the reality of a loving partner, besides the disparity in effort. I think I'm slowly recovering, right now I still have problems going fully no-contact both because of faults on my side (no, we're not talking) and because I can't avoid meeting with them. I'm still kind of "thankful" for this experience because now I'm more aware of what it's like being with such people and I've gained new insights and confidence about myself, but some days I have a hard time waking up while during others I'm fine. Sometimes I believe that I'm the narcissist instead.
Sorry for the long rant, thank you for the kind words and for reading this far, anon, I really appreciate you for caring. I wish you a good life.
Some people are just terrible with texting, it's not that deep
i'm probably just overthinking things
Sounds like a personal problem to be honest.
I'd just get annoyed if someone couldn't accept liking them in person as enough and needs me to validate them constantly with texts too
This song perfectly captures the feeling of things getting worse and being powerless to stop it
You been here before, the biggest whiny bitches are all guys
The value of a human life doesn't depend on its consciousness or how "cute" or recognizable it looks to you, subhuman.
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Rue from Euphoria
Similar personalities too

I only take birth control to mitigate periods, so I wouldn't take it without side effects.

>the Oh Hellos
Hey, that was me
I take birth control pills and I don't have any side effects. When I was single I'd go off them, though
>killing children
>reading the bible
Yes. No, same amount
But does she text other people a lot?
I wish I could press a button and delete all foids from existence.
damn, who is she?
my life would unironically be not worth living without women
I wish I could press a button and be married to a good woman who actively wanted me to touch her
>my life would unironically be not worth living without women
Skill issue
brianne howey. Thick eyebrows and wiiiide mouth.
Which part?
i'm not sure, we've only been on one official date so far and i've barely seen her using her phone any other time we've been together
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women, what would you do situation?

men, how do you avoid being a 2 pumps chump?
wouldn't you like to know, attention whore
>You seem really invested
Take a look at yourself lmao
M 5
I made a few shitposts while I was doing other things. That's supposed to be invested?
>which is a bit passive and a turnoff
I don't have the mental energy for this tonight
>I'm just shitposting, but YOU are taking this very seriously!!
top kek
unph, didn't know wide mouths could be so sexy!!
m8 you're the one throwing around insults and acting upset
nobody looks like me

you look like my ex(crush(that I never talked to once))
no point getting in a relationship if I can't even relax around her anyways
i wish

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>went from a "put some hair on your chest" type annoying asshole to an essentially larping as a retarded college bitch annoying asshole,
You're the one seething about a random woman's ass lmao
Guys, just so you know this is what you can look forward to when(if) you eventually find a girlfriend past your teens or early 20's if you've struggled with it.
Just break up, being incompatible is hardly ever worth it
>nobody looks like me
I'm the OP and I was shitposting with the first image, just have fun with it m8
you gotta chill out bro
Thanks for the (You).
The moid often pulls all-nighters, scrolling through atoga threads in the hope of finding someone to bond with. But what he mostly comes across are femanons just casually interacting with his posts. Ultimately, arguments become a safe kind of flirting, they stir up the excitement without really getting too personal or invested.
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Question for other men

>have you ever dated someone with kids
>Would you ever do it again
>Why/why not

>Yes, someone with 3 relatively grown (youngest was 13) kids
>Casually, yes. Committed, no
>Way too much of the relationship was dictated by children. Look forward to fucking all week "oh x is sick I can't see you for three weeks"
Also I don't really have any interest in being part of their lives
yeah you're telling me
the 1960s sure churned out some lifelong fucking retard larpers
No I mean I'm not quite sure what you're trying to describe. Are you saying he went from old fag asshole to immature asshole?
Unironically Ryan Gosling if he gained 30lbs and had brown hair
yeah but being alone gets a little tiresome
it is a good way to chill out thoughever
never dated at all
would date if she were a widow and hadn't had sex other than with her husband
in that case i would be fine marrying here and raising another man's kids if there were no other red flags
I don't come here to try to bond with women, I come here to cause as much mental and psychological distress among femanons as possible.
I come here for attention
he went from contrarian religious larper to pseudo-intellectual larper embarrassed about his previous persona once he started making money and being affected by upper middle class peer pressure and now he is a fake progressive larper who exists to worship my lesbian coven hrt-troon non-binary whatever compulsive liar sister
last time he emailed me was to bloviate about how he heard trump almost got killed and it was SO CLOSE to an ANSWER TO PRAYERS
so I guess he's now a mystic religious coven retard instead of a fedora tipper which was also instead of a revival christfag cultist type?
are any of you "notable posters" on other boards/generals?
I'm a tripfag on a niche /vg/ but I only use the trip as proof of being one of three retards that ever bothered emulating an even more niche japanese only game
I have not but I was talking to someone for a while who did, it's not a dealbreaker I guess
No, I make an effort not to be noticed.
No I’m a nobody anon elsewhere
I'm a namefriend on the oekaki board.
how do I make my parents not be so sus of me no longer wanting to hang out at their house every night since I'm like 30 years old?
I feel like they think I'm sitting at home drinking myself to sleep. While I do do taht sometimes, more often I'm working out and trying to eat healthy.
>how do I make my parents not be so sus of me
They just want grandbabies and are worried you'll kill yourself before they get some.
You're a nobody here too bitch nigga.!
Foregoing attachment to the outcome. I really love her, but maybe some things are not meant to be.
A lot of what you're describing sounds familiar to my experience, especially that sense of things feeling slippery or like you can't really get a firm on grasp on how or why things were off, and feeling like it must be something you were at fault for or that you imagined completely
>let them put me down under the premise of "I'm just worried about you"
Oh yeah, this brought back memories of the dread I'd feel every time I got a notification of a meeting being put in my calendar, where we would have to discuss how me being me was negatively impacting our relationship and I'd be expected to explain myself and have a written proposal for how I planned to improve and move things forward to his satisfaction. It makes my stomach knot just thinking about it lol
Anyways, it's too bad you can't cut all contact completely, but sometimes life isn't like that. It sounds like you have good perspective and insight, and the bad days really will get better it just takes time. Take care anon
this is a joke, you seem alright gary
well I'm not gonna find a girl to give them grandbabies while sitting on their couch watching sitcom reruns
I don't know how to make them see that without them getting their feelings hurt or sussy
I don't trip.
I was 8ch famous on a few boards not for any tripfagging but for stuff I posted, but that was all washed away forever, ultimately for the best because it can't be corrupted
I’m trying
I was an 8ch fren too when hotwheels was admin
I had absolute shit taste in everything but mecha back then though
State gender.
Would you join an /atoga/ commune/intentional community IRL?
Heck no.
No. I'm not a dirty hippy or a communist.
Horrifying thought but I know the women are freaks
Like... a community where I can ask members of the opposite gender things?
That's just called normal real life.
Most likely. It's always best to go by how things are in person, not by how someone texts as long they aren't being overtly rude. I'm someone who talks a lot in person and I'm genuinely awful at texting, I have adhd so maybe this girl does too. Of course that might be a whole other can of worms, but as far as texting goes it's not a great way to judge someone's interest level, as long as she isn't ignoring you completely. If she's responding within a day and being positive, then it's all good
I am going to use this ego blow as an opportunity to gloat
bruh shes asking about if you'd live with the people that post in this thread why are you so DUMB!?!?!?
So.. life as usual? What am I missing
Is it better to be a virgin as a man or have a high body count
I heard trojans have a bad smell
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he is literally me
A friend recently told me I look like the actress from an old TV show Weeds but idk. I think it's just brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin syndrome. We all look the same
I swear to God I'm color blind when it come to hair, I could have sworn she had black hair (I can't remember the actress' name but I coomed to her many times)
I this girl I've known for over a year, I recently discovered she has brown hair instead of black because we were discussing her goth aesthetic
I feel like $100 is enough to purchase a good blowjob. If you're already sleeping with people casually you're already a fucking whore whether someone is paying you or not. Getting $100 to let me fuck your mouth for a bit seems like easy money. There's cute girls working at home Depot and stuff that I guarantee are earning like $18 an hour doing dumb shit. Stop being such a retard and just suck my dick instead.
I don't know what I'd do, but I feel bad for guys with sexual function issues because then all the emotions attached to it must make it a million times worse and then sex becomes this stressful thing rather than a fun means of relieving stress. The internet has really messed us up, I doubt men had half as many issues with this stuff when pornography was just vhs tapes and magazines
I think I'm just not gonna eat dinner tonight. I had a piece of fried chicken for lunch, 2 potato wedges, and a biscuit. I also ate some chips earlier.
I'm just not hungry but moreover, I hate myself.
Will I be okay as long as I eat dinner tomorrow?
There are people who do one meal a day for weeks or months at a time. I regularly skip breakfast and lunch. You'll be fine anon.
Women do you mind if I gloat for a bit

My life is very good
my fear is that I'm gonna fuck up my nutrition by not eating fruits and veggies
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>I did all this for you, femanon
>will you please give me a date now?
Is reaching a big milestone on my fat loss and fitness journey a good ambiguous reason to suggest we get together? I think losing weight is a big enough reason for anyone to celebrate but its got some sexy undertones.
>she hints that we should get together but not sure if its because she is a legit lonely person or because she likes me the way I think she does
Forgoing attachment and accepting impermanence is one of the most difficult things, I think. Your love still matters, regardless of the outcome
is asking a zoomer gamer girl for her discord the equivalent of asking her for her digits?
This will not be a problem for me, I simply know it. Even if I came in two pumps I wouldn't feel bad about it. There's nothing to feel sorry for and it's not like cumming is the end of sex. I don't stop being horny just because I cum while masturbating. I always imagine sex as something where I get to see the other person completely vulnerable and be completely vulnerable.

The only thing I'm worried about with sex is letting my partner see how aggressive I really am and how much I actually will want them probably. But I also know it isn't the place or the time for being a bitch and being timid. She'll know I'm a bit aggressive before we ever fuck anyways because I don't plan on hiding who I really am too much. Your partner should be someone who you really share yourself with. That's what I want in a relationship anyways.
You mean like living on a kibbutz with everyone who posts itt? Sweet jesus, no
I am making babies
I did a really good thing
Thank you, God
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I took this photo while traveling yesterday. I thought she was really cute and my heart was beating really fast the whole ride. Sorry for the terrible photo though, I really tried my best to take some without getting caught.
it's rude to take photos of people without asking
Anon, the only value this 0/10 creepshot offers us is as an artistic study of human hair.

Otherwise, I cannot imagine your motivation for doing this.
lmao this is why you won't ever get a gf
>This is as good as I could possibly ever hope to be at this point
>not a millionaire like him
Why even bother? Seriously.
Where are all the tight beautiful teens that want to get bred by fat balding smelly slobs irl? I thought women got super horny at the thought of contrasts and being degraded? What the fuck.
When people take photos of others on transit, is it usually a good thing? Women on the bus take photos of me from time to time and it creeps me out.
That is legit fucking creepy.
Nowadays people take photos and record videos all the time without permission out of nowhere to upload to the internet ASAP.
It's fucking annoying and disgusting.
They have no concept of privacy. Social media was a mistake.
The thought, not the reality of it. For fuck's sake anon.
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Dark brown can look black, my mom has really dark brown hair but it looks kinda soft black. The Weeds actress is definitely brown haired, but from pics it looks like she's also dyed it much darker so your perception isn't off. My hair is more like pic related, I get blondish streaks in the sun
State gender. Has anyone ever asked to draw you?
Women, what the fuck is wrong with you
Why do you want me to bite you
Stop being weird
Thank you again anon.
Walking on eggshells was certainly another thing I went through, in addition to sentences such as "you're too needy", "you're too clingy" after establishing a certain level of co-dependence or crying being met with an almost nonchalant "don't cry". The feel of a lackluster emotional intimacy was also pretty bad, while physical intimacy was almost the most normal thing out of everything.
Despite everything I still stuck around until I realized this was consuming me, and even after the breakup I was told that I was at fault for everything and for other things that I had no hand in.
Thank you again for sharing your experience and talking with me, and I apologize if I made you remember hurtful memories. I'll make sure to focus and take care of myself going forward. And make sure to take care of yourself too.
NTA but eat a big bowl of veggies at breakfast
>most likely no one (irl) was ever horny for me, masturbated to thought of me, or even thought im attractive

How to cope
No, but I had a girl I met online draw a picture of me when we were kids. She tried to mail it to me but it got lost in the mail.
>woman wants you to return to monke
Consider yourself lucky, asshole.
There is no cope. You're a disposable cog that half the world hates and the other half doesn't give a shit about until they're in a position to steal from you. It's over.
F Once when I was in Paris this guy did a quick sketch. It was pretty good.
one time a weird girl who smelled like piss wanted to take a photo of me "to show her british friend"
i said no and she got all sad and asked if i hated her
F. Only ITT.
It's just cute aggression or whatever that's called.
This but also not this. Since what he posted is main character syndrome and also
The actual reality is half the world doesn't care you exist and the other half of the world ALSO doesn't care you exist. And by half the world I mean people you see, not the actual other half of the world being raped to death in third world countries. Maybe take solace in not being them.
Much like how you ignore everyone you're not attracted to.
Everyone you don't interact with is effectively an NPC and you are one to them. You are irrelevant. They will see you, think literally, absolutely, 100% nothing, then move on.
But I know men have taken pictures of my in public before.
>F. Only ITT.
ayy that was probably me
was I calling you a femcel at the time, too?
Human bites are statistically more dangerous than most animals lol
Higher risk of disease, carry worse germs than many animals, higher bite strength and bigger teeth than many animals
Only NPCs genuinely think no one's judging them ever
Don't care, still rather meet a bear in the woods.
With poor enough dental hygiene, can I kill somebody with a bite?
I think I might be about to cop a ban for some shitposting...
Sometimes i think some of the gym girlies have legit fetish of showing off their bodies to others

Today one chick saw me, then she started doing calf raises with her butt aimed at me, and even grabbing own ass to highlight it more

And what a butt it was . ..
No. Closest I got was someone asked to take pictures of me. I liked that. Felt pretty.
It literally doesn't matter if they are, at all.
Are they someone you have a reason to interact with? No? They can think what they want, it remains just a thought.
Main character syndromers I swear.
Even if they think
>Ayyo this guy goofy
They will forget about it within the day
Even if you do something embarrasing, you won't last more than a week in their head
>Sometimes i think some of the gym girlies have legit fetish of showing off their bodies to others
That's a good thing.
A friend did once for a class. And once another friend's mother did a nude painting of me that I didn't pose for and didn't know anything about, and that was kind of weird
>greying eyebrows
Is that fucking jonah hill? At 40?
Pure wall smacking.
Absolutely destroyed.
Rest in pieces.
Unless you do a turning of age about being post desireable actor.
Maybe? All I remember is the stick figure they drew. Saved it and everything, even if it's offensive.
No. CP would work. Don't do it here.
Take care anon <3
>Ayo this guy easy to mug
>Ayo not finna give this guy a job
>Ayo this creeper tryin to talk to me???
Just don't bite hard enough to break the skin, it's not that difficult
nah, that wasn't me
I meant that I shitposted and now I'm in that "hmm, that might have been taking things a bit too far" period where I dunno if I'm gonna get the banny yet
It's all part of the thrill of posting on 4channel.org
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small butt Chads where we at
This was a good game.
ban test
Would a girl really not wake up if I had sex with her while she's asleep?
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>women, what would you do situation?
I'd have at least three sex slaves.
There is no excuse to not want to pound me for at least 2 hours. I'm gorgeous, my ass is volumptuious, and I suck like a champ. I will force you to stay hard through other means if neccessary.
Sign this NDA.
*snaps nitrile gloves*
stop pretending to be me
you will never be a chad
No, but she would pretend to be asleep to see how far you go.
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I'm sorry if that made you cry lad
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Big round butt tiny flat chest enjoyers WHERE WE AT
I'm afraid for that bunneh's life
we never left
At what point would you protest
You think so? I was asked by my ex to have my way with her in the middle of the night, but the idea scares the shit out of me.
nigga you got consent, theres nothing to be scared of
That bug doesn't eat bunnies
He eats ass
M, but
>almost two months
Does this not seem odd to anyone else? May as well have known each other five minutes at that point and she's already saying "boyfriend"?
i prefer wide yet flat pancake ass with thick thighs
>she changes her mind the next day
>can now say I raped her
I also eat ass.
When you did anything with my ass. In the middle of the night, really?
maybe dont be ugly?
I just want to feel the comfort of a woman falling asleep with me. Her, lying on top of me, breathing in sync with me. Every inhale I feel some ecstasy at her smell, every exhale I gently blow the strands of her hair from my face. I feel her heart beating familiarly through her breasts, beating with love and affection. The warmth of her sprawled over me would bring me to recollection of my time as a child in winter, comforted beneath a thick quilt in the middle of winter's merciless grasp.
>See reflection in building glass
>see shadow on the ground
day fucking ruined.
I wish I was less of a grotesque ogre.
She could always backtrack. Drunk chicks sometimes give consent.
I am handsome at heart, god damn it.
No, but I also eat man ass.
I'm also an ogre but I'm trying to become a ghoul instead
Are you bald, obese or have some kind of deformation? If not there's still hope
lemme know how much head that gets you
I'm bald(ing), and fat(not ebese)
But yeah it's basically over.
At least 2.
It turns out women hate this, it makes them feel heavy and gives them weight dysphoria.
Why is it weird? Two months is a reasonable time to be having sex and dating exclusively with commitment
Women, have you ever been drunk or something like that and in a situation where you almost had sex but didn't?
you're girl who eats ass but doesn't want to be ass-eaten?
You don't want a girlfriend or a wife, you want a mom.
Never had your butt ate?
Being on my stomach legit makes me uncomfortable. Boobs.
>Have you ever almost had sex but didn't?
uh. yeah?
I'm pretty sure that's like most people, depending on where you draw the "almost" line.
New vocabulary word unlocked
You want your dick sucked but don't want to suck dick?
Since when do moms climb on top of you?
No, actually. I don't know if I should be happy about that or not.
I'm asking straightfowardly, not accusatively
fuck. Can't even spell a word right.
You know what I meant.
NTA but unless she's drunk or on medication, she's going to wake up. If part of it is her acting completely unresponsive, then yeah get something like in a text confirming that that's what you guys will be doing. Otherwise don't have sexual relationships with people you can't trust on such a fundamental level
You literally want to feel like a child because of a woman coddling you. Lol
Yes, it carries no dopamine to my brain.
Just learn how to eat pussy correctly.
Tbh if a femanon was next to me asleep i wouldnt try to fuck her but i WOULD have a raging hardon, so i would need to fit the boner between her thighs or something and fall asleep like that
Hit the gym to lose weight use a fedora to hide you recessive hair line and learn some fashion while you're at it
I think I'll just seek out a girl who likes getting her ass eaten instead, thanks
What anime is this from? Laying on top of you is uncomfortable and you give off too much heat to sleep that way
Ebese is now categorized as past morbidly obese. People that are 400+lbs in weight and require extra safety measures in life.
Only if maleanon was skinnyfat-skinny, white, and not balding.
Otherwise they go in the closet.
Git out of my bed, shadow creatures.
They won't do that. Why don't you try it? Put your piillows sideways, arrange them so you sleep straddling them, with no head support. It's just fucking not comfy.
On the plus side, I know how to dress fine from my days when I was in shape. It's just impossible to dress well when overweight, nothing looks good or right.
I would unironically wear a hat if I could, fedora is a no-go but I might be willing to try more of a flatcap deal. Not even in a sense to hide the balding, I'm not that self conscious about it, I just think that a hat would look better in some outfits in some contexts.
You need to spend more time doing hard, physical labour and service for others who are less fortunate than you
Holy fuck you weren't kidding.
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Do you like Microsoft? Their early software was a bit too technical for my tastes, but when Excel was released in '85, I think they really came into their own, commercially and culturally. The whole program has a clear, crisp interface, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives data management a big boost.
Microsoft has been compared to other tech giants, but I think they have a far more practical, user-focused approach. In '87, they released an updated version of Excel, their most
accomplished software at the time. I think their undisputed masterpiece is the pivot table feature, a tool so powerful, most people probably don't fully explore its capabilities. But they should, because it's not just about organizing data and following trends; it's also a personal statement about the company itself.
Yes, it's pretty normal and a big reason why it's not a good idea to get drunk
how long do you spend at the gym/working out?
it takes me about 90 minutes to 2 hours to do a complete work out with only taking a max of 5 minutes in between sets
would you say that's a good amount of time?
What's the name of those shirts opened in the middle with bottoms to close? I want to shop clothes online but idk shit about names and never find what i want
I havent been to the gym ever
I spend 30-40 mins training hard and fast, then 15 mins in the sauna.
Thats pretty normal, but you can do a high intensity workout in 30min with some supersets so theres zero downtime

I personally take my sweet time at gym
polo shirt? henley? quarter-zip? I'm having trouble understanding what you are describing
the best i can do is cuddling face to face while lying on our sides. my boobs will cause me acute back pain if i lay on my stomach for any length of time and it's suffocating as well. i appreciate the coziness and the idea but i physically can't do that. i'd give a lot to be able to sleep on my belly again, but i can't.
F or M?
Women benefit way more from having fit toned bodies, also regulates their hormones and gives their bone density back

+ Looks are even more important than for a man.
So why arent you hitting the gym as we speak femanon?

Even a mediocre looking girl will be loved dearly by her husband if she has nice curvy feminine body
Snap bottom Romper?
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I don't like supersets when I'm mostly doing freeweights, feels dangerous
they ain't got those at planet fitness
go to the fuck gym, anon!
>around boys
Thundere anon <3
>the fuck gym
uhh no thanks i want my asshole to remain intact
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Male, pic for reference
nta but when did tsundere anon become a character
Button down
nigga this is just a button up?...
That's a dress shirt, anon...
Lol, h*man bois can't compete.
They jus watch while we satisfy they women
State gender. Do you button up or button down?
Thanks I didn't know those names that's what i wanted to find out
A 3/4 sleeve button down shirt with collar
Have you been in a coma for the past decade or something
i leave the shirt buttoned and just slip it on after undoing the top one or two
Exactly what I do. So I'm not crazy after all...
I dont know shit about fashion that's just it...
What kind of a psychopath buttons from the bottom?
>a decade
more like a millennia
who the fuck doesn't know what buttoned shirt is
No worries. You explained it in an interesting way. Is English not your first language?
Yes I'm ESL but if I would describe I'm my native language I would use very similar words and terms.
F Down.
yeah ikr? its stored buttoned whether your fold it or hang it so why would you completely unbutton the shirt to just put it on? waste of time
How do fat people have the stamina to have sex?
I'm honestly curious. Many struggle to walk up a flight of stairs and sex is pretty active.
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would you open the door, anons?
M but my shoulders are too broad for that.
Damn, I'm technically pro-choice, but you still gross me out. Just get your tubes tied?
My name
Is not
no. I'm not wojak. I also like my organs inside of me.
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mine would be Ryan Gosling, Travis Bickle, Patrick Bateman, and that nigga from Nightcrawler
Usually about 90 minutes, but i also don't take big rests between sets, you goddamn benchwarmer. I also go 5 or 6 times a week.

Because I go in the mornings. It's 10:30 pm.
Not that he's right about everything - but y'all motherfuckers need mike mentzer.
Aren't wammin always cold though?
Do you wear slim fit shirts or something? ive been described as borad shouldered and never had a priblem
Women, how can you be so cold and yet have boobs that are so warm?
How do I fall asleep
What? Do you wash it that way? How do you iron it?
>I also like my organs inside of me
this, I'd immediately be sussy
Bad circulation. All the blood that's warm is in my boobs, and none of it is in my fingies and toesies.
they sap the heat from their extremities
No, I just have extremely broad shoulders. It's literally the only thing I have going for me, though. I'm pretty skinnyfat otherwise.
This is your mandatory social milking officer. Let me in and provide your sample or I will taze you until you do. Any samples under 2oz are a probation violation. Three strikes and we stick you in jail to force feed you a correct diet.
>Having a depressive episode
Me too. I'm planning on taking a break from 4chan to fight it. Are you seeing your gf soon?
Deep breathing. Listen to the rhythm. I find wearing earplugs helps.
are you trying to say we gym too much?
>Aren't wammin always cold though?
nah I have a work fren who runs hot
like she literally gets hot when she's angry (which is a lot since she has a short fuse) and I'll hear her get up from her desk and start clicking the shit out of her fan to turn it on
I would actually love to tailor my diet to produce massive loads just for my cum-loving future gf
That would be hot as fuck
I wash and iron unbuttoned but i button it when i fold them.
Isn't Ryan gosling a real guy?
That's where all the blood goes and why I use them as hand warmers.
Yes, but mostly just my hands and feet, and you men are like furnaces. I want to warm my hands by the fire, not lay down in the flames
of course he's a real guy, he's me
Why do men place everything on rejection? They're just words.
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As a man, how can you tell whether or not a girl likes you, is interested in you, or is attracted to you?

I'm a dude in case that context is important. Please state gender
what is the male verison of "pick me"?
because I have never let a rejection negatively affect my friendship with a girl after high school
What do you mean?
nigga this question gets asked every got damn day
there isn't a way
you gotta ask her out
which sucks if she's your coworker is something because its hard to do that without potentially fucking up your livelyhood
it is what it is
First, clear your mind by performing simple math.
Count backwards from 99 in increments of 9.
Count backwards from 96 in increments of 8.
Count backwards from 98 in increments of 7.
Count backwards from 96 in increments of 6.

Then, count forwards in increments of 1 after each slow, deep breath.
Slow, deep breath. 1 Slow, deep breath. 2 Slow, deep breath. 3 Slow, deep breath. 4 Slow, deep breath. 5. Slow, deep breath. 6. Slow, deep breath. 7. Slow, deep breath. 8. Slow, deep breath. Slow, deep breath. 10. Keep going until you fall asleep.
i simply assume they dont
and as far as I know
I've never been proven wrong
I might be more interested in I knew there was actually a program. But I wouldn't want a government mandated gf. I want a gf who actually loves me.
Rejection actually lowers our testosterone. Scientifically proven
>are you trying to say we gym too much?
No, I'm successfully saying that your workouts are inefficient and time wasting.
You better~
I have seen the White Woman
I'm sorry for your loss
>you gotta ask her out
That's not what I asked though. I'm asking if there's a way to gauge her level of interest, or to gauge if there's any interest to begin with. I ain't even entertaining that idea of asking her out unless I think she liked me. Otherwise I'd be some annoying retard wasting her time.
only if you promise me no more AI slop - real coom art only.
>not being such a chad that you make her fall in love with you
Mike mentzee dick sucking needs to stop
His insight is very outdated
Kek, same. Unless you're tall just assume they're not
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i've explained this one before!
you know how women's skin is softer than men's? through hormones and biology, our skin has different protein structures.

male skin has stronger structures, which make them more resistant to physical abrasions, cuts, and bruises, higher surface tension which can enhance muscle performance, and is 20% thicker, which makes it less permeable. women's is softer, thinner, and more stretchy. this has the unimportant effect of making women more likely to have big droopy wrinkles when they're old, but that's not relevant.

what is relevant is temperature exchange. women's thinner and softer skin makes it more easily permeable by temperature; it loses heat more easily to the cold (which is why we always need your coats in movies). this is the ONLY REASON female skin is soft, because it is evolutionarily important for us to lose heat faster. why? because, if it is below freezing, and i'm holding my baby in my arms, i need to be able to feed as much of my warmth into it's body as i can, and i can only do that by losing it. men need the thicker skin to survive hunting in the cold or working in the sun. our bodies also centralize that body heat to our torso, so if we're pregnant, the baby lives; if we're lactating, the milk keeps flowing, even if my legs have fallen off from frostbite. the child must live.

this has the silly consequence that, when stepping into hot water, female skin absorbs the heat very quickly, and it passes into our fatty tissue, which can absorb and disperse it evenly without pain. men's skin is resistant, it passes more slowly, and because the heat remains in the skin longer, it burns.

that, ATOGA, is why women like hotter showers than men, why we need gloves and socks all the time, why we need to borrow your jacket...
/atoga/, spooky season is right around the corner.
What's your gender, and some of your favorite horror movies to rewatch during October?
They don't. Women who say they do this have schizophrenia but the average woman makes it VERY CLEAR that she wants you if you're good looking, as in she makes the first move and asks to fuck, otherwise they will be idle until you make a move.
There is no such thing as signals, most women do not do it, women who do are mentally ill.
My heart rate has gone up and everything hurts
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Just fuck my shit up, kino, jack nicholson, and this guy
>your workouts are inefficient and time wasting
listen here retard
my workouts are the only thing outside of women that bring me anything close to happiness
I will take as long as I damn well please when working out
This animu looks like a girl I knew irl and i really wanted to hatefuck the shit out of her
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I only have 3 on hand from a pic I made for /co/. There might be more but eh. Sorry.
Dead Girl
Girls, if you perform oral sex, would you expect it to be reciprocated?
this was a very interesting read, thank you anon
my taint and testicles feel more sensitive than my actual penis
Would you date a big strong ugly guy who kinda looks like a bouncer
She's back tomorrow afternoon

Also most of it is objectively wrong. Same with Ronnie and Arnold. They just ate a lot, took a ton of gear, and had one in a million genetics. I prefer listening to the Quadfather, Tom Platz.

I do cardio too. I don't just sit on a bench for five minutes between each 4 rep set.

I always marathon the Halloween movies on Halloween (or the night before)
sometimes the frumpy single mom at work wears this black dress that's belted(?) right underneath her tits and it makes them look HUGE while hiding her frumpiness and it activates my neurons
why am I like this?
It's not necessarily correct and he came to a lot of incorrect conclusions that he was dogmatic about based on flawed assumptions, but a lot of his general advice is still relatively sound. If you're spending 90 minutes to 2 hours in the gym 6 days a week, you're wasting a lot of time (or, less likely, over-training. But chances are your volume's pointlessly high or you're dillydallying, not over-training). Any modern trainer will also tell you that 12 hours a week is very much on the high end of diminishing returns. unless you're including a lot of steady state cardio.
>my workouts are the only thing outside of women that bring me anything close to happiness

>Dead Girl
Really? I'm more of an Autopsy of Jane Doe kinda guy.
Why do women pretend they don't like rape?
How do I start loving myself? I feel like I am the most uninteresting person on the planet and that's the whole reason I can't have a relationship with anyone I never have something interesting or relevant to say to add to the conversation; I feel ashamed of my hobbies and of the person that I am and hate talking about myself if someone asks me one quality about me I would probably answer with irony or don't know how to answer at all
happy to educate
no ickbacks, silly nigress
>my workouts are the only thing outside of women that bring me anything close to happiness
>I will take as long as I damn well please when working out
Okay, well in that case, then it's fine I guess if you just relish in every minute you spend in the gym. So long as you aren't actually over-training (unlikely) to the point where it's detrimental then it's fine.
>take shower
>Put on freshly clean gym clothes who i make sure to laundry in high temps with low amount of detergent so they are not getting stinky
>Do my lifting
>Sit on bench
>Can literally smell musk from my own cock and balls due to crotchsweat
Anyone else
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Darla Dimple
Angelica Pickles
Debra "Debbie" Jellinsky
Sgt Calhoun (wreck it ralph)
And one more
I lift 5-6 times per week or sometimes everyday
The difference is my volume and load per exercise is high, but i dont do many exercises

Am i wasting time going into gym etc?

But i also dont care because i have tons of time on my hands
Shoot your shot
State gender
How did you know when it was time to leave your partner?
Shut the fuck up you boring bastards
Despite modeling yourself after overly confident women you are nowhere near as successful in real life and are resentful of it.
It's legitimately an ick. Get a hobby, nigga.
And stop taking so much time between sets.
If I had to guess I'd say you were blonde
Interesting. As a women, I guess this explains why I enjoy boiling myself alive in the bath
The dicksucking of "golden era bodybuilders" needs to stop
Most of them cant put 2 sentences togheter and completely make up shit with bro science

Gear and genetics, all of it
You masturbate too much.
>post in thread that seems relatively active
>thread dies
Does anybody else have the feel that this happens to them at a higher rate than it should?
Not this thread obviously, but other random ones on random boards.
I don't think masturbating is making my taint more sweaty
why does every women have a bruise on their leg
I did and she rejected me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
she still seeks me out to talk about food and drama and shit so at least she doesn't suspect I'm going to Elliott Roger her or something
>Get a hobby
I have literally all the hobbies (piano, programming, model building, etc) and none of them bring me happiness
>And stop taking so much time between sets
fuck you bitch, 5 minutes MAX is not too long between sets
thin skin >>31931800
Men grippy my theighs hard when pp touching.
Recovering from the fucking chad gave her last time
Maybe you don't shower consistently enough? If you shower once and you were really gross it doesn't actually clean and kill all the bacteria that causes the smell. You have to shower consistently for at least a couple of days or even a week. But since you're talking about the gym I assume it would be enough regularity for this not to be an issue. Try different gym clothes and see. Normally the disinfect/high-temp setting has been enough to combat this in the past, but it still could be the issue.
No u
Because all women are having sex while you aren't loser.
>no gymgf who wears tiny sports bras and slutty shorts

women bruise easy
i know because i am the source of them
post some shit, nigga
But i do shower 1-2 a day
And absolutely before gym because i dont want to be stinky at the gym

I guess its just my natural smell

And no its not the "clothes" smelling when you sont wash them properly, I know how it smells like
idiot i could be EASY
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I feel liek this hoe had no idea what she was talking about.
Alien or The Thing
>For both sexes
A family member keeps trying to convince me to join a dance class that they teach (it'd be free for me), but I'm worried women in the class will think I'm creepy. But how to I actually say that in a normie way?
Why are you trying to learn life advice from a fictional 16yo?
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its a normalfag thing, you wouldn't get it
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rust cohle
the girl from icantsleep
protagonist of disco elysium whose name i do know but dont want to spoil for others
I wish females who are into me were real

I have been complimented before but it all feels kinda fake and im 32 kissless virgin so yeah, outlook not so good
Women: Big spoon or little spoon?
>And absolutely before gym because i dont want to be stinky at the gym
Counter intuitive. Shower post gym to remove sweat and stink.
Your skin absorbs clean water in a shower, that you're just sweating back out.
If you shower after it is to help you cool your body back down and release tension in your muscles.
You probably stink naturally when you sweat due to diet.
if i am happy i want to hold you. if i am sad i want to be held.
>protagonist of disco elysium whose name i do know but dont want to spoil for others
How considerate
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Me big spoon.
Me squeeze you.
>what is the male verison of "pick me"?
A feminist?
need big spoon gf
its a secret in the game, thats why i didnt say. oddball is probably an understatement
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moids, would you survive?
I meant that in the most "I'm not like other men" sort of way because I honestly believe I take rejection pretty well.
I watch the thing once a year
Probably mtf troons.
Quite literally pickme personality.
shes right though
What, a woman whispering in my ear? Easy.
f, over the garden wall and lord of the rings are my fall things
>Also most of it is objectively wrong. Same with Ronnie and Arnold. They just ate a lot, took a ton of gear, and had one in a million genetics. I prefer listening to the Quadfather, Tom Platz.
What do you think of Scooby from youtube?
no i would unironically drop dead the moment her hand touched mine
now i want to kill myself
One of the themes of the movie is that they didn't want to grow up to be like their parents. Her saying this was her saying that adulthood inevitably makes you callous and lose your spark for life.
Did he pay for that?
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I literally can't cope. 100% of cute girls have fucked chad. 100% of non-cute girls are waiting for their turn with chad if they haven't had it yet. They would rather die waiting for chad than even exist in proximity to non-chad.
Our entire value biologically and sociologically as males is based on success. It's also easy to say that when there's no impetus on you as a woman to actually risk rejection.
anons how would you deal with being ejected from your friend group after a "democratic decision"?
would you kys?
Got the first day of a new semester tomorrow bros, wish me luck
Dodged a bullet. that's fucking retarded.
That's far more detailed than I was expecting. Than you.
you have to be 18+ to post here
okay but what if this was a friendgroup you'd had for 5+ years?
Fuck you guys I'm going home!
girl in back is super cute.
Fuck off, I'm 23
You are appreciated.
It happened once, but I deserved it for asking out two of the girls in the group, kek.
>okay but what if this was a friendgroup you'd had for 5+ years?
Bro. They know you're gravely mentally ill and alienating the group from doing funner things. It has probably been time to grow up for at least 3 years now....
your 'friend' group sounds immature as fuck. Keep talking individually to the ones you do like and who 'voted for you' I guess, but it's still retarded.
then you're too old to be in college anyways
Gl anon
Jesus, that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. I used to watch his workout videos when I was trying to get in shape. I wasn't old enough to buy a gym membership so I would do his calisthenic workouts in the park at night.
No, sex isn't tit for tat
What's the opposite of wannabe tough guy fashion? Like instead of punisher skulls.

Like desaturated zip hoodies with the white tassles? Basically chill dude fashion I want to replicate
Not if he's doing a postgraduate degree he isn't fag.
>for asking out two of the girls in the group
honestly though, this is survivable if you aren't a creep/weirdo about it a lot of the time
that being said, some girls literally schizo out anytime they are around a guy they rejected so I could also see the flipside
Getting my master's degree, sorry pal
Nta but what do you mean schizo out
So... normie? Or are you talking pastels?
brothers I was not talking about my own friendgroup and honestly I would probably be fine being kicked out from them
that post was inspired by a thread on /tv/ about the Banshees Innsmouth or whatever teh fuck
the concept of a friend group is foreign to me
ive only ever had one friend at a time
currently none
How do I not embarrass my woman?
>What's the opposite of wannabe tough guy fashion?
STEMfag fashion: black cloth sneakers, skinny jeans/chinos, tee shirts and hoodies. Add on rectangular-framed glasses if you want to complete the look
The "lesbian seduces straight woman" genre of porn is the most kino
Nah not fem. Just like 'this guy doesn't care' but not in an unhygienic way
Based already me
Don't scratch your dick in public.
Proper etiquette
To your family member? Ask them them how many men have taken the class. Does the type of dance involve partnering? That's probably why they're trying to get you to go
What about bi men?
Prove it.
as in they are constantly in fear of you raping and killing them as payback for the rejection
not even in elementary school at the lunch table? I've had at most three friendgroups over the years but my current one really sucks; I just use them as an excuse to get fucked up out of my mind once a week
I gave you my answer already then: good riddance?
What was the answer you wanted exactly?
Women, what's it like to have a vagina?
A bag of sand... but empty. Just the bag.
No. I had one friend throughout most of elementary school, then i moved. Had one throughout middle school and first year of high school, the he moved. none since.
I wasn't asking for an answer in that last post, I was just clarifying that my question had very little to do with myself (and it was weird that you and the other anon immediately jumped to that conclusion)
>Say multiple threads ago all women are bi or lesbian deep down and stats prove it
>1000 years later, today.
>Omg yes we're all lesbian we are all lesbian yaay!!!
Why the fuck do you niggers do this.
One day you go "no not true" then confirm it from your own mouths.
furries are so cringe
why you on my dick bro
6.5 years worth of painful symptoms.
And you guys still call us soft.
The West was built off the G.I. bill
Hello girlies
I wub u
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Don’t be mean
cat ears headbands aren't furry
show me your DD214 then buddy
I don't, but I also don't bother approaching women because I don't wish to hear the words that come out of them.
Apathy towards women is kind of all or nothing.
Eh, it was high school.
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Because you're acting like a fag
so how do you cope with most activities being dull or “neutral”
The Shining, The Others, Grave Encounters, Trick r Treat, The Changeling, As Above So Below, Black Christmas
Yiff in hell
the yiffshitter recoils when named
How tall are you?
I do activities that I actually enjoy?
I really don't think I am bro
I suffer from anhedonia so I legitimately can't do that
I left my friendship group when I realized they were all voting to eliminate me first every round in a game we were playing.
Having a vagina is just a normal part of life for me. It's not really something I think about often honestly. There are the obvious things like periods, which can be annoying or painful, and you have to keep up with hygiene routines. Sex can feel different depending on a lot of factors like comfort, mood, or the time of the month. It's just a part of my body, I dunno what to say really.
You better.
jungalist massive?
my brother and I make up 1/2 of our normal friendgroup and we do that with this tryhard asshole all the time
self -diagnosed i presume? you're probably just a faggot
We would get along I think. Hopefully you're an F.
>I suffer from anhedonia so I legitimately can't do that
Alright, I guess you're fucked then. Sorry?
what is it like not having PENIS
It's nice, I like it
>To your family member?
>Ask them them how many men have taken the class.
Do women need males to practice with? I assumed they would dance together mostly
>Does the type of dance involve partnering? That's probably why they're trying to get you to go
It does
... I don't know...
Women if I buildered a superstructure would you come marry me and live with me in it and wander with me
>self -diagnosed i presume
nah bro I got the meds and everything
last time I tried to medically ween off of them, I ended up in the psych ward
>you're probably just a faggot
I do coom to femboys a lot ngl
yes but it's from abusing mushrooms (laugh all you want). i miss my old self so bad
Hey sarge
nothing to be sorry about
technically booze cures my anhedonia but I try not to use it as a crutch more than once a week or so
Damn they really think that far? Women do be watching cold cases tho. How do they act specifically? I think I've met chicks like that despite me not asking them out
The hell is etiquette
I am not debilitatingly mentally ill. How to function in society?
not sarge
I would probably cry if this was done in earnest to me and not by some cosplaying performer
why you have CHEST ORB??? What it DO??
Like irl minecraft? And we just put our beds together?
>I do coom to femboys
NTA. But that makes you either a bi fag or a fag fag
Do women ever think about using the vagina as an extra pocket?
Pretend to be debilitatingly mentally ill in exactly the same way as the people around you, or find a job without much human interaction and don't go outside off the clock.

Plenty for my woman. 6'4''
>The hell is etiquette
Society has fallen so far in fucking 10 years.
Oh, well then fuck you
Yes, and horror movies are my number one guilty pleasure. I had to stop myself from getting too weird with the list
That's how I transform into my mecha suit.
How far does the foreskin go down
>How do they act specifically?
they just avoid you like the plague and tell their friends they don't want to hang out with you
>I think I've met chicks like that despite me not asking them out
some bitches always gonna be immediately assuming you're a predator
there's this one girl I work with who has ALWAYS treated me like I'm a dangerous rapist and comes to her bestie's rescue anytime her and I are alone chit-chatting
to be fair, I do have a bit of a predator mindset but I'm not dangerous
Imagine the possibilities. The best we men can manage is a few foreskin skittles...
Swingin past my knees
You don't look like that.
... No. God, no. That could be dangerous.
Ok thanks think I've met chicks like that at work once in a while. He'll is predator mindset brø
i never see girls with big boobs irl. like there were a few in high school but now all women young and old i see are chestlets
I'll (sometimes) openly admit that it makes me gay because its the only thing that makes me coom on the regular.
That being said, I romantically enjoy women exclusively
Feel free to get weird if there are other ones. I've seen every horror movie ever so nothing's gonna surprise me.
This post legitimately made me violently nauseous.
its hard to explain what predator mindset is
you prefer naive girls and you're flirty and manipulative
Excellent. Just make sure your posture is good, and she'll be proud to be yours.
It detaches just a bit behind the head, but the whole thing is really one long surface of stretchy skin going back to the pelvis
So you can pull it back and let it roll down as far as you have "slack" in the front as it uncovers the head and stretches, it will never really run out of stretch on the inside because it's loose like dog scruff
Sorry, meant for (you) >>31932050
They get kinda heavy. A lot get reductions.
Dancing with a guy is a completely different experience, and depending on the type of dance it might be difficult to have to learn both backwards and forwards/leading just to pair up. I honestly wouldn't worry about any of the women thinking you're creepy, especially since the instructor is your relative. So if you're thinking of giving it a try, don't let that stop you
I meant I'm mentally ill but not debilitatingly so
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this is how I imagine guys over 6'2 looking like
>suck penis and swallow gross jizz, women :D
>suck penis and swallow gross jizz but with an actually tasty snack factored in, women >:C
There's not really many possibilities, aside from things that are designed to go up there, like toys or feminine products. Anything else is just asking for an infection.
What, you cant appreciate a salty and sweet treat?
>its the only thing that makes me coom on the regular
Brain sounds porn baked, bro.
but i literally cannot recollect one instance of actual Big Boobs in the 3 years since ive graduated hs
God I wish I eat enough to pack on weight and it sucks.
Thank you, ChatGPT
me too brotherman, i know your pain
I can't really remember what horror movies I've watched and which were Halloween themed, sometimes they are fun to watch but I can't feel fear so they tend not to leave much impact
Last few Halloweens I have ignored but I might go back and play the TF2 Halloween event like I used to
That has been my reason to look forward to Halloween since I was too old to trick or treat basically
Get more fiber in that diet, helps you feel full so you eat less.
yes and no
I fapped a ton as a teenager (like every teen does) but haven't done it more than once a day as an adult for years probably
I think I'm just partially gay, though I'll never admit to it outside of the internet
Not mentally ill enough to blend in, get those numbers up rookie
anyone, please help me "translate" what this woman wants:
we met a while ago. I was looking for someone to clean my ears and found her. she lives far away from here (she came from another city but visits every other week or so). she came to my house and I found her pretty and kinda hot so I asked her out. she gave me her number. I told her to talk to me if she came back to my city and wanted to go out, and she agreed.
I've tried some small talk with her a few times and things seemed ok... until today. I told her I found her pretty and stuff, and that I wanted to kiss her that time she was here. she told me she found me handsome and nice but that she doesn't really have much time to get to know one each other. I assumed this was the end, so I told her ok, that's your call and wished her good luck. but then I insisted: if she ever wanted to meet, I'd be open, and she said "great!"
idgi. did I talk too much? looks like she just wants sex or something. am I correct on this? I'm ok with that, I just wanted to chat a bit to make her feel closer and to get to know her, but apparently I annoyed her.. but, does she still wants me?
should I just forget everything until she actually tells me to meet, if she ever does?
>kissing her
_____ ___, _______
nta but you are going in the opposite direction of the problem
Let's all gangbang femanon!
As you get older you tend to figure out how to dress for your figure as well and more conservative.
What she wants:
Who cares.
Just ignore her and do something you enjoy, also didn't read your post.
How so?
those characters remind me of the Hello Kitty girl that broke my heart last month :(
Humping femanon like a nuclear powered piston engine
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you do know you can do many things at once, right?
also, I'd enjoy fucking the shit out of her
I thought this was going to be a guy playing russian roulette with a microwave setup
>I wish I eat enough to pack on weight
Wants to gain weight
>Eat more fiber so you eat less
You see how this doesn't add up
give it a rest bro she knows you're not chad
We've got to stop it with the horny ops now I'm gonna have to jerk it to Arab women
I didn't feel bad leaving that group because they were redditfags IRL and one couldn't stop telling everyone he loves getting pegged
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>Anon! Will you help me root out the Evil from the dark fortress of Dol Guldur?
I didn't say to eat more.
bro you are literally talking to someone who uses AI to answer questions here to keep up the facade that he's not just another attention whore
All femanons should receive unlimited plaps from me
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>Arab women
>Get more fiber in that diet, helps you feel full so you eat less.
Are you retarded
I only have myself to blame.
that depends on if there's any sexy female elves joining us
Go away, feds, I'm NOT leaving my hole and sneaking into MorDC with a nuclear device...
I just want to read and overeat....
You guys are the dumb! Lol!
You're teh STINK
I look like Kate Micucci. Is this a dealbreaker?
Water is wet
what else is new
If I hit your subscribe button, can I win an all-expense-paid-trip to poundtown?
Including a donut booty pillow?
>captcha: RNPAP
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"Get more fiber in your diet" is not the same as "eat more food." You can replace things in your diet, you know?
I think you should make like a tree and get out of here.
Erm, what the sigma?
As long as I get to have Breakfast, Second Breakfast, Elevensies, Luncheon, Afternoon Tea, Dinner, and Supper then I'm in
Pretty sure he said femanons, not moids.
I actually think Kate Micucci is so cute, shes my type.
p sure this girl is famous on /tv/ for having amazing tits/nipples or something
I wouldn't say so. She has a certain unique charm.
he said hemorrhoids
Are you retarded? Everybody thinks kate micucci is fucking adorable.
Stop talking about my dicks if you're not sucking one of them.
Don't see why it would be, she seems cute.
I am dreading work tomorrow :(
You are an AI incapable of critical thought.
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Saying that like Anissa Kate isn't one of the goats
damn dont know what everybody else is thinking but she's mega uggo
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>Fool of an anon! Cleanse your mind of any perverted thoughts, we must ride at dawn!
Are those the ones that are a pain in the ass?
You have never had sex.
You have multiple dicks?
I think I have seen that porn.
>Femanon posts weak engagement bait
>Immediately 20 replies appear
Can you guys stop being such pathetic simps?
Ok, you turned me back into a virgin.
I'm still not laying you.
Is this what you guys mean when you say a mousey girl?
Sorry bro it said verification not required so you are a virgin. I don’t make the rules.
she is cute
Should I let a Bulgarian hoe marry me?
No eastern europeans are not white.
You should impregnate her then fake your death
I actually thought that was relatively restrained.
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Depends. Is the evil a woman, and is she interested in humans?
^ pls atoga
That's like calling Rachel Dolezal black.
That girl has the whitest features, you milquetoast goonrot.
I've seen every horror movie too! So you probably won't find these weird then, but... All Hallow's Eve, Terrifier, Hell House LLC, Exorcist III, Ready or Not, You're Next, Better Watch Out, Final Prayer/Borderlands, A Dark Song, Black Mountain Side, Incantation, The Empty Man, Hunter Hunter (2020), are all good for autumn/cold weather
I just started watching When Evil Lurks, I'm about a quarter of the way through but won't be able to finish it tonight. It's interesting and much grosser than I expected
Was this literally (You) growing up?
>12 minutes
Why do Jewish women live Irish men?
>whitest features
Don't care for your /pol/ speak
Nta but have you seen Pontypool?
Brain-damaged zoomoid
State gender

does porn disgust you? why / why not?
Cope, seethe, etc. etc.
>race existing is /pol/
why do i want to see dicks or lesbians or whores whoring?
none of these people even love each other
fuck this
i am going to jerk off to my imagination instead
Oh my god, I remember you posting about this before except you left out the part about her cleaning your ears. She doesn't want to date you, she is being nice to you because you are her client and it's her probably her personality to be kind and non-confrontational. What makes you think she wants sex? Honestly it sounds like you're being a creep
Feeding women my thoughts so they can germinate in the female collective unconscious.
Depends on the content. Some of it is gross, some of it is good.
Feeding women my semen so I can germinate in the collective female conscience
Nice. Good stuff, Anonette. I'm gonna make a friend of mine watch Borderlands this October because they've been deathly afraid of claustrophobic caves since learning about nutty putty earlier this year.
Oh yes, it was good. Have you seen The Vast of Night? Very different but weirdly similar cozy vibe as Pontypool, and also centres around talking on the radio
college starting for a lot of people tomorrow.
I started my senior year of college 6 years ago (class of 2019). It feels so crazy to me Covid was 5 years ago and kids a decade younger than me are starting college.
Ill be 28 later this year, it may not seem old but it is ancient compared to undergraduates who are still only discovering the world and life.

Not really atoga related, but good luck to everyone starting their semester. try to remember you will never be in this situation again where you are surrounded by people who are all a similar age and have fun.
Feeding women chicken sandwimchn so they can happy
Thanks anon, I appreciate it <3
Women do you carry rape alarms
Dudes a fat fuck he doesn't know shit about diets
I am fat and I know a lot about dieting and nutrition, I just don't like to abide by what I know
>you are her client
I'm not anymore though? also, what kind of personality is that where she keeps talking to some rando? are women really this dumb? lmao
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>have to be awake in 9 hours
>been drinking all day
>will probably have a wicked hangover when I wake up
Any tips for dealing with a bad hangover, anons?
Your friend sounds like me! I am extremely claustrophobic and just the words Nutty Putty makes my skin feel hot and my stomach nauseous. Borderlands didn't really trigger my claustrophobia for some reason, but As Above So Below did and of course if you really want to torture them make them watch the Descent. I guess neither of those have the same element of surprise though
Only male gaze porn trends towards disgusting me.
Because I can hear when the females are moaning in pain. Goonrotted males absorbing this shit are too autistic to tell the difference, and that is bad broadcasting.
Shame on your porn company.
Female gaze geared porn never has that vile shriek thrown in the mix and is better for gooning.
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I'm a guy and have a bad habit of checking in on people who hurt me like exes or even just friends. I sometimes use alt accounts if they've blocked me. I know this isn't good for my mental health but I've been doing it since I was a teenager. How do I stop doing this so I can properly heal?
I have to go to the supermarket real quick guys brb
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Thank you
Femanon would you fuck here?
they don't even remember you
Cheese.... mmm......
I only like POV porn where the woman has all the agency and just does stuff to the man. how acceptable or bad is that?
Why do a lot of women lack foresight when it comes to onlyfans/porn/dating bad people?
That's what she looks like now? Woof
Chad first, think later.
She should give the money back too so it's like it never happened :^)
No, I'll check it out, thanks. Pulse? It's an old Japanese movie.
As a male, I feel like I can tell when the girls are suffering based on body language, screeches, and facial expressions. Their shrieking throws most of it off, but I think I can tell when they're in pain 99% of the time.

You're not special for this, femanon. It takes a trained eye for sure, but even us moids can see it for what it is with enough experience.
Fuck you for posting this.
women fake all their reactions in porn you are dunning krugering
it is produced with lots of takes
the cameraman do weird hilarious contortionist stuff rather than get actual gear sometimes there are backstage pics of them like giving the dude a horseback ride basically to get the angle
Yes, might need to risk bugs in the grass tho because....
try talking to a psychologist maybe?
Absolutely no head pushing or man handling scripted? Potentially acceptable.
I would have to review it for you to make sure it's cruelty free.
After 25, are all single people just leftovers?
Every time i meet a girl and she's cool and funny she is taken.
All single girls my age have very obvious issues. It's basically single moms, fat chicks, and thousand cock stare.
She's flat out rejected you more than once, if she wanted to go out on a date she wouldn't keep telling you no. From all your posts, it sounds like she's just being nice, and rejecting you in a soft "it's not you, it's me" type of way
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>mfw /atoga/ has Luther enthusiasts
Assuming you aren't fat or ugly, please marry me.
I'm sure of of it does have a little of that, but I don't personally condone it and wouldn't do it to a girl. My first gf preemptively told me not to do that and I never did, and don't really have much interest in face fucking girls or trying to gag them.
Yes. Everybody who was serious and ambitious about their relationship and life prospects will have their life's primary relationship locked down by then. You can still date people of course. But in retrospect you'll never be "the relationship" in their mind.
Major porn shoots usually take like 10 hours usually
Her pussy is probably worn out
God the layers of garbage in my room is so disheartening. I keep removing bag after bag of garbage but the floorspace never increases.
>women fake all their reactions in porn you are dunning krugering
Yes and that makes it fucking 10x worse if it's a post production rerecording, baka.
You put in a clip with a single ounce of pain shrill and I will give you 15 circumcisions.
You're probably ugly and fat.
>What makes you think she wants sex?
what else would a woman in her 30s, a single mom, who doesn't have much time, who tells me to go out for a coffee but also tells me that she doesn't have much time to get to know one each other?

> if she wanted to go out on a date she wouldn't keep telling you no
she was the one that told me to go out for a coffee, twice. the first time she didn't even reject me, she gave me her phone number...

>it sounds like she's just being nice, and rejecting you in a soft "it's not you, it's me" type of way
she's a single mother. she literally told me she has 2 jobs and a kid, so the talk about not having time doesn't sound like an excuse, but an actual issue of her.

I don't know what idea of her you have, but she's like 30+. she's not a dumb teenager. but if you are right in that it's her personality, I even told her that I wouldn't mind if she told me "no", but she didn't.

so, again, are some women (not GIRLS, ADULT WOMEN) really this dumb?
I don't like porn
I am just telling you it's fake
The women are faking the reactions and (YOU) are schizoing that they're faking pain reactions because muh male gaze inherent sadism schizo whatever
Because you want to think men bad because you want to think men are like YOU
Because you LITERALLY fantasize about having a chain being wrapped around your neck and being dragged 2389478139 miles along a dark gravel road by a greasy rusted-out Chud-150 and then kicked into the moon by a convicted genocidist
>marry me.
She makes me so fucking horny and she knows it.
I'm literally neither kek.

Pls make me a Luther burger. Don't make me beg.
When I watched porn, I started to think women are just sex objects for men to enjoy. I would especially feel that when I was climaxing. I then started looking for more taboo porn like cnc and barely legal. I realized I had a problem because I wanted the girls to be more pure and innocent and the guys to be more grotesque.

Been porn free 11 years now.
Sounds like a you problem.
I want a gf who loves my cum and who worships my balls
Chomping on femanon's buns like a burger
I haven't seen Pulse but it's on my list. For some reason Japanese horror hasn't really clicked with me, like I was hugely disappointed by Noroi The Curse. But I do like a lot of Korean horror, and I really liked Incantation which is Taiwanese. If you haven't seen it, it's kind of a found footage, Buddhist folk horror, curse/ghost type movie, really well done and pretty creepy and fun
state gender,
what do you bring to the table?
Most original and thought provoking atoga post
*heavy breathes*
*bends down to nurse back revealing bald spot*
*hefts paunch onto table*
I think porn does this to everyone. I started out just with a girl doing softcore non nude stuff. then i needed to see nude. then lesbian. then a dick got in the picture, then gang bangs, then it got more and more taboo.

Porn is like a drug imo.
I'm a mean motherfucker
>I think porn does this to everyone
It doesn’t.
I am the table
Can confirm it's a you problem.
most femanons have cardboard flat asses. Hank hill prob has a better ass than most femanons
>talking to guy that looks exactly like hockey crush.
Manifesting win? Sort of
>I think porn does this to everyone.

Get back to me when you've done REAL drugs before, anon. Clueless idiots like you would be cute if you weren't so adamant about your own ignorance.
nothing. I won't give anyone anything. I am misery incarnate.
Good. The appeal of girl ass has always been getting the legs out of the way.
>Don't make me beg.
Also no.
Nope. My taste in the stuff has never "escalated." It just goes down different avenues.
Why don't you want to stay home forever and just accept your husband's attention
>t. druggie
why are you guys always so self-righteous and narcissistic?
>b-but I have experience with drugs!
kys faggot
Good looks and tremendous insight. Tons of chicks would enjoy a guy like me, but I'm far too insane to keep my power level hidden from women who don't have scouters.
Hockey dudes have cte and are insanely aggressive and will probably beat their wives/gfs
>guy who has never done drugs thinks he can compare porn to drugs
I'm sorry, anon, but the reality is that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
>it should’ve been me: the post
I can be funny, and I am kind.
Also I have a job.
Give men an example of your "insane power level"
I have to do the sunlight rituals outside or I will get depressed and kms.
>get shitfaced
>become schizoid and hyperfocus on everything the girl says
>respond to her queries with brutal honesty
Need I go on?
That's it?
I'm like this too. Even people who didn't directly hurt me and know nothing about me. How often do you check on them?
sun is literally kysysysing you whenever you let it
i can't be with a sun addict you will untelomerrize and melt in a blob
Doesn't look too high to me!
I only sit at my own table and nobody else does, so the answer is "fuck you"
>tearing into someone while they're face-to-face with another real person
>That's it?
Yeah, I guess that's it. Also, I'm very handsome, which I guess you conveniently forgot.
Well like I said last time you posted about this, if she's actually interested in you, you won't have much difficulty in setting up a time and place to meet with her. Maybe she's too busy to date and just likes having someone to chat to sometimes, idk. You seem convinced she wants to sleep with you, yet here you are posting about the same woman and how she doesn't want to meet with you, again. If she wanted you, she would have had you by now. I don't think she's the dumb one here
Nta, but you lied about high power level. You are probably lying about looks as well.
Atoga more like atbroga
I didn't lie about either. I'm exceptionally good at reading people and am something of an "empath". My good looks have only made it easier for people to open up to me historically (both men and women).
you sound underage and its evident youre a dunning kruger.
>doesn't actually know what "powerlevel" means on this website
newfag please
So the g spot is the same in every girl?
I'm 33 and have been here since 2009. Whatever narrative you want to feed yourself is your own problem, anon.

Lol please tell me what you think "powerlevel" means. This oughtta be good.
I'm not addicted to sun. I only consume enough to live. If you don't go outside into the water during summer, I will want to bash your head in.
Anyone else /givenup/ here?
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@femanon, could be us!
we have water at home, and multivitamins
i can't love an addicted sun cultist who will literally ritually sacrifice me on a pyramid to her sun god
yeah, other people aren't going to change so I'm just going to try to nurse my mind back to health and persist in the doomed world they have created as long as I can and have some fun
How do I get two bisexual gfs?
Doesn't matter, you'll never touch one
Quick before the thread dies fully:
Women, museum dates yay or nay? Last I heard most of you hate em'.
think for one second why the apostrophe exists
Women, lying down on the couch staring at a wall waiting for the sadness to weaken dates?
>we have water at home, and multivitamins
>i can't love an addicted sun cultist who will literally ritually sacrifice me on a pyramid to her sun god
You do not have an indoor 12 ft reflecting pool greenhoused.
I am a fish woman and I like the ocean.
I can and will sacrifice you to Apollo to secure a good summer twink harvest.
I could museum date.
There are witnesses there, the curators.
get in the tin washtub, undine
Oh excuse me.
Women obviously want didn't-even-ask-because-she-would-not-only-say-no-but-probably-be-incredibly-offended-I-ever-thought-I-had-a-chance-with-her non-dates
cant give up if never tried or cared.
i know i have to put in some effort as a man to find a gf. i just dont care to put that effort in. As a man I can be happy single with a pet. I could prob be happier married with kids but there is a trade off in freedom and doing what I want.
Very kino, yes
no i am
suma lama dima lama womendon'tlikeme
Thank you nigger girl, I wish more women liked museums and said nigger.
Femanons I want to give you some kisses.
You're not supposed to listen to women on anything, you're supposed to initiate everything and if they react negatively, it's because you're not chad enough. Try a bunch of stuff, never get any feedback, and keep playing women gacha, collecting data.
simping over a pickme...pathetic
This is fish abuse.
Women, how sick does >>31932420 make you feel
Oh I'm sorry I forgot that any woman who agrees with something a man is into is just a pick me, I'll remember next time.
Women, a girl friend of mine bought me a sailor moon t-shirt as a gift. Is it weird if I wear that as a 30yo man? I'm probably mostly gonna use it as a gym shirt since it's a T-shirt and I don't really wear graphic tees
How fat are you
I want to be kissed so badly.
I went on a museum date at the Penn Museum and was explaining why the Gilgamesh Sumerian text displayed is so fascinating because it is one of the earliest forms of writing we have and I could tell she wasn't interested at all about the museum and just wanted to have sex or something.

Girls don't really care about history or museums like men do. they just go to wherever the guy takes her.
Surprises: yay or nay? Why?
yea* or nay
Depends on the surprise...
>Sumerian text
Boring, I want to look at weapons, paintings, or statues.
Yeah this was my experience too.
Sadly the few woman who might are just pickmes apparently and they're rare and nonexistent basically.
Not very. I'm 6'2 and wear medium shirts (which is a pain because of length normally)
hate them
That's there too. that museum is great for a lot of those things too. Early coins and weapons, lot of statues from greek/roman times.

Girls don't care about these things. They maybe will care about "Modern art" to pretend to be deep.
Because I can UwU
>Male tummy
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There will be no sumerian slander on this side of the euphrates you fucking cunt
When a man says not very they can mean anything from 15% body fat athletic to chubby to skinny fat, there is a 99% chance he looks nothing like your pic and is something you consider too fat.
>15% body fat athletic
>to chubby
>to skinny fat,
Yeah I definitely don't look like that guy, and tummy only shows if I lift arms up. Definitely skinny fat though.
You're only allowed to be chubby if your gf fed you that way.
women simply don't understand....
I wish I had one. I’ve been getting into sewing recently and I’d love to tailor clothes for my husband
I love you too
>Definitely skinny fat though.
Tummy may show.
I see you being in a very abusive relationship in the future, nigger girl. do you come from a bad/poor family?
Hi albertacuck, I would voca back but I have guests over for labor day and I don’t want to wake them! Hope you’re doing well
Weird to fantasize strangers being abused & no!
Crop top no, a nice dress shirt yes!
Would you have a threesome with a couple while listening to a baby monitor incase it wakes up?
>How often do you check on them?
My current ex I check on multiple times a week. Sometimes once a day or more. It's not healthy
Moid hands
Stop being a troon.
Seriously, go fuck yourself with your lucky star dildo, retarded incel troon. A goddess like Sailor Mars is too much woman for a failed pedowanker loser like you.
>more than once a day
Very few people watch porn everyday
How important is family to you?
Mommy issues
But what does that mean?
Live in rural area, I never run into women besides at the grocery store. How to approach?
Was that actually your ass he posted about a month ago?
>This was a big jacked buy in 2001
And women pretend like they have beauty standards problems when they're just expected to be thin and then pretend like guys want them to get plastic surgeries they can't afford.
>YWN be able to live out the male dream of taking out a Brazilian cartel with your family and cars.
Skill issue
Women thoughts on guys who buy machetes? I just bought a machete.
Yes absolutely
Who will you behead?
F, I agree with this guy >>31932531
>not la familia
When did you break up with her? It gets better with time. It also gets better as you fill your life with more distractions.
>When you have to fight all vin diesel's stunt doubles in order to date his sister Mia
No I’ve never posted nudes anywhere online. Think he had me confused for another femanon who dislikes me and has a weight problem
Why do you need a machete ? I doubt you are on a farm or in the country
thoughts on your bf have a praise kink? i recently discovered this with my gf and she takes advantage of it often, is that normal
Neuro stealth post
I'm up.
I'm fucked up, but I'm up.
What sort of things do you say to her?
>So the g spot is the same in every girl?
Definitely not.
Will you eat his still beating heart?
Bit offensive n g l.
um, what do you mean?
Yes I would, but what is with this change of heart? Have you awoken with the Faustian spirit? Have you taken the redpill?!!
Then how do lesbians make eachother cum in seconds? practice?
How does the praise kink manifest?
>Tons of chicks would enjoy a guy like me
Maybe "chicks" aren't as in to narcissistic men as you fondly imagine?
If you HAD to have a tattoo right now, what would it be and why?
Have to be social and active in the community
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I want a praise kink bf.
Climaxing isn't just from hitting the right spot. It's about rhythm and tempo and reading the person's responses. Women are better at that because they have the parts themselves.
What the fuck does that even mean
Are you stupid?
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Guess my gender.
Would you actually spell out handyman, or would it just be a handprint?
what is the best way to move on? nothing has worked. i am scared that my sweet self is gone forever. i have been spiteful, bitter, and angry for a year now. i think about my ex and picture death
25 but it's just because I always am, in a relativity scale like 4?
I came about 10 minutes ago. So probably a 3/10
black sun
It would be a sigil
F. Maybe a 3/10.
If I had to?
I can probably get more than one, by a lot. RIP lymph nodes
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I think I’m having my period soon I’m moody missing my ex and straight up crying
Means "basically I am ready to go again".

Horny fellas.
Gonna release the horniness soon?
Faggot Necropolis abuser.
No, I like to get myself all pent up.
10/10 would sacrifice Jehovah's Witnesses in front of
I don’t believe you LOL but if there’s anything I can do to get you to take your red pills, I will do it
>Means "basically I am ready to go again".
Isn't it the higher the hornier?
Anything I can read to learn more about this? It's interesting, not at all what I would have expected. Male organs are more stimulation driven. How do responses "factor in" to climaxing? Is it a getting warmer/colder kind of deal or something else entirely?
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A 8 is not enough yet? A dangerous game thqt you are playing. How far are you gonna go for how long?
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A soot sprite from Spirited Away. They're me.
Of course, but 3 is the first one I consider to be enough latent horny that can increase.
Hope you feel better
It's not my fault I was exposed to sexy goth bitches when I was 12.
Looks pretty, I like that no ink is involved
>Any tips for dealing with a bad hangover, anons?
Take Cysteine or Acetyl Cysteine before to go to sleep and drink plenty of water. When you wake up stay hydrated, take paracetamol and do actually have something to eat even if you don't feel like it.
My last date was a tour in Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Whatever, man. I'm going to sleep
A 10 obviously. Until I can not take it anymore.
Sounds fun. Did you get pounded after?
>Using the dark arts of necromancy, you resurrect 550 Power Liches
What's your plan? Letting it build up natutally or help it?
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Thank you anon, I hope your pillow is cold and your gas tank lasts longer than usual.
I have my methods.
Yes actually, been watching naughty stuff and teasing myself for a while now
So first pill, I’m gonna need you to watch a show called Murdoch Murdoch (:
You're willing to help out a maleanon by describing them?
Duality of Atoga
Looking for something specific? What's turning you on rn?
M. Because I eat my own wings.
Don't put me in one bag with that retarded piece of shit.
Isn't the first red pill the protocols of the meetings of the learned elders of Zion?
No, it‘s a secret.
Ask the whole question.
Damn, what a cockblock. Then I'll have to find something myself.
>Mommy issues
the pedowanker who obsessively watches lucky star? I agree, he has no business near real women... not that he could ever do jackshit with one lol
>anyone, please help me "translate" what this woman wants:
She's lonely and bored, but doesn't find you particularly attractive. She figured maybe she'd give you a chance to get her interested. You failed. Now she's just being polite and wants you to leave her alone.
Are you a daggerfall daddy, sarge?
NTA you lack all charm and charisma
I’m into all sorts, but lately I’ve gotten into bimbofication. It’s difficult to find good stuff, but when it’s good mmm.
And I’ve been watching girls with dicks fucking girls with no dick.
True. I love cockblocking.
As if I was trying to be that when I am just looking for some quick fap material. lol
It’s supposed to be natural, homeboy. Also you’re coping, if you wanted quick fap material you’d go watch porn.
>Then how do lesbians make eachother cum in seconds?
Knowledge, motivation, and empathy.
Dang it, knew it.

Do you see yourself in the bimbo role? Anything specific that you like the most, like botox'f BJ lips or fake tits?
i wish i could tell you how to find guys like me but her and i have been friends since high school and only recently discovered a real love for each other which isnt helpful lmao
No, I meant you because you want her all to yourself. Greedy greedy.
You don't get to decide what my intentions are.
The other femanon can reply normally, so it's all good.
She won’t.
You must take your pills before you can take aryan women
Sorry about Albertacuck being pedantic. The game is heroes of might and magic
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>If you HAD to have a tattoo right now, what would it be and why?
F. Something like pic related.
Yeah, me. Or me and another woman.
I like the clothing aesthetic the best, and the attitude of being openly a horny nymph.
NTA you sound like a whiny tool
You men would never admit you want to be called good boys.
Foids, Is foreplay mandatory?
Foreplay doesn't have to be touching. It can be pillow talk. But yes, you have to do horny hinting before we play.
Because it always comes as a package with findom
Women, what does it say about me if my cringe resistance is so low I skipped the dance competition bit of Pulp Fiction?
>You men would never admit you want to be called good boys.
I get butterflies everytime I hear it
>you have to do horny hinting before we play.
What is horny hinting?
Same I can’t deal
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I don't want your filthy money.
*hawk tuah*
Every waking moment you spend with your girlfriend is foreplay, from first sight to marriage.
An arsenal of slutty high heels, microkinis, thighhighs, garter belts and corsets? Sounds tempting.
Hope you aren't too restricted irl and can still let your nymph side go every once in a while.
I think becoming unattractive (not due to a medical reason) to your spouse should be a legal reason for divorce
Skipping scenes because you are uncomfortable over a silly dance is cringe and ick
File deleted.
Women why do you shave your pussy? Are you aware of how much cuter it looks with a bit of hair?
this tripfag is hates earrings the tranny faggot larper
What do you mean by this? Does this include your significant other's parents/siblings? Your parents/siblings? Or is it you, them, and your kids?

Is it a dealbreaker if the person you are dating isn't close to their family, but is good to you and your family?
disgusting simp autist
I thought I was a 5 or 6 when waking up just now, but it seems I am only at a 4, so I'm going to pass the wank for now.
like 12
I dont. i also dont want to be called cute.
no one says "awww what a cute good boy! let's fuck!"
I rather trade insults and then have hate sex
I just want a cut rough guy that likes to wear a leash privately.
>tfw no muscle sub
its true, i didn't admit it, she just did it one time while we were sexting and it broke me lol
Like most smut it’s mostly just fantasy.
Outside: :'(
Inside: <'3
outercorse with femanon while her boyfriend is out shopping
0...ive been 0 for a while. i think its because im pretty low bodyfat rn
are you ok anon? did you forget your meds?
Too tired to put in effort into this post but I wouldn't mind.
I don't usually shave much at all.
Only trim if it starts poofing up my panties. Or like just the labia minora if my period is close for hygiene.
Any nice family member is important to me and I make sure to spend time and care for. My dad cheated so he is dead to me forever, but now I’m much closer to my sister and mom. You don’t have to have a family, I’ll share mine
There are 12 year old gen alpha kids FUCKING and im still a khv millennial. WTF!
>My dad cheated so he is dead to me forever, but now I’m much closer to my sister and mom
o this is me too lol. my mom still live with him tho
Women, how do you feel about the existence of OnlyFans?
You should get a good bf that buys you some of that hot stuff though.
I found something I'm gonna fap to later that incorporates bimbofication, so thanks for the recc femanon.
>I rather trade insults and then have hate sex
Gross. I'd never feel like sex with a naughty boy.
Reminder that based Margaret Sanger founded plannedparenthood for eugenics and racial hygiene
Feels like money I can never have, for personal reasons.
women whats your opinion on guys who want a paternity test when the kid is born
Which is why I support abortion.
Free abortions for all nonwhites.
I prefer Only Fools.
>Foids, Is foreplay mandatory?
Pro-tip, anon: "foreplay" is a word that was invented by a man. Men think of sex as being penetration, and anything else that has to happen as being some kind of prelude before the "actual sex" happens. To many women the entire experience from beginning to end is sex; PIV is merely a nice way to finish off a much larger and more fulfilling experience. So, in a strictly male sense, yes, it's mandatory, in the sense that it's physically impossible for a woman to enjoy PIV unless she's highly aroused before you start. But you're much better off not thinking of it as "foreplay". It's all sex.
Making sure I don't impregnate myself?
Don't trust public toilets?
Whatever eases your mind.
and Horses?
I hear they make sick beats.
No zoophilia
is this why everything is ick? because it's perceived as sexual by women?
Ouch. We kicked him out immediately and we haven’t seen him since. Been a year now after the divorce and his life is completely destroyed.
Sure, if you do the paternity test the kid is all yours. Keep it. I relinquish my rights you deal with the fact that you couldn’t trust your partner.
I ain’t trusting you with my life lol
I like it
>tfw too old for /atoga/
Ill let him have it to prove that he will never see his kid ever again
Too British for atoga, anon.
>women whats your opinion on guys who want a paternity test when the kid is born
I'm with the other anons: he is never, ever seeing me or his kid again.
I bet if you posted some random 80s latinx thing half the thread would mysteriously know it
I really hope you like making child support payments.
Girls, would you rather move into a guys house who still lives with parents or have him move in with you and your parents?
Me. My place is better because it has my mom and sister
Neither is acceptable.
You can divorce him, but he'd still have visitation rights
Are you subscribed to any creators?
It's just another camgirl site.
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The world has changed. And taking the paternal role is the most important thing a man does in his life
Like, I have nothing to hide, and neither does the child. You insult my honor by putting your dick in me and creating something I carry in my body for 3/4ths of a year, to debate if you should stay at all based on a test that might even pull a false negative and traumatize everyone we know.
Are you going to keep testing too? Because if you do less interracting with the child than I do, they'll look closer to me.
Kek. This is good b8
why? Personally I was gonna ask live together alone or with the girls family. i feel the former is going to be the "obvious answer" but i think when the the girl has kids she will need help from her mom. much better than daycare
I just don't want to raise chad's kids, that's all.
The british are all inbred anyway.
Fucking goofy teeth uglies.
not him but holy shit you all really would be that insulted that you would ruin the kid's life over it?
The point still stands
So you frotted with him and then stuck your dick in me? In our home?
Time for bisexual men slaughter.
I'd move in with his parents. In my culture that's pretty normal.
nta but what is the big deal?
I feel like a genetic test is important to understand which genes came from the dad and which from the mom for health reasons. I have the genetic data of myself and my parents. wouldve been great to get my grandparents when they were alive.
Fuck you.
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mesmerizing foids with my vibrancy and enthralling them with my seductive teasing, leaving them utterly breathless and yearning as I explore their fantasies, enticing them into confessing their lust for me as I ravish every inch of their bodies as they savor every moment of euphoria inflicted upon them.
see this just proves to us that women cannot be trusted and are essentially children
anon, i think the other anon is implying there is a chance the mom cheated when he was at work
And then you wake up and put your paper hat back on.
what made you type this cringe out?
>nta but what is the big deal?
Oh boy, men not understanding that carrying a pregnancy is a great deal more effort than "Oops I had a *misscarriage*~"(*abortion behind your back)
>JH implying she’ll ever even be in that position
You have no right to my pleasure if you're not a white skinnyfat man that isn't balding.
>oops the ol ball and chain had a terrible car accident (brake lines were cut)
I think generally in these cases, the woman herself is unsure who the father is and also seen the ultrasound and refuses to abort.

boomerposting always gets a nice kek out of me
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nta. but this is your type?
And this is why abortion is universal healthcare. Because men could kill us if we actually did have a real misscarriage.
Sooooooo, go to hell.
(And yes, the bible says abortion is healthcare. Suck my female nuts)
It's pretty cool. Safer than IRL sex work and women taking advantage of loser men is something I have no choice but to condone.
Females: why do you get so offended when someone suggests your period/cycle is influencing your mood when it so clearly and obviously does? if you were upset and i said "you haven't eaten in a while, that's probably why you're upset" you'd be fine but i suggest you're having PMS and i'm a sexist asshole. what gives?
most women actually dont want to get an abortion after getting pregnant. religious reasons, biological maternal reasons, etc.. there wouldnt be so many single moms if women genuinely believed in abortion for whoring out and making a mistake
>ohh i love the way you bounce on top of me foid
>I love how you feel against me
>ohhh you're shivering
>you feel so good
>mmphm so sweet oh my god mmh tasting you

I'm a brunette lanklet
And that is a woman that wants to raise the child alone, because both of the potential fathers are garbage.
>teehee imma murder my child
Can you read
That's the feminine form of the word, tranny.
I'm going to start reminding foids that testosterone is maxxed during our period, so we're actually acting like you ɲīgʻgers when we're on it.
I'm a guy. What do you even call a dude with brown hair? Brun just sounds retarded.
>You can divorce him, but he'd still have visitation rights
That's probably what he thinks too. You're both wrong. Courts believe women.
yes hornyposting has begun
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maybe in a shithole country like the US
So it's ok to be a white skinnyfat man but he can't be balding?
>And taking the paternal role is the most important thing a man does in his life
You say that like you think it's somehow my problem.

If you're going to baselessly accuse THE WOMAN WHO IS HAVING YOUR CHILD of cheating on you, you are subhuman scum and will be treated accordingly.
Pregnancy can lead to several specific diseases and complications. **Gestational diabetes** causes high blood sugar levels, which can lead to complications for both mother and baby. **Preeclampsia** involves high blood pressure and organ damage, potentially progressing to **eclampsia** with seizures. **Hyperemesis gravidarum** is severe nausea and vomiting, leading to dehydration and weight loss. **Placenta previa** and **placental abruption** involve issues with the placenta that can cause severe bleeding and oxygen deprivation for the baby. **Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)** results in poor fetal growth. Pregnancy can worsen **chronic hypertension** and **thyroid disorders**, increasing the risk of complications. Rare conditions like **gestational trophoblastic disease** involve abnormal growth of cells in the uterus. **Obstetric cholestasis** is a liver disorder causing severe itching and a higher risk of stillbirth. **Urinary tract infections (UTIs)** and **deep vein thrombosis (DVT)** are also more common during pregnancy. Mental health issues, including **prenatal and postpartum depression** and **anxiety**, can arise due to hormonal changes and stress.

And you want a paternity test? Fuck off
I make a decent living. If you make a comparable amount, the two of us together can afford a decent place of our own. If you don't make a comparable amount I won't be moving in with you anyway.
Funny how all men everywhere can come to these same conclusions yet women eternally insist actually, men are the problem
nobody is accusing anyone
its a verification. Besides there are tons of children swapped by accident. We're just making sure
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I like this.
Women, do you like Lanklet or Manlet?
I didn't take you for somebody who was masochistic
The way you're worshippin' my body like you're superstitious
I didn't think we'd end the night with you wearin' my lipstick
And now you're bound up on the ground, like it's ritualistic
Don't get up, stay on the ground, now
You're gonna do it all night, don't make a sound, now
Don't stand up, just use your words for me
Please, p-p-pretty please?
I said stay on your fucking knees!
Baby, you'll get what you deserve
I know you want it, want it
I know you need it, need it
And I can promise that I'll make it hurt
Just need you to be
B-b-b-beg for it
Want you to beg for me!
Fear in your eyes
Take a deep breath in
I'm your oxygen, babe
You'll feel just fine
There's no dissipates
You asphyxiate (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
It's kinda funny how I don't see any
'Fore you can breathe
I'll take your heart out and I'll wear it
Practically out on the sleeve
I've got a problem distinguishing between
Lust and greed (Lust and greed)
Tell her the feel that you want
I'll be what you fucking need!
Baby, you'll get what you deserve
I know you want it, want it
I know you need it, need it
And I can promise that I'll make it hurt
I know you like it, like it
I know you like it, like it
I wanna show you what you're worth
(You're worth nothin', you're worth nothin')
'Cause I'm your party love and dessert
Just need you to be
B-b-b-beg for it
Good job!
Stay on your fucking knees!
Beg, for, me!
Good job!
Good, good, good, good, good
Wiping as they shed (Wiping as they shed)
The cruisin' 'bout your blood
Baby, I want you to beg
(Baby, I need you to)
>I just don't want to raise chad's kids,
NTA. You're going to, whether you want to or not. The sooner you get used to the idea, the better for everyone.
all of those issues pass. A man raising kids that arent his own is forever
>And you want a paternity test?
What *would* ruin the kid's life is living with a father who falsely accuses the mother of his child of cheating on him. The child will be far healthier without a man like that in his life.
At what age do mental health issues start becoming a real problem? I've heard the number 25 thrown around, but what's the margin of error for that figure?
Then maybe your entire gender should stop making you all look so bad
>woman create a cause of concern
>men want to address the issue and remove all doubt
> all of those issues pass
Again, sure go ahead get the test kids ll yours you keep it I want nothing to do with you or the spawn why the fuck would I get tied to a man that won’t respect me.
Pass, keep the kid.
>I'm going to murder you
>Why are you so upset with me? What a bitch.
I'd place bets on 21, 26, 30, 35
Depending on the specifics/trauma and if treatment was at least emergency quality.
Past 35, nontreatment seems to be glaringly obvious as the results are in their familial relationships.
who made the first move retardo
>if you were upset and i said "you haven't eaten in a while, that's probably why you're upset" you'd be fine
I would not, you patronising cunt. I'm upset because YOU PISSED ME OFF. But sure, blame my blood sugar instead of taking responsibility.
is the kid mine? sure
is the kid not mine? not my problem now is it
Seems like we need to make more men single fathers.
Is it better to Die Lit 2018 or live a long, safe, boring life?
This. It's not impossible for someone to go
>huh you're probably right
but in general, right when someone is being annoyed is not the time to suggest to them that they are overreacting and you know why. That applies to any reason - sleep deprivation, hunger, periods, being tired, whatever. The thing is if they -are- overreacting because of that, it is even more important to simply acknowledge their feelings so they can pass, rather than fighting/arguing them.

Specifically with periods the issue is that historically men (and sometimes women) have at times gone well beyond "periods can make someone feel bad" all the way to "a woman on her period is so clouded by hormones she cannot be considered sane" so a lot of women are afraid of that and might even overcorrect and try to deny that periods affect us at all, simply to try to prevent them being used to take us less seriously.
trembling foid dripping after being utterly overpowered by me. humming a sweet melody as her hips sway, eyes glazed over, brain flooded with insistent thoughts.
>anon is so irresistible my trembling foid body is no match for his probing cock
>I feel so accomodated and unsteady i'm shimmering
Not them but for a lot of women this would amount to "I ultimately don't really trust you". You cannot unring that bell. You can prove the child is his, but not (never) that you never cheated, let alone that you will not cheat. Trust is very important in a relationship. Carrying someone's child is the biggest commitment you can possibly make to another person. Knowing that they will let you do that, put your health and body on the line for a shared future, but they still do not trust you at the end of the day, can really kill the conviction that this is the person you want to spend your whole life with.

You can come up with a hundred reasons why it is "just logical", but that doesn't change that at the end of the day most men do trust their partner and do not feel the need to have the paternity verified to be convinced that she is carrying his child. There is no way to phrase this request and not out yourself as less trusting (of her specifically or in general).
Testosterone in women behaves differently than how it behaves in men.
If I have to choose, I'll move in with his family. My parents are very nice people and love me very much, but they are super overprotective and start babying me again the second they can, fuck that noise, I would rather deal with another family's issues.
And then she shits out a turdbaby.
I would never cheat, enjoy your problem and you tell the kid why I left lol
>after nine months and risking my life you expect me to stay as if
Your personal horror scenario does not change anything I wrote, though. Of course people fuck each other over sometimes in life, sometimes even the people they (claim to) love most. But you usually get together with someone, let alone marrying and starting a family, because you have a lot more faith in them than in most people.
My parents don't live with me.
>mr Finland finalists for 2024
Why are Finnish men so ugly atoga? Thoughts?
the ubiquity of blue jeans is a blight upon the earth
Not a fan of the hairstyles or clothing, but they otherwise look fine to me.
>end of the day most men do trust their partner and do not feel the need to have the paternity verified to be convinced that she is carrying his child
I bet all those men who found out after 40 years that they're not the father of any of their kids also felt that way when the kids were born
No doubt, there is a lot of unattractive facial geometry going on in that pic.
>she just didnt come home one day
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h-haha y-yeah they sure are less attractive than me haha wew wouldn't want to be orders of magnitude worse than THAT am I right fellas haha...
If you're really that insecure that a person you chose to date would do that, the population would be better off without any more of you.
>dude you're just insecure
thats not really an argument
They'll know you're insecure after you yell at a few more women, anon.
Time will tell.
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They all look like they are from the IT department

> meanwhile the vocalist of HIM
Well yeah, probably. Just like all couples stand up at their marriage reciting they will be together until death, knowing how many couples divorce, but still thinking it won't be them.

You cannot eliminate the risk in tying your life, your heart, your sense of self, wholly to another person. Even if you get every kid paternity tested, that is no guarantee that you won't have a nasty divorce that results in her getting to see the kids more often, or that she has a lover on the side or whatever.

The only way to know for sure that you do not get fucked over is to beat the game by not playing, not making yourself vulnerable, and being alone.

Women also get pregnant knowing men are most likely to cheat while their partner is expecting. They also just have to have faith and trust that it will not be THEIR partner who starts an affair, or no longer likes their body post-partum or turns out to not like fatherhood much and opt out of it a lot - or whatever else.
I find it strange that women expect men to "prove" their love, trustworthiness, strength, and all that to a woman before he is worthy of love. Yet the mere suggestion of one singular ask from a woman - paternal assurance - means he deserves to be alone, he is not worthy of love and that he dared not place his full trust in her.
It's like women expect to be loved but not to have to prove their own love in any regard.
A lot of them, specifically the ones on the right side, look like white-skinned Indians.
He menevät ainakin ulos.
Do women, in the presence of a new man, not 'baselessly accuse' them of being potential rapists and murderers?
>thats not really an argument
Correct, it's a fact.
>pour soda
>lift up to mouth
>it literally takes your breath away
anyone else experience this? it only happens sometimes, I want to know how to replicate it for scientific purposes.
>Yet the mere suggestion of one singular ask from a woman
If you propose marriage and children to a woman who never makes you feel loved, never makes you feel supported, never makes you feel like she puts in effort for you and will take care of you when it matters etc, that's on you. Most men don't.
perkele suomi Säkkijärven polkka
No. We move on.
Now take your meds.
It's very simple. The female knows 100% who the father is, the man has no way of knowing. If she loves him, she would get the paternity test and not feel offended.
I'm 27 years old and I'm starting to get a lot of white hair, probably from stress. Does that significantly lower your attractiveness?
And what makes you so sure that all women who cheat have really been so obvious as to neglect at least the appearance of being supportive, loving, etc?
acskhuwally if she's enough of a slut she might not know who the father is beyond a short(?) list
For me personally, no, not at all. I find grey/white hair pretty sexy in general and if someone is especially young to get them, I think if anything it makes you look striking and young rather than aging you.
That could be attractive if your hair is thick sad and disgusting if you are balding
>the man has no way of knowing.
>these ñịggers can't even do simple math and remember days they came inside a woman during a window of her ovulation.
Male population meat grinder time.
A couple
most women don't even track their own cycles LMAO
>You cannot eliminate the risk in tying your life, your heart, your sense of self, wholly to another person
you can however lower it, and in this case eliminate it. We test everything, from illnesses, testing the child for deformities etc, but doing a quick DNA test, thats too much?
>Women also get pregnant knowing men are most likely to cheat while their partner is expecting.
if it makes it any better, I fully support the deat penalty for this
I'm not saying that, people can be two-faced and any display of love or real love for that matter, is no guarantee that someone is incapable of betraying you, unfortunately.

I am just saying that men do (rightfully) expect women to show they have the qualities to be a good life partner. The quickest example I can think of is that I have never known a woman who did not go the extra mile for the family of a man she loved, often to the point of knowing/remembering about birthdays, events in their lives etc better than their partner does himself. And of course most men really value a woman being nurturing, patient, understanding - all qualities that signify she'd make a good mother and are really pleasant to receive from your partner in a relationship.
Yes, the moment he will lose his own kid
I dated a 23 year old who had a lot of grey hair around his temples. It didn't alter his attractiveness, I was still attracted to him.
>most men having sex with women and not knowing her cycle even if she doesn't track it
It's like you want to get her to grow your flesh gobblin.
No. I've seen a young guy with gray hair or dyed hair and he pulls it off well, he embraced going gray.
I don't even know how female periods work, how could I?
Yes. Trust and loyalty is important. Not getting that he’s not getting to see his child
As long as you don't bald.
This. Internet porn doesn't have cycles and pretty sure 99% of women in relationships take the pill anyway
40 and out. You might get some stuff before that but it doesn’t compare to 40+
They want to fuck men so bad they actually think we would fuck everything that moves too
My ex brought it up and I knew in that moment I didn’t want his kids
>but doing a quick DNA test, thats too much?
Guess it just boils down to >>31932905 again, that the issue is not the proving itself, but more realizing that he needs proof and all the implications of that - that he will never be 100% secure in your fidelity, that you will always have a partner who doubts you on some level.

This is not exactly PC advice but if a good male friend of mine asked me this irl I would honestly tell him to wait until the kid was born and just do the test himself if he really really needs that peace of mind.

>if it makes it any better
Eh, it makes you not a hypocrite, but it doesn't change reality, these things simply do happen and I think every woman getting pregnant for the first time worries that he will lose interest in her growing body and feel suffocated by the daunting pressure of parenthood, and step out on her as a result. Doesn't help that pregnancy hormones already make many women very vulnerable feeling. That's the thing too: a paternity test request would coincide right with the moment where you as the woman feel you're already as much IN as you can be, you just took the leap and are now totally dependent on him to be there for you and cherish you. And then in turn he comes with a request that shows he is not thinking as a team, he is afraid you will fuck him over...
Then be untrusting.
No, this is a you problem.
Nta if I cant trust my partner why would I raise our child with him.
>They also just have to have faith and trust that it will not be THEIR partner who starts an affair, or no longer likes their body post-partum or turns out to not like fatherhood much and opt out of it
You can actively show interest.
Her passive trust here is as unjustified as mine.
Whatever age they become serious at?
> Doesn't help that pregnancy hormones already make many women very vulnerable feeling.
They don’t care, they see women as incubators they don’t give a fuck.

You can test the abortion I’m not risking my life, my body and my wellbeing over a man that doesn’t value me.
If I’m forced to keep the kid I’m renouncing parental rights fuck being around men like this.
If she doesn't want paternity testing then just break up, you don't have to pay for the kid. If she demands alimony you can argue she was cheating on you and her reluctance to paternity tests proves she was having unprotected sex with someone else

It's a win win
Got a point, honestly.
Fair, but then I suggest to either be very upfront with it (like saying you would eventually want a paternity test in a stage of dating where you having kids together is nowhere near the horizon yet) or secretly testing afterwards. You do risk your relationship imploding by blindisiding her with it when she's already pregnant by you.
Men, if they defined rape as any sex without a condom, and women could call the police on you and have you arrested for not wrapping your dick.
Would you go to jail, or avoid sex?
>And then in turn he comes with a request that shows he is not thinking as a team, he is afraid you will fuck him over...
So we're both in danger. Handle it.
I'd keep living exactly as I do now
Paternity tests are illegal in most places anyway because women cheat so much
Except in a court case there would be a DNA test and if you are the father and her issue really was with the lack of trust and not with not being able to prove it, you have to pay and you don't get to be around much while your child grows up.
I don't think of it that way. I wouldn't fully trust anyone with a task that important.
But when do problems crop up? I've heard schizophrenia tends to occur at 25. What about things like depression?
Hmm. I want to say I'd avoid jail but I like to play with fire. I'd probably try my luck, some girls can't resist the urge to fuck raw.
>I suggest to either be very upfront with it (like saying you would eventually want a paternity test in a stage of dating where you having kids together is nowhere near the horizon yet)
Works for me. I have no need to have a relationship by ambush. Being honest about what I want is what I will do - it filters the people who don't want my honesty.
Just France
then make paternity tests required universally not just by the request of the parents
everyone gets tested, whores get exposed and the normal people can go along with their day
from the stat this issue wasnt caused by men in the first place
Do you think women would still rat you out for doing it?
Nah, I don't want a relationship like that where we both sleep with one eye open and I'm not compatible with someone like that. My boyfriend and I did long distance for a few years, only seeing each other on weekends, and he has no social media and is not big on bringing his phone everywhere. I was fine trusting him not to be out with some other woman when he easily could have been. He was fine being in the same position. That's how I want it to be.

Again, if this is how you feel, you are better off discussing it openly before a pregnancy in your lives is a nearing reality or already a reality. It will also be easier for the woman to take it less personally, to see it more as showing something about how you look at the world rather than how you look at her.
And Germany and Sweden and...
>fuck being around men like this
Yeah, fuck men who are smart about important life decisions, right? We will only fuck retards who will never question females!! Yayy!!
You quoted me twice and I would not disagree with this or vote against it if given the chance.

Good for you! This is the way indeed, but unfortunately it takes many people a while to value what they are really looking for over not wanting to scary anyone off.

Women would never
Why are women, especially boomer women, so okay with sexually harassing men?
They can crop up at any age, since there are usually inciting incidents that lead to anxiety related conditions and depression can get markedly worse based on what is happening in your life. They do say men are more likely to get episodes of depression at the end of each decade starting at 18. 28, 38 etc. It's probably cultural since there's such a pressure to not be a "loser", quarter/mid life crisis etc.
this takes "READ MY MIND" to a whole new level
I've been trying to figure that out
I want to get something on my chest to cover gyno surgery scars but everything I can think of would look stupid
Maybe a hippo killing a lion or something
In the current cultural climate in anything to do with relationships the woman is right by default and any issue comes from the man.
If the woman doesn't want to have sex it's because the guy doesn't put in effort
If the man doesn't want to have sex it's because the guy has issues and probably unrealistic expectations about his wife
If the man doesn't help with chores he's egotistical and a manchild
If the woman doesn't help with chores she's probably going through a rough patch and the man should help her by doing her part so she can recover
If the man hits the woman he's one step away from being a murdered
If the woman hits the man it's because she had to resort to it to enforce her boundaries

It's extremely tiring. We went from one extreme to the other.
>especially boomer women
Part of it is getting more shameless with age. But in older generations there is even less awareness than among young people that men can also be victims. This is very much perpetuated by men as well. Like if you see an article about a female teacher having sex with a high school teacher and being fired, you will always see comments from men saying shit like "I would have loooved for my teacher to suck my dick at eleven, what a whiny pussy".

This is part of a big attachment to the idea that men are sexually strong, powerful, intimidating etc and definitely NOT vulnerable. Women being able to make men feel overwhelmed, dirty/ashamed, guilty, scared etc in a sexual situation goes directly against that and so a lot of people deny this is the case.

Basically it is a self-perpetuating loop where people are less likely to tell women to take it easier/slow it down than men, and men are less likely than women to speak up about sexual experiences that made them feel small. The effect is less pronounced for younger people, but still there.
Depends. I think most girls who didn't want it would say no in the moment and I'd respect it. But I know girls find it really hot, the temptation to potentially be bred.
>there's this thing that's going to happen mosly indefinitely until it stops when I'm old, be mindful of it?
This is what you sound like.
Don't date women.
>We went from one extreme to the other.
It's always been like that, we were just psyopped to think women were somehow worse off than men
Women's periods can go out of whack for a variety of reasons, all of which are more prevalent in the modern environment.
Your entire argument rests on "TAKE RESPONSIBILITY EVEN WHEN I DON'T!" which is telling. I wonder why such a person would react so badly to the idea of a paternity test kek
If you found out gf wasn't actually on the pill, and she would just avoid having PIV sex with you during her fertile window - and she'd been doing this for years successfully - what would you think?
>nobody is accusing anyone
Unless you think maybe I was immaculately knocked up by the archangel Gabriel, of course it's an accusation, you disingenuous piece of shit. You're saying you think there's a realistic possibility that I fucked another man, got pregnant by him, and decided to pass off his child as yours. If you think I'm capable of that, why the hell are you even dating me, let alone trying to have a child with me?
Get a vasectomy
>Women's periods can go out of whack for a variety of reasons,
>I, again, am saying that I don't care about your body even though I want to put mt dick in it.
Please cut your own dick off and stop talking. Fs.
>I'm affraid to deal with unknown territory
That's why people who are really insecure should not be in relationship imo. It increases chances for either getting abused or not being able to have a healthy relationship. You should know your worth.
I'm just generally speaking here and not saying this is the issue with you, I don't know you well enough to be able to say that.

Ah ok, we have the same saying. lol
"Gelegenheit macht Diebe", opportunity creates thieves.
Sorry to hear Portugese men are not doing a great job!

>I practiced genuine "self love/acceptance"
As I said in the other reply, treat yourself something to a drink this weekend/when you feel like it! You deserve it!

>trivial imperfections
That's a very good way to put it. TRIVIAL imperfections, because you will have to concede here and there. I'm not talking about standards, but about accepting that some things will probably annoy you about even your most best potential partner. But it's something you can either accept or talk about with the guy. And also, no matter how hard you try, you will never be perfect and a partner will find some imperfections with you.
It's ok to not be perfect.

>strategic realist
Never heard it that way before, but somebody like a decade or more ago once told me that I sound like a "strategic pessimist" and I kinda like that... it sounds high IQ to me. heh
The actual "correct term", if that even exists, is defensive pessimism:

I'm very much an optimist too, but I like that I can mentally prepare for bad outcomes. It has helped me in the past.

>I'm really sorry for your dad
Thank you. Yeah, I spent two afternoons googling and seeing what the chances, therapy etc. are. He's in his 70s already, so that lowers his chances a bit, but the 5-year-survival-rate is 70-90% and 80% of patients beat the type of cancer he has permanently. We don't know until next Monday how far the cancer has advanced though.
As long as she doesn't babytrap me it's cool/hot
So you're okay with a man full access to your body at all times, and that he should track every little change in your periods each day rather than yourself?
Would you like him to check your vaginal mucus for you each morning?
>You're saying you think there's a realistic possibility that I fucked another man, got pregnant by him, and decided to pass off his child as yours.
wouldnt be the first one to do something like that and certainly wouldnt be the last
if she likes oral + anal and it sounds ideal to me
Why are girls so mean today... We can't know your cycles and we just want to be sure that the kid is ours.

Is that too much to ask? This shouldn't invalidate our love
>ummm you forgot the exact date of my brothers dog's birthday you don't love me you pig!!!
>Nah, I don't want a relationship like that where we both sleep with one eye open and I'm not compatible with someone like that
Then you and I are not compatible. That is fine.
>you are better off discussing it openly before a pregnancy in your lives is a nearing reality or already a reality. It will also be easier for the woman to take it less personally, to see it more as showing something about how you look at the world rather than how you look at her.
Yeah obviously. I'm not going to pretend to trust her when I don't.
If he had a doctorate, I'd go to his clinic, and we can double check at home.
A man that really cared to educate himself about the person that he loves has brought a lot of health inventions to the modern world if you actually bothered to read their history.
>I would have loooved for my teacher to suck my dick at eleven
This but unironically
There are no laws against it in Sweden, and you can get a paternity test done in Germany through either court order or with both parents consent.

>They're all black

You're questioning their fidelity because of internet horror stories and it's insulting.
>A man that really cared to educate himself about the person that he loves has brought a lot of health inventions to the modern world if you actually bothered to read their history.
Piling on even MORE things you expect a man to do while you believe you should be expected to do nothing.
The period thing I personally don't care about at all. Some people are naturally more attentive and mindful of those details than others. As long as he doesn't actually make me feel like he doesn't want to be bothered with my cycle when I want to talk about it, it's all good.

Paternity test I don't think I could come back from, though. You can argue anything, any scenario ("you've been married for twenty years, does one kiss with someone else really invalidate all that?!") but if it breaks your heart then it breaks your heart and there's no coming back from that. People don't control that either.
"Dunno why you needed to keep that secret but k"
>Yeah obviously. I'm not going to pretend to trust her when I don't.
I don't think many men do, just that they put off or do not think about the uncomfortable convo until it's already happening and they have basically the world's worst timing. Or they only realize this is a fear of theirs once the pregnancy is a reality.
>If you think I'm capable of that, why the hell are you even dating me, let alone trying to have a child with me?
Because the expected value of our child exceeds the expected value of you being impulsive.
If I had a doctorate you'd want me to fist you so hard that you didn't shit for weeks.
Please just take the swab why ruin love and child's future like that if it's ours
>Do women, in the presence of a new man, not 'baselessly accuse' them of being potential rapists and murderers?
1) No.
2) There's a difference between being wary of a complete stranger and accusing the mother of your children of being a cheating whore without any evidence. If you seriously think these two things are equivalent, you do not deserve to reproduce.
African elephants are bigger and thus better at fighting and that's all that matters
Euro hours. Everyone knows european women sre biologically designed to be worthless cat ladies.
>why ruin love
You're doing that by implying your partner is cheating on you
Well if it’s that important you are probably upfront so women don’t have to waste their time
>the mother of your children
[citation needed]
If you love her, you'll show her your undeleted browser history
>The female knows 100% who the father is,
If she's fucking more than one man, she almost certainly doesn't.
>why ruin love
I already told you, because to some people (like me) the love would be ruined when I realized there was no trust for me in him, or not enough at least, that he had no faith in me. Irl no doubt I would try to make it work and stay together for a while at least, but even just imagining it as a hypothetical scenario, I get that sinking depressed feeling.
How's it a fear? I know what I'll do in either case.
How do you know your partner won't forgive your cheating? You're making the decision for him
a paternity test isn't any more an accusation than you being wary around a man you're interested in
>If you seriously think these two things are equivalent, you do not deserve to reproduce.
If you're struggling with what was said, you might be too retarded to reproduce.
Different era. Back then it was not okay to harass women, but women had a free pass at men. We had to take it and be okay with it. I’m very happy seeing the young generation being more vocal about consent and social issues like this
You're arguing with bitter old hags in their 30s who can't have children anyway.
if she cant handle my autistic internet searches she's not the one for me

honestly, I'd prefer to go fight in the trenches in ukraine and be blown up by drones than raise another man's child
She's not offended because she's cheating, she's offended because he doesn't trust her not to be. Trust me, you NEVER come back from that.
>I wouldn't fully trust anyone
And a lot of women want to be trusted fully, ESPECIALLY when they put all they have on the line for a man. Both positions are fair. You just need to communicate what you expect upfront and not spring it on her when she is pregnant.
>you are probably upfront so women don’t have to waste their time
Direct, sexual, clear with my wants, clear with my boundaries. I do not negotiate, simply tell people that I am not interested.
I can understand why you might feel this way about paternity testing, but then I think of women who react(ed) the same way to the idea of a prenup.
Wishful cope, see a lot of guys doing this today
A fear in the sense that the thought "maybe the kid isn't even mine?" does not enter plenty of men's heads in the first place in a loving relationship where a pregnancy was very much desired.
This. Crazy to see all those loser pump and dump whores getting mad about things that would never happen to then.
>a paternity test isn't any more an accusation than you being wary around a man you're interested
>equating beginning and endterm relationships interractions
No. Go to bed, unfaithful and seedless man.
Have you never been loved before? I'm a man and I'm baffled by your mentality. You really can't tell when a woman is happy?
Loli, furry and giantess. Next question?
>your cheating
I do not cheat, the problem is you cannot prove that, and he just told me that he doesn't actually trust that firmly that I am loyal. So I can prove that the kid I'm carrying is his, but I cannot prove that I am loyal and he can trust me. He just either needs to do that or be unable to and he just showed me he is unable to. That is not someone I want to put everything I have on the line for.
People smarter than me have gotten bamboozled
>And a lot of women want to be trusted fully,
That ain't me then.
Don't fully trust myself, sure as hell don't trust someone else who isn't even accountable to me.
>You just need to communicate what you expect upfront
She does actions that show affection in a way I enjoy. I do actions that show affection in a way she enjoys. We negotiate our issues like reasonable adults, and don't make problems for each other.
So you're really stupid?
No further questions. He won't be reproducing.
Eh, I have a hard time relating to that personally, but I also live in a country where a pre-nup is the default. I can imagine maybe if I grew up in a very conservative place where divorce was quite rare and no man would ever THINK to ask for a prenup and suddenly my partner did, it would also give me a bad feeling. As I said in another post, I would not be against DNA testing being mandatory in the first place. Context matters. The hurtful thing is not so much the security but rather that specifically your partner asks for so much more there than other people do.
That is not a fear. That is a possibility of which I am aware. Fear is an emotion. Planning is not.
Maledom ryona, femdom ryona, reverse ryona
Boom, now take the swab
How old are you then? A female in her prime years is busy fucking Chads or BBC and enjoying, not arguing online with lonely men, kek. You're likely old and busted and your friends already have children, so your cope is being a bitter feminist.
>That ain't me then.
That's fine, there are also plenty of women who share or are close to your outlook, obviously.

With the second bit you quoted, though, I mean it is good to give a "disclaimer" that you will one day want a paternity test, before a pregnancy is on the horizon. That you managed to communicate everything transparently as it comes up is great, but no guarantee that it will still be like that when you address a touchy and serious issue.
Except that's not the case as long as you haven't accepted the custody of the child at any point.
and enjoying life*
>a touchy and serious issue.
Serious yes.
Touchy no. That's your stance, not mine.
You are splitting hairs here, though. If a person takes a lot of extra measures to prevent a certain negative outcome, it is normal to say that they e.g. got extra security cameras because of a fear of a break in.

You are not wrong that the risk is real and in that sense being aware of it is logical, too. But being extra aware of risks is what makes a person cautious or, depending on their temparement, fearful/anxious.
I can do both.
You don't know what I was doing at all.
Just you and your cuck fetish to fill in all your blanks for you.
Have you been loved before? Have you seen that glistening shine on the cheeks of the woman looking at you? Her wide eyes a few inches from your face, her smiling at you? Has anyone ever said "I'm so lucky to have you" to you?
But then have you also experienced love decaying? The difference after the first big fight, the shine is gone, now there is back and forth. The power games. Resentment. Getting and giving answers of "Okay." when what is really meant is "I'm not happy with you at all. Maybe it's fixable, maybe not." The eventual big fight where you make her cry. The distance between you growing, THAT is the phase where cheating can occur, when she's thinking about leaving anyway (and so are you).
But it's her stance that matters, not yours (or mine, obviously). And it's better to be extra careful and have it turn out unnecessary, than have faith and be blindsided by a relationship implosion. I mean, that's the same reasoning that makes you want a paternity test in the first place, right? Just to be sure? Then I don't see the issue in being cautious in bringing it up, either. Unless it really is that important to you not just that a woman agrees but that she finds it reasonable and logical, and then I do think you severely limit your dating pool.
He‘s just the male equivalent of women having a melty because every man is a potential rapist.
Vixen lies, everyone knows women can fake love really really well.
I will make it clear that I don't know who she's fucking (aside from me), and I honestly don't care as long as she's showing love and not making problems.
But if she wants me as a father, we'll talk about if we're compatible as parents, or if it's a bad idea.
If she gets pregnant randomly, I'll ask her how likely it is that it's mine, and put in more or less care towards her based on those odds.
>women can fake love really really well.
Dude, it's ok to be gay. Nobody's gonna tenticle rape you here, it's a blue board.
>pretty sure 99% of women in relationships take the pill anyway
Caution I will give you. Fear and anxiety no, I have a solution.
I couldn't realistically counter a breakin by telling the burglar that I would prefer if he wasn't an intimate part of my life.
That's the natural order of things. But I have what it takes for an alpha woman like Rei and can back that up. We are not the same.
>But it's her stance that matters, not yours
Any woman that tries this stance with me will fuck right off.
>Unless it really is that important to you not just that a woman agrees but that she finds it reasonable and logical, and then I do think you severely limit your dating pool.
Wait, are you implying seeing eye to eye with me is a burden?
So be it. Drain the pool.
Nah, I've seen stable and wholesome girlfriends of my friends blackmail them with nudes and shit. You can't trust a smile
What's the "possibility" that you cheat anon? As a percentage?
>ur gay!!
argument conceded
Sounds like a good plan, that said, it is imo a lot easier when monogamy/exclusivity sexually was not agreed upon to begin with and in that sense considering your partner got pregnant with someone else potentially, does not equate thinking she betrayed you immensely.
It's cool to be asexual too.
You don't have to have sex if you don't want to. Your no's are enough.
I don‘t believe you.
Hm. Let's be charitable and say 25%.
Depends on many factors, such as what we've agreed to do and if I trust her.
Well, I'm physically unable to have PIV sex with a condom. My ED is so bad that even with 100mg of Viagra and no condom I can barely stay hard. With one, there's no chance whatever. So I'd just avoid PIV entirely and hope to meet a woman who's really into blowjobs.
>it is imo a lot easier when monogamy/exclusivity sexually was not agreed upon to begin with
NTA, you mean when men just raped whoever they could trough warfare and moved on?
Lel okay, enjoy your life, you deserve whatever cheating bitch you are so scared of
Your body has given up on you.
Grim. Back injury?
Bruh I know I can't enforce exclusivity.
My choices are to be a hypocrite by being a slut while telling her not to, or place a restriction of monogamy on myself that she is really under no responsibility to match because I cannot enforce it.
Considering these options, the deal is no win.
>Wait, are you implying seeing eye to eye with me is a burden?
In general, no, but people saying something like "we have a similar outlook on the world" or "we see eye to eye" usually do still have a lot of specific issues they don't land on the same precise answer to (even if their answers are probably still both informed by similar values, just differently prioritized or whatever).

In this specific case it is also a gendered issue where on average, women will sooner empathize with the downsides/vulnerabilities for the woman than the man, given that women never have to worry about a child not being theirs in the first place. Just like most men do not really understand sexual assault that well and often have little empathy for it ("she chose to fuck a douchebag" rather than "she got pushed into a horrid encounter"), because they simply never experienced it and never thought about it long and hard enough to really feel what it might be like to draw the short end of the stick there.

This is just how people are, you see it with every issue. But that does make it less likely still that a woman will independently have come to feel exactly the way you do, even before ever getting pregnant.
Please take 1d4 of physical damage to your balls. Each point is a one pound weight, and they stack.
Three times now you push this false idea.
This delusion is important to you.
No, I quite literally meant I think requesting a paternity test in an open/poly relationship is dramatically less controversial and less likely to be received negatively... not talking about a historical context or anything. And unfortunately what you write still happens wherever war happens.
Nah, kill yourself.
About all that shit about paternity test, the answer is pretty simple.
1. If you distrust her so much as to ask for something like that, you probably need it. On the other hand, you shouldn't be together to begin with. Being the father of the child doesn't even mean she haven't cheated on you.
2. If you can't trust people in general, you shouldn't be in a relationship. There is nothing wrong with being single.
3. If you are a trusting person but for some reason or trauma you really really want that paternity test, that's something you should talk with your partner in the early stages of the relationship, just so she knows.
4. If the woman is a loser bitch who throws tantrums like some of the women itt. you shouldn't put a baby on her to begin with.

Honestly it's probably like a 100% if the right looking girl hit on me at my weakest and drunkest. Unlike women here at least I admit it, I'm settling and if my dreamy pixie girl walked up to me for an ONS I'd fold

And that's fine, that's why paternity tests exist
Well good for you for knowing yourself and not wanting to be a hypocrite. I think most if not all people strike some type of deal/compromise in their life. It's not stupid if it works.
Come on, gamble.
Roll the dice.
I'm not that other anon and as far as I'm concerned you just told on yourself to such a degree that the conversation is over. You can't trust any woman because you yourself are a cheat.
Nta but getting hatefucked by a touch starved soldier and then he pisses off and leaves me alone again sounds way hotter than having to pretend I want to milk brads prostate again for the third time this week because he can not get off anymore otherwise.
You realise there's a really big gap between "agrees with me completely" and "expects me to trust her to only be attracted to me, alone, 100% of the time, on no evidence but the honor system" yes?
PAWGs make my cock ache
"she chose to fuck a douchebag" and she was sexually assaulted are too completely different things.
>If you can't trust people in general, you shouldn't be in a relationship
False. The risks are manageable.
Plus, your ethos would make half of people in relationships delusional.
All relationships are delusional.
I love how you think it would actually be possible to get away with this. "Hmm, my gf only ever has sex with me in the five days leading up to her period, followed by three weeks of no PIV. Yup, must be a coincidence."
i think we're in unsexy neuroses hours
>Roll the dice
Nah, kill yourself.
>"expects me to trust her to only be attracted to me, alone, 100% of the time, on no evidence but the honor system"
This is not accurate, though. You can also trust someone to have informed you of cheating, or to at least inform you if they realize they cannot know the paternity for sure. The only scenario a paternity test truly rules out is that she cheated on you AND is willfully keeping you in the dark about that, including risking having you raise someone else's child (and all the implications this has for the child themselves).

Besides that though, obivously I realize that, my post was about how largely agreeing on important things still leaves room for seeing things differently. That is just why I argued it is best to be early with your desire for a future paternity test, to make sure you are also compatible there.
>You can't trust any woman because you yourself are a cheat.
>it‘s tsundere-anon
How predictable
I am telling you as it is. I don't care what you choose to believe.
Your reality paints a very different picture.
Post a question about penises or a sex experience, and I'll hornypost with you. I need cheering up.
Nope. I don't have to do anything you say ever.
>All relationships are delusional
Oh shit am I actually the more trusting one?
Huh. You might be right. Maybe you're right, relationships aren't real are they. At least not in the future tense.
You can trust them once they've happened, but until that point it really is just wishful thinking isn't it.
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>women dont ''trust'' men about their income, they want to see proof of it
>women dont ''trust'' men about their social status, they want to see proof of it
>but men should trust when it comes to the most important part of life otherwise they're insecure assholes
The truth will eventually come out anyways, it always does. Do you want it to be settled at the start or after 30 years where nothing can be done. A man who learned that the woman cheated on him is much more calm if he wasted 2 years of his life rather than 30
>The only scenario a paternity test truly rules out is that she cheated on you AND is willfully keeping you in the dark about that, including risking having you raise someone else's child (and all the implications this has for the child themselves).
That's the point
I‘m nta and relationship are cringe af. Idk why anyone in their right mind would ever participate in or dream of such humiliation rituals. Entertaining to watch tho.
>yes i want to live my whole life suspecting that the closest person to me is tainting my hornor, to the point i will taint hers in return
Not necessarily. Sex not being consensual does not mean it is instantly visible as unconsensual to outsiders. Especially if the girl was eating up his affections earlier, before he tried to push her limits or got too drunk or whatever, when she was still enjoying it. What usually happens is everyone sees them loving it up and then they leave together to be private. This is where the guy potentially shows a different side.

It is extremely common to freeze when someone unexpectedly ignores your no or does something you already said you don't want, yet answers like "why didn't you fight" or "I heard no screaming" are still super common when people say they were raped/assaulted. This is what I mean with the lack of knowledge and/or interest. If you think rape is a stranger jumping out of the bushes, it is hard to recognize a guy being pushy about how much a girl drinks and then taking her away "to relax and sober up" as rape, but it absolutely can be.

Gay men are usually a lot more aware of this because they have more often been on the receiving end of all this, themselves, they know what the messy reality of it looks like as opposed to the hypothetical concept.
Lol likewise
>wouldnt be the first one to do something like that
The fact that you think I am one of the people who might means we're getting a divorce.

Look, anon: relationships depend on trust. If you think I'm cheating on you, or even that I might be, the relationship is DEAD. It doesn't even matter if I am or not; the fact that you think I might be means the relationship will never be functional again. There's no point in me staying with you if that's how you feel about me. You just need to accept that the marriage WILL NOT SURVIVE if you ask for a test, and nothing will ever change that.
That is correct.
Debating assault definition.
>Not necessarily
It's brown people hours.
I should try to sleep this off. Nothing of importance will go on.
Yup. That's why I won't fuck girls who can't admit what they want. Too much trouble brewing.
>Nothing of importance will go on.
>implying it ever does
Nope non of that. Good job anon
>You just need to accept that the marriage WILL NOT SURVIVE if you ask for a test, and nothing will ever change that.
how very convenient for women
Too bad men cheat more so they are more untrustworthy
The reality is that I'm a proper man, fit, trained in martial arts and university educated, good enough with women that I still pull regularly on my 30s. And what concerns this website, historically I made and was the main contributor to all the best Rei threads ever. And IRL I often meet with Rei chadettes for photoshoots, cons and other stuff, including just having fun. So that's the reality. And honestly only even a fraction of what I do for my beloved Sailor Mars, as I have also translated materials for her, managed servers and a long fucking list that goes beyond the scope of this post. So no chump, when I say no one loves Rei more than me in the entire universe, it is because that's the way it is... and I definitely have what it takes for a woman like her.
and they should be punished with death same as women.
the difference is, if a man cheats, he cant legally force you to raise the kid/pay for it, and neither can he hide his true parentage from you
You think you need to accept custody for the court to force you to make child support payments for the next eighteen years? Boy, you're in for a shock.
Why her?
I will emulate you somewhat as I admire your morals
>being drunk
Grey area. You're still responsible of your mistakes when you're drunk. In the best case, you're an irresponsible person.
>going to a room together
Why would two people do that in a party other than to have sex?
>she doesn't fight
Again, grey area. If you just take it without saying a world you're pretty much agreeing to it. Women need to take accountability for their actions, even if their felt pressured, saying no and leaving was always on the table.
State gender. What was your experience like with antidepressants?
Waste of time.
>Your body has given up on you.
Yeah, I know, thank you.

>Grim. Back injury?
Among other things.
I don't live in your shithole country so yes. If you have never admitted to be the father of a child, a woman can't you just change you with them. Suck it loser.
The idea is that women's actions and their emotions often conflict, and bringing these two in line is an unreasonable task, because women aren't good at it.
Never took them personally, but people I've met that were on them spooked me
They just felt empty
They do not fix depression.
What good is a mood stabiliser? Depression is not a mood disorder.
Tell you what does work though, vyvanse.
Never taken them, just be less whiny lol
>Uhhhh my life is so bad sat on my comfy couch at home online with food in the kitchen and clean drinking water uhhhhhhh
The one time I actually was depressed it took me years to actually realize it was depression and when I did I immediately thought "my mother would be ashamed of this" and made changes to fix it
>You're still responsible of your mistakes when you're drunk.
I am not talking about being drunk on its own, I'm talking about a guy hounding you to drink more/faster than you want to so he can do more easily what he wants with you. If you are stumbling or puked, people won't bat an eye to see you being escorted to another room and at that point it is hard to protest intensely if someone starts fondling or fucking you once alone together.

>Why would two people do that in a party other than to have sex?
I don't know what parties you go to, but I've been to plenty where people had to lie down for a bit to come down from something they took or sober up a bit from drinking too much.

>If you just take it without saying a word you're pretty much agreeing to it.
Except it is a super common and normal response to a sudden high stress situation to be paralyzed. I agree with you that if it is a situation where she agreed to sex, hated it once it started and got too paralyzed to make that known in any way, as unfortunate or traumatizing as it might have been, it is a blameless crime really. However I do think if it is the guy who is one-sidedly pursuing (e.g. starting to kiss and undress a person much drunker than them out of nowhere), the onus is on you to make sure that is alright with them and not on them to stop it one way or another. The assumption should not be that sex is fine, you should go into it with the attitude of finding out if the person wants/likes this. That applies even to something as simple as a conversation.
There's always a woman that resonates with you on a higher level, that vibes in your own frequency like no other. When you realise it - which I did decades ago, everything unfolds naturally. In a way, it is not you choose a girl but the girl who chooses you and you just heed her call.
i think condoms are cool so i wear them
theyre like armor for my dick
Thanks anon. Godspeed.
NTA. Do men not get upset when they're falsely accused of cheating?
Very true.
No sorry we take it as a compliment that we're getting pussy regularly, which is something women like and is thus a projection of your cuckquean desires rather than anything to worry about or be offended over.
The fuck you mean "falsely"?
It makes them feel like chad.
My ex would get tired of it. It's a tiresome thing to be with someone who's insecure like that.
Sometimes I pretend to think a guy is cheating to give him an ego boost.
>Why would two people do that in a party other than to have sex?
Oh, the criminal courts are just full of men like you.
M. All side effects and no benefit.
It would nice for people to think I’m not a virgin I guess
present a test that will prove if I did and I'll gladly take it, I have nothing to hide
I've dumped a woman over this.
Its one of the only things to actually make me mad. Dumb fucking bitch thinking I'm with her to be with someone else.
Even if it means taking a chunk out of the outside of your dick?
When my thought stream was 50% "Why haven't you killed yourself yet, what about next week? Why wait?" and I couldn't feel worse I took them and it was a serious improvement. It was exactly what people said it would be like, a sleepy, drugged, more pleasant existence. I could still coom but I lost some erection strength while on it, however, easily worth it to not be suicidal anymore. Long term I felt like I was less creative, but that could be subjective, that was eventually what led to coming off them. I couldn't experience true joy on them either, or great excitement, but at least the awful feeling in my brain was treated.
I like those "did the guy cheat" shows where the women are like
>ayoooooooo he didnt cheat lets gooooo
and the guy is like
>lets goooo
and then you google them after and he dumped her lol
>being drunk on its own
What you just describe is a girl being drunk of her own. She accepted the peer pressure. If she were to reciprocate his advances, then that's on her. Now, if she was to drunk to do or say anything, then she's an irresponsable but he's a rapist.
>I've been to plenty where people had to lie down for a bit
I've only seen someone do this with friends of the same gender. But if the girl is barely conscious then it would fall under the previous point.
>it is a super common and normal response to a sudden high stress situation to be paralyzed
For seconds not for a full fuck session.
and how would that work again?
Answer first
Nope, unless she thinks I'm fucking whores. It's an ego boost.
Wow women are such intrinsically evil bitches, and then they wonder why men are calling for removing their rights.


Migrate when ready.
Eastern euro or shitskin?
>comparing a simple swab with mutilation
you're really loading these questions
>would you prove you love for your wife?
>ok would you strangle your mother with your own hands and cut your fathers throat to do it? GUESS YOU DONT LOVE YOUR WIFE
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>No you don't understand Charnel Shapiro Sugar Spice Latte, I was drunk when he came onto me and I could have pushed him off, but I just kind of didn't want to, but now I regret it, so he literally raped me and my at the time consenting tongue so now I'm going to ruin his life
>Wow Jaquabel Jizzabel my hips don't lie Shakira Shakira, that makes perfect sense, he should be locked away for life because you couldn't muster up the effort to tell him you're not into it
International movement, and nowhere on earth will be safe for women when it happens, I would like to agree with you though, nonwhites are inhuman and eastern europeans are nonwhite.
We'll just have to beat you to it and remove your rights first.
Call to action.
>Beating men
>he still believes in love
oh no no no
>no girl will never beat you out of love
Why live
It didn’t work, but it did give me crippling anxiety.
Man betray women then blame women for it. Good incel logic
I'm the first mammal to wear pants, yeah
State gender and 3 favorite snacks

1) your mom
2) your girl
3) your sister

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