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Ask The Opposite Gender Anything...?

Fat and Balding Edition

First for Femanon.
This movie is like the matrix but for doomers. prophetic.
I just thought it was a funny movie about young adult relationships
I've never met a male Scott Pilgrim fan that wasn't so deep in the closet they were having tea with Mr. Tumniss
Damn she looks like the partyslut I got pitysex from for my v card
Femanons would you comfort your /k/ommando bf during these trying times?
Fuckin wild how mindbroken the incels still are over this movie.
Are we posting music again? Sometimes people post bangers in here.
>mindbroken the incels still are
LMFAO the cope
Can you explain why?
I don't think its "being mindbroken" if you end up right about something, anonette...
Are weeb women even into getting hetero relationships in gen z. Feels like every one of them is auto androphilic or lesbian that I have met.
I liked the graphic novel growing up... But I am bi so maybe your onto something.
Women and leftists have absolutely no media literacy that they like to say they have, almost all of their media shows red flags and dog whistles to toxic thoughts and ideologies.
I always enjoy some good bangers that feel like they were made by retards frequenting this place
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Nah bro he mogs us. Scott is 22 and he had already made an alpha widow out of his Misa Amane cosplaying mega-popstar BPD Demon GF risk-free.
It's a female bruh. She has to remain in the delusion to win her game. The truth is like poison to her.
It came out before most of the users on this site were born and has been largely forgotten even by people who were once big into it. It has absolutely no cultural impact outside of guys who's biggest problem in life is seeing women with blue hair.
My cat this morning
This is actually really good, have you ever heard this song? Feels like it was made by someone hear from 12 years ago
You forgot that girls who liked Scott pilgrim are now 30 on TikTok acting 16 and dressing like Ramona Flowers.
>alpha widow
i can already tell this is going to be spammed forever
He's a chad because Canadians have like 3 people to date in their city, as well as the fact that he is the author's self-insert in an alternate reality where being a beta is alpha.
Generally women with unnatural hair colors either fuck dogs, are communists, or are very mentally ill. The problem isn't that they dye their hair unnatural colors, the problem is that the people who do are fucking insane.
Does everyone watch/read Scott Pilgrim and not notice how Scott has created as many "evil exes" as Ramona by the end, and that the two characters deserve each other because they're such terrible people?
Scott Pilgrim literally dated a 16 year old, and if you can get over that because its legal in Canada, he literally broke up with her because she was a good girlfriend to him and that was "boring". So yes, I'd agree.
kek this shit is so retarded now that I'm older, but when I was a kid I was so jealous.
>brooo her exes are chad and he's a beta how will he do it???
>brooo he scored he's her 8th pump and dump sooo based he's literally mee
This spoke to me on a very deep level when she said "Meow"
Stupid faggot liberals don't understand that movies reflect culture, they don't create it. That's why you think up stuff like wakanda.
I've seen this posted on 4chan a lot of times over the years, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if it was made by someone from here.
I wasn't jealous but I too saw myself in him and I was like "If I could just rise to the challenge I'd make it." Who knew how wrong I'd be at the time? Definitely not me, lol.
We cannot be friends if you don't immediately like every second of this song.
Ramona Flowers is a reflection of modern women. You think that you can just change the script and humanity will follow movies?
Anon.... I OWN THE ALBUM!!!!!
Shout out to Newgrounds and my Uncle for getting me into Franz Ferdinand when I was a kid.
I think the thread needs this right now
Stop being a silly faggot. The movie is a reflection of a time long gone, and it didn't create anything.
This animation unironically is just /atoga/
Okay i admit I'm just mad that seeing Ramona Flowers entitled bitch attitude is basically making me feel bad because she represents me and my friends, so I just call it irrelevant because the metaphor in the story is a really accurate one for modern relationships. I feel guilty because I take more than I give and I've been raised to not even see it.
I think I have to remind you guys that Scott Pilgrim vs the world was a massive flop. Barely anybody actually watched it, and you are its small, insignificant cult following that gives it any relevancy at all.
Go on TikTok. Right now every pretty girl on there has holes in her face, dyed hair and 7 exes. Girls like these are the norm. The Ramona archetype became more prevalent, not less.
>tfw no forbidden and socially looked down relationship with bunny femanon gf.
The race riot scenes in this were based
Yeah I don't get this attitude that it impacted modern women at all, if anything the franchise that actually ruined modern women was Sex and the City.
>Go on TikTok. Right now every pretty girl on there has holes in her face, dyed hair and 7 exes. Girls like these are the norm.
Rapper Fallacy. You're seeing the few girls desperate enough for attention to get enough followers to even be noticed on Tiktok in the first place. It's not the norm, in fact, it's *because* it's not the norm that you find them there. Enough guys lust over that type to get them popular, and everybody else fades into irrelevancy.
You know, this. Scott Pilgrim as a character can't exist anymore, he isn't chad, he couldn't cheat, he certainly couldn't get a gf like knives or Ramona

Women are whores but the premise is outdated, they're whores for chad. There wouldn't be no seven exes because she's just a hole, a dump and pump
These are just obscene media that basically give women license to do what they want. "Times change" or something.
4chins, I started to miss you when I'm not here. Should I see a therapist for this?
>Doki and Nabi
And just like that I'm snapped back to being 12
I saw it in theaters and I am gen z(97') but this thread makes me feel old. I think the song has more widespread appeal desu. The movie has millennial humor like marvel stuff. I'm not against it but it aged poorly.
Waste of time and money get a hobby and some actual stress in your life.
I talk to young women. They have ugly facial piercings and tattoos, dyed hair and they've been getting fucked since 14 or 15. Ramona Flowers is relevant still.
Yes, leaving this place becomes the goal after a year. Only time to come back should be for information to be productive, so definitely not here on /adv/
>if anything the franchise that actually ruined modern women was Sex and the City.
This is far more believable. It's a massive series watched world wide, and it has a movie. Not just a single cult movie nobody gave a shit about.

That, and 50 shades of grey.
Women, what kind of panties do you like wearing? Does it vary much?
here's a timeline of random nerd shit

>Gorrilaz (1998)
>Tsukihime (2000)
>Azumanga Daioh (2002)
>Teen Titans (2003)
>Scott Pilgrim (2004)
>Yume Nikki (2004)
>Avatar The Last Airbender (2005)
>Gorrilaz: Demon Days (2006)
>Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagaan (2007)
>World of Warcraft: Wrath of The Lich King (2008)
>Homestuck (2009)
>Lisa the painful (2014)
>Undertale (2015)

can anyone relate or should I hang myself
The race riots are when we post off topic or get into an argument that spirals into the whole general getting involved.
Wow it's been so long since I've watched this animation. I used to doodle these two.
I can't relate, and I wish I could.
Most of those are very very popular, though I don't recognize Tsukihime and Lisa the Painful. You're okay, Anon.
Good band
>Teen Titans
bused loads to raven and starfire
>Scott Pilgrim
Movie was okay, never read the the comic
>Yume Nikki
Always wanted to play but never got around to it
>Avatar: The Last Airbender
Meh, its okay
>Gorrilaz: Deomon Days
Never heard it
>Wow: WotLK
Played WoW, paid for WotLK but never got to that stage of the content, everytime I was about 10 levels away from max a new expansion would come out and I just dropped the game. WoW taught me that MMOs aren't myt hing.
>Lisa the Painful
Lisa trilogy was great
Heard good things but never played.
You couldn't make something like this today without someone relating it to BLM or American politics.
Avatar sucks. it's like the panda express of anime. Absolute slop. Even Naruto is better and that came on in the time slot right before avatar and took its steam away.
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these. Cotton, seamless, pretty comfy.
Where do you live where Avatar and Naruto were even on the same channel?
>it's like the panda express of anime
It isn't anime...
nta, but middle eastern cartoon network gets hacked all the time and its funny to see what they put on
Anime is what the Japanese call cartoons. All cartoons are anime.
Ladies are gonna call me a faggot for this one.
>Tsukihime was 2000
It and xchange were ny first vn along with katawa. Honestly can relate.
Back in the day time slot mattered more than the channel because you didn't have streaming and would only be able to watch one, like gee Nickelodeon has Avatar, and it's up against Yu Yu Hakusho, Dragonball, or Naruto at any given time, sorry Aang I'll catch you on netflix in 10 years.
Yes, but its a genre in the western sense, which is the context this is being used in.
Are you wearing them right now?
That's extremely normie stuff mostly.
So you're wrong. Shut up and lick the context off my boot caveate-nigger.
Um... it's not anime.
Nope, sorry, It's not anime.
Yeah, that's what I'm getting at. Nickelodeon didn't air Naruto, it aired on CN as part of toonami. The two shows were never competing.
Are you Japanese?
Avatar is under the Cartoon section in almost all online catalogs, not the Anime section.
Isn't anime only cartoons that originate from Asia?
Okay fag. Go to Japan and learn enough Japanese to talk about anime, then someone will ask you what your favorite western anime is? Are you autistic?
Anime is just "cartoons" in Japan, but in the West its a genre of cartoon that means specifically "cartoons from japan" but sometimes people and services will throw stuff in from China and Korea if the aesthetics match up enough.
Why are you being so hostile over this?
Asian people, what's your favorite anime?
Everyone on 4chan is a honorary Japanese.
Sorry I don't have autism so I don't redefine words based on the contents of a Netflix page.
>then someone will ask you what your favorite western anime
You just proved my point about the context, so thanks for agreeing with me?
Its not redefining, its possible that a word in one language has a slightly different use than another
>molest in english
to sexually touch someone
>molestar in spanish
to annoy someone
This isn't a hard concept to grasp.
Competition between networks was a lot stronger at that time and Avatar was absolutely competing with Toonami and action cartoons which were mostly on Cartoon Network at the time, a big part of why Nick wanted it in the first place was to try to break into that market. It's not terrible, but it's still not as good as anything the competition was airing, even fucking Duck Tales got grittier than Avatar did.
ファックオフ :)
Shinzo watches over all of us!
You sound like a gay guy and your logic doesn't follow.
So something is good only if it's gritty? I bet you like Snyder movies.
That doesn't mean much from the man so overly emotional that he sounds like a woman.
Better than most things I've seen come out of hollywood.
OK bro. If you say Wednesdays at 6:00pm are competing with Saturdays at 9:30pm, I won't bother trying to convince you otherwise.
>This movie is like the matrix but for doomers. prophetic.
I'm not sure how you mean.
About as equally accurate in it's prophecy as the Matrix? As in, not at all?

>I just thought it was a funny movie about young adult relationships

>Scott has created as many "evil exes" as Ramona by the end
I didn't add them up but I believe it.

>and that the two characters deserve each other because they're such terrible people?
Yes, for a given quantity of "terrible".
They're not great.

That said, the first girl I fell in love with was essentially Ramona Flowers irl.
nobody really cares but i just finished another cosplay and it came out really well and i'm proud of it
Women, do your breasts put you at a natural disadvantage when playing limbo? no offense to the women with smaller breasts, you are still loved and have a natural advantage in playing limbo
I mean if it shows off your tits or your ass I care
So it's possible that I'm using it more correctly by using it as defined by the people who created it. Therefore winning the argument and releasing a poison into the air that only kills gays, blacks and jews.
Who is it?
Whats the cosplay
>So it's possible that I'm using it more correctly by using it as defined by the people who created it.
Depends are you the original poster?
You leave the Khazar milkers alone you bastard!
This is the average early internet nerd stuff honestly, you're cool
I like Avatar, but given that it was pitched as a direct competitor to action oriented shows for boys, yeah it could have stood to be a little edgier.
>Snyder movies
I love the Dawn of the Dead remake and 300 is fun the first time you see it. I've never bothered to watch Justice League the whole way through, so I can't comment.
Man these steroid tablets kick the shit out of tylenol. I should try going to the doctor for medical treatment more often.
>That's why you think up stuff like wakanda.
Hey trips, what were you referring to with sentence?
I'm confused because Wakanda is 58 years old.
Guys, in Japan we usually call western animation 西洋アニメ" (Seiyō anime) where 西洋" (Seiyō) means "Western" or "European," and アニメ (anime) is the Japanese term for animation. Alternatively, it can also be called 洋画アニメ (Yōga anime), where 洋画 (Yōga) means Western film. Both terms distinguish Western animated works from Japanese anime.
Based trend follower with absolutely no interests that aren't on the first page of google results
I actually don't physically think I could play limbo.
>in japan we
Is it bad that i doubt youre from japan
It's always amusing to see incels angry that women are whores they hate yet also angry that they can't get these whores they hate.
It's an amusing cognitive distortion.
Thanks for the chuckle.
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it doesn't

ms pauling from tf2
I distinctly remember deciding to watch BvS and turning it off halfway through to go hang out with a guy I barely like.
Not really.
Do they have a term like "weaboo" for people who only like western media?
>ms pauling from tf2
Unfathomably based. Ive been getting back into tf2 ever since the bot cleansing.

Do you do cosplay often btw?
does it show your figure?
i could kick her ass
nice though, i played tf2 yesterday
I like Gorrilaz and Teen Titans

I never got into Avatar or Ben10 but that was more about my life at the time and an obsessive need to start a series from the beginning.
Kind of the same with Gurren Lagaan although that also has the small hurdle of a negative connotation.

I've enjoyed Homestuck derivatives but I ain't got time for that shit.
What brand is this? I have similar floral ones from aerie and I want a dozen more. I love how smooth and soft and stretchy it is and no elastic to dig in or scratch. Along with the comfy and a little sexy, I like how the band is wide enough to avoid whale tail and also doesn't twist around. Idk about yours but mine had great front coverage so I'm not too stressed if my shave isn't perfect.
i love tf2 but have been playing deadlock recently because i like learning new systems. i dont cosplay "a lot" but i do it sometimes. probably once every couple of months.

she's killed more people than you have
Azumanga Daioh and Gurren Lagann are required viewing for posting on 4chan
Awesome Pawsome.
Cool cosplay idea.
i mean. you can tell my body is in the clothes. this is such a weird question
Love that show
i could still kick her ass, ill hire red team (the better team btw) to kick her ass, then send it to me in a box, then ill kick it
cosplaying every few months is a lot btw
The character would shoot you in the gut
Mhmm fair, i recently just got access to the deadlock beta, it seems cool so far but im having trouble finding people to play/learn with since my friends arent interested :').

Ive been interested in doing some cosplay, some friend have told me i could pull off some characters. Either id do something like Yoshikage Kira, or a monster hunter armor set.
Hey guys I feel like shit
i found a purple top with the white collar like that and i was like oh wait i can do this so easily now. it's actually kind of a sweater where hers is a blouse but it still looks cute

oh i didn't know that was a lot. i guess i do then. its not usually complicated like intense makeup and prosthetics, i just dress the way a character dresses sometimes.

also hiring mercs doesn't make you able to kick someone else's ass. redmann hired the mercs but i could kick his decrepit old ass.
>you are still loved
Thank you, my fingers were already raised above the keyboard in indignaion
i never said her ass would be attached or id interact with her outside of it
medic will cut it off and send it to me, then it will be kicked
>cosplaying every few months is a lot
What are we counting as cosplaying here, like going out in public or am I cool if I occasionally just wear various costumes while working from home?
Reverse weebs? A slang term would be 洋文化オタク (yōbunka otaku). Yōbunka means western culture and otaku refers to someone with a deep, often obsessive interest in a particular area. You might also hear 洋風オタク (yōfū otaku). 洋風 ((yōfū) means Western style or Western-influenced.
you actually couldn't afford to hire the mercs, and the mercs have gone against orders from the mann brothers and the administrator to be loyal to their friends, ms pauling included, before, so you couldn't really make medic do that for you.
any time you're dressed up specifically to emulate a fictional character its cosplay
if it only counts when i go out in public i only cosplayed once ever. on halloween. i only do this in my room alone
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I play lots of deadlock recently
I have 100 hours now
Very fun!
My erect dick easily fits through the toilet paper tube
Is it over?
im a medic main, he loves me, he'd do it out of love, sorry, she's dead, her ass is kicked and in a box

i didnt get an invite or whatevwr
the /v/ topics are all just coomer shit too which doesnt bode well
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Every game with female characters will have coomers
>my soulmate is on atoga
please be single
That's a weird thing to try and sounds like its not a big deal, but I just tried and my unerect penis I'm pretty sure is less thick than most can barely fit, nevermind erect.
Why, medical condition?
Side topic, but ive dated a weirdly specific demographic of women who were obsessed with the medic specifically. One drew horny art of the medic, the other wrote fanfiction.
I wanna play more but i wanna play with a friend or something. Its hard to find a stranger whos fun to play with and willing to grind and improve with you
>pass the toilet paper roll test
>6'3 tall
>Dont drink smoke or do drugs
>Ugly as shit, theretore undateable

Large breasts. Balancing might be difficult.
Oh, thank you
Are they looked down on the same way we look down on weebs?
Slowly and surely im getting more interested in buttstuff (giving)
>the /v/ topics are all just coomer shit too which doesnt bode well
>most popular entertainment currently
>makes more money than movie, tv, and music combined
>majority male
>"Why are people jerking off to video game characters?"
What happened?
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Now neither of us will be virgins.
The usual incel story, it's not interesting
What happened to you?
>foid hands typed this
Didn't expect so many Franzheads on /atoga/, they were my first concert experience
No, I got a shitty little cock
Being a virgin loser just isn't an interesting topic at this point
Not really. Interest in Western culture is often seen as more mainstream and less niche compared to the enthusiasm for Japanese pop culture in the West. Western media, fashion, and trends are widely consumed and integrated into Japanese society, so a strong interest in these aspects is generally accepted and not viewed with the same level of skepticism or negative connotation I think. Enthusiasts of Western culture are seen as having a diverse taste rather than being obsessive and isolated or stigmatized.
Nice, Say Anything was my first and last concert exp. Too loud lol.
I mean I'm 34, have a small dick, and I'm a virgin but I'm not so beaten down by it. There's more to life than sexo, friendo
Not for me
If I never get to fall in love then my life was a failure
>Not for me
Well at least you admit that its your mindset that is the problem and your just too stubborn to change it. Ironically it will also keep you from having a relationship too. You'll give off desperation and negative emotions that will push women who would be interested in you away, the moment I stopped caring was when women started getting interested.

thoughts on this gentleman's take?
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reminder to tall lads to be careful; the main singer in this fucked his back up bending over because he's like 6'5

>Video unavaialble

Hot outfit, shame the camera never gives us a good look at her

Do you actually listen to the songs people post?
I click on all the youtube links
>Do you actually listen to the songs people post?
No, they don't seem like anything I'd like
>The Dreadnoughts
Did you get this from Irish ship salvage anon?
Femanons, how bad would it be if I went to a strip club?
I've lost my rizz.
M, I always give them a try
Women will literally forgive anything if you are hot or rich enough.
What's a good date for having sex for the first time? She's already said she wants to. I want something that slowly leads up to the main event
Cicis pizza buffet
F I will usually try it out unless the picture is boring.
>Have healthy, loving relationship with 10/10 wife
>Go to strip club
>Realize my wife is "not the one for me", the one I was made for, but this russian barely legal stripper who never finished school clearly is
>Relationship ruined
Let’s face it a lot of men do too, being hot is a pretty good advantage.
It's just christian logic.
Speaking of Japan it was always weird to me that in Japan green/blue and red/yellow are opposites rather than green/red and yellow/blue
blue/red are the opposites
we should have atoga group streaming events
Sure, but you generally don't see uglier men dating hotter women unless they are rich and that is where the power dynamic plays the most, most hot dudes don't like something they just leave because they have orbiters to fall back on.
Femanons, how gay are you?
Do you think straight women exist or could any girl be seduced into lesbian sex?
Isn’t there a discord?
This is at least partly because Japanese doesn't have distinct words for blue and green.
I fucked that up completely, I meant
red/green and blue/yellow instead of red/blue and green/yellow.
I'll be the obviously obese mood wearing a funny mask that barely conceals my double chin playing Sonic The Hedgehog 2
Yeh, that's a historical relic. Kinda like saying knickers, I guess. Changing it now would be too expensive.
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What do you think of this man?
You mean they consider it the same color akin to purple/violet??
I’ll be the hot guy
what sense does it make that men like looking at naked women but women don't like looking at naked men?
Either I'm having a stroke or this is AI generated
Did you know the ancient greeks couldn't see blue? They always described the Medd. as "red" or "ruddy like wine" instead of blue and the classic blue/white colors they used were actually suppose to be red/white
Considering you quoted 2 posts twice, I'd say stroke.
Goddamn. I haven't gone to Cici's in forever. I can just barely remember the taste of what was it? Yes I think it was the BBQ pizza with orange yellow cheddar. The fluffy dessert pizza... But alas, the nearest Cici's is a world away.
They also described the sky as "clear" or "white", which is even more confusing because they just used "white" to mean an absence of color or translucent objects as well.
0% gay but i would have lesbian sex if the girl showed a lot of interest in me
Because women are gay anon
They really want to be lesbians but their ovaries want babies so they tolerate heterosexual relationships
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He had a vision. And he went for it. That‘s more than most men can day for themselves.
That's not 0% gay, that's at least 10%
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>0% gay but i would have lesbian sex
I'll be the one that gets cancelled
Not "seeing" blue, is a linguistic myth. Just because people don't have a word for it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
People who spend years of their lives outside have no need for "blue" or "green" as words, they offer no functional value.

Sky and ocean slowly becomes dark, everything goes black, therefore blue is black and black is blue.
I‘ll be the hypersexual egirl that everyone gets tired of after two hours.
青 means blue. It can refer to green in some older or traditional contexts but 緑 specifically means green. Historically 青 was used to mean both blue and green but eventually green got it's own word. 紫 is a generic purple. 藤色 is light purple or lavender and 紫紺 is a darker purple.
This isnt true, i look at naked men and visualize them (or just their peni) in my mind’s eye. Some women really are 100% straight, however all men are a little gay
Women: How can I dress better?
>colors change when you're outside all day
and you expect the basement dwellers to know this?
Yeah I'm gay
Gay for femanon
I want her finger tickling my prostate so I can cum buckets
>Some women really are 100% straight, however all men are a little gay
Why would you say something so false?
Dressing better is a meme.
Just be hot and wear whatever you want.
If you are not hot then how you dress will not change shit.
Accumulate kitano-core
Please god please god please
I'm told I'm good looking, but it doesn't hurt to add something too that
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You called?
>however all men are a little gay
dumb fujo
Please don‘t listen to any ((fashion advice)). Find your own style. Look at pics and try to pin down what about it you like and don‘t like, try on clothes and see which ones make you feel more confident.
I have the cutest unreal daughter name an no one will ever get me to share it
What is the proper etiquette as far as eye contact and greeting when you're on a hiking trail and you see someone else?
State gender
State race
>Accumulate kitano-core
I need that blue suit from Sonatine, I already have the glasses
It‘s barbara, isn‘t it?
no thats a real name this is just a word in the english language
Millisecond eye contact and hi then move along.
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Why are you like this?
F This might just be a me thing but I'll just briefly nod at them. Won't even smile.
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The Nod"tm"
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Which of you was this?
Defense attorney here. I had a client tell me I did a "shit job" at a bond hearing, after successfully reducing his bond from $1,500 to $500, when prior to the hearing I had told him that because of his criminal history he should expect a reduction down to $750 at best. Should I move to withdraw from the representation on the basis of a deterioration of the attorney-client relationship? I don't feel like I can zealously represent him after this.
give me some credit here
Women, thoughts on veins?
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That means I guessed right?
Do you react the same way to handsome guys?
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Please don't do this. My name is a noun and I fucking hate it.
I feel like this should be its own thread desu
This is actually me
I woke up thinking about my crush and I had morning wood so I had to fap, but right before I ejaculated I was like "holy shit I gotta poop" so I went and shitted and didn't end up fapping and then I was irritable for a couple hours but I'm better now
Alrighty, thanks.
Sup Linoleum
>Not "seeing" blue, is a linguistic myth. Just because people don't have a word for it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
That's not true at all because tribes in the rainforest have like 115 different words for hues of green but almost no word or perception of purple, there are scientific tests on them that prove this. Now I'm not saying that its due to the langauge, but I wouldn't be surprised if it does influence perception of color, even if only a little bit.
I work outside for a living, well I did before I quit, lol.
Yes, actually. I mean, I have an irrational fear of being raped on a secluded trail.
I am glad you feel better now. But did you scream?
I'll make a thread on it. Thanks.
mines cute though
would need wifes approval
I wouldn't say its irrational to fear that but maybe the assumption that it would happen if you are in any situations near that is the irrational part.
I made some breathy moans, does that count
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Good enough
>wanna jerk off to FSA but it's the same three autists spamming requests
do foids do cocaine how do they have so much energy
Well, yeh. I'm guessing purple doesn't happen too often in a rainforest.
Federal Student Assistance?
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What‘s FSA?
Personally I don‘t but now that you say that maybe I should.
>however all men are a little gay
This is true
Deep down in my heart, I am a lesbian
femanons do sexy voice recordings on /soc/. Like all good things Reddit stole our gimmick and tried to normie it through their rebranded subreddits.
Maybe this is a girl thing. Girls are trained to think it's something that could happen in most situations.
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you weren't around for the peak FSA era.
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I mean, why would I listen to that?
How long does a boner last? Like could you sit around with a woman for 3 hours and have a continuous erection that entire time (with on/off stimulation) or would it just go away at some point
Sex-havers, how frequently do you "make love" vs. just "fucking"?
I‘ve hung out with guys that had an erection for the whole time so like five hours. I don‘t think that‘s healthy tho. Sounds dangerous.
Nta but ive been wanting to do some vocaroo stuff in general. I took a peek at the MSA thread but the last request was last night :/. And the normal vocaroo thread seems dead
How is this a question for the opposite gender?
This is a myth they had multiple words for blue just like we do today.
What is interesting is that green and blue was seen as the same group of colors.
Does it make you feel good when your presence makes them hard?
I don't really know. Sometimes in the morning when I'm just laying in bed and I don't get up it might last 30-45 minutes. I've never been "with" a woman so I don't know about that, but sometimes a girl will catch my eye and I'll be erect for a couple minutes
Yes, makes me feel pretty.
Depends. Ive had half boners last a long ass time, ive had full boners last a while too. It just depends on the situation and stimulation. Also depends on when the last time the guy came. If he came hours before, not gonna last the longest, but lets say he hasnt jerked off in a week? it can last much longer
Men, do you get erections while looking at women in public? How do you manage to hide that?
Anon, just because you don't have a word to distinguish it, doesn't mean you can't see it.
Femanon has toxic bitch energy. My pepee enjoys it.
I think the longest I've maintained an erection is about 90 minutes but I'm pretty sure that's bad for you.
i've just recently realized that i really enjoy turning on guys who are awkward and terrible with women because they don't make me scared. i wore a tank top a bit ago and this counter attendant boy seemed like he was actually going to have a stroke, but i've had very confident guys hit on me in a really gross and harassing sort of way and i fucking hate it and i hate them. i probably just want someone normal to be attracted to me and be polite about it, but i've only ever experienced the two extremes.

is that weird or is that normal? if i ended up dating one of you and told you how i felt would you be weirded out?
Not since grade school.
Not that long. In fact, having a continuous erection for four hours is considered a medical emergency. Around 45 minutes to an hour is probably the most you'll get out of most men.
Sometime yea, not often tho
Sometimes i get boners for no reason
Men have trained since puberty in the art of hiding boners. I usually just have mine point down and to the side following the cut of my pants
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Elite taste
I run away to the bathroom and sort of tuck it between my legs. Or hide behind a table or desk or something. If I really have to get rid of it I think about sadness and violence and it goes away
You like being liked, but you don't want to be a victim of weird assault. Also there is no polite way of being attracted to a girl. The male brain will literally do anything in the world to have sex, then be reduced to 0% energy wfterward.
Do you have to cum after being hard that long or can you let it settle down?

It's SUPPOSED to go down pretty quickly, it's like a dog that jumps up at the slightest hint of something, but it calms down again within a minute.

It's actually dangerous is it's hard too long. I hear 4 hours in the Viagra commercieals
>sadness and violence does not make him coom instantly
>Sex-havers, how frequently do you "make love" vs. just "fucking"?
In her pussy, sometimes; in her mouth, always.
You never NEED to cum, all erections can and will eventually go down on their own unless youre on a drug or something is wrong with you
I get semis every other day looking at random women, especially their asses. Today I saw a grandma with a really round small but tight ass and I could feel myself getting hard. Usually my pants are thick enough that I don't think it shows.
I'm shy and awkward with women but I'd still probably make you scared because I look like a redneck neanderthal
there's a polite way to talk to people you're attracted to and it really just has to do with not talking about sex and fucking as your opening line
At what age do you think men peak sexually? 35?
What is “blue balls” then?
A manipulation technique.
Ladies would you rather?

>The most repuslive men you know have all seen videos of you naked, without your consent and jerked off to it.

>Every single men that you have ever been consensually nakes infront of has been disgusted by it and has publicly shamed you about how gross your bits look like.
>Wow, I love your socks. Wonderful weather. What's your favorite color. I went outside and lived normally a few days ago, I promise I'm not weird. Do you like music? How about these other trillion things? I'm so horn-- I mean happ to see yo-- I mean be alive. Do you like reading books?
>Men, do you get erections while looking at women in public?
When I was younger, sometimes

>How do you manage to hide that?
If there's time, you can lift it up and tuck the head under the waistband of your underwear. If not, you sit down until it eases up.
Could it perhaps, subconsciously be a fantasy of yours?
Blue balls doesn't mean you NEED to cum, just that you get sort of uncomfortable.
somewhere in the teens or early 20s
Nah this makes sense. I usually start off with being shy about anything overtly sexual with women i dont know well because of some bad experiences of mine (false accusations, changing their mind after fucking around, shit like that). But i eventually get more assertive after connecting with someone for a lil bit. I know its not a 1:1 thing but you sound valid. Sometimes our bad experiences will color how we feel about stuff like this for a long ass time. Therapy helps
Yeah. I don't hide it.

Tight underwear + Baggy Pants.
The first.
Can you turn yourself back into a hot young virgin? Or are you used up?
Blue balls is just a very specific kind of dissapointment. Often times guys WANT to cum and/or get off, so if theyre not able to its not exactly satisfying you know? Like youre really hungry for a yummy burger but youre only given some bland oats instead. Youll live, it doesnt hurt, but you wanted that burger
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>gf grew out her bush
Oh.. i suppose Ive been manipulated
anon if a guy came up to me and said "hey, you're really pretty and i wanted to talk to you, do you have time to go get coffee or something" i would be so happy i would cry.

you could also ask my opinion on something. like if we're in a store and you say "hey do you buy soup a lot? (we're in the soup isle.) what brand do you think is best, i'm trying to stock up for the cold wintery days" i would also be happy to talk to you about that. for what it's worth i've said more retarded things to strangers than anything in your post.
Perhaps on some level, sure. But I don't want to acknowledge that because it makes me feel uncomfortable.
Men do you hate, dislike or not like being starred at by non attractive women?
Would you rather a homosexual stare at you instead?
When I was a teen I'd get random boners in the middle of class, just walking around, basically any time at all. I didn't need to look at someone attractive, it was just a thing that would happen, like how dogs work. I think thie is the norm.

Look at all the replies to the other question. Unqestionably early teen is when you're the most horny.
Blue balls is a painful accumulation of blood in the testicles caused by arousal without orgasm. It doesn't actually directly relate to ejaculation.
I wouldn't be weirded out.
Though I'd hope to be seen as more normal but that likely isn't the case I really am all awkward and shy.
They're from Intimissimi - Brazilian Cut Panties on their website, they go for 12 bucks a pair but often have pack deals.
They're the only ones that I found that look reasonably cute, are seamless and they're in cotton.
It can hurt, tho. It's usually bcause you kept an erection for too long.
1. you cant really identify gays by sight alone
2. id be worried if ANY guy was staring at me, id sooner think that he might want to rob me, not that hes attracted to me
3. being looked at by a woman isnt really bothersome, at least to me
Women only stare at me in fear
For example I walked by this girl at school and smiled and she looked down at her feet when we passed eachother. I guess I frighteb woemn
I doubt I'd notice anyone staring at me 90% of the time.
As a dude, ive only had my boner hurt me from being so hard, and even then its a 1/10 on the pain scale. You never get hurt by NOT coming. the only discomfort comes from HAVING a boner. And ive had boners that were uncomfy but didnt last long.

Ive never been in pain because i didnt ejaculate
I don't think my ex ever made love to me; he wasn't capable. But with my current boyfriend, it feels like we're making love every time. Even when it's lightly kinky stuff.
>not constantly scanning the area for threats
>cant really identify gays by sight alone
Depends on the gays desu.
Prey behavior
It depends. When I've had kissing sessions with my GF(around 3 hrs), it'll come and go with varying degrees of hardness. With stimulation it can last pretty long. I think I've gone at least two hours.
I don't really like being starred at by anyone but I really don't like being stared at by men.
I'm just going to assume you think I'm a freak anyway, more so if you aren't unattractive.
I don't live around blacks or poors.
Why is this question asked every thread?
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Still shocks me to this day the backlash this dude got about his face. Modern standards are so fucked.
Ok if i see a flamboyantly gay guy staring at me, then yea i would just think hes checking me out and not care. But if a NORMAL looking guy was staring at me, regardless, id be kinda worried/paranoid
Why do some people become assholes when they're drunk while I become sentimental and lovey dovey? It it a reflection of personality? M btw
It‘s more about the fact he hyped himself up so hard than the actual face.
I'm pretty sure only women do this. Even if that threat is just, "Hey, stop looking at my boobs."
F. The first one actually sounds quite hot to me.
Means you have a clean and integrated subconscious mind while they are repressing/using defense mechanisms
>looking at other animals is prey behavior
>Why do some people become assholes when they're drunk while I become sentimental and lovey dovey? It it a reflection of personality? M btw
Dunno depends on their personality, upbringing etc. I get really sleepy
Imagine if mens'gaze had lasers only women could see
dream is a retard and should get shit for being a retard.

Also he didnt get backlash from actual people, he got backlash from underage or overly obsessed people who had unrealistic expectations. The kind of people who sexualize real people and write sexual fanfix slop about actual humans.
Also this, the fact that he made a big deal about it, especially when his fanbase is mostly minors. Of course kids are gonna have shitty taste and throw tantrums over something like this
Women, does crossing your arms mean STOP LOOKING AT MY BOOBS?
What? He did not receive backlash after revealing his face. People were actually relieved that he looked normal and not fat, like in the leaked picture from many years ago.
He did not hype himself up. People assumed he was attractive, then when the fat pic got leaked, they all were shocked and disgusted. He never received any backlash or negativity for the pic OP posted.
>Do you have to cum after being hard that long or can you let it settle down?
NTA. "Blue balls" is a real thing. Obviously your balls don't literally go blue, but having an erection for a long time and not ejaculating can make them really painful. Ejaculating fixes it.
Pls sista no
What do if your partner sometimes dirty talks to you through text, but you just don't get anything from dirty talk texting, and it always makes you feel awkward (even if you try your best to reciprocate in those moments)?

Should I not mention it and instead find ways to enjoy it, or be straight-forward and say I just don't enjoy it/can't get into it?
Maybe it's cold and she has to cover up her pokey nips
No, it means she's upset, frustrated, offensive, and or impatient
Maybe it's just a reflection of their mood at the time? Most drugs amplify your mindset, perhaps it's the same with alcohol.
There's nothing contradictory with these two types of thought....
Nta but I agree.
Not always. I often do this when I'm thinking about something. I don't notice that it pushes them up and draws more attention to them. :(
He does look autistic, and his face has an uncanny valley quality to it.
Also if you're seething this much over people finding him unattractive, it just means you're very likely an uggo. Keep seething kek.
Frowning/becoming less jovial, turning, and maybe crossing arms = dont look at boobs. HOWEVER girls with big boobs cant even cross their arms without pushing them up and small boob gals dont get oggled so idek
calm down
>Isn’t there a discord?
Technically, but it's completely dead.
>Femanons, how gay are you?
>Do you think straight women exist or could any girl be seduced into lesbian sex?
I have zero interest in fucking girls.
thats not from the average boner thats when you've actually had some physical stimulation
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Yes, it's called boob shame. It's the female equivalent to cock shame.
Looks like I was right.
It's not unreasonable to want guys to like you. They have a responsibility to be in the room with you, and look you in the eye. For many younger guys, that's very tough to do, though some are able to. It's a matter of maturity. This is one of the reasons why many women like older guys(think 25+) because those guys have been around the block and are over their previously boyish tendencies to get squeamish around girls. It's very normal, and there's no way around it for the most part, so the best thing you can do, is remain calm, and spend time around guys who are interested in loving others instead of just themselves.

You've got 4 types of Guys usually:
1. The Boys: These Guys want to have fun, but not get serious, or beat around the bush about important stuff.
2. The Indecisive Ones: These are the guys that are the squeamish ones and don't know what they want, so leave them to let 'em decide for themselves to want you, after all, when you love something, you set it free, and it comes back to you if there was love.
3. The Bad boys: sexy for a time, but excessively horny and toxic overall and ultimately not what you really want like those guys who objectify and really lay the flirting thick on you. Best to leave those fellas to their imaginations, as lust does not equal love.
4. The Keepers: These guys are the ones. Look for these guys, they have it together, and maybe they make mistakes, but they're consistent, loving, and forgiving, as well as vulnerable and open with you.
>what sense does it make that men like looking at naked women but women don't like looking at naked men?
What? I love looking at naked men.
>In the shop, shopping
>At cashier, paying
>Hear some little girl say "I fell over we have to go home" to her mom
>Look to see if she's okay
>She's wearing a fucking miniskirt, I can see her panties
>She's no older than 12
when did it become okay for kids to wear clothes like this so young
Truth that being average man will literally kill your career
looking at threats is
>i would be so happy i would cry.
that's adorable.

You know, I've a lot more from this one post, than I ever have from any of the other femanon posts. I learned that there's like, layers to talking to women I've never met. You can't just jumpscare women like a news reporter, there should be some kind of justification behind talking to them, so it's not so unreasonable.
You mean that you're an average-ugly male with a whiny personality, sorry to hear it.
crossing my arms intensifies my boob situation so unfortunately i do not even have that recourse
why are you so invested in that question? were you a dream fan before the face reveal?
No I get sad if I see attractive women in public
where do you live?
Another Example of 100% straight woman (like me) we exist! though i would also have sex with a woman if she seemed to desire me a lot
Can you explain why he's not attractive? He has a big jutting chin and eyes like a model. Is it because he outwardly looks like a guy who you would expect to have a five inch penis?
Men would you date a girl who is going to burn in hell for everything she's done
Why are there so many incel-trannies here?

Looks like these feminine males are the most easily triggered and the most hostile towards femanons ngl.
if she was 1 year older you wouldn't object
We will burn together
I would.
Shouldn't be wearing clothes like that until 18 at least
As long as you can live with yourself
How big do you have to be where crossing your arms gets dicey?
>looking at threats is prey behavior
alright well im sure you look very predatory with your head down staring at the floor bro
The trannies come here to LARP as women because it gets them off.
A big chin isn't always a good look if you have soft facial features otherwise. Just makes you look like a baby who has a huge chin kek.
There are clouds in my eyes
I cannot get them out
Failed man moment
Only for my GF. If I really have to hide it, I contract some of my muscles down there and it slowly goes away
It's a pretty dull pain. I like it personally because it makes cumming feel so much better
Self care and exercise goes a long way.. Exhaust and distract yourself with tasks
Is the 34H femanon able to cross her arms?
Depends, some men can have issues in older age, and even stds. Though, Most men can have a strong sexuality/fertility until about 65, so they kind of keep rising until they get to that point and then there's a slow coasting decline, though plenty of men have a strong sexuality beyond that.

Men age like wine, in terms of sexuality. You could have healthy children in your 50s, and plentiful sex. For women, it's a little different, as their sexuality peaks early, and fizzles out between the ages of 35-40 when they hit menopause and their fertility dries up naturally, though plenty of women still have plenty of fun in bed nonetheless.
Just funny how extremely offended you get over people finding him ugly.
We'll be together again in death.
Yes, feminine men like (You) are indeed failed men. Let's see you rope in 5 years.
Tfw no gf with glow-in-the-dark irises
i mean, yeah. imagine you were eating lunch and a random guy comes up to your table and tries to sell you on a new streaming service you should subscribe to. there's probably no way you're going to buy it, you're annoyed, a little worried you won't be able to make him back off without making a scene, and you're probably soured on the streaming service too.

now imagine you start chatting with a barista about something unimportant and it casually comes up that she's been watching a new show on some new streaming service and she likes it. you're going to be more likely to be curious and maybe pay for it and check it out.

you want to be a friend, not a salesman. you're a person, not a product, and the same goes for me. don't make me feel like a product you're trying to haggle for, i'm a person, be interested and friendly. that's all i want.

holy fuck he's mad
It's a concept for guys to say that they're horny and want to stay active, it's sort of like momentum, staying in motion when already in motion. Like, if they're horny, it makes sense for them to want to have sex.
Right! If you're a product of your environment and didn't grow into a caveman with massive cock and balls and bug rippling muscles than you should just castrate yourself and call yourself a woman!
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Not going to read that. Just leave him alone already.
>click link
>fat dude
You actually don't burn in hell for everything you've done you burn in hell for refusing to repent. At least get it right.
Shitty advice.
There are techniques that work on women and the nice guy routine is not one of them
No, ask for forgiveness.
How do I repent?
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>he got so mad he just started spoiling the showrunner's plans for the tv show

So youre agreeing that incels/failed men are shit, but youre mad im calling incels/failed men shit?
>he took it personally
>Whiny personality
No such thing
No like cloudy spots in my vision. It's better now but there's still one in my right eye that won't go away when I rub it
>”I’m attracted to shy and awkward guys”
>look inside
>she’s just traumatized by the confident chads she actually wants
You don’t like us, we’re just “safe” to you, please leave the shy awkward guys alone you’re going to hurt one of them when you cheat or leave him
This is a useful post. When it comes to talking to women, men have the social skills of toddlers. Most women are oversocialized from an early age and take basics for granted. This basic simple advice posts are helpful.

what works on women
When did they first occur? Are they accompanied by blinking, colourful sensations?
uh huh, which is why you're here, right? because you know how women work?

i don't know what works on other women. im talking about myself. this is what i want. you can do whatever you want, you're not trying to date me. there's no one-size-fits-all routine that works on all women. or even a routine that works on one woman in all circumstances. it varies massively.

i've never dated, so, swing and a miss.
>what works on women
Confidence, being affable, social grace, being genuine, good humor, a general ability to read a room, wit.

This is my experience at least.
Why do young women ignore me? Can they tell?
>what works on women

Be attractive
Be cocky
don't give a shit about her emotions
When will you start a war? I am so bored.
Is it normal to forget all the reasons for a break up after breaking up? She doesn't seem so bad now
After I rested on the couch for a bit and opened my eyes they were cloudy. It feels like somethings in my eye
>there's no one-size-fits-all routine that works on all women. or even a routine that works on one woman in all circumstances. it varies massively.
Of course it does. Evolution takes care of it.
I can tell by this post that youre a retard
This is just your brain subconsciously dripping you copium. You miss having a relationship, you dont miss *her*
You don’t have to date them to be traumatized, and it’s pretty bad to do this when you fucked their exact opposite for years

Please date the confident ones and stop leading the shy awkward ones on

Women like you don’t think what you’re doing is wrong but it is
Then it's probably just dust
I have a better question for ya, how do you know for sure anyone goes to hell? Nobody really knows that, people just say it, and believe it, and profess it, in religions for the sake of power and influence.

You get someone believing they're gonna burn in hell, of course they're going to be scared and reconsider how they act in order to do better.

But this isn't a good standard for morality. Fear should not be the motivation, but Love. One could wonder how Gehenna became hell, when it was merely a place to burn trash, to being this concept of eternal torment which is questionable in and of itself.

When you de-pedestalize Jesus in Christianity, the need for a savior and a heaven and hell are undone as a religious ideal, it's seen for the manmade construct it seems to be, with the story of Jesus being of a completely different nature, one that's heavily focused on love, and not condemnation, where he is one among equals, where we can all be loving like Jesus, instead of pretending to be an angel around others, condemning others who fail to pretend to be pious and pompous about ideas such as believing that you're "saved" and others are not. It's a superiority complex.

But for women who do underhanded and harmful things to other people, even if legal, it's a sign they're dysfunctional and need to be in an asylum instead of a relationship.
How long will it take for me to get a grip
>This is just your brain subconsciously dripping you copium.
First my brain was begging me to let her go now it wants her back? Fuck
I sit but it's a cold war.
Okay so how do I talk to you if I think your shows suck and I don't believe in anything you believe in?
women really be like
>muh education
>muh job
I had a video that shortfatotaku did that showed the research that backs my claim but for the life of me I can't find it now for some reason.
How lame. Do something. Where is your bloodlust?
multiple ongoing wars right now sweetie
Gimme 6-8 years
Until you find a better one.
Yeah but I want shit to hit the fan where I am baby.
>now it wants her back?
Again, you dont want HER, you want a relationship. It could be with anyone. Your brain is just focusing on here because shed probably be easier to get with compared to the difficultly and annoyance of finding someone new to date
We start a gender war and I know who I will kill first
Too long. I‘ll give you a year max.
Maybe if you show me your tits I will spare you
>Until you find a better one.
Probably never going to happen
You're right, thanks anon. I hope this goes away soon
and that behavior conflicts with being nice how??
I will keep that in mind for when you kick my door in with a machine gun in hands.
why would you want to date someone you have nothing in common with
>Is it normal to forget all the reasons for a break up after breaking up? She doesn't seem so bad now
Women what is your favorite time period for men's clothing
Women will say you can't fuck despite being mutually attracted to each other because you don't like the same radio station and coloring book as she does.
Not allowed. They just put you in a tiny cage room with black people if you try to fight for what you deserve in life.
i've never hooked up with anyone either. god damn dude.

You fumbled a bad bitch. Now you will suffer for it.
And you just take it lying down? Pathetic.
Why do alpha widows torment new partners for eternity instead of going to therapy?
I have alot in common with women. That's why they think I'm a fag.
I'm already at war with myself internally so I'm busy.
Well, sometimes, I like to go to the mall wearing baggy cargo pants, a t-shirt of some kind, and some sandals or converse shoes, preferably sandals.

I keep it real. Some girls think I'm tacky or boyish, but I know who I am.
that is a complete non sequitor to what we were just talking about.
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30s-40s. I enjoy seeing older men who still wear hats and linen suits in the summer too.
accountability melts a womans skin like in the wizard of oz
>You're right, thanks anon. I hope this goes away soon
Just how breakups feel man, youll move on eventually, can take a while.

>and that behavior conflicts with being nice how??
Ok so, just being nice, and ONLY being nice isnt enough, you need all the other stuff i mentioned (or at least a combination of the stuff i mentioned) is what you need to have better chances with women.

Idiots and incels think that only being nice is the minimum for getting women.
What, a virgin woman just naturally came to the conclusion she likes shy awkward dudes, and somehow she can flirt with them really good?

Those guys scared you but scary is sexy, that’s why women like slasher films
It's like being born after the game was already declared over. No purpose.
Asking for relationship advice from a bunch of salty single people will not bode well FYI. You probably should’ve just asked for a break, not a break up, to stop and process your feelings before making the decision
Imagine if a guy just pretended to like all of the stuff you like. You'd think he was a fag.
What is the toilet paper roll test
hello, i am 25 and i dont know how to make a move on a woman ive been dating for the past month. im 90% sure she likes me, but ive never been in this scenario before.
almost every date we've been on i dont feel like there is the right mood or vibe to initiate a kiss but i feel that is mostly due to my overthinking. im not very flirty obvs.
what do bros?
"Does your penis fit inside a toilet paper roll?"

So I think I'm pretty decent at this. Actually I managed to have this exact conversation with a girl on the bus to uni talking about streaming lol. Though when I asked about watching something together I gave her the ick apparently, but maybe I'm just really obtuse about 'netflix and chill' culture and she thought I was trying to hook up when I'm not really a hookup guy. Or maybe I just misread the situation. I'm good at making girl friends, but I'm not good at making girlfriends, if you catch my drift.

There's a girl I vaguely know in my apartment complex/dorm, she works for housing. I don't see her often but I want to ask her out. I've only had one conversation with her before and it was just a little get-to-know each other kind of chat, but I didn't feel like the time was right to ask her out at the moment because when I went back to try, she was turning down some guy asking her for her instagram/snapchat (context: it was a uni housing event where people were chatty). I'm not really sure how I should tell her, if I should ask her out to lunch or if I should just ask her out to something datey like skating, but I don't know her hobbies, just her major. You made some pretty good posts ITT so I'd like to ask for your opinion on the situation.
>a genuinely decent guy literally can't date anyone because he's attached to an alpha widow that doesn't love anything about him and he's still desperately trying to do literally whatever it takes to win her over, thinking "If only I was just born a better human being with better genetics and DNA, she would like me more. It's my fault, for being born inferior to chad."
>yet cool and breezy
What a nice day
If only I had someone to go on a picnic with
What worked for me was just being honest about your feelings and asking for consent.
>instead of going to therapy?
Because there is nothing actually wrong with them. They are just being cunts.
So is passing not fitting or fitting
That's me, if I can't get her I don't want anyone else. Smoking weed with her was the shit but then they took her away

Does she have dating experience? Sometimes if you're inexperienced (bonus points if you're both) and have no clue what to do, it's ok to use words and confess that you don't really know you're doing and that you want to kiss. It doesn't ALWAYS have to be nonverbal. If you're inexperienced but she's attracted to you it'll be perceived as "cute"
Women, can you touch your elbows together that way?
>don't fit -> thicc pp -> pass
I pass the toilet paper roll test, it can go in and out without touching the sides.
That is what women want right?
1939-1945 in Germany
So basically you want a doormat? Someone who isn't insecure because they have no ego? You could date s fish or a lizard.
How tall are you?
Not really.
i told her how i felt already. specifically, I said "i like you becasue of (insert reasons here), i want to be clear that i dont want to be just friends with you, i want to be more. i want to make my intentions clear so there's no misunderstanding" she responded by saying she is also looking fro something long term but wants to take it slow.
i told her this on the 4th time i saw her and seen her a couple times after, so i dont think she's completely ruled me out yet.
> and asking for consent.
how do i phrase this in a way that is not autistic?
"i really want to kiss you"???
there's gotta be a better way to say that right?
>asking for consent.
A dick that can't fit in a paper roll definitely wont fit in me. Hard pass.
Would you rather be thicker in girth or longer in length. Assume every inch you gain in one, you lose in the other. You start with what you currently have
>dick too big for the roll
It's over
I tried the toilet paper roll thing and it fit but it was snug enough that it doesn't bother me. Who the fuck actually wants a wine bottle penis
>A dick that can't fit in a paper roll definitely wont fit in me. Hard pass.
It's only true until you try it (and enjoy it)
Babies are coming from there after all
we're the same height (5'4")
i think she was in one NTR, i havent bothered asking about her sexul history since I dont want to be too jaded and blackpilled. just want to try a relationship so im not perma-stone cold incelmaxxed.
lol i meant LTR not NTR. freudian slip. her ex is a psycho tho, i might need to get a gun if i start dating her seriously.
I don't have anything to spare on either side.
I mean maybe I can spare some length and just have a chode.
>we're the same height (5'4")
Ahahahahahahaha it's so over it never began
No? Generally i prefer strong willed and intelligent women. And what i described are what my ex's liked about me or what positive first impressions they got from me. No idea what you mean by this post

Unless youre a retard and assumed im a chick saying what she wants. My guy im one of the more stubborn and self-assured people i know, so much that its been a problem a handful of times. And to clarify, im a dude, lmao
>It's only true until you try it (and enjoy it)
I've tried thinner, and it took us several tries before I could enjoy sex.
>Babies are coming from there after all
Yeah, and it's considered one of the most painful, generally non-lethal pains a human being can go through.
I'm happy with my completely average penis
Would sex even be enjoyable if your penis was 1-2inches
Its gay but ive had my ass burned by not asking for consent. You dont ask for consent to protect her, you ask it to cover your own ass
>Yeah, and it's considered one of the most painful, generally non-lethal pains a human being can go through.
And only because of medical treatment. Giving birth have a high mortality rate without it.
State gender
Do you ever have dreams and believe the things that happened in them happened in real life?
I had a dream a week ago where Chibi Robo was ported to the Switch and I only found out now that it wasn't because I tried to buy it.
>At what age do you think men peak sexually?
If you mean in terms of sex drive, I'd say 15 or 16. If you mean in terms of attractiveness, then around 23.
>how do i phrase this in a way that is not autistic?
>"i really want to kiss you"???
>there's gotta be a better way to say that right?
Id start with something more casual. Like hugging her when you see her. A quick simple hug. Small things of physical contact like sitting close to her if you can. Try to read her body language. Wait for an opportunity to kiss her comes, dont ask for a kiss.
If shes ok with this smaller stuff shell let it happen more and more frequently till it builds to a kiss
Probably for me.
But damn it isn't that small lol.
Even if I gained a couple inches in girth which would be insane girth is not that variable unlike length it would still be around 4 inches lol
If you ask for consent there is no burning and no ass because it dries up her pussy faster than a sahel storm
bullying foids until they cum
NTA but my dick fits width-wise but it goes past the end of the tube. Is that still a fail or nah
You heard me.
Men does pubic hair on women gross you out? Is it attractive?
hugo boss is still in business just sayin
If you wanna catch some false accusations go ahead my guy but id rather miss out on getting laid one night than be hit with some bullshit charges. Ive had a friend arrested over stupid shit like this. Also, most of my hookups where i asked consent went just fine so idk where youre getting this from.
I mean... I don't lament the genetics I was born with, I do wish I had different parents but that isn't about my looks; but the truth of the matter is that is a pretty accurate representation of what I feel because women my age call me ugly but my mom and older or younger women seem to like me.
So its either there is something wrong with how I look or its because women my age are holding out for Chad.
There already is a war in Ukraine. I suspect we will see something in East Asia next. China is next on the chopping block, due their abysmal birthrates, so it's sensible for them to strike while they still have enough men capable of carrying arms.
Oh god dick doesn't fit by half an inch AND would extend for 2 inches out of the roll.
Is it too much?
>Nigger girl
Okay I'm out, also I think its nasty but that is just me and I'm extremely hypocritcial because I don't date women who want me to shave my dick, kek.
I think dudes who dislike hair have been brainrotted by porn imo. I think hair is cute.
I think landscaping goes a long way tho, i dont wanna have to pull out long strands from my mouth when i eat a girl out. Hair is good tho
hair can be hot on a woman if its just her pubes. now if she's hairy like an iranian bitch, then please shave i dont want to hit it from the back and feel like im fucking a dude
Fuck what I meant: It is not fitting in the roll and even if it would fit it would be much longer than the roll
No but asshole hair does
>Men does pubic hair on women gross you out? Is it attractive?
Trim it
Full on bush isn't my cup of tea
Yes but nothing compares to a full regalia adorned German soldier
It's laziness and degeneracy disguised as "mature adult"
If you don't shave you're basically a man and I'm a homo for dating you.
>Women, does crossing your arms mean STOP LOOKING AT MY BOOBS?
It may just mean she's cold. It can also be a defensive gesture - meaning she's uncomfortable and wants you to keep your distance or stop bothering her.
Is it weird that everytime I see your name I get hard thinking about fucking a black women and just racially demeaning her?
OK finally managed to get about 4 inches into the tube but the base is just to girthy :-(
It can be cute.
Women what do you think about MEN's pubic hair? Mine is about the same length as my flaccid penis so there's a lot of it
We dont need a play by play my guy
>Like hugging her when you see her. A quick simple hug. Small things of physical contact like sitting close to her if you can.
okay so i think i already do this, so im close enough. she bit my shoulder yesterday not sure what she meant by that. the only thing is she always has very closed off body language, this is why i have my doubts lmao.
It doesn't gross me out, but I prefer shaved.
I was watching cat videos and cute moids the entire day
Sorry bro your dick is too wide. Everybody knows women like narrow pencil dicks. Good luck maybe in the next life
I don't like it. I like sucking dick, and I don't want to get hair in my mouth.
Mine is too so I unironically braided it so it looks like a gonzo with dreads, I even body painted my dick the same color as gonzo one tome just for fun.
>she bit my shoulder yesterday
Oh you adorable retard you
If thats not a sign that shes into you, or at least open to some level of physical contact idk what is. Also good chance shes going to be a freak in bed but thats a good thing.

just take your time and see where it goes, wait for opportunities to present themselves
Pisses me off I have to RNG random women to get one that isn't a sasquatch. Fucking shave. You play hard to get and then you don't shave. disgraceful.
Kek, loot box salt but its about shaven or unshaven women.
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I love my cat. Hes my son and gets his good looks from me
Girls how much cum is too much?
Sometimes I shoot 3 feet or more I never know where it lands
>just take your time and see where it goes, wait for opportunities to present themselves
will do, thanks for the tips anon
Now say that with black face an in a ghetto black women way :^)
That is a cute kot but are there pokies too?
Bro youve never had the worst rng of getting a woman who has NO nipples. and by no nipples i mean: No areolas, and nipples so small that therye hard to find even up close, smaller than pencil eraser, same color as her skin
An inch of girth is worth a lot more dick than an inch of length, so I'd lose at least one inch of length up to whatever girth can still fit in a woman's mouth
What if it’s trimmed in a cute pattern? I’ve seen girls trim them into hearts, looks pretty cute
It sucks feeling insane and knowing this is so universal
She deserves better
>Just how breakups feel man, youll move on eventually, can take a while.
Thanks man
And I should take advice from a "Nigger girl"? You bitches are so dumb
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pokies? Whats a pokie?
I feel bad because my cat was literally scream meowing over nothing and I yelled at her and she jumped now she has been avoiding me like I hit her or something :(
She's like a fucking actual real life woman
>complains all the time
>you get aggressive and yell at her to shut up
>acts like I hit her
sad times.
Dirty talk is something I take some pride in, and spend time planning, so I would be a bit sad it wasn't doing anything for you. But I certainly wouldn't want to feel like I was putting all that effort in for nothing! I think I'd rather know so I wasn't wasting your time (or mine).
That’s way too much, especially if you want oral from a girl. Pubes stuck in teeth is gross. At least trim, you don’t have to completely shave
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Nice cat fellow catbro
Here's mine
His name is Luke
99% of my hatred for women is nipple RNG.
>will do, thanks for the tips anon
godspeed o7
>Thanks man
godspeed to you too o7
nice bulge bro :^)
I'm 8" length 6.5" girth so I'd probably trade at most an inch of girth for an inch of length so I can actually fit in her mouth
Pokie is a nipple poking it's way through a shirt (which is fine because we like nipples here)
nta, but I like it when she just deals with the pubes it adds a level of degradation that she is willing to put up with or a level of degeneration because she just doesn't care.
No such thing. Also shooting far doesn’t mean a large load. Just saying
still a complete nonsequitor.
Now you understand why 99% of womens hatred for men is dick RNG.
>ONLY being nice isn't enough
dude literally all i said was "don't lead with sexually explicit statements" and "don't make yourself into a salesman or me into a product, engage like a human being". you're talking like i said something ridiculous, but i didn't.
I will trim when I actually have the prospect of getting a gf. No point in caring about stuff no-one will see when you're a bachelor
>Men would you date a girl who is going to burn in hell for everything she's done
That depends a bit on what she's going to burn in hell *for*, but honestly, probably.
Would you rather date a blind woman or a deaf one?
Deaf, they're much more capable of independence.
This sounds kinda appealing actually.
Why don't you want to fuck Barbie?
I'm an ugly mf with a deep voice so the blind one
No, but I'm probably burning in hell too.
Blind because love is blind and I like the idea of her hanging off my arm everywhere we go, also dressing her up to look cute, putting on her make up, pranking her by making her wear shirts that say funny things, stuff like that.
There’s so many other ways to degrade though that are hot. I’d just get annoyed about the hair
Blind so she can't see how ugly I am hahaha
But deaf sounds nice since she can't verbally nag me.... difficult choice
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awww lol, my cat is 15 and is also a brat, he'll whine if he cant snuggle with me in my room
i think its just that the cat probably wants attention and you scared her. Now shes scared to ask. Id say you should spoil her with love for a while. Try petting her, snuggling, etc
What a good looking lad, mine is named smokie
i swear to god both of these instances are just folds in my clothes lmaoooo. At least for the pants, ive always had... pokey nips when it comes to thinner shirt so its a toss up if thats a nip saying hi in the pic
Blind waifus are the best because their hearing makes them appreciate music more also I have attachment issues so a woman that is on some level dependant on me is something I crave.
Mb i was more directing the frustration at incels who get bent out of shape when being a nice guy doesnt work, not at you specifically. I should have made it more clear.
Can have proper, spontanious verbal communications.
I wouldn't actually particularly mind either though.
That is completely fair, I do the same as a girl. I was just talking for sexually active people
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You can just ask, why do women selectively decide to be prudes from the 20th century about specific topics, it's too one-sided, I don't want a woman with weird parts, but i can't directly confront women about it, because then I'm the asshole, but they can see my dick and laugh at it and tell their friends,
I'm not into high octane coomer degradation, the more tame stuff is hotter because it means that she hasn't been "treated that way" before.
finna be trapped in a room alone with my sexy MILF boss for 3.5 hours...
I should have jerked off before this but now it's too late.
Should I kill myself?
You've got to be careful with that, it sneaks up on you. Personally I always bought really weird and flamboyant underwear because I figured no one would see it, but then you forget about it until one day a girl is pulling your pants down and it's James Bond doing the circle gun thing across your crotch with "The Man with the Golden Gun" printed on your waistband.
Such a cute BOOOOIIIII
who is a cute kot? you are!
I love nips of all shapes and sizes EXCEPT non existent nips, thats the one nip type i dont like
Nips are my favorite part of boobs. I like big boobs, small boobs, flat boobs. But i want to see the nip most of all. I want something to play with and suck on
She isn’t. You browse TikTok and get enraged at the nonsense you see there then come puke it out here on 4chan. God help you, anon.
How blind are we talking?
Men lie about dick size like women lie about their weight/age
>i think its just that the cat probably wants attention and you scared her. Now shes scared to ask. Id say you should spoil her with love for a while. Try petting her, snuggling, etc
Its hard to say because she is doing it to get my attention then she just goes to her food bowl after she has been fed or she goes to the door expecting me to let her out, she probably was asking for attention because after I yelled at her (first time I ever did that btw) she just slinked into the basement and I didn't see her for the rest of the night.
totally blind
well i'm good at expressing my feelings but im not very socially adept so dont imagine im a good advisor on this stuff. if i were you, i'd try to invite her to a place where you both can have fun. establish that you can have good chemistry when doing things together, but also make it a thing that she will enjoy even if you don't have chemistry; a win win, right? then pretty much just start treating her like you would treat your girlfriend. be playful and be a little flirty but don't really acknowledge it. like an unspoken free trial of dating. if she responds positively then you can turn up the heat, start choosing more datey type locations, eventually try to actually start a relationship. if it doesn't work then them's the breaks. i think that might be the best way to go about things without making her feel like you were being a bro then suddenly went "sexo date-o?" out of nowhere. by acting that way up front, but sort of silently and slowly.
>.. pokey nips when it comes to thinner shirt so its a toss up if thats a nip saying hi in the pic
I swear if women's bodies didn't exist you needed to invent them
deaf so she can't hear the hideously vile and primal sounds her pussy and throat are making
there's no shortage of incels itt, why me? i'm not even a guy
We wouldn't lie if women weren't fucking rude as hell to us abou tit.
Just trim and ask for oral after you go to the gym or something. Ez
Femanons, what age range of women are you interested in?
If you're bi, is that age range different than your range for men?
90's boy band.
Blind because I don't know sign language
I also want her to touch my face
I don't think the anger is personally directed at you, much like how when women get mad at things men say its not always about the person its about the message. They get mad because they were lied too and while they consciously might have not put the puzzle pieces together, unconsciously they do and then their conscious mind makes up a reason to be mad a the girl.
Women do it all the time and men just put up with it but when its reversed its like the end of the fucking planet.
it's my right and privilege to bear witness to the cacophony of nasty wet slapping and gasping sounds my body is capable of making. you can pry my sticky throat noises from my cold dead hands
I get it. Average and small penises are fine btw, it’s really only micropenises that would make sex nonviable in any fun or meaningful way
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He knows hes cute.
Give her pets NOW. Even reading this made me go to my bed and bury my face in my cats fluff.
Thanks? I guess? I cant really tell what youre trying to say here but im assuming its a compliment.
Im just a guy who loves his cat
I don't buy it. It's not even a "of course we like looking at men we don't like looking at you!" thing because I've never been naked with a woman anyway, but like, why is there zero market for male nudity but a massive one for female nudity? Why are most male porn stars female focused rather than male focused? Why is a young woman streaking a "dam nice" thing and a young man streaking a "lmao look at that idiot"?
Like I get women get horny at men psychologically but a naked dude doesn't seem to do anything for you while a naked woman will make any man pop a boner immediately.
>Likes sex after the gym
Do women have high libidos after the gym as well? That is when I'm at my most forward and domineering, I have a permanent water stain on one of my gyms walls because of how may times my gf gushed when I PR'd in deadlifts.
Bisexuality is the sexuality of being a whore
Blind because it would be hard to learn sign language
what a fatty
I'm crying
Deaf. Being blind sounds a lot more dangerous, I'd worry myself to death every time she's away from me. Also all of my hobbies are visually oriented, so I'd be sad not really being able to share any of them with her.
Yes working out makes women more energetic and feel good. It is a prime time for sexy time
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Fellow russian blue owner
Yeah he's pretty.
Lil button nose.
Defined jaw like hella.
Thick and defined eyebrows.
Sweet curly hair.
I want to snuggle dream, but he lives in florida.
>Give her pets NOW. Even reading this made me go to my bed and bury my face in my cats fluff.
She might be fine, she is avoiding me this morning but that might have been because I was holding the watering can, I did pet her last night and this morning because I felt bad and she seemed okay.
blind is ugly cope dating above their looksmatch
deaf girls literally fart loudly in public spaces all the time
>nigger girl ISN'T actually black
21-38 for both.
>deaf girls literally fart loudly in public spaces all the time
Is that true?
2nd one is hilarious
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Hes my fatty
yesss YESSSS
I dont think you understand, when i say give her pets now, i mean: get up, go find her, and pet her like CRAZY. I want you to lovebomb her. Give her a treat too
Ugh I want to order a man around while he has a raging boner.
F. I genuinely know that deja vu is experiencing parts of dreams I've had before. When I have deja vu, I've often recalled that I remember it because I've dreamt it. I love dreams, they're so much fun.
>blind is ugly cope dating above their looksmatch
You'd be surprised how many blind people can accurately describe features just by touching. But either way at least our whole relationship won't be based on how I look.
You have awakend the brap man, anon. Be careful with your words.
I too pretend to be asian after sex.
men, if your girlfriend suggested you have a day where we play zombie and she pretends to be a zombie and doesn't talk at all, but can stand or move around herself, but has to be directed like you're a necromancer, and she'll do anything you say but not talk back or anything (including eating and stuff, but not including bathroom stuff out of consideration) would you think "wow what a fun maybe kind of hot game to play" or would you think "what the fuck is wrong with this girl should i break up with her"?
Prophetic dreams? I mean I have a succubus that sucks me off every night and every morning I have cum in my pants so sure.
I often have very realistic dreams of making up with lost friends. Or something else generally good happening. Dead loved ones not being dead, meeting a new great friend. Ill wake up feeling happy, and then ill eventually realize it was a dream and ill get really bummed about it.

Would honestly rather have nightmares because i can rationalize those away
I'd be into it, but can we change it from a Zombie? I've never been into any of the necrophilia or sexy anime zombie stuff.
I suppose that's not the weirdest fantasy, I dated a girl who wanted me to pretend to be a retarded ogre and chase her around the house, like specifically I had to say shit like "OGRE WANT FUCK" and then she hit me once because I started talking like Shrek.
>cat poster is probably hot
Oh I'm M btw, if the context clues didn't give it away.
I would ask her if she wanted to try hypnosis. But also, why a zombie specifically?
>men ITT genuinely thought being nice worked at getting girls when women are unironically turned on by men inflicting violence
>I think dudes who dislike hair have been brainrotted by porn imo.
Weirdly, I think it's the opposite. My ex was a porn addict and he loved pubic hair, full bush, and armpit hair too. Instructed I didn't shave. He'd shave just around the opening for me.

I think it might also be that men who have more sexual experience are more likely to like pubic hair. He had slept with a lot of women.
Yeah, by men, women, and society at large. Women say one thing and do another thing and it wasn't until the internet happened that we found out on such a large scale.
>I think it might also be that men who have more sexual experience are more likely to like pubic hair. He had slept with a lot of women.
Maybe its this
Idk the more complex the game the more I'll just be nervous I'll fuck it up. Same reason I'll never own pets, what if I lose interest? dumb nigga will just shit up the place and starve to death
>Cat hours
dog chads... theyre laughing at us
If you're a bit autistic, then honestly just asking how she feels about it is probably the best way. Try and keep it light-hearted - smile, make her smile or laugh if you can. You can be as direct as "Aarrggh, I *really* want to kiss you right now!" (laugh) "Is that okay?"
Would helping your partner shave their pubes be fun or weird?
>why is there zero market for male nudity but a massive one for female nudity?
1. We can go to the gym or the beach for IRL lookies of hot almost-naked men
2. The dick is not the most interesting part.
3. Otome game with hot, nearly naked guys is the second most valuable Gacha game in the world, consistently earning more than 35 million dollars every month. Flavour of the month games come and go, but Love and Deepspace is the only one that has lasting power, because that's how much appeal it has.
i was kind of just thinking about a way to be an autonomous entity with no inherent will or drive. not much to do with necrophilia really. would it be better if i was like a high tech robot? or one of those ghosts that came out of the TV? i originally thought about being blindfolded all day but then i wanted to add a story to it. maybe i'm a robot but my eyes are in for repairs and you have to take care of me

kek, that's really funny. you did it?? i can't believe you'd actually do that.
No it isn't gross, if it's really long it can be unpleasant if it gets stuck in my mouth.
But if it's trimmed that won't happen.
And I do think it's hot.
I want to post my dog but he has very distinctive markings and I don’t want that on my file
Seems easier for a man to shave a woman than a woman to shave balls
Scary. That's their most sensitive area.
I don't have an opinion on it. I like giving oral, and yeah sometimes I get a few stray hairs in my mouth but I just remove them. Easy. This might sound weird, but I kind of like spreading it out of the way when I'm getting started, too. I've only ever blown men with minimal, fine pubic hair though.
Honestly, I'm fine with being entirely average. Gf loves it. Don't care what anyone else thinks.
Sexbot, I'm a magician and I mind dominated you
No, I'd get to silly with that and demand you wear a tailored bedsheet with eye, tits, ass, and vag cutouts and a golden curtain tether abourn your waist. I'd turn into a full fucking costume and meme show.
>Maybe I'm a robot but my eyes are in for repairs and you have to take care of me
Abused robot that is rehomed to a sexually abusive one?
I was just fucking around with the Shrek thing but evidently she wants a bestial and monstrous thing to overpower her, not a scottish swamp redneck with a heart of gold. Personally I think that I didn't do anything wrong, I mean if a girl says she wants to get ravaged by an ogre 99% of men are going to think she has a Shrek fetish.
just post your tits and ass instead, I'm sure those are very average :^)
I honestly think incels would hate women less if they were honest about their desires
I don’t get why guys lose a fight in front of their gf and get surprised when she fucks the guy who beat him
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lmfao nooooo
I like to believe im conventionally attractive. Ive been told i look like the guy from Spyxfamily or yoshikage kira(before the face change) if you want an idea of what i kinda look like
i would need to trust my partner an extreme amount to try hypnosis
Where do I find all the women into the weird stuff? Maybe I've been going out with too many virgins, my ex didn't want to call me daddy when we had sex.
gilf pussy
meetups and forums
This is a blue board and no I actually have distinct marks on my breasts as well. Not that I’d ever post them online
>cat poster is hot
those are called nipples, and everyone has them
>This is a blue board
Hasn't stopped people before
Daddy kink is cringe
i was gonna be like hahah blue board check out my cock and post a picture of a male chicken but then i decided not to because my cock is too large
I'd date either but if I had to choose I'd choose deaf.
I'd get to learn sign language which I want to and I have a pretty horrible voice anyway so she'd probably like me more.
If your into it, just be into it. You can also call me Master or Big/Little Brother or Onii-chan/kun
>does pubic hair on women gross you out?
>Is it attractive?
It can be. I think very slender women often look better shaved, but those with wider hips look better trimmed.
>the guy from Spyxfamily or yoshikage kira
lol you absolutely do not.
You seem to have the body of a twink.
>post a picture of a male chicken
Do it
Babe, what's your sign?
I loved it when my ex shaved/trimmed my pubes for me. It felt very erotic and anticipatory.
I find it flattering either way
This, tiktok is just a degenerate cesspool too so that, look at "kinktok" and its 99% women telling people about their weird fetishes often with tags for my specific stuff in the vids.
Just avoid any that has a link to onlyfans since they're just doing it to get people to click onlyfans
And be prepared for 90% of them to have the exact same fetishes (cnc, pet play, dd/lg, spanking)
robot sexual abuse is kind of an entirely different scene and tone from what i was going for. it cant be abuse unless i was acting all oh no this sucks im sad, but i wanted to be a sort of mindless emotionless husk
Stop calling me hot anons. I am still recovering from a rash all over my body.
Abuse as in its illegal, not as in your sad its happening.
My penis says this is hot, so it is.
>Zombie, put on this miniskirt
>Zombie, make me a sandwich, but be annoyed about it
>Zombie, bend over
Weird incestual behavior
The soggy evil one
robots dont have rights so it cant be illegal. you have to consider your worldbuilding better before you jerk off. if robots DO have rights then theres really no reason for the character to be a robot because if robots have rights theyve been ruled as equally sentient to humans which means it's just a human with a robo body, but i dont HAVE a robo body, so the entire roleplay is pointless

kek. cute choices
Women, why is your skin so soft?
>Abuse as in its illegal, not as in your sad its happening.
>"Worker bots are not designed to relieve sexual tension..."
Putting ointment all over cat poster's hot sexy naked body to heal her.
>my ex didn't want to call me daddy when we had sex.
You probably don't have Daddy energy. I didn't want to call my ex that, either. For the right guy it feels right though.
Hypnosis is nothing like what you see on stage or on kid's cartoons. At best it can make a fantasy more vivid, which is why it is used to make recollecting a memory more vivid.

Also if you are that anon, why a zombie?
I called my brother, a giant weab, onii-chan ocne when I was like 9 and he called me a wannabe jap, actually ruined our relationship since the only thing we bonded over was watching anime with him and he himself was constantly saying shit like that
>you have to consider your worldbuilding better before you jerk off.
I have, robots are sentient beings that can consent but sometimes their neural cortex needs to be removed, defragged, and well as software and bug updates, you left your body with me because you trust that I wouldn't do anything weird with it. You'd be the body, not the mind.
manifesting subdrop wife
i just explained this in detail like yesterday.
I know im not bad looking, i dont claim to be an Adonis
Do you have a cat btw?
I dont have the body at all, never claimed that i did, i just have the blonde hair, sharp jawline, and blue/green eyes
What music do Chads listen to?
Would you rather it be real incest? I don't really want to ruin anyones life due to my perversion, I'm aware that what I like is dangerous and I love my family :^).
Well she wasn't even my race and she did confide in me that she wished she was born white, so maybe it hit a mental soft spot.
I feel like this isn't real.
That's a very thorough answer
I would definitely rub your creams on for you. And feed you my boob.
Same for both, around my age
God I wish bratty or slutty sexbots were a thing.
I do have feline roommates, but they're not mine. There's three of them.
Whatever they want.
i know. i'm mentally susceptible, i have trust issues, i repeat. i would need to trust my partner a lot to do that.

i explained why zombie: >>31939752

alright, that's well thought out and hot, i approve. i don't think you had that imagined originally
>Abused robot that is rehomed to a sexually abusive one?
doesn't feel like it indicates that, but you came back from it, well done.
my sister calls me onii-chan sometimes and I call her nee-san and nobody has any problem with it
>so maybe it hit a mental soft spot.
Maybe. My Daddy isn't the same race as me either though, but he's still my Daddy. I don't see him any other way. Then again, I think I'm a little racially deluded.
I’d rather you get help for the porn addiction you have
HARD agree
I fucking HATE being called daddy. It just feels both incestuous and reeks of daddy issues/trauma

Im not your father, im not your therapist, miss me with that shit. And so many girls my age want to call me daddy. FUCK
>Whatever they want.
I sometimes listen to sentimental music because I want but this makes me a beta not a chad
>Hypnosis is nothing like what you see on stage
If your subject is susceptible enough, it can be. I've made women have orgasms without touching them before now, or drink water and taste coffee or wine.
Idk man all the chads I have known have also listened to pop and sappy music if they felt like it. Make with that information what you want.
Have you ever seen her naked?
nice! Do you get along with them? Also i love the term "feline roomates" im going to steal it and use it now. I have my cat, and my roommate has two cats.
I want a man to wax my pussy.
>alright, that's well thought out and hot, i approve. i don't think you had that imagined originally
>>Abused robot that is rehomed to a sexually abusive one?
Well obviously you were mistreated by your previous home and didn't know kindness until I was assigned to you and the first thing we did was a neural core update and before I reset your body's sensory memory (muscle memory and movement efficiency) to default I take advantage of it.
I could go on but I feel explain more and more would eventually become a turn off lol
Of course I have, why?
Girls, would you date a guy who buys generic brand grocery items?
Who knows, Its not a requirement its just nice to have the sexual flexibility.
When are you coming over? :^)
Yeah ofc, I do that too. Why pay more just for the name? Sounds stupid.
Women, would you watch Columbo with a cute guy?
Sadly it is.
Both my brothers managed to ruin their relationship with me pretty much instantly wityh 1 sentence
Yeah but it was hardcore normie shit, like "Wonderwall" while drunk af, groping some girl at the club?
I want to work on my bad habits you know...
I think a lot of women say it for the power dynamic. But they could just as easily say “yes sir” instead of making it gross and incestual
They don't care about what other people think of the music they listen to
>Body AI is abused and never reset but because the Mind AI and the Body AI never communicate the Body AI just has all these horror stories that it can't tell the Mind AI.
I feel like this should be an Anime.
I'm not a girl, but pitch me on Colombo.
I‘d watch columbo with anyone. It‘s great.
What's wrong with it being incestuous? That's what makes it hot.
so robots have rights but we're still "owned"? is it a limited rights situation like with pets?
>i feel like if i explain more it'd eventually become a turn off
well. not for me. i'm retarded but the more i have to think about the social/emotional/logistical implications of something, the more worked up i get. it's more sensory input so my mind being busy is like getting groped but mentally. which is why when i read books with a lot of politics and plotting i usually get worked up for no reason.
>I want a man to wax my pussy
I think I would be too scared of horribly injuring you to try that.
I'm confused you said you ruined it with 1 brother, now there are two and they ruined it with you? Very sus...
Nope, chad does not judge his different moods but leans into them. The only way out is trough.
What bad habits?
Never you sound like a non-white perverted man slut
Ive been called master, sir, etc. All of those are fine
I cannot separate "daddy" in my head from weird implications or red flags
>They don't care about what other people think of the music they listen to
Can''t be true because ppl could make fun of them for listening to it
ive been watching columbo on my own. i'd really like to cuddle with a guy and try to take guesses at how he'll catch the guy. where he slipped up. while he pets me.
>Do you get along with them?
Mhm, they're nice kitties. One even knows the come here vocal.
>Also i love the term "feline roomates" im going to steal it and use it now. I have my cat, and my roommate has two cats.
Aw, lol. I just had to specify.
I also have plenty of return strays in my neighborhood. One being a big golden boy. I've pet him too but he's tsundere unless there's food.
The other told me when i was diagnosed autisitc I'd have to live with him because I'd be incapable of looking after myself, and when I said that's not true, said it will be, just wait
I only have 1 sibling I actually like out of 4
Do blowjobs really feel that nice, how would you describe it?
Honestly I only enjoy watching things if I can talk mad shit about every character and every scene with someone.
It is so over.
Chad has exactly 1 mood
I have the bad habit of having feelings which sometimes translates into listening to sad music if I feel sad. I should work on my feelings (that is, kill them off)
>But they could just as easily say “yes sir” instead of making it gross and incestual
Speaking as someone who has been both a Sir and a Daddy (and a Master once or twice) you are so far off base here it's positively painful. The difference between being Sir and being Daddy is night and day.
It can be limited like pets, or it can be full rights I don't really mind either or. It doesn't actually even need to be illegal if you don't want it to be, but then I wouldn't understand why I would have or own a robot with no brain unless you were a very early generation that could just move around or maybe I slapped you once too hard and it broke your AI.
Oh, or maybe your my sexbot that got damaged in an accident and I just sentimentally keep your repaired body around to have sex with.
>i explained why zombie
>a way to be an autonomous entity with no inherent will or drive
Oh. Well that sounds hot to me. I think the story I'd prefer would be a fairy tale about the only man alive, who crafts himself an effigy or doll for a companion and wishes it to life. I'd ask my girlfriend if she wants to be a she or it. I'd dance with her, pose her, dress her up or down, maybe try to put lipstick on her. Of course, the sex too.
Hurt me, rip the wax off. It can't stay on there.
Why are there so many bi women?
No that is the incel that you are talking about. Chad has no reason to repress himself like that.
I'm white and I'm perverted but I'm sure you have fetishes that are nasty as well.
It's just me, relax.
>Do blowjobs really feel that nice, how would you describe it?
Most women aren't very good at them. If you find someone who is really good, and who is enthusiastic about them, there is no sensation that remotely compares. Far superior to PIV.
>Chad has no reason to repress himself like that.
You are right, because he is stoic all the time there is nothing to repress. Thanks for helping me work through it
Personally I really enjoy them. A good bj is much more stimulating than piv from my experience.
I like that idea of a magic or robot doll that can do simple motions and sex motions (hand-waving) but things like combing her hair, bathing her, dressing her is all up
If you aren’t blond with blue eyes I am uninterested
That sounds like it might tear your labia clean off. I'm frightened.
I hope you're actually black and not some boring whitebread girl
>Thinking, acts of sexual stimulation are the zenith of sensory perceptions
maybe its a dystopia and your roommate got hacked and is caught up in cyberpunk court trying to get the rights to her body back through long documentation, and it's just empty of a person while the legal proceedings go ahead and she lives in cyberspace for who knows how long

a doll is cute. wasnt there a doll in one of the dark souls games? it could be like that but less talking.
They don't care if they make fun of them
Its a detective show from the 70s.
Its about a disheveled detective who solves murders who are usually some sort of expert in their field. Doctors, actors, writers, engineers, beauty brand ceos, etc.
Columbo is sort of a mythical figure, you never learn his first name, hell you never see his wife even tho he talks about her all the time. Its a smart show and it has some really good humor to it too. He also has a dog named Dog.
Heres a good explaination of the show that does it better justice than me

I will ALWAYS shill columbo. (Also there will be guest stars youll recognize on episodes: Leonard Nimoy, johnny cash, the hotel manager from john wick, and more)

yesss ikr???? Love the show. Ive been watching this series on youtube that does a deep dive on the episodes. Even goes into the names of uncredited background actors.

Its so good. Its a comfort show of mine.
>i'd really like to cuddle with a guy and try to take guesses at how he'll catch the guy. where he slipped up. while he pets me.
I need this desu
I'm Italian so no.
She's niggergirl because she says it, not because she is it.
Having kids is the most normal thing ever, every single ancestor of ours has done it since life began.
And yet I am no where near having kids.
I have no gf and no one wants me.
I am currently eating food.
My belly is large.
>>i'd really like to cuddle with a guy and try to take guesses at how he'll catch the guy. where he slipped up. while he pets me.
If I offered to do exactly this at this exact moment you would still decline so I sometimes wonder if women just live for their fantasies
White women are far from boring, they are much more colorfully diverse than black women.
This place is tainted
You idiot
you aren’t gonna fine one moping about in your room
>maybe its a dystopia and your roommate got hacked and is caught up in cyberpunk court trying to get the rights to her body back through long documentation, and it's just empty of a person while the legal proceedings go ahead and she lives in cyberspace for who knows how long
Sounds hot, also kek mind jail. You could add politics to it as well and say your a terrorist or some sort of "freedom fighter" and I'm a government official who took offense and your body is my trophy.
>doll is cute
It is, the game with the Doll is Bloodbourne and she is very cute.
>I have no gf and no one wants me.
Correct, but venting is OT
>Men would you date a girl who is going to burn in hell for everything she's done
First, yes.

Second, the thing you need to know about Hell is that it's both real and entirely a fictional idea concocted by religion as answer to assholes who want to reject wisdom. Some people are always going to say they don't want a healthy, good life and the want to chase degeneracy until they die. So religion need an "or else".
That's where Hell gets invented.

But Hell is real.
When you die, they say you can't take it with you. But that's your physical possessions. You take your experiences with you.
Hell is living through life as every person you've ever harmed. Living through life from the perspective of everyone you've ever hated. Hell is the metaphysical sulphuric fire burning away your hatred and sorrow for all the pains in life.
You get to relive all of your worst moments, from every perspective. Over and over again. Suicide doesn't free uou. If anything, the incredible focus on your own self traps you even more. Until eventually you let go and move on to your best moments. And ultimately, I believe you become free of time itself, able to perceive existence without past or future. After that, eventually the wave returns to the ocean.

Life isn't a pass/fail test so strive to live lightheartedly.
Everything is chaos. Be kind.
>trying your whole life to get a gf
>never had a gf
>women ignore you
whats the equivalent feel for a woman?
I enjoy that as well, but it's not the only way I can enjoy media. I think my gf is now getting to the point of enjoying my endless yapping about the things I like
State genital.
What a shame

Achually genetic diversity between Africans is higher than Nordics and Japanese, this is because of the bottleneck effect
>Mhm, they're nice kitties.
Cute!!! My cat and i will talk to each other, he knows when i want him to come here. he also knows that if he is lazy and meows at me enough ill eventually pet him. Brat that he is. I love it tho.
>I've pet him too but he's tsundere unless there's food.
God i love cats. Im considering whether to get a kitten to keep my boy company because hes getting older now.....
It might be pathetic but I'd like to have a white bf
Its like you guys are making a movie at this point.
>You idiot
If I understood correctly, Chad would not care about your evaluation of his intellectual capacity, so I should neither I think.
Maybe, I'm 99% sure I wagered my soul in a bet. (As a joke, this is a joke it didn't happen though it feels like it did I'm joking satan)
Is this true?
Also, have you ever wanted to fuck someones voice?
I want to fuck her voice its so sexy
I could believe that, but visually white women are very interesting. they have a wide variety of colors and often outgoing/quirky personalities. that's all I'm saying
Kinda racist to say its pathetic to want a white bf isn't it? Unless you are white, then that is honestly just normal.
I mean if a girl offered to snuggle and watch columbo with me I would 1000% jump at the chance to do so. Idk why you think id decline it when i just said i NEED that kind of thing in my life?
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I keep forgetting my pics
Yes there is an epidemic of female gooners right now
No, it'll just hurt a bit. I've plucked hairs before.
If you aren’t yourself then yes it’s pathetic. but possible i guess
Correct. You are a fast learner.
Women, would you date the guy who wrote the above post?
reminds me of this little edit
I don't think you have room to talk.
I'm not white
What are you, a bio girl or boy?
I did think of combing too. It would be nice if she had several frilly outfits to change her into and out of, perhaps something that would be considered overdressing for most girls, but not for a doll. If the fantasy for her is letting go of responsibility, we could go out like that. See somewhere beautiful with my beautiful doll.
I'm on the toilet at work lol.
But yeah I know, I was going out all the time but I injured my achilles and haven't been doing as much.
So its pathetic because he is white or because you are non-white?
>God i love cats. Im considering whether to get a kitten to keep my boy company because hes getting older now.....
Lol careful tho, if they're too high energy they might have pissing contests.
Date your own
>you have to do squid game with atoga community
how far do you think you'd get?
It would be depressing if I found out that my gf wanted to be with me because I'm White.
Im a bio dude, i think you joined the convo halfway through and werent paying attention
The discussion started here with the post i made >>31939863
I wouldn't go out in public unless it was to a park or a place that didn't have a lot of people, maybe into the garden.
I couldn't watch that video, she didn't get to the point fast enough.
>have you ever wanted to fuck someones voice?
Oh yeah. Especially if I'm on some sort of psychedelic. Makes a nice voice insanely erotic.
I tried, it didn't end well
both, I guess
I'm whitest dude (pale white, green eyes, light brown hair) itt pls be my hue gf brown girls are hot
Dude you know what NTA means?
Use it!
I've always enjoyed an episode of Columbo when I have seen it but never sought it out.

Have you ever seen Kolchak: The Night Stalker?
I describe it as Columbo mixed with X-files.
Just a short run of a newspaper reporter investigating supernatural events.
But it's played uniquely in that 70s nonchalant vibe.
I didn't see all the episodes before it stopped streaming. I think that was when I learned Netflix dropped shows.
you're mexican bro stop lying.
Honestly if I had a doll she wouldn't even have clothes the majority of time or at most she would just have a mini-skirt on.
Mhmm true. I just want to do everything i can for my cat since hes older now. I love him more than anything. Hes important to me and i want to give him everything he deserves
Anyway sorry for just rambling about myself and my cat lol
What ethnicity are you?
I specicifally timestamped it to the question
>Women treat reading books as porn
>both, I guess
You seem sad, femanon whats up?
If the girls itt weren't ugly whey wouldn't be here and instead having fun with chad
I'm white and I'd date you if you at least had tits and ass and were submissive, I'd treat you nicely until we get to the bed then the raceplay comes out.
I don't think a woman that hot would get with Michael Cera
I actually prefer ugly or fat girls, I like the self-degradation of it. Only problem is they want to date and not just get fucked, which I get cause it use to be the same for me when I was younger and had more normalfag tastes.
I feel like I'm betraying someone
What kind of raceplay?
I'd say I'm neither hot nor ugly. Probably a 6. I'm posting here because I prefer it to going outside and talking with braindead normalfags.
>I feel like I'm betraying someone
You're parents? God? "You're people"?
Im aware of what nta means, this whole time ive only been responding to (you)s im getting. So i have zero reason to use "NTA". I think youre just dumb and didnt read the start of the convo.

Mhmm thats fair, its not that often i meet other people who go out of their way to watch columbo. Especially people around my age lol.
Ive heard the name kolchak before but i didnt know anything about it. But a paranormal detective show does sound really cool. Ill look into it sometime, thanks!
>What kind of raceplay?
Me calling you racial slurs and berating you both in an aggressive and loving way.
Nevermind. I was hoping you'd be a Castiza or a somewhat White-passing MENA.
Normalfagging is healthy and evolutionary correct behaviour
Too many cucks in those threads
>>you have to do squid game with atoga community
>how far do you think you'd get?
Pretty far, I think. When it's life or death, I'm pretty efficient.
Plus, I've watched all of Kaiji. So there's that.

There was a deathmatch tournament two years ago, but that's a different format.
Would be a lot of fun to tease her sexually too, knowing she can't move on her own to finish herself.
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Most of them look like pic related, like it's not ugly, kind of cute even, but her appearance will be totally overshadowed by her hostile and insane personality. 4chan girls have achieved that women's holy grail, they're completely beyond looks and are remembered, loved, and hated entirely for who they are, for better or for worse.
I NEED a gf this horny
I have the complete box of X-Files seasons 1-11
How enthusiastic would you be watching at least 6 of them with me?
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>deathmatch tournament two years ago
Pic related
Sure, but for me being in public is pushing it a bit too far, I don't want other people to see or to even have an inkling of what is going on.
I wish I could simp for a abusive but hot girl
One of my healthiest and longest relationships was with a girl i met on /b/. We broke up due to normal reason and because of the distance. I miss her sometimes still
dunno what that is, but probably not far, i dont like hurting people
Oh no, I didn't mean in public. In public I'd want privacy too, ideally no one would even get in earshot range of us.
I kind of look like the middle one in the top row, except I'm not Asian, don't wear glasses, and have smaller boobs.
You do you, I think I'll stick to a secluded garden at most lol.
I'm gonna go the distance.
That was funny.
ehhhhhhhhh, I'm on the fence but lets just say would
Dear femanons, what kind of gloves should I wear when out? (I'm embarrassed about how veiny my hands are).
>Look up the "hottest story of they year" female centric "minotaur miling farm" thing
>Its just handjobs
>Literally just handjobs, nothing else
>Women going apeshit over it
What the fuck do they get out of it if its just fucking handjobs
It's ok, cat poster. I like listening to guys ramble about their passions. You always have such a cute gleam in your eyes when you do it.
Ones that make you 6ft5
Based, she's the one I rated highest
On the zoomed out shot anyways, when they zoom in her skin is kinda gross, like she bathed in sewage for years
>I'm embarrassed about how veiny my hands are
That's like a woman being embarrassed about how dainty her fingers are.
>be me
>dated a girl from June 2018 to September 2021
>we lived in an apartment together and were planning to marry
>I couldn't handle a relationship at the time due to depression
>ghosted her
>left in the middle of the night with a note that if I remember said something like "Sorry but I'm not mentally healthy enough for a relationship or for marriage. I love you, please don't doubt that. Goodbye."
>she kept texting me for about a year, hundreds of messages overall, but I never replied
>yesterday I text her apologizing for what happened back then and asking if we can be friends again
>she erupts on me with a long, scathing message that's just 20 paragraphs of concentrated hatred

Two questions for women

>Was that response from her warranted
>Is this something that can be worked through? I want us to be on good terms again
I think most women would find putting something that big in them a little too much? Unless this is babby's first fetish story.
I like michael cera tho.
How do I contact you so I can colonize you :p
Hahahahaha, I remember that!
I did get very far.
why did you post that image?
nta but a femanon roasted me for having too veiny hands
You fucked up and it’s over
Why did the same exact thing happen to me.
Women, can you explain "sister size" bra sizes to me?
Men, would you rather a hot woman who is aware of her hotness, or one who isn't?
Its unattractive when such a soft spoken girl like you curses, unless your doing the UwU anime girl voice for the voocaroos on purpose.
I suppose I'm glad I'm not the only one so down bad as to think of pussy when I'm peeling fruits
Why does this matter? Having a girl who knows she is hot but doesn't act like it doesn't mean that she doesn't know she is hot?
*would you rather date
Darn it.
I disagree, i like the contrast
My ideal unattainable woman would know how hot she is
One who isn't. But they can both be pretty trying.
Fair, but my opinion matters to me more :^) and I never consider women who cuss so much to be marriage material.
I got roasted on soc for my vascular hands
Aware of it, it's exhausting when a pretty woman has low self esteem.
Which one is nice to me?
Well, Im nothing if not passionate. Im rambling about cats and columbo in this thread lol. I tend to ramble a lot. Glad you seem to like it though.
It's going a band size up and a cup size down or vice versa. At least that's how I understand it.
If that awareness leads her to being happy and confident without trying to weaponize it constantly then that one.
>My ideal unattainable woman
F excuse me? :) This is a thing?
nta but don't worry as an autistic man I ramble a lot too about bullshit, it makes me unsufferable to my family, friends (I don't have any anymore kek), and my therapist.
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Give slutwife who is confident in her hotness and wears hot clothes.
Even if she hits the wall, she should be confident anyways and I'll fuck her anyways
Let's say both.
*squishy macaroni noises*
And that always just works out?
nta, but its a thing for most guys yeah, why?
Its not like most of the anime waifus we like would actually date us if they were real, kek.
Why can't women understand that if you're with a high T man who is ambitious that he is going to want to sleep with other women? I can't do monogamy, I just can't. If at the end of the day I come home to you, and give you things that means I love you more than the prostitutes, they just fuck better.
Well, in this case my answer is both :-)
Both pride and insecurity are onerous in a partner. I guess I'd prefer a hot woman that thinks she's above average instead of hot
I'm crushing on a jap pornstar right now
>I never consider women who cuss so much to be marriage material.
Nta but do slurs like nigger or faggot count as cuss words? I don't cuss in the sense of uttering obscenities, but I love my slurs.
Women, can you cross your arms?
>mfw the bbw hag jav actress I like would never have sex with a white man
its fucking over for me.
Any wmaf scenes?
What if you can only date one?
>I'm crushing on a jap pornstar right now
The state of moids
That's actually really unattractive irl.
I think the reason you don't know much about this is that the majority of men, like 8 out of 10, don't entertain those kind of fantasies. I only really entertain it when I'm on atoga talking hypothetically
women would you rather a man that jerks of twice per day, or never?
Yes. Does that mean I'm a chestlet or something?
If you're saying the funny ones I don't mind it as much and I'd laugh if they were used sparingly, like if I fucked you over in a video game or something like that, I wouldn't count it against you.
But if every other word out of your mouth is a cuss word when we are talking casually its an ick.
So in short you'd be fine.
I mean its not the biggest problem, or much of a problem at all. Most of the women ive dated have liked it. I ramble but i try to do it at the right times. I just worry that i get too in depth at points or go on too long. Im just a lil self conscious about it. At least it seems to be cute
Hey give me a break, they know how to act and show emotion, they're hot
Girls used to love James Deen before he was outed as a creep
I literally don't care because chemistry and a good heart is the most important to me. Which is already hard to find
>a man that jerks of twice per day
I never thought about it but maybe jerking off 7 times or more in a day is bad for me.
>more than the prostitutes
You better not be spending money on diseased whores. I will force you to stay inside of me while you work from home.
NTA but small bobs are peak elegance and I like them
He means crushing as in having sex and being friends with, not actually dating and marrying.
Fellow men, why do you crush on girls you dont even know? and will never meet?
Like why bother crush on someone like scarlet Johannsen?
>I will force you to stay inside of me while you work from home.
Oh god stop that is my fetish
Thank you, anon.
NTA. What should a manon do if he's in an LTR and overwhelmed by depression?
Depends on the man, most dudes are okay with a "handful" but I like 'em as big as they can get, I can do smaller tits but for the attraction to hold your gonna have to have either a really nice ass or do fetish stuff for me.
Now they love him even more
if anything you deserve worse lmao, you're a legit terrible person
Not necessarily. Maybe you just have liquid boobs.
I don't hear about him anymore
Under my boobs, yeh.
whats up casper the GHOST
whats the point of penetration if women dont like it?
I don't DISlike it.
I have nostalgic feelings for this game and remember playing it at a friends house for hours.
State gender and rate oldfag rank 1-10
Why couldn't you just tell her this, have a fight, break up, then get back together again or stayed friends? That would have been easier. I only ghosted one girlfriend and that is because she was emotionally abusive. She didn't listen to anything I said, her emotions were more important than mine, and her problems were more important than mine.
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No anon, I'd 100% marry and impregnate her.

Please don't judge me
If she knew she was attractive, she wouldn't be dating me
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Use my ass as a laptop platform.
Why would you marry a pornstar though? That's gonna fuck up the kids so much as they grow up.
You need to pull yourself out of it if you want the relationship to survive
>I can do smaller tits but for the attraction to hold your gonna have to have either a really nice ass or do fetish stuff for me.
My butt is pretty big for my frame, which I don't really like, as it makes it impossible to wear pencil skirts without looking vulgar and trashy. As for fetish stuff...yeah, no, thank you.
I don't.
I don't even watch movies or tv.
Why do you guys always do this shit? "Oh, I don't deserve you..." I made my choice.
Every woman can gross their arms. Touching elbows is a different question
>Why would you marry a pornstar though?
She's hot, rich and freaky.
>That's gonna fuck up the kids so much as they grow up.
That's their problem
This would definitely be worth the carpal tunnel syndrome.
:/, your making it very hard to not judge you lmfao.
Looking at hot women is a reminder for me never to let the ugly whores who put up with me to feel like they're highly valued based on looks. Basically you don't have the effect on me as a hot woman, so you don't deserve what a hot woman gets. Kinda like how they are with Chad.
Those guys are saying it because they want reassurance, but I'm just saying it like it is
An attractive girl dating me is like a billionaire eating garbage
Not just as a laptop platform TRUST ME
>As for fetish stuff...yeah, no, thank you.
Its tame stuff and more mental than physical stuff but I get it. The most I'd want you to do is either roleplay or wear an outfit.
Freedom of speech is very attractive
They do it for us
State gender and what position you're usually in to view here.
>position you're usually in to view here.
Like, how I sit? I mostly phone post from work, so I'm usually in a desk chair.
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Anon, I'm just a incredibly inexperienced man who doesn't know any better except I love sex. Sleeping regularly with a rich slut? Sign me the fuck up

You literally can't judge me. Like marriage? I just graduated, she's probably richer than me
Posture. I'm ESL. Sorry.
Just imagine, we get to... stay like this.
You tacking away, working. Me, chilling, playing ps5, headset with mic. Both of us completely nude and so connected.
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Laying on sofa.
Got a new chair like 3 days ago (was too tall for my last one) so now sitting on it
That looks like a fun position
In a desk chair.
Women how are your ovaries doing today?
I mean, with my width, I could probably hold a monitor.
Oh, I'm usually in bed
Silent girls best girls.
F usually laying on my bed with my laptap on my lap. Y'all are in bed with me.
Sounds lame.
How many monitors can you support?
NTA but who is that character? I've seen a cute flatmate with a big ass dressed like that several times
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I've dated insecure girls in the past
worst mistake of my life. The entire relationship boils down to proving to her that you love her while she wallows in self pity about how ''she's not good enough and I should just move on to a girl thats better than her''
its mad tiring
Don't have any.
>tfw no spooky ghost gf
Thanks for calling me cute/hot or whatever. I know its true, i know im attractive. But its nice to hear regardless. I appreciate it.
No it isn't. Rights are for faggots and niggers. We're white.
pic related, always gotta do maintenance on my blades.
I'm like this but I tend to keep it to myself.
Women are selfless creatures.
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what are you manifesting

its complete bullshit but its fun listening to people think they can think stuff into existance
Manifesting the autobots
I am in bed
you're only sabotaging yourself, stop it
I had a similar situation but it was even worse because even if she had a hint of me actually doing what she was telling me to do she would flip her shit and either cry or get angry and screech like a retard. Then when I do break up with her she is crying again. Literally nothing changed.
Tall gf
Probably 2x24inch
Do you work?
I would say based but knight Megatron is the peak design and you should manifest him instead
This just made me sad realizing that tall women have big feet.
You're welcome, sweetheart.
I like a man with a soft spot for kitties.
You heard her voice. What work could she possibly do besides prostitute? Waitress?
I've seen blade runners around but they are always running on roads or pavements, I've always wanted to ask if you could trail run in your blades or would that fuck up the blade? Not having an ankle articulation must fucking suck for climbing hills.
big girl
big feet
big hands
big heart

tall girls are peak
Tall woman here. You just realized that now? :/
Am off for a few days
I'm a 9.5-10 in womens.
Shoe shopping is suffering.
Well I mean I don't have a foot fetish so it isn't something I pay attention to.
Maybe we can share shoes though.
I wear an 8 in mens.
I don't get the whole feet fixation but I've always wanted a giantess gf to copulate with, but even 6ft isn't enough. I'm talking about being able to physically scale her titties and fuck her cleavage until I cum and she doesn'te ven know I'm there.
I recently applied to a job as a writer for a fairly famous writing person. I already have a completely unrelated job that pays me very well, but I the opportunity of working with this person and what I might learn about writing and the publishing industry, and maybe get to know some of the connections this person has. This job's hours wouldn't interfere with my current schedule, and I'd be paid to do what I already do for free.
In bed.
It's nice when pimps give their girls a break :^)
High libido latina gf
We could share eachothers shoes.
Just think about how many cool things you would wear if we were together.
>mfw I have bigger feet that you
It is so over.
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I'm going to see this movie by myself tonight. Girls, what do you think of people who see movies by themselves?
>The most I'd want you to do is either roleplay or wear an outfit.
Oh..I could imagine doing that once I've been with a guy for a while and really like him.
I thought you meant painful stuff, and I have low pain tolerance.
Well in vans I'm a 8.5.
It's okay though I would look past your big feet and love you for what is in your heart and your height.
Kek, that is what I figured, you heard fetish and went to the crazy end of the spectrum instantly.
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pic related
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Manifesting jimmy bf
Dump your gf that's likely taken bbc.
I need.
Man is speaking facts
Tall women are the only ones I really notice over the rest
>Dump your gf that's likely taken bbc.
>I need.
I'll work with it. You have to behave yourself during conference calls though.
More like:
>My hot witch wife
>Me waiting for her to mount me.
Women, when do boobs start growing and when do they generally stop?
More like
>hot bitch wife
>me waiting for her to sit on my face
>Me when femanons call me a loser for having an opinion and being a virgin
>1. We can go to the gym or the beach for IRL lookies of hot almost-naked men
So can men, and in fact women swimsuits are even more revealing!
>2. The dick is not the most interesting part.
Same for men, pussy and boobs are nice but it's really about the whole body.
>3. Otome game with hot, nearly naked guys is the second most valuable Gacha game in the world, consistently earning more than 35 million dollars every month. Flavour of the month games come and go, but Love and Deepspace is the only one that has lasting power, because that's how much appeal it has.
Fair enough. But is it mostly women or gays?

cringe, ruined the fantasy
>sex sex sex
this is why men are so often alone
I want a witch gf but they're all libtards unfortunately
More like:
>Based, improved the fantasy
What, like Wiccans and shit?
Women how would you feel if boobs were like antlers where every year the old ones fall off and another, larger set grows back in their place?
Women, would you let your BOYFRIEND sit on YOUR face?
>I don't have a foot fetish
>made me sad
You are a feetshitter and like all feetshitters you can't shut your mouth about it.
Seems like that would be really annoying for clothing/bras. Don't we actually have a woman here with that disorder that makes your boobs keep growing?
Some are wiccans, some aren't. I just like really like women with that cottagecore witch aesthetic, but most are lefties and often lesbian.
ok. think of a truck; yknow how it's got an engine and a truckbed that combine to create their carrying capaticy? cool. now imagine you have to move a big rock. you try out some trucks until you find one that carries the rocks good; truck bed is big enough, and the engine is strong enough. dope.

now imagine you need to buy a new truck, but the truck you bought last time is gone. your next best option is a truck with a smaller engine but a bigger bed; it carries all the rocks to, but the pile of rocks is shorter and wider, and the trucks move a little slower, but it works. you can also get a smaller bed, bigger engine, that makes a taller pile but drives faster.

that's bra sizes. straps are engines, cups are truck beds. doesn't always work, but if you go up one and down the other, it usually evens out.
It's funny how women will blame everything on the patriarchy like even male problems
My mom fucked me up more than any guy ever could
Haha, that was a great analogy. Thanks.
Another day, another
>One woman was bad to me
>I will insult all women
Why are men so whiny?
wtf she's fluent in Man >>31940345
Can you at least agree blaming everything on the patriarchy is bullshit?
>gf has IUD
Can I really just coom freely?
Men, why won't you invite me on a date?
Wouldn't it be more interesting than jerking off at home???
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Why do piggies act like this?
Yeah. You might get poked in the head by the strings, though.
About as much as you acting like every woman does that. More of an america women thing only and even then just some.
nta but you mean bandsize, right? Not straps. Adjusting my straps just changes how much cleavage and shoulder pain I get.
Fucking animal
Can you agree that blaming everything on women is bullshit?
Yup. You can do it right now. Just walk over to her, bend her over and go town. Walk in on her on the toilet, tell her to hurry it up, shove it right in there. When she's sleeping. When she's in the shower. Visit her at work and do it right infront of her boss and when he asks what the fuck, just tell him, "she has a IUD". He'll be so impressed he'll give her a raise
Big swollen massive throbbing tasty dicks
Where are you?
NTA but how come? I'm a size 10 and never have any trouble getting shoes, it's a common women's size
>Men, why won't you invite me on a date?
>Wouldn't it be more interesting than jerking off at home???
It varies. I'd rather jerk off to tile patterns than spend time with some people.
You're probably not one of those people though.
That's what they're there for.
Women, are men who watch anime really that unattractive?
>Why do piggies act like this?
How many punches to the face would it take for you to stop resisting arrest?

I just squirmed and they didn't punch me once. I think that guy was doing it wrong.
I'm male but I literally have a furry waifu and my gf doesn't give a fuck and I consider furry shit to be worse than anime.
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Based. Tile patterns are the best.
>Men, why won't you invite me on a date?
I'm at home jerking off
>Wouldn't it be more interesting than jerking off at home???
No, but I'm trying to stop masturbating as well so...

sorry, yeah. i call things the wrong things alot because there's nobody around to correct me.
The guy probably deserved it
They are people too and usually they usually are the worst part of people's days and its a thankless job so I can understand why people doing this kind of job would sometimes just snap and start beating people who are being difficult.
>Can I really just coom freely?
IUDs are pretty reliable. Go for it.
>Adjusting my straps just changes how much cleavage and shoulder pain I get.
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I'm scared of rejection, so I don't ask n work out much.
But when I do she never wants a 2nd date anyway.
wtf now I'm a furry...
She cute but let's be honest here: that's a kemonomimi, not a proper furry.
>Men, why won't you invite me on a date?
I'm far too old for you.
A bit furry for a kemonomimi don't you think?
They're attractive to women who also watch anime, I would guess. I don't watch anime so I usually never like/match with guys who state anime as an interest in their profile. Save them for the weeaboo girls.
Seriously, what do zoomer girls talk about?
Honestly, not really. I've only really gotten the ick from guys that watch hentai and ecchi.
Women are scary
I mean, how would I entertain you for our date?
Sex, mainly
mcdonald’s , charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual , eat hot chip & lie
Cripplingly low self esteem
I wish...
She doesn't even have paws dude. Just the tail and ears == not furry.
On one hand I'm in no position to judge because I love horror movies which I'm sure is really unattractive in a girl. But yeah, I don't really get anime and I find a lot of it off putting. It's not attractive to me if a guy is super into it, and it might be unfair but I do associate it with all the stereotypical baggage too
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Yes she does its just human hands with dog paw palms
Police brutality is justified at least 90% of the time. There are some cases of psychos with badges like the murder of Daniel Shaver
Women, do you have any vaguely furry related clothing?
Those are just her hand pressure points on the camera, anon. Stylistically the artist made them look like paws, which I think is a nice touch.
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>Tile patterns are the best
It's a deep track reference to a 2013 post on /v/.
I am 40% pop culture references.
Only if you pull on the string as hard as you can
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>They're psychos when the perpetrator is white
NTA but the strap is what goes over your shoulder. Tightening it makes the bra sit up higher and loosening it makes the bra sit lower. If it's too tight it digs into your shoulders and becomes painful
Cat ear headphones maybe.
I have some cat ears I guess.
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They're psychos when the perpetrator is 20 feet away from them unarmed with their hands up on their knees
Sloth onesie I guess.
I can be still.
nta, truck analogy girl here.

imagine you're wearing a backpack full of coins. when the straps over your shoulders are at their loosest, they won't brace the bag against your back, the bag will sag, pull you backwards, and put a ton of sharp pressure on your shoulders. conversely, you can tighten them down to get more even pressure across your shoulders, your chest, and your back; the bag braces against your spine, and the coins are smooshed into a smaller compartment. if they're too tight, it can cut off circulation and the coins might spill out.
I can think of thousands of things I would rather do than go on a date with a stranger
Waterboarding would be one of them

I mean having to talk to a girl for hours? Having to keep her entertained? Having to be charming?
No thank you
Take me to gitmo instead
Why are her eyebrows so smoll?
Do you have a dashcam? What country are you at?
I'll twitch it s much as I can.
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nah they dont want us either
Unlocked a memory.
>People are shocked that cops have PTSD and act out violently against the people they interact with
Wow... What a discovery guys... You're really onto something...
What about when they're executing no-knock warrants in a country that encourages lethal defense and castle doctrine?
>sloth chan
I want you to know I have that amazon page bookmarked. My next gf is getting a onezie because of you.
I would be ferral with one large titty on one side and completely flat.
Yeah sure, PTSD. Let's go with that.
HAHA, that's awesome. It's really comfortable and warm, she'll love it.
3/10 bait
Oh please, I bet you'd be traumatized if your mom arranged your chicken nuggets wrong on your plate.
Is that... good?
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PTSD isn't real, anon.
>Oooh, no, I'm back in vietnam! I gotta hide behind muh truck and shoot everyone
lol, no you aren't retard
All aboard the Cope Train CHOOO CHOOO
Nice nails.
Does anyone here have fake boobs? What's that like?
I feel like we need robot cops now.
People are too soft.
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>Weight lifting belt arrived
>Try it on
>Girl looks at me and giggles, calling it "cute"
everything i do they mock me
Do my moobs count?
We can make it twitch at will, but it also twitches on its own sometimes. The horny is a powerful force.

No, but I plan to get one when I get a car. Too many crazy drivers out there.
That would be my secret goal.
I'd say it's involuntary, while in reality I'm trying to make you moan uncontrollably.
I don't have them but I've touched them a little bit.
What do you want to know? Or did you specifically want to know what it's like to have them yourself?
Men are the more romantic gender
>tfw no bf that cums over tile patterns
I suffer. Give me that autistic man.
Stop being like this.
I do. I'm happy with them. I was flat before and actually kind of insecure about it. I feel better now.
Define romantic.
Do they feel that much different than real boobs?
What adjective could she have used that you wouldn't consider to be mocking?
its the wway she said it
Yeah, you can tell. It's not bad though, you can just tell.
I could probably do that for star constellations and mountains, would that suffice?
I have silicone ones. I didn't go too big, I assume it's more obvious with big ones, but they do feel different than what I had before. Not awful, just different.
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Ugh yesss.
I'm gonna brainrot your confrence callllll with porn moans.
It wasn't enough for me but it was better than nothing. What do I do?
Tiktok, 4chan and tumblr ruined my life
>just blowing you under the stars and your literally looking straight upwards.
Hnnn yes
You'll have to be a bit less vague and mysterious if you want some advice.
>sorry guys just stubbed my pinky toe there
Women, do you even like penis?
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Fuck yes
I have the least sexual experience here, king of the incels . King of shit mountain.
Yes. They're cute and fun. The way they go from soft and squishy to hard and upright. They bob about and you can move it, too. Intriguing things. I wonder when I'll stop being intrigued by them.
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Congrats I guess
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I love white penis so much.
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I went hiking on Sunday came A LOT* looking at the mountains.

*just sweat
What if it's attached to a White guy but dark because of hormone inbalances?
is it gay for a man to smell like vanilla, coconut, almond, and shea?

>but dark
Like red or... *shudders*
No. I don't want.
What does that look like? Tan?
How are you tan only on your cock?
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I dont miss sex
I dont miss dates
I miss kissing
why is there no prostitution but just kissing
Meant for
I understand men want to sleep around, but I believe you should be able to control yourself for a person you love. If you cheat on your SO, you're just a piece of shit.
NTA that's just hormones, not imbalances
Tbh people that use the term SO deserve to be cheated on.
Nah you are an entitled piece of shit.
>What does that look like? Tan?
>How are you tan only on your cock?
Haven't you ever seen a White girl with a dark pussy?
It's exactly the same thing, both caused by a hormone imbalance.
I was a kid when it happened.
Sounds a bit like why we like boobs to be honest.
What? Why?
Oh, it's the gross pedo guy back with another thinly veiled revolting fetish post
Because you think you are the authority over what is the best for someone else, even over their own parents.
No, he should smell like that so I can eat his vanilla booty hole.
Yeah, I'd pay for this. Professional kissing.
Based actual sociopath
> I "broke" a child
>Did I do good
>And when I'm gone she tells her mom she thinks I'm great and kind to her.
Spoiler: All kids do, even the ones who get abused. It's a coping mechanism.
>Did I do good, /adv/?
You did not. The absolute worst lesson you can ever teach a child is "If you're bigger and stronger than someone then it's okay to use physical force to make them do what you want." It turns the strong into sadists, bullies and rapists, and the weak into permanent victims. When your niece's first boyfriend hits her, you have taught her that she should meekly obey him instead of leaving his abusive ass. You guys are always complaining "Why don't women leave abusive men?" *This* is why. People like you trained them to be victims.
>Did I do good, /adv/?
You did amazing. Very good dad vibe. Get me pregnant.
>Haven't you ever seen a White girl with a dark pussy?
No. I've seen two white girls with white pussies.
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How do I DavidMAXX?
I'm not ready for this.
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Yeah, they're fun and make me feel good
Actually I apologize to the sociopaths of 4chan, I shouldn't compare you to this guy. Shit would be a better comparison. Actual piece of shit.
I guess look it up.
Idk I'm insecure about it rn more than usual, thanks.
Not saying everyone has it.
Would you prefer your asshole to not be vanilla, but modded?
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What do you mean by modded?
And I mean I'm not ready for my ass to be eaten.
Lurk more.
>wear new shirt to work
>just a standard purple polo
>office ladies immediately notice
>even one of the cute ones who never comments on my appearance
Is this a woman thing?
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I believe this is the most beautiful woman of all time.

What do you girls think of my taste?
All I'm getting is vitiligo and other stuff.
Nothing about that. I don't believe you're inheritably white. Are you jewish?
You mean Torrie, right?
No I'm not Jewish,
her dad didn't stop me because he knew I was right
genuinely think there's something wrong with these posters
eh there's some truth since I've had a hand in making all of them strong and unwilling to take shit from anyone. My niece is a fighter and she'll definitely won't end up in those relationships.
It's good for them to know how to bully, a little. It's a doggy dog world and they're going to be strong.
Only reasonable post for some reason. Not sure why the rest are calling me names. But yeah I try to take a fatherly role and ensure they're looked after and have fun.
>Not sure why the rest are calling me names.
Because they're miserable ugly men that just want to say shit to make you mad because they're jealous.
Girls what was she going to say?!?!
You're a funny guy.
okay now how many of you are trannies?
I think you accidentally fucked a chicken, anon.
I've deleted my op because it's not a lot of fun to share a story if all you get is shit on
no wonder lots of /adv/posters are sad
kind of self demoralising when you hate any kind of positivity
you're cringe bro
nah you're
The cope is real with you.
Femanons would you date a guy who farts a lot?
Is scott pilgrim vs the world the greatest movie of all time?
>no wonder lots of /adv/posters are sad
The bitter incels never leave. I'm just here to rattle the cages.
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Rush (2013) is
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She was very attractive but it's Stacy all the way for me.
What color are your eyes?
Wtf is this cringe shit
coraline, paprika, and the big lebowski are the only acceptable answers
Is it part of a disease?
as blue as the summer sky
as deep as the ocean you can only dream about
That is WWE wrestling
a 200 year old artform
Because you often post these gross, pedo vibe stories about bullying your hopefully non-existent niece and it's nauseating to read
don't know, can't see them
Not that I know of
>What color are your eyes?
A darkish blue. They've more than once been described as "piercing".
Dark brown, almost black
Green hazel
How did WWE handle Vince McMahon going away?
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>Me when femanons call me a loser for having an opinion and being a virgin
Ignored it, mostly
Papa Haitch took over and the show improved a lot
Are you blond and also male
This was around the time I dropped wrestling because it was like... I came here for wrestling, not softcore porn.
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They just don't talk about him anymore. He stopped being part of storylines a long time ago anyway so nothing really changed. Triple H runs creative now.
Blind man?
dark grayish blue.
God I know its all staged but I can't go back to American Wrestling (I've never watched Wrestling as a fan) after seeing the gymnastic acrobatics of Japanese Wrestling.
No, I see with my eyes, but that means I can never see them
It's tragic
Does it count if I was blond until puberty?
Male, yes. But my hair was originally a very dark brown, and is now grey.
male yes
hair light brown
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That was a long time ago.
It’s freaking over
I'm aware, they had to start competing with Japanese Wrestling, which is insane btw, its the right amount of camp and wacky with really go acrobatics.
Brown, can't be bothered to look in a mirror to figure out which shade though.
not like your kids would've inherited the hair
Brown hair
I'm gonna dye my hair and get blue eye contacts just to inseminate you so your child has brown hair and eyes then disappear into the night to look for the last Crystal Pepsi in existance.
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Stoooooop making me want to pry medium shirt white guys legs apartttt.
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Ilja needs to go to the main roster already and finish the story
This may be the single most homoerotic thing I've ever seen.
>Papa Haitch
meant for >>31940721
You know two blue eyed parents have have a brown eyed child?
Don't watch 300 then if its making you horny
Triple H
Man I wish horny femanons were real...
i am blonde with blue eyes, why wouldn’t they inherit a dominant darker hair color?
Wow he aged like shit.
Ah, ok. I heard something about how they let some wrestler go home from a big event early to see his family. I couldn't imagine Vine doing something like that.
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FMK science fiction edition:

The catch is once a character is selected they're off the board for everyone else
If you have brown hair and brown eyes in your gene pool and you marry someone who is blonde and blue but they have brown and brown in their genetics as well there is a 1/4th chance you'll have a blonde and blue child.
If one of you has brown and brown the only way to get blonde and blue is if they have blonde and blue, but even then its 1/4th of a chance.
That's SO cringe.
shit nigga I was guessing you were just a brown girl fetishizing again.
Genes work funny. Neither of my parents had light hair. Mom has black hair, dad had light brown before going gray.
one brother and my sister are both blonde
me and second brother are both light brown
all except sister have blue eyes, hers are green
More accurately Stephanie took over and does fine on the buisness side outside of the one point she tweeted that charity is marketting lol
Triple H got put in charge of talent and some of the B shows they use to scout talent which means they push more than just the very big people (which vince famously was gay for) now
The female side of it also got a lot better apparently but I dunno I'm actually with vince and only like the big guys
Men, please note that if you are not Olivier Richters, it's over.
How did the first blue eyed chad come about then?
when are going to do an atoga meetup?
Wrestlers usually do.
We're not.
I look pretty much like him, ngl.
Slightly less jacked, and slightly less tall, but otherwise similar. And my pants fit, and I even think my legs might be better.
Who cares? Even Chads get divorced these days. Its more socially advantagous for men to not self-improve. You dodge the draft because you're too fat and mentally ill to be useful. Women won't date you because of those two things AND your poor, so you can live life peacefully and go undetected.
Don't take this the wrong way, but I never want to meet any of you irl. Except for maybe the 34H foid.
No, you just don't understand how genetics work
I'm on the fence about this, but I don't go to any of the meet ups because I find socializing uncomfortable and the chances of meeting a fat black girl with a huge ass and likes anime are slim.
I'd do it, but euro
Gee, thanks...
In my >>31940716 case I still have the blond gene, but my hair was darkened by testosterone. I still have blond facial hair as facial hair growth is tied to dihydrotestosterone.
Does she need to be fat?
Kinda defeats the purpose of anonymity doesn't it?
No, I'm willing to overlook face too if the tits or ass are good, I'm white though and I don't really want to deal with black women who will try to lecture me about race either.
Can I call dibs on virgin chad's innocence?
>I'm white though and I don't really want to deal with black women who will try to lecture me about race either.
NTA what if she lectures you on how 25% of slave owners were non-white?
State gender
Just listened to yandere mafia bf asmr (sfw)
Should I be ashamed ?
Lol, what do you mean? What makes you think I'd do that?
I do the same thing, just with girls mostly
Yes, you should
There's a /soc/ meetup I might go to tonight. Or I might just watch and see who shows up and pretend I have nothing to do with it.

So far 1/1 atogans I've met have been fun people to hang with though. I'd much rather an /atoga/ meetup.
I just listened to a ''sleep paralysis demon sucks you off asmr'' audio
I cant judge
Why do so many ASMR girls have to turn it into softcore porn?
it pays the bills
Weren't the slave owners in the south majority Jewish? I think the irony about that is even the Jewish Encyclopedia says that somewhere.
But yeah that's fine.
>What makes you think I'd do that?
I'm just putting it out there just in case lol. I know you'll be too busy with "other things" to talk anyway :^)
If an audio is SFW, I don't sexualise it, I just think about the story.
They know no one's gonna honestly just watch someone making noises. The porn way is often just easier than coming up with a character and a script and stuff.
African girls are great to date if they haven't had contact with Western culture, only problem is that they can be backwards in some way and they will date you just for your skin color, but they will also take real good care of you as well.
I'm so depressed I can't eat I dopn't know waht to do
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*head pat*
Its okay to not eat if your sad, have a glass of water and take nap!
Femanons, do you hope to marry a man or a woman?
Don't feed the nice sounding ego monster, the attention will just make her more petulant.
A man
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>the attention will just make her more petulant.
good, I like her that way
I think petty much everyone has has contact with Western culture nowadays in some form.
I guess. I'm trying to hopefully spread some much needed cheer but instead I get
I mean I post about them from time to time because they make me happy. There's no pedo vibe, I'm just a little autistic and really good with kids. And there's no actual bullying. It's at most some mean spirited teasing but they know they can push back and I'll let them. It's a back and forth with me trying to make them stronger. I'd say it's working because they're strong willed as fuck. Genuinely feels like you're reading into things because you want to be a killjoy.
Thank you but only if you are blond and blue eyed
>nice sounding
thank you
>thank you
I don't have blonde hair and blue eyes, keep on walking sister...
am the light brown blue eyed guy from earlier.
if the kids arent blonde you get a refund
Dude... Don't embarrass yourself like this...
What race are you most attracted to that is not your own?
Gay marriage shouldn’t be legal
There are no refunds to being a mom!
middle eastern girls do shit to me
Probably East Asians.

Assuming halves don't count, otherwise it would be half-white half-Middle Easterners. But I'm white so...
White Male
Black girls but they aren't ratchet/ghetto or big titty Japanese girls, but the Japanese girls need to be actually from Japan.
If the black girl can twerk and act ghetto for me privately
If the Japanese girl can speak english well
White guys.
>There are no refunds to being a mom!
then we keep going until a blondie pops out. shit there are more blondes in my family than other colors
Drink water, slowly and try to go for a water
>the Japanese girls need to be actually from Japan.
Why? Culture stuff? Japan is becoming increasingly Westernized.
I would never date outside of my race. But if I had to I’d pick a tall east asian man
>If the Japanese girl can speak english well
Add if they are Christian to that, Japanese Christians are still persecuted to this day in a lot of places in Japan but their women are very humble and caring because they familiar with being bullied or outcasted for their religion.
They do. It's better to take them at face value and ignore the shit out of their posts so they kill the thread and start scrambling to revive it.
>If the black girl can twerk and act ghetto for me privately
Lol. It's ok in private, right?
Culture stuff, Japanese girls are just sweeter in general as long as you fill your side of the bargain. They want to help out and they want to do things for you because they come from a collectivist culture. Also I really adore their fashion sense.
I unironically need to have kids asap. I am entering my later 20s
You watch too much anime. :)
I have nothing wrong with girls twerking publicly "in general" but imagine bringing a girl back to meet the family and she is an IG thot or something? I couldn't do that to my parents, my mom would literally faint. I told my Mom a couple years ago when I was going through a tough patch in my life that I was sad and she got so torn up over it that she lost her apatite and had diahreera.
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Would it be so terrible to date outside of your race? Have a little mixed baby?
Clock is ticking. You have to keep in mind, even if both parents are blond its not 100% that the kid will be too
But i get your preference,I personally am only attracted to blondes and gingers
Yes it’s a sin and also gross
>asking me this
Can't. Only the whitest of whitest mixed spanish or asians. Like 5th generation
Slavboys we up
>Japanese girls are just sweeter in general
Not really
>They want to help out and they want to do things for you
They offer help but you're supposed to decline
>they come from a collectivist culture
no, they come from an extremely capitalist culture
>Also I really adore their fashion sense.
Okay, their fashion is nice
They also stop fucking after marriage
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I'm not expecting her to "Uguuu!!!!~~~" and call me Anon-dondo or something. But they do have cute fashion sense AND they do actually want to make your life easier.
Some Asian girls.
>They offer help but you're supposed to decline
This. We're just being polite.
Brown girls in general, but I find latinx accents really attractive in particular
>They offer help but you're supposed to decline
Yeah, its polite to decline and its polite for her to insist at least 2 times before accepting her help.
>they come form an extremely capitalist culture
That is collectivist, yes. You can have collective captialist cultures, that is what a lot of Asia is.
>their fashion is nice
Please stop that.
>Yeah, its polite to decline and its polite for her to insist at least 2 times before accepting her help.
I'm American but I live in the Little London area outside of DC and I fucking hate how many times you have to say fucking not to my mom's friends before they stop trying to offer me more food or something.
latinx is inclusive.
Yeah, but your American though.
In China they do it too and its considered rude not to burp, slurp, and make noises when you eat at someone's house because it means your indirectly saying "I'm not enjoying your food".
Is this some weird psyop to turn latinos against trannies?
>go to Men’s Wearhouse
>every employee is female
Women, explain
Latina, polish/czech, east asian
Not in that order. Idk how I'd rank them.
/gif/ recently introduced me to a black egirl and it cured my racism too though.
>Instantly schzios out about trannies
All I have in life is my new appetite for failure.
Either latinas or East Asians.
They're fishing for a compliment regardless. Thank them for offering, say it looks good or something like that, but still decline. Say you just ate or something.
What were you doing there
Its latinx, btw.
Their saying that hispanic trannies aren't hispanic for some reason.
Buying a tuxedo for a wedding
I doubt it because this is what its like
I honestly don't wish to be a associated with "non-binary" people or have that degree of gender neutral. I'd rather be a Latino than a Latinx.
>Lol. It's ok in private, right?
I believe that is what he is saying, yes...
Latinx isn't gender neutral its everything at once.
Only if you are bi.
Which I am not.
Most white dudes like that kind of thing privately, its the publicity and the corrosion of public standards that make them openly oppose and dislike it.
tsk tsk very exclusionary, but I'm still gonna call you guys latinx, its the right thing to do.
See, isn't she cute af?

>its latinx, btw
No it isn't.
>you guys
I'm a white guy in Europe you fucking freak.
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Atoga Will unironically claim that wanting to fuck a cute guy over the average woman makes you gay
What's a stereotype about your race or culture that is actually true in your case?
Yeah, Latinx :^)
We're stingy.
I need a baby in me
I honestly don't care if it makes me gay if the femboy or trap is passing
Wow, he's even got the
>I can't dance for shit, but i'm hot so I get attention anyway so I don't really bother trying or getting better at it
quality of meme dancing that actual tiktok thots have. Impressive.
Are they any good?
Moids leaving their children
I do actually have big boobs.
There is still going to pop out a dick when you pull those panties down and no tits when you pull the top up.
We get drunk a lot and are aggressive
Out relationship with the geographical area is a paradox
Which race is known for big boobs?
Asking for a friend (the friend is my penis).
As the resident femboy fucker, I can assure you those tits are real, it just mean he has been on estrogen before 18 which is sad, but that's what happens when you live in europe or california.
Question for women: how would you feel if you were with a white man and it turned out his penis has a very different color from the rest of his skin?

Personally mine is a pretty intense pink color, almost magenta near the glands. It looks a bit uncanny imo.
I'm Irish
I'm short, ugly, angry, and I would be an alcoholic if the liquor store wasn't so far
>Out relationship with the geographical area is a paradox
Latinas? I mean, I think.
Leprechaun energy.
Men, will you watch disaster movies with me?
Women love fashion
I would if you were my gf
But sadly you're just words on a screen
We can watch it while I make the sequel in your pussy :^)
Oh, based. I already like latinas.
I only went on a date with 1 from mexico once and she was nice and pretty good looking, but we didn't really have much in common. She kept talking about how everybody she knows keeps being murdered back in mexico which was kind of a downer.
Then invite me out for a park date~
Don't think any race is particularly known for it.
I wouldn't care. I quite like the colour difference from circumcision too, though.

My stomach is much more tan than the rest of my body/face, even though I never expose it to the sun, so I guess I'm sympathetic.
Every single country here hates eachother and has commited warcrimes and sometimes genocide on one another, and honestly i wouldnt mind seeing a few of them wiped out. But if we see eachother in other countries that arent our own we’re instant brothers till death
dark. you cant tell my iris from my pupil.
>>31940779 (Me)
I just had an idea, I've never been to /soc/ before how common is it to basically put a racially profiling ad out for black women? Or am I gonna get banned for racism or trolling or something?
>he doesn't want to feel the femboys dick get hard in tandem with his own
You're a homosexual
You mean if Chad will watch them. He has no reason to do so because dumb bitches like you will suck his dick anyway.
You know Chad doesn't do dates.
balkan or asian bro
Sounds like something that could apply to several areas on the Earth.
My first intuition was Scandinavia.
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Stoooopppp eeeee
Can we watch irl disaster documentaries?
Damn, I had a very similar joke...
First one
nta but do women in colder climates generally have large boobs?
I downloaded something like 2000 pics of vintage nudist women. There's something so fucking hot about the torpedo tits, curvier bodies and pale skin paired with dark pubes.
>drunk and aggressive
Do you go to reddit? I saw a youtube video about Balkans actually liking each other in some Balkan thread that was basically them being racist to each other for fun.
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You actually made me google "breast size by ethnicity" now.

>>31941024 (Me)
>go to /soc/
>dicks everywhere
Whelp... I guess I'm not going to /soc/ anymore...
Yes, Finns are known for being drunk 24/7 and shouting VITTU PERRKELE
Probably a lot like cunnilingus since they're analogues of each other.
Imagine that feeling just over a larger part of your body.
Unironically what do normalfags even talk about?
Come on now
No we genuinely dislike eachother most of the time
I dont count bosnians and albanoshits as human

I can’t enjoy sex with my gf. I don’t know what to do
Watch and tell me yourself.
I'm not a huge fan of them. The sensation is fine I guess. It feels a little like nothing, but warm and wet and slightly pleasurable nothing.
But I feel a little bored during them. Like what, you want me to just... lie there? Doing nothing?
On the other hand, the psychological and visual aspects are top tier.
Not big into yt essays bro
Its 1AM, why are you sending reddit reviews
>Like what, you want me to just... lie there? Doing nothing?
Put your hands on her head, move in a rhythm too.
All kinds of shit. I used to work in a team with like the most normal dude ever. He liked football, gardening, tv, drinking. We'd gossip about other people in the place, talk about what kind of girls we like, talk about what how much of a bunch of assholes some people were, talk about football even though I don't like it because his passion was infectious, talk about home, talk about funny stories we heard, joke around, etc etc, basically anything, it really doesn't matter if you actually like who you're talking to.
TV, mainstream news, and what other people are doing.
Hell yeah.
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>Colombia, the titty central of South America
NTA but this chart is useless without band sizes
Tomorrow ill lift for niggergirl
But now I sleep, good night
My schizo theory is porn.

Porn seems to increase same-sex attraction over time. Look at how many guys have become addicted to sissy hypno, cuckolding, futa, trannies, and femboys, just in the last 10 years.

Women are slightly ahead of the curve on this as girl/girl porn has been popular longer.
You can KIND of gather it from the BMI.
Brb moving to Denmark.
Have sex with me instead.
The average Norwegian is overweight in current year?
I guess, although the bmi seems surprising high for a lot of those countries
what toothbrush do you use? post pic if you can
are theyre any sex acts youd be scared to perform?
for me slapping or choking
first seems easy to do too hard second my grip strength is extremely high
M. No idea. It's pink.
The entire world is becoming increasingly Westernized.
F don't lol too much but a blowjob honestly.
Mostly impact stuff. I don't want to break my sweet boy.
But anyway, I think a lot of bisexual woman are bisexual because they just don't want to deal with men.
>because they just don't want to deal with men.
So why are you against female migration and sexbots?
M. Any particularly elaborate bondage setup.
Wait, you're a Latina but you'd rather be Latino than Latinx?
this is a big situation i cant really solve for you but i'm really sorry to hear that anon
F Receiving anal.
Female, a pink Philips Sonicare

Receiving fisting, choking, or extreme bondage. The list of things I'd be too uncomfortable or scared to do to a partner would be too long to list
What are you talking about?
Does anyone else hate all of the videos and content circulating online about how you can never open up or be vulnerable as a man in a relationship and that you have to be cold and stoic otherwise she’ll leave you for the bad guy and so forth??
Aww, but I want to impress you with how tough I am :)
Yes. I hate that crap with a burning passion.
Fuck you for stoking men's emotional freedom.
I can't imagine any woman wanting my limp meat stick :(
I may not like it, but i think it's mostly true.
>try to hang out with a girl one-on-one
>she's being flanked by orbiters on all sides
>even guys with girlfriends can't stop talking to her at all hours of the day
Women, explain yourselves.
Stifling ?
I want to suck him while he's soft.
I avoid this issue by not engaging with such content. Or the vast majority of platforms that carry it.
Fml autocorrect
Yes stifling
I'm NTA you replied to. But I enjoyed chatting yesterday
I think having the capacity to be open with your partner is some real masculine shit, especially considering how hard it is for a lot of men to do


Yeah I gotta get off social media
Thank you, anon.
The pleasure was mine as well~
Choking, knife play, sounding, anilingus, extreme bondage.
I think women evolved to be attracted to men who don't show weakness
I am making borgor :]
Post borgor?
You're too scared to give a blowjob?
you will bull me :[
F here. Blood play, knife play, gun play, scat, vomit, breast bondage, public, pegging. Off the top of my head.
Yeh, I know, it's silly. The thought of that in my mouth makes me feel not so good.
Vulnerability is not weakness
Vulnerability is necessary to form healthy relationships
If you meet a woman who burns you for a willingness to be vulnerable, you met the wrong woman

We live in a society with broken down morals. Fatherless, motherless children everywhere. This is why so many women like ass holes. All they know is being shit on. It doesn’t mean it’s right or that it’s the way it has to be.
This is the no bulli zone. Bullis will be violently raped.
Your borgor is safe.
post borgor!
nta but is it because you are tempted to bite it?
What's a food from another country or culture that you really like?
>men ITT genuinely thought being nice worked at getting girls when women are unironically turned on by men inflicting violence
What? I'm aware that women are attracted to dark triad traits. I try to be nice because it's the moral thing to do, not because it's expedient
EW no, no. It just seems dirty to me. And then there's the whole spit or swallow thing.
Cilantro (corriander) heavy cashew curry
I see... Well licking does feel better than sucking imo
Apple pie.
I’m a slut for hwachae
It makes them think in a weird way that they are the “good ones” and it’s “women’s fault” because (apparently) we are attracted to “violent men”
Somehow twists women into both the aggressor and the victim and them into better than despite having no one attracted to them. Cope for rejection
Mapo doufu.
Also, pat ga-prao.
This wouldn't bother me as long as intercourse and cunnilingus are still on the table
Mac and cheese.
Käsfladen ("very cheesy pizza with only cheese") and Wiener Schnitzel.
Come to think of it, some anon asked me to post a pic of my mom's Käsfladen.
I think going fast in general would be scary to me. As far as I can tell, most girls don't appreciate their cervix being rammed, and I'd most likely hit it if I wasn't being cautious.
Nta but while I love giving blowjobs, I HATE watching porn of it. It looks painful and I get really nervous when guys hold her down. Idk about anyone else but when his dick gets past a certain point in my throat it blocks my nose off. So I literally cannot breathe while deep throating. When they hold her down it feels like I'm watching her face be held underwater.

Bj porn seems to all be deep throating and it looks unnatural and scary. Maybe it looks no different when I do it, who knows. But I can see myself being freaked out by it if I didn't already know I loved it.
Hoe math has a really good video on this.

It opens with a clip of a girl holding a toy sword and saying all she wants is for a man to put the sword to her throat, but instead of cutting her open, he tilts her chin up toward her.
“I could, but I won’t.”
The idea being that women like men who have a capacity to be dominant, violent, domineering, and so forth, but who choose to show kindness to the woman.
It is knowing that your man holds power but he chooses to be good to you.

I am pretty stoic with most people and I am a confident leader at work and I display a lot of masculine leadership qualities and all the other shit.
I am really good to my woman and will be sweet to her though. And she knows this.
She knows I can lay my shit down if I have to. She knows I don’t open up to a lot of people. And the fact that I do it for her makes her feel special.
That’s the idea.

The internet is literally filled with incels and angry butt hurt men and it is seriously so toxic and shitty
If I don't want to do it to you I would unironically feel bad about you doing it to me.
I had so much good food in Italy. I should go back there.
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I love borgors
That's what makes it hotter
F Tit job. Scared in that I think I'd be doing it poorly.
Too small?
I don't think there's a way to do that wrong.
Having had a titjob, I've come to the conclusion that she needs to be extremely well endowed for it to work properly and actually feel good.
Too big.
Request denied.
You'd have nothing to worry about, honestly. That makes it better.
the only way to do it poorly is to get it done somewhere for cheap.
Honey there is literally no way you can mess up using your big titties on me
NTA but I agree, porn makes a lot of hot, fun sexual acts look gross and ugly
If you are off with the rhythm, he can always do the work himself while you hold them together
>nta I tried deep throating once 'cause porn makes it look so easy. Gag reflex went off and I ended up throwing up all over the guy. I was MORTIFIED.
As a guy I don't see the appeal of bj porn
Too much focus on massive pps that look painfully erect, and the noises sound disgusting tbph
Should I eat a borgor or make chicken casserole?
Sorry, didn't mean to greentext that.
I want him to hold my tits together and fuck them while I play with myself.
Borgor is easier.
Men did you know there’s jobs in Japan for weddings.

Rent-a-white guy, you pretend to be the priest for 120$
am i legally binding or am i just there for show
Dafne Keen's nudes leaked... she has a cute bush :3

women, bush status?
Yeah! Another thing I hate in porn is kissing. Is that weird? I think maybe it's because they're porn stars so it feels wrong somehow. Like kissing is more intimate than fucking and they're being forced into it. It's also often messy and tongue heavy and gross. Soft kisses in amateur between a couple are a lot nicer.

I am SO sorry. That's horrifying. How'd he react? Had you been together long?

I think the size also gets to me, yeah. My jaw just aches looking at it.
I am vaguely aware that in Japan there are jobs to be the white person yes.

I've heard there's also a job as the "loud American" where you bring up to the boss why their plan is bad because the locals are too acculturated against telling their boss that he's wrong.
There for show only
I'm sure he'd love that. Was that the original idea? I don't see how you could do that wrong
I'm aware that white monkey jobs exist, you can also get paid to hang out in cafes in china.
>tfw no christian japanese gf
It was a few weeks into the relationship. He honestly just laughed it off and tried to pretend that it was not a big deal though I still feel that it was a BIG DEAL. We're still together so I must be doing something right. He jokingly brings it up once in a while but there have been no more blowjobs.
My gf asked me to call her after work. She had plans to go on a hike with a friend and wanted to talk before hand.
My plans for after work got cancelled and I mentioned that I was planning on just cleaning up the house a bit and wrapping myself in bed with an inside joke involved. She said she wanted to do the same thing with me and I told her she could come over.

She immediately got conflicted and said things like “I want to really bad,” and “Ugh I just want to be with you all the time,” followed by saying she wasn’t sure and she’d let me know. She seemed conflicted. I’m trying not to read into it too much but I’m wondering what she was thinking.
A part of me feels like she thinks we’re spending too much time together. I basically told her she’s free to come over but if she wants to chill and take time for herself that’s cool too. And she was like “it’s not even that..” and then just said she’d text me when she was home.

Any thoughts on this?
You haven't done a blowjob since? :( Not even licks or kisses? Tho he's fucking retarded for ever bringing it up again, much less multiple times.
This reminds me of that /fit/ greentext where a guy decides to go vacation in Japan and ends up drinking for free all night because the locals were buying him drinks to lift them for photos.
Femanons, how do you feel about hotdogging?
Have you guys had sex before? She's unsure of herself because she thinks she came on too strong and doesn't want to seem like a slut.
>Vulnerability is not weakness
Let me say that I'm more than willing to give emotional support. In fact I look forward to it.
>Vulnerability is necessary to form healthy relationships
My "plan" is essentially to reveal my full emotional spectrum to my family and closest friends, only share the positives with my partner.
>If you meet a woman who burns you for a willingness to be vulnerable, you met the wrong woman
She wouldn't necessarily need to "burn" me. She may instead view my sentimentality as something unsexy,
but ultimately not a deal breaker.
But I don't want to be settled for. I want to be a stud in her eyes
>We live in a society with broken down morals. Fatherless, motherless children everywhere. This is why so many women like ass holes.
Are you saying i should consider looking outside the Anglophone countries?
>All they know is being shit on. It doesn’t mean it’s right or that it’s the way it has to be.
To clarify, i have no desire or intention to "shit on" women. I simply wouldn't express things like anxiety, doubt, sadness, embarrassment, insecurity, pain, envy, or tears in her presence.
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We have lots of sex and it is equally initiated between the two of us
We spend a lot of time together and she has expressed she feels hesitant because she doesn’t want to push too hard or invite herself over or make me feel like I don’t have space and such
The charitable assumption is that she'd rather come see you but would feel bad for canceling plans with her friend.
If the guy you go on a first date told you that he would pay for the food as long as you got something vegan, but otherwise you would go Dutch...
(a) which would you pick?
(b) would this increase, decrease, or have no effect on your likelihood of going on another date with him?

Assume you already knew he was vegan before he asked you out.
Nope. Way too scared to try again. I'm making him sound mean, he doesn't do it in a mean way.
That’s it I’m making chicken casserole
Sounds like she's in the stage where she's obsessed with you and wants to spend all her time with you, but realizes she is neglecting her friendships. So it's not really a "I want to hang out with you" vs "I want time to myself" thing. She's going "I know I'm tempted to always be with him but I know I'll have fun with my friend and she's important to me, so I am going to go to that"

If she's particularly neurotic she could have been reading into your response as you wanting her to cancel with her friend to be with you.
That borgor needs more stuff.
hell yeah!
I like the MHBHJ series for these reasons
Look at that sweet borgor.
So cute.
I'm a simple anon
>So cute.
Unpopular opinion, I like when women get a some snot on my dick and a little teary eyed. Thoughts?
Women aren’t stupid
They can sense insecurity and pain and weakness much better than you think.

You will never have an actual relationship if you cannot be willing to share the bad parts of yourself on top of the good ones. You’re human. She’s human. We’re all human. Good women don’t want a robot. They want a partner.

There are times when you need to be the big strong man. There are times when you need to open up and talk about your shit.
Every relationship is going to have hiccups and issues. In a serious one you will not be able to hide your emotions all the time. They’re gonna seep througj some how, some way, lest you bottle them up so hard until they explode.
When your relationship gets hard, do you think a good woman is going to want some guy who clearly just brushes everything under the rug or a man who can display emotional intelligence and confidence? You don’t need to be weak to do that.
No offence but are you autistic? She has plans with her friend but wishes she could be at home with you, and she doesn't want you to feel bad that's she busy while you're home alone
Men would you date a girl who eats one meal a day but doesn't have an eating disorder and isn't underweight
I can go vegan for a dude.
I mostly eat breads rn anyway.
He's retarded for keeping it in yours and his mind at all. That's what makes it him being stupid instead of being a jerk.
Good job anon. We believed in you.
>If I don't want to do it to you I would unironically feel bad about you doing it to me.
I'd still cum from intercourse though? Most women don't. Besides I love eating a woman out.
Not a male, but I need answers for this too.
What’s the non charitable assumption?

She was going to hang out with her friend either way. They went to go get coffee and take a walk in a local park. They do this once every couple of weeks. The idea was that she’d come over after.

See above. She wasn’t ever going to cancel on her friend. I told her she could come over sfter.
Sure? Is there any particular reason why?
Um, ok.
I really can't judge that.
Did you make the patty yourself?
That saves me a lot of money but I'd still be concerned about having to feed her. The food pyramid did irreparable damage to my perception of food and what constitutes a good diet. I curse the USDA daily.
I would be extremely skeptical at that, ngl. I would rather her eat like five or so small meals throughout the day rather than one.
A more realistic question for us is "would you try to make her stop?" or "would you think it's weird?" Of course no one is going to break up with his girlfriend over such a stupid reason, are you honestly concerned that that reality is possible?
Sure. I assume there are occasional exceptions? Or are you pretty strict about it?
I'm currently doing OMAD, so we could just eat dinner together.

It's not something healthy for like your entire life every single day though.
Yeah, its the advertisers fault for making us think otherwise.
>Did you make the patty yourself?
no :(
Oh... then did you add some pickles, a sauce, ham or anything?
Might be a challenge. Family dinner together is important, I'd be surprised if you could regularly wait until 5-9pm to eat without issues.
But I don't have a problem with it otherwise. Maybe you'd get me on the same schedule.
Don't put flammables on the stovetop!
What up girl
Don't know, sometimes depression sometimes inability to cook sometimes stinginess sometimes no appetite or nausea. Obviously if someone presents me with food I will eat it but I get full fast
What is your perception like?
Fair I used to be more of a snacker but not so much anymore
I didn't really care for black girls until one forcibly fucked me.
Which meal?
I wouldn't date a vegan in the first place, but in the situation described I would receive a text about a family emergency and have to leave
mayo and mustard :|
Have you tried freezing a bunch of premade meals so they're ready to go?
Well I guess it's something.
That's something anyways... Here me out... what about a piece of lettuce?
>What is your perception like?
Fucked up, I wear glasses.
You better post that casserole
Ladies: Have you ever had a date chimp out on you in public?
if it counts for anything, I did cook it from raw. It was just frozen instead of hamburger meat I formed into a patty.
This one guy as politely as he could manage had a debate with a waiter about the cost of the bill. It was kind of an ick.
So your problem is she won't come over to see you after her hike with her friend? It's a weeknight, does she have an early day tomorrow? Maybe she has open ended plans with her friend for dinner or just hanging out together afterwards? Maybe she was planning on going to bed early to catch up on sleep?
I thought you were asking femanons if they would ever date a chimp...
I'm >>31941386
Mine is definitely depression, stress/anxiety, self isolating as a punishment for my traumas, and adhd forgetfulness.
Perhaps she thinks she's going to be stinky and would need to shower. I get concerned about stuff like that.
how likely is it that the big-boobed gamer girl at work knew her pink bra was visible through her white graphic tee today?
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Femanons would you date a chimp?
It's a hike. She may be sort of tired after.
She is off of work tomorrow.
I’m not worried about wether or not she comes over. I am thinking about why she was so conflicted.
What she said was basically in like a “we see eachother all the time and I still want to be around you,” tone and she more or less said this in other words. But she wasn’t sure and told me she’d let me know.

Hahahaha could be
Who puts ham on a borgor? I mean, bacon, sure, but ham?
I would be wildly put off by this and I'm even someone who would probably go mostly vegan if my boyfriend was. I would choose the vegan meal simply to avoid the possibility of him making snide comments all night about my eating meat. He'd really have to prove himself during the night for me to consider a second date.
There's a fairly good chance.
Gender and agree/disagree:
>The majority of people who advocate for and follow the carnivore diet are doing it primarily because they enjoy the feeling that they are annoying vegetarians/vegans, not because they enjoy the diet or believe it's actually good for them.
Ham is just deconstructed bacon
I'm going to eat dinner but I just wanted you guys to know that I was originally 225 lbs 3 months ago, now I'm 208 lbs, I'm hoping to be under 200 lbs by the end of this month or at least after the first week of this month.
I don't know or care how fucking boired are you
I was complimenting her on the band logo on the shirt and she pulled the button down she was wearing over it apart so I could see the logo better
I wonder if she did that intentionally, sometimes she teases me...
The images of blacked porn always look funny to me be because black dicks look like turds lmao
I have never met a single person who follows that diet
I'm proud of you anon, nice job. I hope you're happy with your progress
So... you'd rather he just said you were splitting the bill and didn't even offer to pay?
Because I'm not paying for that kind of thing.
When I was younger there was a "life pro tip" that red bras were invisible under white shirts. Spoilers: they are not
Yeh, she sounds like a huge flirt. Man, there really ARE two types of titcows.
What band was it?
>walk by cute coworker's cubicle
>smell something good
>ask her what she's eating
>says its just some chicken and rice leftovers
>frowns and says she wanted something "good" but didn't need it
>then says she really didn't need to eat at all
why women gotta be anorexic?
Thanks, I won't be happy until I no longer have a beer belly, then the whole process of bulking and building muscle starts.
Women, do you care if your bra is visible under your shirt? Like, the straps or color?
I'll write a more complete response later (my phone is at 1%).
The thing is I wouldn't exactly be bottling up my emotions in the truest sense. It's more like I'd be pressing pause on them until I can receive emotional support from my family or close friends.
>red bras were invisible under white shirts
I don't really care about strap indents but I don't want my cups or the color really showing.
You don't know a single grindset dudebro?
nothing tastes as good as skinny feels
Iunno hard to say, but chances are they probably believe it. All the people I know who are anti-vegan eat literally everything, they just eat more meat.
That being said the only real nutritional advice I adhere to is that you need to pick a diet that was around before the pre-industrial revolution and eat modern day food sparringly.
Black guys.
Better than nothing.
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A man could never
Well done 52" femanon
That's a lie because tasty food is how people get fat.
Disagree, I think they are just being stupid.
Yes I'd prefer that. When I sat back after my post I figured that it was that you didn't want your money to go towards it, but I'm still put off by the situation. It feels like you're trying to pressure me and shame me. If I started dating, then it would come out over time your philosophy in general about voting with your dollar. I'd be able to make the connection there. And if I asked you if that's why we went Dutch a favorable answer would be, "Yeah but I didn't want to pressure you into it."

Would you expect your gf to go vegan eventually?
I'm a 5'11 anon though...
>A man could never
...eat orzo? I love orzo.
Alright yeah that looks pretty good
>I didn't really care for black girls until one forcibly fucked me.
You were raped? Literally?
I could eat that? It basically looks like mac and cheese with some green stuff on it.
Looks good but what the hell is that at 3 o'clock. Is that a mussel or just one of the cheese shavings with the sauce peeking underneath. My gut tells me you're a vegetarian.
I've lost more than you but also weighed about a 100 lbs more. I've plateau'd for like 6 months now and I think I finally realized that putting on muscle helps with metabolism. I wanted to do like you, lose it all THEN start bulking but it is what it is.
What is the green liquid on the left? Olive oil?
M. Disagree. Part of the larger explosion of fad diets due to social media.
damn now I want borgor
news article angle
Nta but I'm thinking grape? Not that that makes sense. But yes the part in the middle is definitely an orzo on the other side of the grape-thing
I'm not eating meat to troll. I just know I feel better if I have a steak while I'm on my period.
I would be very concerned that she isn't getting her required nutrients, but that depends on what she actually eats and if it's some diet technique
Deaf honestly. Sorry, blind anon.
The ones I have don't follow a meat-only diet
it is neither a compliment or an insult
wait, what do you guys mean you can't OMAD forever?
what if I only do it for half a week?
If this is in opposition to an omnivore diet then yes, probably
It is
>t american
Caramelised vegetables cut thinly and chicken
Infused basil olive oil
Blind, I will train her on my cock scent.
Hm. That's a shame because I actually do like paying for girls.

If it's a serious, committed relationship, yes. I don't want that sort of thing in my home, and I don't want her to teach my children that that sort of thing is in any way acceptable.
Even though those things are a ways off, I would have a hard time committing to someone who wasn't, just because I wouldn't be able to trust that they ever would, so I'd be locking myself into a relationship that was going nowhere when I could spend that time looking for someone who would.

If it's casual, she just needs to not bring it into my home and not expect me to pay for it.
It's fine...
>But anyway, I think a lot of bisexual woman are bisexual because they just don't want to deal with men.
There goes my dream of being a domestic servant to a bi couple :(
NTA but if you're vegan why are you patronizing a restaurant that serves meat in the first place?
Probably blind.
I wouldn't be opposed to learning sign language, but I would have trouble in a speechless environment. Plus I wouldn't need to worry as much about her thoughts on my appearance.
Also when deaf people try to speak it sounds so bad...
Ladies would you date a guy with a long term back injury? It's fine the vast majority of the time but every once in a while it flares up and puts me on my ass.
What are the thinly shaved pieces, the translucent ones
Snow bunny?
>Plus I wouldn't need to worry as much about her thoughts on my appearance.
Lol, what? I will just annoy the shit out of you with texts.
There aren't many vegan restaurants up here. But yes, I could take her to a vegan restaurant if we were meeting in the city or something.
Oh, I misunderstood.
I work with a woman who almost divorced her husband after an on-the-job injury that fucked him up for like half a year.
Do blind women still turned off by short men?
Can I ask you a couple questions about how you'd approach the logistics in a relationship and some of your general views?
where do I find blind gf? I feel like those would be in great demand in 2020+4
I met a guy once and hugged him and he faceplanted in my boobs. That was a bit awkward.
Based. But he's a dumbass for not being more careful with who he entrusts with his work
Nta but I really don't like raising kids with a hard doctrine. If they eat meat, that's life. If they don't and are vegan too then I don't want it to be because I forced it on them. I want them to choose it because I choose it, not because I said so, but because it's the right thing to do.
Feel free, sure. I don't have a whole lot of time though so follow up to my answers might have to wait until later tonight. Or the answers themselves depending how long it takes to write them up.
Set up traps at your local mall or something
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what incense or other air freshening or scenting products put women more in the mood? should i aim for fruits, pie, and other dessert type smells?
>tfw no blind gf to choose the best produce with her superior sense of touch and smell
Oh anon what happened?
i'm not blind but i can do this.
Do you need to use a wheelchair once in a while?
So your money is still going towards "that kind of thing", you're just taking extra steps to be petty and obnoxious towards your date
What's it like meeting an irl harem anime protagonist?
Pumpkin attracts white women this time of year
Mmm, I wonder why she doesn't post anymore?
>I like my period only because of swollen my A-cup breasts and how gentle and painful my nipples get
rolling for west coast
Well obviously. That's just because you lost all your blood though.

that's incredibly real but it gets old
I will take you to the farmers market and we will take their best products.
How does it get old
I like Dragons Blood and Frankincense.
Nah, he wouldn’t want that. I’m into long motorcycle rides and skating.
why the fuck are all the women here on the east coast, are they putting something in the water there?
I would love it if they willingly chose to be vegan, yes. However, I, like any good parent, would want to raise my children with morals and the ability to identify right and wrong. And my partner sabotaging that effort is not okay.

I don't see it as any different from any other ethical or moral thing that we teach our children. Don't steal, don't hurt people, don't pull the cat's tail, don't lie, don't spread malicious rumors, don't rape, don't kill, don't break promises.

No, my money is going towards whatever vegan option they have, and thereby contributing towards more purchase of vegetables and less purchase of animals.
I still do. You guys are fun.

Not well.
Blood for the Blood God!
i have a hormone situation and a side effect is that but all of the time. never having a break gets exhausting and miserable.

west coast women are probably more likely to not end up on 4chan
Are you the 34H?
>And my partner sabotaging that effort is not okay.
Sweetheart, forcing values is going to sabotage your own efforts. I can't watch that. I already know the outcome.
This >>31941603 isn’t me
I don’t need to know
Ladies, don't ever tell a man you don't eat like a normal interval/quantity of food.

Everytime I see you eat half of a small fry and complain about it, I get cuteness agression and assume you're larping and want to dump you. The literal only exception is if you are personally aware of your hideous lack of self-esteem, or you're just a miserable depressed person that doesn't eat anything, the latter is based, carry on.

I'd rather a girl that eats whatever. It's humiliating to be next to a girl that eats comically tiny portions of food. I feel like people think I'm keeping femanon starving in some kind of cellar.

I'd honestly rather see you order a normal portion of food and not finish it, and then I can eat whatever you don't finish and have myself feel like shit for overeating, than watch you spend a disproportionate amount of time eating "the tiniest salad". Always eat the amount of food you normally eat, don't get like a tiny thing and then be hungry alter I ate your food.

I also kind of want to watch you eat as I eat, not just be mutually depressed at IHOP.
I have 4 million dollars
What would you do with that money
Yeah. I don't have tattoos or anything and no one knows about it except anonymous.
>west coast women are probably more likely to not end up on 4chan
Down payment for a house.
Fell on my tailbone pretty hard while working about ten years ago. Pinched some nerves or something.
No. Sitting actually makes it worse.
>west coast women are probably more likely to not end up on 4chan
I wish it wasn't like that
I need a weird atoga girl in my life
Men, is a tiny woman that eats a disproportionately large amount of food but never really gains any weight a turn off?
You are delusional if you think you ordering a vegan meal results in a restaurant purchasing less animal products
Who the fuck cares dude
What's your thoughts around being around people eating meat/products? Does it make you uncomfortable? Angry? Are you willing to go to the in-laws for their whole-bird Thanksgiving, provided that you'll have a proper vegan meal available?

What emotions do you feel and what thoughts do you have if you discover that something you ate or one of your belongings is not vegan?

How would you feel if your wife very occasionally broke veganism on the level of like, sipped a friend's drink with milk in it?

If your child/teen repeatedly lied to you about having animal products when they're out and about, what consequences would you enact? How would you feel about it?
>no one knows about it except anonymous
You haven't slept with any?
Oof. What kind of work was it?
I actually do... makes me feel kinda like a pig.
This is somehow really hot despite not being sexual at all.

Hello , I am >>31941612
Thoughts on marriage?
Tree service. Tripped backwards over a log.
Bet it all on black
Become patron to a young aspiring artist
Check out a few national parks/forests/backpack for a bit
Gain a moderately strong economic foothold in a small town
If you aren't fat then you aren't a pig.
No I've slept with several. It's just I don't bring it up.
no. 5th time i'm saying no.

the same way guys lifting stuff or fighting is hot. you're hunters. i'm a gatherer.
I'll say it again, dichotomy is hot. Contrast is good. Smol girl eat big is good
>I'd honestly rather see you order a normal portion of food and not finish it
How is it possible to order a non-normal portion? Some places offer half portions on certain items, but otherwise what are you even talking about
>I get cuteness agression and assume you're larping and want to dump you
That's not cuteness aggression. Cute aggression is being so overjoyed by something cute that you just want to hug it tight and squish it and kiss it firmly.

>I'd honestly rather see you order a normal portion of food and not finish it
I feel embarrassed about this sometimes. My eyes can often be bigger than my stomach. I've got an eating disorder but it's not really about hating my body. I'm definitely scared of getting fat but I'm pretty confident with my methods. I know it won't sneak up on me, I'm not scared of one big meal. I know it's multiple big meals overtime.
>tfw I eat almost comically slow and he's already done after like 5 minutes
My technique for that is to try to get him to tell stories. So he can't eat his dinner and I get to focus on mine
Does he have siblings?
>one of my favorite anime girl pictures
thx for posting
Men really don't like talking when they eat. Food gets cold.
You've never gotten a burger or something and they have like small medium large, some girls will do things like buy a small fry with no meal, or a cookie with no meal, drink with no meal and stuff like that. I hate that. I hate hookups, but one thing they do right is they order normal to large food portions, a plausible amount of food for their stature.

I assure you that you are fine.

I'd rather sit there for hours if it means that you are eating a normal amount of food. Watching girls eat has the same therapeutic quality as watching cute animals eat
Men just eat more
>Watching girls eat has the same therapeutic quality as watching cute animals eat
I honestly don't know if I should be offended or not.
>Watching girls eat has the same therapeutic quality as watching cute animals eat
this does healing to my heart
>I'd rather sit there for hours if it means that you are eating a normal amount of food.
Ty, anon.
I'd recommend taking your dates to places other than fast food restaurants
>I'd rather sit there for hours if it means that you are eating a normal amount of food.
Aw, man, I have an eating disorder and this makes me really uncomfortable when people do this.
Yeah it does help with metabolism but I don't have a job so cardio is the best I can do.
Yo why are there so many people itt with eating disorders?
4chan attracts the misfits and the ostracized.
bro weights don't cost that much
I bought a 40lb dumbbell starter set then just bought weights from the store monthly as needed
it like $20/month if you do it that way, assuming you add on weight each month
more like dumb el-oh-el, heh.
That's probably true.

I hope it's not offensive, it's true besides.

Yeah^^ it's fine to eat at a normal pace, men just eat fast because they're hungry.

Dude you can get more than one food item at literally any place that serves food. You don't need a food license to order more.

What's the ettiquette for that? I'd rather my date feel comfort and not anxiety.
If I was raped I probably wouldn't have been able to get hard, right?
For me personally I'm in recovery and I'm working on it but I don't really have a normal. It can change a lot depending on what the food is. I can't speak for everyone but maybe don't push me if we're ever in that situation. A restaurant may not be the place for a date. I'm ok with coffee.
kek, do you have it? I'd like to read it if you do.
Because you said you were balkan and if you don't want to watch a 10 minute video about balkans shitting on reddit and being so uncontrollable that they were banned and the community moved off-site than that's fine.
An erection is a phisiological phenomenon and isn't proof of consent. Some women get wet during rape too (helps to avoid damage vs going in dry)
Well it didn't feel like rape then, I guess.
>No it isn't.
Yes it is.
I see. That's good to know, thank you for the help. Best of luck with that, I'm sure it's not easy.
Iunno about that...
Rape doesn't have to be a big dramatic affair to fit the qualifier for it. It also doesn't have to make you feel a certain way about it. If you're not mega traumatized by it, that's okay. It's just sex that you didn't consent to. If a woman forced you to have sex, well, there you go
Why are you being so weird about this?
Am I?
A little, at least to me, yeah. Your forcing your opinion of something that happened to me with really knowing anything more than one or two sentences, it comes off as desperate or horny or something.
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Watching twister 2.
Hold me, men?
>If I was raped I probably wouldn't have been able to get hard, right?
No. Rape is sex that you didn't decide to have. Boners are involuntary, and therefore not consent.
I do not, but I bet if there's a humor thread up that you could find it there.
>hugs and starts passionately kissing my body pillow.
Iunno, I wouldn't classify it as rape, that just doesn't feel right to me.
Twister movies scare you?
Ah, gotcha. It's probably more that I'm autistic and pedantic on definitions
Would you feel the same way if it happened to a brother, cousin, or friend?
If they had the same disposition that I had, yeah.
How exactly does a woman rape a grown man unless at gun point?
>Dude you can get more than one food item at literally any place that serves food. You don't need a food license to order more.
No one orders a drink or a cookie at a proper restaurant and then sits there while their date eats a full meal. It feels like you're complaining about something you've never actually experienced. If you are truly concerned about your date's comfort and don't want her to feel anxious, then stop focusing so much on what she she orders and how much she eats. When I'm on a date I want to enjoy myself, and not feel like I'm being judged or shamed because he's decided by some arbitrary metric that I'm not eating enough and makes a big production out of it
>No one orders a drink or a cookie at a proper restaurant and then sits there while their date eats a full meal.
nta, but I kinda want to do that, kek.
Anons how do I stop masturbating, I feel like I've tried everything and nothing has really stuck.
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Nope not scared.
I heard that if tornadoes come through the area and you have an erection it twists your dick like an Ice cream cone, so just to be safe would it be okay if you sat in my lap? :3c
Men, please rate out of 10 how much you like your dick, and if you'd prefer anything different and why.
Women, please rate out of 10 how much you like you boobs, and if you'd prefer anything different and why.
Looks like your dick is gonna get twisted, and no you can't borrow my body pillow...
would a woman consider it a compliment if you were called a body pillow? I kinda like the idea but women get so icked out so easily these days that its hard to just be spontaneous and have fun with them.
nta, I bite a girl's nose once after kissing her and told her she had a cute nose when I was drunk. Then when she tried to ask me out when I was sober I basically said no and she said "Don't suck girl's noses its weird.". I know its just a cope insult but I don't get how she thought I sucked her nose unless she was just blasted drunk. Even then if I did suck it, she didn't have a problem until she tried to get more out of me.
Women will put up with weird shit in the moment if they like you, as long as its not "I fuck dogs" or "Can you pretend to be a 3 year old" or something crazy. If she doesn't put up with your weird antics, she doesn't like you and you drop her and move on.
I didn't realize there were mangas that cater to my odd taste, like owning a mini girl and making her dress up in cute clothing to take pictures.
I wouldn't want to take pictures but dressing up the gf now and then and having her do cringe poses would be fun.
Is it forcing values to reprimand your child when he tries to steal something from you?
Or if you're going to use the "legal" defense... is it forcing values to reprimand your child for lying?

Or even getting rid of the reprimand part entirely, is it forcing values to teach your child that lying is wrong?

Compared to ordering an animal product, it does.
Compared to not going there in the first place, maybe not directly or noticeably, but it certainly doesn't increase the amount, and it provides evidence that there is a demand for non-animal products, which means they're more likely to provide non-animal products, and they have a finite amount of freezer space. And non-vegans order vegan things too, so having the option means that non-vegans will sometimes get it, which directly decreases the demand.
>What's your thoughts around being around people eating meat/products? Does it make you uncomfortable? Angry? Are you willing to go to the in-laws for their whole-bird Thanksgiving, provided that you'll have a proper vegan meal available?

I've been vegan for 17 years. I mostly try not to think about it too hard. I engage in serious doublethink the majority of the time. Otherwise I would feel a lot of unpleasant emotions. Sad, disappointed, disgusted, horrified, depressed.
I'm open to Thanksgiving provided a vegan meal exists, yes. I go to my own family's. I have no desire to go to a family friend's hog roast, however- legit holidays only.
I don't like it and I would not host it in my house.

>What emotions do you feel and what thoughts do you have if you discover that something you ate or one of your belongings is not vegan?

For something I ate, mild regret/disgust, and often incredulity because it's usually something ridiculous like putting horse hoof in peanuts or something I would have no reason to suspect wouldn't be vegan. If there's any left I dispose of it or give it away.
For something I own, well, I already own it. Same feelings, but I don't feel the need to dispose of it or avoid its use. I own violins but would not buy a new one that wasn't vegan.

>How would you feel if your wife very occasionally broke veganism on the level of like, sipped a friend's drink with milk in it?

Disgust, mostly. It's not okay. Objectively, it's not causing harm as long as the friend doesn't get more. But if she really cared about it she wouldn't do that.

>If your child/teen repeatedly lied to you about having animal products when they're out and about, what consequences would you enact? How would you feel about it?

Well I'm not a parent, but it seems reasonable to at least restrict leaving the house unmonitored.
Disappointment, mostly. Like "We're not mad, we're disappointed." Like if your child got caught shoplifting. My child should know better than that.

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