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First for no reason
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Men would you date a romance author?
Should I really quit the lifeguard job... I'm going to see what the gynocologist says too but I'd like some inputs
Latinas reply to posts like mine (smug)
How can I get an Araragi bf?
Depends how similar the love interests are to me
If they’re nothing like me she can go fuck herself and date her fantasy boyfriend
lmao you just from "I'm a virgin who never got this much attention" to "I don't want to give her time and fuck others".
Whqt the fuck is wrong with you?
Only if she's s latinx
You can't make me.
Reposting because I didn't realize it was the end of the thread.

>>32013248 #
I'm 32. I'm getting my license this year. I have my driving test scheduled for the 29th this month.

>>32013250 #
I want to write fantasy. I have a tendency to prefer writing villains as the main character. I'm in a writing group right now that I visit once a month and I'm trying to bridge into actually writing complete projects. I like writing erotica too but I think the limits on romance and erotica in books is very confusing to me. I'm not sure what's actually allowed and what's not.

>>32013274 #
God doesn't want you to view your wife as a tight young virgin even if that's what she is, or a blown out roastie if that's what she is. God wants you to find someone who sees God's plan for you and sees the man God is trying to make of you. He wants you to find someone who you want to stand before him with, hand in hand, presenting eachother knowing that you both pushed eachother closer to him and his design. He wants you to find a spiritual friend who can endure your sin and stand beside you as you work through it. Someone who is genuinely on your side and loves you, and loves you more than just passion and the high of lust. Someone who will rebuke you and uplift you.

What you're doing by chasing desire and these traits that you think are attractive is creating a fake woman that doesn't exist. You're creating a shadow, a vixen that only exists in your mind, probably influenced by porn and fake shit on the Internet. I'm definitely not saying you have to "settle", I'm saying you should focus on God and his plans and will and then interact with others as fellow children of God. You will find happiness doing that, not immediate cheap happiness, but the deep resounding happiness that comes from God's love. Reminder that God saw that man was alone and he didn't think it was good. Whether it's friends and family within the church, or a wife, you will not be alone.
Standard advice is to line up another job BEFORE quitting your current one
"Monkey branch" to it, like the evil female you are :p
I did give her time, and nothing i said was about FUCKING other people. I just don't want to continue being head over heels over this woman who's not even sure she wants to be my girlfriend.
right now, i feel like this oneitis im feeling would be cured by simply going out on other dates and not bearing the weight of expectation entirely on HER.
Plus this is LITERALLY the first girl ive dated ever so obviously i dont have aclue about what usually goes on in relationships.
pls understand im retard
Thanks, babe. (smug)
I don't know if I can continue for that long. I've been looking for a new job for months and I don't know how much more of this chemical torture my body can take
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Femanons, which one is you?
Well, if you have some money saved or live with others, I guess it's ok to quit, I just don't want you to instantly starve to death
I said what I said in the last thread >>32013343
Only if her works don't intimidate me and she writes my ships if I asked
Sure, bonus points if it's lesbian romance
Just as long as she doesn't expect me to read them all
> me irl
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State gender
Has a song ever made you cry?
If so, why and what song was it?

Just because you don't say latinx.

All of them. I have that inner desire to be a slut but don't actually want to fuck a ton of people. Need one or two people I can be a slut for.
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State gender.
Do you like the feeling of the opposite gender's bare skin?
When was the last time you touched it?
Rape victims don't deserve love because they will punish their next bf for something the rapist did.
>no I can't give you a bj or do anal because I already did that with my rapist hehe
Someone like that will never be a good partner in a serious relationship.
Spiritually for all 3
this is a fetish post isn't it
Ladies, why do you support Muslims over Jews? Jews fought hard alongside women for equal rights and Muslims want to enslave you. What gives?
I do and I'll be fine I'll just have to live very frugally lol
I don’t like men
A church hymn in Spanish because my dead grandpa loved it and they played it at his funeral

Not really
I high-fived a guy in February
F. That applies to me pretty well besides the last part. I do like some men.
>writing erotica vs romance
I suppose it depends on what the focus is on. If it's the relationship between the main characters, which happens to include some dirty and kinky sex scenes, you can call it romance. If the dirty kinky sex scenes are the primary focus and the characters are basically just props to get your reader there, then I'd call it erotica. Erotica also tends to be shorter, but that's not a hard rule.
>what's allowed and what's not
Go read some romance novels, particularly the kinds that you want to write on the platforms you want to use. If they've all got detailed sex scenes, then start coming up with different ways to describe a penis. If they all fade to black before the action happens, then do that.

Personally I've found that men like to read about a bunch of foreplay and then *end scene* while women want the intimate details of what happened, but it'll vary by genre, target audience, and author.
Anon, if you keep bringing up this topic, then our dinner date is over. Just be quiet and eat your chicken tenders.
>Ladies, why do you support Muslims over Jews?
I don't
>Jews fought hard alongside women for equal rights and Muslims want to enslave you. What gives?
I don't support none of them.
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carrying over my replies from last thread about guy I'm dating struggling with mental health and blocking me except on one platform

>>32013147 #
yes I think we are, he views it as working on being committed to eachother. we are about 5 hrs if either of us drive otherwise it would be like 14 or a whole day of travel depending on method of transit. we have not met irl but have been talking about it, either my place o his and he said he wants to check my place out to see if he wants to move since he has said multiple times he's seriously considering it.
>>32013144 #
this is the 2nd time he blocked me due to mental struggles, he got scared I was gonna leave him but unblocked me a couple hours later asking me if I was not gonna ghost and asked if i was planning stillwanting to talk to him. later explaining he felt bad about his self worth and assumed I'd be like other women thinking he has no value. so he apologized that time.

he does let me know his progresses, like he sent me a pic of his healthcare approval situation so now I even know his address.

my friend said maybe in two days I could reach out since he was thinking I didn't wanna come off indifferent to him, but also said the week later thing if he didn't respond.

thank you it means a lot to me :) I am also taking time to love myself too. got a yummy breakfast croissant sammich. :D
Need Hitagi gf to torture me for being impure
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I love her bros.
I finally saw her in my sleep today.
Men: how long did it take you to recover from death grip?
>but I think the limits on romance and erotica in books is very confusing to me. I'm not sure what's actually allowed and what's not.
Try skimming some of the sex scenes in mainstream 'romantasy' like A Court of Thorns and Roses. My friend had a funny story about how one day she was stuck in traffic on the highway listening to a really steamy blowjob scene (from the aforementioned book), and couldn't take her hands off the wheel to turn it off, so it just made her extremely uncomfortable.

3 books does sound like a lot though. How quickly do you write? I've tried writing prose in my free time and I'll get like 2 pages in an hour lol. It's hard, but fun. I've tried just writing out the dialogue exchange between two people and then come back and fill in the void with actions and I'm like, "wow, writing descriptors/actions in the middle of a conversation is hard" and I'm gonna be looking more closely at how authors write actions within dialogue exchanges the next time I read.
I don't think you can have a fetish for skin unless you're a serial killer who strips it off people while they're still alive
>I have a tendency to prefer writing villains as the main character.

That's interesting! What kind of villains do you want to write? The Dark Lord? The Scheming Rags-to-Riches Scoundrel?
What was she doing?
I like to say Latinx because it hurts Hispanic people more than any slur ever could
“Just call me beaner/wetback/spic” but it doesn’t hurt you the way Latinx does, and it’s not a slur so I can’t get in trouble
I’m on a sappy mood
Tell me everything I want to know
Mentally, I was afraid of intimacy.
Physically, I am a slut. Spiritually, I like smol men.
I think there's probably some form of sin you're dealing with that's causing problems that stretch to most places in your life. However my first advice is just making sure you're getting good sleep, eating decently well, getting exercise, and spending time with others. Of you're having trouble finishing projects yourself then finding a group objective or goal may be a good answer.

I will say reading the Bible is good and how you hear the word of God, but in general starts my from a basis of just covering the basics is more important right now.
Could men ever truly respect a woman who's only 5 feet tall?
god damn this reminds me of the girl I wanted to date, got the ick when I saw her apartment (I couldn't see the carpet in her bedroom from all the clothes on the floor, there was mold in her kitchen sink), found out she was a giga slut who LOVED talking about her escapades back in Europe, and then she came out as a lesbian like 2 years later and all I could think about when she was telling me she was gay was how much she talked about loving cock and how many times she was ignorant to my female roommate's numerous passes at her.
Literally me
I dislike both evenly.
>ugly white men
>ugly brown men
Are women under 5'6" (aka manlet factories) even human?
I like my ugly boyfriend
Sure I can, my old manager was a tiny woman, but she had a commanding presence and was the hardest worker I've ever known. Her size just made her easier to pick out of a crowd and pay attention to her. She never let it hold her back.
Also, her tits were huge.
Ok. I'm going to do my shifts this week. Then I'm going to go to the doctor, see what she says about my pucci and what she reccomends. If she says anything about avoiding swimming I'm quitting. So I have about two weeks to find a new job. Good plan?
Bro stop pretending to be a woman
Sounds good to me, sending thoughts and prayers to your chemically damaged pussy
I didn't particularly like the movie / play it's from, but this song always gets me for some reason. It's about a pregnant woman stuck in an abusive relationship. I'm not sure why it affects me so much, maybe I just relate to the feeling of being stuck.
I don’t know even when I do that it’s just a distraction of how I’ll never amount to anything
I’m sick of false hope honestly
no, but I don't respect women of any height
Genuinely curious why you think I would lie about this
Thanks I just want to go back to normal
Damn, I've 2-shot LoLdle twice in a row this week!

And yes, ladies, I AM single.
We were walking around in the neighborhood of my childhood. She was following me. Our hands were constantly touching. Near the end we ended up in an underground garage. I was about to hug her and the fucking alarm rang.
Ask away if you want
Possibly dumb question, but is there any other duties you can do at your job that doesn't involve swimming?
Would you date a mtf half jewish half indian tranny who identifies as black
Nope, I've asked.
No idea what you are talking about but good for you or sorry that happened.
no thanks
>two people I can be a slut for
Plenty of manlets in /atoga/.
>Could men ever truly respect a woman
I've never recovered.
I'm waiting for a woman to cute me with her pussy.
No I don't death grip anymore.
Cure me*
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>Ladies, why do you support Muslims over Jews?
I don't. I don't even like Jews, but Muslims are a legit hazard to my health.

Fuck you

>Could men ever truly respect a woman
No, 95% of men don't even respect themselves.

My favorite tripfag
I love that song to, and for me it's less about being stuck and more about losing that spark. You change subtly into someone you don't recognize. You're depressed, you have no goals, and you've lost all the things you used to love about yourself.

Second would be an occasional thing if we wanted to bring someone else into the bedroom. I'm still 99% monogamous, but I've got an exhibitionist streak and my gf has brought up the idea.
>I don't even like Jews
wow rude
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I haven't. First time I had sex I fucked 2 hours straight and didn't cum without being jerked off
>losing that spark. You change subtly into someone you don't recognize. You're depressed, you have no goals, and you've lost all the things you used to love about yourself.
Absolutely. And finding the strength to move beyond that when it subtly became your normal is so hard.
I had a combination of death grip and massive anxiety. I think I only started overcoming it when I got a gf because I didn't feel anxious having sex with her, and I became able to consistently fuck without worrying about my dick after I learned that condom size does matter and I needed to buy large ones. Now I'm not worried at all.
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I feel like I have gone a full circle. I listened to incelcore hating women, but now I find femcelcore groovier and hate myself

post celcore I guess
Who is she?
Are you single?
How did you need her?
99% monogamous means you're not monogamous
>fuck you
A Latinx getting mad <3 heartwarming

Now get the hell out of my country
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I finished the perfect fucking book and now I’m going to spend the next 2 business days trying to find something half as good.
I am so fucking tired of getting dicked around by my home warranty company. I'm not usually a hateful person but I'm probably at my "gonna burn your fucking office down" limit right now.
How long will I go to prison for arson of there's no fatalities involved?
I wish women red books so I could find one to read with fr
Why do you lie about the size of your penis?
M or F

Read any good posts recently? What were they about?
I have lots of songs that do it.
Your people are rude, Rosenstein.

No, it does. It just means it would take extreme circumstances for you to not be.

Our country now

>red books
My people are just people
all women I know that read only partake in the shittiest genre fiction you can think of. Their anime equivalent would be unironic mega fans of the SAO anime
>our country
Not when Trump deports your ass or something
What's it like dating a guy who likes anime
I don't. If anything I'm insecure about it being too big, so are you saying I suggest it's smaller than it is?
Yeah, good thing you’re average, no need to be insecure.
Fuck off I read everything under the sun
>T op of anger pic
I honestly wouldn't care as long as I have someone next to me doing the same thing
If you're asking to compare sizes I'll have to politely decline.
Guy who likes anime here.
If you also like anime, it's a good time.
If you hate anime, it's a bad time.
If you're jealous of him watching anime girls with bigger boobs than you, it's a reason to break up.
State age
What's the worst/most offputting thing a girl has ever said to you on a date?
Women's tastes are much more indulgent than SAO, the proper equivalent would be an extremely trashy harem anime like Rosario + Vampire or that one monster girl one. I'd say Isekai, but in those the male wish fulfillment character is supposed to have a role in driving the plot, where women want to basically self insert as a girl who's just along for the ride in a far more interesting person's story
Women don’t date men who like anime especially if they themselves watch it
No, I’m saying you lie.
Okay? And I'm supposed to value your opinion over a ruler's why...?
Yeah well I don't exactly know you now, do I? Bitch.
Save your breath, nigga. I don't care.
ACKSHUALLY this nigga but unironally
It’s not my opinion, it’s the truth.
M 35

>I really feel a spark here and I think that we should reconnect once you're out of college and have a good job
Well you're welcome to continue analyzing the evidence in great detail and post your findings. Let me know how it goes for you.
A girl told me that she hated her ten year old brother because she couldn't stand sharing her parents' attention; she clarified that her parents already focused more attention on her than on her brother, but she couldn't abide even that. She told me that she wanted to kill cats. She told me she had got arrested six months prior for trying to kill her ex. She showed me all the places around her campus where she liked getting drunk alone. At the end of the date she flopped on her bed and said "you can fuck me now if you want" in pure monotone.
What’s your size, Mr ruler?
Contract fag here
Read your policy or send me the # and I’ll check for a hole
Don't care she's beautiful, dresses like a queen and probably way hotter than you
Did you have sex with her?
7 inch length, 5.5 inch girth.
Yeah see that’s a lie.
>If anything I'm insecure about it being too big

We talked about how I had just done some stand up comedy st an open mic and she said she wants to try it and I said maybe we can go together and she said or I could go by myself. It felt a bit weird and a little rude but she had already decided she didn't want to go on another date with me and didn't state that until the next day.
nta but you'd have to be retarded to fuck that girl, she's setting you up for a rape accusation
Never take advice from women.
Take everything they tell you with a grain of salt.
Again, think I'm gonna trust the ruler on this ruling.

It sucks huh? At least there's stuff like the OhNut to help with the problems it comes with. Not much to be done about the girth other than a lot of foreplay though.
Never been on a date
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No lmfao. I told her that I wasn't interested in having sex with someone who wasn't enthusiastic about having sex with me and that merely consenting without actually wanting it wasn't enough. She said "huh. You've made me think about some things." and then bought me a taxi to the train station and I sat staring at the seat in front of me the whole ride home, no music.
Okay, then post a pic with a ruler.
Sorry for your loss.
Not a man
Had a horrible date with a masc lesbian that was doing the big dick douche bro routine without having a dick
aw good for you. I hope you've had some good dates since then?
5.5 inches of girth ain't that big, it's literally average. I'm 5.7 inches and it's not that thick
She is a coworker fortunately AND unfortunately.
I am single.
I know her from work but we go to know each other by going to work in the same bus a few times.
Oh I've tried to take those. But staying fully erect, while properly aligning a ruler with your one free hand, getting a good camera angle of the whole deal, and making the camera focus enough to actually read the numbers is damn near impossible.
Lmao she said the silent part out loud
>5.5 inches of girth ain't that big, it's literally average
Look up the average
Yeah I have lol, a few people. I'm about to GM a tabletop roleplaying game for one of them. Quite nervous 'cause it's the first time I've GM'd a wide open sandbox.
>5.5 inches of girth ain't that big


btw last time I measured I'm 6" but I'm average length so it balances out
I did, dick sizes has grown just as much as height
How convenient, I don’t have those issues. Skill issue.
Yeah, but sosigfingers.
M 28
Got so drunk and horny she just started looking into my eyes saying "Cum. Cum." like it was going to happen by magic or something. We weren't in private and it wasn't sexy at all it was fucking weird
Old numbers lol, 5.5 inches is literally average, 5.7 is slightly above but not much that. Nobody would notice the difference

All these stats reference OLD numbers but dick sizes GROWS just like HEIGHT grows.
>I did
She you did, what fid you find, and infographic on /r9k/?
You're free to believe whatever fairy tales you wish, anon.
As are you. Kinda sad that you leverage so much of yourself into your penis that you lie about.
What the fuck are you talking about? I'm five inches in girth and that's more than enough to hurt a lot of women. Why are you trying to give young guys body dysmorphia?
ok post the new numbers then
I got a message from her a few years ago asking if I wanted to catch up. I didn't respond lol.
I also would have lied about saying you don't want sex before marriage, otherwise she might start some weird shit.
>fully erect
This’d definitely be the hardest part for me kek. I’ve never tried any boner pills before but I imagine they’d come in quite handy for something like this.
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Rate my pasta
She didn't actually want sex herself. She just saw it as expected payment for me hanging out with her for the afternoon. I don't think it had occured to her that someone might do that and then not want a "reward" at the end.
I know, right? It's so hard (no pun intended) to keep the blood flowing down there when you're just messing with a ruler and fiddling with a camera. Least sexy experience.

9/10 would eat and enjoy.
I'm very full, but that looks really dry.
Uhhhh.... No?

Somebody has just shitted on your plate
You didn't understand what I meant.
From what you described, I would have been afraid of her being mad for getting rejected by me. Like she might have tried to stab me the next day out of revenge.
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Are you claiming I hallucinated every time I had sex?
not enough, thats like 1/5 of my portion
Is she hot?
Lol I was talking about body dysmorphia. Also women literally pop out a baby and dildos are that thick nowadays
Do women become obsessed with fictional men because real men are scary?
You're mixing up length and circumference (girth). According to your own link, average length has gotten closer to 5.5, but girth has not.

2022 data from 800 Argentinian (>white) men:
>Mean flaccid penile length was 11.4 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 8-14) cm, and mean penile circumference was 10.1 (95% CI: 8-12) cm.
average length: 4.48 inches
average circumference: 3.98 inches

2001 data for italians, sample size, 3300 men
average length: 12.5 cm/4.9 inches
average circumference: 10.0 cm/3.93 inches
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Women are fundamentally stupid and irrational
Huh, I guess you're right. God those dicks are small though
So are you a woman?
the fantasy of losing control is much easier than the reality of losing control. What's complicated about that?
I’m reading about an autistic guy that’s really into computers, he’s actually the main protagonist of the romance novel.
I feel like the only man who has never measured his circumference. It's just too much work.
That doesn't answer my question.
Thanks. Had a lot of it.
I like it that men can be scary.
Fantasy is always better than reality
What's so hard to believe about that?
I’m a fucking pussy bitch. When I hear this song, I start bawling my eyes out in a really ugly way.

As for songs with lyrics, this one really got me once. At its core it’s about not recognizing how much you needed somebody until they were gone.
Yeah plenty, mostly about love or lost oned.
Yeah and giving birth is famously a little bit painful
To be fair, most guys don't have measuring tape. They only have rulers. And I doubt you have string/thread/yarn/etc. lying around where you can cut, wrap around your dick, and then measure it with your ruler either.


Think about it this way in guy terms: I'd love watching post-apocalyptic disaster movies, but I'd never want to actually live through shit hitting the fan in real life
You have a daughter and she’s 10 and some man raped her would you want her to carry the baby?
>And I doubt you have string/thread/yarn/etc
I do somewhere since I live on my own.
Could also just use a rubber band, I think.
Not sure I want to know though? My length is at 15-16cm and I think that is alright.
You can't use hypotheticals on anti-abortionists because they're intrinsically evil people.
Anon knows what he's talking about cause he works at a glory hole and he can literally feel them getting bigger in his throat.
are there women out there that like femboy-looking dudes with average dicks?
i dont think the homo route is for me, and luckily ive never engaged in sodomy
I don't know, I'm happily married now and didn't really examine her profile.
You know what, yeah he would probably say yes
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No, I'm obsessed with fictional men because they're scarier than real men.
That’s even funnier
My professor went to elementary school with a girl who was beheaded by Richard Ramirez along with her mother.
I go between reading the most fucked up men to exist to the sweetest nerdiest men
Being pro-abortion after week 34 is definitely more evil

But to answer the other anon's hypothetical (not the OP) I'd say yes because we shouldn't encourage rape as a reproductive strategy, nor should 10-year-olds have that kind of stress on their bodies. I think both of those trump the fetus' right to life, even moreso if it's a product of incest.
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Why do baby killers jump to the most extreme example to justify the general policy
> Being pro-abortion after week 34 is definitely more evil
What about if the fetus isn’t viable?
Women are dying in America due to restrictions already
As an European I honestly don't get the abortion thing in the US, your laws are infinitely more lax than the ones here. Like evil? Bruh
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Men have you ever caught yourself falling in love with someone?

I think this week, after dating for roughly five months with this sweet and sensitive guy I may be falling for him. It concerns me because what if he doesn't feel the same? He'd send me songs about being in love and finding peace and excitement, and I wonder if me saying to him soon that I'd love him through the ups and downs in life would be too much?

He's taking a much needed mental health break from talking right now, and I might reach out to him in a week.

I know his address and yesterday and today I've thought about mailing him a gift like a plushie or two, one is like a palm-sized squishy soft ball-shaped kitty, which coukd help with stress and and a little note and an origami ring since he likes wearing rings.

he told me if I were closer and if I hugged him he'd probably start crying, so I want to do something for him.
Lack of access to abortion creates teen parents, teen moms (to older men that end up being abusive) and rape as a means to keep a woman dependant in an unhealthy relationship.
Yes, they're prettier too

Yes, although I would like to engage in a bit of sodomy
Found the polish
I’m EU too and you can easily get an abortion here
If the fetus isn't going to be able to be born, or could do great damage to the woman, you should be able to abort, yes.

It's almost like this isn't a black-and-white situation. Yes, abortion is murder, but no, it shouldn't be outright banned for fringe cases that make up 1% of all abortions (and those are the ones that should be allowed to happen)
>He's taking a much needed mental health break from talking right now
Are there any real men left in 2024?

It's just tit-for-tat. You anti-abortionists are always like "Should we let people abort babies one day before birth??" "What if a woman has 50 abortions??"
>He's taking a much needed mental health break from talking right now, and I might reach out to him in a week.

how does this not give you the ick
Got it - abortions only in case of incest, rape, or to save the life, banned otherwise. Good?
> 1%
Man, I wish it was that low I’d almost agree with you.
He's lying and just send it to him. His reaction will be your answer.
>"What if a woman has 50 abortions??"

Imagine having a LITERAL, haunted vagina.
>to safe life
So a battered wife who’s legally married can’t get one?
Women have a right to have sex without being forced to give birth, under any circumstance. It's that easy.

M btw.
I’ve had an abortion AMA
Why didn't you use contraceptives or ask him to use a condom?
how many bitches could i get with this if i had one
Oh. Then please quit using rape victims as props to push an abortion for all agenda.

No. That’s retarded. Maybe women should make decent choices.
1. I didn’t have access to contraceptives at the time
2. We used a condom and it failed
what? I've done it too.
lying about what? and do you mean send a message in a week or mail him the gift?

How'd it feel walking out of the clinic once the abortion was done?
> Maybe women should make decent choices.
You know most abusers start to get physical once they get the victim pregnant because she’s “stuck”
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Pickup-line anon from yesterday here. Is this a good, bad, or neutral response?
He doesn't care, because he's evil.
I was still out of it, I had food after and felt sick for about 3 days. It was a chemical abortion 6 weeks.
State gender
Thoughts on Sukuna x Cinderella?
>1. I didn’t have access to contraceptives at the time
Why not?
Send him the plushie, that's cute

How close were you to keeping it?

How'd the guy feel about it?
It disgusts me when women are into these psychopathic murderer characters
what's your view on abortion now? I used to know someone who supported these rights, then chose to get one herself years laterand after the procedure she stated she was pro-life.
I think all men who are against abortions should be forced to feel the pain of birthing (with an equal % to die as a real birth) and see if they retain that opinion.
I had recently changed medication and couldn’t have anything hormonal, also I was young so filling the prescription was going to be expensive
Murdering your own child is wrong, WTF is wrong with you people?
women is hasan piker physically attractive to you?
what about politically?
Same, I feel like if men were constantly pining for women who killed their boyfriends women as a whole would rightly mock us for that
He is objectively in good shape but I don't find him attractive. Also his political views are dogshit.
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how do i get an autistic neet cosplay gf with that has a body like this
Too much muscle. He looks good for himself. He should be more careful with his heart and blood pressure.
Are non-smart watches seen as weird by women nowadays? Excluding shit like Rolexes.
I bought this and I kinda regret it.
You don't. And none of the girls who dress like this are autistic or NEETs.
Make better choices. It’s literally that simple.
Yeah, it is tryhard.
Didn't follow.
Quick lore?
No such thing. She's probably rich, middle class etc.
If you're fat and balding then you don't even deserve one like that.
You deserve another fat and balding femanon.
No, I like those, I like Casio watches and the only reason I want a smarteatch/fitwatch is to count my steps and calories

If I had kept it, both my life and the child’s life would have been difficult, and I would have lived in extreme poverty, if not worse. I’ve also addressed several aspects of my mental health that couldn’t have been improved without the experience of growing older. I wasn’t healed from generational trauma, and most women in my family didn’t have the patience for gentle parenting or anything beyond being tiger or helicopter moms. When I do have children, they will be loved properly. At no point did I want to keep it I knew that if I did, I would have given him up for adoption. After researching closed adoptions, I decided on a different approach for the sake of my own safety and health.

He was terrified neither of us were ready. He was just starting university and still living with his parents. Looking back, we were far too young and scared to be good parents. He was sure he wanted to marry me, but he was also afraid of losing me due to the health risks involved.
Basically someone thought it'd be funny to ship Sukuna and Cinderella and people on the internet ran with the idea.
It gives peak adhd and can't remember their phone also says the time.
shes a neet streamer that lives with her dad. has very little followers (as of now). she had elden ring cosplay that went viral on reddit but thats it. i saw one a bit of her stream. she's the definition of female autism
No. On the characters.
I do not know the anime.
he’s barely like 200 lbs there. You don’t have to worry about blood pressure until 250 lbs or 300+ if you do cardio
Sukuna is a character from the anime called Jujutsu Kaisen. He's like... ultra mega turbo evil.
>too much muscle
wut lol
>heart and blood pressure
I don't know who this guy is, but the only way the man pictured there is having cardiac issues is if he's abusing a substance or his diet is crazy high in salt or something.
It’s weird. Why not a pocket watch in addition to your phone as well
And that's a good thing!
State gender
Amerifags, are you living the American dream?
I'd say it's neutral, leaning positive
The pic is what makes it
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>tanned pic
Ew, stop destroying your skin, bro.
As his objectively natural skintone, he is middle of the middle.
I believe that in my case (6 weeks), having access to it saved both my life and the child’s life. Around week 5, I became suicidal due to the situation, knowing my body wouldn’t be able to handle the psychological and physical toll if I went through with it, not to mention the economic burdens of pregnancy and child-rearing. I believe that having access to it when I wasn’t ready will allow me to have a very loved and planned family in the future, one that I can sustain. I will be a better mother because I won’t suffer from postpartum depression, and I now have access to the best healthcare money can buy in my country, thanks to a well-paid job and a solid contribution to my medical policy. All of this gives me the ability to be a better mother and provide my future children with a life where they won’t see their mom stressed, sad, or angry about paying bills or other financial struggles. I’m grateful, and I wish everyone had the choice of when to have children, so they could be better parents to the next generation when they are able and ready to do so
And who she
I would cry if this happened to me, it's so sweet.
i can recognize he can be seen as attractive to others, but he isn't really my cup of tea. also his body count is like 40+ and idk if he's built for monogamy without cheating. politically I haven't really kept up with him, so idk.
This and the bread woman kink are on the same level of fucked
Didn't this guy admit to sleeping with hookers at some German brothel? Yeah fuck this guy. He's a cult leader.
No one is. It was a good slogan for something that never existed
He genuinely looks like a beefed tanned version of rattatuille
Cinderella... the famous fairy tale character turned Disney princess? Glass slippers, pumpkin carriage, ring a bell?
Not a single person I know that isn't exuberantly rich has ever come to any dreamlike status of being american.
Men, please kiss my ass
>State gender
>Has a song ever made you cry?
>If so, why and what song was it?

On the cheeks, r-right?
Is it plump?
It's your choice
Hmm. Is your waist at least tiny by comparison?
Yeah, kind of
How does one get a plump ass?
Oh, that sounds delusional.
I thought this was only canon characters.
Cross fiction ships are allways cringe, anon.
no i deserve one like with hips like that that i can pin down and put my pestering seed into
Dude, that is zero ass and she is just posing.
Nta. I fucking chuckled. Made my day
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kek, she kept "joking" about me talking to other girls and saying it's okay if I did she wouldn't care. I told her many times I didn't and didn't even want to. Come to find out she's texting other guys talking about fucking them.

I could see it because she made it obvious but I gave her the benefit of the doubt anyway. Now she's sad because she feels like she fucked up but I'm okay. Am I an idiot for forgiving this? I feel like it's equally my fault because I never really laid down clear boundaries.
>Too much muscle.
lol wat
i dont like him politically he is what i imagine when girls say they like "nerdy" guys
Is it murrican hours or why is the thread full of dumb horny retards
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Either lucky fat distribution or working out
Your fault and hers. You're a cuck, she's going to cuck you again.
What working out?
I like frog looking men not rat looking men
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dont care, hips are wide and for breeding
Both equally, if im “talking” to someone i make things clear.
However you didn’t actually say anything about it being serious
You mean like how it is any time of the day? Guess you are one of the dummies
Yeah he is hot.
No idea about his politics. Likely not if you have to ask.
>most incel character in asoiaf history
What did Sarah Hess mean by this?
Women be like "nooo my ass is too bony"
like okay, but it's still a juicy girl ass, so get that ass over here
Back squat for perky booty
Can also do hip thrusts

Are you short and bossy
Is it a good strategy for a man to own and use things that he likes and on the other hand to buy these things again but from a stylish brand so that he can use them in public and thus maintain a socially acceptable image so as not to repel women?
What if it is too flat?
I block Indian men if they talk to me
Same with Pakistanis Filipinos Samoans and Latinos
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back extension and add weight.
RDL and bulgarians help too but the back extension gave me a dumptruck quick

t. male
Thanks anon
The flattest girl ass is still hot, because it's attached to a girl
This and weighted sissy squats
>t female
hey /atoga/

hope you all threw your pagers away, if you had any
I personally wouldn't care for it.
>Back squat for perky booty
>Can also do hip thrusts
horrible advice
back squats barely work glutes. its a quad exercise.

hip thrusts are a bit of a meme as well. Do Back extensions and RDLs
Sounds lame, i want the cutest ass.
Also noted.
So you're a racist. Just put I only date huwhite men
>owning a pager
Do I look like a boomer to you?
...wait... oh fuck, I need to check if my dad is okay RIGHT NOW
Females (if there are any),
If I become a crypto millionaire how does that compare to having wealth from a real career? Does it help if I had a mediocre career beforehand? I have no college degree.
>Are you short and bossy
Come and find out
Well yes, an ass can always be improved, I'm just saying that no man will reject you for yours
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what about this paki
is he still attractive or have indians as a whole ruined south asian reputation lmao
Idgaf where the money comes from as long as we can live comfy. It is a plus if we can both just stay home and do what we want.
>but I've got an exhibitionist streak
Just get a cuck then
Money is money, but crypto makes me anxious bc I don't understand it. A real career means you're more likely to be down-to-earth and hardworking and share my interests.
How did girls feel about their breasts growing out at first? Was it mostly a hassle aside for the confidence boost if you mogged your chestlet peers or was playing with them fun for a while at least?
Remember to stretch if you don’t want mew two legs, if you do I have exercises for that
>T gym femanon
Impulsive assets are as impressive as they are invested.
If you make good investments cool if you buy a lambo with liquid assets like crypto you are a fucking retard
What exercises?
Real career is better, builds character.
I have never ever wanted to date the 1D guys
Native Americans are attractive and so are every nationality not listed
Wrong, front squat is a quad exercise.
>breasts growing out
Didn't happen
Weird at first. Fun later.
>neighbor’s Nig kids knocked over a vase of mine and I gave it on cam
>I want money compensation for it but don’t want to confront her and her nigkids
>planning on moving a while from now in an undetermined time
Should I get a police report for trespassing and vandalism? I just really, truly do not want any more conflict, and I’ve already confronted her and her harpy nigkids once (which was enough to stop talking to them).
Sad and afraid. It meant I could no longer have male friends, and I'd be spending the rest of my life on the defensive. I miss when I could exist in a room without making social dynamics go haywire.
>I personally wouldn't care for it.
Isn't that just wishful thinking? Wouldn't it lower your social standing if a man used niche products and brands in public?
I think he'll like it! he really likes cats too, and we send pictures of our cats to each other.
really?? AWW. definitely going to do this I think! like following my intuition. thinking of getting out some colored pencils and drawing hearts and flowers in the note/little letter maybe. maybe I could draw something on the origami ring? like a hidden happy face or heart?
I feel that it's my fault too, yes. I called myself dumb but honestly I knew where her head was at and allowed it to happen. I was mostly upset that she just didn't tell me because what the fuck? Especially when she's pretty obviously jealous of me talking to other women.

She just officially ended a five year relationship. I've known her for about a year now. I could understand her not wanting to jump into another relationship right away but we naturally just got closer over time. She's spending pretty much all of her free time with me. It started with sex but emotions grew.
Will she do it again? I don't know, maybe. I like her enough to take the risk. As I'm typing this I'm beginning to realize that I already made my decision and I'm just seeking outside validation. If she fucked up like this again I guess I'd just let her go.
Hmm, okay. *mwa*
I love your people's contributions to science, I just wish you'd stop rocking the societal boat so much
I had posted a video at a young age for growing mine out. They were big enough to grab but small enough to where I could just wear a tank top under my shirt and not wear a bra. Not much different now, just a tad bigger.
both are moron

back squat uses glutes a bit bit its not an exercise to built glutes. thats why white girls squatting 300 lbs are still flat
back extension grew my ass in 2 months more than squatting for years have
they grow slow enough that "at first" you can't even tell, then you wake up one day and realize that holy fuck, they're huge
I still can't believe it when I look at pics of my younger self
Uh thanks femanon!
Yea go for it
We don't. We do have a few great political and philosophical thinkers tho, but that's just a coincidence I reckon
>calls me a moron while thinking big numbers = big muscles
Don't reply again
If the income is real and steady, then idc where it comes from. It only matters if we're raising kids. If you die then I guess I could try getting a shit job to feed myself nicer or as a part time exercise. I would like to own a buisness so I can employ the kids when they're young and they can earn real money so they are well versed by the time they want to go to college,or a trade, or run something on their own, earn enough for their first car... etc.
Horrible. The boys got weird, and the girls got mean. These boobs made me into the isolated loser I am today.
im a dude who's 5'11 and 124lbs (180cm and 56kg)
how many pounds should i gain if i just want to be on the skinny side of normal? people have told me that i look twinkish
and do zoomer women actually like that type of men?
His head is uncannily small
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Is she in the right?
I don’t know how long you can hold a police report, so wait as long as possible until you move. You know how they can be. Keep the evidence and make multiple copies to.
>Didn't this guy admit to sleeping with hookers at some German brothel? Yeah fuck this guy. He's a cult leader.
Yeah, The Artemis.
I've heard that most German brothels are owned by the Turkish mob
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Indian men literally just need to sort out their hair and wear ear rings
I'm very down to earth and interested in basically everything. Once you have a certain amount of cash it's very easy to live well off it even as a somewhat bad investor as long as you aren't terrible.
Unless I become a multi-millionaire than I can't support both of us, and we should both keep our jobs but we don't have to care about our jobs as much unless we want to, and can look around for jobs we like better.
I don't waste money.
Fuck. I would have become a doctor or something if I didn't have to raise myself and figure out everything on my own. Ah well.
>Wouldn't it lower your social standing if a man used niche products and brands in public?
No. I do not care what the meeples say.
I care about the character I know in you.
Not always.
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> She just officially ended a five year relationship
Do you really want to be a rebound?
> It started with sex
Sooooo you started as casual but you didn’t have the conversation of not being casual anymore

Just talk to her
Having anime itself as an interest is what’s fucked up. It’s just a medium, but people who seek out anime for its own sake are degenerates.
I would pay for education too, and am considering advancing my own education, but it seems like something an insecure person would do to prove themselves.
Men, will you watch Singapore Grand Prix?
JH a cute
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Fuck you
I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You… I Hate You…
You sound pretty decent then, I just want to avoid the stereotypical techbro who looks down on women and the arts, I'm sure you know the kind of guy I mean lol
You mean 5’10?
Jojo and K-ON are red flags, both part of the troon pipeline
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M or F?
>it's a euro thread
No you wouldn’t.
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Why are men so delulu about their level of attractiveness?

I don’t care. The point still stands.
Don't laugh at him, he's old but cute
The amount of negative answers makes me sad :(
No. She's legit unstable
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I wish women were as nice irl
We are. You’re not
those are all men larping
every real biological female loves their titties
Depends of the anime lol I want to watch vampire D with you if you watch Loki shit I hate you
No women are just more dishonest
>”Men have to now get women to like them and a lot of men aren't
>”I wish women were as nice irl”
It’s your fault you’re undesired and unlovable. Too bad.
It's a faggot anime, not a troon one
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im not laughing he's the GOAT
This lmao. Men don't get a free wife on their 16th birthday anymore.
I do love them now, but the question was how I felt *at first*. Puberty is scary!
Nope. Have a nice time coping
>but it seems like something an insecure person would do to prove themselves.
Also true, but I think I just went for the lowest of quality places to get educated and hit a lot of stress in a short amount of time.
>my mom had like 3 car accidents almost back to back and multiple teachers were doing crooked shit to fail me.
I just dropped out because I couldn't seek mental help and isolated.
dark indians will never be attractive. the skin tone is unattractive

light indians mixed with white can be himbo
indian-whites are prob the best white hybrids desu. naomi scott, zayn malik, emilia clarke etc
I am in real life, stupid.
because the hottest girls will still fuck picrel when she's horny
No you don't
Guys here immediately prove to be shitty. I wish guys were nice anywhere
You’re trying to spin this the opposite way, retard. It’s pretty fucking obvious. You men will fuck any woman or anything you see that’s living, not matter how fat and ugly it is.
Wouldn't you prefer a guy to be immediately shitty, rather than pretending to be your friend for 10 years then suddenly demanding sex?
Men which do you prefer as a small token of gratitude: something sexual (let's say you have a weird fetish and she wants to indulge it), or something nice (like she baking something for you)? In a relationship
Not my type, he looks annoying and he's probably a skirt chaser
I wear one
Don't care as long as you aren't an idiot with money
Don't be a rebound, anon. It doesn't matter how much you like her, she's going to dump you eventually once she gets over the previous relationship and finds someone she likes more. She clearly doesn't take your relationship seriously.
>if she fucked up like this again I guess I'd just let her go
She will, and you'll make excuses not to. Cut it off now.
Wrong, most women have some sort of complex with their breasts at some point in their lives
Hi femanon that said that wouldn’t date Indians here

It’s not the hotness it’s the culture
Can someone explain performative displays of sexual threat and rape culture behaviour from men in power?
Mostly nervous that they're too small.
>I capped out at a B until second puberty.
Hearing that the average was double D in 2000's made me feel like I was going to be a chestlet so I hid them and my big butt in sweats and dark clothing through my last few highschool years.
It honestly depends on what you're wearing
>Men don't get a free wife on their 16th birthday anymore.
I don't approve of this. We should go back to free wives.
What a weird place to take this. Wouldn’t you prefer that people were nice?
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Is right OK or do I need to buy left to be considered "not poor" in your eyes
This was a great bait post
Still bait but a great one
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this could be us femanon
but you gay as fuck
You can assume that if you have a fetish for a certain style or costume she'd wear it. Although I was thinking more like "something weird/sexual your gf doesn't do often since she isn't as into it".
Buying headphones is not poor, moron.
You wouldn’t be a doctor just because you grew up differently
All of my stuff is apple
Those headphones are shit and I bought Bose ones
> T f audiophile
Yea it's good
Left makes you look poor and out of touch. What are you talking about
We're not going to do your psychology homework for you anon

I prefer right so I don't have to see your greasy fingerprints all over them
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Men try to find me and I’ll post tits
I don't care that much, although Imo headphones are nicer than earbuds
I mean her normal everyday outfit when she asks me which I'd prefer. If she's looking extra fuckable, then I'd prefer the sexual option. But if I'm hungry, a nice meal would be a godsend. Both options are appealing to me, so it really depends what I want more in that moment.
>Buying headphones is not poor, moron.
Yeah but there are cheap ones too
>All of my stuff is apple
>Those headphones are shit and I bought Bose ones
I'm confused, you vent from shit to shit?
I have audiophile headphones at home I would just buy the Apple crap to not offend women in public
>Left makes you look poor and out of touch. What are you talking about
I don't understand, they're 500 dollars which is probably an insane amount for normies and women to spend on headphones.
what if they're americanized or half indian.
I don't really have any kinks beyond foot stuff, and I hope it wouldn't take a special occasion for us to experiment with that, so I'd pick something nice
nta but poor people are often poor because they blow money on things they don't need, like $500 headphones
Still no unless they did therapy
What do you think explains Donald Trump's and Elon Musk's deranged sexual obsession with Taylor Swift?
reasonable response
she is an attractive young female
You’re confused and don’t understand. So just listen and know that you’re wrong
Have you ever had a sexually explicit kind of love affair?
Men are all biologically programmed to chase the most popular woman
>second puberty
This is a cruel meme, don't give chestlets false hope
They are seething boys with small dick energy. No amount of power or money will make them popular and they desperately want positive attention
Boyfriend with soft kissable beard
We talked about it, I was too lax about the most important parts and that's my failure. She has esteem issues. She actually asked me if I felt like I was a rebound and said she felt like it wouldn't be fair to me. I asked her if she felt she was using me as such. She said she wasn't.

Out of everything I believe she is being truthful when she says she's afraid she'd fuck up our relationship. My heart has been broken bad enough before that I don't think I'd fall into that place again if things went wrong. I think she's a good person, just in pain and looking for ways to cope. It's not often that I meet people who will adjust their behavior after I address issues and over the span of the past year she's respected my wishes several times. She actually checks in with me emotionally and asks what (if anything) she's doing wrong. She seems to be willing to work with me so I'm working with her.

I wouldn't allow it again, anon. If she fucks up it'll be her loss.
If you want hair in your mouth, just go lick a carpet
What is your opinion on displaying status symbols in public i.e. a man wearing a 40000 dollar watch?
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>tfw curly scratchy beard

it was over before it began
is it in europe?
The Dolomites, somewhere in Europe. Northern Italy, near the Swiss border?
That's a "please rob me" symbol, not a status symbol
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will GIRLS laugh at me if this is what i listen to x3
Not very smart.
Exactly. It's comparable to a woman displaying cleavage or camel toe in public.
Screams 2 edgy 4 u
Why are you so obsessive about Aemon Targaryen?
I like scratchy too
I like textures
Never respond to my posts again.
I didn't know trump said anything, but Elon is an autist who happens to also be a billionaire and so his autism leaks all the time and it gets big because of who he is. Though I think Elon's was supposed to be a joke about childless cat ladies, the joke being that if she had a kid she wouldn't be supporting Kamala. I thought it was funny, and was probably mostly in jest.

I've definitely said similar things about women while drunk. One night my friends drove me home when I was drunk and I told one friend's gf (she was on the uni tennis team) that I wanted to put a baby in her teammate.
what do you use to generate this chart? can i use lastfm?
I would like to scratch the texture of your genital area
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nta but that isnt aemon you retard
Women are overrated 3bqh
KMFDM good, okay taste. 200% better than some guy who likes rap/indie rock.
i see
very well
aegon > almond
KMFDM aged sideways. At the time it was cool and edgy, today their music just sounds like some bozo who rants into a camera out of a pickup truck and posts it on Tik Tok or Youtube.

Right it's Aegon, the other Targaryaen douchebag.
In vino veritas. That girl probably doesn't want to be alone with you anymore, am I right?
I don't like Aegon the Vth, Bald Egg is worst Aegon.
You sound like a sex creep and like you have boundary issues around women. You need to work on that. Therapy helps.
all targs are douchebags
Aegon was just the cooles to of them
Women, are you squishy?
I think I could become a doctor now. I'm pretty smart and recently developed the study skills. If I was taught study skills as a child, was fed every day, and had someone to rely on while I was in school instead of being homeless and having to find any job at all then I think it was likely I would have become one. I'm still thinking about it now but it feels no longer worth it.
Friendly reminder that /atoga/ is an Aegon VI thread
Are you Pakistani?
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This group is misandrist and needs to be stopped.
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Asking all femanons
25 M
would this scare yall away?

thanks anon
I just watched this movie. How exactly are we supposed to believe these two are biological brothers or that they are intent on chasing a woman, when both of them act in extremely and intensively homosexualist ways around and toward each other?
more than I'd like to be. I'm fairly lean and fit, but I can't do much about the T&A being soft

no because I've never heard a single one of those
thanks for the feedback femanon
boring /mu/core guy taste
If a man is afraid of women calling him out for his misbehavior, that says more about the man than anyone. An anxious mind is a guilty mind.
I think that anons sounds based tbqh
i dont even browse /mu/ how did i achieve this
thanks for the feedback broski
>in extremely and intensively homosexualist ways around and toward each other?
..what's the name?
just the taste of an average 4chan guy basically
Just reverse the genders and think about how you would feel if there was a huge group where people talked about you and your intimate details
no, death grips is cool
Do you have proud feet?

is that ewan mcgregor? give name.
Wow I'm so happy shit like that wouldn't fly in Yurop
My friend's gf, or the teammate? I barely knew the teammate, but was friends with most of the other girls on the tennis team. We remained close friends for a couple years after that before we all graduated and moved away and still send happy birthday texts.

As for the teammate, she didn't hear me say that. I think I got her number, asked her out, and then she ghosted me or something like that. I don't really remember, but it didn't go anywhere.

What, because I said something silly while shitfaced?
Yeah american women are just misandrists
I'm pretty sure I am being spied on by the CIA or NSA, possibly also some foreign equivalent of those agencies, so that wouldn't surprise me.
Why would I be discussed in a group about creeps?
Being drunk is not an excuse to behave like a sexual predator or to harass women.
>Based Schizoposting
Well that's good. I don't think I'd be so forgiving if I was her.
Because some guy you dated perceived you as creepy?
The definition of creepy isn't universal. Something you might find normal, for someone else is very creepy
women, at what point does self-deprecation and a sense of humility in a man become unattractive? or is it always bad?
Oh, I see your issue with it now. I'll pass on talking about it for the millionth time.
Night at the Roxbury. It's a comedy from the 90s based on an SNL skit, about two goofy men trying to get into an exclusive nightclub filled with celebrities.
Are you gonna let me clean your ears if you get the right?
Don't carry a pager lol
A little bit is ok, but it quickly goes from irritating to unpleasant
Who was I harassing or preying on? A woman who wasn't present to hear my words, whom I happened to be dumbstruck by her beauty at the time?
>Are you gonna let me clean your ears if you get the right?
excuse moi?
Brown people behavior.
Tech nerds wear cheap shit so they don't have to lose a bunch of money to the methed up homeless at 711's front doorstep.
nta but just ignore "her" like everyone else does
Noticed that being slightly arrogant always helps, in the sense that you know your value and you show that
You are much closer to ever becoming one of those poor people you're disparaging than you ever are to becoming a billionaire. Always remember that.
He kinda looks like heath ledger mixed with the coolest kid in 1st grade minus the spikey hair
thank you a lot, anon. sounds like a good movie, I will download it at some point
Men seem to be more judgy about me being single than women.
That can also manifest as being an obnoxious creep and a mansplainer. Arrogance is not attractive in a man.
Hockey bf specifically blonde hockey bf
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I can also be hard too~
Yeah, nobody cares that you spent a bunch of money.
Would a woman that flaunts her (great) tits and (insane ass) in front of me want me to approach her with the intent of simulated reproduction?
Who was your sex mentor?
Damn looks like I’m posting tits
Luigi does it best.
What do they say?
Can you explain what this group is, for those of us who aren't soldiers in the gender war?
modern men are eternally whiny bitches, just remember that and things will make sense.
Why do (You) think you're single and why do they think you're single?
>Damn looks like I’m posting tits
Do it on the atoga on soc
Is she actually "flaunting" them, or does she just have a curvy body and exists in your field of vision?
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As promised a pair of tits
Okay now that I've passed the most basic of OSINT challenges, is Europol gonna offer me a job so I can use my internet detective skills to bust drug pusher and diddler rings across the continent?
I'm a man and women are far more judgy about me being single than men are.
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Most guys that chronically wear earpods get nasty wax buildups.
Let me do it so I can see.
Something like 10% of male tinder accounts get 80% of the right-swipes so it's inevitable that women in big cities end up going out with the same guy. So women make groups to figure out who's in who's harem or if they're actually exclusive.
Men are always more judgy and angry
every man needs to stop and ask themselves this question when they think a woman is "showing off"
Those are greats tits unironically
Bible Black
I just like doing my own thing. Men probably assume I am a hoe.
Oh, I don't use Tinder or live in a big city, so it doesn't really affect me. Let the normies stew in their incestual slime pit.

Why do you make dating like a mine field? I’ve been with my gf (now ex) for 7 months. A week ago, we were laying together and she wanted to talk about sex and said to me how I make her feel secure and wanted to try her kink with me. She looked down at my waist and undid my belt, took my belt into her hands, put it around her neck and then took it off and handed it to me. She said for me to put it around her neck and secure it at the 3 hole, which is narrow as fuck, I was shocked and said that it would choke her and she said “yes that’s what I want, it would make me gasp for air while we have sex”. I told her no fucking way would I do that deranged shit. She then started having an anxiety attack crying and saying how she made herself vulnerable to me and I didn’t “accept it”. I broke up with her the next day. Why do women hide this shit? She wasted 7 months of my time
Yes, there’s a very fine line between these two
I personally know a woman (just a friend, talking when it so happens that we meet) that was told by a guy something along the lines of
>you can try to find a better guy than me
Dude is tall, earns good, good looking face and has a fucking IMDB page and is an actor in a Netflix series as a fucking hobby
So yeah, by her words, he’s a top shelf guy
Her and her friend found his slight arrogance attractive because
>it wasn’t too much, looks like he knows his worth
in their words
I can do it myself
I disagree. It's always women who are unjustifiably rude to me, every single time.
Wow, they're very perky. Nice tits anon.
Any time an incel posts about Tinder it should be added that Tinder is 80% male and 20% female.

They are sabotaging themselves by going to a boys club to seek women.
No. Let me see!
Did Dating App culture create the Incel menace that is tearing apart our societies?
Make me
What are women's problems with post pubescent teenage girls dating adults?
>it is NEVER justified to be angry with me
Nobody's perfect
Why don't they just screw each other? When I went to college parties hosted by the LARP nerds the ratio of men to women was usually pretty high so men would make up for the lack of female attention by doing BDSM kink shit on each other and drunkenly buggering each other. Most of those men were clearly straight and wanted female company but they realized they could fuck each other as a backup plan.
Sounds like you're rude to women and they are answering in kind. Just pure projection.
Only if you buy me dinner first.
They probably believe the men are ebephiles
Where should they go?
Yeah. They're intentionally walking into the pigpen and rolling in the mud, then asking why nobody likes them.
>I'm a "nice guy", why don't women like me?
>Blows up and freaks out at getting rejected or simply not being treated like a magical charismatic Sex Devil by every woman he meets
>let me bend over in front of you to change my shoes
lets her whole rack to hang in front of me while she smiles
>”why can’t they keep this room clean”
>bends over in the same way you’d bend over for doggy
Also posts a thirst trap on close friends showing her ass in grey sweatpants, not just standing there because she has an insane ass, she was popping it out to make it bigger and rounder
Then deletes it after I see it. It was fucking 6AM, we were both awake talking, sending vids.
She didn’t take me off close friends because I checked her stories and I could still see her stories that were only for close friends on her profile, she deleted it.
See what I mean? You got butthurt over something I didn't even say.
How could it? Barely anyone uses those apps.
>but it's popular in cities
Society exists outside cities.
Men dating younger is unnatural and causes needless miscarriages due to rotten sperm.
Women can biologically date younger because we reign better control over our periods and sex cycles.
I've seen the normiest of normies get low self esteem because >tfwnomatches

Mainstream dating apps are bad for you because they encourage lying and pretending you're someone you aren't. If you want to do online dating you gotta do some niche specific app where people are genuine and don't feel like they have to lie about their age or put 6' when they're 5'7" because they know their account won't even be SEEN if they're honest.
u mad
That’s extremely weird and gay.
>Men dating younger is unnatural and causes needless miscarriages due to rotten sperm.
Yeah and Jesus is real and the dinosaurs existed 6000 years ago
Your mom exists outside of cities. That's why she stripped naked and we greased her up with lard like a hog at the county fair and made a contest to see who could catch your greased fat pig of a mom first and hold on to her so they could pork her up the ass.
If you can't get sex with women, try men.
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moids who've eaten pussy before

is this true?
I wasn't there, so I can't say how true any of this is... all I can tell you is that I never point my ass or tits AT anyone, people just stare and assume they're the target. I'd assume the woman is just clueless rather than intentionally teasing you.

I’m unfriendly towards strange men who are hitting on me.
Nothing wrong with that
I did some sorta weird shit the first time I had sex but she loved it. I learned it from hentai
>Upset at killing a door
The French have a word for that kind of man. The word is peoussie.
Its fun, makes the girl moan and move like some joystick
I remember the nightmares it gave me
It's much worse actually. It was like being spinny drunk and concussed at the same time. I still get nightmares to this day.
he thinks that's unjustified because he hasn't raped you (yet)
Hinge seems to be much better overall. Tinder is predatory nonsense. Bumble is *slightly* better than Hinge, but only barely.
How do you define strange in this context?
Women know what they’re doing
First time I went out with her we ended up talking about sex
Idk, things didn’t work out between us, but what I told you, she did after we stopped talking
>I’m unfriendly towards ugly men who are hitting on me.
Do you enjoy the experience of getting sexually diddled up the bum?
Looking back I realize the first hentai I read was some mom-son incest shit

I remember being unsettled by vaginas and dicks for the first year of looking at porn, but immediately liking tits.
>Women know what they’re doing
Some do, but in my personal perspective, half the time I forget what my tits are doing. I'm still a skinny teenager in my mind. You'll be a lot happier if you assume clueless first and evil second.
No this is a real thing.
Men's aging sperm being implanted into younger women is causing a lot of life threatening birth defects.
Hoes always have a meltdown whenever you tell them they aren't as nice or special as their mommy told them they were
Nothing wrong with that. Men treated me like I was invisible when I used to to be fat.
Yes. And?
They will treat you like you are invisible again now that you are thin.
Ahh alright, I’ll take clueless
Fuck it, I don’t need to feed myself delusions about her since it didn’t work out anyway
She has great personality, great body, fun to be around but wants a fucking stay at home husband while her work is her ‘refuge’ from the family life and also she didn’t like her bf/husband to ask her where she’s going
So, yeah, I thought that maybe something less serious could work but nah, I’m good
When I look into your eyes
I see a strange, strange stranger
>comparing under 20s and over 40s

Holy fuck femanon, do you think we're all 40-year-old virgins in here?
My first ever was Midna getting knotted by wolf Link. :(
Thanks anon. I hope everything works out for you, and you see many more nice butts in the future.
Yes, I am an old weirdo who is regularly belittled and harassed by young yuppies. And people trust them over me because those men are young and have money.
>do you think we're all 40-year-old virgins in here?
y-yeah, w-what a silly idea.
Fucking an undesirable woman is about the same as fucking a man, so I can safely say that remaining sexless is a better option.
>Men's aging sperm being implanted into younger women is causing a lot of life threatening birth defects.
Yes, as do youg men's sperm implanted into old women.
Now what?
I needed to be told to not over analyze things
Hope I do kek
>incel to tranny pipeline.png

Yeah because if you can't get a gf, you should settle and become someone else's gf!
It's fine just buy lots of cat food and you're golden
All of my sexual encounters have been with non-conventionally attractive women (women with a little pudge, mild disabilities, etc.) or homosexualistic men. I don't take a Social Darwinist approach of Survival of the Fittest towards sex and that keeps my options open.

I think the secret to having a vibrant and diverse sex life as a man is not to take a Eugenicist approach of "would this person make me healthy babies?" This is the 21st century, the enlightened among us are beyond such archaic patriarchal claptrap.

It did not chill me to the bone and I'm glad I did it.

The most surprising thing (And I guess I shouldn't have been surprised) is that your face is RIGHT up there in her crotch. You are surrounded by woman to your front and sides.
Women do not consider 20's losers to be "older men", moron.
Two men aren't going to make babies
Transvestitism doesn't really float my boat, but if that's your thing I'm glad to hear you're taking some time to work that out!
I actually had to delay next month's order of cat food since mine isn't eating as much lately :/
>Yes, as do youg men's sperm implanted into old women.
Older women usually don't try to have kids when they have a young boyfriend. They treat him as a child.
Just get more cats
Really? Then how do you explain how you were conceived? Obviously the product of homosexual anal copulation, likely incestuous, resulting in a baby shat out into a port-a-john.
It's the best whitepill you can take, and you don't even have to stop hating women, just assume they're stupid instead of evil succubi
>You are surrounded by woman to your front and sides.

you know people say eating pussy is gay and all but the way you put it made it sound extremely heterosexual
Do men think I'm "flaunting my body" when I squat down to clean my cat's litter box
>Older women usually don't try to have kids when they have a young boyfriend. They treat him as a child.
Ahahahahahahaha good one
Ever heard the term "toy boy"?
What do you think "toy" means in this context?
I'll help you, it starts with "sex..."
How do you plan to stop people who refuse to go to therapy from killing themselves?
The “eugenecist” approach you are describing is, for me, the base level of attraction needed for me to complete the sex act. I am not attracted to ugly women or men, and so I don’t have sex with them because doing so would likely be embarrassing for the both of us.

I don’t envy your diverse sex life. I’m quite content with only hooking up with people I am genuinely attracted to.
thats love, need me a weirdo like you
if your cat is male, then yes, you are signaling you want to have sex with him
I know no matter what I say it will be wrong and you will use it to hate on men so ...
how do i get rape fantasies out of my head?
i will never do it but when i see lust suggested photos of women, i imagine how great it must be to use and rape women against their will. i need them to not want it so cnc wont work either.

usually jerking off fixes it and i start feeling shame for even having these thoughts
I never hated women wth
>evil succubi
I like being teased if it’s actual teasing and could go somewhere
If this was not teasing, then shit, I have nothing to complain
I saw her beauty
Anyway, as long as I don’t feed myself delusions, I’m good
Get one of those self-cleaning robot litter boxes
Women shouldn't have to do such dirty manual labour
Two men and a lawyer can rent a surrogate.
>Older women usually don't try to have kids when they have a young boyfriend.

Then why did Emmanual Macron marry his school teacher and then put 3 (THREE) babies in her? But it still goes to show that older men have higher chance of getting a viable pregnancy with a younger woman than the inverse.
I'd need a picture for a proper assessment.
Hey, don't project your backstory onto me
I've never shot a deer but yes he is right. Nothing will ever prepare you for the first lick of pussy. Its not bad but its never what you're expecting.
top kek
I see you followed our discussion
yes, only if you pop your ass out and wink at me
Women have an easier time controling their fertility when they are in charge of when sex happens, as opposed to when they are preyed upon by men.
You will not get validation out of me.
I wish it tasted like ice cream
No but I will sexualize you regardless
>better than Hinge
I meant better than Tinder, sorry.

Try Hinge— lots of people seem to have success using it. I haven’t yet, but I’ve gotten several matches since I started using it in March and I’m not even paying for an account.
Stop watching porn
Interact with real women and see that they are humans too
Alright that makes way more sense now.
unironic answer: Go read "Onani Master Kurosawa"

I swear this isn't shitposting it really changed my mood about women and masturbation.
Me too :/
Fap master kurosawa?
>Women have an easier time controling their fertility when they are in charge of when sex happens, as opposed to when they are preyed upon by men.
Yeah because women are not in charge when sex happens. They have to commit to the first man who approached them. Because PATRIARCHY takes care of that. Women MUST spread their legs for the first man they see in the morning, be it their husband or the bus driver. That's law in the PATRIARCHY you know
You don’t. All you can do is say you wish they wouldn’t.
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nta but based. goated manga unironically and a genuinely good recommendation for his situation
Nah, there's probably not a match for me on here. I'm too weird.
Yeah. Onani just means masturbation.
i love weird girls tho u_u
Yeah you’re right… 4chan is full of normal, well-adjusted people…
I like queer-coded soft girls from another planet.
fwiw, I have some friends who did online dating but they used some niche Christian dating apps. They pointed out that these apps are merely ok on "free" but better once you pay for them, and that the matches got better after you pay. But if you don't get at least one good match after 3 months of paying you should stop
Women, does dick have a taste?
nta but my fantasies are not related to my views towards women. I have excellent views towards women. I'm just really into rape. Luckily so are most girls
State gender
Would you be okay with your partner being smarter than you?
Advocado if washed properly
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Pretty much all dating apps of note belong to the same company and they're all dead in the water because none of them work. The market doesn't lie.
Yeah. I haven't really met anyone noticeably smarter than me tho. There's one girl maybe but I don't really know her and I'm just going by what a friend says
Women, how much time can you endure being sexless and what was your longest adult stint?
I don't mind
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there isn't a moid on /atoga/ who hasn't had THAT scene happen to them irl
>Onan instead refused to perform his duty as a levirate and "spilled his seed on the ground whenever he went in" because "the offspring would not be his", and was thus put to death by Yahweh.[2] This act is detailed as retribution for being "displeasing in the sight of Lord". Onan's crime is often misinterpreted to be masturbation but it is universally agreed among biblical scholars that Onan's death is attributed to his refusal to fulfill his obligation of levirate marriage with Tamar by committing coitus interruptus.
Huh, learn something new everyday.
Probably?I've read uncircumcised men who don't wash well it taste weird? And those who do well it still tastes funny. Circumcized men taste okay? Idk
In HS, I really wanted to date the smartest girl in the whole class. I was #2 only to her academically.
Unfortunately she was smart so she steered clear of me.
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Im already retard tier so its gonna happen regardless.
A rare win for my cut brethren.

I'm a phd in stem and get along with most stem chicks unless they're too autistic
I can endure a long time and if I don't end up with anyone it's okay I guess. I'm kind of hoping by some chance I do end up with some guy, if not oh well guess I'll see him after I die. Nice
You'd think they'd be smart enough to actually make them different but no its just the same shit repainted.
Yeah, there are other languages in which there are words derived from ‘onan’ that mean ‘masturbator’.
And in reality, it has nothing to do with Onan the biblical character because of what you referenced
I guess it wasnt meant to be
I didn't have sex or any relationships as a teen, but as an adult I got into my first relationship pretty soon, it became a ltr and I don't lack sex thanks to bf
What if it’s disinfected then rinsed?
Does it still have a taste then?
That sounds like denial brother.
>friend was a virgin in a LDR with a guy 2000 miles away
>visits bf for spring break
>has sex for the first time and then immediately goes back to long distance
>she's a changed person and constantly has sex on her mind
>cheats on him within 4 months

I'm just saying the whole "don't have sex before marriage" thing started to make a lot more sense to me after that.
I suspect relying more heavily on AI might be able to find better matches. But it could also be that the ecological conditions of modernity have made men and women fundamentally incompatible at a greater scale, meaning that no matches that are agreeable to both parties can be found and the entire concept is an effort in futility.
>I suspect relying more heavily on AI might be able to find better matches.
They're already letting AI write messages for you on tinder and I can't wait until we reach the point where its just two people's chatbots they've hand raised flirting with each other instead of actual human conversation.
I like to report those when I see them in Europe, selecting reasons such as breach of GDPR, doxxing and harassment. It's also a good idea to get in if you can and report the individual posts of the women who post and comment rules breaking stuff there.
>harassing women trying to prevent their lives from being ruined by predatory men
You need to seriously think about your intentions here, and what pathologies drive these behaviors of yours
Did the chick post her tits yet or is she a liar.
Onani Master Kurosawa was a weird read.

minor spoilers and no spoiler tags on /adv/:

I thought it would've made more sense for him to ultimately stop masturbating when the whole moral of the story was essentially "stop fapping and go outside" but I guess the mangaka is Japanese and wouldn't show the main character fully "getting better"

Surprised it never got huge in the "nofap" circles of the internet
Well, I mean by performing a personality/looks assessment and matching people based on the highest likelihood of a successful relationship. But I don't think they have the required data for that. They only know about matches but know too little about outcomes.
I said I report groups and rule breaking messages pertaining to these categories of misbehaviour. I'm not interacting at all.
She did post tits, you're blind kek.
NTA but I posted by nudes in the AI thread on /soc/ and got no (You)'s and that's why I'll never post nudes again
Help me

>woman at work seemed to check me out or take glances at me
>started, looking back at her, she stopped
>go up to her. She seems cutesy and innocent and asked me for some work help
>Asked if she read books and her eyes lit up, and she smiled, crossed her legs towards me, and I got suggestions from her.
>She stopped checking me out and dont feel the same attraction she once had

Is she just being friendly? Is she shy?
Does she want me to chase her?
Since I first had sex, about a year and a half is the longest I've gone without being in a relationship
Romance media is full of bullshit. Women who just READ romance are completely full of bullshit.
Now imagine a woman romance AUTHOR.
Fuck no.
Female, I could only ever have a partner that's smarter than me
If he doesn't engage in mutual masturbation with other people, either men or women, I do not think I am interested.

Masturbation is better observed and participated in as a group bonding activity.
Ah, spotted.
I’m sorry to hear that anonette
They're impossible to please and generally annoying to be around because of their many opinions about men.
Shy, finds you unattractive, or feels that you aren't into her. Impossible to tell from your post. I hate these useless male questions ngl.
>Jews fought hard alongside women for equal rights
Jews only did that to crater birthrates and destroy White nations.
NTA but in my experience there isn't much difference, if anything uncircumcised tastes better
Ripping a big ass held-in fart feels better than sex, prove me wrong
>new "AI dating app" that downloads all of your activity/chats/tweets/discord dms/ig posts across all social media and creates an AI chatbot profile that emulates you
>you get to train the AI rating like 100 pre-selected AI generated images of people to get an algorithm of what type of men/women you find attractive
>matches your chatbot to other chatbots of the opposite gender and simulates conversations between the two of you
>add some meme arbitrary "% compatibility" grade for the AI conversations
>if it's over a certain threshhold (let's say 80%) you can see the simulated conversations between your chatbots, and then encourage the two parties to talk to "continue the conversation"
>market the whole thing as "the dating app where you never have to swipe"
>also make money selling everyone's data under the table because we have entire profiles of people from their political views to what apps they use on their phone

Someone get the crayons, we're gonna be BILLIONAIRES.
Let’s do this then anon
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>if anything uncircumcised tastes better
Say sike right now
You thought the jews had anything good in mind when they told your parents to chop your pp off as a baby?
>discord dms
NTA but what's even the point of wanting compliments on an AI rendered cartoon image that looks nothing like your actual body?
Absolute insanity
State gender. Thoughts on Yamato Nadeshiko feminine ideal?
>While the term refers to the Japanese ideals of femininity, possessing grace and beauty, it also describes the Yamato nadeshiko's inner strength.[3] She exhibits delicacy and deference, as well as quiet determination.[4] Both dignified and modest,[5] the Yamato nadeshiko is believed to embody characteristics of delicacy and fragility, as well as elegance and sturdiness.[6] Though outwardly submissive and obedient, she is internally strong.[7] As the Yamato nadeshiko is one of mature character, she has a nurturing yet uncompromising personality.
This hoe probably loves sardines.
Have you ever been in a relationship where your partner says something that immediately makes you realize "Oh we have the exact same mindset about life."
We're way past the honeymoon/infatuation phase but I'm starting to prefer this current state more than that.
It did look like it. The only thing it fucked up were my abs and pubes.
>just two people's chatbots they've hand raised flirting with each other instead of actual human conversation.
I wonder what Slavoj Zizek would think of this.
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Thoughts on black women females?
I cant trust the japanese on their opinion of women ever since they got me addicted to futa porn
He is a pretentious pop intellectual who appeals to pompous, mansplaining male neckbeards. His thoughts truly do not matter.
You're ugly and she wanted to make sure how ugly you are to laugh at you internally.
I can't, I'm so dumb I already caught a bf

I'm bias, but there's nothing wrong with circumcised. It tastes good too
Ever read Peterson?
Stopped reading there
Same shit, different costume.
The one who plays a vampire? I didn't know he wrote books as well.
Monkey face. Anon literally wants to fuck monkeys. Anon is a health hazard.
How do you feel about the phact that you have likely been raped in ur sleep by a clown?
too tall.
Well considering what his ideal sexual situation is I think he wouldnt mind too much.
M, weeb
I think it’s a nice ideal
Literally no such thing
If only I had a 6'2 + black ebony goddess wife to worship
Now your previous post makes a lot more sense
Just reads as
>She's nice when you meet her but in reality a stonewalling nag
For me a woman should just be herself and not some made up ideal and if we don't match that's fine plenty more out there
NTA btw
There is nothing wrong with sardines or Peterson
You people are tasteless and insane
mackrel is better
Tiny hats mad
Gross, no I'm actually very picky and easily grossed out by food. The human body is something else entirely

But it's still just a souless AI cartoon. Your living breathing flesh is far more beautiful than that, and you shouldn't take 4chan reactions or lack thereof to heart. It's meaningless either way
What if I’m smarter though
Needless to say, the "determination", "strength", and "uncompromising personality" refers to her dealing with others, not with her husband. She's submissive and loyal to him.
The problem is: what people find the most attractive is not necessarily what will result in the most satisfying relationship to them. Also, the people they find the most attractive might not necessarily be the most attracted to them.

If you want something successful, you need data on actual couples, their personality profiles and the happiness/length of their relationships in order to be able to find an optimum for people.
Peterson is a psychologist who writes pop philosophy, different from being a genuine philosophist. I assume you don't read
Post small fry tier list
Tfw no goth gf
That isn't needless to say, its just made up. That's not the ideal. That's you twisting the ideal to fit your own narrative. Ever read Genji, a story about a guy getting women with this ideal? Literally all of them are nags.
I'm too dumb to tell the difference
I dont have to
pic related stands alone above all other canned fish
>can't do much about the T&A being soft
But they're supposed to be soft?
I see...
First time I shot a deer was awesome, my grandpa took me on a hunt and let me shoot one. It's fucking amazing, you feel almost like a god, all you need to do in order to decide on life and death is moving your finger. And when you actually shoot, there's that big fucking bang and the deer won't spoil the landscape anymore
And yes, eating pussy is also fun
lol esl
Door stuck! Door stuck!!
So is old/young worse than old/old?
I never get why people think its going to be some super fun, fantastical, delicious experience. Its where piss cums from. It was never designed to be tasted.
Like I could get being surprised at how bad human breast milk tastes, but these people are just delusional to begin with
Its the same with reading shit women write and how they'll describe sucking dick as a fantastic experience and it jsut smoothly goes down their throat and it tastes """"manly"""" and he can cum and then instantly be ready for actual sex. He pisses from his dick and its fucking hard.
Nuri sardines are the best you swine
Life is difficult, and being a good wife and mother requires a lot of inner strength. It's annoying when people think submissiveness means being completely weak and mindless
>I don't even like Jews
Jews still fought for your rights as a woman
>try unnatural pregnancy method
>child comes out unnaturally defective
Who could have imagined? Next time try actual sex instead of collecting sperm, letting it sit and rot, then implanting the old and rotting sperm in a young woman.
I am proud esl
An older father slightly increases what is a small risk to begin with. Plenty of healthy older men father healthy children
Psychologer sounds neat
See >>32014480
You're either a jew or a fool if you believe they did any service to women with it.
Atoga choose my lunch
An Asian poster
its not racemixing and its not a phase
Fish that ISN'T raw you brute....
>raw fish
Anon wtf?
I already came to grips with that yesterday, the psychic damage has been diminished.
Are you even American? Burgers, of course.
Burger without the bun and salad
Not a bad option
Also a good idea
No, the issue isn't the age gap, its that old male parents in general are more the cause of health defects than old women. The likelihood of a kid with a 40+ dad having defects is much higher than a younger man, a similarly aged woman, etc. The woman can be as old or young as she wants but his sperm is still senile.
state gender:
wendys, mcdonalds, or burger king?

For me personally Whopper is the best burger, wendys has best chicken sandwich, and mcd has best fries
I'm a near wizard so I'm enduring fine I guess
Wendy's (its not even a thing in my country) because I'd fuck its Mascot
McDonalds because McFlurry is nice (and nothing else)
Borger Thing because their food is the worst and they kept adding salt to my shit as a kid every fucking time
I have never been to a wendys though, they arent common in my country
women can be wizards too?...
BK > McD’s > Wendy’s
I fucking hate Wendy’s.
Ever heard of spinsters?
McDonalds because the Burger Kings in my area unsettle and scare me. Wendy's has the hottest mascot though and best social media presence.
Does anyone use a Squatty Potty or something like that or is it a meme?
I've heard the term but I've never actually understood what it means
I dont eat from fast food restaurants
Yes, its good for my bowel movements. Only issue is that it makes me hate public restrooms even more.
F Wendys if I have to. I don't really like beef but their other stuff is ok.
Older woman who never married, basically a cat lady
I feel like bending down your torso while shitting serves the same function. And you won't have a baby stool looking device in your place either.
Its not the same
Yeah I feel like Wendy’s is better only insofar as non-standard fast food stuff is concerned. If I get a sandwich it’s always cold as shit, they don’t even warm the bun.
>And you won't have a baby stool looking device in your place either.
So that's why people make fun of me...

I have one. It does actually help me quite a bit.
How can you not like beef?
Women over ~25 or so still unmarried. Several other words mean the same thing; none have truly caught on, aside from "cat lady.
All gross, although I had a pineapple lemonade from Burger King this summer that was tasty, and I like getting happy meals from McDonalds if the toy is good which is almost never. It's way too salty though, barely edible
I understand what you mean, and how she's feeling. I'm just cautioning you because I used to be on your side and she already fucked up once. For the sake of both of you, I hope you're right
Last media you consumed
What did you thinked?
I see now that my issue is that I always conflated it with spinners.
please don't, anon
Im in the middle of consuming Evangelion.
Im thinking, "I get it Shinji"
It is. The point is that your torso should not be at a 90 degree angle against the ground, or close to 90 degrees.
>hottest mascot
>I'd fuck its Mascot

the mascot is a little girl pedos
>What do you think explains Donald Trump's and Elon Musk's deranged sexual obsession with Taylor Swift?
They're obvious subs
>t. sub
Be quiet
And who
I haven't watched tv in 20+ years
really good, better than every other "subversive" capeshit thing out there
Yes, I'm black
f. youtube videos about an mmo, it was pretty mindless stuff.
i love shinji. it was interesting that when i first watched nge, i was the same age (14) and had similar issues in life as him, like having a dad but no mom. he is a very good main character compared to most anime.
>Boyfriend with soft kissable beard
How do I get a beard that doesn't feel wiry?
>goyslop, goyslop, or goyslop?
I haven't eaten at a burger chain in years

An oxymoron, I'm afraid
M. Isekai Shikkaku episode 11.
10/10. Absolute kino.
How cum
there's no way a women thinking my names brad could be bad
Well realised characters and a genuine deconstruction of the nature of being a damsel in distress.
I do, it just doesn't agree with me.
Kamen Rider Gavv episode 3
I really like it so far. Gavv is ruthless when he fights.
it is
I've tried watching 2 different amen rider series and dropped both lol. Double and 000
Female, Nympomania. Awkward, painful, weirdly cold and emotional at the same time. Typical Lars von Trier I guess
the wire
I just started the 4th season and it really holds up to the hype.
It’s not for everyone. Some people hate the inherent zaniness. I don’t mind as long as a good story is in there somewhere.
>Look up how to add curry properly to chicken wings
>Just like do I rub it in or what
>Ah just get your 7 different spices + baking powder + salt and sugar to add curry to it
How did women deal with cooking for so long its such bullshit I just want curry chicken wings
It gets easier the more you practice.
>men give animes
>women give normalfag propaganda slop
Cooking is like alchemy, man. Such esoteric shit.
How about you leave curry to subhumans? Only the Japanese were able to transform curry into something a civilized human could eat.
dancer in the dark is one of my favourite movies, have you seen that? the best kind of depression porn. or i guess i assume you have if you like trier
In cultures where curry is common, you would typically have these spices pre-ground and pre-mixed.
No thats baking
How did you like the unsimulated sex?
Dune I think? Whenever that came out
I don't watch a lot of stuff
Women what was your favourite male nude scene in movies/tv shows?
Girls say they like guys who read and cook but why don't they date them then?
Media isnt' just watching stuff. Music, the news, games, etc, all media.
They do, just not you, because of you asking questions like this
Almost all chefs have wives
Last media you created
What did you thinked?
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I'm very handsome.
The one in Sideways.
Tfw no lizard bf
That sounds unfair, all the chefs you know about
F digital picture of Toad from Mario Bros. It's alright. I need to work on my inking.
State age
Weirdest/worst thing a girl ever said to you on a date? Funniest thing?
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"You have dangerous eyes, like a psycho"
I'm just autistic
are you deliberately saying "thinked"
anyway, I guess it's a city for my rpg players to play in. I should REALLY be working on my CYOA to
Not really. It was all very depressing and autistic
Women can i crack your toes?
>Last media you consumed
>What did you thinked? i'm esl btw
I played through the Mass Effect trilogy for the third time now. And since I had already completed paragon and renegade playthroughs, I tried to match my choices to my own personal ethics, which got me thinking a lot more about each decision. I think choosing whether or not to cure the genophage is by far the most difficult.
don’t know why I never realized toes can be cracked
"You have cute ears", back in highschool.
I didn't know it then, but I look like a goblin.
She was calling me ugly.
Yes. It's kind of a parody of >>32014640. But I'm genuinely interested. Seems like more people consume than create.
women can i grope your boobs tickle your nips slap your ass tongue tie your tongue punch your mother lick your tummy smell your armpits eat your pussy
Really? you just kinda pull them
I have massive writer's block and I fuckin hate it. I love the science fantasy world I've created and I think it's good but I can't bloody make anything in it. I think people would love it. They love what they've seen so far.
>I guess it's a city for my rpg players to play in.
Sorry, what? Sounds interesting.
"I looked you up on the state register and saw that you've never been arrested. Why are you so boring?"
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Femanons, how do you feel about the Bond girls?
Do you think they're victims of the male gaze or cool and sexy?
My big right toe can crack basically infinitely. I just squeeze it and it cracks, then again, again. Every time.
only times I touch my toes is to wash or trim them.. so no I wouldn’t know
You don't need to pull them, just extend them and scrunch them. I'm cracking them right now
Women, would you date a kiwi?
Poem for an anon
It was fun. The quality, idk. I can’t judge my own work well.
Drawing, a long while ago. Felt bad because I don't like my art. I've been avoiding it.
No, that's bad for joints
Just got back from the gym and there were two really pretty girls there.

I love women
I've never seen bond movies, but the bond girls argument seems a bit tired to me (both sides)
You can say that about the older ones, sign of the times and the genre, etc. but some of them aren't total damsels in distress just there for James to fuck. Also, can it be both?
I wouldn't do that, though. They're more delicate than fingers.

Also, what have you been drawing lately?
I'm fucking jealous of a fucking bird
They hate you, though. Incel.
Charlie’s angels had man eye candy so we are even
No, you love women's bodies. If I were to cut one of their faces off and wear it to your gym, you'd probably love me too
Regardless of what window dressing you add, they're really just there to have sex with James Bond
It changed me forever, but it didn't chill me to the bone. The first time I did it, I was only supposed to do a single lick and stop, but the smell and taste were so amazing I did two. She immediately wrapped her legs around my head and pushed me in and moaned as I kept licking. Experiencing pussy with all my senses for the first time while making her writhe in pleasure was transcendental.
F What Bond movie would you suggest?
Get Outbros, our response?
Victims. Won't someone please think of the Bond girls? Please donate today, just $5 a day will make a difference in these Bond girls' lives
A book
It was good
been in classes all day, but I’m back in my dorm! I’ll get to some more drawing after my shower. can’t let outside air touch my bed
You just reminded me of the vagina/anus/throat endoscopy porn videos I recently watched.
The human body is disgusting.
Don't watch the Craig ones
They're not very enjoyable
>the smell and taste were so amazing
This is larp, isn't it.
Should I pay a prostitute for hugs, buy an dakimura or hope this feeling goes away? I need someone to hold
Oh, right, right! How's classes going?
It's a city where cliques of small gods extort, racketeer, terrorise, addict, and perform services for the mortals in order to snag their devotion. Sure, you can do things like join a cult of idol fans who literally worship a siren, but you can also do things like spend ten pounds a minute on the phone to a love goddess for advice with your crush, or use a vending machine to get a one-use luck talisman before you go to the mahjong parlour.
The players are going to be playing one of those cliques of small gods, and they want to make the city theirs.
Vtuber Dakimakura.
Vtuber for feelings and companionship, prostitutes for sex.
so fun! making so many new friends and my professors are all so nice I love it here
Sounds good.
They were, that was the role. We don’t need think on this one.
>endoscopy porn videos I recently watched.
Did you cum?
Casino Royale is pretty good and might appeal to feminine sensibilities.
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How do i get a jewish gf like webm related?
(with massive tits)
Pregnancy pillow trust me
I ain't even gay and that one scene appealed to my male sensibilities
>what is your favorite act of service (non sexual) from the opposite gender

Having a meal cooked for me.
>irl get looks all the time
>never get any social place to get it going with anyone
>dating apps either shadowbanned me or my pics suck too much because no matches (at most 3 a month)
Should I look for a boyfriend if I'm unemployed
No, it was disgusting.

Is it weird if a guy is in his 30s and only has 1 past partner? I heard a girl say if a guy is 30 and has less than 5 it’s a red flag
Even that one is pretty dour

Also I hate card playing in that game but that's a different autistic rant
You just described RimWorld.
...The Dwarf Fortress knock-off?
Sell your soul to the demons (aka jews)
just a normie ""red flag""
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Advice on how to not feel bad for not having any friends? No I can't "just make friends". I'm old (by uni student standards, 23), and don't have a preexisting friend group. No good social groups exists and the town I live in is full of old people
means you’re looking for stability
You should feel bad honestly it's not normal.

Make an effort before it's too late to develop social skills or you'll regret it.
Ugh I just overshared for two hours and regret it soooo fucking much why am I so bad at being vulnerable
>Femanons, how do you feel about the Bond girls?
Pussy Galore was the best, I watched Goldfinger for the first time when I was like 10 and wanted to be like her
>Do you think they're victims of the male gaze or cool and sexy?
Yeh, but women like dour if it's a romance. The Titantic ill fated lovers thing.
Not him but how do you know that? What is that based on?
i'm 24 and also have no friends. but i do have a relationship so that does count for social interaction. but i always had a small inferiority compex about this, not having friends.
i've gotten more used to it with time though and do feel less insecure about it.
And how is he supposed to do that? Good Lord y'all are lazy....

So there aren't ANY clubs to join on a COLLEGE campus? What kind of shit hole "uni" are you even going to?
There's also much more violence against women in the Craig movies
Overshared what to who?
State gender. How do you cope with the fact you're a wagie, a slave born to enrich someone else who most likely doesn't care about you in the slightest?
No it was awesome, and I need more of it. Pretty sure it was during one of her fertile times too.
Maybe Shadowrun would be a better example.
after seeing this video im ready to be strapped to missile to gaza
You want to be raped in a barn?
>wanted to be like her
The lesbian?
Is this how they sold those pagers to the Hisbollah cavemen?
Femanons, how icky would it be to have your BF stick an endoscope up your vag?
wym, I'm a neet. but I would like some kind of chill job that doesn't need to pay much. I need monies to buy albums and go to gigs.
I'm not going to write a "how to be a human" manual for an autismo

And I'm not going to say "join a club or a meetup group". Tldr do normal people things
He can do whatever he wants to my body to be honest.
I didn't understand it back then and it wasn't really a rape and she was bi
Tonight I shall eat sushi with some friends. They are annoying and lame but I hopefully we'll get a cute waitress.
Any recs?
Good woman.
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And joining clubs and doing social shit Don't count as "normal people things"? Seems like you're the autismo here lol
Bond holds her down kisses her until she relents
It's rape
>watching stream
>they talk about trending twitter video of a woman saying how sex is good, and it's three half thrusts of dick and one entire thrust", 81 times or something like that.

One of the women on the stream says "it sounds so exact that it must be true"

another woman says "well but it has to be a good-pretty standard dick to get that"

other people on the stream say you need a big dick in order to do that

they all agree, because of the G spot and stuff

I know it's pretty retarded but stuff like this saddens me that Im barely standard regarding size.
4chins, I used to love my mom as a child. I was never a touchy feely person, but I would hug her, when she's working I missed her...
Now that I'm all grown up, and I know how she's really like (sth I didn't realize as a child bc I was stupid and bc I spent the entire day at school and she at work and then she did housework and I did homework) I can't hug her. Even the thought itself makes me feel a sort of disgust.
It's not that I hate my mother, it's just that I no longer think of her in an idealized way, not even close.
>everyone has flaws
certainly. but some flaws are harder to love than others. and her never apologizing about anything makes them all the more difficult to forgive.

does anyone know what i'm talking about? more than anything i regret the fact i'll never feel as warmly as i used to towards my mother as when i was a child
That sounds lovely.
I like the ones with tuna/salmon/cucumber/avocado/tamago and mango.
>she was bi
And really isn't that every girl's dream?
To have sex with women and men?
For me its flirting with the waitress knowing she has to be polite to me purely to make her day slightly worse
She relents because she changes her mind. Why would she fuck him in the last scene if she was raped by him in the barn?
“I’ve slept with 60 men these 3 last months, but now I’m ready to settle with a good guy like you.”
Sadly I’ve had a lot of conversations along these lines. Dating fucking sucks
I'd never have sex with a woman. I do sometimes watch lesbian porn though
State gender. Thoughts?
Women hook up with their rapists all the time.
Not going to disturb my peace by clicking on this.
Not true
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women, describe the first time you were fingered, what it was like?

men, describe the first time you fingered a woman.
Lady this is some epic cope
If this happened to your sister, would you think it wasn't rape?
Yes it is. It's due to confusion or manipulation but still...
I don't have a sister
I do not even remember.
no, throw me in jail
I was 14 and stressed as fuck
Read the book. It's non-consensual.
I went out with a woman once and she asked me about my past. When I told her I didn’t have a lot of experience she said she was really happy about that. Then proceeded to tell me that she had a lot of experience from multiple FwB arrangements and boyfriends so she knows what she likes and dislikes. She said she likes the idea of having more experience than her boyfriend.

I dumped her over that.
They don’t
I won't read the book when I've already seen the movie
My bf, I think it happened pretty soon into our relationship. It feels weirder than piv sex, but not bad
typically those with a higher relationship count means they aren’t really trying to keep that relationship stable. of course a breakup can mean very different things but a lot of the men I know who have had multiple girlfriends is because they don’t know how to keep the stability, which could also be due to the immaturity of being 18
Ok but he had 1 past partner in his 30s. How can you assume that when it’s highly possible that he had that 1 relationship when he was in his 30s. Meaning he went his entire teens and 20s as a virgin
M I have never actually fingered a woman. Am I missing out? Seems kinda dumb ngl.
I'm not even the anon but this is stupid.
then he isn’t a fool to try to lose his virginity quick, at least that’s my interpretation of it. that or he’s ruined his reputation before getting any game
I wanted to prove him that I love him
>lose his virginity quick
Is that really what it means if you’re a virgin into your 30s?
Not that great. I was too young and had been drinking, so I just let it happen. I was still a virgin and didn't want to touch him or have sex, so I pretended to fall asleep hoping that he would stop
awkward and super giggly
I don’t remember, but I do remember the feeling when I fingered her. The smooth softness of her body, her nice smell. The sounds she made
>female attention whore mentions she has a boyfriend
>all the silly moids immediately lose interest
Watch videos like >>32014788
You're not missing out on anything. It's disgusting.
Women, what's the purpose of having long nails?
yeah then I say he’s ruined his rep or just doesn’t approach women correctly
Scratching your back
Beard conditioner or beard oil I guess
I was the same way. Then my mother died. Now I miss having a mother at all.

Cherish her as much as you can, anon. You grew up, but she’s still your one and only mom.
Everyone works
what else is there to do. I dont hate my job. i took off today because i didnt feel like going. not a big deal.
making money feels good its part of the game of life. a person with inheritance is upset because they never got to play the game
It implies that I am more for decoration than for working. I like that.
to get a good scrub when washing hair
Happens with Twitch people also.
Yeah, I guess. It's cyberpunk and fantastical for sure. The main influences were more like Dorohedoro and Kill 6 Billion Demons and the Shin Megami Tensei 4 OST.
Same but I think it seems hot, especially doing it with the panties still on. Seeing how she reacts, pushing her, groping while I do it, kissing.
Seems nice
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Brunette Jewish girls Mog the absolute shit out of any other girl.
OH, forgot about that one...
Escapist hobbies
M but I heard that just makes it more prone to breakage.
is there a name for this phenomena?
Back to /lgbt/ you go, troon
Indifferent. They die just as I do. I do my best to enjoy life.
Women, how do you move your hips so easily?
I'm not one of these loser moids ;)
What does this even mean
did it work?
crazy how you "people" will admit that there are massive beauty standards enforced by white people when it suits you
spineless, weak
Women have wider hips than men so more range of motion
that woman is hotter than any thin lipped flat washboard body white girl

No one can compare to jewess tits
I’ve had them for a while
And they say the patriarchy is real
As opposed to what? A disease ridden animal that lives for 20 years tops? A prey animal, always onm the run? A third worlder who eats literal trash? My lot in life is objectively higher than most, as is anyone else in the first world. You're just whiny.
Wish I could fall asleep with my nose buried in chest hair
Desirability decline? This isn’t a formal term, but it describes the idea that someone's perceived value or attractiveness might decrease when they are already in a relationship, as they are seen as less available or less attainable.
>Cherish her as much as you can
Don't know how to cherish someone who abused me, anon. And it's the same with my father: a few months ago, he came, and while I sat on a sofa, he pat my head then noted that my hair was soft. That moment, and now whenever I think about that, I feel like bursting into tears, for him and for myself (for the fact that my father never hugged me, he didn't even know what his daughter's hair feels until now when he's well into his 50s)

That's how I feel towards my parents: regret. I know if my mother especially passes away I'll cry for a long long time, but then I ask myself what can I do, and I feel my hans are tied.
I see projection from a feminine male kek.
I don't empathize with women's desire for bonding
Women keep flipping shit on me after we fuck for a while and they realize I'm a robot, I feel really guilty but I don't see any fair compromise
Women do you think I should be executed?
just gotta take good care of your hair! just oiled my scalp rn for crazy soft hair muwhahahah
I'm pretty sure we have the same motion as men, they're just wider so the movement is more exaggerated.
I see why people call women crazy now. In class theres this girl who keeps trying to warm up to me but she I can tell she's upset by my coldness. I don't know what she wants, I don't have the energy or drive for real intimacy , sex would be nice
The only reason for interacting with the other gender is acquiring a member of the opposite gender for mating purposes
More women get exposed to dance classes as kids compared to men.
>I can see why people call women crazy
>Because she was nice to be and I was a miserable fuck; clearly the issue is with women
>I won't communicate with her, I will just insult her entire gender
>Also I'm a coomer
You're the reason we have such a bad reputation. Fuck is wrong with you? How do you get
>Bitch is crazy
>Girl is being nice
Just because you're a miserable, broken fuck doesn't mean everyone else is
Why? Women won't choke you out?
Would you want your ex to reach out to you? Why or why not?
You do.
Its the same as when guys say
>Why do women smell so nice
They smell the same, that's a product
>Why skin so soft
Literally feels the same, they just tend to have better skincare
>don't know what she wants, I don't have the energy or drive for real intimacy
Did you get abused as a kid?
what? I am masculine af. i need a big fucking milkers.
ahhhh i need to fart but i want to store it up so it makes a bigger noise
only men understand this feel
It's because of past experience >>32014996
plus she has a vibe, she seemed like she was about to tear up because I wasn't keeping the conversation going
My mom is an intellectually dismissive, forced positivity, homeschool parent who wants me to live in a small town and has always resented my ambition
lay to your side so more gas can pass :3
Wish granted
Women don't have dicks
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Women, what do you want from men?
I'd honestly just tell her all the bad things that has happened recently and how much she hurt me, in the hope that she feels like shit.
I don't think that would be really satisfying though and I might feel worse for it, even if she is a liar and hypocrite.

When I am in a rut like now, yes.
But when I am doing alright, no.
I haven't been doing alright a lot in the past few months...
if you lift your leg up to open up your sphincter you can alter the pitch and timbre
>Why skin so soft
This one is factually wrong. A woman's skin is actually built differently than a guy's. Woman skin is actually thinner and has less collagen. We also have a layer of subcutaneous fat all over.
Then why don't you watch porn with pps in them?
a hug
State gender.
Have you ever experienced a death of someone you had romantic feelings or a relationship with? How traumatic was it?
My mother tried to kill me and then herself. I don’t say that to make this a competition- losing your mother will deeply wound you no matter your relationship. The one that brought you into this world leaving it leaves scars that never heal.

You don’t have to like your mom. But make some effort to find peace with her before the end. My sister disconnected completely from our family, and she to this day has the last voicemail from our mom saying how much she missed her.
Feels the same
No. I’ll either immediately block her, or verbally rip her a new asshole so hard she attempts suicide yet again.
Erm, I had a bit of a crush on Hana Kimura, does that count? Made me feel a few things about my own mortality the closer I got to her age, and now I'm three years older.
So you just doubly admit the issue is you, not them, but still called her entire gender "crazy"?
Again, what's wrong with you? Insulting other people won't make you less fucked.
I doubt you've ever touched a woman, anon.
And you honestly think you're going to get an /atoga/ gf?
Its amazing how fast women will go to this kind of insult when questioned at all
Literally no recourse but putting pussy on a pedastal.
I watch it sometimes. But lesbian porn is more gentle
Not exactly what I was looking for, but your story is interesting none the less. Too bad for your wrestling mommy, she looked cool.
got about 2 hours to kill, what should I do
i can be ur gentle lover
but id rather fuck ur mother
Oh, forgot to say she killed herself just when I was thinking of killing myself too. Odd time.
Sketch requests?
yes yes yes, was gonna do them after I showered but I wanted to oil my scalp and wash my bedsheets .. so now I can draw!
Soak in a warm bath and watch something relaxing for 30 mins
Make yourself a snack, eat the snack
Lay down and stretch
Oh who gives a fuck, I keep getting burned over and over right on top of my core wound so I use the word crazy to protect myself because the issue is nebulous. I don't accept that the women in my past are innocent of the distress that they've caused me
I’d sure love a bath rn desu, but that means I have to sanitize the tub before I can comfortably soak myself in it LOL I’ll do it sometime, I have bath fizzies I wanna use :3 right now I’m organizing my desk
even if I wanted to I don’t have anywhere to comfortably do so
It doesn't have dicks

Draw a picture of you drawing a picture.
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Women, how do you feel about the artistic value of naked female body?
Me. Stupid question. This is a thread for advice, where anyone is free to comment. You chose to blog post instead. In a retarded manner, which called out and continue to. Its a lot of waaaah
>Women in your past
And the woman in your class is not those women. Neither are 99.9999999%+ of all women who ever existed. Yet you still insulted literally all women based on THAT interaction because YOU are flawed.
Its beyond selfish.
That's the perfect, mid, kind of hot kind of miserable face to fake fuck
We do be pretty pretty, ngl.
There's a girl who may like me, but she has gone on a long holiday to South America. I recently added her on instagram and she followed me back almost instantly.

I was thinking of sending her a message like "Hey how's South America?" to initiate a conversation. Would that be too boring or weird to message her?
Nice body but she looks high as fuck.
how do you forgive someone for things not only they never apologized for, but also continue doing to this day, anon? and that's what I meant when I said earlier I ask myself what can i do and think my hands are tied: i think this is the trajectory of these kinds of relationships: these people hurt you and then leave, and let you grapple with the pain and regret... and i'm not sure there's another path
No, that's a good starter.
I don't see why I should trust her. I don't see why I should trust any women until I get enough money to defend myself. I've had several women who orbit to me say that I seem like I'm traumatized, emotionally eradicated. I don't trust anyone who would be drawn to that. I see how they react when I don't play into their savior complex
Boyfriend died it absolutely destroyed me
You do come off like that. Whiny, too. And self-centered to an impressive degree. They're right.
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live portrait
>And self-centered to an impressive degree
Let me guess. You think I should wear the leash
Go work out
>anon asks something very personal
>tear my heart out writing it down
>No reply
This sometimes really hurts.
Haha, that's great, thanks.
good idea. counterpoint: I want to draw
Yeah that happens a lot here
Btw, guys how in the actual fuck do women want to be approached by dudes who at the very least want to be friends with them? Literally you gals will give me looks and eye contact but that doesn't break the tension, how do I talk to you without seeming like a spaz?
I'm a guy, I don't care what you do in the bed, in your relationship, whatever.
Impressive main character syndrome too.
Ngl, if you want to be my friend you should have approached me years ago on the playground.
M, actual spaz, the majority of my friends are women
Just like talk to them bro
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So you're saying... you're single?
Women, do your guy friends really look at you differently when you get boobs?
Draw me and some girl doing the forbidden
Holding hands
dang sorry anon
You know what I meant
>Lift bag
>Muscles bulge
>Woman stares at them
I was going to make a "felt violated" shitpost but nah, felt prettyu good
You accept that that’s simply their nature, and you savor the good memories you have.
Fucking hilarious that people in this day and age will treat you like a nazi for simply ignoring or cutting contact with a woman. Just goes to show you who holds the power
>when you get boobs
laughed a little too hard at this one
untermensch type thing to say
Does it have to be current romantic feelings?
What was it anon? I’m at work and I’m missing a lot of posts just by virtue of being distracted. I’ll be happy to take a look.
I'm just talking about crystalized social power obviously. As the main character, I obviously am in control of my own fate
... what?
>nerdy petite Latina
Activating all my desires
why come i sex girl she doesnt camed but still say sex good?
Thank you, that's very kind of you and I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm about to go to bed anyway. I hope you have a calm work day. :)
I used to have a childhood female friend like that and we did liker each other, but then I found out about how she molested my sister and her friends and then I stopped liking her. She literally contacted my mom so that she could talk to me and reconnect because im pretty sure she still has feelings for me, which i do not want to reciprocate. We used to be called perfect for each other. and everything for our entire childhood.
Yeah but man is it hard to work up the courage, I saw this stunning blonde at target with her friends, she and one of her friends kept moving aisles trying to sneak peeks at me mirin, but I was with my sister who's on her period (she literally becomes semi-evil most of the time she on it) and my sister kept repeating "youre gay, gay ,gay gay) near her and her friends and just crumbled any self esteem I had to even fucking try anymore. So fucking embarrassing man.
that question was a bit weird anon. kids will be kids and when we grow older, puberty hits. that’s ur answer, I think?
I am far from smart anon sorry
Asking the real questions here.
>friend has been eyeing me up all night
>keeps using my proper name to me with me
>catch her staring at me more than once
>later on
>someone else mentions the letter F
>sing song "F is for friends that do stuff together"
>she raises an eyebrow and says
>"...not those things"
she lieded to no hurt ur feels :(
That's... honestly kinda sad and fucked up, anon.
It’s gonna be over in 30 minutes. And I’ll be left forever wondering what anon has to say…
I got a few stares but I was quick to hit him with a newspaper or something.
You always draw yourself with the femcel glasses
That's good enough for me
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Better censor that shit
>femcel glasses
I just have bad vision anon
went to an appointment today actually and it’s gotten a bit worse ..
Whats worse is the fact our dad molested my sister too, at around the same time, and now my sister uses weed to escape the pain. He isn't mentally, emotionally, or in any shape way or form an available father except for that he works and "provides" for us. Although not exactly the best at that either. I have tried things to help her cope but it's hard to get through tto her. I am studying at college right now and I want to work a part time job so that eventually we don't have to live with him anymore. But starting out poor doesn't help.
i guess things could seem simple now that your mother is dead. however the fact is you didn't forgive her when she was alive. which is to my point.
>online guildie chit chats me on the regular between raids
>reveals his name and starts asking me for my name and age
>decline to answer and keep things cordial
>never call him by his real name either
>keeps asking even when I ask him to stop
>accuses me of being paranoid and scared
>inform him he's being creepy and that's why I won't answer
>berates me and says he doesn't think it's creepy, demands my personal info again
>insinuates that I must be younger than him but he doesn't mind a small age gap
>keeps imagining shit about me
>tell him to stop that shit or I'll block
>keeps at it anyways
>threatens suicide when I don't reply to his shit

Girls, is it normal for people to incessantly ask you for personal information online? What the fuck is going on?

This guy is straight up harassing me at this point but he's a high ranking guild member and I don't want to start drama. Also I haven't told him anything about myself so the whole situation is uncanny. I'm also a causal player, we raid once a week tops.
It's all that drawing...
Idk she assumed you meant sex ig.
Did I say it was a bad thing?
>”DON’T LOOK,” she screamed as she slid on the grass, her jeans slipping down to reveal a pink, silky thong stuffed in between a hairy, but juicy, ass crack
>I looked anyway

Men, what are some fond memories you have of seeing girls butt cracks back in high school?
But seriously though, what resolution is your tablet screen? Eye strain might be a thing.
report his ass and keep the screenshots ready for proof. that isn't normal he's trying to get your personal information and harassing you wtf.
not sure how to check, but my vision hadn’t gotten THAT worse, just my right eye is a bit blurry. that’s the only prescription that’s changing LOL but I can’t wait to see clearly without doing weird shit to see better
Take screenshots of all conversations and then post them publicly on the guild forum.
He might have done this to others before.
I'm actually quite a bit older than him too so I thought I was behind the times. It's insane behavior though. Why do people do this?

I saved a couple screenshots where I asked him to leave me alone but the other chat logs got cleared. Probably not enough to report him for now.
I did forgive her. It was her nature to be impulsive and reckless and frankly monstrous. I focused on the positive and in the end, I was the only one of my siblings who was on positive terms with her.
Is life really worth living if you can never make a single friend? I can’t even do the things I love anymore because I’m so depressed. I pissed away what could’ve been the best years of my life
Thank you
hi anon id be your friend
i carried a heavy bag home and it left a mark on my arm men why did you let this happen why am i single
I totally relate anon. In fact, I had the chance to do exactly that. It ended up being pointless in the end, yeah.
Living your best life, being as happy as you can, that’s the best payback you can get.
Normal people don't have to go out with strangers or force themselves to join a club to socialize, I think you might have a touch of the 'tism bro
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Friends do not appear out of nowhere you projecting loser lol You actually have to put effort into it. Do you think he's going to make friends by just sitting in his room and writing posts here? You have to find common ground and common interests with people
nta but now I'M curious. What kind is is it? Make and model.
Goad him into doing it again.
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Who's in the wrong?
What is the psychology behind this intense desire to reach out to my ex. Why can't I move on?
>hey I wouldn’t have ever fucked you casually lol
Not reading a reddit post + you've posted this before
You aren’t trying to move on. Every night it’s this shit about wanting to text him.
You're gay, JH.
M but honestly the guy. They were drinking and he reacted badly to her comment.
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I don't think you should have stormed off like she implied but that's an incredibly idiotic thing to say to your BF lol
Do you prefer a guy who deliberately tries to appeal to you by saying and doing what he thinks you want, or one who stands by their beliefs even if you’ll definitely disagree?
>Friends don't appear out of nowhere
If you have a likeable personality and vibe, they actually do. It's effortless

>ad hominem
At this point I think we're talking about you, not him. I think you might be projecting, not me.
regardless of who's in the wrong, don't men do this all the time? and then they would say they have no respect for women they do that with and they're not marriage material
I have an iPad Pro 12.9, 3rd gen! got it ages ago and I love it to the core
True, but the guy should have considered that they were drinking and she probably didn't phrase it great.
This is loser lazy incel mentality

>"Things should just be handed to me because.... THEY JUST SHOULD OK?!?! "
How else could she have phrase that?

Just accept she wasn't his first choice and she settled.
Women want to be gf material though
ok kiddo

go read a book about relating to people. You'll get there one day champ
Wow, annonette, your pussy isn't as loose as the average whore
Basically what she said
Nice. That's a screen resolution of 2732 x 2048 pixels. This provides a pixel density of around 264 pixels per inch (PPI). That's a higher resolution and less likely to cause eye strain but you should still do the 20-20-20 thing. Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. Poor posture can actually contribute to eye strain as well. Maybe see if it has a blue light filter or some kinda Night Mode feature.
yeah, 'cause the person you get into a long term relationship with is supposed to be higher quality than the guy you meet at a club and fuck because your pusy wants a dick inside

what am i not seeing here?
Because I miss him
How are you getting THAT? She just said that she doesn't see him as a one night fling kinda guy.
If you’re tired of being hot, quit setting yourself on fire already.
oooh okay, I’m not one to hyper-focus on anything anyway, I’m always wanting to hop and do something different LOL but I do need to work on my posture when I draw… posture is fine I just get pains when I slouch for too long
I get what you're saying but I think the bf interpreted what she said as "You aren't really my type, I don't like you THAT much but I guess I'll settle for you for now"

That wasn't very tactful of her to say. I don't think she had bad intentions but it was objectively retarded of her to say
Whats the female version of this >>32015244, as in, shit guys say that they'd take as a compliment when it's more like a back slap?
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>*Friendless doomer malding noises*
Men don't want to just be used and not be considered attractive

Think about it like this
Men want to be James Bond. They want to save the world and bed the girl. She's saying he isn't James Bond. That's gonna sting
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Is this true?
try better next time, dont let it get you down
Saying she is hookup material
Who would take that as a compliment? That's saying you're only good for sex.
nta, but how are you getting you're not my first choice when she said she wouldn't have married other guys and would marry him

the assumption at play here is other men are superior because they pumped and dumped her but this assumption is in your heads and maybe the bf's not the girl.
I want to be used for sex
This, ain't it more annoying to get yourself off?
I'm not saying that's how I would interpret it. I think he overreacted a little bit. I'm just explaining what his POV and mindspace may have been like
sheer will and horniness
So you're just invalidating his perspective?
It's a surface to decorate basically.
Maybe he finds the possibility that she would consider hookups at all icky.
What's unresolved?
>I would have never hooked up with you
Is what it boils down to. How the FUCK do you not get this?
>Men don't want to just be used and not be considered attractive

You're literally making up a story in your head now. She just said he's a keeper, and you're like that means he's being used and not attractive

The only way this could be offensive is if she ran her mouth about previous relationships, hookups and men she was fwbs with, and made it seem like she's still not over them, then was like but don't worry babes you're different... this i could see how he could be offended. otherwise, if she was just saying "you're more than meaningless sex to me" i don't see how he should get upset
Because she values him more than that. I'm a guy and I get this...
KEK, go take a fucking walk. It's embarrassing how invested you are in this. But don't worry you won't find yourself in this situation (or any situation that involves a woman) anytime soon.
It's like being addicted to cigarettes and trying to quit. If you ever get your hands on heroin, you'd stop being sad about cigarettes cuz you got something else.
If you finished a series and are sad it's over, you move on to another and you get happy again.

You just miss the high. All creatures respond to chemicals. Replace it with something else
You're not a guy
Or if you are, you're just a pickme cuck
That’s not the point. The core message is, “I would have hooked up with other guys, but not you.” It’s a grievous insult on its face.
>I’m a guy
You’re a remora at best.
kek, what a weak reply. did op at any point ask for men's perspective only?
But how? I've never done this before I'm sorry if I'm being annoying
I can't imagine ever replacing him. He was already so hard to find. But you're right. I hope this will pass soon
>literally my first reply
For starters, post about something other than wanting to text him. Force that shit completely from your mind as much as you can as often as you can.
She literally said he's not someone she would hookup with or be fwb with BUT (as in the thought continues) marry. You're like a little kid that only hears what he wants to hear because it adheres to your own personal bias.
You're mystified as to why a guy would respond this way and clearly don't respect the male mind for thinking this way
I feel pity for whatever smuck you end up with
It doesn't matter whether it's your first or 1000th. It was too emotionally charged. You're not the guy in the original picture, and no woman will ever hookup with you marry you. So no need to get red in the face on behalf of the guy, as if an insult to him is an insult to you kek
Im literally Annasui btw
>all these personal attacks just because I explain how it’s insulting
You effeminate little bottom-feeding bitch, don’t blame me for the fact your crippling autism limits you from thinking of other perspectives.
i don't respect your "mind" i'll tell you that much. kek.
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Do people even have normal fetishes anymore? I have a huge thing for maids and thighhighs but everywhere I go it seems like the most mainstream fetishes are weird shit like feet or just downright fucked up and disgusting.
There is nothing wrong with encouraging someone to lie. You cannot just expect your partner to like everything about you. That is actual narcissism.
Because I used le capital letters? Grow up. It’s ridiculous that as an adult, not only can you not get this, but you ARGUE when people explain how it can be insulting.
Contact GM
If he doesnt react
I have one for glasses .. is that normal
>You’re a remora at best.
I provide assistance, I'm loyal, adaptable, dependable, and supportive. I'm resourceful and able to leverage my strengths and connections. How is this an insult?
>You cannot just expect your partner to like everything about you. That is actual narcissism.
Lmao why would I bother just so some bitch gets to sit on her ass and make babies. And now she doesn't even have to like me? Get real. I'm going to South America with a couple grand in my pocket and then I'll leave
Bro do not say that. You might actually radicalize someone into doing that.
Get offline for a bit. People nowadays still treat anal as a huge taboo.
Hes not wrong and no, by doing nothing and putting in effort you only end up LOSING friends over time

You have to actively make shit happen.

T. Went to gym today with one of my friends
He has zero interest in actually getting friends and therefore he will stay a friendless loser

Which is pretty bad.
That's like worse than kissless virgim
It's pretty mid, like a thing for stockings.
"Id fuck you, if you promised to leave right after"
I see
You’re a scavenger. Bottom of the food chain. No woman would ever want you, so you try desperately to swim in the same of those better than you, hoping just maybe you can pick up some attention by being a total bitch who just says what you think women want to hear.
God, you and the other fag are pathetic. You want to be oppressed so much, you're getting this angry at a post online that may or may not mean what you think, all because you want to think women are cucking you by marrying you (lol, you'll never get married)

and what makes this all the more comical is the fact that 99.99% of you degenerates here are into cukoldry (much ike trannies that you love to bash)
He's just always on my mind
I mean, in a good way. Not fucked up at all.
no yes I understood LOL
>God, your ass and thighs have really filled out.
She literally did that by proxy
"You are not a guy i would hook up.with"
Implying she gave ass to dudes without them putting in effort before

Its a massive insult, and if you are a man and dont think that, you have zero spine, or probably degen in polycule relationshit
Screenshots are a good idea.

As for understanding his shit, read up on people who develop feelings for celebrities based on imagined, one-sided connections.
He's interacting with the version of you in his mind.
State age
What is your favorite animal
You know what will be on your mind if you post about something else instead? Something else instead will be on your mind.
God, you’re so coddled. Somebody being rude to you online is probably one of the most horrible things to ever happen to you, huh?
Fuck off
Dogs as a pet
Cats as a silly animal to observe
But theres so much amazing lifeforms on the planet
lol, thats funny but it aint realistic tho
nta my bf legit said something like this to me, not nearly as mean, but it really did bother me.
I wish women were real
You did nothing wrong, my guy. They just want to insist on one interpretation, the one that makes them feel like victims and further justify their hatred of women: you only settle for us (betas). They LIVE for being victims, whining... god forbid they take responsibility for anything in life
Push him out! Literally force yourself, occupy your mind with other shit.

nta but you mean para social relationships, right?
Well, see, girls think that gaining a 0.1 gram of bodywei
Yes, but there's no way to prove it. And if you think there is, then you're not smarter than me.
"Wow! You're actually pretty smart!"
The subtext being "I thought you were a brainless bimbo based solely on your breast size"
Femanons, how many men have seen your asshole?
I remember I told my bf I hate myself and he just went “you aren’t fat if that’s what you’re saying”
why u keep asking about age
the child in me liked dinosaurs, the friend in my loves dogs, the loner in me admires cats, the romantic in me loves people
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Dumbo / umbrella octopus.

...bodywweight is end of the world, where reality is that if you do some activity like lifting or whatever, theres high chance tjat guy finds you incredibly attractive at +/-10kg off your ideal weight.

Some guys want thick thighs and FAT ass to squeeze and grab, some guys want tiny skinny girls.
But unless you completely let yourself go and balooon up 30kg, you should have zero reason to worry or think he meant that as an insult.

T. Dude who loves thicker girls
Lmao based bf
Yeh... that is true. I get icked out when I fucking sit. And that was before I gained a bit.
I fear that I actually do need to eat less,, of my favorite foods.. which feel so good in my mouth … Sigh …….
did they say thicc or something?
Wow... how'd he make that leap?
But how can you see your tablet if your massive titties are blocking your view
>Implying she gave ass to dudes without them putting in effort before
yeah, lol you sound angry, even though the bf probably knew she fucked a 100 guys before him

>She literally did that by proxy
>"You are not a guy i would hook up.with
Yeah, because you don't go out with people you hookup with, do you understand that, brainlet? Do you also understand they probably fucked a 10000 times in the past 2.5 years which proves she WOULD fuck him AND MORE
pandas are cool. fake koalas too (real ones are nasty af)
Literally just eat fewer calories
You can still eat junk, just less junk
I lost 70(!!) pounds and still eat at McDonald's
Yea I guess
>Push him out! Literally force yourself, occupy your mind with other shit.
I think I just need someone to tell me this is normal because I'm not sure if it is. Sometimes I can drive him out and other times it feels impossible
not her but... you move the tablet forwards. c'mon dude. women are not helpless babies that are hopelessly crippled by their udders
No, something about more to hold onto. Which isn't that bad, I guess. I understand on some level that fat in certain places is a good thing.
I hate women so god damn much.
I’d often say I feel fat but that wasn’t what the conversation was about LMFAOOO it’s something funny I always remember
like how Moses split the sea
can’t help when the snacks call to me.. I just need to have more self control LOL, first few weeks of college have me wanting to try all the foods and snacks they sell sob sob sob
Yeh, that is unironically pretty bad posture to be all hunched over like that on a tablet if you have big boobies.
Same. Don't trust em
They want to label of equals but act like children
Roastie coping
There's a very thin line between fat thighs and sexy ones, so it's not like men see any clear boundary either. We're equally clueless, so we can't really judge.
I put my tits on my nightstand whenever I want to doodle
You need to find healthier alternatives. What do you usually snack on?
Cute, cute CUTE
real mature titcow
just go on ozempic/others

In 10-20 years it's gonna be such a normal thing to do for people with reasonable money, as common as plastic surgery but not as invasive. It's be even more so if it ever got cheaper (it prob wont for a while).

Crazy to imagine the possibility that not just obesity, but any sense of "overweightness" basically ending my a lifetime.
And yet it's a posture I find myself in way too often :/

I have a special drawer for mine, I don't even want to look at them (unless I'm drawing sexy ladies and I need them for a reference)
They cant be possibly that big
People bounce back after ozempic "cure"
Its not a wonder drug you think it is.
I'm pretty mid but I could do that if I was hunching over.
Anon pls. Look down at your own lap. Boobs don't have to be that big to get in the way of seeing your thighs, plus they hang forwards, unless you wear a bra while drawing, and fuck that
cumstain, shitstain,skidmark, sometimes booger coping
Because they deserve it.
You actually make yourself think about him intentionally. You enjoy thinking about him for the same reason that people enjoy harming themselves. It's thrilling to punish yourself and feel feelings intensely. Do NOT tell me that I'm wrong about you because it's time for you to change the subject.

Stop talking about him. Now. Start talking about something else. Now. Look through the thread and answer some questions. Now.
Is Ozempic literally the thing that slows down the movement of your digestive tract? That doesn't sound good.
>Look down at own lap
All i see is a 6.5" micro penis
I don’t snack on crazy unhealthy foods (nuts, roasted chickpeas, fruit, puffed rice) and I’m not crazy obese I’m like 125-130ish at 5’2. but whenever I eat meals I cow out -_- the meals here are so yummy
real shit
I’m not weak
LOL using them as a ref is so real
about average size, but average in us is quite large ..
Thats literally it.
Love me food rotting in my gut
Oh, so it's more of a portion control thing? Smaller plates? No, seriously.
>125 at 5'2

yess yes yes there’s a self serve salad station and I fill that shit to the brim every time, even though I know I’ll have a hard time eating the whole thing (which I end up doing anyway)
Yeh. So you're basically paying for a disorder.
I guess there's worse things to overeat than salad, so good job?
Maybe pay real good attention to dressings they use in salads, that can be loaded with mayo and oil which can ruin your calorie intake
(If losing weight is your interest that is)
I am not gaining any weight, not visibly at least. all I really need to do is find time and energy to work out every day
yeah, my brain goes “it’s a salad, it’s healthy!” and although I’m getting a surplus of nutrients, I’m downing a bunch of cals LOL
oh I know that, I don’t add any dressings besides hummus
>unless I'm drawing sexy ladies and I need them for a reference
M but this really depressed the shit out of me. I wish I had such handy access to reference.
Is anilingus any fun?
Or is it actually really gross?
Post gender and favorite sex position
I think about my ex a lot. When I think of her, I say, “no, bad, fuck that”, and I replace her with anything else. What am I going to eat later? What should I do with my free time? Should I play this or that?

Above all else, STOP talking aloud here about it. 1: You aren’t seeking real advice most of the time. 2: You’re only ingraining it harder in yourself that you want to reach out.

Just fucking stop already anon.
Depends what kind of dressing you use, honestly.

anon :3, what kind of salad dressing do you use?
Unironically, have you had your thyroid checked?
Missionary. I want to look into her eyes, before they roll back.
And I wish I had dick on demand, but I guess we're both going to sleep unfulfilled tonight.
My soulmate? Sure. But in a way, I didn't deserve her and still don't. If she's happy out there somewhere, that's just something I have to accept.
no dressing, unless hummus counts
I should as thyroid problems run bi-generationally in my family, but I don’t gain CRAZY weight, and other symptoms that come with thyroid problems aren’t present. but thank you for your concern anon !
just ask your girlfriend to help?
Why not get pussy on demand instead?
My dick is in your drawer dont forget to unpack it
Anons, I overheard my neighbors raising their kid (can't help it, thin walls) and their parenting technique is basically "say no, child screeches, give in to appease him"

When are we gonna talk about the fact that most people know fuckall about parenting? Why do people marry and bring shitlings into the world and rarely stop to think how difficult it is to raise another human and treat it as if it's part of a package: the day your child is born suddenly you now know how to parent
Dude... c'mon... that's not funny.
I haven't explored that area of my sexuality yet.

Oh no, I hope the poor thing hasn't withered away from being kept in the dark...
Im gonna sound Like a horny indian, but you wouldnt believe how much i love big round girl butts

Its the best thing on earth.
my brain when I’m drawing:
But it is something you want?
There's nothing stopping you
If you didnt unseal the airtight container it should be in fresh condition, albeit little musky
Any yuri recruiters ITT? You've got a new mark!
You sound more Polish to me.
Hummus is relatively calorie dense. It's healthy fats and protein but it can add up.
I literally lose sleep over trying to decide which female curve is the best
Poles are more tits oriented last time i checked
why do all the good foods have to be calorie dense….
thank you for ur help anon(s) I’ll try to be more disciplined when it comes to my diet and workout routines [insert muscle emoji here]
Collarbones are severely underrated.
Wow, you are looking great for a
>which female curve
Angular jawed femanons in shambles rn
one thing I worry about losing weight is also losing my boobs
Decisions decisions

I think for me its that contrast between small waist and hipbones that connect with glutes / cheeks
Especially if its a nice in shape butt and not just fat

Good lord
Should I (M) reach out to my former best friend (F)?
I blocked her and she blocked me for a while - she didn’t want me to date this one girl, and tried to threaten me away from her by saying she was going to block me. I blocked her back. But I miss her.
Could possibly be genetic. What are the other women in your family like? Are you Latina? Shortstack stereotype and all that.
You and literally every woman who posts here
But let's be realistic, when was the last time you even used those things?
Okay thanks guys. Can you tell me about something nice that happened to you today
>female friend said im a 10/10
>Femanon rated me 7.5/10 (and only because we have similar hobbies)

Someone was lying...
So I'm getting quite lean-bulky. Femanons, should I accompany this with long hair? My black hair is naturally voluminous and people often think I style it.

I just dread the in-between where the length is at my neck.
M state age
What is something you regret?
You like hip bones jutting out? Well... ok... my day has become a little better now.
Girls would you date someone who drinks by himself or is that a redflag? I can't enjoy drinking on bars or with other peoples I can only enjoy it when I'm by myself maybe I'll one day find someone who I will enjoy doing it with but I doubt considering my personality
update bump >>32013707

I think I waited to long to reach outon the one app he didn't block me on and now I'm blocked. I think I missed my window he might have gave me.

I think he wanted me to fight for him and I still do. i was too worried i was going to step on eggshells if i responded too soon but i think he wanted that. do I email him and still go through with the snail mail and gift? I'm so sad about this
35 years old.
35 years old.
More on this:
A week ago, I go to the supermarket to do groceries. In front of me two boys and their parents. The younger kid (about 5) throws a tantrum (literally on the floor kicking and screaming), his parents tell him to return some cndy and chocolate but he refuses. Finally, they let him keep it, but then the cashier has to process the items and the whole time the kid is yelling at the cashier ordering him around "give me give me give me... quickly"
Meanwhile, the older brother stands and watches. He too wanted candy but wasn't allowed to keep any.

Aside from how annoying the whole scene and this family with their misbehaved child were, what message are they sending to the kid who got what he wanted by throwing tantrums and being rude, or the older brother who got nothing, not even one piece of candy, wasn't allowed to keep any... all because he remained calm and didn't throw a fit
my family has a range when it comes to body types, so it’s hard to really generalize. and yes I am Latina, LOL but no exaggerated curves I don’t think (sorry to all the anons who pictured me like that)
every night before I go to bed
Getting Born
Not going for the hookup with the girl that offered it to me
Not making a move with that one girl i had collosal crush on (im probably most upset about this one, i would marry her no questions asked)
Not starting lifting at 16yo
Breaking my spine by being stubborn

What else
Dude, I tried to lose weight to make them smaller. It actually just increased the chest muscles, making them look bigger.
Attraction is subjective, but I'd err on the side of someone who doesn't know you and thus doesn't care about hurting your feelings.
you are my inspiration thank you I love you
M 25
There are a few things I said to people that I wish I could take back. They're not evem bad things and they probably don't give a fuck, but they're cringey.
Sounds like teenage drama. Are you still teenagers? If not, forget it happened and reconnect as adults.

Hey, some of us WANT to get smaller.

Every guy should have long hair.
Why do you think you don't deserve her?
Yes! Sorta.
I went to the store to buy a water jug about 30 minutes ago, but I didn't have my card on me. Nbd, Apple Pay!
I got a new phone last month. Apple Pay needed to be set up again and I totally forgot how. I was so embarrassed I must have been tomato-red. But the nice lady helped me to set it back up.

Meeting my ex!

I think you're better off cutting your losses and trying to move on.
Haha, you fell for the meme.
I genuinely like hip dips
One chick at my gym has very prominent hip dips, has wide shoulders and tiny waist and really fit butt and she looks fantastic.
I wonder how she would look like in a dress, altough her gym outfits already leave not much to imagination between her tiny sports bras and tight shorts
This guy who blocked you, is this the guy who you've never met in person and you aren't actually dating?
Same here
Yes, boobs are mostly fat, but don't forget the skin behind it. We have pectoral muscles just like men do, and when the pecs are big, the boobies are pushed forwards.
This also makes it easier to have cleavage, for our wide-shouldered girls.
When did you first learn that your uncle was actually your biological father, and that he and your mom had a secret sexual affair while using each other's spouses as beards?
I have hard time believing you
Did you guys hear about Miss Switzerland :( Men how do I know you won't do this
Paying $33k for a meme degree from a school that went out of business literally a week after I graduated
not going to study abroad
No i did not hear about miss switzerland
European men are uniquely depraved.
Something that I regret that would make a huge list but here a fews
>doing a shit uni course that I didn't cared for just cause of my family and wasted 4 years of my life (I'm currently working as cashier even with my degree)
>never as much interacting with any girl let alone kissing one despite my age
>confessing to a girl that was lesbian and being rejected
>having no friends
>having no hobbies
>having more money than I can spend (I'm not rich by any means but I have nothing to do with the leftover money at the end of the month)
oooh okay okay, I need to buy me a set of dumbbells for more muscle building or something
Give info
Her hubby chopped her up until she looked like pureed cat food. Makes me wonder if any cats ate her remains.
Doesn't that just make them look more fake on a wide torso?
Do you have the floor space for pushups? Do pushups.
>sorry to all the anons who pictured me like that
Too late, you now have an incredible ass in my mind, and I won't be convinced otherwise
Extremely brutal spousal murder. Faces of Death stuff.
It's true! Women have chest muscles too.
>pushups with a big chest
anon, think about this
"While dismembering the body, he was playing YouTube videos on his phone, investigators said.

'It doesn't surprise me that he watched YouTube videos while he [dismembered her], as even on the kids' birthday parties he always had his headphones in his ears and was listening to something,' Kristina's friend told MailOnline. "

NTA obviously but I'm too poor for the gym and frankly don't have the time anyways. I do my best to exercise at home.
Is any of this shit actually worth doing?
Chesticles against my testicles! Yum yum!
Her chest isn't that big. Trust me.
Idk, does it? I'm just happy I can actually push them together now.
Oh, shit.
Uhh... If you want a nice guy who won't do that, get with an /atoga/ anon. :)
yes, it's definitely worth it. 5 pushups is better than 0.

did you post this from inside her walls
I'm her bra.
They're dumb, ignorant, capricious, disloyal, pathologically narcissistic whores.
this would be hard for me. :(
we never met in person but planned to. he's been having terrible mental health lately but so have I since I am grieving. but we were dating, he saw me as more than a friend and wantedto be in a relationship twice but told me he needed to work on himself. we have been talking for nearly half a year.
>Not getting laid and losing my virginity earlier in life
>Not applying to a PhD program straight out of my Master's degree
>Getting stuck at a dead end job well below my pay grade that led me into a mild gambling addiction in the unrealistic hopes that one day a scratchoff from the gas station across the street would be my big break
>Trusting a "best friend" who it turned out raped and impregnated a young teenager and beat his one and only age-appropriate girlfriend
>Unintentionally saying things that were interpreted as sex harassment and got me canceled
Are you really this brain dead…? You guys hate women and actively let everyone know that you guys do. Most of you are incels, gross!
What about situps and jumping jacks? Are they just meme kid shit?
Oh my god is she okay
What's your question
yes, just need to mop and sanitize #germaphobe
not sure how my ass is on the scale but thanks anon
my tits don’t sag they’re not that big
>I'm a nIcE gUy, why don't women want me?
>Proceeds to freak out and have outbursts at the slightest hint of any woman not worshipping him
That'll jack up her shoulders and triceps too. If anon :3 just want to target her pecs she should do chest presses and dumbell flyes.
Women, what kind of lesbian porn do you watch?
Does the type change depend on if you're "straight" or full bi/lesbian?
It's this hard now, how bad do you think it'll be later? If you become an item and he still decides to just vanish off the Earth for a while?
Jumping jacks are a bit memey, but they're about equal with jogging in terms of getting your heart rate up, which you should do for a short time before doing "real" workouts to warm up.
Sit-ups are legitimately good at exercising your abdominals.
how did you know she was your soulmate?
Only warning signs she really had was that he did drugs, was verbally abusive to her and physically, slamming her head into a wall once, so I guess just run 1000 miles away from any man that abuses you even once.
Naughty girls need love too.
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I swear I will not put you through a meat grinder.
It's not sagging when you're horizontal to the floor, it's just being affected by gravity
I feel like every week in /atoga/ we have a discussion about breast roots... some are connected to your chest all the way around, some are connected just at the very top and hold on for dear life (the stretching skin from titty weight is a real problem)
I'm responding to a question, genius.
Not unless the real world secretly runs on Beetlejuice logic and she's roaming around somewhere as a ghost.
I try to do about 200 of the jumping jacks, 20 pushups, and 20 situps per set, and as many sets as I can per night. I just want to reduce my belly fat.
What advice do you need
I don’t go braless when I’m working out so it isn’t a problem for me
Replace jumping jacks with burpees. They will absolutely fuck you up (in a good way)
Once you find someone who truly feels like your other half, you just know.

I just wasn't what I felt she deserved in a man, we weren't equals.
So he talked about potentially dating you in the future, but if you asked him right now "Are we dating?" then his answer would be "No". And now you can't ask him because you're blocked. You have gained absolutely nothing, you have wasted five months on complete nothing. You are his perpetual backup option. You will never be his first choice, you will never be his #1 priority, you will always be his last resort after things don't work out with his other leads. Give up on him and move on already.
Men post a good song
Ah ok I should have assumed, keep those girls locked up tight then :p
I am glad that you think I am a genius. Now, where is my Nobel or Pulitzer? I deserve a prize for being so smart.
it wasn't even directed at her...
I mean i am aware otherwise you wouldnt be able to abduct your shoulder joint....

But from what i seen from fitchicks is that once they get bigger chests, it doesnt really make their tits look bigger, quite the opposite actually. And thats usually only from enhanced girls, because natty girls its hard to actually build a chest thats even visible.

I think posture is the key.

Strong developed back will give you better posture, tighten up skin on chest etc
Also make your figure look better.

Every girl should be pounding their back muscles instead of being pounded from their backside
If you were each others other half, why didn't you feel like she deserved you?
No prob
Sexiest song of the 1980s, featuring a woman surrounded by a male harem of dancers. Ironically, she later came out as a lizbion.

>jumping jacks
No... just... no... :)
>Men how do I know you won't do this
Psychopathy is probably the best predictor of that type of extreme violence.

Psychopaths are fearless; so if you can get him to have a physiological response to fear (like sweating), you're probably good.
>I just want to reduce my belly fat.
You cannot target fat in a specific location. You can only lower the overall fat of your entire body, and the best way to do this is by adjusting your diet. Calories In must be lower than Calories Out.

Women, does it bother you that the thread talks about big boobs so often?
no it means it’s my time to shine
>just run 1000 miles away from any man that abuses you even once
Well yes
>so if you can get him to have a physiological response to fear (like sweating)
How am I supposed to scare him if he likes adrenaline rushes or whatever
So there's nothing a man can say or do to convince a woman he is nice besides be born genetically attractive?
Big boobs?

A tiny chested girl who wears tiny padded bralettes to workout?

S e X
I literally never see any posts about big boobs. Cock-measuring competitions, however
I only eat a can of beans, a can of creamed corn, and two teaspoons of peanuts a day and I am still fat in the belly from the antidepressants and/or antipsychotics I've taken over the years.
U My Everything - Sexy Redd
Act Up - City Girls
How do men feel about their value being tied to their height?
Better posture means more apparent boobs.
That's a demoralizing incel meme, not a real thing.
I know anon. The rest of my body has minimal fat is all. If I'm burning off fat, it'll be belly fat.
This is basically my body type.
They dont want nice
Attractive man is a bully, jerk, that does whatever he wants and takes no shit from everyone

Put that in your fucking skull anon
And no, this isnt a meme its literally coded in female lizard brain for hundred thousand years of evolution, they cant help themselves.
>Every girl should be pounding their back muscles
Helps with carrying them around too, right? It's a win-win.
>How do men feel about their value being tied to their height?
It hurts, but I can deal with it.
Half this fucking thread is usually manlets freaking out about being short
>More nIcE gUy bullshit
*fedora tipping intensifies*
No, as a chestlet I'm curious about my busty sisters' experiences too, and as a closeted bisexual I kinda enjoy reading it.
Im 6'3 and im a kissless virgin so...
Fuck you
No, not really. Why would it?
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Femanon, would you ever sleep with a dude that has this kind of a build?
Fuck you, asshole.
Because if your boobs aren't big, it could trigger bad memories of titcows bullying you in school?
What are your hobbies and interests?
How do you usually meet new people?
Because men often hear women complain about being objectified or having their secondary sexual characteristics focused on by men, at the expense of respecting them as people or acknowledging what they bring to the table in personality.
There you go. Let it out cunty incel.
Stop watching anime.
Femanon cardio and weightloss protocol should be weighted sits on my face 3xAmrap
>What are your hobbies and interests?
Kink and BDSM
>How do you usually meet new people?
Kink and Fetish munches and discussion groups
That's literally what happened to my sister. Busty women irritate her to this day.
They're not that bad, just not really fit for purpose. Burpees are definitely miles ahead.
>based on nothing but appearance
I lift
I go to music concerts
I play vidya

I almost never go out
I dont meet new people outside of the gym or work
yes it’s cute I don’t have a preference for body types cuz then I’d be a hypocrite
we were potentially going to live together. it may have been a different scenario. i feel like I failed because I vanished on him more than I'd like and I feel like I'm reaping with i didn't want to sow.
how do I selfcare after this? how do I go back into dating with the right mindset and how to look out for the right guy?
I'm being silly
Don't be so kneejerk, anon!
You just develop your body, but you don't do anything to develop your mind?
nta but in my experience it was the chestlets that did the bullying.
>How am I supposed to scare him if he likes adrenaline rushes or whatever
I like adrenaline rushes, and my palms sweat when I see people looking over guardrails on high places for example.
The one female bully I knew in school was being groomed and sexually abused by a lesser known male rock musician who treated her as his groupie.

I think subconsciously she knew she was being exploited by some creepy pushing-30 emo guy so she took it out on other women or on nerdy guys at school.
Revolving doors
No, not really.
You’re still a cunt no matter what.
Why? How do you figure?
The revolving door between uniformed soldiers and the military-industrial complex. They see their comrades falling to gas and bombs on a battlefield, but if their principles can be compromised once they scoot on out of that uniform, they make the big bucks lobbying for the manufacture of the same gas and bombs that killed their fallen brothers. Tragic, sad, and a little sociopathic.
>Revolving doors in London
>With days in Boston
From how long i can remember i have been butt fetishist.

Not even interested in anal sex or butt stuff.
I just adore female form.
Let's change that. Don't you want women to like you? You already have a body women like, now complete the package by having a mind too.
Sure, I've dated teddy bear boys before

Really? Like the standard "haha you have big boobs, what a slut" nonsense? On behalf of chestlets, I apologize
Depends. Slow-burn? Fantasy? Romance is secondary to the fantasy? #deep? If those all check out, then yes. In fact, I'd want to co-write with her.
But you don't sweat when you look?
Why, I have half a mind....

No, I literally have only half a mind from being lobotomized. That is why I am so bitter and angry and why women find me detestable. They know I am psychologically deficient and the doctor's attempts to treat it by resectioning my brain manifest as emotional tantrums and meltdowns.
Stop pretending women's issues aren't real because they also appear in your hentai.
Spend more time finding ways to be happy alone. If you can't be happy alone then you'll be desperate to not be alone, and being desperate is how you keep fucking up.
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On one end
>tfw your personality also needs to be good
On the other end
>tfw way fitter than picrel
>it may have been a different scenario
It may have been worse. It could have been something you really regretted, and started spamming in /atoga/ every day. Frankly, from what you've said, I don't imagine it ending up as a healthy situation...
Sort of actually. Which is funny because I've never had a boyfriend. Also just little things like name calling and jokes in gym class. Little stuff but it adds up. Also thank you.
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She does spam in /atoga/ every day.
It is really fucking painful when you find out about otome, romance novels etc and see what women really want and find out you aren't it
Based anon
Because you’re a guy who uses 4chan
Yeah, I mean that it would just end up being the new thing to be sad about.
I'm Kazuya Mishima's height. Even if it's not 6'0", I'm not bitter about it.
and here you are, typing this on 4chan
I would like a boyfriend please.
I'm nice!! I'm only mean to those who objectively deserve it like ENTJ!
Hi (I’m a girl(
I like it post more
Responding to ENTJ is the nicest thing you can do for him.
I was joking I’m sorry
Hi. I'm scared sorry
Honestly that whole album is pretty great. https://youtu.be/E22dmoQqSX4?si=2miQNQSYT7DRXIvx
Instructions unclear, you now have a feminine twink bf
Ignore this troon trying to impersonate me
For some reason i live rent free in his head

Anyways im going to sleep
No. Go away.
it's ok babe, how old are you again?
All butts, or just phat ones?
>be nice to a girl
>"good morning females!"
>she icks out throwing as massive amounts of shade as humanly possible
>"ew. I mean. *grumbles* Hi *eye rolls* ... Anonymous."
>I respond to the ick with by social confrontation
>"Is there a problem or something? What's the matter? You said good morning like normal to literally everyone else in the building. That's messed up."

Ladies how do you respond?
I wonder if he got banned?
Today's special is a late 20s loner skater bf
I don't understand women
If they're so scared of men, why do they bother getting bfs?
I wouldn't sleep next to a mountain lion every night
nothing can get in between me and my love for bananas
All he has to do is toggle Airplane Mode on his iPhone and he'll be back.
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>brother and sister are ridiculously good looking, could both be models
>I'm a 3/10 at best
How the fuck does this happen
What better protection against mountain lions than a pet mountain lion of your own?
I get that, thankyou. I've been happy alone for 6 years. I just tried to start dating again, and it's just been a long time so I have to get better at it again. I want to focus on my art and singing again, they're good outlets. I need to nurture my hobbies and passions. I just wonderif he comes back how would I go about opening the conversation about where we stand and how both of us feel, where we can do better etc. if I gave him another chance.
heh, yeah. I just wonder if he does come back, and tries to be in contact with me again, if I gave him another chance how do I have the conversation with him about us getting better at communicating and being open with eachother?
How to engage with and date qt bartender?
Are you the oldest
That mountain lion is more likely to kill me than any other mountain lion
Now imagine you're sexually attracted to lions, and society expects you to marry a lion... see the problem?
I like it do you have anymore please
Tip her well.
Can someone translate this post to millennial
A what
All the women here talk about their attraction to tigers though
And society no longer expects you to marry a lion
There's like a whole month about it
Two technically
Men are just somewhere on the laundry list of fuckable animals she can domesticate.
Done. What next?
>A what
Picture one of those pretty kpop boy band stars, that's your bf now
Oh ew no
you wouldn't date a guy 10 years older than you, would you?
Are chubby women aware of how attractive they are?
I don't think so, why
Yes, we also feel unsafe around men, just liek skinny women do
Block him. If you don't block him, and if he does unblock you, what then? He hasn't changed, he isn't going to change, you're just going to get treated like dirt again. Don't you deserve better than to be someone's backup option? If you do deserve better, then block him.

Block him. If you don't block him, and if he doesn't unblock you, what then? The next guy you meet, you're going to half-ass your commitment to him, because you'll always be asking yourself "But what if the last guy unblocks me?" instead of committing fully to the new guy. Doesn't your next guy deserve better than to be your backup option? If your next guy does deserve better, then block this guy.
Just look up the Russian Circles on youtube.
Have some self respect and don't even try it, Methuselah.
Anon, please. Just consider moving on from this. Maybe you blew something good. Maybe you dodged a serious bullet.
NTA but basically OP is upset that his/her (?) attempt at being nice backfired. They said hi to someone who was perceived as being unfriendly or hostile in a way that seemed unjustified, and decided to ask that unfriendly person why they were being unfriendly, seeing as that hostile person wasn't hostile towards anyone else but OP.

I guess he's asking what we would say if we were mean to someone and they decided to call us out for it, or something similar.
But I want to know what else you like to listen to
Tip her with your penis.
i ride public transit, so yes
dear normies:
what's the sexiest sex you've ever sexed
I happen to be 10 years older than you. Oh well, good luck in your search.

funny think is 10 years ago me wouldn't even have a chance.
>Maybe you blew something good. Maybe you dodged a serious bullet.
How do you live with this constant unknowing
>this is how foids see men
>how do I respond to a scenario in your head where I behave like a bitch
It's in your head so I don't know you're imagining it, so it doesn't affect me
You just move on. You'll never know. Why let it eat you alive?
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Everything. I'm not even kidding. Every major decision I've made in life has been the wrong one.
Whya re you guys so smart
I wanted to buy an arcade cabinet earlier this year when I got my tax return, but instead I pissed away all the money on other shit. Now I have no arcade cabinet.
I’m aware of my midness. though idk if I’m considered chubby or just skinny fat
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SOME men.

This is how women see manlets.
Sarcasm I hope. What I said sounds retarded.
No its just simple but profound I'm the retarded one
I don’t give them that easy anon
I'll clear things up for you, whether you are chubby or skinny fat.
OH... https://youtu.be/ckKI7xSHUsw?si=01SYPRK64Y1SapmR
You don't behave like a bitch in real life?
all im gonna be able to give is descriptions, i give crazy muffin top when i wear mid/low rise pants, but my collarbone and jaw are visible and wrists/hands are skinny as hell.. maybe just skinny fat…
Not in that way no, I'm the passive aggressive type
how tall are you?
how much do you weight'
This is good stuff how do you find this?
Hot. I'm the assertive type. How do you handle disappointments?
5’2, around 130 lbs
I don't date them, for starters
So pear basically? With decently large boobs?
It's too big to fit in the chip reader :(
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Hi anon :3
Draw anything today?
Friends in school.
Wrong hole bub.
I'm lighter and taller than her... YESSSS
looked in the mirror and realized I’m very middle-heavy ..google how do I fix this
no, more like apple?
HII only lecture doodles! will draw more in a bit :3 gotta shower now tho
Since when do girls want to be taller?
>hard mode
shrink your middle
>easy mode
make your top and bottom even bigger so your middle looks smaller in comparison

that's obviously a man doing the height meme
Honestly, I should probably do the same. I've been disappointed a handful of times, I just talked it out, but that stuff escalates depending on the person.

How do you find out if they'll disappoint you prior to dating? Besides the obvious kind of red flag ways.
eh, you sound fine to me, just keep your diet on check and exercise every now and then and you should be fine.
do you mind telling me what's your race?
>implying tall women aren't superior
Why should I have to bend over and eventually suffer from back issues just to kiss my ideal gf?
Do you want to know her GPA and blood type too??
>5’2, around 130 lbs
when is it okay for me to date again?

he did mention him possibly never getting better. it's just so hard to see someone I like struggling with mental health like that. he did say I deserved better, and during his mental health meltdown said he felt like being alone... so I guess there is some closure there. I genuinely just want that real life love that lasts and meant to be. I want to be 100% in it for someone, my issue is finding a guy who is looking for the same level and can keep up.
I think it's funny the 2nd post above the last is a lion. that timing am I right? it does suck not knowing whether I blew it or dodged a bullet though.
LOL I just wanna shrink everything … will update in like 3-6 months …
yes im trying to get fixed to a routine, and I’m hispanic ! of mexican origin, but very obviously not 100%
I think I ate too much sushi
Well I don't think I can sign a receipt with my dick, so I'm unsure how I'm supposed to tip her my penis
>Since when do girls want t--
Did you get the eel?
you sound cute, do you have a bf?
no ideal gf for u then
also sitting/laying down to kiss exists
hand kisses too
Pick her up instead, you fool! Treat her like the fucktoy she is!
For what it's worth, I hope he does come back at some point and you can maybe slowly start working up to something really special. I feel like nobody truly deserves to be alone.
I just think right now, it doesn't look good.
>yet another bisexual femanon added to the list
yes of 3 years (irl relationship, saying that just to rub it in :3)
I got eel SAUCE and a lot of it
ngl I went tourist mode and just got a deep fried alaska roll and a shrimp tempura
my buddy got 3 rolls, two of which were either tuna/salmon/yellow tail and I have no idea what else and we shared
Every topic bothers me unless it's dicks.

All right sweetie, just fill out this form and we can have an interview
what are you doing here then?
I've been posting here a long time, so I'm sure you've already counted me.
>I want to be 100% in it for someone,
Then do it. Block him, and be 100% for the next guy. If you don't block him, if you always keep a door open for him, then you won't be 100% for the next guy. If you know what you have to do, then do it.
I like surfing the web.. if that’s a thing people still say
Cut out all soda.
this threads should be be exclusively browsed by horny single people. Go somewhere else.
NTA but why are you still closeted?
>all those posts just for the "/atoga/ is a dating thread" meme
This is an advice thread, not a hookup thread.
just because she's a girl doesn't mean she has to be single. atoga is a normalfag general.
Now anons, let's give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he meant "can't you just ask your bf about men instead of us?"
but.. these people need me!!
What size is small?
It's kind of a self-depreciating joke... I'm "closeted" by default, only because I have no family or friends to come out to. No need for a closet if nobody knows you exist.
on one hand, I think treating /atoga/ as a potential dating chat is peak stupidity and clown-worthy
on the other hand, I think any taken femanon that posts here repeatedly and feeds off the attention is being dishonest with boyfriend
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When should maleanons give up?
Honestly? I agree. Too bad normalfags think single people are cringe.
"normalfag" is a word that has lost all meaning

as soon as they repost a story from reddit
stop reading there
this nigger literally knows nothing about the world, no one should entertain his babble
NTA. What kind of lesbian porn do you like?
I know you exist... but I'll let you keep it a secret from me so you don't have to give up your joke. From now on, I have no idea how much you like boobs.
When they make getting laid their sole objective in life. Just give up, your desperation reeks at that point.
>"normalfag" is a word that has lost all meaning
you're just salty because you're being counted among the "normalfags"
It's stupid to strictly "give up" on dating, do what I do and simply exist content without any kind of partner. If the opportunity arises, take it. But if it doesn't be content with solitude.
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men, would you date a girl with this body type?

women, what's your opinion on this body type?
You’d really rather date a black man?
Based and stoicpilled.
>men, would you date a girl with this body type?
Obviously. What am I, gay?
>a normalfag is anyone who disagrees with me
thanks for proving me right
I don't date girls without heads... or hands.
Femanons, are you into dirty talk?
If yes, what's something hot your S.O has said?
>When they make getting laid their sole objective in life. Just give up, your desperation reeks at that point.
You do realize it's not the sole objective of their life right? They want sex the same way they want to go to a concert.
Yes, they give better head
F/F smut about media I've consoomed recently. Right now I'm getting back into Zelda fics because I'm hyped for the new game.

Lol, thanks anon <3

My hands are literally itching with the desire to squish her.
I literally did not say that.
no I can’t ever take it seriously Maybe there’s something wrong with me
built for spamming amateur porn uploads
dirty talk seems really cringe to me, anytime I read it (in a story) or any time anons make sexual comments to me
Bro talked about changing his entire personality to get pussy. lol
that's literally me so i'd better see only positive responses
prove it
I am, but I'm not telling
real shit
You never watched Ed Edd 'n' Eddy? A jawbreaker is worth 25 cents and they're building waterparks and contraptions and nonsense.
Thoughts on >>32016080
Just checked my DMs. Holy shit, it's proven, she's gorgeous!
I wouldn't want it
I prefer more petite torsos on girls, but there's nothing wrong with some meat on their bones as long as she's not overweight / unhealthy. Would date.
She's my gf now, but if you want to give them a squeeze, we're both totally oka...oh you have a boyfriend. Sorry, I forgot.
What are some fun ways to kiss my GF's nape of the neck and spine? I do this when she's lying flat on the bed, but it's hard to get at her tits this way.
I just slapped my thigh and it took 3 seconds to stop shaking

never done it, and from what i've heard, it's boring and just tastes like skin
bf still loves me and my boobs so
Kinda disappointing ngl
Femanons do you get horny from talking or is that a meme?
>bf loves me and my boobs
More like he loves your boobs, and tolerates the person attached to them
You liar! No one this hot is on atoga
>this hot
She's a fatty.
It helps to remember my Seneca: "'What progress have I made? I am beginning to be my own friend.' That is progress indeed. Such a person will never be alone, and you may be sure he is a friend of all."
Irl yes, but it depends on who I'm talking to
i do when i talk to
atoga has many varieties of girls but i only ever see the skinny ones. explain yourselves.
It's rude to just bring up every woman's biggest insecurity like that ._.
I feel like he's working on his trauma. He has abandonment issues he told me, and he's been used by other women before and sexually abused as a kid. He has told me a lot of his problems and traumas which makes sense for his actions, am i right? He even asked before if we could take it slow as he works on himself. He told me I was 1 of the 3 closest people in his life even.

Right now it doesn't look good, I agree. But he has to communicate with me and actually get better, when we were in chiller states of mind we really connected in a real way, like we would both be surprised by coincidences like sending a song he just listened to or a similar conversation subject would be brought up like having the same thing for breakfast by surprise etc. The hopeless romantic in me hopes he comes around, but I am not sure how long I should hold out for him because I don't want to waste my time another 5 months or even years later.
I feel if I give him another chance I want baby steps and see if he can change. I don't know or think I will always be willing for him to take me for granted though. If he does reach out I may end up giving up another chance, but again not forever if he truly doesn't want to change. Again this is fresh for me, so you might realize I'm emotionally bruised and soft right now. I admit I distanced myself too when he needed me sometimes as I was going through stuff too so it kind of makes me feel hypocritical..
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state gender
what's the hottest thing someone of the opposite gender has done for/to you?
>depends on who I'm talking to
I would tummy fuck both of them
>I just slapped my thigh and it took 3 seconds to stop shaking
I can't tell if you're joking or not, because I have never touched a woman
Can you tell us some general information? Like is it a pet name? Or slur?
told me he loves me
Touched my boobs
i had no intention of being hard on atoga today and yet here we are
The chubby ones all got bullied and left. I miss [redacted] and [redacted].

Those shorts look too much like a diaper to me...
>F/F smut about media I've consoomed recently. Right now I'm getting back into Zelda fics because I'm hyped for the new game.
What female character is there besides Zelda?
(Sorry, I haven't played since OOT)
An ex of mine used to suck my dick while I was asleep. Waking up to a blowjob at 4am was always pretty fun
I'm male, so nothing. Women can't do anything hot besides be visually attractive.
When I'm cuddled up against him and I can feel his voice vibrating his chest, yes
There is one that has the body of a princess.
Who are redacted?
Please tell us who she is?
I don't want to namedrop them, but I also want to express that I miss them. One is named for a city, the other for a shirt pattern.
Learning more about 4chan General Thread Drama won't make you happy.
Not any random guy, no
>you mean para social relationships
Yeah that sounds right
Ah, Corpus Christi and Polka Dots.
Nice b8
State gender. Do you have any irrational fears / phobias?

>He has told me a lot of his problems and traumas which makes sense for his actions, am i right?
That isn't a free license to treat others poorly.
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You've been missing out, anon
London and Tie Dye, gotcha.
telepathic sex/touching
it's like i can feel a ghost version of him touching me inside and out
that doesn't narrow it down at all..
They can also sound attractive, that's why phone sex is a thing
Girls do you have a sexy voice??
new foods shake me to the core, and crowds freak me out (ESPECIALLY being in the middle of one)
us tapwater drinking niggas never stood a chance
Dayum. I like the Dunmer looking one.
Both. I enjoy being paternalistically condescended to, and being degraded, and sweet talk, and crude explicit talk
I think I sound like a shrill harpy, but I've literally seen a boner happen because of my voice, so idk
>State gender. Do you have any irrational fears / phobias?
M. Alien Abduction
I just knew some crazy bitch would say some crazy shit like I was lurking for hours and I was literally waiting for some shit like this.
I want Urbosa to put me on a high shelf and only take me down when she wants to use me.
Paying off my college loans
Stinkbugs. They scare the fucking shit out of me. No other bug does.
Ending up like the guy from that Metallica song, a prisoner in my own body

It's pretty cool. I like when he calls me 'bad girl'
Am I being psyop'd into thugmaxxing? I'm a 6'3 white dude and I still can't get pussy, thugmaxxing is my last play at getting bitches. What do you guys think?
I'm neither skinny nor chubby
Women, do I have your consent to touch you telepathically with the power of my mind?

M, I will NOT use a porta-potty for fear of getting locked or trapped inside.
She isn't gone gone, she's just busy collecting some belated happy endings from her massage therapist. Kek.
Party in the USA
I thought you didn't love him though
Or whatever your issue is
Just be nice and I will love you
New foods? Just like, unfamiliar ones?
>State gender. Do you have any irrational fears / phobias?
Bugs :/
I know they are small and I generally have no need to fear them but if I have to change an old light and theres a bunch of carcasses in it then my heart starts racing super fast and I get light headed. Beetles also set off my flight or fight system if they get too close to me.
please dont. delicate guys are the best
I don't want love, I want my dick wet
>I enjoy being paternalistically condescended to,
Mansplainers, we are so back!
yea I was able to talk to him about it and i forgave him for all his troubles because we were young
yes unfamiliar foods, or those from different restaurants..
first time one of my exes rode me, we were fully naked, she untied her hair and started squatting on my dick as if nothing else in the world matter, it was as if she was possessed and the only thing she was focused on was taking my cock like a whore
Isn‘t she skinny anyways.
Pushed me down and gave me mind blowing head without warning
can I touch them?
A lot of food related things, flushing the toilet on airplanes, taking anti-anxiety or sleeping medication, driving. I'm also afraid of heights, tight spaces, and bugs and rodents, but I don't consider those to be irrational
I am nice, but I speak monotone and am introverted so it might come off as rude to some people.
>tapwater drinking niggas never stood a chance
Sodium fluoride, bro. Stop turning your brain into Swiss cheese
No foid has ever done anything to or for me.
>oka...oh you have a boyfriend. Sorry, I forgot.
why are you so salty that the resident femanon has a boyfriend? geezus
If I think too hard about food I just refuse to eat.
Why them...?
how big are they?
I don't like being delicate, I'm skinny and I hate it. I'm trying to gain weight right now to not be delicate.
My brain is filled with precious minerals
U and me both brother
nta but me too brotherman
They're fucking weird!! They walk around wherever they want, they can fly but are horrible at it and just smack into shit, nothing really eats them, and you can't smush them or they attract more...
Be honest, have you ever had sexual thoughts about any of your relatives?
>tfw delicate guy
:) Thanks anon
I'm happy for her. This is me >>32016147

Did you really not detect any sarcasm in my post you replied to?
Anon, just tell us about this cousin you want to fuck
One of my third cousins. She was really cute, and I think she had a crush on me too.
sure sure
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I'm 6'5 white dude but I'm also a manwhore who literally probably has more sex than any male on this website. Before I started fagmaxxing I was thugmaxxing and not only is it unsuccessful it's also a terrible idea. You will get fatties and single moms (both will be white) and mentally ill spanish/black women. If she's white and normal sized she will have an addiction or self harm scars. Avoid!

Spend like $80 on an outfit like pic related. Thrift at local spots and cop this entire outfit.

M, one time a girl I hooked up with kissed the tip of my dick after I came. That was pretty hot to me
I'm not like a skinny stick, I have a bit of muscle and my bones aren't tiny. But I don't really have any extra chubbiness on me either, and I'm not a soft, curvy type
I know exactly. He said that too. He feels guilt/regret when he got snappy and defensive over something before. He has apologized and said he is working on it. but I really do want to require action in real change on his part. He literally knows he has to do the work and has communicated that, and I feel with his mental illness like depression for example spiraling right now, it's very apparent to him he needs to do something if he truly wants me like he said. So I will keep living my life and enjoying my light, and if he reaches out again I will explain to him he can't keep blocking/unblocking me. Part of me feels he was protecting me from his depression and other issues.
I never understood the problem with that, I honestly like it when men explain things to me. I never understood why it's considered a bad thing
Not to spook you anon, but from my experience with being in his shoes, I think it's more likely that he blocked you out of resentment, not to protect you
I used to finger my cousin if that counts.
how do you feel about them?
I enjoy eating within my parameters, but yeah if I have to think too much about it and I'm alone I don't eat because it's too much trouble
>tfw no femanon to tell about all my favorite little things while she thinks about grinding her pussy against my shins
feels bad being an incelbro, like the media just hates us
Literally no
Are you an incel or are you an Incel? There's a big difference
I reached third base with my cousin when I was 11 and she was 16
bimbo coded
I really do hate the vague advice
If I knew what hobby to start I would have already started it
what's 3rd base again?
idk if he ever tried that but I have before :•) clown world
don't lie you might love it too
did you ever went further than that?
Just get into climbing bro
Trapeze sex
Anon, do you yourself have decent self-esteem?
Your shins?
I always thought it was like this, but apparently I'm wrong:
1st base is groping
2nd base is hands on genitals
3rd base is oral
Home run is sex
Like an animal in heat. I'll be too busy doing little gestures while explaining the minute differences between these two robots.
Do you feel envious of curvier girls?
We mostly just groped each other, and gave oral to each other a few times.
No, I'm literally not. I'm just a bit dumb and I like patient, intelligent men
yes and apparently its got something to do with ocd
Your mother gave birth to you. Or do you consider that a bad thing?
Childbirth is inherently selfish and parents don't get to feel entitled just because they rawdogged
I’ve never seen a dick that I’d consider to be small. They all look gigantic in my tiny hands.
No, but I don't have any female relatives close to my age that I talk to.
I have countless cousins but I've never met one of them.
...thats what a bimbo would say
I don't mind them but sometimes I wish they were bigger
Would you find it arousing if you knew a guy found physically attractive masturbates thunking about you? Not at pics
state gender,
do you remember your first orgasm?
how was it?
i do not understand
How many dicks have you seen?
you found*
I remember it well. I was freaked the fuck out because I didn't really understand what was happening. Good times.
has anyone ever complained about their size tho?
How tall are you.
Yes I have a hot cousin. She also became a slut after her heart transplant.
I was 12 and I watched this show that was on Cinemax, something about a beach resort and people fucking. It made me feel weird. I did something with my hand and something weird came out. I was so fucking scared that I ran into the bathroom and washed my hands for 10 minutes. I remember being scared of getting grounded too, like they'd know somehow.
Small tits are lovely, can have the whole titty in my mouth
f, i didnt really know how to masturbate so i was just applying pressure and it really hurt. i was about 11but it wasnt my first sexual experience
I did like my cousin when I was like 5yo
Way too early for anything sexual
should I be asking about your first experience or is that trauma territory?
M, Yes, I rubbed my penis on this really soft fuzzy stool thing my family use to own while watching Totally Spies on TV. Also related but a different story, I summoned a succubus when I was a little boy and got spooked when I felt something lol, I had my older brother go in my room for me and put up a cross on the wall for me.
>I really do want to require action in real change on his part.
That wording is perfect. You want to require. You do not require, though you want to. But all he sees is that you do not require.

When he comes back, you will tell him that you're standing up for yourself, and that he can't mistreat you anymore. You will also be lying. He will mistreat you again, and you will not stand up for yourself again. You will continue to give him more chances, and more chances, and more chances, and you will continue to get burned every time.
And she'll be on the floor humping your leg like a dog? Anon...

I appreciate their beauty but I'm not really envious, no
>it wasnt my first sexual experience
Same, femanon :(
Male here, should I contact my ex gf which I only ever talked to online and lives on the other side of the country if I feel some intense anguish out of nowhere when thinking about her?
We started dating in 2022 but in 2023 we slowly grew apart and the last time we talked was in September of 2023, we never really got any closure. She's very private about her life on social media but I'm almost sure she has fully moved on and she's still my only gf ever and I'm not sure if I'll find someone else nor I care to, I believe that everything fell apart because of me since I was scared of change.
Anyway, lately whenever I remember her I feel some intense sadness and anguish and I want to contact her but at the same time I think it's weird to contact her out of nowhere and I'm afraid that I might reopen her wounds appearing out of nowhere or something.
What should I do? should I just leave this feeling be or should I attempt to talk to her again for closure at least?
>And she'll be on the floor humping your leg like a dog? Anon...
Only thinking about it! She'll be so turned on by my esoteric knowledge.
>Yes, I rubbed my penis on this really soft fuzzy stool thing my family use to own while watching Totally Spies on TV.
>I summoned a succubus when I was a little boy
meds or explain how
>should I contact my ex
Answer is always no
t. m
I've acknowledged that possibility too. Maybe he resents me for not replying sooner than I could have when he was feeling down. I have no idea if he will come back. He did compare himself to me and how much better at art I am than him when he was feeling low, but I literally have spent years on growth in that area. it wasn't very logical/nice of him and made me feel bad. Is resentment forever? Why did you resent your past person's? if I may ask, and did you ever change your mindset?

I have a problem with people revealing they are envious of me, whether it be my looks or skills for example, or even who I am dating. have had to cut off "family/friends etc" for that.
well I was in a previous atoga thread saying I wanted to die because my mom recently passed away, so it fluctuates. I'd say overall I have higher than others at times though, and I have walked away from relationships before.
Everyone misses their exes sometimes, only fools act upon it
>should I contact my ex
Or sorry that happened to you.
my neighbour used to molest me and another kid had sex with me when i was younger. i think it might have been rape i dont really remember it
I'm too brown haired and small chested. I've tried being a bimbo in the bedroom before and I failed miserably
oh I'm sorry that happened to you.
Did they even catch the bastard?
yup. I thought about how I worded that. you don't know if he will come back though, and as things are now there is no sign of it. me wanting it ia step in the right direction, just needs to turn into a leap.
When I feel down and I hate the world, I resent people for any little thing. For talking too much about themselves, for not talking to me enough, for not replying fast enough.
I always unblocked them after a bit and tried to play it off as just taking a break from socials, but it's just mental illness.

I've tried to get better. It's not easy work.
>and another kid had sex with me when i was younger.
Fuck that is so horrible.
how tall?
can you elaborate on how you failed? what when wrong?
>me wanting it ia step in the right direction
You've been wanting for months. Wanting hasn't helped you do anything except lie to yourself.
>well I was in a previous atoga thread saying I wanted to die because my mom recently passed away, so it fluctuates.
I remember that, I think I replied to you then, too. I'm sorry anon. This is a lot of shit to go on in a relatively short timespan.
>another kid
What the fuck
Men just can't help but turn everything around to be about them, huh
i remember going to the police after i told my parents but nothing happened to him
ive learned that it can be a sign theyre being abused too but idk.
Sometimes instead of saying NTA I just change my typing quirk so that anons know it’s a different anon replying. Does anyone else do this?
how is saying that you had the same experience making it about yourself?
I think it’s more like showing that you understand that person, unless you start talking about your experience right after
>meds or explain how
It might have just been psychological but I will stand by it being a real experience. I was probably around 12 at the time, Basically I found hentai sites and developed a thing for succubus girls, then I found out they were apparently a real thing and not just some anime meme and you could summon them. So then I looked into summoning them, and did this ritual method I found online. Around five minutes later I felt this really weird warm ball of energy sensation around my crotch, and I got scared shitless and ran into my brother's room, told him a completely different story, and had him put up a cross on the wall in my room.
Sometimes I reply to my own questions in the hopes of somebody engaging with me a little
Do kids still play in the street or outside at apartment complexes or is that a lost art?
Too many drug addicts
I also do the same but that makes this reply chain seem very suspicious
It seems unusually common for men in these threads to claim to have been abused too, don't you think? Almost like they're making it up
Woke up from my spermarche dreaming about that red head that was kinda mean to me
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Kek I get it, I somehow managed to not do it when I was feeling it really badly but now I've been thinking straight and managed to get a second opinion. Thanks bros.
It's a shame it didn't work out, it really is.
please if hes also experienced this i dont mind him responding to my post saying so.
Not to my face
Would you still hate me if I was a worm?
Yeah I bring it up every so often. I think about it a lot lately. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Is this guy moving too fast?

- Said he loved me on our first date, but we had been talking for a month beforehand
- Told his entire family about me after
My bmi is 20, not skinny but not chubby
Yes. Best case scenario is that he means well but he doesn't pick up on a lot of social cues.
i don't leave my room
Is it worth it to stick with him?
Do his positives outweigh his negatives? I can't answer that for you.
I routinely change my typing style so I can't be identified and become a thread punching bag
You should ask anon :3 to draw a picture of you explaining robots to an enthralled girl, and she has a thought bubble where she's humping your leg like a dog, that would be cute
That could never be me
I won't punch you even when I do recognize you. I've got more important things to worry about... like those other bastards and bitches who deserve to be punched way more than you do.
did you ever actually care about them? the first time he blocked he knew it was his mental illness projecting I was going to leave him so he left first and came back a few hours later to clarify if I wasn't going to ghost/block and was like "wait did you actually still want to talk to me?" much later when i askd him why he never readded me on a diff social he also tried to play it off as "being a long time ago" so I think he was upset and embarassed over me bringing it up

how have you tried to get better? I know it isn't easy but just like drawing or painting it gets easier over consistent dedication. have you ever been in a relationship?>>32016353
perhaps I'll learn eventually.
I really miss her, I was. blubbering mess that night. been having dreams with her in them too. it also sucks because I don't think he can handle when I feel down which isn't good.
Not a bad idea...
Like me? UwU
Do you resemble a celebrity? If so, who?
Said he loved you after a month?
That’s too soon imo
If he told his family about you, that’s debateable
Could’ve been just
>I’m talking with a girl
and he has a great relationship with his family
But put in context, I think he might not get social queUes
Don’t get scared, test him too see what he means and how he views his actions
can't remember
not applicable
Negative ghost rider
Donald Trump
A shitty mspaint comic on /a/ years ago
It was funny
Native American actress and a British actress
I'm 5'8 and a half, and it's just not my style. He was always nagging me to wear more make up and dress in silly little outfits
My whole existence is a piece of performance art
Why not
Test him how?
Mick Foley
>sir, they hit the second ear
you uh.... you got the ritual still?
THIS IS SO CUTE gonna draw this later if I don’t forget
No, I almost always say nta because it's extremely frustrating when someone butts in on your convo and doesn't identify themselves as nta
>did you ever actually care about them?
Yeah, they're my only friends, and even family. I can't help it. I send somebody something they might like... They don't reply. I get bummed out. I spiral and I think everyone is secretly my enemy. I delete chats and hide messages and put my phone in silent. It happened just last Sunday, in fact.

>how have you tried to get better?
I remind myself that I'm a dumbass, that I'm overthinking it and acting retarded. I've gotten better at getting over myself.
>have you ever been in a relationship?
Yeah. She did the same thing back to me and that was an issue. That's actually how we split up. We never said "it's over", I just stopped talking and she did the same in kind.
does not compute
>Why not
I never say I love you first
>perhaps I'll learn eventually.
Another lie.

If you say you'll change tomorrow, you're lying to yourself. If you say you'll change in a week, you're lying to yourself. If you say you'll change in a month, you're lying to yourself. If you say you'll change in a year, you're lying to yourself. "Eventually" is how you lie, how you never actually reach your destination, how you procrastinate until the clock runs out on your life and you end it with nothing, no love and no happiness.

If you want to stop lying to yourself, if you want to stop failing yourself, if you want to stop being a disappointment to yourself, then change TODAY. Take an action RIGHT NOW.

Stop lying and block him.
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I like skinny girls with cute faces, small tits and nice legs/asses
As long as they exist and are not disproportionately big, I like tits
I do the opposite, sometimes I will change my typing style to mimic that of the last anon that replied so I can slide in like some sort of skinwalker
You're going to feel down for a while. A long while.
Were you on good terms with your mom?
I was going to start dating but I just got fired and I still live at home with my parents. Should I even bother talking to guys?
State gender
Do you have a hard time apologizing for things you've done/said even when you feel bad about them?
>past tense
Thank goodness. Sounds like he was the failure, not you.
f, not really.
Oh damn she got some cannons
I apologize constantly
Is a half mobster half cottagecore boy aesthetic based or cringe? That's basically my personality.
Yes, 99% of guys don't care about that, most are desperate to make any connection to a woman.
I am the same but I am male. Decide whether or not you would want me on the dating market.
no I apologize first thing once it’s communicated, though sometimes I’m stubborn depending on the situation
>test him
You want to know he’s not just lusting over you
Set boundaries, tell him you should slow down (because this is what you want, I assume) and see his reaction
Ask him about previous relationships, there’s usually a pattern at play
Make sure he’s not love bombing/being manipulative
Any other general red flags
Just some ideas, use discretion to which is more suitable
Saying he loves you is too fast, telling his family about you is sweet. Has he ever had a gf before?
No. If you do something wrong, you apologize. If I argue with an anon on another board for an hour and suddenly realize I was wrong, you bet I'll apologize.
Yeah, especially when I know what I did was wrong afterwards.
When the person that I wronged doesn't even say anything so I just leave it be it eats away at me.
I just don't believe you
Yea I feel like you'd be the only guy who wouldn't judge me
Sounds tonally inconsistent and therefore cringe.
Sheesh out there with the high beams on, nice
What the fuck does this mean
Men, why do most of you want Asian gfs? It’s not like they’re particularly rare or hard to find
No, I take accountability when I mess up
They often have nice personalities and like to appear/act feminine
>I just don't believe you
Idk what to tell you, no sane man expects you to be the bread winner so it isn't something that is that important when you are temporarily unemployed.
And 63% of young men are single while only 34% of young women are single.
There is a desperation for finding a partner among men.
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they're pretty
>State gender
>Do you have a hard time apologizing for things you've done/said even when you feel bad about them?
No, I eventually apologize
NTA but if I vibed with someone I wouldn't care about something like that, aside from the potentially fucked power dynamic of you being financially dependent on me
I'm saying I like the mobster aesthetic of suits, trench coats, jewelry, cigars, etc, but I also like the cottagecore aesthetic. Should I try to combine them or would it be too cringe?
Yeah don't do that
Women from misogynist Eastern cultures see Western men as feminists, and so those women appreciate us.
Women from feminist Western cultures see Western men as misogynists, and so those women resent us.
just switch the color palettes for a good mix! greens and browns always look nice no matter what the aesthetic
He cried when I didn't say it back, is that a red flag? And I told him I want to go slow but he keeps pushing for sex
Yes, he has
>I just don't believe you
Okay, then go away. You're not here for advice or even reassurance, you're just here to vent.
>mobster aesthetic of suits, trench coats, jewelry, cigars, etc,
smoking is like the biggest turn off. trenchcoats look goofy and the sort of jewerly i think youre talking about looks gaudy. just my opion theres probably girls that like it

I don't think so, I've gotten wildly different random comparisons before. Mostly people come up to me asking if I'm someone else they've already met, or if I'm related to someone they know, so I assume I look pretty generic
>He cried when I didn't say it back, is that a red flag?
I was okay with everything else but this is a bit too far
Is this a comedy routine? Are you pulling my leg?
>Yea I feel like you'd be the only guy who wouldn't judge me
Oh, not the answer I was expecting but pleasantly surprised.
I wasn't sure I just felt bad
I'm being serious, why?
Do you guys ever do anything to mess with the NPCs?
I was a mistake. My mom got pregnant at 17 and the guy bailed immediately.
I try to stay off their radar.
I too am asian.
>He cried when I didn't say it back, is that a red flag?
I think you're gonna be better off finding someone else
>I want to go slow but he keeps pushing for sex
Personally, I dont trust him
Who wants a bum ass girlfriend though? My whole family tells me I'm not trying hard enough to find a job and I think they're right
I understand that, yea. I just fear someone immediatley writing me off when I tell them I'm not working. Maybe I'll wait until I find a job
I'm here for you
What were you expecting?
Women be like "Is it a red flag when my date tells me he loves me after only one single date, starts crying when I don't say I love him back after only one single date, starts telling his family about us after only one single date, and started repeatedly pestering me for sex even after we had only one single date?"
If he has feelings for you, okay, sure
But crying because you didn't say it back after the first date? For fuck's sake ahahaha
>pushing for sex
After a month?
Both of these are massive red flags
First of all he can’t regulate his emotions enough to not cry in front of you (this is something that happens to adilts that did nit have parents around as kids to act as emotional regilators) OR he was trying to be manipulative in order to pity him and maybe bend your boundaries
Rule of thimb, if someone acts in a way that would force you to step on your boundaries, they could be manipulative
Second of all, if he’s pushing you for sex after a month and clearly don’t want that, then’s trying to step on your boundaries, again msnipulative behavior
Also, this reeks of desperation, a guy that wants to smash and leave
He could have lied that he told his family about you. There’s maybe no way for you to know. Or even if he did, he could lie to them about you after you have sex
Imo, ask someone else that you trust about this guy, but I think he’s a gigantic red flag
t. m
The sex thing was after our third date though
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i think you are my only friend atoga
my laptop broke and i haven't talked to you all week
im going to sleep soon because its late but i miss you even though you didnt even know i was gone
>Who wants a bum ass girlfriend though?
I don't think anyone really thinks like that, you're unemployed not a NEET, your unemployment is temporary and a good man wants the relationship to last forever.
>does not compute
Okay, sorry about that

No, and I often apologize too much which I know can be annoying

He was a bit of a jerk, yeah
If you go on another date with him then you deserve all the suffering in the world (and you're going to get it).
I missed you anon. :) Threads have been kinda dead this late at night recently.
shit I’m tired as fuck
I missed you too
No, but I annoy them and they find me weird. Not my problem they're normalfag npcs
Disgusting - nipples protruding - in her blue shirt. Very very disrespectful
Oh god... but I am a NEET now aren't I
im usually done posting before 1am so the lull isn't my absence

i summon harm upon you and those you hold dear
I missed you anyways!!!
well thank you for your kind gesture
But he's so nice
Why is it bad
He seems really committed to me and like he likes me a lot, and to impress me
I won't but I still feel so lost about how to feel about him
>I won't but I still feel so lost about how to feel about him
He's not scary
That you feel that way is what's scary.
Women be like "He keeps repeatedly pestering me for sex even though I keep telling him I'm not ready for sex yet... isn't he so nice, isn't that exactly how a nice person behaves?"
>seems really commited to me
But is he?
He’s a massive redflag for me, you’ll get hurt if you continue
Stop justifying his actions
Narcissists seem like the best people in the world when you met them
That doesn’t mean they’re good people that should be pursued
Am I stupid? What is wrong with me? Usually I'm so careful
Is this a good reply?

Classmate and I have been flirty for a while, and randomly another classmate asked us if we were dating and I said no and made a bit of a joke about it, but then the classmate asked her what she would say if I asked her out, to which she replied “i dont know, haven’t thought about it”

Is this a good response? Is she saving me embarrassment from not saying no in front of others?
Your stupidity is a choice. You can choose to stop being stupid any time you want.
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>he's nice :)
>meanwhile the guy
You are being manipulated, wake the fuck up
I swear, some of you really lack a father figure in your life
She never thought of you as a potential partner.
how have you gotten better at, as you say, getting over yourself? asking since this just happened last sunday. I'm really not his enemy, but I haven't been able to respond as much as I'd like because sometimes I struggle too, and I wonder if he or you recognize my humanity as well sometimes.

do you think he could be secretly wanting me to reach out anyway? i've never blocked himself, he did give me his email/home address, so could be snail mail... I was thinking of giving him a plushie and a supportive note/little letter and an origami ring I might make for him. I feel like an idiot of not reaching out since the one app he didn't block me on was available for a little over two days and I was scared to reach out out of fear, but I think he was giving me a way back in possible and I screwed up. that's why I was wondering if email/snail mail would be appropriate at some time. but I also wonder if he should just let go and move on or see if he reaches back out again. but I can't do that forever. very painful...
he beat me to it
I was the only child who actually kept up in contact with her, my other siblings kind of sucked towards her/me. the last week though we hadn't talked because she was upset at me for how I was taking my sibling not talking to her, my mom was upset thinking one of my siblings hated her. my mom had a really rough life so I hope she is at peace now. before she died I had a clairvoyant knowing of when she was going to die, so I'm really in tune to some level of psychic phenomena.
I miss when I could just ask a girl to be my gf in HS without having gone on any dates.
Okay I get it I'm sorry it just didn't feel so black and white in the moment I just thought he liked me so much he couldn't hold back
He's something but he's not a narcissist I think
The only way the situation could be worse is if he told you he has a huge rape fetish.

...He hasn't told you that, has he?
She was saving both you and herself from the cringe of the other classmate acting like a middle schooler. If you like her, forgot that happened and ramp up your flirting a bit. If she's receptive, ask her out
hiii is this fellow viet anon fren? :)
>he beat me to it
YOU have to take an action, YOU have to change. Letting him take all the actions is how you keep lying to yourself. You wait for him to block you, you wait for him to unblock you, you wait for him to block you, you wait for him to unblock you-- NO MORE. No more waiting. No more letting him be the only person who is capable of acting. Block him now and DO IT YOURSELF.
I know anon, being a grown up is hard
Negative, I am not vietnamese but I enjoy your food
I know this girl that started dating a covert narcissist
Her friend told her to open her eyes because he’s being manipulative - she didn’t care because he gave her oxytocin
She doesn’t care, she thinks the world of him
At the same time she refused to date great men
She deserves her pain
Same as this femanon that can’t pick up on red flags, or is just a troll
I won't go out with him anymore but we've been friends for a while
I guess I thought I was okay because it wasn't really working?
He hasn't, that would scare me
I get nervous on dates and I act nervous, women literally ask if I am okay.
That was an example with the marcissist
And even that is not excluded
desu red flag men are just hot af
Am I supposed to be toxic or not, make up your mind women.
So you say "I'm not ready for sex yet" and he responds with "Okay, but what about sex now, can we have sex now, why don't we have sex now, let's have sex now!!", is that right?

Would you treat any of your friends like that? A friend does not act that way with their friend. He is not your friend.
where are the anons with the cute girl requests.. need to know if ur still here … so im not making art for nothin’ ..
Anon I'll be straight up - I originally replied to you twice because I had something more to say at one point, and then I kept it going because I was embarrassed... But I'm just gonna reply as one anon if that's okay.

>how have you gotten better at, as you say, getting over yourself?
Part of it was just building the habit of breaking out of it, part of it was getting over my narcissism. It's a process. I just try not to go nuclear anymore.
>do you think he could be secretly wanting me to reach out anyway?
>I was thinking of giving him a plushie and a supportive note/little letter and an origami ring I might make for him.
Do not do that.
I really don't think a situation where you have to jump through hoops to keep him stable and friendly is helpful from your standpoint anyways.
>I was the only child who actually kept up in contact with her, my other siblings kind of sucked towards her/me
Fffffffuuuuuuck that's just like me with mine. It sounded like you were on pretty good terms. That's really good.

Also please listen to >>32016573, he's a smart anon.
I was one of those anons but I'm back to hating women again.
I need a cute girl being beaten to death by her boyfriend while she says
>But apart from this, he's such a good friend and a nice guy.
Depends on wether you want to get the hot or the boring women to be into you.
Holy fuck, Tex-Mex is the best cuisine and I"ll fight anyone who says otherwise. This shit is so good.
I'm here!! I don't go to bed until like 4 am
I'm the talking-about-robots anon (and incidentally the swirly lollipop anon too)
I can imagine how hot it is to suffer for years after and not trust anyone around you
Yeah, it’s very hot to be manipulated and have your respected stepped on because uhhhh because no daddy in my life…?
It’s very hot to be with a guy you can’t count on, inconsistend, inflated ego, enaging in feminine bahaviour to obtain what he wants, that acts like a spoiled kid just so other people do what he wants
Very very hot
Fuck domestic laws.
This but the guy has a GIANT red flag strapped to him
what makes u hate women anon
LOOL okay let me finish my laundry
omg the good-ideas anon.. hi…
I don't understand
Not exactly we would just kiss and he would up the ante. It's probably my fault for not being clear
Yes, now you are starting to understand.
>what makes u hate women anon
See >>32015646
I gave an example, I didn’t call him a narcissist, but him being a narcissist is not excluded
u just gotta find a nicer cooler woman anon
That just means you have shit taste because all of these things are based.
Irony is not transmitted through text
I really hope you’re not serious
These are not men, they’re less than
>It's probably my fault
When are you going to stop being stupid? He knows what you want and HE DOESN'T CARE. Not nice, not a friend.
>He hasn't, that would scare me
Lol would it? Or would we be seeing "guys it's just an innocent little kink"
>These are not men, they’re less than
100% agreed, nice guys need to be mercy killed
NTA but pushing for sex, as long as it's not done in a completely disrespectful way, is normal and honestly mostly a good thing. The only real red flag I've gathered from OP's posts is the "I love you" and the crying in the first date
It apparently becomes clear that I'm sweet and innocent when people get to know me personally, but people tend to assume that I'm a womanizing jerk.
What does this mean?
He apologized is that a good sign?
I'm not thaat stupid
I've met a lot of women though. I only know one who isn't like this and she's my aunt.
It means you are baby.
An apology without a permanent change in behavior is a lie.
>I'm not thaat stupid
NTA but your replies and question have proven otherwise.
What's wrong with mentioning Mexico? Tex-Mex is fucking great.
I think she's happy
I think she's gay.
Why is the crying so bad I thought it was good when guys are sensitive
I'm not going to see him again so I guess I'll never know
I'm just new to life man
Make 4chan frog a robot (autistic)
>nice guys
Yes, then too
Alongside bitch ass dicks that acts like women to get what they want
Same coin
What's wrong with having a rape kink?
She's an attention whore. Yikes!
Oh no, how dare they get what they want! Such jerks, OMG!!!
nothing wrong I’m just proud to be mexican
Are you handsome?
It’s about acting like women to get what they want because in reality they’re insecure little bitches that are not respected by anyone
Not because they get what they want
So what do you get out of pretending to be a woman on 4chan?
>tfw no qt big tiddy latina gf to put babies in
Why even live
How does one act like a woman to get what I want? I want to learn that too.
Do you understand the concept of context? It's good if a guy cries in a meaningful context, like crying from grief after a loved one passes away, or crying with joy at the birth of a child. It's bad if a guy cries in a meaningless self-imposed context, like saying "I love you" to a girl he barely knows and then being mad at her for not saying it back.
like an autistic robot or just make him a robot
A thrill
I wish I was pretending. I don't like being a stupid person but thats why I'm here.. for advice
I refuse to get b8ed anymore
Thoughts on? >>32016648
No, but seriously. How do they do it? pls respond
Bro she has a boyfriend why do you guys keep flirting with her
100% of my partners have had boyfriends or husbands
not many because I don’t plan to be impregnated by someone on 4chan
He wasn't maaad per say... or at least I don't think he was
You make Mexicans look bad. Pinche perra puta
You should start thinking. Always be an optimist, assume the best of people, and give them plenty of chances... until they pull this shit.
No offense most mexicans make themselves look bad
I think that's what I was trying to be but I didn't realize I should've stopped at that point. Oh well back to being alone
Your "country" is a cartel front.
>Who wants a bum ass girlfriend though?
Unless you try to live extravagantly, I don't really think it's as much of a problem as you're thinking. I'd frankly rather deal with that than someone who's career obsessed, for what it's worth. I've been a complete trainwreck at points in my life so being between jobs isn't something I'd judge harshly.
Probably depends on the type of guy you like, though.
These things happen. Better luck next time.
Like an autistic robot
Based on what I have been told, yes.
>tfw not a latina so no 4chan bf
Foiled yet again
You overplayed your hand by being so casual with the whole "crying on the first date because I didn't say I love him back" thing
I know but I may falter and there is. chance that I could unblock him. I guess it sounds fucked up but like you said, that could show I could take matters into my own hands too...

I've been trying to relax about it all and have been watching supportive YouTube videos to just understand everything. I really appreciate having 4chan/atoga and an outlet where I can reach out for help.
it's okay, I understand. :)
what did nuclear look like and how is it different to now? i feel like if he secretly wanted me to reach out, is he just trying to make this a game or test me out of his own insecurity? why?

a few anons aid it was a cute/sweet gesture if I did mail him. but I also get it. and yeah, my siblings feel really guilty now and are full of regret. I've taken her passing really well on the outside looks of it. I'm very spiritually inclined and love nature like her, so I see piece of her flowers and fruit tree she planted many years ago when she lived at the old house i'm still at. did yours pass away too? thank you for reaching out about my mom too :')
What do you look like
All you have to do to get a 4chan bf is not be fat and exchange contact info
What kind of guy are you? Wdym by trainwreck?
>exchange contact info
So I won't get a 4chan bf anyway
So do women just post on atoga for attention?
>not single, does not relate to single people
>never answers any of the questions
>only likes men that are the opposite of the 4chan demographic
>hates men in general, demoralizes them for trying to better themselves
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Women, what would it take for you to allow your man to have multiple women?
Not blocking him is how you're faltering already. You're faltering right now, this very second. Leaving the action to Future You is how you keep faltering for the rest of your life. This is a low blow, but did your mom raise you to be spineless? This is a harsh question to throw at you, but wouldn't your mom want to see you stand up for yourself?

Take the action, and block him right now. Stop avoiding it, block him right now. No more excuses, block him right now. No more procrastination, block him right now. No more waiting to see if he unblocks you, block him right now. No more failing yourself and failing your mother, block him right now. Don't reply to this post until after you've done it, block him right now and keep him blocked forever.
Him allowing me the same freedom.
dating other women?
Namefags and normalfag/npcs women(you can tell which ones)do. The rest probably ocassionally try to answer questions but get ignored because of the ever growing attention whores/notmalfag women
Also page 10, who has the new thread?
I think I look like a generic, scruffy, slightly muscular white dude.
>My anonymous wife being ignored
what kind of hair? How tall are you?
Not a guy or any of those anons, but being between jobs is very normal and anyone would understand it. You're right that a lot of men, especially good quality men, don't want to date bums. But your job or lack thereof isn't the only metric for that. Your lifestyle as a whole is just as important if not more so, ie if you're active, take care of yourself, are well spoken, come from a good family, etc. I wouldn't put off dating just because you don't have a job, in a way it's a great time to date because you have more time
Dating other men.
nta but yes he must be ok with my bisexual pan relationships
>seeks places that have incels and virgins specifically to troll and demean them
>likes giving relationship advice but only to men that are worth something in her eyes, i.e. ones with relationship experience
>puts on a trip to feel like a diva, baits simps with vocaroos and cutsey flirting messages even though she has a bf
>asks sexual questions but gets upset when the opposite gender does the same
Is this necessary for your response, or do you think you know me?
I want to know if you're my type
she's not ignored she's ghosting sub-par men for being inadequate
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I’m not good at robots
literally can't block him atm, the option isn't available he already did it himself. do you actually think he's going to come back? and my mom said she thought he sounded sweet but after awhile also said I should stop talking to him. it's failing me if anyone.
Guess you could say she had a change of heart
It's more like a bad habit. I try to answer questions if I can, everything else you're complaining about is just kind of dumb
Ty draw anon
kek ok. I have straight, brown hair that I part slightly to the side of the middle, and it typically looks a bit messy while resting near the outer edges of my eyes because I have no idea how to style hair. I'm 5'10".
I'm not going to answer because you're that anon who posts those revolting nsfw pics and webms, aren't you?
LOL TY and yw :3
YOu sound cute yes
>what did nuclear look like and how is it different to now?
Nuclear was me totally deleting my Facebook account a dozen times, deleting my discord, stuff like that. As of now, it's more like I just get somber and figure that if I reach out to anyone it'll be a waste of time. I had a friend reach out Sunday, and my initial reaction was to get mad. Like "NOW you want to talk?" But I slapped myself for that one and got over myself.
>is he just trying to make this a game or test me out of his own insecurity? why?
No, in my case, it's more that I feel I can't trust people so I just start 'purging' them. I think he left that lifeline open by accident.
>a few anons aid it was a cute/sweet gesture if I did mail him.
It is, but it might also lead to pain. For both of you.

>I'm very spiritually inclined and love nature like her, so I see piece of her flowers and fruit tree she planted many years ago when she lived at the old house i'm still at.
That is incredibly sweet.
>did yours pass away too?
Yeah, years ago. Incidentally a week before I met my ex irl for the first time. She wasn't the best mom, I had a pretty terrifying childhood at points, but it still hurts.
>thank you for reaching out about my mom too :')
You're welcome.
NTA but cute, I'll prepare a place for him in the autism zoo
State your gender
What is your oddest fetish?
For me it's forced impregnation by the women
hell yeah autizoo
Female public nudity
>What kind of guy are you?
Mid-30s burnout who just works and hangs out with friends/coworkers and half-assedly cultivates hobbies
>Wdym by trainwreck?
I had a long stint where I got away with doing basically nothing while I was depressed and lonely, and drank a lot to cope with how worthless it made me feel
Being forced to pay child support.
New Thread
Lmao, kind of based fetish
Thanks, I guess.
forcing him to pay child support
grey hairs
I want to choke a guy as I’m on top I did it once and the guy loved it
I love getting my fingers licked
>I want to choke a guy as I’m on top I did it once and the guy loved it
>I love getting my fingers licked
You into 25 year old guys?
Sounds like roastie cope you found on twitter. Most health issues/birth defects done to a child is caused by the mother's her health status, medication, alcohol intake etc.

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