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State gender
Do you want to visit Europe?
I'm european an would never visit any other place
Yeah, always have. Especially France.
Just certain countries but I can't afford it and I'd probably get scammed so no, I wish.
Do i go to gym or do i masturbate
Work out at home and do stretches too. Do kegels too.
Ultra rare drop for hidden atoga
I am in Europe.
And I don't really have any special desire to visit another EU country.
Thoughts on:
>other forms of contraceptives
>Plan B
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Women, when was the last time you went clubbing and how many men hit on you that night?
>when she cums go harder
NTA but do women wan this or will they break up with you if you try it?
I don't go clubbing

I can't cum properly if he keeps thrusting. I always ask for a pause
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Men, is it normal that my bf gets hard when I tell him I love him and that I'm going to take care of him? I was cuddling with him yesterday and talking about adding him to my insurance and making an optometrist appt for him and he was extremely hard. He struggles to finish sometimes but we have sex 3-4x a week and he's a small very thin guy who doesn't eat enough. It could be my fault but I'm very fit and conventionally attractive.

Yes, Poland

I have never gone
Rub it in more why dont ya :/
I've gone once in my life. None. I've only been flirted with once in my entire life (I am 23). I am ugly, ungrateful, and chubby.
This is a male LARP post.
A challenging time.
Unimaginably difficult, especially early on. I was so stressed about being a new dad that I was unable to eat for a while. Even the smell of someone making toast made me nauseous.
A necessity. No anti-abortion measure has ever remotely done enough to try to handle the nuances of the experiences of pregnancy. Miscarriages happen all the time; how do you prevent women who are distraught about losing their pregnancy from being prosecuted over accusations about abortion? It seems very clear to me that the path of least harm is to make abortion readily available at all times. Reducing abortion should be handled via proven methods, such as improving sexual education and ensuring reliable access to contraception.
Great, aside from side effects.
>other forms of contraceptives
I don't feel like writing all that up.
>Plan B
It shouldn't be used as a primary method of contraception, but it's good to have available.
>tfw my boyfriend has always been volatile and irritable
>he goes to an endocrinologist two months ago
>he has anemia, severe hyperthyroidism, extremely low iron, and low testosterone
>prescribed supplements for all those things
>he's now completely calm and easygoing
Were those four problems he had serious or something...?
Not sure what one is supposed to think of it. I don't envy women for having to be the pregnant ones anyway. Its frightening how many small things one experiences while pregnant can affect the kids whole childhood and thereby life. Even things one has little control over like stress.
Never want to be one. Wouldnt want to pass on mental health problems. Would break my heart. Maybe adoption though. Some antinatalist beliefs, but don't begrudge others wanting it.
I don't mind it. There's more valid opposition to it than something like, for example, gay marriage, so I sympathise a little with people who view foetuses as children. But I don't think they are. Also don't believe in imposing religious views on others.
>Birth control and contraception
In favour of contraception. Why wouldn't you be unless you live in the Vatican or are the prime minister of Japan? In terms of women going on BC, I understand it can mess with them a lot. No two ways around it though unless you're both comfortable with condoms or a vasectomy though.
>Other contraceptives/Plan B
See abortion and birth control
You're good guys
Sorry anon, didn't mean to. I'm genuinely curious. I'm also concerned he only finishes about half the time we have sex.
It's not.
Yes, clearly. That's a lot of issues. He will probably be a better boyfriend to you now. I don't know how you can put up with someone who is volatile. My bf has never gotten angry with me and he is always calm and unbothered.
He's not angry and volatile towards me, but others get under his skin a lot more readily
>is it normal that my bf gets hard when I tell him I love him and that I'm going to take care of him?
Jesus Christ, no shit, Sherlock. How dumb are you? Of COURSE feelings of love and affection and caring from GF are going to give a man a boner.
nta but women should take notes on this. if he isn't getting hard when you tell him you love him he isn't the one
A wonderful, sometimes extremely hard thing to go through. It can be a happy thing or a bad thing, depends on circumstances. All in all I see it as a wonderful thing when the mother (and the father of course) want kids.
Incredibly hard, and I have mad respect for anyone trying to be the best mom/dad they can be.
It's necessary. Not just in cases of medical trouble, it's something that has existed since unwanted pregnancy was a thing (aka forever).
I'm however not pro-choice when the pregnancy is late term (like 6 months in), at that point it's best to continue and give up for adoption if there aren't other issues (like health, deformities etc).
I'm sure glad I'm on BC. Have been since I was 14.
>other forms of contraceptives
Condoms are necessary to prevent STDs. I wouldn't fuck another person without it if we're just starting the relationship (or alternatively I'd ask them to get STD tested and provide my own test).
As for others like DIU, I respect 'em. The only thing I think is stupid is "the pull out method" which is barely a contraceptive.
>Plan B
Ideally I'd never take it, but there were times I didn't take the pill accidentally and I went and took Plan B.
Also very relevant for rape cases.
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Why am I attracted to crazy eyes like hers?
Because you touch yourself at night.
>I can't cum properly if he keeps thrusting
But does it build up if he keeps going or do you experience pain?
I didn't get to talk to the girl I'm interested in on the bus today. We said hi and rode down the elevator to the bus but nothing else really happened, she was coming out with her roommate and they were just yapping away. Sad! I should've asked her what her lock screen wallpaper was, it was from some manga. I want to ask her out, but I'm going home for thanksgiving and then the semester ends in 3 weeks after that. Might just put it on hold until next semester unless something just happens naturally

A challenging time. A pregnant friend once told me that a woman is statistically most likely to be killed by her husband when she's pregnant with his child. So I guess my takeaway from hearing that is to be more patient.
I want to be a father, and think I can instill the same positive values my parents instilled on me.
It's murder. But it should be allowed for the health of the mother. I'm sympathetic to pro-choicers because I think they're right that we need to change societal conditions so that people don't consider it an option moreso than just make it illegal. But barring health issues, I don't think I could respect a woman who kills her own children. I can't decide how I feel about situations of rape/incest because I know a woman who loves her child even though she was raped, but I don't know if everyone can be that way.
as in hormonal birth control? The more I learn about it, the more it seems bad for women for their bodies to be under the guise that they're pregnant 24/7. It definitely fucks with your mind. Err with the side of caution.
>other forms of contraceptives
Sure I guess
>Plan B
I'd feel bad if I made a girl take it since it sounds awful.
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Men are about to declare spiritual jihad on women. This is it anons, the real gender war has begun, not the fake one with countless pronouns that is being shilled everywhere in the media, but the real gender war between man and woman.
Women are about to learn a harsh lesson.

Don't talk to women, don't help them, don't ask them out, don't have dating apps, don't interact with them. If a woman approaches you be nice and respectful but do not flirt or overtly joke, treat them as an equal man and then leave after the reason for the conversation is over. If a girl comes up to you and flirts kindly turn her down, if she asks you out suddenly say no thank you, don't make up a reason she only has agency because of some external reason not because she likes you. Be vague when talking about your life or weekend plans, anything you do or do with them like hooking up will be picked apart and analyzed by her and her online friends. You are a traitor and not helping anyone if you fall for their tricks.

If men can't display a modicum of power over society, this world and women, then I guess they don't hold much power at all.
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>watch Curb your enthusiasm
>keep thinking how much Larry and his wife when they are being cute with each other reflect me and my ex (or at least how I dreamed we would be years down the line)
Does this ever stop?
I'm past 30 and I am not sure if I ever will have a chance at having something like that again. :(
>>continuing to take birth control is no big deal for her
>the impact that her birth control is having on her relationship is in fact a big deal to her, even if she's blind to it because she's not actively being served with divorce papers yet.
I doubt it'll ever come to that, but that is a useful perspective. I've said since the very beginning of our relationship that feeling desired/valued is extremely important to me, and it makes me very sad that she doesn't seem to intimately desire me at all. She does enjoy the emotional intimacy of sex, but that feels like it's just a "nice to have" for her. If my dick fell off one day, I don't think she'd personally be bothered; she'd only be upset on my behalf.
>tell her that you're concerned BC is harming your intimacy and you want her to take a break from it and see if it helps
That's my plan for our conversation for if she ever notices that we haven't done anything sexual in a while.

>Sounds like a mixture of she having low self-esteem (needs to get better from her own accord)
I've always wanted her to have better self-esteem, but me complimenting her, praising her, expressing how happy she makes me, and so on just gets dismissed with a "you're my husband so you're biased".
>Hell, I know how much anxiety meds changed me (positively). It's all in our brain chemicals.
She does have anxiety, but it doesn't seem to impact her life much. She had anxiety when we met, when she had plenty of lust for me, so I don't think that's a factor.
>I'm not sure if therapy is warranted but if she's anything like my, she could benefit from it if going off the BC or trying a different one doesn't work
I know that, if she knows how sad I feel sometimes, she'll eagerly be willing to make changes to try to make me happy. It's just hard not to feel like I'm saying "I'm sad because you don't suck my cock enough" which is selfish and stupid.
What’s an attractive weight for a 5’7 man? Need to know how much I need to lose
130-180 lbs

It's a bit more dependent on your % bodyfat than your actual weight
I know this sounds like cope but I have very thick joints and a wide frame with decent muscle. I think if I could get to like 15%bf and 180 I’d be good
mega cope
Do women like having their boobs or ass fondled more?
She has a cute face, but I don't get the point behind nose rings. They're trashy and don't even look good.
I'm 5'8"(rounding up, I'm slightly under) 210 lbs at 22% bf (did a physiological assessment in September) and I'm trying to get to 180 or 190. But I've lifted for the past 10 years.

Go look up boxers your height, similar frame, and in the weight division you think you'd like to get to for some ideas on what you might look like.
>but I don't get the point behind nose rings
You don't have to.
They're not there for you.
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I've heard that some of you have been starving yourselves recently. That's not right. Here’s a comprehensive grocery list for a week, focusing on affordable and nutritious options:
Pantry Staples-
>Rice (20 lbs or 10 kg) - $10-$15
>Pasta (12-pack) - $5-$7
>Oats (4 lbs or 2 kg) - $5-$7
Canned goods:
>Black beans (12-pack) - $5-$7
>Kidney beans (12-pack) - $5-$7
>Diced tomatoes (12-pack) - $5-$7
>Corn (12-pack) - $5-$7
>Tuna (12-pack) - $10-$15
>Peanut butter (2 jars) - $5-$7
>Jam (2 jars) - $2-$3
>Bread crumbs (1 bag) - $1-$2
Spices: Salt, Pepper, Onion powder, Garlic powder, Paprika, Cumin, Chili powder
Fresh Produce-
>Carrots (1 bunch) - $0.50-$1
>Onions (3-4) - $1-$2
>Potatoes (5-6) - $1-$2
>Bananas (6-8) - $1-$2
>Apples (6-8) - $2-$3
>Oranges (6-8) - $2-$3
>Lettuce (1 head) - $1-$2
>Frozen mixed berries (1 bag) - $2-$3
>Eggs (1 dozen) - $2-$3
>Canned tuna (12-pack) - $10-$15
>Tofu (1 block) - $2-$3
>Canned chicken (12-pack) - $10-$15
>Milk (1 gal) - $3-$4
>Yogurt (6-pack) - $5-$7
>Cheese (shredded or block) - $3-$5
>Almond milk or other non-dairy milk (1 gal) - $4-$6
>Oatmeal cookies (homemade or store-bought) - $2-$3
>Granola (1 bag) - $3-$5
>Nuts (1 bag) - $5-$7
Estimated weekly grocery cost: $60-$90
Together, we can keep those tummies full!
Men, are T&A really that important, or are a cute face and a skinny body enough?
What are signs that a girl sucks dick easily?
state gender assigned at birth.
what would your reaction be if you saw a whitepilled norwood 3 softmaxxed mewing wristlet incel wearing this watch?
the latter
yeah its all about the face and not being fat
Face trumps everything as long as you are not very overweight.
I want to look into your eyes and lose myself every day.
Tits are not important but ass is.
It goes face, body, tits, ass for me personally
I think that anon is trying to understand the appeal, not pass indirect judgment on you for having one. Personally I only find nostril piercings attractive on Indians and septum piercings attractive on the natives (Navajo) here.

face is the most important part of the body and anyone who says otherwise is lying. That's why the concept of "butterface" exists.
>I've heard that some of you have been starving yourselves recently. That's not right.
I'm fasting, not starving. Get your facts right.
State gender and:

You get to make the rules about abortion. Whatever you say is the law of the land. What is your policy?
Ear gauges
>I think that anon is trying to understand the appeal, not pass indirect judgment on you for having one
lmao it's what they ALL do.
Don't be so naive.
>cute face and a skinny body enough?
it's enough if you'll use tinder or approach yourself. just having those means you won't stand out
None allowed unless necessary to save life of mom.
For me, it's: not fat, face, body proportions (height, shoulder/waist ration, legs/torso proportions), ass+legs, tits
And for reference, I've met few women that don't fit body proportions, but that exists for a reason
Only allowed if the woman was raped or to avoid health complications, which is only 1% of cases anyway.
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How do I perform excellent oral on a woman?
What mood do I need to put her in? How do I prep? What should I focus on? What should I focus on not doing? What feels good?
Do you respect guys who do oral?
The way it is handled here now seems good. It's not prosecuted for the first, I don't know, 3 months or something, costs around 400€ (unless you are low income) and after that you can still get one if you are a teenager, there are health concerns or the woman was raped.
loving this oral sex arc, /atoga/ finally getting good again after that shitty post-election/abortion arc
Why don't you choose to live in a Happy Land?
>guy arc
>training, making money, get shredded, take care of people, call his mum, be polite, be humble
>girl arc
>she cuts her hair shorter
Why are women okay with this?
The only happy ones are the western men fucking the women there and the women who leave for western men.
Jarvis, post the top 10 countries by antidepressant usage, then superimpose it with the suicide rate and the 'happiness index'
Is calling a female stranger “dear” weird?
All abortions are perfectly legal, and if the woman can't afford to pay, then the government will pick up the bill.
atoga anons will talk about abortion and theology every day and you will be happy
Of course.
Anybody having a drink this evening?

M, Abortions for any reason in the 1st and 2nd trimester. Abortions for victims of rape/incest or severe genetic abnormalities allowed in the 3rd trimester.
Not if you're gay.
Allowed only in case the mother's life is in danger.
In case of rape, find the rapist, prove he is the rapist (or the lot of them) and send them to the coal mines to mine with a pickaxe for 5-10 years minimum. No working conditions, daily humiliation ritual of 12h+/day of mining
It's the early afternoon, retard.
I don't speak their language, I'll get scammed, I'll get used, I'll still end up alone, those countries don't like Mexicans
They should have a girl's arc be growing out her hair.
Why do women bite guys they like
Any Lithuanianons here? Why are you so happy?
Medical facilities will perform abortions for women at-will up to week 28, but the woman is very heavily fined or must perform community service time and the man responsible for the pregnancy goes to prison for a month on first offense and it gets worse from there. There are no exceptions for rape or incest, only harsher punishments for the male in addition to the prosecution for their crime. A doctor in pursuit of the health of their patient concludes an abortion is necessary for the patients health, a board of doctors can approve the abortion with no penalty to either male or female party. If the baby is found to have a condition that would prevent them from being an independent functioning person in adulthood, then a no-fault abortion may be performed. M
I visited the second happiest country in the world and it made me very happy to visit.
*bites you*
Only a matter of time.
Okay, relax there. I didn't know that. It was confusing because he doesn't always finish but apparently me being caring towards him gives him a raging boner. I don't know. I was confused.
My bf is 5'8 120 lbs and very thin. My muscles are bigger than his, it's cute.
Yeah... nah
t. romanian
I'm gonna kill you.
a girl doing stuff like the guy does would imply that women would only get places by taking responsibility for themselves and who they
make themselves to be
and women don't like that
How do I fuck a woman so hard she squirts?
Being bitten is sexy.
Yes but why
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What are your thoughts on eroge
You don't like being bit and rubbing the hickies on your neck after? I'm literally ready to go again after
I dunno, it demonstrates enthusiasm, and it gives a boner.
How do I get over my fear of having my blood drawn? I have tests later today and I don't wanna go. I don't have a phobia over needles. It's strictly getting my blood drawn. I know why, too. I used to have anemia (because girl) and would faint all the time. So when I went to the doctor, they did a blood draw on me then, and I almost went into cardiac arrest because my heart rate dropped to like 23/60. Ever since then I've hated getting labs done, and actually developed a pretty big fear of bleeding to death. That shit did not feel good and was very scary.

Guys I've been with frequently start off too hard. Lick delicately then dial it up over time. Also periodically kiss the inside of her thighs. I need fingering included to cum too, that may be the case with other women
do the thing that men do and stand yourself outside of your emotions and feelings while they draw your blood.
>Coffee sounds great, unfortunately I’m home in ***** for a week but I’m back in **** next week x
>it's been a week
>radio silence
Girls, what did she mean by that? I feel I will be pushy if I send a message now.
What do?
Oral is, for me, a nice introduction to get me warmed up. But without fingering or other things, I can't cum. It's actually better to stop doing oral after a point, switch to something else, and come back to it later near the end. That tends to work for me.
Cute face and skinny body is enough, but having no ass at all is very unappealing and boyish
my guy advice is just don't pursue women who won't/can't/don't even try a little bit
I was trying to feel sad and culpable over the breakup with my ex and was reminded of the following situation:
my ex gf's father had some minor recurrent medical (physical) issue that was resolved relatively quickly. he's > 80 years old, so it wasn't really something "fixable", but he only needed to rest for a while.
at some point during that time I was talking to my ex and she started crying over her dad. like, she was thinking he might die or whatever.
the thing is that I didn't do anything, I just kept talking and didn't console her. I might be making shit up but I think my train of thought at that time was "my love, people die, we will all die. you just have to cope with it" but I remember NOT telling her this because, well, I'm usually a negative guy and I'd rather shut up than tell her that.

what would have you done? what should have been my reaction? was I wrong for not consoling her? should I feel like shit for being so miserable and negative with her?
Adding onto this, it depends a lot on the woman. For some women, if you're giving your attention anywhere other than the clit, you're wasting your time. You have to stay on the clit until she gets off. Other women, however, find that to be way, way too simulating, and need you to back off and give attention elsewhere before going back to it.
How do I get rid of acne and ingrown hairs around my dick? The red bumps look horrible
>Girls, what did she mean by that?
Well she clearly lied to you, because coffee tastes gross.
I wish it was strictly psychological. It's a vasovagal reaction. I've passed out mid-conversation with a nurse before and woke up 20 minutes later. Embarrassing af.
Are you shaving too much?
Just trim down to around 2mm, instead of all the way.

And if you aren't shaving - fucking gross.
Ask her again now that she's back in town. If no answer or another hand-wave, move on.
It still works bros. Thought jannies would be over it by now
Would you shave your hairy bush if your bf kindly asked you to?
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I might try. But I feel the momentum is gone.
Femanons how can I ask for a second chance from a girl who I went on a date with back in Feb?
She blamed herself for everything even though I told her not to, but I just wish I could try again with her, she originally told me that she would be open to dating again in the future but I am not sure if she really meant it.
I'm sorry, I was trying to be elitist about time zones.
>How do I get over my fear of having my blood drawn? I have tests later today and I don't wanna go.
don't. I'm not a medic or anything close, but I've had similar shit happen.
ask a nurse to have a stretcher ready and to help you raise your legs.also, avoid looking at the needle. and bring a chocolate, or maybe salt, or something, I dunno. you need to calm yourself, and chocolate helps with that (in my experience. YMMV).
the right mindset is always "you choose me or you lose me". ditch her
Yes, I want to meet my family there.
Should I post the sex tips for guys again
Romanianons what are women like in your country? I might as well try my luck in east Europe since here in the south I'm basically fucked.
Yes. I hate to admit it, but pleasing the person I love's aesthetic preferences makes me happy.
I know, but you forgot that my question is correct in all time zones except for the ones where it's already past "evening", but not yet 24:00.
If you're a woman talking about how best to fuck you, yes. If you're a man talking about how you fuck women, no.
>Romanianons what are women like in your country?
Yikes, I'm luckily not Romanian!
It's not that she didn't want to choose me she felt ashamed and embarrassed of herself and wanted to work on herself first.
I think maybe she might have also wanted a clean start with someone who didn't know anything about her, but that is speculation.
She was telling me how perfect I am back then and how she wants to be with me.
I know, that's why I apologized.
>gf talks about having lasagna
>cooking for her is my passion
>spend half a day making the most amazing lasagna
>gf says she can't wait to have some
>it's ready
>she's off work but she says she has to do something
>hour later?
>she skips the lasagna, says come out to the car and get in
>doesn't explain
>I explain again about lasagna
>says we're going somewhere it'll be fast
>drives to Target, to go shopping for nothing in particular
>I'm processing wtf is happening
>lasagna was left out and cold
how do I handle this
>frequently start off too hard
What does a softer touch do? It just hurts less, while still stimulating the erogenous areas?
Speaking of which, which are those? I know there's the clitoris, the g-spot (which is... up in the vaginal canal, just past the pubic bone?), and of course, the breasts, but I keep reading that the neck, collar bone, inside of the thighs, earlobes, are all good places to kiss. Just curious.
>then dial it up over time
>I need fingering included to cum too
And is there any special technique with that, or just... "two fingers, curled toward the belly button, maybe a hand pressed down on her stomach"?
This is good advice, I appreciate it.
>But without fingering or other things, I can't cum
Okay. Thank you.
>it depends a lot on the woman.
I do understand this, but my issue is that, if I don't have a game plan, or some "... this is how I envision it panning out," then I'll be a bit lost, and I don't want her to know that. I guess I just don't want her to feel like she's not in good hands, kind of ruins the mood. I think I can finger just fine (I've made a girl cum that way), but my first time doing oral I was like a dog lapping on a glass door. Didn't do much (but then I didn't know what I was doing). Anyway.
>You have to stay on the clit until she gets off.
I can do this.
>you to back off and give attention elsewhere before going back to it.
Where, out of curiosity? I've found fishing my tongue into her vagina didn't actually work, but other people mentioned kissing her thighs, and I'm assuming running my tongue along her labia might work. Also, fingering.
I appreciate the advice, this is helpful.
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Women, do you turn the heads of men?
Why would you hate to admit it? It's not weird or shameful to do small things to make your partner happy.
Yeh. For better or for worse.
Iz ogey. *headpat*
if she was really "open to dating again in the future" she'd go on a date with you in those 9 months
I don't just do small things. I do everything I can, whether I'm asked to or not, as subtly as possible. I also value myself by the standards of the person I love, and end up hating myself for my deficiencies.
Okay, yeah, that's a bit much. You should have SOME confidence in your own self, completely independent of your partner.
How do you stop a fetish?
pls halp
I only have confidence in a few things about myself that I view as objectively positive. Otherwise, my opinions change.
That's why I said unfortunately.
Look at the most hardcore examples of it when you are 0% horny and realise how dumb it is, maybe after a hard day of work when you're tired
Use your fists
Stop feeding it.
I want a 2nd chance, I don't meet people who aren't into me at any regularity.
Maybe that is different than you, but it would be stupid of me to completely walk away forever.
Need a petite woman who’ll roleplay as my sex slave fucktoy
tell her that you felt bad about her ignoring your lasagna
dunno about her attitude, though. very capricious of her.
Only if the slave part has racial overtones.
Hi, JH.
No lel
Coat your dick in lasagna and roughly face fuck her.
Where has everyone gone? Why is no one posting?
Sorry for giving you the ick, sisters

because I'm here.
Men, thoughts on this woman's mindset:
Kamala's grocery list dropped and now everyone's at the store!
Nu-uh. I'm still fasting.
I don't care.
I'm gonna blow raspberries on your tummy
>make a lasagna dick joke
>suddenly, the thread is dead
'being american' should be in the DSM
>My only dating options here are yuppy fags and I just want a fat Italian man to marry and to be surrounded by older Italian Americans who are Catholic probably along with a good amount of Hispanics and blacks and fat white people in the mix so I can avoid getting mogged, but I don’t know if it’s like that over there.
I think she is mentally ill
she's very competitive and dumb imo but I don't understand people like that and I'm just some random retard anyway.
but, who the fuck would want a fat italian man?
Women, why haven't you saved this thread by hornyposting about how much you love dicks?
>The Opposite Gender
I like porn but the idea of actually having sex seems gross. Any other men relate to this?
No, not at all
No, sex is great.
kinda gay bro
Back when I was in high school, I once spent an entire school lesson thinking about dicks, barely listening to what the teacher was saying.
actually, I >>32338457 agree with the other anons, she's mentally ill, but also your typical american

sex is gross and great. I don't see the contradiction there.
have you ever had sex?
Recently the opposite, actually. I opened some porn and just had this sudden realization that I don't like seeing other men having sex with women and fapped to some softcore solo female shit instead.

It's like when you enjoy kissing girls but don't like watching other people kiss.
Were you thinking about touching those dicks, or just the concept of dicks?
>I like porn but the idea of actually having sex seems gross
It's supposed to be the opposite.
>have you ever had sex?
No, unless you count being molested as a kid.
Let's say you took a bus that's completely packed and some dude has no proper way to move his arm out of the way so he's not touching your butt at all times
Why the fuck would you lean in closer?! I am trying to avoid a misunderstanding here. To anyone around it looked like I was just groping for 15 fucking minutes.
You're scared for a good reason. You're scared of losing blood, because you'd know you'd faint, and you'd know you'd faint because you were low on blood. So what you're afraid of is being low on blood. You're also probably afraid now of going into cardiac arrest because of panicking about having a low blood level.
What you need to do is to remind yourself that none of those things are going to happen. They're not. Not anymore. If you get your blood taken, you *will* have enough blood. It'll be uncomfortable, you'll have to look away from the needle for a bit, take your mind off it while they do it, but once it's done, it's done. And you will have enough blood. And you will be fine.
And if you'll be fine, then there's no need to panic. And if you don't panic you won't go into cardiac arrest. So you'll be fine.
So, what you need to do, is you need to tell yourself, mentally, "This is what I can expect. This is what'll happen. Whatever *could* happen, this is what'll actually happen." You keep that in mind, and act based on that.
That should help.
anon, have you tried therapy? it might help you
t.someone who was abused but hasn't tried therapy... but will try now
The concept. My thought process was prompted by seeing one of the boys jokingly move a styrofoam head from art class in front of his crotch like it was blowing him. While I was vaguely aware of this kind of stuff, I had never seen an actual penis in real life, so I pondered how they work and stuff. Whether you can bend them like a finger.
What country am I most likely to get a 4’9 Asian lady to let me face fuck her
She was trying to get you in trouble, she's ovulating, her butt was itchy.
>anon, have you tried therapy?
I haven't, but I don't believe I I need it either.

Ok yeah if you think about it in literal terms, sex is gross. But you need to suspend your disgust, the same way you suspend your disbelief at movies. Think of it abstractly. You are PENETRATING a woman, invading her, dominating her, but it makes both of you feel good.

Or if you're the romantic type you can say you're joining or connecting with one another in the most physically intimate way.
Neat! Just wondering what they were like. That's cool.
Probably the Philippines
I thought the same until very recently, when I became obsessed over my ex gf, found some shit regarding attachment styles and realized that some of that shit describes my shit life in detail
It feels good to be touched but it's hollow if you don't care about her, a commidity. When you love her it's the best thing in the world
Do you feel the pussy pressure when I touch you *there* ?
S-stop it...
Are Filipino women hot?
They're mostly brown asians with low self-esteem and are obsessed with being white/light-skinned. If they aren't westaboos they're koreaboos and want to emulate kpop women.

Some of them are attractive.
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As a filipino man I can confirm this
there's a lot of filipina immigrants in my city and I've never seen a sexy one
who cares they're usually married and or taken, that's a good thing
Praise be to the one woman who hornyposted.
I think I can understand what she's getting at but it's stupid, she's saying she's already getting mogged in bumfuck no where.
She should just move and get used to it.
As long as she takes care of herself she can find a decent fat Italian man.>>32338439
Its a Big step, Im not into it, but i think others who love everything about that stuff should be free to be happy or sad about it. They are about to partake on a lifelong responsibility.
Contracts!!! Legal binding contracts for Everyone.
They are something that needs to happen from time to time with good reason.
I think it should be regulated and treated the same way as viagra or testosterone.
>other forms of contraceptives
Should be made safe and male versions should be pumped in the media as much as the girl versions.
>Plan B
Its important to have at hand, used to be a cashier and most of the time it was the guy standing next to the girl buying it.
>Should be made safe and male versions should be pumped in the media as much as the girl versions.
how do you make poison safe?
There are hot Filipino women but that's cause they don't look Filipino.
>life goal
>condoms are fine I guess
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is it true?
hornyposting in atoga is only fun with audience participation. i love to give long effortposts to guys who ask a sexually interesting question, but just going off about something that turns me on unprompted is both sexually and creatively unfulfilling. if i'm going to do something solo i might as well read smut.
IDknow, from the studies i've read, they have the exact same side affect's as the girl ones. Allegedly, what's good for the goose should be good for the gander
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Does anybody else feel like their brains are controlled by the desire to impress women in front of other men? I really need help.

>in uni discord
>they do study sessions or whatever
>never gave a fuck before about it
>suddenly get notifications that there are two people doing it, a nice guy I know and a girl I've never met
>now I want to join and do it and rizz her

It's not about the girl. I don't care about her. If it were just two girls, then I wouldn't want to join. I want to join only because I want to prove in front of that other man that I am superior and have more rizz than him and can charm the girl.

I fucking hate it so much. I don't want to feel this way. I'm a fucking married man. I feel no lust towards this woman. I feel no animosity towards this man, I'd even call him a friend. So why does my brain want me to challenge him and win her over?
I can understand that. I'll try to come up with interesting prompts for the future, thank you for the insight.
Beard or shaved face?
you only need to be short, have wider nose than whites, be a bit brown, have asian eyes, have dark eyes and black hair to look filipino. people can still look attractive with those features
Whichever one makes your face looks better.
Im ugly either way lol
You're a retard. As a fellow man, I can't relate to your issue at all.
What are the most frustrating things a man could do on a day when he's not in the mood for sex and he just wants to cuddle? He just loves your company and loves spending time with you and he doesn't realize how frustrated you are to be in the mood when he's not.
>they have the exact same side affect's as the girl ones
Last time I checked they don't even exist.
I remember years ago everyone was talking about one that is injected into the genitals that clogs up the semen thing but the whole thing was bullshit and it didn't work.
They aren't attractive to me.
One thing that people don't realize is that Spain colonized the Philippines for hundreds of years and there are many Philipino women who have mostly White features and look like they're a Harniza or Castiza.
Those are the hot ones.
What’s the second most likely, since apparently Filipino women aren’t as attractive?
Based, I wish more women thought like this.
>Woman in the mood when the man is not
People keep saying this happens, but it's impossible to imagine. A woman wanting to have sex with me turns me on. I can't imagine not being in the mood if my partner is.
State gender
What's more unattractive? Being fat or underweight?
I'm not a woman, I'm just a guy speaking from experience. There are too many factors to reasonably explain whether or not you should have a beard or what style of beard you should have.
Im a chick so this might not apply to me, but for me, if i like the girl the dumber i look.
idc about showing off or trying to impress other people, i just dont want to put the girl on the spot, so ill steer clear if there are other people around. People can TELL that im gay, so i know its a burden to talk to me. Im not into bothering people.
Kek, slags
I think it depends on how fat or underweight. I don't like skeletons, but yeah, most fat women are unattractive, so I guess fat.
Generally speaking, being fat is more unattractive, but it also depends on the degree. I'm much more attracted to a woman who's chubby than a woman who's so boney that I'm legitimately afraid for her health.
What do you mean, you turn very awkward if you like a girl? I don't see why you would think it is a burden to talk to you. But I understand not wanting to bother people.
Yes I feared as much. It is probably unrelated to being a man and is just some deep seated insecurities or something that I don't know how to confront.
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Would you pet him?
Really? ngl, i dont remember where i read it, and it was a wile ago. So you might be right, idknow
No, I have the urge to impress women but I don't try to compete with other men. Please speak with a therapist.
It's a great bonding time but can be very physically uncomfortable, generally I tried to help my wife through it as much as possible and make life easy on her, which I think she appreciated.
I have 3 children and they consume the vast majority of my free time, so I'd say that fatherhood is just my life now. It's a lot of work but it's fulfilling in an indescribable way when you're teaching them something or showing them something new and it's really nice to re-live parts of your childhood and the same sort of wonder you had about different things comes back for a while. I took my kids to a planetarium last weekend, and they're all currently on a space phase where they constantly want to read about rockets, satellites, planets, etc.
Sad but ultimately for the best sometimes. I find the flippancy and fetishism that a lot of political types have around it ghoulish and off-putting.
>birth control
I'm pretty sure that hormonal birth control is way worse for women's health than is publicly acknowledged and we ignore it for politics and convenience. The weight gain and loss of libido are pretty well known, but I'm almost certain that hormonal birth control causes some kind of brain fog or "dumbing down" effect too.
>other forms of contraceptives
I always just used condoms and when we were done having kids I got a vasectomy so my wife wouldn't have to be on the pill or IUD.
>plan B
I guess I've got no moral objection to it but I've never bothered to look up any of the potential health effects, ideally you wouldn't be using it often enough to suffer them I'd think.
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For ladies:

My woman roomate is moving away, we kindaa lightly flirted before - but now when I texted her when she’s leaving or if she wants to hang before she does - she uses a fire emoji

Is this flirty/a sign of interest?
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sure. they also don't necessarily have to be entertainment value focused, i've been known to ramble about basic biology questions too.

forgetting that a considerable percentage of my body is sensual. for you, it's *just* your dick for the most part. if you start cuddling me and kissing my neck, you're going to stir me up like mad, and then act like you didn't do anything sexual, as if that isn't more sensitive to me than like 90% of your penis (if your reports are to be trusted). inner thighs, just under my ribcage, pretty much my whole spine, especially my tailbone, the belt-like-loop around my pelvis, insides of my knees, probably more i'm forgetting right now. you could think you're trying to cuddle casually and i'll be steaming, which sucks.

also, don't take off a shirt by gripping the back neck and pulling it off in one swift motion. that's unforgivably slutty and i will jump you regardless.
How do I ensure the woman I marry becomes a milf
The desire to prove yourself comes from feeling like you haven't already proven yourself in some way to some one.
With no insult intended, you are compensating for something.

Perhaps a lack of recognition as a man in some other area? Probably with another man. Maybe your dad? No idea.
Thailand or Burma

maybe Vietnam, I've known a few hotties from Vietnam
You can't. She will never be a milf and you will be happy
have her go to the gym, I guess
>no insult intended
>you should seek recognition from men
Find a woman obsessed with clean eating and who hates/is repulsed by fat people.
I've read about various male birth control pills in development, but they keep hitting snags due to side effects. And then people point out that female birth control pills have the same types side effects, and then we all have a laugh about how poorly women are treated in medicine.

But yeah, as far as I'm aware, no male birth control options aside from condoms and vasectomies have made it all the way to market.
awkward would be the best word for it i suppose.
But my knowing i have to be on my best behavior around crowds just makes me more anxious, it's a weird perpetuating circle that goes on in my head.
> I don't see why you would think it is a burden to talk to you
From what i've lived in my life i've seen girls get berated for associating with me. Other guys that like her get jealous, boyfriends start talking to them about thresomes, all kinds of crazy shit, just because i had the nerve to talk to her. I just want her to be happy. And i know having me around is a task for str8 women.
find one with good genes. not some zoomete who looks 30 at 20
He's not gonna find that in this lifetime
Marry a Slavic woman
one last time...
pls /atoga/
1) Check what her mom looks like
2) Make sure she works out
3) Marry a woman with high class genes
you are not representative of all men, so maybe it won't ever happen to you, while it does to others. or maybe you're 23 and full of testosterone and can't imagine being 45 and exhausted yet.
Thank you for the tips, I look forward to being infuriatingly cuddlesome in the future.

Im going to be perfectly honest with you today.
Ask me 3 questions.
Yeah what the fuck is going on with gen z? Is it the vaping? I'm 35 and these guys coming out of high school have more wrinkles and grey hairs than I do
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>I'd never be too tired/angry/stressed for sex!
you will be, you will be...
kek! I like grey on girls.
Or just someone with no imagination.

>How can I imagine not being horny when I would be horny?
>How can I imagine not having breakfast today when I did have breakfast today?
I would give a lot for a girl who wants to lie flat on top of me like a weighted blanket and wants to just fall asleep like that while listening to my heartbeat

Thicc and sticc are sexy
Im butt hurt that i cant workout anymore. Im getting all fluffy.
Since vasectomies are even reversible it should be the most appealing option for birth control for all couples.
It's the shit in their food and lack of childhood exercise due to internet. They're the Michelle Obama school lunch generation.
I would give a lot for a girl who wants to lie flat on top of me like a weighted blanket and wants to just talk about how life is going and about things that are interesting to us that we'd like to share with each other.

But that's not really a comfortable position for restful sleep beyond a short nap.
I don’t know where this is coming from, I’ve always looked younger than I am
I also dream about giving cuddles to a girl anon. Not gonna lie, i dont think society lets things like that happen anymore anon.
fat but every time I say that women show up with the wrong idea of what is considered "fat"
it's fat in places it shouldn't be
I could feed a sticc my lasagna
You're getting your boogeymen mixed up. Michelle Obama pushed for actually healthy food, but Big Nosy Government Needs To Stay Out Of My Business.
Who the fuck said "should"?
For me slightly overweight is more attractive than underweight for sure.
But when it comes to extremes either are really bad
I live near a hs and this isn't true they still look like kids.
she's an addicted jogger who naturally clean eats and loves
I've seen 40 year old moms who radiate beauty I would marry and they all had that in common
Most of the time it isn't reversible
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I just wanted to say that i didnt wank since friday
Thought you should know atoga.
I'm genuinely interested in what is in the school food that could possibly be causing this, because I remember school lunches always being low cost mass produced slop full of salt and preservative chemicals, it's hard to imagine a possible step down from that, and the millennial diet wasn't exactly great outside of school, if anything there are more healthy options available now than when I was 18. The big change I see is that zoomers consume a shitload of uppers like caffeine and nicotine
there are actually 2 anons here with a lot of gray hairs in their mid 20s
Eggs were $6.49 you BITCH
State gender
Do you have a favorite film franchise? Star Wars, Harry Potter, Marvel, etc.? What is it?
Women into getting cunnilingus:
Would you be into a guy going down on you for an extended period of time, through multiple orgasms? I have a fantasy where I just keep going until my partner is exhausted and barely able to move
Sort of flooding her brain with pleasure
Is that possible? I know as a guy that's not really possible but I don't know enough about female orgasms
Babies bad
No babies good
Simple as
>coworkers making jokes about my sexual assault
How’s your day going, /atoga/?
It used to be Star Trek... until the quantity of bad movies came to outnumber the quantity of good movies...
Its not even Friday you sick fuck
Evil Dead, I fucking love Bruce Campbell

The George Romero "Dead" series, Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, and then there are some other ones.
>are a cute face and a skinny body enough?
I have lusted *hard* after some sticcs.
This but Terminator, Predator, Alien, Star Wars, and Robocop.
>You're getting your boogeymen mixed up
No, I'm not.
Universe man, Universe man
Size of the entire universe man
Usually kind to smaller man
Universe man
He's got a watch with a minute hand,
Millennium hand and an eon hand
When they meet it's a happy land
Powerful man, universe man
Male or Female? Yes, it makes a difference.
Cant say, to much of a clusterfuck with hollywood to have an anything about it.
I dont know them, but i hate them already anon.
Whos the one trying to pass the selling unpasteurized milk right now? Someone told me about it.
Interesting. Why do they know such private information about you?
Told a few people, they use it to kick me a little.
>told others about your sexual assault
It's fucked up, but I would recommend just not telling anyone about that, women in particular, unless they're a priest or a therapist or something, and despite claims gf/wife falls squarely outside of the circle of people you should open up to about it.
pregnancy: turned into horror to scare women
motherhood: turned into horror to scare women
fatherhood: villainized and almost eradicated
abortion: baby murder celebrated
Birth control: necessary technology for mankind a lot like clothes but there's a long history of us being medically retarded about it, one day we're going to look back at hormonal birth control for women and think the same
other forms of contraceptives: what?
Plan B: decent, I appreciate the name, condoms break
Childhood stuff? I would study up on psychology. Same thing happened to me and my solution was to MK Ultra myself to be stronger because of it
Serious question: What does this image have to do with your assertion that the Michelle Obama program was putting shit in their foods? I don't think anyone is intentionally putting mold into food, and this certainly isn't an example of putting artificial preservatives into food, so can you explain your reasoning to me?
a society that permits this isn't going to last long
Seeing the way ukrainian women who fled the war behave is such a massive blackpill. I will skip the draft and if any woman tries to shame me i'll cave her face in.
>explain your reasoning
Luckily shaming tactics do not work on most men anymore
So when shit hits the fan women can go get drafted instead

Equality baby
It’s okay, it doesn’t bother me too much. Thanks for your concern, anons. How are you doing?
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Would you a cat bf? Spiky penis included?
nta, but the Michelle Obama lunches are overblown. I guess my criticism of them was that they were overwhelmingly trendy girl lunches rather than something catered to the actual needs (or tastes) of the people being fed, like a teenage boy will 100% be better served by a greasy cheeseburger than tofu and some loose greens. It hardly matters now since her guidelines were abandoned the minute she left the white house anyways, and they were never all that widespread even when she was around.
Yeah it is incredibly fucked up that they sent the women off on a sex tour of Europe while all the guys had to go into the grinder. Bare minimum the women should have been forced to stay and do support tasks or something.
bump for myself… ladies?
Do women like big cumshots
Not really. I don't speak the languages of the only places I'd like to visit (all in Eastern Europe) and I don't want to go anywhere near tourist traps.
Women, are you familiar with overstimulation on a guy?

It's usually portrayed as continuing to stimulate his dick when it's super sensitive after ejaculation, but he's probably quickly coming out of the mood at that point since he just came. Instead, you can overstimulate him without getting him off. You rub the tip of his cock after applying lube, when the lube has partially dried so that it's still slick but VERY sticky. By squeezing and rubbing the tip of his cock in various ways, you can cause so much stimulation and pleasure that he'll need to be tied down to prevent him from thrashing.

Women, thoughts? Have you done anything like this before?
>Whos the one trying to pass the selling unpasteurized milk right now? Someone told me about it.
I'm not that guy but I can say some things about it.
Pasteurization is a pretty good process. Seeing the label "pasteurized" and that's like, oh, that's good! I don't want to explain bio 101, but the fats and proteins are gonna be fine, and some enzymes in milk will absolutely get destroyed by the process. If someone thinks those enzymes are important to them(I'm skeptical, but I don't know), it's actually possible to re-introduce those enzymes after pasteurization.
Unpasteurized milk can also be safe, but it's less reliably safe. How unsafe? If you're healthy, getting a little sick from it won't be a big deal. Should the government make people unable to sell unpasteurized milk to others because the extreme case outliers might be taken out by some bad milk? Depends on your perspective but I strongly think NOT.
Can those selling unpasteurized milk also just do better testing. Also yeah.

Since there's so many ways around this discussion it shouldn't be a controversial situation. So what's the deal? Internet is great at producing conspiracy nuts especially when it's a clash between some hippie who just wants to argue why his "natural" milk he doesn't have to try that hard to make is a better product and big milk (not a joke) have their crony puppet hand shoved up the government and think it's natural to bludgeon any potential market competition with it.
In the end I believe it all should just be justly and fairly labelled, and the consumers call
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wrong post idiot
I have men to catch in poland, paris, london, and turkey
I tried that with my dick and it doesn't do much
state gender
how runny are your egg yolks allowed to be?
>but the Michelle Obama lunches are overblown
No it wasn't, my HS literally used a prison food manufacter to provide food.
Over easy
Not at all
Medium at the runniest, where its more solid still
Welp I'm a little down because I've realized that I'm never going to get to cook a Thanksgiving turkey until my mother in law dies because she's adamant that only she will ever prepare it, and she's in pretty good health so that could be like 30 years, and I also don't care enough to start a thing with her or my wife over it, so I guess I'm just like "welp." I suppose I could just buy a turkey and cook it for some other day, but what's the point?
I hate eggs. They taste like farts.
i am very familiar. not an avid porn watcher, but all of my favorite videos are typically about overstimulated or painfully edged and denied guys finally exploding. lotta frenulum licking and rubbing. have not ever had a guy willing to let me tie him up before so no experience, but one day, hopefully.
that actually means you got some of the better lunches
here in corruption-land they're STILL arresting the cronies who spent a decade robbing the system (and therefore schoolkids) of their lunches. Spaghetti without sauce or proteins kind of shit
That predates Michelle Obama by decades lol, prison contractors almost always put in bids for school lunches because it's almost the same set of needs.
How about a Christmas turkey?
Would you marry a widow with kids?
I already know the in's and out's of milk, and eggs. I just had a relative of mine tell me about it, idk whats going on, i'm trying to stay somewhat informed but not enough to lose my shit over it. Who is this individual? Now i want to know.
Women overstimulation is a major turn on for me.
do you know anyone else who regularly texts her?

Ask them if she does it too. Some people just have unique texting styles and you can't really tell if they mean anything by it or not because you don't know if it's special for (You) or not. It's the same as the "Is she hugging me because she likes me, or is she just hugging everyone because she likes to hug?"
Depends on the race of the kids, and how they behave and if I have kids as well.
Depends on several factors but I’d honestly rather date a widow than a woman with a father fully in the picture
why is this thread just men talking about food prices. like just get a job
What food should I make my dnd group tomorrow?
a good runny yolk with some toast is and always will be amazing
Don't have to work for the rest of the week, don't have to cook tomorrow.
Should I get a drink from the gas station?
based off my time actually in high schools due to doing university outreach to local schools and then seeing people from those schools come to uni and age 15 years in 2-3 I think the problem is more likely vaping than the school lunch system
No, I don't think so. I'd be so self conscious of being compared to her previous partner, and also have no desire to have kids so raising someone else's is a major dealbreaker. It's nothing against her but it would be mentally and emotionally agonizing for me
Women I'm completely fucking stupid at anything over text
I have no problems with talking directly but over text I'm unable to keep a proper conversation
I'm trying here to talk to a girl that came visit at my workplace and asked for my number and all I can give her is some awful professional shit when I get the feeling she was going more personal with it
Because they love the dorito shrimp so much they need to jerk off to grocery prices.
>usually fap once a day
>been fapping and cooming 2-3 times a day recently
What's happening to me?
ladies would you ever make fun of a guy to get his attention from across the room? I was at a presentation today and multiple people had one and after mine was done

I could hear across the room "that one was like him being an angry child", I couldn't explicitly say it was about mine because I was so far away but I had some humor in mine that landed well with the evaluators but possibly not the crowd besides some chuckles.

Is this some kinda shit test or straight up mockery execution? , in the corner of my eye I could catch them looking in my direction from the corner of my eye. I'm trying not to let it get to me or use it as fuel like they are trying to punk me out and I just need to keep going - but fuck it if it was about me , damn thats such a mean thing to say.
You grew up.
Healthy adolescent sex drive. Albeit a bit late.
You love trump's big fat tummy so much. You want him to drip mcdonalds fry oil on him and cyber truck built autist and sandwich you in a slippery cockoon.
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like somehow vaping is worse than all the teenagers that were smoking in the 80s?
Online dating, no. Real life dating, yes. I would not insert myself into a child's life unless they can meet me in person and give our relationship their approval.
Scotch Eggs
Yikes! i posted that wrong, i like it on girls OVER 30!!
There's only like 5 genuine people in that picture, the rest are AI-extrapolated.
Veggie platter. Please
get a fucking job, anon!
not everybody can rely on daddy's credit card sweetheart
I'm 37 and fucking every day is my bare minimum.
vaping ain't that terrible if it's unflavoured. people who vape flavoured are retarded
Tourism is degeneracy.
>y-you forgot to st-
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Well I take your inaction as a positive.
How do i grow old in a dignified way and not be one of these millenial faggots that constantly has shit to say about gen z?
Femanons, I missed out on my young adulthood cause of mental illness, how do I reclaim it?
I feel like I am just stuck being a wagie and I never got to do anything.
vaping has a fuckton of nicotine with no tar so there's no limits on how much you can take into your lungs

Can you elaborate on what vape flavors actually do?
um, no?
>dorito shrimp
Despite your trip-dubs, I refuse to believe that is a thing.
who do you fuck? I wish I had someone to fuck daily
Its true, it causes popcorn lung, its harder to treat than just slow black lung.
Uh corrently nobody, but I meant I still have the stamina to go 1, 2, 3 times every single day.
those added aromas are barely regulated and there's no long term studies on health impact of those chemicals when inhaled. some of those aromas are proven to increase risk of serious diseases. it's chinese bathtub chemicals
You can‘t reclaim it. You‘re old now. Come to terms with it.
By shutting the fuck up.
Abortion is legal until 18 weeks, but if a woman doesn't have a valid reason (to protect her life or demonstrable physical health like with an ectopic pregnancy, birth defects, or because she was raped), it goes on her (highly compartmentalized and restricted-access) record. If she tries to get another abortion under similar circumstances, she can get it only if she accepts sterilization. She can also appeal either of those to demonstrate cause.

Also, doctors certified to perform abortions have a data-based cap on allowed yearly abortions, tied to the state's abortion rate (with an extra margin to give a cushion for normal variability) and number/location of other providers. They have to document the reasons for abortions within this cap, and may be investigated if they consistently hit the cap for several years, but otherwise are trusted with only routine oversight. If they need to exceed the cap for a given year, they have to provide justification and accept a mandatory investigation of why they reached it/audit of patients.
This is to weed out the ideologically-inclined doctors who would fake medical records to give on-demand abortions. In these cases, the woman should have complete immunity from any potential prosecution for the abortion (and it wouldn't go on her record), because it's the doctor's fault for subverting the system.

The idea is to make it possible for basically any woman who needs an abortion to get it, but also cut back on the psychotic practice of casually aborting just to avoid pregnancy.
You believe he's packing a dorito porkloin? Saucy
do you have a character, 2d, 3d or otherwise, that makes you go "wow she is literally me" similar to how male anons correlate with ryan gosling?
>elective abortion at 27 weeks
Blood for the blood god?
It would probably be most sensible to look for guys who have kids of their own.
Do you have any idea how much you make me swoon for you?
No. Because I'm a realist and I haven't seen a blonde girl have severe depression.
>wanting to move TO New Jersey
But it's a larp post, so who cares?
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Men Bros.

Want a dose of pure evil women-ness in your life?

Read the comments under this tweet.

This is also how the femanons feel about you by the way.
A what?
I meant I don't believe anybody sane uses doritos to fucking cook.
Well, you imagine you do, at least.
I don't want to.
Bruh I'm already europoor
Gym then fap
"Yung Manic Depression" is crazy bro lmao
NAG but this is Deansgate in Manchester lmao, had a good night in Club Liv down the road from here with a lassie
Hormones are no joke
>I didn't get to talk to the girl I'm interested in on the bus today
Next time mate
Urumi from GTO?
Do women like veiny cocks?
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Damn, why are they like this.
Depends on the extent. Anorexics scare me, and they have an absurdly high rate of starving themselves to death, so I'd definitely prefer her being overweight to that.
>haven't seen a blonde girl have severe depression.
You haven't met my mother clearly
Don't listen to the demoralised kek, nothing stopping you doing fun stuff on evenings and days off, you just have to be proactive about it
I need my watermelon and blueberry ice g
>prison contractors almost always put in bids for school lunches
This. It's the same with the construction companies.
I like them too much.
Russians look hot until 50, then they turn into potatoes.
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>just get a job
When you make a low wage you still need to be conscientious of food prices lol
If I liked her and the kids, yes desu
Your co-workers are dickheads then
Yeah my day was fine desu, pretty chill. Just got back from the pub catching up with a geeza
Do anime films count
I want to be exclusive with my wife, and to build a life with her alone. I find the idea of remarrying repulsive. My wife isn't replaceable.

I don't look down on widows, and if a friend of mine died suddenly, I'd help his widow if she were struggling, but any sort of relationship is off the table.
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>Russians look hot until 50
their women age well but not that well
The color
Idk man it depends on the person and how severe. But probably overweight desu for me
It doesn't seem "gross" really but it does freak me out a bit
Mentalcel femcel thinking
>complimented a girl's jacket at work the other day and had a conversation about it
>she now starts small talk with me
Is it that easy? Was Drake & Josh right this whole time?
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New reaction images
>Michelle Obama pushed for actually healthy food
Doesn't work if kids wouldn't eat it.
I remember when the new and improved food came to my elementary school. The hamburger buns turned into chalk after just a few minutes of exposure to air.
Blonde one is a babe
Janny is still seeeeething
Man newfags won't even know h*m
the challenge is when she wants to escalate when you want to keep it professional , that's why engaging with women is a death knell in the workplace. If you do nothing , they'll feel rejected and then start imagining ways to get you out.
Not possible
I would call up the doctor's clinic and explain so they can at least make the nurses aware, maybe they can give you a longer appointment and use a numbing gel or some other precautions to make it a bit easier
And you can always rebook if you just don't feel up to it today
In clinic we had people all the time who had various phobias around blood taking and the HCAs/nurses were understanding
Yes, they count. As long as it’s a franchise and not a single tie in movie.
I guarantee I will fuck it up and ensure she doesn't want to escalate before anything that serious happens, don't worry. I'm autistic and introverted, I've just been pushing myself to give out compliments every day
I started drinking wine and vodka squash this morning kek
Just had some pints down pub
About time.
So much this!!!
Ignore everybody else and just pretend the doctor is a cute/handsome vampire, it becomes worth doing
I think anon was talking about the compliments thing
and I'm interested too. I don't think I've ever been told that that is a key part of a conversation with a woman...
Abortions shouldn't be illegal or cost
Honestly cute face is enough for me. Body is whatever and tits are just a bonus
exceptions mean nothing
Should I just say I have a girlfriend?

So I'm just a religious man but I've undergone a glow up , so now I'm getting shit tested more or a woman gets frustrated if I'm not making a move or downright pissed or mark me as beta. Is it easier to just say I have a girlfriend? Or hint that I am religious and lead with it , normally I don't cause I know how pissy religion makes liberal women especially.
I remember vividly that Drake & Josh had an episode where Drake's mom is teaching Josh how to get women and she says something I've never once heard anybody else say ever:
Just give her a genuine compliment and leave it at that
In the show it had immediate results which is obviously unrealistic but if it's a girl you see semi regularly it could work!
Granted this is based on just one experience but it feels promising

If anybody is curious I compliment guys too with similar results
I at least didn't have a problem with it so far.

I thought somebody was using doritos as breading for shrimps...

I have only ever been to LA in the USA, but it sounds like an unhealthy mindset.
GIRLS always seem to "lower" themselves around me , its so weird

If I got an 91 , girl says "oh I got a 90" , I share something personal , girl shares something embarassing about herself
I could have sworn this lady was in the military.
jfc I wish I had been told something like that 25 years ago. I'm brutish and autistic and never got the fucking message. people will tell you "do this, that, think of it this and that way" and sometimes will include the compliments part, but I don't think ever had someone tell it as clear as simple as you did.
I've always wondered if guys were telling women they are beautiful and shit, yet I always read people saying that you should NOT do that, because that scares girls away
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No, you shouldn't lie. Why would you want to push away all women except homewreckers, while also giving off the impression that you're open to cheating?

If you're having trouble setting up first dates, then it's best to simply take more initiative in a way that suits your morals.
If you're having trouble turning dates into a relationship, then you should explain fairly early on that you're religious and want to take things slow/don't believe in sex outside of marriage. Give them a reason for your actions. That way, they won't fill in the gaps with paranoid speculation, and you can find out whether they share your values.

>normally I don't cause I know how pissy religion makes liberal women
Why is this a bad thing? If someone clearly won't get along with you, it does you no harm to filter them out early on.
No. Wax it for me or go be a pedo to other women.
Im not religious, I'm quite the atheist actually, but i like to hear people talk about what they perceive their religion says. I studied it, A LOT, kinda how i kinda just fell into an atheist. For some reason just because im an atheist some people really think i know nothing about the unknown god. Hell im still looking for a god that excuses fucked up behavior in women the way the el shaddai does men.
>Wax it for me
nta but id do that gladly
Don't just say they're beautiful, also you do have to be genuine about it but if you like her that should be easy
But you gotta find something specific. You really like her hair (esp effective if she just changed it), you like her shoes, bag, some accessory etc
Personally I think accessories are the best way because they're easier to express yourself with. Like I complimented a sticker on a guy's tablet cover and he got really excited about it
Just think about what little details about you and your stuff that you really like and use the same idea on others
Just please be genuine with it, fake comments are bad and cringe for both parties
Femanons would you get mad at your bf/husband for acknowledging that another girl is pretty?
I've shaved my own balls, I can shave a vulva.
No, only wax
I'm considering having a casual threesome just to finally get some dick after years without it. That's clearly wanting it too much.
Why a threesome?
Fuck no, we can both think someone's pretty.
Femanons do you have a hairy minge?
I could give it a try, but I can't guarantee good results.
Because I need another woman to set it up for me.
Never heard that one before.
>Why is this a bad thing?

for when I just want to be friends with people and get along with them. But they feel because I'm not making a move that I'm rejecting them.
With your ex?
okay but most girls are way more basic then this and have reactionary scripted responses to this stuff.
Get a man to supply you

I will say this. There is this idea that American women are less attractive than European women and that European women are just in general prettier. But this isnt REALLY true, the truth is that European women are just thin and dainty while American women tend to be fat.

Even if a woman has a solid 5/10 face (I mean average, not ugly) and just has a skinny and feminine body, she will look 1000 times better than if she was chunky. Fat will always make you look uglier no matter what.
How should one take a girl mocking you in front of their friends? Ladies especially whats going through your head for this.
Oh, that's safer. I thought you were leaping into fucking two guys at the same time.
I hope she squirts like that one video of the girl getting her coochie tattooed
So like, two guys and a girl?
You know you can just go on grinder and its ALL there. Just go there, then you dont have to drag people who arent into that stuff into whatever it is you got going on.
Too lazy to find it, sorry. I just made food and it will get cold by the time I locate it.
Its true, you might be right on that. I actually tried to find out what was wrong with me once, i dont see folks doing stuff like that these days.
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>run into ex at social event who I havent seen in a little over a year
>its nice and we play catch up for a bit before she has to leave with friends for plans
>we kiss each other on the cheek and she gives me a solid hug before leaving
>she text me the next day saying it was nice to see me
>we text back and forth for a little bit and she says we should get coffee or something next time Im in town
Can some girl decipher this for me? For context, I broke up with her, our relationship ended because we were constantly fighting, we dated for 2 years. After we broke up, like 5 months later we talked on the phone and hashed out all our bad blood, both apologizing to each other, and left on really good terms.

desu I tried to start dating again a few months back and I dont really like the dating scene at all. In the back of my head, I feel like I may have made a mistake in breaking up because despite all of her issues, I think she loved me really deeply.
I can't tell you she'll want to try again. I don't know what ya'lls actions were in the relationship.
I cast enlarge hole
I just need a woman light enough to pick up and fuck
Practice by carrying those big ass bags of rice
I'm a fucking autist and have been given compliments like that many times, and every time I just ignored them because they were not about me but things that I used because, well, I had to use something (clothes, deodorand, even my hair). I never got those compliments as something that someone liked about ME (because insecurities as well, I guess)
the thing is that I applied this same logic to other people, I always assumed they didn't care about compliments and therefore they were useless. but people would tell me to compliment women and other things, and because of those "other things" I never got the relevance of complimenting women or people in general. now I get it... I hope I'll be able to remember this next time I see a girl I like.
*I look at the top card of my deck*
*It's a monster card*
*I summon it to the feild in attack mode*
What about carrying weights
>>we text back and forth for a little bit and she says we should get coffee or something next time Im in town
Are you illiterate?
Im serious, I dont know what to think about this because Im too invested in it. I need an objective third party to interpret it.
>I need an objective third party to interpret it.
well, I'm not that

btw, what I still don't get it the actual significance of complimenting accessories and stuff. I guess it's a psychological thing, some kind of signaling or something?
anyway... whatever, I'll try it, and I'll try being genuine about it.
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Is that so?
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Yes <3
Women have you ever felt like you missed out on having sex?
Nigga, I’m 27. Ask me again when I’m 41 and divorced
>Is it easier to just say I have a girlfriend?
In my experience it's easier to say you have a bf lmao
If you say you have a gf, there are some women who take that as a challenge to try and rizz you anyway
Not really, i dont see sex like that, Like something you could "miss". Its more like, if i get it great, but its not like i was expecting it or anything.
>about to have sexy time with the bf
>suddenly a knock at the door
>you have to evacuate
>sexy time stopped and not restarted
never anything like that?
Widows are fine but raising another's man kid is beyond cucked.
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State gender and pick.
Hotel California
I am catching feelings again. How I don't end up falling in love?

She keep coming back and calling me handsome, someone blackpill me so I can ghost her. She deserve a better future than one with me
I understand why they don’t but I wish women wore heels more
No. I missed out on the cool future we could have had because I can't kill stupid people.
California Dreamin' is a classic
please explain
Women, how often do you think about sex during the day
Not really. Unless you count the time during the pandemic I couldn't be with my bf
I hope all of you carry guns, especially women. It’s a dangerous world out there
I'm pretty much always thinking about sex. But I think about a lot of things constantly. Sex is a very frequent thought.
Am I friendzoned here or is she just trying to get me out of the house
If I die, then I die.
What if you get violated before
My gayness causes me to NOT be interested in men.
If it happens, it'll be with her, yes.
No, FFM. If anything, I'm the one least into the idea.
Also she asked me what my fave movie is, should I say something normal and not some weird weeb shit
She's asking you to come along. She likes you enough to invite you.
What's the weeb shit you're talking about?
This is definitely one of the less weird whatsapp convos I have seen on 4chan.

Drop that shitty mindset.

Say your favourite movie.
Don't build a relationship (romantic or otherwise) on lies.
eshh, I like all of those are good.
>Say your favourite movie
My favourite movie is a hentai OVA turned into a regular film kek
Anyway I just said a few others
>one of the less weird whatsapp convos
I'll take that as a compliment
Least insane femcel.
I dont think so, a lot of alleged gay women are NOT gay, just bi. I think you might be one of those. Yeah grinder will still satiate what you are trying to do, grinder is for pee pee in hole people. It'll work for you.
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An actually really hard choice.
And you didn't even add Roy Orbison's California Blue, which is my mom's favourite song.
I think I'd take Hotel California out of those four.

>My favourite movie is a hentai OVA
How the fuck can this be the case?
No, actually, seriously?

>I'll take that as a compliment
Don't you dare fuck this up and bite my tongue.
Also, should I get more to drink?
Yeah I guess so, I'm prolly overthinking shit
Like im an Actual lesbian. Never have, never will, kind of lesbian. That gold star people hate so much lesbian.
Both genders
Would you let a dozen men bust in your mouth for $10,000. Assume they’re all clean and you’re blindfolded
lesbian really adamant on how lesbian they are is such stupid women seeking attention behavior.
you're not special because no men wanted to fuck you so you resorted to preying on other women, shut the fuck up
>bust in your mouth
I'd take creampies though
>How the fuck can this be the case?
Because it's a banger https://youtu.be/9KLLQr_4ips?si=0-f-e5yKtsfwd-uV
NTA but fuck off.
She's blessed if she's never fucked your kin.
F. I'd rather die.
Ok but they all fuck you for 5 minutes each and are very rough while doing it
I would take that as in insult if it were true. You should get ALL the men to leave real lesbians alone. You would be doing the world a real favor.
>should I get more to drink?
Not if you keep insulting my anime
For $10,000 yes lmao
Hotel California by the Gypsy Kings

Sounds perfect actually.
Again, how can this be the case?
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>Not if you keep insulting my anime
I'm not insulting the anime, but your choice as...
At this point, maybe. If they all bust simultaneously then I might be able to endure but if they are going up one at a time I’d rather kill myself
>tfw your name means “[god’s] beloved gift” and you’re anything but loved
He's right. This is ask the other gender anything, not "ask a lesbian". She came here specifically to tell men, who don't care, that she's a lesbian and will never fuck men. That's deranged.
Stop doxxing yourself.
john you fucking retard you should have done your homework
women or men, how do two women fuck anyway if they have no sex toys? How do they run clitorises?
You’re retarded. No one can figure out my name on here.
Just watch some lesbian porn bro
Nah she's allowed to answer. This is ask the other gender anything, not ask a normie.
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Because I have good taste, next question
We usually just hold each other, touch each other, kiss, eat each other out, kiss more, finger each other, kiss more, etc.
In my own experience (which is limited, we were teenagers) lots of suckling on her tiddies and fingering her. I also grinded against her a lot. We didn't have toys though sadly.
I’m not gay
I'm a little scared of hugging girls back when they hug me, because I'm afraid I'll like it too much and they'll know. They're so much smaller than me and I don't want to squeeze too hard.
Femanons, how cute are babies?
Quite cute.
Ahh fuck you. They're cute.
My instagram feed is overfilled with all those cuties, but it’ll be great you fucks stop posting the same tired photo
I meant video, but you guys use the same over and over again.
stop caring
When women get creampied, do they want a lot of cum?
welcome to 4chan. people here post the same shit over and over, even for decades, for whatever reason
just squeeze them until they pop like lennie's pet rabbits. it's what they want
For both

Does your name have a cool meaning or story behind it?
Yeah, my first name has a meaning to it, middle name is after my uncle, last name is very unique
They call me The Impaler because I eat sushi by impaling it with my fork.
No. I want literally the smallest amount possible required to knock me up.
F, no. It's just my initials.
I did some serious archive digging earlier today to make an opinion on the femanons and some male anons. Anyone want my opinion on any?
My parents named me something meaning “white fire” because I have red hair and the palest skin at birth.
Sure, but I already know what it entails
>the smallest amount possible is a full cup at high pressure
Am I (M) still a virgin if I a woman couldnt make me cum during vaginal sex
You just deal with it. If you pass out, you pass out. Happens to me not infrequently. Tell the phlebotomist beforehand that you are likely to faint. You're not going to die from losing 10ml of blood.

>>she skips the lasagna, says come out to the car and get in
>>doesn't explain
>>I explain again about lasagna
>>says we're going somewhere it'll be fast
You're a whipped pussy. You don't get in the car until you know where you're going. When she tells you Target, you simply say, "No, the food will get cold. We can go after." You just let her do the stupidest shit and get mad? No, get mad at yourself for allowing it.
Too late now though. You can't bring it up or you'll just sound like even more of a pussy for being too scared to bring it up then.

Never, unless I'm like 50 and she's 35 with the kids already moved out. I'm certainly not raising another man's children

She wants sex, no it's not up to interpretation it's obvious

They want you to like it
Want to share these predictions?
I meant yall can tell me which ones you want to hear my opinion on.
It's a family name. I share it with a lot of relatives/ancestors.
also why does everyone keep acting like men not cumming easily is a bad thing
Yes lol give us the rundown
No, you can just share all of your opinions
>Too late now though. You can't bring it up.
I left off halfway because I wanted input. I got too angry, many words were said, and I broke up with her. 18 months.
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crazy how they got JH as a main character in Totally Spies season 7 not gonna lie, congrats on the role
>not a pear
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why are women always drawn as looking shiny in manga and stuff? is that what shaved legs look like to you guys? you see an uncovered shoulder and it glistens in your mind?
Sometimes. Shoulders more than legs
my legs to shine when I shave them
female skin diffuses light differently than a man's due to being thinner. also the fine hairs on your body are much much finer than ours and that also assists the appearance of looking radiant. male brain is hyperoptimized for seeking healthy female mate, this shouldn't shock you
Unironically yes, women are so pretty they shine
mine do too but that's cause i use conditioner to make the razor glide really easy so right afterwards they're a little slimy. but i don't wear that out of the house. though i do moisturize with oil sometimes.
I’m named after the guy my mom was married to. Not my father. She had the gall to cheat on him, then name me Anon’s Fake Dad Jr. The balls.
I've seen shiny boys in art designed to appeal to girls. I don't know why you're turning this into a gender thing.
It's pretty bad though. Maybe the first time she blames it on herself but then she'll blame you
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are you allowed to look this fine when going to a funeral?
What was your parent situation growing up? What was it that your parents did that made you end up here?
State biogender.
My 2 older brothers named me. My oldest named me something nice, and the middle one named me after a girl he liked lmao
...cause i haven't noticed it with men? i feel like you could have put that together pretty easily.
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This is you.
They separated once I was 10.
It wasn't my parents' situation that brought me here, my bf introduced me to this hellsite.
My first name is according to the myth one of Jesus' apostles.
My family name means "hill".
He's not fine, he has tattoos and he's in on Liams death
not realizing your choice in bf wasn't influenced by one of your parents putting their needs before their families ok
>For both
>Does your name have a cool meaning or story behind it?
Kind of
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i dont like the tattoos but his face card doesnt decline
I mean it's totally spies not totally pears
anyone who dresses that much for themselves at a funeral is a narcissist and probably a psycho.
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>you are out, at a café/shopping center/restaurant/pick whatever you prefer
>you are doing your thing there
>suddenly you notice your school crush/first love/ex walking towards you
>they say hallo
>this song comes on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SUwOgmvzK4

State sex.
How do you react?
I had a turbulent single mom but I think I would've ended up here regardless being neurodivergent and all
I'm an acrobatic cat? Or I'm making dat pussy wet? Or I'm a thirsty nigga?
>females never paid attention to me
>25 yo
>gets an autistic gf
>suddenly its showering woman from all sides hitting in me

What causes this? It's not like they want me to cheat cause most of them don't even know I have a gf cause not many people really knows it
>I'm an acrobatic cat? Or I'm making dat pussy wet? Or I'm a thirsty nigga?
Option six: You find something you like, even though it's nothing special, but only by how it is presented, and it leads to your demise.
How do I make my cum taste better?
>hitting in me
>What causes this?
Better boxing gloves on their end?
They see that you are with a severely disabled women and fear you are exploiting her. So they pursue you in hopes that you will move away from the disabled woman you are taking advantage of and match wits with a woman who is actually your equal.
Terrible. Raised to think my dad was my dad, he wasn’t. Stepdad and mom were violent drunks who at least argued every night, usually fought physically. They started drinking as soon as 7 AM. As long as I stayed out of their way, they didn’t care what I did.
>If you got raped, you deserved it and should kill yourself
Imagine actually thinking this way lmao, Jesus christ
Actually I had to wait a table for my highschool bf and her then-fiance >>32339306
>even though it's nothing special
You are allowed to have wrong opinions
>it leads to your demise
Worth it tho
>wonder what country she’s from?
I know but won't tell teehee
>genuinely feel bad for her
Why lol? She seems to be doing alright
>TD was not as fat as I was expecting her to be
B r u h
Anyway you know your stuff, gg
>Marta was a tranny
I highly doubt that, her voice was too feminine
Out of curiosity why do you dislike Neuro? She's always been one of my fave people here
>I wasn’t mentioned
Probably a good thing desu.
Women, are you very prone to cry?
First off you should be tasting it yourself so you know how your diet affects it
>Actually I had to wait a table for my highschool bf and her then-fiance
Somehow you quoted me twice.
Yes, but how do I make it taste better?
I used to be, not sure something weird happened and it's been difficult for me to start crying,
NTA. Fruit. Not much food high in salt or fats. Pineapple is good for affecting taste from my experience.
Will juice work?
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Here you go
>Women, are you very prone
What causes a woman to look at your cock this way?
Possibly. I never drink the juice straight. It should.
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I was talking with some Japanese guys about anime earlier at lunch today and I was sitting home after getting back from work and realized I think they thought I was talking about hentai when I referred to 'ecchi anime'

How fucked am I?
Yes, very much so. I think it is also hormonal because as a teenager I teared up much less quickly, despite generally being very sensitive, emotional and thin-skinned at the time. At 31 I can easily find five songs that at least make my eyes wet at one point or another. Don't even start on sentimental heavy-handed commercials for foundations that prevent hiv positive mothers from passing it to their kids and that kind of stuff.

That said, crying =/= being sad for me. Especially if it's stuff like movies that evokes it, the moment it stops it takes like 3 seconds to settle. It's honestly like laughter for me, it means I'm moved in that moment. Can be because I genuinely found it hilarious and always will, can be because I had a certain mood and it hit me just right and cracked me up for barely a reason.
Ohio actually. You don’t have to have thoughts on me.

They did. Ecchi is how they refer to straight hentai. I’m sorry.

I am rather drunk and please don't take advantage of me or my CC. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Women, how long can you ride dick before you get tired? Assuming you’re squat riding
Any/a combination of these:
>you are happier and/or more confident since getting a gf and it shows
>your interactions with women are now more relaxed and natural because there's nothing at stake, which means you are better company than when you were nervously thinking of how to hit on them
>women that are hoping for an ego boost or a fling will sometimes specifically target taken men; flirt with and tease a lonely single guy and you will get his head spinning, whereas most people in a relationship would be long glad if you leave them be afterwards
>you might just meet a lot more new women (in better settings) if getting into a relationship meant doing a lot more social stuff like going to concerts and parties, having lunch with her female friends etc
i need. i need a man. who will swallow the pills i give him. i want to make his dick permanently inconvenient to him and always dripping whenever i want it
Forgot this one but it's also not rare for a (new) gf to update her boyfriend's wardrobe, recommend a haircut or otherwise improve his general look. If this applies to you that could definitely factor in too.
I need this done to me
I volunteer, I am fully customizable. I am your irl Sims husbando.
Ok well at least I framed it in a way that I was talking about how "yeah you don't know what kind of anime fans you'll get in America and it used to be common to not want to share with other people you liked anime because of ecchi anime" but I was thinking shit like Highschool DxD moreso than Bible Black lmao
Definitely not going to last longer than a minute or so in this position. It's in general not my favorite because it tends to hit my cervix going in so deep, which sucks, and the angle feels less natural. I much prefer resting on my knees which I can easily do for 15+ minutes as long as the guy is fine with me alternating speed/motions to pace myself optimally.
sims obey al of my commands thoughtlessly without making me acknowledge how weird they are or complaining. agreeing to that seems like genuinely unwise.
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>your interactions with women are now more relaxed and natural because there's nothing at stake, which means you are better company than when you were nervously thinking of how to hit on them

Is that why I'm closer to my friend's wives and girlfriends than all of the single girls in our friend group?
What if he preggers you up and fattens you up and makes your whole body permanently inconvenient to you?
I know what I signed up for. Don’t worry about it. I will love you unconditionally
F, okayish I guess, my parents have always been together in an I guess not terrible marriage. They are just both pretty damaged people who were not always up for everything adult life entailed, also because of illness. No stuff like addiction or actual domestic violence, though.

I feel what mostly got me into wasting too much time on here is my older sister had a very serious eating disorder when I was just entering my teen years. My parents were very unsure of how to deal with it and ended up talking/checking in with her every single night in our living room, which she did not want me present for because she did not want to burden me with her adult problems and all that. So I was basically banned, and anxious from knowing how poorly my sister (that I loved very very much) was obviously doing, so I just started going online and chatting with anyone who wanted really. It was a discovery that there was a place I could be where I was no longer "me" and still existed as a thinking speaking person. It felt lonely and often depressing but also free in a way. I did not have a social life outside of school at the time and it felt like the one place where I could exist as someone outside of my family. It was that way for some years. Even though it is years ago now and my life looks very different, I am lucky enough to be in a relationship and have many close friends, the habit of liking to dip in and out this other universe always stayed, although it depends how often or strongly the urge hits.
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Also confusion
If they're Japanese they must know what ecchi is
>didn’t hear Marta’s voice
She got some pipes on her bro https://voca.ro/1c2a06L2Oy2B
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I think travel in general is gay and retarded and whenever I see women sperging about travel and outdoor activities they instantly go on my no list regardless of how attractive they are. Bitch the last thing I ever want to do is fucking travel and go rock climbing or whatever, literally fuck off retard.
Mom divorced Dad. Her 3rd divorce. 3 children. Dad killed himself. Struggled really bad in school. Very absent mother though. Called my grandma (on my dad's side) at 15 for some reason and next thing I knew they were packing up my room and I moved in with them. There was something about how quiet my grandpa got when he saw the dirt and mold on the walls of my bedroom. Threw more out than I kept in the end, most of the stuff there hadn't changed since I was in 3rd grade and I had long outgrown it.
Don't remember how I got dragged here. Feels natural here.
She's not disable she's just autistic and so am I but anyways they don't know about our relationship as I said just few close friend of us know about it since we don't hang much outside we enjoy ourselves at home
That explains a bit but don't explain the girls following me on Instagram out of the blue, just today one girl followed me and dm'd and i never seen her in my life
good energy from this post
>If they're Japanese
I am not, But I am JLPT 3.
That's a dumb stock chud opinion.
LOTR was basically outdoors and travelling: the movie. Travelling is cool.
I've always had this happen when dating lol it's really bizarre.
Ofc I'm just speculating but I think a lot of women have some subconscious thing where by seeing you with an attractive girl, they think you're attractive/must have something to offer
>I think travel in general is gay and retarded
I think that is one of the dumbest takes I have ever seen.
Genuinely sub 80 IQ.
I'm in my late 20s and all my friends are having kids.
I don't have a gf even though I want one but I don't use dating apps cause they're terrible.
What should I do to find a gf?
not before i drink a few gallons. but yeah, we'll get there.
M here, I hate the outdoors but I love air travel to and between big cities, and then spending time in Discos, malls, and cafes where I can get local hookah flavours and black tea with giant lumps of sugar.

Actually that is a bit wrong, outdoors-wise I can tolerate deserts and flat fields but jungles always make me pissy. Mountains are wonderful as a backdrop but walking up and down them is a bitch.
Boring answer I know but there is no real cheat or trick, if you really like someone and want to impress them shit's just harder, that only stands to reason and it is part of the fun. But those butterflies and goosebumps also mean losing your cool happens faster.

The very closest you can get is just socializing as much as you can with as many (preferably very different) people as you can, to embolden yourself that you can read a room, you know when to shut up and listen and you know when to fill a lull, you can recognize a nudge to talk about yourself or invite someone to share something... There will always be an element of improvisation, but with time and experience there will also be things you can fall back on and even stuff like wit gets better with practice. The higher your overall/normal level of confidence in your social abilities is, the easier it will be to also show some of that around a person who makes you nervous in all the best ways.
ask your friends that are married and having kids and have successful relationships that you would like to emulate instead of anonymous people on the internet with unknowingly ranged levels of dating experience

Your friends know you better than we do, what you've got going on, what you're lacking.

t. 31 and in the same boat, but things are going in the right trajectory imo
Get filtered then. This is a point I will never change on. I think camping is cool and I'd travel and go on an actual adventure, like backpacking around Europe and sleeping outside illegally and stuff, that sounds based. But I will never, ever, EVER entertain fucking instagram travel bitches. They're the low IQ dumb fucking retards.
I'm not really into women performing oral sex and never have been. I wish it wasn't a thing
Time to insert yourself further into your married friends' lives so you can tag along (as babysitter?) to barbecues, house parties etc where single women also show up. Maybe ask the friends you like most or trust best to give you a heads up if they know of such an event coming up.

Other than that, if you want to try online dating, I would just start with out of the box stuff where you just jump in. Speed dating, apps where you are forced to meet up fast instead of endless chatting, apps specifically to go to places with strangers so there will be an automatic meeting. Definitely don't write off new friends, especially women, because even if you are not interested in them personally (or they not in you), they will still expand your access to potential new women to meet in a natural setting.

If you are extroverted and social enough to just go up to a stranger and start a conversation, go to places (bars, slam poetry or comedy nights, whatever attracts the crowd you are looking for and is around where you live) and just go up to people. Again new friends can also be the way.
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>bro just let me stay ignorant of the world
I'm not even a woman and I think you are sub 3/10 with that take.
I hate this.
Mostly the historic places, yeah.
webm support 12 years ago was incredible
now we get this instead of av1? retarded
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I hate you more than I've hated any person in this world. A blowjob is something I've wanted ever since I was 11 and is the sexual act I want the most out of anything.

I literally remember being in middle school and thinking about the girls in choir sucking dick. When I was in eighth grade I tried to convince a girl in drama to give me a blowjob for my study notes in another class. A girl also asked for a piece of art I made in art class and I tried to trade her it for a blowjob. I've wanted a blowjob forever and I may never have one, but I guess that's life.

I'll be 35 in a few years and I'll probably still be blowjobless then. Getting my dick sucked is the unsolvable problem.
it's a miracle 4chan is still here. not like this place makes money
Not even Japan?
Um... is any femanon here interested in playing some PUBG with me?
>will try to barter for blowjobs from girls in school
>won't just buy a blowjob from a prostitute

I don't get it
You're not missing out.
no one is giving me any attention. that's sad, but also good.
you must've gotten some mid ass bjs
what the fuck is this lame old ass music lol
Go leafs go
I don't know where prostitutes are and escorts are like $5000. I'm filtered by not knowing how to find prostitutes.

I tried asking this general the other day but people just said I was retarded.
>I saw a scientific paper recently that said trannies and femboys are having a better time dating men now than women are.
Can you post the link, plox?
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state gender
state ethnicity

How far would you go with a black king/queen? openly date? just fuck? marry?
Has anyone here tried any of these?
i dont remember a single thing of my life from 2020 to 2022
My libido lies dormant until I am reminded of any sort of sex act, and then I have an unbearable need to get fucked. I need to stop coming here.
M white
Any, hottest girl I dated was a black queen
Wouldn't going virtually anywhere else still remind you of said sex acts?
All the way to marriage.

Whenever I see this question I'm reminded of the cute black girl I knew in high school. I hope she's happy and doing well these days.
JLPT 2 here. Impressive, anon. You made it a lot further than most others.
White, no, and it's the cringiest thing in the world to call them a king or a queen.
Also you belong in a gulag.
M. white. depends on the person is all, just like anyone else. if she had a matching sex drive, shared my connection with the ethereal and intangible, and liked taking big dick then anything might happen
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Moids, do you REALLY want a short gf?
No they bullied the tall girls in high school I don't want to date one
I want a 4'11" gf or a 5'0" gf or a 5'1" gf or a 5'2" gf or a 5'3" gf or a 5'4" gf or a 5'5" gf or a 5'6" gf or a 5'7" gf or a 5'8" gf or a 5'9" gf or a 5'10" gf or a 5'11" gf.

I hope I make myself clear.
not particularly
Women are precious is every shape and size and I could have lots of fun with a girl like her
I think black women are attractive, but I'm afraid of having mixed kids, because all the "halfricans" I know have a weird complex about their mixed status.
If she doesn't hate manlets, yes.
Like any other somewhat sane man, I couldn't care less about a woman's height, as long as she is not a sub 145cm midget.
I want a short girl who wishes she was tall or a tall girl who wishes she was short. I relate more easily to girls who think the grass is greener on the other side.
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ladies: do u think she wants to fuck? she sends a flame emoji every time, including when i asked the day she’s leaving
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You know that's every girl, right?
I'd also take a 6'0 gf or a 6'1 gf or a 6'2 gf or a 6'3 gf
Are you guys zoomies?
No, some girls are happy with their size. Probably average girls.
Average girls wish they were prettier.
shes 21 im 30… is that just how they talk?
Who cares if she has already planned to fuck, just plan on showing her a good time by being there and drinking wine with her, at your apartment while you watch movies or something.
Do Wine bars even exist?
I get that there are wine tasting places, but where the fuck do you think she was planning on drinking the wine?
At a dive bar?
Just rizz her up anon, almost no woman is just going to throw her pussy at you.
What is the femcel version of chudcels hating tattoos and piercings
You ever listen to a song and wish you were so fucking drugged out of your mind you could understand it on an entirely different level?

what about a 6'4" gf?
We have to be realistic.
Yeh, kind of. What do you have in common with someone nine years younger than you?
fucking ugly music
>What do you have in common with someone nine years younger than you?
But they literally live together.
I’d share drugs w her, I think she started getting more interest when i stopped trying to get w her and brought another girl over more often

i came out shirtless once recently and i noticed she was looking at my waistline

theres like 8 of us in the house for context but almost no one is social / comes out of their rooms
Are... are you guys streamers? :/
Hi, this is Apu Apujasta from "Build-A-Girlfriend" calling.

We are sorry to inform you that we are completely sold out of 4'11", 5'0", 5'1", 5'2", 5'3", 5'4", 5'5", 5'6", 5'7", 5'8", 5'9", 5'10", 5'11", 6'0", 6'1", 6'2", and 6'3" gf models.

I would like to inform you that we can possibly get you a 6'5" volleyball gf or a 4'9" "booster seat legal, but still legally a dwarf" gf and have her shipped to you in the next 2 to 2 more weeks. Which would you prefer?
Hello Apu Apujasta, can I have a 6'5" gf?
Does she come in red hair?
nah brah im just some attractive slighty socially inept depressed 30 year old living with a some what socially inept 21 year old who sends me flame emojis when i allude to hanging so im like are we banging? if youre a woman ill tell u more
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I'm sorry, you have been Banned For Life from using these services due to your previous attempts to assemble yourself a harem.
Canadians, is there a mail strike in your country?
Can I have both?
Men, how do you deal with losing your hair?
if you play videogames or watch anime you're a retarded ugly loser
not crazy drugs (believe me) but i understand your prejudice, there’s some even more fucked up shit i didnt mention
It’s analogous to Romeo in my culture. Which makes interacting with new people and older relatives annoying.
>And I’m Juliet, haha!
>Where’s Juliet?
>Have you found Juliet?
I have a lot of hair left but if I was losing too much I'd prefer to go 100% bald
I've had to change the hairstyle I've had since I was six.
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>coworker says she broke her leg
>I’m super worried, ask if she needs anything, how it happened
>this unfolds
Women can never be trusted (sarcastic)

I don’t mind if I lose mine. I want to look like a wretched freak.
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Based Akira poster
Drugged out of your mind is the ideal state of being for listening to my tracks https://voca.ro/13rsHOkqZmbX
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My hair is a big part of me
IDK what I'd do without it
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You agree?
I was awating something MGMT-like, but that fruity aero techno was ok too.
>broken link
Idk if trolling or OP is just Captain Haddock drunkposting

But yeah I am drunkposting.... :(
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>cucked by a chocolate chip cookie
Why are women like this?
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Dudes with the same balding pattern as me look badass in old age so I don’t really care

The Moon must be in Chud Phase.
>fruity aero techno
Here's some fruity aero techno https://voca.ro/1lyilY4xdqeg
Based, still do both of these songs in karaoke kek
Tfw no Homunculus gf
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You quoted me three times.

Here is a song that makes me cry because reminds me of my ex:
It was also one my favourite songs as a kid.
you start talking to a new girl and she asks you
>what are your greenflags and redflags
state gender
how do you answer this question? do you answer honestly, fake some shit or omit as much information as possible to put yourself as a good catch?
Chocolate chip cookie on a motorcycle no less. Absolutely brutal.
I let go like 8 years ago when I noticed a lot of shedding/thinning. I still shed insane amounts of hair but still norwood 1 idk wtf is going on
As honest as possible.
>you start talking to a new girl
why do women like tattoos
>green flags
I'm open to new things
I will push myself and persevere to the bitter end
I love animals and children
>Red Flags
I'm a super picky eater
Casual conversation: I share very little.
Hours-long conversation: I share as much as she feels comfortable sharing, because I'll be asking her the same questions.
I'm an incel because I want a girl who is a virgin. That's it, that's literally it, I'm an incel because no women over the age of 18 can live up to that simple standard.
What is your thread archetype?
Is the could've / could of battle lost?

I feel like people don't even not care about it anymore, and have devolved further into just not even being aware of it
excuses excuses
As in ourselves?
>she doesn't like Grimes or Chvrches music
What's the point?
Can you even call yourself an interesting woman at this point?
That's a greenflag it means she's not a sheep
Devil’s Advocate
The ugly, undesirable one.

Yeah I know, that's what makes it so hard.
I would probably just stop talking to her lol
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Does Cat Poster count
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>What is your thread archetype?
queen lover
Wannabe hero. I like to be nice but I fucking hate certain posters.
That's not sanitary, but I'll allow it because it's cute.
My friend got cheated on by the women who he proposed to and took each other's virginity
Virginity is NOT the standard for a loyal woman pal
annoying artisy
The questioner/spergy faggot
Where is soda?
Can somebody contact soda from redrum?

Chat, I just cleaned up a pile of maggots from "the pile".

Also, "the pile" is now gone.
I thought it was because of something else
I have a hunger
I will never be able to sleep at night knowing the girl I am being intimate with had some other dudes dick in her.
Where have you BEEN all day
Spastic autistic poetic.
Someone asked if I have a husband or kids today. Lol Lmao even
That's why you fuck other girls, so their eventual husbands also have to cope with it
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Speaking of sushi

Y'all SAW Keith Lee eat a PARASITE?

I wish I was so drugged up I could not post this anymore.

That means they think yer purdy.
Nah, you're The Unconscious Cheater.
>women dont want husband and kids today
If I wanted to cheat I wouldn’t do it on 4chan
While she's unconscious? I don't think that's cheating anymore...
Women make you better. They sharpen you, hone your edge, give you strength and power you can't achieve on your own. If you hate women, you are weak.
Lol RIP, what was tbe context?
I'm also always like b r u h when people ask that
all hail womanlover
Noo... really :O
But I do
Just in passing
I'd say for me that other strong men sharpen you, and women support you.
>tfw no gf with bioluminescent pussy lips
Where is impaler anyway
No, women are the whetstone
Yeah, you do it on discord. I saw the screenshot.
Post it.
My gf is a virgin
>Wearing a seatbelt is pointless because my friend wore one and still died in a crash
If a woman wants to cheat she'll get a tinder chad. Not some 4chan/discord neckbeards
Emotionally cheating though
Who do you talk to more often, your actual bf or your atoga bfs?
>My gf is a virgin
Why don't you guys have sex then
Women only ever make you weaker and pussywhipped because relationships and sex are about power dynamics. She can't own you physically so she wants what's in your head, which makes you a stupid sap. Hating women has actually led to the most gains and significant changes in my life to be honest
I'm confused. Is it womanlove or womanhate hours? Or anti-namefag autism hours?
idk wtf is going on I love sweet n sexy women tho
If you had to do one, would you rather suck a dick that’s uncomfortably thick or uncomfortably long?
Probably because tattoos initially gained popularity among sailors, soldiers, and criminals. Basically, they're seen as masculine.
State gender
Are you sad or lonely right now? Tell me about it.
I hate that I love you and love to hate you, but really, I don't know you
Oh yeah you want husband and kids? Name 5 wedding venues and 5 baby names
We're waiting for marriage.
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For me it is myex- but also that egirlimetondiscordyearsagohours.
Only a little. Ironically, I have plenty of people willing to talk to me for once, but I want something a little deeper than 'hi how's it going' 'not bad, hbu' 'not bad' 'cool'.
Sounds like cope to me.
I've been dealing with lonliness,cutting ties, heartbreak, drug induced hallucinations, betrayal, loss of faith, and more. But what bothers me is that I've changed so much, and I'm still here, years on years on end, on 4chan, without a girlfriend, and I have to put on this facade of being a normal human being everyday. I don't feel human a lot of the time. Things have been getting better though
Hopefully it's WLW hours
Let's be nice to women for a bit.
M, nah just tired and horny, so gonna fap and nap
Based Haibane Renmei poster <3
Wishing you all the best anon
cry to mommy about it for me why don't you?
I'm sorry to hear it, but glad things are looking up. What are some ways they're getting better for you?
I hope it is JH appreciation-horny-posting-but-cumming-inside-her-U N P R O T E C T E D hours too!
>for me
Very revealing phrasing, anon.
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was literally just pizza
>wake up with bf by me
>he goes to work
>doomscroll and cry and rot in bed for 8 hours
>he comes back
>take walk together
>go to the grocery store together
>come home and make food together
>shower together
>get ready for bed together
>snuggle/fuck then watch anime
>sleep together
this works for now but what if he turns abusive?
He will get tired of your crying and rotting. I give it five months.
>sad or lonely
>doomscroll and cry and rot in bed for 8 hours
Why do you do this part?
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Thank you. Haibane Renmei is my favorite anime. I think I went from Rakka to Rekki
I'm going home for the first time in a year, I'm moving, I've been going out more, dressing better, good shape. Addressing some issues, and moving on. I feel as though, I'm becoming the man I always was supposed to be, for better and worse, I'm more wordly, which is what I wanted as a sperg kid and neet teenager
Because I'm a retard
>doomscroll and cry and rot in bed for 8 hours
Uh are you able to get any help for your depression?
>what if he turns abusive
Is this a genuine fear? Has he shown any signs?
It would be good to try and get some independence. Maybe a part-time job at least if you can manage it and save some money
Oh, okay. Well, work on that.
I'm not sad for once but I am lonely I just need somebody to hold me (him)
>doomscroll and cry and rot in bed for 8 hours
It's nice that you two have a passionate relationship, but you're still an individual.
Wanna talk about it? You won't go unheard. At least one (you), I promise.

That's all really great, anon! I wish I could do even half of that. In a lot of ways, we never stop growing up, you know?

And who is (him)?
Intense wild sexual activities happened right below that. You cut it off.
I love women
>And who is (him)?
State gender and age

Describe your crush or the object of your affection
yeah I sent him nudes and nudes and more nudes and nudes and did I say I sent him nudes
beach, rural farmhouse, luxury resort, cathedral, luxury cruise
maggie, murphy, dane, bryan, charlie
M, 27.
My girlfriend, very thoughtful and kind, damaged but resilient, good sense of humour, doesn't take any shit.
>That's all really great, anon! I wish I could do even half of that. In a lot of ways, we never stop growing up, you know?
I suppose we don't. I foresee a lot of change in the future too. I'll try to make it right
White women, do you get jealous when you hear a man prefers darker women?
>doesn't take any shit
From you?
Question gets asked all the time but,
What’s your favorite sex position? If you’re a virgin or relatively inexperienced, what do you think would be your favorite?

>are you able to get any help for your depression?
It won't work
>Has he shown any signs?
No but I won't be surprised if he does, he will probably start resenting me for my lifestyle sooner or later
From anyone. I love it. She forces me to be sharp and makes me better.
M 30
She's a honey-flavored teddy graham. I love her a lot.
Missionary leg locked. To be honest unless I'm really in there it takes me a long time to finish
I wish lesbian porn wasn't just straight women following a script
audibly made me go “aww”
Answer the >>32339707
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Your mom's ass
>It won't work
): that's just the depression telling you that
>will probably start resenting me for my lifestyle sooner or later
Well if he loves you then he shouldn't resent you for struggling
I mean are you able to get any kind of job?
More important question is would a 6'4 girl have a me bf?
They can't be too straight if they're licking pussy and rubbing cunts, but also like... that's literally all porn, Anon.
None of them are real, except the real ones.
oh bf 100%
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Remember guys: She isn't yours, it's just your turn.
Hell yeah anon. I'm gonna keep working on myself too. We'll get there.

>or the object of your affection
Women aren't objects
sigh. when will you understand sarcasm
Is this what the kids call negging now?
>Women aren't objects
They can be in a sentence
>I mean are you able to get any kind of job?
I'm hardly able to make a dinner
Wow, so this is the male mindset. No, women are still not objects even when they're convicted and imprisoned.
>She isn't yours, it's just your turn.
I generally agree with this principle, but you posted a retarted example.
don’t waste ur energy trying to convince 4channers that women aren’t objects
fucking sexist men are a diamond dozen
Prone so we can watch tv together, she can rest her head on my arm wrapped around her throat
its over...
Well they have serial numbers, so I just assumed, I'm sorry
No? Negging is negative complimenting, like "you would look so much better with X variable changed"
Do you people really not get jokes
Women are verbs because I *do* them
>t. Chad
>you would be so much better if you just were not like yourself
2 out of 3 got it.
Yes, that is what negging is. I'm not sure how you got that from how I described my girlfriend, though. Neither of us do that to each other. Quite the opposite actually.
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Red head
>a little manipulative
What are you working on?
I wish all women under 5’8 a very happy being used as a fucktoy
Eating a lot better. I like chowing down on rice and veggies, but I did have Taco Bell last week or so. I've gotta stop eating that kind of slop.

You're silly.
I'm almost 26
Never been in love
Never kissed a woman
Never had sex with a woman
Never even held hands with a woman
I feel like I'm unlovable and that I'll fade away like sand in the desert
Why do you feel that is? Both your reasons and your conclusion.
What if the guy is also under 5'8"?
a very lollipop and propeller hat
Probably still my ex, despite being incredibly avoidant and completely mentally ill.
This level of incel-jealousy is insane.
Neck yourself asap.
women say they want male friends, but then they stop talking to you when you don't act like a swirling gnat on a piece of rotten flesh.
>That gold star people hate so much lesbian.
Why do people hate gold stars in particular?
would rather your parter regularly woke up at 3am, or 5am?
): well hopefully your bf is the caring type, if he has let you live like this for a while now. Is he concerned about you at all?
>a very lollipop
Say what?
3 AM so I can take a piss and then go back to sleep.
>Why do you feel that is?
Because if I was lovable a woman would have at least have been interested enough in me to talk to me

I've never even spoken to a woman outside of a business setting or family

Even if I did ask a woman out and she said yes, I would have no idea what to do
Where would I take her?
Do we eat at a restaurant, watch a movie, do an activity, I wouldn't know because I've never been on a date
And any woman going on a date with a man my age would see that I have 0 experience and that would just be disappointed in it

It's over
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The one that got away is a genuinely great pop song.
Hot and cold is fun.
Fireworks is ok?
Never even heard any of the others.
Oh ok. What did you tell him about the guys you met here?
5am, unless she works a super early shift or something why tf she getting up at 3am? I'm a night owl so we'd have less time to spend together. I could push my sleep schedule to get up at like 6 but fuck earlier than that lol
sorry I mean I wish them a very happy lollipop
Women, you have to choose
Either your bf's dick grows by 1 inch, or shrinks by 1 inch
>swirling gnat on a piece of rotten flesh
Huh, I guess Gnats and Fruitflies aren't the same thing.
Katy Perry's songs are a bit rubbish not gonna lie but she is well fit and seems like a sweet person
that a lot of them are fucking weird
Yes, but what about you makes you unlovable, do you think?
I believe off-the-bat that there are women out there that would be quite interested in a guy like you, actually.
Listen to "I Kissed a Girl"
Most of us don't fuck at all?
Turbovirgin, idk they'd probably be good in diff contexts but missionary seems most intimate
Unintentional quote.

Yeah I liked that when I was a student. lol

I really only have heard like 4 or 5, so I can't even say anything about it.
This is the same vain and it's also a great song:

I don't want to go to bed.
>"I Kissed a Girl"
Nta but I remember when this song came on the radio when I was a child and my mum started ranting about how Satan was trying to turn people into lesbian whores
You told him you added them personally and that they’re fuckung weird… ok
Stop playing at being a psychiatrist, it’s cringe as fuck
>Yes, but what about you makes you unlovable, do you think?
Maybe I just don't feel worthy of love
Maybe I just feel ugly and no woman would possibly want to date me
Maybe it's because I'm as old as I am and that because I have no experience that means any date I have with a girl would just go nowhere
>I believe off-the-bat that there are women out there that would be quite interested in a guy like you, actually.
Why would you think that?
I wish I could sing this together with my ex...
Holy shit, I miss her abusive ass so much some nights. :(

>when I was a child
Age difference hits crazy.
I just had entered university.
Sadly I'm not 14 anymore, trying to help others feel less sad > not being cringe.
Go to hell.
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Need P!NK gf.
>Satan was trying to turn people into lesbian whores
Silly mom
That only happens in ATOGA and her name is Frozenanon and discordchan
Nta but I would let this woman do anything to me
Didn't one of them get JH?
That's it! I'm getting limb lengthening surgery now.
Holy shit guys I just found out today is Joe Biden’s 82nd birthday
I'm addicted to temaki.
LOL I forgot that existed
happy birthday papa joe
I found her so pretty in Don't let me get me and Just like a pill was just a great pop song, but then she apparently had a dozen songs that were much bigger than that??

She'd probably peg you with a dragon dildo and laugh at you.
That's the joke
>Are you sad or lonely right now?
Nope :^]
1 person tell me what 2 draw so I feel motivated to get up and get my laptop
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOE BIDEN and anyone else celebrating November 20th too, I guess.
>peg you with a dragon dildo and laugh at you
I'm down to clown
State gender and age

Have you ever taken someones virginity? Do you want to?
I humbly beseech you for a crazy anime girl with some blood on her.
No. Maybe.
Man, tonight I really wish I could turn back, turn back the hands in time to 2001.

That a boy!
Draw mordecai and rigby posting on atoga
I get they are not practical/comfortable but tall women in heels are queens
No, I want a MILF to take mine
I understand how you feel, but it seems to me like you're deriving your personal self-worth from your relationships or lack thereof.
>Why would you think that?
Many women, I feel, would quite like to be able to give meaningful input on what to do on dates, and be glad that you aren't coming with too much baggage like that.
Tell me, have there been opportunities you've missed recently? Like, within the past year?

That's good. Hold onto that. I'm happy for you, anon.

M 30
I haven't, but I wouldn't mind at all.

To stop 9/11, right?
>To stop 9/11, right?
Nah, I'm not Amerifat.
Minus the Satan part, she was kind of right. Back then I thought once gay marriage was legalized, the lgbt movement would fade into the history books, and heteronormativity would exist until the end of time.
I miss Katy Perry's short hair era
>happy birthday papa joe
Sniffs hair*
Draw me and you playing Tic-Tac-Toe
Tradwives making out
What if...
femanons had to prove their worth
Busty, short haired brunettes own my soul
They have vaginas.
Women are inherently worthy.
do men actually enjoy getting their back scratched up during sex
Fuck yes
in the field of battle? sounds reasonable.
I love that shit and want it to leave a mark
Fuck off Ohioanon

>you're deriving your personal self-worth from your relationships or lack thereof.
I mean, if you saw a cake at the store that no one touched, and another cake that everyone loves, why would you want the cake no one touched?
What's the point of this life if I have no one special to have family with?
>Tell me, have there been opportunities you've missed recently? Like, within the past year?
I told you
I don't talk to women at all outside of business or family
Not him, your radar sucks.
what kind of f should m be careful of?
what kind of m should f be careful of?
A man under 5’8 can dominate almost every woman under 5’8 fairly well
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I heart crazy girls
How about tickle fights instead?
Very good thank you.
This style is hard to find online, sadly.
Alma vibes
Yeah, but she won't be into it.
I think I'm good
Yeah, but I know one who completely forfeit all her worth.
I have pretty long nails by modern standards how hard do you want me to be scratching? I could probably make you bleed if you wanted
I know my worth, I don't have to prove it
f 27 yes, I love taking virginities. seriously it's so fucking hot to take a guys (or girls) virginity
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ok have an old drawing
I have said this several times, but I want you to scratch my back with your sexy nails an mark me.
not all women have functional wombs anon..
>, I love taking virginities
How many have you taken lol
What were the oldest and youngest
>f 27 yes, I love taking virginities. seriously it's so fucking hot to take a guys (or girls) virginity
what about m28 virgin
13 is the youngest, oldest idk mid 20s? maybe 4 or so?
>what kind of m should f be careful of?
Guys who do drugs
> Yeah, but she won't be into it.
Why would she have sex with someone she wasn’t into?
good thing i'm not ticklish
jk if you just stroke my sides ill probably have an aneurysm
woww. literally me
sure thing
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green aura with flies
>hello class, did (You) know humans are the only mammals to primarily walk on two legs?
>Ackshually, some humans are in wheelchairs and can't walk
stop making me so nostalgic, pls
men hypothetically (for scientific inquiry and NOT my personal gratification) if you just had sex with a girl you cared about and you maybe got a little too rough/mean in the middle of it and now you're laying there after the fact, what kind of things would you say to her to try to be nice?
Elite taste.
Definitionally, I think every cake still on the shelf hasn't been touched. Or rather, I think there are plenty of people who would like a cake that hasn't been handled by 20 people prior.
Okay, a bit silly, but really. You shouldn't feel lesser because of that.
>I don't talk to women at all outside of business or family
Okay, why not?
hm. is it 'good taste' to be someone?
I wish i could ask my ex that question
Yes, leaning into who you are and not trying to be someone you aren't is based.
I feel like you didn't have your heart in this one
>autistic enough to include an F for some reason

Marriage material
How would i know if it's too rough/mean?
Did she safeword?
how do i sign up for your services
Can't help it, doing it to myself.
But one more song and then I'm off to bed.

And now I will try to not cry because of ex.
Whether I am succesful for or not, I will go to bed afterwards.
Good night.
How did she react during and after the fact though
Femanon, how would you like to be let down?
RIP Femanon
>Okay, why not?
What would I talk to them about?
How would I even know if I'm talking to them right?
Even if we did hit it off, what then?
Do I ask for her number?
Then where would I take her?
What does someone do on a first date?
Where would I take her?
You see, 0 experience=0 knowledge on the subject
I'm sorry for hurting you. I can't be trusted. I have to leave forever. Goodbye.
>a little too rough/mean in the middle of it and now you're laying there after the fact, what kind of things would you say to her to try to be nice?
I would hold her close and tell her how good she is and that I'm proud that she was able to overcome it while kissing her forehead
come to the next atoga Meetup
the last guy just told me he fell for someone else but was nice about it. I appreciated the honesty
What's the gender ratio?
this is a weird pick up line but I'm into it
>13 is the youngest
Wait how old were you lmao
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You don't need to be a font of knowledge on dating. Nobody is when they start. You are allowed, even at 26, not to have all the answers.
>next atoga Meetup
Discordchan is that you?
God frowns every time you are voluntarily misled by women
Many such cases!

Women, please be careful what (You) wish for. Don't jeopardize a good thing.
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thank you for this one, genuinely such a fun piece LOL
>come to the next atoga Meetup
But at the same time
I'm almost 26, with 0 knowledge, and any woman would automatically assume that a guy my age would, so when I do fuck up, she's gonna be like
>wtf is wrong with this guy, why is he taking me here, or why isn't he doing this, or that
and then it'll just be a bad night for both of us
Is that where straight girls go to be recalibrated?
Nobody "got" me. I was often kissing a woman way before I ever visited ATOGA. I iust didn't realize why I liked it.
Why do girls put out so fast?
There are no women on the internet
well, JH is sweet, but very impressionable woman from lack of oxygen, so that's not on her.
That is how a got a full mithril set in runescape as a kid
i want to grind on a man's abs
Last one was in Tijuana. I’m open to suggestions.
We use you like a dildo.
never ever not ever
You are entirely too hard on yourself. You are creating a doomsday scenario in your head and it's hurting you, I feel. I feel you need to learn to value yourself, first.
Oh fuck you.
I'm afraid to admit I'm rough in sex precisely because I'm afraid I'll never have an second round so I make the most of it.
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Chat, have you seen Ice Spice after she lost weight?
>51% of women of college aged women report "desire for a relationship" as the primary reason for engaging "hookups"
Oh man this is awesome, you nailed it
Read this in their voices haha
nta but I knew that already
I wish this were true
Make it stop.
I read a comment that said she was better when she was built like 2006 Pinky.
I love you, girl. Please never stop being you.
glad you liked !!
>you need to learn to value yourself
Things only have value when they have value to someone
>You are creating a doomsday scenario in your head and it's hurting you
Always good to plan for the worst
>when she was built like 2006 Pinky.
From Doom 3?
NTA What was wrong with that one?
Still ugly as sin, ozempic can’t fix that.
She looking fine but what is sis wearing
Dem thighs
Incel hands
Munch my box.
They're making fun of me for liking breathplay.
Exquisite taste. Marry me.

>Underneath your clothes
Made me cry a few times when I was a teen, thanks.
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and for comparison...
>Things only have value when they have value to someone
*You* are somebody, anon.
>Always good to plan for the worst
More is lost by inaction than wrong action. Don't let fear keep you from trying.
>Munch my box.
Gimme a time and place, and I'll be there.
>They're making fun of me for liking breathplay
That actually does cause brain damage.
OH shit, I overlooked that part. Fuck me.
Look how they massacred my girl.
Jh was her first success
Right now, in Hell. You go first and I'll meet you there.
I know. But I don't have any brain damage from it because I'm not a dummy about it.
It was sort of subtle.
it's bulking season sweaty try again in 3-4 months
She really had a glow-up, good for her
The back-up dancer woman near the end of the clip is the real babe tho
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>bitch at my work talk shit about me AGAIN
How're you doing JH? Feel like showing off your stuffed animals?
>Right now, in Hell. You go first and I'll meet you there.
Aight, I'll be waiting, don't sin too much without me, bby.
No. Work was a pain, and then tonight I made flan but fucked up and my dad complained. Today sucked.
The fact that some white women date black men makes me extremely angry because I am white and have never had a girlfriend.
light her automobile on fire
would you date a white girl that (allegedly) talks black
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Date black babes then
Why does it feel like people were not as bitter back then? Is it just that we were still kids or did the world grow much colder?
Probably not.
Redpill me on what non binary is cause my boomer ass don't understand those terms, im into this girl who is nb / bissexual she doesn't mind me using female pronouns but she uses male pronouns talking about herself sometimes, what should I be aware of
No promises.
I've never dated a black guy
>did the world grow much colder?
Probably not the only reason, but fascists and generally conservatives rising in western countries makes our world a more unfriendly one.
Is she a snowbunny?
I'm sorry to hear it, really. :(
it means she's an attentionwhore special unique snowflake.
Why not?
How many races have you dated?
What's your favorite BLACKED scene?
She unironically probably has autism/adhd and has just been brainwashed by zoomer tiktok into thinking she's "nonbinary" because she also has boyish interests
If you like her though be respectful of her pronouns and all that nonsense and get to know her better
Are you happy? Why?
Unfortunately this is true. Twenty years ago men and women still had a soft spot for each other. Now its all gone and replaced by resentment and disgust. How sad.
being non binary is really flexible. the rules are really up to the person. but it's a bit faux pas to ask about it unless it's relevant. I sometimes feel nb but I think I'm just happy being a woman
Yeah. Today I had a realization that life has become fun again. I'm rediscovering my inner child and it feels nice.
No, I'm like clinically depressed, chronically emotionless and low energy. :^l
How'd you do that
No, but it's not too bad, just mild unhappiness. Life is good except for the fact that I'm lonely.
How did you do that? I need step by step instructions.
DC please
Lol, cradle robber.
Enbys have daddy issues though, so you're in luck.
I've never actually met a black guy. I don't really care about it that much. I've dated white and Asian people
Are you an Asian living in Asia?

She's def autistic, I already asked her what pronouns she likes she said she don't mind any but she does use male ones referring to herself and make male characters on video games
Not sure, I was watching my team play and it just struck me. Going out today felt good. I'm just excited for life, and all the change that's been happening. Ready for new experiences and being better me.
no. i just exist really. I do shit but i don't really derive happiness from it
Particularly the part just west of the Ural mountains
But most of Northern, Central, Eastern, and Southeastern would be neat to visit
Good for you.
no and no I'm white
No, I've been depressed since i was a kid.
Thank you. Are you being venomous?
At least he didn't hit me.
Then how's that possible?
They're everywhere.
this is a low iq uninformed take. western society has very obviously become LESS conservative over time, even compared to as recent as 10 years ago.
>I sometimes feel nb but I think I'm just happy being a woman
How is that different from being a tomboy?
No, not at all. I wish everyone could feel that way again.
What the fuck? Is that a common thing for you...?
It was kind of just a "huh" moment for me. I guess it comes from rediscovering what you enjoyed about childhood and for me, that was freedom and adventure, which I have now.
Nta but you are the problem.
Fascism is when gender wars?
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secret third option
Eh, I'm okay.
My work commute is awful, but I'm moving up at work (allegedly), and I'm not sure I'd find a better gig job-wise elsewhere. My old apartment is trying to steal more than a thousand dollars from me and they'll probably succeed. I'm addicted to my computer and not been getting enough sleep lately, and all of that has been causing my depression to come back a lot. I also don't have a lot of close friends.
But I've got a good social life and I'm enjoying myself outside of work. I get to dance with a lot of cute girls. Might ask one or two out soon, we'll see.
Man you are so stupid and part of the issue.
What do you want to do with your newfound sense of freedom and lust for adventure?
how exactly. you both sound like retards. "fascism" what a fucking joke lol
He's on the wrong side of history ;)
I don't live in America
Not over food, no.
I recently realized it's too late to find a good wife to have children with
I kind of assumed, eh...
No idea where outside of asia can there be both asians and white people but no black people.
women with male friends, how do i make male friends. men don't talk you guys simp and say cringe.
Grind, basically. Match my outer world with my inner and align them more. Which basically means working out more, joining a gym to do martial arts (looking at Muay Thai), travelling, learning new skills like cooking and playing my guitar and bass more, and pursuing an education. I got so caught up in trying to be stable and never taking risks that I became very miserable because I was just settling for a life I was taught to live, not what I actually want.
we're past the end of history. there is no future
Are you happy? Why?

If you want a scapegoat, then blame me and tell me how it's my fault that you're not happy.
be funny and be nice and tease and bully but make sure they know you’re joking
I wish they didn't re-use dialogue for different characters
Yes. It makes people narrow minded, judgmental, rigid, have superiority complexes from hell and do anything to put others down to look better in comparison. No love grows where it stands.
No. Why couldn't you have found me and made me a mother already?
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I'd be happier touching a woman's boobs
like sometimes I don't feel like a woman and I wish I was androgynous. a tomboy just likes male interests (which I don't) and is sometimes sport in appearance no?
Make friends, don't listen to people with "male friends"
if a girl has too many of those, she's just feigning ignorance and knows the men she keeps around are there because they want to fuck her.
Anything that restricts freedom kills connection, tenderness and love.
Unironically. Its too late now. It has been done.
I mean you just keep reiterating why you share the same mentality of the people who fucked things up for everybody and why we can't have nice things anymore.
But anyway, I am too tired and going to be now.
Right now, no.
I went on a musical nostalgia trip and then sent a letter about my ex how much I hate her.
Really hasn't been a good evening.
why are modern women so emotionless. They seem like autistic or sociopathic like their faces don't ever move like plastic surgery but they don't have any plastic surgery.
I'm sure the Byzantines, Romans, Macedonians, Medo-Persians, Babylonians, Akkadians, and Sumerians thought the same thing, but here we are.
Men, why did you do this to us?
How would trying to be stable do that? You mean not doing what you actually want but what you think was expected of you?
except now you can do whatever you want, say whatever you want, look however you want, et cetera ad infinitum, and we're more worse off socially and romantically than society has ever been
I'm sorry it happens under any circumstances.
>Are you happy?
I hate being myself so much.
I didn't do anything.
chad broke them lol
>Anything that restricts freedom kills connection, tenderness and love.
Would you consider Ho Chi Minh a fascist?
Pretty much. Working a job I hated because it was "secure". Staying in one place instead of roaming around. Not taking risks like going for an education. Sure, I have a car, had a decent job, an apartment, and a woman, and I was still miserable. I lost most of that and I'm happier than ever.
You know nothing.
I feel like I'm not doing anything with my life. I've got passive income from disability payments and I want to study some more next year but I don't know if I'm even capable of work so it's like what do I even do?
I just consider it part of the rent.
I am autistic actually
You have a bf too, don't you.
I have a gf but yes
because thats how women naturally are. all this smiley "Hiiiiiiiiii <3 :)" crap is fake virtue signaling. women just can't be arsed to keep up the facade anymore
Not in the literal sense but he was excessively restrictive and authoritarian, so yeah, in a way.
Autistic men be hanging themselves.
It was authentic at some point.
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>when you know women hate you because you're ugly, but you're just a chill guy.
>I mean you just keep reiterating why you share the same mentality of the people who fucked things up for everybody and why we can't have nice things anymore.
No, I'm an anarcho-syndicalist. I just think you're wrong that society is more conservative than it was 10 years ago.
Most gay people in the U.S. didn't even have marital rights 10 years ago.
That doesn't make it better. You don't deserve that.
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I have phases like this too where I feel motivated and hopeful but unfortunately I never actually do anything with it long enough to actually make any lasting changes towards the life i want. I hope it is different for you.
seems like cope. like I'm sad 24/7 i still laugh and smile, these foids ONLY pretend to laugh and ONLY pretend to smile.
Thank you. I believe that you can push through. Why do you feel like you fall back?
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women kissing…
be specific. what "things" were fucked up. What "nice things" can't we have anymore? it just seems like you want to blame people for no reason because you are a mindless simpleton who simply regurgitates crap you hear from social media
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Be careful not to let the board wind up like this. That's totally a skeleton, and you'll be liable for damages when they die of fright.
Based. Are those clouds?
yes steam
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>trying to talk to femanon like a normal person with human rights but her ENORMOUS tiddy preventing civil discourse
Too weak to not fall back into old habits.
It seems like my atoga homies are mad about everything women do/don't do.
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hehe boobies
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I need that bouncy thingy.
I love boobies
I don't view that as weakness. Those old habits are serving a purpose, right? For example, I smoked weed every single day for 10 years. And then one day, I decided enough was enough and I stopped. I think that you can change yourself if you replace your habits, not just cut them off. I started smoking cigarettes heavily, and now I've slowly cut down on them and replaced them with cooking dishes that I hadn't tried before.
Christmas is coming up soon. I'll mention something to Santa Claus ;)
yes actually
>you should smile more
>no, not like this
>you have to mean it
>wdym you have nothing to smile about?
>bitch i will give you something to cry about
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I wish this would work for me.
What dishes have you been cooking?
Dude, what the fuck? Get a taser or something
M or F
Why is it when I eat something I'm still hungry but if I don't eat for 2 hours after I feel stuffed
It's annoying
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>*puts you in jar*
There you go, enjoy that.
I actively tell women to smile LESS. fixing the patriarchy one step at a time. some girl is happy and cheerful at the grocery store? "STOP SMILING BITCH, YOU BAG GROCERIES!!!!"
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Thank you <3
They're 14% of the population. I see like 2 per day, max.
oh, so by met you mean like personally know, gotcha.
Sorry, anon. :(
I've been experimenting with butter chicken. I got it pretty down in my rotation now. When I'm done moving and settled in my new place I want to get way more into vegetables like salads and such. I do not eat nearly enough greens. I have no idea where I'd start but I'll look stuff up. What about you, do you do a lot of cooking?
just stop eating. If you feel hungry, wait 90 minutes and if it goes away, good you dont have to eat anything. if youre still hungry
Doing gods work anon.
That would make me puke from anxiety.
Kek, the 5th B is no smiling at men.
Lizard people watching us rn having a drink and a ciggie because whew.
State gender
You ever talk to anybody from atoga outside of atoga? Email or skype or discord or even irl? Was it good or bad?
I know but it's still annoying as fuck to feel hungry after you ate
Yeah, discord. Pretty good, considering we're dating now.
Wasn't there a Japanese girl that was accused of burglary or something, but the court determined her boobs were too big to fit through the window she allegedly used to gain access?
That sounds delicious and eating your veggies is always a good idea.
I do enjoy cooking but I am way too depressed to actually do it.
Good luck on your journey, I hope it all works out for you.
M, no.
The women think I'm too ugly to even reply to most of the time.
What is this meme fish.
Name plz
...I don't get it. Like, honestly. If you see someone without a smile, give them yours.
I was making girls smile years before I could get a kiss from one. Even now, as an older fuck, I can get women of all ages to smile and laugh. It's not hard. I'm just being pleasant. I've done this all over too. Not just in my area.

I don't understand how you're finding these emotionless women.
Discord. Some was good, some was bad.
I know a guy irl who post here
Wow that sounds interesting
I'm going to search "Japanese girl boobs" for more info
>I love boobies
I watched true Detective for the first time recently...
Whew, lad!
Thanks anon, you too.
I listened to this a lot when I felt at my absolute lowest 2 years ago, maybe it'll help take the edge off a bit.
What’s a sexy name you can call your woman in bed?
Yes, I made a friend in /atoga/ last year. We used Discord to watch movies and discuss books together. She should hurry up and read the important message that I sent her today.
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I could make the jar less anxiety inducing
I'm also a true crime enthusiast
Apple, cause I be 'cider. :^)
Is it anon :3?
Yeah I exchanged discords with a girl near me. I've seen her in person a few times since but she's dating someone now and pretty much stopped talking to me when she started dating him. Which is a bit of a shame because she was fun to talk to.
Yes a few
Mostly Discord a few irl.
Overwhelmingly positive in most cases. A few nutters.
Call her your slut
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Cum Goblin
Yes. Three on discord, one via email, zero regrets.
Girls pls confirm

Is any publicity better than no publicity? I had some girls be critical of me in earshot. But these girls were stacy tier or very close , way outside my normal league or expectations.

I'm trying to chalk it up as a win , the fact they even noticed my presence enough in the class to shit talk me. Even if I failed it meant for a brief moment, they were in fact curious if I was actually THAT GUY.

Or should I just take it as bully bitches for what they are?
if the boobs don't fit you must acquit
I use cum dump fairly often
Sometimes it takes a while for the body to feel full.
I'm literally always hungry so dieting is pretty effortless.
Did you fuck any?
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Ok yes, a bit better.
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I love this thing
found it lol
No, I just like making good friends.

> edelweiss
Women will shit on anything for bants as mean girls. It's just their personality.
Thank you.
wow, that's nice
ahh gotcha , mean girls archetype
yes. imagine never even being thought about by the opposite gender. completely ignored you're entire life. I don't even exist.
A few people, yeah. Very mixed bag. It's been anywhere from "traumatic" to "became my best friend."
I’m not black
I bet she could get through that if she tried hard enough.
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literally me wtf
Do women know they are lovable? They're like cupcakes dropped in sawdust.
>she's dating someone now and pretty much stopped talking to me when she started dating him
Many such cases. I kind of respect it though
>Do women know they are lovable?
That's why they're so queer
Most women nowadays are sawdust and moldy icing leftovers but still think they're cupcakes cause men like eating sawdust.
We know we are. We do not want to be, because being loved always ends with things being worse than they were before.
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Do you like em too
I gotta fix my anxious attachment. Anyone have experience with that?
Even for lesbians?
Men eat literal shit on the floor quite commonly. Almost as if they share the same braincell.
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God yes. The one you posted is my favorite now.
what do i do with my love for women? do i just friendzone them?
Erm, why not date one?
break yourself to become avoidant attachment
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how do i date someone without loving them?
>Men eat literal shit on the floor quite commonly
Ok, I get that men are inferior and what not. But literal shit? Where'd you hear that?
Set them free.
Kek, no thanks, I'm trying to move up, not laterally.
How does it show up for you?
Not buying it. They seem blissfully happy.
Sweaty and sticky Sex with femanon
Women, heart to heart, can we be fr?
Emphasis on seem.
what if i told you that if i spread my legs right now, my thighs would make an audible peeling noise like two pieces of bacon being separated.
guess not, nvm.
I'm chill.
Sure. Spit it out.
AI is a better help for this, thanks though.
What did it tell you? I need to know too.
Why is it when I eat pizza my erections are better?
Good thing i love bacon
Have some salt in there?
You enjoy being alive again for a little while.
Still going through it. Basically to let the emotions wash over you, kinda cringe, and to be more honest in expressing feelings.
Cholesterol / dietary fat makes men more virile
Maybe because it is what hormones are made from.
This is for my Safety!
Sounds like it does not really get to the core of the issue, just a temporary cope.
Me carrying a 10mm Glock 40 mos in my pocket pointing directly at my dick
It is what it is.
Why is it capitalized?
>tfw feel when you gotta let your gut compress a shit down before you take a dump cause you know you've been skimping on fibers.
now you're fused together, the chemical reaction between your unwashed penis and her foul crotch created a super strong adhesive
How do I deal with working with boomers?
I could really enjoy a slightly chubby sweaty needy gf lazily crawling over me to get some cuddles and soon after, some sexo

Right meow
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Fact: The men who love women most passionately abuse them the most.
same as anyone else. in my experience boomers mostly want someone to talk to. or talk at lol. ive become a good listener
Bonded togheter in sacred unity
The Spanish are indeed an odd bunch
Yeah I have, but in my defense they were all accidents, idk what had come over me and I am trying to work on it.
And it goes both ways, I've received lots of abuse from women, definitely more than I dished out.
I have been recently kind of interested in buttsexo

But im pretty big and idk if girl can handle it
can you do anything else? or is muh dick the only thing you've got going for you?
getting kind of sick of seeing these posts.
The ass is more elastic than the vagina.
i would go to a therapist and talk about my feelings if i had feelings
don't care, not your therapist.
As if cowtit femanons dont do the same thing
NTA but I am equally annoyed by the women who do that/encourage hornyposters
We actually enjoy that though
My tip is smaller than my shaft
>watching amateur vids of people banging or so
>They are enthusiastic into eachother
>The only thing women would be enthusiastic about towards me would be pressing block button on ig

Mine is like a cone, so my tip is 4.5 inches but the base of my shaft is 5 inches
My entire shaft is the same but then my tip is just small
You are the worst type of poster.
Alright, you fags can play with each other's dick all you want, I'm going to go vc with my bf.

Why are you people so boring.
I wish all femanons in this thread a very happy 2 hour sex session in which you orgasm uncontrollably thanks to a man you like pounding the shit out of you.
Maybe tbat would make them finally less bitchy
I just got off work and I’m tired. Give me a break woman
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Men, I made gnocchi with too much beef sauce. Am I still dateable?
I think people in general act out when their needs aren’t being met. Show me a woman who’s provided for, safe, intellectually stimulated, appreciated, sexually satisfied, stress free, and respected, I’ll show you a woman who’s probably a joy to be around
you have a bf though.

Also depends on how salty the sauce is.
No diddy but that looks good even with the extra meat.
>too much beef
I get hard off the idea of having a woman who likes me so much she makes me food. You could make me boiled rubber and I’d still date you
Just cook some extra pasta on the side

T. Would eat that and then plap you
Just replace him
I keep reopening this damn picture it's makin me so hungry.
This song makes me feel like a teenager again.
Nah, the pedos are worse.
>posted 1 month ago
You have to be 18 to post here.
Kek. Get an ugly girl.
Liking tall women is nice as a 5’7 man. So many women are taller than me
More women are taller than me than not.
>Casual heterosexism
Wouldn't it be more nice if they liked you back?
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Do "regular" women make you as horny as ig model tier beauties? men? does the horniness correlate directly with how close she looks to an ig thot or a beautiful actress/model?
The vibe does, not the actual song.
I don't fap to model tier women because I can't imagine myself fucking them
I don't have porn addiction, so no, but if you're asking me whether or not I find "average girls" attractive, then yeah.

Nothing is hotter than vibing with a girl that's attracted to you.
>Do "regular" women make you as horny as ig model tier beauties? men?
Yes, 100%
>does the horniness correlate directly with how close she looks to an ig thot or a beautiful actress/model?
>Just replace him
Woman moment
Appearance isn't high on the list of things that make me horny for someone.
Tall women do like me for whatever reason
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Ever had these before?
Vietnamese Mung Bean Cake.
Forgot to include women with strap ons
Gnocchi is good but using beef in your sauce makes you undateable, sorry.
Tbqh I'm not really into instagram thots. The fact that I know her IRL makes her easily 10x more attractive to me.
And even just appearance-wise for people I know, obviously I still want someone I find attractive, but I prefer a more normal attractiveness. I find the instagram appearance a little off-putting.
Made marinara sauce for my pasta, and I added some left over taco meat into it.
Shit's good.
No pics because I'm a fat fuck.
You should give it a try, it's like sweet sawdust.
Looks pretty tasty
If you figure out why please tell us!
A girl can look somewhat average but if she dresses in flattering clothes and has sexy body she will still make me very horny.

For example i had a major crushboner for one kinda ugly girl but she had amazing ass and legs.
Wore lazy sweatpants too, its just she had so much of a nice firm cake i kept staring at her
She also had very nice long natural hair

But that could be 2 fetishes that she filled in for me
Probably because I’m decently funny and don’t care about my height. I flirt with them and for whatever reason they’re receptive
Recently got back onto to a nightly Ascorbic Acid routine, and man, they make my face S-mooooooooth af.
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Going on a walk with my imaginary girlfriend because a real girlfriend will never exist.
I am your girlfriend now. (Real)
already cheating on me, I see...
Sorry I am simply a girl (real) who is your friend.
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No i dont deserve (You)
Why do (You) get to decide that? Don’t leave me babe…
Its better this way
Women, if you could make jizz any flavor, what would it be?
Vanilla raspberry.
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Jokes aside i like saying that i dont have anyone who likes me because im ugly, but anons are right its just my repulsive personality
I'm not like you, I'm actually ugly though, girls make fun of me when they walk past me on the streets.
I avoid morning and afternoon walks, cause that's when the ruthless schoolgirls start roaming the streets.
Vanilla bean
So I could jerk men off to bake with.
>things that have never happened outside of your head
I should say, I'm not face ugly, I'm also fat ugly.

Zoomers aren't about that body acceptance type things, not to mention that's mostly for other women, they're ruthless against unattractive men.

Ive had that happen recently in store.
A taller and shorter girl were walking past me, stopping their conversation as they got closer
The taller one stared at me, and the moment they were behind my back the shorter one has burst in laughter very loudly

Im going to make some pancakes because i cant sleep anyway
*Gives your pastries a good glaze*
That is what girls do if they were talking about some saucy tea.
They were just talking about what their bf did in bed last night.
Stop thinking everything revolves around you.
do women with mutt children regret their life choices?
The hotter she is the better
Ask your mom.
You have to put 4 dicks in you at once, where do you put them? They have to be in either your vagina, ass, or mouth
1338th for strong willed asian women.
Nah, I've had that thing where girls walk past you, and then laugh about you, but you're like coping and go "maybe they're not talking about me", so you turn around to sneak a peak and then you see them looking back at you, and then your eyes meet and they laugh again.
I'm white
No, why would they
Thats what you think.
Wouldn’t be able to fit the 4th
4 tiny pps for my mouth. Hope you can all scissor.
every mutt i've seen was ugly
This idiot knows nothing about women.
Is there any way I can increase my sex drive without prescription medication?
I know they're making fun of me, I also know they're not going to remember me 5 seconds after the encounter.
Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.
>and they stared at me, a glance that stabbed right through, past all my walls, piercing my soul. How…could this school girl, of all people…see through me like this? My self loathing, my rotten vestigial body laid bare by this mere child! …no, not a child…a woman, beyond her years, to see inside me and know me better than I know myself, confirming the truth that I long struggled against. I am ugly.
This is pretty much you, right?
Keep getting your feels hurt for no reason then. You seem to enjoy that.
almond milk
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Women, are you versed in true crime for the gender war?
How many b9mb recipies have you collected off here?
Butchered animals? Taxidermy?
Not really.
I actually don't have my feelings hurt a lot, because most of the time I manage to avoid mean women.
Which is why those incidents stand out so much, because it's the fact that they don't even try to hide the fact that they're mocking you.
Get your shit together. This is your body giving up on feeling like you should have kids.
Your soul is rotten
There is nothing scarier to a straight cis man than an educated woman.
I hate women.
I would have no problem making a body disappear without it being traceable back to me ever.
I'd like to visit England, Italy, and Greece to see some of the historic sites. Other than that, not really. I definitely don't ever want to go to France or Germany.
I'm not going to have kids
Exactly. So why would your body waste energy keeping your sex drive up? Do you not know basic laws of energy preservation?
I've read 800 chapters of Detective Conan, and about half of my friends have junji ito tattoos. I've spatch cocked a 40lb turkey. And I leave clean bones when I eat traditional wings.
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>mixed people are ug-
junji ito tats are honestly such a red flag.
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I don't think your advice is good....
Man, I really wish my sexuality wasn't so fucked up.
looks like a gypsy
Assume it’s just the tip and you have to try
Good taste.
She's mid at best, and also dumb.
I don’t if that is true. Or maybe men will become scared when I’m done with my education
Its not very sustainable though
Mouth then. I’ll try to hamster it
I'll force you to cum more >_<
she became royalty though. how is she dumb?
>yfw the vanilla bean goes extinct but this one secret...
Tfw no gf with cum fetish that feeds me semen fluid supplements, takes care of my hydration and milks me dry every evening using varying tools and methods
If it wasn't for the blacks, muslims and gypsies, I might entertain the idea... maybe. But otherwise no.
She managed to attract an inbred beta male and then ruin his life. She's actually not even royalty anymore because she's so dumb.
Absolute minx
I love your dedication to baking pastries
I eat onions daily. Probably a gratuitous amount of onions desu. Sometimes when I rub my pussy and then sniff my finger, it smells kind of oniony. How much of a turn off is this? Personally I like the smell but I guess other people don't.
i love men
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State gender

Do you post on /soc/ atoga?
I used to, but there's no point now. It's just this thread, but way slower, and occasionally someone posts 2d porn.
You mean Exhibanon’s clubhouse? No thanks.
great job! now 25 more letters
That doesn't sound optimal but I could work with it.
You sure its not the fingers having smell.of onions you were preparing before?

Is it a turnoff?
I guess id use other spices and make you my pringles can
Not anymore because the guys who post there are very toxic and annoying. This thread is a lot nicer.
She's fucking ugly dude
M, no
and I think anyone that does is an annoying cunt.
I do sometimes but its slow
Posted my bulge recentlh and got made fun of for a week so thats not nice
You're alright too, anon.
Only reason that thread was made was so atoga girls could post their nudes
It's useless now
I see what you mean.
Horrible and she thinks she's hot shit. Hard pass. Would rather bang black women with wide hips.
thank you
Nam, but something about her mole placement makes me think her face is deformed.
I love when girls chipmunk
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They can be you just posted a bad example.
Even after what happened earlier this month?
Too slow
>Exhibanon’s clubhouse

I bet that's a gay dude or tranny.
He is the only one who posts there.
>tfw no Druzhina gf
and by post, he means his dick.
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This is me if you even care
Hi handsome.
Yeah, you caught me, it's actually me, fat and balding.
I just wanted the guys to feel loved.
>meghan markle
unreal delusion here. touch grass, have sex, etc.
Women into men,
You’re tied to the bed with your legs up and a dozen men take turns fucking you from 10 in the morning to 10 at night, as soon as one cums the next one enters and by the time they’ve all gone the first guy will be ready again. This process repeats for the full 12 hours except for 4 bathroom/water breaks and an hour lunch break where they all eat food and watch tv in the room with you. They’re respectful but a bit rough and only use your vagina.

Nobody loves men, you probably just have a crush on Chad right now.
Even in full makeup she's mid at best.
Next Thread
I would bang her brains out but i wouldnt post her as an example of peak mixed beauty
men make me feel warm inside
that is what i call my left tit and right tit respecively
Trump won so I'm just going for Trump hair
Please let me believe some women like us :(
They say left is usually bigger

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