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>outgoing social and good at sports
>puberty hits
>shortest in my entire grade
>ugliest in my entire school
>start getting bullied and become a shut-in incel
This is an incredibly common topic here. So much so in fact there are several active threads right now just like this one.
Good non answer, faggot. At least link a few of the threads if you’re gonna be a pissy bitch.
No one in society gives a shit about you. If I saw you on the side of the street I wouldn't even think twice of you. You don't pay my bills, you don't clothe me, you don't feed me, why should I give a shit about you? There's tons of ugly people I get a quick chuckle at and move on with my day.

Anon no one actually cares about you being ugly so maybe it's time you stop caring about it as well. The sooner, the better. Nothing is more ugly than an ugly person bitching about themself being ugly.

Get over it faggot.
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I cope by being a sex tourist in the Philippines. I fucked almost an entire family in the Philippines:

1) the 18 year old daughter, this all started with her. she was dtf a foreigner. 1 hour after meeting her I was barebacking her in my bed.
2) her 22 yo sister that I met while "dating" the 18 year old, she went behind her sisters back to get my creampie. Sister eventually found out. Drama....but we still fucked regularly.
3)the gay brother who was a ladyboy, sucked my dick and swallowed. Fucked him in the ass since he begged for it. Looked a lot like his sisters. 39kg and 5' 2". Prostate orgasm from being pounded. Pretty cute.
4)the 45 yo mom. I had known all of them for about two years at this point and she was well aware of what I was doing to her daughters. I seduced her and came inside of her.
5) the 35 yo aunt. I got her pregnant since she lived like 10minutes away and came over every day after he work to fuck and get a creampie. She was surprised she got pregnant (again). I wasn't. My kid from her is 4 years old now.
6) aunt 2. Met me through aunt 1. I fucked her while aunt 1 was in the other room. She knew. Begged me to cum inside of her. Had baby rabies since her sister was pregnant at the time and it was making her jealous.

Their other brother worked at sea on a ship so I couldn't get my hands on him. Dad was dead and probably rolling in his grave.
Ctrl+F faggot
Ive seen utter uggos overcome. Tbey are extroverted
big if true. what are your stats?
>flauting fucking a 45 and a 35 yo
you're going to flaunt about tying your own shoes too, aren't you
>If I saw you on the side of the street I wouldn't even think twice of you.
The anon is right, too often anons think "oh man everyone must be thinking about how ugly it is" when the average person has more important matters to think of. Unless the person's life is so vacant and void that they even spend time considering your looks in the 2 seconds you walk around each other says more about them than it does about you.

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