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Open road edition

previous: >>4816660

short disclaimer: posts about eating/harming buns are not welcome, kindly take it elsewhere! this thread is for rabbit owners and lovers to enjoy, please don't derail with off topic posts or negativity.

general rabbit care resources:

bunny youtube channels:
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>/bun/ - bunny general
Forgot to add
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Reposting friends.
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beautiful bunnies with precious names
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bun goes to /trash/
becomes different kind of /bun/ general
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Pictured: My IT engineer hard at work dealing with the crowdstrike crash
(cables are wrapped in chew-proof sleeves, dw)
!!! whoa, it's my bunnies. Thanks for giving them nametags, fren
Just got my $200+ shipment of bnnuy stuff at my door today
Lots more hay, lots more pellets, and bedding and treats
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I keep them separated to avoid risk of biting.
hopefully you spend a lot of time with them then. rabbits need company
the picture of Flode is beautiful

are you danish? sødmælk = whole milk, surmælk = sour(ed) milk
why is a mix of a bunch of different rabbits kept in a muddy cramped cage?
Bunnies have extremely fragile spines
Yes they are a danish breed from 1902 called white country, AFAIK identical to the New Zealand white breed. Allegedly the white country breed and New Zealand white are not related.
My buck is living peacefully with several juveniles that are not close to puberty.
My does would bully or bite the juveniles.
The owner has seen videos of colonies and thinks it is a viable option.
It is also risky to let a horny buck live with a doe full time, if the doe gets frustrated, a single bite to his cock or balls would put him out of the game permanently.
i asked if you are danish. but it's cool you give them names related to their breed origin and fur color
i like your straightforward style
I'm danish, I don't think you can buy them outside denmark. The list price is $22 if you buy from Jutland, $36 from Zealand. Adults with good traits are more expensive.
Because they literally evolved to die.

R selection is a bitch. The entire purpose of their life is to die almost immediately if they are not quite good enough or from good stock, or die shortly after reproducing if they are. That's it. They have shittons of offspring solely because most of them are meant to die - playing genetic dice and only letting the high rollers keep playing.

They're not aware of this. They didn't want this. It was an accident of statistics. And in typical darwinian fashion, because they are like this they will never be aware of it, or else they'd all kill themselves.
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Nice cock
I love bunny
>i like your straightforward style
Okay, I'm completely straightforward.
>hopefully you spend a lot of time with them then. rabbits need company
Only Flode, the one on the sofa, is a domesticated pet that can be picked up, carried and petted all over the body.
The rest are as domesticated as pigs. They only accept head-pats and head grooming/cleaning. Prey mentality.
They are part of a eugenics program with 1 buck and 9 doe's.
I have never done incest or line breeding. I hope I can trade with other breeders to make strong and healthy rabbits with the best traits.
do you have aspergers or something?
No (yes)
sir please this is no place to post such things you can go in >>>/trash/ thank you sir do not post this again sir
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What if bunnies had toe beans
>bunny diet scaled up to human proportions
Dear lord
please fuck off with your fetish content
I think that artist just likes bunnies
At night, when I cross the street to smoke a joint by the train tracks theres sometimes a little bun who hangs around eating.

it doesnt run away from me. does it just assume I'm a fellow prey friend who hangs around at night?
should I just scoop it up and make it my pet? It's a calico, big ears.
Stedlink is such a massive whiney faggot i hate his art its like,. always been shit too
Where do you live? North American rabbits are all brown so it could be a pet someone abandoned
I dunno man looks fine to me.
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Wow! What an impressive enclosure. What is the mound composed of? What predators are in your area??
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A Puff Bunny puffball.
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will girls think less of me if they see my pet bun at home?
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Red fox, white-tailed eagle, badger, raccoon dog, stone marten, mink, western polecat, feral cat, pine marten.
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It's like anything else. If she likes you, then she'll think your bunny is cute, and it's cool that you have a bunny, and your a chad for protecting and caring for the bunny. If she does not already like you, then having a bunny pet is weird, beta, ick.
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All the world is their enemy...

May your rabbits be cunning, and full of tricks.
My neighborhood has been invaded by vicious bunny gangs. They stalk the streets at night and form dark councils in yards of up to 6 buns at a time, where they hatch nefarious plots. I interrupted one last night as I was out for a stroll. Now I fear for my life.
God I hate furries. I wish you tourists would go back.
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Nice thread

>sure would be a shame if someone pooped in it
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Compared to the meanspirited raids and trolls /bun/ has endured lately, this is charming. You're alright, turtlebro.
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Honestly if the worst we get is a tortoise and the world's least offensive furry art I'd say we're doing pretty well compared to most other threads on this site.
The schizo is too busy being mad at dogs and paleontology. you're safe for now.

the raids correlated with a lack of paleontology threads... hint.
This was a complete safe haven before someone fed a schizo.
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Outdoor rabbits
gosh I wish bunnies were real...
that's unfortunate

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