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Post webms that bring peace and calm in times of unbearable loss and strife.
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Why did he do it bros?
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I bet his tech was coded in python on the software side of things.
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Has science gone too far?
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Monkey bussiness
This is animal abuse
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I dunno
I think he likes it
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Please post the bouncy chicken sphere gif.
why are the feathers just a texture?
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Frens :)

Wilford Brimley
Honestly, not a fan of these staged youtube vids
When your girlfriend loses her vape and blames you.
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bro dropped 3 bananas to pick up 2... would not receive financial advice from him.
>times of unbearable loss and strife.
the mods just deleted the threads by mistake there's no need to be dramatic
buy high sell low
what are those?
What the fuck is wrong with you!? This is a blue board you disgusting freak!!!!
The wind keeps them pushed down so they look weird and flat
Flying glitches.
No, it's a render. look at 0:26 lol
What's that? Looks rodent.
actual retard
It's a bat
Oh never seen one so light colored. Cute
Top lel
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is this real
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i truly got fooled once and asked why that spider would help a snake, then anons laughed at me
They were right to do so.
I guess it's not as crazy as a fish living in a sea cucumbers asshole
does anyone have roadrunner webms?
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The one with all the babies? I wish, I forgot to save it.
>gibs me dat banan Indio
>young bitch rides big cock
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this is /an/ webms and you posted a nature webm

not gunna lie tho, I'd love to see a /na/ webm thread (nature only no animals) but I'm not sure enough webms for a full thread
To be fair, /an/ is technically animals AND nature.
Yes, there is a >>>/an/plant general I sometimes visit when idk wtf I'm doing with my cactus
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Is that a goose or a big duck?
I love gibbons. Why couldn't humanity evolve from gibbon like primates instead of the chimp-adjacent monstrosities that we come from(and still are)
That's a goose.
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>girlfriend with a vape
seems like a red flag, but it's hard to articulate why
>idk wtf I'm doing with my cactus
Are they that difficult to raise?
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return to animal
Imagine how satisfying it would be for him if someone just scratched his back and loosened up all that down.
addictive personality/weak mentality
trend following/no originality
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what breed of cat is this?
looks dangerous, how did the snake get the spider to play the bait?
Why is he filming eagles ass?
He could always scratch his back on a rock if he really wanted to. There's a rock right there in the video.
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Squirrel with a Gun
He can't keep getting away with this
What the... is this real!?!?!
imagine the meeps
OMG this is hecking random as fuck
epics! this little chonking squirrel friend definitely bacons at midnight
>Pills here!
because eagles are sexy as fuck
Why he is like this?
What a fucking legend
the room elephant when i get him
absolutely seething
It's just a fun little thing, you don't need to be so irony-poisoned 24/7, anon
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is this seal
Evolution isn't real, schizo. Keep your blind faith science-denying religion out of the schools, faggot communist dog.
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Stop debating and love gibbons already
aren't humans closer to gibbons than chimps anyway?
nevermind I'm thinking of bonobos
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Here's a handy chart for you to consult.
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good one
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every time I see this I'm just wondering how the cow's udder is leaking milk like that
Why dont birds get the bends?
that isn't deep enough, but you won't get the bends on a single held breath no matter how deep you go
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it's visibly squished inwards
I guess if you shove your finger into it you can invert it to keep the tap open
cows are so cute bros
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smaller animals rely on displays of aggression to deter intruders on their territory, but are aware a real fight would be suicide.
it might sound familiar, and this is but one of the million manlets of the animal kingdom.
point and laugh.
what? it's just a rabbit
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a great diabetes
wew outing yourself as a massive faggot
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>I just stole a kiss, what are you gonna do about it?
is walrus
Shit, he fooled me too. Kinda. At first I thought it was some kind of sea creature before I saw the bird, so I guess I noticed something.
If ducks were in fact not made to be put in pockets then why do they feel so home in there? Huh?
Jokes aside, is that elephant dead
Didn't experts say that cats get mad shits when they drink cow milk?
no, he was merely shot with a tranquilizer dart which can be seen on the base of his tail
isn't this the bird that says "a huevo!"?
Webm pls
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this is an old one
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aww, he loves it
Why does the Tegu command respect?
How fucking big is that bug?!?
Fairly big, but not that big. The monkey is very tiny.
about hand-sized
They should still get it. It's a solid album.
I'll keep it simple. There was a potential political change in my country given that certain people would set aside their egos for a year or two, but noooooo, corrupt, government fed absolute cunts keep ruining every POSSIBILITY of meaningful change.
Fuck politicians, fuck voters, fuck humans, fuck everything,
tine monke
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>slaps your girlfriend's ass
what would you do?
So why couldn't we domesticate bears? At the very least black bears seem chill enough.
>Alas, I am defeated
there's bears in zoos that are domesticated. But why would you wanna domesticate a bear on the first place. What are you gonna use a bear for?
something unbearable
FUCK bald eagles. Vultures with good publicity. Ben Franklin was right, we should have chosen the humble turkey as our national symbol.
>zanzibart... forgive me...
What a cunt
No meeps, imagine preditors click calling back and forth as they hunt/scout that room
Pygmy marmoset, aka finger monkey
Why would your mom be slapping my girlfriend?
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Bears are well-known for their civic-mindedness.
They've ever thankful for their right to keep and bear arms.
It's kinda cute how big of wimps black bears are
I'm still not gonna go out of my way to antagonize one, cause one probably would fuck me up, but I run in them plenty while hiking and they want nothing to do with you
it took me a second to realize they weren't swimming in water
Birds of prey in general are shit tier animals
Funny. Did laugh.
baby sand Hill cranes! get fluff'd idiot
>t. seething dogs
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>What are you gonna use a bear for?
What do people use dogs for? What do people use cats for? Or guinea pigs, hamsters, parrots, reptiles, or fish? People just like to have pets around.
>What do people use dogs for?
Guarding, cattle control, hunting
>What do people use cats for?
Pest control
>Or guinea pigs, hamsters, parrots, reptiles, or fish?
Lots of animas we have as pets were used for different purposes, and those that we just have because they are pets are on the smaller side since they are easier to keep around. Havnig a bear as a pet is as stupid as having a lion.
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They're very territorial and have a good idea of what their space ought to look like, plus being observant of the goings-on of their territory. They do tend to sit down and look out at a nice view for the sake of enjoying it.
Roma sisters... FREEDOMchads are mogging us again...
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Curious little fella
my guess is that the camera's focusing into the distance which is why the feathers end up blurry as shit
requesting very hot horse.webm
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Cant decide if he's a leg man or a butt man.
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Heh heh sneaky mf
Cats develop lactose intolerance as they mature UNLESS they regularly drink milk.
Dairy farm cats obviously often have milk their whole life, so they keep handling it just fine.
This is way cuter with sound. He's angry because he isn't strong enough to rend the flesh yet
If they're outside farm cats, who cares?
I wouldn't really call getting diarrhea suffering, and cats don't even have to worry about shitting their pants or wiping
Because you kind of have to be negligent and lazy about the care of your cat to let it just wander outside and be someone else's/the outdoors problem.
worth looking up for the sound version
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Itachi is gonna appear
Because you/re on /an/ and outdoor cats/le toxo/etc is easy (You)s
I remember when some Anon got a 30 day vacation for that here lmao
slothbros... we're just not nimble enough
why did he do it. he had nothing to gain but did it anyways
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wait are jannies here really that retarded they ban people for the reversed gif of the cat being rescued from a car spring
No wonder you went extinct. I'm gonna run you over when I come back down.
you can tell that dudes name is something like igor or wilbur
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what's with the liveleak watermark...
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how do you get your insurance company to cover this?
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>looking up
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I only just now realized that Stitch is just a space koala. How did I never see it.
A weapon to surpass Metal Gear.
I thought they were too stupid to eat anything other than eucalyptus leaves. Are they evolving?
The three little pigs are so fucked
Woah are these flamboyant cuttlefish? If so I had no idea anyone had a captive population.
Yeah dude he's even got the weird dual thumbs.
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my ancestor :)
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>in a third world shithole
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POV: first date
Mousecucks are naturally low IQ, don't feel bad.
Don't spoonfeed the newnigger
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So we'd just be goofier looking and acting relatively hairless primates with the capacity for great violence? Rednecks are a thing. Honestly, though, some of very early simian ancestors are generally thought to have been kinda neat looking as far as monkey types go, and the gibbon split was waaaaay before the chimp split.
What is that seal gesturing to her right instead of simply leaving?
What's her problem?
Appreciate you not going for the obvious choice and say "niggers" anon, that took creativity.
lmao fuck off tranny
Oh, it's a fish!
I couldn't make out what that object was, but now I see the one on the left drops the fish it was holding.
No raccoon thread, so I'll post it here, found some trash bandits in the pipes today at work.
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