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Old thread : >>4865678
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the mighty hunter brings her master a gift. Behold the eyes of a KILLER
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>cat sneaks out
>find the little fucker and carry him home
>lil fucker bites my hand and it draws blood while i'm carrying him
>2 hours pass
>wound is really sore
>almost feels like its slightly on fire
guessing i gotta go to the clinic in the morning, eh? can't be rabies cuz the lil shit has his shots but yeah
Give her treats for her good work
Is that a red squirrel?
bruh, not a red squirrel, not good
they are endangered
it's just a chipmunk, not a red squirrel.
Are you from the states?
Also why do I feel like I've seen this series of posts before
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She loves when I scratch under her chin
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cat bites are known to be nasty. Infection and all that. Good luck anon.
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Post shrimps
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i buy so many dolls for my cat but she never gives a shit
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Cats are the only beings that are cuter in real life than any idealized drawing.
How do they do this.
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guys how do I stop my autistic cat from attacking my bookshelf, hes eaten two books already

he always does it when Im out of the room working so all I can do is keep the door closed

but then the other cat cant sleep on my bed like she likes to do
must I punish the innocent to stop the guilty
Hey, /kot/, I was wondering if I could get your opinion on this little stray guy that hangs around my apartment complex.
He's been around since probably spring this year and he's as friendly as can be. Purrs so loudly when you so much as touch him.
I thought he was a girl at first, but he's a fixed male? contributing to my theory that someone threw him out.
You don't see him much going into the woods like the other strays around here. Always around the buildings.
I noticed last night that he's bald on the underside of his hind legs and a spot at the base of his tail.
I suspected mange at first, but the images I find on google don't match up.
Overgrooming due to psychological stress also dinged as a possible reason.
He's eating like normal and I did apply some wound spray on the back of his leg where it looked like he was bit.
An upstairs neighbor, who already owns a one eyed special needs cat, was talking about possibly taking him in when she could afford it so I am thinking of offering to front her the money to take him to get his shots/chipped/check up if this is psychological.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
I love all of the stray cats around here and once was able to take four to the human society, but I worry about this guy because he isn't "pretty" like those four (he is gorgeous to me but you know how black and orange cats are least adopted...)
I work from home, I'm not rich by any means and struggle a lot myself, so if I can get him in a good home for a few hundred dollars and avoid him spending time in a shelter I will do it.
(also I'm using a browser extension idk if spoilers aren't allowed here but I don't see the option, sorry)
here is a pic of his cute little face
are you sure he's fixed? I think I can see his balls in your first pic.

as for his hind leg, I don't know. I agree that it looks like over grooming. especially if he has fleas.
damn he cute
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He has very small balls, I thought he was a girl at first (so I nicknamed him Femboy)
My 12 year old cat doesn't have balls and was fixed when he was around 1 but recently I had another friendly stray TNR'd (back in May) and he has some remnant of balls which I found weird, pic related? I wouldn't think he was fixed if I didn't know better
So considering Femboy doesn't have balls that bounce or dangle I thought maybe he was fixed, but I could be wrong
The non neutered tomcat who is sorta the king around here (I call him Buddy) and him get along great generally, never seen them fight (I'm working on getting Buddy fixed too but I need my bf to visit again, I live alone and have no family so taking the other stray to get fixed was a team activity although he took the trip way better than expected since I know for a fact he was an abandoned pet)
Anyway, fleas have indeed been a big problem
I'm in the Appalachia area and fleas have been nuts this year
I will invest in a flea collar although I don't know how effective it will be and I'm open for recs on which topical flea meds are ACTUALLY working right now
I tried capstar tablets once for my indoor and noticed no difference at all
The last time I tried frontline years ago it wasn't working, too, little blood sucking fucks keep evolving resistance
I'm also more than open for recs on some sort of cream or soothing ointment to put on his skin
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This is the little chud cat that I am going to take care of for the next weeks, he is very cute and puts himself in vulnerable cute positions so I may , he then proceeds to bite me and it hurts, say hello
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feels wrong posting just his balls lol
Hello lil chuddy!
so I may pet him* forgot to conclude the phrase, his name is Orion btw (my favourite metallica song)
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My cat keeps jumping on the toilet when I'm trying to go, can't piss in peace
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How do I decide wether or not my cat needs a friend or not? Tips and tricks?
I can usually tell when the cat is being affectionate for food, but then I wonder, what if it's always for food...at least I can trust his slow blinks
>Imagine having such a weak immune system a little nibble causes a raging infection
I eat my own boogers every day
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Can /kot/ verify to the veracity of this footage?
I wish cats were real.
I miss my cat, anons. She passed away last night in her sleep, around 20 years old but we're not sure. I've had her for the majority of my life up until this point and I now feel hollow. What do? Picrel is of her, from about a year ago.
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Condolences. When they've been a part of you that long it hurts that extra much. Afraid there's no easy fix, you just carry on with your day, and hurt. Then eventually it'll stop hurting as much, then you'll be alright. 20 is a good long life for any kot, and once you are done mourning you might end up with another kot who you will spend the next 20 years with. Do whatever makes you comfortable.
My cat has been worrying me as of late. He'd meow constantly but every time I pet him you can tell from his tail language that he's irritated. He still lets me pet him, purrs and rubs his face all over me and the entire house and the like but he still makes me worried. He didn't use to meow this frequently and persistently. He eats fine, he poops like usual, and I can't tell if there's something outwardly wrong with him. He'd play with a laser pointer and he still runs around at night like mad occasionally. He's almost 10 years old by now and he makes me worried.
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this dude is becoming a lazy fuck. I've had him for 4 months now and he used to play, get zoomies and be overall explorative but now his usual pass time is laying on the floor and meowing at me to pet him. it's all he wants. he's very happy, healthy and content but dude is just a needy asshole.
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Looks like a ragdoll, they'll do that. I had a fella that was the same way, was super playful and exhuberant early in life but mellowed out bigtime and just loved to be a lounge cat.
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Thank you anon, that's everything I needed to hear. And I do love a good shelter cat, so I'll keep that in mind once my family's had some time to grieve
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how does one stop this shitlet from pissing on bed ?
lovely eyes
>close window because cat is gone and it's getting late
>1 second later cat teleports onto windowsill and cries for me to open it
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Gifts are great and all but the worst time to get a dead mouse is at 3 am when I'm trying to sleep in my bed
Certified cute
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>friend gets cat from cousin
>inbred barn cat with a toad line esque family tree
>cousin trains cat to bite fingers cuz he thinks it's funny
>friend after months finally trains it out of cat
>cousin visits and gets cat to start biting again
important meeting
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I found her in the traaash
who would throw out a purrfectly good cat
sounds like the cats are not the only ones inbreeding
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What does your cat usually smell like if you sniff them?
She always smells like dust or old linens
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>he's a fixed male?
Agreeing with anon that he has some full ballsacks there, unless he was a recent fix. The scrotum takes a while to shrink back.
It does sort of look like sarcoptic mange, however sarcoptic mange tends to develop on the head first. I wouldn't necessarily rule it out though. If oyu have even like a kid's microscope, you can see mange on the scanning level, but you have to use a scalpel to scrape the skin until it bleeds since they burrow in the skin.
This doesn't look like over-grooming due to the sheer inflammation. The immune system is at work here. I will also go out on a limb here and say it probably isn't flea allergy dermatitis - which usually is seen on the base of the tail, shoulders, back - places hard for the cat to reach. I have seen ringworm manifest in some odd ways, but usually not in ways that leave the skin swollen like this.
So as far as common things go, we're left with bacterial infection of some kind, and eosinophilic granuloma complex which is the immune system losing it's shit over allergens, bug bites, that type of shit.
Capstar ONLY kills the adult fleas on the animal for 24 hours. There are eggs and larva on the animal that are not being killed, and anything can hop on after that 24h period. It's actually really effective - when bringing in a stray, I will use capstar daily for a few days to genocide fleas before bringing them to my house and using an actual flea med. But it sucks ballsacks for prevention, because it's not a prevention.
Frontline uses Fipronil, which is just too old. Unfortunately when we use a pesticide for too long, because there are retards that use it incorrectly, after a while the bugs will become resistant to it. I have seen for myself how useless Frontline is.
I actually wouldn't suggest creams because it is in an area where he will lick it off, possibly poisoning himself but also adding to the irritation. I don't think a cone on an outside cat would be great idea.
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If everything else is as normal, I'd do the wait and see approach and bring it up at his next vet check. Although with senior cats (usually considered senior once over 7y) a lot of vets will recommend a check up every 6m, but I understand a lot of people can't afford that.
>every time I pet him you can tell from his tail language that he's irritated
Is this something he's always done or is this new too?

Vet first to rule out medical issues. And when you go to the vet, for the love of god actually mention it's pissing on the bed. I hate it when people just assume we're going to know your cat is inappropriately pissing by taking a look at it.
Once that's ruled out, we can start troubleshooting your cat for you.

That's fucking annoying, I've known cats to get put down for less. Had a family member play with their cat with their hands, then didn't understand why the cat grew up to fuck with people's hands. Wasn't so cute when it's a full grown cat doing that shit to a baby.
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That kitten is about to be ate
My cat doesn't sit on my keyboard anyway she just walks past it
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Like freshly baked biscuits and clean clothes.
I recently bought something off Amazon, which came in a large box.

I re-sealed the box with tape, cut an entry hole into it to see if my two cats would be interested (one male, one female).

The female cat saw the box, immediately entered it excited, but as soon as she was in it, she immediately started hissing and making angry meows. I don't understand why, unless maybe she smelled the scent of my male cat inside (who was messing around while I was re-sealing it).

Anyway, the male cat heard the hissing and the angry meows, and that got him fired up and he started chasing and viciously tackling the female. He even started yowling at her. I had to lock him up and am currently waiting for the female to calm down (she is extremely tense and scared right now).

I don't understand how a box can cause this much trouble. Literally two minutes before I put the box down, the female was peacefully sniffing the male, and the male was completely disinterested and wandering around.
Aw I love her little pink paw pads
My cats pads are brown
Litter. Sometimes dry dirt, like run of the mill sidewalk dust on a clean cloth. Anyone who says otherwise has toxo.
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My cat was sick but now its better :)
Have any of you noticed this behavior and wised up to it?
-Meet friendly outside cat
-Comes over meowing
-Lets you pet it (and you do!)
-After some pets, cat rolls onto its back and shuffles around a little
-Wait for cat to stand back up again and continue petting
In my personal experience, when a cat is on its back, it'll get really frisky and grab your hand and/or bite you. This has happened to me more than once and it isn't worth the risk. The cats aren't bad, they just have something in their mind that makes them especially frisky when they're shuffling around on their back. As soon as they're back on their feet again, they're harmless.
my kitty has caught 3 mice in the last 2 days all of which were caught after they walked over my feet, our kitty is usually an outdoor kitty but we wanted to get rid of our mice so we opened all the cupboards and have been keeping her inside she just finished torturing #3 about 10 minutes ago after it tried like the other two to hide under my feet
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can confirm
The worst gift my cat ever gave me was a flea infested mole.

I have no fucking idea how the hell that didn't spread to him or the house. I stopped letting him outside soon after that.
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Eh, when my house had mice they'd mostly get caught in traps under the sink. Any that strayed from there were killed by my cat. Sure the trap got far more than her, but she cleaned up the crumbs. Just wish she didn't drop one on my bed.
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Oh please, if I were to get toxoplasmosis from a recently killed mouse dropped on my bed, I'd also have gotten it from all the times I took care of the mice under my sink. And before you ask, yes, I pulled all the sheets off my bed and washed them that night.
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My friend will have babies soon. What do? Does she need a box or something?
whitest calico I've ever seen
She can eat from my hand. A cat I bottle fed and raised from a kitten can't figure that out.

Have partly feral cat that hates being handled and will scratch and I need to give her a deworming pill. What do?
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Try hand feeding treats and then switching to the pill.
I'm in the Appalachia area and allergies this year have been tough on me too, I'm hoping it's allergies
I ordered this supplies from chewy yesterday and shot my neighbor a text asking to talk to her about something cat related when she has free time
Needless to say I won't be applying any of this without her taking him in and she can't, I'll donate the supplies when I take him to the humane society and offer to sponsor his adoption fee
If she does take him, I'll take him to get fixed, chipped, etc. and go over this supplies with the vet at the clinic
Those people have been super nice--I once went to try to buy a spay/neuter voucher for a different neighbor and they told me to save my money for if the woman actually came in and they'd call me and let me pay after (they don't do vouchers)
Sadly that women never took her cat even after I took the clinic card to her and let her get pregnant again by letting her out and she must have moved because I haven't seen her since :(
Anyway, Winter is coming and he is simply too small to be outside and it was already in the 50s tonight
I don't have a microscope and I didn't own a can opener until last week so I can't check if it's mange but his head and ears are perfectly fine, it's just that one spot on his tail and his back legs
Thank you so much for your post, anon, you relly know your stuff
Are you a vet or just someone knowledgeable on the medical side?
Pretty sure that's just over stimulation
Many such cases
I've learned to read the body of the stray Buddy around here and while on his back I can still pet his head but never the belly
One of my cats just passed away. I lost three cats this year, two to cancer and one to old age. At least she's not in pain anymore.
Was that the cat that burned off one of their whiskers?
Someone in the last thread said they lost two cats this year and their third cat burned their whisker
That was me, and no it wasn't that cat. That guy's still around, being a feisty little shit. This cat was originally my great grandmother's, and when she died the cat went to my grandmother. After my grandmother died I took it in.
Most of the cats I've owned started as strays that found their way to my house, and I let them in and took care of them and they domesticated themselves.
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Where do you live where there's so many strays everywhere
Yes, she needs a place to nest, unless you want birth juices in your laundry.

>Basic option, good
>Cardboard box with lid
>Cut side of box open so you can view interior
>Lay blankets\towels in bottom
>Make sure room doesn't get cold
>Waterproof covering beneath it
>Show it to her and encourage her to use it by leaving food and water near it
>Put it somewhere she already feels comfortable

>Advanced option, better
>Plastic storage box
>Temperature lamp
>Cardboard in bottom with towels on top
>Sand it down so no sharp edges

If she doesn't want to use it and finds another place to birth, move the box there. Make it convenient for her. Sometimes kittens come out without breathing, be mentally prepared to give them mouth to mouth if they don't start on their own. Kitten lungs are very small, don't burst them.

Have a good time, be lucky, trust in mom's instincts.
>give cat anti-flea med
>next morning she sneaks into some random apartment building around the street and get herself locked in
I can't tell if that's the flea med making her act weird or if she's really just a fucking idiot.
you ever look into a cats eyes and sense that there's absolutely zero brain activity going on in their head
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my girl has been itching her ears a lot and doing a quick head shake recently, but I don't see any gunk or anything. Also has started meowing despite rarely doing so. Have a vet appointment for later in the week, but any idea on what it could be?
fuckin lol, maybe she got in the box and her eyes not adjusting, thought another cat was in there with her due to the male cat's scent? Pretty funny though.
Showing bellies can be a couple of things, they might want to play by shredding your skin, they might be showing you vulnerability as a form of trust, and a very few cats may actually enjoy being pet there. It is dangerous territory, though.
Yeah, this is why I don't do vouchers - those fucks almost never show up. I imagine they've seen that shit happen enough to realize vouchers are not the way to go. And don't give your money to them either, they will just take it and run. You have no idea how often I hear people giving someone money to bring an animal to the vet, and they never even call to make an appointment.
>Are you a vet
Licensed vet tech. It's like an animal nurse, but I actually have a degree in it. I also specialize in shelter med, so stray cats are like my thing.
NTA but the only reason I am not surrounded by stray/feral cats is because there's somewhere between 6-8 stray/feral dogs that chase them off. I'm in rural southern US.
Sounds weird, but can you sniff those ears? Does it smell putrid, or yeasty, or even like fritos? Cat ear canal does an L shape so you may not see it if it is deep. If it's a really god awful ear mite infection, you can actually hear the crinkling of the mites, but for it to be that bad you'll likely be seeing black gunk in the ear.
Ear wax build up?
>Does it smell putrid, or yeasty, or even like fritos?
No smell at all really.
>If it's a really god awful ear mite infection, you can actually hear the crinkling of the mites
Unfortunately she loves me too much so whenever I get near her she won't stop purring.
Also no visible gunk >>4874145
my kitten smells like milk, except she isn't a kitten anymore
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What does everyone do about washing their cat's bedding?
She doesn't like things after they've been cleaned. I've tried without fabric conditioner and it doesn't help. The only thing that gets her to go back to it is by defiling whatever she's using at the moment
My cat still puffs his tail up when playing like he's a kitten. He's 7 years old.
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My cat sleeps more often on blankets than in a cat bed and doesn't care if they're clean, so I haven't run into anything like this.
My cat have absolutely no patience (like me) and hitting her tail on her scratch post is enough to get her to chase after it, grab it with her front paws like she have hands.
Very funny watching her change from frustration to annoyance when she realize she caught her tail but can't just bite into it.
>new kitten
>gaps under the door
>always tries to get into kitchen
>open door and accidentally jam (I think his paw) him under the gap as I open the door
He seems fine, no typical injury behavior, still playing and running around but I'm worried in case he's hurt.
I feel guilty as fuck, first time I've heard the little guy hiss.
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Okay, now that the bait image is out of the way, I need help.

I have a couple of stray kitties in my backyard who have shown up sick. They have runny, crusty eyes, and keep sneezing. They seem really low in energy and sick.

I can't afford to adopt them or take them to the vet, I just got surgery done. Who do I even call so they pick them up and treat them? I'm sure they'd be adopted quickly if healed, they cute kittens, just a couple of months old if that.
Look up local cat rescues
Do you guys know how I can have a good relationship with my cat and let it roam around Paris while I'm at work ? Do you know any useful tricks I can teach him ? Or how to make it super strong and agile ?
I am about to move into a small appartment on the ground floor of the building, I live in Paris so I think it would be best if I let my cat free roam outside while I go to work. Obviously I don't want the cat to die, and I'd like to be able to bring it with me places without the cat escaping and getting lost, also I'd like him to be potty trained, basically I want to get a kitten and turn it into the best cat ever.
I figure you guys are the cat experts so yeah, my flat is gonna be super small like a closet basically, hence why he needs to be able to freely go outside.
just get a dog
Hon hon baguette
Dogs can't free roam faggot
Cats shouldn't be left to roam a city either. Not unless you care so little about them you think nothing bad could possibly happen.
I'm not a fag who uses a laptop at home or as their main pc
You can't train a cat to use the toilet that's just ridiculous
>Not unless you care so little about them you think nothing bad could possibly happen.
I don't think nothing bad could possibly happen, but I think good things are bound to happen to a cat roaming Paris, if I was a cat I'd like to be living in such a beautiful place, besides I don't want my cat to be locked up in a small space, this isn't much of a life either. I know there's cats in the neighborhood, there are 2 store owners with cats near me, and they roam freely around the block.
What I'm looking for is a way to train my cat while he's a kitty, so that I can bring him outside and he doesn't run away and I'd also like to teach him city survival to some degree, is that possible ?
So there's a shitty automatic litterbox that started trending because it's killing cats by being a crappy knockoff product and people can't even do anything about it because a bunch of fake companies are selling these. Anyone wanna try finding out who's actually making these so they can stop being sold?
How lazy do you have to be to buy a litter box robot for fucks sake just shovel their poo fucking retards
Also I guarantee this is from some Chinese company, like all stupid shit on amazon
Without an outside area to act as a safe haven I would advise against getting a cat. City cats can live great lives, but they tend to be short lives. Training a kitten to live on the city streets for several hours a day is a recipe for a dead kitten, or someone else finding your kitten in a weary and dirty state, and adopting it under the assumption it is a stray.
>Without an outside area to act as a safe haven I would advise against getting a cat.
Would the courtyard do? I can build a little shed outside my window. Bringing the kitten with me places wouldn't work ?
>City cats can live great lives, but they tend to be short lives.
My family cat was like this so I'm aware, he could leave for 3 days to a week then come back, wasn't there for most of the day either, he wasn't getting fed by anyone else so who the fuck knows what he was doing
>someone else finding your kitten in a weary and dirty state, and adopting it under the assumption it is a stray.
Not if I have a collar on the cat with my number, obviously I guess I should wait a bit before letting him roam outside, what would be an appropriate age?
I don't live in paris, nor would I ever want to, so I've got no idea how animal friendly their businesses/etc are. Though if you are really keen on taking a cat with you everywhere, wouldn't it be best to see if the places you regularly go to are pet friendly in the first place, just to see if this idea would even be worth considering?
Besides work I only really hang out at my friends place and maybe the local parc if it's sunny, I occasionally go to house parties and techno stuff, I don't feel like those are the kind of places that would refuse my cat if he's on a leash and on my shoulder or something.
What's gotten me worried is the potential burglars, I'm renting so I can't put a cat door on my window, should I use some wooden contraption to open the window just big enough for the cat to go through and not a human ?
Apparently there's a book called "how to take care of your outdoor cat" is it worth a read ? I'm planning on finding a male orange kitty, if I let it go outside it will right? I really don't want an indoor cat, an indoor/outdoor cat would be good I just feel bad about locking a pet home while I work.
Don't bring your cat to house parties and techno shit lmfao
>I occasionally go to house parties and techno stuff, I don't feel like those are the kind of places that would refuse my cat if he's on a leash
Ah yes the safest of places for a cat, house parties and techno clubs full of people. I'll be honest here, there aren't many cats who don't get skittish around crowds, never mind large loud swaths of people in places they can't go find a place to hide and calm down. And again, just assuming it's fine is bound to bite you in the ass as you never know if some there is, say, very allergic to cats.
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puffy face
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Cat rescues or your animal control. There's no nation-wide call center to pick up stray kittens.

Isn't paris like fairly well known to not be nice to free-roaming cats?

So I guess they don't have a fail sensor for impact? Lol wow they took a lot of risk with that decision.

That's an old lady face if I've ever seen one! Cute.
Paris is well known to not be nice to anyone or anything.
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I don't care if the shit has updated "working" sensors or not. The mere fact that this was even POSSIBLE in the first place is fucked up.
He is shitting you. Cats can live full happy lives 100% indoors. They are not as smart as dogs or people and don’t really need to go outside.
not the first time chinks sold mass produced death traps
won't be the last

Best to just avoid any litter box with this design at all.
Cat expects you to skin, bake, season, and provide cut up on his plate
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I love my stupid idiot cat
Tell me about this cat, I am intrigued.
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It's my cat that I occasionally post
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I like this, it is a pretty cat.
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He looks like he has a big smile on his face in that pic
Very cute
I took /an/'s advice and took off my cat's bell collar for a day, and then proceeded to step on her/kick her 5 times.
She has the collar back on.
Put a bell on yourself, mate, you're a danger to yourself and others.
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Hey man, third anon you responded to, thanks for all your insight
I talked to my upstairs neighbor and although she can't take another cat she's got connections where she adopted hers, who is considered special needs since he's got one eye, and said she'd make a memebook post for me and help me find him a good indoor home
I'll keep the thread updated
On a semi-related note, I've got my annual check up/vaccines for my cat this Thursday
He's 12 years old, although he doesn't look or act it, and I'm curious about getting him a dental cleaning
I asked the clerk about it and she said they sedate animals for it and I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that
I know for people it's dangerous to go under, is it the same for animals?
Should I just try to brush his teeth myself?
I've had him since he was a kitten and he is the light of my life and I don't wanna take any unnecessary risks
I have some dental paste he let me rub on his teeth a few times (the container says to do so if you can't get a brush into their mouth so they lick it off) so should I try to make that a daily or weekly habit?
The only reason I'm even considering a dental cleaning for him is just because his insurance covers it up to $125 (I have Lemonade)
The last time he was ever put under was when he got fixed at maybe around a year old
pic related, the KING
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there is always a possibility of death with anesthesia. It may be low, but it is never 0. That being said, your cat can not brush it's teeth every day. As it gets older, this is going to cause dental decay and gum disease, which can cause other medical issues. As it gets older, going under anesthesia for dental work is going to be more dangerous too.
If it were me, I would try to get it done if possible because you might not get another chance at this age. I'd get some pre-anesthesia bloodwork done to make sure the cat wasn't facing any organ dysfunction, and I like to go the extra step and have a radiograph of the heart to make sure it isn't enlarged. And if everything checks out, I'd go through with the dental. The radiograph is really needed tho. Keep in mind, teeth may have to be pulled. Incisors are the most likely culprits. Just get problematic teeth pulled if the vet suggests it, like I said you might not be able to have him put under again if the tooth becomes painful when he's 17. Vets HATE extracting teeth, it's fucking long and tedious and hard to get to, so they aren't just doing it for shits and giggles.

The gold standard is to start doing dentals at 2-3y of age, and then every other year after that. The time between dentals can be extended if you do daily brushing. What helps more than the paste is literally the mechanical brushing off of food and shit. Really try to do it daily, once a week is like pissing in the ocean. I say this, and I don't brush my cat's teeth daily lol so I understand if that isn't possible. Some people like to get this dental kibble meant to be a bit bigger forcing cats to chew, but I think it is prescription. I've never been a fan of treat based ways to keep teeth clean (re:greenies), seems counter-intuitive to feed treats to clean teeth

>insurance covers it up to $125 (I have Lemonade)
wtf i need this
Cute cat, btw
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>fat fuck long by the window to go outside
>i live at the 4th floor in the middle of the city
>try to buy a harness for my fat fuck to go on walk
lol, lmao even
Holy shit that's a fat fuck
It'll take him a few days to get used to the harness
Since you say it's serious for the vet to suggest pulling teeth I will trust their recommendation
I am in a small town and recently I heard from someone with a dog that I noticed had lost a leg--I asked what happened and how did they afford it because I know this person has never had a job and they said after the dog was hit by a car they paid $200 and the vet and the ladies at the office covered the rest (it would've been $1500). Really good people around here.
You guys taking care of our companions on the medical side do so much and deserve much more appreciation from society.
And especially since you work with ferals you deserve even more thanks. So often they are over looked when they are the most vulnerable and so many don't see them as deserving dignity. People around here don't even know what TNR is until I tell them
I am not smart enough for a medical degree plus I'm past Christmas Cake age but one day I want to foster neonatals, seniors, and special needs cats to do my part (I'm in an apartment now so not really possible)
It will be possible in a few years hopefully
Anyway, I feel really guilty that I never knew until a couple of years ago that cats need their teeth brushed like we do I won't let this slide any longer
His teeth are definitely in better shape than your pic, although one of his canine teeth has had a chip since he was about a year old but thankfully no vet has ever recommended pulling it
It looks like it's $150 covered, not $125, and some of the diagnostics to make sure he's alright to go under will be covered too?
Btw this runs me like $80/month but since I got it last year (it was $70 then) I've slept much better at night in regards to his health
And thanks :)
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He do be a fat fuck, he's like 14lbs
Hence the harness to go on walks
Don't you think it's a bit too small ? I can pass easily a finger or two at the neck part but he just slump on the floor like a mop (he still can eat treats with the thing on him)
You want to be able to pass at least a finger under the harness, otherwise it'll fuck with their breathing so that's fine. Cats do that with harnesses, they just lay there and don't move around, until they get used to it.
Cat nearly broke her harness trying to chase a chipmunk
She has a schemer look on her face
She's kinda an asshole to everyone but me and doesn't like to play much just wants to go outside all the time to the point where she'll find a way to run past you if you open the door even though you made sure she was on the other side of the house
What a princess!
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I was looking for an oragn cat, but found my grey retard first
I know, the cat looks most happy when she rolls on the floor
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>I am not smart enough for a medical degree
Oh, this is not a hard degree. Usually when nursing is too hard, students will jump ship to veterinary technician. Most states don't even require a degree for you to work as a vet tech.
>Christmas Cake age
I think I started college at 24 but again, it's just a 2y degree and you can usually get a job as a vet tech without ever going to college.
All that being said, don't waste your fucking time going to school to be an LVT. It's a dead-end career with a time limit because it's physical, a lot of discrimination (clinic managers prefer to hire men, young women and women that can't have kids/aren't married), you get no fucking money or benefits. Met a chick a decade younger than me also with a 2y piss easy degree making $5 more an hour than I have ever made in my career doing next to nothing, and I ran the entire medical depart of a large facility and risking my life on a weekly basis. My degree was free and I still wouldn't choose to do it again. Rant over...
>I feel really guilty
Don't, I know the benefits of daily brushing and I still don't do it. It just doesn't work with every lifestyle and every cat.

Shit you might need a small dog harness lol
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trying to cheer up a girl, please post the cutest funniest cat pics/gifs you have
AI slop
Al slope
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No shit
facebook is down the hall and to the left
These originated on /pol/
but we vote him
why are you bringing pol here, let them and their shit stay in retard containment
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she took my seat
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He’s adorable he deserves a home. Get him in a carrier so he can go to an adoption center. A cute orange cat like him would get adopted quick.
I don't have a kot but even I know that from playing Stray.
Wash your penis, bucko
Bath done! Whether it was ringworm or allergies I used the shampoo to treat that umbrella
While there was some inevitable struggle and crying and lots of jumping out, he did not attempt to scratch or bite me even once
Dried him off the best I could and going to let him dry off inside
Not that many fleas came off of him oddly enough
A good boy.
Like I mentioned here >>4874831 me and my neighbor are working on homing him somewhere he will be indoors and I'm going to cover to cost his neuter, vaccine, and chipping out of pocket
The one time I went to the humane society here to ask about taking some strays in the girl mentioned that they recently had just shipped some cats to another state to be adopted so I worry he would end up not being adopted in time
I took those strays to get TNR'd and one of the ladies there ran a personal rescue w/ a higher adoption fee that would adopt cats out states away w/ a person going on a flight with them (the fees had to be at a loss, I should point out) who took three of the cats since she specialized in "pretty" cats
There was a mixup because I had a neighbor who wanted to adopt one and the vets got him mixed up with the other orange cat and had already taken him
Anyway the lady ended up taking even the cat she hadn't planned on and I watched 3/4 get adopted on her website and the other I sent an email to inquire and she told me that cat was adopted locally! But she very much was not interested in taking normal short haired orange cats
He indeed deserves only the best home and once he's dried off I'm taking some photos to send to my neighbor so she can get in touch with her shelter connections
Really grateful for her dedication in helping me out and all the helpful advice here
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>Wash your penis, bucko
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My cat does that all the time, whether it was at my mom's house or my new place
I am tired of playing with this fucking cat. It needs to chill.

Which lies do I need to tell to get it gabapentin and how do I get it to act the part for the vet?

If all else fails i'll have to start baking weed to mix into its food
bad bait at that
just go with the weed. i give my cat his own little bowls worth a day and he's doing great. totally chilled out and mostly sleeps. unlike pharma drugs it has long term positive effects because a little bowl for a cat is like smoking a fat blunt, so it's made him permanently lazy and retarded. i can skip months of his daily dose and he'll remain a stoner.

gabapentin just causes aggression and shit. it's for humans managing neuropathic pain not sedating animals.
You can ask
Why lie to your vet when a bag of decently potent shake is $25 for a half ounce? Cats tolerate weed well and never get paranoid on it. It's better than getting shit from your vet for lying.
Gabapentin causes aggressive behavior long term. Use weed or low doses of benadryl. Not benadryl total, unless you want a dead cat.
nigga that's nuts
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>specialized in "pretty" cats
I really, really hate rescues like that.

Proud of you for not responding anon.
Everyone should do this if they have a hyper/aggressive nightmare cat instead of just letting them outside

Everyone wins. Cats dont need to hold down jobs so they only benefit by being total stoners.
Not responding to bait!!
is it bait? my cat is on SSRIs

there ARE scientific journals saying thc is well tolerated by cats… maybe it would work better. it does for people.
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my cat suffered through a hematoma caused either by the otitis he also had or some kind of trauma to the ear. tried doing all I could for him with the vet, but his right ear will likely be permanently crooked, makes me sad.
He doesn't seem to mind
He's very pretty, is he a somali?
Maybe I should give my cat some weed before I cut her claws, she hates being held and flips out if you do, I have to ask my mum to come over to my house just so she can hold her while I cut them
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he's a maine coon, actually. that's his summer coat, this is his winter one.
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>cat is really old and sometimes sleeps for the majority of the day
>he's been asleep on my bed for hours and has missed at least one meal
>decide to wake him up to eat otherwise he'll just keep sleeping and miss his meals
>lay on my bed and he doesn't budge
>poke him
>give him a little shake
>grab his head and shake it hard, grab his eyes and open them
>5 seconds later he just wakes up normally
>looks at me like "yeah? what's up?"
The little fucker was just that deep asleep I guess
i do this. it takes about 2 hours to kick in and about 5 hours to wear off but i can bathe, dry, and clip my cat without getting scratched and they don't develop any fearful associations. its also good for car rides and going to the vet for shots.

start with 1/16th tsp finely powdered decarbed bud. if its not powder they can puke because it's like chewed up grass. if that doesn't work well enough out increase the dose by 50% at a time and make sure you use an indica strain thats heavy in myrcene and has a good balance of non-thca cannabinoids. high thc sativa strains just cause ataxia and insufficient sedation.
Haitian here
These all look like a good meal fr
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I know there's a lot of F.U.D. and r/cats seething around vegan cat foods and sperging about muh nature muh obligate carnivore because of taurine and arginine, which is stupid because that's like saying humans are obligate liver-vores because of our vitamin and amino needs, but this vegan cat food 100% works.

The same logic that says you can't have a vegan cat also says you can't be a vegan human and that humans and dogs are obligate carnivores. Obviously, that is false. With advanced nutritional science any animal can be vegan. Meat is outdated. Stop fucking murdering animals.

>inb4 doomsday preppers: i murder animals all the time in case walmart runs out of vegan foods! and this is totally animal abuse even though i am murdering animals to feed my cat! durr i wont give money to le jews! i wont depend on le globohomo durr! i would rather murder my fellow sentient beings and sully my soul in the eyes of God and be punished than spend money that might go to one single hebrew black person bla bla bla *right wing idiocy*

Nope. Get. Your. Fucking. FACTS.

Murder is outdated. Watch star trek. That IS the future. See them killing animals? No. What have the vulcans been for ages? Vegans. Who developed warp drives before humans? Vulcans. Did meat eating klingons develop their own warp drive? No, they stole it from vegan insectoid aliens that lived off fungus. What do all the bad guys eat? Meat. How do the romulans stop being space murderers? They go vulcan - aka vegan. Ending murder is how society progresses. Case closed.
Dang handsome
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how can you see any moral or intellectual difference between all these soulless fools bragging about their cats murdering harmless squirrels and /dog/ bragging about their huskies murdering harmless cats. sense, logic, and good are wasted on them. they worship death. they are hopeless.

you can not talk logic based on loving life into someone who worships death. we are vulcans, indeed, but /an/ is full of cardassians, borg, and ferengi. if they are logical their logic always derives from their love of death, their worship of the dark god apep/apophis, and their belief in progress through killing your competitors instead of helping them.
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>Meat is outdated. Stop fucking murdering animals
oh great another insufferable vegan
Cat of the Year 2024
>Did meat eating klingons develop their own warp drive? No, they stole it from vegan insectoid aliens that lived off fungus
NuTrek apocrypha

Also you forgot romulans had superior technology and Q definitely dont care about eating meat

Therefore i will continue buying live mice for my klingon kot to defeat in honorable battle
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>hills, Purina pro plan, royal canin, all have an army of PhD nutritionists and veterinarians doing R&D and constant testing of their food products to ensure they meet the nutritional needs of cats
>some random retards on the internet claim they're bad and low quality and that you should get this random ass brand because it lists more meat sources in its ingredients list and doesn't have any grains (which they claim is bad for cats, going completely against the actual studied PhD nutritionists and veterinarians.)
Yeah, Imma stick to the science. Sorry.
No anon you don't understand those feline nutritionists and vets are all being paid off. Yes every single one. Yes every single study (of which there are many) are all doctored. No I have no proof that any bad science is being done. It just is. Shut up and feed your cat my vegan slop.
I get my morals from dune instead of star trek, so instead of making my cat vegan im going to do enough shrooms to teleport across the galaxy and colonize a planet dedicated to raising the most brutal and murderous cats in the galaxy.

If anyone has any ideas for getting better cat morals from star wars or asimov im all ears
He's right, you know. Vegan cat diets actually do work, and make cats healthier and longer lived. There's no excuse not to have a vegan cat except laziness.

Star trek is social commentary about the natural progress of human civilization from a state of barbarism to a state of compassion via technology - meant to present the feasibility of veganism and communism in a form rubes can digest. It actually is a solid source of morality because it's just the basic tenets of objective goods like buddhism, marxism, and liberalism presented in a believable scenario with alien bullshit thrown in to keep retards entertained.

If you can't se the basic allegories with past social progress and all the social progress that followed TNG, you're blind or live under a rock.

People only kill animals today because it's more convenient. You can already go vegan. In the future there will only be veganism because meat will come from technology, not dead animals. This is just a fact. Raising animals just to kill them is inefficient AND cruel. It's like using slave labor and forcing peasants to live in dirt hovels.

Things like greed and killing are going away. You will be seen as a primitive retard for engaging in them in the future.
with the added mention that they replace those grains with something else like potatos and peas. makes sense, cats don't eat grains in nature, they feast on peas and potatoes. I saw it in my dreams
>dog gen moves at breakneck speed for several threads, mostly full of troll posts
>finally slows down today
>50+ posts in a few hours on cat gen
>it's all fucking trolls
Did they just get bored on the dog thread?
It's just the vegan and the weed poster
Hey, weed is actually legitimately medicinal for cats. Way better than giving them freaking gaba drugs with weird side effects or nsaids and off label benadryl that can kill them. They're not as good at processing a bunch of unnatural chemicals as humans. The only reason this isnt more popular is because of america's propaganda campaign against a drug they thought was making life too nice for blacks and mexicans (and threatening alcohol and tobacco industry profits).

There's a half dozen studies for its efficacy in managing feline arthritis and it is certifiably effective for treating feline anxiety until it can be brought under control with training, and the weed regimen is training that causes long term associations of stimuli with calmness and happiness. It has literally zero undesirable side effects on cats. They might get less aggressive and a little friendlier? The horror.

Once the boomers are done being voted out of government your vet will be prescribing pot pills for everything from excessive vomiting to nearly having a heart attack when being groomed. Mark my words.
It's literally toxic to them
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I think it's time for me to put my old boy down. Kidney disease, FIV, hypertrophic cardio myopathy(heart disease), and mega colon. He just can't poop anymore and I've tried enemas.

He's lost so much weight over the past few months and it just hurts. He had a good run I think. About 11 years, but it's just so hard to say goodbye. ;_;
Is this the cat that you rescued from a dog fighting ring?
No. He's one that someone was leaving behind years ago, and I started watching him as an outdoor cat until he got hurt and I needed to get his tail amputated.

I think I've taken really good care of him, but in June he was really constipated and I took him to an emergency clinic where they made the mega colon diagnosis. It's been a struggle since then with all sorts of awful laxatives to get him to keep pooping. The constipation, the blood thinners, the laxatives, all of it is ruining his appetite and it's time. If I can't get a real bowel movement tomorrow after 4 days of enemas, I'm calling it. I'm not paying another vet $1,000 to prolong his suffering.
no, marijuana is literally not toxic to cats. what stupid ai generated site told you that? google is full of disinfo like "you cant euthanize a cat with drugs at home, only if you're the vet" but i've done it twice because i actually know how to pre-sedate and use reliably lethal doses of opioids. if vets want my business they shouldn't charge $500+ to do in home euthanasia. its just generic "advice" meant to keep retards on their prescribed path.
>trust le experts! weed is illegal and its heckin toxic to cats! take your cat to the vet now if they got into le weed! weed is toxic to you too! do not smoke le weed!
>go to the vet if your cat got into weed
>"they're fine just watch them so they dont fall off the couch"
Because you don't let them finish the play. You interrupt it. Let them conclude the play, they will learn from it. Yes it's not pretty but if you keep interrupting they'll never learn how to make it nicer. What the fuck are you doing putting a cat in time out, it's not a child. Let cats socialize as cats socialize.
No they won't. You talk like the hippies talked 70 years ago. When the old boomers die myself and people like myself will stop what you're saying from happening. Not because we don't agree, not because we don't like it too, hell a lot of us grew and/or sold it too. But because we want to keep making money and a high employee is a dumb fuck employee.
Dont let people go to work drunk rightoid

Lmao no i give my cat all my AVB and he’a fine
Marijuana is not toxic to cats or dogs. There is no LD50. It can not kill them at any physically attainable dose. This is the animal rights fag way of saying “durr they cant understand being high its le bad dont get ur cat high”

And then they turn around and cut off their nuts or will gladly prescribe you something that is mind altering like gabapentin/pregabalin or something that actually is toxic.

The only negative effect in scientific literature, not karens blog, is ataxia at high doses.
Just 20 minutes or so ago I saw a cat spazzing out on the opposite side of the road as I was driving. From a distance I mistook it for a black plastic bag fluttering in the wind until I drove up close to it. The cat was completely silent as it was spazzing out and, as I slowly drove past it, I saw its face was completely blank. The only thing that tipped me off that it got injured (aside from the spazzing) was that dried(?) blood came out of its nose and around its mouth. The car behind stopped and went to pick the cat up, so I just kept on driving.

Never owned a cat before and almost every other cat (except two) has scratched or bit me. Is it normal for cats to be completely silent and have a deadpan facial expression when they're in pain?
As soon as my cat was off the antibiotics she started vomiting again. Tonight she's been vomiting white foam constantly. I can't afford to go back to the vet and get the same tests done that cost me 6k idk what to do man. She was perfectly fine while on the treatment but as soon as the treatment was over it's like she never recovered.
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thanks. he's a cute bastard. he looks like 6 different cats depending on the picture
Most animals consciously hide their pain as to not show weakness

You can alleviate his suffering by vaping a dab of some dank ass indica and hotboxing his cat carrier, or if you're more old school, just bake some finely ground bud and mix it with some tuna. Just don't use smoke. It's bad for the lungs.

It's so fucking funny they go "weed BAD!" but NSAIDs like meloxicam, which vets give away like candy, are extremely toxic to cats and cause potentially fatal gut issues and straight up poisoning. A cat can not be killed by marijuana. A cat can die from NSAIDs and they have been used to poison outdoor cats. Cats have eaten entire bags of 100mg edibles and been fine, they just acted goofy and then slept a lot.
>omg the cat is walking silly! suffering! toxicity!
What's it like to walk silly on weed even if you dont know you're high? Fun. My cat literally begs for her dank.

It's just boomer vets and their irrational hatred of weed that was literally programmed into them by one of the most extensive and prejudicial prohibition campaigns ever seen.
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I just want you to know I laughed
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megacolon is never a good dx, at least those other things can be helped to a point but there's no drug that is going to magically fix that colon. I'm sorry anon

If i had to guess I'd say that cat had major blunt brain trauma given your entire description. They do hide pain, but that cat in particular is likely dead.

How long was she on abx? Might need probiotics; abx can kill good and bad bacteria, giving animals vomiting/diarrhea. Fortiflora is a decent one for cats.
>Dont let people go to work drunk rightoid
Hahaha yeah you're from a time machine xD

Hi grandpa! How is 1970? Is it nice over there? My friend thinks you're really funny, can you tell us some more stuff you know?
>Cats have eaten entire bags of 100mg edibles and been fine, they just acted goofy and then slept a lot.
It might have looked goofy and going to sleep to you but the cat saw some alternate universes where you're the cat and they're the human
Had to move in with someone who has a female cat that pees on things, most likely to mark territory. What are the chances my male cat will start spraying even if he's neutered and has no history of it, all thanks to the female cat peeing? I'm really afraid of that.
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Cat just died :(
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my condolences anon
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Thanks anon, gramps was a toughie but sadly his liver caught up to him in the end
She was on antibiotics for two weeks
Imagine the smell
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I'm sorry. I'm going to put my guy down tomorrow. ;_;
Damn, what's wrong with him?
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He's just old and has a lot of diseases and is withering away now. The biggest problem is megacolon so he's basically perpetually constipated, but he also has heart disease which has him on blood thinners and kidney disease and FIV.

He was my first real pet and I'm going to miss him so much. I moved halfway across the country 3 months ago and was hoping I'd be able to take him outside to see snow... but he's not going to make it that long.
>was hoping I'd be able to take him outside to see snow... but he's not going to make it that long.
Yeah that's worst thing huh? what could've and would've...
How long has he been with you?
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I've had him a little over 9 years. He actually had two whole ears and a tail when I first got him.
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You gave him a good life, remember that.
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>most likely to mark territory.
Most likely not honestly. Cats may predate on things but they are also prey themselves and actually prefer to hide their excrement thanks to their lizard brain. Even if they didn't feel the need to hide it, their lizard brain still enjoys pissing on loose substrate like sand, loose dirt, and wood pellets, its why we don't have to painstakingly train cats to piss in litterboxes like we train dogs to piss outside. It's not your cat, so there's not as much you can do about it, but inappropriate pissing is a common feline malfunction and troubleshooting usually starts with a vet visit to rule out renal failure and UTIs.
>the chances my male cat will start spraying
Not so likely due to just from the other cat pissing, but more likely due to a big change in living conditions not from just adding another cat but another human. Cats are autistic and may have little fits over shit like this. Look into how to introduce cats, make sure you have multiple litter boxes in different areas so one cat can't 'guard' the piss box. If there is pissing outside the box, use enzyme cleaners. There is a chance your cat will smell cat urine and think that's a place to piss now and piss where the female cat pees - enzyme cleaners help break the urine down at a molecular level to more thoroughly get rid of any traces of urine.
I used to have a pissing cat so I am well aware of the issues. I also fostered many cats, even multiple unfixed male cats at the same time, and didn't have any inappropriate pissing. I think people just give up on pissing cats way too early and just deal with the piss, when they really don't have to.
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on my way to the gym I found this little guy crying alone by a cement parking block at 3 in the morning after it rained. rescued two kittens 2.5 years ago under similar circumstances (both are my cats now), so i couldn't ignore him. I went to the gym first in case his mom was to return and by the time I came back an hour later he tucked himself between a pole and wall by the building where I found him. Took him back and not 5 minutes later there was a sudden down pour, he was fortunate. My cats were stressed having him around tho, and he was really struggling after the first night. Wife gave him to a friend who knows what she's doing and I hope he's going to make it. Was struggling eating and was pretty lethargic after 24 hours, but I did all I could to keep him warm and fed. Feel sad and happy but mostly sad. Loved the little guy, looked like an angel when I opened my bag when I got home.

>feels right now: https://youtu.be/HLbh5fzBJL8?si=bt19ZIpq4qzPJKx5

When I lost my dog, my first pet, it was tough. but they'll visit you again in your dreams. he loved you for the life you gave him, many aren't so fortunate.
My brother adopted two kittens two months ago and they got along with my older cat. They cuddled together, groomed together. He even let them lick his tummy (lol). But recently the big cat has been acting aggressively towards them, whenever they try lick him or sleep with him he growls at them and I'm concerned. Is this normal behavior or could he be sick?
Just took your guys advice and gave my cat weed

He fucking loves it. He’s purring nonstop and rolling all over the carpet.
Seems like most of the Amazon listings for this Chinese garbage have since been taken down. Really begs for a mass recall, as one of them had like 400+ sold last month.
>15 week old kittens
>brother and sister (some anons might remember me)
>brother is getting more aggressive about wet food and actually swiping now
This is not behaviour I want. He's getting worse by the day even though they get unlimited kibble, some egg sometimes etc.
Sometimes my cat does this really unsettling meow right before he pukes and normally it's whatever because I already know he's about to puke and it doesn't catch me off guard
But he just did it while I was cooking and it sounded like a person screaming I thought I was getting fucking home invaded or something I'm still on edge because it scared the absolute fuck out of me
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>kitten loves to play
>constantly running around the house, playing with toys, and playing with us or other cats
>even plays fetch with some of his toys
>roughly every two or so days he spends the day totally knocked out, barely able to stay awake except to get some food
It's so funny to see him just completely tucker himself out like that. He's completely different from my other two cats, he's closer to how my dog was when I had her. I love this little bastard
Cat ate a home invader, he saved your life.
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YouTube keeps recommending me those videos of cats on the brink of death and the YouTuber gives them another chance at life. Do you guys ever wonder how many of those videos the YouTuber themselves messed the cat up to create content for their YouTube channel? I feel like it's probably almost all of them. Theres a lot of money in doing that stuff, a lot of people watch them (millions of views) so I could imagine people seeking out cats to fuck up so they can pump out more videos.
It's very well known that this is exactly what they do especially the ones from third world SEA shitholes
They either put them in some awful scenario to be "rescued" from or abuse them and then "fix" them on camera
God knows there's an endless supply of street cats and dogs for them to do it to
trvth nvke

No reason not to feed a cat a vegan diet. “Obligate carnivore” is a broscience myth.

Well there is one
Not liking to admit that if your cat can be vegan so can you

>making your cat unhealthy on a toxic and immoral meat diet to avoid questioning your bacon addiction
Meat is literal poison bro
I mean why else would they film the whole process? They find a dying animal and they just decide to film it before trying to help it? I don't buy it. These people are doing it themselves.
and? a little stress wont hurt a cat. theyre poor, the youtube money helps them afford things like vaccines and food.
You will always be a SEAmonkey
What kind of comment is this? Air itself is a free and open highway, you're the hitch-hiker. I've dipped a cut hand into a prison toilet and got out fine but I knew it could be much worse.
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It's done. Rest in peace little guy. ;_;
There's also a strong possibility that their "before" and "after" footage is switched around and there was never any post-recovery cat to record.
is this real?
>Not liking to admit that if your cat can be vegan so can you
This is basically why r/cats is so vehemently against feeding cats vegan diets

Notice they dont give a shit about "dogs can be vegan with the right supplements" or "humans can be vegan with the right supplements", it is cats because that would be them personally admitting that veganism works. They don't care when other people do it. They don't want to admit that veganism works and they are bad people.
>Against animal abuse
>Feeds self and cat with animal abuse
Yes, if you do this, you are a bad person. If you don't like that fact, change.

Don't spread non-scientific lies about "obligate carnivores" instead. Obligate carnivores only exist in nature because they dont have agriculture in nature. Cats are not even natural. They are domesticated and mostly eat grains and slaughterhouse waste, funding slaughterhouses that torture animals for profit.
If you care so much about a few cats being uncomfortable why isn't your cat vegan? Torturing animals is torturing animals no matter the reason. Nothing has to eat meat if quality vegan food and vet care are available.
I’m really sorry anon. But it sounds like you gave him a great life and did everything you could for him until the end
You did the right thing putting an end to his suffering don’t doubt yourself
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you can be vegan all you want just don't force that shit on other people or animals. I'm not sure why this is so hard for vegans to understand.
Rest in peace buddy I'm glad he got to live a happy life
Im not them but
>dont reccomend other people and animals to be healthier and less cruel
lol wut? do you ever listen to yourself speak or are you happy as long as words are coming out?
Meat is literal fucking poison

Eating death is bad for you. Death kills. Who knew?

Nothing outside of nature "has" to eat meat because we have factories and farms now. Welcome to the future. Killing is outdated. Why are you even on /an/ if you like to hurt animals? OP is someone goading their pet into torturing a squirrel to death. Squirrels are harmless and beneficial. This is no better than dog fighting or people who laugh when their husky/borzoi kills every cat that comes into their yard.
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>Meat is literal fucking poison
>Why are you even on /an/ if you like to hurt animals?
meat, cheese, milk, animal products in general are delicious and my cat agrees. side note, it's not a squirrel but a chipmunk, which can be a pest around homes.
I have no horse in this race, but that is not a great study to be pulling conclusions like that. I suspect you've read some popsci blog article and shared this as a reference without actually reading it.

Also, captcha: 8D0G
Looks like a cute little guy. Seems old enough to be weaned, barring any disease he might have just been dehydrated and weak.
When in doubt, take to vet. Getting older, they may be getting more rambunctious and the older cat might want more space to himself. Make sure he has ways to get away from the kittens, but if they were fine before I wouldn't worry too much about a blood bath or anything happening.
For most cats, wet food is a much higher value food than dry food so the free feeding dry food doesn't really matter in this case. Feed the cats wet food away from each other, preferably in the same spots so they learn where their 'spot' is. Make sure that the cats NEVER get to finish off the other cat's food, even if the other cat is done - this creates scarfing down food to go stalk the other, teaches them they can get more food this way. If one leaves food behind, just take the dish away.
I've actually done a deep dive on a single one of those that's in the US and found some terrible shit, like stuff I can't repeat because I value my life. TL;DR these are scams.
A less deadly one is that Jacob Feder being terrible at video editing and kept in the part where he shoved an arrow in an iguana's head.
>parents acquired a cat about a year ago
>semi-feral female tabby; would have been less than a year old when she first showed up
>was getting unwanted advances from an old tomcat in the area (since deceased) so they let her hide/sleep in their conservatory, which developed into feeding her and letting her in the house
>already spayed and microchipped; vet wouldn't give any details from it (not even the cat's name) but claimed the address was a long distance away, and as far as we know they've not responded to the vets' attempts to contact them, so she was presumably abandoned (this is a rather rural area so we'd know if anyone had moved in anywhere around the time she showed up)
So my question is how can I get this cat to like me? She doesn't seem particularly afraid of me, but not exactly trusting either.
>will come and get my attention if she wants to be fed or let inside/outside, but otherwise wants nothing to do with me
>won't actually eat anything I give her until I've put it down and retreated to a safe distance
>if I offer food in my hand, then there's about a 2/3 chance of her ignoring it and a 1/3 chance of claws, even when it's a treat she really likes
>if she has to walk past me in a hallway, then she'll move faster while she's near me
>completely disinterested in playing with anything
>only very rarely likes being stroked, so long as she's comfy and in the right mood for it
>I never try to pick her up or shoo her away so it's not like I'm actively antagonizing her here
>is only like this with me: she's more affectionate towards my mother, and overall indifferent to my father
Obviously I'm not expecting her to turn into a cuddly lapcat here, but any improvement would be nice.
we all should stop the slaughter in america guys
>the study is bad because i say so
yeah because why would a diet lower in oxidative stressors and carcinogens be better for you? impossible. how could vegan cats live longer? cats evolved to eat meat. how could vegan humans live longer? humans evolved to eat meat.

and evolved to have kids twice and then die at half their lifespan in captivity.

veganism has to be bad because you have to actually eat a balanced and complete diet. oh wait! that doesn't make sense.

>corpses and products of torture are tasty and i like killing stuff because its convenient
wow, the vegan memes about psychotic carnists and death worshipers were not memes
>>the study is bad because i say so
no, let my clarify: your conclusions are bad. the study is fine and acknowledges its shortcomings, but you're scientifically illiterate
>Jacob Feder being terrible at video editing and kept in the part where he shoved an arrow in an iguana's head.
What the fuck? you got a link?
The adventure of life goes on
>cats do not have to eat meat
>they are either the same or better off with a vegan diet and proper care
>feed them meat anyways
You have to admit this is a pretty big moral failing. Your only options are going vegan or just saying you dont care about suffering and you like hurting animals. Going vegan admitting that you are a hypocrite who doesn't care about logic or truth. Not a good person by any non-chinese standard.
They do have to eat meat, they are obligated carnivores that need nutrients you don't get in plant matter.
> just saying you dont care about suffering and you like hurting animals
No, I do not like hurting animals, but animal agriculture is a staple of humanity and on a global scale and is going nowhere in the foreseeable future. Even tho I don't eat meat or fish that makes absolutely no difference, I can't do anything about it all. It would be great if there were no suffering farm animals, but suffering is part of life and humanity
>cats need meat
>but vegan cats live slightly longer on average
>its already happening so its ok
Something doesnt make sense.
Just admit you dont value life or care about suffering.
>Vegan cats live slightly longer on average
Where did you read this?
Also I never said it was ok, you're twisting my words
what's your daily diet, anyway? heavily processed foods to avoid the suffering of anything that once lived be it plant or animal? or are plants ok because they don't have faces
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think outside the box
I love her chubby face
Give her a kiss on the head for me
>>won't actually eat anything I give her until I've put it down and retreated to a safe distance
Start with this, and slowly decrease the space between you each time. It will take a really long time
Sure thing
I think his buddy Landon Scherr does some stuff with dead cats for clicks. One of them has since opened up a zoo, which is quite popular now
I love these chubby cheeks.
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or in the box
How did they get away with it?
>but vegan cats live slightly longer on average
i feel so terrible every time i have to take my cat to the vet... i can never get her in the crate on the first try so she tries to hide in a corner and gets really stressed out. then when i finally get her in the crate she doesn't stop meowing pathetically :(
ha ha ha, yessss
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>cat sneaked into my house and gave birth to babies
>didn't notice she gave birth to babies inside my house and filled the hole
>days later
>noticed noises from storeroom
>2 babies
>took 2 babies out in front of the door, waiting for their mother to come get them
>an hour later, finished lunch
>found another baby
>tried to take it out
>their mother at the doorstep
>2 babies were killed
>struggling for a while
>decided to give the 3rd baby to the mother anyway
>the mother took it and ran away
There was no way of knowing, don't blame yourself.
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Give them some weed
good morning sweetie
Get a top loading carrier. Way easier to just plop the cat into.
This post has me upside down with excitement
My old ass cat just shook his head, lost his balance and fell over and then said fuck it and just lay down and is now going to sleep in that spot
Rest in peace, pretty kitty. You were in my life for 20 whole years, it's gonna be tough without you. Rest easy.
My cat's lost so much weight that it no longer hurts when he walks across my chest. Let's hope he stays that way...
Sorry for your loss, anon. What was your cat like?
Thank you anon. She was somewhat feisty, but the past few years she was sweet and wanted nothing more than your attention and getting pet. She was an incredibly intelligent cat. She loved nature and was always inquisitive.
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not much I can do about it flipping horizontal pictures
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My uncle found the sweetest kitten I have ever seen
big eyes and nice coat
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Condolences. She sounds like she was a great cat.
poor computer, clean its ports
Good night sweet princess.
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this site hates my camera
Turn that frown, upside down!
I have two 15 year old cats, these are the only cats I've ever had. One of them has recently started drinking a lot more water and is eating less than she used to. I'll be taking her to the vet asap this week to get her checked out. If she can be given medicine or a diet change that will keep her around without discomfort that's what I'll do but I'm scared that she may be nearing the end of her life.

Any advice for me bros? I'm really worried for her. And if something happens to her I'm concerned for how my other cat will handle it. They are litter mates and they keep each other company while I'm away at work. It's hard to think of her passing and the other having to be alone all day.
Thank you anons.
Bringing her to a vet is a good idea. My cat was like that a year and a half before she passed. Most likely, she'll have to drink water more often and switch to wet foods. Do whatever your vet recommends and make sure she's eating every day. I can't say much for her litter mate if the worst happens. I wish the best for you and your cats.
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>One of them has recently started drinking a lot more water and is eating less than she used to.
Likely kidney disease.
Blak kotes cute
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It's been a few days and she hasn't vomited since. Must have been the antibiotics messing up her GI like you said.
>white ear tips
What a beautiful kot!
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>Just admit you dont value life or care about suffering.
I don't. What now faggot?

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