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We are starting from scratch baby
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>my thread got deleted
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We can rebuild.
All of them did. Mods are apologizing on other boards. Maybe a janny went rogue.
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my cat rarely spazzes out
Where are they apologizing? I demand deep dogeza.
Why does wet food give my cat diarrhea? I've tried even good quality expensive ones with no fillers and the same thing happens.
reposting my question: Moved back in with parents and my 3 yearl old cat has peed on the towels twice in a row. Should I be worried its a UTI or is she just not happy at the new place?
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Does the cat appear to be in pain when pissing, straining etc, if not may just be something behavioral. Had a similar concern recently with my cat, who decided to piss in the shower when I was shitting, cat turned out to be fine (maybe she just wanted to feel included). On a side note, there's a few brands making color changing silica litter, based on the PH levels of the cat's piss, not terribly expensive when compared to a vet visit.
Why do newborn kittens shit everywhere when they’re shaken?
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>watched older brother's house over the weekend
>his cat sticks to me like glue the entire time
>rubs up against my legs
>even sleeps lying next to me

>tries to bite or open claw slap my hand whenever I touch him
>trills and twitches the tip of his tail, and never stops acting friendly, so I'm pretty sure he was trying to play
>get him to chase string and other stuff like that instead
>he loves it
>never stops trying to swat my hand
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Does your brother hit his cat or something?
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they can't control their bowels
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it was my thread
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The cat I'm taking care of has effectively ruined my sleep schedule.
How? It is not a newborn.
She meows and shuffles around a lot, especially during the night. Pisses on my mattress when I'm out. Separation anxiety since she's had like 3 different owners in the span of 7 months. I'm only taking care of her since her proper owner had to take care of some family stuff. I haven't had a good night's rest in the last two days.
Gabapentin will solve your problems

It's literal magic for cats.
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Isn't that a pain killer?
Take 4-6mg of melatonin (modified release if available) an hour before sleep. Most states have them available over the counter and they are easy to prescribe in europe for occupational use.
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>giving your cat Gaba
It can work as one, but so can alcohol and thca

It's literally harmless to pop a few 100mgs into their fancy feast. I do it all the time to sedate them before bathing or taking them to the vet.

In fact, most vets will just give it to you if you say your cat has severe anxiety associated with a mandatory activity like bathing or letting you sleep.
Is this what Asian influencers use to tranquilise their cats for photo ops and videos?
Is that jealousy? It's not the first time I've seen something like this
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I fed pic related twice and now she doesn't stop sitting outside waiting for me when I walk outside for work and when I get home from work - I think this cat chose me.
What precautions and things should I do first when taking in a stray? I checked for fleas, and she had them - is a flea bath, starting her on flea meds + flea collar a good enough start in order for her to stay indoors? I'll take her to a vet eventually but I'd rather be insured first, especially if I'm taking in a cat.
I really want to give this kitty a deserving home, she's too sweet!
Cat is back home from hospital. Liver levels are going in the right direction and she's eating food again. Have to give her a bunch of pills though which is not easy. She's hiding under the bed and looks like she's about to sleep.
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Yeah that should be pretty good for fleas. As long as you don't have any other cats then that's pretty much it until you go to the vet. The vet will probably want to do some basic tests for things like intestinal parasites and certain diseases (my cat had roundworms when I got her), but those wouldn't be an immediate concern when taking a cat into your house.
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Me and my ex broke up, she took 2 cats and left me with one who was very very attached to me.

The cat I'm left with is not taking it well, shes meowing constantly and even more attached to me at the hip. Our 3 cats were bonded but she was definitely the third wheel, she's very high energy and playful. The other 2 cats one was much older than her and would get annoyed at her and bite her neck and pin her down, the other was just generally lower energy and would spend a lot of the day hiding from her.

Even so my poor kitty is heartbroken. I'm trying to adopt another cat for her to be friends with as soon as possible but I can't help but feel like I did something bad by separating the bonded trio. Did I do the right thing anons? Or was I just being selfish?
Nah fuck that hoe anon. You did the right thing
stick to one flavor and brand for a few weeks and see if it changes. The food being wet really shouldn't change how your cat's stool is, unless it's not able to process the extra water content or there's some GI issue going on.

Could be either. along with straining, check for small dribbles of urine and licking her privates a lot. Make sure she has a litter box, maybe 2, maybe need to get a different 'type' of litter box or litter. If it's a recent move I suggest keeping her confined to one room for a bit while she gets acclimated, may also force her to use the litter box. If you're still going to use the towels, wash them with an enzyme cleaner. I'd say keep the towels up so she doesn't piss on them again, but it's probably better to waste some towels than a carpet or bed.

Probably used to people using their hands to play. Seen a lot of cats rehomed due to that.

>3 different owners
>inappropriate peeing
Are you sure it hasn't had a fuck ton of owners because of the pissing on the bed? Last I checked, pissing is the #1 cat related reason cats are surrendered to the shelter (as opposed to owner related like moving).
Anyway not your pissing cat, not your cat pissing problem. I'd suggest keeping the cat in a bathroom so if it pisses, it's gonna be on hard floors. If it's only temporary, she'll be fine; I foster cats for months in a bathroom.
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Don't bother with flea collars or bath. Flea baths can be OD'd and cause neuro problems, and Capstar works better anyways. Capstar will kill every live flea on that cat in 24 hours, but doesn't stop other stages so start a real f/t med on top of that. Get an Rx flea/tick - the OTC shit uses either shitty holistics that don't do crap, or Fipronil which fleas are highly resistant to now. The only flea collar worth a damn is Seresto, which is the cheapest option in the long run (lasts for 8m) but I really recommend buying this at vet offices too, because there are a lot of fakes out there that kill. I also wouldn't recommend a seresto collar if the cat is indoor/outdoor, because it's an expensive af collar to lose. Also, don't get seresto if there's a chance animals may ingest it. Normal flea collars use Fipronil and a fuck ton of it, and it's just laced on the collar and not absorbed in the hair, so it just creates a baldind spot around the neck where the skin is irritated if it's properly fitted.
You'll probably want to deworm too - for round and hooks, you can use strongid which I believe is OTC, just don't OD your cat. Once you get to the vet though you'll need an Rx for a tapeworm de-wormer, the OTC tapeworm dewormer is literally smoke and mirrors. Tapeworms can come from ingesting fleas so there's a good chance she has that. Hookworm and tapeworm can be zoonotic. At the vet you'll probably want to do a feline combo to check if it has FeLV /FIV, and you may want to consider getting a blood test done for Bartonella, aka Cat Scratch Fever, which is zoonotic and can be very bad in humans, and seen in cats with bad flea infestations. But, if you're not worried about Cat Scratch and the cat is acting fine, you can skip that one since it's a pretty pricey test usually.
Get the fucker fixed ASAP. They get pregnant as young as 4m, they are induced ovulators making them very efficient breeders, and their gestation is only 8 weeks.
That sounds like good news overall!
They should make cat food from lizards and rodents
is it normal for kittens to be so violent? this baby won't stop attacking my feet and legs and biting my finger like it's a piece of chicken
She's snoring under my bed
Yeah normally their mom teaches them not to play so rough. You can try it yourself if there's no mom.
how do you do that? it's 3months it was with mom and siblings.
It's just playing, you should've got 2 so they had someone to play with.
i have a 3 month old thats the same way. ive been trying to teach him to chill out by holding a treat in my hand and when he finally sits still i give it to him. he's been very polite these past few days and i want to believe that he's learning. also make sure to play with them with toys and not your hands, so they're not trying to get their energy out on you like you're one of their siblings
Why are orange cats assholes? I just saved a little garter snake they were terrorizing and the black cats didn't care at all
I don't think I've ever heard a cat snore
he was hunting
like a cat in the wild would do, playing with his prey
It's a very quiet soft wheeze, really cute
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She was taken from a shelter beforehand. I don't know how many owners she one through but yeah, it may be a lot until she finally ended up with the current one. Who, fortunately is very adamant about keeping her.
>Anyway not your pissing cat, not your cat pissing problem.
I mean that's true, but I feel bad about even leaving her alone sometimes because she keeps crying at the door. Else she's usually fine.
Anyway, here's a drawing of her I did since my camera is broken.
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she's getting back to her normal self, eating a lot, and now she's watching a squirrel run around on a tree and wants to attack it.
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enjoying the sun
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Ever tried giving them laxatone
i'm not giving my cats jewish pharma
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Ah yes the most jewish of pharmaceuticals, hairball/vomit paste
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94°F out today, cat and I are lounging inside
Try getting them cat grass
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What is this coat color/pattern?
Calico. Sometimes people call that tortoiseshell though.
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Old photo of my first cat, was also a calico
Dunno why nearly all of my vertical photos are posted horizontally, aren't like that in file explorer or anything else for that matter
4chan strips the metadata from uploaded files, so if an image's orientation is determined by the metadata the image will just be oriented as per the raw image file. Happens all the time with phone cameras.
Thank you

Shelter said tabby
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apparently my cat sleeps like he's roadkill now
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not my cat but he's laying pretty similarly
found the pill stash my cat was hiding damnit
What's the /an/ take on indoor vs outdoor cats? I grew up in a rural area and had indoor/outdoor cats all my life and the vets agreed that letting them out was better for their mental health than keeping them inside 24/7 but in the past decade I've noticed a heavy trend of internet posters demonizing anyone who lets their cats out, saying they're just tempting fate and that it's only a matter of time until they get hit by a car.

Personally every indoor cat I've ever met has been a fat ball of anxiety and depression (similar to their owners) and every outdoor cat I've ever met has been a chill motherfucker.
Outdoor cats decimate the wildlife. Oftentimes when my cat escapes outside she comes back with a chipmunk in her mouth.
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Get the cat to learn to tolerate a leash so it can appreciate being outside without you having to worry about it getting hit by a car, eaten by the local wildlife, or possibly getting taken in by the neighbors for a week while you're worried sick putting up posters trying to find your cat, before it comes back to your house suspiciously clean as though it wasn't outside for a week
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smug comfy cat right there
Has anyone ever had problems with Tidy Cat litter with Glade? I think it made 8/9 of my cats sick. Yes you read that right. They're all sneezing, throwing up spittle, one even threw up bile, watery eyes, warm soaked nose, etc. One won't even eat and his chin is soaked in drool. We're taking him to the vet tomorrow. I hate my girlfriend so much for picking up all these cats despite us being poor. Only the youngest cat (four months or so) isn't showing any symptoms. Luckily the vet we go to will diagnose one of them and prescribe medicine to all of them. Did it before with ringworm too. Now that was real fun. 8 cats (no kitten then) with ringworm and my girlfriend caught it too. I was constantly sanitizing everything while she did nothing and she even bought a cat tower during that time for them to all claw into and spread eggs everywhere. Dumb bitch.
Never used scented litter so I can't say, but has there been any other changes around the house, like cleaning chemicals, etc?
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Nothing at all. I felt super fucking sick this morning myself too and called in then slept till like 4pm. Worst hot flashes of my life. Dripping sweat under the AC vent with a commercial grade fan blowing on me but I can't be sure it's related. I feel much better now.
Cat turned a year old a bit ago and suddenly started not covering his pee in the litter box. He lives with his brother and they've never had litter box disputes before. (three litter boxes) but maybe as he's gotten older he wants to feel like he owns one? Should I be concerned?
Why do you have three boxes for two cats? They don't even need two. If you just use one the brother will cover his brother's piss before it starts to stink. Unless they're spraying cat piss doesn't smell too bad immediately. It's when it dries up and sits exposed to oxygen that it gets bad.
I got a cat last Thursday and she keeps being sick. She acts normally otherwise so i'm a bit confused.

I took her to a vet and they didn't seem concerned. Am i over thinking this or is it normal for a new cat fo vomit?
how is she being sick?
Just randomly retching and bringing up food/bile. Its a yellow colour.

She did it about 7 times in the first 48 hours. Then once a day since. However she has done it twice again this morning.
Have you tried digestion friendly food?
No not yet. Although the food she is eating now is exactly the same as the food she was eating at the adoption centre.

We thought it could be anxiety but i'm not sure if it should last this long / is normal.
Maybe they caught a virus, I don't think ltter gets cats sick. Even if one might be allergic to something in it, it wouldn't be all of them.
the more i interact with cats, the more i love them
even the angry ones who only frown at me
my ig feed is 90% cats and cat memes
is this toxo?
whats the longest you've left your cat alone on a trip? need to go for around 4 days. she's done fine on 3 day trips.
If she's been fine for 3 days and she's 'stable' when you get back, pushing that to 4 should be fine.

It's both. "Tabby" is the stripes (forehead 'M'), but the colouring is Calico.
Yes. Soon you will be able to communicate with cats mentally. You must grow and strengthen the toxo.
So I have this drip bucket under one of my ACs and my cat literally cannot stop drinking from it. He has a little fountain, and I've left extra bowls to entice him, but he loves watching the water drip drip drip and then drinks form it when he thinks I'm not looking. Will this fuck up my cat? Google tells me condensation from an AC is just regular water, but I would rather if someone with actual experience could confirm. On personal inspection, it does look clear, and does smell like regular water, I would not dare taste it but who knows if it will fuck up the cat.
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I'd only worry about it if the condensation was happening on an unclean surface, like if the part your cat is licking is covered in rust or unknown paint. Otherwise yeah it's just ordinary water.
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Just gave a box to our 5 week olds. Didn't even take ten seconds.
>when you see it
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>that's true, but I feel bad
I meant more about fixing the pissing issue, because that could be a myriad of different issues and could be expensive or take a long time to fix. Maybe have her with you until it's bed time, and she can tire herself out crying. Cats have to learn to be alone once in a while, just like dogs and humans do. Nice drawing by the way.

Sounds like the meds are working, great to hear anon!

Lots of reasons - activity after eating, empty stomach for a long time, potentially worms, switching diets or eating a variety of treats/scraps, over-grooming, etc.

Torbie or tabico - I mostly hear torbie though. It's basically a calico where the stripes of the tabby coat are still widely seen. I'm not sure if the term 'torbie' is a recognized color or if the proper term is 'calico tabby' but torbie is in most vet clinic software so that's what I use. This looks exactly like my cat and now im very worried.

Indoor with supervised outdoor access, or indoors with sufficient enrichment. Outdoor cats not only hurt other animals, but themselves too. Most vets these days that are younger than boomers agree that outdoor cats on average live unhealthier, shorter lives. However, most vets aren't going to harp on it because there's a cat overpop issue and they'd prefer your business rather than being a cunt about you having an outdoor cat.

It sounds like you should break up with her, but we're not on /adv/ so...
The only issues I've had with litter and cat health is mostly through ingestion of clumping litter, and sometimes some URI from really dusty cat litter. I can't say I've had trouble with Tidy Cats but I'm unsure I've tried specifically the glade one. I would be worried this illness is not from cat litter, though. That would just be too easy.
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what's the best object in the house to use for scale
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Don't listen to the other anon lol 3 litterboxes for 2 cats is actually recommended, but I'm sure you already know that.
I don't think you should be too concerned, it might be a coming of age thing. Cats are primarily a prey species. They cover piss/shit to mask themselves from predators. Now that he's older, the reptilian part of his brain may be telling him he's big/old enough to not worry about covering it up. It could also be more simple than that, like he wants to piss quickly and get back to what he was doing, or the box was a bit dirty and he didn't want to sift through it.

If your cat is over-grooming, this could be stomach upset from too much hair. Also, sometimes bile can be from an empty stomach. If you're feeding 1xd try to up it to 2, etc. There's a good chance they fed 1xd at the shelter and the cat just free fed all day, but might be more of a glutton in a home setting. Keep an eye on food/water intake, and lethargy. Generally with new cats they are QT in a room for a week or so and slowly introduced to the rest of the house to keep anxiety down since cats are literal autists.

5 days but i'll be honest I was sweating because I have 2 cats. Cats can go into fatty liver disease in as soon as 24hr of not eating, that's my biggest concern. If you have a timed feeder and only one cat, you'll be totally fine for 4 days.

It should be normal water as far as I understand... but you'll need to clean that bucket occasionally.
Took me a while to see the black cat
My cat suddenly doesn't have a lot of use of her back legs. I suspect it might have happened with her jumping off my bed.

She's a 17 year old cat and has walked a bit funny for the last couple of years. As far as I can tell, she seems to have issues with her back hips, especially the right side.

Yesterday, I noticed she was scooting around on her butt. Her front paws are fine but she can't seem to put any weight on the back legs. She can still move her back feet but the tail doesn't seem to move at all. She just spun around in circles. I also think she was in some pain, though she didn't holler much.

I took her to the vet and they gave me some painkillers for her. For some reason though, they didn't give me any anti-inflammatories. Am I gonna have to put my baby down? Is there anything I can do to help or is this the new normal?
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I love this silly creature
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My cat was just snoring for a bit and then just starting hissing/meowing while still sleeping. I wish I recorded it
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She made herself a burrow in the blankets and now she's hiding in it.
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All catfags itt are toxoplasmosis addled hivemind niggers.
bibisi in the background
no arrow
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cat in the bag
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>Why do you have three boxes for two cats?
So if I'm feeling lazy I don't feel bad not cleaning it right away. Also I don't see why it's a bad thing, they like to use all three and I have plenty room.
>If you just use one the brother will cover his brother's piss before it starts to stink.
Thankfully it doesn't smell like anything at all, neither of them has had smelly piss. I made sure to smell/look at it close to make sure it wasn't liquid diarrhea cause it worried me.
He has gotten out of the litter box quicker when he wants to get back to playing. Though I think he's left it uncovered even when the box was fully clean, so not sure if that's it. I'll just assume it's like you said and he probably just doesn't feel like it's necessary anymore or he's being lazy. I can't imagine only using one litter box though, I'd have to clean it every time they went and always feel like it's dirty otherwise. I already stress over three cause I hate the idea of their only place to use the restroom being super dirty.
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Get bigger litterboxes. Maybe toilet train them
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really special moment between my two cats just now. Cat was hospitalized and came back home and second cat was hissing and growling at her for the past two days. Tried getting him to play while in the same room as her and after a while he decided to walk up to her and sniff her without getting mad.
This. Or get pine pellet horse bedding from a farm supply store to use as litter. It's compostable. Make sure you compost it properly.
mmm lead poisoning
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I love my kot
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Does the vet have a plan or anything? Did they say what it might be? She's older, there's a lot that could cause this, they may require diagnostics like blood tests and/or radiographs.

I am the same way, I clean the boxes once a day. I hate the idea of just having dirty shitboxes in the house. Maybe one day I'll splurge on those nice litter robots.

I tried toilet training before, and learned the hard way that cats really can't shit well in a toilet. The leg muscles involved makes it hard for them to balance, they can fall in the water, or not feel safe enough to shit so they shit elsewhere.

Cats tend to do this when one comes back from the vet, I guess it's the spooky smell? Glad they are getting along again.
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I went to an emergency vet last night. They didn't do much other than send her home with some pain killers. I called with some questions today but the vet is foreign with a very heavy accent. So no real help there.

I also called my regular vet but they can't provide any advice or insight over the phone. I have to book the appointment, pay the money and then see what they will say.

It is most likely a back or hip injury, though I can't know without an x-ray. They did do a blood test but it didn't seem to point to anything.
It's been almost a year and I still look behind me all the time when I close the door to not close it on her
But she's not there
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Do you have another cat?
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I cant, Snowflake was my pal for 19 years. I dont think I can handle it again.
wow she lived a long time
what did you feed her?
Nothing special, She had dry food (Purina ONE was the brand) out 24/7 and learned to only munch when she was hungry,
Other then that she got wet food 2 times a day that one was Sheba brand, usually switching meat types everyday in cycle, Beef > Chicken > Cod > Salmon > Tuna on repeat.
On weekends or when I was at home in the morning and could prep normal breakfast for myself sometimes she got some salami, cheese, boiled eggs yolks, etc while I was cooking
Water she had a fresh cup out everyday with mineral water in it, and ofc sometimes those pet treats you can buy in stores.
She was an in and outdoor but outdoor meant she never left the garden, never went outside the fence, usually just sleep in the grass or terrace, under the bushes trees.
Unironically never been vaxxed, and over the 19 years we only had to go to the vet 2 times. First time was just I couldn't remove a tick from her so I took to the experts so I dont fuck up without proper equipment.
Other time was in the last weeks when I noticed her being less active and sleeping all day barely eating and drinking.
sounds like she lived a long, happy, healthy life
was she cuddly/affectionate? playful?
She slept with me in the bed everynight so I would say yes.
My mom told me everytime I left the house for work or etc she would stand in front of the door for like 20 minutes waiting for me then just go back to my room and sleep on my sofa,
And when I get home she would instantly sprint to the door when I opened the garage door to park in.
She didnt like being picked up tho. She would sleep next to me and on my lap while I was at the computer but would only tolerate being picked up for like 5 minute max then she would throw a tantrum and wanst to go down.
a lot more affectionate than my cat lol
sounds like she loved you a lot
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The vet is ESL? Are you sure it was the vet that you were talking to over the phone? It's really odd to have a vet answering phone calls even of medical nature, unless there was like accidental death involved. They usually have vet techs handle that. Maybe call up again and ask to speak with a vet tech? Or ask to just send you the records so you can see if they left anything on notes. Generally emergency vets are concerned about getting your animal stable, not long term effects, so there may not be any follow up plans.
>they can't provide any advice or insight over the phone.
Legally speaking they can't. They can get sued for not having a client-patient-doctor relationship. Can't diagnose or prognose over the phone anyway.
Hopefully you'll get some answers soon.
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I was considering adopting a cat, but I'm hesitant because I work long days and live alone for now, I'm off to work by 4:15 am and not home at least until 4pm. Should I not? Could I maybe?
Could get two cats so they keep each other company.
That's totally fine, cats don't care. Two cats are even better, then they got a buddy.
If you aren't home a lot you should definitely get a pair of cats so they can keep each other company. You'd have to figure out how you're feeding them too, you'd need a timed feeder so they can get food during the day.
I would say it's fine as long as it's an adult cat, kittens require more time and care. I work from home and my old boy just sleeps most of the day while I work, and same at night while I sleep. He's only active in the morning and evening, as cats tend to be, which is also his meals time so I play with him then.
>cat comes to me
>walks away
>I unconsciously follow
>become conscious of it and go back to what I was doing
Is this toxo?
One of my kots sniffles and sometimes goes into a sneezing fit until his nose is bleeding. What's wrong with him?
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hi, question for anons. My cat's tree (had) a feather toy attachment for her to bat at. I looked at it for the first time in a while, and noticed today that the feather has been eaten almost entirely. I don't know when she did it, and also haven't seen anything weird behavior wise. She's been using the litterbox normally too, although I can't say I've been examining her shit that much. Should I be concerned?
Pic rel, best picture I have of the feather in question.
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i lied, I do have a better one
It's just short synthetic fibers, your cat should pass them harmlessly.
got it, thanks. I'll keep an eye on her
Generally speaking you only have to worry if your cat eats something large that they can choke on or obstruct their bowels, or long strings which can potentially get tangled in their guts.
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10/10 cat
>try to apply flea meds to cat
>medium hair so need to dig through fur with focus
>the dude who is usually calm goes ballistic over the treats I distract him with and I think I missed a drop
god damn it
I wish my cats slept with me, although they probably learned not to because I toss around in bed a lot
>I toss around in bed a lot
Probably because there is a cat in your bed
I had a dream I was petting my cat and she was extra soft and fluffy
>collar bell
I hope you don't have her wear that except rarely. If she has it on all the time she'll go deaf.
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Probably wouldn't make for a good pillow
hes sick
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Took her to the vet yesterday, vet recommended putting her down, I did.

Still doesn't feel real. I go into rooms and expect to see her.
provide evidence for this claim
Wtf are you talking about anon? There are far louder things those little eardrums have to put up with compared to a small bell.
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Same, I wish my cat was gay so he would cuddle me in bed but unfortunately he's straight. At least he likes sitting on my lap though.
I'm sorry to hear that man. I'm glad she got to live a long life with you though. What's a nice memory that comes to mind?
She hated being wet but she would often jump up on the bathtub and lick water from the shower curtain or the wall. She was obsessed with water. Before I got her a water fountain, she'd dip her foot into her water and drink from her foot. It would make her bowl filthy though.
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FUCK anon this was not the update I was hoping for. F I'm sorry for your loss. Take some time for yourself.

Might need to see a vet. Sneezing fit occasionally is one thing. But if it's happening enough to cause such nasal irritation that it's bleeding, it should probably be addressed.

Just a drop, you'll be fine. They make that shit in chewable form now for cats if you think that might be better
I love this gat
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mmm grass
Thank you. She was a great cat. It still doesn't feel real.
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look at those puffy upper lip cheeks
>2 new kittens
>wake up today
>one starts puking for the first time, seems undigested and like she didn't swallow
>her brother pukes like 5 minutes later, way smaller amount
>clean it all up, they're back to morning zoomies right after
The only thing I did different yesterday is give them their wet feed a few hours earlier yesterday. Getting their second vaccination coming Wednesday so will of course ask the vet, but has anyone here have a similar experience?
Should mention they've been with me for 2 weeks now without any problems. I work from home and am a very light sleeper, so I would've noticed. They're both around 14 weeks old now.
Don't worry about it. I have a cat that's more than 10 years old and he still eats too fast and throws up. One thing you can do is restrict their feed so they can't eat too much at once.
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I'm of the 'wait and see' group here - generally undigested food isn't going to be from an empty stomach, because it contains fucking food. But, they may have eaten too fast or played right after eating. I am a little surprised they still had food in their system from overnight.
How do I befriend the cats that come to my yard? They always run from me
give them food
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I help trap outdoor cats when I find very sick ones. Outdoor cats always are sick, or will probably get sick. Ticks and fleas also are big issue. Humans and predators/more dominant cats likely will kill the cat or leave it to die slowly. Getting hit by car is the most merciful death for outside cat, and that's very sad.
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This is not a pipe.
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Any unusual places your cats like to sit
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Same cat as >>4869293 just without her winter mane and this was before her ears went white
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Went on a day trip with the family

Was expecting to be home by lunch

Came home at nearly 6

kot was not happy, but then I fed him 6pm lunch and he was happy again
Outdoor cats are the default in the UK and they live long happy lives, they don't spend all of their time destroying wildlife, and don't get eaten. Cars are the biggest problem, and this is avoided by not letting a cat out of a front door onto the main road.

Lots of "facts" get thrown around about outdoor cats, but they're so full of bullshit because retarded americans can't tell the difference between a feral, undomesticated cat fending for itself, and a pet cat that's fed and cared for. Pet cats don't hunt as much as suggested, and it's incredibly rich for quarter-ton americans that practically sweat microplastics and pesticides to claim that cats are the ones decimating wildlife and not the horizon-stretching swathes of habitat destruction.

In some other countries it is a bit more complicated where the ecosystem does not have a cat-equivalent predator already, I also do appreciate there are risks in some areas of the US around predators, but these get overstated as if the entire country is overrun by coyotes. If you actually have a lot of coyotes where you live then don't let them out

A lot of discourse around these arguments feels less like genuine justification (especially because some of them are counter to actual evidence) and more like people getting defensive trying to reason for cultural norms, especially when it boils down to being accused of keeping cats "cooped-up".

There are plenty of bad pet owners, whether it's cats, dogs, indoors or outdoors. For an outdoor cat, once the considerations of health and safety are taken care of, they are lower maintenance as they get their enrichment on their own schedule. For an indoor cat, this outdoor time needs supplementing properly and it's a bigger commitment, you need to watch their weight more.

I have an indoor cat because she's FIV+, she's not a depressed fat blob as it doesn't take a whole lot of play and enrichment to satisfy and adult cat, but I do think the separation anxiety thing is real.
>Pet cats don't hunt as much as suggested
You haven't met my cat.
Bros it's totally okay to just let a baby crawl around with knives and broken glass everywhere. If they wanna do it just let them. It's cruel not to let them.
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The UK is also unhinged and will have dogs put down for doing what is natural and eating cats.

We don’t do that in the US. A cat that eats birds has no rights to be at the top of the food chain, because naturally, they aren’t. Play by all the rules, or stay out of the game.

We were also founded after it was realized that cats aren’t magical protector animals and actually spread plague themselces.
basically this

outdoor cats work in the UK because your legal and social institutions have essentially deified them instead of treating them like just another animal
you have higher toxoplasmosis seroprevalence than the US and it is an underdiagnosed cause of miscarriage, which is likely why the UK and US have similar miscarriage rates despite the US having worse reproductive care outside of the civilized north
>Let my cat out two days ago
>He doesn't come home at all yesterday
>It's not the first time one of my cats has been missing for over a day on their own adventures, but start to get concerned
>Start to text neighbors today to see if any of them have seen him
>Then he meows at the door, asking to be let in
>Examine him for injuries and he's perfectly fine
>Except that one of his whiskers is very clearly burned off
What the fuCK
>have dogs put down for [...] eating cats
wrong, insofar that it doesn't support your argument
>legal and social institutions have essentially deified them
also wrong. cats have substantially less protections than dogs, which are like this becuase of their history as working animals.
Some teenagers were probably using it for torture for fun.
I think he burned the whisker off from the heat of one of the cars around here, it's been blazingly hot recently. But I'm just glad he came back at all, that would've been the third cat I've lost this year and I really can't take much more of that.
why do cats eat grass?
Helps with digestion, cleans teeth
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Outdoor catfags everyone
I mean died. One died to cancer, she was 17. The other died of old age, she was 20. The one who died of old age was indoor-outdoor. I miss those two little shits.
Just because everyone does it, doesn't mean it's OK to do. Ad populum. Outdoor cats are also more common in the US than indoor cats, so it's not a cultural difference. It is a difference in education.
>Source: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2615/11/2/253

RSPCA will also kill cats before letting people that don't have cat doors adopt. UK got their fucking panties in a bunch over a person shaving squares off of cats, not even fucking harming them. They're just really fucking backwards when it comes to cats. Probably from excessive toxo.
>Outdoor cats are also more common in the US than indoor cats
>>Source: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2615/11/2/253
How does that source support what you just said?
I double checked to make sure it is in there and it is, clear as day, in plain words.
Too close to a car exhaust.
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>In the United States of America (USA), 63% of domestic cats are kept entirely indoors [3].
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I'm having a dilemma. My cat has been showing signs of what I think is kidney failure the past couple weeks. She's been peeing much more than she used to and gets thirsty more often (I give her larger bowls of water now), her breaths smells horrible even though I give her dental treats, her rear feels skinnier, her fur feels kinda greasy around her rear and shoulders, and she just sits on my couch in one spot and only gets up to eat/drink/use the litter tray. The vet I go to is stupidly expensive and will probably charge around 1k for any sort of screening. Can I do anything for her by myself?
Id make a spot she can hide under like tenting a blanket on the couch because she will have severe nausea which is why she isn't doing much. When my cat had kidney disease all they could do is give me some fluids in a bag attached to a needle that you inject into the skin to give her water, im guessing it was just water but of course research it to see how you properly inject it into her skin. But if you can't get help it's best you take her to the vet to have her put down right away so she won't suffer, getting my cat put down didn't cost too much, less than 100 Canadian dollars.
>but these get overstated as if the entire country is overrun by coyotes
it is though.
My old cat got put down at 23 or so, current one at my mom's like 18. I'm used to them throwing up, but I feel extra responsibility for these 2 lil cretins. They also sneeze more than I'd like so I'm keeping an eye on them. They do eat quick with wet food, but have 24/7 access to kibble so no need to rush or overeat. Teaches them to regulate themselves.
Yeah it was weird timing to me too. I fed them early the day before, and then they throw up around 6 am. Weird that they both did it, almost made me think the food went bad or something. Considering gettiny a slow feeder though.
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I've been talking about them but not posting pics. Here you go anons.
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>But if you can't get help it's best you take her to the vet to have her put down right away
I'm not too sure, she still moves around on occasion to see me and to get me to give her pets/belly rubs. Shes not completely immobile or anything. I guess I just hate the idea of putting her down cuz Id miss her a lot.
She's 11
>sony trinitron
Jury is out on this; they are unsure if eating grass helps with nausea, hence why it is often associated with vomiting, or if eating the grass causes nausea and thus vomiting, but maybe it tastes good or something.

Find another vet because a lot of this would require anesthesia and prescriptions
> kidney failure
Caught early and this can be mitigated with some drugs & occasional SQ fluid (it is NOT just water). There's also a renal prescription diet that is very low in protein, which kidneys have a rough time filtering. On top of that, I think Purina makes an additive to water that makes the water more viscous, and thus easier for cats to drink. I know it used to be prescription, but it may be OTC now. You can't repair kidneys, but you can slow down the rate at which they break down.
>breaths smells horrible
If you can afford it and her health is decent enough for it, I would highly recommend a dental. Gum disease is likely causing the bad breath. Waiting longer to do a dental will just make it more risky as she is I'm assuming senior. Heart disease is the real concern here, although liver and kidney may make it harder to recover from the drugs.
>rear feels skinnier
Muscle atrophy from lack of exercise, I'm assuming due to arthritis. Not much you can do for the actual muscle loss, but maybe a senior diet that has gucosamine, chondrotin, etc. Possibly a light pain med but IDK about that mixed with renal failure.
>fur feels kinda greasy
Not cleaning self, I would bet from general lethargy mixed with arthritis where it hurts to clean there.
>Can I do anything for her by myself?
Making sure she drinks as much water as she wants will help kidney function, getting a water fountain may help.
If you can't afford dental, I'd advise looking into teeth brushing daily. It wont get rid of dental disease but it can help it from getting any worse.
Switch to a senior diet, add Dasaquin/Cosequin supplements.
Brush/dry shampoo as needed
I have had two different cats who enjoyed my company but slapped my hand when I tried to reach for them, one I didn't know more than a weekend, the other eventually stopped slapping me when she got comfortable with me being around. I think it is just another expression of displaying affection but on the cat's terms. Instead of processing the two conflicting emotions of 'uncertainty about new thing' and 'pleasure from company' they just exhibit both behaviours at once.

She'd be sad either way, she'd either lose you or them. It's okay to be sad, it'll pass.
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>24/7 access to kibble so no need to rush
Cats will still rush to eat food they consider high value even if they are free fed. Wet food is often (not always) preferred because it's higher in fat, cats will absolutely scarf that shit down despite having all the kibble in the world. Still though, it doesn't make sense to me that they didn't begin to digest it all damn night. If you're cheap you can just put a few ping pong balls in their dish and call that a slow feeder.
That's so cute, whish my cats would cuddle like this
Love the rabbit ears. If you do get worried about when is the 'right time' they actually have a bunch of scales for Quality of Life. I concur she sounds like she's of sound body. I can see that old lady face though. How sure are you of her age? Did you have her since a kitten?
>How sure are you of her age?
I remember the shelter I got her from 10 years ago saying she was 11 months old.
Man, I hate infographics and diagnostic stuff like this because it's so vague and subjective.
cats sleep like 25 hours a day, so how do you tell what this is?
>depressed mood
my cat doesn't have a therapist so i'm not sure on this
>increased water consumption
how many licks is that?

Sorry but you seem pretty misinformed on what cats are like going through kidney failure. And they just prolong the suffering for a few months for an extra 2000 dollars to make you feel better not the cat.
>Does your cat experience a greater sense of ennui?
>Does your cat often express pleasure but then catches itself, and stops?
>Does your cat like to hide, but when hidden, suddenly comes out?
>If your cat is an avid runner, has his or her form changed?
>Does your cat lean left more often than not?
>Does your cat pay more attention to local elections?
>Does your cat's farts come out in one big gush or in spurts?
>Will your cat spend longer getting out of bed in the morning?
>Has your cat started having strong opinions on the placement on trees in the area?
>Has your cat's territory changed by more than 18% growth or reduction?
>Has your cat's territory been displaced, warped, or tilted in such a way as to not coincide with lunar cycles?
>If you answer yes to 3.5 or more of these questions this is a clear sign your cat could benefit from seeing a vet, but use your own judgement.
>Does your cat's farts come out in one big gush or in spurts?
Spurts. Whenever I pat her belly she lets one out
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Seems normal to me, or a lethal condition that necessitates vet attention post haste.

Either way: Funi
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>That's so cute, whish my cats would cuddle like this
They're brother and sister, so that might be the reason. They're really a duo, even though the litter was 3 total.
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Mine are the same way. I specifically wanted a pair like these. They play together and keep each other company, so it's less of a requirement. They are still both extremely friendly.

The girl more than the boy. I feel bad for having a favorite but she is the one who always comes to be in my lap. He wants attention too but expects me to come to him.
>I feel bad for having a favorite
Same anon, same. My female (the tortoise) is way more huntress, curious, fearless and active. The orange one is more calm and cuddly, but a bit more of a scaredy-cat. Love them both though.
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*So I got this special litter that changes color if there's something wrong with their urine and her pee was dark yellow which was within the normal range so there's nothing wrong with her kidneys. Maybe it's just old age? I don't think it's diabetes since she isn't eating more than usual
How old is she?
She is too young to be that noticeably old. My cat is 14 and is very active and has none of the issues you mentioned.
She's 11
Early to get poorly. If this has been less than 3 weeks I would consider just waiting, could be just a nasty flu. But honestly go shop around for a cheaper vet, if you aren't seeing things that aren't there it seems kinda bad.
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>be me
>love cats
>go to cat cafe
>sit down and this old guy immediately climbs in my lap
cat cafes are always fun to visit but it sucks not being able to adopt :/
Are you not allowed pets where you live?
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SDMA test is going to find evidence of kidney issues before that litter will. Sometimes with diabetes you can actually smell the sugar in the urine. Could also be hyperthyroidism, which cats love to get.
Don't listen to the anon that was saying to put your cat down over renal failure - there are multiple stages of renal failure, as well as a chronic and acute. Some cats with chronic early stages live for years post diagnosis. It really just depends on the severity of the condition.
If the shelter estimated 11m, that makes me feel like they had a reason for that age. Like an O said the cat's age, or they had the cat since it was 6m, etc. But at around 8-12m, it becomes difficult to estimate accurate age. Generally the blood tooth doesn't become prominent till around ~2y, pic related, so I would say that estimation is probably between 11m and 2y, which isn't too much in the grand scheme of things.
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hey there
Im not too sure how long the shelter has her but I remember them telling us that she came in as a stray with her brother. They were a bonded pair but someone adopted just the brother and left her alone, dunno how long it was before the brother being adopted and me adopting her
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>spend an hour on the toilet because the kittens decided to camp in my underwear
Night well spent
I wish my cat slept with me ;_;
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My cat enjoys just lounging in my bed
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I'm moving into apartment with an 8 year old cat, and that will be my first time living with one. How do I make her love me?
feed her
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bit of catnip perhaps
Sorry, first time post in /an/, I didn't think there would be a general for this, can anyone help??

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Is there a better feeling than you going home from work, your cat rubbing against your legs and then happily rolling around on the floor?
My heart melts every time
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Does anyone have the picture of a large, serious-looking tuxedo tom chasing a bird? It's quite dramatic, he's drifting to one side but already has his eyes on the bird. It's often posted as a meme. I will swap pictures of my two boys for it.
Picrelated: my maine coon screaming for us to get his down from the bathroom cupboard he urgently needed to climb up on a few seconds earlier.
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This guy is called Jumpy cause he'll jump in your arms from the ground. He might do it up to 15 times in a row if he feels you're leaving for work/vacation. Otherwise he loves plopping himself down on his back for 90% of the day hoping to catch belly rubs.
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no but I have this inspirational cat
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there was a piece of string and now I can't find it. google says either "it's fine whatever" or "take your cat to the vet immediately"
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What kind of not do I have
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update: he is now vomiting everywhere and running away from me
a snowpoff
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My lil guy
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big yawn
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>cat in love with me
>expresses this love by running around my feet while I'm working
>always worried I'll roll over her by accident
>finally happens today
>not visibly hurt, but freaking out
My cat does that and I've stepped on him before. Apologize and try to give the cat reassurance that it was an accident.
Vet time.
I gave her some treats after but she was still a bit jumpy. I had to leave the house right then too so hopefully she'll have some time to cool off
Pet and scratch her until she's into it and then stop. And don't start again unless she gives you a sign she wants more.
Should I get a second kitten for my kitten to hang out with? He was the last one left of his litter when I picked him up.
Sure, if you can afford it.
>hello, dinner
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>Long haired cat is washing her butt too much
>Check her ass
>She's got a bit of poop that won't come out her anus
>Try cleaning it with a paper towel and some warm water
>Won't come off
>Take her to the vet
>Vet has to stick her finger up the cat's bum to remove stuck hairy poop
I paid a woman to molest my cat. I bought her some catnip to try to make her feel better.
When you run out of cat food for your cat what do you give them usually as a backup?
Anyone have that webm of the cat just hanging out on top of a car enjoying themselves while their owner screams at the neighbour calling them a cat pervert?
>give kot bath
>he smells nice and clean
>dog smells kot
>dog gets horny and mounts him
wtf no
The ham must flow.

Wash the dog, see how he likes being sexually harassed.
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I'm usually a wait and see but that added with vomiting everywhere and change in behavior makes me say vet. Cats love to get linear FBO


I guess cooked leftovers? Dog food? Usually not longer than a night though and I get food the next day.
Cats are so cool
I need advice. My cat loves going out in the backyard and is apparently a good hunter because she's caught two mice. The problem is she's hunting chipmunks as well, and my mom is livid because the heckin chipmunks are cute. She hasn't killed one yet but she's attacked them three times and I can't sit in my backyard babysitting her. Is there any way I can train her to leave chipmunks alone?
Eventually, but it's not going to be quick. Look up pet training videos.
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Everyone loves pizza
so cute
how old is he/she
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Somewhere around 13, I think, might be a bit older. Older friend of the family had to move and couldn't take his cats, asked to take at least one so she came home
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update 2: after posting that he vomited again and some string came up, along with pieces of fake plant. He has been acting normal after that and hasn't vomited since, though I caught him breaking apart and trying to eat a plastic fork. I have taken away all the string and fake plants and anything else likely for him to chew on. Should probably email vet, clean the floors, and maybe buy him some actual grass.

going to clean his box now and see if the rest of the string is there. I will be much relieved if it is.
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My cat keeps jumping up to my room's false ceiling light area and meows the whole time when she can't get down. Why is she like this?
she can get down herself, she just wants you to hold her
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Some sort of... Cookable creature.
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I think after baby sitting my friend's cat for almost a month now, I realized, it's best to have a cat from since they were kittens than before they're nearly adults.
This is what the people telling you to adopt don't want you to know.
Some cats take a long time to warm up to you. Took my cat over half a year to get comfortable with me.
Your first cat should always be an older cat from the shelter. They're easier, more affectionate, and they die sooner if it turns out you aren't good with cats.
It depends if they were well socialized
cute cat
cute hat
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I think my neighbor's letting their kot outside again, any time it's near my house my cat that's yowling and running around the house all fucking day.
Miralax works on cats. A dose in excess of 1/4tsp:day may cause a transient but harmless diarrhea spell.
Cats can not resist salmon pate even if there's something in it

Time for your neighbor to experience a brush with the consequences of letting cats hop the fence. Also buy coyote rollers for next time.

I did something like this to my neighbors dog a few times until they agreed to let me replace a barely waist height cyclone fence that was set 6 inches on their side of the property line.
How tight does a cat harness need to be? I bought a cheap harness for my cat in case I ever have to take him somewhere in an emergency, but he's fighting it no matter what every time I get it buckled on so I can't really tell what's "comfortable" for him.
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Very subjective. I've fostered a lot of cats, some of the kittens grow up to be assholes and some grow up to be almost dog-like.
The real issue is when we're talking about feral cats, ie cats that are not being closely cared for by humans.
Unfortunately cats are autistic and you can't just plop a harness on them. You have to really slowly ease them into it. Look into how to harness train your cat. For me it started with just having the harness in her favorite sleeping spot just to get used to the sight of it.
Wouldn't the cat just shit outside? Probably on anon's lawn.
Miralax isn't fast acting, and it takes a day or two to stop working. If you give it to a neighbors nuisance cat they have excessive shitting all the time indoors and out so it resembles mild diarrhea from eating unhealthy food

It worked great on my neighbors nuisance rottweiler pitbull mix who "got into my garbage" (it wasnt, it just barked a ton, i knocked the cans over in the middle of the night myself lmao). After the second time they finally caved and let me tear out that useless mini-fence. based miralax!
I got my two just a couple months difference in age apart (second one was born about a month earlier and got him about 3 weeks later) and the difference in the older one acclimating is definitely noticeable. But he's still acclimating well and they're both sweet lil guys. I'm thankful they're both malleable enough to have taken a liking to each other quickly, love seeing em play together.
Anyone have a good litter mat to recommend? I have a cheap one from target that catches a little bit of litter when my cat comes out of the box but he somehow gets it everywhere.
Ham, tuna or chicken
Replace the litter with pine horse bedding from a farm supply store. It's cheaper and you shouldn't have issues with your cat tracking it around the house.
>Unfortunately cats are autistic and you can't just plop a harness on them.
Figured as much. My cat tolerated having to wear a collar so I was hoping he wouldn't resist a harness.
Like the pellets? I'll try that out, thank you.
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Mine tolerates the harness as she knows it means she's going outside or on a car ride
Yep. You have to scoop it differently from most litters, but I wish I'd switched years ago.
Hey guys, does anyone have the litter robot 4? I been eyeing it :)
What do you think?

I'm a woman if that matters
show pussy first
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>$700 litter box
I love my cat and all but I'm not *that* lazy
Would buy it in a second if I thought my boys would like it better. But I can't justify it for me.
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update 3

He is pooping again, though not proportional to how much he has been eating, but doesn't seem to be in any pain or distress and is still eating and playing. People I know in real life are telling me I am overreacting and that I shouldn't pay the hundreds of dollars for an emergency vet visit unnecessarily. I am worried he will start going downhill quickly while I am trapped at work, and since I can't get home until late he won't be able to get vet help until the next morning...
At this point I think your cat should be fine, but your concerns are valid.
quick question
for context there's a bunch of outdoors cats kept around where i live to keep rodents away, mostly domesticated, as in let people pet them but live exclusively outside
one of the kittens from last spring seem to be mixed american bobtail, mother is european shorthair, any insight on how fully domesticate it to be an indoor cat, do these kind of cats have special traits to be wary of?
Just bring it inside and train it like a dog. Look up guides on raising wild breeds of cats and you should probably give it access to the outside after it learns that this is a safe place to eat and sleep.
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>mixed american bobtail
Much more likely that they have a naturally occurring mutation, than someone getting purebred cats and letting them breed in the wild instead of selling the kittens that would go for hundreds. There are a multitude of mutations that can affect the length of vertebrae and it becomes more common as we take better care of our stray/feral cats.

>any insight on how fully domesticate
Feral kittens are the one time I will suggest people remove cats from their mothers prematurely, 5-6 weeks old, maybe even younger if you're OK with bottle feeding. Mother cats usually kick their kittens to the curb by 6-8 weeks anyways, as they can be ready to give birth again by 8-9 weeks.
well it is not the tail only, face and fur also lead me to believe that, and people here on the countryside let their cat run around free, but yeah i don't leave out mutation but that would be a lot of it, it's already something around 5 month old
Anyone try feeding their cat mouser?
Depends on the cat, how adjusted to people it is, maybe other factors. I've seen several year old stray cats become indoor only cats with no issues, and also kittens that grow up to yearn for the outdoors.
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>pet cat a few times
>finger bumps cat's ear
>painful static discharge
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>>be gentle with your cat
>cat violently headbuts
>jabs eyes into fingers
>demands ear penetration
>scratch HARDER
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mmm grass

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