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Mega Dave edition
Old: >>123404901
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
sauce on pic
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Am I buzzkill for thinking gimmicky pits are gay?
Same with dorks playing Magic of the Gathering in the middle of the pit.
Damn, that's pretty reddit
You see, the thing is, even when Mortician becomes mainstream, you still have to like them.

That's the true way.
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>218k spotify listeners
Wtf how did they get so popular? Been into them for years and they've always been fairly niche albeit a common first exposure to more extreme metal.
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looks goofy but fun
I think a lot of people got clued into the fact that Mortician is for appreciators of real underground stuff. If you learn to like Mortician, a whole world opens up. It's equivalent to like, Rocky Horror Picture Show.
I'm so glad Enslaved didn't go down the History Channel Vikings route
Do you guys think the flamers have gone away? just stopping back in to see if this is still a good place to chat. hopefully a few bans have been dished out since I was last here
That makes sense. Kinda what I was getting at but those are crazy numbers for a band in their lane. Wonder if they hit the algorithm recently. Good for them, though. Hopefully they can capitalize on it.
USBM reigns supreme.
yeah, they went down the big pharma vaccine cuck route instead
>stay home, comrad! you all have cushy passive income like us, right?
Immolation - Close to a World Below
>tfw KVLT
Metal for this feel?
best death metal vocalist?
Amy Lee from Evanescence
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Karl Sanders
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Euronymous was a homosexual, and he was probably gay.
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Mercyful Fate - A Corpse Without Soul
Lykathea Aflame - Elvenefris
>slem time motherfuckers
>old skewl slam
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Just a friendly reminder that we love nu-/metal/ here
Disturbed is my favorite jewish metal band.
You can keep your wiggerslam, I prefer wiggercore
bizkit was supposed to play counterfeit at the concert i went to and they didnt. totally sucked
Anthrax is better because it's thrash and not nu metal slop
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Are you a bad enough dude to admit Anthrax in Chains is their best era?
i met tom araya from slayer at my local grocery store the other day
did he try to steal Baby Ruths?
I met myself in the mirror this morning.
I saw Tom Araya at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Baby Ruths in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
LMFAOO no no he didnt
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Oh yeah, that's metal
i have his signature but its pretty illegible
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You faggots out there with your girlfriends or something?
Too good for /metal/ on a Friday night?
Faggot ass posers.
I will never get a gothicc gf
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Is Ethel Cain metal?
Taking a break from the wiggerslam to listen to sum nu-Candlemass.
gayest man I've ever sene
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Metal for this feel?
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I'm sitting in the car whilst my mom shops at SuperStore lmao
Marilyn Manson, Slipknot, Korn.
>Friday night
>thred ded
Thoughts on Time II?
we love the tish here brah brah
It's friday night? I hadn't noticed.
Based neet
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for me? its teenage slamming wigga turtles by VAMPIRECUNT
good wiggerslam right here
>Forbidden or Private
illegal slams confirmed
I will see your skelly drinking wine and raise you the Death - Scream Bloody Gore album art.
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very based
however for me its upper triasic slamcataclysm
Varg is gay and has AIDS.
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you are jewish
According to numerous studies, listening to this for just 10 minutes per day for 1 week can boost your T-levels by 72%.
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how to identify a failed musician.
person says something like
>there is no feel in this
>less is more
How to identify a tasteless wank.
Person says something like
>music needs lots of notes and changes for it to be good
>more guitar solos
failed musician detected.

so what was the barrier that made you give up? was it time signatures? maybe you couldn't memorize the major scale
>was it time signatures? maybe you couldn't memorize the major scale
maybe the most 14 year old post i've seen in weeks
Tasteless wank detected. Is it autism?

You can have all the chops in the world, but it's not gonna do you much good if you have no taste. For example, see: virtually all jazz fusion and tech metal.
tiktok, I'm not even joking
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I am once again posting my shitty metal band I record in my bedroom at my moms house. Thank you
>if its not popular it has no taste
you are such a massive faggot its unreal
Holy shit that was heavy
That's not what I said tho.

Think of it this way: a painter can have the technical skill of Caravaggio, but his art isn't going to be good if he's painting, say, realistic depictions of scenes from Disney movies.
Extremely based posts
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post slamz
nice stuff anon, keep at it
sounds like virtuosity makes you self conscious
As has previously been ITT: Mercyful Fate - A Corpse Without Soul
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This is the "Only" Anthrax I like.
Le epic stoic incels:)
*As has been previously said ITT

I'm less than sober.
You are the kind of stupid contrarian motherfucker who walks into oncoming traffic just to own da libs
Real men wear diapers.
>I-I reported everyone whose taste I don't like, is this a safe space for me yet??
you are the type of stupid to vote to disarm yourself while also advocating for an open border. Exposing yourself as a leftist shows everyone you are a moron who wont reproduce
The Black Dahlia Murder kind of rule eh
Unironically Chris Barnes
It's literally just mid hardcore. Awful logo and album cover btw.
most influential metal band?
Napalm Death.
non-meme answer: Iron Maiden
The Beatles
Preach on brother! How many lib owner posts have you post today so far? I'm at around 100! War is exhausting am I right?
Slayer, how the fuck is this even a question
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kek based
you know Im right you little faggot, your worldviews contradict each other because you are a fucking idiot
is grindcore metal?
Yes, obviously.
is metal wiggerslam?
People this poster looked in the eye (except his mom): 0
Concrete winds
Slayer are the greatest metal band of all places and times
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gotta mess with them npc's, amirite?
Five Finger Death Punch have a few good songs.
I'll go a step further and say their first album is actually pretty good
Five Finger Death Punch is one of the greatest metal bands of all time
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Gayball negrosodomy cannot write a song to save his fucking life lol, all of the DECENT arghoslent songs (pre IB) Was writen by the other guitarist and has alot less of the negroid blues elements despite the other guitarist taking the fall for the bluesy melodies in a interview with gayball,

Anyway gelal songs go like this

Flashy bluesy heavy metal riff x8- another unrelated flashy riff x4- back into riff #1 x8 - Another random flashy riff Out of nowhere AGAIN - song stops and melody/solo starts up - back to one of the previous riffs returns and the song ends
I remember liking American Capitalist as a teenager. Never listened to anything past that though, so my sample size isn't exactly representative of their entire career.
Flashy blues laden riffs and solos are quite literally as metal as it gets
Chuds are so fragile lmao
also im trans.. not sure if that matters
Can't wait for Saturday morning, the most active time for /metal/
Shut the fuck up ape
Suck my dick taint and balls, bitch
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/ourguy/ Hector met Babymetal!
Summoning Bongman
only for shit buttmetal like maiden. That's why we hate solos and cheesy riffs here at /metal/
3 > 2 > 1 > 4
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I'm assuming you wouldn't like Candlemass then, and that's about as cringe as you can get!
>the captcha knows
you guys are silly
Only the first three Maiden albums are good.
Candyass is an absolute snore-fest
Varg Vikernes on growing marijuana in his backyard(direct quotation):

>We cultivated this
Yo that's wassup dawg
>t. bad taste
I'm wiggin out
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The best Archgoat album
I might start posting in /gg/
I think you have the wrong guy
I've been spending most of my time on /int/ lately.
Somewhere in Time is the only great Bruce album
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I might start being a /classical/ shitter
You are already mentally ill so you will fit in well
What about Number of the Beast? That's always been my favourite. Throw out everything they've done after that, though. Ok, I admit the 2000s albums are guilty pleasures, but everything they've done after Dianno left is trite hard rock for kiddies first getting into the genre. I just love NOTB still because it has impeccable songwriting, but Powerslave, Piece of Mind and the rest are just horribly overrated. They've got some good songs yeah but again they're trite. Somewhere in Time is one of the most boring things I've ever heard, too.
Hear me out: punk
>literal tranny on cover
Invaders would be kewl but is has literal circus music for the chorus
What the fuck were they thinking
Least mentally ill chuddies
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
Number Two of the Bowels sucks
Metal is a chud genre.
Invaders kinda sucks yeah but after that it's 10/10 after 10/10. It's a solid 9/10 album imo.
Beloved here.
Number of the Beast has a few shitters on it. Somewhere in Time is impeccable.
Kinda stretching with this one mate
Not metal. Try >>>/lgbt/
Bold opinion, but I respect it
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We are all joining the /kpop/ general
jk, please stay away
I like huge cowtits
Not into prog metal, but it's good for what it is
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Goddamb. Makes me wish I liked corsetcore.
Dawg schooling more Kvlt Black metal tough girl posers with straight facts.
im a whiny vocals enjoyer
I love Bocelli.
I'm interrupting my Avantasia repeat-listen for this. It had better be good.
>Avantasia repeat-liste
how can people even like that garbage
by being a homosexual furfag, it's pretty much mandatory to enjoy gay shit like that
kill urself my man
I have signed up for a furcon. Have I reached full lolcow status yet?

Also what was that other Avantasia guy saying during the month that I was away? I get the idea he's fucked with my rep.
You started as a minor annoyance who forces too many shit "bits", and you remain that way regardless. You can't even progress to lolcow.
Are you the /gg/ troll?
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i'm eating oatmeal
Göd I fucking hate women
I'm eating literal sugar in a bowl. I love making frosting and eating it.
At least put it on pancakes or something you slacker
I was putting honey-roasted peanutes in with it but I ran out.
peanuts are the jews of the nut kingdom
>album is repeatedly interrupted by samples, ambient or acoustic sections
Not listening!
Time II was NOT GOOD
SO true
ain't nothing heavier than the tish brah brah
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More like CRINGer haha
Obtained Enslavement
Peak symphoshit
Are there any true metal lolcows?
Symphonic garbage is hated here
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Phil Tougas on his influences (direct quotation):
>We are strongly influenced by all types of extreme metal, 80’s power/heavy/neoclassical metal, Baroque/Romantic era classical music, video game soundtracks, flamenco, etc. From Crimson Glory, Joey Tafolla and Apocrypha to Spawn of Possession, Martyr, Bach, Paganini, Paco De Lucia and F-ZERO X songs

Phil Tougas on how First Fragment changed over time (direct quotation)
>hearing some of these guitarists implement classical guitars kind of got my interested... this band Warlord mentioned his influences being Bach, Paco De Lucia, etc.. It made me appreciate these composers. The more time went on, the more these influences became apparent... Gloire Eternelle is the culmination of cultivating a rich ensemble of influences

Phil "Shredgod" Tougas on his favorite person composition (direct quotation):
>My personal favorite composition of mine aside from Solus is In'el

Phil Tougas on christian metal (direct quotation)
>80’s Christian heavy/power metal is heavier and better than most satanic extreme metal bands.
I've heard about a guy called "Threatin". He faked concert attendance and pretended to be sold out.
Not reading all that
Tyrant Screech (direct quotation):
>I'm not gay, I just love men. Specifically, the spirit of man.
Varg owes me 50,000 euros
Imagine if I get so popular in metal that Varg makes a video about me.
It'd probably be him saying something negative
Yes, I would anticipate.
Who here wants to hear?
Phil Tougas on his influences (indirect quotation):
>We are influenced by other First Fragment songs and parts
we cultivated this
that must have been all you. i only call people faggots and peruse hectorian metal sometimes, and wiggerslam (all of the time)
t. tobias sammet
(we cultivated this!)
I left for a whole month. I was busy doing nothing. Today I have done nothing also. I have actually officially started development of my MMO a week or 2 ago. I am on the clock now. Other MMO projects have "been in development for 10 years". This clock has started for me. My MMO has been in development for 1 or 2 weeks. Can't be bothered to look up the exact date. I still believe this project will make me a millionaire. I may be delusional.
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Serpent Column
You need to limit your 4chan to one hour per day for the next two weeks.
Good joke!
>I may be delusional.
You have been for coming up to what feels like 5 years at this point.
You will quite literally never produce anything.
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For me, it's blackened brutal wiggerslam
Morris day & the time
Hate myself and want to die
Love myself and want to lay down
and thus, everything clicks
stop making a mockery of this establishment, ill take it from here
i suggest you take the advice from >>123415753
good luck bro
How am I going to become a lolcow if I'm not on 4chan all day?
Unless you go to the Bongman route and post pictures of your 'lil pink butthole, you're not getting my lols
how are you going to become a lolcow if you've been on here for years and still barely anyone knows who you are?
Just become a serial killer
Although you can't even manage to take a shower so nevermind...
Does /meal/ enjoy the music of Boris?
>foid member
We hate them
kek BTFO
>captcha: xgSAD
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Bell Witch haven't done much for me with all their albums since Phantoms, but I fukken love this album mates
Recommend me end-game dissoshit
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Took me a fucking hour to cum. Now it's time for some metal. \m/
For me, it's air raid siren asmr.
Mirror Reaper was good. Latest two weren't.
I remember getting a tattoo and the guy who was doing it and I were talking about music and he said Bell Witch were one of the gayest bands he'd ever heard. Didn't really know what to say to that honestly.
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I didn't really like Mirror Reaper either. I say it "gets good around the 50 minute mark" which isn't much of a compliment. For me the best thing of that album is the artwork.
>he said Bell Witch were one of the gayest bands he'd ever heard
Sounds like he hasn't listened to much metal if he thinks it's that bad.
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Nah we love women here, especially if they have big talents
Jute gyte is end game music, bottom of the iceberg
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I like their album with Sunn 0)))
inb4 only castles burning
need to revisit these guys. the bell witch is a local phenomenon
>Mirror Reaper
What are some other one song albums? I can only thing of this and Dopesmoker off the top of my head
For me it's Four Phantoms > Mirror Reaper >>> everything else

I remember listening to Four Phantoms for the first time while walking through a blizzard to get a bottle of Bourbon. To this day, it's one of my favorite listening experiences.
How the fuck do you even hit on someone like that
Every iron maiden album because their every song sounds the same (shit)
Varg said don't drink
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TRDM for the win
I can think of a few but they're not well known stuff usually.
Hypotherma - Skogens Hjarta
Deha has done several, like his "A Dleur de Peau" series
Jesu - Infinity
Encircling Sea - I (and Ecru)
Edge of Sanity - Crimson is an obvious one
Kalmankantaja - Elävältä Haudattu
0 - Null & Void
Darkestrah - Epos (great album)
Gorguts - Pleiades' Dust

There's more, but yeah there's plenty
Also shit like Deep-pression - I Walk The Life In Depression which has 2 tracks but the second is just an instrumental of the first track
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yeah boy
>Deep-pression - I Walk The Life In Depression
Holy cringe
It always bothered me that the bass neck of the guitar is not at the bottom and the 6 string guitar neck at the top. I don't know why but even when I've seen them play live it causes me stress
beloved here
>Hey baby, nice shoes, thought I'd let you know since you probably can't see your feet
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I don't put much stock in anything that manchild has to say.

However, I fully accept the fact that drinking is not good for you.
No I don't.
which blizzard
It's not a very good album either
Varg said odin loves me.
Do you think Jari is a tits or ass man
Four Phantoms is good but Longing mogs it hard for me. If it had Phantoms' production I'd love it more, sure.
Mirror Reaper bores me for over half of it.
Kek that was a wild ride when it happened
for him it's sauna > snow and ice > vodka > mammi > sauna > women
What albums would you consider proto-blackgaze
It would have been around the time Phantoms came out. It wasn't one of those blizzards that dumped multiple feet of snow - it was just blizzard conditions.
man ass
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I love the first song on this album and hate literally everything else they've ever done. Boring garbo.
We love Sunn O))) and other Southern Lord core here.
Diadem of 12 Stars
Never forget that Neige from Alcest did a demo in 1999 with Famine from KPN.
He also did the drums on the Peste Noire "Aryan Supremacy" demo. Although he did apparently apologise for that.
What's Famine up to these days?
Amplifier Worship is great
frog shit
Antaeus - Inner War
Analaeus - Inner War
Thank you for the correction brown brother from another mother
fuck off avantasiatard
Why did he apologise? Was his drumming bad?
You are so cool Mr chud
What do you mean?
So cry me a fuckin river
... BITCH!
I think this thread is an improvement on the previous one honestly
Metallica - Turn the Page (Bob Seger cover)
Time II stop listening!
That's because I am here.
The fact the album is clearly nazi based, so to avoid being cancelled he bent the knee.
And we thank you for it, anon. Please don't ever leave us again
None of you will ever be trve kvlt
I've just got a great idea for my second demo. It will be named "Wiggerslam".
He was just doing what the French do naturally
Making a punk edish
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Then 12 years later you can release Wiggerslam II and it'll be a massive disappointment LMAO
Grindcore please
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speak for yourself
Still less gay than the shit /metal/ listens to
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r8 my recent cops
CRJ is as trve kvlt as it gets
*i kneel in front of a bvrning chvrch in yovr honovr*
Haven’t listened to any of them
Decent, although of all the pestilence albums I wouldn't have bothered with that one.
That Les Discrets album is nice to have just for the cool art.
Sup devils
you should at very least listen to thy catafalque and pestilence ones
why it's their best imo?
yeah but the album is great too imo
Of the ones I've heard (5/9), I rate your haul a 7/10.
grizete is a local band and the bottom right is a split by akrotheism i got for cheap, but all the other stuff is great albums imo
Gonna listen to Devourment's entire discog
>Kill em All
>Master of Puppets
>St Anger
Unironically, the only good Metallica albums.
>why it's their best imo?
Doesn't hold a candle to the first two for me.
Someone make a real new
Furries, cosplayers, and gamers.
New thread.
dude i am drunk stop it
Bro find a 12 step program/alcoholics anonymous and get yourself sorted out....
ok but first i need to sort out your momma

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