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I am The Wizard Colonizer. And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.

Bring me your African Queens, your Latinas and your Pinays, your Indians and your Natives. Bring me your Brown Bunnies and I will bring my magics to bear, to dress them in delightful things for your enjoyment and mine.
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Dealers choice. Lingerie
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Mini skirt and feel free with the top
fuck that aint half bad, the dream is to get the little bit of crack poking out of the open back

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The king of chats sssssssssssssssession
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Another scammer
Bad dads/moms/bros who like to share and tell! Or chat! Let’s goon! (No groups). Bonus if she’s near
respectfully send me all your sisters daughters wives etc. I'll tell you where and what one jerking with if you send.

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Wife, anyone interested
Tits and face?

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Nudify once again
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check the models on civitai, some have specific vae requirements, other than that, i use it in automatic.
loras, depending what effect you want. lots of them out ther, check compatibility (sd 1.5, sdxl and stuff)
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fully naked riding cock?
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her taking cock plz

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UK recognise!
Post initials if you recognise
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Fuck me she’s fit!

Fucking moar? My dick approves
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teeny tiny boobies

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Super cute girls that make your heart throb
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It's just hotter to have a cute bitch choking on your cock. Sexy is boring and pretty I'd rather do something less vile with. Cute sluts just drive me wild.
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Sorry for the late reply, but no, she's not Ukrainian nor a model

Someone on Twitter made a burner account to personally hate on my posts

What are some common strategies to obtain sensitive information about the user to finally win an argument?

Am I out of luck if he simply hasn't messed up with anything revealing in his account?
>no u

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why? Erobb can be friends with Miz and think it was a retard move to be anti-gamba.
very interesting. never trust a streamer.
if you are boys with someone and didn't defend him at all, it's a bad look to be talking shit in the DMs of the guy that tried to destroy his life

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Latina thread
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>didn't she die of fatness?
Don't they all?
>20 = death by pork lard blowing diarrhea into their ass indentation on the new couch you just bought for Guadalupe of the hairy crotch and her flock of green-snot nose dripping fatty kids

>imagine idolizing a species of alleged females (are they tho?) who are the second-ugliest only to niggers and making a thread about these soon-to-be-blimps on the asshole of the internet as though hurr-durr lemme see on internetz what i can look out my window and see in any ghetto
show the dick!


loli thread: i'll post 3 edition
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aren't you grinding your own coffee beans, and enjoying the freshest brew?
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just OCD kickin in

Pop quiz: which has more caffeine, green beans or espresso beans ?

Think long and hard before being declared an asshole . .. . .
lol my wife bought that grinder at Kroger for $2.50

no shit. they had it on the clearance shelves, and for only $2.50 of course she wasn't going to pass it up.
I can't drink coffee anymore, for some reason it makes bears attack me.

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First 24 are in sames after 12

>Any code! (Loona won last if she enters she picks) or first come first serve
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Not Sakuya
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Andrea Spendolini-Sirieix
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beg, recommend, discuss what you're playing, gift anons

Here's my list, grateful for anything
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I DISLIKE 76 / card because his methods of creating drama in the threads are cringe and barely work. Seriously man, you need to come up with different shit, pointing fingers is barely entertaining. His attempts just create spam and ar annoying.

Also, he has a VERY punchable face

Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/polskabobr1/
Wishlist: https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/id/polskabobr1/#sort=order
It's easy though

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uh huh
somehow it will be even better than if he had been re-elected in 2020, it's like we gave them some hope and then just tore it away again

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