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Welcome to /bant/ - International/Random

/bant/ is a board for the discussion of any topic, a place where you can relax and have fun with people from all over the world.

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health code violation edition

>Season 2 is over now

>Who Won?
TJ won after beating Shinji in a boxing match

>Will there be season 3?

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LOL @ sam making tayleigh move the bike.
I bet that apple bottom tts was from wes lol
can I get a quick rundown of EVERYTHING that's happened up to now
Tay lied. Taytriots died. Jordan (and apparently TJ) creampied.

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Dinner Edition

>Educational sites:

>Financial TV Streams:

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i would imagine the more signals going off - the louder things are?
It's a 4 bed, 3 bath, 2948 sq ft residential home.
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>Retail stocks


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influencer type shit edition

>Will there be a season 3?
Hopefully not and TJ won coaltank s2
>fishtank Season 2 tv links
>What is Fish Tank?

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hanging out with discord trannies
her range of activities is fairly limited. eating and scrolling tiktok would be most likely
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Post examples of justice being served. Like how Junko Furuta got what she deserved for being a female.
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Now that's what I call schway
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this guy dying of his own fatness is a sort of self inflicted justice
god, you have no idea how many twitter artists I follow that are at an unhealthy weight and later start tweeting about how they're in the hospital and feel weird and can't draw or whatever
like holy shit, you think this is just happening for no reason? it's happening because you're fucking fat, step on a treadmill fatso

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Was that when? I don't remember. Only time I put money on a football game lol.
What kind of comics?
pretty sure. world cup was then
maybe heinz, dutch comic from the 80s, has a lot of dumb puns
Ah right.
Puns and ketchup. Your favorite.

I sleep.


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'a/ meetup
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that information is classified
more like................................ TROONified.
Oh no, Not like that

My childhood was a dark nightmare, I bet i was raped and I don't remember
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>My childhood was a dark nightmare
Why, because your family didn't buy you the toy you wanted or something? Whats the real reason
I was actually raped when I was in the third grade. I still remember.
And no, it wasn't the fun kind of rape.
These are infants.

why do 99% of white/asian men have a tiny pecker?
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"Even for niggers" do you just go around town comparing nigger penises all day?
Are you the nigger penis inspector?
this is so hot. where did you find this?
no need to be so heavy

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how does one talk to women? there's a really cute girl that i like, and she wants to talk with me, but i literally have nothing to say. i often leave her on read, or just sit it silence and agree with whatever she's talking about without adding much to the conversation. i enjoy it when we sit together and i don't have to say anything, but i know i need to be interesting if i want this going. how the hell am i supposed to manage this?
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yes she wouldn't like that i reckon
sounds like it would work, but i think part of the reason she enjoys talking to me in the first place is i am not really treating her like a regular friend. she mentioned she forces herself to be nicer and more polite when talking to me (not towards me, in general. she uses swear words when she's with other people, but not when she is with me, for instance. she acts more properly in general).
do you think treating her more like a regular friend will actually do good? or, how can i treat her more like a friend while also not make her see me like a regular friend?
my brain has failed me so far
>do you think treating her more like a regular friend will actually do good?
no, that sounds like you're in the right zone already. You don't want her to be too comfortable with you if you want to get romantic. You're mysterious, and she's a little afraid of what you think. That's perfect.

treating her like a guy just helps with the flow of conversation, but conversation isn't really the way to get laid.
okay, that's good to hear, but what should i do now? do i just keep what i am doing as it's clearly somehow working? no need to change anything?

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All vidya should have romance mechanics. Vidya without romance mechanics is worthless goyslop.
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I don't think those actually exist, pretty sure it's just mentally ill Twatter users and an excuse girls use to reject guys.
well I still hate romance
he meant aromatic and he smells like apples

pistachio patrick
that's nuts
i like piss tachio pat rick
omg patrick !!!

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So uh... I got stuck again
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i dont have an elephant in my room
watch funny people featuring adam sandler to cheer you up

That’s it.
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no sorry
thank you for your services
Idk, I wanted these bad boys…

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