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Old thread: >>10917597
Featured: Berry-Chan
Previous thread topics:
>NWIF 2024 guest announcements and predictions for performers
>Are kaigai idols "making it"?
>Leveraging first impressions to make fans
>tfw aussies find out that the american kaigai idol they were hailing as above all americans a few months ago is actually just ok
paida is at the same skill level as the average american kaigai idol except that she’s signed to fake star. being signed gets her professional opportunities. are you really all that surprised?
people are surprised because she uploads no live performances of herself so people can't have an ideo of what she's really like beforehand. idols who don't upload live footage of themselves are red flags, for lack of a better term.
Cause I feel like I see American kaigai idols act like they're better than Australia but thats the best they got LUL
we definitely don't. most american idols admire the australian scene because not only can they do frequent lives at actual venues that aren't cons, but they also have proper wota who understand idol shit.
i will never understand the paida hype but its obvious that she's getting all these gigs because of her agency.
For me the Paida hype is that she has great vocals when she tries, or when she does mellow R&B style songs. I absolutely LOVED the tiktoks and reels she did of english song covers with lyrics translated to japanese. The whole wacky alien persona is unique but it kinda wears thin after a while. Her original songs are solid and fun too.
her original songs are very good. it's not typical idol music and you can really feel a sense of artistry from her. she has a hand in creating her own branding and songwriting as well. people also just like to see an underdog win. relatability is more important these days than seeing a person who is "perfect" \
>even when they have nothing to gain
Every single fan interaction is something to gain, whether it is an extra merch sale or an boost of loyalty. If someone doesn't see a gain in it then they're not in a mindset to be successful as an entertainer in general, never mind as an idol.

Okay i'll give you that they can be a little stiff in person but on their streams and fan club they're very relaxed and warm. Most of the members have been at this for a long while and I wouldn't blame them for having their guard up against stalkers and creepazoids.
…Said no American kaigai idol ever. Decent idols in the US are constantly looking up to and towards the Australian scene for inspiration because they actually have the backing to do good quality content, regular live performances, and have a real market.

I always found it weird that she never uploaded footage. Is it her actually hiding it or is it from her label?
>thinking that artistry is a trait that makes Paida unique
>thinking paida writes her own songs and lyrics

during meet and greets, they have several staff members hovering over them to step in and protect them at all times if that is the case. if people are shelling out that much money to see and talk to them, they could stand to be a little more genuine and less cold.
but she actually does write her own lyrics. she said also when it comes to instrumental composition, she hums and vocally creates the sound she wants the producer to replicate. and yes, artistry is a trait that makes paida unique. now you're just being a hater and not being a valid critic. I'll stan paida even harder now, thanks for the encouragement!
>if people are shelling out that much money
When your attitude is this I can guarantee that it's not only idols who are cold towards you. Anyone will see your sourpuss vibe from a mile away.
op is probably a moid who expects them to flirt and play with them like a girlfriend fantasy. they probably also give off horeendous vibes that make people naturally feel like they need to put their guard up.
paida’s 14 year old fans from tiktok just found cgl

what the fuck?

i’m a woman. they did it to everyone too, not just me.
>She actually does write her own lyrics
Maybe that’s why her english lyrics are so awkward. The gap between the lyric quality in her JP songs vs The Denial Age is so stark, it makes me think there’s a ghostwriter from Fake Star.
>She hums and vocally creates the sound she wanted the producer to replicate
Okay, is this not something that all idols hiring producers do in some capacity? They don’t just hire someone and go “make a song for me”. They usually bring some examples and explain what they want when they commission. Is it really so rare?
idk about you but the "I saw it on a TV show, that's how you knowww" is so catchy to me

and no, not all idols do that. many just create a playlist of songs that they get inspo to and send it to a producer who makes the instrumental. people have different processes though. some people have people write lyrics for them entirely as well, especially those who have full japanese songs.

*willy wonka you must be new here meme*
Sure Jan
Congrats to Paida on having fans just as annoying as Pan’s LMAO They’re both the same kind of mid except Paida is signed to a label
their fanbases should fight lmao
''humming'' as if thats not the absolute bare minimum an idol or singer needs to do in order to have the producer have the slightest idea of which direction said idol wants to go with the song. bffr
Who really wants to watch a jewish girl play japanese popstar?
Do you anons even like kaigai idols cause you find every effort to discredit them
berry-chan is a nice jewish girl? l’chaim if true
it would be so hot if they made out
Yeah, look at her phenotype. Why else do you think a (((white))) girl gets to play Japanese pop star and be "famous".
yikes antisemite

who? the idols or the fans?
Oy vey.
obviously they don't, that's why this thread exists: to shit on them.

We all know this thread only has a few handful of people talking in circles. These kaigai idols have way more fans than they have haters.
ok beethoven, get in the studio yourself then. it can get pretty indepth. like humming multiple parts of the layers of the instrumental. Personally, I have original songs and I've never done that shit. I just buy the instrumental already made if it fits the vibe I'm looking for. Then I figure out the top line and the lyrics.
you guys really are stupid on here because there's no reason why the both of them would fight. you would have to get fans of a k-pop inspired group to fight against fans of kaigai idols if you actually want to see blood.
the idols. it would be so hot if they just made out on stage. they’re almost the same except one’s black and one’s white. it makes me rock hard thinking about it.
youre weird as fuck
Speaking of Paida, it was a bit sad to see her walking past us as if we were not there when there was a staff(?) with Crazy Fantasy thanking almost everyone for coming to the show, even though they only got to perform for 10min.
Where was this at?
Is this at the tour that is currently happening in Australia?
What are you talking about?
Walking past you during when?
get comfortable with men finding you attractive and even jerking off to you or stop being an idols.
im not even an idol but okay
is it insane to think that maybe a person just had a lot on their mind and...didn't notice you..??
>Person probably exhausted from traveling, working, and has a long haul flight back to the US soon accidentally ignores you
Okay? DM her on her socials and tell her.
kill yourself. you know you've been thinking about it for some time now. stop being a pussy and end your life. no one will miss you and you know it.
Anyone go to the idol fest at Metrocon today? How were the acts?
A lot in mind when all she does is lip singing ?
Dont be in front of an audience if you cant even act like an idol in front of them.
for real. she cant dance either but all the tiktok paida fans act like shes the second beyonce
no they don't. they just like the fact that a quirky black girl isn't afraid to put herself out there and chase a dream. paida's personality has been the same since before going viral on tiktok. she doesn't even seem like the type to really want to be FAMOUS.
I went. It was ok but there was 1 original group that was pretty good.

I've followed the scene loosely for awhile but it's hard to get attached when every time you turn your head the group is dead.
How many original groups were there? Auracle was cute. Good energy. Same for illixcite. Yume had ambitious songs it looks like but weren't executed as well as it could have been.

I didn't stay for all of it, and the efforts I could tell were there but yet still fell a little short in terms of execution from most acts. When theres choreo that is kinda sloppy, energy differences between members and lack of sync it makes it harder to actually enjoy what you're watching. Instead I find myself judging them and questioning what's happening.
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most of those acts did not deserve to be on that huge stage. the crowd looked huge and I'm shocked they got to be in main events. messy, sloppy, frumpy, dorky cosplay dances that next stage always chooses because they have no idea what taste is.
i’m jerking off to my chocolate vanilla idol threesome fantasy while thinking about one of them telling me to kill myself while i fuck her brains out
It really makes me question how the f they ended up going with some of these acts when there was a lot of competition to get in. It's the community really that bad?
>every time you turn your head the group is dead
>not following soloists
i don’t get the obsession with groups. soloists are less perishable.
do either of them do lewd or OF? i’d shell a lot of money for it
it looks like the actually good acts will be at metro rock. talented people don't want to bother auditioning for next stage because it's just embarrassing to be associated with them. since the acts for metro rock were hand picked by someone who is an actual original act, the quality control is much higher.
...but isn't it Next Stage? Guess you like anisong...
it is organized by ginga with assitance from next stage. ginga chose the acts and next stage provided the connection to the convention and stage management.
Is that not association? If Next Stage isn't worth applying to, I wonder why Metro Rock keeps them around.
Ginga only choses his friends to perform and gatekeeps anyone else, even if they have talent and experience. It’s run exactly like Next Stage. The Florida idol community is busted.
who with talent and experience was blocked from being in the show?
you‘d pay money for pan ranger or paida lewd??? do you even have any taste in women??
Didn't they say they didn't have time to have an open audition for the event this year because Metro Rock was approved last minute?
>Ctrl + F coom
>0 results
do I even need to say it?
>Approved last minute
Maybe last year but Ginga definitely had the same amount of time to prepare for Metrorock this year as Next Stage did. There’s no reason not to do applications.

I don’t think Berry does NSFW. Image source is from an event:
>being surprised that pan’s primarily male fanbase are seeking out lewd
>being surprised that male paida fans are seeking out lewd when she’s constantly shoving her tits in the camera
people do find them attractive. this shit goes on in the aus idol thread too lmao.
well i dont really have contact with their fanbases.
>mfw people are into chubby and bbw
well bbw by idol fan standards lmao
Dude, she's proped up by big tiny hat money. 0% attractive.
they’re both pretty cute imo. they clean up well.

all this talk of the jews but none of you have yet mentioned paida’s race
>no racism
>no transphobia
0/10 lazy effort at least say nigger once
>Plump tomboy
>Nerdy black girl
I understand the appeal.
i wish if idols were going to have ugly partners they would at least keep them off their stories
Any new song releases? What happened to the reviewer guy?
What reviewer guy?
There used to be someone who came in the threads who reviewed new releases and would actually go into detail about what was good and bad. Now if new release gets mentioned, it’s because an anon has a personal vendetta against a person who made it and says their song sucks.
The threads have been extra foul as of late.
Can’t really think of any new song releases besides Martha, haven’t heard it yet though so I can’t say anything
this is some new releases from scanning the idols i follow and iin
>martha single “harmony”
>illixcite singles “re:identity” “rise up”
>pan ranger single “pan ranger sanjou”
>soar idols “cloud 9”
>celestia “leave your life”
>zetaflare single “gratitude attitude”
>paida single “galaxy racer”
>faeble ep “to the future”
>etude album “golden hour”
The AusIdol has been a cesspool recently...
All of these are pretty solid releases. It’s a good time to like kaigai idol music.
I don’t count him as an idol. That’s a middle aged man with too many OCs inserting himself in places where he doesn’t belong. Whatever happened to his seiyuu idol group project that he scouted for? He got some big names to voice and audition.
agreed. fans and producers arent idols.
Yeah, I noticed that he does tend to insert himself into spaces that he doesn’t belong in. But also don’t get why he would scout for some project and not even release any content about it since then.
Be the change you want to see in the world. Before I review the singles, I agree with >>10926989 that these are all competently made and mixed.
>Martha - Harmony: Free The World
Has Jemimemu ever produced a bad song? Martha’s lyrics are a bit hamfisted with the message and hokey but it really fits retro magical girl branding she advertised this song with. The chorus is very catchy. I love Martha’s retro theme she has with her original song releases.

>PAiDA - Galaxy Racer
This is the song she made while in Japan. I love the 80’s vibe and the cover illustration is cute. Professional Japanese producers and artists are just built different. Does anyone have a link to watch the TV segment?

>Pan Ranger - Pan Ranger, Sanjou!
I think the scrapbook branding that was used to advertise this release is cute and fits both the song and occasion this was released for. Some of the Japanese in the lyrics seem questionable, such as the usage of “ore”, even though the lyrics seem to be written by a native Japanese speaker. I was pleasantly surprised that the mix sounds good because of AllMight Studio’s involvement and his history of turning out kaigai idol songs with truly terrible mastering. There are some issues where it sounds like takes were clipped strangely, which could have been resolved by the producer asking for a different take. Pan’s vocals have greatly improved since their last release and I love when an idol improves.

I really enjoy the usage of real instruments on these tracks. Dr. Mobius is a talented musician for hire who’s services are underutilized. My biggest gripe is that lyrics fall into the trap of sounding like translyrics. It makes me wonder if these songs would sound even better if they were in Japanese instead. Overall, these are a great set of debut songs.
>Soar Idols - Cloud 9
Virtual idol groups are not my thing nor am I a fan of idol anisong style songs. I was not familiar with this group or the team that made this song until this review. This release also falls into the trap of lyrics sounding like translyrics. This is not a bad release by any means. I’m very impressed by this group producing this whole song by themselves. My issues with this song are mainly that it’s not my own personal taste. I think this release will be more appreciated by those who enjoy that style of music, though.

>CELESTIA - leave your life
I had not heard of this idol before. I really enjoy the production and lyrical content of this track. I had no idea that ADEN produced music for other idols and frankly, it sounds better than the stuff they make for themselves. I plan to listen to CELESTIA’s existing discography and start following her activities.

>Zeta Flare - Gratitude Attitude
Not much to say about it. It’s an instrumental piano track.
>>10927056 >>10927002 I would like more information about his project. It sounds interesting.
Same anon. If you are waiting on my opinions for Faeble’s EP and etude’s album, I need time to listen, formulate opinions, and do basic research on who produced for them. All these singles were easy to look up and find credits for on each idol or group’s social media. I’d recommend giving all a listen. The community has really come a long way.
Are there any updates about Alexis’s EP? She did a whole crowdfunding campaign, previewed some concept art, performed a preview at NWIF last year, and then… nothing for the past year. Is she still working on it or was it cancelled?

Thank you.
Did anyone go to Metrocon? Thoughts on Metrofest, Metrorock, and the other idol events that took place?
she ended the campaign november last year but iirc made half of the $3000 she was asking for. i can’t find any information on her page so i wonder if it did get shelved for lack of funds.

more importantly, did anyone actually receive any of the backer rewards from either this or the starting line campaign? i haven’t received any of mine from either campaign.
just stop supporting alexis as a whole. its obvious she does not take this idol thing seriously nor does she appreciate what her fans do for her, hence the painful lack of content and that crowdfunding reward failure. not to mention the bodyshaming and signals drama.
I'm not sure about the campaign, but I do remember she was dealing with damage to her voice that wouldn't heal after the last con she went to I think. She had to wait to get it to a doctor. She's also been having issues with typical adult life so I mean shit happens. Remember that idols have lives outside of this and aren't as privileged as people like paida and berry who can dedicate full time. I will say the lack of campaign goodies is weird but also idk how that was set up cause I wasn't part of it. Some people don't send out rewards until they meet funds, or like berry they still have to order and create rewards before send out so it takes them a while.
oh, that. i wonder if she’s still able to use that costume design and costume. the optics of that when there are a lot of people who think that you were involved in bullying the person who made it behind the scenes is a bit dicey.
i’ve never heard about this. when did she do that?

i’m sorry but if you run a crowdfunding campaign, you absolutely must be responsible for communicating about any delays in the project and delivering rewards in a timely manner. it’s the bare minimum, you are using other people’s money.

>Some people don't send out rewards until they meet funds
>they still have to order and create rewards before send out so it takes them a while
the starting line campaign was fully funded and 3 years ago. 3 years is more than enough to finish fulfilling rewards.
if she wouldn’t produce the rewards for her ep campaign if she didn’t meet her funding goal, then that should have been made clear in the original campaign. she also should refund or reach out to all backers if she can no longer provide the rewards.
3 years ago???? Her post thanking people for the campaign was last November.
Zeta is also known to make idols uncomfortable at IRL events, with Phoebe being one of his victims. Heard this from NWIF staff.
Jesus christ, learn to read. The *EP’s* campaign ended last year. The fundraising campaign for *Starting Line* was 3 years ago.

NWIF staff leaks information now?
>thinking alexis doesn’t feel entitled to other people’s money because she’s oh so talented
finally, some good topics in this thread.

Unfortunately, being able to “idol” successfully is a privilege. You need money to be able to sustain. That’s the reality of this hobby.

>if you run a crowdfunding campaign, you absolutely must be responsible for communicating about any delays in the project and delivering rewards in a timely manner. it’s the bare minimum.
This. Imo many idols think kickstarters and crowdfunding campaigns are a great way to make money to fund their projects but don’t realize how difficult they are to run successfully. Reso had similar issues with some backers not receiving their rewards from Cold Case, which they’ll probably never receive now that the group has disbanded.
Crowdfunding is a massive business endeavor but it’s always framed as an easy and fun way to get money by the community. Backers aren’t just fans who are donating out of the goodness of their heart, they are now stakeholders in the final product. This is a type of investment for the fans.
What did he do??
Creeping around and lingering, trying to get more time with idols than allowed by cutting into other fans time, hogging up space in the crowd, and generally being inconsiderate to other wota. Zeta sucks.
>you absolutely must be responsible for communicating about any delays in the project and delivering rewards in a timely manner. it’s the bare minimum, you are using other people’s money.
I agree with you wholeheartedly but realistically and pragmatically I go into kaigai idol crowdfunding campaigns more as a donation than with real expectations of a full delivery, especially if they have chronic physical or mental health problems
i get where you’re coming from. those are realistic expectations to have but it doesn’t have be a toss up if you’re sending money into the void or not. we can and should hold kaigai idols to a better standard and frankly, idols that crowdfund should be held accountable to communicate what’s happening to their backers.
Her voice “being damaged” has been used an excuse for the past 2 years for everything from people complaining about her lip syncing to now not being able to ship things out. How is it that other idols can live with more severe conditions but Alexis can’t do anything because she has a sore throat? How did she record her “live” backing tracks and release those covers with her group if her voice is so broken it prevents her from doing anything?

she expects some leeway for her health but during her group drama she had a zero tolerance policy lmao
I'm not sure if you are intentionally twisting details around but her vocals were not shot for 2 years like you said since this happened around the time the Signals drama ensued and she never had a zero tolerance policy within the group. If you were able to see the proof that was provided, it was shown in the discord chat screenshots. She gave leniency to the rest of the members when they were working on projects and she isn't as bad as you are making it out to be. Holding idols accountable (especially for crowdfunding) is fine but what's not fine is skewing the events of what happened.
Best to contact the idols directly and request for more transparency than to post about it here if we want anything to improve
why do these threads always steer back to Alexis and pan like Jesus Christ shut the fuck up
because people don't seem to have their story straight when it comes to them and still want to spread lies so it keeps coming around like a game of telephone. people should at least be honest if your gunna dog on alexis or pan
Aus idol thread has officially been archived
Finally, that thread was outrageously toxic
Why hasn’t anybody finally called him out for his behavior yet? This is so horrible. And the fact that he cuts in line???? Wtf?! iirc, he said he would ‘change’, but hasn’t put in that ‘change’ he promised.
Please take your evidence to the lolcow thread if you have the additional screenshots because the discussion is still ongoing there and they are actively looking for more proof. I think the “zero tolerance policy” anon is actually referring to and skewing is that Alexis as leader allowed 2 of the other members to pull back for their own reasons but for some reason the former member was not allowed to during a series of personal emergencies. This was shown to be true and backed up by evidence there. That’s all I’ll say about this.

It is possible to have a discussion about both idols without people shitting up the thread. They are still active idols so of course they will get brought up. Someone brought up Pan when reviewing music and in the last thread too when discussing idols that were doing lives in Japan without the thread exploding. Until people started shitting on Alexis, we had a good discussion going for a brief moment about responsibility in crowdfunding campaigns.

Bumping my question to get the thread back on track.
i’m pretty sure the event staff had lmao. what else happened that he needed to “change” from?
Do you know for certain if anon didn’t try to reach out? People are allowed to complain about poorly run crowdfunding campaigns and give their opinions.
What the fuck? I wanted to know if Alexis’s EP was ever coming out because I was looking forward to it. I didn’t know she had all this drama and baggage. Sorry I even asked lmao.
It was fine until the fruits started attacking each other
>her vocal issues only started around the time the Signals drama ensued
That’s not true. She has been lipsyncing during every performance she’s been in since Otakon 2022. If you ask her, she tells you it’s because she has some vocal issues that prevent her from singing live for a whole set and records a fully mixed backing track made to sound like it’s coming from the speakers. It’s an open secret.
She only got “caught” doing it because the sound system was crappy at Signals’s NWIF live and it was very obvious who was and was not actually singing.
wow is that actual legitimate criticisms about alexis about her crowdfunding campaigns, her lip syncing, and her proven history of petty behavior instead of complaining about her body i see? we’ve grown up! being fat is a nonissue compared to what’s been brought up so far.

i think they’re called gay people, anon
I’ll never understand why people choose to lip sync when they have the option to sing over a backing track. It always looks so bad. There’s always a tell that gives it away.

Speaking of lip syncing, Charm Affect’s lip syncing was not it. May can sing, Perry can sing, Vi can sing, and Metrofest had mics so what was going on there?
What happened?
Why cant american idols hire venues? Surely theres a community hall or stages they can book in?
"community" anything is barely a thing in the states, although I suppose it depends on the state.

Idol Party in LA looked beautiful but I can only imagine how expensive that all was plus with having Japanese guests. My only idea is that people organizing just have the extra money to throw in to not worry about it returning potentially.

I also think many idols are afraid to break from the convention bubble. since everything in america is so far apart, a convention is an easy way to gather people all at once. to break from the convention bubble, you have to be good at networking/have friends with experience at venues/stages and too many idols just are content with conventions or are too autistic/socially awkward to try otherwise.
Any tips for aspiring to be a kaigai idol?
I think another problem is not just networking but also some of these idols do not have much of a portfolio to work with and they are beginners with less experience so it would be tough to run an event outside of a convention. To grab a venue, idols would have to be located in a bigger local area or city to attract an audience who is interested in jpop culture so that's why it's easier to find those people at conventions. Finding a venue who is readily accepting of jpop culture is important too.

Speaking of money, they would also need to be knowledgeable enough on how to secure ticket sales to either make profit ot at the very least cover their expenses.
All these point. The US is also massive. There seems to be 2 hot spots for this type of activity in the states: SoCal and the north east. There’s already an audience in those places willing to pay and bookers that know what they’re doing. It’s a 6 or 7 hour flight from LAX to Philly and most people can only afford to do that trip once per year at most if at all.

Idols can rent a venue. One to my knowledge has and it was a success. But that’s also expensive and most idols can’t afford to shill out a couple thousand on anything, let alone an event. If you look into those who have hosted events in the US, you’ll find that they have experience, have networks, and/or have a lot of money to spend in the first place.
The only idols I’ve ever heard of running successful venue events are Cherry with Dream Stage’s events and Pan Ranger with her birthday event. I heard somewhere that Cherry isn’t really interested in running Dream Stage anymore, though. Is that true? If it is, what’s the reason?
I can't say for sure but for one, she's living all the way in Korea right now. And I think she's been trying to host idol events outside of cons but the last one wasn't as successful as she hoped and is probably tired of putting in all those funds and work for little return. But also?? There just isn't much variety in terms of original acts that are worth the stage imo.
>There isn’t much variety in terms of original acts.
True. The pandemic killed a lot of the good local original groups.
The way the FL community treated Cherry and felt entitled to her time and energy was also probably a factor. The same behavior also slowed down IAdoreIdol’s efforts to make the FL community better. Anytime there’s something good here, everyone becomes vultures.
The community in Florida sucks. Next Stage’s events suck and you don’t even get a chance if you’re friends with the organizers. Convention events run by anyone else sucks because they’re trying to compete with Next Stage. There’s too many goddamn cosplayers. We treat anyone trying to do better like shit. Bullying and clout chasing is rampant. I’m surprised we haven’t imploded yet.
Next Stage Summer Festa Lineup is coming out? Any thoughts? Looks like a lot of new acts.
this lineup is already terrible and it’s not even done being announced yet
>”new people” half of the people announced have been in several events
>a known bully going by a third new idol identity
>half rate cosplay groups
i think i’ll skip
i’m holding my judgement until they’re done announcing the performers.

who is the bully? name names.
What has IAdoreIdol done for the community in Florida
source? i love a jewish queen
t. jewish scrote
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Sorry for spoonfeeding request but how does one get into becoming kaigai idol?
It’s something I’ve been wanting to do since I was still in high school but I’m getting older and don’t want to miss out on something I’ve been interested in for years because I was too shy and didn’t know where to start.
It’s become bigger than uploading dance covers on YouTube like when I was younger and I’m kind of a boomer with technology so I’m not sure what to upload or even where. Onegai anons help a boomer-chan out.
just start uploading covers of you singing and dancing. look for idol events happenjng at cons near you. it's not rocket science. at your big age you really have no common sense?
They were trying to get meetups happening and they had an email newsletter for idol happenings. ngl the meetups seemed a bit awkward. They don't have the best irl people skills.
>it’s not rocket science
It is when you don’t understand modern social media desu.
It blows my mind that they were ambitious enough to even try forming their own idol group when they always need help doing everything due to disability and seem to have no real experience with social situations and deal with mental health issues on the regular...like be fr
>known bully going by a third new idol identity
Vanity. They used to go by Celeste and Ash. They’re known for making up bullshit rumors and gloat about making legal threats against people they don’t like because ~*~they’re going to law school~*~. They made up a fake racism rumor about Cafe Kira Hoshi last year because they were upset with Pengy. They talked mad shit about Next Stage and Metrorock because they didn’t get in this year while at the convention. If Next Stage actually knew about their rancid behavior, I doubt they would’ve accepted them.
Why didn't they get in?
If you're already uploading covers to youtube, you can cross post to tiktok too. I hate it but it's the big thing for getting yourself seen today.
Get your practice on by posting singing covers as well. If you can dance and sing at the same time then you have the full package of an idol. I'm not gonna lie it is freaking hard work to get yourself to an acceptable level where you're not out of breath by the second song. Once you have a set of 3-4 songs you're comfortable with then you're ready to put on a show. Remember your stage presence too. Use space, you have a lot. If you're trying to manually remember the choreo or lyrics you'll slip into resting bitch face. If you can smile and do some cute mugging for the audience you'll look a lot more effortless and pro than you feel. If you can't sing, that's fine but it means you have to double up on the stage presence to really sell your act as "only" a dancer.

I notice lot of large cities have had a lot of growth in idol communities in the last two years. Lots of new groups and small events popping up. Like other anon said, find local cons and other events near you. Maybe someone's doing a maid cafe in a uni anime club. Maybe a small one day con has panel applications open. You can turn a panel opportunity into your own mini live. Also stick around for a little while after performances and talk to the other performers and the audience as well. Make connections. Online covers are great and all but the heart and soul of all idols, whether japanese, korean, or kaigai, is in the live shows. Do keep your gurad up though and don't trust people who immediately love bomb you because there are some real bitches lurking hidden in plain sight lmao.

For investment the biggest one you can probably make is a basic wireless microphone with a receiver that you can plug into a venue's sound system with a standard XLR cable. Most stages aren't going to have microphones and those that do are usually wired.
Florida has so much potential. Some of the biggest conventions are there. It seems like the idols don't take themselves seriously to want better for themselves. Take Auracle for example: five original songs yet no music videos and with only two of them, they can barely stay in sync . Keira's solo work is amazing but it seems like her anxiety is way to high to handle much irl. I'm rooting for Charm Affect. If Vi was the backbone of Reso, I hope they can put their all into this group too. Perry and May have proved themselves throughout the years. Illixcite seems good too since San and Nayo have been at this for years already. I want to see more from them all and stronger community bonds between groups but everyone just seems awkward or fake nice.
You’d have to ask the organizers for Metrorock that. It’s invite-only and based on singing talent. Maybe Vanity wasn’t good enough or experienced enough for the event yet. Whatever it was, imagine openly talking shit about an organizer at the event where it can easily get back to them because you didn’t get what you wanted.
Not to bring up the Signals drama again, but everyone blames Alexis meanwhile this is the member who is the actual instigator. They were dredging shit up about this old drama at Metro, too.
Do you have screens? where was this "openly" posted?
ntayrt anon said this was done in-person at a convention. Granted, their track record shows that they love to do sketchy things irl and then whine and cry that there’s no concrete proof when called out. they did it after they got called out for their fake racism allegations. no shit. of course there wouldn’t be unless someone thought to film them. bffr. either way, i’d take anon’s claims with a grain of salt.

google international idol network
I mean tbf everyone is basically an introvert and you're constantly pushing past boundaries in order to do what you love. Everyone's a nerd (/pos) who just want to share their creativity. And honestly that's partly what is inspiring to me about these idols. They're down to earth, shy and yes, a little awkward, but they're putting themselves out there anyway and working hard despite their shortcomings. I remember seeing a post about an idol who performed at MetroFest saying how she cried before going on stage. It's terrifying putting yourself on stage, being vulnerable to judgments and meeting strangers. It's kind of something you will slowly get more accustomed to the more experience you have.

And it would be great to see a lot of these idols take things more "seriously" because it's clear they have a lot of potential! But everyone is in this as a side hobby. Life is really tough out here. You do what you can handle.

I also wish we could have stronger bonds as a community, but it's definitely hectic and anxiety inducing any time you're prepping for an event that there's often little time to actually bond with those you're in a show with.
In public at Metrocon. People have ears and talk.
Do you know what kind of things they were saying?
Can you maybe start recording any time ash's stalker is within earshot since you always seem to conveniently hear everything they say? Getting tired of the "i heard it" because it's starting to sound vendetta. I want proof to get on board.
When screenshots got posted of them making vague legal threats, that wasn’t good enough either. Make up your minds. DM Pengy if you’re so curious about these fake racism allegations because she was actually at the receiving end of them. Ash is a snake.
More of this shit. I need these people to just kill themselves.
I get that it's a "hobby" but still, people put a lot of work into their idol things and I want to see bigger things happen for them. That change will happen when idols take themselves more seriously. What I mean by that is that they take more care in letting their work get more spotlight and not shyly post about something new. By seriously, I mean, have more pride and confidence in their creations.
What does that look like for you? Like is it just having more promotions for their work or?
If we’re talking about things with proof, why are we defending someone who stirred the pot on their own group’s drama using their group’s email? Why are we defending someone who has screenshots of them making legal threats on Twitter?
The screenshots are literally in the previous thread. There is proof of Ash being sketchy. This doesn’t seem like vendetta to me imo.
I think illixcite did a really great job of having tons of promo posts and building up some hype. I hope they keep it up for future releases.

and really, I'm kind of saying all this for the community as a whole in the states. Some idols do it well, but some I wish others would do better.

I probably sound mean saying all this, but it's really coming from a place of just wanting more people to do better, because they deserve it and I want to see people shine. That's why I don't agree with people saying overseas idols are just weeb trash, there's actually great potential for this community to be a stronger more respected online music niche.
It sounds like vendetta because Ash isn't popular enough to have this many people care about what they have said or done.
This honestly. They don't interest me as an idol cow at all based on what's being presented and the allegations don't seem strong because nothing has come out of the "legal advice" or the emails and the maid cafe disbanded so what's the point of bringing up cafe drama if it's not just nonnies from the cafe with a vendetta? I wanna hear about a real aidoru terrorist desu
And that's the thing: there's no real idol terrorist. No one in this community is that bad but people blow things out of proportion because they lack real-life people skills. If you actually spend time in the real world and are a part of other communities, you will see how this is all nonsense created so people can have a villain for entertainment purposes. Yes, people will talk shit. It's not right, but it is what it is. Gossiping happens everywhere so it's up to you to have actual discernment.
Ah, the main venue that is used in Sydney is pretty cheap. Its subsidised by the local government though. I figured surely you have community halls or something. From memory it was only like $60 an hour or something.
Just do it. Start dancing. Do busking. Stream on twitch or jewtube. Find a cheap hall and host a show.
Wow I’m jealous. To rent space in my local community (not a big city) it’s $100-$200 an hour plus $500 security deposit.
It’s out of proportion fr. From being active in the Florida cos scene, Ash is a dick but not a villain. This person has been active since at least 2019 as a cosplayer and performer in the Florida community. Of course, this person has pissed off people because they have a tendency to stir the pot and gossip. Not any more than most cosplayers though. It makes them an asshole but not really worth making them into a “dangerous person that needs to be deplatformed”.
>inb4 this is also vendetta
This is my personal opinion on them from meeting them and is not a unique sentiment. You can simply not like someone without turning into a huge thing.
Consulting for legal advice is not the same as making a legal "threat" so unless there is proof that Ash actively saught out to sue Pan, then pushing for that claim would make sense. It doesn't seem like there is anything to sue for so chances are Ash may have contemplated for some form of cease and desist towards Pan. If things were handled in court, I don't see why that would matter because if either party was guilty of any kind of harassment then it would be proven. In that case, there would also be no reason why Pam's side should be worried if they aren't guilty as they say they are. I'm not trying to white knight Signals though, just trying to speak common sense here. There is nothing wrong with asking for legal help on a complicated issue like this, other people do it all the time. I agree that a lot of it is overblown and taken out of left field though, glad to see more people pointing that out.
THIS. The petty jabs I've been seeing all strike me as personal vendetta cause none of this is worth talking about.

It also confuses me why a racist claim is seen as an attack rather than a rise of suspicion on the maid cafe's part. I don't understand why someone would make that claim without good reason. But I digress.

Everyone shit talks. People get disappointed. People want to talk to and vent to their friends about upsetting things. Doesn't make them somebody worth de-platforming and shitting up the threads for. I doubt anyone on this thread is guilt free from gossip and drama themselves.
Anyone else heard of this Rapid Steps shit being put on by the MIU? I've heard they've only sold 1 ticket and their tickets have been open for a week now,
sounds about right for america. some places also require you to have event insurance. a permit is necessary if you have a park stage and that can be a few hundred dollars plus equipment rental. some places also might not allow you to sell merch since you're not renting the space for "retail"
The reason why people think Ash vagueposting about seeking legal advice Twitter is shitty because it is. It’s an overblown reaction.

There’s literally no basis to send a cease and desist or try to sue over a personal falling out. It made them look like an asshole to bring up legal issues over what is at best, an unfortunate part of human relationships and at worse, petty niche internet drama.

If Ash was actually using his law education, they’d know that rule #1 of seeking legal counsel is to shut up and let the lawyer do the talking. They’d also know that a judge would probably immediately throw this case out if they did try to bring it to court. You can’t sue someone over venting. The only logical explanation of why Ash would post that are because they were trying to intimidate in hopes that it would get back to Pan in an impulsive way.

>There’s no reason Pan’s side should be worried.
You say this like some coordinated effort and not one specific person that Ash is trying to level legal threats against. Get fucking real.
At least they’re trying to do an indie event, which is more than can be said for the midwest community at large. It’s the week before NWIF so I think most people are choosing the 3 day established event over the unproven 1 day event in the middle of nowhere.
i take some issue with the sentiment of “if they aren’t guilty, they have nothing to worry about”, as if legal processes aren’t lengthy, expensive, and exhausting. that’s why certain bad actors use them as a power play.
the optics of getting legal involved in this situation is that you want try to mess with someone’s life because you fell out.
Non Sweet is no longer going to Tokyo Idol Festival 2024.

Now the bigger question is: Do Ash ir Pan even give a fuck about this anymore?
Pan probably not because they’ve haven’t said anything that anyone can find since the beginning of March.

Ash clearly still cares about this because he’s right here >>10927913 LMAO. The Lolcow thread drama happened just last month and it gave people ammunition. Notice how the focus is on the members of Signals.

People keep bringing this drama up to elicit a reaction because it’s entertaining to them. Signals just needs to stay off of the boards, people need to stop responding to posts about the Signals drama, and it’ll go eventually away.
it doesn’t matter if either of them care or not imo. trying to mess with someone’s real life over idol group drama is stupid as fuck.
These boards need to be nuked for good. Ain't no actual conversation except for infighting about the same fucking drama
lmfao so you just want an excuse to hate on someone. got it.
I'm not Ash, just some random person speculating. I see fault on both sides and I would add that some can see this as petty drama but to others who have invested time and energy into this stuff, it goes beyond idol stuff. I think we are forgetting the emotional investment that is put into these things too. They were friends before and we are weighing in stuff like trauma, mental health, and harassment. If Signals or Pan was more popular and successful, slander like that does ruin people's lives effects them on both sides and legal action would be appropriate if it couldn't be settled in person. Already people seem to be pushing for Signals downfall and I don't think that's alright, and I wouldn't say it would be ok if the same was done to Pan either. Imagine if any Overseas Idol blown up and became big, they might have to deal with something like that in the future too. Then again, we know we are dealing with something on a much smaller scale. I think we should just give both sides a chance to redeem themselves after the blow and not scrutinize every single thing they did or didn't do.
I'm the same Anon who wrote that comment and I can agree you bring a fair point. I will say that maybe they weren't intending on trying to ruin someone else's life but again, just asking for advice on what to do about a situation like this to which I'll say again, I don't think there is anything wrong with that and we may be reading too much into that tweet.
threatening legal action over idol drama is fucking stupid. it makes ash look like an asshole for doing it and then coming in the thread to double down. if anons think the signals drama is stupid, what do you think a judge think if it went to court?
Why are you so defensive all of a sudden? And where did Ash double down? I don't see how that tweet was any kind of "threat" here. If it legal action was taken, maybe their lawyers would settle it amongst themselves before they consult the judge about it? That does happen too and there are many ways it could be handled.
idols that have strong images like paida, illixcite, cherie ife, pan, etc etc are going to make it no matter what the quality of their music or shows because people will simply remember them. thats how it goes for all genres of music
I’d like to see where the “slander” you’re referring to was made. In order to claim slander in a court of law, you must be able to prove that it was done with malicious intent.

Pan probably should have kept them being blocked to themselves, but that was true. Pan claimed that their split was not amicable and that they irreconcilable differences in their statement, which is fairly neutral, and asked people to leave both parties alone and respect their privacy. Signals made some vague mentions about needing to protect their mental health after whatever Pan said about their side in private and Pan “flipping the narrative” with their Twitter statement, which feels out of proportion.

It’d be incredibly difficult to hold Pan liable for harassment because they didn’t make any public incitements. In fact, they called out and seems to have taken action to remove those people claiming to do harassment on their behalf from their spaces. They’ve done the responsible thing in this situation and that’s about all you can do as an online content creator. If Signals is being harassed by specific people, then legal action should be focused on those doing it.

Nobody claimed Ash was trying to ruin anyone’s life but lawsuits do cause significant stress both emotionally and financially. I think Ash should have kept that to his private circles instead of putting that on a public twitter. It’s hard not to see publicly seeking legal council while you’re in the middle of drama in anything but a negative light.
*that they had irreconcilable differences
Other idols do things that made them bigger assholes than Ash making a randomly vague tweet that didn't go anywhere and nobody is acting as desperate as you to make Ash into some kind of special monster. Pan talks shit, Ash talks shit, your "unproblematic" faves talk shit. It's nothing new and if that surprises you then you must not be in the community at all or you're incredibly new and naive.
I get most of this and I am neither siding for Pan or Signals but then you would have to ask, if Pan cared about privacy, why did they talk badly about Signals on their close friends story first? What they said on their IG spread out to other people which then prompted this drama we are still talking about. Other than the graduation post, Signals didn't seem to talk about it on social media before that time.
You'd have to give this argument up, nonnie. It's the facts of the situation but it just causes the wheel to continue rolling because people against Signals want it to continue to be about Signals which is why they're the only ones constantly bringing this topic up so they don't care.
I've tried bringing up this same point but the White knights on the other side refuse to listen and it goes in circles. Which is why conversation about this drama needs to drop dead.
I never said Ash was a monster. I’m also aware that idols are people.

Close friends on IG is a curated space, not public. Whatever information was on there, its not public business. I would imagine that these are their friends that they trusted enough to vent to. I’m sure the members of Signals vented in similar places about what was going on. Why did the people on Pan’s close friends spread it instead of respecting their privacy? I wouldn’t blame Signals if something similar happened to them.
Can anyone provide screenshots of what was said on there? Everyone says “Pan talked shit” “Alexis has screenshots”, but nobody provides. Cough them up.
im ngl i only do this because i really need pan to go through with killing herself. i hope she sees this and i need her to get pushed to the edge. i know she wants to do it bad.
I wonder what happened. Kind of sus that only the Japanese Seishun performers are doing TIF. Xenophobia?
That's really harsh. What did they ever do to deserve death threats like that?
Rage bait, you're supposed to ignore it.
be annoying kek if she wants to be a victim so bad, she should just overdose and get it over with
From what I remember, the split was thought to be amicable, and then pan goes on close friends to spread that it was not amicable and was basically two-faced. That's what started it all.
Maybe the people on Pan's close friends list were also a friend of Signals and they felt the need to relay. How many close friends on IG were able to see the story? We all know the internet leaks things so if privacy was such an issue then posting it on IG to begin with isn't the smartest move.
You’d have to ask Pan who was on their CF. If someone relayed it to Signals, that’s fine. But why put it up on 4chan? Why does everyone else need to know when there were no public claims before that? Why have no screenshots surfaced of these stories?
I mean… Unfortunately for Signals, those lists of tasks from NWIF posted on lolcow do reveal that things were not amicable…
And here we go running in circles again. Signals and pan both suck can we end it there?
I can’t believe this bullshit buried Non Sweet dropping out of TIF.
Oh. Yikes. Oops. I always said the reason we don’t see more screenshots is that it would poke holes in the claim that they “didn’t know”.

I wonder why they’re not actually able to perform. It would have been huge for overseas idols.
Does anyone have more details the about LA Idol Matsuri organizer being a creep?
Mikotan is a pissbaby who needs to grow balls. He REEEEEEED because he did such an ass job at running SCIF that he fucked off and made his own shitty idolfest.
Also I do not take LA Idol Matsuri seriously considering they have Zeta Flare listed as a guest performer, LMAO
Thank you anons, I will try my best. Please support me in your thoughts desu
Details? Wasn’t SCIF a massive success?
It says they're still going to do several shows while in japan with SHUN, so it must have been some problem directly related to TIF. My heart breaks for Non Sweet, this was a huge thing to happen. Has anyone bought merch on their online shop? Some of the items look pretty cute.
If saying it was actually not amicable on a CF story is “basically two faced” and shit talking, then this community has gotten sensitive. Vi did something similar after leaving Reso, her friends leaked her issues with separating from the group on 4chan but a year later, nobody’s held that over her head going forward. Just let it go.
Or perhaps you aren't being sensitive enough?? LMAO but whatever this drama is tired
Maybe it's visa trouble. If they're going on a tourist visa, maybe they can't do a huge show like that because some payment is involved. Maybe they were trying to get an artist visa sponsored but that fell through.
I’m the right amount of sensitive LMAO. It’s the most neutral sounding “trash talking” I’ve ever heard. Y’all are pussies. Anyway.

I’d love to know what the process of what an overseas idol would need to perform in Japan on that level.
They’re Canadian right? Don’t they have working holiday visas? Or does an event like TIF need a different type of visa?
hey guys :^)
that’s unfortunate. i thought scif was run really well and that idolfest company did a good job. what exactly did he do?

scraping for acts maybe? the other announced acts are also low rent or newbies.

that’s it? that’s what caused months of back and forth?? ”it was actually not amicable” where most people couldn’t even see it is literally all that this was over?? that’s barely anything and so overblown. i feel bad for them. this community is awful lol

i think it may either be visa problems or a problem on tokyo idol fest’s part. the threshold for entertainer visas are high and very expensive to file. i feel bad for them and for their fans but i hope their other lives are good. i hope they can make it next year.
the longer this drama goes on, the worse signals looks lmao
No it wasn't just only that. In the video pan accused Signals of ganging up against them but then doubles down and said they weren't bad people. They were victimizing themselves for their own problems while trying to throw Signals under the bus. Even in the discord screenshots you can see that none of them members were trying to gang up on Pan but to work things out as best as they could. If anyone has footage of the close friends story, they can check.
why does any of this matter why do you guys keep talking about these people and this dead drama lmao

Sure and I saw Signals call Pan a piece of shit, say they should kill themselves, then said they were still best friends then they all started shaking ass and turned into a rocket and went to the moon on their story. If you have the screenshots of discord and video of the close friends, you can look for proof!!1!
Anyone can say anything on here. Nobody cares anymore. Shut up.
I feel like these people are too lame to have anyone recording their CF stories for “evidence” about this “drama”. Unless it’s themselves doing to it to garner more attention for their shit group. Let this die please I would much rather talk about…

>>10928044 this. I am smelling xenophobia a mile away. Why? Well…
I’m not saying my research is 100% sound on this but I looked into this when Berry posted almost nothing of her performances in Japan. I thought it might be due to the fact that she was doing them without having a proper visa but it turns out, you would need to be in Japan for more than a month to warrant getting an artist/performer/working holiday visa etc. I’m guessing she didn’t post anything because the shows were probably bad and had like 2 people watching. Anyways…
They are having other shows and most likely totally ok making $0 from them as it’s just good PR to be able to say you performed in Japan regardless if you make money or not so the visa theory is out the window. Looking at the lineup for TIF there are other foreign idol groups attending from places like Thailand in the past and this year Taiwan, they also have several members and don’t look to be massively popular that they would have so much money that they can sponsor however many artist visas for all their members. Most likely they’re all in the same boat as Non Sweet and will be in Japan on a limited amount of time not accepting payment for their shows. So…? There has to be something else.
The one other thing that’s interesting to me is all their announcements have an emphasis on “Non Sweet (from seishun gakuen)” which would lead me to believe it’s because they were trying to enter as seishun gakuen and tif didn’t like that because they’re clearly a different group. But what does that matter when there are all sorts of other foreign groups attending? Please discuss I want so badly to know the truth.
I don’t know if it’s the same for TIF Japan but TIF Bangkok requires performers to pay $3000 per act to get in after being accepted. It’s kind of unfortunate that they have to pay to perform but IIRC it’s like paying for large scale advertising since it’s such a high profile event. If it’s the same for TIF Japan. Both groups have the same producer but they’re still normally 2 groups. So maybe the committee thought grouping two groups together under Seishun Gakuen was skirting that rule, told them they needed to pay an extra fee, they couldn’t afford it, so Non Sweet gets the axe because they’re not Japanese.

Saying you performed in Japan is really good PR for kaigai idols, even if it’s in a rinkydink live house that seats 5 and 1/2 people max. There’s only a handful of idols who have achieved this and it always looks good.
that's crazy that they have to pay to perform. it's one thing to not get paid but to PAY to perform... wow

yeah, if that is true about tokyo idol fest, then it's not worth it. it would be worth it if nonsweet was living in japan and could do more lives frequently. yes tif is a HUGE event and would give them a lot of street cred, but how many people from there would continue to support them in canada?

performing in smaller venues, for free, would still give them street cred and valuable experience as idols
I don't see why berry's performance in japan would have turned out any different from her performances in america. it's really odd there's no footage. maybe it wasn't recorded due to the hustle and bustle and being overwhelmed in a different country. no idea if it was her first time in japan or not.

doesn't she have a japanese boyfriend? I wonder if he helped her at all through that.
You’d be surprised what wota money can do! People sponsor events, buy billboards, shell out $1000’s for their oshi, etc. Since they announced it, I’m sure a bunch of wota immediately booked their flights. At their oneman, there were a lot of people that traveled from all the way across Canada, the US, and from Japan.
This is also why I don’t buy the whole money thing. With their one man profits and website seemingly bringing in plenty of orders judging by how many people share their purchases, I feel like they had no need to try to sneak in to only pay the fee once. They seem serious enough as well that even if they didn’t have the money, they would’ve crowd funded or shelled out their own cash.
Non Sweet has a manager, staff, and I think they’re attached to some type of agency. If it actually was money-related, their management tried to group them together as a cost-saving tactic.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen any footage of Berry performing outside of snippets on Tiktok. Was there a livestream for the event like at ADEN’s live? If there was, there should be some kind of VOD.
we don't know the ins and outs of their finances though. for example, we don't know how much money it costed to even run the one man live. there might have not been much leftover money. for merch and cd sales you have to consider cost of production too. on the cd there were a couple of new songs so that costed money to record, mix and master. maybe shun does that stuff in house, but even so, he would take a cut. all of that on top of their regular fees like studio rental for rehearsal, transportation costs. maybe beauty-related things like haircut, make up is calculated into the budget or that's a personal expense. and then we have to think about how are they paying for airfare, accomodation, and other expenses for just being in japan. do they work? are they getting paid or unpaid vacation time for this? the whole thing makes my head dizzy thinking about that and I'm probably missing some things!
oh yeah. they could have crowdfunded the fee, if there was one. but maybe they think it's a little too late to announce something like that. maybe they found out the news too little too late.

In regards to their other shows, I saw Steffi was featured in the lineup. I remember Steffi made a post about meeting Shun some time ago. I think that's really cool they let her be a part of things. Steffi seems a little underrated in the overseas idol community. her voice, stage pressence and original songs are excellent.
I don't follow Berry closely but I didn't even know she was performing in Japan until after the fact
If there was all this “evidence”, it would’ve surfaced by now for how long it’s gone on. Anyway.
>Non Sweet TIF
I think xenophobia might have played a part in it. There’s no way it didn’t for how sudden this is.

I’d love for Non Sweet to make a video talking about their experience. I know that might be illusion breaking but it sounds like it could be really eye opening.

She doesn’t get a ton of attention because she’s not very active on the western side. Steffi is another overseas idol active in Japan and she’s in a group called SCK Girls.

I don’t think anyone knew. She never actually promoted it, she just dropped that she had accomplished 2 lives in Japan in a video about Sorbet. I’ve been trying to find a taiban flyer but have turned up with nothing. Did she force her way onto a lineup?

Does anyone else here read IIN’s zine Idolizine? What are everyone’s thoughts on the issue that came out recently?
Idolizine is always good. I look forward to it every quarter. It’s really nice to IIN put out such high quality content. It makes IIN feel less like a glorified Discord server and more like an actual community.
I wish they could cover more idols, but at least the interviews seem to be getting more indepth each issue.
I wish they had more content than just interviews, like the quizzes they had in their previous issues. The mail tips segment really reminded me of a teen magazine from the 90’s. I hope they do more advice columns.

Same. It seems like it’s made by 3-4 members of iin staff, 1 graphic designer and the rest write the articles so I get why.
I wonder why other staff members doing do anything on the magazine. Aren't Alexis and Ash on staff too?
*don't do
It’s only Lily doing graphic design and Cherry, Ruu, and Pan writing. Those 4 are also the ones you see doing convention tables or running other community-related things. Maybe Alexis, Q, Ash, and Koda just don’t have the same amount of time to contribute past Discord mod things?
Does anyone have any tea on Midwestern Idol Union? Allegedly they have a predator representing them at Tekko.
Damn... That is tough!
I’m new but the only thing I heard that they’re bad. The only things I know is they used to go by the name Decibel, that they used to creep on idols in the Midwest, and are some sort of alleged predator. I was wondering if anyone can fill me in.
That "Rapid Steps" showcase hosted in Michigan is ran by MIU, which has Decebal on staff. Decebal is ALSO running a Idol Festival at Tekko, also under MIU. Decebal formed MIU a few years ago, but once they graduated everyone thought that they would no longer be apart of MIU. Decebal rebranded as Bee (which I thought we all knew) but hadn't really done much yet as Bee. They think they can sweep it all under the rug and pretend nothing happened, pathetic. Keep minors and all idols away from Bee/Decebal. Her AND her boyfriend are creeps and prey on idols and piggyback off other people's work.
DO NOT support MIU. If they knowingly have a predator on their staff and chose not to do anything about it, there are more internal problems at hand.
Decebal has been discussed here too many times to count and by now we all know the awful shit they she he whatever has done. I hate even having to bring their name up again, they're not a good person.
>Decebal rebranded as Bee (which I thought we all knew) but hadn't really done much yet as Bee.
>which I thought we all knew
>”we all knew”
That’s why telling people is so important. New people come, people in the know sometimes don’t make connections between old and new identities ESPECIALLY if they’re as different in branding as the Bee persona vs Decebal Person, and some people are just unaware in the first place.
what exactly did decebal and their boyfriend do exactly? who is decebal’s boyfriend? is he event organizer or just a random guy that enables? does he have his own separate set of allegations?

you don’t need to give the names of victims but calling them predators is vague. are the pedophiles? sex pests? do they power trip? did they rape someone? What?
I meant mostly us here knew, I'm sure It's not public information since they tried to hide it well. It's been discussed here several times If I'm not mistaken. At this rate Decebal needs their own lolcow thread so everything can be properly organized. Decebel wasted no time "Graduating" and INSTANTLY becoming Bee, almost as if it was an overnight thought. Since they didn't publically post about becoming Bee and tried to hide it, so yeah you're absolutely right more people probably didn't know if they weren't paying attention. I only found put the pieces together when I noticed their name change in mutual discord servers. What a mess.

Anyone have access to those docs going out about Decebal? Might help with the newbies who aren't familiar.
I only put the pieces together* sorry i'm stupid today obviously.
The boyfriend goes by TomStrike on the online. He’s the event organizer for Stage Uzume at Tekko and the panels organizer for NWIF. I’m not sure what he’s done so if anyone with information can enlighten, please do so.

Decebal allegedly sexually harassed idols while staffing at Tekko and Ohayocon last year. The harassment was brought to the attention of staff and organizers at both events. After being called out, they graduated and moved onto Bee and the utaite community. I’m surprised that they were not banned from Tekko because other local conventions were warned and were banned from Ohayocon to my knowledge. The report at Tekko had to have been made to someone above TomStrike because of the conflict of interest.

So, not only is Decebal returning to Tekko, they are doing so in a position of power, with the same conflict of interest, and as a representative for a community they’ve said they’ve stepped away from.
Decebal/Bee got wind of the report made against them for sexual harrassment and asked Tomstrike to find out who it was in which he gave the name to them and Bee began harrassing the person who filed the complaint which is a major breach of security and privacy. He wasn't punished for that as far as I'm aware, but any event those two are in charge of something, reports are not in safe hands if Bee wants to find out who you are. It's safest to just avoid their affiliated events altogether.
This thread has never performed outside of anime conventions and it shows. It’s common for indie performers who take their music serious to pay their way into opportunities. It’s worth it for the non-hobbiest. I guess this community wouldn’t know or understand that since the majority is hobbiest.
finally a real idol terrorist to talk about
any tips on paying to perform that don't lead you getting scammed/taken advantage of by event organizers who just want to make money of of naive performers?
yeah lmao someone whos a real danger and isn’t just a cunt lmao

you all should reach out to TIU because they’re also doing the same partnership. you also should reach out to NWIF if he’s still working there. is decebal banned from NWIF?

get to know the organizers for the event. if they’re evasive or rude to you, then that’s a red flag. if they’re taking cut from your merch or asking for money that hasn’t been agreed upon or disclosed before, RUN.
there are some costs incurred by you that are ok. usually if you’re just paying for your transit/lodging/food/etc, that’s fine. as long as it’s for YOU.
that being said, the only idol event currently that is being run by an organizer trying to make money off of performers that don’t know better is LA idol matsuri.
god decebal smelled so bad, i do not miss that fucking face
Where do you contact those organizations/events?
Make sure you have proof ready before you email them. Protect your identity if you need to.

Email is on contact page. It’s recommended that you contact security. Stage Uzume will send TomStrike your email.

Email is on the front page. Discord server seems to have a private mod ticketing system bot.

Email is on front page. Discord has a public channel to speak to moderators.
so its okay to harass and ruin an idol over unproven allegations if nobody likes them but if people like them its not okay? why dont yall carry the same give me proof energy for this idol that yall carried for everyone else that yall argued over? the idol community is trash fuck yall
who are we talking about now?
I thought we were supposed to believe women when they say they were sexually harassed #MeToo
Hi decebal
i thought we were also supposed to believe idols when they say they were bullied with no proof too but go off. how come nobody wants to come to decebals defense even though there are no documents of this sexual harassment or anything else? yall just want to destroy people
Hi Decebal. The difference between the other drama and you is that there’s so many accounts and documents of you being a terrible person from people across both the overseas and utaite community. You abuse your power, you say you’ll step back but never take responsibility, you mistreat artists you commission, and insert yourself so you can get away with it. Please be responsible and actually take the steps back you said you would.
MIU existing was literally Decebal trying to piggy back off of the hard work that Pan was doing to build TIU through naming it something similar. That’s why it’s named specifically Midwestern Idol Union (after Tri-State Idol Union) and not something like Midwest Idol Alliance or similar.

Even though now MIU actually does things now for the midwest, under Decebal it was just a vanity project to say that they were a community leader. It was barely moderated, drama was allowed to run rampant, and unprofessional. They also undercut idols who were there before them doing actually constructive things like Ichigo-Ro and tried to take credit for things like Happy Harmony. They stepped down as head admin and give it to other people but remained on staff. Decebal set the midwest idol community back a few years with their bullshit.

The concept of a regional or specific niche idol resource isn’t owned by anyone. That’s not the issue. It’s that they tried to piggyback off of multiple idols hard work to bolster their vanity project, try to take credit for what other people have done, and try to boost their ego.
If you're the Pan whiteknight then Decibal is gonna be your real goat. If you want proof of the sexual harrassment, just go ask them about it kek.
Anon, what the fuck are you talking about? That’s Decebal throwing a shitfit about getting caught again and trying to shift the conversation back into stupid drama to get the heat off of them lmao. Don’t take the bait.
My bad, they both just sound so desperate and whiny when Signals isn't the topic of heat for one second lol.
Are you retarded? Tekko runs the idol festival, not Decebal. This is why you retarded jannies can't be trusted. Also quit bringing up old tea and tell Pan and Alexis to get back in these threads.
Pan has asked multiple times for this topic to not be discussed, it's gross for you guys to keep bringing it up. You guys claim to be pro victim then use a victim's trauma against them whenever you can. Kill yourselves.
So is there proof of Decebal being a rapist or, scamming a mixer is one thing and shitty as hell, but raping minors is a literal crime and if that happened, you guys should be contacting the police instead of playing hero on 4Chan.
There are callout docs, right? I remember 2 going around. One that was more general and one that was from an artist that Decebal worked with. Let me do some digging.
I don’t think anything about the sexual harassment or alleged assault cases was put in docs but reports were made to conventions. The only reason we know that is because it was leaked onto the boards. I think we should let those people come out on their own time, though.
Never fucking mind, I guess. So much for that.
That's funny because I've followed the boards this whole time and no reports were ever posted. So there's no proof, got it. Sorry, but I need hard evidence of a LITERAL CRIME instead of trusting the word of you guys.
Ashes from NWIF made the report about sexual harassment to Tekko. TomStrike is well aware and it did lead to consequences for Decebal. They are not allowed to staff anymore.

Go ahead. Ask her all about it.
So just to be clear, you're trying to get someone banned from conventions over internet beef? Because that's what this looks like right now. The only proof we have is that callout doc by the mixer, and even that is a he-said-she-said situation. Everything else, logically, to a convention, is going to look like mudslinging. Not Decebal, btw, but I am desperately trying to get you guys to look at this with logic. You are accusing someone of a literal crime, raping minors, with no proof. The SA was taken care of last year, right? So why would Tekko care this year? Think about this for one second.
Who says they can't staff anymore?
Okay, I will, thanks.
Go dig on lolcow. This situation was also discussed there and those threads are still up.
I am on Lolcow too. There is 0 proof posted anywhere of Decebal raping minors. Again, if you're going to accuse someone of a crime that is this serious, take it to the police instead of drama forums, or at the bare minimum, post proof.
Nobody accused Decebal of raping minors. Where the fuck did anyone say he raped minor? The only thing anyone said was that he sexually harassed some idols at specifically Tekko and Ohayocon.
>Why would Tekko care this year >>10928513
Well, Tekko apparently if they banned him from staffing their convention. Maybe they’d like to know that he’s back parading around as a convention partner and that their boyfriend is letting him do it.
If you had reading comprehension, nobody said Decebal raped minors. The lolcow threads talked about how minors are the only group of people she latched onto for a power trip and tends to go out of her way to befriend them. On top of being a sex pest, it's a dodgy situation where anything can happen with that combo which is why they're considered an actual danger to the idol community.
lmao here’s a list of things they’re already banned from
>staffing at tekko
>happy harmony
>international idol network
these are just the ones that are confirmed. clearly there’s a pattern of behavior if so many separate entities have him banned.
revealing who you sexually harassed and who reported your ass to try to “expose” them is a low blow
how do we know they're both not fibbing? i thought pan was a liar? again its that same ok to destroy idols if you don't like them but not ok if you do in this thread
>you're trying to get someone banned from conventions over internet beef
Welcome to the kaigai idol community. This happens on a weekly basis.
The thing that gets me is that when a member is kicked out of a group because they just aren't a good fit, that member always complains they were "bullied" out. I read this as not being able to accept that they just aren't a good fit for the group and that's not a good enough reason for them. People are more likely to overexaggerate or lie about the circumstances of their departure so they feel like nothing was their fault and that it was simply because everyone hated them and didn't want them in the group when that's not the case. Even as a hobby, being in a group is like working in a business. you CAN get fired.

I've been in multiple groups where everyone comes to a consensus that a member isn't clicking personality-wise or underperforming to the rest of the group's detriment and when brought up in a professional manner the reaction is consistently "everyone is against me when I did nothing wrong therefore you are all terrible mean people." It's clockwork. It's why this drama is so immensely stupid and out of hand.

However, sexual assault allegations must always be taken seriously, believed, and investigated. Decebal was banned from staffing as a result. People can lie about completely different things in case you didn't realize the complex nature of people and circumstance.
>However, sexual assault allegations must always be taken seriously, believed, and investigated.

Taken seriously and investigated -Yes
believed before investigation- This is a dangerous way of thinking anon and it would do you good to investigate first.
there's no such thing in idol groups. variety is a benefit rather than a detriment.
the rules for idols are pretty clear. don't be obese and don't be a slut. anything other than that is just some bitch's personal opinion.
I see this drama the same way I see the Reso Nikki graduation drama. It rings the exact same way. Vi from Reso was also fired, despite being a popular member and seeming to do well in her group too. The same thing happened where she accused the members of Reso of bullying her and using her as a wallet. A year later, nobody views Mimi and Pengy as bullies anymore. Give it time.

I've seen the same group discussions happen in my own groups and it's why I stopped being an idol years ago. In hindsight, I get why having 2 to 7 people list out one by one why they want to kick you out of a group and why they don't like you anymore can feel like you're being dogpiled. Usually, there's a second group chat where the person is excluded so they can discuss them. It looks and probably feels a lot like middle school bullying. That's why so many idols walk away from that experience at best, feeling hurt or at worse, come away feeling traumatized. It's a sad part of the process but has anyone ever figured out a way to make it easier?

There's no real reason for them to lie. It's always best to investigate (which Tekko has seemed to do and acted accordingly), find a motive, and not twist words. Decebal is NOT being accused of sexual assault here. That's an entirely separate thing. There is alleged *sexual harassment* and clearly an abuse of power if it is true that Decebal knows the name of the person who made the report and used their boyfriend to find out.

What is there to be gained about lying about sexual misconduct in general? Absolutely nothing. It's humiliating things to experience and I don't blame anyone for not coming out full force.
Is it a he, she, or a they?
Common 4Chan kaigai idol behavior, all acting like retards.
>separate group chats that exclude a person they don't gel with anymore and talking behind their back
>listing off one by one why they think they should be removed from the group
outside of the idol community, this is seen as mean girl behavior. why is this seen as normal and professional? if a real job did this to fire someone, it'd be hell.

>how to make it easier
get the leader of the group to speak to the member they'll fire like every other business gets the supervisor to talk to an employee they'll fire. tell it to them straight and keep to practical reasons. it'll still be difficult but at least it's professional and you can't be accused of dogpiling.

hell yeah brother
Decebal has switched up their pronouns so often. I have no idea.
Dude what? Bffr, even professional work places have to consult with the other managers for their experience with an employee. Especially when said problem person has effected them. But this isn't a business. It only makes sense to consult the other members on their experience and feelings when it comes to that matter. Imagine blindsiding the other group members, who are also close to a member, just because you don't want to be seen as "catty" or "dogpiling"?? Everyone deserves to have their voice and experience heard when it comes to something as heavy as dropping a member. It's never as simple and clean cut as just being like "eh you're holding us back imo so I'm dropping you from the group". These idol groups are usually close friendships and it goes way deeper. You want to play it as fair as possible. That's a lot of pressure to put on a singular person. If it was all up to one person's opinion, then the problem child would just blame it as personal and "nobody else seemed to have a problem with me!!" These aren't just employees. They're actual relationships. And communication on all sides is important.
you misread what he wrote. perhaps you don't know what dogpile means?
i’m not here to sit and argue about he said, she said shit or argue who did what in stupid group drama. i’m not talking about signals right now.

each group has to pick if this is an organized business where someone can get fired for not being up to snuff or if this is a fun hobby you do with your close friends for personal enjoyment. i’m not saying members of a group that chooses to be business-like can’t be friends but you can’t mix extremely close friendships with business like that.
>i’m not saying members of a group that chooses to be business-like can’t be friends but you can’t mix extremely close friendships with business like that.
Exactly. You can’t pick and choose when a group has what dynamic either. Pick one and stick so there are no surprises. Make sure expectations are clear.

If you and your close friends can’t handle the difficult conversations that will come with creating a business, then do not enter that type of group structure. If you can’t handle being the leader of a group with a business structure, then don’t be the leader.
did anyone watch the tiu showcase? any thoughts? is it worth watching the vod?
It was good. Better than last year with a lot of good performers. There was some minor scuff but that’s to be expected with virtual events. I had it on in the background when it was live. It looks like they had some issues uploading it to youtube and don’t know how much they had to take out.
Half of it got muted so I don't care, lmao
muted live or the vod? wtf
im not familiar with most of the acts so not sure what to expect, i didnt watch last years‘ either
But where’s the fun in that?

Really? Looks like it just got uploaded. I plan to give it a watch and see how bad it is. It’s not really their fault if YouTube muted it.
Live was fine the other night. VOD got some parts of it muted. They have a drink link to the full uncut showcase in the comments so I’ll end up watching that instead.
*drive link
alexis gtfo
not Alexis. Just someone with sense lol
yeah ok mhm. sure you’re not. most people with sense in here agreed with >>10928538, >>10928543, and >>10928546 though. bye.
anytime someone comes back to reply to something saying no i’m not x, the basic assumption is that it’s 100% them behind the screen. if you really aren’t them, there’s no reason to come back on and correct that lmao
Yeah okay buddy not everyone reacts the same but stay delusional I guess.
why fight for your identity on an anonymous board then? anyway
Stop fucking talking about this group’s drama. I don’t want to hear the name Signals until they actually do anything. Nobody gives a shit!

I watched the VOD, only a couple songs were muted. Most of the performers are really quality this time and a good mix of new and established idols. My standout was Sona Dira. I think it’s worth it to watch.
because you anons are literally obsessed with signals and need to realize that not every opposing opinion means "omg!!! Signals defending themselves!!!11!1" shut up
Nobody gives a shit about this group and are trying to bait people into talking about them. Just ignore it.
Is there literally anything else going on? Did anyone find those callout posts for Decebal?
Yep. I did.
>General callout that was circulating. It seems unfinished with parts missing context. The most finished part is Decebal harassing an event organizer.

>Callout about Decebal taking advantage of a newbie mixer
thread is in autosage. when we make a new one, can we pinky promise not to shit it up with dead drama?
Drop links when you do it!
I cant imagine thinking rape is a good idea, let alone in the era of digital surveillance everywhere and with people more connected than ever before. Imagine how braindead youd have to be to even consider it in this era.
I'm completely divorced from this drama as an aus wota, but, isnt parent like a gay term for responsible other person? How is someone building a gunpla and asking for help concerning behaviour? Again I dont have full context for this, it seems kinda normal from an outside perspective
can you all PLEASEEEEEEEEEE stop talking about drama. take it to lolcow or be a man and make actual public callout posts/report them to cons with your proof. aint nobody gaf about signals and decebal anymore.
>I've been in multiple groups where everyone comes to a consensus that a member isn't clicking personality-wise or underperforming to the rest of the group's detriment and when brought up in a professional manner the reaction is consistently "everyone is against me when I did nothing wrong therefore you are all terrible mean people." It's clockwork. It's why this drama is so immensely stupid and out of hand.
jesas, this is why groups need a manager/producer even if only for ceremonial purpose. Someone who can take the heat from the hard decisions that have to be made so a drama queen doesn't taint the whole group's vibe or rep.
i agree. some kind of middleman and mediator. we’d also have less circuses like >>10928534 and we’d also have less groups whining about their cwose fwiendships :( after they go ahead and fire someone like that. idols should strive to be more professional if they’re actually taking this seriously. if that means less groups, i’m fine with the trade off.
funny how this shows up when the callouts do
It’s just a better practice. Win-Win. Professional and nobody can be accused of bullying on exit. 1-on-1. No however-many-members on 1 so nobody can be accused of ganging up or dogpiling. It’s a 3rd party so ideally they wouldn’t be mixing personal gripes with actual performance issues, just business.

If there is actual interpersonal conflict in the group, the manager can take care of that too. If they have a manager, they’re probably already leagues above the average kaigai idol anyway.
overseas idols will never actually do this because they hate taking accountability. having a manager doesn’t mean avoiding drama, it also means everyone in the group would actually have to be serious and be accountable to someone that isn’t their friend. All sick time or absences would have to be reported to that manager. That means lazy fucks can’t rest on their laurels and not put out content or practice for months at a time because theyre “too busy” or “too tired”.
I agree though good luck ever finding one who is knowledgeable about this kind of performance type. Without having the money to afford someone competent, it would be tough. I doubt that someone would want to manage an idol group for free or help out members who are not disciplined enough to carry themselves well to begin with. If they don't have the right mindset to go into this, no manager can save them. With chika idols in Japan and even having management, there were some scandals where the idols act out of pocket and their group gets into some sort of controversy or the group dies out. Kaigai Idols would barely last and have trouble managing themselves.
No but this. Decebal is year old tea at this point from someone who isn't even in the community anymore, and from what I can see, just posts pictures of art and her cat on her IG and made one cover. Signals is half a year tea at this point, and clearly none of the members want to talk about it, except maybe Ash in their private Twit. It's so fucking annoying.
Instead of just vague posting about drama, I actually want to know the actual benefits of a soloist or group having a manager or producer. What would that look like for a kaigai idol? Are there any kaigai idols that have managers like that right now? What are the pros and cons?
Hi, faggot here. Yes, parent/mother/father is a term of endearment, usually between other LGBT people.
> Decebal is year old tea at this point from someone who isn't even in the community anymore
This started up again because they’re representing MIU (an org for a community they left and said they stepped away from) at Tekko (a con they’re not allowed to staff at) under a new identity. People are just getting filled in.
IIRC, PAIDA is managed through FAKESTAR. I have tea of FAKESTAR but since your question asked for no drama, I won't get into it. FAKESTAR is a Japanese company, IIRC.
You are right about that but I will say that there can be good reasons for not putting out content fast enough such as lacking the resources, energy, or time. Most kaigai idols are not getting paid for this stuff, are not under a label, and have irl matters to attend to. Being sick or exhausted can be a legitimate reason. If they need to take a break or slow down, I would rather they focus on their health and not rush content so they can come back in a better state. So long as progress is being made and you can see some growth, that should be fine, we shouldn't expect people to produce at industry level rates. The lazy argument can go to people who don't care much about improving their skill because you can pump out a bunch of content, do a lot of performances, and take shortcuts all the while still being mediocre.
im new here, what is tiu and where can i find them
fake star is managed by an american that works with japanese acts lmao. I bet your tea is soooooo hot all right
especially for american idols, a lot of them work minimum wage jobs. many of them didn't even go to college, and some who did go to college still have minimum wage jobs and have to pay rent, car stuff, and all that crap. on top of trying to fund idol stuff? yeah, very difficult. heaven forbid a health scare happens and then you have to drain your bank account for some bullshit.
Many idols "managers" are their boyfriends or mom. But having a manager is good if you need someone to be your handler and speak up for you at events. For example, you can spend time getting ready and rehearsing before your set and your manager can talk to the sound and light crew about what you want done for your performance. you can also have your manager yell at staff for you if things go wrong so it doesn't make you look as bad kek. Managers can help with taking pictures and videos and making posts on social media for you while you're busy performing, resting right after the live.

A professional manager can help you with booking and vouch for you to get into events that would be more difficult than an con idol fest. it also just makes you look cooler of course.
Off the top of my head: Non Sweet is managed/produced by Shun and has been since debut. Their management style is very Japanese obviously because they have a Japanese producer. For example, the members of Non Sweet can’t reply to messages/DMs on their individual accounts. Paida is managed by FAKESTAR and has been for at least the past year and a half. She clearly has more freedom in what she can post and in responding to messages. iirc Pan Ranger also is managed with an indie manager that’s associated with IdolFest Foundation, the company that runs NWIF and LA Idol Party, and I think this is a fairly recent development. You would have to ask those people how their management actually looks on the business side because each manager is different.

I, for one, have no such issues. Please spill.

Agree that idols are all about growth but personally, I care less about if an idol ever becomes technically good or not. It’s all about their mindset for me.
>you can pump out a bunch of content, do a lot of performances, and take shortcuts all the while still being mediocre.
I really disagree with this. It’s actually impossible to continuously do things and not improve. Look at Australia and their regular taibans and then look at the quality of the idols there. Watch how fast new idols get comfortable with the stage and improve the more they perform. Look how fast their content improves because they’re doing it again and again month after month.

It’s also very hard from a fan perspective to get attached or really care about an idol if they’re not putting anything out. What do you mean by shortcuts?
>FAKESTAR is a Japanese company
Wrong! It’s run by a white woman who used it as a way to get close to her favorite visual kei groups. Now she signs on other talents to cover that up.
TIU is Tri-State Idol Union. It’s like IIN but specifically for the northeastern region of the US. They run events and meetups sometimes.
> https://tristateidolunion.carrd.co/
she is not white lmfao she is desi
>manager associated with nwif company
who is it? is it the con heads or someone else?

is that the biggest problem with that statement?
where are the callouts? link.
there's nothing wrong with trying to get closer to artists you admire if you are actually giving them opportunities and helping them advance their career. "closer" to me doesn't mean trying to sleep with them. when you admire an artist and have the capabilities to help them, of course you would.

idk if the person saying she's white is the same person with the "tea" kek. if so, yeah, that tea must be sooooo piping hot all right
tristate idol union, look them up on insta or twitch/youtube
iirc it’s Ashes as their manager.

They’re in this post. >>10928613

Oh? Is that it?
By shortcuts I would mean using things like aesthetics or heavy editing to reel in an audience while not putting as much physical training in your voice or dance movements. Stuff like rhythm, intonation, pitch, pronunciation are a few out of many traits to factor in. And sure, maybe someone can improve the way they look online/onstage or use their charms but if an idol falls back on bad habits, then true skills aren't being polished. Idols can lipsync or miss details in choreography while using a cute or attractive front to make up for it and most would overlook that so long as it's entertaining enough. Without proper training and building core fundamentals, it would be tough for kaigai idols to appear at least somewhat professional. You can see that quality clear as day if you compare an American Kaigai Idol to a lesser known Japanese Idol too. I do agree that someone's stage presence and confidence can grow over time but what I'm more focused on is the talent. Westerners who know nothing about idol stuff are going to pay attention to that too since they may not understand much of the growth culture and would think of something similar like performers who sing on the TV Show "American Idol". When kaigai idol fans (typically friends of the idol) or audience members blindly stan a performance without giving feedback on what to work on, then it will just signal (no pun intended) the idol performer to continue as is.

I can also agree that it can be hard for a fan to be attached if an idol isn't
producing as much but making something that is of good quality can take months, even years to create. In an age of consumerism and instant gratification, I think it's ok to slow down and not rush so long as eventually something gets done.
oh, good for them. she seems to have a lot clout and connections. pan might have some performance security with IFF’s events now like how phoebe does. i kind of wonder how that came to be.
examples of who you're talking about?
Yes, Japanese chika idols. Renoun for being extremely skilled, never missing choreo details or dancing poorly, never sounding bad, and never making up for it by being attractive. Are you only a fan of seiyuu and hello project or something?
>"closer" to me doesn't mean trying to sleep with them
Wrong again. She did sleep around and was a glorified groupie before needing to cover it all up.
So what youre saying is that they can improve their stage presence, confidence, and skills by working hard… but they can’t actually improve by doing that? I get that learning fundamentals are important but I genuinely have no idea what you’re trying to say.
>american idol
>”signal” (no pun intended)
what the fuck are you talking about?

can you put all your tea in one post?
Are you talking about an idol’s metaphysical soul??
so you're slut shaming? being a groupie isn't a problem when the bands are the ones trying to get their fans to sleep with them. you must know nothing about vkei, kek. Sooooo many bands do this and lowkey prostitute themselves. Afterall, the more fans in love with you, the more sales. Cheki with vkei stars are VERY intimate. they can hug you can press their face against you, whatever pose you want almost. of course every band is different, but vkei guys are usually whores taking advantage of bangya... a term you obviously don't know kek.
and what do you even mean by covering it up? yeah she's totally gonna take on the extra work of managing other acts to hide the idea that she might be fucking band dudes when in reality... no one in the music industry cares.
It isn't to say that Japanese Idols don't make mistakes since I know that much. I am a fan of anime idols, seiyuu, H!P, 48 groups, and other kinds of Japanese Idols. The difference is that they have some training and some kaigai idols do not. I am also new to the Kaigai Idol world so I do not know that much besides the people that were posted here.

Looking up examples that were mentioned on this board like Berry, Reso, Pan, Signals, Sonadira, Decibel, etc. Drama aside, some of them know how to perform well and have potential, others not so much. They aren't extremely bad but there are things left undesired. That could be just me basing it off first impression.
No. I am saying that stage presence and aesthetics are one thing, vocals and dancing is another. They all go together but some performers prioritize one over the other. That's why I use lipsyncing as an example of a shortcut because I like hearing the idol live.

>American Idol
Outside of J-Idol Culture, your typical American or Westerner would not understand or know much about JPop Idols so when they think of idols, they may relate it to shows like American Idol, the Voice, or X Factor. I'm thinking of those people when they come across kaigai idol content.

> "signal" (no pun intended)
When I said "signal", I meant it in the definition of the word and not the group. Meaning a gesture, action, or sound that is used to convey information.
>fan of anime idols, seiyuu, h!p, 48 groups, and other kinds of japanese idols
Anime idols are fictional. The rest are highly produced talents that have access to professional training. I would suggest getting into chika/underground idols to get a better understanding of the level that kaigai idols are working on. Get involved with real idol culture.

>first impression
Yeah, there's no way you’ve actually seen any of them actually perform in any capacity. Decebal and Berry have never even uploaded footage of full footage of them performing to the internet. Signals has 1 and half performances uploaded, one of them being 2 years old and one of them being a highlight reel. Reso hasn’t been relevant for at least 2 years. The only ones I believe you actually watched are Sona Dira and Pan because they post every performance they have footage of but they are pretty much on par with decent japanese chika idol acts. You’re just saying names you heard on the boards.
"Managers" can vary widely in their roles and responsibilities depending on the individual/group and how they want to be assisted on the business and logistics side of things.
Non Sweet has SHUN as producer and some kind of managerial role, but he's halfway around the world most of the time so I doubt he can be very hands-on. The group does have what looks like a part time girl on staff that sometimes is on their social media, who helps them out with events and stuff. They also work with a local photog but that's just for media creation and not a managerial role.

Like others said often a "manager" is a boyfriend/husband/parent who helps with logistics and filming but doesn't really get involved in decision making.
In rare cases one of the members will act as an actual leader with more authority, especially if they're the ones most committed to the hobby or if they're also running a small business on the side in fashion, crafting, or some other related skill. However this can really backfire when the person pushing for more commitment and professionalism and can't manage resulting pushback/conflict. (see: Julily's struggles in the scene)

Specifically for kaigai idol groups, there is such a propensity for drama from hurt feelings while at the same time the personalities involved tend to have a lot of anxiety, people-pleasing, and conflict aversion so they're not equipped to navigate difficult and awkward situations, I think it would really help a lot of groups to have one non-performer person who is a bit less emotionally invested but still trustworthy to both mediate within the group to keep everyone on the same page and liason with event organizers to keep track of details like timings, fees, booths, merch, etc.

Self-managed groups do exist in the chika idol scene in japan but they're generally soloists or duos. Not like the 4/5/9 member groups you sometimes see here in NA. (thanks love live for setting unrealistic expectations)
I think you may have a skewed or outdated thought about who is getting introduced to idols who aren’t already idol fans. Those shows left the zeitgeist years ago. Most westerners getting introduced to kaigai idols are already anime fans at an anime convention and already have a little baseline knowledge about idols: love live, akb48, morning musume, etc. Usually the baseline knowledge is more like “some 15 year girl shaved her head 10 years ago because she got caught dating?!?!” and not bad American Idol auditions. They also usually have tempered expectations about attendee-sourced performers at anime conventions.

I think the role of kaigai idols and more importantly, idol fans, is to make idols more accessible BECAUSE a lot of people’s baseline knowledge is all the scandals, the dating bans, and crazy stalker wota. Showing outsiders that the performers are real people who want to perform/make music and that the fans are (for the most part) regular people that want to support them is way more important than “idols must gitgud so john smith from ohio who calls anime japanimation can legitimize it in mainstream culture”. This scene is just never going to ever be so mainstream kaigai idols here like that.
>then it will just signal (no pun intended) the idol performer to continue as is.
Don't some kaigai idols bemoan a lack of growth behind the scenes? At some point they have to honestly ask themselves "am I good enough/skilled enough to get a random person to pay attention to me?" At some point you have to go beyond high school talent show level of performance to wow people and build a fanbase. You could do that through more intricate dance, or more powerful vocals, or funnier memes on stage, or building up your cute visual appeal, or pushing a sexier image, but all of these still require hard work.

For example, Non Sweet is a group with pretty strong vocals and visuals for kaigai idols but I feel like they don't really push the "appeal" that hard because they're generally so professional that it can feel cold. Paida really knows how to work a crowd and she sings well, and her original songs are catchy, but as much as i hate to say it being above a certain weight does impact your visuals.
>Decebal and Berry have never even uploaded footage of full footage of them performing to the internet. Signals has 1 and half performances uploaded, one of them being 2 years old and one of them being a highlight reel.
Don't any fans upload performances/fancams?
>Julily’s Struggles In The Scene
Untreated schizophrenia did a number on her. Julily has group drama too and was simultaneously at the receiving end of abuse from her manager/boyfriend at the time and then hurting her group members as the leader. That whole doc was a mess. When she “called out” her old group and manager/producer, she said that the 16 year old member was “asking for it” when they were being groomed and allegedly sexually assaulted by their manager at the time. And then she accused that same 16 year old of “grooming” another teenager who was a year younger.
what is this? k-pop? very rarely.
You asked me if I was a fan of seiyuu and H!P and I listed that among other kinds of idols I liked since there are a bunch I enjoy. I am aware of the difference with Anime Idols. I did mention chika idols before in my comment too and although I never saw any of them live, we can still use them as examples. Groups like Houkago Princess, Dear Kiss, Desu Rabbits, etc. come to mind.

I'll admit that I haven't seen them in person but whether it's full footage or not, clips can be telling enough. There are videos of Decebal singing live on Instagram and Reso on YouTube with prerecording. It doesn't take much to do a quick Google search to find them. Even if they are old, it's only as of recent have seen it because everyone here talks about them.
That’s fair. IMO Sona Dira and Pan are better live but I have seem them live multiple times and have actually spoken to them at meet and greets before. The energy is just different in the room vs when you’re just watching a video.
>the energy is just different in the room
God, this really applies to Pan. You can see that they’re really passionate about this but in their performance recap videos? They’re just okay. Decent. Mid, even. Actually going to one of their lives and seeing people get so into it they pick someone up and move them towards the stage? Seeing the idol and the crowd feed off of each other? How yakkai everyone is? Sublime. Peak chika idol.
> I think it would really help a lot of groups to have one non-performer person who is a bit less emotionally invested but still trustworthy to both mediate within the group to keep everyone on the same page and liason with event organizers to keep track of details like timings, fees, booths, merch, etc.

Honestly any group wanting to find out more behind the scenes of exactly this and what a staff could be doing to help out should look at Non Sweet’s part time girls tiktoks. Her handle is escaping me at the moment but she has a good amount of little vlogs that show the behind the scenes of their events and activities and all the work that goes into them.
At the same time though, I wonder how she gets compensated and if other groups would be capable of doing the same. I assume she goes with them to shows with comped tickets/travel etc
But are people only going to be crazy at a convention? are they being loud for them or for everyone?

That’s really cute. If you find it please share it. She probably gets badge, food, and travel comp.
They were quietly hanging out in the back of the room during the rest of the performers and only came to the front during Pan’s set, and I saw most of them in the meet and greet line later. They were definitely there for them specifically.
lmao exfoxu claiming things that never happened for sympathy
I think she deleted I can't see it. Learn to take screenshots
damn. oops. she was claiming people were talking shit about her performing in this thread which has not happened.
>being above a certain weight does impact your visuals
i think that’s subjective. paida’s body never fit the mould, even at her skinniest. so, it’s fine she has an average-sized body. she’s well proportioned and dresses to fit it. most people who aren’t genetically predisposed to just won’t look like a 4’11” 98lb japanese girl not matter how hard they diet and exercise.
i pay more attention to how they clean up no matter their size. do they dress to flatter their body? does their costume fit them? how is their hair and makeup? do they look like a mess or do they look good?
new thread let's pinky promise to not shit it up

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