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Fun with pals Edition

Previous thread: >>3912952
Trap/girly shotas: >>3914429
Kemono shotas: >>3913600
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They look like a bunch of little brats!
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No good punks need someone to put them in their place >:3
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Did you have a cringe goth/emo/scene/metalhead phase?
Cute roboshos
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Two cute shorts about a pair of “very close friends”.


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The animation’s pretty basic but I like the atmosphere and the boys. I think it was just made by a college student.
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Very adorable
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Are there any other animated shorts starring cute shotas? Preferably not cgi.
I keep seeing him drawn with very sexy legs. Does he look like that in any of the anime?
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Sumner will be over soon but the season of tight spats is eternal. A true shota will wear shorts all year.
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I did. Around 5th grade I grew my hair out and started going to Hot Topic and listening to bands like Alesana, A Skylit Drive, and Bring Me the Horizon in order fit in with the cute emo girls at my school. It didn't work though because I wasn't skinny or cute. Even as a kid I was a 4/10, still am.
Very sweet. Wish there were more stories and animated shows about boyhood and friendship. Luca was a pretty good start, hopefully Elio is better.
Need... Sho... BF...
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imagine a shota game jam
not on itch, of course
maybe 8**** would be a safer place
Straight couples are not allowed on /cm/ dumb newfag
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Insanely cute art
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shouldnt be allowed anywhere.
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What am I looking at here?
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A shota :D
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Hug sad shos
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Well, I'm getting a drawing tablet later this month. Hoping to be able to draw all my favorite obscure shotas that have no art, or niche ideas like shota-fying existing stuff.
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kaminosaki is a god
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Nooooo :(
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Do you prefer your shos bratty and playful or timid and clingy?
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Playful and clingy with me and his close friends, timid with strangers and bratty when somebody says bad things about his friends.
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Hug shota
Cute bnuy :3
wat the shota doin' tho
It appears as though he's about to take off his pajamas.
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Summer is almost over
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Based taste
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Bratty and mischievous!
*flips him around*
Wildly oscillating between the two, the lingering on affectionate and loving when he's with me! I want a cute sho to love me so bad! :3
I just want a shota boyfriend anons...

Life is so depressing
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Men want one thing and it's fucking beautiful :3
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>your boss catches you with his son

What should I…I mean what do you do?
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Name a more iconic duo than shos and older men, you literally can't.
Black haired shota with a white haired shots that is lowkey gay for him.
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Sounds familiar...
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Why are boys so perfect and awesome?
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Like this?
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Do you like boys?
No I don't. In fact I actually despise them. I'd really hate it if someone posted them. Especially shirtless ones and shy too.
Shos and shos. If you say otherwise, your a pedo who deserves to be hanged, drawn and quartered on national television.
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Can't hear you over the moaning I entace from my shota sonhusband.
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i mainly prefer them solo
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I'm so lonely and sad without a sho bf.

It sucks, because even if I had one I wouldn't be strong enough for him; I'm too pathetic and weak, and incapable of providing a confident male role-model. Life's so sad. I hope there's a happy after-life where we can all be happy.
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It's over.
It never started.
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Favorite shota swimwear?
I am partial to trunks (boy on right).
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skinny dipping is really the only way to swim with a shota! But if that's not possible for some reason, I guess speedos.
Boys do not look at all like this!
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whatever you call these, like the ones on the left. as long as they're tight n shiny
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Cute boyos
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Remember to always feed your shos <3
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Athletic shos look like that. Perhaps you're only familiar with shos as fat as you are?
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i think they're referring to the absurdly wide hips, exaggerated thigh gap and orangutan arms. maybe not though
Well that would be literally everyone, so good luck with that.
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you wouldn't have to be.
the best part would be being able to be vulnerable together
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You can't be vulnerable in this world. God hates us.
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What I mean is you can't afford to be.
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God hates whom?
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We need more brown shos
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Using sho thighs as a pillow!
I want to kill myself a thousand times and end my misery. I had a very cute laegal bf that without shaving looked smol but they ended the relationship with me. I am not even capable of providing too much apparently. It was cute while it lasted, I hate real life. I hate I can't be happy in this hellhole, truly love doesn't exist anymore.
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Shos will always be there for u :3
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Killua is so cute
>have shote bf
>he grows up
>still happy, still in love
>he one day decides he wants to date girls
>alone forever
h-hot and would lick
Sho feets
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I think it's unlikely, but I really hope you find happiness in this hell-world, anon, or at least a contemplative calm! Life's so sad.

>vulnerable together
This is what I want more than anything - I'm just not sure it's possible, or preferable; a man should be strong for his boy. If he's weak, he's only creating another weakling who'll suffer so much in this awful world.

I'm sorry, anon. :(
All of us. Me in particular, though.
The body is very stylized and exaggerated in >>3916244 (especially the thigh gap), but yes boys can look like that. If the hips appear to be "wide," it's because of the legs. Thicker or meat-ier thighs will require the hips and glutes to compensate in size in order to help with movement. But he still looks like a boy. It's better than the "draw a girl, call it a boy" approach from artists who aren't even that great at drawing female anatomy to begin with. Pic related is just one example of the various types of bodies boys can have without having to necessarily be fat or skinny.
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Shos love u tho
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Fight to protect the happiness of shos
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I want to make shos happy so bad, but I don't know whether I can or how!
>I'm sorry, anon. :(

I'm tired. They're still in contact but it hurts that it isn't a reciprocate feeling. It's a horrible sensation I get in my chest that poisons me and keeps corroding me from the inside every time I wake up. I wish to die every day.
I know the feeling anon, it feels like it's going to last forever doesn't it? Give it time. It goes away.
Shota belongs to adult women, homosexuals take the lose LMAO.
Shotas belong to everyone! They are toys that exist solely for the enjoyment of others ^_^
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Both of you die
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You're not invited to the sleepover.
Nah, adult women have zero interest in them and they have zero interest in girls period.
It's been 6 months. I wish this feeling to die already
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I'm so sorry, anon. I've never had any love at all, but so far as I can see, unrequited love is far, far worse. I can only imagine how horrid it is. Try to be happy that you at least enjoyed him for a short time - and conversely, even if he cares for you now less than you'd desire, he still really enjoyed you as well, truly and honestly.

Things will get better. :)
Absolute cuties nice dump
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Only males.
Sho realized what you're staring at
But I was looking at (You).
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nothing wrong with a little /ss/, anon.
wrong + kys
Fuck off
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This boomer meme is so shota coded lol
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nah. if i could do a study i feel like i could almost conclusively say that shotas are happier with boyfriends
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New: >>3916646
I'll teach him how to be a man, the Spartan way

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