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Shota warrior edition.

Previous: >>3915604
girly shota: >>3914429
Kemono shota: >>3913600
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Good lord.
I'm so lonely without a sho bf. :(

How is one ever to be happy in this shitty world lmao.

I want him to sit on my face howbeit.
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me too bro...
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delicious catboy thighs..
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Boys should be friends!
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I've seen these dorks' buttholes <3
I'm lonely too. Every time I date a laegal person it ends up badly :) is this god's cue for me to get a sho bf?
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Even if it were, I think it'd probably be illegal to tell you.
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They have to do gay things to each other so they can look out for each other and recognize/avoid situations like
Boys being gay for each other is a matter of personal safety.
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All red blooded shos want this.
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>ToT edition
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>having bad day
>see shota drawings
>remember it’s almost the spooky season
>no longer having bad day
I feel that the mild boobage is an overlooked detail of older shos. It’s normal for boys to get some mild breast fat around the onset of puberty so I always appreciate when artists go for that extra detail.
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Spooky boys are the BEST.
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>see spooky sho
>he's capable of defending himself
>I ToT <3
>go to sleep
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>Hear door ringing
>Open door
>See this
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Spooky lil fellas...
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>give chocolate robots and and other choice candy
>wish them well
>Go inside
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>formidable cute male UUUOOOOHHH
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Larsa my prince, my king, my emperor, the very platonic ideal shota. Perfection.

I've been slowly constructing a shrine to him in my room. It mainly consists of different editions of the games he's been in. I wish Square made more merch of him to collect.
can we get some more artwork like this up in here?
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dropped pic
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I love shotas so fucking much bros...
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Mobu a cute
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Boy oh boy, another obscure, unconventional shota that I really like that will probably get no art.
Red Boy, as seen in Black Myth Wukong.
Mmm, thanks Anon.
What is that monstrosity
I find the exaggerated nipples kind of erotic, but really they shouldn't be drawn onto shos. It's just too over the top fetishistic. Boys should be cute happy and accidentally lewd; they shouldn't be up front and in your face about it.

The beauty of a sho is in being able to enjoy all separate aspects of life equally, both the naughty bits and the normal ones: to them they're both just oodles of fun!
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Red Boy.
Not exactly many good ways too look at him since he has very few shots in the animation. And his 3D in-game model is kinda rough.
Why don't you kill yourself? I think that would fix everything
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if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything ;)
Based. Shos don't like meanies >:(
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Perfect tummy.

Reminds me of our king Pierre Joubert.
He was ahead of his time.
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Shos love u and want u to be happy
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Post more of his please! They're so cute in their uniforms.

I so desperately wish I'd experienced something like this! :( It would've been so fun! Or it least I can imagine it as so.
Having been a Scout, most of us were ugly autismos.

But my first shota crush was a fellow Scout. I was 15/16 and he was 11/12/13. The fucking kid was perfection. He looked like the attached image but softer.

The kid later did modeling as an adult so yeah…
The best time of the year
>It would've been so fun! Or it least I can imagine it as so.
Frankly it's a gamble on where you lived and how the scout group operated. When I was in scouts, all we did was crafts and stuff. Felt ripped off that we didn't get to do cool stuff in the woods or anything.
>cute catholic boy scouts camping out in the french countryside, 1965
Such an immaculate vibe
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Sorry to hear that, Anon

My Scout adventures weren’t like super erotic but it’s where I saw my first erect penis. We dared this semi-retarded 9/10 year old kid in our cabin to pull down his undies and he revealed his kinda absurdly long boner (like 4 inches?). Good times.
I get that it wouldn't have been like the naughty stories I read - but that doesn't mean it wouldn't still have been fun!
Gotcha. It was nice just to hang out with boys, I suppose.

I also remember a bunk mate masturbating beside me in the tent and showing everybody his precum. We were 11 and he was kind of a perverted ugly prick lol

It’s amazing how less exciting these adventures are when the boys in question are not cute. I better remember my other bunk mate walking around in tight undies; still the biggest bulge I’ve ever seen in my life.
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Are football shos the ones with the best legs?
Cute spooky lil bean
There's nothing softer than a shota's cheeks.
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Would you let your sho play vidya after midnight?
Well, depends which cheeks you’re referring to…
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There's a whole thread for art with that style: >>3914990
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Nope. Staying up late fucks with your sleep cycles quite bad, and that in turn messes with your entire body.
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would you punish your sho if you caught him playing after you told him to go to sleep then?
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Of course. I would take away his vidya and toys for the remainder of the night and the following day and make him do physical activities to ensure he gets tired and sleeps early.
I'd tell him if he wore his shoes out by not wearing socks he wasn't getting another pair.
And immediately realized my mistake, sorry my eyesight sucks, to me the socks looked the same color as his leg, I had to look again, if I made that mistake with my sho and raised my voice I would immediately and vehemently apologize for it.
Is that from initial D? The art style looks the same, but I don't remember seeing this.
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oh coolio
>later did modeling as an adult so yeah…
And why not score now? Explain yourself.
fit shos are best shos
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too old
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Season 5 smol Shinji Inui
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>It’s amazing how less exciting these adventures are when the boys in question are not cute.
In my fantasies they're all adorable :3

I wish everyone was cute in life...
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…because he’s straight and I like boys, not men? :p
Because of retards like you, I'll keep bothering you until you go crazy and kill yourself.
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Happy Cirno day!
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Someone post the translated version
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I want to tame a feral sho!
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Wasn't there a western comic about a shota stranded on an island? Anyone know the name?
Not a comic, a book, lord of the flies :^)
It's not lord of the flies lol. I may be completely misremembering the premise since i never read it and just saw it mentioned once but i remember the protagonist being a cute sho.
why the fuck are shotas so cute
They're so smooth
I want to hug a shota.
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Shos are made for snuggles
How's a man supposed to exist in this shitty world without a cute sho to cuddle with? ;_;

I hate life so much.
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Np, checked.
that books is suspiciously pedoerotic.

author was later found to be a rapist (of women), go figure.
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Brown shos! Brown shos! Brown shos!
You know if that book happened in real life there would definitely end up being a bitch boy of the group.
maybe if they were older, but weren't they around 12-13? I think at that age your mind wouldn't go there yet
Remember to pet your shota every day.
One of the boys, Simon, is pretty heavily coded. The author refers to him as “queer” and “gay” and it’s implied that he has a crush on the Ralph.
>I think at that age your mind wouldn't go there yet
All of my classmates (and I, but I was too shy/autistic to do amything in public) were horndogs at that age that would see dicks in every thing, dryhump each other every 5 minutes and go to the bathroom together to do god knows what.

Mam, I seriously hope he gets a happy ending even when the entire premise of the manga points to the opposite direction. Seeing shotas suffer always breaks my heart.
imagine a shota game jam
not on itch, of fucking course
maybe 8**** would be a safer place
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Wish this was me
>Seeing shotas suffer always breaks my heart.
Right? What kind of a horrid world is it we live in where boys suffer. What kind of horribly monstrous Devil would make such a world?

I wish all shos had the loveliest and happiest lives possible! I really hope there's some kind of parallel world/after life where this happens, and where all the boys (esp. the cute ones) get to enjoy true, peaceful happiness.
>"And why the fuck would we want to make $20 each?"
>implying 4 anons and an autist know how to code
>implying anyone here does
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Shos are sweetest beings on planet earth
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Cute lil brats!
Which one?
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How can something so tiny create so much happiness?
125x125 pixels of happiness.
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"straight" guys are a myth, anon
In this world that isn't saying much.

Though it's still true! I want to protect a sho :)
Any of them
Is this the definitive shota snack?
There are plenty of shos that are worse people than adults, conversely there are a few adults that are just as sweet as shos, they're just rare because it's hard not to become jaded and bitter the older you get.
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Fuck you shos are incapable of being bad
There are shos in both real life and anime that literally commit murder and even rape.
kids are often pieces of shit in real life, sorry to say
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Dreamed about shotas last night.

Why did I have to wake up?
This is a grim truth.
Yes, it is. But a part of that is because they are not allowed to be themselves and love who they want.
What was the dream about? Sounds nice. I never dream of shos :(

Nice trips btw.
I'm sorry to say that I think that even if all shos get cute bfs some will still be horrid. That's life: some people just aren't that good, unfortunately. Many more are turned bad, there are still those who are born that way to begin with.
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That's a matter of some debate. It very well could be true, but I just can't believe it. One thing is for sure, though, it's not helping that they can't have bfs.
VERY based post.
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NTA but I've been blessed enough to have multiple wholesome dreams about shos.
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Just walked in on some shos playing in an elevator. They were cute! An older brown haired one and a slightly younger blond one, both with messy short hair, skinny builds... Generic, I know, but blame my subconscious. Unfortunately the dream didn't linger there before moving on to some non-sho thing ;_;
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>is smol and adorable in your path
How often do you dream about shos?
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Most of my sho related dreams involve being outed as a shotacon. This was the first with the shos themselves.
Funny, all of mine involve being a sho again.
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I love him
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>check details of my shota folder
>85.8 GB
>82500 files
Man, that's a lot of shota.
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Imagine being the punk trap maid of a rich shota that is in love with you.
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I'd rather imagine being the rich shota that is in love with the punk trap maid.
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I remember there was a site where I could find this guy's comic in english.
Does anyone know where can I find them?
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I use imhentai for them. Don't know if there are better sites
Chin2.net , nhentai and exhentai
There's also some on myreadmanga believe it or not
I don't even know what it's called but I would only read the cute lovey dovey, if there's sex involved I'd only consider reading it if it was tasteful and romantic not just strictly pornographic.
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>Your sho invites all his lil frends to come over
biggest competitor to epstein holy shit
what if the sex is cute lovey dovey? That's my favourite kind of story. Especially when it finishes in some impossibly perfect happy ending.

The real world's shit; why shouldn't fiction be happy?
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I'm jealous
Going on fantasy adventures with your sho!
Das some smol cute bulge
Traps are just a way to sneak women into these threads
Shos shouldn't be drinking wine!
sho x older men or sho x sho?
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Men shouldn't age, they become disgusting monsters
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No one cares what you think roastie
Can evil shotas be fixed?
Like I said, as long as the sex is there as an actual plot point that is built up to and not just thrown in there as "This it the part where you jerk off then stop reading."
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>"I want shotas to suffer and die"

How can you be so heartless?
What if they're from the middle ages? Do you want them to drink water and die from dysentery?
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what if its just a bit, to try it?
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Thank you. I take my shota very seriously.
Hnnnnng shos...
This x 1000

I love when the sex is spread out intermittently throughout a doujinshi or where the climax is little more than a jerk off session. I think that boyhood sexuality is too unique and emotionally complex to be given the same tired porno template of “meet and fuck”
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Shota x Shota is the only correct answer.
shotas with ear rings have bad parents for letting them have ear rings at that age and are destined to to be sluts
Artists drawing shotas with ear rings is one of my biggest pet peeves. It just doesn't fit the shota aesthetic.
It's always female artists that do it.

Men usually like the boyhood charm of shos, whereas women like the not-female aspect of it, whilst still imposing loads of feminine stuff on them that doesn't really fit.
Counterpoint: Earrings are cute!
>>>/lit/23800765 they found out about >ourguy lmaoo
Sluts can be cute too, and sluts deserve love as much as anyone else. Doesn't change having an ear rings at that age is a sure sign that he grows up to be a slut.
>grows up to be a slut
Anon... they're already sluts.
>Andersson also published another, even more graphic magazine titled Breaking Boy News, which focused on even younger teens and more gruesome content. The stories focused on young boys committing violence against animals, girls, and each other, with a particular emphasis on pain and degeneracy.
WTF shobros, I thought this guy was based, but he's into abuse?!
Yeah I'm pretty shocked to hear that. I was aware of destroyer magazine being a bit borderline at times but this? I kinda regret buying his book now
I get that this sort of thing is (unfortunately) often true to life, and hence that some would be into it, but still.

I'm fine with spats and stuff, which is a naturally part of boyhood, but it should always be orientated towards some kind of personal metamorphosis, where he moves past that stuff into something better. Lingering on it merely to titillate sadists is too much.

Though this is just a unfavourable synopsis; perhaps it is out of context and not so bad.
I mean, I've known my husband since we were both young (less than 10) and we used to do violent stuff to each other all the time, but it was all in good fun, we both have scars from back then from what we did to each other, I know violence is naturally part of being young as long as it doesn't cross a certain line, and that line can move as long as it is clearly defined and agreed upon between the people involved.
Exactly. That's boyhood fun. Perhaps in a perfect world that sort of thing wouldn't be possible, or rather, desired at all; yet in the one we live it is and is, and we have to acknowledge that.

It's just a careful balance to keep, especially when it takes a unilateral form, like in story telling, where there isn't any sort of pushback when you increasingly ratchet the violence up. You can quickly come to a situation where you're don't sufficiently distinguish between the validity of real boy violence, vs fictitious.

Hope you and your husband are happy btw :3
Female or not, they're right. Shotas are superior
WTF read these magazine covers. This guy is genuinely fucked in the head.
Why is there so much rape/BDSM in shotacon? Makes me wonder if a lot of these guys are actual boylovers or just psychos who regard kids as a vulnerable people to abuse.
Too much talking, not enough sho warriors
Awful lots of discussion going on and not a lot of image posting, I know it's on topic, but is that ok? I just don't want the thread getting nuked.
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NEW >>3917824

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