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Evil shotas edition

Previous: >>3916646
Girly shota: >>3914429
Kemono shota: >>3913600
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>best boy edition
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lmao, RIP that thread.
He's not evil, he's just a cute brocon.
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What thread
Does anyone know where to get namao's animations?
I wish I had a sho to make happy :(
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Cute legs...
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Lol nope. I read the manga, and I can say with 1000% certainty that "Tsukasa" is pure evil. This is made clear with the Red House Arc reveals.
Really now? Do tell.
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This board doesn't support spoiler text, and the more recent arcs of the manga are basically spoilers stacked on spoilers gilded in spoilers. Let's just say that I used quotes on the demon brat's name for a very good reason.
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What's this from?
Shotas should dress like this all the time.
I'm late but this is insanely cute, does anyone know the source?
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(And inbetween)
All too girly.

Though I appreciate you posting new pics; so much of the stuff here is just reposts from the last few threads.
>All too girly.
That's how boys used to dress in the past, with fluffy and frilly clothes full of bows and accessories that made them look like porcelain dolls.
>I appreciate you posting new pics
Here are other pics I saved yesterday.
Shotas are specially cute when they have a plushie.
My dream is to make cute and silly costumes for shotas.

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He knows that you know that he knows that you want a piece of him, and he loves it.
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Tanned shos or pale shos? The way i see it tanned shos are for lewd while pale shos are for wholesome cuddles
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I'm so lonely without a sho boyfriend. How can I make forever single life be less lonely shobros?
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Tanned during hot summers, pale during the rest of the day.
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I want to drink sho sweat
Appreciate you bringing this to light. What a sick fuck. Thought he was based, I guess the normies are right about this stuff pretty often, which is a depressing thought :/
Dude claims it's just fantasy and then does shit like that.
>I don't have evil shota, but I do have some discount pokeshota
The problem is the ones that go too far. Nobody wants to risk their shotas because there are crazy people out there.
I found an archive of that BBN magazine's website. It was just a blog that reposted all sorts of news involving teen boys while attaching pics of unrelated boys posing in undies/swimsuits. Most articles are about bad crimes commited by boys because these are the stories that newspapers usually publish, but there are some articles about boys doing stupid things like hiring a prostitue and getting his iPod stolen, getting arrested for throwing a snowball at a cop or fighting in public or simply winning a contest. Naming the blog "Breaking Boys" and filling it with articles about rape and murder was a horrible idea tho.
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Well I looked up a synopsis of the red house arc and it didn't even mention Tsukasa. Just spill the beans anon, I don't read mana.
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Any shota pics i could use as a wallpaper? It has to be somewhat subtle
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I have some from my wallpaper folder.
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This folder is quite old, so some images may be sub-1080p.
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After some shenanigans involving the 6th Mystery, all spirits were sent back to the Far Shore, but Nene and Kou weren't ready to say goodbye to their ghost boyfriends and searched the town for any remaining connecting to the Far Shore. Their search took them to the abandoned Red House, the childhood home of Amane (aka Hanako) and Tsukasa Yugi. Inside the mazelike structure, they encountered a tiny little Tsukasa. Surprisingly, the little boy was the real Tsukasa. nearly 60 years ago, Amane became horrifically sick at the age of 5, and no medicine could treat the mysterious sickness. All Tsukasa wanted was for his brother to get better so that they could play again. An evil spirit that haunted the Red House (built on top of the ancient well that connects to the Far Shore and had for centuries been where maidens were sacrificed) reached out to the little boy and made a deal. The spirit would heal Amane and make sure that he would never be lonely, but Tsukasa would have to cross over to the other side. For his brother's sake, the small child excepted the terms and was thus trapped for decades within the house's boundary. In his place, the evil spirit assumed Tsukasa's form. True to its word, the spirit attached itself to Amane as a seemingly clingy but deranged brother. As they grew up, "Tsukasa" became increasingly violent, and, while the exact details have not yet been revealed, Amane killed "Tsukasa" and then himself. However, since Amane's guilt caused him to become a bound spirit to the school (also a nexus point), "Tsukasa" persisted as a spirit to continue haunting Amane in death as in life. Thus, "Tsukasa" is nothing but a vile spirit that destroyed the Yugi brothers, and I frankly think that it is the source of the sickness in the first place.
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Thx fren <3

I have a sad, but I expected one.
Does Amane know that Tsukasa isn't actually his brother?
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Was already cute with the heart lolipop and then they had to put the cat ears too. Is the artist trying to murder people with the power of adorable?
On the other hand...
>Feminist news and opinion
Seriously? I don't know how reliably the opinion of a f*male is, let alone a f*minist
These ones are cuter, though still a bit too moe blobby for me.

Thanks for the dump, and I hope your dream comes true!
He admitted what he did, and the name and nature of the magazines alone is enough to convince me. A broken clock is right twice a day.
I just don't know ;_;
Tulpa, or learn how to lucid daydream. You can go into your head as much as you're willing to. Maybe even out of body experiences but that's probably too much lol
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What did he do? Has he actually molested/raped a kid?
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Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy
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Idk but coming up with wholesome shota stories in my head makes me feel better
But anon, boys are supposed to be abused / bullied at school so you as their big brother can swoop in and beat the bully up only to find out the bully has a crush on your little brother and just wants the attention he gets from him for bullying him!
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How much money would you pay to magically become a sho? Would you approach it like saving up for a house?
He made and published softcore teen porn mags, which had sadistic subject matter, included stories of rape, abuse, and animal cruelty. In short, he's a sick fuck.
Need... Sho... BF...
All the money I have as long as I get to keep my knowledge
Why would you want to keep your knowledge? I'd want to lose it; it contains nothing that I'd want or value.
The sole exception being if I were in need of it to make my newfound shotadom safe or pleasant. But this is presumably a given. If I'm paying all this money to become an adorable lititle sho, surely it's going to be into a lovely boy's life, a full happy family, and lots of joyful adventures to undergo?
So I can live my best life, not end up making the same mistakes and having the same regrets, like being in the closet until I was 19 for one.
I meant it in the sense that there were two separate alternatives: 1. that I was to be given a chance to be a boy again, exactly as I was. There obviously I'd want my knowledge of the future. Or 2., where I'd be a sho again, but live a different, idyllic life.

I'd choose 2.
I'd want to keep my knowledge and memories specifically so I could do almost everything the same, fall in love with the same guy I grew up with and eventually got with after coming out specifically, but get with him sooner. I had the chance to year and years before I actually did, that's my biggest regret.
Fun shota thread on /int/, now.
Then it sounds like you've had a pretty good life already. It'd be nice to make it better, of course, but you should try to be thankful for what you already have - many are far worse!
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Quite a lot of money. Do i become a shota forever or do i still grow up normally?
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Is your life far worse than his?
I'd want to be a sho with a gay shota harem
By the sounds of it, yeh, much.
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Hey any anons from that /int/ thread that posted hontoku in here?~
You get to be a shota forever, you never age. Suppose society doesn't consider this bizarre.
I bet a lot of shotas want that. I wonder how many of them get it?
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I wasn't in that thread but i do have hontoku stuff
May I ask what makes you say that?
Idk. I still feel like it’d be difficult to find wantonly gay cute shos
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>Ywn be saved by a sho
Yeah, that stuff goes beyond what I would like. It’s stuff like that that gets conflated with us and makes it an issue.
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Legend of the galactic heroes
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Yeah, no. We've had enough blogposts.
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This outfit is so adorable.
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Minami is considered girly?
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aaw cmon anon you are posting with pictures, it's ok to have some text attached to your posts if you're posting pictures
nta, but there is way too much talking in these threads for my liking.
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Then post pics, you silly billies.
I mean, I would prefer that we hit both the post limit and the image limit in these threads, personally.
idk, certainly not enough talking about cute shos
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I wouldn't be opposed to that but everyone just talks about random unrelated shit instead

What flag were you? The American?
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Shos... Need shos to live....
Because he said he had a husband whom he's loved since childhood. That seems a moderate success at least. The sort of success I totally lack in my life.
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Shos are frens
steal his doll and hit him with it
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Are boy butts allowed to be posted?
Need ryonad or goreish boys
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Yeah as long as it's not too nsfw i think
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Shos hate you
Shotas are not for lewd

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I like when there's a seemingly innocent pic of a boy but you can tell if the artist is a shotacon by how much leg the shota is showing. Pic unrelated
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Would you be able to survive with Hiro as your brother?
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Yup that was me!
Based! Continue to haunt /int/ and other boards with the irresistably adorable spectre of boys! :3
Only if I were the same age or younger than him :>
Why are sho feets so cute
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>How much money would you pay to magically become a sho?
Enough to cause a global hyperinflation.
Smol and soft
It’s encouraged.
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More like they cherry-pick the worst of the worst to do character assassinations on people they don't like. The magazine has archives you can search up for yourself if you really want to, most of it doesn't delve around BDSM/rape at all. It's just stories of boys doing stupid shit because boys IRL at that age are stupid.

Of course the magazine is gonna be some flavour of jailbait, he's a true blue boylover, like most of the people in this thread, fuck, the people on this entire board lol.

And boys are shitty, boys do do things like hurt others, or hurt themselves. Do you think that Soft White Underbelly is a demented fuck because he photographs and interviews what society deems as its scum? Seriously?

Now take Karl Andersson, do you seriously think he's never felt shame for liking boys? Do you think he's never felt like a monster? if he didn't, he wouldn't dedicate all his life to trying to make society and the LGBT "community" more accepting of MAPS through his work in academia, because he wouldn't fucking *need* to. And being completely honest, if he was a sadistic kind of shotacon, he'd be the kind who follows shotacon artists that draw guro and rape and actual heinous shit all the time, but in his videos you can literally see collections of the work he collects and there is absolutely nothing of the sort. He's too much of a fucking pussy to do that.

In the end, if you wanna hate him for some stupid magazine he was too rose-tinted to realize was a bad idea, then do so, but until he literally abuses a child, I'll believe his words and the love he seems to have for children over some feminist of the same ilk that got him kicked out of Uni even though they paraded him around for being brave and innovative beforehand until they expelled him to save face. https://archive.md/NQaxa
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My ideal sho would be a sho that loves being silly and making people laugh and is also affectionate and loves cuddles :3
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I'm curious about two things.
One, how old is he? The first destroyer magazine was published 18 years ago. If he was a retarded 20 year old at the time then the poor judgement is a bit more understandable. And once he started doing that it's easy to see how it could snowball into the breaking boy news thing, especially in the circle of enabling weirdos he seems to have run in.
Second, and most importantly, does he actually want to fuck real life kids? It certainly seems that way. But then some of what Plato wrote makes it seem like he wanted to fuck kids, while other stuff has him advocating for the pederastic relationship to be a chaste love of the soul. I don't have an issue with an adult feeling erotic attraction towards boys. In fact, I think we'd be better off if it was more acceptable to openly admit it like how in Japan you can have Aoi Yuuki gush in an interview about how much she loves boys and no one cares. But I do have an issue if the only thing that is preventing an adult from having sex with boys is the fear of legal or social consequences. If you truly love a boy, then the only gratification you should want is his happiness.
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uhh... what is he doing with his left hand?
I still want to know whether or not Amane knows that Tsukasa isn't actually the real Tsukasa or not.

NTA, and don't have any answers to your questions. I stay out of the drama shit on that topic.
Scratching his butt
boxers and boxers briefs are cute. CUTE
Does anyone else look at sho's to remind them of a simpler time? I went through a shitty childhood and I end up looking at them a lot as a comfort. Yes I know I'm a faggot.
It's true that boys often behave in horrid and violent ways, murdering raping and what not. Yet I do think there is a difference between those who accept it as an insuperable part of boyhood, and those who specifically hone in and linger over these particular elements in it. There are loads of people (as seen purely from shota art) who really like boys in large part because they enjoy seeing them being hurt or in pain, inverting the peaks of human innocence to the lowest depths of misery and degradation. Of course this is quite distinct from someone who get a bit excited at the thought of a caning, but the border can be easily crossed if one isn't vigilant, and highlighting this sort of boy violence for an audience that likes it seems to be pushing the metre towards the latter.

Having said that for generally Who/Whom grounds I agree with you: I certainly naturally take the side of this fellow over some cancelaceous feminist. Yet it's still important to put your best foot forward when breaching into the public conscience. And having a whiff of anything at all untoward or that seems to confirm people's natural prejudices seems unhelpful.
I look at them because I self insert with what could have been. I had the chance, I was just too dumb to know I had the chance, and I won't ever get that chance back, so I self insert as a boy in a loving an innocent relationship. Screw the abuse fags. Yeah it happens, but it's not the norm and shouldn't be the norm.
The fact that any boy ever is unhappy proves this is a hell world.

I want to live in a Paradise where all boys are happy, cheeky, playful and free to do what they want!
I wish I was a boy or could make a boy really happy!

But I aren’t and can’t..! ;_;
Didn’t mean to make that last reply!

Also: I’ve one of these boys in a bath; there’s nothing showing more than butt, but it is well and truly bare. I don’t think I dare. Right?
I like this one the most. He looks so solicitatious! I just want to give him everything in the world that he thinks he needs to be happy!

I’d spoil any boy so dreadfully he’d be a monster, even going into early adulthood.
I understand your feelings. I self insert as well but it's more like I wish I was a boy again and someone would hug me.
I feel the exact same way. Life sucks. I wish someone would love and comfort me.
stupid little shit needs a shirt that says cat on it to remind him what he is :> so cute
Life does suck. I am hugging you virtually anon.
Godspeed anons, you are not alone. We are alone together, and together alone.

Hopefully there’s a happy afterlife where we and shos can be happy together!
In school your pic rel is known as the designated bottom and beloved by all.
What? Is he a known character or something?

There's a lower layer pic where he's posing covered in his own you know what.
Does that mean all of the other shos are attracted to him?

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