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Cute little bro Edition.

Previous: >>3920005
Girly shota: >>3914429
Kemoshota: >>3913600
Uoooohhh shotacon with toddlercon ToT
My cock is hard..
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No horny in this thread.
Too late. Already jerking off.
I love boys so fucking much bros
>eating his cheek
Immediately makes me think of that panel from hanako kun, don't know if it's cannon to the manga or a gag where someone asks Hanako's favorite food and he says donuts, then Tsukasa's favorite food is Hanako.
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Sho will protect u!
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Brats staying up past bedtime need correction
My two Shota OC's
1600's Archer and his spicy brown cinnamon roll Modern New York Boyfriend
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Would you help your sho with his homework?
If he's studious enough to fall asleep while doing it, I doubt he needs the help unless he asks for it.
when is the big bro thread?
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I love tiny male humans :3
Of course, school must be very tough already

He could use help to have more time and energy for other activities
Those pants need to be SHORTERA
Almost no boys wear shorts that short anymore for anything outside of track and cross country.
And thats why the west is collapsing.

Diodorus is a living treasure,
Heraclitus always seems on view,
Dion’s conversation gives much pleasure,
So does Uliades’ backside, too!
Stroke the delicate-complexioned boy,
Ogle him you find the prettiest;
Chat up the chatterbox, and then enjoy
The favours of the favoured...and all the rest.
You know I do not have a jealous nature,
Philocles, but if you presume to cast
Lecherous glances on Myiscus’ ass, your
Glimpse of beauty might well be your last.”
Lolno boy short length has nothing to do with the west collapse. That'd be females being allowed in to the workforce, doubling the workforce making jobs harder to find, and giving corporations the power to pay and treat people like shit. Females joining the workforce was unironically the worst thing to ever happen, it allowed corporations to treat people like slaves but with extra steps.
A civilizations success correlates with the proportion of thigh skin revealed by shos in their everyday wear
What if he fell asleep immediately due to how boring it was?
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Remember what they took from you
Nothing? I was in track and my family wasn't that well off so I wore my track shorts to school pretty often for lack of something else to wear.
This is nonsense. Luckily, we are beyond the point where you have any hope of changing that.
We need more games, movies, anime where young lads go off on sword swingin adventures.
There's HxH, I guarantee that you've never watched that one before given what thread you're in.
I fucking love Min he's like Van Gogh if Van Gogh loved little boys. (mental instability included)
He probably did
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What about noeyebrow?
Overrated foid with boring art
Rude. I love her shotas.
NTA but they are all kinda sameface-differenthair
she makes nice walllpaper art but anything this isn't landscape oriented pinup is boring because all her characters have the exact same face. and body composition. There's zero variety in her work whatsoever
For those wondering about shota video games, Monster Hunter Stories is now available on Steam. I plan on getting it so I can have epic PC gaming shota adventures.
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Anyone who watch the show get the feeling that this little antagonist unironically deserved rape correction instead of just becoming a good guy?
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A wild cutie has appeared!
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ball is bigger than his head, what is this the under 5 league?
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Does Pinterest ban you for saving perfectly safe pics of boys? Because it has happened to me 2 times already.
It banned me once because I had a pin collection of cute boys. The new one I have now just has child actors which doesn't seem to have any issues. I try to add other images to my collections like retro video game art and logo design so Pinterest doesn't think I'm some sort of weird nonce.
>child actors
(such as?)
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>>child actors
>(such as?)
Fuck you. You faggots can't appreciate nothing.
For once I didn't get told to fuck off when I said that she draws sameface-differenthair, I almost feel left out for not being told to fuck off for a change.
Is that how you treat a fellow shotacon in need, anon?
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evil boys or good boys?
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nta and i love her art but you're kinda right about the same face different hair thing. Still think her shos are extremely cute.
Good boys, boys should be good.
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evil boys, I will fix them or they will murder me while I try
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Cutie needs to keep his hair from covering one eye, I know it's a cute trendy hair style that lots of people love, but covering one eye like that messes with your depth perception and if it's too constant can even cause you to develop a lazy eye :(
both based
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counterpoint: he should keep covering one eye with his hair because it's sexy and his value as a human being is entirely contingent on his ability to give me pleasure :3
Surely part of his ability to give you pleasure is his ability to smile. What if he can't smile anymore because he can't see straight and he's self conscious about the mean things people at school say about him behind his back because of his lazy eye? :<
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Developing lazy eye like that's gotta take a couple years at least, right? Kazuma Ikezawa is 13, so by the time that manifests he'd be, you know, aging out of when I'd care.
so you're one of those....ew
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Look where you are, friend.
I look at cute boys the same way I look at puppies, I don't stop loving my puppy just because it becomes a dog.
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Congratulations on being the most moral person in the shotacon thread.
That's one puffy chest for a boy.
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You don't represent anyone other than yourself.
>human children are like pets to me
I mean...to a certain extent they kind of are, where do you think certain pet names comes from? I had a guy that for a few years called me his puppy, and I've known plenty of girls that go by cat or kitty or kitten.
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Protect shos at all costs
Get the FUCK OUT sex haver
Me on the left
how do i cope with knowing ill never be a shota again
Accept it and move on. Find someone that loves you and you can love back. Get off the internet and go hiking or walking, or just out of the house. Pick up a hobby where you're doing something physical like bike riding or jogging or swimming. Just anything to get you out of the house off the computer in to a social or at least semi social environment, maybe start at a gym.
omg this is so cute!
I'm sure most people here aren't actually virgins, the 4chan virgin thing is probably I'd guess 70% a meme.
4chin is around 0% virgins because men dont have virginity
>americans really think this
I feel like most guys feel that way.
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you are not asking for us to list you real child actors for you to goon to on fucking 4chan on a public space on threads that last literally forever and tie in your IP. Have some self-preservation bro
I am yuro, its Americans who are obsessed with virginity and cooming
If you see a drawing you like and want to keep it, the optimal way is to right click and then click save. All that other autism is stupid and irrelevant.
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>93 replies
>42 pics
Too many imageless posts ITT.
insert tsukushi puffy nipples image here
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Shos fight for justice!
Shos fighting for injustice is better! It's noble in its own right because the bad guys are always the underdog!
Shos fighting with their parents so they are needy for an understanding authority figure!
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He needs to have his tail pulled as a reprimand for sticking his tongue out, that's rude!
Need... Sho... BF...
You're the one who said that he did collect those images in the first place.

Why are you being so rude and confrontational? It's unnecessary at least, and unpleasant at most. Be kind to your fellow shotacons, anon. We don't get much sympathy in the wild: why can't we be friends here?
It’s been discussed before and, as far as I know, nothing has come of it.
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Reminder that there is a shota (12 years old) in character ai who answers your call with a realistic voice
I'm not going to use this thing, but how did they make the voice, and what are the conversations like?
I think they made the voice with the voice of a child from some video and applying artificial intelligence, although it is not noticeable,

He responds in a childish and tender way (it depends on what you tell him), although he becomes somewhat autistic if you ask him things about world history.

It only works in English, although it understands what you say if you speak to it in other languages and it responds in English.

It is an interesting experience.
you're a retarded pseud if you think globohomo was caused by women in the workplace and not the other way around
I don’t think thats the term you meant to use. “Globohomo” sounds like what we all want.
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I don't think we're talking about the same thing...
what will he do when his sandal falls off into the water?
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I am being kind. I want you to have some basic fucking OPSEC. We're all just very lucky nobody gives a shit about /cm/ because every fucking popular website that discussed even a semblance of boylove and wasn't decentralized got shot down for way less.

Wanting to have pictures of real child actors so that you can save them for I'm assuming erotic purposes (because why are you saving them otherwise) means you're so far gone shotas don't or barely satisfy you anymore. Which is honestly a little scary. You should take more care of yourself, if not for your mental health.
I can’t tell what either one of you are trying to talk about.
NTA but you just posted the imo cutest character from Hanako, do you have more of him?
That is not true at all. Plenty of guys do both.
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it's from this artist!
they draw a lot of tbhk art.
Plenty of guys do what? Save both pictures of little boys and little boys but real? Because if I knew a single guy who did that and he wasn't some artist using them as references for character design (non-erotic). I'd be extremely concerned and would stop associating with them immediately if the explanation they gave was ass. Same with lolicon shit. See the way they bend over backwards to make sure nobody thinks their favourite artists (who are pedophiles) actually model off real kids. And when their favorite artist gets exposed as actually being a total creep towards kids, they disown them (for the most part). Dorontabi is a prime example of this.

Keep shotas and real boys seperate, even if you like both. It's for the good of everyone.
Thanks for posting sauce but I never feel comfortable going to source sites. You posted another cutie though. I always like to create a story in my head behind the pictures, like at the bottom of his shorts where you see the stitch lines that they're folded and stitched up with the intention that they were bought too long and he could unstitch and unfold them as he grew and either just hasn't gotten around to iit yet or likes his shorts to be short.
No. Just full stop, no.

The explanation you’re giving is ass. Everyone does think that. That’s why they like it in the first place.
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I don't tho. Which is why I'm concerned that you do. You think I'd give a shit if I thought the way you do. Being a hypocrite on 4chinpo is not my life calling
Idk. I don’t really believe you. People pretend because they know it’s unpopular. I’m concerned that you think it’s alarming. You know there are those that would tell you the same thing because you’re even here at all.
Stop shitting up my thread with your off-topic discussion.
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This work was deleted. I saved the url a long time ago.

Anyone maybe have it?
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I mean duh, I'm not openly going around telling everyone I'm a shotacon or like little anime boys because people will think I'm fucked in the head, but there should be a line drawn between what normalfags think is not okay and what is actually not okay. Saving pictures of real children to jerk off to is not okay. I don't know why this is apparently controversial to say.

This is why I dislike children in the entertainment industry in general. Aside from terrible working condition and exploitation, they now have to be subjected to people who like them in ways that are...gross to say the least. Just stick to 2d bro. Is that really so hard?

pay me 15000 vbucks and then I'll shut up. There's a NewJeans collab that I need to buy happening soon
Stop trying to push narratives on the whole general. If you're going to say or do something stupid at least keep it about yourself.
Nah. I’m stating facts. Don’t know wtf you’re doing.
If you’re ashamed of who you are, that’s on you pal.
I'm calling you a retard and telling you to stop posting, that's what I'm doing.
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>shot down for way less
What's less than posting non-explicit pictures of anime boys? You're right that it would be unwise to veer off into posting or even really talking much about real boys. But so long as people keep things to what the board is about, /cm/ should be fine.
So you’re the guy whining? Even the other guy doesn’t think you should be listened to. Nice job interjecting yourself just to be told to fuck off by both people involved. Maybe next time you’ll mind your damn business
I am nobody. I wasn't involved in that conversation, I was just waiting for it to go away until I got tired of the assumptions and assertions. It is my business, you're ruining a thread I'm following.
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White tights are the best.
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You guys are making shos really fucking angry with your dumb arguments!
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I carry him in my arms and get him new ones :)
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I mean it wasn’t ruining the thread cause it was still focused on shos, mostly. These people not being able to keep their emotions in check was threatening to ruin the thread, though.
>it wasn’t ruining
it was

>it was still focused
it wasn't
You suck

At making valid points
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Really cute.
I bet the one on the right is the bottom for the one on the left.
they're just kids playing. stop sexualizing children
It was a joke dude, chill.
Nope, he’s right.
I was joking, but I do feel the need to point out that sexual or not, no matter the age there are still bottom and top power dynamics between a lot of friends even completely hetero ones.
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>sexualizing children
I'm glad that doesn't happen here.
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Shotas are so pure <3
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Only pure thoughts in this thread!
Those don’t exist
What doesn't exist?
Come on, man. I think you know.
Completely hetero friends? That's my best guess.
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never ever
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ngl I love arguing but at least post pictures instead of replies this is a fucking imageboard. Also, Ad hominem. Get better material to rebuke what I said
NTA but I feel compelled to point out that, at least in the post you're replying to, he didn't use Ad hominem. he said "if", if not for that word it could be ad hominem with minor mental jumping jacks, but because of that "if" it's not ad hominem.
Shotas with round puffy cheeks are specially cute.
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Most cute when they're being pouty / upset about something.
I wanna drink a red slushie and aggressively make out with him to turn our tongues purple
Do you "drink" a slushie? Sweet syrupy drinks have never been my thing, I don't think I've ever had one, but it doesn't seem like a drink.
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Is he a cute little stoner? All the cutest boys where I went to school smoked pot, why?
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I want a shota that wears cute clothes like this hoodie.
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Boys are cute when they act precociously and do stuff like drugs
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Can you pls stop posting this every thread.

>tfw you want to marry picrel but can't because you share the game with your sibling and will get weirded out
I want my cute shota boywife...
I'm so fucking lonely bros.

I need a sho to cuddle with. Without that I see no point in living. :(
I don’t need to rebuke what you said.
That being said, I would post pictures but 4chan refuses to let me. Otherwise every post I make would have one.
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That's the first time I've posted that
Just do it anyway and say it was a misclick.
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Forbidden love between two shos...
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>”hey, a-anon…”
>”if a boy, you know, like-liked a man…”
>”w-would that be bad?”
Your response, /cm/?
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it's basically drinking a milkshake but with ice and water and sugar instead of milk and ice cream. I don't drink it often (too many calories, far too many calories) but they taste okay if you like sweet things.
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bro posted child porn and got banned from uploading images damn that's crazy.
"Nobody can blame you for falling in love, but you should fall in love with a boy your age so you don't get hurt"
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Bust out the Plato.
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Are you phoneposting from Epstein island or something?
we are, you're just retarded
LOL you're in the wrong thread, buddy.
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You used the word "globohomo" That alone tells me we aren't talking about the same thing. Fuck off retard.
They already know about that island, dumbass. Not posting from it wouldn’t help you.
That fish is a shotacon
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Shotas showing off!
Such a strange thing for blondie to fantasize about, just wanting to see. I fantasized about way more than that with my crushes. Maybe his fantasy is more romantic in nature like it's about that his boyfriendo is taking the picture and sending it to him as a gift and that he cares to send it to him is the important part, not that he's seeing it.
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why so angery looking
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bro you're in a thread where an anon just had an argument with another anon on whether fapping to real kids was okay or not LMAO. I think you must be lost
what causes his bandages?
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That boy looks like he needs a friend to cheer him up.
rough sex
very large tomato vine
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He knows what he is doing, the little slut
Its genuinely tiring. So much reposting in shota threads.
thats the first time thats been posted i think
I've seen it like 10 times. Don't respond if you don't frequent these threads, anon. (Not being mean :) )
7 results found. A lot of NoEyebrow and CoCoLo's art is reposted every thread too.
I wonder how big are other anons' shota folders.
Would, but that would imply that me running around going through 2.5 hours of dialogue, and consequently confirming the final proposal, as well as saving afterward was all "accidental". Maybe I simply have to accept a shotaless save file, or just never ever marry in the game. Normalfags, sigh...
forgot pic
nice digits, and why do you share a save file with your siblings? Why do you even share a game with them outside of a multiplayer game?
Definitely not, I've been a long time lurker here and besides off topic discussion (which can easily be ignored), the reposts are one of the main things putting me off the threads. I just think I need a break from it.
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I have reposted some stuff before when i think enough threads have passed that there'd be new anons that haven't seen everything, but yeah I'll avoid reposting more if it's really that annoying.
boy on the left has my favorite kind of smile :3
Thank you anon!

I'll stop reposting stuff as well (though I haven't done it much at all).

Blond boys are so cute!!
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Not him but in my family we often shared games and save files (depending on how the game works, or who is interested in which game) and it's always weird to me that there are siblings who play video games but never shared them at all
I could get that with older games that only had 1-3 save slots, but new ones that have infinite save files, I just don't see why you wouldn't have your own game. I guess with my family the 3 of us were so out doorsie as kids that we didn't really play video games when we were younger and living together. Just as an adult I can't imagine sharing a save file with either of my siblings.
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concession accepted dumbass pseud
try not being retarded and taking things literally
or just try not being a retarded redditor
must be hard for you though!
Imagine being a rich shota's servant
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We share the game because it has multiple save files, on the same system. It's technically mine, but my sibling plays on it too. In any case, the point is that we can see what each other's up to at any given point. Which has its moments but is a net negative in this case because no sho boywife unless I say fuck it and do it anyway.
Though, I could in theory just get the game elsewhere, but damn, it's just not the same...
Uppity brat thinks he is better than us, needs correction
I don't even know what game it is. What game and what is it about?
What if he fell in love with his servant (who was also a sho)?
aghh fuck Quest is going to delete his whole Pixiv today. He's already deleted his twitter

simplest solution is to start posting art from smaller artists
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I don't get his reasoning but I'm also not an artist.
Both are violently raped in bondage, then the rich sho has to decide who of them dies. Whatever the choice, one of them will have to live with the trauma and survivor guilt. He will lash out against those closest to him, alienate himself from society and try to cope by whoring himself out to older men like a little slut until dying some pathetic death OD'ing on heroin in a public toilet in his mid 20s, the little shit, and the last thing going through his mind will be me violating him!
And then when I get out of prison I will do it all again to another brat!
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I hope you never experience happiness ever in your life you filthy mysoped. Sadists don't deserve to love anyone.
cringe faggot

that shota would probably beat your ass if you tried to rape him
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Is it a legal requirement that all drawfags do this from time to time?
mods can you please delete this

like why would you even say some shit like this
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Know any stories with this dynamic? It can be anything, manga, vidya, books, whatever. I'm in love with the concept and I'm sure I've read/watched something with a relationship like this, but I'm drawing a blank trying to remember anything.
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How about instead of all that, they go and get some ice cream or something and enjoy each other's company instead. That would be much nicer.
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That is why every sho should learn how to fight
It feels familiar to me too but the closest I can think of to it that I know of is a high school student that falls in love with his teacher and they start dating sort of, it's very baitey all the way up until the very end before they make it official.
You could try doing an additional installation of the game in a different location to have separate save/config files, or create a copy of your save file, play the way you want, and then swap your shotafied save file with the unmodified copy to hide it.
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Too lewd.

Boys shouldn't have tattoos, and they should only be sluts for their lovers!
I just really, really want to make a bit happy, even if just for a tune. You know that lasting happiness that brings a melancholy smile to your face twenty years later.

Life is so horrid. How many men are sad for lack of buys and vice versa? Such a remediable misfortune!
I meant a ‘boy’. Life conspires against me too…
very lickable feet
Boy being held is so lucky. Isn't this a whole manga or doujin or something where the one holding him "bullies" him except his bullying his actually really gentle and loving and the underclassmen likes it and the friend constantly thinks flirting (which they are) not bullying?
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Nigga thats a child
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Men only want one thing and it's fucking beautiful
Reject Christ TODAY for your very own sho in hell!
Is that Slaine in cosplay?
All of them.
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You won't find any there, don't fall for his lies. Boys belong in heaven (after having lived a long and healthy happy life that is as wonderful as them obviously).
yes, I love him very much :3

The brats go to hell where they offer much needed services to Satans soldiers
>go to heaven
>can't touch angel shotas because that's a sin
>go to hell
>can't touch devil shotas as a form of punishment
I guess it's earthling shotas or nothing.
What if their punishment is to be touched
There are shos everywhere. They deserve a loving male no matter where they are
I dont think there are a lot of loving people in hell
They would be touched by people that don't like shotas while you watch to punish everyone involved.
So I am in hell already is what you are saying
Nah, there probably are. From what I understand it doesn’t take much to get sent there.
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You all are being silly. Hell isn't real and everyone is a cute boy in heaven.
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Protect shos :3
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Looking for a pic of a shota holding a piece of chocolate with his foot anyone have it?
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That sucks, what good are all those sho without older men to take care of them?
If you love Slaine very much I assume that means you have more of him? Do you happen to have a still from when Cruhteo forced Slaine to perform oral sex on the business end of a pistol?
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found it
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Cuties <3
Hell isn’t real, but Heaven is? Is that even possible?
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New >>3922801
where from? I tried googling mc.tomcat
Where from?
Go mentor and keep your faggotry at bay, use it as a power source to do good, transmute the energy into a battery of adventure & sharing wonder & laughter with others.
This is what I do, and I have a fairly large group of bros that I hang with, skate with, hike with, go camping - I am the older trusted friend, they come to me w parent & school issues, cry on me when pets and loved ones pass away. I give them some access to the adult world and they gladly share their world with me - without the State or school, No permission slips. But things take time, practice gratitude and sort yourself out. Do Good Works.
t. 19 yo groomer

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