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Tummy edition.

Previous: >>3925903
Girly shota: >>3914429
Kemoshota: >>3925527
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What the hell do you need us for if you don’t “like” us?
I said I don't jive with these threads. Not that I don't "like" you.
I'm partly writing this story for people with /cm/ tastes.
and I guess what I need is to get a sense for what people here would like to read.
I'm feeling touchy though so deleted my post.
Fun useless data: There are 13 shota threads in /cm/'s catalog right now.

17 if you count the trap shota (1) and kemoshota (2) threads and the thread for shota BL recommendations.

19 if you also count the 2 general trap threads that allow shota and are full of shota.

42 if you add the Ciel (1), Pit (1), Level 5 (1), Elusive Samurai (2), monster(1), Horrid Henry (1), Halloween, South Park (1), alt styles (1), Genshin (4), Pokemon (1), Lukako (1), Chihiro (1), HxH (2), 9S (1), Omori (1), Vocaloid (1), Earthbound (1) and Megaman (1) threads that are at least 95% shota.

Shotas represent 28% of /cm/'s catalog, at least at first glance.
He should definetly take his clothes off at some point.
He should wear shorts, maybe make him barefoot. But definetly add some feet peeks even if you give him shoes.
Make it 3rd person so we can always stare at his butt.
Tentacle themed enemies. Death scenes should have a lewd undertone. Like a slime monster swallowing him or a static plant monster capturing him with its vines twisting around his body.
Bad ending is him getting reprogrammed to be a slave. Good ending he becomes the assassins or aliens boywife.
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what did i miss
Everyone loves shos!
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I love tummies.
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>what did i miss
I deleted my own posts. I'm writing an adventure/horror story about a robo shota. I was asking for opinions about what people want from stories about robo boys, but it's a very complex story to describe (sci-fi, and a big part of the appeal of the story is revealing the sci-fi premises to the reader in an interesting way) with some tragic/spooky aspects to the premise (murdered prince has his soul put into a robot body), I am feeling ill and touchy, plus was dealing with IRL problems (broken washing machine), and the first reaction was this
So I just deleted the posts.
Too exhausted for 4chan acrimony.
Feeling very "misunderstood artist"

It's inspired by Silent Hill, but it's just a novel, not a videogame.
I could definitely write it so he wears shorts and goes barefoot at points. A lot of the horror is psychosexual, I've come up with several varieties of monsters already that the characters will have to face, that represent different repressed aspects of the boy's subconscious - some of these monsters are related to repressed memories of his kidnapping/murder, while some are based on fears everyone might find relateable. There is a lewd psychosexual aspect to the whole thing.

but I do want this story to have a certain je ne sais quoi of like ... actually being a good story and not just fetishes. In the way that Alice and Wonderland and Lord of the Flies are like actual stories about children, or Astro Boy and Mega Man is generally considered socially acceptable.
I don't want to use the "literature" word, because it's not like its high brow ... in fact I might even want to simplify and censor parts of the story so it's appropriate for children (there's Children's horror, like the Goosebumps novels, so it's not impossible)
But I do want it to be like an actual story.
I was sort of asking for more innocent story ideas.
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Sounds interesting anon. This is very specific but i would like a scene where he's getting maintenance done on his cute robo sho body.
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I like it.
If I were up to it I'd post a short synopsis again to give anons an idea what the story is about, but I need rest.
>tfw ur not a robot boy and can just charge ur batteries
>tfw ur not a robot boy and can just change ur batteries

I know that feeling too well anon, I tried writing when I was younger and actually had a novel and a whole series planned in my head with all the character names, all the important scenes, and had most of it written, and I didn't actually get any bad reviews from people who test read it, but I never tried to publish it because it did involve an underage couple who in their culture that was natural and accepted, it had two different species of demi humans and then regular humans, and one of the demi human species they pretty much paired up from birth, but I was too afraid of the social stigma of having a bit of an implied sex scene between a married couple that was only 14 even if it was just the other characters hearing them do it, so I scrapped the whole thing, and I even actually have a published author as a relative that said that my story and writing were good and told me I should and could get it published, but I just cared too much about what other people think of me, so I didn't even try.
You forgot about the Zelda thread which has a significant amount of shota Link art.
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tummy time
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I love sho tummies
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Hnnng Killua tummy
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kek that was fast
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I was just thinking this design would be better as a shota.
Everything would be better as a shota!
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true true
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Shos just wanna play vidya
Last thread was a fun thread full of cute boys and fun RP, we can't make every thread like that though or they won't be unique anymore!
even you?
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All tummies are precious, even if he's a little tubby now, that's something that can be changed with proper care and diet. Protec tum!
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What's that?
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shotaxmonsters 2 bro. The best game of the year
Sounds cool. Where can I pirate it from?
you can't, I shut down all the illegal links so you are forced to buy it
Boy tummies need a healthy diet of burgers and ice cream!
all fat shotas were made for nipple torture
Yeah, but what does that mean? There’s no reason not to “jive” with these threads.
Please don't do that anon. Boys should be given bikes and encouraged to join boy scouts, explore the outside world, and be given enough but not too much food.
I just read a really great bl novel: it’s called Crowstone, a sword and sorcery novel by Hakim Bey. ( this sounds like shilling, but it’s free and he’s dead!)

It’s genuinely brilliantly written and has great world building, including all these cute fake ‘chronicler ey’ asides which sound like some long lost scholar’s scholia, not to mention loads of lovely naughty scenes!

You can download it free from Greek-love (dot) c o m
Highly recommended!
I have a really great Pic of Conan canoodling with a scared ( though aroused) looking slave boy, but it’s too naughty to post!
>There’s no reason not to “jive” with these threads.
Insisting that everyone should be able to "jive" with these threads, acting like "these threads are fine, what's the problem?", ironically indicates you to be a huge part of the problem.
You're childish absolutism marks you as unfit to hold a conversation.
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Such a cute tummy
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Agreed. She barely looks like a girl in first place.
Dont lewd Luce you demons
I'm the pp devil
I'm going to eat Luce's pp
Li Syaoran is my favorite sho
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Is cardcaptor sakura worth reading/watching for him? And I've heard there's also a canonically gay boy. Is that true?
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He's one of my favorites for sure
>Is cardcaptor sakura worth reading/watching for him?

[spoiler] Not sure really. In the start of the show, he has a crush on a cute guy (Who's friends with Sakura's brother) but then ever since he started to frequently hang out with Sakura, he falls in love her instead. [/spoiler]

>And I've heard there's also a canonically gay boy. Is that true?

[spoiler] There's a canon couple and they're always seen together. One of them even saved the other from dying. I won't bring up who they are. You'll find out when you start watching. [/spoiler]
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ToT protecc both of them
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You now remember ueda_yuu
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Hiro Sohma from Fruits Basket seems like an underrated sho. Never watched the anime or read the manga but he seems qt and I have never seen any fanart of him at all.

Also remember when people made these tribute videos where they would post random screenshots while playing cringy millennial music over it?
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>Uses the wrong form of “your”, but insists he knows what he’s talking about

Sure, Jan
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lol wordcel
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Lickable tummy
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His boyfriend's too. Although he might object.
Accurate, though
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You have your own thread Killuafags
Sauce plz
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I want to blow air on a shos tummy to make fart noises and make them laugh
Never touch the catboy tummy, you won't live to regret it.
Tomboys won again.
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>I don't really jive with these threads
Fool or hysterical woman.
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Making shos feel loved!
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C'mon don't be a whiner
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What does sho tummy taste like
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I am not whining but you were starting dump Killua pics like in a general (last thread too) so I pointed out you already have a general and it could use some posts anyway.

Like manna freshly dropped from heaven
Cute Russian dogboy inviting you to his home <3
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A bit salty is he's sweaty. Otherwise, not much.
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That's fine and all but the character you posted isn't even a shota
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Everybody was a sho once
You’re achieving nothing.
Post cute boy
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You are the one seething
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You know I'm right though.
And I'm in my right not to "jive" with these threads for these reasons.
Right about what? You are insane.
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I don't jive with unintelligent people like you >>3927843
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Hey, you pathetic obvious little troll.
Get a clue.
>Guys, I don't like it when people post about wanting to physically harm or rape children
Disingenuous little shits.
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don't remind me...
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God I love /cm/'s shota threads it's like seeing a bunch of retarded redditors fight except they're all gay pedophiles
>posters blatantly expressing desire, whether joking or not, to harm children

that's a really weird and creepy thought to have when you see people posting and talking about fictional characters...
You are trying to hard now
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who do you think I am... lol? This is even funnier.
uh-oh, someone is having a meltie. Try your meds sweetie
is that the reggu boy from made in abyss?
Cool. I hate it.
Hey. Check it out, retard.
People do post in these threads about wanting to do questionable things either irl or without specifying fictional context.
Bet you think you're such a slick snake, trying (and failing) to twist my words around with every post of yours, but the intent of my posts are self-evidently upright.
I'm not even making a moral judgment call on what is or is not right or wrong behavior irl, that's a philosophical discussion probably beyond the scope of this board; I am literally just saying "I don't jive with posters who post about wanting to do things to children"
and that kind of thing does get posted.
No, doesn't even look like him.
lol are mods deleting posts? what about my hourly thread drama? :(
no it's just the artists OC. It doesn't look close to Reg at all anyways. Man, for a supposed Shotacon's fan favorite, you guys are seriously unfamiliar with Reg
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>are mods deleting posts?
Hope so, I'm tired of you fucking retards arguing over nothing. I'm starting to believe we got a bunch of newfags in these threads recently because they weren't this bad not too long ago.
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did someone say... Meltdown?
it's not 4chan without a bunch of retarded autists arguing over inconsequential garbage now is it?
Don't try to normalize having retards argue every fucking thread we used to have mostly comfy threads
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I mean there's literally not much we can do other than ignore them, tell them to shut up, or have a jannie request them get banned lol.
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Reminder my first post in the thread >>3926641 which I deleted myself, was about a story I'm writing with some /cm/ focused content in it, asking for opinions/suggestions.
I headed the post, saying something about not coming to these threads very often anymore because they make me uncomfortable.
That's it. That's the source of your controversy.

Anon could have either just ignored this, or been polite to me, respecting that I have my own reasons for avoiding these threads.
I am compelled to insist that voicing my real concerns about some of the content of these threads is very far from "retarded" or "arguing over nothing".

The content of these threads approaches discussions of law, philosphy, morality, aesthetics, and so on: by nature of the subject matter.
This website is hosted in the USA and is subject to US laws, but attracts an international userbase where different laws and social expectations apply.
I'm in my right to hope for nuanced conversation and understanding, and to voice my discomfort with the evolution of these threads.

At the end of it all, I was hoping for some story suggestions. Ideas people would like to see in a story about a boy robot with an alien caretaker.
Or you could’ve just ignored the person who responded to you, but, no, you decided to spazz instead
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Again, I'm in my right to say I'm uncomfortable with these threads, esp. because some of the content is borderline when it comes to legality.
I'm also in my right to snap back at anon, when (You)'s come at me with "lol you're insane" "lole you're the problem" "lol there's no reason to be uncomfortable here" and other obvious troll posts.
I don't buy that I should take your shit lying down.

No. There's plenty of good reason for me to be uncomfortable with some of the posts in these threads, I'm in the right to say so, and I'm in the right to call you out on your bullshit.
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>you guys are seriously unfamiliar with Reg
A Ragu for re-education.
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And another one.
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You know what, one more.
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Regu a cute!
He looks like he is getting ready to scratch my face off the second we get home ;_;

They look like they get really mad when you call them cute in public...
anyone get spirit Halloween ads in their mail and guiltily oggle the boy's section before throwing it out and going on the boorus for shotas cosplaying
No, but you should post qt shos cosplaying
bro I love this thread so much I couldn't come up with some of the shit you guys say in my wildest dreams

anyways christmas as a holiday mogs Halloween anyways
like shos in outfits but winter holiday shotas are also comfy, makes me want to keep them warm and fed
I do not care for the /cm/ shota thread. It insists upon itself.
Like the swine?
At least we're honest about wanting shotas instead of people obsessing over if a character is 18 or not despite it being very obvious they would prefer them young as possible.
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>anyways christmas as a holiday mogs Halloween anyways
You are entitled to your opinion. Even if it is wrong.
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I wish there was a holiday where shos lose their virginity to virgin men with aspergers in their 20s but we cant have everything
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what's so special about Halloween other than a bunch of kids knocking on your door begging for candy that you have to go out of your way to pay for? I guess if it's not trick-or-treating, then it's just Halloween dress-up college parties, but I can cosplay whenever I want to lol, I don't need Halloween to do that.

Meanwhile with Christmas, you get great music, a cheerful season, snow, a cool christmas tree, hot chocolate, holiday lights that look really pretty, presents, and the opportunity to cherish and spend time with your loved ones to create precious memories.

I like buying my younger siblings gifts and my baby cousins who live nearby things to when they come to visit for Christmas
>I love Christmas because it lets me groom my families children
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I probably should take offense to you trying to twist something that a normal and levelheaded person would find sweet and innocent but this got a decent laugh out of me I'll give you that
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/cm/ is a shotacon board pal if you don't like it you can leave
>I love Halloween because it lets me groom neighborhood children
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what I'm clearly understanding from the moral of the story is that holidays exist for no other reason than to groom children
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>trick or treating > caroling (I've never actually done it, but it doesn't seem as fun)
>fall > winter
>jack o' lanterns > christmas trees
>spooktunes > radio stations playing the same 3 songs on repeat
>skeletons and cobwebs and such > garish lights
The presents are definitely a mark in christmas' favor. But everything else goes to halloween, even the bonding and memories thing. Christmas gatherings aren't really any different from the ones like thanksgiving where, even as a kid, you just hang out and eat. Halloween being built around such a different and defining activity makes it a lot more memorable.
yeah, you make them think everything is fine and nice and bam, raped by the reality of the cold and unfeeling world they need to navigate by themselves
and bam, raped by my dick
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Maybe cause I only ever celebrated Halloween properly once as a kid (like actual trick or treating) and the rest was just school activities because my family was never keen on Halloween (religious reasons lol) but I don't have strong feelings towards Halloween like I do for Christmas (Christmas gave me a childhood plushie that I still have to this day lol. One of the few things of my childhood that I'll forever cherish)

Like yeah I've been to a few parties with my buddies and did all the works and dressed up but I never got the hype people had for the season. Christmas is a far more personal holiday for me. And I could listen to "All I want for Christmas is You" from sunrise to sunset lol
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>Again, I'm in my right to say I'm uncomfortable with these threads, esp. because some of the content is borderline when it comes to legality.
Agreed. I very rarely visited here to see if there is stuff that people want translated but the comfy atmosphere has been ruined by those abusive "proud shotacon" posts. At least there are title dedicated threads for now.
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>leave internet for a day
>the other thread was filled and this one is about to hit its limit too
the fuck, why are these threads so fast now?
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I'm of the same mind. It's why I rarely post here anymore. The border between fantasy and reality is blurred here, and I really think a lot of people's fantasies are rather disgusting. It's why I can't watch Black Butler or Made in Abyss because all I see is violation of innocent children and abuse of power dynamics from those who want power over shota. I don't read "boy's love" literature for the same reason. Also, that guy that keeps shilling that "Greek love" website can go somewhere else.
Talking to you now. You're a freak, you know that right? Do you know how many authors in the SFWA have been convicted of child molestation and possession of CP? And nothing happens to them because the president (Cat Rambo back in 2019) is in on it. They literally buried Moira Greyland's memoir where she talked about her years of abuse and named her abusers because it would destroy the SFWA. So fuck off. No one wants you here and you're only contributing to the problem.
we get it, you're so above us with your great virtue and moral high ground now can you pretty please shut up and let us have a normal thread for once
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>doot doot
>thanks mr skelsho
Where is Arakokra posting his stuff nowadays? The most recent post on his pixiv is from May. And, maybe I'm just retarded and don't know how to use the site, but it doesn't look like he's been posting on his twitter either.
I haven't seen any Reg fanart in a long time, okay!? leave me alone..! >:'(
I post on Twitter
The site made it so if you're not logged in it shows the most popular posts, rather than the latest.
I didn't know there were drawfriends here. Your shotas are very cute.
Very specific, but I’ll allow it
I’ve no clue what you’re talking about; I just like shos! :) This is an awful world, a proof of which is that such lovely things as boys suffer at all, yet alone, unfortunately, suffer so much as many do.

I’ve no idea what the SWFA is. I just read and enjoyed the novel!
And my spear!
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New: >>3928110
*snif* *kiss* *lick*

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