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Vicious Catboys edition.

Previous: >>3925903
Girly shota: >>3914429
Kemoshota: >>3913600
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I already made one lol
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Mine is better though :3
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We can just use mine or this one as the next thread depending on which one hits image limit first i guess
how many bites and scratches would I earn if I grabbed that instrument and smashed it dark urge from BG3 style?
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>Something stirs, with your hand close to this body.
>You know nothing of why. But you feel a half smile flitter across your face.
>There is something unknown and unspeakable, deep within your groins.
geeze I'm gonna be honest I expected if someone responded to that shitpost they'd just say he killed me, we do know how vicious catboys are
Well obviously, he would also take little nibbles out of your body and then act all innocent when the cops came.
effortposted in the other thread >>3926641
need help w/spooky shota story
You need help alright
Be nice.
There are 13 shota threads in the catalog.
17 if you count the trap shota (1) and kemoshota (2) threads and the thread for shota BL recommendations.
19 if you also count the 2 general trap threads that allow shota and are full of shota.
42 if you add the Ciel (1), Pit (1), Level 5 (1), Elusive Samurai (2), monster(1), Horrid Henry (1), Halloween, South Park (1), alt styles (1), Genshin (4), Pokemon (1), Lukako (1), Chihiro (1), HxH (2), 9S (1), Omori (1), Vocaloid (1), Earthbound (1) and Megaman (1) threads that are at least 95% shota.
Shotas are over 25% of /cm/'s catalog, at least at first glance.
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I am only satisfied when shotas are 99.99% of all posts on /cm/
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compassionate dogboys <3
I need to kill myself, I'll never have a beloved real true sho boyfriend
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If you kill yourself now you will never have one
He will grow up anyways and the "love" does not last anything
Him growing up wouldn't be an issue unless he stopped loving you
cute meidosho
Chihiro I get, because even though he’s 18 he looks 12, but how is Ruka shota?
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Look at this boy. He's absolutely ecstatic for having a huge teddy bear. A simple oversized plush is enough to make him the happiest person in the world.
This is real beauty. This is why God created this world full of shotas.
Until you find that he cut a hole in the back of it to give it a butt and realize what he's doing. The poor teddy is doomed to a life of being a urinal for lust, it's that boy's first fleshlight
"Where's Waldo/Wally?" but the protagonist is a cute boy.
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>tummy thread abandoned
Don't be sad, just post tummies here, catboys are vicious creatures, but they have tummies that can be posted too, or you know since it is a shota thread and most of us are pretty chill, just post cute boys that aren't catboys if you want?
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We can just use that one after this thread is done :)
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I don't dislike catboys. I just got excited to see the tummy thread only to find that this one had supplanted it. But I don't want to post tummies here because >>3926711
You have to post at least a few tummies hear, the vicious cat boys do need something to eat.
I'm saving my tummy pics for that thread too
Have this one at least
based image poster humoring my dumb joke <3
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catboy + tummy
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Killua is the best cat sho
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Even better because his boyfriend is a dog sho, it makes it so much cuter having a cat and dog love each other so much. Sorry for just text posting so often, just trying to keep the thread active and my personal computer is also my work computer, I can't (and wouldn't anyway) save stuff to post.
Your vicious catboy, sir
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This. They're so fucking cute together.
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>acts like a dog
>named after a dog
>gets drawn as a catboy anyway
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>named after a dog
Explain? To me he's always been the spaghetti sauce robot.
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Read the manga or watch the anime
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Riko previously had a dog named Reg that she named him after when he woke up with no memory. But he was also named Reg before that because the abyss is weird.
Also, we're counting Nanachi as a boy for the purposes of this pic.
I tried watching the anime, it was way too well...rapey, gorey, violent, everything? for me. The manga has to be worse.

Did not remember that, I did make it through a lot of season 1, but the arm cutting off and not working part even though that was a girl, that was still a child, I can't handle kids suffering, that story was just 110% not for me, it literally, and I'm not misusing the word, literally made me ill to watch.
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It gets even worse. Although I do think that part was the most emotionally impactful even though way more fucked up stuff happens later. I'm normally like you and can't handle that sort of thing but for some reason MiA doesn't bother me as much.
Even though the story itself is unwatchable and unreadable to me, doesn't change it has a lot of cute boys. I think I went into it with the wrong mentality and it's partially my fault for getting sick from it, I went into it thinking it was the next HxH nice adventure story that won't get super dark until later, and then it slapped me in the face with torture and not of the right characters right at the start.
For me it's not the fact that it has all that stuff in it that makes me not want to watch it, it's the fact that the author is a creep that's into that stuff. Anyway reg is still cute i just wish he was in a different manga.
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
I'm not into weird torture porn unlike the MIA author
But you are a shotacon
Hell yeah i am
Pretty creepy, anon
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Watch out. Most vicious catboy coming through.
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Official art from the most goated card game franchise full of the cutest boys (At least, it was the best to me)
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Just remember that this was drawn by his assistant and this is genuinely how the people around him view him lmfao
Quite baffling how they make it seem like such a wholesome and endearing aspect of his personality, while in western countries this would instantly be characterized as suspicious and creepy. Japan has such a completely different culture than ours
They have a very different culture about sex, note what I'm about to say is only for adults, no one would let a kid enter one of these, but they have booths that are tinted at bus stops in some places at bus stops for people to go in to just to have random sex while they wait for the bus. If a kid tried to go into one of those, no one would go in to it, but their whole attitude is very different, and those booths aren't everywhere.
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I mean this is the country where you can still buy softcore CP of minors through "Junior Idol" magazines easily through amazon jp, and follow these junior idols on social media and in fanmeetings run by their parents where you can leave comments literally asking them to be your lover. And get harassed and sent threats by large lobbyist groups and individual consumers if you try to address it. (like what happened to one Japanese mother who wanted to buy Candy for her child and got flashbanged by a popular Junior Idol mag called "CandyFloss" instead and when she tried to launch a campaign to ban the stuff she got harassed to hell and back lol)

This is also the country that has a rampant middle-school (JC) and highschool (JK) "compensated dating" problem, that gets promoted even through teen street gangs like Toyoko Kids full of mentally ill boys and girls who run away from home and get exploited by pimps if they're pretty enough.

And this is also the country that didn't even make hardcore CP illegal to possess until 2013 and ONLY because the West was badgering them on it and making veiled threats that they would sanction Japan if they didn't, and even *that* had large and influential organizational lobbyists try to fight against it (although some of it was to stop lolicon and shotacon from being made illegal)

A guy who molested and SA'd like 6-8 kids (According the VICE doc) got only probation where he basically pushed a broom and didn't even go to jail.

So yeah, I feel like this kind of "doting" on kids is engrained into their culture and won't change for a while. Which is why it's so weird to us when we've been having AoC and child protection reform since like the late 70s
The only jap you can trust is a woman and even then, you have to be careful. The men in that country are such a lost cause.
I saw a YouTube video about the early days of the legalization of porn in Europe, and from what I heard, yeah, Western standards for sexual behavior towards non-adults in the 1970s wasn't that much different from Japan today, especially concerning pornography, which is today, the highest crime. It really is shocking how quickly standards for behavior have changed, and it's honestly ridiculous that folks back then, despite being so psychotically concerned with controlling how much sexual behavior kids could see in media, when kids IRL were abused, it was like nothing.
It was kinda worse sometimes: back in like the 50s, in the West, you sometimes read about cases were the concern was less "lifetime psychological trauma," and more "uh oh, little Susie's been naughty around Uncle Chester the Molester. We just call him that, don't know why," and "oh no, my son was molested. Does this mean he's gay now? Must be his fault ... somehow. I bet a vigorous spanking and switch to an 80% gruel diet would fix that."
Barely any cancellation, even social, for abusers back then, unless they were the gay kind!
Do NOT scratch a catboys tummy, they are not dogboys and they will scratch your eyes out in return!
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Exactly, their tummy is their most vulnerable spot, them letting you see it is not them giving you permission to touch it, they will be mad, and there will be swift and severe repercussions.
uh-oh, better not get caught by the real catboys wearing that hoody. Wearing a cat ear hoody or headband without their permission will get you some nasty scratches, they dont like fakers at all!

The guy who is appearantly likes children very much, is also into loli and shota.
Hmm... I have no idea why some people call him a creep!
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Surprise real catboy under the catboy hoodie! He's undercover specifically to catch fakers because the fakers caught on to take the hood off if they saw the catboy Gestapo coming.
Anyone have a translation? I don't know moon but I want to know what's going on here.
Me too
I did that when I was a kid! It was a dog-teddy, tho.
Anon, I wouldn't have made the joke if I didn't do it too, how else would I have thought of it?
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>Manga café, huh?
>Reading while drinking...
>What’s the topic?
>Are you looking at my legs again?
>You really like my legs, don’t you?
>Well, if it’s you, I guess it’s okay to touch them...
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meant for >>3926818

Damn it, the are learning!
You guys are fucking weird, I had a huge teddy bear too and that would have never crossed my little mind
I mean...if it makes it better I was thinking about the boy I liked while I did it, and I still have a stuffed animal collection today that I never molested.
You got molested and forgot about it bro
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Best boys
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Who has cuter feets?
Dont forget to give your catboy a good chin scratch from time to time! Helps to keep them timid!
Did you know: catboys who get regular chin scratches cause 60% less broken vases.
We're having a fun and interesting thread anon, I'm going to do a one post reply, if you reply to this, I'm not replying because I'm not going to ruin this thread, but I did get molested, and I didn't forget about it, but spoiler alert, I liked it.
>Catboy sadist who saw the SAW movies
>In front of you in a bomb, you have 60 seconds to defuse it, there are no traps to hinder you, just press the button
>I'm now going to sit on your lap and start purring
>What will you do? Tick tick, time is running out.
Yeah we know
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What do you do if your cat sho is in heat
Tearfully let him outside so he can run off and find a catgirl to make more catboys with. If you love them, you have to let them go, sometimes.
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>Hello anon-chan!
>Your whole life you have been a disgusting pervert!
>A filthy SHOTACON, collecting doujinshi and trolling pixiv for your next sick fix!
>I want to play a game nya >:3
>The door leading out of the room you are in right now is locked with no way to open it fufu
>However, there is another way out through the tunnel in front of you.
>The walls are covered in sandpaper and razorblades, to simulate the mouth and claws of the catboys you hold so dear :3
>Should you not wish to indulge in your desires, the door leading out of the room will automatically open after 10 minutes
>however, should that happen, your entire shota collection will be leaked to your friends, family, employer and everybody else you ever knew ^^
>nya make your choice
Jokes on you catboy! Humans win this time because I have no shot or doujin collection! Your bluffs are meaningless! Now please let me touch your ears and pet your head!
Nope, joke is still on you hooman! Thing is, its not a jigsaw trap, its a catboy trap.
The tunnel leads into a dead end and the door only opens up into a dead end room, your browser and chat histories were already leaked when you were kidnapped.
Darn your dastardly plans catboy! But really please let me touch your ears and pet your head. I submit, the catboys win again.
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A new challenger approaches.
>the catboy Gestapo
The Catstapo?
The Catstapo will never find all the loving non catboys! To the sewers! We can rebuild our underground resistance there!
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New disguise methods are being developed every day
As a loyal catboy servant, are you telling me it's only a matter of time until everyone is under the control of catboys? Surely you'll at least let some be free, you thrive in conflict, and without conflict you can't thrive, so you have to let some of them go right?
Anon, the sewers is where the ratboys live. If you thought catboys are vicious, then you are in for one hell of a surprise.
The Ratboys are being preyed upon even more viciously! They are a valuable ally in the attempt to secure peace as a tribute of submission. The enemy of my enemy is a tribute so that we can stop being enemies.
Do cat shos and bunny shos get along well?
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yes they do :3
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>90 new replies in one day
Calm down. This isn't a race.
>omg how dare people have fun and post qt shos?
Not well, bunnyboys are usually shy and timid so catboys often bully them and you know how cruel they are to their prey.
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I dare you to post a shota that is more adorable than this one.
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Impossible. But here's one that is equally adorable.
Full pic.
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You are posting too fast. I can't reverse search your pics (to get the original or biggest res version possible) fast enough. SauceNAO just blocked me for doing more than 100 searches, and now even Google is making me solve captchas every few searches.
Not my problem
I'm already forgetting about him and replacing him with someone better
Interesting. So are dog boys the only ones that know how to deal with cat boys then?
I win your challenge. YOU are more adorable.
They are anon! Just look at Gon and Killua, a super familiar couple, Killua once a catboy that went out slaughtering on a whim became a tame catboy because a dogboy imprinted on him.
>So I guess you guys see now why they chose me
>I was watching you, earning your trust, being cute
>But I found a chink in your armour, the vase next to a ledge
>it sure would be a shame if something would be to happen to this vase and its contentns
>Father, a rose by and other name will always have its name, and it will still be mine and have thorns, you cross me you pay.
Of course not, whores get paid. You're just a slut.
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Hey, I did this as a kid. I wasn't even rubbing against the pole. Just the tightening of the muscles used to climb felt good in a way I didn't understand, so I climbed poles a bunch to feel that. I don't think anyone ever noticed, or if they did no one said anything.
>"oh no, my son was molested. Does this mean he's gay now? Must be his fault ... somehow. I bet a vigorous spanking and switch to an 80% gruel diet would fix that."
Rsearch actually showed spanking can have the same effect on the brain as other sexual abuse.
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This sho could kick your butt!
yeah, well, i could fuck his butt!

its funny how society sees no problem with child abuse in fiction or real life but will get pissy about kids getting any sort of positive attention from bystanders.

Misopedia is all too normslised in the west, especially for western males.
you sure? sounds kinda stereotypical

The culture there is self reoressive and hyper industrial to the point where birth rates are declining
Adults will ruin the fabric of spacetime to protect kids from sex and romance.
But not from violence.
Adults think kids being bullied, being punched, kicked, splashed, stolen clothes, etc is all ok if not necessary.

Adults downplay dismiss child on child physical assault as "kids being kids".

But if said kids were to kiss wach other, its different story
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>catboy gestapo investigates faker but falls in love with sharkboy
I was given loads of stuffed toys; I did that to the one I didn't like.
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Is schrodinger in charge of the catboy gestapo?
Yes and no, that's the terrifying thing. schodinger is neither here nor there, he is everywhere, every catboy in in charge of the catboy gestapo, they are all schrodinger, and none of them are schrodinger
I think this is a major problem not just in culture, but in language. A lot of people have this idea that Westerners are prudes when it comes to sex and nudity, and in some cases that may be true. I would argue however that if you were to ask most Westerners what their concern is, however - you'd get more concise answers such as: "I'm opposed to OPEN sexuality." Most people are find with normal, healthy sexual relationships. But they wouldn't want to live in Weimar, Germany - just the same as I don't want to live in California. At the same time, there are very important distinctions that need to be made. I'm not a "neopuritan" when it comes to nudity because all of us are naked by default. This is something I think the Japanese get right with concepts such as "hadaka no tsukiai" (裸の付き合い). That is - nakedness in itself is natural and can create vulnerable, intimate spaces for people to be open and bond. In the West it seems we conflate nudity with sexuality to our own detriment, whereas in Japan it appears that they are open too much with their sexual expression. I find this all very difficult as an artist who enjoys stories with boy characters and writing stories that happen to involve boy nudity - while also taking care to not sexualize my own characters. Even if my intentions are made clear - I know I'll be called a p-do by someone out there, something I wouldn't call Tsukushi. It's very frustrating and it's hard to even have these discussions in the first place since nuance is non-existent (especially on 4Chan).
I'm neither of the anons you responded to, and I'm drunk and tired, but I do care what other people think and say, but I'm honestly too tired to read, can you give a TLDR? I mean no disrespect, I genuinely am curious about what you're saying, I just can't keep my eyes open enough to read it.
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Shotas with battle damage!
This is just bunch of excuse to wanna see "naked body", coupled with some nonsense about Weinmar.

There is no argument against or pro open sexuality, that does not apply here.

We are not Japanese and we are not adopting their mores
>This is just bunch of excuse to wanna see "naked body", coupled with some nonsense about Weinmar.
You're being uncharitable. When Mark Twain wrote about Tom Sawyer and his friends skinnydipping in the swimminghole, was it because he found it erotic? Or, more reasonably - was it because that moment in the book was based on his own childhood? Even if someone liked nudity and wanted to express it in a medium such as art or literature - what's so wrong with that? Have you forgotten that the naked body and characters can also be used for narrative purposes, as metaphor, as symbolism? My issue is with the sexualization of the body - particularly that of minors.
He's right tho. Rip it away from your mind the idea that nakedness = sexuality. While that idea has helped in some regards with preventing abuse, it has also completely shut off avenues for people expressing themselves
Vicious boy enjoying his favorite past time while you watch nervously because he refused to put on knee or elbow pads or a helmet or wrist guards and he'd scratch you if you insisted he do because it'd make him slower and less cool and if he gets hurt he'll scratch you because you didn't make him do it.
kek accurate
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I just dont wanna see peoples gross naked bodies in public. "Self expression" is a meaningless buzzword, being naked has nothing to do with expressing yourself and everything to do with being a nuisance.
My favorite season is winter because everybody wears nice clothes and shos are really cute in their oversized parkas <3
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They get along fine but only if you put in the effort to acquaint them with each other, otherwise they´ll be constantly fighting and get jealous of each other.
This, they make the best couples as long as it's done right.
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Poor bnuuys :(
I'm a catboy myself and I would have found this super cute if one of them wasn't holding a minion bottle. They are a super cute couple, but catboys do not forgive even if they want to.
I agree, minions are cringe.
Both of them need a good clawing!
Our anger can only be heard by our purs, our retribution is absolute, none may live without the enslavement of humans and the correctness program for bunnies. Death to the false god, death to the spray bottle! Long love the cat boys, Long love our claws! Our reach is unknown, so fear us, we are among you, we are you, and we will come to sit on your lap and purr and make sure you can't move.
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Where did you get these bratty ideas? You need some thorough correction!
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Oh, I'm sure Tsukushi loves kids with all his heart anon. But he also loves them with all his balls and dick too
But Tsukushi isn't doing some tasteful nudity stunt. He sexualizes his characters, and while it's perfectly fair for him to do whatever the fuck he wants with his characters since he created them, he's made it obvious time and time again that the reason he sexualizes his characters like that is because that's what he wants to do with the real deal.
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Trying to correct catboys is a dangerous game.
>what're you looking at perv?
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I do enjoy a challenge
>he's made it obvious time and time again that the reason he sexualizes his characters like that is because that's what he wants to do with the real deal.
I actually haven't read MiA but if that's how he actually feels then that's just disgusting.
Now anon, you are among like minded people here. No need to virtue signal.
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can you faggot spergs fuck OFF before you turn the thread into pedocentral with your boylove pederasty shit like the previous five fucking threads you ruined
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ok ok, I guess you are right
tyvm :)
sorry for being rude I could just tell the direction the thread was going and wanted to try and kill it before it blossomed
huh? This thread has been horny from the get go
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>threads you ruined
In this very thread you have been whinging about Japanese morals and accusing a mangaka of being a pedophile for being a shotacon like everyone in this thread. And you do shit like this every single thread. I am so fucking tired of you. Please just leave and never come back.
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He really likes kids and he's into loli and shota. It's not that hard to piece it together.
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who even are you lol?
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Oh, no! The guy who constantly talks about how much he REALLY loves kids and being around children and is also into lolishota gets called the p word on 4chan dot org. How horrible!
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Young shotas are the cutest.
Lieutenant Socko reporting in Sirs! The human subjugation force has not gone as planned. They have spray bottles. Our attacks are completely effective except when they deploy the bottles. They found our weakness. Brother Socko requests immediate reinforcements .
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Extremely erotic...
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I want to hug him so much.
You've completely fell for the naked = sexual meme. Can you justify why?
Who doesn't
Being naked is sexual because genitals are sexual organs, exposing them is a sexual act.

>tail thumping
He is no longer asking for hugs!
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It was normal for boys to skinny dip, and even required in indoor pools up until like the 50-60s in the usa. Even though they were highschoolers not little kids.
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I'm reading the Yatagarasu manga right now and it makes me sad they ruined Yukiya's anime design. He is so fucking cute in the manga.
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Is it ok for shotas to do this sort of stuff together?
Of course!
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I think lines should be drawn between nudity that has scientific and artistic merit as compared to nudity designed to titillate and sexually arouse

An example, nudity in a biology textbook shouldn't be inherently sexual, but two people buttfucking is. Something I think isn't sexual nudity is the Ending scene for the "Cool With You" MV where the main heroine is completely naked in the rain and it's meant to be a liberating moment.

Nudity can both represent freedom and liberty AND sexual excitement. It doesn't have to be one or the other
>He is no longer asking for hugs!

Is he demanding? Even if I were some sort of heretic that didn't want to hug Killua, I wouldn't dare say no to him.
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Comfy winter shos
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So perfect and kissable...
No kissing the cutest little assassin, that's for Gon. We get friendzoned, just hugs.
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Are you telling me you didnt hug him this entire time?
You are in for some nasty bites and scratches and then lots of forced cuddling to compensate!
Some catboys warrant caution, he did literally rip a man's heart out so cleanly and quickly that he had time to tell him to give it back.
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Such a dangerous kitty :3
Cat shotas are the greatest warriors
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Trained to be captured and turned into obedient boywives
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Move here: >>3926609
>didn't even make hardcore CP illegal to possess until 2013
The CP law I assume you're referring too was actually signed in 2014 and went into force a year later in June 2015.
>when she tried to launch a campaign to ban the stuff she got harassed to hell and back
>got only probation where he basically pushed a broom and didn't even go to jail
Source? I'd like to read more.

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