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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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Best boy edition.

Previous: >>3945263 →
Girly shota: >>3938495 →
Kemo shota: >>3944706 →
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>>3946434 (OP)
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I love him
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need to trim the tips off those ears with some garden shears
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Be nice to shos with pointy ears
I wanna bite them
Styling his ears is being nice to him. You don't want him to be made fun of at school because he's different do you?
I'll break the legs of anyone trying to bully my sho
>>3946434 (OP)
he's cute, who is he?
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It's a sign of love

I don't remember his name but he is from Fullmetal Alchemist
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Selim Bradley
What if your sho is a pervert that gets off on being bullied? What if he has a crush on his bully?
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then I'll break my sho's legs until he gets a crush on me
I'm flexible like that
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I was distracted by his exposed toes
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breaking legs isn't bulli that's abus
fine fine, then I'll kabedon him every morning and call him a little fag
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They're so hot...
I don't remember him having a tail
I know nothing about wakfu i just think he's insanely cute
Dragons can't be cute you silly anon.
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>ywn have this
why live
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>>3946303 →
I found the image. Turns out it was in my hard drive all this time, just with a weird name that was impossible to search.
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I love his hat.
Just look at him!
Do you have the "I'm a gamer because I'm a shotacon" one with a bunch of vidya shotas?
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NTA but
>Green haired boy on the left
>Boy between 9S and Laharl
Only ones I don't recognize. Funny how they're both traps which I don't care about as much.
Season 2 for me
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Power to the shotas
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Cute little homo
Every time I see a shota's bulge my mouth begins to salivate IRL.
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Smol Len
I want to molest him
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Why :(
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Watch the damn show
I will just for him :3
Which one is the real homo here?
me, with the camera
>>3946021 →
Why are the french so good at creating cute boys?
Do you really need to ask? Where do you think they put their baguettes when their hands are full?
Appreciating shotas is a core part of their culture.
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arent they all
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do you like big booty shotas?
what's going on in this image?
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Rip charm out of his ear!
wtf don't do that
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He kicks your ass
I want to hug this cutie
Calm down anon on the left
What's up with his witch phase?
his boyfriend liked cosplay
I was asking myself that too, maybe he thought he could be one but found out he had no talent for magic casting
As if he could, his staff would be shoved so far up his ass, he'd be crying on the ground in fetal position holding his ear with one hand and his bleeding ass from the staff fucking with the other.
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>a sho will never lick your face
this makes me angry.
he did look much cuter without the beard, but he can just shave it
how? why?
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Would you an alcoholic shota?
drunk shos are cute
And easy
Yes! [spoiler]+ sauce?[/spoiler]
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He wanted the magick attack augment.
Me on the right
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I love shos so much
This is the best thread on the interwebz
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Watch out anon, those two are gonna get their braces stuck together and their parents are going to find out about their secret romance.
It was a mandatory subject at the school of gallant knights. A good knight must know the basics of magic to be able to protect himself from spells and curses.
Shotas shouldn't wear pants.
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Protecc and care-for? Yes.
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>His naked butt on all the security cameras
He didn't really think this through.
clearly wants the security guard to come in and then cum in
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smoochable cutie
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Made for hugs
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What drink would you buy him?
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Might as well give him rubbing alcohol to drink
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fuck the police!
>tfw no shotacon bf
all cops are bulgy
Little alcoholic sho wants to be wasted.
orange juice.
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1.) take bear
2.) dismember bear
3.) return bear
He will hate you
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>all that exposed skin
He's browsing /cm/ on that 3ds
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basil is for high impact sexual violence of the gang nature
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Grooming a class of genius shotas to conquer China. Who do you want as your military advisor?
Made for rough sex
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I was more than happy enough after the shirt and socks.
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Male cute!
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Best bois <3
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Killua is cuter but Gon is hotter. Do you agree?
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They are both cute and hot, but sure :3
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Indeed they are but I'd say Killua is 1% cuter and Gon is 1% hotter <3
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Time for dinner, it's Killua salt-lick!
Please tell me no one of them die before becoming an adult.
No, they all work as military advisors as adults. The shota forms are just from a flashback to their childhood days
Lickable tummy
Male who canonically got ass raped.
Why are pokeboys like this?
Desperate for attention of an older male trainer
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99 version of this scene was better...
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Poast it. Never seen it.
I want 5 bottles of shota milk, extra concentrated
I have a massive HxH folder and i know i have it somewhere in there but i cant find it right now. Will post when i do, but you can see Gon's bare ass.
Cute dog and cat shos
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retarded cutey
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Shotas are the cutest when they are slightly retarded.
Poor baby :(
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Tfw I will never have a precious little brother :(
What if you had a cute little brother but he was an evil boy that bullied you for sex and made your friends / romantic interests disappear under mysterious circumstances when you didn't spend enough time with him?
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I said precious little brother.
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It hurts :(
>an evil boy
How evil?
>that bullied you for sex
What kind of buying?
>made your friends / romantic interests disappear under mysterious circumstances
>implying that Ihave friends
>implying that he wouldn't be my romantic interest
Sauce? I couldn't find it anywhere.
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And I gave you a what if scenario that was different!
>Tfw ywn wake up to your shota husband lovingly staring at you after a night of passionate love making
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Inferior version of the scene solely because the real Killua would turn away blushing if he saw Gon's butt like that.
Alk on Pixiv
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Cute! But I prefer Killua's chest and tummy.
ahah I posted those on that /co/ thread
I haven’t seen Luca (I’m not that interested in western cgi movies anymore) but is it worth it for the two fish shotas?
It’s focus on those two exclusively and the gay vives are high since one of them get jealous at the other becoming friend with a girl. I recommend it, it’s not even a long movie
they need an older boy to teach them how to kiss with their braces
You mean grab by the ankles and swing around as fast as possible before throwing him face first through a window?
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the masculine urge to kiss a booboo
so long gay bowser
If the Shotas were smart they would have taken over the world long ago.
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>tfw you can't sleep because you are surrounded by homos
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Shos need to be taught to defend themselves of people like you
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I like how Atlus pretty much gave this fan comic their stamp of approval by letting the artist sell an official version.

Like they're just okay with jokes about Ken being an exhibitionist that likes yaoi porn.
Naughty shos.
They want you to sleep with them.
Ken's legs look so smooth...
Teach the show to defend themselves so it's kinkier when they lose!
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I was a single child and Alphonse alone gave me these ridiculously idealized image of what a little brother would be like.
>what do you mean they aren't obsessed with you and would hop across dimensions leaving everything behind just to be with you
Although their meeting in the movie was lackluster, you'd think he'd had smothered Ed with his love now that he has his freaking human body
The japanese are just kind of autistic when it comes to showing affection, like in HxH when Gon and Killua go their separate ways they just kinda smile at each other and say goodbye but after everything they went through they would've at least hugged each other.
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Lick feets*
I won
t. big bro
Luca's boypussy became a black hole after taking a taste of Alberto's salami
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What was the earliest you remember feeling that special sort of feeling when watching something with shotas? For me it was the 4th Pokemon movie and the closeness between Ash and Sam.
I only ever got feelings like that when shotas liked girls funny enough.
I always got really happy when shotas would blush and swoon over their crushes and just assumed it was because I was self inserting as them, but looking back I think I just liked seeing boys being in love. I might have felt that way if they would blush over boys too, but I'll never know because the only anime I watched when I was young that had something like that completely censored it in the west.
I can't really pinpoint the first one but some of the earliest were young link, ness from earthbound, Ben 10 and some Digimon boys.
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Cute bratty demon sho
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Strong shos
thighs erotic
For me it was irl with my best friend, had a crush on him since we were both little.
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I was a bit obsessed with Digimon Frontier when I was basically the same age as the characters depicted there
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You didn't watch Sakura Cardcaptor?
Lee was blushing over Yukito (male teen) for a long time and as far as I know that was never censored
That was actually what I was referring to. I don't remember ever seeing it, but if it wasn't censored maybe I just never saw it. I watched it at such a young age I don't really remember much but I was under the impression everything gay was scrubbed from the dub.
Yeah the american dub was heavily altered. It only featured half of the original episodes as well. I really need to watch the whole thing, I'm sure it stood the test of time really well
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SHOulder blades erotic
Kek based
Next thread should be Valentine's Day themed.
>>3947599 →
>>3947599 →
>>3947599 →

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