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Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.


Past threads:
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>How does this work?

>It works like a community toy chest. In the /coc/ threads you are free to post whatever ideas/settings/characters you want, but you have to be OK with other people playing with them (tweaking them, putting them in stories, using them for things, etc.)
>There's no guarantee that what you post will catch on either.

>If the OC you are posting is YOURS for something you are personally doing, then it would go to the "How is your webcomic?" threads.
>If you just want feedback on an OC of yours, then it would go in the "donut steel" threads or drawthreads.

If the thread dies suddenly or you still want to discuss something when there's no thread:

Last time:

-Board-tan stuff
-Dynamo League greentexts continue
-Other stuff I didn't mention
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Can we make more of these? It's actually prerty fun
I don't think this is the thread for that.
gonna be a rough week.
Last week was also rough since there really wasn't much in terms of new art.
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>"Storm That Hill!"
>Bug War
>"Do you want to live forever?!"
Bug wars are crazy.
They war more than humans do I think.
They actually do, i just wish someone would Micronaut it and make a weird humanoid-bug war setting.
Just gotta make it to monday. Maybe tuesday. Then we'll have some new art.
Which bugs would be analogies for which countries?

Do you have something planned?
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Nice blazing hot day outside today. Think I might go swimming.
Short micro webcomic project. 3 or 4 pages peer chapter with an X amount of chapters. Just want something quick and dirt I can update whatever without the commitment and still something I can finish in a short amount of time.
Chap 1:
chap 2:
Cool artstyle.
I'm gonna guess she's a ghost.
>Do you have something planned?
Only to attend the drawpile.
Thats an interesting swimsuit. Very cute with the ruffles and the boob spillage
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I kind of forgot about this pile last thread was pretty dead

Mine were the girls in the corners and the heroine in the pink. From a lil concept series called ultra violence girl.
>Ultra Vi
>She is in vein of characters like ppg, dark magic girl stories, like magic girl killer or I picked the wrong magic girl
>She is a super sadistic violent girl
>She beats her villains mercilessly
>Her powers are still unknown but just basic package of overpowered mc
>She's a lil fight maniac, but mix with naivety and childish mindset she brutalizes her enemies
>I like idea of her being like "I can do anything I want to a villain because they are bad and bad people need to be punished"
>Could be seen as a joke on the heroes that don't kill or a hero that doesn't hold back
>She really just excuse for me to draw ryona and schizo young girl honestly.

Here are a few designs and concepts very open to ideas and advice on how to improve her or where she should go from here.
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the rest and her second design concept never finalized her did get some art of her from art friend may post later on.

>For alter ego, I had a few ideas like she's a nun/pastor's daughter but one of those Cavinlism evangelical types so super hard on anything sin.
>Could explain her nature but idk
>I do know I want her to be normal more quiet timid girl in day to day.
>I feel she's actually super nice and wholesome and loving type to be heroic with or without powers.
>Just she's just a lil sociopath, type that when her friend tries to cheat suddenly goes from timid to looking into your soul and explaining and dark detail what happens to sinners and in jail.
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I don't know if this is her villain outfit or alter ego.

>See her alter ego as a mean girl in school
>It translate to her being a domineering villainess
>Powers same with vi no idea yet I design em then I think kek
>She used to have perfect teeth until her first ultra vi beat down.
>She despises Vi because of how humiliating losing to her is but she's also super scared of her because Vi genuinely goes for kill
>I realize making her black and having a invincible ryona hero maybe a bad idea and come off racist?????

Plan to try and do more stuff with this concept, hopefully I can sketch and post some more stuff today or in tomorrows pile
>Arthur has a strong, reciprocal affection towards dogs
>falls for a woman with personality akin to a golden retriever
If GG was at a summertime cookout with the SoS, who would be manning the grill?
Donna Dynamo would have giving the grill mechanical arms to man itself. But when Dr. Baron von Verrückt crashes the party and uses his corrupting ray gun to alter the magnetic waves of the grill sending it on a rampage, it's up to Golden Girl to put the grill down (as well as other corrupted devices) while the SoS deal with the mad doctor.
So she likes to take a bone in all fours and ask for me later with her tongue out?
I like it!
What’s her stance on peanut butter?
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There's so much flavor and personality with the Blang characters. For whatever reason I feel writer's block whenever I try to come up with something for them.
Blang 1 + Stargaze vs. Blang 2 + Princess Lustless in some sort of space competition for the ages
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I fell like taking a break from drawing but i know that would just be me quitting and go back to procrastination.
Anyone got any advice on how i can prevent myself from doing such a thing and motivate myself?
Pick a favorite object/character and draw it at least once every day. Keep doing it until it feels second nature.
Or so I've been told.
So many characters to choose from, i have to o many favorites kek.
I'll give it a try, thanks.
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Here's a prompt for you guys to work with

>Title: Fight Like Hell
>Purgatory has been invaded by a mighty host of demons!
>Since it is not in Heaven's jurisdiction the angels have gathered a band of undead sinners to fight off the demon hordes in exchange for a faster sentencing.
>they don't need to care about getting killed, they're already dead!
>but there's no healing after getting ripped apart, but you're still conscious and it hurts like hell!
>Current roster is Sir Bernard, a crazed Norman Knight berserker. Pincushioned.
>Salvatore Russo a dangerous mob hitman. Shot and burned.
> Bill Ridley, a retrofuturistic space pirate with a suit that gives him super strength and a jetpack. Head vaporized.
Cute, I thought it was AI at first.
I just hope people keep adding more undead guys to fight the demon hordes.
I thought so too but I think it's just a background as always.
Instead of taking a break break, you should do what I do which is take a break and focus on your own stuff or watching videos/take one of those vid courses. It's all about being productive with break like maybe try urban sketching just putting pen to paper bro.

The less you stress it the better as you grow the most when you try new things, maybe try digital or go back to traditional(i do this a lot it just feels better but no one likes when I post traditional art so I force myself a lot to do digital art). It's about yourself and remembering what you loved about drawing or using it for fun.
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Thanks. I tried digital before but my equipment and tools just aren't good enough, or maybe i'm just not good enough?
Either way i have switched to the trusty pencil, paper and other drawing tools.
I think traditional is underappreciated these days and we need more of it.
Here, have a cat i traditionally drew the other day.
Would LL sponsor her favorite burger joint?
It's possible but has to be cautious on the burger consumption. You know what they say, eating to much will go straight to your thighs and then you explode in the toilet lol.
Yeah that it is, I'd recommend using filters to better capture the lines and lighting all of that makes traditional art pop better.

An yeah digital is hard, I had same mentality but it's about just drawing over and over I'd recommend not over emphasizing gimmick-y brushes at the start. Just try basic stuff like line of actions and shapes and maybe low opacity brush sketches to get a feel. It just takes time anon, if you do decide to do some video course i'd recommend maybe charles hu dynamic sketches to get really good at traditional if you like it. Or just gesture and shape breakdowns of models or characters you liek in digital to learn to use it easier.
You think Lila might try goading Arthur into trying out petplay?
Well, goodnight everyone.
I feel like Lustless and Tennoc would be a fearsome duo.
Stargaze would probably make Quaslan mad with his PSAs and his jokes.
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>You think Lila might try goading Arthur into trying out petplay?
More like GOATing!
"Tell me I've been BAAAAAd~"
>For whatever reason I feel writer's block whenever I try to come up with something for them.
Then the only thing to do is write. Maybe something will come after spending hours staring at a blank page.
Take me, for example. Yesterday I wrote two lines in the span of 4 hours.
It's a record.
Kill me.
Jesus Christ how horrifying.
But then again, goat milk is also pretty nutritious from what I've heard.
Marley should have never let her play Undertale.
If I recall my Saturday morning cartoons correctly, it briefly grants super strength.
Timmy and Billy find a strange green creature
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Thank you.
Honestly, i'm pretty good at making animals, it's humans i have a problem with.
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Hilland - Argentine ants or one of the common ants

Woodland - Capenterants who are more bear like i suppose

Leaflund - Leafcutter Ants who are like Elves

Flameria - Fire ants

And many more i guess, i suppose each nation of ant will be divided by mount and each subspecies will have their own state or something and maybe each species will have their own aesthetic.
The Mallet Matthew.
Jack Hammer
As for artist name, unknown, but it's the same guy who did the OP
I like his design
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There's a shitty manga called "The Black Kite" or something and i thought his name would sound great as a Marvel Villain from the 80s, so here's The Black Kite, who often steals other supervillains' loot while they're being arrested, he often uses incidiary grenades to cause chaos before gliding in and stealing the loot.
His hands look kind of fucked but i guess those are hard to draw
>steals other supervillains' loot while they're being arrested
I remember reading a comic where Killer Moth adopted that as his schitck.
Can't quite recall the exact book it's from through, it was some kind of villain-centric anthology.
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My attempt at inking last thread's Crackdown doodle, among some other things.
Is he actually negroid, or is it just a title? Black Manta vs Black Mask
Is the drawpile today?
I sure hope so. Some new LL pics would be great.
The Blang Dinasty – The Saffron Tournament:
Thread where the idea formed:
Last post by anon with suggestions that went to improving pic related:

I may be ready to get my brain to work.
Ok, so the synopsys covers the POV of the Blangs. Now they knock out a couple of PKs before getting the Uplifter speeder. This will make sense in a moment (or not?). Then I added a duel to the death with the pilot of the PKs faction (but who would this pilote be? I have some suggestions in picrel).
Reading the wiki, I believe the Ssuras are the best candidates to bring an engine of the uplifters to the race. And now let me get to Inva and the PKs.
I say that the PKs have the following plan:
>Teams of two PKs find and neutralize the target (the Ssura pilot).
>There's an official pilot for their faction and one who's disguised as the pilot from the faction that brought the Uplifter speeder (from now on, U-speeder).
>The PK piloting the U-speeder will pretend to have a malfunction near the designated retrieval point and they will get away with the U-speeder
Everything seems to be ok when two PKs get the U-speeder, until they fight against each other and one of them ends up being Quaslan in disguise, who takes another speeder and join the race.
This would be the reason why the PKs go after the Blangs. Plus, now you can make a scene where Inva, searching the race records to find something about the Azalfi empire (the race is a very old tradition), meets with Randor, there's some chitchat/infodump and then Random gets a call that says that things went south and the U-speeder was stolen.

Tell me what you think about this, I'm sure I made some mistakes/plotholes somewhere because I'm typing at the speed of light or so it seems to me.
Lolden Lirl
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Oh it's me Thatcher, anon. I also did pic for the Stargazer threads and other things. I'm also the guy behind Trine if anybody even remembers that lmao
It might be best for their disguises to be blown before the race starts. Like Tennoc is rushing to the starting line with the u-speeder and his sister is in hot pursuit, that's when her disguise gets blown and the chasing PKs shoot her speeder, using the one-faction-one-entry clause to cover their attempt on a "princess".
Well then, you are unfathomably based. I enjoyed that 90's comic heroes thread and what you made for Stargaze.
Sadly, I don't know what Trine is. But I'm not exactly an oldfag.
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>Sadly, I don't know what Trine is.
It was honestly one of my earlier attempts to create a collaborative project with /coc/ to no avail. It never actually caught steam and just has limped on ever since and I think it's better if it were left to the past as it was sort of a mess to begin with. I think I also drew for a guy that wanted his character drawn, Lustbane, here. I wonder what ever happened to that guy.
Heh oh, you really threw me anon
But then it would be easy to delay the race and foil the plans of Quaslan and Tennoc. They would be forced to participate as a duo or not join at all.
However, the organizers' options are more limited if the race has been going on for a while.
And would the PKs have that much authority on a race that is so old (compare the Olympics)?
I don't want to push my ideas, but can you tell me your reasons?
I fucking left the version tag unchanged...
At this point, Idk why it's there to begin with...
More dramatic if the "starting shot" is the PK's blowing up Quaslan's stolen racer I guess.

This sort of thing is something I feel will only work if once the actual writing begins. If the story can sort of write itself from the cliff notes that already exist, the details will begin to fall better into place.
oh hey, man. nice to see ya. was a fan of the trine designs.
Thanks lmao, they sort of changed throughout the years anyways.
>This sort of thing is something I feel will only work if once the actual writing begins
How many writers does /coc/ have?
I don't know. At least three.
There's the anon who made the Bullion scripts and Dynamo anon.
I don't know the others.
Then, if you really want to stretch the meaning of "a writer", there's me. But if you have to rely on me, then things are quite dire.
>Bullion scripts
Yeah, I'm around. I also did that GG 4th of July plot from a couple weeks ago.

Also count the anon who was doing the edits to those scripts.
It seems like someone's out there then.
I'll be surprised if anything will be done with this Blang Dynasty thing in the near future, but I won't lose hope.
Are these things usually a collaboration between two or more writers?
What usually happens (if something does happen) is all of the ideas are gathered together like you've done into one cohesive plot, then an individual has to take the helm and commit to it.
There have been story jam sessions before, collaborative writing, but they don't happen all that often anymore.
Last time I remember something like that happened was the I Know A Guy play plot. I had fun with that.

So if you really want this story to happen in a realized manner, then you've got to do it yourself.
I think if it's okay we'll hold it tomorrow. My engagements ran late today and I'm pretty well exhausted.

Well, I try.
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LL vs giant ant army would be pretty cool.
Sorry I left this pic out.
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There were a couple of pics of her getting shrunk a while back.
>The Incredible Shrinking Bug
Get Rick Moranis and call it "Honey, I shrunk the Lovely Ladybug" instead.
That sort of plot would work well for a war in the back yard.
Goodnight and good luck.
>There have been story jam sessions before, collaborative writing
How does that work?
It'd be funny if he spoke like a black dude but when they unmask him he turned out to be Asian or Native or something .
He's a tomboy with a very intense chest binding.
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New from Rad's xitter
One person writes part of a story, another person writes the next part, then back and forth it goes with neither writer knowing where it might end up.
Tensions running high, it seems.
Wonder what might've happened between them.
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Drew up some new Blang content since I see them in the thread again.
Someone should really write the Blang's story discussed in the thread. Or more space stories. I'd like some Pineapple Cake logs.
Newman gets one love interest
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lmao what a degenerate faggot
When the day of the rope arrives he will be the first one against the wall
Nice to see your art again! Got anything in the works at the moment?
(Also adding my own doodles to the pile.)
Nothing at the moment while I work on my IRL stuff, just felt like contributing. Always happy to see interest, though!

I like the detail of your Quaslan having a notch out of her ear. And as always, Tennoc is the more dapper of the two.
He says it's inspired by a pic of Ryu Streetfighter glaring at Akuma.
Is the pile still today?
Old /n/?
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>black guy
>starts looting the moment chaos starts

Let me guess, one of them has Tourettes.
That's the plan.
Nice can't wait
I second this.
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Here's some Ultra Vi art a art bro did for me

>Not her canon design but I asked they try their own thing and I liked their thought process to a degree.
>Good stuff they have more of a cartoon-y style but turned out great
Here's ultra vi in her civie clothes
>kind of decided on naming her Violet
>This artist went all in on her being daughter of pastor which fits the kind of drab dress.
>Also think they leaned a bit into a heroine nun vibe the hood gave me that vibe.
>Trying to come up with new ideas with her and finalize her but got like 2 other art bros working on art of her.

What do you guys think of their design?
That is one puffy vulva.
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Image didn't send lol
Knowing them, probably more the typical loli/young girl chub thing kek. They are a nsfw artist also more likely meant to be the lips so yeah puffy/cameltoe
Different diagnostic.
They've gotten the yandere/psycho look well. If they're fond of the young girl look I'd be interested to see their take on Ladybug.
Here's how they drew the villainess

>Honestly love they told a story with their sketches but the villainess design came from a misunderstanding kek
>I said she's like a queen bee in school and showed a ref of bumblebee from dc superhero girls, they assumed I meant bee design
>I'll definitely have to do some edits to her design myself but still fun stuff
>Also leaned into the comedic ryona/violence but more cartoonish.
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They not from the thread sadly, but they did make a bug them villain kek, as seen above.

An yeah definitely good flow, my other art bro and me came up with the facial expression concept they aren't done with the design yet. But motivated them to make their own heroine. This thread gave me heroine oc autismo and I've been spreading it lol.
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Blang's voice echoed within the hall of titanium and steel as Old Dag Han listned, standing in front of the throne shrouded in darkness where his emperor sat. "My friend," said Blang, "my upcoming visit to Weird Oul's sector will be extremely taxing, yet you insist in coming with me. How come?".
A couple of bubbles traveled upward inside Dag Han's brain tank and a speaker hidden in his chest screeched. "You see, Captain," he said, the voice betraying a little cheerfulness, "I discovered that in that sector one can enjoy a new type of cuisine. It's called Psitchen, and claims to deliver the experience of a meal directly to the brain."
Silence fell in the throne room. An interminable moment passed, then a single chuckle broke the tension and Blang spoke in a more relaxed tone. "After our recent peace conference with the Pacekeepers – another one that won't get anywhere – their astarvoran cook made me want to cleanse my palate from all that spice too. I'm sure they hired him deliberately". Blang stood up and returned serious. "But they'll pay for that too when the time comes. Now then, you should make the necessary preparations. Bring a large bag for all the pamphlets".
"Then I'll invite you to dinner when we get there," said Dag Han, "I wonder if they can make the soup we always had when I was still your first mate".
"It will be my pleasure" said Blang, but something in his voice tipped Old Dag Han. "Is there something on your mind, Captain?".
A guttural sound came from the shadows, acknowledging Dag Han's words. "The Saffron Tournament will be held in a couple of days on Crocus", said Blang.
"Aah, yes," exclaimed Dag Han. "You like the Space Saffron very much, that I remember. Won't we join as a faction this year?".
Blang answered, "There's nobody who can prepare what I desire anymore, so we won't". But then his voice heated up. "However, I remember how much I looked forward to the tournament. I was unrivaled for many years, bringing back the fame and the loot as if I tookwith me all the gold of the galaxy..."
As Blang continued his speech, Dag Han sensed something behind his back and his rear camera zoomed on the entrance to the hall. There, listening through a crack in the door, Quaslan and Tennoc were entranced by every word.
Dag Han mentally smiled to himself, while his emperor became even more fiery.
"...the Space Saffron could win you new allies with just a dinner, and winning the tournament meant for one's faction to be superior. And I was superior– am I annoying you, Dag Han?"
The twins disappeared and Dag Han, taken by surprise, returned his attention to Blang. "Yes, Captain!" he said, not having heard anything.
But Blang had lost his enthusiasm. "It doesn't matter anymore," he said, "beside these old memories, the only thing that makes me care about the tournament is that Photssh told me that someone brought a speeder made with the technology of the Uplifters. I'll organize a mission to steal it, because I really want to examine it".
"Oh," exclaimed Dag Han absentmindedly, "I'm sure Quaslan and Tennoc are already headed for Crocus!".
Now it was Blang's turn to be taken by surprise.
"Really?" he asked, "they already know about the speeder?"
"Yes", replied Dag Han.
"Are you sure?"
Dag Han didn't remember if he was sure or not. He was already thinking about the soup.

Just to be clear, I'm not writing more anytime soon
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Final one from this sketch set from my buddy

>I think I said before but we had idea that the villainess tooth gap came from the heroine.
>Almost feel bad for her, she bad guy but no one would want to fight that heroine.
>Bit of gore warning
goddamnit, Psylocke!
Ha knew something about the overt blue, and leotard made me think of someone kek. But yeah, think in todays draw pile I'll try and finalize the designs or maybe at least redraw some of these sketch moments in my style.

need to think up some more lore stuff, and write a good green for these two.
Come on, I wanna see this week's pile.
No you get no pile
Pretty good start. Be a bit more attentive toward your grammar, but still a good start.
Not sure if this is a good contribution, but it's my attempt.

Quaslan and Tennoc hurried their way down the corridors of The Black Star. Neither wanted to seem like they were in a hurry, but all ship hands knew to steer clear of them when their rivalry started flaring up.
Tennoc was the first to break the silence, "To think that father has such a refined pallet. To win over your rivals with but a meal? How marvelous!"
Quaslan could only scoff at this, "That's what you took away from father's words? Really? Think of the glory, think of the prestige! Think of the money. And father won that little race over and over again."
Now it was Tennoc's turn to scoff in his own flippant way, dramatically tossing his hair back, "Little race? Dear Quaslan, you contradict yourself. No 'little race' could possibly be so glorious. It is an esteemed, time honored event. A focal point of chivalrous sportsmanship, all united in their need to prove themselves the better of their rivals."
"There you go again oozing out frivolous nonsense with that slug tongue of yours."
The two of them began to walk faster, trying to over take the other, elbowing each other down the long corridor until they came to a fork leading to their respective hangers. With a slight bow Tennoc began walking backwards towards his personal hangar "I shall see you on the race track."
"You'll only be seeing my dust!" Quaslan screamed back as she stomped her way to her own hanger.
Alright,alright we'll start!

Jeez...Instructions in the pic

url: drawpile://friendly-drawing.crabdance.com/01j2z0d88rpwkgfbxckx1qh15f
pw: butts
Thank you for your feedback. I'm esl, so I'll do what I can. And maybe I'll retract my statement about not writing more, now that someone else wrote something. Still, I have to take my leave right now, but I honestly thought that nobody else would join on the writing and your piece is a pleasant surprise. I quite like it, thank you for the characterization of the twins.
I'm glad you got some satisfaction out of it. I just wrote what I saw happening next with the set up you presented to me.
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Found some time to whip up the other twin to make a set.
If he sparkles any harder he can weaponize it.

These two would be fabulous together.
Does furry characters are allowed?
No. Try here: >>>/trash/
Lamb girls doesn't count?
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Tonight's pile, featuring hoodies, space aces, very pretty bugs, a very thirsty Crackdown and a big pot of coffee.
Nice pile! Thank you!
Marley looks like she has some spicy opinions on the industrial revolution and its consequences.
Hey! That's...!
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You the same person doing the blonde heroine?
Only colored version of the fella I could find
The Lustless' colors had to be done entirely from scratch
I haven't seen any new Dynamo League Greentext yet. Hmm.
Yep, also got art of her too but friends said can't post until they color it but I think the sketches are good too.
OH NO he's cute
>Dynamo League: Quiet Before The Storm IX

>Captain Undersocks sat down next to Inquiry on the table, he felt anxious and remorseful.
>"Shall we begin the questioning?" The inquiry asked in a cheerful tone.
>Captain Undersocks Hesistated and then nodded
>"Okay then," Inquiry cleared his throat and started questioning him," your name is Oliver Charles Rollen known as Captain Undersocks, right?"
>"Yes," Captain Undersocks answered.
>"Noted," Inquiry said and then continued," and you are the third person to join the Dynamo League, right?"
>"Yes, I joined after Jo-..Marmot-man founded the team with She-Beaver"
>"Noted," Inquiry nodded and then tapped on his files, "Do you have a positive relationship with your teammates?"
>"Well yeah, I respect all of my teammates, they are like a family to me"
>Inquiry stayed silent and then continued, "Noted, according to our records you served a year and three months in prison, right?"
>Captain Under-socks looked down in shame and nodded.
>"Noted," he said, "it says here that you were charged for trying to bomb the Headquarters of four Superhero teams, alongside the Terrorist leader Neal Calvin Bordenand other Nexus members, is that right?"
>"Noted," Inquiry said and changed his tone, "I read the files of both of you and it seems that you had some kind of a brotherhood, you came from a broken family and Neal was a foster child and both of you were attending the same high school, and one of your teachers was the extremist conspiracy theorist Bernhard Ohannes who's also denied the role of the superhero icon Stuart Butterworth also known as "Soft voice", he filled your minds with ideas that you were special and that you were chosen to role over "regulars" and other core ideologies that the nexus believe, am I wrong?"
>Captain Under-socks was shocked, Inquiry knew too much about him and Neal but again he worked for High Authority which explained that.
>"No....you are not?"
>"Noted," he said and tapped on his files again, "there was also another person with you, a girl to be exact. her name is Emily Lara Jaslyn, she was born with Harpy physiology and had a siblinghood with the two of you, right?"
>"noted, "Inquiry adjusted his fedora and continued, "So, Captain Undersocks, let's delve into your thoughts about Nexus and their ideologies."
> Captain Undersocks shifted uncomfortably in his seat, "What about them?"
> "Do you still believe in those ideologies? Do you think that Saint Neal is not completely wrong?"
> Captain Undersocks felt a pang of guilt and hesitation. "I... It's complicated."
> Inquiry leaned in, "Complicated how?"
> Captain Undersocks took a deep breath, "Neal had some points about the treatment of Irregulars... but his methods were wrong. He caused too much harm."
> Inquiry noted this down, "So you agree with some of his ideas, but not his actions?"
> "To some extent, Yes I do."
> "Noted," Inquiry said, "But deep down, do you still think that his vision had merit?"
> Captain Undersocks looked down, feeling almost defeated, "I... I don't know. Maybe some of it."
> Inquiry nodded, "Noted. Before we finish, I have an offer for you."
> Captain Undersocks looked up, puzzled.
> "Help us find Saint Neal and give us all the information we need," Inquiry said, "In exchange, I'll tell you something important."
> Captain undersocks's curiosity piqued, "What is it?"
> Inquiry leaned in, "Emily is alive."
> Captain Undersocks' eyes widened in shock, "What?!"
> "Yes," Inquiry continued, "She's under our protection. She had a Traumatic brain injury but managed to survive."
> Captain Undersocks was speechless, tears welling up in his eyes.
> "Help us, and I'll lead you to her," Inquiry promised, "You'll get to see her again."
> Captain Undersocks felt a surge of hope and desperation but was still hesitant, "I'm not sure"
>"It's okay, I will give you some time to think," he started and changed back to his cheerful tone, "here's our card, and thank you for answering my questions"
>"Yeah... you are welcome," said Captain Under-socks, who was still in shock.
>Inquiry gathered his belongings from the desk, neatly arranging his files and equipment into his bag. As he strode purposefully out of the dimly lit headquarters, the weight of his recent mission's success bolstered his steps. Stepping outside into the cool night air, he reached for his phone to dial the number of the high Authority high-ups.
>With a sense of quiet triumph, he conveyed the words "Mission accomplished" to the recipient on the other end of the line, a subtle confidence underlying his tone.
> Hours later, Joe and Liza were quietly having dinner in the kitchen, both of them overthinking what Inquiry told them today.
>Joe looked at his hands and sighed while Liza just looked at him and then looked at herself and shook her head.
>"Liz, "Joe started, "are we in the wrong?"
>Liza looked at him with shock misunderstanding what he meant, "what do you mean?!"
> "This whole thing," Joe leaned back in the chair, "I always wanted to find a way to protect people without causing harm. But now I'm wondering if I can do it at all."
> Liza frowned, "Joe, you became a pacifist for a reason, didn't you? What changed?"
> Joe sighed deeply, "I became a pacifist for Willow. I didn't want her to grow up in a world where her father was known for violence. I wanted to be better for her."
> Liza nodded, understanding, "Willow is a big part of why you do what you do, I know that. But Joe, you're making a difference. You're saving lives."
> Joe looked conflicted, "But at what cost, Liz? How many people have I hurt in the process? Inquiry's words keep echoing in my mind."
> Liza reached across the table, taking Joe's hand in hers, "What you do is important, Joe. You can't let one man's words make you question your entire purpose. You're not the same person you were. You've grown, and you've learned."
> Joe gave a half-hearted smile, "I know you're right, but it still feels like there's a part of me that can't let go of the past."
> Liza squeezed his hand, "That's because you're human, Joe. We all have doubts. But you need to remember why you fight. Not just for Willow, but for everyone who can't fight for themselves."
> Joe nodded slowly, "You're right. It's just... sometimes it feels like the weight of the world is on my shoulders."
> Liza smiled softly, "You're not alone in this, Joe. You have me, the team, and most importantly, you have Willow. We're all in this together."
> Joe looked into Liza's eyes, still not completely convinced but he appreciated her words of encouragement, "Thanks, Liz. I needed to hear that."
> Liza took a deep breath, preparing herself to ask something important, "Joe, there's something I've been meaning to tell you and ask you about."
> Joe raised an eyebrow, curious, "What is it, Liz?"
> Liza's expression turned serious but blushing, "I always wanted to talk about this and I think it's the right time to have this convo."
> Joe leaned forward, listening intently, "I'm all ears, Liz. What do you have in mind?"
Yeah, it's kinda strange that he hasn't an official base colors and armor. There's not even a design for his Royal Blaster yet, except a couple of weak attempts that I did.
Thank you for taking the time to draw him, I like that he's so tall and bulky.
Maybe something positive came from the tear down after all.

I appreciate this level of foreshadowing. You brought her up before without much detail, now she's becoming relevant.
Yeah looking at the plus4 thread it seems like the catgirl gets most of the attention artwise, which is perhaps to be expected. Since he has He-Man DNA I wanted to go full hulking gigachad with him, and the Blangs always struck me as probably being on the smaller side.
>Maybe something positive came from the tear down after all.
yeah, they needed a reality check to reflect on their actions and relationships.
>I appreciate this level of foreshadowing. You brought her up before without much detail, now she's becoming relevant.
well thanks, this is exactly what i wanted the reader to feel,
i sometimes put some hidden plot points that i use and will use in future chapters
>the catgirl gets most of the attention artwise
That is because her design was almost perfect from the get go, while other characters and especially Stargaze were designed more than once by different artists. Add the fact that Comet's (the catgirl) original designer was (I hope he still is) very prolific, and she became recognizable very soon. I'm sure there's also the loli factor, but for sad backstory reasons.
>I wanted to go full hulking gigachad with him
And I very much thank you for that.
>the Blangs always struck me as probably being on the smaller side
I'm still not sure how old they're supposed to be. I'm sure they're older than 17, but not a year older than 29.
I'll keep in mind your considerations about their height.
As you should.
You should always have many story hooks out there so you can always pull on one when you need it.
The digital age probably had a poor effect on The Recluse.
File: recluse reference.png (943 KB, 1085x1426)
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943 KB PNG
The AI revolution impacts us all.
janitor samefag
He does it for free. Naturally, he must have noticed that people hate jannies more than any regular samefagging shitposter.
Well, goodnight everyone.
What is the bottom Crackdown pic a reference to?
A Scarlet Spider panel, apparently.
Got the panel in question?

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