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You thought I was going to just do a rerun of my 2023 stuff today, didn't you?
I'm on the edge of my seat.
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For the record, I'm only going to go up to #10 - anything after that is just kinda blah, and it FEELS like a big finale.
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What's Chris up to these days? Haven't kept up with christory recently.
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How different the world would be if that Pikachu wasn't there.
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Okay, I definitely need to go to bed. But I'll be back tomorrow to kick things up a notch. Bam!

I swear, the things I do for you kids... and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Walking around with a girl that looks underage.
First time reading Sonichu and holy fuck, this is incredibly sad.
Why God allows people to remain mentally stunted like this is beyond me.
It's really hard to believe Chris is in his early 20s at this time. I made cringy, poorly drawn comics about my life like this when I was about 8.
That time of the year, already?
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If you'll permit me to play armchair psychologist, I think it has something to do with how a number of different factors have prevented him from growing as a person.
hell yeah
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Sometimes i'm thinking that my draw skills are bad. Then i remember about chris chan.
thanks anon
Ah nice. Hopefully these threads don't get nuked.
The crazy part is how little he improves in ten years. Like a frozen time capsule of the old internet autism
Probably because it's funny and even God (and The Bear) had a hearty lol at the liquid and clyde sagas.

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