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Welcome to Spooktober!
The /co/ thread for all things Halloween! Discuss films, cartoons, comics, and everything related to the spookiest time of the year!
Previous thread: >>146024045

>SkeletalStreamer's Spooky Streams
>Friday, Saturday and Sunday @ 6 PM Central/7 Eastern
cy(delete this part)tu(DOT)be(slash)r(slash)SkeletalStreamer

>Halloween Music Pastebin:

>New /co/llection booru (Both new and old art should be collected here)
(The /co/llection will only grow if you help it too, share what you've got so we can add it in)

>Highlighted Ghoul School art and materials (yes, even Creepy Susie)
mega DOT nz/folder/6F0SwCRL#oP39yMWTzG6r5ectFtUiyw

>Halloween Episodes and Movies:

This collection is continuously being updated, as some of the files have been purged by ControlC or Pastebin. We would love it if the writefags archive whatever they can, old or new, and link it in the threads to add, please.

>THREADIQUTTE: Only one thread is needed at a time.
>If you see a troll, hide their post and move on.
>All Halloween discussion is welcome, in addition to art and writing. We also love to see storytimes for spooky comics, to add more content and discussion!
>A new thread shall not be made until the bump limit is reached, and the thread reaches page 10.
>Any attempts to lessen or expand the number of threads beyond what we need, to derail the threads with pointless arguing and trolling, or generally breaking any of the previous rules will be banished from Halloween and boiled in Christmas pudding while listening to Mariah Carey on repeat.

Happy spooking!

Thread question: What spooky vidya have you played so far this month?
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All month long we’ve collected suggestions from Anons just like (You) and now, a selection of them is going to be screened tonight! First, in our pre-show, newly appointed ninja Randy Cunningham fights a skeletal mad scientist, and then, special hosts Vic Romano and Kenny Blankenship host a special, ghastly rendition of the world’s toughest competition in town, MOST EXTREME ELIMINATION CHALLENGE.
Our first viewer-chosen movie takes us away from the autumn weather onto a tropical island, struck by a powerful curse that has changed the population into a gaggle of surfing monsters. Faced with the wrath of a witch doctor and a real estate developer, the monsters join forces with two human kids to save the MONSTER BEACH!
Next, the beloved cast of Team Fortress 2 are cast into an impressive, fanmade animated horror film. Following a mysterious disappearance on Halloween night, an investigation is launched that leads into a surreal exploration of terror in EMESIS BLUE.
Our late show starts with a newly released craze in the anime industry, a supernatural comedy where two paranormal believers discover the true presence of ghosts, aliens and more in the mortal world. Finally, the wandering samurai, Jack, becomes trapped inside a haunted house, and must engage in a mind-bending battle to free the ones trapped inside.
But that’s not all! On account of this being a special viewer-suggested stream, we’re also showing a BONUS REAL EERIE picture, with Robert Eggers’ thrilling modern masterpiece about two lighthouse keepers marooned together in THE LIGHTHOUSE.

Stream Link: cy(delete this part)tu(DOT)be(slash)r(slash)SkeletalStreamer
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Also, here are the schedules for the remaining streams.
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Probably the last time I'll be able to post these idea this year (unless we're able to do another thread) and hopefully by the next I have more to give
Winnie's is probably the most radically changed since she's the closest to the 'main' character in these versions, and the audience inserts for the more magical stuff we see. For most of this story, she's predominantly human, only transforming into a werewolf during full moons or when she's enraged. Her human form is basically what you'd expect it to be (curly orange hair, decently athletic build and the Plaid clothes and jeans we usually see her in, though I'm debating giving her glasses/making her hard of sight) as is her werewolf form (though in the early days due to how violent transformations are, her clothes end up shredded and she's left mostly/utterly naked as a result), both are just taller since she'd be around 16. Rather than being the Wolfman's daughter, Winnie is Larry Talbot's great-granddaughter (modern-day setting) and her mother was once the alpha of the largest wolf pack in the country until being overthrown by a rival later revealed to be Winnie's bio dad and fled to a rural town in the countryside to protect both her and her daughter, taking precautions to avoid her from learning about what she is. Until she turns 16 and some shenanigans happen, resulting in her transforming twice, the latter in front of her friends, resulting in her being sent to Grimwood's school to learn to control herself (Grimwood in this is a whole other story, probably needing a whole other reply). Personality-wise, she's a bit of a nerdy tomboy with a bit of a fascination for the paranormal (due to her mysterious upbringing).
Phanty is physically and personality-wise unchanged, but the former is due to her gradually shifting into that appearance due to forgetting who she was, being a sixteen-year-old girl in the late Edwardian period who died along with her whole family (save for a younger sister) on a shipwreck (I'm currently leaning toward it being the Lusitania, since Titanic is a bit overplayed and it's in her story that after lingering, she'd haunt and prank the men on the U-boat that sank it, before being quarantined to Grimwoods)
Tanis is also quite unchanged, though taller, due to being a preteen rather than a toddler. She has more royal regalia on her due to being a princess of a pharaoh who was overthrown and killed with his family. A witch cursed them to rise again if an amulet of theirs was stolen (which it was in the modern day). She'd still largely be an innocent girl but with the slightest heir of superiority due to being royal.
Sibella is still the daughter of Dracula but not raised by him. Once Van Helsing and Mina destroyed Dracula’s brides, they found a purple petrified baby in the castle, which she and Jonathan would hold onto after Helsing passes. The Harkers (after becoming vampires themselves) would accidentally awaken the child and, wanting to raise her in the light, do just that. Sibella was raised for 17 years as their daughter until situations made them give her to Grimwood for protection. For personality, she’d also be very kind-hearted and good for a pun (though which usually results in groans), but a bit more directly flirtatious to a few of the male characters I made for this. Also she has slightly shorter hair (stopping just above her hips only so her butt can be visible in a few nude scenes I have planned for her )
Elsa’s physically mostly unchanged (save for maybe losing the neck bolts since that’s a thing from the movies and this take on her and Sib are more in line with the books) and is still the daughter of the creature, who made her after learning the same trick Victor did and (after realizing he can’t make a potential wife love him) deciding to craft a daughter to serve his need for companionship. But when she gets older and more curious of the world, he reluctantly hands her to Grimwood to allow her that exploration in a more safe environment
Now for Grimwood and Revolta
Agatha Grimwood and Beatrice Revolta were witches (in this world witch is gender neutral and refers to both males and females, stuff like wizard and warlock are titles) both born in the early 1700's in Europe. The former was slightly younger and born from a modest family with modest magical abilities and modest looks, while the latter, slightly older, came from a prominent family of witches and was both naturally gifted with magic and one of the most beautiful women in her era (with her bronze skin and green hair being longtime traits in her family).
They'd meet in a private, all girls boarding school for witches, and would quickly become friends due to their shared status as social outcasts and their penchant for getting into trouble (this is where Beatrice got her 'Witch of the Web' nickname since she could spin lies so effectively that all would believe her), and their bond and magical abilities grew in tandem. In their teen years, Agathe's feeling towards Beatrice would grow somewhat romantic, though whether or not she reciprocated or would play into those feelings to get her to do what she wants (or somewhere in between) is something I plan on leaving ambiguous.
When they left school ,they quickly became rising names in the supernatural community. Agatha would spend most of her time helping out the marginalized and down trodden supernatural beings, while Beatrice became increasingly powerful (both in magic and status). Her ambitions were to climb to the top, to ear the title of Warlock Supreme (the highest position a witch can get in the in-universe supernatural government), but when the old one stepped down, she was passed over in favor of one of the old guy's inner circle.
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>Hey /co/, watch my specimen container for me, will ya?
I gotta go fishi-uh-field research.
Make sure nothing happens to it and DON'T OPEN IT.
Aight I'll see ya'll later.
The two, seeing this as an outrage, decided that the system itself needs to change for the better, since Beatrice was far more qualified for the position, and they were both willing to do anything to change the system that brought such injustice, by force if necessary (with Beatrice starting to use both Agatha's crush and desire to help the down trodden to manipulate her).
Sometime after, Beatrice began experimenting with dark magic, which started to create a wedge between the two, which exploded when an experiment went wrong and killed one of Agatha's family members, resulting in the pair splitting apart permanently.
In the aftermath, Beatrice, her body now corrupted by dark magic (her eyes glow red, her silky hair now matted, and her bronze skin starting to scale up) began recruiting followers among other witches and supernatural beings (including one Alistair Armitage, who will be important down the line) and raised an army with dark magic, determined to seize power by force. They'd attack the city of Eldoria (the sole city populated exclusively by the supernatural and the capitol for their society) in March of 1743, killed the Warlock Supreme and countless others, until Agatha intervened and, following a confrontation, would begin the two's famous duel on March 16th with lasted for hours and ended in Beatrice's defeat and imprisonment (her form corrupted into the one we're familiar with), swearing revenge on Agatha. In the centuries that follow, Agatha would do whatever she can to make amends for her past, blaming herself for her friends fall. Following the American Revolution, she'd hold up there permanently, establishing herself a boarding house to serve as a sanctuary for all young and disadvantaged supernatural beings to learn and live in peace, while Revolta languishes in an alternate dimension prison, plotting her escape, getting revenge on Grimwood, regaining her beauty, and taking over the world
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Stream bump, 20 minutes until Monster Beach!
Well, shit.
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Skele that MXC show was painful pls never show that again
Fuck you, that dub was fun.
the Power Rangers effect, taking something foreign and instead of translating it just going
>fuck it, we'll make it something else
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MXC is great. You suck dicks and drink jizz out of Solo cups.
At least Power Rangers is good
I am also revising my previous statement, after seeing the Ultraman stuff in there I am bitter
That's retarded.
i mean... yeah it is
and it still happens to this very day
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Exactly the problem. Why I can't stand when the streams show dubs.
Eh, sometimes it works
>The CW's Ghoul School
>phanty gets to be blue
>sibella can't be purple
make it make sense
the invisible girl looks the best, hands down
Original is always superior.
Ever since the middling reactions to Frankelda, Destoroyah and Little Vampire's dubs, I've decided to prioritize subs. Most people generally prefer subs, it seems. But MXC was specifically requests, so it had to be English.
Wasn't me!
Well it was fokin' one of yahs!
>filtered by MXC
zoom zoom
I don’t get it. Is this supposed to be the blob?
So I was thinking of what happens if bring back beetlejuice to modern audience. Not the movie itself but more of the 90s cartoon series, would it be a continuation or something else?
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here it is, the final halloween batch of the year, I threw in some spooky comics too
this went by so quickly, I hope you all enjoy
of course, I'll be making batches in cheer again
Thank you!
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Dumping this week's sketches, as always most of them are incomplete
Also I'd like to dedicate my final spooktober drawing on 10/31 to OP so if you're reading this please feel free to make a request
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Kim Possible unraveling Shego dressed as a mummy
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Lydia Deetz' spider poncho caught by the wind
OP here, I'll have to give it some thought, don't have any immediate ideas
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Dudley Puppy and Kitty Katswell as Dr. Doppler and Captain Amelia
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Kitty wants some candy
Stream bump, 20 minutes until Emesis Blue.
Anon, can I buy you a tablet? Or a nice scanner if you prefer to stay with physical media
An older Misery wearing ruby gloom’s clothes while blushing embarrassingly on how tight they are on her figure
Forgot to mention, NTA op. Just a random anon making a suggestion
Remember shed 17?
Don't know if I posted it this year already.
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I love vampire girls
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I'm ready for my yearly dose of Scary GodMILF tomorrow
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Still taking sketch requests. Actual requests with references. Male characters only because more generic coomer requests can be done by anyone. Will only make exceptions for underrated girls without much art.
Final bump, 20 minutes until Dandadan, followed by Samurai Jack and the Lighthouse.
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I’d watch it
At least 1 of them would be a lesbian.
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Need to rewatch Reboot
Only one?
>Elsa is trans
>Phanty is genderfluid
Even worse but just as likely.
Hello from /x/! No more bad movies. Tonight we have some actual decent anthologies. Come on by if you have the time; loading music starts at 12:45 AM EST.

> Tonight's itinerary

> Loading music

> The Monster Club, 1981
A delightful throwback to a simpler time when live bands showed up in horror films and monsters were often just people in Halloween Masks. This classic stars Vincent Price as a horror author who befriends a real vampire (a fan of his work). And the vamp, being a total bro, takes his new friend clubbing and tells him monster tales.

> Intermission

> Southbound, 2015
What if Silent Hill was somewhere in the desert? This anthology interweaves several stories set in the same world; a strange place where the rules of reality are a little... different... Paranormal mixed with magical realism for horrific effect.
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Elsa i can understand because of mix n match bodyparts but how could you be gender fluid as a ghost?
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Wordplay with regards to her fluid/incorporeal form.

Other ideas came up for the other girls save for Taris; best I could come up with for her was 'a felony, no matter how you look at it'
Still would Winnie
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Herny's angels
Thanks for adding my ninja request skeletal
Cry more american
I miss seeing them together.
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I love scarecrow girls.
Well, that was certainly a bizarre stream, you guys can pick some wild shit for Spooktober. Thanks to everyone for your suggestions, and remember that any picks that didn't make it will be considered for future streams.
I need to go to bed. I'll see you guys tomorrow night for our annual stream of Scary Godmother, OTGW and the Halloween Tree.
That's a good line up there!
Good night
These specific characterizations for the girls seem perfectly fine to me, but I think this seems a little... overly broad in scope? Personally I wouldn't watch a hypothetical Ghoul School television reboot for the lore. Feels like the focus gets lost
Fair, and yeah, I do admit I got a little autisticly overboard on stuff that'll at most be only mildly focused on at very specific times in this hypothetical series.
I mostly came up with them as fun background info, ways to flex my creativity within the confines (using these characters and incorporating them with the classical portrayals of those monsters), and inform a bit as to how the characters behave and act in this (both their original characterizations and with my personality and appearance alterations) and inform on events within this story I've concocted
Trust me when I say that at most this stuff will be the focused on character episodes and not completely overwhelm every aspect of this little project of mine, should it ever progress beyond just my autistic ideas
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Does anyone have Witch's Night Out?
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Impressive. That may actually be the worst rendition of Tanis I've ever seen. And trust me, I've seen some disgusting takes.
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Please draw some widget
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THIS WEEKEND (TONIGHT, TOMORROW, and possibly middle of next week, and maybe NEXT weekend?) is Halloween.

So, I want to check, it's been 10 years? since some of the co Halloween show list got updated?

I honestly can't tell.

Aside from the online stream, what people doing, playing games, dressing up, what you eating?
Tell me your spooky plans for tonight/the next week.
So is johnny a zombie or something?
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man writer's block is a bitch, especially in the final stretch of spooktober. worse comes to worst I'll just clean up the outline and post it
>thread on a saturday survives only because of periodic softcore cartoon porn
what happened to spooktober threads? i remember years ago you couldn't make enough of them, they hit bump limit multiple times a day and they would last half the week.
I kind think the problem is people celebrated and watched most days/weekends for past week (or couple) And now TODAY when it's actually time for halloween, most people are done/tired?

I told people, save the best shows and movies for today, but they have to be really really good.
I'm not sure if they were saved or will be played today/this weekend.

And the cool people are having sex with young college girls at dance/dress up/movie parties I guess. (google tell me where those are please)
It's a mix of a lot of anons lurking, the server taking more active posters attentions, & the general vibes not being amazing.
Didnt the discord took most of the traffic away?
Yes that's part of my point.
These threads only exist in the first place because of periodic softcore cartoon porn, it was just way more frequent in the inaugural years because the popular artists hadn't been driven away yet.
A big chunk of the activity moved to the discord server, and most of the activity left here is the exact same handful of stuff posted over and over again, and a lot of that is somber complaints about how Halloween doesn't feel the same way it used to. Storytimers make a valiant effort to keep the threads somewhat alive by posting their favorite comics, but they don't get much of a response either.
I wish they didn't remove the IP count because I really do want to see how many people still actually post here. Even the Seras Victoria guy seems to have given up, that's how dead these threads are - they're apparently not even fun to troll in.
At least 4chan will inevitably shut down when everyone else realizes they can just go to Discord servers instead. Only certain recurring threads seem to have figured it out right now.
5 years straight complaining about dicksword
Since Skele showed the subbed version I have to show you guys the dubbed version of Dandadan where Rita Repulsive says you can suck her tits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOR1NQZH5n4
>every year people recognize why the threads are dead
You're right, stop making these and pretending they serve a purpose beyond billboarding for the streams.
It's just the facts. We haven't even begun to actually complain about issues with the server itself & the culture of mindless positivity it perpetuates. This is just about the fact that it has objectively taken traffic away from the threads.
Whats the invite?
on cytube
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>10:30 PM and still not a single trick or treater.
>You had hoped that since the pandemic had become more the norm kids would have been out more this year.
>But here you were with a bowl full of Reeses, well ok a half bowl full now, and an heavy heart.
>You had originally planned to go out tonight but your mates were all either being Halloween humbugers or had other plans taking little cousins trick or treating or going out with S.Os.
>So instead you decided to pop on some old Halloween specials you had obtained legally and pass out candy dressed up in your green Slenderman costume.
>But it was dead quiet outside, parents must have taken their kids trunk or treating or snuck into nicer neighborhoods.
>Even the neighborhood cats were nowhere to be seen
>The specials were not helping either.
>Not that you weren’t into them, quite the opposite, they brought back such wonderful feelings of childlike joy that when juxtaposed with the lonely calm brought on a deep melancholy.
>The sound of Linus preaching the good word of the Great Pumpkin started to fade from your attention as the disappointment of this Halloween really started to settle in.
>Halloweens had started to get lamer and lamer each year but this really was a breaking point.
>Sitting alone on your small couch you slumped back and stared blankly at the ceiling.
>After another moment or two you could feel your eyes watering as you started to cry.
>You tried your best to make it a stoic manly cry but your own feelings betrayed you and you started to let out soft boo-hooing.
>”Boo-hoo, boo-hoo.”
>Wait, you weren’t actually making boo-hoo noises were you?
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(2/3)longer than I thought
>And why were you suddenly shoulder to shoulder with someone on your couch?
>Your heart nearly leapt out through your throat as you realized you suddenly were not alone.
>Sitting beside you was a pale red headed woman with an incredibly stick-like thin physique dressed in a cleavage revealing witch costume with purple and green striped stockings up her long legs.
>This woman had her face in her hands and was also crying but seemed to be putting a lot more effort into her booing.
>As you regained yourself many questions flooded your mind. Who are you? How did you get into my house?
>But you landed on
>”Why are you crying?”
>The woman brought her face up revealing a wicked smirk “Oh, I just like the sound of booing. You know, boo-hoo.”
>The woman FLOATED INTO THE AIR and cackled at her own joke.
>”Anon E. Moose say hello to your Scary Godmother~!”
>Scary Godmother got to explaining that she came because Anon had needed her, that she was tasked with helping those in need on Halloween. You wondered to yourself if this was costing you your soul.
>”So Anon darling, what has got you so upset?”
>You hesitated, this was a lot all at once but Scary’s friendly attitude was drawing you in plus you did want to talk to someone.
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>”I’m, feeling alone. It seems like Halloween keeps missing me and everyone I know either doesn't care about it or can’t be here to celebrate it with me.”
>Scary Godmother’s face was lit up like a jack o’ lantern with a fresh candle.
>”You’re in luck then Anon! Tonight me and my friends over on the fright side are having our annual Halloween party. It's the biggest meet up for Halloweenies from all over, you’d be in great company. And-”
>Scary’s enthusiastic smile curled into a sly smirk.
>”It just so happens I still need a date to the party.”
>Scary floated back to your side on the couch and clung onto your shoulder.
>”So Anon, what do you say?”
>Getting spirited away by an avatar of Samhain to an otherworld of monsters in the dead of night? Maybe this Halloween could be salvaged after all.

The bone chilling conclusion https://files.catbox.moe/3p5gi5.txt
Threads like these live and die on OC, and entitled faggots drove drawfags away. And pisscords always end up killing communities. Just look at what happened to the Emmy the Robot threads, pisscord drama played a big part in that.
Ive been in the emmy fandom since 2019. Hostile mods after the peru incident is what really killed it
Not really, but it certainly didn't help. Pisscord drama, the glacial pacing/updates, janny being buttmad about greens, etc. all played their parts.
t. the guy that went and complained about the 1 thread limit on mirc also the mavis poster
But here's the real question
What's the Calloway Military Academy up to in this story?
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Mavis is literal perfection
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Wrong Mavis. TAS Mavis is literal perfection, not that fat cow. Swains yandere obsession doesn't make it any better.
Anya's Ghost storytime.
you sure that's not Star Butterfly in her goth phase?
What discord server?
Bellatrix Green 12/???
>the arms that bind you are recalled– drawn back into the ghost’s domain through the yawning doorway– pulling you in along with them
>though you can still make out much of what was in the attic before, the room has been overgrown into a fog-choked forest of slithering hands.
>arms like black ivy draw aimless pathways along the walls, burrow through the floor like roots to interweave and rise as gnarled willows, dangle down from the ceiling like vines, and terminate in lily-white fists that bloom into splayed fingers as you pass.
>all of them wave at you quite energetically– save for the handful that seem otherwise preoccupied thumb wrestling or playing rock paper scissors amongst themselves
>and those which beckon you closer from the branches of the great crooked tree that stands in the center of the strange glade before the bed.
>there, cast in an eerie green glow, a figure hangs in the air
>shrouded in a flowing white sheet and held aloft by a noose round its neck– like an adult trick or treater hanged for the crime of wearing a lazy ghost costume
>you might have thought this was some as-yet-undiscovered victim of your spectral savior–
>were it not for the fact that the arms dangling out from under the sheet shared the unmistakable likeness of those wrapped around you.
>they were clad in the same black sleeves patterned with stripes of white spiderweb– out of which protruded the same pale hands with which you were quickly growing familiar.
>less familiar were the legs that swayed back and forth from beneath the morbid pendulum
>they bore similar attire to the arms– every inch of skin hidden under form-fitting black fabric decorated with white cobwebs, the latter of which faded as the former blurred with no discernible borders into a pair of high-heeled boots.
>you could guess with reasonable certainty that this was the formerly giggling ghost.
>and given that none of the other limbs had fallen limp– and that you were fairly certain ghosts could not die in such a manner– you doubted that the scene was as grim and final as it appeared
>it was showmanship, you thought, as she evidently had a flair for theatrics– believing as much made the scene a little less ghastly.
>a sudden spasm of the figure’s legs all but confirms your suspicions
I'm not complaining. I'm in the server and I don't mind being there, even if I'm not an active poster. That doesn't mean I can't also just say what is happening in these threads when someone asks about it. Whether the server swiping most of the activity is a good or bad thing isn't really my point here, individual anons can decide that for themselves - but it IS happening and it shouldn't be controversial to acknowledge that.
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>What spooky vidya have you played so far this month?
I haven’t yet but you reminded me I need to play some Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi
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>Thread question: What spooky vidya have you played so far this month?
finally played Slay the Princess after The Pristine Cut released, and I'm planning to play Anthology of the Killer tonight
This has been such a great treat
Cider is the best fall drink.
This is great and that finale imaging the interactions with the other monsters being fun.
And the last bit with scary godmother was great
hot or cold?
Oh they're not in this at all (aside from me maybe using the name Calloway for some other purpose)
Let's be honest here, who really cares about the Calloway boys? Even the OKKO special didn't include them. Why would I?
Yeah, nobody wants them to steal their girls.
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Good lord! they are all naked!
Is this going to be finished someday or are you just posting naked ghosts in the wind from eras long gone?
The artist, leestat sekai, told me he planned on trying to get it finished by Halloween, so there's that
Oh, based.
Like an anon before me I'm playing the Anthology of the Killer BB is a cute., as well as Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon HD, and Psychopomp Gold, which was released just yesterday. Theres alos the Splatooween that I' participating in.
>Psychopomp Gold
plants need love too ya know?
Yes. Yes they do.
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The final days of Spooktober are sadly upon us. But why worry when we can embrace the season further with a yearly stream of /co/ traditions?
Tonight, we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Cartoon Network's masterpiece, Over the Garden Wall, with all 10 episodes, plus the pilot, and deleted music. Plus, Ray Bradbury's the Halloween Tree, in one of Hanna Barbera's greatest projects. And tonight for our final REAL EERIE picture, it's the story of a talk show host's desperate gambit gone horrifically wrong in LATE NIGHT WITH THE DEVIL.
Plus, bookending tonight's stream are the adventures within the Fright Side in the SCARY GODMOTHER specials!

Stream Link: cy(delete this part)tu(DOT)be(slash)r(slash)SkeletalStreamer
Has McHale done anything of note since OTGW?
He co-wrote Pinocchio with Del Toro.
20 minutes until OTGW starts.
Eh, I thought that movie was just okay. Sucks that he made one of the best things that CN ever aired then just kinda fucked off for the next decade.
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>who really cares about the Calloway boys?
>pic related
I also think they could serve a real narrative function in a series where Shaggy/Scooby/Scrappy won't be recurring characters -- they could play straight man to all the weird spooky monster girls

>this post took 15 minutes
and people wonder why the threads are dead
OTGW is one of the few things /co/ universally likes.
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For reference point, this is a screencap of OTGW as it should look in most releases:
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And this is the blu-ray
DVD is like that too.
>two legends come together
>end result is mid
Seems to be a natural law, unfortunately.
They were so absolutely insufferable about it that I wanted to dislike it but it's just that good. The worst thing I can say about it is that I thought the original Tome of the Unknown premise with the train was much more interesting on paper. Seriously, though, when it first came out the board was nothing but breathless accolades typed with one hand. It was like a televangelist exorcism combined with an orgy.
This is my issue with Beauty and the Beast ever since the first DVD release. The extra brightness just ruins the contrast that's supposed to keep things like Beast hidden until the right moment.
Why can't any fucking physical release of anything get it right? Why?
I hope that something else comes out eventually that garners the same reaction. But /co/ today is also much different from 2014 /co/.
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>But /co/ today is also much different from 2014 /co/.
Mm, do you think? I feel like /co/ today is just a natural progression from 2014 /co/. I consider it the same animal. Am I oversimplifying it? /co/ for me was late 00's/early 10's /co/ and it's been on a grand and unyielding downward spiral since around 2012 that I lump under post-/co/. I agree with your point, though. It would be so nice to have a good cartoon again, just one, just for a little while. Even a week.
Most of what I remember from the late 00's /co/ is a dozen threads about Toph's feet up at the same time.
Literally why did WB do this? Are they stupid?
I will acknowledge my problem with rose-tinting the past, but that element of the board has really only gotten worse. It's nothing but a purgatory for questionable coomers because virtually no decent media the board can discuss is being made anymore.
Notoriously and infamously, yes, they are.
They lost their sanity since the 2000's AOL merger
For sure, I think we agree. Off the top of my head, the last thing I remember most of /co/ being really positive about was Puss in Boots: The Last Wish. It's pretty few and far between these days.
I should get around to that.
Contrarianism is an even bigger fad now than it was 10 years ago (when it was already insufferable). If OTGW came out in 2024 you'd have a maximum of 2 weeks when you're allowed to like it and make posts praising it before it suddenly becomes uncool and you get dogpiled for doing so.
Too true. You can't enjoy anything on the site. People come here to complain. There's nowhere to go to enjoy something unless you like Reddit.
Is it designed around a different type of screen maybe? I'm no expert, but LED/OLED/LCD/CRT all handle darkness differently, right?
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Now that I've seen this I'm left wondering how nobody came up with it until now

I feel like there's a ship contained in a potential crossover somewhere but I'm not sure between who
challenge accepted
taking suggestions, will do ONE request for Lorna from OTGW
lorna dressed as a ye olde witch riding her broom
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Strongly disagree
She doesn't have to tell me what happened, but she does have to eat all the turtles.
Trust me even if I did include them in any capacity (even in an in-name only way) none of them would really stand a chance
Fair, but with the changes I made to Winnie (plus her handful of normal human friends being semi-recurring characters) she'd be the closest equivalent to the straight man (or the token 'normal' person who's new to the supernatural shit and asks the necessary questions for the audience)
I'm tired of the 80's so I'm pretending OTGW is set in the tail end of the 70's. They had tapes and synthesizer music back then too
thank you tripfag, the never-ending /co/ Pinocchio hate is one of my biggest disappointments as a fellow cartoon autist
I see more people calling it bland/boring than hating it.
Unfortunately it attracted a handful of schizos who were infuriated by it being well-reviewed and winning awards. If you were here when it released, you would remember the constant hate threads
It's fine, just fine, but I think the issue is del Toro had been rutting against his cage to make this fucking Pinocchio movie for god damned ever and cared more about it than most fathers care about their children and it finally came out and it's....just fine. It's nowhere near his magnum opus but it had all the buildup and passion of a career-defining icon when all I really wanted was for him to actually design Smaug (I never forgave him for bailing on that) and not let a bunch of shitheels murder Pacific Rim while he sat there in the corner.
That's perfectly fine. I respect your opinion even though I... completely disagree.
I was here when it released. Practically anything on /co/ these days attracts a small contingent of dedicated schizos, and I can easily ignore them. The thing I saw people criticizing the most was the song with the lines about farting.
Bumping the stream, 20 minutes until Ray Bradbury's the Halloween Tree.
The song about poop. If Del Toro is gonna force the constant "fascism is bad" narrative in all his movies then he needs to actually do something more profound.
>Literal child wants to make fun of someone by singing about poopy
>anons will complain about this because it's not "profound"
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Who is best girl, /co/?
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If people think the point of the Duce Caca song was "fart jokes" they're either being intentionally misleading or were completely unimpressed by the political aspects of the movie. The part I felt was weak was the scene in the whale basically being an action scene excuse to time skip past the war, but that's not what the majority of anons were criticizing.

It's better to talk with someone like you who I assume is a normal person. There were a few notable threads back in 2022 that made me feel like I was going insane. The only animated movie talkback threads I remember being worse was when The Breadwinner came out.
Yes. Being a child character doesn't mean childish writing. Especially when Del Toro marketed this movie as such a big deal made for all ages thing.
My biggest del Toro disappointment is what happened with Trollhunters. The original series had such a strong ending. Then after 3below everything eroded the goodwill Trollhunters built up.
I get that, it was beautiful, it might even be the best Pinocchio adaptation, but it's still...just Pinocchio, only Pinocchio, you Pinocchiknow? He could have made an original stop motion masterpiece and not like the 8th Pinocchio movie that came out around that time.
Beatrice, it's not even a contest.
Don't remind me.
I don't think I'll be called out for saying the Disney version is still the best. But we're still talking about the Del Toro version right? Only Pinocchio? Just a normal version of the story like all the others? Is that what you really got from it?
why does he get all the girls?
Lorna and beatrice holding hands
Reminds me of the girl that liked me in high school
No, it's just...kind of a weird story for him to become pathologically obsessed with to the point of directing a painstaking spin on. It was like his number 1 wish to make that movie. Dude's made a lot of better shit that wasn't a fairy tale riff.
Is it just me or has Halloween shifted from an opportunity to make gimmicky movies and TV episodes to an opportunity to make gimmicky snack foods
It's just you. Gimmicky Halloween snacks have been a thing for 30+ years.
To complete the allegory that depression and lack of self-confidence can blind you to what's around you.
Too full of my own self-pity to realize I could've had twins in high school.
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Jason Funderberker vs Joe Pipkin

Who wins?
Dinosaur Dracula has a freezer full of Halloween Whoppers older than you are.
They recognize their strength as a duo and team up, to become unstoppable.
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Been away from threads this year. What's the art haul? Anything good?
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It's literally the candy holiday, gimmick snack foods have been part of it for ages. That said, I'm not seeing many or any gimmicky movies and TV episodes this year. Did I miss something? Was there a new "Halloween episode" of a decent show that flew under my radar?
Halloween Tree drinking game, expert mode. Take a shot every time Wally says, “Oh my gosh!” and try not to die of alcohol poisoning.
A short storytime in honor of the Over The Garden Wall stream
The End
Do you think Moundshroud and Jack Skellington would be friends?
Who do you think taught Jack to be the pumpkin king?
>Moundshroud teaching a little skeleton Jack everything about Halloween and horror
Sounds amazing
they'd be good bros
Bumpan, 20 minutes until Scary Godmother 2.
Is the anon drawfag asking specifically for male character requests still here? I think we found a good one
What is the source of this story? God damn.
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>Every time I got confidence to do something it always backfired and made things worse
>The times I didn't have confidence to do something turned out was the correct call to make
It really fucks with your motivation.
Almost thought it was official, thanks for clarifying, kek
Watched the Schumacher Phantom of the Opera and despite not being a real "horror" movie in the modern sense it really scratched the Halloween-y itch I've been having for the past few weeks. Extremely underrated even besides that.
What exactly would this specifically entail though?
Hello from /x/! Tonight's theme is rubber suits! You know, those big monster costumes that cover most if not of the actor's body. Both films are horror-comedy homages to an earlier time that happen to have lots and lots of rubber suit monsters.

Stream starts around 12:45 AM EST with loading music. The films will follow.

cy(remove this)tu(dot)be(slash)r(slash)X-Halloween

> Tonight's itinerary

> Loading music

> Psycho Goreman, 2020
Someone in the stream described this as the "anti-ET". Basically, two kids find a magic stone that lets them control an escaped evil overlord. This results in a lot of rubber suit fights and the world being destroyed by the power of love. An 80's homage with heavy Screaming Mad George influence on the monsters.

> Intermission music

> Killer Klowns from Outer Space, 1988
I know this one has started to go mainstream, but it's still worth a watch. A homage to 50's cheesy B movies. Alien "clowns" invade a small town and start abducting the locals in order to use them as a food source.
fingers crossed LNWTD concludes in time for me to swing by for Killer Klowns
I do not actually, I bounced off it years ago and even trying to watch it with the stream it was painfully unappealing.
Have you seen the '80s Dwight Little one with Robert Englund? Has very little in common with the novel but is a wildly entertaining period slasher combined with almost a sort of Hammer pastiche vibe.
Moundhshroud fitting child Jack for his bow tie collar bat thing (picture attached)
Final bump, 20 minutes until the last Real Eerie film: Late Night with the Devil.
/co/ pretty unanimously praises Primal (except the last episode) and the first 3 episodes of season 5 of Samurai Jack.
>Primal (except the last episode)
Opinions on most of the second season are pretty divided from what I remember
This is a cute idea so give me better quality references for both & I can make something.
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Carapace Clavicle Moundshroud
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Close up just in case
>references for both
anon, do you not know what Jack Skellington looks like? In spite of the fact you were just shown a picture of what he looks like that even highlights the specific feature of his wardrobe we're focusing on?

Thank you to the other anon for getting a good full-body shot and a close-up of Moundshroud
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Because the picture he posted is very low quality & even the Moundshroud ones aren't crystal clear but at least that's more understandable.
Would you go on Night Owls with Jack Delroy?
Thankyou magic anon!!
Only if I get to make fun of the psychic
Nobody told me that Ginormica was actually waifuable
Alrighty, spooksters, I'm tired. I'll see you guys tomorrow night for the final Godzilla anniversary stream. Thanks to everyone who came to watch tonight!
Were all the special effects in that movie also AI generated? Looked like something out of a pre-Sharknado Sci-Fi original
It was good to watch Over the Garden Wall again. I always forget how good it is.
Looked to me more like Disney Channel movie-tier effects. I'd never seen Late Night before, was saving it for tonight, I had only heard good things aside from the AI slop
Thanks for the stream. Sad to see the season is almost over but the final streams are always a high note.
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Whoever is in charge of the /co/ playlist, there's the New Misadventures of Ichabod Crane
He's in Fortnite!
>The Headless Horseman is just a witches disguise instead of a proper character
Damn, the design is super rad too. That aside I dig the animation and style of this short overall
Was hoping for a download link.
>80s slasher
Not my thing
>Hammer pastiche vibe
Now I am interested. I'll check it out next year.
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Oh you sweet summer child
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>Monster vs Aliens Pumpkins from Outer Space
>Halloween special ends up better than the movie
How does this happen?
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literally that one guy's winnie hunting fanfic
Would it have been better as pure found footage?
I hate that such a cute bully girl design is wasted on such a mediocre gag comic
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I'm a fan of both, but the Halloween special took a lot more from horror. Which is always a good way to give something more flavor
I'm going to do it. I'm going to make the first /co/ dullahan and NONE can stop me.
It also helps that it's less Americanized, if that makes sense.
Halloween is the worst thing that can happen to the Halloween season. It's just the off switch. Fun's over. I dread it. I loathe it.
>parents are highly religous and hate Halloween
>never got to dress up and celebrate it when I was younger
>no parties anymore because of covid
>no pumpkin carving
>no decorations whatsoever
>only thing I can do now is draw
>finally went to WDW's Halloween Party event - it rained
Can some anons share their traditions or pictures of pumpkins they carved?
There is nothing stopping you from carving a pumpkin right now
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What jackass planned out October this year? Thursday is the worst possible day for the 31st to fall on. Everyone's going to end up behaving as if tonight is Halloween and cost us almost a full week of spooky season when they move on from it after.
I love seeing jack o'lanterns people have carved but actually doing it yourself honestly kind of sucks. Pumpkin guts smell fairly bad and are disgusting to have to engage with. It's tough to carve into them with much precision and you're never going to know what you even want to carve into it in the first place (and, really, nothing beats a generic, simple jack o'lantern face). It's an important tradition, you need to do it, but it's work.
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I shouldn't have said "nothing" is stopping someone from carving a pumpkin, but if you don't want to deal with guts, slime, and decay you could pick up a carvable foam pumpkin from any big box store. I got one when I started living in an apartment without the space to carve a real pumpkin every year
That makes me remember a light-up decoration I had that looked a bit similar. Wasn't made of foam but it wasn't hard plastic. I grew up around such charming decorations. Motion-ettes that all made that same warbling sound. A laughing skull with red light-up eyeballs that rolled around and made a mechanical sound (I can't track it down anywhere). I'll always miss that magical feeling.
Hey, at least it falls on a weekend for the next 3 years
Nice, nice. I hope we live to see all three.
I had to take off work Thursday and Friday this week just for Halloween
>carvable foam pumpkin
I saw this in the store but I didn't really know what the purpose of it was.
Just patiently waiting for the double EEnE storytime.
Bellatrix Green 12/???
>her hands grasp at nothing, clawing the rest of her back into the world of the living– fingers stretching and straining against the confines of a pseudo rigor mortis.
>she kicks and tenses her legs in an ungainly manner, shaking the sleep of death from her body in fits of frenzied movement
>the tattered death shroud flaps and flows as the restless corpse begins swaying, then swinging
>as you look on in morbid wonder, you are gingerly lowered to the ground, the coiling embrace beginning to shift and loosen
>slowly, reluctantly, the arms unfurl from around your body, brushing you off and straightening your clothes as they recede into shutting boxes and through holes in the wall that seal themselves shut behind them
>your attention is recalled from this momentary distraction by the loud crack of snapping rope
>unable to bear the pendulous burden of its victim any longer, the noose frays and snaps.
>the woman– now adorned with a hangman's necktie– plummets.
>she hits the floor stood upright, a dull thunk ringing out as her heavy bootheels strike the floorboards with considerable force.
>the long white veil billows ominously in a gust that by all rights could not have blown through the room, changed though it was.
>through twin holes in the sheet, haunted shadows peer out at you. a crack of golden light cuts through them
>the unseeing darkness is rent open by two luminous yellow orbs– radiant, inhuman eyes that fix the gaze of their swirling black pupils upon you, unblinking.
>a sort of shudder seems to trace a tremulous path up through the undead body of the sheet-clad specter.
>a low chuckle rises in her throat. ”you… can see me.”
>it's not spoken as a question, but you nod in reply regardless.
>this elicits a less-than-subtle fist pump from the ghost, her chuckle building into a disquietingly sinister giggle.
>she takes a heavy, unsteady step toward you, and you hear the door slam shut behind you.
*13 not 12, fuck
We need to make a deal with Moundshroud
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Not sure what you mean, the special has a lot Halloween traditions from the Anglo-sphere. Is it because there's less US military? That does make it feel more like a typical cartoon and less schlocky
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The Final Spooktober candy Monster has arrived: The Poultergummi!
>you're never going to know what you even want to carve into it in the first place
Man I never thought the problems I have with drawing would carry into pumpkin carving
HARD (cold).
The best candy.
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Last year I let dubs pick what I carved and ended up carving Chernabog from Fantasia.
Do you want me to repost the rest of the candy monsters? I don't know if anyone else has put them on the booru or if they're just hanging in the archives from previous threads.
Best to repost to be sure.
This is sick, a good pick from /co/.

Alcoholic or indoors with heat on? Cold.
Cool inside your house, bundled up, or outside? Hot.
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I feel like the Bat-Proton Pack would look way more purpose-built and high-tech than the hardware store-cross-army surplus outlet-cross-university research lab aesthetics of the original
Here is a compilation image of all four.
Pretty strong designs. Peanut Butter Pup is disconcerting. Love Count Popula.
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Have a sketch.
It was hard to compete with Count Chocula, but a vampire was too classic not to include.
Kek at the Mickey ears
Good evening, spooksters! About one hour left until the second Godzilla stream of the season!
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On the first Sunday of October, we began a special stream to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the King of the Monsters, Godzilla. Tonight, we conclude that celebration, starting with the Millennium era of the franchise. Godzilla is revived as a hateful manifestation of vengeance. To save Tokyo, the combination of three beasts’ might is needed, in GODZILLA, MOTHRA AND KING GHIDORAH, GIANT MONSTERS ALL-OUT ATTACK (also Baragon is here too but the title is long enough)
Finally, to represent the Reiwa era, the most recent of Toho's Godzilla films depicts a world in which Godzilla rises to destroy Japan at its lowest point. Watch as the people are forced to fight back in the new masterpiece GODZILLA MINUS ONE.
Additionally, as a bonus feature, we present one final episode each of the Beetlejuice animated series, and the Regular Show Terror Tales miniseries, some extra spooky bonuses for the penultimate Spooky Stream.

(Please note that due to the unique structure of this stream, there will be only one intermission, between the two films.)

Stream Link: cy(delete this part)tu(DOT)be(slash)r(slash)SkeletalStreamer
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anon delivered
Please note, due to a technical mishap, GMK will be delayed. We'll be playing whatever Godzilla shorts we can find in the meantime.
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I wish we had that Adam West Batman/Show Godzilla movie happen.
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I got inspired by last night's stream,
Are we getting Godzilla Minus Two or is Toho just going to keep resetting him forever and never letting him develop again while they keep randomly exaggerating parts of his body because they feel like every Godzilla needs to arbitrarily go off model?
That is fantastic work, anon!
Pretty good. I still haven't picked a pattern to do.
Looking sweet, anon. I often debate doing character portraits instead of jack-o-lantern faces but can never decide on which one and default to a face
Finally some shit that DESERVES praise around here.
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This is great
Stream bump, 20 minutes until Godzilla Minus One!
Eh, not my bag but you do you.

Personally I think Mr. D nailed both how to make it work as a story as well as the best reworkings of the characters backgrounds/personalities.
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Does she age in human years or dog years?
Are these threads gonna continue onto Día de Muertos?
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Sounds magical.
>Is it because there's less US military?
Thanks to everyone who joined tonight's stream! I need to sleep, but I can assure you we have some surprises planned, in addition to the final stream on Thursday, see you guys then.
Appreciate the stream man. Godzilla -1 was great. I never saw it and I'm glad these streams give me the kick in the ass I need to watch stuff like it. I've watched tons of great stuff this season thanks to these streams and the /x/ ones.
That is impressive! Great job keeping it intact
We are live, just starting a lot later than normal. Tonight's films are The Lost Boys and Cronos, two well-made vampire flicks. Feel free to pop by! And if you miss the premiere, the room will be left on loop all day long as always.

cy(remove this)tu(dot)be(slash)r(slash)X-Halloween
holy shit, lady dimitrescu's dress is fucked up
Delivery, sorry for the prolonged wait
happy spookfortress to all those who celebrate

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