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If I don't make the new OP post who will, edition.

Previous Thread: >>11049638
Architecture General: >>10981085
Board etiquette says five pics to start a thread, anon.
I know, I am just doing other things in the background.
I don't see much of a need to rush my self.
God this is hot. I love it when a woman is so fat she has to use a wand to masturbate and still struggles.
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What is it about a fat bellies that makes them so cute and sexy?
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I'm unsure in all honesty, maybe it's a sense of comfort or lust that comes with different aspects of the human body. I mean I've kinda been this way since childhood, I found all girls cute in elementary school and I'm still mostly equally into all body types as an adult.

There's been some studies out there saying it's linked to how it's an innate desire for comfort and protection due to the wealthy being fat in impoverished countries centuries ago. There's the obvious example of the Venus statues from the Palaeolithic era and the Goddess Otafuku from Shintoism.

This obviously applies far less in the modern day with how much we value health due to how much knowledge we've acquired in both the physical and mental aspects of medical sphere. It's the wealthy who are usually healthier due to having the money to afford higher quality meals or the time to actively prepare them. I'm trying to become a teacher, so I'm not exactly gonna have most amount of time or money, but you can easily find videos on how to eat healthy on a lower budget or prepare meals in bulk. Why pay five dollars for frozen microwave chicken when you can prepare a healthier version of the same meal and get three to four times the amount for 10 dollars beyond convenience due to the lack of cleaning and cooking.

My only real issue in all honesty is that I have is the fact I have somewhat high standards (no tattoos or dyed hair and be a genuinely sweet person who comes from a good background (dated someone who was basically Makima before the character existed in high school, never again.)
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Looking for a specific image, maybe this thread will help to locate it.
It's a joke on the new people showing up on gym in January. The gym is packed, everyone is exercising. Except a group of pixies is flying around and having their mischief, bulking up just about everyone present - to the point certain people get swine-like features. Majority of the people is completely unaware they are fattening up in a rapid pace.
Anyone? Anything? I know it's not older than 2 years and I can't find it after over a week of intense search
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Gimme your fattest goths.
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In porn/hentai, they're just more visually interesting to me and have more fetish potential than skinny girls. You can only draw girls so skinny, but you can always make them bigger. It also plays nicely with growth/expansion stuff.
In real life, they're just more fun to squeeze and cuddle with, although the bar for "too big" is much lower.
In both cases, more T&A is an obvious bonus.
>>11070624 picrel
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My friend showed this to me and I had to hold myself back at how much I wanted to gush about how good it is. So many things get me going, but I didn't want to blow up their DMs about why one image made me horny.
what kind of fucking weirdo friends do you have that casually share fetish porn with you?
More common than you might think with IRL friends sadly, I don't like seeing it or sharing it though. They've known for years already since I casually flat out said I'd date one if I loved them, and I'm pretty tame and on the lower end when it comes to sizes. They're genuinely great people with jobs, but I don't like seeing male furry assholes and giant goblin futa penises whenever I pull up Discord.
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You may as well splurge on the urge here, brother. You're among likeminded folk
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I realized I am also attracted to women who are nerds who are addicted to video games and watching anime and TV and live a NEET lifestyle.
I think I find the laziness cute and I guess I get an urge to enable and pamper them so they can live a blissful stress-free life.
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Post your ideal fat lady (size wise), that you would realistically want to date/marry irl.
Pic related for me, she's nice and round, but still not so fat that she would just be stuck home or something. I want to spend time with her after all, go around and let everyone see what an awesome cute fattie I've scored. And I would definitely encourage her to wear tight shirts like that often. I'd love to see that hanging fat belly shake as she walks.
I guess this?
I have learned that you can't expect a big woman to go on a hike or on a roller coaster. But she can do a lot with pretty generous accommodations and maintaining good skeletal muscle health.
Anything above 40 BMI is pretty dicey for me personally, I like girls who have plenty of energy and enthusiasm to them and are always out enjoying the world, and I wouldn't want to lose that to hedonistic pleasure.

There have been some surprisingly good buffets around here, not the cheap 10 to 15 dollar ones, the solid quality 25 dollar ones with well cooked meals and all the fixings.

I just wonder how my grandmother is 85 and somehow surprisingly healthy despite being obese along with having diabeties and lung cancer.
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Picrel I'd say, but It highly depends on how they have their fat distributed. If it just collects in unflattering places, like giving them a beer gut and triple chin with no tits and hank hill ass, that's a no from me.
I dated a girl who was 5'0 and ~235lbs, but it was disproportionately concentrated in her thighs, ass and belly and it was *awesome*. Quite possibly the hottest girl I've ever seen below the chest including in porn, and she wasn't bad above either.
Unfortunately it didn't work out but we still keep in touch and she sends me nudes sometimes. I think she's like 260 now and it still looks great on her, while on most other people it would have long passed the point of being a turnoff.
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How about you post some you fucking tard.
I would rip her panties off and fuck her HARD!~
Do you have the other part(s) of this sequence?
Got you covered. Part 1
Part 2. Part 3 is the last one and is up top.
Goth time, all the time
If you insist. I'll try to keep it in the 2k limit.
I love how you can imagine that this very image is the perspective of Okasabehime's Master, walking in with a gigantic order of take-out in one hand and numerous drinks in the other, ready to indulge in making her even bigger.
I love how your very eyes are gathered towards how huge Okki is. Just an absolutely big girl that's ridiculously close to becoming immobile due to how lazy she is as a NEET.
I love how her feet are dangerously close to being swallowed by her leg fat and creating cankles. How her thighs are most likely to be rubbing together in the rare chances that she were to actually stand up and walk around.
I love how huge her ass is. You can't see it from this angle, but she has to have enough bulk in the rear side to be able to support her weight at all, and just seeing how wide she is with her legs spread out like that implies that she's got quite the dump truck. It's even more apparent when the remote to her vibrator is lodged underneath her ass and likely unable to be moved easily.
I love how ENORMOUS her belly is, how it's a complete apron that completely makes it impossible to shove her vibrator underneath her, unless she were to lay on her side to place it near her crotch. That, and you can see what has to be her fupa underneath all of that flab. It's just soft fat on top of soft fat.
I love how her boobs are resting on her giant belly, and how they're pressed together as she tries to use her vibrator.
I love her back fat. I love how it's just rolls and rolls of it.
I love her big, flabby arms. I love how she's trying so hard to use one to lift that gigantic tummy and the other is desperately trying to use her toy.
I love how nervous she looks as Master comes in, her double chin sinking into her fat and her poor excuse to cover up the fact that she wants to get off.
I love how her underwear is strewn all over the place. I LOVE how huge her panties are.
...And more, but I'm out of room.
Jeez man, I know I love nearly immobile NEETs who fail to masturbate with a wand vibrator because she got too fat, but I think you go at least one step in obsession above me.
I have honestly gotten a fetish for NEETs and didn't realize their could be so much overlap with BBWs until I found my tastes almost merging.

And by NEET, I mean either like a stereotypical gamer girl NEET or a home maker NEET. I find both very cute.
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It's not even that. Sometimes I see an image I really, really like and feel the urge to explain just why I like it. The expressions, the backgrounds, the furniture and all the other small details that make that image so great to me.
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I can dig it.
I really like the whole "double-fisting food and soda eating as much as possible" cliche. Picrel.
I'm already a NEET so the idea of a NEET gf is appealing even if realistically is a bad idea. You could spend all day together and relate to each other easier if you're also a NEET.
To those in the know, have there been any good games from weight gaming to have come out in the past couple years?
I just find NEET women endearing.
I love the whole "suddenly realizing they're a glutton, and there's no going back now," trope.
My two mainstays are Eat the Dungeon and Some Bullshit, One is just a fun ass puzzle game and the other is a funny as hell stuffing story in RPGMaker.
Jesus. Wish I had the same type of passion you've got. Anything else you want to share?
fill me up is my favorite one, but it gets updates maybe once a year so don't expect much
I agree with what this anon says. Its probably some sort of evolutionary/enviromental mismatch. I've liked fat girls since before I even went through puberty so I like them on some fundamental innate psychological level. Nobody in my family is fat either so its not that.
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Catwoman Brain Rot Time~
>>11073194 (OP)
I need a girl like Jenny in my life~
saurce? I have tried and failed
I mean if I get with someone big like my first ex, I'll love her, if I get with someone petite, I'll also love her, just as long as she's not my first ex. I don't ever want to deal with a girl who puts salt around the house to protect from curses and wishes BOTDF would gangbang her.

I'll finally be starting college again soon and despite the lack of physical classes, the education branch is pretty much always hanging out, so I'm pretty sure it'll all go well.

Anyone remember that one video where a guy talks about having his kink and brings up his theory that his grandfather had this fetish because his grandmother was fat.
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Isn't that exactly what we're doing here? I mean, in all likelihood, we're mostly guys sharing fetish porno with each other helping each other jack off. Kinda gay if you think about it.
>I've liked fat girls since before I even went through puberty so I like them on some fundamental innate psychological level.
Same, at least physically speaking I find them extremely relaxing to be in physical contact with. I can hold a lady like her folds are stress balls or pat her soft tummy.

Hell some of my dreams are literally just laying on a bbw or having one hug me tightly while we go about our day.
Won't lie, the more I think about it and being on the board, the more I can see why the stressed men theory anon mentioned makes sense.
A comparison would probably be akin why people find pets relaxing to be around. Fur is soft and they're usually very calm. GF is soft and they're usually very calm, except they're a person first, I just find it a somewhat apt comparison.
Artist is kukuru100
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Hey I just drew this
How'd I do
What is on the other page anon?
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same thing here. i remember always liking fat girls. maybe i got exposed to it before i was even 3-4 years old, so i just can't remember? don't really know how that would even work
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It's just such a nice, soft, hedonistic expanse of fatty goodness. They showcase indulgence and prioritization of pleasure. They also just make girls look more fertile (breedable, if you will) and motherly. That's one of the few ways I like to rationalize it. Fat bellies are just awesome and comfy.

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