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No AI or futa allowed, make a separate thread
Previous thread: >>11060740
Hyper muscle thread: >>11100109
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Miruko for best heroine
Wait, shit, was this AI generated? Crap, it totally was. My bad, sorry about that.
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You have to be genuinely retarded that you couldn't tell that was AI generated
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Artist name?
Nta, but it looks like either Pegius or Bratt23. My bad if I'm wrong though.
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God, I wish Pegius was still posting.
Definitely tan futa
Sister thread: >>>/aco/8479788
>literally posting the same thing they did in the /aco/ muscle thread
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You suspecting in futanari board, denialfags
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I fucking love the ass's on beefy chicks.
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Love this artist @yanolza01
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Hello anons. I hope this post finds you well.
I humbly beseech you to post more muscle girls in dresses.
Thank you for any help in this regard.
Idk what it is but muscular chicks always look spectacular in dresses, especially beefy ones like Oga here >>11110415
What Muscular Girls does Anon know about that would want to share with the thread?

>Marl Barrock, from Tensei Colosseum
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fyi, this is from a doujin about the Amazon from Dragon's Crown. Never seen a translation of it, but I'm assuming she's gone back to her noble family?
Fuck me I can't believe I still haven't read this.
got a bigger pic?
I really recommend it if you like Isekai/Harem stuff. Story is funny and engaging, and Zunta's art is always great, lots of dynamic poses and hot anatomy.
The current chapter/arc has the second fight featuring her.

The manga also features another Muscle Girl in later chapters.
Desmos Salamandis, the Giant.
Same, I should get on that ASAP.
It'll be so sweet when the MC finally submits her as well.
what was the manga called?
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>Tensei Colosseum: Saijaku Skill De Saikyou No Onna-Tachi Wo Kouryaku Shite Dorei Harem Tsukurimasu
>Reincarnation Coliseum: Using The Weakest Skill To Defeat The Strongest Women And Create A Slave Harem

Funny it's called that because the MC never actually reincarnates. He's summoned to the other world, not reborn there.
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I fucking love this OC.
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looking forward to when she gets dicked down
excellent, anon
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She's got a lovely design.
I've seen this character a few times, and only recently found out that she's the avatar of a TF2 YouTuber, and not some Evangelion fanfic OC.
Peculiar stuff.
She's NOT some Asuka mutation?
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Zesty Jesus is a good guy, only decent TF2 youtuber around these days and he's got great tastes in muscular girls.
She's definitely inspired by Asuka tho, she's one of Zesty's favorite character.
Yeah, she's the avatar of some TF2-tard.
i think this may be my new fave gal
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Found another set.
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Desmos Salamandis asks you to choose between either "tits, ass, pussy, or thighs". Which do you choose? Keep in mind her response to your answer will differ.
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That's not an answer. Try again.
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Nuh uh.
Then this is what happens:
>you deny to choose either of the four things she's mentioned which makes her mad
>she decides to violate your hole using her large fingers while forcibly making out with you
>you try to punch and push her away from her but that just turns her on more
>she continues to massage your prostate and moving her long tongue all over the inside of your mouth and your face until you ejaculate hard from it
>she drops you on the ground like a lifeless corpse and gets her sword
>she then cuts you to pieces and consumes your flesh
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>"N-Nuh-uh" to choosing tits, ass, pussy, or thighs
>Zesty Jesus is a good guy, only decent TF2 youtuber

a drama whore
>big dick is back in town
Is this someone's transexual self-insert?
Can we talk about how good Krekk0v is at drawing muscles?
The way she is shaded here makes them look so shiny, erotic and powerful in a way that no other artist imo has been able to capture nearly as well.
It's a shame that muscle girls are only a fraction of what he draws.
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Another example. Might even be the best at it. Who's your favorite artist when it comes to muscle girls?
Kugara is also based because of his doujins and then there's sotcho.
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Urec is quite based too, but it's light muscle mostly.
Another krekk0v.
Thoughts on bigger subs?
Do you want her to be dommed by someone bigger or smaller than her?

I'm a dom, but I also love big, strong girls, both subs and more confident and agressive ones.

It's partly a combination of liking their strong, toned bodies, my seeming obsession with Size_Difference between partners, liking being in control and able to tease my partner to my heart's content, and the allure of the paradoxical role reversal where one person who you'd think is powerful and should be in control is proven to be the exact opposite when compared to their partner, such as having big strong girls dominated by men smaller or younger than them, or having a powerful ruler being stripped of their power and made to serve someone else.
When I like seeing big, strong women (or men) being assertive and dominant, I like to see it happening to others, male or female.
However, then I picture myself in that situation, I like being the one in control, either the one who is big and strong, or the one who is subverting the other's strength and size and being the dominant partner.

So, to answer your question: Yes to bigger subs. They can be dominated by someone bigger or stronger than her, but that's important is that she once was or remains strong so as to better contrast with her current helplessness.
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>such as having big strong girls dominated by men smaller or younger than them
Extremely based taste and I completely agree with you. It's super unfortunate that it rarely gets portrayed in doujins. There's plenty of smaller dom bigger sub stuff but it's rarely ever of muscle girls and if so it's usually very light muscle like a sixpack at most or by a terrible artist. I honestly fantasize about picking up drawing so I can be the guy to shit out extremely tall, beefy amazonians getting mindbroken by hung traps.
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>It's super unfortunate that it rarely gets portrayed in doujins
Almost whenever it happens it's 'Heroine defeated by goblins' or 'NTR'd by tiny old man with a suspiciously big cock and high libido', neither of which I'm into.
Yeah what the fuck is up with that?
This thing should be in high demand or so you'd think as it's a more extreme version of something that already exists and is popular.
>Do you want her to be dommed by someone bigger or smaller than her?
normal sized or bigger, small doms are mega cringe no matter who they're paired with
Krekkov's muscle girl stuff is amazing, always very beefy and sweaty.
>Who's your favorite artist when it comes to muscle girls?
Some of my favorites have to be Sotcho, Ibuo, Synecdoche, Masoq, Yoracrab, and TheGoldenSmurf.
>Do you want her to be dommed by someone bigger or smaller than her?
I'm more into dominant muscle girls, but if I had to choose I'd have to go with someone who's around the same size as her.
meant to reply to >>11112974
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For your consideration, a list of artists that can draw good female musclature, and/or large and powerful women...

>@_zunta, @Real_JSN, @PunkxBlade28, @phoebus_art, @sela_god, @zinfian, @gud00c, @Ponaners, @m4rjinn

...and who are often giantesses:
>@hunter_rank_E, @zohanmohan

...and who mostly have massive, throbbing peepees:
>@aka6art, @mikoyanan, @nia_i

...and who always get absolutely wrecked:
>@hutago31, @situyan0303

...whenever they feel like it:
>@ovvv, @cnmbwjx3, @hou_jae04, @garakuta_, @spacezin, @baalbuddy, @BaalbuddyBb, @ez6, @aarokira, @ratatatat74, @MsMelodine, @Flick06484765
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I don't like krekkov
Why? Too straight for you?
I don't know, I just don't like his artstyle for some reason, also I hate that he puts that gay ass ball avatar in his drawings, it annoys me
This guy keeps drawing Miruko without any sort of definition at all.
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Fair enough, but one can't argue with the results. He's probably one of the most followed artists on Twitter who consistently do 'muscle girl' content, althrough they also have other stuff there.

I know, which is weird because he's perfectly capable to doing it.
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He just prefers his girls fit and lean, I guess.
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Oh, forgot:
>@BoonieBaby6, @Bonnymama7, @Bonnydada8
Don't ask me why they have 3 Twitter accounts.
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I fucking love this guy's OC.
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Hard to take Planet seriously as a hero when half of the time she's doing heroics she's also destroying the city she's meant to be saving.
Regardless, she always looks spectacular doing it.
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Any muscular Yamato fans in here?
>..and who mostly have massive, throbbing peepees
No fucking futashit faggotry. It's not relevant to the thread.
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Even if she destroyed my house I'd still love her. She's got one of the the best bodies I've seen and her face is adorable.
Muscular Yamato is awesome.
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Fuck yeah, love the way Sotcho draws her.
As much as I love her design, I hate how the creator mostly draws Giantshit. Such a waste because we could get more pics of Planet facesitting or headscissoring like in pic related.
Which is why I didn't post any pictures of futa?
Besides, Aka6, Mikoyan, and Nia don't always do futa
You recommended people who do futa though. Also I checked, Aka6 does a shit ton of futa.
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Sotcho's work is amazing. I haven't seen much of One Piece, but Yamato has been tempting me for a while to give the series a full watch just to see her.
Fuck posted the wrong image.
I'll have to temper your expectations, anon because she isn't muscular at all in the actual manga and anime.
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I quite like giantshit but I get what you mean, I'd love some Planet facesitting and headscissoring too.
Darn. Oh well, I do love tall chicks so she'll still have that going for her when I give it a watch. Also from the clips I've seen of her she has a great personality.
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Yeah, thankfully she still has that size difference factor for her character which I also love. Just wished she had at least more of a toned body but oh well.
The fact that she's 8 foot 8 is awesome, even taller than my favorite muscle girl Noi. If she had some muscle on her she'd be even more hot, but I guess you can't have everything sometimes I suppose.
She also gets paired with an 8 boy, ironically.
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I just adore this type of pairing.
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>I'd love some Planet facesitting and headscissoring too
I'm not sure on what the character's lore is, but I wish there was a drawing of her getting shrunk down to be 6'5" and then sexually dominating a boy she loves.
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My rage for this axing will never be subdued.
I feel ya anon, such a fucking shame a series with 2 of the greatest muscle girls got shitcanned.
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She can chance size at will.
Lore translated by author.
Fucking hell, I'm still fuming about it. Who was your girl, bro? Grimm or Debonair?
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I haven't gotten around to finishing the whole series yet, but my favorite girl has to be Debonair.
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Fair, I'm a Grimmbro but Debonair is just another delicious kind of muscular gal
God Debonair has such a great body, I'd love to just sleep on those hot buns of hers. You really can't go wrong with either of the girls, they each got their own thing going for them.
Precisely. Grimm wouldn't probably let you sleep on her but you could still make her spoon you in bed.
Hey I'd take spooning with her any day of the week! Maybe on some night I could spoon with Grimm and use Debonairs ass as a pillow!
*at the same time
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>Muscle Girl
>No Futa
>No AI
Where's the contradiction?
Just look twinky enough like Velou and I'm sure that both Grimm and Debonair's motherly insticts will kick in.
Man that would be heavenly, imagine being sandwiched between them in bed as they fight over who gets to do what that night. Fuck I really gotta find a beefy woman soon...
I wish you the best of luck in finding one anon! I'm sure one is bound to show herself sometime in our lives. Maybe if we ever encouter aliens they'll be like the Amazonians from Futurama and our dreams will come true that way instead.
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She's wife material for sure.
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The bigger the sub the better.
When a woman is submissive as a muscular giant its because she WANTS to be and that makes it so much hotter.
just wish he didn't do guro stuff, though...
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Part 1:

>you choose "ass"
>Desmos tells you to kneel down and point your face straight up
>you do as she says and you face your head straight up to the ceiling
>5 seconds later, your face is immediately met with Desmos' ass sitting on it
>your face is now engulfed by Desmos' enormous ass and you're feeling her weight pressing down on your head which causes you to put your hands on the ground to support her body and avoid getting crushed
>you get an erection in your pants from this which makes Desmos notice and yell "Ha! I knew you'd get hard from this! Why not introduce me to your little friend?!"
>she bends her upper body down to unzip your pants (while still keeping her large heavy ass on your face) and whips out your erect cock for you
>"Ha ha ha!! Not bad for a small worm like you!! Let's see how long you can last!!" Desmos yelled.
>the feeling of her asshole being pressed against your nose combined with the scent of her ass makes you extremely turned on, so you try to jerk off with one hand while the other is still on the ground trying to support Desmos' body
>"Come on boy, stroke harder!" Desmos yells as she gently nudges you dick a bit with her boot
>you do this for 1 minute until Desmos says "Ha! Pathetic! Let's see how your dick reacts with full weight!"
>she finally lifts both of her legs off the ground and you feel the weight of her large smooth muscular ass pressing harder on your head and face
>you do as best as you can to support her full weight, but you've reached your strength limit and your arms give out
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Part 2:

>this results in Desmos' huge smooth muscular rump crashing down on your face, pinning your head to the ground while your erect cock ejaculates like a geyser and your cum hits Desmos' tits and face
>Desmos tastes your semen, "Hmm not bad you little worm! I might have some use for you after all! I'll make you one of my permanent ass slaves!!"
>she laughs triumphantly as your dick is still twitching and leaking cum while your face is still being flattened by her ample posterior
>Desmos finally gets off from the ground, pulls your face out of her ass, and throws you in her dungeon
>grinning ear to ear while licking a bit of your semen off her face, she says "Next time I drag you out, you better give me an even better experience or else!! This is your life from now on, only servicing me and my ass!! So get used to that stench you reek of right now!! Ha ha ha ha ha!!!"
>she then storms off as you lay on the ground, with your psyche damaged, still thinking about Desmos beautiful large ass
I wish they would just give the boy a facesitting sandwich already.
You too!
He deserves it.
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>draws guro and ryona
Into the trash, is where krekkov belongs
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Unfortunately that image is not part of a set
Too bad. More bruised girl muscles for me.
Nice list - and not to get too greedy, but given how X *cough*Twitter*cough* has been going recently.
Does anyone have any artists to recommend on BlueSky?
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M. Skull/ratatatat74 does guro? I literally have never seen it happen. He only ever implies it happen in the one slave market doujin he made, and he has like, one single ryona picture out of thousands.
The most fetishistic things he draws are just NTR and BBC stuff.

Or did you mean Krekk0v?
yeah, meant Krek
Didn't expect a full-fledged story to go along with my pick! Thanks anon, your writing skills are very nice.
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Thanks! Coming up with dirty thoughts with muscle women is fun and sexy.
Your welcome, keep up the good work! Imaging all the things you could do with a muscular chicks is very fun indeed! Also, what is the source for that fucking adorable pic anon? Cute shit like that involving muscular girls is one of my favorite parts of this kink.
>Your welcome, keep up the good work! Imaging all the things you could do with a muscular chicks is very fun indeed!
I just need someone to either choose one of the other 3 parts mentioned in my original Desmos post or at least have someone request something to me and I'll be right on it. Pic related is something else I've done. (Sorry about the length, lol)

>Also, what is the source for that fucking adorable pic anon? Cute shit like that involving muscular girls is one of my favorite parts of this kink.
Sadly I don't remember. I saved it awhile ago from Twitter.
source or artist?
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what are your thoughts on titty pecs? yay or nay?
Need bigger nipples or else they look like man pecs, desu
That just looks like a man
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What part of a woman's body should be the largest?
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Kisuu. Use saucenao.
There's a very real chance this might be the same character.
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Holy fucking based, muscular girl x hung trap is one of my favourite pairings ever in hentai. And pic related is one of my favourite doujinshi.
Personally I like goblins dominating a female warrior but I understand if it's not everyone's cup of tea.
Tbh, I find race cuckery / NTR to be worse than guro lmao, especially since it seems to consume more artists than the latter.
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IBUO draw how most of shounen women would actually look like in a world where Japanese artists don't have to lie to themselves for liking mass on a big girl.
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Nel looks gorgeous with muscles.
>IBUO draw how most of shounen women would actually look like in a world where Japanese artists don't have to lie to themselves for liking mass on a big girl.
Never thought about his art like that, but now that you mention it your right. Guess thats another reason to love his work.
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Miruko is already buff enough but of course, I wouldn't mind seeing her drawn even bigger.

Nel on the other hand totally deserved to look like a muscular gal. Same with Harribel.
>Miruko is already buff enough but of course, I wouldn't mind seeing her drawn even bigger.
Regular Mirko is great, but holy shit the way IBUO beefs her up drives me crazy.
>Nel on the other hand totally deserved to look like a muscular gal. Same with Harribel.
I agree, best girl Nel especially deserves it but Harribel would too look great beefed up. Unohana and Yoruichi would also look damn fine with more muscles.
Hell yeah.

Yoruichi should definitely be more toned, especially around the hips and legs but I still love that fat ass of hers. Interesting that you would consider Unohana a muscular mommy, though, because she doesn't really strike me as one but I could just be ignorant about your idea.
>Yoruichi should definitely be more toned, especially around the hips and legs but I still love that fat ass of hers.
Oh yes, her gorgeous fat ass combined with some muscular legs and hips would be breathtaking, I hope IBUO draws her when the next cour of TYBW comes out.
>Interesting that you would consider Unohana a muscular mommy, though, because she doesn't really strike me as one but I could just be ignorant about your idea.
Considering she's one of the most powerful characters, I feel like giving her some big muscles to go along with those equally big tits of hers would be a great idea.
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>Oh yes, her gorgeous fat ass combined with some muscular legs and hips would be breathtaking, I hope IBUO draws her when the next cour of TYBW comes out.
Fuck yes, my nigger, IBUO would totally be the person for such a hard job. Probablt the only artist who manages to preserve such humongous curves on their muscular babes and make them look soft. And of course, her naked back muscles would totally look delish as well.

By the way, IBUO also drew Unohana in their style.
But as you can clearly see, they decided to focus more on her... Motherly aspects rather than them muscles.
>Fuck yes, my nigger, IBUO would totally be the person for such a hard job. Probablt the only artist who manages to preserve such humongous curves on their muscular babes and make them look soft. And of course, her naked back muscles would totally look delish as well.
She'd look fanfuckingtastic in his style. I really hope if he does draw her, it will be another one of his backside focused pics,the way he draws ass's and muscular backs is amazing. Also it would be a fitting piece of fanart considering a certain fanservice scene involving our favorite thunder kitty is coming up soon! And like you mentioned, the way he makes all his girls absolute beefcakes but still retains their softness is so fucking good.
>By the way, IBUO also drew Unohana in their style.
One of my favorites pics from him, he increased her motherly aspects to 11 in that one. I do hope IBUO considers making her muscular if he ever draws her again, she would be a fantastic muscle milf.
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>I really hope if he does draw her, it will be another one of his backside focused pics,the way he draws ass's and muscular backs is amazing.
It has to be, they have the chance to include her back muscles, fat butt and great thighs all in one piece if they choose that view. Also funny how many similarities there are between Yoruichi and Miruko.
>Also it would be a fitting piece of fanart considering a certain fanservice scene involving our favorite thunder kitty is coming up soon!
Mane, I really fucking hope SP and Kubo don't act like niggerfaggots and censor it. Because it can totally happen given the track record of the first two cours.
>It has to be, they have the chance to include her back muscles, fat butt and great thighs all in one piece if they choose that view. Also funny how many similarities there are between Yoruichi and Miruko.
Fuck yeah.That would be a 11/10 image if IBUO draws her like that, would encapsulate just about everything great about his art and the kitty cat. Mirko was totally inspired by Yoruichi for sure, and holy shit man, that pic of the bunnny you just posted is one of my favorite ever. I just love her facial expression, the back muscles, and that oh so sweet ass.
>Mane, I really fucking hope SP and Kubo don't act like niggerfaggots and censor it. Because it can totally happen given the track record of the first two cours.
I'll be so fucking pissed if they go full retard and censor it. Rukia and Orihimes fanservice scenes being removed was bad enough, but Yoruichi's being removed will be the worst. I don't fucking know why now of all times they decided to censor all the fanservice, they should at least include them on the blu ray if they are so scared of boomers and gen x getting mad about bums and tits on live TV.
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Yeah, Hori totally wore his inspiration for Miruko on the sleeves and that's totally fine for me since more manga need this type of female character archetype in them.
>Rukia and Orihimes fanservice scenes being removed was bad enough, but Yoruichi's being removed will be the worst. I don't fucking know why now of all times they decided to censor all the fanservice, they should at least include them on the blu ray if they are so scared of boomers and gen x getting mad about bums and tits on live TV.
According to production interviews, the censorship for some scenes came from Kubo himself who wanted the arc to have a more serious and mature tone thus he wanted to remove the fanservice and the comedic moments. Completely retarded reasoning since this is a shounen but whatever, it is Kubo's work after all.
However, the moment where Yoruichi puts her hand inbetween Orihime's massive breast window was 100% censored from the director of the episode: the animators drew the moment (one of them even posted the sketches after the episode aired) and even Kubo lamented the loss of this. Rangiku too lost some of her most iconic cleavage shots in both Cour 1 and 2!

It's just a mess, at this point we better just pray hard that Yoruchi's next five minutes of glory won't be on the chopping block next too...
>According to production interviews, the censorship for some scenes came from Kubo himself who wanted the arc to have a more serious and mature tone thus he wanted to remove the fanservice and the comedic moments. Completely retarded reasoning since this is a shounen but whatever, it is Kubo's work after all.
However, the moment where Yoruichi puts her hand inbetween Orihime's massive breast window was 100% censored from the director of the episode: the animators drew the moment (one of them even posted the sketches after the episode aired) and even Kubo lamented the loss of this. Rangiku too lost some of her most iconic cleavage shots in both Cour 1 and 2!
Fuck your right, I remember a friend of mine mentioning that Kubo greenlit the removal of some of the fanservice. I know its his work and he can do anything, but again, why now of all times to remove all your fanservice from your most hyped arc? It really makes no sense. Also, fuck that director that shitcanned the scene of Yoruichi's hand between Orihimes tits, stuff like that and the removal of Rangiku's cleavage should be considered a crime against humanity. Hopefully one day there's another release of the cour that includes the Orihime scene at least.
>It's just a mess, at this point we better just pray hard that Yoruchi's next five minutes of glory won't be on the chopping block next too...
God it will be a travesty if that scene gets removed man. Yoruichi deserves to have her scene animated for all the brown girl fans she has created throughout the years.
>Yoruichi deserves to have her scene animated for all the brown girl fans she has created throughout the years.
I'm 100% with you on that. There are a lot of scenes of Rangiku's cleavage or Orihime's boobs throughout Bleach but there's only one where a chapter title appears on a female ass so Yoruichi deserves to have that honor especially since she's kinda light in fanservice content compared to the other girls.

And also I really hope that once all the Cours are done, the animator who sketched the hand paizuri scene from Yoruichi will unofficially release it to the public on Twitter or pixiv.
>There are a lot of scenes of Rangiku's cleavage or Orihime's boobs throughout Bleach but there's only one where a chapter title appears on a female ass so Yoruichi deserves to have that honor especially since she's kinda light in fanservice content compared to the other girls.
Well said! She's been waiting years for that beautiful ass of hers to finally be animated and showed off to the world. Yoruichi has the best ass in the series, and there better not be any out of touch exectutive that ruins it for all.
>And also I really hope that once all the Cours are done, the animator who sketched the hand paizuri scene from Yoruichi will unofficially release it to the public on Twitter or pixiv.
That would be sick if the animator does that, perhaps then we could see it edited back into the episode where it properly belongs.
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>Yoruichi has the best ass in the series, and there better not be any out of touch exectutive that ruins it for all.
Yup, you might argue that Rukia's butt looks tastier or that Orihime's is fatter but Yoruichi definitely holds the title for Best Ass in Bleach.
>Yup, you might argue that Rukia's butt looks tastier or that Orihime's is fatter but Yoruichi definitely holds the title for Best Ass in Bleach.
Indeed, its a ass fitting for a thunder goddess. Perfect shape, color, and it looks like it would somehow be both well toned yet still soft. Its one of many reasons why Yoruichi is one of the best brown girls ever created.
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I want to feel up that ass so bad.
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We are two then.
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Great minds think alike.
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That usually happens when there's a common goal.
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Very true anon.
>I just need someone to either choose one of the other 3 parts mentioned in my original Desmos post or at least have someone request something to me and I'll be right on it. Pic related is something else I've done. (Sorry about the length, lol)
I guess if nobody picks any of the other 3 options you could always just write them out anyway, I'd especially love to see what about happen if you chose her thighs! Also are you the writeanon that shows up in gorilla girl threads on /a/?
>Sadly I don't remember. I saved it awhile ago from Twitter.
Found it! https://x.com/dokutorumasube/status/1790126279338914204?lang=ko
This guy has some pretty nice stuff.
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>I guess if nobody picks any of the other 3 options you could always just write them out anyway, I'd especially love to see what about happen if you chose her thighs!
Hmm, I'll think of something related to that.

>Also are you the writeanon that shows up in gorilla girl threads on /a/?
Why yes I am.
I'm of the same opinion. Race fetishism is always so fucking gay. It's a submissive homsexual's fetish because that's the demographic. Redditors with an inferiority complex love to pretend a man of another race is stealing their woman.
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Sexo view.
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>Hmm, I'll think of something related to that.
Can't wait to see what you come up with!
>Why yes I am.
I knew your writing style was familar! All the stories you made on that last gorilla thread were fantastic. Keep at it anon!
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>Can't wait to see what you come up with!
I hope you and other anons here like it when I do upload it.

>I knew your writing style was familar!
Damn, lol. What gave it away?

>All the stories you made on that last gorilla thread were fantastic. Keep at it anon!
Thanks! The gorilla threads are fun but the times they pop up are less frequent and less predictable. So I decided to share some stuff here since they're almost always here 24/7.
>I hope you and other anons here like it when I do upload it.
I certainly will! Really looking forward to it.
>Damn, lol. What gave it away?
I'd say the main thing was that every moment in your stories is VERY descriptive in all the right ways.
>Thanks! The gorilla threads are fun but the times they pop up are less frequent and less predictable. So I decided to share some stuff here since they're almost always here 24/7.
Yeah I get what you mean, gorilla threads seem to pop up at the most random times.
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These kinda look AI-ish, especially the female warrior from DQ. Provide artist name for both now.
More Miruko from that b0rukia.
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SauceNAO does return the first one.
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Here it is finally.

Part 1:

>You choose "thighs"
>Desmos tells you to turn around, face the mirror on the wall, and get down on all 4's
>you do as she says and she immediately stands over to where your head is and closes her huge thighs together on your head
>your face is now being pressed by her massive but smooth muscular thighs as she's constantly taunting you
>"Look in the mirror as I squeeze your pathetic little head!! What do you see!?"
>you look at the mirror as best as you could with one eye (since having two large structures of flesh squeezing your face means that it's hard to open your eyes) and see your own face getting pressed flat like an orange getting squeezed by a juicer
>you try to respond as best you could, but the force of Desmos' muscles prevents you from speaking clearly so all that comes out of your mouth is struggling muffling
>"Since your brain is too occupied being enveloped by my beautiful body, I'll tell you myself!! What you're looking at right now is a new slave being punished!!" she says as she panting and sweating from all of the effort she's putting into squeezing
>her sweat, strength, and smoothness is turning you on and so you decide to unzip your pants and jerk to your own situation cause why not?
>"You choose your fate and now you must suffer the consequences!!" Desmos yells as she puts a bit more effort into headscissoring you while you journey your way to your climax
>this jerking and squeezing continues for 5 minutes until you start to reach your orgasm
>you try to yell "I'm going to cum!" to her, but the sheer strength of her leathery tree trunks on your head and face prevents you from uttering anything that can be understood
>she says "Shut up!!! I'll stop whenever I feel like stopping and-"
>she gets interrupted when you finally start ejaculating and your cum gets on the back of her smooth shiny calves
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Part 2:
>she immediately let's go off your head, where your cheeks peel off her sticky thighs like tape getting peeled off a wall, and you fall face flat on the ground
>"You horny little insect! You should have told me that you were getting off to my magnificent body! Now you're letting your precious seed go to waste!" she yelled
>she then picks you up by one of your ankles and tries to suck off the remaining semen that's still on and in your dick, but it just wasn't enough for her
>noticing your cock getting hard again after she tried cleaning you off, Desmos says with a sinister expression "hard again already? Hmmm. I've got the perfect solution that could satisfy both of us."
>she takes you to her chamber and removes all of her clothes and armor
>as soon as she finishes, she instantly strips you down as well and throws you on her bed
>she then climbs on the bed to immediately go after your cock for another extreme fellatio session while also grabbing your head and shoving it against her crotch where she clamps it down hard with her massive thick thighs again, the extreme 69 has begun
>all you can see from your perspective is Desmos' strong thighs squeezing you, her ginormous glutes flexing and jiggling everytime she crushes you, and a mirror showing a weak boy with no backbone or anyway to fight back getting his head crushed by the thighs of a strong warrior woman who's leagues above him in power, rank, and confidence
>"Ha ha ha ha ha! You like this shit don't you?!", Desmos yells with your cock still in her mouth while she's grabbing your asscheeks with her strong hands, "Then take this!"
>she sticks her middle finger into your ass and reaches for your prostate where she massages it hard and quick
>you feel an even bigger sensation and your dick becomes even more hard while you begin moaning, or at least a sound that sound close to moaning since your face is still getting squished vigorously by Desmos' heavy hams
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Part 3:

>this continues on for 7 minutes until you're about to reach your strong climax and you try yelling to Desmos as best as you can that you're about to cum
>Desmos responds "Ha!! Sounds like you're about to reach your limit! Same for me! Now I'm going to finish you off!!"
>Desmos raises her thigh that's lying on top of you in the air
>after a few seconds of you being able to breathe but before 5 seconds of you reaching your killer orgasm, she slams the thigh down on your head again and squeezes as hard as she can
>you feel your head going into extreme pleasure and pain from the strength of Desmos' thighs as you final ejaculate all over Desmos' face and inside her mouth while Desmos herself squirts her pussy juice all over your flattened face
>finally after 2 minutes of heaven, Desmos finally lets go of your (possibly) crushed head and pushes your panting face away from her pussy with her barefoot
>an out-of-breath Desmos says "haa....haa...that was good, slave. I'll have to add you to the collection."
>she drags you by one of your ankles to the dungeon and throws you in one of the cells
>"haaa...now I have an eager thigh slave added to my harem of male sex slaves...." she pants.
>"Next time I need you....hah...get your head ready because I won't hesitate to crush it into paste!!" she yells as she licks a glob of your semen from her left cheek and leaves
>you just lie there feeling as if you've hadn't had enough of Desmos hot body as your head still feels like there's a lot of pressure on it with the possibility that it might have been a bit mishapened thanks to Desmos' terrific thighs
Magnificently hot. Thank you anon.
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Thought the second one was AI but it's real.
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Female Knight sex
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Female knights like these use their breasts, pussies, ass, and thighs to sexually dominate men with after they defeat them in combat.
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her heart
Heart is a muscle after all.
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cardiomelagy ain't fun, anon
The correct opinion
Anyone has that pure sex lady in that open back black dress with gold chains that some people made into a trend for some reason?
She was at a rich party and drinking from a tiny wine glass.
Artist looks familiar, but I can't find it somehow.
Not sure if you're referring to this one pic?
You're probably talking about the Modakawa Backless Chain Dress trend, you can search it like that. Pic related.

Originals posts about it, as fas as I'm aware:
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If only MHA's author wasn't such a fag.
Wow, it's an actual dress? Nice!
This dress, but not this pic, she was at gala. There was also a silhouettish sketchy redhead lady in a background to bottom left.
Also thank you anyway.
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>guy's head in between huge tits
We need more of this but with muscular women.
Huh, surprisingly true. There's barely any content like this, on a quick glance around some boorus.
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Based artist.
that neck seems a little long
Wish he'd do less gangbang stuff and just pick one dude to menace the heroine.
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the hell is this, scat?
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Hey, does anyone remember a series of black ond white pictures about a girl stuffing her belly / bulking and then growing her muscles, then stuffing / bulking again and growing her muscles again? Could someone post and tell me who's the author?
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https://files catbox.moe/ mnvned.mp4
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I love abs as much as the next guy but sometimes soft, pudgy bellies are great
there's nothing quite like it
Strongfat chicks are so fucking good.
next thread should have a focus on strongfat girls, we really need more of them
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>I love abs as much as the next guy but sometimes soft, pudgy bellies are great
power tummy
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>AI and western trash dump
and the mods won't do anything about it
not trying to defend this nigger because he's an asshole for practically killing the thread, but western drawings have been posted ITT before he did his dump
New thread: >>11129548
No AI allowed.

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