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>>2897552 (Cross-thread) hit the image limit
>>2898355 is a fake

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what you can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

> FAQ (check here first)
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> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
LoRa training: https://rentry.org/lora_train | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://civitai.com/articles?tags=128645
Git-wiki of the technical Stable Diffusion papers: https://codeberg.org/tekakutli/neuralnomicon
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-AnimDiff

> LoRA downloads
https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews

> Thread highlights archive (deprecated)

> OP template

> /edg/ logo
OP: https://files.catbox.moe/uc2ntj.png (embed) | Anchor: https://files.catbox.moe/bx1lo2.png (embed) (more color schemes in the FAQ Rentry)

> Related generals
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Request Anchor
Theme suggestion: Day at the pool
Cute censorship. That's what you do when you want to upload to pixiv but don't want stupid mosaic or bars, kek.
I didn't prompt it tho, do you know what tags could I use? foam censor is the only thing I can come up with
try convenient_censoring
I mean e621 has "creative censorship" tag, it's probably not an effective tag though. I could swear anime boorus had something similar but can't find anything.
Anyway, your best bet is to just prompt for foam, add some white stuff in image editor/sketch inpaint tab and inpaint like that.
Right, that's the one I tried to remember. Really doubt the model is ever gonna guess what you want though.
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The wide shot is very nice and the big ass is the cherry on top
Maybe try natural language, or something like (convenient censoring:foam)
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I was trying to get something more liminal like the pool rooms, but I don't think that's possible without some special lora.
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I swear it's just a big pool
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prompt is literally just
>score_8_up, score_7_up, source_anime, solo, 1girl,
>really hot girl with big tits standing in the shallow pool end with wet skin and a big ass, looking at viewer like she wants him to fuck her
AI has gotten frighteningly good
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dunno, seem to work pretty well. just add shit like towels and stuff to negative
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>score tags
are those actually necessary? I stopped using them I couldn't see any drop in quality, also having that natural language work every time would be amazing
>(convenient censoring:foam)
this looks like it gets foam into her body more consistent
Yeah, she's going to drown. Might want to save her

>Those loras?!
Glad to know some anons like those loras
yeah well I stole them from you mate
No way I thought
>>2898411 was you!
Okay enough for this blondie, will cook something good next
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Requesting topless jeans pinups of Mizuki Nakahara (LycoReco).
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So far I've only stopped using them in the negatives. Maybe I'm superstitious, but I still feel like they subtly influence the style a little bit. But I might be completely wrong about it.

>also having that natural language work every time would be amazing
Yeah, still a roll of the dice every time of course. Well, and let's not start talking about hands.
That office (lady) looks really good! box please?
How's your workflow? That face needs a pass with ADetailer
Honestly, this was a nemuwaifu gen with upscaling.
I don't have fancy rig to gen HD stuff like other anons :(
I think the >looking at viewer like she wants him to fuck her part in here is more than a "want" they want to straight up start doggystilying lmao
File deleted.
I don't mind. It's AI, if I got butthurt about that then I shouldn't even use the tool in the first place. Was just surprised you used (mostly) the same girl too

That's what I'm saying lol. Also, this blond girl was cute
Requesting ninja or samurai girls in erotic trouble situations.
(The ronin kind of samurai girl, no the armored kind of samurai)
>better pic related
What are the tags for that kind of hair? like low twintails or something like that?
Thank you anon!
low tied hair should be applied to that if you were in danbooru. Technically, it would be low twintails, low tied hair
For some odd reason, my loras like to butcher low tied long hair and it makes it twintails. But I like the look, so I'm usually happy with either result. You can try low tied twintails to see if it gives you the same
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Do those who serve the crown get a reward?
serving the crown IS the reward
Really nice tips, thank you!
Such kissable lips though (both pairs)
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Anytime anon

I can certainly do that.
I'm not a fan of the twin ponytail look, but I'll say this particular model renders the hair nicely enough.
is this ninja enough?
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That's fuckin cool anon. Just a de-censoring lora and flux prompting?
What the heck is going on with Flux. It can do nude anime now?
Loved the style anon, catbox please? Looking for the loras you used
>Truly flux is a NAI klller
But I need a 4090 first
What style are you using? Really like the eyes
Oh yeah this one is good
The best part about mixing loras together is the ability to see old gens again

USA and namespace

AsanagiP +JK-BlushySpicy-YD-CSR-Redrop-FINAL
>USA and namespace
NTA but thank you for this mix I forgot to do it last time, it gens sooo good.
>AsanagiP +JK-BlushySpicy-YD-CSR-Redrop-FINAL
Box? have to try all of that
There are many ways to serve the crown.

I found the Asanagi one somewhere on Civitai. the JK mix (aka the slop mix) can be found in the lora repository. I just don't like pure Asanagi so i needed something to water it down
Your boxes don't have metadata it seems, btw
>I just don't like pure Asanagi
sam really, I will "water it down" too

>regal elves wearing pasties in those same palatial settings

So I didn't forget about you, but as of yet I only whipped up something quick and keeping with the anchor. But I didn't forget! Mostly I wanted to see how the arm positioning would work without a Controlnet or other reference. Enjoy.
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It can, there are two ways:
1. Style lora that is trained on desired style + nudity.
2. Style lora + real-life nsfw lora

First option is much more consistent, but the second one can be applied to any style lora. In previous post I used the second option, in the attached image - the first one.

Style lora + uncensoring lora + a bit of inpainting to make bra and t-shirt a bit more consistent.
Amazing Ass shot. Your elves never fail to impress

Ah, I love when that happens. See this instead:
I meant the txt files.
16ch vae really makes a big difference. Can't imagine this amount of detail for 1024x1024 gen with any other model.
Thanks, not the anon who requested them but I love your elf and the style
I was convinced people were tired of seeing it, but glad to know other anons like it enough to want to use it.

If I have other mixes you like, just ask
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Glad you like it. I'll return to that concept this evening probably when I'm back at my desk. Was working on my mundane sexy elves in the intervening time.
Love me some lewd armours.
Thanks for the textbox, can you upload the Asanagi lora? The guy that uploaded it got his account nuked
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I forgor how easy and nice of a hack controlnet is, I use it way too much back on the 1.5 days but never used with modern models until today
By the way if you want to make it easier you can send your picture to i2i, interrogate deepbooru, clean the prompt and copy it to your controlnet gen to get a baseline to start with
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please come heal /hdg/ too senpai
Ohh nice tip, I may try it later
thanks! gonna try out
Wow! I would like to see her in a standing position.
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Can I get a front view as well?
Really nice, the art style is so distinctive and pretty

Fuck I really need to try some flux loras. Would you mind catboxing any of these gens?
Here you go anon: https://files.catbox.moe/8hv259.safetensors
I didn't use SD to generate the image, so I don't think you'd get any metadata if I uploaded it to catbox.
what did you use?
> Fuck I really need to try some flux loras. Would you mind catboxing any of these gens?

It's a bit harder than it sounds, because I'm using forked and heavily modified krita-ai-diffusion as a frontend to comfy and it doesn't save metadata at all. I'll try to make it save metadata somewhere, but it would take a bit of time.

In terms of workflow something close for comfy would be like that: Load desired uncensor lora and style lora (there are a lot of them on civit), then ModelSamplingFlux with max shift about 2-3, then use AdaptiveGuider with cfg 2.0 and euler/beta as sampler and scheduler. With flux you can also generate with higher resolutions out of the box, it handles them well.
Appreciated, thanks
>Can I get a front view as well?
So demanding!
I tried some but the quality just wasn't up to par.
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Nice setting.
Is the other anon that offered to do the highlighgts out? Can do them if so.but kinda wanted to see his takes on a "fresh" thread and to spread the XP around.
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Everyone say hi to spammer / satellite and laugh that we're not using his thread

I'm a completely different anon than the other baker anons, but anyone is free to do highlights.
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>I'm a completely different anon than the other baker anons
Good. The more the merrier. Tho still wondering where did >>2896956 go.
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Midjourney. I've been trying out their nee personalized style feature.
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You know, as flower field/beach background enjoyer myself I must say that some of those aren't that bad and could perfectly fit on the thread but you decided to go the worst autistic route possible, sad
what's an erotic trouble situation?
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That's fine anon, let him be here. He has to sit with the fact that he's in our thread and and no one here is bending the knee going in his thread like he thought we would.

Look at how desperately he's filling all the image slots now that no one is going to his thread.

We'll just make another when this is full
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Oh I see, you're doing the real deal expert stuff. I always thought integrating with digital art programs was the way to go, really interesting to see it works so well.

Thanks for the info. I'm a ForgeUI pleb who's only almost figured out decent inpainting, but it's a good place to start from all the same.
Oh, this is really nice. You have any more like this in this style?
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It's such a waste of the meager talent it has. Some of the full nude/no hands on display may have even been acceptable a few threads back.
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"low_tied_hair" will sometimes generate low-tied twintails, especially if a referenced character or artist often draws them. I got them randomly when using "Danganronpa, Precure" as my style reference tags, but i don't know of any specific characters in either franchise who have that hairstyle. I think "naruto/(series/)" helped as well for this, specifically.
You need "long hair" added, and "twintails" might help when done at a lower degree like "(twintails:0.6)".
This describes a few factors are at play that you can experiment with, hopefully.

The thinner strands of hair framing the face are "sidelocks" but this is an inconsistent keyword in Pony models, which i generally use.
AutismMix responds very well to Sidelocks, but not to "tied hair" or "low tied hair", so I can't bet money on autism making the low-tied hairstyle... oh, I guess there might be a dash in there in some models...
Thanks. I don't really have more, no, except what's in this thread.
Anon, I really like the style here. What artist(s) are you using?
Dumb idea that I just had. Can I take two image ideas and just merge them together?
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>regal elves...pasties...palace....?

Back at my desk, I had da humorous thought about what circumstances would put Blonde Elf Knight-kun in pasties in the first place, and the thought of a prank by her household staff while she slept got me laughing more than it should.

>"What even are these things? Fine, which one of you is the prankster?"


Wanted to call this one out, great implementation of "resting boobs on a high surface." Very nice.
requesting small boobs resting on a surface.
points scored for making them actually look a little squished upwards

Well, I failed. Challenged myself not to use a ControlNet again, unfortunately without more mass up there, there's not much to press against an opposing surface. Unsurprisingly, I had a little more success with large boobs.

>Stretching the definition of small.
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Previous Thread Highlights
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Based highlights anon, please never stop. You are the soul of these threads.
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Can you do this with a vaporwave aesthetic? And 2B, if that is her, is a good choice.
I always enjoy your stuff, elf-non. And patience only makes the big areola pasty elves all the sweeter. As for those palace settings, I've always wanted some kind of dreamscape Greco-Roman palace with ethereal atmosphere and kind of heavenly glows.
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Some of these are scary good. So long as there's no anatomical issues, they could easily be posters.
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Not sure what is it, but I feel like she should have a sharper face.
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Please color pic related. Character is Vocaloid IA.
So yeah I'm pretty sure spammer does it because of highlights (immediately resumes spam after your post). If that ends with you stopping doing this fucking garbage, it'd be a win, actually.
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nice thanks, surprised you can use curvaceous etc in the prompt. saw people say censoring is the same/worse as bing, is that true?
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Dumb bitch forgot to undress before showering.
Flux is the latest advancement in SD technology and you showcase it using CP... moderators??
and before anyone cries "flat chested" or "shaved", look at the body proportions. she is five-and-a-half heads tall. that's a 6 year old ffs.
and don't tell me that it's a non-sexual tasteful nude either, it was posted in a fucking ecchi thread.
can we please get a mod in here to remove Satellite's spam and the CP? fuck this thread dude
Missed out on the vaporwave from last thread.
> she is five-and-a-half heads tall.

Most of the thread is five-and-a-half - six heads tall, it's hard to judge an age of anime characters by that particular metric, it's too style-dependent.
Kek, I fucking love this post. I hope it's not ironic too. The state of 4chan in 2024.
>I hope it's not ironic too
it is
it's still funny though
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I agree, CP shit should be taken care
of but I don't understand what's wrong with Satellite posts, I like them.
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captured by the enemy, wardrobe malfunction, uninentional exposura, that sort of thing.

Disgaea ninja always been cute
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because it's spam. if they dont fill in 1/3 of the img slots within 24 hours every thread, literally no one would care.
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Well, it's also shit quality, but people are upload shit images in moderation, yes.
Another version: https://files.catbox.moe/qfztio.png
With Novel AI's director tools
It preserved the original line work better than the other anon's colorization
tell me you're a pedo without telling me you're a pedo
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nice. i'm a sucker for green eyes and cute smile
Honestly, 10 years ago I would have thought that was territory, but currently I see tits like those and cant see it as a loli.

To consider it a loli nowdays the chest has to be almost on the negative plus several other factors.

Not saying the line moved, I'm saying I moved, what 15 years ago looked pedo fanart I would close it the browser scared, nowdays I wouldn't even pay attention.

The same way back in the day I only looked for vanilla doujinshis with the main characters of a series having vanilla lovely sex and tentacle hentai disgusted me.

Now I do not scroll a doujin if doesn't contain a mimimum amount of rape or rough sex at least.

What I mean, times changes, people change, but its usually towards worse.
As a 4chan oldfag I agree. Seeing pictures like this posted is EXTREMELY problematic and unsettling. People are awful.
You folks are not discussing the important part: what the fuck is up with the tiny arms?
Who cares? It's a fucking CHILD
Not really, it's at most an AI generated cartoon representation of a child, with no added context to it.

The tiny arms, though, are pretty concrete.
Did the pedo schizos from /hdg/ migrate here when their bait stopped working or what?
idk, I don't think we had an uptick in pedo posts (then again, satellite had been shitting up the last few threads...), we sure did have an uptick in "I'm offended by this pedo shit" - posters. You guys should report pedo shit, the jannies actually do ban it.
Redditor energy
Fuck off, pedo.
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/16anvc.png
Yeah? What the fuck is this then?
replies so organic i'll use them as fertilizer.
Report all of these, please. Remember to take a screenshot. Come back here and post the screenshots to encourage other fine anons to follow in your footsteps, we can get this board clean!
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>Interacting with a schizo
Not even once.
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>schizo is a pedo
>buck broken by highlight poster
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Don't spam
so the spammer is >>2898556 confirmed?
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Imagine doing this on the board with prisma Illya thread a few pages below
It's pretty hard to gnerate anything nsfw there, but there are a few workarounds. 'Curvaceous" is one of the prompts that miraculously hasn't been censored.
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pretty nice, anon. Thanks for sharing.
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I gave it a shot. Not exactly what you were asking for, but I hope that's alright. The girl wasn't supposed to be 2B, the "white" I was prompting for just bled into her hair color, but for this one I prompted for her.
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Posted fugly face version.
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what are you using for style here, anon? I'm jealous of your gens and would like to them myself.
Just this one https://civitai.com/models/546925/aosora5088-style-lora-for-ponyxl?modelVersionId=608303
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Don't spam
Lucky you, anon, that I am not a spoiled child like the spammer. I could have gotten butthurt about this and made it my mission to spam a blonde girl with a breastless summer dress in all threads.

I'm sorry, I won't spam again.
As long as you understand
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fyi you're replying to the spammer himself or to one of his shitposting friends
I'd like the kase daiki spam to continue please. Just not with pussies visible, it's obvious it's just not meant to be with Olympus...
Neurons activated
Don't spam
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God I love casual nudity, or close enough to it.
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Requesting Isane naked with Ariel from the Little Mermaid
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I consider it functionality, I mean, no one wants her tits pressed by plate armor, right?
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Thanks. It's been good practicing with the new model, but also infuriating. It spazzes out and produces corrupted or just completely unrecognizable paint splatter messes at barely any weight shift, especially at ratios it doesn't seem to like (1:2 for example).
>Elf Short Tank. Sort of.
considering the lack of armor I guess its an evade tank
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When it does work, the results are good. Just rather inflexible.

The new model does not do armor well, but I've got plenty of her otherwise.
Love the stern nude elves
10 to 1, this is satellite acting up.
apparently this counts as Loli according to "not" satellite. spoiler, it's not:
Satellite just flew over my house
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Nice. I particularly like the addition of sleeves under the gauntlets and the loincloth.
Whoever says this is /d/ is a faggot
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Once again I apologize for posting a defectful version.
Girl is a fattie, jackass.
Oh. Yeah, this is /d/.
I was expecting her tits to be smaller.
well, I just have (huge breasts) on my prompt so
Can you make them a little more smaller like around C-cup?
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You could really go scorched earth and start pointing out the ages of characters of your favorite RPG or fighting game of choice. Arguing about the 13-year-old redhead vs the buxom 17-year-old brunette cover girl being allowed only leads to pain. (Bonus points if you know Japanese law states people are minors until age 20)
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My big titty kunoichi is like 9 heads tall, you just can't see her feet! Not loli proportions!
Bro is obviously a troll, don't pay him attention
Yeah, Disgeae and other half-chibi styles are weird like that. Even their adults look like children in absolute terms, when not taken relative to their younger ones.
'preciate the fighting game girls
It's just creepy
Nice one. I might have to shift from taimanin suits to disgeea style.

...or maybe both
she's almost doing the Kars pose
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Don't forget this one.
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Any OL enjoyers
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Made for BWC (big winning competition).
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love her
Thanks. Its always nice to see the different takes.
File deleted.
I just learned that I-No has iridescent eyes...
Holy booba, box?
quick edit to add her beauty mark
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Thank you! here's the box
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(huge boobs:1.3),blonde hair, short hair,pointy hair,narrow waist,thick thigs,highleg,side braid,blue eyes,
nta but thanks
she looked great with a giant dick too
Go to /d/ lol
so this is the power of local <--- coping
NAI vs local fag is still around? Does it hurt, being too socially awkward even for 4chan?
what's the NAI vs local fag lore?

schizo posts trying (and failing, lol) to incite a war between local vs NAI folks. low effort inflamatory posts trying to play both sides, etc. Haven't seen him in a while, I assumed he was rethinking his life choices, but hey, looks like that's not the case.
It sounded like he was calling my pic a local gen, but it's very obviously from NAI, so I'm just confused.
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ngl with that kind of schizo post I thought I was on /hdg/ for a moment and got confused
I think the /hdg/ shitposters have been around /edg/ more, lately. Probably because /hdg/ is shit, but also it's our turn now, I guess.
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This one's probably pushing it for the board, previous one is good though
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Oh yeah I forgot sorry, here have this
Thanks anon! I love collecting loras. You never know what you can mix them together with
How did my delf or the cute ninja girl get on this list?
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Ah, was out and about. Just skimming the thread

This is a very good view. Very nice anon
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Thank you!
last one
If I wasn't too busy trying to figure out regional prompting, I would join you. I'm a fan of your gens anon

I have an old Ringo lora lying around somewhere
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god darn model made the leg too small
But accurate: https://files.catbox.moe/495t9n.png
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i forgot how lanky she is
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Oh god the fucked up hands...

Booba indeed. https://files.catbox.moe/h93e06.png


Hey, that's only...about forty percent of the way there.
Mmm such delish elves.
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Requesting pale skinned, black haired titty monsters.
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I hope you have done your civic duty and reported all those images to the mods, at least, otherwise you are complicit.
No, that's a terrible haircut.
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Alright, I'm done spamming.
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really nice style and expression

very cute, catbox?

now do genestealers (and gimme box for this cool warhammer style)
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the design is always great ankn
How did you get a closeup like that?
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very nice
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Here's the latest batch of modern goddesses. This time we're featuring bedroom settings.

For my next set, I'm thinking of placing each goddess in more humorous scenarios that reflect something that happened in their respective myths yet still retaining an /e/cchi element to them. Any suggestions?

Also, I'm considering doing a set featuring the five mother goddesses (Frigg, Brigid, Isis, Ixchel, and Amaterasu) while pregnant, but I also want to include the remaining four goddesses in some capacityl. Do I make those four pregnant as well, or should I include them under a similar theme, and what common theme might that be? If I do generate it, should I post it here, or is pregnancy not proper /e/ material?
I like this idea
last one of bunch no spam
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I like the style. Isn't this the guy who does the 90's style in modern time?

also I guess supernatural girls to close out the thread if you want
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good thing you said it wasnt a spam or the very serious jannies would have to ban you
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I'm in.
IDK, maybe the janny ran out of sleeping pills and actually banned satellite. Haven't seen him here in a bit.
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These are all great anons, thank you for contributing, please send moar.
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Reminder that today is Friday the 13th
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Requesting Nabiki Tendo posing naked over a bunch of coins or dollars
Thanks anon

I really like your mix anon. What artist do you use for this? Looks very clean
>forgot pic
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Here's a new one with box so you can see what I use for style.
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Jesus, I'm retarded.
Thanks anon. This is a very nice choice of artist. I'm going to have to take a look through my likes because I didn't think mixing those two would work so well for you
With time, you kind of get a good feel for things that could work, but even then it's always a surprise, how it turns out.
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Requesting topless edit.
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what about a topless gen? I'm not good at inpainting, if it has to be THAT particular gen may be some other anon can inpaint a topless
Nice! Who is that girl anyway?
Garnet MacLaine from Dragonaut, its one of those rare cases of series no one remembers and barely anyone saw but that someway got lots of fanarts
Oh, thanks!
I don't think pregnancy is strictly banned here. We've already got an entire thread dedicated to it after all. >>2870885
It's really up to you to decide what you want to do with these characters. I've enjoyed what you've been posting so far, and I'll probably enjoy whatever else you choose to post.
Part of the charm
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>Weatherby found that those men who stared at voluptuous breasts of women for at least a minimum of ten minutes per day had lower blood pressures, slower pulse rates (indicating greater fitness) and less heart disease than the control group who were not allowed to engage in this ogling.
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Wow, Garnet. Love seeing her pop up, and she needs it!!! I'd love more.
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nice gen
Don't spam.
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This is actually really hot. Good gen idea
>now do genestealers (and gimme box for this cool warhammer style)
Its mostly loraless stuff, just prompt, mixed with some random lora characters because without them they look more on the /aco/ side


Cute girls btw, kek and the guy in the back
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two* threads dedicated to it
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check the box
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oh yeah? thank you!
the single breast out is really doing it for me, good job
Thank you for the food
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Might bake a new thread if the usual baker anons aren't around
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/bxqys4.png
Post: 50%
Highlights: 90%
I use Eluer A for my sampling method, because I found it works, but are there other ones that work, or any better ones?
Go for it anon

I like to use DPM++ 2M SDE SGMUniform
You're really better off just doing an xy plot with all the samplers and seeing if there's one in particular you like. I personally just use normal euler
an XY plot? How do I do that and what am i looking for
New Thread:


Scroll to the bottom for x/y/z plot and select the samplers you want to test

Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/e4wezw.png
can you share a box?

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