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File: SpookySumka_-edg-.jpg (485 KB, 1279x1836)
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>>2908170 hit the image limit

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what you can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

> FAQ (check here first)
https://rentry.org/edg-faq#general | https://rentry.org/edg-faq#technical

> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
LoRa training: https://rentry.org/lora_train | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://civitai.com/articles?tags=128645
Git-wiki of the technical Stable Diffusion papers: https://codeberg.org/tekakutli/neuralnomicon
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-AnimDiff

> LoRA downloads
https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews

> OP template

> /edg/ logo
OP: https://files.catbox.moe/uc2ntj.png | Anchor: https://files.catbox.moe/bx1lo2.png (more color schemes in the FAQ Rentry)

> Related generals
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Request Anchor
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Previous Thread Highlights
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I'm surprised >>2908223 didn't make it. Apart from that, thanks for the highlights, anon.
>the month old troll thread is still being bumped with preggo, 3dpd and loli
May as well just rename this board to trash-light.
>bumped with preggo, 3dpd and loli
That sounds a bit too close to the way the /u/ thread used to be under it's "previous" administration.
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hey, i'm new to this stuff, any tips on upscaling? i'm still experimenting with different methods but right now im doing Illustrious gen -> kohya highres fix to x1.5 with anytest cn -> adetailer + inpaint
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>2 pics got in
cant stop winning

it was just a lucky gen though. tags are a mess and results arent consistent at all
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ITs just me or Illustrious struggles with 1200x1200 images?
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Previous Thread Awards
also surprised this one didn't make it: >>2909241
I guess you could say she's too clothed and it doesn't fit the ecchi theme... although there is a pantyhose thread on /e/
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Can the thread theme this time be Girls Masturbating?
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no toys allowed!
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Pretty sure humping a pillow is fine. Same with desks.
Nice, got two awards. Cool.
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sure, why not
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>3 highlights and an award
Too bad most of my stuff is /h/
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Requesting Mizuki Nakahara (LycoReco) in a sexy topless lingerie.
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cute and funny award when?
I agree but to make it more interesting and actually fun it needs to be good and subtle enough to be posted directly and not through catbox
The only thing wrong with it is how the jannies might consider it lolt. The actual concept is fine
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I can respect an obsessed man on a mission
Ooh, I would like to see her whole body please.
which two?
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>>2909326 Hey, another of my Pinks made it for the third time. Thanks for your appreciation!
Wow, nice! You think you can give her an additional bottom lingerie please?
Best boobs (pink haired bouncing boobs) and best upskirt.
>Can the thread theme this time be Girls Masturbating?
Sure why not.
And another one because why not.
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which award?
I used Seaart, so I don't think the prompt is on the file.

Clean Lines
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> girls masturbating
That's a good theme.
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>Clean Lines
Oh man, congrats. That's not something easy to achieve.

Also, I was trying to give some Halloween costumes to Pink and when I put her in a Felicia cosplay suit I basically got a straight version of Player 2 Felicia.
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Sexy! I love it! Thank you!
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Sometimes RNGesus blesses you and you don't have to fix much.
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A copycat post, a nod to the original
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What is this? Illustrious with an Akihiko Yoshida style prompt?
Even better. Illustrious (well, a small finetune) with the combo "katsuhira masakazu, dino \(dinoartforame\)". Try it out.
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jesus christ how horrifying
oh shit, wrong thread. Sorry anon, I hope you can sleep tonight.
>Image Generation Status Alert
>We'll be right back
Well maybe I shouldn't be genning waifus at work anyway
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The spammer is back.
inverted nipple play is godlike
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Requesting more women wearing undersized clothes.
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I'll never get the appeal of inverted nipples. The erectness of the nipples is the best part of the breast. Like the cherry on top of a sundae.
>I'll never get the appeal of inverted nipples.
I hope you never have to see one in real life. Blargh.
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extremely homosexual opinion
The more you talk, the more we can see you have never been with a real woman and your head is just full of bullshit fantasies.
Just go outside for once. The real deal is very different.
>real women
irrelevant. why are you bringing up 3dpd on /e/ of all places?
Just because you have zero skills with real women doesn't mean everyone else in here is like you.
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nobody fucking cares Casanova, that doesnt answer the question
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Is this /d/ or /e/ material? My tastes are somewhere in the middle and I'm never sure where to go.
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Guess til someone says they don't like it dunno.
the only inverted nipples I have ever seen IRL were only inverted while in a non aroused state.
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watch out!! there a very spooky ghost on the loose
Anyone know what tag(s) to put to get this style underwear without using "blacked underwear"? I'm trying to get this style of underwear but without the text on it.

"Sports underwear" occasionally works, but only sometimes if the RNG is feeling generous that roll.

I know the answer is probably to find a lora, but I'm on a diet.
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Haven't tried it myself, but have you tried just adding "waistband" to the basic underwear tag list?
have you tried "sports panties"? It usually works, albeit not always
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My ex used to have nipples like that, best of both worlds. Shame about the ex part though...
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Same here. Not my cup of tea.
But then again, there are so many fetishes and preferences I don't share... there are worse offenders out there.
What's your craziest fetish Hades anon?
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>"blacked underwear"?
lmao, the right tag is just "sports bra" and for the panties just "highleg panties" or "sports thong", that's it, if you want the bra or panties to be of a specific color just add the respective color tag before
It's something that you can do on pony as well
Can I get a goddess creating worlds?
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the "charm" of it is putting the tongue in there and pop them out erect,
Already done back on prime NAI days, I could remade it on illust tho
Aha, combining those two seems to work.

Maybe it's just bad luck, but "sports bra" never gives me the band around the bottom until I tried adding "waistband" as suggested by the above post.

And both those panties ones just give normal thongs, not the sports panties with the elastic.
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>create something
>instant regret
>think you could have done better
Its almost like AI!
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Yeah, I was probably the one who requested that then too. Thanks for the effort!
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One more in catbox to not saturate
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Consensual intercourse in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation while holding hands. Also who's Hades?

Well I can imagine the options, but I just happen to be a huge fan of the aesthetics.
this looks so good it could be some png extracted from official promos
Nevermind, I mistook your style for someone else's. Sorry chief
Truly that's the gentleman's fetish, when everything these days is about cucked blacked stuff, futa cocks and insect egg oviposition
Sometimes the best things in life are simple
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I love them all but this is the best!
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a unique opportunity presents itself, anon.
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No thanks.
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make way for the real wife of working, old hag
This is the highest praise I look for. Thanks
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Tamamo dressing as megumin?
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request nude filter of pic related. if you can take off the hat it would be the best.
original version here if it helps
another take for nude filter but in a lower res pic
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Can this AI stuff be used to upscale an existing image? I got this off Cura's official Fantia page but the upscale is no longer available for sale, so this smaller image is all I can get.
In exchange one I COULD buy, and did.

oh. It won't fit. Catbox
Bwo your search reps?
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I will never use that site, now later or ever forever.
>getting filtered by panda
It is the porn equivalent of Gaia online and it saddens me that 4chan has embraced it as they have.

Would you be willing to catbox it for me?
>It is the porn equivalent of Gaia online
the fuck kind of terminal schizophrenic autism even leads to this statement?
it's a fucking thinbook repo. One that a lot of people have had an account for for 15+ years. You don't need to interact with it or do anything beyond having an account and knowing how to modify cookies to get in.
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>I will never use that site, now later or ever forever.
that's on you then, I already did enough for you and your lazy ignorant ass
The only reason people use that site is muh seekrit club, so they can snicker at 'newfags' like 12 year olds. You lose all my respect.
>You lose all my respect.
And what makes you think that "your respect" holds any value for anyone in here?
You are not special, not even in a wrong way.
no, I use it because they don't prune loli. I'm also not sure if there's much of anywhere else that people actually upload RAW's to(though I've also never had to actually look for anywhere else).
thanks for confirming you're just a bitter retard who can't get past a simple filter, though.
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This is why I don't feel compelled to share shit I bought with you people. Such assholes.
>Man asks for thing
>Other man provides him thing
>proceeds to have tinfoil meltdown about his internet honor
Brother you good? I swear /e/ just has the weirdest draw of people of all the AI threads I frequent.
oh wait
not that I cared anyway since it's generic as fuck looking VN CG shit.
>He is so worthless that he needs to buy respect from others
That's the kind of stuff that elementary school kids do.
It's always the autists, bro.
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She outgrew her swimsuit, only found out now.
That's a nice theme to use.
Impeccable taste
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Took me a few tries to get this right.
Thanks to >>2909555 for the idea.
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Because I could, that's why.
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Illustrious can do high heeled ankle boots my beloved. Pony could never.
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men want one thing and it's disgusting
Please seek professional help.
fuck, just noticed the fingers. but now is time for bed
>I'm surprised >>2908223 didn't make it.
But its dogshit?
>But its dogshit?
That's why it didn't make it
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Will you meet her after school for the extra lessons?
No, but if it was Callie l definitely would
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>Girls Masturbating
Well, there goes my previously planned theme. This theme takes priority.
Here's the latest of the modern goddesses series: masturbation. Nothing much more than that.
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Cute elf and cute style, could I get a box for the white aired one?
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Her summer clothes are all too small, she needs to get new ones.
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It's time to go swimming, anon.
what is that flea in the top left corner
Looks like a kid making a mad dash into the water. So, like, a normal kid?
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is this Seaart?
Requesting something like this but with Vocaloid IA fully naked.
conceptually this is fine but it needed so much much work,
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box of the red dragon girl? she looks cute
Really good highlights anon, Thank you
Love the piercings
nice style, box?
The girl and the background are not really integrated with each other.
I have seen those proportions on /d/ yeah
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how many times have you jerked off to voaloid ia
Yes, plus some editing
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Garcia is so lucky
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I fused two school vice-presidents together
bro use adetailer
They are fun to tease out.
Thicc busty Lusamine in a revealing cocktail dress, tons of jewelry and sparkles, high heels, the works.

If not Lusamine, another blonde works too. Cynthia, Darkness, Tsukiumi?
There used to be a rule of thumb that tits about twice the size of the character's head belong on /d/.
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wth is all this /b/ energy?
we share pics of cartoon boobies here. why the hate?
I shared something and asked for something in return and was told to fuck off so I got angry. Sorry.
Im in the mood to see some girls with chastity belts if possible
wrong thread bwo
Oh shit sorry
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It's okay, I like your girl btw, you should consider to at least inpaint her face
I don't get how people can get filtered by the panda. You literally just clear your cookies for the ex site (without reloading obv), then log in on the e-hentai forum and it works. It's so simple.
ouuuhh Towaa
>You should consider to at least inpaint her face
It was a quick sloppa gen to apologize, I don't want to spam the thread, she's a neko now
>just use the site you refuse to use bro! It's easy
Fucking hell.
Stop samefagging and learn to accept when others say "no".
It literally is, dumbass.
Here you go
Its comfy so hopefully the metadata isnt too bad
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Not the best idea to run around wearing something like this.
We all like sucking cocks, it's so easy, come suck cocks with us.
I don't want to suck cocks
Oh my god, what's wrong with you, it's so easy to suck cocks!!!!

Do you understand the problem is not how easy it is to use?
Nobody said that and please stop behaving like a spoiled child.
If you are autist for real (as it has been brought up) then the problem is just you and your inability to get along with other people. Sorry.
NTA but the analogy was spot on.
I would not throw autist around as an insult as I can gauge with 85% sureness that your level of tism is medium to debilitating.
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At least post some gens while you bicker. Then you can go on telling strangers on the internet that their opinions that you can't change are stupid. Time well spent.
handicaping yourself on purpose due to some schizo logic is the opposite of making this analogy spot on
>People dont want to do [thing]
>>[thing] is easy!
>The difficulty of [thing] is not why I don't do it.
>>[thing] is easy!
It would probably be easy to shove grapes up my asshole. Not going to do it for reasons other than difficulty.
Struggling with analogies is a strong sign of autism or being a woman. Fun fact analogies got removed from the SATs cause they're sexist.
Bro, you are just making a mountain out of an anthill just because you can't handle the idea of not having the last word.
That's not something a person we are supposed to respect would do. Have you tried going to Reddit instead?
I think Reddit is more suited for your tastes and behavior and I think you would feel much happier there.
what's the prompt?
You're extremely upset two people called you retarded but I'm the one who needs to go to reddit?
Are you sure about that son?
>That's not something a person we are supposed to respect would do
what in the everloving fuck
so i haven't liked the results from v-pred vs regular noob, but maybe it's my proompting practices and typical compositions being built around regular models.
It's cool. This is all very early stuff. Every single illustrious model. Just keep using the one you find best while we all wait for the 1.0 versions.
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which model?
if you're asking about the pastebin, read the pastebin.
The difference is that you do not gain any benifit from putting grapes up your butt or from sucking cock (debatable), while in contrast logging into sad panda would be instrumental in achieving that anon's goal of finding that one image he was looking for. It won't even give him an STI either.
Requesting sling bikini be changed into panties.
v-pred model they uploaded has 0 baking time. I don't know why they released it to civit when it's absolutely not ready to be used by general public for genning images, only as a proof of concept. They should have released their latest eps-pred epoch instead as that one is actual improvement.
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She is hulking out!
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Water mirrors are for viewing, not for bathing!

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