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What do I need to care for my boots?
>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4/renovateur
>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them and rest them

How do I deal with x stain?
>mud: allow it to dry then brush off
>salt: water and cloth as soon as possible
>saturated wet: allow the boot to dry for a full day, stuff with newspaper
>scuffs and scratches: buff vigorously with horsehair brush

>Should I buy turdsdays/soloshits/doc shitans?
No they are filled with synthetic materials aimed at instant comfort but will not hold up to actual use.
>b-b-but muh ecelebs on youtube said they're good
no. you will waste your time and money and still have uncomfortable footwear at the end of the day. spend the extra $100 and get something real.

Manufacturer Red Flags
>Unknown leather source
>Made in Chyna/Mexico/Indonesia

Boot Red Flags
>Dainite (Get vibram v-bar instead)
>Non gusseted tongues
>Excessive/unnecessary seams
>Combination/mixed material heels

Boot Brands NO
>Doc Shitters/Soloshitters
>any Whatsapp makers in the far east

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1st for getting knockoff thorpe's from eb
Chukka can mean whatever you want now?
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Anyone know what boots these are?
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debating if tomorrow will be conditioner day
Has anyone had success using insoles to fix the fit of a boot?
What kind did you use?
>spend the extra $100 and get something real
And what is "real"? Can someone show me a list of "real" brands? Something that should be in the OP anyway...
Speaking of this, do you guys clean and condition your boots before storing them away for tge summer or when it's time to get them out again?
All the doo doo boots are around $200
$350 range you get into red wings and grant stone
should i cop?
i need a hide of dark gray kudu.

Service boots? Grant Stone, Viberg, White’s Boots MP
Veg tan leather insoles, you can choose the thickness
I condition every 6 or 12 or 18 months
>Veg tan leather insoles, you can choose the thickness
Where do they offer this fren?
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what boots would work with a pair of black, straight leg jeans, but can also be versatile enough to work with some other fits? maybe something in grey?
Brown service boots.
Red Wing Heritage is the bare minimum starting point
20% off on all whites boots. Too bad I'm a europoor
I also saw some on Etsy a while ago
Too bad I’m still waiting for my White’s order from 8 months ago and saving up to get married in about 4 months
How do I size to make sure I don’t eventually develop bunions from wearing boots for years to come?
Any yuropoor equivalents? Grant stone in particular looks nice
Red wing is available in Europe without incurring in customs extorsion
recently convinced myself that i need a pair of alden indys. 403 or 405?
Latest Rose Anvil video on Guidi was pretty annoying.
>they're definitely not worth 1300 dollars
>they're not worth 1300 dollars
>*says it 5x times more*
>if you just look at the materials
Yeah alright if I'd go to a leather shop I could get as much vegtan leather for less than 1300 dollars. But who the fuck uses that as the only metric on whether a pair of boots are worth the asking price? Even though I would never buy those boots but clearly those boots were fucking world class in every sort of metric you could come up with. He seemed to think they should cost 500 dollars less but that would place them lower than the standard makeup Vibergs.

He's pretty retarded but it was interesting seeing the inside of that Guidi boot. Truly some old world craftsmanship.
If I were to buy Indy's I'd go with 405. They're the originals. Besides there's too much chromexcel out in the world as it is.
yeah its why you only watch his trash on mute
a possibility, need to get something a little chunky though. i don't think the typical viberg style service boot would look right.
are timbs still considered cool?
weirdly enough, i don’t have a single chromexcel shoe. everything i own is fucking dress shoes and then some suede and cordovan boots. interesting that the 405 came first though, for some reason i assumed it was the other way around.
what's White's wait time up to now? Might get something on their sale
get the 403 if you want CXL without the "lottery"
say what you want about aldens build quality, nobody says anything bad about their leathers and clicking
because of their long realtionship with horween they get first dibs on their good shit
it's almost impossible to find an alden with "loose grain" and practically every pair of 403s has really tight "calf-like" creasing on the vamp
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Their natural cxl is nice as well.
eh, i guess i’m not necessarily dying to own anything in CXL, i’m more interested in which version would fit better in my wardrobe and which leather is more “legitimate”, like color 8 cordovan is with the LHS. i might lean 405 if chromexcel is overdone.
You don’t. Everyone ITT will get bunions into their 40’s.
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Why limit yourself to the 403 or 405. There are a bunch of special make-up Indy models from stores like Leffot or Brick + Mortar.
Question for any shell experts here: I recently got my first pair of shell boots. They appeared fine when I received them but after a few wears I noticed the leather on the vamp had become fairly rough which seemed totally wrong for shell. I messaged the maker and they said they couldn't accept a return on the boots since they'd been worn but they believed the leather was dry and sent me some shoe cream and venetian leather balm to treat it with. That seemed to work and made it nice and smooth, but after 3-4 more wears it's gone back to being rough in spots.

What can I do here? I'm still talking with the maker but if I wind up stuck with these as they are should I try hitting them with cordovan cream? I suspect they were overheated during lasting and that's why they're in this state, but that's just a guess.
special makeups stray too far from the whole legitimacy thing.
what is your most expensive pair of boots?
But I really paid $343 out of pocket because of safety boot reimbursement and buying it during a $100 off sale.
MTO cordovan galways that ran me $2.5k
lofgren engineers
I just bought a weird ass pair of flannel desert boots for 50 bucks, won't be able to wear them until winter but they're comfy as fuck
These were Frank's Front Range
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How do I into Beatle boots without looking like a drag queen?
pretty cool
there is literally nothing feminine about these
What are the best kinds of water resistant boots that aren't made out of rubber entirely? I'm fine with the usage of synthetic materials too.
LL bean duck boots have a leather shaft
Despite this common gossip between consumers, Alden do not actually get “dibs” on “quality” leather from Horween. The thing they get priority on is delivery.
Kek do you even wear them?
the solution is to brush the shell firmy and for a long time with horsehair, you should be doing that quite often anyway

the shell "fuzz" that appears is expected and inevitable, it's what happens to shell where it creases/bends/rolls/whatever you want to call it, the fibers become loose and are not compacted anymore, it's not a defect, that a retailer will help you with
while it's true that cordovan doesn't have a "grain" structure, it's a very dense and fine, but nonetheless still fibrous layer that comes out naturally fuzzy out of the tanning process (see unglazed shell cordovan)
in the finishing stage called glazing they put on shoe cream and burnish the shell by rolling over it with glass rods to achieve that shiny, uniform state
that is what you are trying to recreate, basicly compacting the fibers back down

the fastest and most effective way to get the fuzz out is to use a firm, smooth object, you can use anything like a burnishing tool, wooden acupressure stick, back of a spoon, tooth brush handle, glass butt plug
the goal is to go into the rolls and not to completely flatten them back smooth like you see recommended in every video or written guide, where they rub the cordovan raw up and down with their dumb deer bone to get the rolls out, since it will fuzz back up with bending
the main solution is still a shoe brush, it's faster and more effective to use a stiffer brush first, like boar bristle and then finish with horsehair
since the shell is new, you don't need to add more product right now, the waxes and oils are enough and get moved with heat and friction from brushing
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Wear them in a 60s-70s smart casual way. Be subtle with what you pick unless you want to go fully into that 60s-70s rockstar look. Use the Husbands Paris Website and instagram account as a reference.
It’s rare to see a poster here know what the hell they are talking about.
It’s amazing how many schmucks get scammed with bone deer.
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how do i wear in boots and make them look aged asap?

the other guys at my job make fun of them for being too nice. i work on electronic repair on train tracks and only go outside like twice a month.
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Saw these Danner’s advertised on Huckberry, thoughts? Im in the market for a moc boot
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Any idea where to cop low top Red Wings like this? I believe they're discontinued.
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I have a weird issue that I'm not sure can be fixed. Shoes have developed a crease at the top of my foot and when i walk it digs into the top of my foot. I can immediately tell on a full day of walking around they'll rub my foot raw in that spot. Is it possible to push the crease back out or somehow create a different crease that would reduce the problem crease pushing down?
is that the right size?
they will crease where your foot flexes it seems like you have the wrong size
a tongue pad will probably help, pedag or skolyx
the issue is you have low instep or the shoe is just too big
tie the boots to the back of your car drive for half a mile
Damn, not sure what to do then. The sizing is definitely correct, so maybe this last just won't work for me. Compared to my C&J's there's one noticeable difference. I don't have as much space above my big toe. Maybe that's causing the abnormal crease, but I don't see a way to fix that.
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>how do you do, fellow workmen?
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Can anyone ID these or very similar?
i literally wore them yesterday. why would i pay $2.5k for something and not even use it?
closest i could find is edward green newmarket
Kek wtf did he do to those?
Should I wear dress socks or casual socks with my boots? Those are the only two options I have now.
which socks are wool?
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None, unfortunately. Is it really necessary? I’ve worn both with dress shoes fine. The casual socks are thicker and tend to crowd up the dress shoes.
$180. Anything more is tryhard.
He did this to cheat on the patina thunderdome btw, I think he even won something. Crazy
why do they encourage this shit? The welt and sole make it obvious that they are unused.
I can't believe that. No way they're so stupid that they couldn't sniff out such obvious frauds like that.
Huge thanks, this is great info. I'd read that nearly any issue with the shell could be solved by brushing the hell out of it. In my case I was alarmed because brushing the rough area just seemed to make it worse so I stopped and tried to find some more info to make sure I wasn't going to ruin the leather somehow. Thanks for setting me straight.
If I remember correctly one anon said there were 600+ participants in the open dome and a couple of hundred in the work dome and apparently they can’t go over every single one with a fine comb. So people cheat. Plus the dome people are making money which seems to be their main goal. I just hate that people intentionally try to reck their boots
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hey guys, does anybody recognize these shoes and pants if possible
much obliged
Even so, it takes one second to notice the distressing is artificial as fuck, and maybe another second to see how pristine the welt and edges are.
The organizers said that they wouldn't disqualify people for artificialy distressing the boots, anyway. It's all a joke.
>does anybody recognize these shoes
Some random m43 with the buckle reproduction boot most likely.
It isn't against the rules of the patina thunderdome to cheat.
They just don't care enough to bother with disqualifying people.
Am I blind or do the parkhurst x nicks collab boot photos have crooked toe caps?
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Yea that looks pretty fucked. Sucks for whoever ends up with those, but I like my Parkhursts.
my fucked up henna re tan seconds arent that obviously bad lol
thats all nigs
What did you order? I ordered some standard black cruisers last Monday and they arrived on Thursday.
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Plain toe olive waxed flesh MP in an EE width through Baker’s. Might shoot them an email next month to check
>that'll be $3k, partriot.
>Immaculate natural welt
>Sand paper abrasion on toe and counter

They fell for that?
Are these effay? Would pair with jeans and shaket type outfits in autumn
Those boots look brand new
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>that straight back
What about it?
look at the back of your foot
> Why do I tighten my laces?

is it just me or is timberland exclusively a nigger thing i dont even hate the brand or the boots style but its just so associated with nigger culture it feels wrong wearing them
As someone who's clueless about boots, wow those look funky. But interesting, thanks.
This is not /pol/ chud.
Weird thing to be bothered by
probably a US thing, outside of the internet where i associate them with joggers, i associate it with girls trying to be trendy.
oh and people think they are like the highest quality top boots because they are popular.
>all this talk about White's, Nick's, and Frank's
What about Wesco's though? How do they stack up? European/German Iron Heart sells Wesco boots for us europoors.
Racism is rain rot.
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their engineers are GOAT but their lace up patterns are kinda weird looking
i definitely hope the rain doesn’t rot my boots!
Made popular by Iron Heart and the Japanese.
Was quite well made but now they switched to some synthetic heel counter so Im bothered by it.
>machine lasted
Who give a fuck. They charge lower than most PNW precisely for this reason.
yuketen maine guide or angler
seconding the yuketen DB maine guides>>18151677
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Engineers are a bit too fancy for me. I think they have some nice looking lace up boots though.
>synthetic heel counter
Yeah that is kinda bad I suppose. Even europoor brands like C&J/Trickers uses leather counters I think.
>square pegs in round holes are ok
Close, try 18k
Fucking kek
CJ uses leather board. Trickers unproven to use leather. Leatherboard counter and wooden shank are ubiquitous in english factories.
CJ black rough out suede, cop or drop?
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CJ is just edward green on a budget
Does Wesco use leather shanks in their engineers and have the arch support like other PNW boots?
Weso is not as high arch as white.
Their shank is steel.
steel shanks
maryam natural horsebutt tpr or natural washed horsehide?
washed looks dogshit
Leather shank > wood shank > metal shank > fibreglass and all the other kinds of shanks

Who's with me?
i don't like the stock look at all but thought maybe it would age nicely with enough care and burnishing.
fiberglass is great though
light weight but supportive. basically wood but better
both don't age as dramatically as you'd expect
TPR starts out darker and becomes lighter in the areas that get abraded and the coating gets removed (not that pronounced on natural as on darker colors), basicly a more subtle "teacoring"-like effect, very prone to showing scratches, a bit less prone to showing water spots than regular HB, in general if you baby them they won't show much wear or color variation, the shiny coating looks annoying, but TPR has some really dedicated apologists, won't burnish if the coating is still there
washed has this really rough looking texture, which makes it burnish less than regular horsehide, other than that it's very similar to it, probably the better choice for someone that cares for their leather
Meaningless autism preference.
metal shanks are relevant and obviously not preferable you’re going through TSA
russell moccasin is the endgame true moccasin construction boot
don't care
then why the fuck did you reply retard
What about metal eyelets, hooks, nails?
Shoes come off most of the time regardless of shank.
to tell you i don't care about the choices. (correct opinion to have)
the shank thing is overblown. I haven't run into an issue with it. it's for the best though because imagine trying to explain to a agent that you're 'carrying a shank' in your shoes
>the x thing is overblown
Welcome to this thread’s autists’ concern.
Leather > metal/fibreglass > wood
Wood can get bent. Here in the UK most makers use wood and I got a pair of Jadd shoes for the summer - seems alright
does anyone have experience with guidi leather? are they a soft and flexible leather or on the more rigid side?
definitely on the stiffer side
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looking for tims but not actually tims. a boot with this round chunky look and anti slip heavy lug soles for my work wear style (I genuinely do work a labor-ish job)

would be good if I could wear them both for work and for hiking.
chore boot
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rec me a hiking boot

I still got my danner rats from the military, I think they're half a size too big desu
Anyone ever used tongue pads?
Did they help?
How long have they held up?
Will I always need them? Or do my shoes need to just be “broken in” first?
403 and it's not even close
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My boat shoes fit like pic rel. I dont like how much space there is at the back of the heel. But if I size down my toes touch the front of the shoe. Do people just crush their toes to have the heel snug at the back? I don’t get it? Will a tongue pad help?
They’re boat shoes brah they’re not supposed to be a great fit
I use them for a low instep. it helps but I think for boots a kiltie does more for you
helps a bit, but they don't last very long in my experience. Might want to see what a cobbler can do for you more permanently.
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Hm I don’t like their outfits. I also don’t like the laces that are too long
imagine putting effort into your clothes and ending up matching a brown belt with black shoes
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>the chick (?) on tip toe
me in the back
if they lost the flat caps these fits would look so much better, but they're probably bald
But doesn’t that seem excessive by the heel? I feel like it shouldn’t fit like that. And I notice it doesn’t fit like that for others.
>i don't care if it looks cohesive, i have to wear all my indigo shit at the same time, otherwise it won't fade fast enough
left would look so much better if he ditched the jacket under the jacket
right fit is good
fight me
It's probably a denim vest
Based. This is how I'll dress at that age.
Pants are sitting too low and make him look disproportionate.
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What will you all do when this inevitably happens?
I'm not a ballerina. I'm not getting bunions.
They all could go with a higher rise. Dont like the look of waistband sagging below the waistcoat’s hemline.
This is very cute they look very wholesome. I wish I had friends to appreciate Americana and vintage clothing together with.
Cope. That’s what they all say.
This is why I don't wear those European style dress boot lasts.
Mot worth it to look cringe and to ruin your feet.
Call the PNW last a potato last all you want but it's superior.
Just size properly retard, i've had elongated pointy lasts that felt wider than 55 last, while not looking like a potato.
They’re more pre-worn in, due to the tumbling and dye process. The uppers are floppy-ish, but still have structure. The soles when brand new actually are ‘puffed-out’, and then compress as you wear them. It’s fun to try, but it personally just doesn’t really fit with me. I’m currently selling my PL2s on Grailed.
Are you preordering the Rose AnvilxJim Green collab?
barefoot thing is not for me and i already have 8 inch boots
>Don't buy a boot with a steel shank or you'll be stopped by the TSA
>Don't wear a pointy last or you'll get bunions
Any other fun /btg/ facts to learn?
>wraring boots to the airport
Nice way to tell everybody that you're either dumb as fuck or a douchebag
>bu-but muh freedumbs muh stayement
You're only making the line longer for everybody else and they're making you remove them anyway, so dumb or douchebag, possibly both
Jim greens are cool, I'm a white collar worker but I use the razorbacks with blue jeans, when it's rainy, when doing lawn work or diy projects around the house.

They are holding up pretty well, the wide last is really comfy and paired with good insoles are easily among my top five.

This week bought a pair of Alden tanker boots, CJ Islays and split toe derbies from Carlos Santos, everything was on sale. I'm not a smart man.
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I saved my nickels and waited for their color 8 shell restock to nab a pair. Placed an order the day they restocked and a few days later they announced the color 4 shell preorder. I really like the color 8 but I'm kicking myself a little for just missing the color 4.
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Which Alden Tankers? The handsewn tanker is their best model especially on the TB.
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Took my boots off yesterday and found a push pin punched into the sole. Pulled it out with some pliers, the length looks like it probably went clean through to the midsole.
on (old) 2030 this would be sick.
barefoot boots look fucking terrible but you have to give them credit for filling a massive gap in the market
anything with decent leather and traditional construction was notlrth of $700 last time I checked
Looking to buy a pair of roman sandals. Any of you leatherheads own a nice pair?
artigiani del cuoio, brador
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This make up, on the 379x. 350 USD shipped. Have you tried that last anon? How does it compares to the true balance?
>350 USD shipped.
that's good man do it.
issue is somewhat fixed. i went to a cobbler to see what he though, and he recommended we stretch the width a little bit to see if it would help disperse the crease's pressure a little bit. got them back today and they feel much better, but it'll be hard to tell if this works long term.
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I hear it’s pretty close to the TB but have not tried it.
dark cabaret / burlesque / Las Vegas boots, I need suggestions (male or female)
its fine to be gay but what the fuck are you asking for
lmfaoo any boots that would match the style
get some black jodhpur boots
Tell me what your ideal boot is, if you could only have one boot. If it's something you own please share. I keep looking at my modest collection and while I like and use all of them, I wouldn't consider any of them my ideal boot that I would take with me if I could only save one pair. I need some inspiration.
What are some good socks?
>inb4 darn reddit socks
Nothing cringe please!
Camel city mills are good. I got a pair of the heavyweight ones and I’ll be buying a few pairs of the lightweight ones later.
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Unless you're walking on water for hours on end it's probably not an issue. But if you're really concerned, get them resoled.
anyone else like the idea of boots more than actually styling or wearing them
Something ridiculously overbuilt that would last forever and with as many spergy boot geatures as posdible. So as much as I hate to admit it, the Rose Anvil x Nicks nd1 wpuld be my choice.
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something casual like this waterproof suede not that tall about workboot height
what are those
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Quite happy with my Loake sedbergh's so far. Will take them for a first walk in the evening.
what are the ribs on the toe cap for or is it just aesthetics?
Pic related, don't own them yet but I will. I do have a pair of White's 350 cruisers that are pretty close to perfect but they are a different vibe and there are some things I would change. I wish I had gone for just a single row of stitching and gotten an 8 inch shaft. I can at least fix one of those when I get them resoled.
Is it okay to wear boots inside the house? I bought a bunch of boots before realizing I never go outside.
i think they do that in america
Fuck, I live in newmarket, now I have to buy them.
Looks very nice. Is the tongue gusseted? Anyone know how Loake stacks up against other britbong brands? Maybe below C&J and Trickers but above the rest?
Is there a nicer pair of DM style boots out there?
Would love these in a 10 eye version.
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G&G Urban Commando on the GG06 in sueded alligator. No brogueing.
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Shouldn't you go about it the other way? Use your boots to justify going outside instead. Take a walk to the grocery store instead of driving, just go on walks in the forest, go buy a cup of coffee once or twice a week. All justified merely in order to use your boots.

I wasn't a shut-in before buying boots but I've definitely started going outside even more after.
I don't really trust Truman anymore. Check out all the seconds they have listed. Now that I've received a pair from them that was really poorly matched and looked like shit I think that all their seconds are probably pairs they had the balls to ship and were returned.
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yeah, im good.
What's even the point of having a cap toe on that?
Equal to Sanders and NPS. Below Cheaney, Grenson and Paul Sargent.
No. 6613 There taking forever to restock cause nobody will buy the last pair
should I get these?
>Walking neighborhood
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I brought a pair of Jadd Desert shoes for the summer. The suede leather seems pretty sensitive to water and fluids. Do I need to apply anything or shall I raw dog it? Also can I use the same horsehair brush (as I do on my smooth leather) on this?
tarrago nano protector spray, water is just fine, just be careful of any fluids with color.
horsehair brush is fine
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I've bought wool trousers from Cavour and Benevento and they are both great, fairly formal though, pleated, with side adjusters and turn ups.

But where can I buy decent cotton trousers / chinos / cords that aren't too formal?
I don't want pleats and side adjusters, just a normal pair of trousers with a flat front, belt loops etc.
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Got these for $50 from Marshall's yesterday. Just a size too big, but that's fine. Fits perfectly in the width
are you committing to full shiacore?
I do wear my boots till the soles are smooth
Thanks for the info, just gave it brushing. If I raw dog it, will I get a cool patina?
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I like these because of the wide tow box but the insole is not great, as most people know. I have tried many insoles but they are either too narrow or too thick, pushing my feet to the top of the shoe. Does anyone have a suggestion for insole brand that would work here?
i got this boots should i send them back got them for 60 buck they seem nice
You can get veg tan leather insole of varying thickness. Perhaps size up and cut to fit your boot
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>If I raw dog it, will I get a cool patina?
if you consider this "cool patina" sure.
I have just gotten a pair of Jim Green Barefoots. They fit well enough and my big toe has about a thumbs width space. But my pinky toe on each side feels squished. And is getting a blister on the bottom of it. Is this normal for new boots?
>But my pinky toe on each side feels squished
its ogre, widefoot
I swear we see this "is it normal for my pinky toe to be crushed" question every thread. Maybe it should go into the OP.
Well.... is it normal?
I have wide feet and on my best fitting shoes my pniky touches but doesn't get crushed
If it's crushed then I'm half a size too small
If it doesn't touch then I'm half a size too big

This is all on 'wide' lasts btw, like Carmina Soller or Forest EEE or TLB H-Width or Enzo Bonafe 363mod with extra width
Fine, I’ll get the nano spray
bros the wife found the boot box, quick how can I explain $5000 worth of boots?
I hope ur having a good day today anon
lie and say they're from wallmart
You are supposed to blame celastic and hope that your toe stretch the upper out like the typical btgay instead of actually sizing right.

Is it worth getting them stretched by a cobbler if they are out of return window?
Yes, if they are uncomfortable why not?
be realistic in your expectations they cannot work magic
Too late, she thought they cost around $200 each pair which upset me greatly, I told her $200 boots are garbage and I would never buy boots below $500 which I think made her angrier. I ended up saying I need them for work but I don't think she bought it.
I use superfeet blues in mine, pretty good arch support but not too thick.
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if grant stone got 55 lasts the boot market would be in shambles
pnw would be wiped off the map
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Final pair of boots I'm going to buy, Viberg service boot in Shinki horsebutt. In hindsight I shouldn't be surprised but the way the leather feels and creases is a lot like the bovine double butts pair I have.
>Final pair of boots I'm going to buy,
dont lie
I have 6 pairs now and I was honestly embarrassed with myself when I received this one. I think they're all awesome but I can't justify getting any more. I do have a pre-order on a pair of Wesco Axe Breakers (so I've kind of already bought them) but my plan is to get rid of my Blacksmiths when they come in to keep the count at 6.
bet you dont have a green pair
Do you have a gray pair? You need gray boots.
Nor do I want one. I would consider a navy or grey pair if I ever saw one I really liked, but I'd have to _really_ like them to get over the shame.
green slaps desu
consider a loden suede
why do you guys like such faggy-looking shoes?
are y'all just huge pussies irl?
yup, you gonna come beat us up now?
nah, it IS pride month after all
no you're fucking this whole thing up, you're supposed to keep up the tough guy attitude and then I make some sort of witty retort wherein I imply that you're the one who's actually the faggot. what the fuck are you doing making the witty retort first? you've ruined the whole fucking thing.
i just think the shoes look really feminine.
irl i would just judge you silently, but i had to comment since it's 4chan
let your freak flag fly bro
Post boots, muppet.
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danners, not even once
why the fuck would they not just double it and run the eyelets though both panels?
>black suede grant stones on a black wedge
why are they doing this to me?
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If Grant Stone did something similar like the MP or 5050 last - it would be so over. Not high heel stuff like the 55 last would be popular tho
They're called romeos.
Olive is quite versatile
Something like >>18158953
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That nigga Wyatt got a good eye I can’t lie
>Not high heel stuff like the 55 last would be popular tho
rtw 55 boots with actual qc would fly off the shelf. the brass sets quite well despite being chunky
the boot looks neat, but the a black suede loafer just looks wrong.
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the superior version existed long before cj made theirs
patrician taste try ebay/leffot for used ones
Thrifted a pair of burgundy boots, they fit really well and I feel comfortable in them.
Only problem is that they are pretty dark for a burgundy shoe, they look very brown with a bit of red. More like maroon.
Is it possible that the previous owner used brown shoe polish to darken the shoe? Is there a way to lighten the color of a boot so it appears more red?
The shoe is much more versatile this way, but I have a hard time justifying getting another brown boot like this.
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maryam horsebutt
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oakstreet trench oxford, natural cxl
strip carefully using something like acetone, just enough to get rid of the build up of waxes and creams, not the actual dye of the leather. Then recondition with bick4 if it feels dry, and some colored cream in the color you want.
really want a pair in maryam
anybody besides viberg that has it available?
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Guys, cognac or brown shell? And what suede color at the shaft to pair it with on a theoretical boot?
cognac and then one shade darker for the shaft
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My tropical wool suit from the Cavour sale arrived.
My only other suit is from Massimo Dutti (purchased years ago) so this feels like a big upgrade.

I'm surprised that the trousers are actually somewhat slim and not at all a classic or full cut. They're not skinny but they don't freely drape over my lags either. They need a lot of hemming though to say for sure, and they have extra fabric to let them out if you want.

Anyway tropical wool feels like an all season material to me, I'm in a hot country and it doesn't really feel thin or light enough to be summer-only. Could easily wear this in autumn with a coat and boots.
Personally I'd go with the cognac.
There is no bigger faggot in the game today than that Stridewise guy. He's the classic reddit soiboy wearing the worst fits imaginable and getting butthurt if you tell him he looks bad
>Anyway tropical wool feels like an all season material to me, I'm in a hot country and it doesn't really feel thin or light enough to be summer-only. Could easily wear this in autumn with a coat and boots.
fresco? i thought the coolness came from the looseness of the weave and not just the weight
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dont forget the uk fag part too.
you could probably lying do something cool with that
would be like the floral boot from taft
use that as accents with a loden suede boot that'd be great
Oh maybe you're right, gotta try it in the wild.
>storing then away for tge summer
what did he mean by this? boot season is year round, weather be damned
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Viberg made a blucher out of a black version of this.
talking about bluchers, thinking of having made an unlined shell blucher. Anyone own unlined shell?
Feels like I've grown a full size since last summer and I'm a middle age adult. Several of my shoes I used to wear don't fit me right anymore. It's ogre.

I'm resorting to sell the good brands and hopefully just buy one or two exceptional pairs.
why oh why was there not a brass boot in the black suede
i dont want more dressy lasts
Which insoles did you choose? I am having trouble locating some that fit the width
Spenco polysorb cross trainer, fully recommended. The thin ones also work but I feel more comfortable with the first ones I told you. It also increases your height a few cm.
not feeling the black waxed deer
it feels like "we have kudu at home"
have you considered going to a doctor for your failing circulatory system?
Are you getting fat?
Is your arch collapsing?
Would stitchdown or a handwelted boot be more water resistant, assuming they are both done well?
water resistance is a meme. if you're in water long enough got it to seep though the welt then you need wellies
I have a 12 year old pair of RAT boots my brother gave me when he got out of the Marines. They're fucking bullet proof. I wore them all the time in my Shiacore era. They've been used a shitkickers and are still going strong. Never seen a company fall off as hard ad Danner.
He's actually wearing the now discontinued Bates Lites USMC boots. Contrary to popular belief most of those classic Shia pics he's wearing the tan Bates and not Nike.
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pic related
Whichever is 360
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>nigs at 5 months
yeah, this is normal, when nigs doesn't stitch the leather midsole and rubber slipsole together full 360 like literally everybody else doing wedge sole boots (even thursday)
they don't even nail it down at the heel, it's just glue in the back
somehow everybody but WORLDS TOUGHEST LEATHER BOOTS FOR MEN has figured out this doesn't hold


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