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fatties seethe edition

prev >>18217655
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Just count the calories on the alcohol bro
drinking calories is fat behavior
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bros, its so fucking over for me. i will never look good no matter how thin i get. i am currently 64kg at 183cm so pretty skinny, but my build is really fucked up. it sort of looks like this illustration i have provided, except maybe less exaggerated. i have very little visible fat, and my arms and legs are thin, but my spine is curved in such a way that makes me look skinnyfat, and my ass is pretty big too for some reason. i guess fixing my posture would improve it a little bit, but that would take years of work and my ass is still big, like, i cant physically bend into a shape which makes me look normal and not like fucking E. T or a starving african child. its so fucking bad bros. what do i do with this? i can only look good with loose-fitting t shirts right now.
Bulk and lift.
> guess fixing my posture would improve it a little bit
Umm, it will take literally a few weeks to a couple of months at the most. Source: me. And no, your ass probably isn't big. It's just pointing upward from behind because you have anterior pelvic tilt, making it look big. And that happens to most people because they spend too much time sitting on a chair.

You can fix your APT sitting with your legs in a lotus position. You can do that even on a chair. If you usually sit on a computer/office chair, then remove the arm rests, put your legs up and sit in a lotus position. I do that everyday. Fixed most of my APT.

Also, start working out. Do some core exercises. A weak core and lower back will make your belly and spine bulge forward and make you look skinny fat even when you're not.
I'm kind of a muscly guy but I ate so much sugar the past few weeks that I already see the consequences.
I'll be in vacation in two weeks. Any method to lose fat as much while losing a minimal amount of muscle.
How long will it realistically take me to lose 16 lbs?
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Low body fat is great for aesthetics but don't forget to build muscle as well
thanks for the lotus position suggestion. since it takes relatively little effort, i'll try it. right now it even feels pretty comfortable in my chair so i might adjust to this habit easily.
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1lbs of fat is -3500 cal.
You do the rest at
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anon what this means is that your core muscles are too weak to 'support' your upper body weight and head, so it naturally hunches over
the solution to this is obviously to work on the abs and core muscles

why are you still here
musclefaggots get the rope
oops meant for >>18236814
yoga advise is great
>I'll hit my goal weight by mid-to-late November.
Fatties like to say that BMI is inaccurate and they're right, but not in the sense they think. Since the average person has less muscle mass now, BMI overestimates - not underestimates - health.
>tfw you have an eating disorder but you have loose skin from losing all the weight so you're forever invalid and will never be thinspo so you really should just kill yourself
>125 lbs
>5.5" wrists
how over is it
you sound cute, post bod
Holocaust deniers refuse to look at evidence like this: >>18237240
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if you insist
its meh imo
There's surgery for that
Le worm
What can I do against stretch marks?
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Old-school Hollywood actress Constance Bennet is said to have weighed 100 pounds at 5'4".
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How I love old-school thinspo.
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>With her star-turning role in 1946’s The Killers, North Carolina native Ava Gardner went from pin-up girl to iconic film actress. Although she was considered curvaceous during her day, it is estimated that she would be a women’s size 0 today.
>By the mid-1980s, though, clothing companies decided to impose their own sizes on women’s clothing–and vanity sizing was born. Sizes crept downward and became totally inconsistent from brand to brand. For example, a woman with a 34-inch bust and 25-inch waist was a size 12 in 1958. Now she’d be a size 2 or 4.
none of these women are particularly thin aside from twiggy
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>6.25" wrist
How do I keep others from noticing that I'm not eating?
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One thing that isn't talked about enough is how much cuter your face becomes when you lose weight.
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Am I fat?
no, cute bod, you have a good foundation imo
if you define you’d be really fucking hot
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Prime example of low bmi but skinny fat
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What bmi is this? just skip to 2:00
depends how much water weight you currently have and how quickly are you willing to lose the weight.
It could be between less than month if you have lots of water weight and want to lose it really quickly to 3 months if you don't have much water and lose it moderately quickly.

rare ok looking physique in these threads

listen to >>18236862 some quality advice there. but you should still get some muscles, at least 5 kg or even more. you can expect lots of newb gains so you should be able to gain pretty much pure muscle with barely any fat
Wdym by define? What should I do?
get more definition, cut down a bit of fat, work a bit of muscles, you have a good frame, good shoulders so you’d need to show those muscles beneath, too look something like this >>18236725
Tea. It's what's for dinner.
he looks slightly skinnier than me so id say 16-17
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Is it normal if I don't want to go outside until I've reached my goal weight? I find it embarrassing to be seen by other people when I'm not thin yet. I just know that they're making fun of me for being fat in their thoughts.
Its fine, I guess.
Being thin comes with a lot of insecurity, for the wrong reasons, usually.
Just stay in your lane and don't compare you with anyone else. It's not very productive or wise to compare yourself, just have your goals clear. It's very easy to keep seeing people who maybe don't even beed thinspo to be our goals but it means little to us.
Stay in your lane. have your goals clear and take it one step out of time. I got into a bit of trouble in all aspects of my life, and gain a bit of weight but who cares, I'm going towards that weight I was. Its my challenge, not theirs.
PS dont get into alcohol, its a no way street
How do you go from skinnyfat to skinny without ending up losing all your hair and still having a little muscle definition?
Eat a lot of protein. 1 g per lbs of your goal bodyweight.
eat protein, keep exercising
you cant go wrong with cardio
Is it true that weight loss leads to a smaller shoe size? Has this happened to anyone?
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I want a bigger chest but I’m too lazy to lift weights. I just bought a carhartt detroit jacket that perfectly fits me what should I wear it with? I think it’s brown or maybe dark grey I can’t tell I’m color blind but it’s really faded.
Anyone else work a psychical blue collar job?
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Baldwin mogged /fit/ and effay with this work of art
Post the jacket and I’ll tell you the colour
Curvaceous in the past meant big hips (genetic), small waist (skinny) and big tits (genetic)
Now it means the curves of fat
I can't remember the name of it but this is a legit postural problem and you probably need to see a physiotherapist.
What this anon said >>18236862
>anterior pelvic tilt
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kyphosis, and lordosis, but 90% of the time its an issue that resolves with exercise
How to get this
(As a woman)
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do you think I should bleach and re dye it?
looks all good
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yesterday i came to an awful realization...
a couple of months ago i went from skinny to this, i am wayy stronger, my arms gained like 2 inches on size, im like twice as broad and i filled my clothes nicely, however i just looked at some old pictures and i could tell that i have gained a lot of fat on my face, shit is hearbreaking, i will keep working out but i will do more cardio and eat healthier on a bit of a deficit

my really sharp jaw (right pic) is pretty much gone... now i look like shit... but i am certain i can make a comeback
why is "i'm not hungry" so hard for people to understand <.<
You gotta learn how to curb public eating / food offers in stealth mode better.
When I was 260lb no one ever questioned me eating a cheeseburger and getting drunk, but now that I'm 150 suddenly it's a concern.
Just say "No/I've already had a meal/I'm full" in a calm voice, because it may be a hamplanet crabbucket thing, but it could also be a normal question from someone close who's just making sure you're not starving involuntarily.
At what BMI is a woman considered fat? I feel like anything over 19 is pretty heavy.
Sweatie, women are supposed to be slightly fat. It makes them look youthful and soft to touch and hug. Skinny bitches look like teenage boys. That's gay.
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>Skinny bitches look like teenage boys
I never understood the whole "skinny women look like little boys" thing, If anything, they look like little girls.
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No, little girls have supple skin with a youthful glow. Skinny women have loose, wrinkly skin (from the loss of collagen due to aging) with a dull complexion, which isn't feminine at all. It's more like something you'd expect a guy to look like.
What do you do if even the smallest size doesn't fit you? I'm currently at a BMI of 20.3, so not skinny at all, and 15 lbs away from my goal weight, and yet some XS tops are already too big for me.
If you're a guy, you buy some stuff from the boys department, I'm in my late 20s but I get stuff on boys sizes because im so skinny and my shoulders so narrow, sizes 16-18 and even 24 sometimes fit me great
Boys sizes being cheaper is a plus too

If you're a woman I don't know
lordosis... at least there is a noble sound to that name...
Big chest is gay, only faggots who love being fucked in the ass by other ugly men purposefully try to get big breasts.
Jealous landwhale detected. Try putting the fork down and maybe you won't be so bitter.
Faggot who loves getting fucked in the ass by other ugly men here, can confirm
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Anti scientific hater bitch crab trying to sabotage your gains and deny the obvious fact that many homosexuals are spiritually feminine.
>you HAVE to grow tits because, um..... a cougar told me women like when men have tits?
im a faggot and i like the totally opposite of what women like: twinks
women are retarded anyway
Based. And same.
that from a film?
They don't look like little boys or little girls, it's a projection of their own homo-pedophilic urge.
fasting / one meal per day and callisthenics?
what do you think?
Yes, probably one high protein meal a day and weighted calisthenics.
But you need to start out from an already muscular body, as it'll be very difficult to build any new muscle doing OMAD.
I don't think it's a viable long-term solution doe.
They are pectoral muscles you dumbshit. It signifies you have upper body strength, something that women lack and look for. A strong chest, upper back and arms, along a narrow waist, giving you a masculine V-taper.
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Sweatie, I'm a slim guy, but I'm not into skinny girls. They look sickly and unfit for reproduction. Which is why any red blooded man instinctively desires a wide hipped and slightly fat woman. Women should have a little fat on them. It makes them look healthy and youthful. Fat is also necessary for proper estrogen production. Without it they start looking more masculine. Picrel is the thinnest women should get. Any lower and they'll look famished and sick.

Men on the other hand still look good when they are low fat because they have more muscles, and being muscular is a masculine trait. Muscular women, again, look like teenage boys and men.
clothes look like shit when you're this chubby
Depends on the clothes you wear. And as long as the woman still has an hourglass like figure and a fairly flat belly, they'll look fine.
maybe if you only wear cheap whore clothes but having big tits ruins the fit of anything actually cute.
is it possible to ever stop b/p i think my only way out of this is to just die from a heart attack
It's easier to stop purging than binging but it's theoretically possible. You should see a therapist.
Get your boobs done
A US size 2 is not impressive. A UK size 2 (=US size 00) is.
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What's anzujaamu's BMI? I'd love to be that thin.
low 16s
It is a dark grey color
It has some whitish stains idk if that’s intentional or not tho
You would would have to dye it black in my humble opinion
>anything actually cute.
Define actually cute with examples in pictorial form.
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You all can probably help me here.
What pants should I wear if I have no ass from being boney as all hell.
125 lbs.
M (obviously, women arent real)
Don't wear anything too baggy or slim. Both will make you look skinny. One will hug your bony ass tightly and expose its contours to the entire world, while baggy pants will turn your lower body into a shapeless blob, as if there's no meat on your bones. Get something that's medium level of roomy, like Levi's 501. Pleated pants are also pretty good at creating a shapely silhouette.

But the best option is to put some basic level of meat in your ass, just enough to fill your pants out a bit. Start squatting and do hip thrusts.
not gonna flood the thread with my personal inspo since it belongs on /cgl/ but there's very few styles where being curvy with big boobs and hips is beneficial other than maybe retro pinup inspired stuff or ghetto fashion nova shit. most clothes are made with small chested skinny women in mind; there's a reason models are rail thin after all. anything 60s/mod looking, grunge-y, twee, and basically any form of jfashion are just a few things off the top of my head that are near impossible to pull off if you're not skinny.
Just found out that the actress who played Cassie in Skins is fat now.
I do weighted hip thrusts and usually wear another pair of thermo pants underneath.
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Sir, there's a ghoul in your bathroom.
If dubs I will only eat 300 calories tomorrow.
Shit. I was hoping to not get dubs.
very unfortunate skeleton

proof your skeleton has to be effay too to be /thinspo/
there you go
I guess that Kek wills for me to quickly reach my goal weight.
[spoiler]Nice dubs btw. o/[/spoiler]
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Just eat 6 apples or oranges throughout the day and drink a lot of tea or water, go to sleep early.
What's your goalweight?
oh true
another sign
Is this edited?
another pointed out the stains, if you do bleach and re dye it I think you could go for an shen grey or keep it bleached, sometimes they take on a nice soft grey color which when done correctly makes corduroy neck pop out very nicely
no, that's what good proportions look like
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perfect body
ugly hands
gay (would)
gay (would)
you aren't
mediterranean gay
berlin gay
gabber gay
something fucked up there
kid bu
a modern nietzsche
definitely not gay (finally)
This is my goal, but fuck, my legs are too hairy, the hair on my legs goes all the way up to my waist, so i can't pull this off. I either have to leave it all or shave it all, I can't just shave my torso or else the contrast between bare torso and hairy legs is too strong. Sigh...
i want this haircut, what do i ask the barber for?
could exercise actually help with my lack of a defined lower body or is it over?
Yeah go find a novice weightlifting routine based around linear progression, hit the gym, eat right, and sleep well. Your ass won't blow up but it'll start taking on the right shape and you'll get a lot stronger, then once your newbie gains are exhausted in three or four months come back and I'll give you another routine.
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just show them the pic anon
crop it if its really that weird
>What's your goalweight?
104 lbs, which I am currently 14 lbs away from. (I'm 5'4", so it's a reasonable goal.)
She's like 30.
Just show them this pic and pray he/she will interpret it correctly m8.
just shave the whole body bud
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leg body check
porridge made with water, apple, cinnamon, splash of onions milk
nice legs
that you?
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thank you very much :)
lighter vs thigh
nigga eat a fucking burger, gee
raw carrot, raw tomato, olives, olive oil, garlic, herbs
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imagine eating oil ew
oh well
fix your posture and lift weights you fucking retard
this guy is 6'3" 120lbs btw
not an argument
eek thank u
okay after lunch i went off the rails
one meal per day is the way to go lo
will do that tomorrow
im still skinny tho
should i post my body? im trying to get lean and ive lost 60 lbs this year, im hoping to shed the excess fat by the end of the year

i dont want to put anyone off though since im not completely thin just yet but i would like to know what people think
What's your BMI?
A BMI gain of 0.3 is like two pounds. You should be able to return to 17.0 in no time.
Congratulations on sabotaging your transition
whatever that means
yea its still discouraging though :((
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>finally hit 127lb after a month of calorie deficit
im happy
120 here we go
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I love these
But I like it more when the models are by an average girl's side and not a straight up landwhale

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