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>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)
>registered dots offenders list

previous thread: >>74602025
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First for bobbu
Second for I'm excited to lift today
>wrong kind of burger
do that for next thread
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I love boobas so much it's unreal (I'm KHHV)
What do you have today?
Farmers walks
And then when I eventually get one, sandbag loading/pressing.
What are your thoughts on peptides like bpc-157 and tb 500
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>deload week
I think I mindbroke some dude in my gym and made him roid lol
Reminder that half of this general took powerlifting advice from this dude. And more than a couple of you got groomed.
I doubt half of the people even know whos raffy
She puts it in her mouth, but does she swallow?
You can only rape someone in the showers so many times before they snap.
In this case lifting more and being bigger was enough.
2 months ago dude was struggling to rep something like 60lbs dbs on the bench and seethingly looking at me doing 3x10 75lbs shouder presses.
Now he's repping 2 plate bennch for like 2x8 and looks bloated af
peptides are not fraud, its literally just amino acids
Peptites give me the ick. Just try harder.
>Banned by WADA in and out of competition
>Not fraud
Pick one
damn, sucks that people with diabetes can't compete
TUEs exist for insulin. Copes and seethes go below.
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allow me to rephrase what Bobbu meant:
>no one in this threads knows anything about peptides but someone on /fraud/ might
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No /HGG/ so I'll share with you
Screwed some wood and rubber together last night so I can go balls to the wall. I no longer have a brick exterior, so this gives me something to do various medball throws at
I took inspiration from:
Very nice anon, you should make a /hgg/. Always good to have new content there
neat but its /hgg/ (no caps(on god))
Thought it was a retard chamber
how do i reduce my lower backs involvement in my deadlift sets? i know that its noticeably weak from being sedentary for 20 years so its bound to hold me back, but i dont get any kind of hamstring/glute feeling during the sets so ive definitely fucking something up
You have a video? Could be set up issues, could be bracing issues, could be hyperextending at the lockout or you could just have a weak back.
>deadlift after squats :)
>squats after deadlifts :/
speaking of home gym.
>gf used some chemical (fish emulsion fertilizer) for the garden and now the place wreaks of death
good day to lift in the garage amirite lads
Ive literally never ever felt hamstrings or glutes on deadlifts. People say feeling doesnt matter im sure it works considering my glutes size.
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>me watching the new Mitchell Hooper video
His content has been mostly bad since No Stone Unturned completed.
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I feel like these are improving somewhat
Those TOROKHTIY videos are finally helpful
I made a hgg just for you anon
>go to the gym
>everything hurts
>leave the gym
>feel 10 years younger ans everything feels great
How does it work?
I remember that time reddit weightlifting tried cancelling him bc he called Giulia cute and sexualizing other girls
pls be in london
worthy contestant for booby bobby
Is this trappychan from years ago? Did he actually give advice that wasn't straight out of rippetoes mouth? I remember him being obsessed with biomechanics and the Texas method. Come to think of it I cant think of a SINGLE biomechanics lolcow that moved respectable weight.
Your legalism/talmudism is comically stereotypical
The very same. Yes, some of trappy's advice was of their own volition and it was shit if it didn't come straight from Rip.
>and it was shit if it didn't come straight from Rip.
lol now you say that, back in the day you were sucking raffys dick agreeing with his every post.
I definitely was not, especially with their "Texas Method" which was garbage.
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>Could be set up issues
went through alan thralls videos and my recordings and noticed that the bar is too close to my shins, i drop my hips too much before driving the bar up, and my descent is shit so the bar path is different every time. no fucking wonder my back aches this much lmao
post glutes
I knew you'll ask
Look at that dumpy on anon! Is this roidanon or someone else?
how do you not recognize Jon?
>How do you not recognize someone by a picture of their bare ass?
Looks too fat to be Jon unless he's just bracing in this picture for whatever reason
I think we went through this last time
Good for Bobby
Missed that bit altogether, but frankly the slow motion breakdowns of the movements, and the explanation videos for drills and progressions have been really nice so far
He's right it is too fat to be me.
Just asked, it's not Jon lmao
Neither, just a random anon.
Looking j00cy anon, mad jelly of the glute gains. My ass never really seems to grow compared to my hamstrings and glutes.
>too fat
Rude that was at my peak bulk...
can you add a trip so I can filter your posts
im happy for your journey and wish you luck but dont want to see all that ugliness
I'm not saying you look like me but Jon has visible abs at the moment, so it wouldn't make sense for it to be him
Don't open lmao
Can you add a trip so I can filter your posts
I am happy that you've found an outlet for your frustrations and wish you luck but I dont want to see all that ugliness and chudiness
bruh caked up fr ong
are you trying to keep your name off of Dark Bobbu's inevitable kill list?
I dunno ive never really done anything other than squats or dls. Same with my traps, have massive traps and never trained them in my life.
i started training back on lower body days just to have an excuse to avoid training calves. what a dogshit fucking muscle, i wish nothing but the worst on every powerlifting coach in my gym that keeps telling me to train them
I thought it was one of the asian incels from the thumbnail
Trolling is against the rules bobby. I genuinely, truly refuse to believe you're this fuckin stupid. Then again, you claim to be a code monkey and they're the stupidest of the stupidest. So maybe you actually are this fuckin stupid. >>74617596
>Bobby provides evidence that he anon posts still
That explains why outer fit has gone down in quality since his return.
Yeah I wish he would create a separate channel for the nonsense and keep his main one focused on training advice and lifting.
Yes, I'm sure that I'm the cause for lookism threads, random bullshit unrelated to fitness and general demoralization. /fit/ is getting worse in spite of me, not because of me. I try to post lifting related content as much as possible.
And I come here for lifting help
And we get derailed for the LONDON of it all
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this is more suitable
You needs triple digit IQ to get it tubby
>do deadlifts and squats
>eat a steak and drink 3 beers
What else do you need?
Nah, unless you explain it I’m just gonna dismiss this as lazy as shit, shoving a 4chan meme in where it isn’t even clever or makes sense with the rest of the comic.
pullups and a cigarette
>offers 20% off emerging strategies
Oh boy, can't wait to spend $800 instead of $1000 for 8 videos! Besides that, interesting video so far.

Bench press, but I like where your head is
Fair enough
Bench was on friday
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Now this I get.
this board is unironically on Bobby's back and if he were to shrug it would die completely
>man is united in his common knowledge of (((them)))
this kills the figgy
Live now

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I think I’m gonna try some cleans on Thursday…
Haven’t cleaned in a while, last time I tried pulling strength was great the problem is I completely lost my wrist/elbows mobility
Try to clean your piss of how hot it is
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>you know what my favorite kind of pizza is?
piece of ass
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>swimmer ready
Weird session today. Squats felt heavy and weak when I hit my top set but log felt good even though I failed my PR attempts. Just kept pussying out of jerking all the way. Pls help @plutez @smiggy @tlaw
I am having a weird day too. I don't know if I slept in a weird position or something, but I woke but with a very sore and painful left rhomboid (or central lat) I think. I have no clue why this happened and Idk if I should train today. Maybe a muscle knot.
I get low/mid trap cramps in my sleep way more often than I'd like but they completely fuck up everything. I know how you feel.
Here is my update of my not doing the program starting strength. Haven't been injured by my walmart power cage yet.

Basically been only doing it like once a week. But weights or reps go up so I'm happy. Slow going as a 42 year old lifter. Deadlifts are still best lift.
if any of you fellas do boring but big, what does your assistance work look like? im switching over from a basic bodybuilding split after a year and a bit, and being the retard that i am, am having a tough time figuring out how to put in the shit i want without basically fucking up the whole program.
>dips, french press, lat raises
>rows, pullups, barbell curls
would ideally be shoved in, but unless i move away from the programs recommendation of doing full body assistance everyday and sticking all the pull work on squat/diddly days, ill probably end up spending fucking ages in the gym on bench/ohp days
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Oh yeah, strength is tanking. But the fasting is working though, body fat is shedding so in no time i'll be back at mantaining and hopefully progressing. I want to be lean and powerful, that's the goal now. Enough bulking, not worth it for a non competitor like me, it negatively impacts so many other areas of my life

Not ever worth posting my training session, i will post a cute girl tho
My feelings are that anymore than an hour lifting you are just not working out as hard as you could be and you are spending too much time resting or on the phone. A good workout is an hour.
Look into 5/3/1 Forever's accessory recommendations. I believe they're:
50 reps push
50 reps pull
50 reps single leg/abs
Every session.

I don't see why you would spend so long on bench and ohp days, those should be the fastest ones. BBB is hell on squat and deadlift days unless you're swapping out the main lift and doing a variant instead.
But if you just want those movements shoved in regardless of what Wendler says then I'd say stick rows and pull ups on squat and deadlift day (1 each), dips + curls on bench day and lat raises + French press on ohp day.
If I were you I'd do the dips/French press/later raises on bench and ohp days, and do rows/pullups/barbell curls on squat and deadlift days.
If you do your 5x10 squats on dl day and 5x10 dls on squat day, and if you throw in some calf raises you wont have to worry about having jacked legs. I did something similar when I ran 531. Wendler's assistant work reccs are silly if you care about aesthetics.
Anon that recommended said I was going too deep into the dip before, how is this?
the weight is way out in front of you. You have a good angle to see this, just draw a line straight down through the log and see how it's not centered over your feet most of the time and ends up moving forward on the press. Lean back more at the rack and target a spot slightly behind your head for the log to end up at the top of the press, not straight up.
2-3 more kg to lose in the next 7 weeks. 24 hour weigh ins should make the water cut to 90 easier.
>(I'm KHHV)
same but unironically (31 btw)
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Bench 5x10x230lbs
Illegal wide grip bench 10x230, 9x230, 2x10x205lbs
2 board press 7x275, 2x10x245, 7x235lbs
Lat pulldowns and t-bar rows 5x15s
Bench felt great but I got smoked on the variations. One of the muscle mommies had to save me on the second set of wide grip bench (it's ogre for me bros...)
Good work, bobby. Honestly surprised your log press isn't higher. I think once you implement smiggy's technique advice you'll be pressing way more.
My PR is 225 or 230, but I think weight loss fucked with my overheads a bit. Either way, I don't disagree at all.
>muscle mommies had to save me
did it on purpose
No... shut up.
>admits that beetus is frauding
Swing and a miss, Bobbu
Is there an alternate reality that you exist in where losing 30 lbs doesn't fuck with your lifts at least slightly?
guys what clown shoes should i get? i wass thinking either 1hund or sabo. do you peeps have any recommendation
dont get 1hunds. at least dont get that version if your not autistic about the ring holding the straps not staying every time
make sure you buy the kind you're unlikely to forget somewhere (sabo)
sabo if you like ankle support, 1hundo if you like a wide toebox
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I liked my sabos (rip). I have avancus now and they are nice. Also used vivobarefoot for years.
Too soon.
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Halfway through already, time flies when youre a fucking loser i guess
Comp weight for 3. Calling it now i will cross double digit reps
Deload week :DDD
>tfw no muscle mommies to save me
thank you for the sneedback guys, i think i'll go for the sussy sabos
what's the best place to start with reading louie simmons
I wanna hear what this crazy mf has to say
Book of Methods
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hit 4x3 @ 235 bench. not bad considering test in was 205. fingers crossed for 255 for test out mid july
ol reliable - chicken, rice, veggies
USAT&F finals
mixed. still off from my best prior strength levels, but the bar is getting heavier and the scale smaller. all is well
oh wow, twig is doing 5x the work of me. very cool... dick
>muscle mommy
and yet, he never elaborates. curious
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>muscle mommies had to save me
Oh god lucky bastard

>time flies when youre a fucking loser
Dont say that dude, you're unironically cool
>Calling it now i will cross double digit reps
Hope you smoke that shit

Isn't westside book of methods the bible of westside? I think that's a good start, or youtube videos
where are the burgers?
Did i promise burgers? No burgers from me
damn grey skull is so much comfier than ss. sorry rip ;_;
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>he forgot the thread edition
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Sometimes i think i'm a little too retarded, then i look at justin and it goes away
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kino overload holy shit bros
Yer a wizard
its up.
Checked insta to see if you uploaded there and stumbled upon this. What an unfortunate build kek
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I'm dying lmao you're the king of bait I kneel
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He should have bobbied instead of >post bodied
How do we message the admins about this? Not only is there an underaged kid on the general, verified trips who have him Instagram are enabling his posting here and begging for shirtless pics of this minor. Can we include the trips in the report as well.
>Deliberately not picking up what I'm putting down
Bro is lawn chair kin
>not picking up what I'm putting down
you have to let go first
Does /plg/ drink raw eggs to get 'em extra calories while bulking? I've been doing that for a while, although I've heard that you don't fully absorb the protein of raw egg whites.
I watch this one every time it is posted. Really good stuff.
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>Calling it now i will cross double digit reps
Fuck yeah.
Enjoy being added to BD's goon compilation.
>fingers crossed for 255 for test out mid july
You got that ez.
>he never elaborates
Get your own muscle mommy
>lucky bastard
It was the bodybuilder muscle mommy. Also caught the latinx one taking bent over ass pics in the gym mirror.
Unbelievably based.
>drink raw eggs
>you don't fully absorb the protein of raw egg whites
You need to butt chug them for full nutrient absorption.
Just cook them. Hard boil or scramble
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>Get your own muscle mommy
she's a cardio bunny, but is back to hitting the weights
>feeling up back muscles during doggy
I seriously hope you guys DO this
I'm glad the big boob no hip/thigh girls are gone.
Is a bar that low legal in competition=?
>White Sabo Deadlift
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>rubish vid
>muh ego
>muh ego
>muh ego
>boring lifting is le optimal
I miss when newbie gains just allowed another 5lbs every week and I never had to think about powerlifting nonsense. Starting to care less about my mediocre 1rm's and more about how I can get that fun adrenaline feeling back
Is he still strong or was it just roids and autism?
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never forget that egolifting becomes optimal if you eat like the bloat emperor of walmart
Nigger just do 4-8xfailure@70-80%rm on accessories for a main lift once a week and a main lift RM once a week wala its not fucking rocket science
>drive hypertrophy
>drive cns

squat rm
4x12 front squat

bench rm
4x12 dips

deadlift rm
4x12 rdl
>4x12 front squat
haha thanks guys. I had some more ideas but i was editing for a few hours and got lazy and just posted an unfinished draft.
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Mind rot
I had a bunch of blood tests carried out recently and I received the results for all of them. Which numbers are worth looking at for an idea of my general health and performance? I also see that serum testosterone is 19.5 nmol/L (~562ng/dL), not sure if that's on the lower or upper end for a 27yo male.
>Which numbers
All of them
Are you in any way symptomatic of low T? If not, dont worry about it
>Are you in any way symptomatic of low T?
Possibly? I feel tired often, have low libido, and borderline ED. I have no deficiencies and I don't watch porn.
Excreting Norman khan right now

With one squish and then I look down and there’s several Norman khan logs

Always amazed how that happens when it feels like not as much came out given the minimal intraabdominal pressure and time applied
30-50mg elemental zinc daily
t. high functioning autism
You might be interested to know that I've been improving my grip to where my max chalkless deadlift is going up.
>Two times a day (morning and night) every day, spam every directional wrist curl you can do (forward, backward, side and other side) without weight. Also press against wall for 30 seconds with max comfortable tension
>Once or twice a week at gym, do same thing only with dumbbells (I am for 20 reps each movement)
My max deadlift isn't changing but my max chalkless deadlift went up a lot.
Rule out any nutrient deficiencies, stress, and depression first, and see if you can get e2 and prolactin checked. Its very unlikely youre symptoms are T related especially if youre an active and otherwise healthy young guy
You said no deficiencies my bad, still tired. Point stands on stress/depression and other hormones. For the record lower end of scale prolactin and mid scale e2 is generally gonna be ideal for anyone
To be more accurate I haven't tested my max in a while. Maybe it's up, I'm just guessing and rarely get my hopes up
>just posted an unfinished draft
you share something with your mother, then
Hicks finally slowing down with 431kg for 3. Maybe carrying more fatigue since it looked harder than it should compared to 420 from two weeks ago
Why does benching hurt my collarbone
Stop dropping it on your throat?
No might be the shoulder or neck or something causing it
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>he took the b8
Is cns fatigue the reason I could hit 265x1, 225x7 224x5 a week later, then 225x1 yesterday?

My joints feel like dogshit is a deload or just weeks off entirely better?
Trying to sort out that front squat drill where you squat with your toes touching the wall in front of you and somehow you go ATG without falling

The fuck does that work for long legs and short torso combo?
adjust base width and toe angle
immediately blaming your proportions is peak dyel behavior
Program suggestions other than sheiko, candito, conjugate ?
Google them
That's what I'm working on is finding the correct toe angle and width
I assume with my stupid legs I need a wider stance
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As long as you keep your weight up and don't stop entirely you can take pretty long breaks between gym days and keep increasing the weight.

Few know this.
Nsuns if you're brave enough
what programs do roiders do
531 or 5th set.
I have grip stuff from coath to go with what I was already doing.
Its also not just grip, its lowbar wrecking the upperback. Needs more mobility work and strengthening.
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its bench (and jm press) day!
is ph3 good??
Too many program questions, someone has to post the pasta again.
Approved Intermediate Programs for /plg/
>Bro Tier (trying hard, having sex, loving life required)
Texas Method 3-Day (best for early intermediate)
Starr Model (best for early intermediate)
Texas Method 4-day Split Model from PPST.
Conjugate (back to back r/weightroom program of the year, most popular in the general, late intermediate and on)
Anything with Simon in the name

>Nerd Tier (must have IQ higher than bodyweight in kg)
Nuckols Average to Savage
Nuckols 28 Free
TSA 9 Week
Blevins Skynet AI ($, but cheap)

>Meme Tier (might work if you love memes)
GZCL (any variation)
Destroy the Opposition (J. Lewis)
Cube Kingpin
The Cube (+ Predator)
Westside for Skinny Bastards
Candito 6 Week
Texas Method Trappy Version
Smolov Jr.
Bulgarian/Bugenhagen Method
Heavy Light Medium (not a program, just a loose DUP template).
Slavic Swole
nSuns 5/3/1 (written by a 1200 total Redditor)
Hepburn (8x2-3s)
Spotoshot (bench only)
Anything with Sean in the name.

>Retard Cuck-Tier
PH3 (need a tourniquet to choke yourself, and it has a 100% injury rate)
The Bridge
Barbell Medicine
RTS Generalized Intermediate
RTS Emerging Strategies
Anything with BBM/RTS in the name.
Anything with Hank in the name.

*all of these programs work (except Barbell Medicine), but the effort and attitude of the athlete is most important
Yes out of all the programs I ran in my career that one was the best

Although it is very gruelling and difficult, so if you’re a fat fuck like this person >>74624105 you wouldn’t be able to handle ph3 from a conditioning standpoint
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interviewer asked me what my goals were and i said a 1000lb total for 10 reps, i dont think ill be a working man for a while
They were put off by your lack of ambition
played ball for the first time in maybe 2 years, a surprising amount of my skill was recovered, chill pace for a solid teo hours, driving hard sometimes sometimes not, you know the deal
>sprints, full speed
4 * length of a field with walkback as rest, feet are pumped ad fuck, feeling nice and light (even while weighing 100kg at 5'7)
need her lips on ny crotch, if you catch my drift
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but she said she did crossfit, how could she possibly think that i lack ambition compared to her??
Live now
Circus dumbbell
Front squats
They say adderall kills your appetite but i feel like i can get shit done enough to actually eat three squares in a normal amount of time, it's fucked up
im going to try bullmastiff
I was wondering if that guy in the back was Kike Isreal, and then I realized his belly isn't big enough.
I am about to bench press 2pl8 for the first time, wish me luck guys
>plants a fat wet fucking kiss on your forehead
be strong my son
is he dead?!?
Good job anon
is this a PR? you know the rules. step on a scale and take a pic
No front squats today, the amount of cdb attempts I had was stupid and fatigued me too much.
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THREADLY, RELEVANT, and HIGH QUALITY REMINDER for you unlifting ANON CHODEs to post body/lifts and get a trip. Tripping is the only way anyone will believe anything you have to say about anything. And only if you demonstrate at least one of the following:
>A squat in excess of both 2.5 times bodyweight AND 500 lbs
>A deadlift in excess of both 2.5 time bodyweight AND 500 lbs
>A bench press in excess of both 1.5 times bodyweight AND 350 lbs
>A LMAO4PLAET or greater row from the ground
>A Log "Press" of at least 240 lbs and 1.15 times bodyweight
>A front squat equal to or greater than LMAO4PLAET and 1.75x bodyweight
>A body that /fit/ won't roundly criticize (good fucking luck)
If you can't manage at least one of these, shut the fuck up, go to the gym, and try harder
Congratulations, Sean!
1.) Do not talk about cutting
2.) Do NOT talk about cutting
3.) An adult male is >190 lbs, and this is an 18+ board
4.) LOLfedders get out
5.) Every fed is a LOLfed
6.) There are no real rules about lifting (except that s*mo is ghey), half-rep all you like
7.) There are no real rules about judging either, enjoy your R E D L I G H T S
8.) You must have vids to prove your lifts
9.) POST LIFTS or GTFO – The choice is yours.
10.) EAT MOAR – It is never enough
11.) Your program is shit, no exceptions
12.) Powerlifting is not a sport.
13.) Pulling s*mo is an admission of fundamental weakness, ontological incompetence, and likely fatherlessness
14.) FIGGY is not a fraud
15.) FIGGY is not a felon
17.) Grow a beard
18.) Phoneposters get The Rope.
19.) Everyone stronger than you is on sterons. Everyone weaker than you isn’t trying hard enough.
20.) Try harder
21.) You must squat >2.67 times bodyweight AND have an unblemished boxing record to bully FIGGY
figgy got pwned again
took you long enough
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UPDATED LIST OF PLG APPROVED ACRONYMs (Arcane CipheRs Of Never Yielding Masculinity). Post, but don't spam, in every thread.

>GDE (Genetic Dead End)
Exercise low-responder. High injury rate, no sports background, weak willed.

>OGD (Obese Genetic Dud)
A GDE that tried to cope by getting fat. Did not get stronger. Look at him and laugh.

>SUMO (SUbhuman MOron)
Too stupid and/or genetically deficient to just bend over and pick something up. Copes through a combination of clowning half reps and eating butt.

>UFO (Under Fed Organism)
Adult human male weighing less than 200 lbs. Throw food at them until the problem is remedied.

>VOLEM (Voluntary Evermediate)
Late beginner, early intermediate. Panics when the bar gets heavy. Program hops, works on technique, or sabotages recovery as an excuse to not progress.

>BONER (Bench Only No Effort Retard)
Wants to have the admiration and ego of someone who lifts, but doesn't want to get the squat or deadlift of someone who actually lifts. Copes with a combination of bench press and autism.

>LARPER - Lamely Accessorizing Retard, Performance Essentially Rubbish
Wants to be a powerlifter without actually lifting or trying hard. Buys $800 in clothes and accessories to dress the part. Stuck at a 400 kg total. Widely loathed.

>FAGIT (Freakishly Adept Genetically, Incredible Total)
Strong from birth, never had to work for it. Still works at it, just to ULTRA MOG GDEs even harder. Hated by everyone, but they can't really do anything about it.

>JANITOR (Just ANother Ineffectual Twig, Obviously Retarded)
Complete assclown and permanent virgin.

>TCHAD (Tries Consistently Hard All Day)
The Isleys, MAs, and other guys with average genes who actually like competing and getting stronger.

>TWIT (Third World Idjit Tard)
Smelly unAmerican FOREIGNER who lifts in the futile hopes it will make him matter like AMERICANS matter (The Italian's back)
FIGGY couldn't even post two (2) consecutive pastas
is FIGGY completely washed up and over the hill? is awaiting death all that is left for FIGGY?
good evening fellas, i hate doing starting strength
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It's simple, we, uh, don't do the program.
Good job dude, funnily enough the first time i tried 2pl8s i got 6 reps also
if it's so simple, why havent i switched routines already?
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I guess, because you haven't realized that rows will do more for you than power cleans?
i do pendlays instead of cleans thoughever
Okay, in that case, YNDTP. Simple as
>cdb to fatiguing for front squats

14 failed attempts and 2 good ones anon. It's pretty tiring failing that many times.
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>>74602025 OP is old
>>74603001 >>74603110 >>74609112 FIGGY misses TRIPS by one digit THREE TIMES IN ONE THREAD
>>74603726 Twink pinched a nerve
>>74604512 Anon has a favorite pic of Izlee
>>74605797 Biggie learns that if you actually use your grip, your grip will improve
>>74608506 PLOOTZ does not use his grip
>>74611129 Asukafag is back with his new cyborg foot
>>74611609 WEEMS needs moar cafeen
>>74611852 Anon tells lies (except for the part about not benching LMAO4PLAET)
>>74612193 TWIGGY deadlifts for cardio
>>74612529 Anon benches 305 lbs but doesn't stop at the top to simulate a RACK command REDLIGHTS desu
>>74613490 Anon does math like a nerd
>>74614385 Anon forgets to eat things besides, milk, oats, and peanut butter
>>74614467 SMIGGY is autistic enough to measure all of his food but NOT so autistic that he won't mix grams, ounces, and quarts
>>74614864 PLOOTZ still doesn't use his grip
>>74615695 Anon pays to do squats then pays more to do more squats
>>74615913 Anon appears to be hunting FAIRY GOD PARENTS
>>74616762 Biggie remembers when Hardee's was actually edible.

FINAL SCORE: 5/10 - Completely average, normal, middle of the road, okay, more or less decent, not good, not bad, center of the bell curve thread desu
Do your front squats bobby. You only cheat yourself.
don't bother, bob
you're a pussy
Nah I'm good. I'll make sure to do my high bar this week though.
I love doing starting strength
never did it
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>cheats front squats anyways
what did he mean by this?
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Holy shit I think I know why I've been feeling lethargic lately. I somehow fucked up my sugar levels since I started bulking again. The symptoms match a lot. Fuck.
Reset Deads 425 x 5
>squats(doing them rn)
Holy shit I started the bulk too hard, maybe that fucked up something
I'm thinking of doing less than half 1rm for like 5x15 but still doing all other shit but presses and legs at normal intensity.

Pretty sure I got here by neglecting front delts but hitting chest a shitload. Every grinder I hit my delts aren't locked forward.
Please tell there were other reps before that one
I'd hate to see that I did better than that at half the weight literally 10 years ago in this thread
>Front squatted over 4 pl8 at like 145 (or less)
You have the webm still?
Your webm looked like 3 plate
My front squat max is 355 now but I was going for 4 pl8 for shits and giggles when I was around my heaviest.
My best was just 3 plate at 210 or so
Not particularly impressive
And I feel kind of shitty about joking about your weight, so sorry for both parts of my earlier remark
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SSB squat 3x10x340, 2x10x320lbs
SSB good morning 4x10x160
Leg extensions and crunches 5x15
Need to remove hack squat from program as it causes me knee pain. I'll keep in front squats.
>starts getting fat
>wonders why he feels lazy
How much of a calorie surplus? Good work on deads btw.
I am a novice. Is this back shape OK? I heard some people do a rounded DL.
It's fine, I'm used to it

If you're a novice and aren't forced into slight rounding due to your proportions then it's best to stay away from rounding your back intentionally for now.
>leg extensions and crunches
do our lord and savior dead bugs as well
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Wtf, squats feel better than deads for once?
Did 360 2x5 and felt good. I'm trying to feel and use my glutes and I honestly feel stronk; even today, despite insane dizziness and lethargy.
Idk, maybe 500. But I think it's the sugary stuff.
>good work on the deads
Idk how I did it, I felt extremely shitty and dizzy
If you don't have pain then why not. But work on your hammies.
>I need help, somepony???
Also, you guys are fat, so how can someone deal with low sugar (if I have of course, maybe I'm paranoid). Should I just slurp on candy and sour patch when I feel dizzy or lightheaded? I hate that this is affecting my workouts.
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Have a webm, anyways
Are your wrists suppose to be vertical with that type of grip? Legit question. Been stuck doing cross arm front squats
I gotta try a 4pl8s front squat
To be fair, >>74625877 is only 3 plate
Probably not, since I'm kind of a weirdly build fuckup with odd bits of hypermobility
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Holy shit, squats rlly feel good. Today was:
>425 full reset deads x 5
>330 squat x 5
>360 squat 2 x 5
>330 squat x 10
>308 squat x 9
And did sol of that despiste massive dizziness and lethargy. Knees forward +, glute clenching may be the key after all.
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>Look at me, Brad, I’m a man now. Just like you. Except, I don’t look like a faggot and talk all educated
OK bitchtits
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>for shits and giggles when I was around my heaviest.
>webm clearly shows you were trying to beat Simon
Why lie? Oh right. You can't help it.
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Wrestled. Felt pretty good. Went 3-0 against the wunderkind. But 0-2 against another coach. Dude is ~5 years younger, shorter, 210lb. Felt really strong. I think it's all a matter of having better endurance so I can try harder. Gotta keep the edge sharp. Bodyweight 234
>cope of the day
ate way too much before practice, like 1lb chicken breast, a dry cup of rice, a quart of milk. Should have been after but I got hungry
~500mg caffeine
0mg nicotine. gonna sleep on 2mg then I'm out
the easiest way to finish shots as a /strongguy/ is just to go up into the crotch and lift. single, high crotch, either side is fine, just get him in the air
>1 person's comment is clearly representative of the whole reason I was doing front squats
Did a shitload of cleans doubles and worked at unfucking my overhead squat
Tomorrow is snatch work and pull ups
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