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ty anon!
>how damaging it must be to you to look at all of this
maybe this makes me weird, but i find repulsive things entertaining so it doesn't bother me in the slightest honestly! you guys just get to benefit off of that lol.
>what did they do to her?
exist in within a 50 mile radius of me
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>January 2019
Any recent updates on her? Is she even alive still?
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she is still alive and on her second try of Ozempic after failing previously. i believe she is currently in the 490-510 range, but she is also a liar so who knows
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fatty is worried he can't stand for 6 hours at a concert. replies tell him to get a wheelchair so he can sit the entire time
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This pisses me off on so many levels.
First, as a rabbit owner, you know know he's an awful owner. You don't put a rabbit on your shoulder. I guarantee he picked it up wrong and will dump it at a shelter when he gets bored with it. The rabbit actually looks uncomfortable.
Second, he gives into every impulse he has.
>Social media addict
>Porn addict (which is why he's trans)
He never found anything that administers a little dopamine and thought "well that was fun but doing this too often is bad!"
Disgusting creature
That tv screenshot
>feel that I'm slowly dying, I'm slowly killing myself

This is a major folly of the super fatties I see, they know they're killing themselves, but they think they're killing themselves way slower than they actually are. No, you aren't slowly killing yourself, you're just killing yourself. If you're in your 30's or 40's and obese to the point of mobility issues, you're already on death's door, you could die any day. Nothing has to go wrong anymore, no more getting sick and going to the hospital and then dying, no, you'll just not wake up one day like people normally do in their 80's. People just don't compute that it's possible to get a heart attack/stroke whatever that young, it can even happen in your 20's if you've been obese since childhood or have some other condition, which is common with mega-fats.
Even worse, they think they'll lose the weight and be back to where they ortherwise would have been in terms of health. There's no reversing the damage. You're only stopping the damage you're currently accumulating. You can go from morbidly obese to fit and running marathons but you've still cut your life short.
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Anyone else notice a shit ton of pretty conventional attractive, tall and well built men date chubby to maybe even fat women? I rarely see the equivalent with fat men. There's more to life than looks but its very strange the disparity between the guy and his gf.
Big girl, you are beautiful
Walks in to the room
Feels like a big balloon
Big girl you are beautiful
Diet Coke and a pizza please
Diet Coke, I'm on my knees
Screaming, "Big girl, you are beautiful"
You take your skinny girl
I feel like I'm gonna die
'Cause a real woman
Needs a real man, here's why
You take your girl
And multiply her by four
Now a whole lot of woman
Needs a whole lot more
Get yourself to the butterfly lounge
Find yourself a big lady
Big boy, come on around
And there we're gonna do baby
No need to fantasize
Since I was in my braces
A watering hole with the girls around
And curves in all the right places
Big girls, you are beautiful
Big boy, come on around
And there we're gonna do baby
No need to fantasize
Since I was in my braces
A watering hole with the girls around
And curves in all the right places
Big girls, you are beautiful
Get yourself to the butterfly lounge
Find yourself a big lady
Big boy, come on around
And there we're gonna do baby
No need to fantasize
Since I was in my braces
A watering hole with the girls around
And curves in all the right places
Big girls, you are beautiful
Oh, you are beautiful
Get yourself to the butterfly lounge
Find yourself a big lady
Big boy, come on around
And there we're gonna do baby
No need to fantasize
Since I was in my braces
A watering hole with the girls around
And curves in all the right places
Big girls, you are beautiful
Oh, you are beautiful
Get yourself to the butterfly lounge
Find yourself a big lady
Big boy, come on around
And there we're gonna do baby
No need to fantasize
Since I was in my braces
A watering hole with the girls around
And curves in all the right places
Big girl, you are beautiful
Well, you kind of can if you do it in your 20's, if you literally get to the point of running marathons and having a very high VO2max, but being obese in your thirties means decades shaved off your life.
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How do these "people" even afford to get and remain that fat in the first place? Can't even imagine the grocery bill.
No shit, the rabbits pen is 100% gonna be absolutely disgusting. Fat faggot looks like he can't even handle his own personal hygiene so he sure as shit isn't taking care of the rabbit's.
They buy in bulk from places that sell wholesale to businesses. That's the final frontier of obesity, getting a membership card and buying groceries as if you're catering for an event.
Maybe it's different in the US and you can get big enough boxes of snacks at Walmart, but for euroids that's what fats here do. They buy pallets of soda either from overseas if that's cheaper or from those wholesale retailers. If someone is giga-fat 99% of the time soda is involved so procuring that for cheap is top priority. I used to even do it myself.
Where is her nose?
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goblinx general
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sweet Latina princess general
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Tell me /fit, what's the likelyhood he has buyeres remorse once he sees her naked? He probably watches porn with thicker woman and the women he's talking to is just a blob.
I have a little kitten who’s awesome, as soon as I get home she climbs my work clothes and perches on my shoulder. It’s hard to get her off because she sinks her claws in and doesn’t want to get down.
What do you think the plapjak meme is about? Men's dating options have plummeted
>comfort shows
Is My 600lbs Life a “comfort show”? I thought it was disgust porn or like televised train wrecks. Do fatties watch it and feel comfort? From what, that at least the are still (barely) mobile unlike the televised fats?
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When will plaps figure it out?
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/fit/ I'm stuck what do I do!?!
What anime is the picture from? I wanna see if the girl gets a makeover.
if he actually loves her it literally will not matter
almost all your standard go out the window when youre in love, they have to be downright disgusting, and not regular fat girl disgusting, like my 600lb life
considering how rare that is though, he probably isn't and will immediately regret. though he's kind of a literal retard if he can see her irl clothed and still not get a grasp for how she looks naked
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Food companies -> 80% overweight+obese rate
I can't watch television. Not in an edgy "I don't watch TV because I'm contrarian" way. It's just really hard to sit still and stare at a screen and not want something to snack on. Television is legitimately one of the leading causes of obesity in the west. I'd put money on it. People need to go back to hobbies they use their hands for. I don't care if it's video games. It's still better than television.
knew a severe autist once who was like that, literally couldnt watch something without needing a 'snack'
dude would down hundreds of calories to watch a 30 minute youtube video
i just dont get it
like, if you are not hungry, how does watching something just make you hungry
Probably had parents who stuck him in front of the TV with a snack to shut him up and now it's a habit that's comforting and stable for him
It's not stimulating enough. You have to layer something else on top of it to make it worthwhile. And this is not some fringe viewpoint. There's a reason movie theaters have served snacks as long as movies have existed.
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i dunnae get it
Not a real thing. Men claim ED, then go jerk off to anime tiddies 5 minutes later. ED is a polite way of saying she is not doing it for him. This is why it's nearly exclusive to married men.
Thats a fascinating combover
I have the opposite flavor of autism and could sit motionless for four hours. People that need extra stimulus on top of everything kind of piss me off.
I would say 'take a shower', but we know they can't stand for that long.
>Standing for 6 hours is impossible
Fuck me, how pathetic are these lardies that they cannot stand? I mean, I would struggle, but ive also got a knee injury, and even then I usually dont sit at work. Was grafting for 8 hours today, sat down for my half hour lunchbreak only.

Ugh, he looks like my ex did when she started getting fat. She ended up with a real manface after piling on weight.

Its a combination of the number of fit/healthy women in the dating pool shrinking drastically, as >>74774254 says, and womens standards and expectations in potential partners rising in line with their waistlines. 4's are now refusing anything below a 7 or 8. A fatty waddles into the gym, does half an hour of light weights/cardio, and she suddenly adds +1 to her value. Its impossible.
Fellow bunny enjoyer. It’s also an American standard, Vienna marked, probably just from a shitty pet store or overflow farm rabbit. Maybe an Easter bunny or some other holiday pet. Take your bets, is it in an actual indoor pen a tiny cage or a small huge indoor/outdoor? My own SIL has a rabbit after killing 4 prior that lives in an indoor hutch she never cleans, but I was already warned if I say something it’ll come across as a personal attack and we won’t be allowed to visit my in-laws anymore. I have to pretend she doesn’t have the rabbit or I just get upset about the blatant abuse and neglect.
Standing in place for hours at a time is uncomfortable and painful for anyone. I'm fit and I would definitely bring a collapsible camping chair to sit in if I was going to a six-hour standing concert. For a fatty it's not just going to be painful, it's going to be outright dangerous (likely to result in bone or muscle injury).
You say pen like he would actually set up an enriching and open living space for the rabbit.
The only people that find television stimulating are idiots. That's why it was dubbed the "idiot box". If you find television is enough to keep your brain busy, I have bad news for you.
Way better version FINALLY
People that buy pets and then proceed not to treat them as family members should be shot. It's like having a kid and neglecting it grossly. Human failures. Scrap them.
Weve gone too far
Cope. A genius does not stop being a genius no matter what they do. Also staring at a blank wall is already so information dense not counting inner life. In fact, needing more distractions is the staple of the midwit that thinks they are smart. What's your degree of education?
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Uh huh, recovered from ED. Yup. Because the options are anorexic and underweight or “free from caloric obsession” and morbidly obese.
Why does RED recovery means eating whatever whenever with no care or judgement as if there are no consequences? I watched a legitimately underweight girl become an obese woman because that was her recovery plan with a therapist. Eat whatever you want without judgement. I don’t get it.
Many such cases.
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Cats love to climb, I had a cat years ago who would climb the curtains for fun and would actually jump on my shoulders. Rabbits aren't climbers. They get scared when their paws are off the ground.
Exactly. This slob doesn't even wipe the cum off his gross stomach after jerking off. You think the guy changes the rabbit's litter? Or when litter trained it to begin with?
Post bun.
And yeah that would piss me off too. One thing to consider is just start cleaning the cage every time your over, eventually she may ask how to do it. Another idea is give a gift of a bigger cage. Phrase it as "I know how much you love your bunny so I wanted to get you a bunny gift!"
I haven't even seen this bitch posting in forever, why are you obsessed? If this is some discord drama take it back to discord.
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Animal abuse should be a felony. I work in the criminal justice field (data not cop) and the cases I see disgust me.
People will neglect their dogs, leave them in 110 degree weather for hours with no water or shade, then get charged with a misdemeanor, which gets dismissed for a shitty unrelated class.
>Should we charge this guy with felony abuse
>Nah, make him take "cage your rage" and drop charges.
Lazy fatass DA.
More like Graciebogged.
lymphedema is sexy?
Ew you can see the sticky residue of round ekg pads, something healthy people who can actually fit in their very adequately sized tubs/showers don't usually have. This looks like the kind of retarded, totally self-unaware and embarrassingly victimmy crap that vile Kelly Lenza aka photopotamus would post for attention.
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does this happen in your cunt?
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I asked about doing the cleaning for her once, but she is a BPD monster and the conversation with my wife was
>what if I just nicely tell her the litter box shouldn’t turn white with fungus/mold/bacteria?
No anon she’ll cry and tell my parents that you’re insulting her
>well what if I just clean it myself for her?
NO anon she’ll cry and tell my parents that you’re insulting her
>ok well what if I just directly tell your parents that I know they don’t go upstairs and they don’t know the state of the hutch but it’s filthy?
ANON no that’s their favorite daughter ok and they’ll feel you’re undermining THEM. Just let it go, pretend you don’t know anything like I do.
Had to rehome my bun a few years ago because my kids were just too young and I refused to lower his quality of life and roaming ability
It's not even lymphodema or whatever, she literally had selective liposuction.
Cute bunny! He looks very happy!
Maybe you should approach the parents directly then. That's so fucking heartbreaking. I'm sorry that you have to see that and that this bitch can't figure out how to take care of a rabbit
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Disgusting creature with actual tofu skin (but bright red from high BP and blood pooling)
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Someone mentioned on /fph/ how these fatties tell on themselves by mentioning all the negative experiences they have at their doctor's visit. My last doctor's visit was a mandated physical six years ago. These fatties are on a first name basis with their doctor.
I think it’s more people have been programmed that any second without some kind of “reward” is wasted and needs to be filled in with something that stimulates a chemical response in the brain. It’s why people watch shows while scrolling and eating. If there is even a second of lull they need to fill it.
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The leg shot and baggy clothing tells me she got fat again
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If only they could take that sort of dedication and combine it with a little bit of 'not being a complete fucking retard'.
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Thank you for your service
Women really can't figure out a middle ground. It's like when you tell them to stop wearing lingerie to the grocery store they get offended and act like you want them to dress in a burqa. They truly do need men to help go through life.
Imagine how thats gonna look once she hits the wall
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At this point, I’m not sure if this is just how every single woman is, if this is how most of them are, or what the fuck the issue is. According to this article, she continuously jumps around from painfully, thin and drastically, unwell, to super fat and drastically, unwell, back to super thin and unwell, and now she’s a “healthy size 12” which means she is fat and probably on her way to gaining all the way back again.
nice to see fellow bunbros
>(but bright red from high BP and blood pooling)
no. it's either because of hot shower or video lighting/color. she is pale white otherwise
and yes a cow indeed. love tofu skin cellulite + the uncensored ass crack is delectable. i guess the joke is that it's almost as dark as your censor haha :D
>completely desensitized to body odor
This is the only thing keeping me from taking the plap-pill
is this meme supposed to be ironic or not? really sad and pathetic to settle for someone you do not find attractive
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>6 missed calls
>22 unread texts
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Wish I could find the OP
Every midwest man does not look like five fat dudes, that’s ridiculous.
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They get more and more real all the time
Why do these fats post this non-stop? Are they farming sympathy?
+30 does absolutely. Even in the southeast, they look like this or meth skinny
I don’t see how some guy is supposed to look like a group of five men just because he’s over 30, that’s absurd. You’re talking shit.
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I'm not too bothered by those guys. At least they know they're fat and don't make excuses. They are not the one pushing for HAES. They also at least are framers or know how to fix things and contribute to the economy in a meaningful way. The fatties here are all "disabled" or have make work corporate jobs.
They don’t push HAES or deny they’re fat no, but they do tell their sons and all young men that this is just what happens after 30. They think it’s normal and not exactly in their control. Age related weight gain.
it's from Jujustsu Kaisen. The guy (Yuuji Itadori) mentioned casually that the girl (Yuko Ozawa) had elegant handwriting once in highschool, so he was her oneitis. She gets skinny and cute, but decides against asking him out even after he recognizes her immediately (implying he never noticed her outward appearance). It's a 10 minute sideplot in a show about killing supernatural monsters.
Yes. Sympathy for self-inflicted fat diseases, encouragement for their "intuitive" eating gluttony, insults so they can be even more of a victim, whatever.
I once saw a Kelly Lenza post where it bragged about frying up 100 tendies for the freezer so it could heat them up and eat them before bed because "protein is good for PCOS" (another often fat-related malady.)
>I'm helping my ovaries y'all, by eating fried chicken in bed! Please disregard my last post about congestive heart failure for now. Look at me! I'm too ugly for OnlyFans but praise me!!
>i wear super baggy clothing so he has NO idea what I look like
He knows. We all do. Baggy clothing isn’t going to hide a huge gut and curveless (from fucked hormones) body.
>I’m an avid concert goer
fucking why?
>overpriced everything
>have to spend way too long parking and leaving
>songs sound worse than the recordings do
>volume level is high enough that it will literally damage your hearing
>way too expensive to get in
>expensive seats are still shitty and way too far away
where exactly is the upside? The only way I’d go to a concert is if it’s a work event so that it’s free and in a box with free food and drink, and I can spend the time hanging out with my coworker/friends. I saw Blink 182 that way.
women don't want that on the right, thats a fags dream though. women nowadays love twinky little emo boys ime.
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>fucking why?
Depends on the genre of music you listen to. I could never go to some radio buttrock band concert or one of those 8 hour house music festivals but metal shows where it's 3-4 bands over a 2 hour period with <200 people are a ton of fun.
Animals are not people and are not members of your family, weirdo.
Only thing wrong with her weight loss method was laxative abuse, that's absolutely retarded and true mental illness.
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What do we do about "men" who pay for this?
She cant keep getting away with it
Normally they are regularly culled by conscription for wars, but we have been in a bit of a lull the last fifty years. Don't worry, they'll be taking us to war against Iran or Russia soon, then nature will heal itself.
Are you chasing 16yo girls?
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More important what do we do with these women? She is irreversible damaged and complete dead weight.
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>this pig has an onlyfans

M*n are disgusting
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Poor plap
Now this makes me feel sad. She's genuinely lonely and in love with wojak. Everyone needs love.
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Gentlemen, a new plapjack is joining the battlefield.
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Once he's up close and she's naked he will see the rolls, the smell, everything. He might go through with it or might not but yes, he will be disgusted.
Nice trigger discipline, Samantha. Fucking broads, dude, I swear.
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>get suicidal after a one night stand
If she needs it so bad she should lose some weight so that she may achieve it.
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I'm I a fat wreck unworthy of saving?
>Feb 2nd, 2021
likely dead by now
>those tattoos
she must live a very interesting life
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Her profile doesn't get better. That guy is F U C K E D
>you don't deserve love until you meet other's superficiality
>red gym equipment
yes. no hope. sorry.
Self improvent will never be shamed, keep it up!
>being a POS is a superficial trait
hold on a minute, that advertisement - is this what happens on smart tvs these days? you pause it and are fed an advertisement pop up? like you're on fucking youtube or something? is this cable tv or an app of some sort?
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You're fat but you're very far from unsalvageable. Just keep going to the gym 4-5 days per week with a good training program(there's a million on the internet, do a few hours of research), eat at a slight deficit, and most importantly DON'T STOP and you'll be amazed at your progress after one year. The fact that you are asking the question shows that you have what it takes.
Is the self confidence that these things always post about completely superficial or do they genuinely believe the garbage that they post?
no, just remember it will take a lot longer than you think it will tho. how long do you think it'll take to look passable without a shirt on? triple that and remember that time will pass no matter what so might as well try getting better even if it takes "too long"
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>the lean on the car
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Well well well, if it isn't manmade horrors beyond my comprehension, again.
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They don't believe it at all. People who truly like their body don't need to tell everyone all the time and constantly take pictures of themselves.

This hog is always posting how proud to be fat she is but it covered in cutting scars,
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she knows she's a disgusting useless blob, she'll die soon enough don't worry
This general has become so low-effort it makes me sad. Half the content is just reposts of the same dozen screenshots from r/plussize, and the rest is just contextless photos of hamplanets without any funny accompanying text or anything.
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I appreciate that.

pricks will be pricks.

Thank you - this means a lot to me. This post really instilled in me what matters.

I work our 4 or 5 times a week, and I pride myself on the fact there are people at the gym who I see 3 or 4 times a week, but I outwork them.

This is something that is very important as I believe that with my whole heart, the harder you work, the more you will see.

I will post again here in 6 months. However, you all know the outcome from my hypothesis.
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Says the faggot who contributes absolutely nothing
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>another fat millenial polycule
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We believe in you anon. The most important thing is to not quit. There will be days where you feel like absolute shit and you really don't have the energy to work out. These are the most important days of them all. Just go anyways. Even if you only get 1-2 sets of your main lift in and then bounce you will feel so much better about yourself. Once you skip one day it becomes very easy to skip the next one and before you know it you haven't been to the gym in a month and going back looks all the more daunting.
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The best days are the days I wanted to skip but did it anyway. I have skipped the gym and regretted it. I have never gone to the gym in regretted it.
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you got this anon!! keep showing up for yourself and being consistent. you can do anything if you want it enough. wishing you luck and success <3
??? It’s not Planet Fitness purple; what’s the deal ?
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> "Able to move under their own power"
> mens standards are so unrealistic
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is that supposed to be a woman?
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>a woman
that creature is just an 'it' now
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Show your face, that's the only way to say for sure.
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I guess?
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ill always post this when i come across it
My empathy vaporised with the last two posts. Can women just not tell, is this a skill only men have? As a guy, I can tell instantly when a guy is just doing things to get laid, yet no women I met can and get frustrated with some of the most glaringly obvious signs.
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to be fair, humans aren't really made to stand still. 6 hours of standing is actually more taxing on your legs than 6 hours of walking. It has to do with how pressure on your legs keeps shifting and moving around as you move around vs standing still.

-t avid hiker with a standing desk.
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Yes. Its on Hulu, Netflix, and Peacock at least.
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you are correct. The funny thing is I've been told to ease off, but I still have the drive.

thank you. watch here in 6 months. Yes, I am drunk and drinking whiskey.

where would be impressive to you all?
This is going to sound like a bitter "nice guy" post but I remember in high school when people were starting to pair up I was surprised how many girls start going out with some of the worst guys and were shocked a couple months later when they cheated on her. People would try to tell them and they would always rebuke it with, "Oh, he's really great, you don't know him like I do." Meanwhile he's in the locker room telling everyone what her vagina and nipples look like. They truly have the worst instinct when it comes to finding a good man. This is why arranged marriages were a thing for most cultures. Women didn't have the luxury of dating around until their mid 30's before settling down.
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they're fat so i'm posting it, but i am actually happy for them
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Is purposely being gross an identity?
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People see what they want to see. One time a stripper told my friend she came giving him a lap dance and he bragged to me about it later that night.
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I'm actually pretty cute

thanks anon for the support

True. I feel disgusted looking at myself now, but I know I'm not weak or sacrificing.

what actually matters? because I have an idea but I want to know for sure.
>small telescoping stool
>for someone who is 480lbs
lol, that’ll just end with shards of plastic stabbed into his massive ass.
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Yeah, I have a friend who thinks he's God's gift to women and every waitress is totally flirting with him. It's fucking embarrassing since he's like 0 for 30 asking them out.
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I think it's just the fact they're exciting. Women like conflict and drama it seems, men who cause problems end up being on their mind 24/7 while if you're a regular guy who isn't fucked, she won't need to think about you and what you're doing 24/7, and since modern life is so easy, she has no conflict or stresses to really get her going. Humans probably evolved a certain level of necessary stresses and tension, we've just been divorced from it like zoo animals and seek it elsewhere.
I actually find fat couples kind of cute, it's consistent with morals so no "I'm 627 tons and need a fit 6'2 man" which also avoids a lot of the shit personalities that come with those demands and a lot of the times they're just happy. Yeah it'd be better if they weren't fat but they're far more salvageable than most honestly.
Get rid of the plastic clothing. I hate that shit. Also, no more giant baggy plastic shorts. This isn't 2005

You need to lose 50 pounds iummediately. Crash diet. Starve. Snake juice. Semen only. I dont care and it doesnt matter. Start over. Once youre a normal amoit of fat, start building.

Im assuming you are young and youre not too fat. In one year, you could be a God. But yoyu msut get thin first.
Having to wipe your ass for you is kind of a personal boundary for me.
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Why settle for two breasts when you can have four?
God, these creatures disgust me to no end.
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How do these lardasses keep their thin faces
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this looks nsfw but it isn't, just a wound
Guess he was 5’11” and only made $99k a year.
I’m guessing the real story is she was getting gas, someone looked at her and said “yuck!”, and she made up this story.
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I'd impregnate that sideways slit with those fat nip milkers wahoo!
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>You're not entitled to someone's love if you don't care to be what they want
ftfy, m'fat'lady

So are "incels" deserving of love even though they don't meet good looking women's superficiality? Think before you say such retarded, double standards.
>thinks taking care of yourself means wearing makeup, wasting time on hair, and retarded clothing
Bitch, only the hair is actually a part of yourself, and it doesn't get fat. Yes, taking care of yourself means not being a tub of lard.
She should be careful doing all that exercise at once.
What is love to you exactly? She’s not in love with Wojak, she’s desperate and obsessed. You don’t love someone that you went on one or two dates with, you don’t love someone you’ve known for two weeks. Love and infatuation are two very different things, showing up unannounced and uninvited to someone’s home with an arm full of gifts even though they haven’t been returning your calls or texts for days/weeks on end, that is not love. That is obsession borderlining stocking. she’s just obsessed with Wojak because that’s the only male that has shown any type of interest quite a long time. Like u/stargamer.
I appreciate your words. but you are weak, and you think you matter?

What matters more?

what is the best connection to planescape to this? are you not lucky?
Thank God I've been fasting for a few days because otherwise I would have vomited.
shitskin detected
You must be attractive in order to attract a partner, yes. No one should have to lower their standards to get a partner, instead they should improve themselves to match the standards of the type of partner they want.
My tax money, not yours
Its crazy how good so many fatties skin looks. Like plump smooth baby skin. Whats the secret?
It can’t just be “get fat”, what is the hormone or chemical they’re producing that these sizes that gives them such cherubic faces?
fuck, that's too accurate
toll paid. 2 years wasted when she could have been starting a family and being happy.
That's not diet food, that's just food.
Holy shit these creatures are insane.
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I’ve seen a disturbing amount of people accuse normal weight pets of being starved/abused
I'm not into single moms or asians but I NEED my mouth on those breasts.
God I can't wait for this Al Franken looking bitch to die.
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Your body is a monument to gluttony.

I had this short pop into my feed about a small family that only eat what they grow and harvest. Obviously calories are important to them, they can’t survive off of salad greens and how to account for carbs and as much protein as possible. Obvious fatty comment about how she now ignores calories in chocolate cake because food is fuel and we need fuel.
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The Peter Griffin pfp
If you have to eat an unholy amount to be fat, then you are not naturally meant to be fat. Show me a fat anatomical model or textbook diagram NOT in bariatrics or talking about obesity as a disease.
I hope it has a lengthy hospital stay from which to patheically post as it dies. And I hope people are merciless to it.
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Is that fat hippo lady?
>my superior intellect is why i must munch on chips while watching a 25 minute video about a 70s anime
nigga be for real PLEASE
just find the fucking video essay interesting holy fuck im begging you
Is that from planetscape torment?
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I find it hard to imagine how these creatures must feel.
No shame at all.
They don't even care about their deformity.
They're proud. It's sick.
No, go on about how I clearly don’t care about my own well-being. If nicely saying they’re very unwell isn’t a good approach, how about “ don’t ask for help when your health gets out of control. Don’t ask for help when you can’t get out of your recliner anymore. Don’t ask for help when you can’t find any clothing to fit you because you require two tarps sound together. Don’t ask for help when no doctor will take you on because you’re too much of a hazard. Don’t ask for help when no one wants to marry you or date you. Don’t ask for help when your spouse no longer loves you or hold any sort of attraction to you. And for families that endorse it or encourage it or stay quiet about it, don’t ask for help when there’s no funeral homes that will take your deceased fat loved one.
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Jesus fucking Christ. God forbid you say most women probably require oversight, that makes you an INCEL and a WOMAN HATER.
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I imagine they feel shame. But if they feel any bit like they should change, then they are faced with the enormity of their situation, and how much work they must do to slim down and get healthy. Then they get depressed and return to food for comfort.
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She got liposuction and probably also Kybella injection which are extra goated. Did dummy get down really hard, it’s an FDA approved acid that you inject into your face and neck, and it destroys fat cells, and if The patient is above age 25, that means they’ll never create new fat cells, which means that fat is gone forever
BRO how do you have 2 assholes and not ask to be euthanized
>i have a boyfriend
>my dick doesnt work with you
honestly yeah
Raw broccoli is the most criminal thing about that child’s lunch. Who the fuck enjoys raw broccoli? Are used to think I hated broccoli as a kid because I only ever had it raw or steamed so it’s absolutely most bitter and very crunchy pure mush.
>I'm I a fat wreck
>unworthy of saving?
wtf no
lose the weight breh
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>I wonder if it's even a woman.
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Yes. That is quite literally what women say to men all the time.
Wheres his nose???
I don't think I've ever met an infinifat irl. My most shocking fat encounter irl was probably with a woman who was like 150kg. She sat next to me on public transport and I almost vomited from the smell. Normally the fet people I meet cap at around 130kg(m)/100kg(f) I think.
>Women constantly getting fatter
>Men start pushing back and not wanting to date fatties
>Somehow this the mens problem and men need to fix it
>Meanwhile Mrs Lardopottamus will refuse to date an even slightly chubby man because "shes not into fat men, only buff, toned, gymbros"
But that’s just fat? Fucking ifunny.
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Weak mindset. I like to eat the tops off of raw flourets like a brontosaurus
>Measuring in kg
Go to an American Walmart
I am into Asians of the Far East kind, and I have a desire to breed that exotic milf like nothing before.
I used to be an EMT and spent a while doing dedicated bariatric transparent. I was pretty amazed at how many 600lb+ people there actually are. You just don't really see them often because they can't easily leave their homes but they're all over the fucking place in America. We had one guy we took a few times who was about 850 and lived on the second floor of a house with no elevator. We basically would have to get 12 guys together, put him on a reinforced tarp with handles and basically surf him down the stairs lmao. Fuck fat people I hate them all.
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You too?

Pls marry me Doll
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>like a brontosaurus
that is cute
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They're all bedbound.
why does she look like picrel
Wonder when the last time that bathtub has been cleaned. Disgusting.
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This one is for you.
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>*growls while chomping broctops like mf godzilla*
i thought i was the only one...
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never. her/its name is tophia, a 30yo tiktok lolcow who lives with her brother and elderly mother and has only had one job her entire life for a few days which she was fired from for smelling so bad. she refuses to work and so her family fluctuates between living in a car or a motel. her entire family is filthy
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Hospital nurse here. Some of our more basedphysicians will use Obesity Induced Hypoventilation as a diagnosis but I dont see it often. We occasionally get some BMI 60+ patients and it's absolutely disgusting. The space between their folds is fucking putrid and really tests my resolve. I was the anon with the BMI 86 patient last week. Pic related.
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>The space between their folds is fucking putrid and really tests my resolve.
I'm really glad I left the medical field for good before I ever really had to deal with many of them seriously.
Don't ambulances cost money in America? How are immobile fatties able to afford it?
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Have a classic.
I used to hate vegetables and I trained myself to like them by doing visualization exercises where I imagined I was a brontosaurus munching on leaves from a tree lmao. What is this anon hivemind shit?
She was morbidly obese and had selective surgery. She has the bottom of the size of which she was and then plastic surgery the top.
Genius grift but holy fuck
Tbh I see this type of rash ALL THE TIME in varying degrees. Nearly every supermorbid has it. We have this shit called Interdry its basically fabric that goes between the folds to wick away moisture and then we blast them with miconizole powder like a snowman.
>She was morbidly obese and had selective surgery.
Anon, she still is morbidly obese.
Fast for 7 days, now. If you can do it, you're gonna make it. If you get 3 days, there's still hope. Anything else, rope.
Don't take anyone's advice just listen to sticky but even a rusted out ford pinto has salvage value
>Can distinguish between colors
>im average weight
>cant walk to car and back
That was insane to read
Yes I do that and set up stages with the rest of my food but I don’t like it raw
Thats cute desu
EZPZ they do qualify for disability money because they very clearly cannot work any job, and they have so many different health problems and they see so many doctors so regularly it’s not as hard for them to file for that shit. So they aren’t paying for the hospital, the government is. Our taxes are. they have no income, so they have no money, so they aren’t expected to pay anything back.
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I don't have a diagnosis yet, but I literally can't stand still. At a wedding I actually passed out standing for 9 minutes as a groomsmen.

Can fucking walk 20km nonstop and I've been getting into running without issue. But standing still? To hard for my ass.
Have you tried walking in place? Consider compression stockings, sounds really gay but they help force blood back up. You might just be pooling blood in your legs
"No fat chicks" used to be a common phrase but nowadays bitches react as if you did a hate crime.
Even if they aren’t fat because
1. They dont want to appear shallow and “bitchy” like they’re better than fatties
2. What if someday SHE gets fat? After all almost all women gain weight with age!
3. She can’t show him off to friends without risking her reputation with them
Oh yeah no if I can move just a little bit I'm fine, like in a line or talking with a group as long as I'm moving my legs somewhat I'm good.

But if I'm trying to be formal I just pass out.
Still so confused by this. I can make out the arm bottom right. Is the tattooed slab at the top a leg?
kek, based statistically accurate inmate
They do this shot at least once in every saw movie and it hasn't been cool since the second one
None of the saw movies after the second one have been good, now that I think of it
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I think I FINALLY see it.
The top is a leg. That tat is on its calf.
It is laying on its side and taking a photo by holding up the camera with its left hand so that is the right arm you see on the bottom right. You can tell by the thumb.
The big curved fold that spans from the western quadrant to the northeast is the "waist".
So the rest of the mess has to be a mix of belly/sideboob/lymphedema.
Well I certainly hate them
>eating 6 cheeseburgers
>fuck off randy jr
haha had a old monte carlo with a no fat chicks bumper sticker.
I miss that ride
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Don't miss your chance to get in on this /fph/
She got thick in all the right places
i hate this so much
why do i click on these threads every few days?
I hate alright
hate myself for wanting this jew
Incomprehensibly based autism
please tell me they arrested the dumb cunt for child abuse
It's face looks so old! I thought it was somebody's ancient fat abuela because of its oldface and lumpy grandma body. What a garbage monster!
the camera shake gets me every time. it's like fucking Jurassic Park
I once paid a domme good money to choke me like that.
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Sad. Many such cases.
>Still aiming for much higher weights.
They could have done literally anything but decided that eating was their hobby of choice instead.
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The anatomy of these gargantuan beasts is curious, though also revolting.
She makes more money in a day than you will in your lifetimes. Cope and seethe
not those anon, but how much does she make in a day? a year?
Sounds like a guy i know at work. Doesn't say a damn thing to anyone even if you ask him stuff but he cannot stay still unless actively welding. Any other moment he keeps a side to side shuffle and heel to foot tapping all day long.
Haha it looks like the guy is bending the stick away with his mental powers.
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Nah half them are retards
Blessed & based Chick parody
looks like intertrigo
Can i get that done on my lower belly to keep fat off there forever?
She could have just grilled the chicken ffs. This fat hoor is absolutely revolting
You've never had a good blanched broccoli salad
Nah, he miss timed the hand parry and is about to get chunked for 1/3 his hp.
After seeing a 70 year old woman at the costco wearing just a bra, yes.
It's all a waste of time anyway if she's a fat cunt. The best quality clothes will look like shit on a fatty. Make-up can't hide their ugliness. Perfume etc can't cover the stink of a fatass who can't clean themselves properly, sweats all day just from walking to the fridge and without doubt has a filthy arsehole
>Plastic clothes
Wtf does that mean?
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Technically that’s off label use, but it seems some offices will do abdominal and hip. The only problem is is that it does seem to require much longer treatment with greater quantity, because we’re typically talking about a lot more fat to destroy
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>inb4 clearly only women get this shit done
You can barely even see any difference in this one though.
>it's possible to get a heart attack/stroke whatever that young, it can even happen in your 20's if you've been obese since childhood
Not even, a neighbour of mine died of a heart attack in his 20s, I've long outlive him. Not fat or obese. Anyone can get a heart attack, it's just that any health-detrimental factors such as weight, age or sickness increase the chances by some amount.
>Although Kybella is mostly a safe operation, less typical adverse effects including nerve damage could substantially influence your quality of life should they develop. These include facial nerve damage resulting in asymmetric smiles, facial muscle paralysis, or other issues.
Some things are starting to make a lot of sense
>where exactly is the upside
normies like it. only time they can hide the droning in their heads.
new thread
I used to red stuff like this on reddit and think "wow these guys re so cool" until I realised they're all fucking weirdos lol
Well yes, obviously, anyone can get a heart attack at any time. Sometimes babies get cancer and die, but that's exceedingly rare. A morbidly obese 25 year old getting a heart attack is around as likely as one of your dad's old drinking buddies kicking the bucket in their 50's with no prior cause, everyone knows someone whom it happened to.
Just recently I asked my brother about one of his old friends who used to come over all time when we were kids and he told me he died years ago at age 28. He didn't have anything wrong with him other than being morbidly obese, he died on the shitter at work like Elvis or that guy in the Sopranos.
She lost so much weight in so little time, how come there's no loose skin in the middle picture?

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