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/fit/ - Fitness

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It's like 5 guys but they shit up entire catalog at any given time
as far as I can tell, the veganschizo probably pays this shitty website to allow him to post his non-stop spam here.
Also ban offtopic religion spam.
They're all mods powertripping.
ban the mothafucka posting >started lifting at 23
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based OP
after messing with chatgpt I started to notice a continuity with some of the posting patterns on this site, I wonder how much is a chatbot?
Open communities just don't work anymore. You either have a closed community with forced verification or an open trash heap filled with third worlders, bots, and mentally ill retards.
but, now you're one of them
I'm going to make Ramadan fasting threads every year and you can't stop me
what are good forums for fitness
t nation
thanks anon
yeah, it's time we take our board back from these faggot niggers
To any dyel out there listening, this is YOUR board, to any sickkunt out there listening, this is YOUR board. To any demoralizing 3rd worlder Jew, it's time to leave and return to r/fitness. Thank you,have a good night
If you didn’t start lifting in college it’s over
You won’t have a good physique until it’s too late to matter
They never worked. It has always been a case of manually filtering out garbage.

The concern I have is when intelligent and knowledgeable people post and then some kids think oh look 4chan is actually a place with cool people in it, not realizing how any normal adult automatically filters out all that huge amoutn of garbage.
the gym
I don't get it. What's wrong with posting Rippletoe?
technically correct
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you have my vote
Ban charli posters and the board improves overnight
I think this is just a sign to stop browsing this board, theres nothing of value here
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Theres a guy spamming shirtless twinks everyday and you're worried bout a lil Choli posting

I know what you are
literally who? never even heard of her. the only charli i want to see posted is the one that got famous and then disappeared overnight. i wanna cum all over her face
Sick and tired of pretending life isn't complete fucking dogshit at 30 if you haven't made it. There's no turning it around at 30, it's done. No you don't age like fine wine, literally everything in your body is going to shit. Wrinkles add character? like fuck they do.

There's teenagers getting pregnant and you have to watch "charisma on command" youtube videos like people can't immediately see through that bullshit. Other 30yr olds are taking their kids to school and you can't even muster up the courage to talk to a woman. And it doesn't change either. You have to be born with that ability. You just can't be social awkward past the age of 25. Its a red flag.

Fuck the gym too. Any muscle you think you will gain could have been made in 1/3rd of the time in your teens. That's when it really mattered. Yeah having a good body at 30 is great but having it at 18yrs old is better.

Friends, if you still have them, wont be around that much. If they have kids, you are just a 3rd wheel and a burden.

"Just travel bro"
Fuck that shit. what? spend thousands to go to a place where no one wants you just so you can get overcharged at a tourist trap? Fuck off cunt. Think the locals give a shit about the millionth fuckin tourist taking up space?

Just sick of the lies.
Add the guy posting that smug anime face.
The faggot adds small edits each time to the pic too so you can’t filter him
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Your body, officer?
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>wanting to ban gutsanon
Stop posting about yourself in third person lmao
you're right, talking about fitness is stupid. We need more frogposters around here.
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let me guess, you "need" more
now post two more replies with two drawings you didn't make
>losing half your gains because of some jewish fairy tale
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t-third person posting, easy
that was pretty good
ok, one more
>as far as I can tell, the veganschizo probably pays this shitty website to allow him to post his non-stop spam here.
There is literally no vegan schizo, I just asked about vegan protein bars ONE TIME on /fit/ and /ck/ and you practically never see any vegan posts except that one anon on /ck/ that posted a nice lentil recipe once
"OMG IM A KETO SHIZO PLS DONT EAT OATS OR UR VEGAN OMG" 24/7 365 days a year for almost a fucking decade on /fit/ and /ck/
>ban the mothafucka posting >started lifting at 23

Yea and ban the douche bag that always says
>already in your 30's? Well now you can never start lifting, just give up!
Example of the keto schizo spammer
go to bed moxyte
>whining about """incels"""(slur for non-leftist men) and pictures of women rather than:
the demoralization campaign pushing men to hate themselves over shit they can't change like height
constant relationship threads
constant fashion threads
constant oprah book club tier conspiracy theory garbage like "seed oil" spam

You're not making yourself look like you're actually part of this community. In fact this suggests you're one of the people posting what I just listed.
I'm amazed at how persistent these people are. Even normal neets find something new to spend their time on, these retards have decided their one true purpose in life is spamming the basket weaving forum.

Wonder what they'll do when their parents pass away and they have to fend for themselves
this is the real problem.
who is even pushing this? is it kikes, is it the trannies hoping some of us troon out?
Every thread about any subject has tens of comments about height and hair, never on topic.

What are they trying to get out of this?
if you psyop men to think they need to take tranny drugs for the rest of their life, thats literally billions in profit for pharma.
as simple as that.
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>go to bed moxyte
Whoever this person is who always says this weird "moxite" thing, they are probably also the keto schizo spammer because they always say that when people disagree with them, also needs to be permabanned. I am sick of their bullshit. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. YEARS of this bullshit spammer trolling everyone for no fucking reason. This sick fucking cunt needs to go to a mental hospital.
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nobody is falling for your shit moxyte.
It’s Muslim you silly billy
Retarded ketoschizo losing it because he saw a single carb in someone's meal prep.
They hate men for some unknown reason and constantly try to hurt their pride. It's a pandemic of constant malicious disinformation.

>/fit/ and /ck/ also have these shills that try to convince everyone to not supplement creatine, and to not ever take any vitamins, but then these same shills appear to push finasteride, but too many anons allegedly claimed it permanently ruined their penis and drive, so now the shills always push fin with cialis so that gullible anons get hooked on both, and the cialis keeps their dick working long enough to not realize how the fin may have ruined their penis, so when they stop both, they realize they need cialis for life damage is already done.
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>I'm amazed at how persistent these people are. Even normal neets find something new to spend their time on, these retards have decided their one true purpose in life is spamming the basket weaving forum.

They have been here for several years spamming this shit 24/7 365 days a year.
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fuck off moxyte.
aww sweet a schizo thread
>nobody is falling for your shit moxyte.
It appears that this keto schizo spammer is also a reddit user (because how the fuck would they know who this random reddit user is?) and is likely pretending to be people who disagrees with them and then probably shits on their own reddit throw away account and points at it as a fabricated source as a cheap excuse to compare people who disagree with them to this fake persona they have likely just made up, a shitload of mental gymnastics later and in their sick delusion self rationalize that they can now somehow call other people who disagree with indiscriminate oatmeal hatred the slang insult "moxite" or some shit, assuming that somehow people will know or care about whoever the fuck that is.



brb gonna eat some oatmeal seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeethe shitlord
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you can lie all day, everyday, nobody is buying your shit moxyte, fuck off.
If anything that's proof of how much the keto schizo is spamming their malicious disinformation! All these honest anons have to work so hard to post the keto schizo spammer image to keep up with all the spamming! They are doing God's work, keeping everyone aware of the spammers bullshit.
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>moxyte spamming like a mentally ill patient off meds is actually PROOF moxyte is right about everything
You need to be institutionalized, this is not a joke.
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>fuck off moxyte.
Why are you so mad LOL? There is no random moxie boogeyman disagreeing with you all over the internet. It's just NORMAL EVERYDAY PEOPLE WHO ALL THINK YOU ARE WRONG. I know it's a tough pill to swallow, but you should get used to it because you should check yourself into a mental hospital for being such a delusional hypocrite.


Nope, it's just millions of people who think you are wrong. Yummy yummy oatmeal, delicious oatmeal so good, I love my oatmeal so much.

But I respect if you don't like oatmeal, so enjoy eating whatever you like! Have a nice day! Bye bye now! Ta ta!
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>keto schizo impersonating an alternate split personality throw away account of themselves as an excuse to call people a "moxite" is moxyte spamming like a mentally ill patient off meds is actually PROOF moxyte is right about everything because they are mad that people just WONT STOP EATING OATS GOD FUCKING DAMN
>source: keto split personality schizo "moxite"

fixed that for you
fuck off moxyte you mentally ill faggot.
Wow the keto spammer is really mad, I must have guessed correctly. Oh well, time for me to go eat some more oats! yummy yummy. You can't stop me from eating oats. I will improve my cholesterol and my doctor will pat me on the back and say I'm a good boy. I'm a good high fiber boy. Squats and oats.
fuck off moxyte
I'm still eating oats. I actually just had another spoon right now. It's so good. I can feel the fiber. I can feel the power. I can feel the beta glucan hugging my intestines from the inside in a healthy and respectful way. The cinnamon falling upon the oats like snow on christmas. Ho ho ho the jolly oatmeal man says. He gives me the gift of oats this christmas.
>Fuck the gym too.
What are you even doing on /fit/ like fucking go away. Who the fuck invited this guy?
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>He gives me the gift of oats this christmas.
I can't fucking BREATH
the gutsanon spam is a ploy to turn the board against him
You’re 30+ Yes you will
somebody has been shitting up the catalog with his pics for days
>guts anon defending himself in third person

Kek as if naming yourself wasn’t bad enough. At least Randy was self aware
same reply too, it really is one guy
How could you not include the destiny spammer
Same defence and defending “yourself” around the clock

Really Is guts too
Remember in 2021-22 when the worst of our problems was pear and bad genetics Blanon?

It’s all gotten worse
The learning curve here is a steep one, on boards I've spent a lot of time on I always rank by creation date then violently prune out all the shit with shift+click.
stop taking shit so seriously dumb newfag

Nothing exposed you more than not knowing you can just hide shit then trying to police a Norwegian goat breeding board
>stop taking shit so seriously dumb newfag
>Nothing exposed you more than not knowing you can just hide shit then trying to police a Norwegian goat breeding board

You could just keep telling people to keep hiding everything, but they are making other threads disappear when they post objectively factually shitty low quality threads. It is very bad for the quality of the entire board and website for spammers to fill up the catalog with brain rot. Don't you see, they are trying to destroy us? The catalog should be 100% high quality threads only. God damn the opposition.
>shit threads constantly being made
>good threads get bumped off
kill yourselves fags
>didn't mention THE worst poster
I mean the ok bot :D guy who can barely string a sentence together
You first newfag, go back to led if racism and harmless trolling gets your neo vagina All pussy
>this whole thread

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