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>Who is /fat/ for?
For the noble nikocados who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/
>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous Thread: >>75110652
I’ve noticed a lot of people losing large amounts of fat lately

It’s like people have finally got over 2020-2021 and have started finally cutting

My mom lost 75lbs, my dad lost 35lbs, I’ve lost 30lbs
Dieting information is not only improving, but becoming much more widespread.

The type of weight loss transformation you used to only see on infomercials are now being done pretty regularly
>diet fatigue is starting to kick in
It's literally just 10 more pounds... I just need to keep it together for about 2 more months and then I can move to maintenance.
also more people are losing weight because more people are fat to begin with
Everyone is just cheating and using ozempic
I work with a guy who coped at 345 that he was watching what he ate and kept it under 2000 calories and not seeing the scale move. I noticed he started losing some weight and asked him about it. 40 pounds in 4 months so congratulated him on the progress. Then said he was using wegovy from some website he pays 1k a month to for the shots. Will cost him 17k or so to get down to a normal weight at that rate. No clue the long term effects of it either. Seems more economical to fix your calories to be a deficit through fasting and lifestyle changes but I guess some people lack the will and will yoyo for the rest of their life cycling the weight loss drugs every year.
Healthy diet and exercise really is some esoteric knowledge isn't it
That feel when you only commit to losing massive weight right when the drugs get big and now everyone will just assume you still have no will power and that's how you must have done it
Oh well shit don't matter in the end
keep it going brother, dig deep
People cant really cant afford to splurge on their usual slop and liquor so they are cutting down on calories as a result.
I can't afford it so not me
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>potatoes i buy say 75 calories per 100g boiled and peeled
>i usually peel them raw weigh them add to my app then bake them no added calories except spices and oil which i calculate into my calories
is this right? potatoes gain weight when boiled so if anything im undercalculating?
First date ex-/fat/ khv autist from the previous threads here.

She decided to visit me yesterday. Wanted to watch horror flicks but ended up cuddling and fucking the entire night/morning after.

Man, after 30+ years alone on this earth it feels pretty fucking good. Like a weight off my shoulders and somewhat human.

Sorry for this gay ass blogpost. Please don't give up. If a sperg like me can make it, so can you.
How the fuck did you go from kv to making out and fucking in one night without intense awkwardness and performance anxiety driving her off? I don't think I'd be able to do that
damn, how. im a 30 y/o virgin and realise its not just because im ugly but also a fucking bore. i cant fathom a woman wanting anything to do with me
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Will my gf have loose skin from this
yes obviously
Good job anon, hope one day I can find someone too
Her skin looks pretty dry so probably
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Prolonged fasts and other things that boost autophagy in the body while losing weight will help keep the loose skin to a minimum.
There is literally no proof of this
Dude.. I lost my V card at 14, 3 months before I'd turn 15.

Literally just talk to girls and don't overthink it. I mean that's how it worked for me. I was a nervous wreck as a teen talking to girls especially if I liked them, but I just kinda told myself to see them like how I see my friends. If I'm not nervous with my friends, why be nervous around girls? another thing I'd recommend is just going with the convo. Like, they could be talking about the most boring shit you've ever heard but as long as you seem interested and ask them about said topic, bonds form slowly and y'all grow closer.

Also.. there's almost always gonna be someone who's into you, even if you think you're ugly. You may find someone good looking while another person may find that same person bad looking. People have types. If no girl finds you attractive, you gotta be pretty damn ugly but just talk.
more like autofaggy
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Look up Dr Pradip Jamnadas and watch his lectures. I have also seen it first hand.

However based on your response, I know its highly unlikely you will believe me or watch the lectures. But I figured I would throw it out there anyway.
I really don't know, I just did what felt natural. She knows I'm weird and I verbalise every retarded thought which made her giggle and kept me going. Just bee yourself worked.
Performance wasn't an issue but it also was. I'm used to deathgripping my dick to degerenate porn which made me last for ever. I even told her that kek.

Same for me. I don't have any hobbies or stuff going on and no topics to talk about because I spend my freetime on image boards. Doesn't help that I'm somewhat blackpilled, a 5.8" manlet and she's 6". BP and the manlet memes almost made me chicken out of meeting her in person, glad I didn't.

Rooting for you Anon
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Question for you, my fellow /fat/anons: what do you when you hit a plateau?

Basically, what happens is I'll lose about 40lbs then hit a stubborn (normally 2-3 month) plateau. After about 3 month mark is when my will power breaks and I start to gain again. I don't want that to happen again. I'm sick of yoyoing.
Eat less
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>im ugly but also a fucking bore. i cant fathom a woman wanting anything to do with me
Same, I've been trying to be more social and talk to people, but trying to maintain a conversation is hard, I find everything I say boring, just one cliche after another, and I can see people's eye's glaze over as I talk. My decade of self imposed isolation has deteriorated what little social skill I had, but the only way to get better is to just keep trying and not to give up.
wow, sage normie advice, literally kill yourself. just existing worked for you. it doesnt work for short ugly people like me
Fatty Contest
>Be fat
>In order to lose weight, just eat less
>Literally save money on food expenses while losing weight at the same time, literally no downside whatsoever
>Be Jew
>Realize people aren't buying your goyslop as much in order to lose weight
>Get them to PAY to lose weight LOL what an epic prank the goyim are so fucking stupid
Idk bro I have alot of loose skin on my face. I do fasts. But the loose skin makes it look like I have a double chin. I was gonna ask if there are supplements or exercise one can take. I love fasting but I think the loose skin is really showing because I've fasted for so long and lost weight to fast
Had too much access to food last week but didn't end up binging back to 215 lbs, am back on track now - was 203 yday so I guess the variance is water weight
>what do you when you hit a plateau?
just keep going normally with no changes. hasnt failed yet

i don't think 2 month "plateaus" are really plateaus, it's an actual failure of the process of some kind. like you're miscounting a core part of your diet, or your deficit is too small, or something
Definately eat less or try implementing carbs for a bit then go back to an extreme cut. U definitely have to be in a caloric deficit. I also do far burners. Yohimbine/alpha lipoic acid
Rome wasn't built in a day
it cant be a two month plateau.
its possible that the body picks up water weight though.
doing long cardio that makes me sweaty and sleeping properly for at least 8 hours helps me flush a lot.
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Gym three days back to back is too much for me.
Sucks, I'd like to get the most out of the weekend.

I'll probably get there soon enough.
good for you bro!!!! welcome to the club

I was an ugly almost friendless incel at 19 and now at 23 I’ve had sex with 12 women and been in a relationship for years now

My advice… all I can really offer
>try to make at least two socially competent friends
>put a lot more work into your appearance
>quit being fucking afraid of rejection or embarrassment it happens to everyone, even the most “chad” men on the planet get rejected sometimes
I have to believe that I'm still losing fat even if scale not go down. My longest plateau was 3 weeks, ended one week ago and I've lost 2.6 kg in the week since, at 69.9 kg at last. But during those three weeks, I was going insane. You begin to think that maybe your diet and exercise have stopped working, that your calories in are greater than your calories out. But the weight loss this week proves I was still on the right track.

I had three cheat days during those weeks, and by cheat, I mean two were pretty much at maintenence and one was a truly bad ice cream, fried food, pizza, and cake day with half the normal exercise. I did them in the hope that my body would end the plateau, but it was a week later when it ended, so I don't know if I just sacrificed several days and could be even lower. I should have reached my current weight 5 days ago.

Anyway, you gaining weight after a 3 month plateau sounds like your CI were pretty close to your CO rather than something like water retention. I lost an entire kilogram last night just from a hot bath. Just up the cardio and lower the food.
I don't mind plateaus because I am lifting so it's probably just muscles
Fatty contest
It's some good general advice but you're so young it's kind of a different game for 30+ KVs
It's an incredibly amount of stagnation while you were just barely past the average range
More like water weight from inflammation and recovery
Muscle builds slow
I love how I feel only eating meat. It's great tasting and good for me, no need to limit or starve myself to burn fat.
Post weight
Went out to eat with friends today.
We all ordered the same amount of food but i finished my plate way before everyone else. My friend was shocked how fast i ate it….
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So What health scare caused you to take weight loss seriously?
Post scale
post butt
Didn't have any symptoms yet but just finally realizing that the horrendous reality of diabetes complications were incoming if I didn't change
Pre-diabetes but I think my doctor was lying to me because I talked to other doctors and they said my sugar levels are normal and not pre-diabetic. It caused me to start losing weight so I guess I can't complain.
Post Malone
I have the opposite problem. Everyone finishes their meals while I'm still halfway through mine, and we order the same amount.
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Post weight you pussy
is eating a singular pack of salted popcorn a big deal
Simply count the calories
So this is the power of the carnivore diet
>However based on your response
NTA but based on
>Pooinloo Jeetnadas
I'd say its a safe bet to disregard anything you say lmao.
Post body
>p-post body!!
>do i fit in now saars? please redeem my post sar
lmao, how about you post vagene first
Ok lardo lmfao
In many ways, none of us have lost any weight
>Ok lardo lmfao
>on /fat/, thinks anyone gives a shit about being called a fatso
Ok pajeet, lmao
if you're lifting you'll gain muscle while losing fat and look better than the ozempic users
Why not just do that while also on ozempic
maybe a little but nothing too bad, she's not super mega obese and the skin isn't stretched that much

I would just assume you'll have some so you're not disappointed
I suppose you could but if you have the willpower to reguarly go the gym it's highly unlikely you require ozempic to lose weight
Yeah I am a bit scared of what the dating market may look like at that age. A lot of women are probably going to be more judgmental and have higher expectations. But I also think a large proportion of women that age might be more eager to settle and more desperate for love.

And keep in mind 30+ year olds date women in their early 20s very often too so you have a pretty big market to work with.

I’d say every day you are a new man and the past doesn’t even exist. It is just an illusion. If you woke up fully motivated and well groomed tomorrow there is definitely a nonzero chance you could get laid.
Do you guys think the fat targeting may not be bullshit?
I only have my anecdotal evidence
>26m, 174 cm/5'8.5"
>lifting 3 times a week with a split
>on a deficit, ~1900 calories a day, get my daily proteins
>on leg days, go on a bike for 15 minutes of light cardio after lifting
>don't do any other cardio
>after 2 months went from ~77kg/170lbs to 74/163
>got some visible definition in quads and calves and a bit in my arms (mostly muscle growth)
>still have belly gut and love handles, i look like i'm wearing a swimming wheel
>and still have a double chin
I am now but unfortunately did not start until 90 lbs down and also wasn't watching protein intake so I lost a lot of muscle
I have a total of like 240 to lose though, I don't know how possible recomp is on 1700 calories which is well over a 1k deficit. I lift 4 times a week and try to get at least 160g of protein a day now. At least I'm not going to be losing muscle as rapidly as I was
How over is it for me as a 23 year old fat fuck
You are a baby you can fix your shit in no time and shrink up your skin in time like it's nothing
Thanks, Anons for your advice. For some added context, I'm really short so the amount of calories that the TDEE calculator recommended to me is incredibly low (750 to lose 2lbs per week) so it could be calculation errors on my part. I will try lowering carbs/increasing my exercise if all else fails. I'm taking a slightly different approach this time and I'm eating about 1000cal per day, so I'll lose slower but I'm hoping I'll make less errors in my calculations.

If push comes to shove, and the above advice doesn't work - I'll try eating at a maintenance for a week or two.
in ten years you’re gonna look back and think damn I wish I got it together when I was still young

but also its never over for anyone with an ounce of sovl
Your maintenance is 1750 calories? That can't be right
pls reply
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Surprisingly, no health concerns outside of my good cholesterol being low (but my bad cholesterol was fine) despite my age/weight - however, when I saw my husband's lab work and saw he had the trifecta of fat health concerns (pre-diabetic, high cholesterol and high blood pressure) it basically put me in high gear to get him on track.
Weigh a potato raw then weigh one boiled and see for yourself
it's best to not overthink it, just try to make yourself the best man you can be and approach whatever woman you like the look of. You might get rejected but sooner or later you'll get one who says yes.
I hate my (mandated by the university) university dining center. They serve this slop, and then give you bullshit calorie numbers on it. Got a plate of about half a cup of jasmine rice (their calorie count of 100 is probably accurate here) and then half a cup to a cup of broccoli chicken stir fry which they put as 80(!) calories when it's probably closer to 250+. Can't just make it easy for us.

And no, they don't let you cook in your room and do inspections fairly regularly.
>if you promote fasting based on expert advice, you're a jeet
>let me stuff my face with lard instead because Andrew Tate told me to
This reeks of insecurity
Every dorm has a kitchen, but nobody uses them
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So this is after inputting all my information into the TDEE calculator, making sure my body fat is inputted, set to sedentary, current weight, age, etc. I could be completely retarded while reading it, because I am pretty fucking dumb, but this is what I got.
1000 calorie deficit at that weight? too thin to want to lose 2lbs a week
Fatty Contest
246.7 lbs
Was just over the edge into obesity stage 1 last year.
Now I'm 10 lbs away from normal BMI.

Really? I'm 5'1 and 183lbs. I'd like to lose another 50lbs (I'd still be in the overweight area, but I'm in my late 30's so I'm just trying to be realistic about my goals). Is trying to lose 2lbs a week really unrealistic?
it's fine
show boobs
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Fatty Contest
I'm ashamed of myself, for real
weird larp
me neither and yet it is
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>ordering my second 3XL shirt since all my other clothes dont fit anymore
They dont even carry 3XL in stores. Im literally too fat to shop like a normal person anymore.
shut the fuck up whore nobody asked
dont reply to me again
you a big boy huh jelly belly
post body with timestamp
you’re a gay man
just drink a lot. that shit will have you making moves you couldn't even think of sober
She's an attention whore from /soc/ and visits us from time to time. Has done so for a year or so.

She's also underaged.
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I feel like her upper arms will have loose skin but not the gut.
or it will have you putting your arm around a girl who has a boyfriend and making the entire friend group resent you kek
be real careful with these “confidence boosters”
She's also in cbt now
please leave me alone now freak ywnbaw
hey im not from /soc/ ive never posted there :( only /ck/
Good, she should stay there.

At least shed Anon isn't around anymore. They were avatarfagging each other into oblivion for a month or so, it was such a fucking annoying shitshow.
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>I can see people's eye's glaze over as I talk.
I see this all the time. There are a lot of times where I will say something and my friends will reply something completely unrelated, not listening to anything I said.

Even family members who want to like me, I see them get bored and awkward start to distance / ignore the contents of when I talk. Even my Father, I see the hatred in his eyes when I try talking to him.

Its like everyone is tolerating me. I dont know why. I must have some body language or way of speaking that is very off putting / boring. It makes me sad. Even if I know what it was, would probably take a lifetime to fix it.
oki sub 2 my yt too
Arms no gut MAYBE. I don't see any stretch marks so I'd say 35-40% chance of loose skin unless she's a lifelong fatty.
mating press
she's be fine if she loses weight now and doesn't continue to gain
I’m not clicking that freak

yup its over for you fat boy you’re gonna gain it all back
I was 400 pounds and I somehow was not prediabetic or have any cholesterol or blood sugar problems at all, I'm just losing weight solely because I want to look somewhat decent.
I feel the same recently. I think I'm too nice and get seen as dumb/fake when all i do is try to be nice. The problem is me, i admit it. People don't take you as seriously when you don't take yourself seriously. Be yourself unapologetically and be direct and fight for your self and values don't let them get undermined to please someone.
fatty contest is a fucking week behind it is dog shit
You can be technically healthy for a long time while that big but it always eventually catches up if you don't change, this is for your health too whether it was the driving force or not
I was near 400 lbs for 6 years with healthy blood values until early this year my A1C finally went into the prediabetic range at 31 years old
Still have completely healthy lipid panels, but committed and got the A1C down in 3 months
Thats my best guess as well. My desire to not make anyone uncomfortable / be nice must come off as fake.

I should try to shift my personality so Im way more energetic and say whatever is on my mind. Let there be awkwardness / weirdness because Im so upfront and comfortable to be myself. Maybe that will yield better results and have people be more engaged with interacting with me.

Thanks Anon, Im going to try that
>Dieting information is not only improving, but becoming much more widespread.
What information when it's still a complete mess?
literally just read the op
@luckysodas on youtub
tits or gtfo
I think Ozempic use is FAR more widespread than people think. I noticed the cashier at my liquor store, who I guessed was 250lbs, had lost weight. He told me he was on ozempic.
i dont wannnaaa :(
is this video some sort of psyop? the moment i start eating more than 1600cal / day im starting to gain weight even if i walk 10k-15k steps
My recommendation, and this applies to everyone, is to not use your TDEE as your frame of reference since it's so hard to measure just how many calories are burned through physical activity, but your BMR. If your BMR is 1800, limit your food to 1000 calories, and do all your physical activity on top of that. Always treat your dietary deficit as the rate you want to lose weight at, and your exercise as supplementary that acts as a 1.?x multiplier. You won't know how much that multiplier is until you get a month or two of results, but once you know, you can predict the course of your weight loss based on goal weight and when you want it to end. For me, it looks to be the end of November, and I keep that in mind everyday as I keep going.
>corporate-slop animation
>brit*sh public broadcast voice
Turned that shit off in 0.5 seconds
No, its just saying what everyone has always been telling you, but for some reason it struck a nerve retards. Its not saying exercise bad. It just explains why you can't outpace your shitty diet with more exercise.

If you want to lose weight you need to consume fewer calories.
Sticky still reigns supreme even with this beating-around-the-bush, misleading fat propaganda: Eat less than you consume and you will lose weight. CICO.
Exactly. I will do the that as well. You're gonna make it Anon
I had a headache and sharp pains in the back top right corner of my head
Then my left hand's pinky became numb, I could still move it but I couldn't feel with it anymore
Stayed numb for two weeks, I got off my ass and went to the gym and got the blood pumping for a bit
My entire left hand became numb for a couple hours, then the numb feeling went away
I didn't go to the doctor's but I have a feeling I had a ministroke, or maybe a small artery in my brain got clogged for a bit before I squeezed it loose
>1000 calorie limit with exercise
Are you trying to kill him?
Exercise doesn't make me hungrier, and it's how I've been living for the past 3 months.
your knees are fat
Fat question: will sitting in the cold burn calories and actually do anything to my metabolism?
And before you think I deleted the file, I didn't. Mods did.
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Im not gonna even try to date untill i reach non fat state.
Im not talking about being lean, just not being percieved as a fat guy.

Dating on fat difficulty is fucking monstrous some times.
I'm gonna have horrendous gyno and skin folds at the end of it, I already know I'm never defeating the insecurity
Supposedly dry fasting heals the skin issue. Idn about gyno, but im pretty sure that at least it will help.
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>TFW someone notices you've lost weight

And it was right when I was feeling pretty down because the scale said I was heavier than last month. I really needed that confidence boost.

Keep up the good work bros. Consistency is key
Is it a normal reaction for me to laugh looking at his face on the left? Oh god I cannot stop laughing.
how do I be more patient bros? I'm cutting hard and the cutting is not so bad, I just hate that I still have FAT ON MY TITS AND GUT. I HATE HOW SLOW FAT LOSS IS AND HOW LONG IT TAKES.
>the fupa is shrinking
>dick is getting better bloodflow and is 'bigger'
>mooscles showing better
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post your tits and ask your /fit/ bf about weight loss idk
>broccoli chicken stir fry
Broccoli has ridculously low calories. It might not be far off. I made a Broccoli stir fry once and 95% of the calories were the chicken and fucking onions.(No, not S O Y, I mean onions, they have ridiculous calories for what they are)
I'm referring to gyno coombrains
being fat isnt gyno
thanks for answering my question about how to be more patient with weight loss
Just weighed in at 215 after eating some lasagna and tiramisu. Just a couple months ago I weighed 190 while fasting and in keto
how am i supposed to teach you patience?
there is nothing you can do but just learn to be okay with things taking time
i dont know how to instill personal strength in you, it just werks on my machine
And? Post your boy boobies
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what has your diet been in that two month timespan?
My diet is going off the rail due to digestive issues. Perhaps I need a few nights a week off meat. What do I eat? Beans and protein shakes?
you either have it or you don’t
You can’t learn to be more patient? Damn
Another work trip
We got airport pizza
you can but i dont know how to tell you to
just do some personal growth nigga
th-thanks ma nigga
you can’t learn the virtue of patience by consulting 4chan bro
this faggot only got fat for youtube he was skinny his whole life, he has Christian bale metabolism
seethe and dilate
nikocado is stronger than you lol
Have you tried eating just a single egg? Does it cause the same problem?>>75120996
CICO + eat protein

Interestingly the studies that try to prove that ultra processed foods are bad for you showed that people eat more calories in an ultra processed food diet compared to normal. But the amount of protein they eat stays about the same. Ultra processed food (in their experiment) just had less protein per calorie.
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Ive tried being tricky with my diet to see what I can get away with but reality is my best results have come from just eating less. I cant do fatloss the healthy way. It either doesnt work for me or just works too slow for me to stay motivated. Plenty of time to eat healthy when Im lean. Give me all the chemicals, the diet sodas, the powders, the stims, whatever. WAGMI
It does burn calories. Unclear how much it changes your metabolism. It's not worth the discomfort though.
It does burn quite a bit but it is not worth it by itself. Go swimming and then it will be a nice added bonus on top of cardio.
Eating healthy is a marketing meme. It's to sell you on weight loss blogs by promising you information on the healthiest superfood possible.
The reality of eating healthy is eating a high protein diet and getting your micronutrients.
Just aim for 1-1.5x your lean body mass in protein.
How do I determine my lean body mass?
Work out your BF% using the calculator in the OP. Say its 30%. If you weigh 250 then minus 30% fat and your lean mass is around 175. Its how I would work it out anyway.
>healthiest superfood possible
Yeah, I got caught up in all this. The grains, the seeds the healthy recipes with about 100 ingredients.
eating healthy is just eating more vegetables and chicken and less chili cheese fries and ice cream

food that satiates you — and isn’t so delicious that you can’t stop shoving it in your fat face
Fast food and frozen food. I work in consulting and have been really burned out.
I'm a degen dieter too. Love me diet soda
didn’t have any food today so just ordered
>house salad with greens, tomato, cucumber, ranch
>caesar salad with romaine, parmesan, croutons, caesar dressing
>small side of falafel

Curious if you guys think this will be under 1500 calories
Fatty Content

Someone mentioned diet fatigue and that perfectly describes me, wow. Feels powerful to know I can wrangle that bitch now.
Most people don't have what it takes to lose huge amounts of weight, if ozempic can help and lead to a healthier society, that's a good thing.
depends on how much dressing you put on
i just ate 3 donuts
its so over
Fatty Contest
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Fatty Contest
its a terrible video and comes to the worst conclusions.
dr kike israels recent video on the topic is much more nuanced.
Fuck, I'm becoming really self conscious of the moobs again
Didn't care about them when all of me was huge but I forgot about how disproportionate they used to be
I literally can't tell the difference between this updated version and the previous one, there must have been just one line of dialogue in the whole thing that triggered fat redditors, this is all pretty standard stuff
That makes sense. Thanks for your input Anon.

I mean, MFP wants me to eat 1200cal. I'm not lifting crazy heavy, so I don't think adding some mild cardio would make me keel over.
proteins arent known for helping with digestion.
you can and should still eat them, just add fiber.
beans are good on fiber. can straight up buy some fibrous seeds like flax or chia too.
Drank 3.5 L of water today from those "all day" jugs with the progress lines that show every 2 hours from 8 AM to 8 PM. Filled it with seven 500 ml bottles, but you only need five to hit the top 8 AM line. I read that men are supposed to drink 3.7 L of water a day, so I wondered if this was going to somehow make a difference. But 3.7 L of water is 3.7 kg / 7.7 lbs in weight, so watching scale go up so much in one day felt bad, but it'll all pass through pretty quickly.

I can't imagine doing this everyday. It took me two sittings of less than an hour each to do it (cardio works magic), but do I really need this much consistently? How will I benefit compared to my usual daily 2 L?
Not a prob. I personally recommend a stationary bike in front of a TV because it's easy to passively burn a ton of calories while watching something. I do two hours everyday watching Netflix but I built the stamina for it. I've used it everyday for just over 3 months and I've lost 15 kg. My daily calorie intake tends to range from 1000-1200 and my BMR has gone from 1800 to 1650, so it seems like my deficit has averaged to around 1300.
You're not suppose to drink it all at once retard. You're suppose to drink it slowly over the day. Like 500ml every 90 minutes.
mom said i don't need to lose more weight but i'm still like 10kg overweight
What's the difference? I only had to piss twice today, and one of those times was before I even started drinking it.
Because if you drink too much water in one sitting you can die, unironically.
I noticed that I bloat the most when I dont sleep enough.
Probably because deep sleep is when the body makes the most piss.
I ATE the pizza.
I DRANK the Dr Pepper.
I also ATE a few hash browns included for free.
2003 kcal.

I am making it as we speak.
That is the opposite of making it
My daily target is 2000 kcal, give or take.
I won't be eating anything else today.
And you, sir, are stoopid.
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Alternate day fasting while eating about ~2000kcal on eat days followed by so far 6 weeks of 2500kcal/day maintenance.
height: 190cm, age 34
Doing running, walking and resistance training, something every day.
good job brother. i'm at about the same weight, lost about 8kg in the past 2mo. wanna go another month or two before i take a short maintenance break
Eating slop is stoopid sir. No matter how hard you cope.
Nice one. Reminds me I should start another chart. I charted my weight loss every day last year or the year before, its good to have things like this to look back on and keep you motivated.
>scales this morning back under 13 stone after the holiday weights been pissed out
We're running it back boys, just a couple more pounds and we're back on pace
Next goal is see how low I can get before early December, so I can go hit the German Christmas markets and hopefully look presentable on a lads holiday
It was two sittings 8 hours apart and I was sweating pretty heavily in both. I'm hoping tomorrow that my piss will actually be clear for once.
Thats irrelevant. Drinking too much water in one sitting can lead to water intoxication. But whatever you're clearly a retard.
I'm on my third day without alcohol, coffee or sweets. I feel like shit, I have no strength at all. But supposedly it will get better after I push through these first days clean. I trust that sleep gains and brain focus gains will come soon. Let's see if I can get below 77 kg this time. I've stabilized around 77-80 for years, but I still see myself a bit too fat. 71kg will be my target.
Fatty contest
Ok, once again under 90kg. Next stop, 80kg. Let's not fuck it up this time.
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Im gonna fast this entire week
not smart
You literally just have to eat like a normal human bean to lose all the weight. It may take years, but you'll eventually get there.
It's only hard because people would like to reach their goal ASAP and so eat so far under that they burn out.
this will be literally me in one or two weeks
based dr
>ranch and cesar (oil), parmesan (cheese), croutons (bread), falafel (deep fried beans)
better hope those portions are small, anon
no protein whatsoever in this mf
doesn't caesar salad have chicken
yeah i guess, sorry i forgot americans call anything with a small hint of vegetables a salad
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Everyone is getting lean bros. We gotta keep going.
Would fasting once a week, consuming only water and electrolytes have any impact on weight loss?

I'm already in a caloric deficit and losing weight, wondering if there's more I can do.
>would eating less have an impact on weight loss
what do you think, smart guy
>would not eating for a day lose me more weight
Gee I dunno, idiot.
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will these macros everyday get me to twink mode
im like 5'10 250
Yes, but make sure to only drink when thirsty.
don't listen to this retard, you'll stop feeling thirst when fasting and you'll die if you wait for that signal
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wasted dubs
>recommends not drinking water
>has (probably a full folder of) pictures of fish purging water
>"water is bad mmmkay?? makes number on scale go big"
I have a feeling carb loading is how you got to obesity in the first place
"Don't drink too much water." is not "DON'T DRINK WATER EVER!!!1"
He says his macros are
>p 320g
>c 160g
> f 60g
I had bolognaise last night with some extra veg thrown in and even with 80g of pasta I was full to the brim.
Please body..... just poop......
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I'm gonna do it for three or four days, but it's gonna be a dry fast.

Good luck to both of us
>a dry fast
Stop self-harm.
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anyone else have a column that shows how much they biked/ran in the past 7 days to help figure out have kept relatively on track the past week?
nigger, dont you still need protein and other macros to survive? why not do some big calorie cutting?
fasting also sounds uncomfortable and annoying if you have a job or have to leave the house.
yeah but you won't need any electrolytes for a fast that short. I do a 48h fast every Sunday-Monday or Monday-Tuesday since my home town and the small region I'm in is a touristy place with constant concerts and events during the summer and all of my lads that moved away come back for vacation so I use the fasting to counter the calories from going out with the lads on the weekends, works great, it really kept my weightloss on track and I've lost 15 kg since May
Fuck, yesterday I felt ravenous hunger on the same 2k calories eaten in a roughly one meal and now I'm still feeling stuffed after that pizza.
Why couldn't I be that hungry today and normal yesterday?
1,000 calories per day starting today
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Im 5 foot 8 and 145 lbs

Youd think that would make me quite lean but I have a gut and a lot of bodyfat.

I have almost no muscle I probably need to hit 130 to be lean.

I Gotta hit the gym bros.
you don't need to lose weight. go lift and eat big and come back in like 6 months
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When I'm sat down I have a big gut I can grab and wobble. There's like 10lbs of fat at least chilling there.

My plan is to lose weight further up until the new year and then start the gym. I am starting to do pushups and bicep curls in the meantime
too much effort desu.
>When I'm sat down I have a big gut I can grab and wobble
thats how the body works retard
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bit is it not a good way to make sure you are progressing without overdoing it?
just wondering if anyone else has such a system. my schedule is pretty hectic sometimes so its easier to figure out if i need to fill a gap or not.
My bodyfat percentage is 20 percent.

Its too high and it makes me look worse and feel worse

Im not stopping until im under 15 at least
>1 Bowl
>Tinned tuna
>Mashed Potato
>Snow Peas
Dinner sorted. Food is just macros at this point.
I really need to implement some fasting into my week. I like the idea of 1 day a week for starters. Just a bit of a reset each 7 days
I feel like I look pretty good lately, still more to go but for the most part I feel like I look better than I have in the last 5 years. Still when im doing seated cable rows at the gym and i look at the side on mirror, fat overflowing in every direction over the top of my shorts is still a little dermoralising.
I usually don't eat the bowl
If me eat less does stomach will go down? How fast?
he's still a fatass, retard
that skinny video was just recorded years ago
note the lack of loose ass skin
why are people such dipshits
hahahahah, holy cope, lmao
Just saw a commercial for a patch/app that monitors your blood sugar. They only showed skinny athletic people
Because skinny athletic people have good blood sugars
Only people who NEED this kind of a thing are Type 1 diabetics and most of those are skinny if they are still alive.
Everyone else who THINKS they need it, should just lose some fat instead.
one day is easily doable, funny thing is 48h is even easier since you always feel the most hunger on the first day while everything after that is ez pz
Yes but don't expect to magically see weight loss after one fasting period. If you do try it don't expect to see results for a few weeks. I've been doing 60+ hour fast from Thursday evening to Sunday morning and on average I drop 5 or 6 pounds by the numbers Thursday morning to Sunday morning but I gain most of it back Sunday by eating and drinking water to not feel like shit when work starts Monday. Overall I lose 2 or 3 pounds per week.
The fasting definitely helps and is the easiest way for you to lose weight but you can't expect to jump in from three meals a day to not eating entirely. I highly recommend starting with intermittent fasting daily and getting yourself to omad all days of the week and then skip a meal. Probably don't need electrolytes when you first start if you only do one day. I don't feel the headaches start until Sunday and only when I delay eating until the evening.
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Gained 1.2 kg overnight. Very cool.
Fucked up yesterday and had a sandwich while out watching the race. Calculated it later and it was 1000 calories. Not making that mistake again Focaccia bread is INSANE.
doc said I was prone to hypertension
Are you sure it is not just fluctuation of weight? That is like 10k kilocalories if it's all fat.
Check your butthole.
I sure hope it's water weight. I ate 1800 kcal yesterday.
It still exists.
It could be water weight; and it could also be that your scale is on a slight incline or something.
Take magnesium. It fixed my hypertension. Went from 145/90 to 118/81.
Sounds like a mini stroke. I had something similar happen to me but to a much greater extent. I couldn't move my right arm. Had to lift it with my left. Vision and speech were affected too (in instant messaging). I decided to take ibuprofen and sleep it off.

It worked.

Went to the doctor the next day and she said either a transient ischaemic attack (ministroke - stroke that solves itself) or a panic attack. The former seemed much more likely.

No permanent damage as far as I can tell. Although, I did end up dropping out of university and quit work a few months after. Maybe they are related, but I think it was just my ADHD finally boiling over.
Fatty Contest
I lifted in Saturday. It usually takes 2 days for the water weight to increase after exercise for me.
It's just frustrating.
So he's full of shit then?
lunch today is
>potato wedges baked with a little olive oil , oregano and lemon
>chicken sausages with herbs and tomato
>low fat feta cheese
Deciding to come off my jew antidepressants and looking in the mirror to see how fat I let myself get.
I went to a theme park with my family. I love roller coasters but I was too fat to ride most of them. I have been slowly gaining weight my whole life but this was the first time it prevented me from doing something I wanted to do.
>see a deficit in a market
>fill that deficit with a product
This nigger thinks that the basics of doing business, feeding yourself with the fruits of your creation, and demanding compensation for your work is judaism. How about you just get on a contsiner ship back to China, you faggot communist nigger?
>dude just humiliate yourself and get left on delivered lmao
>quit being fucking afraid of rejection or embarrassment it happens to everyone, even the most “chad” men on the planet get rejected sometimes
Getting humiliated, recorded, put on social media to get clowned on, and being made into a local laughing stock does not happen to everyone, you lying NTtard.
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3 months progress; god, my weight loss is slowing down so much
Current trend weight 77.8, so I still have probably 3-6kgs to lose
Give me strength /fat/!!!

(180cm tall)
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He actually did it? Neat. Personally, I'm most excited to see all of these chef personalities getting fit because it completely destroys the idea that to be a good cook, you have to be fat.
woolie the risk of rain streamer? Weird stumbling upon him in this context
enjoy your slop :)
oh that is pretty high. Real life starts at 12% bucko
Didn't know him but he gets extra based points and I may go drop a sub
>1.6 lbs away from 29.9 BMI
I might cry when im just regular overweight again.
Sticking to the calorie target was very easy today.
But I'm still kinda stuffed so I worry it'll affect my sleep.
Very weird but very cool.
his wife is a pig too
I could eat thousands of calories ravenously and still not be full, but now I take my time, drink water between bites, and I feel satisfied after 200 calorie meals of majority protein.
Many moons. But hunt gods will smile. Prey will be slower
>I already won at life because I'm married!
To a fat hog. What a win.
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>be me
Have you considered losing weight
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For me it's usually the reverse.
If I stuff myself to the point where I actively don't want to eat more, I'll feel full for a long time.
But if I eat slowly over a longer period of time, I can feel hungry throughout the whole thing.

The strange thing yesterday was that usually I need a meal of about 1000~1200 kcal to feel "full".
I ate a meal that was a bit over 1200 kcal, basically, pic related (something I cook often and it usually fills me up just fine)
>650 kcal of sausages
>290 kcal of potatoes
>150 kcal of oil and butter
>30 kcal of ketchup
plus about 130 kcal of carrot salad.

And I was still hungry. So I continued to eat, and over the course of about next hour or so got to 2050 kcal total for the day, where I stopped - still hungry.
Today, I ate that pizza, drank a can of Dr Pepper, ate 230 kcal worth of hash browns and that ended up being 2003 kcal total.
8 hours later, I'm still stuffed.
More than that, I felt kinda full when I ate the hash browns and about 50% of pizza. I didn't want to waste food, but I could've probably went the rest of the day just fine on about 600 kcal less or so.
Stop doing this shit. It's so annoying. I hate these posts. You know exactly how to lose weight, you just don't want to go through the pain of it all.
No doughnuts, store pizza, chocolate, pasties, candy, soda, etc. None of that at all. Smaller meals, no fried shit. Just grilled meat, vegetables, some carbs. Now hop to it, fatty. It's hard and miserable but you'll feel better about it in a few months, just do whatever you need to do to get through it WITHOUT resorting to comfort eating. Dumbass.
>650 kcal of sausages
>150 kcal of oil and butter
nigga are you being retarded on purpose? eat regular lean-ish meat and not sodium riddled meat slop
also use an air fryer or oven to fry your shit
I hate jeets more than anyone, but Jamnadas actually knows his shit.
>speaks out of his ass
>doesn't know shit
If you're clueless retard just say so.
>Veggies: 404
No wonder you need to physically stuff yourself, you're malnutritioned lmao
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all the youtubers really are losing weight
Clinical lack of bitches
>500g meat, diced
>400g assorted veggies, diced
>like 15ml olive oil
>random ass spices and salt
>toss it and dump that shit into the convection oven
instant OMAD, 1k cal
real cooking is for suckers desu when something this simple and easy is just as tasty
Why it's always people who have absolutely no clue about nutrition feel the need to speak in absolutes?
You are wrong and retarded, next question.
>inb4 le carrot salad
For some strange reason I have a feeling that you drowned it in dressing and the actual vegetable portion was miniscule
>actually veggies le bad
>let me eat sodium filled, nitrate filled deli meat goyslop as my main source of protein for a meal when I'm trying to lose weight
Have fun when your body reinterprets the thirst from the sausages as hunger (probably part of the conditioning that led to you getting fat in the first place)
>actually veggies le bad
That's not what I said, retard
>sodium filled
It's not filled with sodium, cretin.
>deli meat
That's not deli meat, you absolute mongoloid.
>when I'm trying to lose weight
I'm not "trying", I've been doing that successfully for the last three months.

>Have fun when your body reinterprets the thirst from the sausages as hunger
But it won't.
I know how my hunger works - you don't. You don't know anything, you stupid fuck.
>(probably part of the conditioning that led to you getting fat in the first place)
Probably you are absolutely fucking retarded. I got fat because I eat A LOT when I'm not conscious about my food.
EVERY single episode of my systematically cooking for myself throughout my entire life coincided with me losing weight, not gaining it.

You, meanwhile, are a clueless projecting moron who has absolutely no idea what he's going on about.
You are retarded and worthless.
Educate your stupid ass before you claim anything, you little shit.
>it's not sodium filled
This nibba be stupid
>objectively false statement
>snarky remark
I accept your concession.
>Sausages aren't filled with sodium
>Sausages are real meat and not reconstituted slop like all the other deli products
How much do you weigh?
You are an extremely insecure person
>he doesn't know the difference between a hotdog and a raw sausage
How do you still remember how to breathe, being this dumb?
>How much do you weigh?
110 kg at 191 cm.
And to reiterate, because you are literally retarded and don't seem to get the point, I DID NOT get fat by eating sausages.
These sausages are not even a regular part of my diet.
Stop talking about things you are literally incapable of comprehending.
>I have literally no argument
>so I just make throwaway retarded claims
>BUT you are an extremely insecure person
Maybe I am. I'm insecure that retards like you are allowed on the Internet.
Its ok anon, don't cry.
I accepted your concession already
new thread
already ate like 700 calories worth of leftover slop out my fridge today
guess i'm just going to fast for the rest of the day, maybe do 45 minutes of cardio
Anon, I eat Hot Italian sausages occasionally - raw sausage is full of fat and salt. It's horrible for any weight loss goal, and saying anything else is cope.
>Anon, I eat
I'm happy that you have an anecdote to tell.
>raw sausage is full of fat and salt
These have 1.7g of salt (not sodium) per 100g
On that plate there is 160g of sausage.
If anything I'm not eating enough salt.
They are pretty fat, though.
>It's horrible for any weight loss goal
You see, my retarded friend, you don't seem to understand that the retarded things you said in the first half of that sentence do not lead into the second half of the sentence.
Fat is great for fat loss, because fat is filling.
The ONLY problem with consuming fat for fat loss is calorie density, which is irrelevant when you count calories.
You could argue that having something this dense in calories can result in me skipping on something important due to not having enough calories available, but you would be a fucking retard who would refuse to comprehend that I DO NOT eat just sausages and nothing else.

Next, there is LITERALLY no link between salt consumption and body fat gain/loss in ANY study that controls for calories.
Sodium intake can lead to increased appetite but your retarded ass refuses to accept the simple fact that this particular dish I cooked for myself dozens upon dozens of times throughout multiple years of my life does not cause me to eat more.
The only weight gain that can be directly caused by sodium is water weight and WHO THE FUCK CARES about that? It will come and it will go, it literally doesn't matter.
Water weight has LITERALLY NOTHING to do with fat loss.

>and saying anything else is cope.
No, "cope" is quoting retarded baseless rumors and superstitions you heard once and never bothered to check.
Cope is claiming "fat bad" because you never bothered to actually look up the studies.
Cope is claiming "sodium bad" because you NEVER bothered to actually look up the studies.
Cope is thinking that food can be inherently "healthy" and inherently "unhealthy" and the "healthy food" is supposed to look like disgusting unappetizing slop.
wow thats a lot anon. im the original anon you replied to with the meal. looks good. if you are losing weight, dont change anything. You're gonna make it. We all are
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Amen, brother.
Continuous glucose monitors (CGM) are the latest fitness meme. Doctor/podcaster Peter Attia recommends keeping your glucose under control as part of his longevity regimen, so a lot of people are getting them nowadays.
So far, so good.
Taking the bait is bad for your cortisol
They ordered Qdoba today. The coo forced a coke on me.
He looks creepy as fuck.
they cope so hard all they have left is to attempt to publicly assassinate
> Only people who NEED this kind of a thing are Type 1 diabetics
Type 2 diabetics greatly benefits from them as well.
> Everyone else who THINKS they need it, should just lose some fat instead.
It's not an "instead."
Type 2 diabetics will get serious health complications if they don't keep their sugar under control, and pretending that doesn't matter until they lose some weight is psychotic.
Hate seeing other fats fall to this delusional thinking cope, there is no way out if you aren't real about it

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