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>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw/height/age

>Pastebin (Whatever has not had access revoked)
>High Scores

previous thread: >>75121903
>Linking to the dots offender registry instead of a list of mass shooters sorted by victim count
Is this high or lowbar I can't tell anymore
Im not really a good source for exercise selection but i question how much benefit youd get from heel raised tb for quads vs involvement of the knee compared to something like an ssb or front squat
This is a really roundabout way of saying try it out next time and see if it feels like it works
Definitely high
Is there anything wrong with his feet? I was told they're supposed to be straight. But it feels awkward to me.
>ditched straps last week and deloaded
>today new strapless pr
feels good
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just skimmed it. i've been ocd about my feet for nothing.
Bench pr yesterday. Deadlifts feel like absolute ass today.
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Just sumo things
No, feet angle is individual

Gym Charmin actually btfo
I mean, it's just a long-armed lmaonorom pull
>tranny posts
>bobby immediately validate xim
You know, in retrospect, it's been bobby who has been doing a majority of riding the tranny's cock. Shaman did some himself to troll, but it's really been bobby. Interesting
>t. knower
Nice job. Conventional when?
Next block, I think
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Ok, somebody explain this to me. So on highbar, the bar is higher. This means that at any point of the squat, assuming same hip angle, the COM will be more forward on highbar squat. This means that if I do highbar, I can get away with less flexibility both in hips and in ankles, because the COM is more forward, and I can squat with the same hip angle and less shin angle, as an example.
lmao sis almost sumos as much as me
Rest and hit banded leg curls
I vill not rest,
Post memes for max effort deadlift today
I've 0 appetite lol.
Based fellow ectomorph.
Based fellow hardgainer.
>Post memes
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Hamstring accessory work
3 day TM is retarded though.
>do high volume squat
>THEN do high volume bench
>THEN do your accessories
>then do a useless light day that does nothing for training
>then do 1x5 idk why

could just,
>1x5 squat then 5x5 bench day 1
>1x5 bench then 5x5 squat day 2
Try from deficit next time, youre flexible enough and need more rom.
Remember when we had that brazilian tranny that didn't pretend he was a woman but looked like a woman in photos and also shilled sheiko like a retard, trappy chan or something
Fair, and will do
you don't have to pretend so hard that you're not subbed to his onlyfans
Post link
Check /gif/ he posts webms every now and then.
Me again. How's this look?
>able to press in the rack
not looking good for your sons
Just do a normal strict press from front rack, rip is a shithead
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Mornin' my dudes. I went to bed a man and woke up a boy
thus dude took a half pound shit in his bed
No point in learning the press 3.0 unless you really want to. It's apparently very difficult to learn. If just pressing normally is what you feel best with then just do that. Also your grip looks a bit wide for my taste but if that feels best then do that.

Rest in pepperonis
Nothing? If no one posts any memes i'll just do snatch dl
Snatch grip sumo
They'll be fine. I'm pretty sure my growth was stunted by the lunch ladies growing up and I could've been 5'7".
I need a good cult to make any progress and the only ones I know are SS and DC. DC is a bit advanced for me and kinda roidy.
How? My legs push into my arms. Its impossible
Globlinx arc when?
Try harder. I guess this is more wide stance than it is sumo but still. I've done it as well.
>No point in learning the press 3.0 unless you really want to.
I don't really know this stuff. What kind of press would you call what I just did in the video? All I know is that I want to be able to put as much weight on my delts as possible and make up for my height with width.
Reverse grip ohp
You're here for my entertainment. Don't ever forget
Shoulder width is as wide as you will get im not going further
It's like a combination of 1 and 1.5, depending on the rep. I like 1.5 in general with a barbell bounce to get it going on the first rep. From what I've heard from various sources, if you want to focus specifically on hypertrophy then do seated db press. If you want to move a fuck ton of weight overhead then do some sort of ohp. You would get the most weight out of 3.0 but it's extremely hard to do. But there's nothing wrong with 1.0/1.5.
Squat 3 singles, 300 lbs
SLDL 3x5, 265 lbs
BB Row 5x10, 150 lbs
GHR 5x10
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>Y-y-you're heckin sucking tranny cock!!!
Remember anons, every statement from a chud like this poster is really an admission, and projection, of their innermost desires.

Another threadly reminder, anons, that bobby has leaked his trip so nothing from the "!!Z7Qz+hfeqts" trip is reliable.
Thanks. Do you any books or sites that talk about the different versions of the press? Google is showing me all manner of unrelated bullshit.
70s big by Justin
>nothing from the "!!Z7Qz+hfeqts" trip is reliable
Barbell Logic, Starting Strength Forums, The Strength Co.

Press 1.0
Typical strict press, no bounce or TNG or anything

Press 1.5
Press 1.0 but breathing at the top and starting your reps there so you have a stretch reflex to abuse

Press 2.0 instruction video

Press 3.0
The Olympic press, Chase Lindley is an example of this https://youtu.be/tMlnJg_Xfvc?si=RL6_RqIhLfgIwrx3
Justin doesn't read tho
So no books? I accept your concessions
>if you want to focus specifically on hypertrophy then do
for me, it's Z press
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>no books?
The real z press is smith machine incline though, isn't it?
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>>75131891 which one of (You)
the real one is the one I do seated on ground with barbell in hand
>smith machine
That's not the real one because big Z doesn't do that. He does do the one I mentioned.
I don't care
Dope. Now I don't have to read a book.
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>z press
>smith machine
How do i stop my quads from hurting?
lift more
Foam roll, heat
Thats the problem
smack yourself in the balls
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Reminder that Clarence Kennedy drinks a liter of onions milk a day and is still stronger than you. There's literally nothing wrong with onions milk
ice for new
heat for chronic
not stronger than me
100% chronic but what do you mean heat?
171.8 lbs lol
You do know that he's open about his steroid use, right?
And 1l of roids
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He's still stronger than loads of dudes who take steroids and hate on s𐐬ya milk. And he has less puffy nips than they do.
vegetables don't have nipples
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Clarence is a powerlifter?
post so good it had to be it's own thread outside of /fit/!
Yeah, it's irrelevant for roiders. They have such a high caloric need that some low fat fag food is necessary. For him it's soimilk and for others it's brocolli. Whatever.
You're natty, right? Consider drinking the stuff that turns calves into bulls instead of bean water.
Yeah don't cut off your balls, and also drink cow ball juice instead
That's uh.. that's not milk anon.
it gives you wiiings
>S𐐬ya milk reduces the risk of breast cancer in women via the same effect as nolvadex (reducing estrogen). Phytoestrogens take up estrogen receptors while being much weaker, so it's actually masculinizing.
>S𐐬ya milk has lots of antioxidants.
>Clarence Kennedy drinks a liter of s𐐬ya milk a day and mogs roiders who drink cows milk
Not vegan btw I ate 2 chick fil a burritos and a sausage breakfast biscuit today, but facts are facts
I was thirsty and I like the dispenser
get in here >>75132032
Heat pad, warm bath, sauna
Hes not even mogging 2nd tier oly lifters theres a reason hes never been to olympics
He makes more money on youtube than bloating up from 210lbs to 350lbs like you want him to (gay chubby chaser) just to fly to france and have no AC and other lifters farting around you so you have to smell their farts while doing the lifts, are you a fart sniffer? You sound like one, you sound like you love sniffing chinese farts
He makes jack shit from youtube he uploads like once a month. Getting gold medal basically lets you retire.
>He makes more money on youtube
he also hasnt uploaded a video in ages
>Getting gold medal basically lets you retire.
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>Getting gold medal basically lets you retire.
>he doesn't know
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>just to fly to france and have no AC
not that anon but i already have no AC
i hate being yuropean
Hes not american you tard
You get 1 mil in cash a house and a lifetime pension
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Did Norman Khan just pass the torch?
I'm so confused by this. I'm aware of 3.4. I haven't seen him post in a while. I keep seeing this. Did he shit the place up so bad that this needs to be posted preemptively? And why does anyone need it to be mathematically proven that a guy with high be ratios who doesn't post lifts is small?
a 3.4 just plopped in the toilet
>I haven't seen him post in a while.
You're new. It happens.
You’re here for my entertainment.
I am ready knew that much.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.
>Did he shit the place up so bad
it's their culture
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eat more
fuck more
Trappychan taking in the ass with her semi hard dick hanging between her legs.
(She used to post here pretending to be a guy who pretended to be a woman or something like that and Isley had e-sex with her on discord)

Oh I thought you were saying troonanon was posting lewds somewhere
I want to be transbian lifting friends with that transgirl that posts here

I remember her in 2016
Surprised this general is even still around
LOL just spat my Westside Barbell Brute Force - Medium Roast Coffee all over my Switch damn you
Post lifts?
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Not posting anything here lol...hrt plus getting out of it plus just being a little bitch made me only bench press like 225 3x8 but at least I tried my hardest and lived the lifestyle
>amazon delivery driver bringing 2 cases of water
>hands it to me warning me it's very heavy
>shoulder it easily in one arm
>repeats it's very heavy when he asks me to hold it out for him to scan
...did I break him with my DYEL frame?
luckily for you there are some guys itt that bench way less that you who also happen to be very knowledgeable on the subject of lifting
that's umm kinda bad desu
Everyone always made me feel horrible about my lifts and how I couldn't do deads or squats because reasons...but that was 11yrs ago. If I'm not alone in sucking then Ill feel right at home
>water from amazon
A second lifting troon and this one dunks on the other one?
Yeah troon1 already mogs charmin and if you post proof of your lifts you mog troon1
Fuck off. You try having one nut. Suck my cock.
I don't think I beat any of shaman's lifts outright? I've only seen his squat and his press, and I can't strict press a plate currently.
Hello lifting friend from the other place!
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>paying for water
>from amazon-goyslop
Flavored water subscription is cheaper than store and tap water here isn't great
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Post things powershitters say:

>are you gonna finish that?
>of course I showered today, why?
>my wife may have gained some extra weight but I still love her
>don't like fat women? "low test"
>grown men weigh above 2XXlbs
>vitctim weight
>had to stop for a bit due to injury
>yeah she stopped talking to me after I sent her pictures of myself :(
>yeah but do you wear shirts???
>only faggots like abs bro women totally love dad bods!
to think I did a TM variation written by this
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First time posting today. I thought I only mind broke that creature they call bobby, but I guess others have been mind broken too. IDK how many people are larping as me, because many days I don't post here and when I do it's a few posts a day when I have time.
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>Repeating this myth does not make it true
what are your lifting numbers beautiful?
Nice lifts. Locker room report? Expose yourself to any underage girls today?
It's official.
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>Nearly 36
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>squats and oatz!
is he dead?
No, but he died in a car accident on the way home from the gym
oh shit raj is the guy obsessed with trannys too lmao

>839 times
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thats why you always use safeties and dont have a useless single spotter behind you. if the spotter wasnt there he would've had less mental hurdle to just dropping the weight behind him. unless its two+ huge guys at each end of the bar theres no point to spotting a squat
Yep. That's why we don't high bar squat, kids.
he also had zero control of the weight at all
He knew the risks doing high bar squat.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Who is raj?
Where’s blobby? Someone inform him I’m excreting Norman khan

Phew it’s stinkier than I anticipated
Where’s blobby? Someone inform him I’m excreting 3.4

Phew it’s stinkier than I anticipated
He's an undergrad TA who is responsible for grading papers as requested by his superiors. He may come off as having a false sense of superiority at times.
Why is her dick bigger than mine bros...
Oh, charmin ultrasoft?
>I thought I only mind broke that creature they call bobby
your his step daddy?
in recent checks?
Fsquat 235
HBsquat 275
Sumo 405
Bench 165x5
Press 130
i think i might lift more than u c: besides the back squat which i dont do...i could beat u up lmao
Most could. I dunno how to throw a punch, and I'm kind of a weakling compared to actually strong people in my weight class
would still lift with you and read starting strength and watch old zyzz videos with
If you downloaded the pirated ebook of 3rd edition, you may have my copy
True story
you've mentioned the back squat thing a couple of times, any reason there? Injury?
i bought the physical literall 11 years ago lmao

i understand y limitations mentally with not being able to use my hands mentally...plus ive almost fucked myself up hard on it once. im a huge wuss with it
I'm suddenly envisioning like a tea and reading circle at a bookstore, but instead of the usual variety of romance novels, it's training manuals like ss, pp, RP
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>this thread
You could post lifts
Or your workout today
Or ask training questions
Or bitch about cutting
Or gloat about the bloat
Or just memes
Welcome to /pig lives general/, enjoy your stay
c: nvr knowww
This pig is making its way to sub manhood weight
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>Also diet breaks are a thing.
Inb4 he didn't say that
>Check the archive
Our only cop left years ago
>rip joe
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Drinking soya milk instead of cow milk made my nipples less sensitive to the point I can't cum by rubbing them anymore.
onions oil improves testicle function in mice and increased their testosterone too
its literally nolvadex but without the risks of chinese mystery chemicals and has nutrients and antioxidants
Going to have a little competition with the trans girl to motivate me a lil c:
Tomorrow is basically just back, bi's, and hip thrusts though
Mind if I join yall lol
I might not even lift tomorrow but maybe I will I haven't done it in forever so I'm going to reread the basics and learn front squat and weighted hip thrust. I still have weighted chins 35lb 3x8 which is good for me
All my chins are weighted with me being 220 lbs ; _ ;
Sure, I enjoy a game of getting my workouts btfo lmao
Honestly anything that gets more lifts posted in here tbdesu
Is this thread super dead?
I haven't been to fit since like 2014 lol

Tfw no trans gym
It gets more busy during euro hours, I think
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jalapeno poppers for dinner again
my face the next morning
KSC Powerbuilding, before that I did typical 2-3 freq TM/HLM programming, now I want to go back to that because I miss squatting more
Thanks now I want jalapeno poppers
I’ve done that 8/5/2 one by Andy baker.
Also KSC TM and Andy baker classic HLM.
I try to pick programs that have a start and end to show progress and I program hop less now.
I'm making progress, just maybe in spite of my training. Every 2-4 weeks I will move things around to solve some problem™, then change my mind or discover it wasn't a problem or that another problem™ arose.
I've already made the KSC split into a 4-day one down from 5-day :o)
>I've already made the KSC split into a 4-day one down from 5-day :o)
Nice 5 day is a lot.
I’m doing 4 day Texas Method right now and after maxing thinking TSA 9 week. The voices in my head might change between now and the next month.
Based Andy Baker enjoyers.
I've been on Garage Gym Warrior 1.0 with a few small changes, the one in KSC Training book in the OP for maybe 2 years now.
It's 13 weeks long and all my lifts increase by 5-10 kg at the end of it. Slow but steady progress desu.
I should be able to hit 3.5pl8 bench and 6pl8 deadlift by November. I already hit 5.5pl8 a month ago.
Idk where I'll jump to when it stops working, I like boring ass 3-4 days a week programs, maybe Sheiko.
>Nice 5 day is a lot
I truncated legs and posterior chain together, so it's
>Chest & Bi's
>Shoulders & Tri's
>Back & Hamstrings
6-7 day repeating depending on what I feel like. Original split has back before legs, I don't like that arrangement. Lifting 3 days in a row also sucks, because I enjoy programming weighted chins and push press as main lifts so for me it ends up being
>heavy push press
>heavy weighted chins
>heavy squat
Back to back over 3 days, not really viable.
What's prompting me to switch things around is the lack of squatting frequency. FOMO'ing over losing those grease the groove gains from squatting 2-3x a week before.
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I thought that was a particularly good shot
Will food help with soreness?
more food and sleep = more DOMS
it's a good thing, you should adjust your lifting to fit your recovery
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Your sumo beats me, and front squat too. My belt came in the mail today, and I did:

Low Bar Squat - 245KS 5/; 255KSB 5/; 265KSB 2/; 250KSB 3/2/;

Power Clean - 175KS 3/; 180KS 3/;

Front Squat - 135 5/; 155KS 5/; 175KSB 5/; 185KSB 5/; 205 KSB 1/;

My best Sumo is 315, I think my anthropometry is unironically better at conventional because I have relatively short legs, but idk. I'm a deadliftlet right now, but hopefully the belt will get it moving again.

Anyways, yeah, your upper body is becoming a woman's so it would make sense that those lifts would start to lag.
yes and no. You need the nutrition to recover but if your body is spending energy digesting food all the time it won't be able to focus on healing.
Yes, he's dead, and his spotter was grossly incompetent. Motherfucker thought he was going to upright row 385 off the guy's back? What?

There's this small asian powerlifter at my gym. Pretty sure he's still in high school, but we like to chill and talk about powerlifting. Today he asked me to spot him on the squat, and I told him that spotting someone on the squat means basically becoming the big spoon, and really getting in there.

His back angle worries me. He wears a belt, but says his back hurts so bad it's hard for him to get to sleep. Like perma-thoracic flexion. I don't know what to do except tell him outright he's on the Greyhound to Snab Ciddy. He's definitely autistic too.
Then why don't you teach him proper form
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Would you say that, biomechanically speaking, his squat looked like this?
How do you get the confidence to tell people what to do while having clearly no experience in lifting?
Genuine question.
He's a very elaborate troll and/or gets off on public humiliation.
why's everyone into powerlifting fat freaks
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Good job to SMG, TLaw and Bobby for the strongman comp. Love to see it.
Front Squat 3x5x125kg
Stone to Shoulder 3x1x130kg, 3x3x110kg
Snatch Grip Deads 3x8x140kg
Suited Deads 3x220,240,250kg
Haven't used the suit in 9 months so I'll do a couple sets every other week to get comfortable with it again. Suits are allowed at my next comp but probably won't use it.
I’ve never seen someone who shits on high bar atg squats actually be able to perform one. Do they exist? The common cope is that your muscles relax to get that deep but they really don’t much when you’ve got the mobility to do so.
>I've been on Garage Gym Warrior 1.0 with a few small changes, the one in KSC Training book in the OP for maybe 2 years now.
Amazing consistency.

I like %-based programs, sheiko probably you’re way stronger than me
PHEW! The 3.4 exploded out into 3.4arrhea this morning! Bombs away’!
I’ve noticed that sometimes in the days after a heavy squat session or run, I have serious issues squatting the next session, and can barely reach parallel. It’s like my body doesn’t want to go down and “unlock” around my hips/lower back so it feels almost as if my pelvis is refusing to roll forward and let me lower back gain some sort of extension. I’ve tried sitting in a squat which is no good because my lower back is still in flexion. I know it’s not an ankle issue. Are there any stretches which could be useful to try here? It’s so bad that I can’t even do my squat session today. There’s something severely restricting my hips and I don’t want to have to wait a week between sessions just to feel fluid every time.
My upper body lifts have always been that way lol
Pretransition best bench was 255lbs at 203
I think press only ever made it to 155
I'll work on conventional again next block but it's usually matched with my sumo, so we'll see how that goes
So I tried highbar. Was able to do it with 0 buttwink, 0 knee slide, and of course 0 elbow pain. If my knees won't start to hurt I guess that's gonna be how I squat in training now.

I did atg ssb squats for a while. Physically couldn't go lower, thighs were resting on calves. Felt it less in quads and ass than ssb to parallel with more weight. SSB to parallel also hit core way more than atg. I'm actually going lower than I want on highbar now too because it's just simpler/easier to divebomb than to force stop just under parallel.
IDK but if you don't find a solution do a proper squat one workout and a simpler one like zercher or whatever for high volume on the other workout.
Yea week 7-9 are kinda rough but I think the program assumes you would have gotten stronger by then.
So its only 90% of the starting max, the real max has probably already increased by now meaning its not really 90%.
The trick is to order cheat meals the dinner of the day before those heavy ass days :^)
I removed ohp so I do 3x benching 3x squatting and I only do 1x deadlift heavy only. Then I do rows/upper back work and arms/delts at the end if I got energy in me.
Post squat
are you a tranny ?
are you dumb ? It was definitely not a matter of bar position, the spotter (his dad) killed him by preventing him from dropping the bar behind.
>the spotter (his dad)
Let that be a lesson for all you lil brown zoomeritos out there. You squat high bar, there are risks involved.
You can go ahead and reply if angry but make sure your face is a reddish brown shade before replying.
I am angry, and I am replying.
Sisters. The lowbar chuds...they fucking won.
the only movement I can do extremely easily and naturally is a chin-up, maybe I should just move to streetlifting as a new cope and say goodbye to squatting and benching
Daddle doo pig.
It’s an ass wipe ass world out there
Let me also add, if you use a belt or knee sleeves then you aren't ready for the weight. There are risks involved when you play stupid games, kids.
Boy, you need to eat.
If you can't squat twice your bw without sleeves or a belt, you're weak. Simple as. Then there are people who can't squat twice their bw even with equipment lmfao
>reply if angry
>replies to himself
I will accept your concession, but only if you reply to confirm that you are angry.
There are people in this general who can't do a set of 15 perfect chin-ups. That is, starting from a relaxed position in a dead hang and making contact with the bar on the chest.
For those who don't speak dyel, he said he's small.
Still waiting for a video of your 3x10 "basic shit" perfect chin-ups you mentioned that you do for warmups in the last week or two.
I said no such thing. I can do 15. I'm small too. I can even do a muscle up.
If you can't lift at least half the world record on every major lift then you're weak.
I said only reply if you are angry and brown. However, I can tell you are a grounded man. One of white color and 6’0+. A man of character. Clearly you are not angry or brown.

Kids nowadays want to look like their favorite TikTok anime character and squat high bar. It’s kinda sad to watch but it can also raise awards that there is always a small % that you may snap your neck and die while squatting high bar.
That would put me at 509 DOTS.
>replies to himself one more time
See those digits in the other post? Yes, you did. It's time to accept fate and fall on your knees. You had a great run, but you stumbled face first into the F0000 paint bucket.
Reasonable metric. Is this by weight class?
You're here for my entertainment. Your fatseethes, powercopes and CPAPdilations confirm you're upset. I accept your concessions. Remember to eat your 10,000 kcal target today, even if it's painful
Not accepted.
oh good he’s been reading every post
good morning sir
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Good morning
>stop stretching completely because everyone told me to
>get issues where I feel "tight" and can't squat properly
>stretch adductors for the first time in a while for literally 30 seconds
>massive improvement in squat ROM and positions immediately, weird outer hip pain also disappears

I genuinely don't understand this anti-stretching talk which is so prevalent in a strength training community when all of my own anecdotal experiences lead me to believe that it's incredibly useful. I wonder if the pendulum will swing back the other way at some point.
Doing pendlays and trying to keep them in my lats and my weight on my whole foot instead of my heels is way harder and now suspect I've been anglemaxxing them all this time
Also captchas got noisier
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Form check? Felt it in my lower back.
r8 my 4-day TM
Bench ID
Flat press DB or machine
Squat ID
Snatch grip DL VD
Leg press, quad bias
Bench VD
Snatch press
Bench VD
Deadlift ID
Weighted GHR Back ext.
too much fluff
I genuinely don't understand why or how people always take such a wide stance when they first start pulling. I naturally always had a narrow stance and I was extremely unfit and unathletic.
you should dynamically stretch joints and tendons and things and antagonistic muscles that would interfere with mobility in a given movement but you shouldn't statically stretch muscles that will be involved in moving the weight directly.
170/125/220 @ 87
>in b4 le no you need to lift exactly this much (but ignore my body weight) before you can do 3 sets of 8-12 on some body building accessories
Advice is post your own lifts
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Just learned that I haven't hit a new deadlift 5RM in more than five years.
>because everyone told me to
Have you just woken up from a coma?
Yeah you’re pretty weak maybe manlet though. Anyways your program looks like shit lol reply if angry zoomzoom
I’ve just kept going back and forth between wanting to get strong and wanting to get lean and doing neither in the process. But today I pulled 97% of my previous 5RM for a fairly easy set of 5, so I think I’ll finally hit a PR soon
Okay, I don't understand wtf Rip is trying to do with SS. He has you lower he frequency as you advance with the squats, but not all that much. You still do 3x per week but one is a recovery day. Deadlifts come down to 0.75x but you are always doing something for your back. Now why in the hell does bench and press start at 1.5x per week?
I don't like it. I'm pretty sure I'm at the point where I need to reduce the squat frequency but I don't want to reduce the deadlift frequency again. Can I not just do everything at 1.5x and call that a good mid to late novice program? And why do I have to wait until I need to do everything at 1x to do curls and LTE's? And rows for that matter. How are chinups cool but rows aren't? I thought they were nearly the same thing.
How much does the suit help for your deadlift?
Typed out a huge reply but deleted it because I can't be bothered to respond further when you didn't read the book. Read the book.
>no argument
I accept your concession. RIA.
>I'm pretty sure I'm at the point where I need to reduce the squat frequency but I don't want to reduce the deadlift frequency again.
Don't do it then
>And why do I have to wait until I need to do everything at 1x to do curls and LTE's?
To have all your focus on learning the main lifts
>How are chinups cool but rows aren't?
Lower back fatigue
>listening to shizo maxing music
soon I’ll be posting about bobby
Weird upper back thing
I find on one of the hinging pulldown machines I get a significantly bigger lat pump if I sit the opposite direction of the machine's intended angle
Wtf and why?
>If you are going to be squatting with a barbell, and you are squatting to get stronger – to produce more force against an external resistance, then why not just squat in a position that allows you to lift the most weight, and therefore generate the most force? Given no anatomical reason that precludes the use of the low-bar version of the lift, I don’t see how the use of either the high-bar or front squat is a productive use of training time if your goal is general strength development.

>The low-bar back squat allows for the use of the most weight and therefore provides a better overall strengthening effect than any other version of the movement commonly practiced with a barbell. The movement pattern places the joints in a position that both requires and permits the involved musculature to generate more force to overcome the moment arms inherent in the movement. Greater force production from the involved musculature equates to more weight lifted, which leads to more overall strength development.

You can't refute this.
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What I meant here
If we take a hypothetical lifter who trains all three movements and can low-bar squat 400 pounds, high-bar squat 375 pounds, and front squat 315 pounds, then by definition, in order to successfully complete the concentric portion of the lift, he must generate the greatest amount of force while squatting 400 pounds in the low-bar position in order to overcome the load. Put another way, the low-bar position forces him to generate “401” pounds of force to complete the lift, while the high-bar and front squat versions would only require a minimum of “376” and “316” pounds of force generation respectively. Which do you think will make our hypothetical lifter stronger?
Stop posting. It's harder because you're doing them wrong. The touch point is too high.
It's not supposed to go to my bench touch point?
Xiphoid process?
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>the fuck I'm talking about
These machines just have a retarded angle by default. Imagine you doing pull-ups, you would pull exactly like in the second picture. With the first picture there is always this weird force of having to keep the bar closer to you than it wants to be, which just isn’t achieved by the lat
Right sight prolly also has better stretch at the top position
Your L2 is wrong
Looks ok I had good gains doing similar stuff
I'd superset pullups with third exercise on upper body day and add abs on either upper or lower day.
SGDL is a shit exercise imo, neither here nor there, rdls are best for lower body part of deadlift, woolam rows are best ofr upper body part of deadlift

Too much volume for triceps too often. Remove dips, do db bench on u1, overhead tricep extension or dips on u2, if you feel tris on snatch press do 45 degree delt row focusing on starting the movement like a row for a milisecond then rowing, cheating with lower body is allowed, go heavy 4x12. if you don't feel tries on snatch press do snatch press. If you give sets/reps for accessories I can tell if it's too much/too little/just right.
Because you pigs need my Shaman guidance oink oink

People don't listen to you just because you're right, and especially young people.
I think the argument is that the fact that you can squat less with high bar means you have to generate more force, making the 400lb lowbar and 375lb high hat equal.
Yes should ofc be squat VD
>SGDL is a shit exercise
I like it
In general volume day on main lifts will be 3x5, not 5x5. I may bump to 4x5 if necessary. ID follows what's in PPST. Hence why I can pile on more accessories.
All accessories will be 3x8-12, except pull-ups where I will do a cluster of 40-50 reps with bw and short rest times. Only downside of my setup is no rows, but I think it's fine I am already posterior chain dominant. As you can see the logic is a hypertrophy accessory to the ID lift of the day. Dips are in there because dips are cool, if it becomes too much I drop it.

Snatch press is nearly only delts. I do it standing from a high bar rack, middle finger on snatch rings. I want to keep it in for the mobility gains.
This has already been solved by Simon.
Yeah well, he's not here. So all we can do is grovel in pitch black darkness and eat 12 pizza snacks for bench ROM hacks
Or eat tiddy skittles to reduce ROM for same
Troons are literally worse than roiders with their cheating
Why do so many people involved in various sports like weightlifting, throwing, wrestling etc. squat high-bar atg if a low-bar SS style squat is supposed to be better or more efficient for building strength? Is there some type of merit in actually squatting very deep for building or maintaining flexibility of the lower body at extreme ranges, which becomes useful in these?
>Yeah well, he's not here
You sure 'bout that ; )
Shirley this'll get Bobby to reply
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killed it
no bitches...
>why don’t women get to play to?!?
Go sit in the corner lil brown zoomerito. Reply if brown.
I like the bobby strong man
Reminder that this is a powerlifting thread and Rippetoe would want you to direct all questions to the SS Forumsvmw
Read this if mad.
6x12 from dips+tris could work. 9x12 from db bench+dips+tris would prolly be too much. The problem isn't some "total volume" but volume for triceps specifically. Depending on how many days you rest, they might not recover.
Very stupid question. No, there is no benefit. People who do sports squat highbar atg because it's more natural and simpler and they're not gonna bother with learning lowbar. Lowbar has more mobility demands for upper and lower body. I can atg highbar but can't lowbar to ipf depth without shoes because it puts my COM too far back.
fuck you
How much did Frank bench in high school?
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Caught her mirin
>TM is 165
>did 155x6 (180 e1RM)
Should I increase my TM by 5 or 10 lbs. I think I’m gonna do 5 so that I can keep making easy weekly progress and stay motivated and avoid failing a max-out
>right elbow started feeling strained after a mere 225x5 bench
FUCK OFF AAAAAAAAA! Literally why do I need to baby you! What the fuck is wrong with you?! I hate you! You are killing my gains!
Back on my pl grind

OHP 75x1
OHP 65 5x3
Deadlift 140 2x3
Pull ups 3xamrap
Triceps, shoulders, neck

Ditched straps on deadlift for good now. Form is feeling much better with a wider grip and wider stance, i get a lot more leg drive, like i can push the floor away much more effectively and also i dont get the earthquake rep anymore.
Nice. Got 3-5 singles at 70kg tomo. Maybe I’ll upload the video

420 blaze it
Man the standards in this general got so low lmao
Already? Didn't you say you were going to bodybuild like a week ago?
He's stronger than you.
he mogs you tho
>n-no he doesn't I don't want to get doxxed you retard
This is in KG. I'm guessing you're fat, it happens.
Nice, do post

Th... thanks...

I flip flop so much, it's part of who i am. I'm trying to do both at the same time, strength and hyperotrophy. I guess i just needed a break

Thanks guys..
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It's over, incels
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What Is a decent standard according to you then?

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