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/fit/ - Fitness

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>Each board is permitted one thread to discuss the meta

Why do the mods allow obvious bait threads but delete and ban anyone that asks questions, do they want this place to fall?
I'd say the majority of threads are made by 3 people and it's the same shit every day
A man that size should not be moving that fast, kicking with that much power. Sickening...

Anyway yeah, jannies suck.
to play the devil's avocado i don't even feel bad about the troll threads, nothing is done by the moderation team to improve this place so why should anyone else? you call out anything like other posters and you'll get banned for "off topic"
just let the place burn
Literally days of porn threads, surely that means there's very little mods left, pretty sure they're global mods that would see the reports
I wonder if there's been some big feud behind the scenes, would explain why a few weeks ago so many boards got nuked by a rogue mod
Yup. I'm fucking sick of the same exact retarded bait/blackpill threads. I'm also sick of the same exact fucking questions about LE CREATINE HAIRLOSS, how to LE START WORKING OUT.
Read anything ever ffs
Thread IDs should be implemented
That said, I do enjoy trolling mire threads by pretending to be anons that actually post
Has thread IDs actually dropped the amount of samefagging though? The bans don't do anything to stop them
it's sick it's piss okpeaceoutbye
Make this place nsfw
Hell no
>majority of threads made by same 3

Yeah sounds about right
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That was fast even for you moxie
Who is the first one?
The moderation here makes no sense. I made a thread a while ago trying to discuss the minimum effective dose of cardio for health vs the maximum allowable cardio before muscle gain is hindered. The thread was locked while softcore porn stayed up.
This. Would be a better board without all the ass posting
I am not a fan of this baord being the personal battleground of 2 retards, or even scarier 1 retard, arguing about KETOLARD and MOXYTE
every day during american hours
and during euro hours when i go to bed at night its just one fucker spamming porn and demoralization blackpill threads for almost 12h
i know traffic is like a third of what it used to be on this board a few years ago but seriously this is fucking unusable
This board is one of the better ones imo. Never been banned here and I post a lot. But in tv I'm banned literally every time I post because it's "off topic" (it wasn't) they leave the thread up but ban me for talking about the movie. I'm convinced you get banned there now for disagreeing with the mods, they really fucking hate it when you btfo their shit opinions.
>one of the better ones
most of the time there is no mods around
there's been days of porn threads that reached over 100 replies and stayed up for over 24 hrs
Who the fuck is “Kekke?” And what bait threads are there’s?
Not new just can’t keep up. I know cam
/an/ is the only board that is worth a fucking damn and the fact you don't instantly recognize that shows who new you are.

It's near constant on topic threads (over 99% threads posted on topic) with off topic threads being instantly pruned.
/an/'s moderator is the only board moderator that actually does their job.
god this shit really is the new digital equivalent of 'i saw her in the street and it ruined my day'
sorry lads wrong tab
They're usually filling the catalogue bit I'm guessing he got banned yesterday or went into hiding but here's some low quality/bait threads
There's usually 5+ just from one guy that steals leddit images or from cbt and you can always tell because they have iPhone file names
Fair enough, I should have said it's better than tv by a country mile in that you don't get banned constantly for participating. I'm honestly not sure about the other boards I mainly browse fit, and TV and basically rarely lurk others and don't post on them. I'm certainly not a new fag, but that's nothing to be proud of.
t. Here since 2013
I spoke without really knowing wtf I'm talking about. I'll call myself a faggot this time, I deserve it.

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