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>Who is /fat/ for?
For the quaking quackers who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/
>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous Thread: >>75131801
Should I bother with adding abs specific excercises to my routine? Or is it better to just keep lifting until I get to healthy weight?
I'm fat
Nothing wrong with having a strong stomach.
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>buy bioimpedance scale
>start losing weight
>almost 10kg lost, feels good, look better
>barely lost 2% of bf
>not strengthening your abs
do you want to break your spine?
How much have you lost so far? How much more do you have to lose?
Ah thank you OP, for once you are not a fag.
94 lbs
>to go
120 lbs
Your body fat decreases faster the lower you go.
Dropping a fresh food hack
Great job. How long has it taken to you to lose 94 lbs and how did you do it?
Lost 80
Gained 27
Lost 33
29 to go

If I didn't gain that weight back I would have been at my goal.
Who knows? I don't even use my scale anymore.
I can 100% guarantee you will lose ALL the weight on the vinegar diet. It's so effective you won't even have to worry about ever regaining a pound either. It really is a miracle food.
I've lost about 10 kg. 8 kg to go for my initial goal. If I didn't start exercising I would be there in about a month.
You should throw a party when you reach 500lbs.
Currently at about 265 pounds. Need to lose at least 50 pounds of fat to get to higher teens percent body fat
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Noble Ladies from 1800s got access to the Internet?
I hate all of you honestly. I hate every single man on planet earth who is over 250 lbs. You fat lazy idiots are genuinely beyond disgusting. Delusional, impulsive manbabies.
Neat someone thinks about me
>How much have you lost so far?
14kg, give or take.
>How much more do you have to lose?
I don't have a specific number in mind.
About 10 more will make me sub-100kg for the first time in ~7 years or so.
20 more will land me at the "healthy weight if ripped" (I'm not ripped)
30 more will be "healthy weight for someone who literally never lifted a thing" (I'm bigger than that).

So I'll for sure go for the first one and see how it goes from there.
I ate until satiety again. (5 lbs of chicken drumsticks)
I'd offer you a hug, but I don't want to suffocate you.
>Just went for my 3 hill walk.
>Saw a great narrow dresser tossed out I could use for my bedroom.
>Real red oak, narrow and tall like I've been looking for over a year.
>See two fucking reseller crumbsnatchers stop by there as I get to the top of the hill.
>Dresser is gone by the time I get back and drive over there.

Just confessing I'm angry, I guess.On the plus side, lost 2 pounds this week. $5 rotisserie chicken with simmered onions and jalapenos makes good tacos.
>I hate every single man on planet earth who is over 250 lbs

Good thing I'm 195 then?
lost 24
74ish to go

yeah 100 lbs… it feels crazy that I ever got here in the first place
Lost 40. Need to lose about another 35.
>anon professes his love to me
I-I'm so flattered . . . but I can't reciprocate, I'm sorry!
You'll find someone else, better than me, I'm sure!
Nope I still hate you because of that sassy faggot response, congratulations
>If I didn't gain that weight back I would have been at my goal.
Right there with you bro. Just gotta lock in and stop fucking around.
Dunno. Been going off of vibes this time around but my clothes fit better than they did two months ago. Probably gonna hop on the scale in a few weeks.
250 to go
Only hell behind me and hell in front of me but what other choice to I have but to keep going.
Those scales are dogshit. Don't trust them.
It will help your abs show at a higher body fat and having a strong core is always good. I've been doing it 2 times a week (1 plank and another decline sit ups)
Taking a big shit right now lads, excited to weigh myself after but slightly disappointed that I ate food today so it won't be lower than this morning
You've got 250lbs of fat to lose? That's crazy. Good luck.
bioimpedance scales return noise for any timeframe lower than a year.
like anon just said, don't trust them, and for Zeus' sake, don't make changes to your plans based on their fanciful body fat metrics alone.
Do some cardio, do some workouts, and trust in the process. Get a DEXA scan if you're really curious. Or maybe just some calipers.
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oh I see anons thanks
my job consists on doing cardio for like 6 hours and to some extent using my whole body
I hope I'm not just transforming into a massive blob and losing all my precious muscle
Poop doesn't actually weigh that much. Don't get your hopes up.
5 months
Calorie counting with a 1000 calorie deficit
Exercise was just walking my dog every day, nothing major for most of it, started putting in more effort this last month or so.
Anons who fast: how do you do it? Do you have to be a NEET to fast?
I am a tech chud and by 2:00 I feel awful and can't focus on my work due to hunger. Fasting was a lot easier when I was a NEET because I could just sort of... exist without thinking of anything, and zone out the hunger
Non-NEETs who fast, got any tips/tricks?
I think I’ve given myself either an eating disorder or bad body dysmorphia. I’ve lost 65lbs and it doesn’t even feel good or like an accomplishment because I’ve already forgotten what I looked like before and now just focus entirely on how bad I still look now. I’ve been telling myself it’s just me striving for greatness but losing 25% of my body weight in under 6 months should atleast bring me some joy right?
>Anons who fast: how do you do it? Do you have to be a NEET to fast?

Regular working joe. Have coffee all day. Eat one meal a day. Still got fat that way, originally. How do fuckers not have enough glycogen to make it through a single fucking day? I can sit down and eat like a wolf, sure. But I don't have to.
Current body, wondering where to go from now, bulk or cut, want more ab definition, and work on my frame (shoulders, arms, chest)
I was still 1.4 lbs heavier than this morning, real shame.

Guy A 300 lbs 50% body fat loses 5% of his fat, that's 15 lbs.
Guy B 150 lbs 15% body fat loses 5% of his fat, that's 7.5 lbs.
It took Guy B half the weight to get the same result, and the effect is more pronounced on him since he lost 1/3 of his body fat compared to Guy A who only lost 1/10 of his body fat.
Absolutely don’t need to be a NEET, I fast every Wednesday and I’m an industrial sparky so I’m on the go all day. A lot of water and black coffee, I’m a fag so I abuse nicotine as well to curb the hunger but I never get disgustingly hungry during fasts.
Why progress pictures are important
I changed my deficit from 1000 to 500 because I was hungry as fuck today after working out
lost: 62 pounds
left: -7
Me a year ago
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>tfw on a cut
>2 scoops of Orgain protein powder (1 serving, 21g protein) + a generous scoop of pic related
Is peanut butter okay when cutting? Or is it too fatty?
Build up muscle.
You're already looking like a twink - getting muscle definition with no muscle will require you to go down to not really sustainable body fat percentage.
Bulk if you have to, but you might consider doing body recomp instead - very minor calorie deficit (think 200~300 kcal) with abundant protein so you can build muscle.
I use picrel for a fraction of the calories
Bulk and isolate your abs then you will able to see your abs at higher body fat levels when you cut.
I’m a university student but the work load is so low it feels like the NEET life. I’m about to hit about 48 hours of fasting in a minute and I don’t feel very serious cravings at all. Even if I watch food porn (which I really do NOT suggest) I don’t have any impulse to break my fast.

For me it really is just about getting over the initial couple fasts. Those are fucking hard. Your first 48-72 hour fast you will be thinking about insane sloppy cravings every waking moment. You will be salivating at the thought of every corner of the culinary world.
>Mmmmmmm oxtail and mac and cheese uggghhhhhh jjajangmyeon and jokbal hnnnnngggg chorizo y pollo burritos
Your hunger hormones will be literally torturing you. Power through.

DON’T break your fast with all the sloppy shit you were craving. Break it with a very filling assortment of semi-bland vegetables and protein. Maybe a huge cobb salad with grilled chicken? It doesn’t have to be disgusting, but it should not be mouth watering. Just satiating and nutritious.

I think this is sort of the difference between bulimia and sustainable, disciplined fasting. If you are having a fucking infinite mouth orgasm every time you break your fast you will not be able to train yourself to quit your food addiction — you’re just sort of edging your food addiction.

And it gets a lot easier over time because your stomach and appetite shrink immensely. I also suggest supplementing your electrolytes and a multivitamin.

This is what works for me, anyways, and I’ve been fasting for like a month with zero “screw ups,” hope that helps!
I've been doing IF/OMAD for a few months. It is pretty awful. I have no idea how the fastchads manage it for more than 24 hours at a time.
On the contrary I don't know how you three meals a day and 5 snacks fags do it. Being forced to eat birdfeed for every meal terrified of going over your 200 calorie tuna and cucumber meals would be absolute hell.
It's a thousand times easier to enjoy one large filling meal and be freed from the chains of worrying about food for the rest of the day.
Can't imagine believing that a piece of equipment I could buy at walmart could measure my whole body through my feet
Down 15 from my peak. Like 90 left I guess? 175@5'11" seems reasonable to me right now.
I ate 2lbs of chicken breast today. Feels good man. Had a bunch of broccoli casserole too so total ~2325 calories today.
I hate myself more than you possibly could.
start lifting and clean bulking. Would not continue cutting.
That's a ton of progress man, good job!
These aren't necessarily the same thing. You could use a 4-6 hour window and eat two meals per day.
Posted about crossing my halfway point the other day - 116 lbs down, 114 to go
>Look at the mirror when taking a shower
How did I let this happen
I ate three hours after my feeding window was over.
>How did I let this happen
Calories in>calories out
Fatty Contest

I need to go back to walking regularly, Deadlock is too addictive, having trouble finding two hours to walk everyday.
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Why keto or low carb instead of a 1000 kcal deficit?
I've honestly been thinking the same thing, which is why I came here today. Not emotional about it though. Just in the sense of why the hell did I not stop myself from getting this fat? I'm making excellent progress in my weight loss, I'm as light today as I've been in over ten years, I'm only some months away from my goal and I'm not that far away from losing overweight status and gaining healthy weight status. Yet I can't help but feel lost as to why it took me so long to do it properly. It really is as simple as taking control of your life, not abstractly but just starting from the ground up and fixing things one by one. In my case, creating the right habits. It feels weird, so much time I could've spent better if I wasn't carrying several dozens of kilos of fat everywhere I went. It's like I really thought life didn't matter. What a joke.
>Why keto or low carb instead of a 1000 kcal deficit?
Keto or low carb is a way hitting that 1000 kcal deficit.
Most of the associated memes are memes and don't work for most people, placebo notwithstanding.
However, various forms of diet can be much easier to stick to for different people.

Keto doesn't do shit for me, but intermittent fasting is literally a silver bullet - the breakfast I skip is a breakfast I don't eat with zero desire to compensate later in the day.
That too won't stand true for everyone, but it will for some. The same idea with keto, low carb, or whatever that disgusting thing your mom was trying was.
I ate 2700 cals of fried chicken today
Deep fried stuff is one food I'm unwillingly avoiding currently because I don't know how to properly count calories for it.
Will counting calories for the presumed chicken, then weighing up the oil, deep frying, taking the chicken out, weighing the remaining oil, and counting the difference as "consumed calories" work?
How much oil evaporates?
I'd gladly make myself some buffalo wings but I don't want to just guess calories in them.
Weighing the oil afterwards would work. Basically no oil will evaporate during the cooking process.

I would be more concerned with knowing the calories of the breading on something like fried chicken.
The buffalo chicken I cook has no breading.
But knowing I can just weigh the entirety of oil once and then have a more or less precise estimation for future use, assuming I stick to the same cooking temperature, is nice.
Thanks, anon.
Peanut butter powder is the way to go, you get the delicious degeneracy of peanuts but don’t risk giving into temptation and eating out of the jar with a spoon because it’s so fucking tasty
to me, it's not that serious
if I have a pepperoni pizza slice at a local place, look up the calories of a pepperoni slice at pizza hut and plug that in
fried chicken? kfc.
fried rice? panda express
etc etc
being precise while dieting is good because because you ensure you don't go above your maintenance
but learning how to estimate calories and getting "close enough" will help you after you finish dieting and transition to maintenance
I agree that you don't need to be that precise but I prefer to err on the side of caution.
And for food with no real reference point it's better to start off precise.
For example, the two fast-food pizza chains I have nearby have a whopping 500kcal difference between their respective medium-sized pizzas - one is ~1100 kcal, while the other is ~1600 (and I'm wondering if they are literally lying and it's even more than that).
If I estimate the former to be the latter in calories I'll at worst end up feeling hungry but if I do the reverse, I'd likely blow past my TDEE let alone my daily deficit goal while thinking I'm doing great on my diet.
There's also stuff like scones and whatnot, that you'd think you can guesstimate to be a treat in the ballpark of muffins (i.e. not great but you can easily fit some in occasionally to feel happier) when they are actually about two times as calorie dense. Truly fucking evil.

That's why I intend to find a starting point and then use that as an estimation benchmark - the wings will be slightly different each time I cook them but the estimation will be close enough to not be a big deal.
Cold brew is a cheat code for curbing hunger into oblivion but this amount of caffeine can't possibly be good for me.
better than being fat
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Fair point.
The past couple days I haven't eaten enough despite being in a cut. I'm just telling myself I'm saving money, and I'll probably end up eating those calories when I eat at my Mom's.
so close to 90kg...
keto is like a cheat code if you respond well to it, I didn't even need to track calories and the pounds flew off. I got tired of eating a high fat diet pretty soon though, you would think it would be hard to get sick of meat, eggs, cheese, and nuts, but that's exactly what happened to me. Plus I didn't want to be on keto forever so I thought it better to learn to balance my carbs rather than rebound tons of weight after I hit my goal weight and go off keto like so many people do.
How'd I do today /fat/
>1 cup of All Bran + 1 cup of 2% milk
>Baked potato and half a chicken breast, bone-in
>Around 2 cups of orange juice (just finished the jug)
>A small amount of mashed potatoes and a large piece of salmon
>2 L of water
BMR is 1647 and I did two hours of stationary bike. Ate probably 750 calories yesterday with the same exercise.
orange juice is empty calories, sub in some real fruit so you get fiber + much less of a blood sugar spike
>empty calories
Literally the only "empty calories" in reasonable existence are alcohol.
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Reached my original goal weight of 155lbs
However, still can't see lower abs. Insane how resistant the fat around that area on me is. I'll have to lose another 10 lbs and re-assess.
I think I'm like 13% bf, if I lose another 10 I should be at 10%, assuming I lose 60/40 fat/other.
Is there really that much of a difference between drinking sugar water vs alcohol?
fiber is useless
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Why did I start losing weight? For a rather simple reason if you ask me.

I'm tired of being a cuck. I'm tired of seeing woman after woman that I'm interested in breed with genetically superior males. I sit back helplessly in the friendzone while their ankles are dangling on alpha shoulders while screaming in ecstasy.

My goal is to become the bvll. To be "that guy" who other guys have to hide their wife from in case she involuntarily cheats. To be "that guy" who impregnates taken and married women while the other guy raises my seed. To be the guy that makes her explosively climax while hubby can't even make her tingle
Uhhh your genes don’t change whether you’re fat or skinny
Ever heard of epigenetics, chud?

There's a reason why BBC bulls are breeding like crazy
There is.
Sugar is a carb. Carb is a great and incredibly healthy source of energy.
If you want your body to function at its peak performance, you need carbs.
Refined sugars are a source of incredibly easily-available energy. They can be used to rapidly refuel your body when it's exhausted.
There is literally nothing wrong with sugar if you aren't overeating it.

Alcohol, meanwhile, is a source of energy that your body will begrudgingly use because it's there.
It'll will interfere with other metabolic processes, it will reduce the amount of carbs you're burning as a fuel, so your performance will drop, and then there's the whole thing about it being a literal toxin.
That's a mighty goal man. There are two kinds of men in this world: cuckolds and bulls. If you're not a bull, then you're a cuckold.
Most fatties don’t need straight sugar
You'll use this to ruin the next thread op. Fuck you.
>start doing cardio
>fucking dying at 160bpm
>2 months later
>feel pretty ok at 160bpm and can keep it going for like 20 minutes
i thought my heart rate was supposed to go down, not this
110lbs so far. Another 70lbs before I reassess if I need to go lower or if I can put on muscle and keep lowering my bf to 15%.

Can't believe I let myself get so bad.
That's an indication that your heart is stronger brainlet
Fatty Contest
I've lost 34 lbs, and I'm hitting my goal in 6 lbs, but part of me doesn't want to get there, so I've plateau'd where I am for almost a month now.
I'm currently undertaking negotiations with myself to resolve the crisis. My demands are to not look like a fat-bellied skeleton at goal weight. I've already explained to myself that we're basically almost there anyway, and that it will improve over time with workouts and stuff. I remained unconvinced, but show some willingness to resume my weight loss journey.
Schizo bros, I have consumed the final 320 kcal sosig with some eggs and onions.
I'm literally dying from all the terrible fat and sodium I've been gorging on. My time is coming . . . any minute now in about 60 years or so . . .
I will repent thougheverbeit, and buy some chicken breasts tomorrow (or the day after tomorrow) and eat that instead!
I'm weak, though, and I'm incapable of sucking down the disgusting slop of plain horrible chicken, shit-steamed broccoli, and whatever carbs retards deem """healthy""" at this particular moment, so I'll make some milk-based sauce with chicken, mushrooms, and spices, as well as a good ol' mash with milk, butter, and a raw egg (yes, the guaranteed salmonella will imminently finish the literal manslaughter started by all the sodium).
Forgive me for my transgressions, oh ones of transcendent consciousness!
>plain chicken
Have you never heard of rubs or marinades or something.
Are you a bot?
Did I trigger your faggot brain or something?
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Hello fellow fat fucks.
I'm 1.80m and about 114 kg. Been stuck around this weight for most of my adult life.
I finally started going to the gym 2 weeks ago and I'm slowly getting into a diet of meat, fish, eggs and frozen veggies together 2 scoops of protein powder mixed in water. I don't really mind at all so far. It's pretty tasty with a healthy amount of natural spices.
In the gym I'm just following the core strength schedule in the sticky thread of this board 3 times per week.

Any recommendations or general input? I'd like to lose weight asap. I honestly think I would already look decent below 100kg but I don't really know as it feels like I've never been there before.
is it fine to take protein powder every day or should I only do it on days where I lift?
I got sick and thought to burn through this cold by being in metabolic surplus but i'm still lingeringly sick a week later and 3Kg heavier
>Why did I start losing weight?
for men to look at you and give you compliments
Names of the whores in the pic?
>days without taking a shit: 5
>guy in the background
Compound exercises (pull-ups, push-ups, squats, dead lifts, bench, etc.) are better than isolation exercises (curls and uh... basically anything that loads mostly a single muscle group) for weight loss as they burn more energy while accumulating less fatigue overall.
Counting calories always helps. Do that if you can.
Protein powders are only necessary if you can't get enough protein from your diet but unless you have a dedicated diet just for that, you probably aren't getting enough, so it's generally a harmless-to-good idea to have some protein powder. It's still calories, though.

Protein is something that should be generally available in your system, so it doesn't matter much how exactly you take it, as long as you get enough.
There is a minor but I believe proven and reproducible link between having your protein intake spread out evenly throughout the day (i.e. getting it through multiple meals instead of all at once) and increase in perceived benefits (i.e. muscle growth, recovery, performance, etc.).
It is VERY minor, though, so it's not worth worrying about, but it's there if you're in a mood for optimizing stuff.
Good job starting. Read the op. Protein powder is to aid you in hitting your macros but depending on what you eat you may not need it.
The only men I want compliment my body are the men watching in the corner as I plow their wives
sadly, that wont be the case in reality
You seem like you’re able to do more in the kitchen than heat up a frozen pizza. You can use that ability to make healthy food taste good.
I mean, the thing I listed while half-joking is unironically as good as it gets.
A diet of strictly chicken breasts, potatoes, and broccoli is horrible for you, despite being one of the most nutritious selections of ingredients objectively speaking - the only truly "good for you" thing in nutrition is variety.
I eat broccoli occasionally. Usually, raw, though. They are kinda nice raw but steamed ones are, while not horrible, not really tasty whatsoever.

I'm generally not getting enough fiber, so I'm making a conscious effort of eating fruits somewhat consistently.
I'm also looking at adding more veggies to my diet, usually in the form of a salad - like the carrot salad from the other day.
I eat oatmeal a couple times a week but you'd need to point a gun at me to had that oatmeal cooked on water - absolutely fucking disgusting slop.
Now, sweet oatmeal on milk is great. I usually have some dried fruits on mine with 20g of honey and 10g of butter.
>Chicken and brocoli is bad for you
Omega fatty cope, go scarf down another extra large pizza.
You really are a bot.
I'm starting to think you're one, or everything you post is generated from chat gpt atleast.
>I'm starting to think
Holy shit, AI takeover is upon us!
>be me
>5'9", 65kg, down from 93kg
>everyone tells me i dont need to lose any more weight
>"youre too skinny!"
>"youre like a jockey!"
>only wear hoodies and sweatpants so they cant see my gut which im trying to get rid of
>tell them i still need to lose weight to achieve my goal
>they continue to tell me im too skinny every time they ask me how much i currently weigh
does anyone else have to deal with this? im skinnyfat, actual skinnyfat, which means even if i eat 10000 calories every day, most of the weight i gain will be in my gut. my arms and legs will still pretty much be thin and ill never be a hamplanet.
I agree. I eat a lot of chicken and broccoli but I like both of them, if I didnt there are other options
You would know.
You have body dysmorphia
Lifting cures skinnyfat
Seed oils are the reason why sausage, and also chicken are slop.
Chicken fat and pork fat (what sausage is made of) are just more expensive ways to eat corn oil. Next time you think of buying either just buy corn oil and save money.
Basically just up the amount of time in the gym. You only need about an hour to be there 5-6 times a week. 30 mins of aerobic and 30-40 minutes of lifting. Just don’t believe the myth of working out to failure. You only get into those type of details if you look to get ripped.

Take that advice from a yo-young fatty.
>Chicken is slop
I just want to look good in a t shirt
Anyone got any advice for bedsores/saddle sores/whatever that doesn't involve taking a break from exercise that involves sitting?

I want to look good in a tight-fitting t-shirt or really any long-sleeve shirt. I've always worn baggy t-shirts not just because they were comfy, but because I was self-conscious about my fat.
yes, im currently lifting as well. its going well, im losing weight, yet my muscles are getting noticeably bigger. every time i look in the mirror i look better than the last time i checked.
same brother, same. i havent worn a t-shirt in public since i was 18. im now in my early 30s
Take a break
You were probably in a different state of mind during that whole time. I know I was completely lost, but better now than never.
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Corn oil is fed to the chicken
(You) eat the the chicken recycled corn oil
Sounds like something Big Seed™ would say!
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Speaking of drinking your calories, I find TEAMILK to be reasonably filling for what it is.
I'd make myself half a liter of it, that'll be 420 kcal, which is pretty damn high, but I would drink it over an hour or two and it would completely replace a full meal for me, bringing the total number of calories down.
or you could just eat like 4 eggs and be satiated for longer...
Okay, anon.
Happy you found something that works for you!
i wish all monomaniac autistic thick skulled fad-following retards incapable of thought would just eat a gun already instead of polluting my board with their garbage
t. Brain rotted by seed oils and sugar
post a pic of your ""gut"", 20 bux says it will be a barely perceptible fold of nothing but skin
i mean, you're in a calorie counting cult, and think that 420 cals is of liquid is more satiating than 320 cals of actual food
and being physically full is not the same as being satiated
Sugar is a carb and both sugar and seed oils damage the liver greatly and help exacerbate the Randle cycle, especially when combined, as they're usually presented in ultra-processed prepackaged foods. It's okay to hate multiple evil things, anon.
no, plants are satan and the source of all evil
you get almost nothing from them compared to eating meat/organs
youre massively overweight, i get it
Was 220lbs now, around 159 so that's 61 pounds in a veery long while, like a bit more than a year. I still feel fat though so maybe I still need to lose like 10 or 15 more pounds.
It is.
30-40 minutes of lifting just doesn't sound reasonable to me.
>5-7 minutes of warm up
>5 exercises with 3 sets each
>2 minutes between each set
>Extra 1 minute between exercises to change plates
>Each set takes about 1 minute
This is already an hour plus showering after.

I tried following a "20-minute exercise plan in the gym" but it was impossible to do it in 20 minutes. An hour plus was the reasonable amount.
ANons who have lost 150+ pounds, what does your body look like now? I've lost about 150 and have 20 left to go but my body still looks awful,I still have moobs and a belly. I've been obese the majority of my life so is it just a hard truth my body will always look fat even if i lose the weight?
I haven't but you seriously need to put on muscle. Just because you were called "big guy" doesn't mean you are 'big' in the muscled up sense. In fact one reason you probably got so fat is because you were never athletic and have less muscle mass than your size would predict. Just start lifting and working on recomposition. If you want a suggestion, all you would have to do is two full body workouts each week, maybe three, for an hour while getting 1.2g/kg of body weight protein.

But otherwise congrats, how did you do it? How long has it taken you?
Thanks for the advice and compliments. I have started to run and weightlift. I'll run 3 days a week and then lift twice a week.
On the fisrt day the lifting will be
>Bulgarian split squat
>Romanian Deadlift
>Barbell rows
and day 2 will be
>Goblet squat
>Hex bar deadlift
>Overhead press
I've been on this journey(god the term weigh loss journey sounds so fucking gay) about 2 years. I think for the first couple months I did simple CICO and walked everyday(living next to a park was cool). I eventually started doing OMAD and still do to this day. As of now I'm doing carnivore but have a cheat day every two weeks. My biggest issue is binge eating so I straight up just gave my credit cards to my boyfriend for him to hold onto at his house. so now I pretty much have no choice but to be strict.
Forgive me father
I grabbed a nutella cup from the breakfast bar
It's over . . .
Time to order two large pizzas and a big Coke.
being finally committed and fixated on this makes me want the days to go by faster. A consistent 0.1kg a day is theoretically on target but it feels so slow
I have lost around 150-160lbs.
My belly has an apron of skin and my tits droop and my ass has way too much loose skin. Going to take a long time to save enough money for skin removal, so Im not sure if Im going to go for it unless I can somehow get my insurance to cover it.
Currently at around 18-20% BF if I estimate it right, goal is to lose around 10kg more and reassess the situation.
>don't take fiber supplements
>poop like normal
>take fiber supplements
>don't poop for a week
I knew fiber was a meme
>I knew fiber was a meme
Yeah, the instant I increase my fiber intake I cant take a shit for a long time and shitting out the dense log will be very painful.
Fucking doctors prescribed me MORE fiber when I couldnt shit thanks to the fucking fiber.
is your diet carb heavy or even carb moderate? Any time I had problems with hunger while fasting was when I was not doing low carb, I have a mentally and physically demanding work but I don't have any problems while fasting.
Maybe low carb will help you out also
Fiber is pretty much The thing that makes up your poop.
If you are already pooping fine taking more fiber only increases risk of constipation because, again, fiber is the only thing that can possibly make you constipated.

It's more about having a consistent stream of fiber so the shit moves, literally so, and less of a "eating more fiber is good for you" thing.
If you have a spike of fiber followed by a prolonged period of little to no fiber - that's a recipe for constipation.
>Non-NEETs who fast, got any tips/tricks?
Drink more water.
Don't think about food.
No, really, DON'T think about food.
The sense of hunger is 99% psychological, so DON'T think about food.
Black coffee curbs appetite for most people and doesn't have enough calories to break your fast.
>If you have a spike of fiber followed by a prolonged period of little to no fiber - that's a recipe for constipation.
Eh, might be a part of it but no matter how often I eat fiber in the day, the constipation starts.
Only way I have found to not be constantly constipated is just to avoid fiber as much as possible.
Might really be your case anon.
Eliminating ALL fiber will cure constipation, no exceptions, but it's a generally undesirable process.
When I broke my 4-day fast with some yogurt, my intestine turned back on and I went to poop in 5 minutes tops.
I was shitting pretty much solid bricks - no constipation but the irritation was very real.
That's an exaggeration of what doctors are trying by advising you to "eat more fiber" because it's a good blanket advice.
However, your intestine can very much move and push shit through it on its own - it doesn't really need something to help it by physically "shoving" it.
Except when sometimes (quite often) it does.
If that's not your case, and you are pooping fine - no need to spike your fiber intake.

Keep in mind that some of your gut microbiome relies on fiber to survive, so maybe eat an apple or some other fruit as often as you can without it constipating you.
If even that's too much for you, maybe common probiotics like yogurt or cottage cheese are a better alternative for you.
>take plant waste product supplements
how brainwashed can people get? you're taking "supplements" for something that your body cant even use
>are trying *to have you avoid* by advising
>It's more about having a consistent stream of fiber so the shit moves, literally so, and less of a "eating more fiber is good for you" thing.
retarded take, if you actually digest your food, you'll shit less, not shitting because of this is not a problem
i havent taken a shit since saturday for example
>Keep in mind that some of your gut microbiome relies on fiber to survive,
please, give source
low carb is alongside deficit, it kills hunger and cravings for the majority of people so it's useful tool if you're having problems with binges, feeling constant hunger etc.
It should be easy for me to lose fat. I can go a day without food and witout feeling hungry. Yet somehow I keep shoving food down my throat.
When I read about loose skin, everybody talks bout collagen and elastin, but nobody addresses the real issue which is too many skin cells in there.

There must be some hypothetical/theoretical way to decrease the number of skin cells in the dermis. Everything can shrink and be shrunk. Elastin and collagen is about shaping what is there, not about decreasing the mass of it.
Clearly you can't go all day without food then
Im pretty damn certain that after you gain enough weight there is NOTHING you can do except to get it cut off. I will be experimenting with longer fasts since it literally costs nothing but I really doubt all the "autophagy" shit for loose skin will work at all.
It's nice that you have prefaced your take with a disclaimer that it's retarded.

The problem with
>digesting your food
is that in most cases, you WILL have some undigested food sitting and quite literally rotting inside of you if your intestine is incapable of pushing it through on its own.
Let's say you _switch_ to a carnivore diet of sort.
Now you can digest pretty much 100% of your food intake.
Did you fully cleanse your intestine in advance by taking a bowel-cleansing medicine - something you'd normally take before a colonoscopy?
No? Well, guess what, if you didn't do that - you still have a bunch of waste accumulated in your intestine.
And if you're one of many people whose intestine isn't going to push this little volume of stool on its own, you might have that sitting there long enough for it to solidify and start causing real damage (which you won't even feel)

If you did cleanse your bowels - then yeah, you are pretty much correct, there's no big deal in you not pooping if you are just digesting everything you eat.
That is what everybody seems to be saying everywhere I read, but I don't see how that can possibly be true.
There must be a way that we can just induce some of the excess cells to die
again, retarded take
the body knows exactly what it needs to do
>please, give source for something with a plethora of peer-reviewed studies
I mean, you could just google it but here you go
Yeah, unfortunately that is the conclusion I came to when I was researching this shit. I will be trying to make myself to REALLY believe in autophagy/collagen/whatever else supplement for the placebo benefits.
I really, REALLY wish there was a way since the surgeries are so damn expensive but it really seems there is none, I will be a unlovable skin monster for many years to come, but I would be a loser freak anyways so who cares?
you said some bacteria need fiber to survive, post one of your (((peer reviewed))) studies that says exactly that
non seq studies
Anon, you don't really need to share your retarded takes, especially if you're aware if you're retarded.
There is plenty of things our bodies don't "know" how to do properly because the world we live in is too different from the world our body "learned" what it "needs to do".
I'm pretty sure either all or most of them observe that a lack of or levels too low of dietary fiber intake will irreversibly reduce the diversity of gut microbiome.
Do you not understand the meaning of those words, or what?
try this shit maybe it will help you
>do an intense ab workout
>immediately follow it up with moderate to intense cardio exercise
>slight increase in fat burned at the abs region
please, give source
>On the fisrt day the lifting will be
>>Bulgarian split squat
>>Romanian Deadlift
>>Barbell rows
>and day 2 will be
>>Goblet squat
>>Hex bar deadlift
>>Overhead press
No pushups? No curls? You might also consider lateral raises on the day you're not doing your overhead press.

Do shoulder press with a dumbbell instead of a barbell. If you fail you can use your other arm to support it and the movement feels more natural.

>On the fisrt day the lifting will be
>>Bulgarian split squat
>>Romanian Deadlift
By the way, you will feel like dying on this day. Split squats are the most tiring exercise. If you find that they exhaust you too much then just move them to the end of that lifting session.
I gave you the source.
Now do your part and actually read through them.

If you are just here to be a schizo then stop pretending you care about the source and have your meltdown already so we can get this over with.
I am thinking about doing a regimen of saltwater bath to dehydrate (And kill) some of the underlying skin cells.
Nobody seems to be aware of it being a treatment for loose skin, but I think it must work if done over time and make sure that there is not much tensile forces pulling on the skin in the meantime.
>saltwater bath to dehydrate (And kill) some of the underlying skin cells.
Gonna research this, another "treatment" that probably does nothing but costs pretty much nothing is always welcome, maybe SOMETHING I do works at least a bit.
Yea exactly. People online say it is dangerous to do baths where the salt is in sufficient concentration to have a significant effect.
That's my only hesitation. Just looking to see if anyone has any other crazy ideas before I start going through with it
325lbs on 07/04/24
299lbs on 09/19/24
Haven't been under 300 since 2022. Very huge for me. Keep up the good work guys.
Congrats, anon!
You're gonna make it!
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I don't get it. I weight 140lbs at 5'10 and if I put in sedentary into a TDEE calculator it says. ~1900 calories.

How the fuck are buff people that weigh like 170-180 at 6ft+ claiming numbers like that they eat 2500lbs to build muscle?
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Does drinking Cokezero/dietcoke break your fast?
probably. i stick to my eating window
Proud of you lad and quite similar to my own progress as well. I'm down from 340 in July to 310 now.

yep, sweeteners most often still make your body have a small insulin response so it breaks a fast if you're doing it for the autophagy etc.
If you're only doing it for the caloric deficit then you can drink them
I will try to drink it during that time window from now on as well. Better safe than sorry.

That's good to know, especially since i purely do it for the caloric deficit. Will probably try to stick with water on most days though.
No. The guy who went for the longest recorded fast did have diet soda occasionally.
First time hearing of that.
Also autophagy occurs at any caloric deficit, you don't need to fast for it.
i concede on that point then
you still dont need a (((diverse))) microbiome tho
apparently I am beautiful beneath all the fat
I commend you for admitting that.
>you still dont need a (((diverse))) microbiome tho
My surface-level awareness of the research seems to suggest that the whatever diversity you can reasonably sustain there in equilibrium is what's "the best" for you.
Including probiotics becoming "bad" if taking them results in you throwing that balance off without achieving any "new" equilibrium.
It very well might be that for a sizeable number of people an equilibrium of microorganisms that do not rely on dietary fiber is that "the best" microbiome they can reasonably and consistently sustain.
No, you are not apparently
You ARE beautiful and we ARE gonna make it
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Thanks bros
I can slowly see the finish line over the horizon. It's coming closer.
Best part about having lost the weight is that there's a whole new world of opportunities waiting for you. It's like playing New game+ with a whole new set of abilities.
it sounds corny but that's true, you get massive face gains when you lose weight and if you know what beard type or being clean shaven will benefit you you're also going to look at least 6/10 unless you're literally born ugly, I always thought I was ugly when I was fat but after reaching my goal weight I found out that now people actually find me handsome.
Keep losing the fat anon
Seconding this
When you lose all that fat on your face you become very handsome. Think of it like an rpg stat
-5 Fat
+5 Beauty
why does everything have to be a video game?
Because if you did sports you wouldn't be here, fatty.
Well you could view it like a book I guess....
>Now that you've lost all that weight, the sequel is being written
...nah, sounds like some disney channel stuff
Many of the systems used in video games are tailored to the human brain. It ain't a stretch.
pints of ice cream (just whey + water + salt + xanthan gum) are my new vice
130-150 kcal for that is just fucking crazy, im so addicted but im also easy to please
picrel just strawberry cream whey, water, pinch of salt, pinch of xanthan gum
ninja creami has been a godsend and if you eat a lot of that stuff it becomes worth it real fucking quick compared to buying store brand "high protein" ice creams that make my stomach feel awful
Today marks my 6th day without alcohol. I was mostly feeling great until today, because I'm feeling exhausted for some reason. I think it may be that quitting booze has put me in a caloric deficit that's too much for me to handle. My TDEE is around 2100. I calculated what I've been eating these days and it's been around 1600 daily kcals, so that's around 400-500 less kcals of alcohol that I haven't been consuming prior to quitting. Is it possible that I'm exhausted because I'm starving myself without the alcohol's energy that I used to get?
I think going from obese to even just slightly chubby can take you from a 3/10 to a 6/10
then you learn how to dress and style your hair for that weight and that's another point or two easily
you're not starving yourself. You have sobriety fatigue. It will pass with time, most alcoholics suffer from this at first
>Lost 98lbs
>Hit a plateau and haven't lost anything the last month, but haven't gained either
Kinda frustrating to hit a brick wall so close to the 100 milestone, but I shall persist and make it crumble
just keep at it, plateaus are annoying but if you're calculating everything correctly then they just go away with time and your progress resumes.
My longest one lasted 3 weeks, the body is just retarded sometimes
looks and sounds gross but im glad u foudn something you like anon
>There are a box of muchin donuts my co >worker brought in for anyone to eat
>Father they are a day old
>I'm on my last day of fasting and >planning a nice chicken and rice dinner tonight to break it.
I fear I will give in to the devils sugar >coated balls.
>/fit/ give me strength
Hey /fat/ bros, so had something come up in a meeting with my nutritionist, is there a reason someone who went from 400 lbs wouldn't want to go below like 250 lbs? My end goal is only 200 but I'm finding it weird that they were pushing back when I said im going to cut down to there(still 100 to go)
Son take some strength from me. I'm on my 17th day of fasting. There is no challenge after hunger. Nothing and I mean Nothing tastes as good as gamer girl ass.
no real reason, how were they pushing back exactly?
Every tike I say my goal they go on about how I'll never look right and that I can't get below 250 without being malnurished, seemed like they were trying to scare me about going lower
I'm dealing with an injury, do you think I can recover on a deficit?
they're just straight up bullshitting you, you wouldn't be malnourished, unless you're 2 meters tall being above 200 pounds is still being overweight. What's your height?
194cm/ 6'4
Ask them to explain their opinion in real physiologic terms and grounded in evidence. malnourished how?
One of the duties of medical practitioners/advisors is to evaluate the persons compliance risk.
The best diet for you is the diet that works for you. Not necessarily the best diet that you won't/don't do.
Fearing I may have done irreparable damage to my face, looking at pictures of myself from before the gain when I was a similar weight and my face looked a fair bit slimmer, can anything be done without the Starlight surgery?
at 250 at your still overweigh, 200 puts you just out of overweight range. Your nutritionist is either overly cautious or doesn't know what he's talking about
I generally don't trust the ones who go on the "you should be vegan" types anyways.. as for the 200 lbs, that's just my initial goal, at that point I'm no longer lardass for real, and can reach my real fitness goals as I transition to hard lifting(hopefully by the August of 2026 at minimum), my true goal to hit 250 by next August, and 200 by this time next year
If you are trying to justify drinking fruit juice which has more sugar than a fucking soda you are never going to make it.
he told you you should be vegan?! Holy shit anon, abandon ship immediately, you're nutritionist is straight up retarded.
200 should be good for your height but you'll still have bodyfat so there's plenty more work to do, keep at it and you're gonna make it
>3 months into diet
>still get fatty brain wanting me to binge
This shit never goes away does it
It usually goes away within 3-7 days on carnivore. It's a skill issue.
Orange juice generally has less sugar than most sodas.
Also, I drink Dr Pepper on a pretty much daily basis and I'm down 14 kgs, ask me how.
Let me guess, that nutritionist is female
i waste so much money on those protein store ice creams i should just buy this huh
And around 70 y.o
My grandpa died of the betus, not a fun way to go. Say hi to him for me when you see him will you?
I fucking love my creami. I usually do the same recipe but use 1.5% milk instead of water. Havent tried it with just water but using 1.5% milk instead of fat free milk is really worth the calories in my opinion.
i would say definitely, can also do it with milk/greek yogurt etc, there are a million recipes but since im a lazy nigger i like to keep it very simple
Around 30lbs
>to go
I'm gonna say 50 more but it's possible that it's closer to 70, I'll get a better picture as I slim down. My frame is super wide compared to most guys my height and I've got a decent amount of muscle from years of masonry/farmwork/lifting.
Either way I'm committed.
How do asians consume so much rice but stay thin

I dont get it
Yep, I'll get diabetes while losing weight.
Any minute now.
It does when you treat the underlying trauma causing you to cope with food.
Or stop eating high glycemic load foods, whatever.
I'm sorry you don't understand health, but good job on your weight loss. Maybe try and cut back on the sugar just a bit though, long term health is much more important than short term.
9 months for me, I still struggle with the devil daily. It probably depends on why and when you got fat. For me it was from childhood so I doubt the demons will ever fully go away.
>I'm sorry you don't understand health
kek, how ironic.
I'll hit you up when I'll get diabetes, anon.
Should be very soon.
just make it look like the loose skin is causing sores and lesions. suddenly it's a medical issue not cosmetic and insurance will approve the surgery.
65lbs, got around 20 more to go
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>need to find job
>immediate dead cat's bounce
Yeah, I was thinking of something like that, rash or sores or whatever. No idea on how to induce those kinds of symptoms tho.
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Good job gay faggot.
Join the carnivore cult, eat past satiety once a day, and still lose weight.

It actually works, lost like 65lbs so far.
high proportion of rice but not high quantity of rice. They all eat like anorexic girls
Yeah, I'm 3 months in too, and it can get a bit much sometimes. I try to use those moments for mindfullness practice. Just sit with the craving, let it wash over you as you observe it. Just remember it will always pass, there's no possible way it could last. Yeah it'll likely return, but then it'll pass again.
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Sounds good, should do the trick, right?
I lost eight pounds this week due to eating once every other day
I'm just trying to give myself an excuse to go get teriyaki chicken , if I weigh the rice I can get an estimate of its calories I guess and adjust
>Had slipping rib syndrome
>Fixed it
>Feel like a god
Man I hate it when one of my ribs decides to go for a walk and ends up halfway down my thigh. Takes ages to shove it back into place.
You got a problem fag?
I removed all my ribs so I could suck my own penis. Shits cash don't even need a gf anymore.
Marilyn Manson lookin ass
From my experience living in Japan
>Portion sizes are smaller, yet filling
>A lot of the food like bread lacks preservatives, it all has a short shelf life and you're likely going to the supermarket or at least the konbini at least twice a week (konbinis are everywhere so you're probably going everyday)
>The processed slop like for snacks comes is noticeably more inconvenient. Like a pack of cookies will have each cookie in an individual wrapper and contain less cookies overall. Japan is really big on recycling so the extra garbage isn't really a problem, it's just the extra inconvenience to eat the slop makes you feel like you don't want it as often
>You'll do a lot of walking between locations even if you take the train. My daily commute was about half an hour there and half an hour back, and I couldn't always get an empty seat so there's a lot of standing. Going out with friends is a lot of walking around too.
I also very rarely wanted fast food. My friends always wanted McDonald's, but I got it maybe twice in 15 months. I did gain significant weight in my final four months, but it was a combination of eating tons of North American garbage that I either imported or got when I came home for Christmas, or that I went out to eat with friends for meals and would often get dessert.
>gamer girl ass
this is my primary motivation
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Mustafa, its not a dead cat bounce, the bulla is back
understandable, I've been trying to fit in 30+ minutes of walking a day as I can, but I really want teriyaki chicken...
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Hey guys. I lost 8 lbs. I was 240 and then got stuck at 231-232 for a week.

I can stay in a diet with no issues because I do intermittent fasting. I eat a light lunch and actually find it difficult to eat dinner because it's so heavy. Here's my diet:

Lunch: 100 g onions chunks
Dinner: 150g lettuce, onion, cucumber salad + 50 g Greek yogurt with salt and pepper, 200 g raw chicken breast that I cook, 3 whole eggs 50g each, 1 whey protein shake, 150 cals of Doritos and 4 Hershey's kisses

I don't cross 1700 cals and can do this forever. The only issue is that my energy levels went down and I did not find the motivation to workout as often. My step count went down as well and my weight loss plateau'd for a week.

So I thought that after 3-4 weeks of dieting my metabolism had adapted.

Do I need a diet break and how should I diet break -> Should I do 2 weeks dieting 2 weeks maintenance? Or should I do 5 days diet, 2 days maintenance?

What do I do to keep my metabolism high so that it doesn't adapt to my diet and my glucose stores in my muscles high so that I can keep working out?
No reason you can't have it, just don't pig out. Like God said to Paul, you can eat all of the animals, just don't eat all of the animals at the same time.
>should I take a diet break?
You sound like a fat retard. No.
That's pretty impressive if the base is just water. How fast does it soften/lose its firmness once spun? Does it melt noticeably faster compared to milk based blends?
the whey, the fruits(cucumbers peppers) the yogurt, the goyslop are insulemic.
cut all that insulemic shit to under 30g a day to kick your insulin resistance.
I just realized I wasn't even reaching 1700 cals
I don't eat fruits and by peppers I meant black pepper not bell pepper. I thought the fibers in the cucumber and the salad would counteract the insulin spike
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>plateau for a week
>time for a “diet break”
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The yogurt and whey are the more damaging parts.
cucumber is about 2 grams sugar.
Went for a walk too drained to even get up for them donuts.

I'm safe
I have no idea what this chart is trying to say.
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insulin bad.
up and to the right bad
down and to the left good
Look at snickers bar. if your food is worse than snickers bar do not eat
90% of gamblers quit right before they hit it big!
Oh. So you're saying I should've stuck to my diet? I messed up then but not by much. I ate a lot of carbs yesterday and today for lunch. I can go back to my diet today evening.

What does your meal plan look like? Can you share it?
>insulin is bad
Peak retard
That's a pretty useful chart. Due to religious reasons I don't eat fish, pork, or beef. Only chicken, eggs, and whey (which as you say, I gotta quit).

What does your meal plan look like? Can you share it?
>sweet potato
>worse than snickers and tim tams
Alright so it's a meme chart thanks for the heads up.
That chart is literally for helping people manage the beetus

Satiety of foods matters much more than insulin index for regular dieters
in terms of insulemic effect. yes
satiety and nutrient density is a different game.
>gambling = weight loss
convoluted fatty cope?
>bar of pure manufactured sugar
>better than a potato grown out of the earth
Sorry I don't believe you.
He's right. I've delved into the science and applied it myself. If you spike your blood glucose with carbs, it will spike your insulin, which will remove glucose to a level below its baseline, which makes you hungry again. Not to mention that insulin also converts all glucose to fat.
>Not to mention that insulin also converts all glucose to fat.
Well I can tell you aren’t in stem kek
I qualified my statement.
something is causing the disproportionate effect in insulin and satiety.
What do you suppose it is?

study doers might have been rarted and added honey or some shit.
You happy?
I don’t have a strict meal plan I eat under 1500 calories every day almost exclusively chicken, greens, cheese, and fats like olive oil
I see you changed your statement so yes I’m happy

take it up with marty
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>Lunch: 100 g onions chunks
Are we all just going to ignore this part?
>ive been eating a pound of watermelon and canteloupe frequently despite it having low calories

im fucked
I used to be vegan. I have like 10 lbs of onions chunks at home. Wtf do I do with it? I eat 100 g everyday and people say that it doesn't make a difference in testosterone.

This dude ate a pound of onions everyday and it didn't affect his test
I’m retarded I thought he was actually eating pieces of raw onion
what the fuck is an onion chunk?
is he not?
Whenever I hit a plateau I do a 5-day fast. Never failed to break the plateau.
I posted my cronometer here>>75145308

S. o. y chunk is auto corrected to onions by the 4chan filter
Dayum. I can do a fast but what about muscle loss? And how do you go to work then?
Can I pls see your body?
throw it away or feed it to a bird
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How do I deal with this skinny fat?

I workout about 3-4 hours a day, consists of
~45mins of weightlifting
~45mins of grappling training (bjj and wrestling)
~45mins of striking training (Muay Thai)
~45mins of MMA training
~20-30mins of cardio depending on how much energy and time I have

I eat somewhere between 2,200-2,500 cal a day depending on what I have at my disposal (I travel a lot for work)
I try to do
~100-135gr protein
~175-200gr carbs
~50gr fat

Some days my diet isn’t ideal and some days I go over because of random circumstances. I’ve aspired to be a well rounded martial artist and MMA practitioner since a young age, fell off a bit between the ages of 21-24, but saw my way back to it. I do want to look better as well and build my lower abdomen. Any exercises or diet change suggestions would be appreciated.

Age 27
Float between 172-175lbs walk around
I try to compete at 162 (I mostly use water weight loss to achieve that, not so much diet)
You arnt skinny fat faggot get over your body dysmorphia
Not skinny fat because you're not skinny.
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>pic related
What I looked like at 161lbs for the last competition. I don’t see my lower abdomen showing through so I’m curious how I can achieve that pop, if it’s possible, what exercises I can do and how to possibly achieve that in any way. There is skin from a significant period of weight loss from when I was between the ages of 21-24

Forgot to add that I train 5 days a week, not above 5, usually use sat and Sunday as rest days and keep alcohol consumption low (5-10 drinks a month depending on if I’m celebrating something)
>How do I deal with this skinny fat?
Lose more body fat or gain more muscle
>posts just to make us fatties feel bad
Kys faggot
i just put it on light ice cream, add some water, respin and its done
doesnt feel like it melts faster than with milk desu
i usually let it sit on the kitchen top for 10 mins and then run the pint under warm water for a couple secs and then start spinning
So then what would you classify me as, just skinny or what word would you use
Then what am I?
How low should I go before I look cut and what is the best method of measurement
I feel you buddy I was 240lbs before I hated my life, still trying to get over it and out of the mindset, I love my fat brethren I wanna see you guys succeed
>How low should I go before I look cut and what is the best method of measurement
Unless you have access to some medical equipment you go with navy method, a mirror, your eyes and a reference cheat sheet
damn you are more insecure than most women
>train 5 days a week
you gotta bulk up more dawg. eat more protein to build muscle. eat carbs for high energy to lift heavy.
lift heavy weights to failure. repeat. you wont gain muscle size without ripping/tearing muscle tissue and you have to go to failure as much as possible. reps/sets is up to you, everyone has their own system, but just make sure you do like at least 15-20 reps where it is hurting and a struggle to lift. ez reps don't help you.
but you need to eat animal fat so you can absorb fat soluble vitamins????
Pull the trigger whore, I do not fear you
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Today's one of those days where I'm craving food more than normal, and it wears on my motivation of doing this for 70-73 more days. But I'm 98 days in. I'm closer than ever, and there was a period where it wasn't hard to do the exercise everyday, but in recent days I've been procrastinating. I still do it, but I've been holding off until later and later.
I overate today and I regret it. Don't make my mistake.
Back on the stronglifts program. Today was OHP and Deadlifts. Could only do 4 sets of the OHP and I worry my deadlift form was shit. Still, live and learn and I don't think I hurt myself; I'll be staying at the same weight until I feel my form is better.

Question to the anons doing body recomp, is there a point in which you notice lots of weight shedding off? I ask because I haven't seen much change in weight despite being in a caloric deficit yet I'm really slimming down.

I'm not going for a full on powerlifter body. Just want to slim down without going full on skinny-fat.

Also, as dumb as this sounds, is just doing deadlifts, even if my form is bad, at least some progress? Or should I consider it a total wash?
you wont magically gain 10kg from overeating one day
stop it with your cal counting cult
Based fatty retard
no but you lose 1-many days of progress depending on how much you overeat
it's a negative
not even going into the psychological aspect
I mean he's right you can't gain 10kg in a day.
quack attack
I'll make this clear. Once I get to my goal weight, I'm going to eat slop again. I'll continue exercising and be more cautious in what I eat, track my weight to maintain, but I'm not going to exclusively eat healthy or anything. My goal is to have a BMI of 18.5, the farthest point from obesity while still being considered "normal". If I increase it, it's because I want to build muscle. But being so acutely aware of every day of exercise is mentally draining, I've had to hype myself up for over 3 months, I have to remain obsessed with it until I'm done or I won't finish. "Cheat days only cheat yourself" is something I'm living by. Because every lost day is one day longer I have to do this, a complete waste of a day.

When you start making excuses to skip exercise or eat bad that day, it becomes easier to make excuses the next day. Cheat days become cheat weeks become cheat months become returning here in a year and a half wondering where it all went wrong. You need consistency for a certain amount of time to achieve goals, and you need discipline for that.
Fatty contest
muscle burns a ton more calories just for maintenance than adipocytes

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