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Meal prep edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For Hot-link Horkers who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy diseased heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and lose fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body eating away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of carbohydrates.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your carbohydrates(alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread: >>75288279
my name is pablo i work on a poultry farm we snap chickins neck twist it slam. pls dont eat chickin i dont love my job
Oh bicep veins how have I missed you. I will never ever bulk so hard you go away again.
Goddamn I love how vascular my arms are again. Forearm veins are so damn prominent now too.
threadly reminder that if you have ever made a confession to the fat priest, you are not going to make it
today's food
370g greek yogurt
90g whey
85 snack sausage thing
2 eggs
4 rice cakes

i need more veggies
>The "official" weigh ins are taken during the weekends, from 00:00 Saturday through 00:00 Monday in GMT.
>I often manually start the script Friday afternoons and close it on Monday afternoons European time.
I'm working on it, alright?!
>saw my obliques for the first time
am I gonna make it?
Fatty Jr. Often forgets to close the weigh-ins. They used to only be on weekends as a way to keep progress measured at around the same time, but it's never turned off anymore.

Does fasting work? Even if it's just for 1 day a week.
Yes, calories in, calories out
72h fasts are the standard. Do single 72h fast a week if you want to try fasting.
No, only CICO works
Guy at work I haven't seen in ~2 weeks says my face looks thinner. Feels good. I just bought some nice running shoes since mine are old and busted and signed up for a 5k and 5miler next month.
I haven't been drinking alcohol all month and I think that's been helping a lot.
Fasting is CICO
Fewer CI with the same CO means more losses.
And fasting for a day is the equivalent of reducing your calories by whatever you'd eat in that normal day so an incredibly high amount. Even if fasting isn't magic it helps massively with weight loss.
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>No, only CICO works
fatty jr. is kill, hasn't done shit manually in months if not years
ok looked it up, last seen in february, and before that august 2023.

hope those cursed digits I got won't change things...
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Officially in the 230s
fatty contest is a self sustaining machine running on the perpetual caloric surplus of several dozen gigantic men
Congratulations I’m a few lbs behind you bro
alright lucifer
nice anon
well done fatty
>not consuming thousands of calories per sip of alc might be helping
well no shit
198.5 this morning lessgo
Today was the day of my weigh in. Weighed in at 325lbs, down 3lbs from last week. Been constipated for two days so it might be a 324.
Started doing weights like a month and a half ago and plateaued pretty badly for that period of time.
Now I'm steadily losing weight every week so I'm guessing that if I maintain this level of upper body exercise, it won't cause my weight to go up anymore.
cut out another 150-200 calories from your daily
Gell yeah I get to eat today
Lost 8 lbs in the last 3 days, I estimate 2 of it is fat
Follow-up question.
Is fasting for a long period of time magically better/different than simply having a large defect for a long period of time?
Deficit for a long time, throw in some 1 or 3 day fasts whenever you can
That's literally it
people claim fasting has autophagy benefits
Grmf. You're not going to catch diseases from your scale. Take off your socks, and then take off the marketing/packaging materials that are still wrapping your scale.
Weigh yourself bareback, it feels better I promise.
Plus your scale will be able to guess what your body fat % might be like. It'll be wrong, but it's fun anyway.
kys foot fag
You're telling on yourself, I didn't ask for pictures.
Anyone have a basic meal plan they suggest for my situation?

Two people, each looking to lose around 30-50lbs. Ideally a set of like seven dinners with some variety in them to keep us from getting bored of the routine (we have tried the chicken+rice+veggies every night in the past and that got old quick
chicken+rice+veggies every nigh
Basically just gotta choose a bunch of different proteins and veg and carbs and then cycle through them all, depends on what you like and can be very simple

For me it's -
Proteins: chicken thigh in pan, baked white fish, ground turkey for burrito or burgers, chicken sausages, ground beef
Veg: lots of different salad kits add tomato and onion, baking or pan-cooking broccoli or brussels sprouts
Carb: rice (can do more than just plain rice, different ready-made rice pouches if you're lazy), potatoes (i like oven-roasted baby potatoes but there are a bunch of preparations), beans, bread
Use different carbs and spices
I personally use rice and instant ramen noodles
Always at least crack an egg in everything if you can't find the energy to prep other proteins
Strictly calorie count everything - especially cooking oil, you need way less than you think - a quarter teaspoon can fry an egg

Now go wild and stay within your calories, that's your meal plan
This is what I usually have:
>Rice, Pasta, Chickpeas and all kinds of fruits and veggies
>Chicken meat, beef, pork, fish, eggs, organ meat like liver and tripe and Yogurt

You don't have to restrict that much to lose weight. Just watch your portions and try to keep it mostly natural foods.
Yeah that's basically it. I've been doing this for 6 months and lost ~40lbs on a heavy on proteins low on carbs approach.
My carbs are from the set: brussel sprouts, asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli, and sometimes a bit of carrot for color
My proteins are from: baked salmon, smoked salmon, lean beef, rotisserie chicken, prepared meals of (chicken|steak strips|shrimp), cans of sardine, bone broths, eggs, keto bread, collagen peptides
Additional good fats are from: EVOO, avocado, nuts.
Sparse bad fats from: cheese, butter, mayo.
Spices: "lite" salt (50% sodium, 50% magnesium) and ground black pepper.
I'm profoundly lazy so I never spend more than 10 minutes in the kitchen for any given meal. I do force myself to track calories reasonably accurately.
bros I finally got to 159 pounds from 176
I feel a fuck ton lighter, this is the life
Eatthismuch.com might help but I suggest just learning to experiment. Obviously stay away from high cal slop like full dressings and marinades. Focus on protein sources and go from there. Tonight I am going to marinade some skirt steak in garlic parmesan seasoning and non fat Greek yogurt, grill it up with some veggies. You got to think of how you can flavor and pair your main and sides but there is endless variety. For instance you can make turkey burgers, chicken fajitas, shrimp Alfredo, sushi, pizza, etc. You can grill, bake, stew, air fry, steam, microwave, etc. Yesterday I chicken nuggets and salad.
I pray for the day my belly shrinks enough to stop my back pain, that day I will celebrate. All I can do for now is suffer and make sure scale goes down.
I've lost 130 lbs so far and my SI joint pain is happening way more often lately
I think I may have cut too drastically which led to increased inflammation which has more of an effect than the supposed good effect of dropped weight and more exercise
Same shit for me man, down 50lbs so far and the last few weeks I felt amazing. Best I have in years and I guess I dropped my calories a bit more and boom inflammation is kicking my ass.
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What's the average bodyfat percentage in here?
weighed in at 169lbs at 5'10 today
and I've gotten used to counting every calorie every day
I haven't exceeded maintenance calories for like 6 months
other than casually dropping a few extra pounds I think my journey here might be coming to an end
I was too intimidated to take up the gym's offer for a free body composition scan when I joined at 360 lbs
Might see if it's still on the table now that I'm 275
I need to make sure I'm not losing muscle
I wish my body would lose weight in a linear manner instead of gradually increasing and dropping all at once on some arbitrary day.
Same for me kek. A normal week is I go up 1 to 2lbs from Monday to Friday and then drops between 2-5lbs from Saturday to Sunday. Like what the fuck.
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I went from obese to overweight and people are so much nicer to me.
I don't think i interact with people enough for me to be able to tell a difference when I get there
Lost a lot already but still obese. Is it from friends too or just acquaintances and stranger interactions?
should i eat maintenance if i have a cold?
you made it anon, congrats
Up to you. If you're healthy and not having any obvious nutritional deficiencies, you should be able to ride a cold without tweaking your diet.
But if it's hitting you hard, it can make sense to pamper yourself a bit.
Stuck at 250-255, nothing works. Might just start starving myself.
The journey ends when you're in the ground, you've reached the starting line.
What is your calorie target?
6 days of eating slop because I had some sort of mental break. I'm a little heavier than I was before last week but on the plus side I didn't end up an heroing.

Still 7ish weeks to December and I've got 31lbs left to lose for the year, another 35-40 to lose by May and then I might finally step into a gym without being a depleted fag who feels more depressed after lifting because he can't see any gains and he feels week all the time.
6 day binge jesus
how much ddid you weigh
235lbs. I just ate whatever the fuck I wanted and got hammered on Friday and ended up walking for 5 miles in the rain before I snapped out of my stupor and walked home.
Do you drink alcohol, anon? If so, stop.
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>I just ate whatever the fuck I wanted and got hammered on Friday and ended up walking for 5 miles in the rain before I snapped out of my stupor and walked home.
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mine is currently at bigfattybombom%
100% (margin of error ±10%)
Thin crust Dominoes pizza is such a scam anons. I've eaten better pizza from a gas station's frozen foods section
save it and dip it in soup :)
Yeah it's pretty bleak here, I'm probably one extra bad week away from a falling down situation.
adikted 2 beef bouillon
Don’t do it, you will want to fucking kill yourself
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What is everyone using for tracking calories these days? I used MFP for years until I got tired of them having a data breach every other year and also jewing up the barcode scanner.

Been using LifeSum but they've started putting some cancerous ads all over it and I'm just so tired of it. I don't want to pay for a decent app but it almost seems like the only way to get something uncucked and functional these days
i never liked myfitnesspal, seemed to shill the paid version too much and just wasnt as simple as loseit or yazio
Free barcode scanning, either no ads or so minimally invasive I don't notice them, only thing they paywall is creating calorie banks for an overall recipe you can input as one option but I wouldn't use that anyway since amounts of things can vary
i just did a pretty decent dumbell workout in my chair. i can't be bothered to go work out properly so i sat in my chair watch a video and did a decent dumbell workout while sat. This got me thinking since im a nerd anyway what other exercises can you do in your chair?
>scan barcode
>it gives you the nutritional info some fatty entered
>calories massively underestimated because the fatty wanted to cheat
>all macros wrong because the fatty is a dumb lazy bastard and cant do math
always enter the details yourself, you can never trust publically entered nutritional info on these apps
It matches what's on the label though.
they don't take into account changes like some of them are years old and the product nutritional info has changed i have lose it and sometimes the details don't match the label
I always check it the first time
You do have to correct it occasionally
There's also shrinkflation product updates that cause it
LoseIt is the best imo.
Has the best food database for EU, barcode scanner is free and ui is quick and easy.

I've tried MacroFactor for 3 months, just to switch it up.

LoseIt has everything you need

MacroFactor has an algorithm that supposedly prevents plateau's etc, but I haven't hit one in a while so can't say. Keeps telling me to lower my calories even though I'm losing at the rate I want which is annoying. Food database is shit for EUfags like me too
hello fat loss anime nuns and ducks. I am here to say that I have had trouble sleeping lately. I try to sleep in the evening, but I end up waking up a short time later, and I stay awake all night, until I inevitably crash in the afternoon hours. it's a detriment to my quality of life. hopefully, if you pray for me, I can overcome this issue in time and still make it. thank you for everything that you do.
>had loseit awhile back
>quit cause fatty
>come back last week
>because I did pay for a month of it, it offers 5.99 for a year to come back
Probably the best surprise getting back on the horse.
Melatonin. Yeah I know
>drugs bad
But after a bottle of 5mg gummies I got my sleep schedule back and got into a better routine.
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Magnesium Glycinate 30-60 mins before bed
Don't do melatonin like some degenerate
Praying for you as well
Melatonin is fine if you don't overdo it. Studies show it's best to take only 1mg directly before bed. It was crucial for me when I worked a night shift because if I had to do anything in the day it would fuck up my sleep schedule. People use it like a sleep aid instead of a sleep routine supplement.
>eat after first 2.5 day fast
>eggs have a strange slight chemical taste
Huh, maybe I'm tasting the wickedness of my cheap basedbean oil cooking spray finally. Guess I'll switch to an olive oil one
ive lost 26lbs so far this month. i think im gonna make it!

Alternate day fasting sounds pretty good
Just how the fuck do i drink that nasty ass snake juice?
cook it in butter you pansy
More likely it's your body just not knowing how to respond to sudden food input
He's trying to lose weight fatty
>eat one 166 gram 5% lean burger and one glass of milk for lunch
>not hungry until dinner, dinner is the same thing, not hungry until lunch next day
this doesn't make any sense
it's like 600 calories at most and I don't eat anything else except for two carrots or some raw cabbage
Consider buying pasture-raised eggs.
Have chicken being able to eat something that's closer to their natural diet rather than processed corn slop and living in an environment that doesn't feel like an overpopulated prison tends to improve the quality of their eggs, somehow.
I never paid but similar story
>Inspire Father to lose weight
>Show him the app
>He instabuys membership cuz boomer logic
>Cancels after a month when I tell him he doesn't need to pay
>Gets email few weeks later lifetime membersip for like 40 bucks
>eat an hour ago
>eat a again despite being full
>physically feel full but still glutton out
What the fuck is wrong me i am absolutely disgusted by myself. How do I rewire my brain?? I don't even feel hungry i just stuff my mouth
replace food with pepsi zero
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How long should it take for water weight to drop? Specifically water weight that resulted from alcohol consumption and dehydration. Is 2+ days typical?
Loseit unfortunately paywalled the barcode scanner but you can apparently pirate it.
I never use the barcode scanner these days anyway so I'm not bothered by it.
Out of Fitbit, myfitnesspal, and Loseit, Loseit is the best, see if you can find a cracked API for it.
You can fry 2 eggs in half a tablespoon of butter which is 50 calories.
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Yeah I was about to check out Loseit and saw barcode scanner was under premium features. I think they started phasing it out as a free feature entirely in the states and parts of the UK from what I saw. Absolute bullshit.

I'll try to track down an API, I vaguely recall some anon posting a cracked API for MFP earlier this year so who knows.
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>made beef stew
>no clue how many cals it is
>don't care
Stew is the comfiest food bros
Takes me 7 days when I get on keto
Someone one sung the praises of a single use kitchen tool known as the egg cooker in a previous /fat/ general, and I took the bait.
It is a cheap little contraption, but I can confirm it performs adequately. So far, I've gotten semi-soft boiled eggs and poached eggs out of it with minimal effort, which happens to be the exact quantity of effort I wish to expand on such things.
I haven't tried an omelet yet, mostly because it requires mixing the eggs beforehand, and those are precious seconds of my life I'll never get back, but the manual claims it can be done as well. It can probably be done without any oil, but I'm not positive.
If I wanted to make an egg with no oil, I would make poached or hardboiled eggs because they're pretty darn easy to make with even just a microwave if you're desperate.

I like frying my eggs because I can then toast my low carb tortilla in it afterwards. 2 eggs + butter + tortilla + salsa is ~315 calories and I use a whole tablespoon of butter because its fine and I budgeted it.
I just lost 8 lbs on a 2 day fast, less than two of that could have been fat
i just put down 1000 kcal for stew, but i put on so much weight it makes me feel like its probably 3000
>try to stand up
>almost pass out
>sit back down
Aha this is fine
anemic tard
please, Anemic Tard was my father's name





... ANYWAY..

>>75270343 >>75276333 >>75283095 >>75288969 >>75295472


2 kilos and change from technically no longer being overweight (bmi standard)
god bless
>accidentally increase the calorie deficit by about 100 kcal over the last three days
>water weight: "Ight, Imma head out"
>lose 1.5 kg in three days
Holy mother of whoosh.
Does anyone have a weight chart of somebody who lost over 150lbs?
I'm mostly curious to see when things slow down and how much.
My understanding is that it basically curves.
Alternatively, is there a chart that shows how weight impacts TDEE
Do you ever feel like you're eating too much, even when you're way under your limit?
This is approaching 140 lbs of loss, you're probably more looking for examples approaching goal weight and I still have a ways to go
You can see the loss per month starting to dip with an abnormal low in month 7 when I added lifting
Use a tdee calculator for a rough estimate as weight changes, I recalculate at the start of each month. Started at 3350 and now it's at 2600 (that's sedentary but in my experience exercise expenditure does noticeably increase it, just don't bank on it)
A filling dinner used to make me feel guilty regardless of healthiness and within deficit, doesn't anymore thankfully
Fascinating, thank you.
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only ~53lb but my weight loss chart is curved too
i attribute that to the fact that i started eating a little bit more around may, and started lifting and running in august
I've got a long way to go, so I need to figure out how to be patient between now and then!
I fry my eggs in shallow water in frypan using egg rings, seems to work out ok
i don't need to be pampered or anything, i was just wondering if it would help me get over a cold faster (since i've been on a 500-1000 deficit for a couple weeks)
just take it one day at a time, and set regular short term goals to keep you motivated
for example, i recently got below 65kg, now my short term goal is to get below 64kg
Bro you have a cold because you're freaking out your body with barely any calories
You need more in general
I have no idea how to count the calories in soup/stew. The broth itself seems widely variable and the volume seems too large to portion.
500-1000 deficit is absolutely fine unless they're already at their target BMI
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If you made it yourself, use the custom recipe function in LoseIt. As long as you know the weight/volume of everything you add it to a big list, weight the total of the batch, then when you serve it up it can get a pretty close estimate of what your portion's calories are.
Its never going to be exact which is why you round up.
Weigh everything you put in, divide total calories into number of portions
I’d say to measure using canned/boxed broth nutrition information.

My question for myself is, for some reason today, I have eaten 1800 calories and still don’t feel satiated despite all the protein I consumed and water I drank. Currently at 140 lbs, 27% body fat, female, and my daily calorie goal is 1400 for simultaneous fat loss and muscle building. Yesterday I weightlifted for an hour on 1300 calories, and I wouldn’t be surprised if my menstrual cycle is affecting things. Should I eat more because my body is trying to tell me something? Or is my brain playing tricks on me?
This is why you’re a virgin loser
i definitely feel that way. on the food tracker, i have my daily intake target set to a 600 calorie deficit. but in my head throughout the day, my goal is a 1000 calorie deficit. -600 now feels like failure at night, even though it's a fantastic result.
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Bros 6' and 260 lbs here.
I've gone from basically sedentary (but getting 10k steps a day) to daily weight lifting with a program I made myself using what I got doing Legs, Pull, Push using my 10, 20, and 25 lb dumbells.
I've been going hard for like 12 days and while I overall feel better and generally my thinking is clearer I find I am massively mentally fatigued when I got to do homework.

Is this normal? Will it go away? I really dont want to cut back on the excercise because I dont want to go back to being sedentary and I am terrified if I dont keep pushing I will stop.
Go easier on the weightlifting, see if that makes a difference. Eliminate potential causes one by one and try and identify the problem. It might be you're using too much energy, or it could be something else. Could even be diet related. What is that like?
>daily weight lifting with a program I made myself
going too hard too fast is a great way to burn out. try a full body barbell workout followed by two days off. if you like the regimented schedule of going every day and are worried about deviating from that, simply go for a walk during your normal workout time on off days.
Not really calorie counting right now but junk has been almost entirely eliminated.
I've upped the amount of different soups I take, just added D-Aspartic and L-Theanine to the list. (The reason I was so sedentary and not lifting was because my test was shit).
Virtually every meal (only eat dinner) is protein, broccoli, and cheese.
Usually followed by some sort of snack that wont make me feel like shit, (almonds or pepperoni or low calorie ice cream bars, that kind of shit).
What time of day do you typically do homework and lift? Maybe changing the schedule would fix yoir fatigue
Why are you not doing the 72 hours sardine challenge?
It's healthy, it's tasty, and most importantly, it is glorious.
because i'm not a cat
Guess I should just post what I am actually doing for workout.
Day 1 Legs: All squats because of limited physical space.
- 48 reps separated into 3 sets with ten lb dumbells
- 55 reps separated into 5 sets of 11 with 25 lb dumbells
That's just today, started out with less but because I dont have heavier weights I add volume everytime (this goes for all days/excercises).
Day 2: Pull
-3x16 bicep curls 25 lbs
-3x12 hammer curls 25 lbs
Repeat these until about 180 reps total, lowering reps per set as I go.
In between sets I will do light lifts with the ten and 20 lb'ers like zottman curls, lateral raises, and things like that.
Day 3 Pull: (All 10 lb and 20 lb)
- lateral raises 3x12
-dumbell chest flys 3x15
-pushups (very few but I try to do some)
-single arm dumbell bench press (off floor) 3x10
-overhead press 3x10
-that lift where you hold a dumbell over your chest and lower it behind your head 3x10
-repeat all lifts except pushups

I have very little physical space to deal with so that's why leg day is all squat.
Also first thing in the morning shortly after I get up I go a 10 k step walk, depending on classes I try to do these workouts as soon as I can in the morning while I have energy.
Trying to get back into lifting, not new, but been on hiatus for a couple months.

Think I'd be better served doing PPL or Stronglifts?
>>75301944 When I was in college, I did the reverse where I did homework in the morning and exercised at night. This led to better sleep but also alert energy if I needed it. Of course, everyone is different. Would you also be open to caffeine? A mug of green tea while studying would be beneficial if you want to stick to this routine
join a gym
what does your body look like? whats your body goal?
That's actually one thing I am cutting back (and definitely a contributor to the problem).
Literally drinking multiple pots a day and wouldn't touch water til dinner when I drink a tonne.
Now I'm making sure to hydrate before homework and that is helping a bit.
>Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
How many of you guys have had plateaus that last that long? Because I think I'm in the middle of one and it's so fucking demoralizing/feels like it'll never improve.
>and it's so fucking demoralizing
You should understand that there's no real "plateau" if you aren't fucking up yourself.
A plateau is caused by either your water weight increasing at roughly the same pace your fat body mass decreases, by your muscle mass doing the same thing, or by the combination of those two things.
Stool buildup also applies, I guess, but if you are constipated for three weeks straight you should see a doctor.

The point is, water weight literally doesn't matter.
Muscle mass increase is great.
Your body can do fuck all to stop burning fat if you are at a consistent calorie deficit.
So stop being concerned about it and just do the thing. The progress IS there, it can't not be as long as you are doing your part.
i thought i was in one, til i realised i wasnt losing weight because i binged 2 days out of the month. those 2000 extra calories really made an impact somehow. so i made sure not to binge this month, and so far, my weight has stayed on the lower end. its a harder fight now though. start of the year, i was losing weight constantly. now, i only lose weight every two weeks, or longer. i COULD lose weight faster if i ate less, but man, i need the protein for muscles
im in such a shit position rn
Was 210-215.
Am 190.
Going for 175.
Do you guys ever think about why we did it? Why we got fat in thr first place? I wish I had skinny brain and not fatty brain.
Entering all of that is almost more work than the meal prep.
Fatty Contest
I’ve only consumed 1,300 calories today. I’m going to eat the oranges when I get home and then go for a run. I want to lose 5kg by the end of the year. Thanks for reading.
if you eat the oranges, you wont lose 5kg
*punches you*
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Intermittent fasting is just CICO for retards who are too stupid to actually figure out whats in their food.
You still count calories doing IF retard.
im you from the future, dont eat the oranges anon
people say "im doing intermittent fasting" and when i look at what time theyre eating, it turns out theyre just not eating breakfast

alright i'm eating my tdee tonight.
Log all ingredients raw, find out how much the stew weighs, set number of servings for the recipe as the number of ounces the stew weighs, weigh your portion, add portion size in ounces to your food log.
>stew weighs 50oz
>recipe is 50 servings
>portion is 10oz
>log 10 servings
You can try intermittent fasting, it doesn't really help burn extra calories but it helps with feeling full by eating your calories in a small window. I do an 8 hour eating window on 1500 calories and don't usually feel hunger 'til I'm going to bed 8 hours after eating. I wouldn't recommend omad because eating that many calories at once is for fatties that can't give up binge eating. Get used to 500 calorie meals and learn to eat like a normal person. Your body will adapt and you'll feel satisfied after each meal. Can't speak for the menstrual stuff so that could play a role too, unironically check the cico subreddit. Lots of women posting there and a more helpful community
>10z of soup
Peak fatty brain
Check sodium intake, increase water intake, make sure you are logging everything and logging accurately. Some people swear by taking body measurements and that it will still change during a plateau. The scale isn't the only thing that tracks progress. If you're doing it right the weight will come off, hang in there
10oz of soup is nothing if it's got a lot of broth.
>10z of soup is nothing
Like I said, peak fatty brain.
>nooooooooo eat like a bird, I don't care if you counted the calories it's too much reeeeeeeee

Post body please.
It's an example with random numbers, it works with any recipe where everything is mixed. Stay fat faggot
Anon, 10oz of turkey is like 500 calories. Turkey and veggie soup is not going to have more calories than that.
Nonsense. I've had a 16oz solid steak earlier today, it fit easily in my macros. The only problem with it is that I still felt too full for dinner so I'm finishing the day at a 1,000 deficit rather than my usual 500.
Getting anxious about 10oz of soup is just silly.
Post weight
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If that's going to help you understand this, why not.
You can also pre-portion and just divide the total calories by number of portions. It might not be accurate if you're eyeballing but won't make a big difference
>he doesn't eat lots of soup while on a cut

Homemade soups are some of the easiest things to track big portions leave you feeling full for ages while not being too calorific.

But please keep eating fish and a ricecake.
I was bitching to my psychiatrist about my poor loss results. She offers a drug that is a weight loss/SSRI.

Anyone done something similar? Do I need to worry about muscle loss more?
>he doesn't make a lot of stews
Literally takes the cheapest hunks of red meat and turns them into the best tasting
Gets you satiety from protein with the volume benefits of soup
I wish I could afford even stew meat. Beef is ridiculously overpriced in my area.
soup and stew are basically the same thing
Could this post be more wrong
He could've said
>soup and BMW 5 Series 530i with optional heated seating are basically the same thing
Soup is literally just stew but with more liquid.
We taking fat loss into hyperdrive. 77 days left until January 1st. Thats 11 whole weeks.

In that time Im going to get my bodyfat down to about 15 percent or lower. Its currently 19 percent.
What drug is it?

I was prescibed paroxetine and it made me impulsively drink alcohol and I gained 30 lbs

Got off the meds and lost 30 lbs
>it made me drink
Fatty cope
I am fat again. Time for another cico run.
196 lbs.
My record was 169lbs year ago
Fatty Contest
just keep adding more and more water and you basically have water
Bro you dont understand

on paroxetine It made me ask out random girls in the street when I never did that, ask out my coworkers which I have never done before, say cringe stuff, it made me randomly get a plane to a different country and I couldnt control myself

Off the meds it went away. Basically turned me bipolar
On day 3 of fast and it's starting to scare me how easy this is. I've fasted before in the past but I remember it being much more of a struggle. 3 years ago I'd be dead right now being tormented with thoughts of eating and bargaining with my conscious that a saltine cracker isn't cheating.
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Day 1 completed. I feel so good, so motivated, so disciplined. I hope I can keep this up and make this my actual permanent lifestyle rather than just a failed attempt after a couple days.
Why is a short shower a goal?
If I take a warm shower for longer than 6 minutes then it starts to dry out my skin and I feel uncomfortable all day. I want to take shorter showers but warm showers feel so good so I need to add it to the spreadsheet to keep myself in check.
I'm so happy for him. When I saw his dead wife I cried, but he found happiness again and is with cute frog lady ahhhhhh so cute.
Just ate a 450g cake, going 1000kcal over my limit. Justified it by convincing myself it was a 'refeed' and that it'll somehow help me lose weight in the next few days.
We'll see
only tripfag i wont filter
hope you make it
Well I've been meticulously counting calories every day this month and I haven't even lost 1kg yet. 2 weeks and not 1kg? Something's not right.
I had a slice of toast with my boiled eggs this morning after a month without bread. Bliss.
CICO only works if you believe in it strongly enough.
cico only works for me when i do a deficit of at least 700 or 800, for some reason a deficit of 500kcal just does nothing
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>per serving
>7g of fat
>0.2g carbs
>17.5g protien
Are those suppose to be the macros for her ass or something?
Because u holding water and recomping.
had them a couple of times, most recent one was like a month of 89kg and then I dropped to 82kg in
a span of a week. They pass with time and unless you're seriously fucking up something you just gotta keep grinding
There isn’t a problem with cico, there isn’t any criticism towards cico, but heaven forbid if you entertain the idea of saying that you only eat x calories because people will jump down your throat with the typical calling cards
>cico is basic science
>muh thermodynamics
Yet they can’t comprehend that cico isn’t the root cause as to why people aren’t dropping weight. Whether they like it or not, hormones play an integral role on your metabolism and TDEE calculators operate with the assumption everybody has been having the same diet and exercise regime for years.
If you’re frequently eating (3 meals a day), especially if the meals are filled with refined carbohydrates, your TDEE isn’t going to be as high as you think it is.
If you’ve been a fatass for your entire life, and you’re 400lb, and you graze all day on food, and you’re sedentary, no, your TDEE isn’t going to be 3000+ calories.
It’s funny when people see the 600lb life shows, after they leave Dr Nows hospital and they come back 80lb heavier, they desperately do the math and spout claims like
>my god they must’ve been eating 25000 calories a day just to gain all that weight back!
Truth is these fatties that are bed bound and graze all day are lucky if their TDEE is over 1000 calories a day
You can only count input calories, output calories are a mystery and you need to decrease your input until you start seeing an effect.
Fatty cope the post. Put the fork down.
>600lb people have a TDEE of 1000
I haven't laughed this hard in a long time
>conquered not stolen
look up the shit they did to the PNW tribes involving the goldrushes
>Whether they like it or not, hormones play an integral role on your metabolism and TDEE calculators operate with the assumption everybody has been having the same diet and exercise regime for years.

This only applies if you're either:
a - retarded and don't adjust the activity level in a TDEE calculator
b - have an incredibly rare metabolic disorder, and now we're talking like 0.01% of people
c - there is no c
Typical one line smoothbrain responses
Have fun being autistic calorie counters while everyone else who keeps their weight in check just eat normal diets
I'll pray you make it anon
>normal diets
Aka cico
I use a pound of meat in a quart
If you're using it properly, the price of the quantities you use should be the same as chicken
i didn't feel like cookign today so i just fried up porkchops with nothing else
no sides no spices nothing. just porkchop and salt on a pan
feels bad
just eating meat is tasty, i do it all the time
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fuck off bigot diveristy is our strength stop trying to marginalize immigrants
Last week I was officially down 20 lbs, then goofed off over the weekend and gained back 7lbs. I just fasted 36 hours and am back down to where I was, 20 lbs down. i'm hangry af but i need to keep losing.

repairing your relationship with food sucks bros. i want a fucking happy meal.
>i want a fucking happy meal

So have it then bro, IIFYM
i'm just worried even if i stay within my calories and macros my weight will shoot back up for some reason
you did not gain 7 pounds of fat in a weekend
>have to go into the office
>surrounded by free food all day

Lord give me strength
Guys, guys. I just discovered that hardboiled eggs made in my instant pot are like 10x easier to peel. I just purchased two egg trivets which will allow me to make 18 eggs at a time and a 60 case of eggs. This is great. Hopefully I won't get sick of hardboiled eggs.
No one will give you strength anon. You must find it yourself.
the scale went up 7 numbers
fastfood and junk has lots of sodium and salt
sodium makes you retain water instantly
probably almost all of that increase was due to water
you did not gain or lose anywhere near that amount in fat in those timeframes i assure you.

this is a good thing and a bad thing: weight loss is almost necessarily a long term process. this means that it's slow, but it also means that eating some junk occasionally and in measured amounts won't ruin it (except if it psychologically leads you to binge more)
key words occasionally and in measured amounts.
but you can have your happy meal, just make it like a once a week thing at the absolute most, and don't overdo it

i do it myself. kebab, chicken wings, pork ribs and fatty snack sausages are my sins every once in a while, and yet i'm still losing weight at 1kg/week. you're good brother
The Lord strengthens His people.
Thanks brother i am ignorant of these things.
>wake up in the morning, completely flat stomach
>post workout - HUGE pot belly, rest of the body seems fine
what gives? happens at other times of day too but not as prominent, is it just water? forgive me for the autosm
>mentions sodium
>just provides scientifically confirmed facts
>does not fearmonger
>doesn't make pseudoscience claims
You are not only going to make it yourself - you'll make everyone you know make it as well.
Belly go down?
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Once I make it to 220 it’ll be 100lbs lost since March
>cabin tard is going to start spamming his pics again
Hell yeah dude
Anon is right, this is a fat loss thread not weight loss thread. You can lose water weight and muscle and still retain fat. The goal should be to reduce fat and have as much muscle as you want for strength/aesthetic purposes. Some weeks you will lose little amounts or put on weight if you get good beginner gains from lifting, some days you get backed up or retain more water. Your weight fluctuating is not bad as long as the general trend is that you are reducing body fat percentage down. I eat pizza and mcdonalds several times a week but I fit it in my calorie and macro budgets for the day. Maybe that means just eating a can of tuna by itself to make my macros or a protein shake but I fit it in there.
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Nope, time for another 5 lbs lost from your back and armpits
I believe citalopram, although I haven't picked it up yet. I am still on the fence. This is something to watch out for., thanks. I used to be on a ton of this stuff and it made me literally crazy. Fun stories, but waking up not in my bed got old.
>I eat pizza and mcdonalds several times a week
not very smart anonymous
i guess you technically CAN do that and still lose fat but it's gonna be tough because that shit is not filling + it's not great for you + you're setting yourself up to rebound later if you don't get used to eating mostly real, good food
>The goal should be to reduce fat and have as much muscle as you want for strength/aesthetic purposes
How does that fit with your last sentence?
> I eat pizza and mcdonalds several times a week but I fit it in my calorie and macro budgets for the day.

Doesn't make sense, fast food like Pizza won't make you optimally lose fat and retain or gain muscle and strength in a cut etc.
Burgers are extremely filling though
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How do we survive Halloween bros. Everyone is just leaving candy everywhere.
Don't give a fuck about sweets, if I'm cheating on my diet it'll be for a big juicy burger
I eat a protein bar when I am craving some candy. They taste pretty good and will contribute towards your protein goal.
If there was a holiday with everyone handing out chips, fries, and chicken nuggets I'd be fucked
Fuck a candy
What are you 5? No different from any other part of the year. Theres always candy and soda everywhere
How'd you get fat if you're so perfect?
You have been eating like shit you can lose 20lbs+ in two weeks freak easily with fasting and omad, the more obese you are the easier it will be to drop below 250 after that it required dedication lifestyle change and frequent exercise. I used to be like 350 a long time ago now I'm around 211 at 6'1" still got a little ways to go.

has anyone done the EEOD?
yeah but like with most things worth doing once you set it up, the next time you need it its ready to go
>Done a meme
Man what I would give to just skip to bring skinny
>Man what I would give to just skip to bring skinny
Would you give an entire year of consistent dieting and discipline?
tfw realizing "I will always be fat and disgusting" is just getting replace with "I will always have a scarred saggy body and be disgusting"

I need to let go of that and only focus on health
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I met a very chubby girl that I really really like, and it seems like she has decent genetics, besides being fat. How do I nudge her into losing said fat?
I'm mostly asking about the psychological aspect. Do I just go straight on and tell her I'll help her lose weight?
you cannot push or force someone into the kind of difficult lifestyle changes and long term commitment that losing lots of weight requires. even if you truthfully tell the person they will DIE if they don't lose weight it only works some small percentage of the time
don't even try because it'll just upset you and the person in question
If she's fat and your fat you're double up your fatty genetics, not good, look for a sticc girl.
People can't convince their partners and family to lose weight, let alone a friend
if you do get her to lose weight she'll start cheating on you once she gets more male attention
Bro this has happened to my best mate.
His wife was morbidly obese and lost like 160lbs with a sleeve gastrectomy.
After she got really skinny/fit she started to experiment around a bit and even went on a vacation without him (100% sure she went to that country to met another man from IG).
She constantly nags him about being not fit, not making enough money, etc. nowadays and holds him warm..
I told him a million times she's no good anymore, but he wont listen.
>don't even try
I like her a lot and the women in her family are all hot as fuck. It's just a huge shame she doesn't let her better genes shine through.
look for a sticc girl.
funny enough, her mom and sister both seem very sturdy and well-proportioned. I'd like for her to look this way as well.
>she'll start cheating on you once she gets more male attention
I know it's a stupid thing to say but I don't think cheating (in the traditional sense) is something she'd be capable of doing. She broke off a long-lasting relationship just to go on a date with me. And I mean totally broke-off.
>I just met this person how do I get them to change immediately to better fit my desires
>I care enough about said person to make suggestions that will improve them
not a difficult concept to grasp
>they must bend to my will or else
Serial killer vibes
Damn, Zevia is trash (stevia-sweetened soda)
Ah well I didn't really buy that that artificial sweetener is supposed to be better for you than the others but my mom kept nagging at me saying aspartame is killing my gut, figured I'd try it
>aspartame is killing my gut
not sure about you but aspartame makes me shi violently. I'm talking full-own liquid shit if I eat like 3 more than 3 protein bars a day.
>she has good genetics
You sound like a complete creep
I've seen what her family looks like. "Has good genetics" is the easiest way to say that she'd be way better if not fat.
Did a 2.42 miles walk during my lunch.
Sure thing you fucking creep.
femoid hands typed this post
Obese incel hands typed this post
LMAO keep seething, bitch
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Cronometer, and I mostly cook from scratch to use the "raw" ingredients with the most micronutriment informations available. I am basically vitamin/mineral supplements free thanks to it.
I think I feel like being so fat made me a bad person and I'm becoming less of a bad person now by losing weight. I don't judge other fat people as bad people but I've absorbed those societal judgments onto myself
I don't think that's healthy
>She broke off a long-lasting relationship just to go on a date with me
so you're telling us she has a history of bailing on previous partners and its not an impossibility they'd do it again? I agree its a stupid thing to say

as for your grand plans just lug her up the gym and cook her healthy food that doesnt taste like shit whenever she's round I guess
>so you're telling us she has a history of bailing on previous partners
not exactly. she respectfully broke off a long-time relationship just so she could spend time with me in a more romantic context. And she specifically showed a more-than-platonic interest in me after asking me out. That takes a lot of dedication.
>just lug her up the gym and cook her healthy food
Is it really that easy? I know women don't need to turn into gymcels to get nice physiques.
Been on a 900 calorie deficit for 2 weeks. Is this gonna be bad, long-term? I'm aiming for a 20 lb loss in 3 months.
>so you're telling us she has a history of bailing on previous partners and its not an impossibility they'd do it again?
>not exactly.
>she respectfully broke off a long-time relationship just so she could spend time with me in a more romantic context
Anon are you retarded
If you work out or do physical labor you'll be exhausted instantly but otherwise fine
>How do I nudge her into losing said fat?
invite her to go on outings that involve walking. especially hiking. you're spending time together, which i hope is your main goal, with the side benefit of doing something healthy an burning calories.
>didn't lose weight in the past half month
well, shit.
I apologize for the poor wording on my part.
What I meant to say is that she's out of a very long-term relationship that she ended amicably specifically because she took a romantic interest in me. And I respect the willingness to do so on her part.
>outings that involve walking
already did that and she seemed to enjoy it. any other similar activities besides gymming?
This pic is unironically why I'm making it this time. My little cousin needs a male role model and I'm not fit to be it yet
>specifically because she took a romantic interest in me
listen to me and the other anons telling you, she dumped her now ex because of another dude catching her eye. that's everything BUT a stable person to get in a relationship with.
I'm 188cm, 95kg. I want to drop to at least to 90kg and as low as 85kg in the next 50 days. My BMR is around 1800 and I do around 500 calories worth of exercise per day.

If I do alternate day fasting and eat 1600 on eating days:
>1600 * 25 = 40000 calories consumed in 50 days
>2300 * 50 = 115000 calories burned in 50 days
71500 calories is a tad under 10 kg.

Can anyone who has done this in practice tell me how close your actual loss lined up to a calculation like this? I've done rolling 48s before but it was a long time ago and I didn't write down how I progressed. If I did this and lost 7-8 kg I'd be happy tbqh
i'm losing so much water weight by having a cold
gods there is so much dripping out of my nose holy shit
Hell yeah 1xx club soon
based and viruspilled
kick her ass
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I snacked too much and now only have 600 calories to spend for dinner...
A burger and a glass of milk is not 300 calories.
Are there any food diary apps or websites that let you buddy up with somebody to stick to your diet goals?
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I've heard of capeshit actors like cavill dehydrating themselves for a whole day to look more lean on set.
does this really work? I'm invited to a party next week and want to debloat my face a lil
I kinda assume that only makes sense when water is all that's blocking your adoring fans' view of your otherwise perfect physique.
I wouldn't expect blubber to dry out by withholding water for a day or two.
you can be friends with someone on LoseIt, look at each other's food and activity, and bully each other. have to check your permissions to make sure everything's visible to them tho
actually, has anyone here made a group on LoseIt? w-we could all be frens
Go back
there is a non-zero chance i've been posting here before you were born
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How reliable is a Fitbit watch at tracking calories burned? It says I’m burning 3000-4000 calories per day (been walking and cycling) and I’m consuming <1500 calories, my scale doesn’t reflect Fitbit’s numbers though
>spend 2 hr lifting
>spend 1.5hr on stairmaster
I'm still paranoid of going a single calorie over budget because it's impossible to actually know how much I burned. For all I know I only burned 60 calories from exercise.
Ive been trying to get nudes from chubbies on loseit by being their motivational buddy then getting their numbers to share workout pics. I swear to god these bitches have no libido
So I've been on "the meds" and was told by doc to do strength exercises to keep muscule. Not sure which ones because I've never really done it, are dumb bells good? Push up bars, since I don't want to kill my wrists?
I forgot i had loseit. Just found my log in and it set me up a plan. Allows me 300cals extra on Fridays and Saturdays. Not sure if wise but ill give it a go
I have consumed 1,600 calories today and shall consume no more.
ozempic needed some time to load or what the fuck?
I started it about 3.5 weeks ago and I lost 10lbs. I ate only 2000kcal (over 1k deficit) and I would wake up in the middle of the night due to hunger for the first week and until last week I felt that it was how it was supposed to be, because meds won't do everything and you needed also willpower.
But since last injection I feel that I could easily just not eat. I don't even need bidaily package of chips.
Or is it the fact that I switched from SNRI to bupropion?
Sometimes it releases better, sometimes worse. It has a lifetime of a week so it also accumulates over weeks
On the cusp of getting under 240 bros, any day now. Maybe tomorrow even. This is after coping my way all the way up to 250.
you're not supposed to stop eating when you get on ozempic
no apps/trackers are reliable and they all grossly overestimate calories burned. pretend calories burned from activity is 0 and just keep eating your deficit. consider eating a little more on days you're doing a lot of exercise (if performance is important to you) and eating a little less on off days.
This checks out.

I eat 100kcal over target on days I workout 2+hours, and haven't had any issues with losing weight at a steady pace and even building muscle gradually.
>lift weights
>scale go up
Is it really worth it?
That only happens at first as your system is shocked with strain it's not used to and holds onto water, returns to normal after a couple weeks, maybe very sightly lower loss rate if you're building muscle but that's a good thing
You need to eat less fat and more fiber, anon. /s
Fatty contest
>Tell myself I'm going to have a "cheat day" by buying some dark chocolate
>End up feeling satisfied after eating 4 squares of it and skip dinner
Is this how normies stay so thin? Am I gonna make it?
that would be 600 calories twice a day, anon
Next thread:


Incidentally, I have a wedding to attend today.

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