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/fit/ - Fitness

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Raising the bar.

>programming advice?
Try harder. Autoregulate.

>diet advice?
Put the fork down. If you can't see abs, you're fat.

>Previous thread

Post lifts if and only if you can meet at least one of the following:
>2x bw bench (no archmaging)
>2.5x bw squat (high bar atg)
>3x bw deadlift (conventional, no straps)
>150kg clean and jerk
>110kg snatch
Welcome to /plg/ aka Poetry & Literature General. We are a remnant of /fitlit/ and this is a place for aspiring authors to practice their creative writing skills in the context of weightlifting. Posts made in this thread are fictional and conversations between personalities are likely to be the product of a single author. Enjoy your stay!
What have you done? Are you happy? Are you happy we have descended into this pitiful state called "not lifting?" We are less than a disgrace. Less honourable than a toad, who probably gets more leg work than us.
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So for me personally, what I like to do is lift weights and then post videos proving that I do that in threads designated for doing that
Glad to hear that.
Lifting is cringe, your supposed to just claim random lifts and call posters fat.
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2 board press 2x3pl8, 2x335, 1x365, 5x3pl8, 7x275, 15x2pl8
Biceps and triceps
Bench strength is almost back to where it was before regionals.
mirin, smiggy-sama.
Light touch on purpose? Husky plus size gentlemen like you and me should sink and heave.
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>Light touch on purpose?
Yeah. I don't do as well with sink and heave. I may need to practice it more, but it's always inconsistent for me.
Good binches
hit 325lbs on wagon wheel DL today. it's the same as my conventional DL for some reason.
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>plus size
>Post lifts if and only if you can meet at least one of the following:
>>2x bw bench
Squats today. Wish me luck
As we can see, the piggies are not as strong as they claim to be.
>Pisarenko OP
he's not one of you guys
Wait, did you fags stop posting links to useful pastebins? For what reason?
>squat 2.5x bw is on par with a 260kg total
lol, this is how I know you don't do weightlifting
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Some newfag started doing the plg threads without them
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Tell the room when you started posting in /plg/
So you can't meet any of those standards? Rough.
Best the general's been in months, honestly
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Zerchers for reps
>roiding for this
I’m natty 4 lyf
90 kg zerchers isn’t heavy either, skinnyfat dyel
>Doing a dangerous exercise wearing socks
They’re Ralph Lauren so I die in style
December 2023
I started posting in /plg/ last year April and I only just hit 190 kg diddlies with “bad form”
When do I make it?
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>tfw in /plg
me on the left /plg cucks on the right
You're new. It happens.
Attacking someone at the throat can get you with aggravated assault or battery with intent to cause grievous bodily harm
shutup manlet
>balding for this
>attacking some 5'0 guy because he made a youtube short (heh)
Why are roidcels so insecure?
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manlets should be treated like this regardless



If I didn’t PL, I would be a weak bald dyel. Or, worse, a bodybuilder.
but you are a weak bald dyel
>t. manlet
Hatfields are the best. Did them way past failure with hands on safeties. Legs, abs, upper back, everything is tired.
At what point are we not weak?
182 cm is short. Yes. But I wear my manlet status as a BADGE OF HONOUR
300/200/300 and 150 ohp
Outside the gym all anyone thinks when they see you is that guy is fat
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>300/200/300 and 150 ohp
That's IPF worlds level 100+kg classes

Is it better to really load the bar on hatfields and let arms help as much as they can or should I load the bar only a bit heavier than SSB squat and use arms to help just through the sticking point?
>squat same as deadlift
Sit down, fatty
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Godsmack concert overwrites the negative effects of low sleep and stress of getting a new (to me) car. Logs really feeling great. Repping old 1rm soon
Post lifts? In spam general? I dont think so pal
>tism jig to finish first rep
>goes back for more
Making it is constant and non-linear
t. still making it
good lifting, but if you're worried about your deadlift progress then zerchers aren't really a good idea right now

>Is it better to really load the bar on hatfields and let arms help as much as they can or should I load the bar only a bit heavier than SSB squat and use arms to help just through the sticking point?
I have no idea about hatfields, sorry

amazed the hat stayed on the second time, that's never happened before

that's why I always wear tshirts from competitions, so they know
Good based
Cope, deadlift is a meme lift
>deadlift is a meme lift
You might as well go on my 600lbs life after exposing yourself this hard as a fatty
Im 80kg keep coping
Zerchers are to build my squats when front squats are hard due to my inflexible body.
Why would I cope about your stumpy t-rex arms that are incapable of picking up something from the floor that is in excess of your fatsits? Squat = DL is the worst lifter phenotype outside of SHW
>80 kg
>183 cm
You have to be at least 200 lbs to post here twink.
Hat wouldve stayed on the whole time but i hit the brim with the log on rep 2. Whoops
dl is a meme look at ponycel deadlifting 300 and cant ohp 70kg
you're fat and weak im only weak, cope
Open wide, kid.
On a spaghetti bar with figure 8 straps lifting sumo. Would have never passed in comp. I agree sumo DL is a meme.
Raw strongman total is the least tainted metric of strength imo.
You can just do highbar to build quads. If you're worried about it fucking with your lowbar - it won't, if you lowbar regularly.
Biggie Cheese has weak lifts and a glaring lack of knowledge about lore.
>At what point are we not weak?
See OP
Everybody complains about the Olympic lifts being too low relative to the powerlifts, but nobody has posted an Olympic lift that meets the standard.
kek biggie cheese really put a number on you lmao
Not a single elite powerlifter does "Deadlift to the knees", that deadlift variation seems like an absolute meme desu
>Captcha: TAXHAM
Donate to Bobby's Venmo for exclusive access to the pastebins and drive!
Why didn't you break parallel for the last few?
Very based, smiggy-san
>be average /plg/ lifter
>eat a shit ton of unhealthy food and weigh more than you lift
>fuck your back up everyday to prove you can lift heavy
>half your hair is gone and the rest is on your face and not your head
>slams weights as hard and loud as you can to make sure everyone knows you lift heavy
>go home and eat an entire menu of McDonald's making the excuse that your "just having a cheat meal" which is pretty much everyday
The number is a small squat
mcdonalds is trash change it to the kebab
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What is there to discuss? Even something like asking for program recommendations gets swamped with meme recommendations like Texas Method, conjugate, and tripfag's TM variant
>meme recommendations
>three programs that work
1 inch elevation for lifting shoes too much? I have long femurs and my adidas powerlift shoes with 0,6 inch aren’t ideal for me
Post the shoes you’re thinking about buying. What matters as much as the heel lift is how they look, and whether they are from a brand that confers status
ANTA 2 Lifting shoe
Narrow toe box, Chinese knockoff of Romaleos. What’s your current 1rm squat and what program do you run?
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Do farmers walks even do anything for powerlifting? Because I feel like they don't do shit.
>don't train back as hard as dedicated back
>don't train abs as hard as dedicated abs
>don't train upper back extensors just traps
>don't train any of the prime movers
>train grip but you can just mix grip
I stopped doing squats since 2023. Just doesn’t feel good with my long femurs.
Did 120 kg 3x5
My bench was 120 kg 3x5 at the time too btw
Obliques, I guess, but if you want to get better at powerlifting, do the lifts.
I already do oblique isolation. Improved squat so much the failure point shifted.
How tall are you and how long are these femurs? I’m 6’1” with a high waist and I’ve never had a problem hitting depth. I wouldn’t spend 300 dollars on antas when you have a 5 cent squat. Get to 405, (180ish kgs) and then you can buy fancy shoes
Then you’re not getting much out of the farmers walks, keep them if they’re fun, otherwise scrap them, but don’t do them for powerlifting
Yeah makes sense. The wrist roller implement was stolen from the gym so now I miss forearm work :(
You pull sumo. You don't get to talk smack about people's deadlift training.
Training grip is important even for mixed grip.
Ever since I added trap bar deadlifts (chalkless) and dedicated grip strength training, my chalkless straight bar deadlift has skyrocketed.
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>BW bench
If you would please consult the OP, and learn to deadlift

>BW bench
If you would please consult the OP

Daddy Shaman is here to take care of even obese faggots like (you).

Do your fucking ISOMETRICS if you don't want your knee getting permaed, you dog of the chair force.

Seriously, you HAVE A CHRONIC KNEE INJURY. Do. Your. Fucking. Isometrics. I thought you were supposed to be smart in the Air Force? What's that? Just two-faced, oily, and bureacratic?

That tracks, unlike an O1.
Tired as fuck, my steps are about 15000 on average per week but I often hit 22000 steps. That’s bike riding and walking since I’m trying to lose weight fast.
Not squatting starts having a bad effect on my deadlift only snatch griped 210 today and my hips are fried
>average walking a mile a day
they'll reply back to him right guys? Shirley his lifts has gone up during the span of him posting here right?
I meant 15000 steps per day, on average for a week. My bad. I’m walking 15000 a day! Hahaha!
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>taking roids to barely hit 500 dots
Why do they do it breh?
Most people on roids cant even hit 400 dots
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Arnie did
yes, we saw your thread, calm down
Go outside
45s but an immediate reply
interesting score to beat
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Does raping women make you better at powerlifting
This discussion is veering off topic. Let’s stay focused
575 dots isn't barely. He hasn't done a full raw meet in almost a decade. He just hit a 260kg paused zercher squat raw
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best ever claimed lifts aren't numbers pulled off of openpowerlifting
Rippetoe bros, we won.
>gym lifts no longer count
this kills the pedophile registry
it has to raise test
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Misgrooved (lost balance) 265kg/585lb kilo plates PR, so I did a double instead. Legit I could get 5 reds in kilos. 700lb for Halloween on a deadlift bar + pounds may not be unrealistic. Closer stance feels WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY better than max width sumo.
So? It's still retarded.
Same. However, I must admit, the some of the Schizos are funny, Specially the guy from the sharty.
I'm the opposite, but I'm switching to soft touch before there's more potential there for me, a twink and soon to be femboy.
Good stuff, but why are you beld?
Nice work, Ian. Miring.
why do you always throw your headphones?
DOTS is only a meaningful number if its done in competition with IPF worlds like standards.
this kills the pedophile registry
Just squatted 230kg 4x2 what max 1rm should I attempt in 2 weeks?
245? 250?
4 reds and a yellow (250), but don’t wait two weeks. Do a 5rm and maybe a 3rm later this week, get some more datapoints and a heavy rep max for future programming
Ummm i have to deload next week thats what Andy Baker says!!
wtf are you talking about?
Make sure you always stick to your gym routine. Cut the cardio if you can't do it anymore.
little chudholes like you need to get vaccinated
Seriously? I hit a 400 dots while fucking around natty. Yet there exist people on roids, programming and not hitting 400 dots? Jesus Christ are they bobbygramming
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can you give a 3 day a week program that will make me bigger and stronger that is 3 days a week and retard-proof? i bench 140kgx10 ohp 100kgx6 rdl 194kgx10 100kg bw
You can only have a DOTS acore if you competed under IPF rules
this kills the blobby
5x5 squats, 5x5 ohp/bench, 3x5 snatch pulls and clean pulls alternating with 1x5 deadlift. Push the weights to 5x5 PRs then test
STFU and do conjugate, chudhole
I'd bench 2-3x and do 4 days to fit everything into a pl block. I'm up a theoretical 70-90lbs 1rm from last late november but have not deloaded in over 2-3mo and have been weaker.
Deloading is fake, sorry to tell you
wtf is 400 dots? 700kg total?
>wtf is 400 dots?
cope for people who can't lift the biggest number
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obese >people was already implied
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You reply to me immediately, I don't see your message for hours because I'm too busy practicing tantric visualization techniques about the 295x5 top set of squats I'm gonna hit in a few hours.

We are not the same, now oink for me piggies
PLEASE be kgs
Oh wow this is some super stinky huge giant smelly load of Norman khan I’m excreting
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I guess press thread it is
135kg 3x5, think i'm good for 140 3x5 by next week
>Can't even bench 1.5x bw for 5 reps
Kek what a weak bitch
>t. Benches 0lbs
You trying to tell me your mom is dead?
>Weak retard makes retarded reply

Many such cases
Yearly performance review results came in? Hey wait a minute, the number is supposed to get bigger not smaller!
I squat 2 pl8 today
but enough about your bench
Here's your reading list:
The Bell Curve by Murray
The Culture of Critique by MacDonald
Siege by Mason
The Turner Diaries by Pierce
KJV Bible by Various
Read these and do a 100 hour fast (no snake juice)
Spend those 100 hours praying and walking outside
All of your programming will unironically be revealed.
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Here is your reading list:
All my Posts

Ive seen personal trainers have elderly people do cleans and snatches with a pvc pipe, you could try that. maybe a broom handle or something. Or tie two shoe laces together and lay them out flat on the ground and then squeeze the juice out of your genital warts all over them and then wait for it to dry into a solid piece and then power clean that
Love this pasta
id post my bench from yday but it was only 115kg5x3. maybe ill post my even weaker bench tomorrow
Squatted 395x5x5
how much does fat really help in lifting and why

I'm a rotundly massive fuck at the moment and I want to see the logic behind why I have to deadlift 2x my weight to be intermediate

5'9" 315lb
Is this rizz?
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D: 270/325/355
GM: 4x5
QE: 5x8
Light DHS: 3x6
grip held good. felt alright even with leg fatigue. MB GMs are the best.
pls be kg
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180 lbs trap bar earthquake band overhead bench pinpress

how about doing some dumbbell flies? i think your pecs are rather underdeveloped. i know youre specializing but what about a block where you raise your general strength
how harder is log vs strict OHP? do you think? ALSO GODDAMN UR LOOKING JACKED LIL BRO
no difference between pound and killo plates tbdesu. and dont USE HIS REAL NAME YOU FUCKING DOXING PEACE OF SHI
i dont respect you because your lecerages are good
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now this is were the REAL progress happens. the volume! 3x10@70% backdowns. what overhead variation should I do for next week? ALSO THESE HURT THE FUCK OUT OF MY STERNUM!!! WHY?????
>355 lb deadlift
Let me guess. Twink mode? You must weigh 120 lbs. 3.4sama, is that you?
How do you fix this?
Stop squatting low bar; squat high bar atg
Stop pulling sumo; pull conventional
Stop archmaging your bench; complete full ROM
Then check if symmetry still holds. As of now all your lifts are inflated. That will fix your issues.
It's not really fat but so much your total weight. When you gain weight without lifting your body also builds muscle. Not a lot compared to if you were lifting, but significant enough such that you would be stronger than if you weighed less. There's a lot of downsides to gaining weight this way though, and even though you may gain muscle, the additional fat may get in the way of your lifting, e.g. body weight exercises like pullups.
Bro... just use a barbell. Why are you finding so many ways to do overhead press?
Other than the sumo and the unentered entries what's wrong with it?
Sorry if this is a stupid question I'm a noob. As far as I'm aware deadlifts are mainly done from the leg muscles right? Is the back involved at all? I'm hesitant to try it out because I have mild scoliosis/back pain and I don't want to make it worse.
makes sense, also carrying your weight around stuff like that
The lower back is the main muscle exercised during the deadlift. You can try the deadlift but if you have pain while doing it then stop.
depends on how long your legs and arms are, the shorter your legs are the more of a back exercise it becomes

if you have really long legs and arms it becomes more of a leg exercise
Thanks bro, good pull
Jelly of dis bench
>log vs strict OHP
Depends? The bar path of log is less forgiving than bb ohp, but its also like a 6in block press with neutral grip. Id generally say its a harder movement but who knows maybe some people would find it easier
>lil bro
Kimchi im older than you
Anyone paying real attention to my comp history would be able to find me out its not a big deal. Like Simon or Bobby or Frank or Twiggy or Figgy or Isley or Scars
I'm not full yellow?
Do I run Smolov Jr for bench??
Lose weight fatty.
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Deficit deadlift 8x4pl8, 6x455, 4x5pl8
18" deadlift 4x545, 2x3x6pl8
Belt squat with feet forward 3x5x5pl8
Leg extensions with a hold at top 4x10s
Talking the advice I got from smiggy and fabuloso last week. I warmed up with sled push and drags, stretched calves/quads/hams before lifting. Knee feels good rn. Will keep this up for a few weeks until things start feeling better. Might throw in good/bad girls since that has helped with my knees in the past.
It took me a while to get used to an elevated pull. The weight will go up quickly with some practice.
Good job. Keep working at it.
>When do I make it?
That's the neat part, you don't.
>smiggy when someone tries to take the last slice of three meat at the pizza buffet
Nice. My theory is that your hat hides your true power level (and Norwood).
>soon to be femboy
Damn you really trying to mog justin at everything.
Nice binch, Giuseppe.
Mirin schizo presses, justin.
Feeling a bit contemplative this evening. Wanted to tell you all that I love you, and that I’m glad I have a parasocial relationship with you people in this general. I’d enjoy lifting with any of you, maybe we will sometime. Have a good night, fellas.
Someone call an ambulance he is having a stroke
good pressing

how do you make deadlift day enjoyable when you're lifting so much less than maximal?

>how about doing some dumbbell flies?
observant fans will recognize that my hand position is much wider than basically every other time I've benched over 400 in the past year. It'll all come with time, trust the plan.

>Deficit deadlift 8x4pl8, 6x455, 4x5pl8
>18" deadlift 4x545, 2x3x6pl8
>Belt squat with feet forward 3x5x5pl8
>Leg extensions with a hold at top 4x10s
>Talking the advice I got from smiggy and fabuloso last week. I warmed up with sled push and drags, stretched calves/quads/hams before lifting. Knee feels good rn. Will keep this up for a few weeks until things start feeling better. Might throw in good/bad girls since that has helped with my knees in the past.
now that's a good lower day
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I think these two sets are out of order
How retarded would it be of me to bring a piece of toast and a sports drink to refuel myself to do cardio after lifting?
Nigga really asking whether it's weird to eat and drink.
Just finished my bedtime ice cream and cookies
How heavy is one of those huge trap bars with square beams instead of bars?
no no it's cold plain toast. that's weird.
when are you gonna shave it all off?
Front squats 2x3x155kg
S2S 2x3x130kg
Deadlift 3x270kg
Absolutely fucked the positioning cause I'm not use to the suit but moving easy anyway
nice work
What are those stringies?

Wide grip pullups 79 kg + 20 kg x 4 (PR)
i know this is not a powerlift but this is the only thread where actual lifts get posted haha
>The lower back is the main muscle exercised during the deadlift.
Where did you hear that?
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it's an adjustable suit
Norman Khan x 2 (@7.5, @8)
Kinky desu
Wake up plg. It's feeding time
But I'm not hungry
It's a big dog eats Twinkies world out there kid. You gotta eat big to lift big.
From, Starting Strength, first page of chapter 4:
>Lower-back strength is an important component of sports conditioning. The ability to maintain a rigid lumbar spine under a load is critical for both power transfer and safety. The deadlift builds back strength better than any other exercise, bar none.
If the lower back muscle is not the main muscle exercised during the deadlift idfk what is.
>Inb4 sharting strength
Literally google it and look on any website, the deadlift is a lower back exercise.
15 lbs have been deducted from your total. Happy? Satisfied?
He's saying it's important to protect your lower back by not loading the weight on it. The primary movers depend on the stage of the lift. Initially it's your hamstrings and quads. Once you pass your knees it's your glutes and lats. Your lower back is a small set of muscles that are easily overloaded. If you lumbar isn't protected then you can easily load more weight to your lower back than it can support, ultimately causing you to slip a disc or worse.
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>Starting Strength
ka ka ka ka ka
If you feel anything in your lower back, you aren't deadlifting according to how science says you should
what are the best strength steroids
If it was up your ass you would know it
>He's saying it's important to protect your lower back by not loading the weight on it.
Who was attempting to make this point, and how was it supposed to be deduced. The original poster asked:
>Is the back involved at all?
The back is very much involved, and the deadlift is mainly done to exercise the lower back. That isn't misaligned with what I have stated. What you said is probably true but otherwise what does that have to do with anything?
Uhhhh I mean maybe not but just because you don't "feel" it doesn't mean it's not being worked, no?
Estradiol. Thank me later.
>doesn't mean it's not being worked
no one said it isn't worked
>deadlift is mainly done to exercise the lower back.
this is what is being disputed. it is retarded to say this
Ok, explain to me what it is done for then.
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I think I'm gonna do this meme next ohp day
seethe smallfry
>identify as a woman
>your dots has now doubled
Its only 30ish under what my best pull with grip, and only 15/20 under my usual last made pull.
I only count what ive been pulling post meet anyway, so this is the heaviest ive pulled in over 2 months
its also knowing where im in at training. care more about the volume work right now than the top single.
Rip had a bit with Nick Delgadillo where he guaranteed that an untrained athlete would drop their 40 yard time within two weeks of starting deadlifts. Anecdotally, this seems to be true. If the mechanism claimed is that the lumbar spine more effeiciently transfers power into the legs, and the deadlift is said to do this, I'm inclined to believe that the deadlift is in fact a lumbar exercise.
>do nothing your whole life
>do something, anything, for two weeks
look, improoooovement
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>He doesn't understand the difference between drive and activation

>inb4 nonsense

Let's recap:

>Based 5x5 enjoyer
>Builds his work capacity more than sharting strength plebs with sets across
>Builds his strength more than 3x5 chuds with top set + backoff, or ramping / pyramid programming
>Added 50 lbs to his 5RM squat in 6 weeks
>1pl8 OHP for reps
>Freely offers his world class knowledge to the unenlightened

>Running "conjugate"
>Constantly confused and changing your program because you lack a firm grounding in the fundamental sciences that underlie the discipline of weightlifting
>Doesn't understand how to drive progress with programming
>Asscheek like the surface of the moon, pockmarked with injection sites

Any questions?
but the deadlift specifically. I should clarify untrained on deadlift. If someone who only squats, cleans, and benches starts to deadlift, their sprint times drop. I've seen it
The deadlift is undoubtedly a lumbar exercise.

The lumbar is not the primary driver, which is the legs, but it experiences significant stress along the tension curve.
there's not a single person that already sprints, squats, cleans, and benches who is also simultaneously untrained in deadlifts
Gimme your program, Shaman
I've seen the bit from Rip, don't really have any reference points for testing it. I'm wondering if the raw poundage matters. I don't deadlift on a regular basis, but my clean sets are in the mid 300s, and clean pulls around 400. I can't imagine deadlifting more often would shave any time off of my sprints, or increase my jumps.
Hank is bleeding over into your Shaman character.
Hank is sean
so this Charmin fellow is a character of another character who happens to be a dyel? makes cents
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Its always been the same person.
Officially have shitty tricep strength: 1.75x bw bench and 0.95x bw OHP
Why shouldn’t I do reverse pyramids with my tricep work?
>max out triple
>decrease 5 lbs, go to failure
>decrease 5 lbs again, go to failure
Just so long as you're clear that I'm not him
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Hommie passed at 75.
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Don't forget who you are talking to.
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deficit diddlies earlier and bench: 115kg 5x3, 125kg2x2
based benchers. ill soon catch up to you guys
nice zerchers
nice log press
nice diddly
great form
moved very fast
Fundamentally, it's a modified StrongLifts 5x5 that I mixed with some Bill Starr, and seasoned with a bit of Louie:

AxBxAxx | BxAxBxx

Squat 5x5
Power Clean 5x5
Bench 5x5
Pendlay Rows 5x5
Chinups 3xF

Squat 5x5
OHP 5x5
Deadlift 5x5
Pullups 5x5

Conditioning is either Sled Push + Pull 3 - 5 x 180 yards (Louie number)


GHR Situps + Calf Raises 4x10 and then I go into the basketball gym and do some drills like 5x50s and X runs
Are those pullups weighted? You still do squats 3x a week despite not being on a beginner progression? Deadlift 5x5 must be pretty brutal the same day you squat. I've seen Stronglifts use Pendlay Rows in place of the Power Clean but not together. Do the muscles worked not overlap?
>image collage no one looks at
Yep, I'd say r/Powerlifting is definitely better than /plg/ for lifting discussion
I will fuck you in the ass, you bitchtittied niggerfaggot
Oh, thanks... Nobody's ever complimented me so much before. Teehee!
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>now that's a good lower day
I glad it gets the smiggy seal of approval.
Checked and nice.
RIP Geoff
Good bench.
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Should have given more context, but was too lazy lel

Squats: Plan is to be stubborn about 3x / wk until I reach a 2x BW squat tbqh.

Not doing sets across (SA), for squats I'll do SA 2x / wk, with the first lift of the week being a top set + Backoff. Backoff will be for SA weight. For example, yesterday I did 295 5/; 285 4/; 255 5/5/; 225 5/;

Deadlift is a pyramid so it's not that bad, but yeah it's rough. I'm just not built to deadlift, more of a squat specialist so the long back interferes with being great at the deadlift.

Pendlay Rows / Power Cleans: I imagine they do, I've read the Pendlay Row is the best assistance movement for the PC, but I can't figure out a way to incorporate both without doing it this way, or having to reduce frequency.

Nah, pullups aren't weighted yet. I'm a little fat, have long arms, and a lingering brachial plexus injury on my right side so I use a resistance band that gives between 30 - 85 lbs of tension.
>it's a modified StrongLifts 5x5 that I mixed with some Bill Starr, and seasoned with a bit of Louie:
If you can't 1/2/3/4 you really shouldn't be making your own programs
I know you're not real, but that's not 5x5
Is bench press enough for shoulders bros
My lumbar is sore from trap bar deadlifts yesterday. Doesn't feel like muscle soreness. It's so fucking over guys.
>he doesn't want to overhead press and do one of the most alpha gorilla lifts
Will you ever try a 1rm OHP? One who runs conjugate is 'always' peaked, no excuses buddy I wanna see that ohp >:3
Are you cutting? If so, that's crazy. Don't cut if you haven't reached 1/2/3/4
Lu Raises hits the three heads of the shoulders. Just add some at end of workout.
Good stuff. What shoes are those?,
my OHP is 165 lbs. tested it today. bout a 3 second grinder
That's... pretty weak if your heaviest squat is 295 (PLS be kg). Maybe it would be better to follow an intermediate program instead of doing your own programming.
>I'm just not built to deadlift, more of a squat specialist
At that squat I don't think anybody would call you a specialist. If you did 5x5 straight or top/back-off deadlifts you would get more practice on the heavy weights.
>I can't figure out a way to incorporate both
Do only one of them if you can't do them on separate days. You're already doing chinups and pullups, so that should suffice for upper back strength. If you weren't doing those then only pendlay rows might be better.
but its a STRICT ohp, not a bullshit cheater OHP like you and fucking riceballman do
Need video
Welcome to this thread. Please read >>75337383, you seem to be incapable of distinguishing fiction from reality.
Retarded ad hominem

Retarded non sequitur

You DO understand that someone's specialization - IF they have one - is dependent on their anthropometry, right?

Short, stocky arms + big, wide torso + broad shoulders = bench

Long legs + long arms + small torso = deadlift

Big torso + short femurs = squat

"I'm an X specialist" is not primarily a statement about how much you lift, because that's mostly a function of training history and genetics. It's a statement about what lift your leverages are best suited for.

>Follow an intermediate program
>Do a program someone else wrote
Well, I actually understand how to program a lifting routine, so, no I don't have to follow that advice.

Facts are that 5x5 is the best program one can do. There's really no debate. If you dick around in the gym and have a 600 lb squat because you're fat, and using drugs, and think your programming is the reason, then you're only fooling yourself.

The list of champion lifters, and bodybuilders, who run 5x5 is long. 5x5 IS the lifting program of the gods. Now stop yapping, listen to Daddy Shaman lil' sophist, and go read about 5x5.

No, I'm planning to get to 110 kg before I start to drive the weight down with diet.

I don't doubt the efficacy of them, but how do you reckon Lu Raises hit the rear deltoid?
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Starting to think Shaman is the Archer poster…
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comfy gym shack

Is it okay if i only lift Thursday and Sunday, doing SBD only on each day? 3x8 for each
That day is reserved for the lord
I don’t have good leverages for squat, but it’s easily my best lift. It’s also the only one I really enjoy and care about, so effort is a big factor as well.

I am also a big believer in the 5x5, and have come to see it as the end of the meme curve, being both the best introductory program and the best advanced program. The middle is filled with complicated garbage. Frequency and absolute load is the only thing that needs to go up with advancement, the percents and scheme is optimal.

Reminder that Clarence, Louie, Rippetoe, Coan, and Starr all endorsed the 5x5
Is there anyway to lift without being a fattie?
Don’t eat too much
You can handle more than 3x per week, and straight sets are best. I’ve been on over 2bwx5x5 4 days a week now for weeks and I’ve been fine.
Why are there weightlifting standards on a powerlifting thread and who put them so low? Is this just turning into strength sports general?
Tomorrow i will deadlift 215x5
Is this also Shaman aka Hank aka Sean?
>I squat as much as shaman by doing SS while cutting
There are biological girls not on PEDs in my local gym that outlift Shaman on all three lifts. Good on them and you for out lifting a fictional character.
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Squeezing a fat, hot brown Norman Khan out right now

Hit 3pl8 squat PR feels good. I'm pretty sure this is depth, or almost? Would appreciate a check
>hat falling off while doing some pressing movement
So real.

Also, here are my other dyel PRs.
A powerlifter should be doing those lifts..it's in any powerlifting powergram. You don't lift. You never did.
I have snatched 110 and am no-where near any of the other standards listed there. Which ones do you meet?
All of them. Any more questions? Lose weight.
Sumo lifting is for fags
Put your back down and rep like a fucking man
kek so Bobby won after all
Trip on sphereboy
i guess that depth can be given a pass, some observations are that you squat like it's low bar when it's not
also I wouldn't flare the elbows and extend wrists like that and would suggest you watch your footwork more, as heels elevate and knees cave in
obviously form breaks down a bit on PR, so good job and just keep at it
>16 hour post reply
>1 min post reply
Lil Celly has never left has she?
embrace it
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keen observation
how does programming snatches help your powerlifting total?
>Retarded ad hominem
If you have been lifting for so little time that you can't 1/2/3/4, you have no idea how programming works and are doing more harm than good.
Put your ego at the door and do a cookie cutter routine that has been done by thousands of people.
close enough. angle is hard to tell depth
If you have to ask.
good technique snatch is essential in life
Keep it civil, fellas, we're almost there.
Almost where?
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Mired by girlboy
Rock bottom.
Male version of troonanon
some lore on him:
>used to use the names 200lbs1year and bort
>basically bobby jr, would always rush to bobby's defense on any disagreement (often as an anon)
>was homeless and lived in a famous person's gym for a while (I think?)
Where is my favourite poster
I know. He was like Dan Green's disciple or something like that, right? What a waste…
Living in India
Let's use this one instead
not enough olympic weightlifting
Too early
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