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Under the bar.

Previous: >>75353564

>programming advice?
Try harder. Autoregulate.

>diet advice?
Put the fork down. If you can't see abs, you're fat.

Post lifts if and only if you can meet at least one of the following:
>2x bw bench (no archmaging)
>2.5x bw squat (high bar atg)
>3x bw deadlift (conventional, no straps)
>150kg clean and jerk
>110kg snatch
If you take a powerlifter out of his garage, does his power go away? Is it like the same thing as a vampire in sunlight?
Not sure, the only person here who lifts in their garage doesn’t powerlift
i thought the barnanons compete, or at the very least preference sbd
I know it's cringe because i'm weak, but i just wanted some lifting banner on my wall because it was just a blank white wall with nothing in it. It was JHS, ironmind milo or westside barbell, chose JHS
at least it wasnt a nobody cares work harder banner. now that wouldve been cringe
What are some other routines similar to TM or HLM but maybe more advanced?
I have autism I don't want something too foreign.
Kek true. Sort of the same vibe as this
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Should my cousin start powerlifting?
too old for this general
>22 GR8
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300lb (136kg) comp standard has fallen…
Did 140kg but butt came off bench and left wrists got murded.
Anger is a gift yay!
>comp standard
>lift off
>no shoes
>no singlet
>non calibrated plates
>no collars
>deflated bench pad
>not enough spotters
you tried
Hmmm i can coach her

That was so easy what in the fuck
>Did 140kg
It over. From how 136 moved you can easily take 3pl8 if you focus on keeping butt on bench
Pyramid Method is a step up from TM while still being manageable.

If you’re serious about training, do 5x5 4 days a week and retest a rep max every 3 weeks or so. It’s simple, guaranteed to work, but demanding.
Just fell in love, with deep no sleeves SSB squats <3 the feeling was very good.
Thanks, but I feels satisfied with my bench now. 300 was the goal. 315 will be in a looong time I hope. Don't even have the drive or desire to hit it. I asked my Coach to only work with high reps.
He's a SARMS goblin right
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Yeah I've become an annoying fuck I guess. I will quit social media for some time after hitting 700 to not bother you.
>Squat has barely made progress these last months.
>In 4 months I added 6kg to my bench and 6-7kg to my body weight. Widened grip and increased arch lmao.
>Deadlift has been booming but it's because I've only been focusing on it + not pulling on stiff bars and optimizing technique.
At least ever since I got a coach like 1 month ago everything is finally going up again. I trust my soul to the SSB for this next training block.
I tried, yeah, that's what counts, right? At least that's what they say haha. That bench is a competition bench used in WRPF meets, but maybe it's actually cheating haha. At least I did a short pause with it and it was smooth so that's something… even if it wasn't to standard.
how the hell can people consistently hit an rpe10 single? A friend of mine can push himself hard and get his face beet red but i cant replicate that unless i use smelling salts and have a hype team, I just did a full 'comp' day and only on squats did i manage to actually do well and get near true rpe 10 and that was with salts and a friend of mine recording me, i failed my expected bench and dead, got half way on dead but immediately dropped it and didn't even try to grind it out, it was 2 AM and the gym was very dead

545 squat
355 bench, got it one inch up then immediately gave up
605 dead, got it half way and immediately gave up
my eyes and face weren't even red on the bench and dead
no clue on how to save a video message off instagram
even though i dont feel that fatigued, I should probably still take a deload week correct? Im going to start some power building program again, preferably one with one leg day, my legs are big enough, are any of Alex Bromleys program actually worth doing?
the better your technique, the more you can grind, especially on squat and deadlift. your lift should feel "comfortable" to grind, in the sense that you shouldn't feel like you are gonna snap something. your proprioceptors (mostly) can tell when you are about to snap something so they make you stop
you should put some anime posters on the wall
raj op do not redeem sirs
He won. You lost. Your seethe has been collected
Just let stinky have this, it's all she has.
Time to skip deadlifts because everything hurts from squats 5 days ago haha
Fool. It is exactly because they DO HURT that you continue to do the hard exercises. Skipping them is "leg day bro" mentality.
Low bar post
Squishing some logs of Norman khan after my morning coffee

Also just a reminder to all the newfags here, I have more money than anyone here, my house is worth millions and I have millions
Just a reminder to the oldfags here, I have more productive lifting years than anyone here, my body isn't snapped up and I set PRs frequently.
Just a reminder to anons old and new, no vid no did, you're all poorfag DYELs until you post evidence proving otherwise
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I did this for a couple of weeks, but I think all that squatting and deadlifting fucked my lower back up and I tweaked it the day before yesterday lol

Does this look better?



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just a reminder to all of you long armed freaks out there, my ohp will always be superior to you, especially when I finish ss and lose 50lbs
>especially when I finish ss and lose 50lbs
ok bobby jr
What's with the high bar shilling recently ? You wanna make powershitters angry ?
I'm bobby bitch, I'm bobby bitch, and I'm down to catch a body bitch, with that homi switch, you know I don't know karate bitch I'm droppin bodies bitch
How many times per week are you working out? If it's 4x it's too much.
Usually one rest day between gym days, sometimes two

I think this would be better if you took out the heavy squat and started with it, and left the rest of the order unchanged. Two heavy legs days in a row is a lot of fatigue, even with rest days. Try alternating the heavy upper and leg days.
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If you’re not working out at least 4x a week you aren’t training
>muh heckin overtraining
volumelet lol
I meant hurt in a close to snapping feeling
Everything hurts in rotation i cant even tell what anymore
One day hamstring then adductor then lower back then knee then ass pinched sciatica nerve
Rippetoe doesn’t want you to know this, but if you squat highbar you’ll never overtrain
your capability to recover decides your programming, not the other way around
sounds like low bar plus poor foundation
GDE midwit mindset.
Low bar overtraining is real, it fries the lumbar spine. Highbar overtraining is not real.
Don't instant reply me Lil Celly.
>nooo don't make posts on a message board
>I need to feel in charge, I need this to be real
I heard lifting is a fun activity, tried it?
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goodmorning sir
Ok so do I pick a more advanced program then?
Are advanced programs actually easier to do?
Take 75% of your 1rm
Do it for 5x5 on back to back days (Monday Tuesday)
Take a rest day
Add 10 lbs or 5 kgs and do it again for 5x5 on back to back days
Take the weekend off
Keep adding 10lbs/5kgs until you can't anymore
Do 3x3 at 90% of your 1rm
Re-test either a rep max or 1rm
Re-run the program
what's a celly? cell phone? this nigga mad anon got bitches digits lmbo
I think it's a cello, he mad because he plays the flute iykwim
lol hey thanks man finally some lifting advice. just to ensure I’m not being led around by some rippetoad fatso can you please post your physique. Im sure you understand, thanks in advance!
You’re here for my entertainment.
just discovered GZCL... how's this looking lads

Bench 5x3

Press 4x6
Chin-up 4x6

Cable fly 3x12
Cable curl 3x12
Dip 3xF


Squat 5x3

Romanian deadlift 4x6

Leg extension 3x12
Leg curl 3x12


Press 5x3

Bench 4x6
Row 4x6

Curl 3x12
Cable lateral raise 3x12
Tricep pushdown 3x12


Deadlift 5x3

Squat 4x6

Calf raise 3x12
Back extension 3xF
>6 sets of bicep curls per week
>3 sets of tricep isolations per week

small arms: the program
how many of each should i aim for?
feels like too much
>6 sets twice per week
>too much
Squat 5x5
Bench 5x5
Tuesday OHP 5x5
Deadlift 5x5

Thursday repeat monday +10lbs
Friday repeat tuesday +10lbs

Is that what you mean?
can i do some arm work on the lower body days? (i wouldn't be training on consecutive days)

Bench 5x3

Press 4x6
Chin-up 4x6

Curl 3x12
Lying tricep extension 3x12
Cable fly 3x12


Squat 5x3

Romanian deadlift 4x6

Leg extension 3x12
Leg curl 3x12

Cable curl 3x12
Tricep pushdown 3x12


Press 5x3

Bench 4x6
Row 4x6

Curl 3x12
Lying tricep extension 3x12
Cable lateral raise 3x12


Deadlift 5x3

Squat 4x6

Calf raise 3x12
Back extension 3xF

Cable curl 3x12
Tricep pushdown 3x12
Am I missing out on anything if I do no abs isolation exercises
Did you come up with this? If yes what are your maxes in kg?
just find something on boostcamp app and call it a day
Abs but you're fat and don't care about that anyway
yea I meant am I more injury prone or something
Abs and calves are two muscles I almost always skip because they suck so bad to train.
Why can't abs be fun like biceps or chest?
Aren't they trained through squatting and deadlifting anyways? And regarding calves, I use my calves when pulling sumo, mine have grown actually. Also, rip is right regarding the fact that calves are worked when squatting!
I know you are posting here, bitch tits. Imagine looking at these two lifts and declaring the 180kg ripetard circus medley was the better lift. Peak fat fuck piggy posting.
Holy fucking projection batman
>rippetoad disciple
>no u
You MUST oink for me, piggy
>20+ hours later
>(9) minutes
You can do better than that, Frankcel
>Don't shit after morning coffee today
>Feel constipated
>Finally push out a single gigantic log after dinner
I'm reporting directly from the porcelain throne, the relief is sublime
This is a powerlifting general, not a bodybuilding general, so yes, if you can work out 4x or more a week, then you aren't lifting heavy enough.
x4 is extremely common for intermediate and above programs
can't you read the OP? this thread has been compromised by DYEL weightlifters (commissar is the only non dyel tho :^))

don't reply to me unless you can prove to me that you lift
I hate anime but i would do hot 2d girls

No keep social posting, the problem is just when you doompost you aren't helping anybody. The social posting is fun.
Hi I don't lift just live an active lifestyle but I am hilariously talented with martial arts

I could actually seriously injure any of you in hand to hand combat from golden gloves boxers to world championship grapplers I've whooped them all and had fun doing it
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>first post itt

lb 772x2
onto bench
legs still beat up feeling. will be getting back to the right protein intake this week. still a bit loose locking it down because tightness, but not needing ibuprofen to get under the bar or squat. Hopefully this rep work pays off
Wow this session was a lot. Almost puked from the Hatfields.

Low bar: 475, 380 4x3, 285 3x8
Heel Elevated close stance Hatfields: 295 3x8
RDLs: 315 3x8
speedy squats
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the world belongs to those with the shortest arms in comparison to their height
Your arms would look less short if you weren't incredibly fat
I'll upload my powerclean next, you can see my deadlift lockout then
Your lockout height will change if you lose 100 lbs
damn, how does that work

my arms will grow now
Yo Bobby's based now?
Please tell me you drive trucks for a living
Your proportions will change somewhat the fatter or skinnier you are. Not saying you'd lockout at knee height if you were 12% bf and <200 lbs but it does change.
I drive a school bus, but in a few years probably a hazmat truck ideally, I want to be home every day to lift
interesting broscience
Damn you actually do. I was just messing with you though and i hope you get the hazmat truck gig
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It's not broscience. It's most noticeable with deadlift lockout because as you get bigger/fatter you get wider and as a result have your arms in a wider position than they'd be if you were smaller.
that is literally a lie and not a factor in my deadlift lockout, my hips and knee breadth determine my hand position
You have to stand wider in order to make room for your humongous belly dummy
you can watch the video and see that that isn't a factor and has no effect on anything

for other people, maybe, but for me, not at all

my hip width and knee breadth determines that
You are standing slightly wider than someone skinnier would. Even Dave Tate says that proportions change as you get bigger.
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>fat lolcows baiting each other
Trip on bobby
>obese leading the obese
/plg/ is back
oh really, did you watch the video

where did my belly prevent me from getting into my stance

my toes point outwards in a neutral stance, my knee breadth and overall bone structure is wide, my arms are short for my height

I pull exactly the same, you can look at it and see if fat is getting in the way for anything
What a world. They're both 300 lbs and over 35% bodyfat too. Crazy.
I'm blessed, why would I be ashamed of having great mass genetics

there is a guy much fatter than me at the gym who looks like dogshit, I can get close to a vtaper even weighing 315lbs at 5'9" I'm seriously blessed with my shoulder genetics and frame, the only issue is I am conversely cursed with bad deadlift proportions
Yes I watched it. You naturally are slightly standing wider. Your arms would be straight up and down if you were skinnier but instead they're more like a semi snatch grip.

I'm 263 anon

fat is not changing my form even slightly
before you respond again jackass, look at where my knees are, my arms can't go any further in, that is literally my neutral stance
sorry to inform you bobbert but youre getting baited by another character
You're delusional lmao

Yes, your hips will look wider as a result of having fat everywhere. Look at pic related and tell me that having large amounts of fat doesn't change how wide your hips look.

I sincerely hope that this is the case
you are a literal dumbass who has never seen me before this moment, my toes have always pointed out in a neutral stance, maybe because my massive cock and something to do with hip genetics

there is literally nothing getting in the way of my stance, you are just mad at being wrong
>He doesn't understand that a neutral stance becomes wider and wider the bigger you get
my neutral stance is manspreading

you weren't given enough testosterone in the womb so your toes point inward, if that was the case with me, my legs would be crushing my massive balls, but luckily I was designed better than that
prove it

look at my knees, how do my hands go further in, this is my neutral foot position, you want me to stand with my feet touching
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>You're delusional lmao
The whole point of what I'm saying is that if you were less fat/big you would be less wide and stand proportionately narrower. It would still look "neutral" but it would be narrower in absolute terms, which would mean that your arms would go in more.
I literally wouldn't, look at my foot position mid set, it can't go any further in
bobby its great that youre back but this convo isnt going anywhere and (You) should just stop replying
>fat fuck got fatter

Last reply
please tell me where my belly is preventing me from getting into my stance and getting to the bar

that was the original claim
you're a dumb fuck who knows absolutely nothing and can't even look at a video proving your wrong

muh some guy said it changed his proportions so it has to have changed yours

my belly doesn't prevent my neutral stance

my bodyfat has no effect on my deadlift lockout position, which you can easily see on the video

my toes point out in a neutral stance and always have, midset my feet are as close as they can get for me to still generate power and to get my hands to the bar outside of my knees

as a effect of the fact that my toes point out in a neutral stance naturally my knee position is also wider than most people in the deadlift

on top of that my arms are very short despite 70 inch wingspan at 69 inch height

there are a multitude of factors making my deadlift nonideal but none of them are my bodyfat and you can see with literal video evidence that this isn't the case, you stupid fuck
Bobby, its another new character. He has to switch out the character since Gym Charmin was found out.
do obese
skip breakfast? or any meal for that matter?
I have been. On my way to being a twinky fuck
the only thing you skip are heart beats
is it true that when you point your feet outwards to squat your knees naturally follow

and if your neutral stance is your toes pointing outwards, that would mean your knees would be wider in the deadlift


I'll have to think about this
biomechanically speaking

Why not just focus on losing weight and getting stronger rather than proportions.
everyone has to have a gimmick, this is mine

it's just a fact of life, I have short arms, and I'm width maxxed

obviously I am focused on getting stronger and losing bodyfat, otherwise I wouldn't be lifting
>skipping meals / random fasting
classic fatty mistake
I finally understand /plg/.

I finally understand what it's like to have a place on the internet that you feel excited to visit. A place that you put a real part of yourself into when you post, and make content there. A place that you want to see grow, and flourish.

I finally understand. Some of you have been here for years. You post your lifts, and exchange your ideas about lifting, Day in and day out you contribute to the thread so that it will grow, and so that what you do here will become deeper, and richer with meaning.

I finally understand how frustrating it would be if one day, out of the blue, a poster showed up who began posting their lifts, and exchanging their ideas about lifting, and you realized that, in comparison, yours were but a pale shadow of the truth. Shadows that are being cast onto the wall of a cave by a fire that is beyond your description. But not beyond his.

I finally understand /plg/. And that is why I will never leave. I will be here six months from now. I will be here when I squat 4pl8s. I will be here a year from now. I will be here two years from now. I will be here when I squat 5pl8s. I will be here five years from now, a decade from now. I will be here.

Because you need my analysis, and you need my guidance, my lost little piggies.

Now oink for me.
>And that is why I will never leave
you were here long before me and you will be here long after me, sean
this kills the fat fuck
Saying shit without saying shit
Being fat is great actually
It's not random though, it's planned out
Be great
BTW you're much fatter than me somehow and you weigh 263 somehow, there's shit bulging out forming into tits all over you

My arms are probably bigger than yours and my bench is 165 3x5 wtf

And I'm being gaslit about being fat from this mf
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Only played first half (we were up 38-0) so the young bucks could get some XP. But even with short time I racked up some accolades
>1 jackal
>2 loose ball recoveries
>1 blocked kick
>2 mauls spearheaded for trys
>1 strip within our 22 that led to a score without anyone getting tackled (it got passed off 7 times on the breakaway)
>1 assist
>double digit tackles, half of them solo and mostly for loss of meters, and 0 missed tackles (the stat that matters)
Encanto soundtrack
With each knee having a torn meniscus, the right one has been acting up lately. So it'll be tender for the next 6 weeks I'm sure. Goodbye Squat PR opportunity. Amazingly, my lowerback has held up through the fall. 17 weeks until spring half kickoff. Goals include
>get down to ~190 (sitting 199ish, was 215 in June)
>improve game day cardio by incorporating sprints with threshold runs
>320 5'9, likely 50"+ waist
>Thinks he's being gaslit about being fat when he's 40%+ bf
Literally cannot make this shit up
You still look fatter somehow

How do you do it
>Last reply
Sorry, I was just so gobsmacked
I lurked for months, then started posting my training logs and theories, proved that I had a 520x5 squat without a belt, and was met with cope from weaker, fat lifters claiming that the gains I made couldn’t possibly be real with the programming I ran. Rather than trying hard and losing weight, the /plg/ coped. Now I float in and out, still advising those wise enough to listen.
that's a term only used by women and gays
It's mainstream now gramps
It's possible you just have smaller clavicle

Or you just don't put on muscle despite strength gains

Or your bone structure is smaller
>women and gays are mainstream
ya fucked up grandson
Some words are good inventions that make our language more efficient with having to call everyone a nig
Nowadays lil brown zoomeritos get banned for saying gg ez in league of brown zoomeritos. Not being able to repeatedly call your competition a nigger in online games is a cultural and intellectual regression. Lil brown zoomeritos will never know the camaraderie that is built from hurling racial slurs both online and offline.
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good post
You can't even squat 3pl8...
there is power in using the enemies words against them

like as a white saying you're a minority and you're being discriminated against, etc

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