I started doing ring pullups a few weeks ago and the first thing i noticed was an increased biceps activation in comparison with regular chinups. The bicep pump i'm getting is insane. Is there any evidence for this?
>>75470053>Is there any evidence for this?Why is everyone on /fit/ a fucking retard>do ring pull ups>get bicep pump>"HEY GUYS IS THERE ANY EVIDENCE FOR THIS"Mother fucker you just got a sick pump from doing it, why do you need some outside validation that it works? And yes ring pull ups are based
>>75470053>>75470689no thanks, i like to pump each separately with completely loose shoulder and elbow, kinda look like arm-wrestling move when they get elbow in except i lean to the side and keep everything even my grip loose but the biceps >how do u know u're doing it right? elbow does not hurt during nor after and it fucking grows that's how and shoulder doesn't know biceps was worked, it is distracted with engorged rear delt lol >>75434540that's long head: to straighten muscle fibers of long head (which originates in completely different place than short - look it up) u need full external shoulder rotation (webm for illustration purposes) and u need 90 degs or so of adduction of humerus, yes exactly like if u were doing front double biceps, so u lean torso to the side so it is near horizontal (i like to stand on sth with opposite leg) fully externally rotate shoulder and there u weigh the weight of the dumbbell on isolated long head of biceps, shoulder loose and elbow travels back and forth>why can't i curl like and regular brou can, but it won't grow shit and all u will do is fuck up elbow biceps tendon
>>75470053There's a thread for this already: >>75461016