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/lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local language models.

Previous threads: >>100533115 & >>100524511

>(05/14) PaliGemma, Gemma 2, and LLM Comparator: https://developers.googleblog.com/gemma-family-and-toolkit-expansion-io-2024
>(05/12) Yi-1.5 Released with Improved Coding, Math, and Reasoning Capabilities: https://hf.co/collections/01-ai/yi-15-2024-05-663f3ecab5f815a3eaca7ca8
>(05/11) Japanese 13B model trained on CPU supercomputer: https://hf.co/Fugaku-LLM/Fugaku-LLM-13B
>(05/11) OneBit: Towards Extremely Low-bit LLMs: https://github.com/xuyuzhuang11/OneBit
>(05/10) Gemma 2B - 10M Context: https://hf.co/mustafaaljadery/gemma-2B-10M

►News Archive: https://rentry.org/lmg-news-archive
►FAQ: https://wikia.schneedc.com
►Glossary: https://rentry.org/lmg-glossary
►Links: https://rentry.org/LocalModelsLinks

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4o made the same mistake as "Her" did - ugly strong womynx voice
basically 3 parts, LLM w/RAG for internet results, TTS and a STT like whisper to record your questions for the LLM to read.

with sacrifices probably get everything in 16-24gb of vram
I vant voice of stronk ivan boy in my AI. Should have accent. Should have personality!
StyleTTS2 seems a lot faster than whisper.cpp, but I could be talking out of my ass.
MM still my go to RP but I've incorporated L3 Astoria occasionally to edge and then L3 Storywriter to prompt a lengthy coom finale. Fuck 8k context though.

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Don't buy anything OTHER THAN IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad T, X, and W/P Series if you want the Real Business Experience™
>Other business laptops are welcome in /tpg/ (Dell Latitude/Precision, HP EliteBook/ZBook)

Why ThinkPad?
>Used machines are plentiful and cheap
>Excellent keyboards, tactile feel and quiet
>Great durability: magnesium roll cage for structural integrity, with high quality plastic body panels
>Utilitarian design: e.g. indicator LEDs, 7 row keyboard layout on older models
>Docking stations that easily turns your laptop into a desktop
>Easy to repair (most models), upgrade & maintain thanks to readily available service manuals for every model, spare parts easy & cheap to obtain
>Excellent Linux & *BSD support

ThinkWiki - General info about ThinkPads/specs

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What is this image supposed to be? Why is it all blurry? I think I might have cadillacs.
As always, the answer is an X230.
I posted about something like this in one of the previous threads a while ago. I edited an X230 to look like the 701c's beige shell. The result was kinda meh. I think the 701c really stands out with its white shell and keyboard with the red ThinkNipple. Maybe you can find a contact on Aliexpress. I would not recommend 3D printing unless you really know how to make it structurally sound. This guy replaced the bottom shell of his 701c with a 3D printed one, so maybe it's feasible.
See-through electronics are used in prison.
It's tradition. Besides, who else will spoonfed silly newfaggots who can't be bothered to do a quick search?
Try Aliexpress first, particularly Kingsener. I don't know why, but eBay sellers seem particularly sketchy.
hi /tpg/, i'm new to thinkpads and found a good deal locally, the seller didn't specify the model though, could anyone help me identity it? it's like 60$, probably will grab it.
I don't want one because I don't like the name
The word "pad" makes me think of period pads and the word "think" in tech makes me think of some corporate diversity hire TEDtalk lecture about "innovation" or something, spewing buzzwords constantly. That's why I will never get one
I think I can make out X220 on the bottom left of the monitor
This the "peace" wallpaper from windows XP

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Gary Marcus was right about AI
no, this guy is an idiot. AGI is here, tszzl said so

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I'm getting cloudflare captcha hell on firefox. So I had to download chromium to post on 4chan now.
Both browsers have 3rd party cookies disabled.
Both browsers have same extensions with same settings.
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If you are using Chrome, just disable/delete Pop up blocker
I needed to whitelist Cloudflare in CanvasBlocker
Anyone figure out how to get around cloudflare hell on Brave? I tried adding 4chan to third party cookies exceptions and lowering shields.
Disable umatrix, ublock and canvas blocker, then go to cloudfare challenges and test it, it should work, now you can enable those extensions as before.
>it should work
only until the next time Cloudflare asks for a challenge. instead, whitelist challenges.cloudflare.com

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you changed it (it was static) and made it ambiguous you fucking SI fag
i asked him
SI prefixes were established and widely used in a consistent manner before some CS/EE fags decided to use them incorrectly to describe certain computer parts. Not all computer parts mind you, for some reason they did SI prefixes correctly to describe things like processor clock speed, but for some retarded reason they thought it was okay for mega in CPU megahertz to mean something different than the mega in RAM capacity, which is just dumb.
Can you answer these:
- >>100541805
- How many faggots are in a megafaggot or a gigafaggot

You can't tell just from the SI prefix. Language doesn't work like that.
Trying to redefine a unit of measure seems like an excuse to try not get sued for false advertising.

Just like it would not be okay to say: Oh, but 1 KG is actually 900 grams, what you are refering to is 1 KiG

Makes absolutely no fucking sense

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310+ yoe edition

Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.

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lick my feet, street shitters
im a zoomer whats wrong
nullgorithm beat u

u got beat by a streetshitter
>censoring fuck
Sociopath detected
We're so fucked lol

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A voluntary Digital ID coming soon (we all know it won't always be voluntary):
>"A national digital identification bill has finally passed through both the Senate and now Parliament"
> An economy-wide digital ID system will provide many benefits to Australians by improving privacy and security when interacting online,
pdf for bill (disturbing reading):
pic related: some of the data that will be linked to your "ID". social credit score coming soon (i guess).
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Satanism is literally Jewish tho.
There are zero neo nazi satanists who aren’t feds or retarded schizos getting bamboozled by feds.
regular id *does* stop phone scammers you fucking mutt
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never happened

hello glownigger.

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>piracy is actually wrong
>privacy frontends like invidious are unethical
>macos is better than linux
why are they like this?
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>communal growth
is that what you think this place is for?
>orange reddit
The official brand color of Reddit is still orange?
>Also "insidious" is a common and very useful word
it is but they misuse it all the fucking time. They think it just means bad/annoying. They also use "onerous" for anything mildly tedious
Hacker news is based, they are the last sane tech website online and they are not what you're describing. I have an appreciation for a community full of competent "normies" as opposed to twacked out neets.
This is just >>>/vr/

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It takes teamwork to make the dream work edition

Prev: >>100511241

>What is DALL-E 3?
You type some text and it makes some images


Bing AI Slop 0.6.2

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Thanks. I tried working in that thing where things that reenter the atmosphere get "covered" in got plasma, but this was the best I could do
>illustration, girl wearing a shirt and shorts, headphones, in a hammock
>Sure, here's four pictures
>anime illustration, girl wearing a shirt and shorts, headphones, in a hammock
AI still produced the occasional unexpected nightmare out of nowhere.
Imagine those boob-faces making out with each other

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Grok is 4chan friendly, OpenAI is not.

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>God, I'm glad 4chan doesn't support emoji.
Are you reading this you fucking Elon? If you're reading this please post
"agooobagooba gabagooobagag!"
to know you received the comms.
Maybe he's just virtue signalling to his chronically online incel audience. That would be you guys.
Elon lick my anus.

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those who use this instead of linux... why?
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>retarded statement
>no elaboration whatsoever
Mong post.
MacOS has 1 (one) DE, which certainly isn't perfect, but it at least offers a self-consistent and generally polished user experience.
Linux has 2 (two) major competing graphical servers which are both absolutely fucked in different ways, and dozens of desktop environments/window managers. Most applications are developed with a specific DE in mind and will look/work like shit on any other. Linux has been chugging along just fine as a server OS or as a kernel to build other OS's around it (Android for example), but the year of the Linux desktop is never ever because freetards can't into UX.
it just works unlike troonix
It's just unix for normies
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It just works.
Meanwhile on troonix.

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>How do I activate Windows
HWID2 mimics a valid Windows installation to generate a permanent legitimate license.
>And Office?
Same link.
You can also use Office.com if your needs are very minimal,
or try OnlyOffice/LibreOffice and set it to save as MSOffice file formats.

>Which version should I install?
W10 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2021
-10 yrs support, EoL 2032
-5 yrs on plain LTSC
-Binary identical to Enterprise except no MS Store and no bloat apps
-If you need MS Store run this in cmd: wsreset -i

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I think they both suck
> >100544976
never should have come here, dawgity
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Got LTSC up and running. How do I get rid of this obnoxious popup when I join games now that I no longer have Xbox bloat?
install xbox game bar from ms store
or just ignore it, it doesnt affect anything
can also write an angry post shitting on the dev for force starting the game bar when it's completely unnecessary
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Nevermind, just realized the game bar is still enabled despite, well, not existing. Toggling this to off fixed the issue.

What went wrong?
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it's ok you will get a feel for skull shapes, also you can tell he's been in a fight because his nose was broken. may have been raped.
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This thread is fucking garbage
are americans really just dumb nigger cattle ?
Found the NPC soundbite regurgitator, a.k.a., the common trooncel

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The purpose of this thread is to discuss Maid Computers.

>What is a Maid Computer?
A Maid Computer is a highly mobile computer which can be used while standing or walking, without peripherals or special furniture, which can run compilers locally and has a physical keyboard and is small enough to fit in the standard apron of a maid outfit.

>Are Maid Computers just UMPCs?
A Maid Computer can be a UMPC, but UMPCs aren't necessarily all Maid Computers. A Steam Deck for example, is a UMPC, but not a Maid Computer, because the designers failed to give it a physical keyboard.

>Official Dra/g/on Maid Board Maidposting Guide
Please be polite when posting on the Dra/g/on Maid Board. Be nice to other maids and attach an image of your favorite maid to each post where you do not need the image field for something else (a process traditionally known as maidposting).

>Thread Open Discussion Topic
Discuss what Maid Computers you have and how you use them. Discuss high-end Maid Computers. Is there a manufacturer better than GPD? What Maid Computers do you want and how will you use them?
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Does this count. I have midget fingers btw.
What the fuck are you talking about? Computers for real men have wombs and can be cummed inside
It's some kind of in-house version of Android they had to cook up in order to work with the physical keyboard. I'm not a software savvy person, but from user experience it feels like you're using a wireless keyboard that disconnects the moment you slide it back into place and reconnects when you open it back up again. The action is instant, of course, but sometimes the screen doesn't always flip horizontal. Also with some webpages and apps the layout is absolute horseshit, in some cases you can get a single line of typing space in which makes the keyboard almost moot in that it would almost be easier to type just holding the phone portrait style and still using the onscreen keyboard.
Honestly I have no idea what happened to the company since I received the device and frankly a settlement doesn't surprise me. This device, while it has great construction has really buggy software and I had to email them multiple times asking them where the phone I ordered was and when it would arrive. They finally gave me a ship date, and then a tracking number a month after it supposedly left their hands. I never used an Android device before since I was wanting to break away from iPhones at the time and the Astro Slide had all the features I wanted (physical keyboard, 3.5mm audio, removable SD storage, USB-C). I wanted to say the worst part about this phone was the shitty wait time and customer service communication, but as you can see >>100536459 here, that's just the tip of the iceberg. Camera was horseshit, the audio had bad crackle, only one of the two USB-C ports supported fast charging, and only one of the two USB-C ports supported data transfer (Guess which ones LOL, thanks shitty user manual). The final straw for me was when I was trying to get home from a week long vacation out of state where I was giving the phone its first trial run, and in the middle of navigating me back home it just up and froze on me.
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I'm sure a higher resolution of it exists somewhere, but I'm guessing you're referring to my desktop wallpaper. Here you go friend.
go level your runecrafting it's embarassing

Let me guess.
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I love mine, the analog display is always available even if you are using timers or the stopwatch. Only downside is that the lug width is 18mm, which doesn't look that good imo. I got a chink adapter so I use 22mm straps on mine.
Link? Looks perfect for a tranner Im talking to.
I don't even need this. I have a phone.
Right, that's why Rolex has gone bankrupt and there's almost no male participation in the luxury watch mark--OH WAIT A MINUTE IT'S THE FUCKIN OPPOSITE.

Good job not being a 'wageslave' (read: unemployed)
>2 year battery
>Lagging OS
No thanks

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