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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
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$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

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Previous thread: >>100117335
This is one of the best pictures I've ever seen
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What's the use case of all the different terminals? What do people look for in them?
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Reposting cause bump limit. Any of you have used Distrobox with Debian, or any Debian based distro? What has been your experience so far? Have you used it combined with CLI shit like pipx or asdf? any jank you can recall? I am a newfag, but don't fear the CLI, i have used a fair amount of tools in the past and have been fiddling with a virtual machine in order to somewhat know what to expect, cause i'd rather be raped by pic related than ever endure Windows 11 showing me ads on shutdown on my fucking PC, so moving up is where it is for now. As a newfag, Linux Mint DE is very appealing, and apparently is mostly Debian with a few extra repos as training wheels, fine for now. I don't have very fancy requirements, mostly a way to run up to date Node.js and Golang to slave, pipx so i get a few goodies like yt-dlp or buku, PollyMC, and maybe Proton-ge to try some old games. All of that seems within the reach of the AUR, but i'm too coward for bare metal Arch, for now.
cute bussy, would pat pat.
Been using it for a while. Basically it has performance overhead for gaming over wine. For cli programs and development environment it's pretty solid.
There is one annoying bug. If a directory has a name with special characters like # and @, it will refuse to open shell to that directory and return to the container's home instead.
i'm thinking of switching back to gentoo
it hasn't been my main desktop since 2011, anything major i should know? what the current go-to programs/sites as far as overlays are concerned?
Interesting. Can you like, configure a keybind/alias to launch a shell directly inside the container without any mayor issue?
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Reminds me of a piece of graffiti I used to ride by, back in 2013 or so.

It just said "SAAS SUCKS".
>It just said "SAAS SUCKS".
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Anyone know how to make font rendering in firefox not look like a blurry piece of shit?
I've tried everything on google like disabling this and that rendering, but *nothing* in about:config does anything. Search engines tell me firefox uses the system font rendering, but that's BULLSHIT because my system fonts render correctly.

Pic VERY related. As a test I set the font of this post form to the same configuration as my OS and it's completely blurry as fuck whereas my OS is configured to have no antialising and "slight" hinting.
I just want my comfy square blocky system texts...

I got a fucking Firefox 2.0 wine install for webdev testing of backwards compatability and it fucking renders as it should.

I tried with Chrome and other clones as well, they also look retarded no matter what. I don't understand, what the fuck is wrong with web browsers in 2024 (except literally everything?).
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pic also related, firefox 2.0 just fucking works despite being old as fuck.
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I installed Debian on the same drive as W10. W10 is being possessive so I don't get a bootloader prompt. I expected that this would be simple to fix using the original install media, but nothing was forthcoming (I don't know how to be allowed to install grub under rescue mode and the regular installer would not let me install just grub). Did I completely miss the intended method? I kinda need to know regardless of whatever else because of the possibility of a windows update refucking the boot partition once a year.

Pic related: I figured I would try manually booting (to then get a working grub install) as I was able to find instructions for that but it ain't working - could be btrfs subvolume fuckery, iunno.

Trying to repair this is proving annoying enough that I guess I should just reinstall but I need to know what I did wrong originally. The only relevant thing I can think of is the "install to removable media" prompt of the grub step of the installer, which I declined as I understood it to pertain to hardware standards compliance and I shouldn't use it by default.
Can the one time purchase version of ms office work in wine?
Why not just get a pirated one?
But does the 2021 version work in wine?
Why not use Crossover for maximum compatibility? Better to pay than to go back to using windows. Part of the profit will be used for wine development anyway.
Nigger will it work in wine, crossover whatever or not?
2021 office. On linux.
Of course it works, you double nigger.
Try to consult here https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=37735
Only way to really be sure is trying. You can always create a container Distrobox and test there.
>new external hdd
>should be readable & writable on both linux and windoze
>not ntfs
is exfat my only option here? how bad is it that it's not journaled if I don't unplug it in the middle of operations like a retard?
ExFAT is pretty much you're only option if you don't want to make it NTFS, yes.
Currently having a problem with terminal
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That was a test.first time I have done that before.
Anyways I'll just repost the question and picture instead.

I keep getting this error.
I haven't really seen any performance issues or other issues from my computer but sometimes when I'm in the terminal (which is a lot)
This will just popup on my terminal and ruin my workflow. Whether I am in neovim or having just ssh'd into a remote computer.
I'm Running FEDora btw.
It doesn't just happen with neovim and ssh. Those are just examples of when it really affects my workflow since I am in the middle of doing something.
Are you on Wayland? Is Firefox running with the Wayland backend? If not, switch.
It looks as if you have fractional scaling enabled on a platform that doesn't support it, such as GNOME.
What's the use case for sharp fonts anyway?

>firefox 2.0 just fucking works
It doesn't work, it simply doesn't do antialiasing.
>installed Debian on the same drive as W10
The drive you install to is irrelevant.
>W10 is being possessive
It has nothing to do with your issue. It can't do anything.
Your kernel cmdline is wrong, add
>Are you on Wayland? Is Firefox running with the Wayland backend? If not, switch.
I'm using Linux Mint Cinnamon 21, as far as I know it doesn't.
>It looks as if you have fractional scaling enabled on a platform that doesn't support it, such as GNOME.
I do have it enabled. I can try turn it off, might need to restart though.
>It doesn't work, it simply doesn't do antialiasing.
Sounds like a feature not a bug to me.
Reposting question from last thread, what could be preventing my computer from supporting proper suspend-to-ram?
cat /sys/power/mem_sleep

The other options are supposed to be light and deep, of which I don't necessarily expect both to be supported, but surely at least one of them should be. "s2idle" isn't even a proper sleep, and still drains battery like crazy.

It's a thinkpad with a modern AMD CPU, 7840U. Surely it's a config error somewhere on my end... right?
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What communities do you guys consider to be the pillars of GNU/Linux, open source operating systems, and general FOSS ethos

From reading about Linux it seems to beDebian, Arch, and Redhat(in no particular order) is this correct?

>Debian, Arch, Red Hat
Yeah it's basically those three. Plus all their offshoots.
Also you could probably put SUSE there as well.
I think you just need a bitmap-only font. I don't think there's any reliable way to force bitmap mode in modern renderers even if the font contains a bitmap version. Picrel is a font called "Helvetica" (I don't think the typeface is actually Helvetica, I think it's MS Sans Serif), it was bundled with the Chicago95 theme for XFCE. You can download it off github and extract the font. I don't remember having to change any kind of settings to make it work properly, but I may be forgetting something (I fucked around a lot trying to get this stuff working).

Now, if you can help me get bitmap Tahoma working in the browser... my rice would be complete. It renders fine in my OS, but not the browser, because the renderer got an update which broke the font. I can't find a working replacement.
Linux Foundation, FSF, Freedesktop, GNOME, KDE.
are you asking about "core" distros, or are you asking about "communities" and "FOSS ethos"? there are plenty of decent distros and plenty of sociopolitical movements, the two don't necessarily overlap.
> are you asking about "communities" and "FOSS ethos"?
Don't they go hand in hand? Basically I'm asking who are the authorities in the "Free and Open Source" space. Not specifically for distros - but I assumed distros would be people who others respect most, and where most would build communities around no? Whose word is most golden by all? Who makes YOU, anon, feel like "yea i trust them and if they're around GNU/Linux is healthy and if they go away shit might be fucked."

desu i dont even fully know what I'm asking -- who are the google, apple, and microsoft of u niggas?!????!
Still salty about how the Linux foundation screwed over RMS.
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Forgot to mention those tards literally don't even fuckin use Linux.
Just an all around cancer to Linux and Foss IMO.
>i dont even fully know what I'm asking
That much is clear.

In short, there's many different ideologies, approaches and implementations. There is no singular authority and no real consensus on anything. There's business oriented commercial distributions (RHEL, SUSE), there's autism minimalism oriented ones (Gentoo, Slackware), some that cater to migrants from Windows (Mint), some ideologically contrarian ones (Artix)... You really need a basic overview of these things and figure out what it is that interests YOU specifically, before you can even try asking questions
How the fuck do I disable ALL automatic updates for ubuntu? I left windows because of this
delete the software manager thing and use the command line to manage packages
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grep -iR --include=*{.c} "goto" | wc -l
Is Qubes OS usable? any issues using ir? or just learn a few new things and then it's like using a normal distro?
The whole thing with Qubes is that everything that you use in the OS is loaded into it's own virtualized "qube" that's cut off from anything else. It's virtualization based security.
is it clunky? or easy?
It tries to make it fairly seamless, though I guess it comes down to your computer's processing power running all those virtualised instances.
Remember to use
set -o pipefail

$ bash -c 'set -o pipefail;if ! false | true ; then echo YES; fi'
# without pipefail (FAILS)
$ bash -c 'if ! false | true ; then echo YES; fi'

Shell is such a shit language sometimes
should i fall for wayland meme or stick to x
need to choose something for my distro
current idea is xenocara+dwm
using qubes for 2 years with almost no issues, its annoying to build iso so im moving to my own minimal lfs
my latest qubes backup only recovers when done manually so that made me quit, really want to stop relying on others bloatware
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Take the fishpill
Xenocara is:
>X11 (more specifically, the Xorg Server) but we fixed some of the gaping security holes

It's still shit and there are people working on porting Wayland to OpenBSD.

>Take the fishpill
Fish is a fine interactive shell but terrible for writing scripts in.
links to software so i can compile thanks
how do these compare to xenocara+dwm?
im going to use integrated intel grahpics on thinkpad

also loc comparsion to between x/dwm and wayland/sway

i currently use i3wm with no status bar and black background on qubes os with every window set as floating and keybinds for running commonly used software, just wanted to replicate that on dwm

distro is currently using llvm/musl/hardened_malloc/sinit/toybox/oksh just to give you philosophical beliefs
>Fish is a fine interactive shell but terrible for writing scripts in.
Skill issue + old habits + baby duck syndrome
No, it's genuinely shit. Look through their GitHub issues if you're still not convinced.
>links to software so i can compile thanks
>im going to use integrated intel grahpics on thinkpad
Work like a charm
>i currently use i3wm
Sway is i3-compatible Wayland compositor
thanks for the link, deps are listed in the repo so that makes this easy
will there be ever reason to ever update sway/wayland? im going for no package manager in my distro, just manual iso recompile with bumped tarball versions anytime i will want to update/security patch
does it make sense to compile sway with llvm sanitizers?
is also bonus factor for wayland so i might go sway 99%
>Sway is i3-compatible Wayland compositor
thats awesome although i wouldnt mind adapting config to other format
>does it make sense to compile sway with llvm sanitizers?
Not really. There might be a performance penalty to doing so and the devs are going to be testing with ASAN on, etc, anyway.
>disk partition table issues
>have to compile a minimal linux system from source to fix it
yeah no, you need arch and pacstrap.
If you don't install security updates quickly then your system will be vulnerable
Presumably they're a schizo that doesn't trust Canonical but still uses their operating system anyway and wants to manually review everything first.

Remove the unattended-upgrades package if it's installed
Remove Snapd
Disable any GUI software store / package manager shit
i kind of plan on compiling everything sanitizer, but maybe ill disable it on sway and some other stuff
now onto terminal choice
>Alacritty, Kitty, foot, or wezterm will use Wayland without additional configuration. You can use VTE-based terminals like GNOME Terminal. X-based urxvt is another popular option.
the ones that use rust are already discarded, i dont plan on compiling rust toolchain
which ones are least bullshit? currently use xterm and st
wish for something simple, no image support, no emoji support, no complications just terminal emulator
urxvt looks somewhat ok but does it really work with wayland?
which ones do you have experience with and prefer for wayland?
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do these kinds of attacks work on linux systems?
>Save Nix
also, dwl vs sway?
i only want floating windows as feature
i dont need status, i use powertop and manually probe bat level from terminal
> Although he holds no formal title of such, which is indeed symptomatic of the social problems, he tends to be the effective Benevolent Dictator for Life (BDFL) of Nix given his preëxisting social position in the project.
So he's Linus Torvalds and some trannies don't like that. I can stop reading here.
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Mucho texto, ain't reading that
if you're going to lead a big project then having some ability to work with others and not piss everyone off should be a requirement
It's his project. He's earned the right to be abrasive.
Anyone that wants to "save" it should follow the free software philosophy of put up or shut up and fork it. Make your own Nix with blackjack and hookers.
Do web browsers run the same engine on multiple operating systems? Yes. It doesn't mean any exploit would affect Linux specifically though and exploiting it is probably hard. Web browsers are lucrative targets but they also have strong sandboxing and Linux also has things like AppArmor or SE Linux that might get in the way of any potential sandbox escape.
>the free software philosophy of put up or shut up and fork it
nice in theory but in practicality having one person doing everything is not a sensible way to run a project
imagine if the linux kernel was still just maintained by one bloke and no one else was allowed to contribute
Why tails doesn't keep tor browser settings? I have to turn off JavaScript and some other settings after every reboot. Yes I have enabled persistence storage. Also, by default, tor browser opens the tails clearnet website. Isn't that bad for privacy? It has to connect to an exit node to go to tails clearnet website. Why they have configure it like that?
The complaint alleges that multiple people want this. You have more than enough people to go off and do your own thing. What are you waiting for?
What the fuck? Who snuck injection trojans into aniwave?
I did hear that the site went down for a while today, probably to deal with that.
so a scriptinjector trojan which is probably made for windows systems wont know what to do on linux or does it exploit the browser itself? kinda confused on that part because linux doesnt have an antivirus so a trojan injection through html would run rampant as im imagining since antiviruses block these with inspections
It depends what it does. It is possible to write cross-platform malware.
the log was 2023. these faggots have been doing it for a long time and im sure they are in bed together with hackers and pretend to care.
so how is linux safer than windows again? linux doesnt do shit against these unlike windows antiviruses such as ESET or the built in windows defender because they have packet inspections built in while linux takes it raw?
Linux has multiple things in its arsenal to deal with this. Fedora uses SE Linux and Ubuntu has AppArmor.

On my Gentoo system I also have AppArmor configured:
$ sudo aa-status
apparmor module is loaded.
90 profiles are loaded.
86 profiles are in enforce mode.
profiles are in kill mode.
0 profiles are in unconfined mode.
54 processes have profiles defined.
54 processes are in enforce mode.
0 processes are in complain mode.
0 processes are unconfined but have a profile defined.
0 processes are in mixed mode.
0 processes are in kill mode.

(Pic) is what happens if I try to access say my SSH keys in the browser. It can't do it because AppArmor prevents it from accessing them so potential malware cannot exfiltrate the sensitive data.
This is just one example, there's plenty of other security features on Linux.
Does fedora block ssh keys too? Or do you have install app armor on it aswell? Also does linux se and apparmor work together?
is this bait?
SE Linux and AppArmor are competing Security Modules. You pick one, although there is ongoing work to allow them to stack and be used together.

Using these security modules you can tightly control what programs can and can't do and what they can and can't access. They're not firewalls though (we have real firewalls for that which can do all the same fancy DPI that Windows does if you really want something looking at every single packet).
No im just a retarded windows fag on the edge to switch clearly. Im just playing devils advocate
Linux MX just keeps filling my SSD. The hell is going on? It just keeps filling itself. Should I move to another distro?
They are both equally as good? Im considering using fedora 40 later on
is it doing loads of snapshots/backups?
AppArmor is more user-friendly in my opinion (I can't configure SE Linux to save my life. A lot of people turn it off because of how complicated it is) but both work.
Can you switch off SE linux to apparmor in fedora?
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Oh I thought I had to set it up manually but it is already set up. It doesn't say how much space each snapshot is taking.
Install something like Baobab to visualize where the majority of the data is located.
With a custom kernel, yes, but you probably shouldn't do that. Fedora supports SE Linux, not AppArmor, so you should use that.
Theres a guide out there for SE linux on fedora? Im scared ngl. Are some settings on by default like block ssh access like you showed me? Or do you have to do everything yourself?

Good luck. You need a PHD to understand this stuff.
Yikes. Fug
its easy, ignore redshit guide
Never mind, modern laptops just don't support S3 sleep at all
I tried hacking around in the firmware to force it to show up but the laptop can't wake up from sleep with it, so it's non-functional

This is the new normal, awesome
>Alot of people turn it off
Why though? Are they asking to get their login info stolen?
should have bought thinkpad x230 instead of new pozz
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If I set it up to do weekly backups, should I set it up the day I want it to happen? Because it doesn't give me an option to set it to a day, it just says daily, weekly etc like if I want to do the snaps on a Sunday because that is the day I usually do system updates. I guess it does a snap on the day it is set up like if I set it up now to do snaps weekly I think it would do a snap right there.
How secure is linux system without either apparmor or se linux?
Good advice to be honest. Right off the bat Fedora's guide ventures into:
>What have I got myself into?
Territory. Or to put it another way:
>This is scary. I should leave it alone
Which is what they want.
I have an X230 but work was offering to buy a new laptop and I liked the idea of not having to ssh into another computer just to get acceptable compilation times
I am realising now I should have probably bought something like a T480 or so, maybe do some research about how recent I can go with the CPU still being functional. But since windows is made to support this new stuff out of the box and calls it "sleep", I'm guessing nobody even noticed, and somehow "sleeping" battery life being a single night has become the new normal at some point, so nobody complains or even mentions it.
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Still fairly secure. It's standard practice to run software as a separate unprivileged user. None of that helps with your web browser though:
I was looking through a list of syntax differences between fish and bash and every one except for arrays is better in bash, and zsh fixes the arrays. If somebody would fork zsh to include certain plugins and settings by default like fish has it would be perfect.
Can .deb packages be installed on other distributions? Like, can I unpack it, figure out any libraries I need as dependencies, and hack it to run? Maybe symlinking some libraries to account for different naming?

Or should I just run it in docker or something
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Oh no I can set it up to do monthly snapshots and just do it manually every sunday! Cool. It guess it will delete the old snapshots by itself.
Thats what am scared of and hesitant in switching to linux. The feeling of security is not there when i imagine browsing with a linux system. Theres nothing that protects the browser. Nothing to do with software. I meant script injection tier stuff popunders trying to mess with your browser
>If somebody would fork zsh to include certain plugins and settings by default like fish has it would be perfect.
There's a few plugins that almost everyone installs - zsh-syntax-highlighting, zsh-autosuggestions, and then your pick of either zsh-history-substring-search or zsh-autocomplete. The latter is a full-features completion plugin which also takes history into account, but zsh has pretty good built-in completion (definitely way better than bash), so you can go more minimalist and use that and just history-substring-search for scrolling through history by typing a prefix.

I haven't used fish in years but I don't think it adds any advantage over zsh with a setup like this.
I'm pretty sure there's a way to convert between deb and rpm packages
The browser is what protects the browser. If something exploits a bug in your browser then you're going to get pwned no matter what.
On arch there's a program called debtap but I couldn't get it to work
Well then same question for rpm
There's a package called Alien that does this. Or you could install dpkg and try with that.
Looking over the features of Kubuntu 24.04, thinking of staying on 22.04 for a while.
I already have Pipewire setup, the 6.8 kernel will be available for 22.04, I've got Plasma 5.27 from the backports repository.
Unless I'm overlooking something is there anything particular interesting in the upcoming release thats worth the trouble?
Windows is not exactly better.
Antivirus does exist on linux.
The problem is that it's badness enumeration. Antivirus doesn't define what's allowed to happen, it tries to list every possible thing that you want to ban from executing. It is trivial to bypass an antivirus by just finding another way to do the same thing.

That's why MAC (i.e. apparmor/selinux) get shilled, because they define what's allowed, and you can be confident everything else will be denied.

Without a MAC, you should basically a) keep your browser always up to date, and b) exercise caution when visiting untrusted or shady URLs. The first point is especially helpful because it is very, very unlikely that someone will have a zero-day for a major browser and will waste it on some skiddie exploit on some random pirate anime streaming website or whatever. And conversely, if anyone DOES deploy a zero-day for a major browser, it'll almost certainly not get caught by an antivirus either.
Why it says Libretto? Libretto as in Retroarch?
I used to play around with after effects when I used windows. Do you guys have any recommendations for AE alternatives?
>I have an X230 but work was offering to buy a new laptop and I liked the idea of not having to ssh into another computer just to get acceptable compilation times
this is exactly what i do also just not always
i put quad core into my x230 and it compiles way faster than with stock cpu
using web browser has same remote holes as on windows, just use ublock origin on firefox and something like mullvad dns with tracking and malware blocking as fallback
AppArmor is way easier to navigate then SELinux and has many GUI interfaces
SELinux always came off as by gov/enterprise for gov/enterprise and everyone else be damed.
you have 3 more years to figure out whether you need to upgrade or not. if there's no need, there's no point. the longer you wait, the more stable each release gets.
That's exactly why I use it on my Gentoo system. Gentoo supports SE Linux too but AppArmor is so much easier to wrap my head around.

The apparmor-utils in particular have a very nice user-experience with aa-status, aa-logprof and aa-genprof, etc.

I don't see any reason not to use AppArmor on any system. If you're not using SELinux then you should definitely take the time to configure AppArmor. It's not difficult and works pretty well.
wtf are trojan script injectors through html then?
someone said apparmor doesnt work well with fedora. is that true?
Thats how I've been feeling about it.
Looking over the release notes, wasn't really finding anything jumping out that would make the effort worth it. Most things of worth have been backported to 22.04 already.
Presumably something exploiting a browser bug in its renderer or video decoder, image decoders, etc. It could be anything.

It's a vague "This thing attacks your browser".

If you're using uBlock Origin (and you should) you probably wouldn't notice these things anyway. Also, if you keep your browser up-to-date like >>100144995 said you're not going to be affected anyway because nobody is burning expensive 0days on a shitty anime shit.
It works fine, it just not set up at all out of the box so there are a few extra steps to get it going.
It works fine. The issue is Fedora has no apparmor-utils packages and their kernel >>100144667 disables it.

You shouldn't use AppArmor on Fedora but you can make it work if you want.
literally what happened here this guy posted ESET logs of blocking them >>100143684
The logs don't really say what the issue is. It's a generic "this thing is bad so we're blocking it".
>shitty anime shit
aniwave/9anime is the most visted anime streaming site, so I expect that's the reason why someone tried to inject a HTTP trojan into certain pages.
But as the other anon said, if you have UBO then shit like that is blocked anyway.
the guy who posted the ESET log here. i had ublock with all the filters and it still came through ublock until ESET picked it up and it came from the stream video decoder
>want to go linux
>choose distro, install everything, spent days setting everything up to my needs and doing little tweaks, learn a lot
>satisfied with the performance, look and feel
>back to just lurking as per usual
You should keep your browser up-to-date. If it's exploiting one of the libvpx bugs, etc, then that shit is already patched in any up-to-date browser.
that was 2023-11 if you look at the log and to my shame i was using chrome at the time. i was retarded. i use hardened firefox now
Well anyone that isn't retarded would be using a tweaked Firefox with UBO to browse the net.
Still if you keep your browser up-to-date it won't affect you. All of these anti-virus tools are reporting and stopping vulnerabilities that have already been fixed and patched. None of them are effective against genuinely unknown 0days that have yet to be discovered in the wild.

That's why things like MAC help on Linux because they say:
>Okay, you can exploit my browser but once you break out of the sandbox you will not be able to touch my sensitive data and if I have configured things appropriately you will be killed for even daring to try to do so
Yes but I also wanted
>1080p screen
>good modern LCD at that
>recently manufactured plastic rather than 10 year old thrice refurbished chipped-corners
>similarly for hinges, I've had a couple of xx20/30 series thinkpads and the hinges always get wobbly after a decade+ of use
>something that could be lighter without compromising on structure or efficiency
>speaking of efficiency, how about some modern TDP
>and consequently battery life
I use it every day and honestly I was just tired of dealing with the old thing. Yeah it's "good enough" but there's way better stuff now too.
I probably wouldn't have upgraded five years ago, but by now, the gap has grown so much that I decided to go ahead.

It's just that nobody told me that sleep mode had been removed at some point. That and the keyboard are the only two downgrades; and the keyboard is passable and I can use an external one when I'm at a desk, and I knew it ahead of time so it wasn't a dealbreaker. That's why I'm mad about the sleep.
im pretty sure if they do exploit the browser they rather steal your session tokens on your browser than doing something this complex
yeah i reckon i spent 95% of my computing time just web browsing so makes essentially no difference what os i run
What does MAC stand for? is it Apparmor and SE linux?
Pretty much >>100144831
They can get your PayPal and Bitcoin and an anti-virus isn't going to stop it if it's a new unknown 0day.

That's why schizos use multiple browsers and different profiles, etc.
Mandatory Access Control
schizos use Qubes OS
sounds stupid but does using icognito (private tab) on firefox obviously with ublock on help mitigate getting exploited or is there no difference?
it's no different on windows
i use bubblewrap on linux to sandbox my browser
is fedora 40 out yet? i dont get it really. some people are using it on youtube to showcase but i can only get 39
it's in beta
full release end of april i believe
is there a 40 release for KDE version aswell? im a KDE shill and dont like gnome..
>1080p screen
you can put up to 2k screen into x230
>similarly for hinges, I've had a couple of xx20/30 series thinkpads and the hinges always get wobbly after a decade+ of use
they are made to survive 30 000 opens
>speaking of efficiency, how about some modern TDP
>and consequently battery life
my x230 runs at 6w casually giving me easy 8 hours of life at 80% charge with 6 cell, you can optimize power draw alot only bottleneck is cpu scheduler and display
>but there's way better stuff now too.
imo no

maybe im too deep into the x230 meme, but i think its one of the last usable laptops today
i can see the need for more modern laptop but i am beyond the point of return

"I'll have whatever Intel was smoking when they ripped S3 suspend out of Tiger Lake. At least we aren't the only clients suffering"
it released today!
im retarded. i didnt check on their website recently thats awesome
new linuxfag here do you have to format your SSD every couple of months to install the newest linux distro version or can you update it? i literally have two working braincells. if its the former isnt it a bit aids to do so?
linux "updates" = software updates
eg. browser, vlc, gimp, desktop, kernel updates
so no, you dont format your drive to update
There's probably no real difference. Browsers change their behaviour slightly in incognito/private browsing but still are probably vulnerable if they're not patched.
typically more user friendly distros have just one click upgrading from one version to the next
for me I'd rather just back up and reinstall from scratch every year or two on both my linux and windows machines
what if you want to switch from fedora 39 to 40?
Upgrade through DNF. There's a particular command you have to do to do a sysupgrade, Google it. It's been a while since I last used Fedora.
the question rather was if it does get exploited can it grab your token sessions in private mode because nothing saved on there?
just do a system update and you'll get this message in your software manager
oh awesome so nothing gets wiped right only the system gets upgraded?
That depends on the nature of the exploit. If it can escape that or break out of the sandbox, etc, then it's game over either way.
theoretically yes everything stays as is in terms of your installed software and all your user files
i would recommend backing up your home directory before upgrading though just in case something goes wrong
i see
How do I short mozilla, linux, open sores, and trannies
thanks for reminding
>it released today!
Great, I'll upgrade to it in about 6 months when it's less of a dumpster fire.
You can hide the message like >>100142125 suggested, but you really should diagnose what is causing it. That could be bad RAM, a bad CPU memory controller, or a motherboard with a defective memory channel.
Even if it is being detected and corrected, the fact its happening every few minutes is a solid indicator of failing hardware, and you will sooner or later need to deal with it. It's best to deal with it while you have a choice rather than wait until it suddenly becomes unusable.
Start by resetting your "BIOS" configuration and running memtest for a few hours or until it reports errors.
whats dumpster fire about it? it has the new KDE plasma too
NTFS would be fine, as long as you don't enable any of the "fancy" NTFS features like file encryption and compression (the ntfs3 driver in particular can't handle writing to compressed files).
I'll let you find out the hard way.
How do i handle multiple profiles using Firefox in a Flatpak? Does it pick it from the same places vanilla Firefox does?
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say it nigga
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whats your problem
How do I set up my printer? Is an HP DeskJet Im running Debian.
When I connect the printer I get a popup (in spanish) that says there is no controller I guess drive, and gives a button to search, I click it and then nothing happens
so has every major DE at this point copied this gay ass retarded transparent bezel for window screenshots from macOS? i fucking hate this shit
"hp deskjet" is not useful, they've been making deskjet's since the '80s
Debian KDE
HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2300
i just installed windows on my new pc and now i want to install linux. can someone help me dual boot? i dont want to mess up the partitions or anything. i've never done this before.
no u kys if you think that kind of retarded candy ass bloat is okay
>using pipewire
>receive bluetooth audio from phone via wireplumber
>when audio output device is connected/disconnected, bluetooth audio cuts out
>have to reconnect bluetooth to get it working again
wut do
>you can put up to 2k screen into x230
A bit too small, 14'' 1080p is what I wanted (and got).
Granted I could get a T430 which would be equivalent I guess.
Are there actually fully compatible GOOD 1080p LCDs, with small bezels, that can be modded in? And don't require waiting for some bespoke modkit only available from china for $69.420 when the chinese new year coincides with a blue moon?

I might keep my X230 as a personal laptop in case my job wants the new thinkpad back once I leave, mind you, so I'm not opposed to sprucing it up.

>they are made to survive 30 000 opens
The actual metallic hinge part, maybe. They are screwed into the case and held in place by an extremely thin layer of metal, and I've only ever seen it having snapped and with the entire hing itself wobbling inside its little recess in the case.
Granted I'm not a gigantic thinkpad connoisseur collector who's seen hundreds of X-series, but I've had a couple and they've all had this problem.
You also don't say anything about the general plastic case, or weight. Now I'm not one to sacrifice actual qualities for weight or shape, but new laptops are vastly more powerful WHILE being lighter and easier to carry around, use in bed, carry in a backpack, etc.

>my x230 runs at 6w casually giving me easy 8 hours of life at 80% charge with 6 cell
Huh, maybe my battery's shot, or maybe I'm just that poorly optimised. I rarely get more than 2-3 hours. TLP usually reports around 13W consumption.
How do you optimise the display?

And finally there's the whole "ssh somewhere else to do anything" thing. If you're fully committed to using a thin client, then X230 is an excellent choice honestly. But to me that's pretty much only viable on LAN, because there's no good solution for latency-adjusted typing over SSH. No, even mosh is shit, I've tried it. And if I can only use it at home, what even is the point of a laptop?

That's what kills it for me ultimately.
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something that new will support ipp everywhere/airprint/driverless printing, so should work with cups without need any specific driver to be installed
i haven't used kde's current printer gui, but you could try setting it up in cups directly, by going to http://localhost:631/admin and clicking "add printer", see what shows up
if nothing shows up, try visiting your printers' web interface and make sure ipp everywhere/airprint services are enabled
think it's just how itsfoss.com do their screenshots
looks pretty
Looks like Finland. Is it Finland?
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Firefox sometimes completely freezes and I have to kill it. Anyone had the same problem? Any idea how to fix it?
I'm using firefox flatpak version in wayland. I haven't changed anything when freezes started so it seems either random update to firefox or random update to packages broke everything.

My distro is garuda, running in wayland mode on laptop with hybrid graphics.
I thought of distrohopping, but endeavouros's website is in maintenance mode, so it'll wait.
i'm no geoguessr autist, but if you do want to go down that rabbithole, that drain lid might be your biggest clue
I'm trying to decide a plan for Windows compatibility but I'm not sure how much issue there actually is. Is it overkill to have emulation (first choice) > virtual machine (backup) > native partition (Interrupting linux workflow where no other compatibility is possible)? I figure I'd need to set aside a substantial amount of storage each for VM and partition to be able to fit a large game in which is a little cumbersome given the filesystem. The VM at least can store virtualized ntfs within a linux filesystem?
Asks me for a user and password, seems sus, I never used cups before
>seems sus
it's the print server on your machine, notice the localhost
It is. It's right next to the Oodi library.
You are right I just got weird it out by the user password.
I tried on the US system preferences add printer but it adds the printer then it says innactive and cant do anything
Found your problem
what protocol did you add it as?
nta how do you install firefox nightly on fedora?
found you another problem
fuck off cuck
Hello everyone, new linux user here, using linux mint. How exactly can I automatically remove software remnants after an uninstall? Both for apt and flatpaks, they leave remnants in a multitude of hidden folders in the home folder. In windows there's software like revo uninstaller that scans for associated files and the such to delete them, is there something similar for linux? Or maybe something in apt or the software manager application?
I erased the printer and add it again
I see 2 options for local printers,
>CUPS-BRF (Virtual Braille BRF Printer)
>HP DeskJet 2300 series (HP DeskJet 2300 series)
I chosed HP, then next
Have 3 fields
Location is empty and I leave it like that, also a check mark for sharing and I leave it unchecked.
Then I choose the model
>HP Deskjet series
And add printer, I didnt see an option for protocol
sudo apt remove --purge programname
Look at a glownogging machine emoting.
i unironically switched off arch to fedora. not only more stable but updates are faster. nice try glowie but you wont install a backdoor on me
Distros that never had the backdoored XZ
Distros that had backdoored XZ but weren't vulnerable due to configuration
Distro that had backdoored XZ and was vulnerable to it
>openSUSE Tumbleweed
So I have an Asus laptop, I had Xubuntu installed on it, it worked fine for a fair while, but then the network began to drop out all the time it became literally unusable like ever 30 seconds the connection would hang for minutes. I was sure it was a hardware issue, but then I tried a live usb and that seemed to have no issues, so I did a fresh re-install and then issue was there again, I then thought fuck it I'll try a factory reset, put windows back on it how I got it OOTB and it works fine again so I'm assuming there must be some weird flaky driver issue.

Is there a distro other than ubuntu worth trying that should be pretty stable and not have these sorts of issues or are drivers universal across distros?
Same can response as always. When will the glownoggers update your database, interactive device?
Only the biggest glownogging distros are recommended by the machine. Who woulda thunk it?
You could attempt to use BTRFS, Windows has some third-party program to read BTRFS. I wouldn't do that personally because I've had numerous problems with supported Windows FS', much less a third party extension but it is an option nonetheless.
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you can see what protocol was picked up by the address on the page after picking the printer
if i search for mine for example it gets picked up thrice, with 3 different protocols, DNS-SD, IPP, and LPD, i'm not an expert with printer stuff, but i believe you want to pick IPP where available, i think DNS-SD is functionally equivalent, just a different way to find it, and LPD you don't want to use unless it's the only option, it's much older. i have mine setup using IPP. you may have to pick one and go to the next page to see which one it is
new to linux do i have to compare the SHA256 code and the other hash data to the ISO or is it schizo tier thing to do? i never had to do this but its on the page
I think is
I'm not stupid enough to give browser access to anything beside directories like Downloads.
And it worked fine in flatpak for a very long time so flatpak is not the problem.
I did it when I was new and keep doing it but Im naturally schizo
why is it recommended to do? it makes me paranoid
No one forces you. Actually, you should have dont this back on windows as well.
Because you can be certain the ISO is the ISO its suppose to be if the hash is different its been tampered with.
the sha256 hash is for making sure the file you downloaded was downloaded without error. these days on a good connection the chances of having a corrupted download is quite low, but if you have trouble completing an installation that will be the first thing to check
the signature is used to verify that the file was made by the owner of the signature. if you don't know how that works or care, then you don't have to worry about that. these are useful for ensuring for example that the download server wasn't hacked and file you got modified by someone else

oh, usb... does the printer support lan/wifi connectivity? i'm not sure if driverless protocols are available over usb
I feel it's there mainly to make sure data was not corrupted. If anyone had enough access to change the ISO, they would have enough access to change SHA256 code.
I don't bother as since I prefer to download through torrent version and torrent has tons of hashes already.
To make sure you got the ISO file that was intended by project and has public signature anyone can see, so you can download the file from anywere and as long as the signature matches you are good, to make sure the glowies didnt make a fake server the send you a malicious iso
>If anyone had enough access to change the ISO, they would have enough access to change SHA256 code.
Only if both come from the same server.
>If anyone had enough access to change the ISO, they would have enough access to change SHA256 code.
that's why signatures are a separate thing, unlike a checksum, an attacker can't simply generate a new signature to make it seem legit, only the owner of the signatures private key can make a new signature with the same owner
SHA-256 is a hash, not a signature. It doesn't have an owner or a private key. So checking hash against one on the site worth only if you got ISO from the different place, but why would you do that.
>does the printer support lan/wifi connectivity?
I would think so but I havent tried that, I thought this would be the most straight foward way
found ur problem
its recommended to do on their MAIN site.
you'd think so, but driverless printing was mainly made so things like smartphones can print easily, so it's a network thing. as far as printers are concerned, usb is a legacy interface
You use flatpaks and Fedora. You are not only stupid enough you far more stupid than you think.
i was describing both, maybe i should have written it like "a signature /on the other hand/..."
>he signature is used to verify that the file was made by the owner of the signature. if you don't know how that works or care, then you don't have to worry about that. these are useful for ensuring for example that the download server wasn't hacked and file you got modified by someone else
is it necessary to do if i got the ISO from their main site? like their fedoraproject site
if you wanna be absolutely certain the mirror you're downloading from wasn't hacked, sure
it's of course very unlikely, but it's not something that hasn't happened before (idk with fedora's mirrors specifically, i mean in general)
dont know about fedora but often distros on their main site link for an iso on some random mirror so in that case you should do that
Sad, I usually to go wired whenever I can, makes me feel safer, I guess I will see about that wireless connection after a nap
well someone else with more experience might have a solution for you, but as far as i've personally seen, usb printers need a driver, maybe there's one you can install for it, it's not like there's no printer-specific drivers for cups/linux, it's just that for me personally once i got a printer with ipp-everywhere (driverless/network) printing, i switched to that, one less package/driver to worry about, so i couldn't say what the current state of usb printing is really
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>You use flatpaks and Fedora
Aksually the last Red Hat based distro I've used was called Mandrake, so I'm only half idiot.
also you should know that if you don't want your printer available to anyone on your wifi/lan, ipp supports encryption/authentication, so check your printers' web interface for such options
I didnt expect printing to be this complicated but thank you very much for taking the time with me. I will try to update if I get it going.
I thought we should have open printing hardware by now
well these days it is easy, if you connect it to your wifi, which is what most people do nowadays
>open printing hardware
You don't need that, just a standard interface, which is what IPP is.
I was looking into how to use my Canon multifunction printer on Arch, turns out I already had cups installed but not active. All I had to do was start/enable it, give it the printer's IP address (ipp://192.168....), and it just works. Scanning too, through SANE, though I'm still looking at the GUI frontends to find one that isn't shit.
Not a fan of RHEL desu
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>Unlike UNIX, graphical programs executed in a Plan 9 terminal will not launch a new window, rather, the terminal will morph into this new program. In other words, running the PDF/Image viewer page, or the web browser mothra in a terminal for instance, will in no way effect window placement. So having an initial window placement that works on your desktop, will significantly reduce the need for automatic window tiling.
any terminals can do that?
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it just worked first try fr fr
Noob here.
I have a super slow 8TB EXT4 disk being used as
storage where I have /home/ mounted I also happen to have two spare NVME

I want to create two logical volumes where one of the NVME's functions as a read cache for the slow disk. and use the OTHER nvme to form a larger logical volume bot the Operating system.

My question is, can I do this without deleting the currently existing file systems?
Why do you rave about Mint?
$ uptime                      
18:39:14 up 555 days, 25 min, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

I don't feel like restarting this bitch.
can somebody answer this for me?
Finally got my Nvidia dgpu to stop loading in Arch. God the MX150 that T580s use is fucking dogshit.
Business idea: rename this thread to /fult/ - Friendly Unix-Like Thread

So other Unix-like OSes would be welcome too.
Would like to know too, i'm thorn between this and MX as a low hassle dev machine. Have had issues with Fedora in the past thanks to hibernation being broken.
what you running?
Not all users need or want tabs. Some users want vim-like editing, some users want to display images in their terminal. Some others want GPU acceleration, or like their terminal to drop down from the top of the screen. It's about choice.
Distrobox on debian is pretty solid. I use an arch container to run steam and all the dev stuff I need.
Other Unix-like operating systems are irrelevant for desktop (and most other) usecases and including them would only create confusion when troubleshooting. On GNU/Linux you can safely assume the presence of GNU utilities and skip a lot of guesswork. Not so much with BSD and friends. Feel free to create a friendly *nix general if you'd like to see one.
So will it be two years for KDE 6 to make it to Ubuntu LTS, or will they update it somewhere halfway?
If you want ubuntu LTS and KDE 6, you can use KDE neon.
Been using Linux for about a year now, but I've been wanting a bit more of a deep dive to how it all works. Are these books any good?
>will they update it somewhere halfway
They won't. Too many dependencies to break.
Python 3.12 is the major factor for me, since I develop for it (and 3.11, which is also on 24.04).
Newer Vim...
The rest, not so much. You already have the same KDE from back ports and the snaps are exactly the same, god bless them.
the linux command line is a good practical guide for beginners, start there. how linux works is less practical and is more about learning the inner workings of how the system works.
start with the linux command line. if you want to read how linux works just beware it's quite a bit more advanced.
>bcachefs root
what am i in for?
it's the only distro i've used.
Is there any way to get folder preview thumbnails in thunar, or any other gtk based file explorers like in dolphin?
What would be the use case for that? :^)
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You saving it or nah? >>100143674
>fedora 40
I have two SSDs, they both have the same unlock password (never used a keyfile). For some reason the second one is not unlocking automatically. It's on fstab and crypttab.
mount -av doesn't show it
It used to just werk. What am I doing wrong? Or, what changed?

>luks-uuid1here UUID=uuid1here none discard
>luks-uuid2here UUID=uuid2here none discard

fstab for the second disk
>UUID=uuid2here /some/shit ext4 defaults,noatime,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=10s,x-systemd.mount-timeout=10s 0 0
idk what any of that shit means
What's the point? Plasma 6 is barely that different from 5.
It's an upgrade in boring ways you don't immediately notice that still benefit you as a user.
Things like multi-graphics (important for laptop users with both iGPUs and DGPUs) work better and there's also better support for things like ICC profiles and HDR display output.

If you are still using Plasma 5 then you are using a dead platform. Ubuntu will have to upgrade eventually anyway they're just dithering and delaying because they don't want to do the work right now. They'd rather wait for Debian to go first, copy and paste all their packages and then ship it. If they do it now they have to do all of this work themselves. They're lazy.
Some mount options I defined in /etc/fstab are not present when I read the output of mount, for example noatime. Why? They were present in the live environment after running mkfs and mounting the partitions with those options.
I was going to reply that linux command line seems too rudimentary, but then I found out you can use ```cd -``` to go back a workspace so what do I know.
>If you are still using Plasma 5 then you are using a dead platform.
Any reason to have a swap partition?
Never noticed any issue with just a swap file
If you want a stable platform, yes. Plasma 5 ain't getting any better, it's on life support as demonstrated by the stuff they are back-porting from Plasma 6!
It's useful if you have 8gb or less to prevent the occasional lock up. I would recommend upgrading your ram to 16gb or more instead to save yourself the hassle.
Also, you can't even use the LTS argument because the latest Qt LTS is Qt 6.5
Cry about it. That's how LTS works. Use another distro if you want newer packages. Ubuntu LTS is for corporate environments, not your personal gamer PC.
See: >>100149859
Qt 6.5 is LTS and it goes hand in hand with Plasma 6
Yeah so you don't know what you're even talking about. Ok. Typical Kubuntu user.

I know Kubuntu ships older and more buggier software. They were specifically asking how long it'd take to get Plasma 6. Yes, probably two years is the answer. That's normal for Ubuntu users.

Using Ubuntu LTS on the desktop is castrating yourself. You're not getting anything better and if it weren't for the backports from Plasma 6 that KDE is doing you wouldn't even be getting bug fixes either.
KDE Neon based or trash?
You are like a giant, walking, breathing meme.
That's how KDE does window screenshots for at least 10 years now, dummy.

Last time I tried RHEL, a few months ago, SELinux blocked adding the red hate license. I literally tried everything on the internet, including disabling it, and yet it still blocked it. Never again.
As secure as arch linux. It doesn't come with either one, and setting them up yourself is a ball ache.
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Same. Mandrake was my first distro, KDE 3 was bliss.
Since then – Kubuntu
The next LTS will have Plasma 6 in two years, until then there will be three interim releases, starting with 24.10 in October.
I accept your concession
file > partition easily
Is it worth installing artix over arch? is openrc / runit better than systemd in terms of speed and scripting capabilities?
What's the easiest way to make it so num lock is always on on Linux? On windows I remap all the keys of the number pad to the number keys in the row above qwerty which makes it so anytime I press a key on the number pad it corresponds to the key on the number row regardless of whether num lock is on or off. This is my preferred solution to the problem because instead of just making it so num lock is on by default on boot and it being turned off by an accidental press or something, it prevents it from being turned off ever. Is there something like this on Linux?

On Linux everytime I reboot and start using the number pad I notice it's not typing anything because the number lock is off and I have to type the whole thing again after turning it on which is very annoying. Honestly I don't even know why the num lock button even exists, I would genuinely be surprised if anyone uses the number pad on their keyboard for its directional keys instead of using to crunch numbers, especially when all keyboards nowadays have seperate directional keys anyway.
Unless you feel REALLY strongly about your init, I don't think it's worth bothering with.
In KDE it's Keyboard -> Hardware -> Numlock On Plasma setup. Most other desktop environments have it in a similar place, so look in your keyboard settings.
I have a bios setting for that (num lock on boot), maybe u do 2
Otherwise look in your desktop's keyboard settings. On Plasma, I can set it there as well.
how do i find out which ones are unnecessary?
>which ones are least bullshit?
>which ones do you have experience with and prefer for wayland?
I use foot, just werks. much simpler than urxvt. only had to set custom colour scheme and font in the config file. no complaints, don't need anything more from a terminal emulator.
>no emoji support
emoji support on foot comes from the emoji fonts installed on your system.
>also, dwl vs sway?
I've only had experience with sway coming from i3, it's been solid. been using it for years.
admittedly, I've no experience with dwl, or even dwm, so I can't say anything about them.
>i only want floating windows as feature
this is the case in sway, you can set a keybind to make the current focused window floating or you can add a rule so certain programs are automatically floating.
flatpak uninstall --unused
I don't want to have it turn on on startup as it's not as good of a solution as remapping the keys to the number row which makes it so it always types numbers regardless of whether num lock is on or off.

I think I should've been clearer with my question, what would be the easiest way to remap all those keys on Linux? I use both GNOME and KDE on wayland.
> hibernation being broken
let me guess, nvidia?
GNU is so fucking cooked
>ultra-cuck license
>obviously the name sucks because THEY ARE NOT GNU
>can't compete with python or R, nor is easy enough for you to pick up quickly, can't change that because of the cuck license
Someone should firebomb their house fr fr. We could have our own certified fresh GNU/LINUX FOSS plotting tool but we got stuck with this.
ssh -X desktopuser@desktop

Top tier comfy tbqh. Basically a non-retard chromebook lol.
I dont get it
It lets you run X applications from your desktop on your laptop. You're in bed, on your laptop, but in reality the software runs on the desktop.
would you say having a more niche init system makes it less vulnerable to certain backdoors? I heard the xz malware only affected systems with system d
This shitty laptop
Should've been a Kernel regression.
It's not a real distro, don't use it as such. The "rolling KDE" experience for users is Kubuntu with backports.
Yes. I'm not familiar with it, but you should be able to find more by googling for "window swallowing".
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>plasma 6 is ready for relea-ACK!

KDE bros....It's so over. This is my first time installing it.


Volume slider lags badly.

Happens on arch, opensuse any plasma 6 desktop. ironic because I used the new spectacle screen recorder to capture this.
It happens on every plasma 6 release.

First I tried arch, then opensuse leap then fedora 40.

It literally lags and the slider volume is so fucked. For context I have a 5600X and RX 6700XT forgot to mention my specs.
This >>100152198
Don't use it as your daily distro. It's really more for KDE devs and testers.
>I think you just need a bitmap-only font. I don't think there's any reliable way to force bitmap mode in modern renderers even if the font contains a bitmap version
>I think you just need a bitmap-only font
MS Gothic works fine in OS, but not browser.
I've tried many fonts, unfortunately it's just the browser engines being retarded for some reason.
All fonts look blurry to me, there's no exception. It just doesn't look right at all.
Oh well. I'll just continue to suffer.
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I have an amd powercolor reddragon rx 6800 xt. Am I fucked with the rgb if openrgb does not support the device?
>which ones are unnecessary?
all of them
literally none of that garbage is "necessary"
you can safely delete all that bloated cancer from your system and rely on your distribution packages for running apps.
And for things they don't have
>compile it yourself
Recently, I installed Slackware because I love the philosophy of it, the fact that it's the oldest distro, that has been maintained by the same guy since 1993, it has a lot of SOVL.

Despite the high skill ceiling, I gotta say I had no problems whatsoever with it so far, managed to set up a LVM over LUKS install, compiled and installed most of the programs I use, upgraded my kernel, set up a firewall, etc, etc.

Everything is going smoothly but before I continue investing more time into it, I am having second thoughts... how good is it really in terms of security, stability, compatibility, etc? Basically I'm paranoid I fell for a hipster meme without properly researching if it's still a good distro to daily drive in the current year.
Why would anyone use this anymore when plain md raid/btrfs/zfs fill every respective use case more efficiently?
The purpose of this blogpost is to ask for advice btw. Will I run into any problems?
I don't know anon I just follow the online guides. Like I said I may be way over my head here, but I am learning a lot.
kys troonime pedo
New thread:
Bigger question is why do it block level as it's extremely dumb way to do it.
Sure ok there's the "unix philosophy" in it but still.
well it was pretty cool when there were no filesystem level options for logical/sub volumes
VM storage
Consolidate different storage capacities
Encrypted OS data
>inb4 just format the LUKS container
DB backups through snapshotting without the insane penalty of COW filesystems
...and a ton of other scenarios. You just lack experience.
I just installed linux mint cinnamon and the default browser it uses is firefox. What browsers do you guys use?

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