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old >>101031327
Is this pic taken on Hwy 50 in Nevada?
maybe try gif? Idk about the compression ratio however
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there are ways to make png's smaller, such as by;
- reducing resolution
- reducing colours (i.e. PNG8)
- denoising/posterising
- using a lossy png preprocessor such as rdopng
What can I use to find when a process is writing to some folder?

I setup some auto backups about 2 years ago and found out it was just making new copies and over 2 years wrecked my free space, but I can't remember what program it was.
inotifywait --recursive --monitor --event close_write <path>

this will print in real time any time a file is closed after writing to it under that path
Does it catch the process that wrote to the folder?
Is there a Thinkpad 121 wh battery?
no, but looking around, there's a similar api called fanotify which does
i found a tool to use it called fatrace, it doesn't appear to have any way to specify just a particular folder, but you can filter the output to just what you want to look at separately;
sudo fatrace --filter=W | grep 'CW  /tmp'

here it looks at any writes anywhere, then i use grep to filter it down to just close-write events in paths starting with /tmp
it also lists the process name/pid that did it
> sudo fatrace --filter=W | grep 'CW  /tmp'
fatrace: Failed to add watch for /: Invalid cross-device link
fatrace: Failed to add watch for /home: Invalid cross-device link
touch(2401572): CW /tmp/test
how to make 4chan.org not use ips for is2.4chan.org?
Is israel actually bad
Can somebody write me a wget script to download a series of PDFs with a shared URL scheme?

It's quite literally

www.[domain/website stuff]&page=[number, 1 to 354]
Assuming you already have a randomized slideshow for your desktop background, is there any downside to having more pics in that slideshow?
Does anybody know of a tool to extract images from PDF and epub files?

To be clear, I specifically need/want something that will grab the image in it's original format with no scaling, added compression, or losing any metadata, embedded color profiles, etc.

I can copy an image from a PDF in adobe acrobat with seemingly no compression or anything, but then I need to resave it and i'm presumably losing color profile information.
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www.[domain/website stuff]&page={1..354}

On Bash that expands to the same thing repeated but with increasing numbers. As in
>www.[domain/website stuff]&page=1 www.[domain/website stuff]&page=2
And so on. Not sure if helpful, didn't say what scripting language.
like you can't flush toilet paper in the toilet bad?
Reposting from old thread since i got not answer >>>101076166 :


I'm buying some ram for a friend. Originally, the laptop had 8x2 DDR4 but he wants 16x2.

On the amazon page, I can buy the kit of 16x2 for 94,85€ OR I could buy 2 of 16 for 37,60 for a total of 75€. Saving about 20€

Am I missing something here? Why would there be such a big discrepancy in price when it is basically the same product?

I don't know what Bash is

>Not sure if helpful, didn't say what scripting language.

Whatever wget uses, since I know that's a tool for this sort of thing:

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Hey, im a fucking retard.

I have this old janky motherboard,


it says the only 8gb sticks of ram i can use are

my current ram is running at 667, and i was really hoping to get 32gb over 4 sticks running at 1600, but i cant find the ram to order, how can i find a suitable replacement or that specific ram?
thats 16gb stick i think, not two 8gb or two 16gb,
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is there a board that covers video editing? i want to learn premiere/after effects/how to edit videos for youtube but want some sort of good guide

are there any courses or such shared anywhere or guide recs?
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>4 x DDR3 DIMM sockets supporting up to 64 GB of system memory
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>make a quick recording with the Nvidia software
>audio is completely fine
>video plays a couple of frames and then stops for the whole 5 min duration
>scrubbing to any other point in the video does the same
>can almost watch it fluidly if I just keep clicking in 1 sec intervals
Any way to fix this ? I doubt the recording itself is borked because the frames are obviously there, but I have no clue what the fuck is even going on and how I could look up a solution
>video works perfectly fine when played via Firefox
ok nvm VLC is borked, I'll reinstall or whatever
Is "Python style" or "Pythonesque" code retarded or am I retarded? I keep seeing people say
>Oh nice code, but an actually good way of writing it would be if you made it super convoluted, added some steps for no reason and made it completely unique to python to where the code can't be ported to anywhere else with any kind of ease. It's more... Pythony!
I mean really
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how to make an app without a web server? (use only on a local pc)

I want 32GB. I can buy the kit of 16x2. 94,85€

OR I can buy twice the 16GB STICK. 37,60x2= 75€.

Meaning I can save 20€ by buying 2 16GB sticks instead of buying the "combo" that cost
94,85€ comes with 16*2.

Any ideas?
Desktop application or web app?
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/g/ seems to worship Ted so much but does anyone even know how to spell out his last name without looking it up?
Desktop application? You don't need to do anything, it is local only by default.
Web application? Web frameworks tend to come bundled with a tiny in-app web server that is too slow for more than 10 users, but is sufficient enough for development purposes.
plus the usual slav -ski/-sky suffix

Just learn Polish orthography, it's not that hard to memorize their consonant clusters. cz is "ch" and sz is "sh".
What looks as garbled czsz is just a long ass high pitched shhhhh sound.
You know how in video/music editors you have a timeline that you can "zoom" in and out, besides scrolling. What's the name of that thing?

It's like a gantt chart in that the objects can be stacked in layers, but the ruler expands and contracts to show more or less detail. The slider has two handles, you can scroll left and right, or change the distance between them (changing the timeline)
Whats the best fan to get to keep my room cool this summer especially when using my PC that isn't super loud and which won't ramp up my electricity bill?
Brushless tower fan. They're a little expensive but worth it. I have a pair of 42" Levoit and really like them. Quiet enough to sleep with and auto speed control is actually useful.
i want to make a cashier (recording transaction) app. what tools do people usually use for this?
I tried pretty much every solution I found on google, I just can't get the damn python script to run on Windows 7.

The irony of calling someone a stupid idiot while yourself can't read. In a stupid questions thread no less...
Really? What's the most recent python version that Windows 7 supports?
Oh you mean in terms of their infrastructure, rather than in terms of their people?
No idea about their infrastructure.
You can buy either one. The price difference is probably due to undercutting on Amazon or some marketing wank or something else, nothing to worry about.
Just buy any DD3 you want, it'll work fine.
I installed 3.8
why does my microwave only heat the bottom part of the food? yesterday I put in a bowl of chicken and some veggies and the bowl came out burning hot while the chicken inside was cold, especially at the top.
Microwave ovens hest proof by bouncing microwaves/high intensity radio in a faraday cage. Based on wavelength, the dimensions of the oven, and the shape, dimensions, and compositions of the food, hot spots can occur. Microwave ovens do not heat hinge evenly or consistently
>ai sounding reply
yeah, I understand, but I don't recall it ever being that bad. Shouldn't the rotation help with distributing heat more evenly?
Does anyone know of a way to add rules to qbittorents autoseeding? I want to seed all my pt torrents but autopause all public torrent seeding after completion
I have almost never gotten it to evenly heat anything besides liquids. I don’t know the specifics on how to change how your microwave behaves. And I think that the rotation is supposed to help. You could take it out, stir it and reheat
are emails like Google mail, Yahoo encrypted and nobody will see what you send right? i want to send some files to me (from my phone to my pc through my email) is that a good idea?
i tried with Phone link on Windows, but that doesn't work with Iphone on Windows 10, only 11 (fucking Microsoft)
since youtube changed how we get music in the last decade how do you get "original" songs (rips) now? i mean people took their mp3s made them into random video and put it on youtube for transcoding. do people still exchange old music files not processed by the nu internet? aside from shit like red.
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I've got this mini fridge that someone here just can't do without on the same breaker as a PC and monitor. When the fridge compressor kicked on it caused power surges that cause the monitor to turn off. I put the PC and monitor on a UPS and that made the problem go away for a while but now it's happening again. The UPS is rather old but I can't authorize buying a new one and we replaced the battery recently.
My question is, if I put this fridge on its own power supply will that stop other things from feeling the effects of the surges it creates?
>how do you get "original" songs (rips) now
I doubt new musicians have a grasp of that at all

You can actually do flac in flac out on YouTube. The uploader has to not be a retard, which is an ask.

If they're competent producers they should, because normalfags all listen on wireless devices with hideous generational loss.
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How to detect base64 string within HTML?
with regular expressions
isn't there an attribute you can read? if an image uses a src url that contains base64, it usually starts with that, might not work in all cases
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>wake up
>turn phone on
>it vibrates
Day wasted
What was this guy's name?
Can I share my desktop internet with my phone through usb?
I know I can do the other way around via tethering.
Jean Hollywood :) *mwah*
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apparently windows & android support it natively. probably the same for linux
fuck are you talking about weirdo? are you overstimulated?
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what's the windows /g/ trust and safe program to download youtube videos and tranform them to mp3? I used atube cather but is broken, is it cause youtube change? should I wait for them to update it? I think so, but anyway what do you use for this? if you even
Huh, I wasn't actually able to connect, myself. There are other ways to reverse tether available however
Yeah, I tried multiple ways, but never worked.
Because it doesn't capture the whole string, or some times HTML tags interfere with the detection, one to be exact is <wbr>

it's not a "power surge", you're just asking too much of the circuit. move the fridge (or the computer) to a separate circuit.
YT-DLP appears to be a modern fork of youtube-dl which has historically been the best for stuff like that.
I'm not sure what options you'd need to use in order to download audio only, but it's in the docs and definitely capable of doing that. You will have to use CLI

docs are here, get the exe (assuming windows) from the Releases panel on the right.
thanks illustrious anon I will look it up, I though this feature was linux only
is there a way to get an amazon echo to stop shilling for music unlimited?
>be mee
>have 4k monitor
>take screenshoot
>filesize too big for 4channel
any simple compression programs that I can just use with right click (context menu)? that allow me to downsize so I can post here. I don't care about quality loss but it shouldn't be jaypeg quality
I'm pretty sure it downloads the video as well, and then along side ffmpeg, it will extract the audio and delete the video, depending on the commands you input.
No, you cannot.
This is not really how it works you need to have an adapter and this basically only works when it is in AP mode, like with a PCI-E Wi-Fi adapter or sharing network connectivity over Ethernet/LAN. Not some USB port.
Additionally, phones are not built to receive internet over USB. Just aren't. No, this is not likely to change in the future either. Tethering is basically a one-way street because 99.999999% of users do not even think about wanting it the other way around and phones never give you cool features like that, instead they take them away and only deliver the bare minimum. Which we actually should be thankful that normies demanded USB tethering to begin with but not get our hopes up.

It's possible, just not happening.
The problem is primarily the phones, not USB, there are USB-to-Ethernet adapters but that doesn't fix the issue of the phone not wanting to piggyback on a plugged in devices internet.
Same reason you can't use a phone as a secondary display with a laptop. Well, you can, but it's terrible and works over Wi-Fi or USB tethering for some low refresh rate shit compressed stream rather than allowing USB-C/HDMI video input to take over the display.
Reverse Tethering is possible, hence the multiple ways to do it
How can I buy a 4chan pass?
Is a 25" 1440p monitor good enough to use with a Mac? I don't want anything bigger but it bugs me that my windows looks better on it.
In firefox, can I increase the font size of native web tooltips such as alt text?

Looks like there's an addon "Theme Font & Size Changer" but it was gutted in a recent update and now it doesn't do anything.
If i create a DIY security circuit using an old phone as an IP cam whose output i record from a laptop in the same network, what program should i use to record its feed? The only thing that comes to mind is OBS mp4 recording

I have a linux and a windows laptop

and on top of that, is there any video software that highlights the parts of a video where there are changes in the video feed (movement, changes of light, etc) or audio (sudden noises, etc), for instance something designed to analyze surveillance footage
Is this a safe guide to install windows 10 theme on ubuntu?
No. It's a mustard gas creating botnet.
ok, sqts, I got my hands on a used hp laptop. I want to throw linux on it but don't have the bios password. how fucked am I, bros?

you don't need the BIOS password to install an OS. you just can't make changes in the BIOS.
Give it back Jamal.
Pros and cons on blocking ads on a router level?

pros: you only have to configure one device
con: you can't quickly shut it off if you need to disable it.
Depends on the route you take. With pihole, you can still use the DNS you want while blocking ads. Where as using something like adguard dns blocks ads, but it is a bit slower than popular dns providers like cloudflare and google. Also, the cons, primarily, is that the elements still appear, as oposed to say brave, which blocks ads and elements.
what is the simplest way to get raw image data from an HDMI to USB capture device and output it to a file?
in winrar there's an option called keep broken files that allows you to extract files from a single part of a split archive is there something like this for 7zip? because i can't find it
Should I buy Cambridge Audio Melomania M100 or the Sony WF-1000XM5 earphones? Or should I buy something else?
As long as it has the ohms and frequency range you're looking for it hardly matters.
hello I have a coding question regarding work. my job posts limited shifts through the team xpress app where you have to go in manually at a certain time and select an available shift. I was wondering if there was a way to write a script that can instantly apply for the shift without delay. the only reason I ask is because the shifts are gone instantly within milliseconds and it seems like other people are using scripts.
can windows ltsc run comfyui?
The answer is likely yes, but I have no idea how to go about it. Some sort of sniper bot I imagine.
What the fuck is with webms and image loading? They are totally fucked for me. Webms take minutes to load or fail loading at all. Images are super slow to load. It's not my connection, just this shit website.
It's likely your shit browser to be honest. What are you using?
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I'm retarded, it was ublock origin blocking 3rd party cloudflare scripts. still fuck this site.
Any good alternatives for CCleaner? The fucking assholes paywalled the custom clean feature
I haven't used that in more than a decade, what exactly do you want to use it for? Registry cleaning does nothing, if anything it should be done manually after a backup. You can use disk cleanup in windows 10/11 to get rid of temporary files.
you're not supposed to use regex on raw html dumbfuck
Well; At least you figured it out. Good for you, anon.
Windows has a built-in cleaning function.
Microsoft's PC manager is good at deleting temp files and app caches
I'm trying to upscale some old 360p grainy videos I have. I tried a bunch of mpv shaders I found on line but I genuinely can't tell the difference between the original and the various upscaled versions (except for the ones with extreme filters that look like oil paintings).
Is this a fool's errand? I wouldn't mind using some other kind of tool to preprocess the video as long as it's not some shady always online webservice shit.
Could try handbrake with various settings and encode previews until you get what you're looking for; Keep the originals for sure in case AI upscaling reaches a good point.
I meant anonymously
Throw away email and crypto
What is the point of updating BIOS? Translate it to me to retard please
For deep cleaning so I don't have to wipe cache or other junk manually from every browser or program
Looks neat, I'll give it a shot. Thanks!
Bugs. Hardware compatibilities. Security updates.
No, even if they are encrypted they aren't e2e encrypted so not secure.
Your best bet is protonmail, it's not 100% secure but then again nothing on the internet is. Protonmail is 99.9% secure, as long as you don't have glowniggers highly interested in you it will protect you from prying eyes
Or just use a micro sd card. That will be much faster than sending via email.
You can use
yt-dlp -F [url]
to list all formats. It will explicitly tell you which formats are audio only. Then you can use
 yt-dlp -f [number] [URL]
to download that format. (replace [number] with the code number for your desired format)
Note that in the first command I gave it's a capital F, and in the second command I gave it's a lower case f.
This is how to do it on GNU+Linux systems. If you use Windows shit or Mac shit, no idea, but I assume it's the same.
Be aware that youtube is CONSTANTLY fucking around with how its videos work, meaning that yt-dlp frequently needs to be updated. So if yt-dlp ever stops working just wait til the devs update it to accomodate youtube's changes, then update yt-dlp and it will work again.
For GNU+Linux users, be aware that updating using the repositories (i.e. apt-get update && apt-get upgrade) will often NOT upgrade yt-dlp to its most recent version. Therefore Linux users should NOT install it with, i.e., apt-get but should instead install it from github,
Idk but you could just open in an image editing program like gimp or paint and scale it down to like 1k pixel width then save as png
Idk what an amazon echo is but it sounds like something you should just throw in the garbage
for some reason my speakers sometimes only work on the left side, which is fixed by unplugging and plugging the audio jack into my PC

is this a fualty cable or what ?
Just fucking go to phone settings and turn off "vibration" or "haptic feedback" (may need to turn it off individually for different things, i.e. keypress vs ringing vs poweron). Then it will literally never vibrate for any reason ever.
Are you telling me his name is pronounced Ka-chin-sky?
Kaczynski I think?
It's like Beksinski no?
>you have a timeline that you can "zoom" in and out, besides scrolling. What's the name of that thing?
> have a timeline
>What's the name of that thing?
The name of that thing, anon, is timeline.
Leave your phone outside your room at night.
3.5mm jack speakers right two cables put together coming off it? Does fiddling with the extreme of the cable cause noises? It's probably not making proper contact somewhere, google a diagram of how a jack works but basically different points of the jack carry the signal for a different speaker
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How to into darkreader for 4chan? Unlike most of you NIGGERS, I actually like using Yotsuba and Yotsuba B as my lightmode styles, but the 4chan-x gallery does not play nice with it, pic related. I tried all the darkreader modes, but none of them work well with this website, I guess cause the darkreader contributors just assume that you'd be using Tomorrow.
How do I tell if my pc is just overheated or if a component has completely died?
>Unlike most of you NIGGERS
Most 4chan users use Yotsuba and Yotsuba B, retard
Is there a dup image detector that uses similarity scans & can maintain an ignore list? I've been using visipics but just due to how many images I'm asking it to go through it's taking hours to finish. Looked at Czkawka but unless I'm just missing something it doesn't look like I can make an ignore list with it.
they say it's an indian coin miner though
Does Youtube's API support downloading a video stream? I'm currently looking into making an external Youtube application for desktop because they just royally fucked up their layout, but I can't figure out if I can do it through the API or if I should just start scraping their asses.
cross posting this here:
i'm using debian stable, and i compiled the latest kernel, but when i boot into it it says it can't mount the filesystem. i looked up the problem and it can't find the initrd, and indeed the initrd was not generated when i compiled. does anyone know how to generate this as part of the compilation of after the compilation?
The answer is no.
That breaks their ToS.
Back in the day when I wanted to light up a LED or make a relay click I used the parallel port. What's the current year equivalent? Some USB-GPIO-dongle or what?
And how's the software part? I used DOS and Windows 9x and the port worked by writing a byte to some "address"(?) and then the byte appeared on the 8 output pins. I assume modern operating systems don't do this but provide.... an interface or whatever.
tl;dr how do I flash LEDs with a PC?
Anon didn't agree to their ToS
Could applel make their own gpu out of the gpu cores in the m seeries so you could have a decent gpu for their hardware/software no matter which of the processor you pick? I know they wouldn't because money but could they do it?
does anyone know where to get warez these days? looking for licensed davinci resolve, for a friend, but can't find shit on torrent that works
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Where do content creators get their celebrity text to speech AI generators from? Every time I see a post like link above it's promoting it's own shitty spyware version. The last time I tried a web version copyright had already claimed all the major voices (Simpsons, Spongebob, Family Guy ect). Is there some open source project on Github I just plug into VS Code or something? baka all I want to do is make memes for my gaming buddies
FYI for anyone who publishes anonymous documents on the internet:
I caught a very surprising ban on hackmd.io. It's surprising, because I had used them for over a year without incident. I only ever publish content though their API, so I didn't even know the content was banned until I manually checked it today. I'm locked out of my account, but my API keys still work, so I have read/write access to my documents through the API but not their web site. The public can't see my content either.

In the battle between free markdown publishers, rentry.org > hackmd.io.
Does a virtual machine guest benefit from a journaling filesystem if the VM image sits on a journaled host?
No. It's actually a liability because the filesystem in the VM doesn't have the write ordering guarantees it thinks it does.
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So. Why aren't we getting told to use something like FAT32 for Windows or EXT2 for Linux and ...whatever for BSDs. OK maybe not FAT32 for Windows as it doesn't support some security crap.
A few questions:
(1)Why does it take 300seconds to post?(update the captcha) Is it because I'm using google DNS, is Hiro pushing the 4chan pass?
(1)a) Weirdly posting from cellular network is just 60sec.
(2)Is Linux Mint good performance-wise? Want something that's .deb based. Guess it's either Debian Testing or Mint Debian Edition.
(3)Are Snaps really bad? It feels it has a significant impact on performance, and also some snaps have problems, but some of the snaps are good like OBS which has a lot of add-ons you don't have to install.

Because you're not supposed to use images for disk intensive workloads or anything where losing changes since the last snapshot would be catastrophic.
>(1)Why does it take 300seconds to post?
Because law enforcement monitors all your posts.

>(2)Is Linux Mint good performance-wise?
If you're a linuxkook who has to ask, you shouldn't worry about it. It's not like Distro A is going to be Le Awesome Performance Kang and Distro B is going to be Le Slow Bloated Enterprise Loonix. It's all the same slop.
Your intuition is correct, python is cancer.
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Thanks for the extra info.
I asked in general thread for that program and I got a nice solution.
Yeah it's garbage. Python is slapdash bullshit, the language. Just do whatever looks good. Public schools produce millions of room temp IQs who can only write Python, and some of them feel compelled to gatekeep.
Where is the Hi-fi general? Anyways, It seems I stuffed up investing in some Sonos speakers which now has a bricked interface and no longer will read music files from my local drive. I need solutions, Best way going forward to stream media from pc to home theatre. Also, what even happened to WDTV live? Was it too based?
I don't think we've ever had a consoomer slop AV general
Yeh, im trying to break out of it. Just looking for where to start?
What to do then senpai?
Figure out does any deb-based distribution distribute more optimized binaries over others.
>Want something that's .deb based
oh jebus why
Snaps are proprietary. It's like FlatPak but with closed source back end that's hosted only by Canonical.
But it's OK if you don't care about that.
1) Someone was probably spamming from your IP.
2) It's not.
3) Yes, they are bad.
Lower the desk or raise the chair? My arm rests are also too long to to get my chair in close enough to my desk when at comfortable working height.
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I downloaded a file for 3 days
It was supposed to be completed this very morning
When I checked on the download, it said "network error"
when I pressed "resume", the file completed

What are the chances that the file actually completed and the network error was due to downloading a 7gb file at 50kb/s, or is the file somehow fucked and it failed on the finish line? AFAIK, I didn't have internet connection outage, so it should've downloaded all the way through.
check it's hash
if that's no an option, then you can't really be sure it completed without error
if you want, you can post the link to it and i can make a torrent of it so you can use that (torrents are great for this, because they download small pieces at a time, all of which are checked against hashes as it goes, so any parts that fail can be re-downloaded without needing to start from scratch, you can also check the whole download to see if it's correct)
What is something useful that you can do in android with termux apart from watching anime and "learning pentesting"
I don't know what "hash" is or how to check one
I downloaded the .ISO image of this game, I don't have a bad internet, the website allows you to download files only at around 50kb/s
it's not worth the 3 days wait just to help someone
"Do"? Having all the basic fucking tools you'd expect from every OS since the year 2000 lmao.
Used an Android phone as a Wi-Fi router back when 4G was my only internets. It's nice to be able to do stuff like trace routing and speed testing from the actual router, the phone itself. Simple things like HTTP proxies and what have you, impossible to find them as apps. Or running Tor but without the bloat.
Why most mobile devices can't handle vide with x265 encoding, but will run the same file in H264 without trouble?
a hash is to put it simply a small string which is unique to a particular file, it's often used to compare two files by checking if the hash is the same, which provides a high likelyhood the two full files are the same
basically it lets you check if the file you have is the same as the file you want
torrents do this on their own, and since archive.org provides torrent files, which contain hashes, you should be able to use that to check if your file is correct
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bros, what's the most boring cert out there? I'm doing some last-minute studying for Project+ and the material is easy but man, my attention span has never been tested like this. Is there any cert more boring than this? Maybe some ITIL bullshit?

I think he only downloaded one file (the iso) out of over 100, so the hash of the whole torrent would be worthless to him. Not sure if there's a way to get a hash of an individual file in there.
With that said, >>101097332 just torrent it dawg. I opened it up out of curiosity and I'm getting about 1.4MB/s down in an old VM with a misconfigured VPN lol
there's no "torrent"
the archive only has a torrent for the "making of" of the deluxe edition, art, behind the scenes etc.
the game itself is only the .iso file
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Is this not it?
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Tried picrel on Windows 11 and Linux with a new kernel, does nothing.
usb 5- new full-speed USB device number 88 using xhci_hcd
usb 5- New USB device found, idVendor=0d8c, idProduct=000c, bcdDevice= 1.00
usb 5- New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=0, SerialNumber=0
input: HID 0d8c:000c as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:08.1/0000:0e:00.3/usb5/5-4/5-4.1/5-4.1.2/5-
hid-generic 0003:0D8C:000C.003E: input,hidraw7: USB HID v1.00 Device [HID 0d8c:000c] on usb-0000:0e:00.3-

That's the Linux kernel output when connecting it. How do I figure out this "input device"?
And how do I get output like that on Windows?
there is
i've thrown it on my VPS, and added all the popular open trackers to it, it'll have the iso in about half an hour, if you're having trouble getting it from archive.org's web seeds, you can get it from me
damn, I couldn't see it, thanks
They simply don't have the hardware required for x265.
because H265 sucks
Any neat music players nowadays? No foobar

raise the chair unless you're a heightlet
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I have multiple network interfaces enslaved to a bridge. Yet the interfaces still obtain an IPv6 link-local address. Is this correct? The idea is to act as a network switch with IPv4 and IPv6 addressing.
The configuration is dynamic: *any* Ethernet-capable interface gets enslaved.
# /etc/systemd/network/00-bridge.netdev 

# /etc/systemd/network/00-bridge.network 

# /etc/systemd/network/01-slaves.network
I have this *really* dumb newbie question. Is there a terminological difference in using concepts like 'user land' and 'user space' in UNIX? Does user space refer only to memory addresses, and userland to code being executed in user mode? Or is it in reverse?
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How do I run "sudo dhclient eth0" on startup? It won't boot up the internet on startup for some reason.
They're two informal terms for the same thing.
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>Our system flagged third-party service registration emails shortly after your account creation, indicating potential disposable account usage.

Does this mean my Protonmail account is permanently fucked? Does it go away after a while or do I have to make a new one?
use systemd-networkd if you have systemd to begin with
Just use tutanota instead. Proton was always a joke anyway.
Does github allow tutanota? I'm trying to make an account after they banned my old one for no reason.
Fuck if I know. It takes maybe a minute to make an account.
Would quarantining "autoKMS.exe" actually cause MS Office activation to fail in the future?

Windows security is not giving me an option to ignore the warning about it, just quarantine or remove. What do?
stop using windows security
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When I first built my PC, it had 16GB of RAM and I tested the speed of a 6-GB RAM disk.

Five years later, I now have 32 GB of RAM and again test the speed of a 6-GB RAM disk.

The current speed is almost five times slower! Why?
I’m looking for good resources for studying for the PMI.org CAPM cert.
I’m guessing that it’s pretty easy to pass, it requires 23 hours of verified study, should I just pay to take their online course or is there a better free way?
I want a decent TV to replace my very old one. Do those still exist? OLED isn't an option because it's a living room/family TV and I do not trust them to properly baby it like I've been my monitor.
coax cable is on the other side of the house from my computer, should I run an ethernet cable across the house or should I get a wifi extender
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What are the odds of piracy being possible for PS5 with higher OS version soon?
Two Asus routers, one setup as aimesh
The new ram is clocked at a lower speed presumably
Where can I get nintendo switch roms for ryujinx, preferably in the form of torrents? I just want to play animal crossing and some mario games.
High end displays are all kind of shit rn. You've got OLED, which is garrish trash that falls apart in 5 years, and VA, which is fine as long as you don't ask it for more than 24fps. Check rtings 'bright room' TV recommendations.
I inherited an old Socket 7 "clone" PC. It appears to be in very good condition, but I haven't tried to power it on yet.
It has a Gainward 5VPA motherboard, AT power supply, and a 9GB hard drive. RAM and CPU are still unknown. I suppose I'd need to disassemble the PSU and check for leaky caps etc before connecting it to a power outlet, or just replace it with a newer ATX power supply. The motherboard seems to have connectors for both AT and ATX power supplies.

What should I do with it if I get it running?
Just finished building my new PC and put Windows on it and activated it.

I cannot play Twitch on Firefox. The chat loads but the video won't at all as I receive Error 4000 which says my browser is incompatible.

I tested Twitch in MS Edge and it plays fine.

What am I doing wrong? I have no extensions installed yet.
>connect wrong wire to external drive
>I'm not hearing noises when connecting with right wire
How do I recover from this?
Windows 98
Wrong power wire* not USB wire.
I smell nothing bad but I don't hear it spinning up, very concern.
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How can I mass download all the content off a tiktok account?
if i have a website and want to show off the statistics of each page, is there a certain thing i need to do to get the stats for page views if i'm not using third-party analytics?
i'm not sure if the question makes sense, but i mean like how certain sites like maddox have that thing on the bottom that shows their total page views, do hosting providers tell you that or is there some other way it works?
You need a piece of code on the server side (eg. PHP) that increments a counter when the page is loaded. The data for the counter can be stored in an SQL database or text file, for example.
thank you!
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What distro do i use if i want kernel module development to just work? on arch the "proper" directory for the kernel headers (i mean the kernel version returned by uname -r) doesnt have headers, i installed headers for 6.9.5-arch1-1 and shit doesnt work because the makefile of some subdirectory of /usr/lib/modules/6.9.5-arch1-1/build is trying to build some ARM nonsense (i am on x86) and i am simply not going to debug that because at that point i might as well read the linux source code and compile it to do what i want and none of this is feasible with my time constraints, but also i dont want to learn someone else's kernel, i am not some fucking onionsKEK.
http query for the contents of the account directory, http queries to one of those downloader sites with all of the file names you found
there should be a dedicated msr to chance the RAM's clock frequency, gpt says you can do it from firmware settings or something, read about it
dont use systemd shit, you can do scripting with systemctl
as long as they are differentiated and ipv4 connections get to one while ipv6 get to the other where is the problem? it is just implementation shit.
>How do I figure out this "input device"?
pci local bus specification 2.0, appendix D: class codes

use dmesg instead of journalctl
its a 3 byte field btw
[  +0.000325] pci 0000:00:08.0: [8086:4e11] type 00 class 0x088000 conventional PCI endpoint

for example this is my usb controller (proprietary intel shit, hence the 0880, thing is it is the only peripheral with that so intel is not that bad)
the usb controller is not a good example kek
[  +0.000422] pci 0000:00:14.2: [8086:4def] type 00 class 0x050000 conventional PCI endpoint

is my RAM stick, btw i just realized:
>>101105084 is not done through an msr but the ram controller's config space, proprietary shit everywhere
the host kernel is logging everything anyway
resistor into the controller's hole and the other end to a breadboard row shared with the led, what kind of question is that?
>software part
in x86 you write to the low 16 bits of an msr (dont ask me why this is 16 bits when there are like 47 pins)
>in dos you wrote that to some address and each bit of my bite was written to a pin
memory controller or device implementation shit, not operating system things.
>how do i flash leds with a pc
see above, the tricky part is running on ring 0, i am struggling there too, buy a microcontroller
section 3.6
there are subsystems in linux to log firmware bugs so that should be a hint, developers make mistakes.
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The answer just gives the definition for both without explaining why it's incorrect.

sorry if I am too retarded. COMPTIA has been hammering Docking stations and I just don't know why it's incorrect in this instance?
It's too good? because it can provide other functionality?
boot the OS, rewrite the contents of CMOS memory, now you can do whatever you want with the BIOS.
because they want you to be a sheep. Just nod and smile, bite them when the chance arises, or at least keep it mind.
how do i download preview images/videos from fansly?
i am a retard nigger and assumed back then that this was the usb controller but there is literally a section for peripheral buses
On the left you have bus, device (usb and function number (device on usb), me (a retard nigger) didnt even bother finding the fucking keyboard i am working for in the first place in fucking dmesg.

Thank you Anon.
bpftrace is way more performant and doesn't need to be "recursive", it "just works" across the entire system
Legitimate questions -- am I doing something wrong is or is Firefox naturally slower than Chrome? I feel like when I use Firefox it takes almost twice as long to load websites and web pages. I'm using almost exactly the same extensions, no bloat bullshit themes. I want to switch from Chrome to avoid dealing with all the jank around this new design and the MV3 shit.

Also, is there any way to emulate the click-through motions of open-pause-close .webm files on 4chan? Firefox doesn't seem to allow the 'close' portion and I need to either drag it to close with my mouse, or click the X to close it.
>dont ask me why this is 16 bits
larper cant into analog
just run what is fastest
every one of those answers is correct. the test is just retarded
turn off OCSP in the privacy settings. much faster and it's an anti-privacy setting anyways
>Not that anon
Probably explains why the flatpak version loads some websites the version that comes with mint by default doesn't.
Holy shit, thank you. This is so much better.

I hope there's some way around the .webm media functionality. I can have click-to-close when hiding controls (and I presume there's a way to hide them permanently, but not preferable). Otherwise I have to click and drag, which doesn't always work.
CompTIA is a huge grift. They just want you to regurgitate this year's prep materials to prove you paid for them. In no way should you count on the info being correct or useful.
I can’t ever open litter.catbox.moe links. Does anyone know any solution?
i know nothing about programming, how much would it cost to hire a programmer to fork and update a dead program from sourceforge?
Like 4-6 figs probably. It depends on how hard the project is and how bad you are at seeking bids.
its a basic thread downloader for 4chan, would it really cost 6 figures to update it?
Open source it on Github and beg for contributors.
Or go to fivrr/upwork and get someone to give you a quote.
>Should I make any changes to my QoS settings?
>Is watching porn via a web browser considered streaming or web browsing?
>Does downloading a game/update fall under the catagory of gaming or file transfer?
>What category would facetime/zoom/video chats fall under?
just save the file from firefox' cache directory
What you want to hire someone for is the html to gui.
I know. But from the purely autistic viewpoint: are enslaved interfaces supposed to have IP addressing? Like at all, even v6 link local.
>would it really cost 6 figures to update it?
if you contract it out to a megacorporation and taxpayers paying for it
Does it not work anymore? As far as I am aware, 4chan hasn't changed much with its api in a while so I'm not sure why it wouldn't work
i managed to put my Main router and my repeater router on the same IP range a while back but i changed my setup and now i cant remember how i did it
IE getting both routers to be in 192.168.1.xxx IP rnage rather than having one in 192.168.1.x and another in

how do i put both on the same range
¿Whats the superior firefox port?
i have no clue, but it suddenly stopped working, i tried on 2 different laptops and my desktop.
this piece of software allowed me to download whole threads of pics and webms with only a few clicks, and it even auto refreshed so i didn't have to manually catch /b/ threads on the slim amount of time between file limit and thread deletion.
What are some ways to make money with a quality Nikon camera besides portraits, wedding photos etc?
I'm learning how to scrape website and I've managed to figure out how to scrape a few places with scrapy and bypassing dynamic loading or whatever with splash, but I can't get this one to work, any ideas?
Any creative project you can think of as long as you monetize it.
probably saves a logical unit somewhere
Can you link it?
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incredibly niche, but commercial building and high-end real estate photography. I never see it mentioned. Orgs sometimes want really nice shots of their building/campus for website/advertising/prints/whatever. I met a guy who does it and probably makes a killing. Although I have no idea how you'd break into that market. Maybe just cold-calling with free demos.

His secret was that he'd tell the building leave all the interior lights on and do it at golden hour. Presumably he'd layer images with different exposures, and do some touch-ups and editing to make the interior lighting look warmer.
how far can you zoom?
so close to a gem
So I'm thinking of swapping over to traditional QoS instead of adaptive, but it wants me to provide a bandwidth limit before I can enable it. I'm fairly certain everyone is streaming movies during these speed tests, so I'm not sure if I should enter these values or not. I'm fairly certain we're paying for gigabit internet, and these speeds are no where near what I was hoping.

>Should I setup a white-list and run the speed test again?
>Should I try to change my payment plan to a slower speed/price, and/or sue the ISP for not providing the speeds advertised?
>Or should I just enter the current speed test results into the traditional QoS settings; Or possibily leave the adaptive QoS as is, and run a speed test first thing in the morning, before anyone has a chance to turn their televisions on?
watching video porn is video streaming
downloading a game/updates is file transfer
video chats are video streaming (technically live video and buffered video have different requirements, but your list doesn't differentiate them)
"web browsing" will be referring to downloading web pages occasionally, as opposed to constant use video playing a video or downloading a file
the basic idea is you want bulk transfers like downloading files to be low priority with no latency requirement, then semi-realtime stuff like streaming non-live video (youtube, porn, netflex, etc) you want higher priority than that, since excessive latency can cause them to stutter, then above that you want to put realtime stuff, like live video/audio (chats, twitch, etc) and gaming (as in playing games on a server)
I appreciate the response
i used to do QoS the traditional way, with a big list of rules you tweak over time, but then i discovered SQM, now i consider it a killer feature which i wouldn't want to go without. it doesn't require setting up manual rules, and it just werks really well, i live in a shared house with 4 people, who all use the internet for different things, including gaming, web browsing, netflix/twitch, and torrenting (torrents are the worst when it comes to disrupting other traffic), and ever since setting up SQM there hasn't been a single complaint about "is someone downloading?/can you pause your downloads?"
i don't really know how it works, but i'm glad i don't need to maintain a QoS ruleset anymore
it does require a fairly quick router mind, i ended up getting a 10 year old 6watt thin client for it, which sounds like nothing, but the cpus in typical home routers are seriously slow, since they do most of the work with hardware support, while SQM requires the cpu do more to each packet than just send them along
forgot to mention, but yes, i can torrent something uncapped while someone plays a game without complaint. i've found that's about the hardest combination. many bulk transfers all wanting all of the connection vs. a game which requires a small amount of traffic to get through as soon as possible
I just recently heard about that as well, I'm watching a playlist from a YouTuber who goes by Network Direction, and it's a QoS tutorial basically. I'll just leave things alone for tonight I guess, learn some more, and handle things in the morning. I'm fairly certain we're paying double what we should for service right now, given the results of the speed tests I've been running. Either that, or the coax cable is outdated. I'm not sure if coax can even sustain gigabit connections. Like I said, I have some research to do, and possibly some complaining to do.
you can usually get a better experience if you spent some time tweaking things, be it via things like QoS or just making sure your hardware is working correctly and fast enough to handle your connection
friend of mine had an issue recently, the place he was staying at had really flaky, slow internet, like 1Mbit/s, and after some back and forth with him, like understanding ADSL i got him to check all the phone lines in the building for DSL splitters, and one of them didn't have one. i got him to get a splitter for it, and boom, 10Mbit/s stable connection. he didn't set that connection up, but evidently the person who did didn't realise you need a splitter on every phone, not just the one the modem is on
Equestrian events if you can crack those. Niggas have MONEY. Dog shows aren't bad either.
I don't expect anyone to believe this so please just go along with my LARP: I recently got into Harvard and I'm planning on getting involved in the startup community during my time there. My plan is pretty half baked at this point but I legit do have a fairly extensive product design for some software that I think has some really great features, many of which have been done before of course so I know that it's at least theoretically possible, I've even worked out some of the marketing plan. But I have essentially no experience building software outside of like a financial calculator using Python/tKinker and some basic HTML/CSS. Would I be going very wrong if I used something like, for example, Wix.com to handle all the user account/authentication/database stuff and limiting my programming learning to the more advanced/unique features? What would you do if you were a brainlet in my situation?
I wish I knew that 15 years ago, lol
Occasionally my screen will freeze when playing game and not unfreeze and I have to restart my computer

Any idea what's causing this.
Why is the miniLED monitor market so stagnant? We've been stuck at ~1k zones for like 4 years. Where the fuck is my 100k+ zone microLED FALD?
What are some decent places to get affordable dedicated servers? I'm looking for something under $40 with at least 3ghz and 32 GBs of ram.
I've looked on hetzner and server hunter but my results have been mixed to say the least
How about the Oracle cloud free tier?
Is it possible to make the RPi 4B/5 relatively low power? I need a single board linux machine for some wireless sensor network research I'm doing, and need to make things relatively low power. Is the 4B or 5 better for this? Also, is the 5's increased power worth the extra cost? I'll be running inference for a neural network on these things, and wanted to make sure it doesn't take more than a few hours to process a large quantity of data.
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Chunk it

then repeat it out loud a few times and it'll stick.
kazinski like god intended
no shch retardation
Nah bro, use a microcontroller like the RP2040 or ESP-32 for the sensors and process the data remotely in a real computer, otherwise use an N100 mini PC.
Jackett has a large array of torrent site indexers that you can search from and find pretty much anything available. You can integrate it into Qbittorrent, or use it standalone via web interface. Its quite an impressive little project. Essential for torrent searching, imo.

If what you want is out there, it can lead you to the torrent indexers that have it.
Their dediboxes are really cheap.
From what I've looked into, that's not really an option for me. I'll be doing high throughput audio processing at 192kHz, possibly for 8 hours at a time. So it would need to handle something like 60ish GB of data per night. Worse yet, this thing probably needs to be deployed in random locations in the woods (collecting audio data on animals), so I shouldn't count on being able to stream all of this over wifi either.
You go to the settings, duh. You'll find your main router as your gateway. It's likely your repeater requires a DHCP service so you'll kind of have to dig it out.
Now that you are at it, I recommend the most obscure possible mask. Go for let's say Or 172.17.1.x as you write it.
>resistor into the controller's hole and the other end to a breadboard row shared with the led, what kind of question is that?
What controller?
>see above, the tricky part is running on ring 0, i am struggling there too, buy a microcontroller
What what?
is there a mesh wifi system that doesnt require me to use an app
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Sort of been asking that for weeks: give me a god damn mesh-capable Wi-Fi chip and I'll build one. One that doesn't shit on me and sell my data to China.
So. Here's a Wi-Fi chip for examples.
    Supported interface modes:
* managed
* AP
* monitor
* P2P-client
* P2P-GO

Doesn't look like it can do mesh, right? No?
    Supported TX frame types:
* mesh point: 0x00 0x10 0x20 0x30 0x40 0x50 0x60 0x70 0x80 0x90 0xa0 0xb0 0xc0 0xd0 0xe0 0xf0
Supported RX frame types:
* mesh point: 0xb0 0xc0 0xd0

What does this mean?
And even if it did support mesh, how do I "start meshing"? Do I just activate it and everything's all automatical? No access point type of things going on?
>current year
>actual real life landline phone service that interferes with your DSL link
Phone line service costs here like 3 times more than any DSL-internets-link. Are landline phones still a thing somewhere? Everyone here's been using mobile phones since the 90s.
yea real POTS still exists in places
can I use my fan to blow the wifi to my room from a router?
just use a jar
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I want to sync my flash drives with folders on my windows / linux systems. For example if something changes on the flash drive then it will sync the changes to the folder, and vice versa. Any suggestions?
are there any file explorers on fdroid that support SFTP?
Any tool on windows / linux to test all keyboard inputs?
In the US why do you all pay for your "gas" in advance before you're allowed to use the pump? And saying black people isn't a valid answer. I was in Florida the other year and I couldn't believe it.
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Im kinda confused which pcie slots I can use. the board is a x370-f gaming and the cpu a 5900x. I have a m.2 nvme on the board. In the X16_1 slot I have a P2000 GPU, in the X16_2 slot I have a pcie to m.2 adapte and if I try to use the same adapter in the X16_3 slot my PC wont boot. Can I really just use two pcie slots with this board and cpu combo?
xinput on linux
I don't know if it's on fdroid but admin hands as goofy as it sounds does
Why is my Linux box listed as having Unknown name on my Wi-Fi router web interface? How do I change it? All of my other devices (smartphone, TV, etc.) are named correctly. BTW, arp -a command output starts with ? on my machine. And editing /etc/hostname does nothing...
the fuck is this supposed to mean?
how can i set up a usb flash drive so its only writeable by a certain computer
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Antivirus: when it says "1 device" what does it really means?

>have a desktop with SSD
>have a laptop with no hard drive
>buy a new laptop with no hard drive
If I put my desktop SSD in my laptop, which is my main form of use when I travel, then buy a new laptop and transfer this SSD to it, do I have 1 or 3 devices?
I enabled traditional QoS and set my PlayStation to the highest priority and it's speeds shit the bed. Guess I'm sticking with adaptive until I'm no longer retarded.
Who do I de-activate notepad's spellcheck function FOREVER?
Every time I turn it off it comes back again after a restart.
how does a program detect whether a string is encoded as UTF8, 16 or 32?
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I created a simple profile picture in MS Paint, but when I upload it to different sites like youtube, if I then screenshot the profile picture and inspect it in Paint again, I notice that the color hex codes are slightly off (usually the G is off by 1). Do websites just not display all possible colors like Paint can? That's my only guess, and so the websites just convert to a nearby color.
>screenshot the profile picture
could also be the browser or website has a overlay

try right clicking your profile picture and find it in the inspector, then download that. If its the same then youtube doesn't touch it something is messing with your screenshot.
just tried, it's the same (Green off by 1). Just using Chrome. Weird.
yeah thats wierd

maybe its just compression thing, like youtube detects a slight color change will make it deflate better when recompressed. Either that or its some kind of fingerprinting mechanism.
How do I match a block device from sysfs to its mount point? For example, say I have a tape drive whose device ID is 0:00:0000 and according to lsscsi, its mounted at /dev/sd0. How do I derive the mount point without lsscsi?
Is there some reason you can't just use NAS or just keep the data on the flash drive and include it with one of your computer's backups? It's not like there aren't options for that but they tend to break down a lot depending on what exactly you're doing.
this is the most retarded thing
I don't know why windows still insists on it
You don't? Not unless you're paying in cash. Inserting the card just identifies you, you get billed after the pumping is done. I SERIOUSLY doubt gas stations in Europe just let any random person walk up with a petrol can, fill it up and walk off. Maybe you've got some other means of identifying yourself to the pump like a phone app which again just bills your later, but a rule that isn't enforced is a rule that doesn't exist especially when society has significant minority cultures who have been given a gajillion reasons to hate or disrespect the majority culture, therefore can't experience guilt for doing anything that hurts it, and associate just about every building that that don't know for sure is one of their own with said majority culture.
If you're talking about licensing requirements, it's going to vary depending on the software you use. One application may consider the hard drive to be your device, another may check your motherboard.
You shouldn't do that by the way. Windows probably isn't going to boot if you move your SSD from your desktop to a laptop. Linux might work fine, but I doubt that's what you're using.
I can absolutely guarantee that the new RAM has the same part number as the old RAM: CMK16GX4M2B3200C16. Also, my MOBO is an ASRock B450M Steel Legend, if that helps.

I really do not understand the cause of this strange problem and searching online has not helped at all.
I activated a trojan (dodgy .exe) and some of my shit got hacked. Namely my Steam, Instagram and an old reddit (???) account. Nothing was taken except for some of my steam inventory, none of the info was changed, went through everything including forwarding in mail accounts, API key in steam etc and it's all clean. Reddit (??) and Instagram did not have 2FA, Steam did, no idea how he got past that.

I've ran a gazillion scans and stuff and my PC seems to be clean, but I want to a reinstall, however I don't have a clean PC to make an USB with. Is this a problem because it could be some crazy trojan that will also infect the USB or some shit? Am I fine? I haven't noticed any suspicious activity for a while but I obviously have no idea what information he has. Someone told me he probably used my session ID from chrome or something.
i don't know what the question marks around the reddit account means
if you suspect a trojan, reinstalling is probably a good idea, do you not have another machine you can use?
that said, the chances such malware is designed to infect whatever you use to make an install medium is so slim that it's probably not worth worrying about
like maybe reinstall it then after check the sha1 hash of the file you installed from. it would be absurd for anyone to go far enough to alter multiple things to make that pass while still being infected. most malware targets the easy users, people who don't know how to reinstall their os
and yea, getting into accounts by using your chrome cookies is an easy way to do it, if you're logged into something in a browser, the way a website knows you're logged in is with a number that identifies that session, stored in a cookie, copy that somewhere else and now you're logged in somewhere else
ideally you should log out before ending your session, but they're betting most people don't do that
I mostly don't really understand what they'd need an old unused reddit account for. They used my instagram to rapidly spam follow a bunch of accounts so that makes some sense. My main concern is that they've been in my gmail (probably have been) since they also got in my Steam despite it having 2FA.

I guess I'll reinstall soon, I'm still just using this PC now while doing security stuff which is probably not the way to go.
if they have your chrome cookies, then they have your computer, since i'm pretty sure chrome ties that stuff to your windows account, like just copying a chrome profile to another computer won't work right, you need something else from your local account
i haven't looked into it much since i don't use chrome myself, but i've run into issues copying other people's chrome profile to a new install, so you can safely assume your windows install is owned and you should treat it as such
can windows xp sp3 run on any modern ish pc like the mini form factor ones?
/dev/sd0 isn't a mount point, that's a device file. You actually need to specify a mount point. Most distros will try to do that for you automatically and it'll show up as a removable device, and usually be mounted at /media/username/disklabel. You can specify a mount point with fstab.
i've never used lsscsi before, didn't even have it installed
/dev/sd0 isn't a mount point, it's a kernel device node
Ok, let me refine my question. How do I match a block device represented in sysfs to its device label/node? There seems to be no relationship between what's in sysfs and what's in udev or whatever else keeps track of block devices.
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Best granny ready linux distro for this fossil?
Whenever I opened firefox my cpu temp would suddenly skyrocket, from 35 idle to 73+. Just the about:blank page open. Pale Moon and Librewolf didn't have this issue. I had two add-ons installed, Ublock and a twitch ad blocker(https://github.com/younesaassila/ttv-lol-pro)
After disabling the twitch ad blocker this no longer happens. Was I unknowingly running a bitcoin miner or something?
I have a corsair harpoon mouse that I bought around 4 years ago where the right button started registering a single click as 2 clicks randomly. Can I do anything to fix it?
yea, solder in a new microswitch. it's genuinely not difficult
>Was I unknowingly running a bitcoin miner or something
this thing is a dumpster fire
Where can I find a compatible switch?
If you toss in a bit more memory and a ssd, mint should run fine on it.
most mice use the same kind of switch, called a microswitch
you'd think they'd all be special snowflake switches right? but no, i've literally repaired brand new mice with switches pulled out of a 90's ball mouse, they're all the same
don't cheap out too hard on them, you don't want to be replacing them every year
>Windows probably isn't going to boot if you move your SSD from your desktop to a laptop
I am shitposting from my laptop using my desktop SSD, brother.
Let's say I had some old version of Debian installed, something old enough to be running KDE 3, let's say. If I were to update/upgrade it to the latest Debian, would I have to upgrade the desktop environment to KDE 6?

Is it possible to use 'retro' software on modern distros, or do I have to use only the latest stuff on the repos?

Looking at github, somebody did fork it: https://github.com/chrisdevchroma/fourchan-dl
No idea if it works, looks like qmake will be needed to compile it however
How to move whatsapp chat from Andriod to IOS without using that shit Move to IOS as it's super slow?
Years ago I lived in the UK and they had "pump first" at that time. While in the shop for the gas station, some chav twat blazed off out of the station after filling up. The staff jumped into action and reviewed the CCTV to get the number plate to report to the police. Now they don't let you pump ahead anymore.
Any old social media account has "clout" to it. Think of popular forums where it shows your registration date. If someone makes a "controversial" post from an account that is 20 years old, versus one that signed up this year, its much more likely to be taken seriously. Some people pay good money for old accounts.
It's a very old laptop, isn't there a lightweight linux i can put on it? I'd rather not start searching for pieces
i'm from nz and live in au and in neither do you have to pay or identify yourself before you can use the bowsers
the standard here is;
- stop at a bowser
- fill up as much as you want
- go inside and tell the cashier what number your bowser was
- pay
the only time i've ever seen a pay-first bowser was an unmanned 24/7 truck stop in the middle of nowhere during a long trip, i had to ask someone who happened to pull in how to use it. i calculated how much i would need and paid that exact amount, i didn't realise until later that you could get back the difference
Looking at the trace of the original, there's lots of "SSL handshake failed" in the log
>this piece of software allowed me to download whole threads
holy shit just use hydrus
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