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old >>101079501
What's a good stupid question to ask?
I hear swift is slow so it isn't suited for games but what's the most you push out of making a game in it? Simple low poly stuff? 2D or 2.5D stuff?
Trying to play an old game. Every time I boot up the game it runs but my graphics card(?) knocks me out of the game back to the desktop. The monitor flickers too. I can hear the game audio running but every time I click on the icon on the task bar it just fucking minimizes again. Cant find answers on google.

Fucking cunted windows someone HELP
why isn't there a simple protocol that lets two computers transfer files directly over the internet?
Looks like it's on the Internet Archive.
I assume that version would work better
that's not a standard protocol for direct connection between two computers it's a webapp running a glorified ftp server
IP (Internet Protocol) was literally invented for this purpose.
i don't know how. can you give an explanation please?
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most normies don't have upload speeds capable of real-time file transfer, let alone actually understand what upload speed means. a server in the middle is just way easier, and also means it can be asynchronous.

even with gig internet, the real-world throughput is usually 1/4 of your actual bandwidth. data centers have prioritized/dedicated routes.
>a server in the middle is just way easier
except it's not? because then you have to set up a server?

I understand that most use cases that's good but for individuals who just want to blast a file between them there's no reason they should be able to do it without a middle man managing it. Error correction could be built into that protocol obviously.
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How do different file transfers handle big versus small files?
Default Windows explorer versus Ubuntu nautilus for example.
I'm trying to maximize file transfer speeds for a program that can handle any OS.
With WordPress, is there any way to layer images on top of images so that each can be toggled on and off? So for example, I upload a picture of a mountain range, and then above that I have a caption that says "mountain range", or have a picture of a person and on top have a word balloon saying "hello world!", and have the caption or word balloon have toggleable visibility with a button?

To clarify: I don't mean alt-text. It has to be a separate image layered on top, or at least have some kind of way to toggle them to show them on or off. I saw a comic sometime ago that had this so that characters and/or word balloons could be hidden to show the backgrounds, but I have no idea how it was done and it seems to be completely wiped from the internet with no archives available or ways to contact the creator.

Whether this is done with a plugin or if I'd have to do it myself from scratch with HTML or JavaScript or whatever doesn't matter, I just want to be pointed in the direction of a possible answer.
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>except it's not? because then you have to set up a server?
third-party service. the OP said "simple".

>I understand that most use cases that's good but for individuals who just want to blast a file between them there's no reason they should be able to do it without a middle man managing it.
It's entirely possible, it's just not simple or cheap. Networking is a lot more complicated than it might seem on the surface.

There's a lot of simple options, but they're not cheap.
it's a stupid question but i do understand networking. it seems like FTP could be adapted/integrated for this use case.
that's just basic HTML+CSS, just set the background-image of a div then fill it with text or an image tag, to layer up image tags you can also use CSS absolute position to pin them down on top of each other.

If you want to get fancy try doing a parallax effect https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_css_parallax.asp
is there something like a dashboard where values are scraped from pages without APIs?
the whole point of this thread is spoonfeeding eachother
fuck off if you can't behave yourself
You may be thinking of a HTTP / REST API, which is a little more simple in terms of APIs. Sometimes you still have to pass auth tokens though.

Although websites also have public APIs which are just empty HTML dashboards with just static text, which is really nice.
>Although websites also have public APIs which are just empty HTML dashboards with just static text, which is really nice.

Although SOME websites have public APIs with just empty HTML dashboards with static text, which is really nice.
I don't know what a dashboard is, or what values you're talking about - but there's always a way to scrape.
Worst case, auto-grab screenshots, pipe into image to text pipe out into a database.
adding some more context I want to keep an eye on specific stores and register the price and stock for a certain item and notify me whenever some conditions are met. I want to know if something exist or should I start a small project for it

optionally plot the values as historical data (I know i can use grafana or something similar for this tho)
trying to get smb working after setting up a shitty little terramaster nas; i can access specific shared folders directly but i can't view all of them under the root folder.
does not work but
does for example, what am i doing wrong? i feel like it's something simple like sharing the root folder but i can't find that option anywhere in the interface
am i doing this wrong? nothing opens the resulting mp4, doesnt even render a thumbnail on windows, but handbreak can read it
ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="USB Video" -f dshow -i audio="Digital Audio Interface (USB Digital Audio)" -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 23 -c:a aac -b:a 96k -ar 44100 -ac 2 -t 30 -f mp4 -y capture.mp4
I guess it depends on the storefront, price is probably pretty trivial but stock might be hard/impossible.

A lot of websites are probably designed to be anti-scrape anyways though
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Which BSD should I use on desktop?
I'm planning to replace my 4x2TB HDD setup with SATA SSDs, as the prices have dropped significantly and I want my PC to get quieter.

The drives will see some file operations every now and then after writing (copying, downloading to etc). Would the Samsung QVO 870 2TB (MZ-77Q2T0BW) make for a good drive in this case? I have strong brand loyalty but no idea what drives are trustworthy.
Big fan of Samsung ssds personally.
Which program?
Thank you! I knew it'd be something simple lol.
rsync my dude
I'm using Invidious to download YouTube videos (since nothing else works on my old version of Android). The only problem is that it only lets me to download both audio and video in 360p. How can I merge both audio + video in good quality?
>click "open image in new tab"
>opens in a new tab
>address is something like "bullshit.com/content/image.jpg"
>try to save image
>it's apparently a webp file
what the fuck is this shit
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So uh idk where to ask this but

I'm stuck with Xfinity as my ISP but they are charging me monthly to use their modem. I want to buy my own modem instead but I'm not sure what's good and cheap. Also I heard they will secretly fuck me over and throttle my internet if I don't use their modem. Idk if that's true.
Is there any Firefox / Chrome plugin or Ublock Origin configuration that can completely remove YouTube shorts on desktop?
I am retarded with zero self control and I need to remove Shorts from my feed entirely.
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Twitter lets you see a post's timestamp by giving you a tooltip when you hover over the date/time link in a timeline.
Are there any Firefox add-ons or other modifications that would just display the timestamp for me without needing to hover my mouse over anything?

>just click on the post
are electronics basically meant to last forever, say pc parts like a graphics card or a mobo , well taken care of, could you expect to just keep using them indefinitely? I saw some russians on youtube repairing graphics card nvram modules and was impressed by the process but also wondered how the stuff got fucked (bad contacts and traces on the pcb)
Has anyone here ever set up a whatsapp chatbot before?
I already got Chatwoot (+evolution api) and n8n running, now I'm deciding between Typebot and Dialogflow for the chatbot itself... but it seems these two serve different purposes? If you google "Typebot or Dialogflow" you get no results comparing them at ALL. Am I missing something?
It's not true, and they list a variety of modems you can use on their website. I ended up getting a TP-Link model tc7650. It's just sitting in a box in the garage these days. (I just went outside and fished it out of the box for this post)

If you're paying for gigabit speeds, make sure you get one that has Docsis 3.1.
If you keep them clean, and out of humid environments, probably, but processors are using less wattage and producing better speeds these days, and the cycle suggests that will continue, so it's probably best to upgrade every four years or so.
Thanks. but why's your tp-link in a box?
Hey anons, a few days ago I was trying to figure out why my C drive kept filling up even as I moved hundreds of megabytes and gigabytes off of it to other drives and I wasn't saving or installing a lot of data.


I'm still having issues and haven't narrowed down the cause

Is there a directory size viewer tool like wiztree, but that will allow you to see what directories have gone up or down in size the most between scans and/or allows you to export the scan results then reimport them to view/compare?

Wiztree does not as far as I can tell, does treesize or WinDirStat, which other anons brought up?
Install an user script manager like tampermonkey and paste this into it
// ==UserScript==
// @name Twitter time
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 2024-06-23
// @description shows the fucking time
// @author (You)
// @match https://x.com/*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=x.com
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
'use strict';


function updateTime(){
let timeElements = document.getElementsByTagName('time');

for (let e of timeElements){
e.innerText = e.dateTime;


It is pretty niggerlicious code but it works.
I moved, and swapped ISP
You guys actually use Twitter? I can't view shit anymore without an account and I refuse to make one.
What could cause a pc to reboot randomly during low power usage? Including sleep (s3) state?

I tested a different psu, removed the hard drives, different ram. All I can think of is the mobo. I dont think cpu is doing anything during sleep so I don't think it's cpu.

Computer survives all the occt stress tests. I'm at wit's end.
Probably a random setting in your OS
Why is "Light Mode" the spookiest scariest thing ever to people now and when exactly did that happen? I kinda realized it's now the default for most applications and web pages. Anyway, isn't it better for your eyes to look at black text on a white background?
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What's the proper way of cleaning a monitor? I don't even know how mine gets dirty in the first place.
>Why is "light mode" the spookiest scariest thing ever to people now
It's not. It's mainly one of those zoomer things that starts off as a joke but then they all subconsciously start believing the joke to be real and getting mad at people because they're not taking it as seriously
>When exactly did that happen
Sometimes in the late 2010s when sites started catering more to the smart phone crowd
It became the default because it's just easier for most people to read in lower light conditions. It also works well to save battery life.
>Isn't it better for your eyes to look at black text on a white background
Results are mixed. A lot of places claim the opposite, that dark mode is better for eye strain and long hours stating at a screen. People also claim though that light mode can improve reading comprehension and speed.
Mircofiber cloth and distilled water, maybe blue paper towels.
How do you use twitter on android? I see two post and an ad, then two more post and an ad, it's unusable.
I'm not a normie so I barely used it, but I got some Japanese artist I follow there.
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When I first built my PC, it had 16 GB of RAM and I tested the speed of a 6-GB RAM disk (top of pic).

Five years later, I now have 32 GB of RAM and again tested the speed of a 6-GB RAM disk (bottom of pic).

The current speed is almost five times slower! Why? Yes, all four sticks are the same model number (CMK16GX4M2B3200C16).
>It is pretty niggerlicious code but it works.
How else would you do it?
I guess you could use the onload event but over-engineering shit like this is fucking retarded. If you can do it in 7 lines, do it in 7 lines.
Download an older version of the app. Block a lot of the blue checks and advertisers except for the Japanese mascot, he's chill. Then it's a slightly better experience. Retweet Japanese shit and allow shit from Japan in your language settings
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Oh, XMP is set in bios and Speccy shows the same info for all four sticks in pic. And Task Manager shows 3200 MHz.
Better than nothing, thank you, I'll do that.
I want to try out Plasma (unironically), but I'm currently using Guh-nome. If I were to not like it, how do I properly remove everything kde-related afterwards? I use arch btw.
Squawker, it's on F-droid.
Wouldn't you just make a system back-up beforehand and revert to said back-up after the fact?
Instead of polling every second I could use a MutationObserver and instead of dumping the full datetime I could do some formatting, but fuck that, javascript is an awful language.
Does anyone know of a website where I can see the monthly visits of a website more than the last 3 months that Similarweb gives?
leetcode if im not studying for an interview? should i put energy into actually getting a degree instead?

do you think i could actually land an interview without a degree somehow? what would increase my chances of that? im down to treat real interviews like practice and grind leetcode for that but i gotta know if i can actually get an interview in the first place
As long as you have projects it's not impossible, but studying, and specifically doing internships is 100x times as effective
Or so I've been told
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>In the US why do you all pay for your "gas" in advance before you're allowed to use the pump? And saying black people isn't a valid answer. I was in Florida the other year and I couldn't believe it.
It's been a thing for over 20 years. "A thing", not like it was a law but generally you pay first and then get your product.
I remember people nagging about it but never understood why. Why do you want so bad to hold that amount of gasoline in your gas tank before paying for it? Nobody's winning anything, you just cause stress to the gas station owner.
Also why's this on /g/?
t. euro boomer
How can I go about connecting a computer to my network without exposing it to the internet?
I have an old windows xp machine and I'd like to create a sftp server between the two of them to make transferring files easier without exposing said machine (or my network, for that matter) to viruses and shit. I have no clue where to begin and googling is giving me conflicting results.
i explained this horribly. I have a linux desktop. I want to create a sftp server between the xp machine to my desktop.
I would like to mirror my iPhone/iPad/Mac Air to a Roku tv. I’ve read of ways to do it wirelessly nut it requires WiFi. My question is, does that WiFi network need an actual internet connection or would having the network established be enough? This would be for an RV where I would like to avoid using my phone to hotspot an internet connection.
> nut
Ugh. but not nut

Fire up any small HTTP server if it's just a couple of files to be served to the XP machine.
But if you absolutely need SFTP, install FileZilla or something to the XP PC and use it to access the SSH server on your Linux box.
>How can I go about connecting a computer to my network without exposing it to the internet?
Generally you'd use the same IP addressing but without a gateway. Like give it or whatever but leave it at that.
how long do you reckon this would last
12 months?
Because you can't buy a "full tank of gas".
>internet out in the garage has been spotty
>analyze surrounding wifi
>changed my access point to a different channel
>bricked it
I set these things up so long ago where I don't even remember how I did it. /rant
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I bought one of these and thought I could use it to power a PoE device far away from my PoE switch but that seems not the case. What's the point of this if the LAN port needs to be utilized?
what? you put your card in and then fill to capacity
Even during sleep mode? Isn't that managed by the bios?
just going off the picture, it looks like a PoE injector, that is you have it near your non-PoE switch, connect the switch to the non-PoE port on the injector, now you have a PoE port to run to a PoE device
I really don't understand why people think that in the US we pay before filling.
Here's how it ACUTALLY works for the Eurotards.
1. You pull up to the pump
2. You insert your card
3. They check that your card is active by doing a temporary transaction. If no, stop here. This is common with more than just gas. The temporary transaction doesn't even appear on your statement after you've actually paid.
4. You pump your gas
5. AFTER YOU'VE PUMPED YOUR GAS, they charge you for the amount of gas you've taken.
You are not (permanently) charged prior to pumping the gas. If you would like, you have the OPTION to pay the cashier for a specific amount of gas before pumping.
and for the people who actually understand how credit card processing works... when you first insert your card they do an "authorize" for the full possible amount (say $175), which is more like a temporary deposit. then after you're finished they do a "capture" for the actual amount... this makes sure that it will only continue with actually pumping gas after it has reserved as much money as you could possibly spend, so the card will not decline. european credit cards CAN work the same way, it's just that the pumps over there might not process transactions in the same manner, but they could.
Yeah the pumps at Kroger gas stations still have the stickers on them from 2008 when things were going to shit and people were like "Shit nigger, gas is almost $5/gallon, but, I still gotta go to work...." and they would fill up their F950 diesels all the way and just fuck off with the credit card debt.....stickers say "We may charge an authorization of up to $150"
Has 4plebs been shitting itself for anyone else? It says there's no global search enabled even though I used global search yesterday/only returns one page of results/says I have to wait a certain time between searches
because as you described, you do technically pay before filling, it's just that you get effectively refunded the difference afterwards
it's kind of like collateral, to guarantee that you can afford something before you pay for it, you authorise an oversized payment first, then once the actual amount is determined, that amount is charged
why is the HEIC image format getting so popular lately? From what I heard, Apple has been using this for years, but over the last weeks I received this format from several users independently.
Has Apple changed something to push its popularity or were there newsletters handed out to Apple users?
I have it close to or in the room with the device that needs powering, but yeah, that is how that works. LAN in, POE out.
shouldn't matter if you put it on the switch or device end
i see in your picture that it's 24v, are you sure your device is 24v? sometimes PoE uses 48v
sorry for the confusion, I am a different anon, not the one who has the issue.
Retard here that needs help
7600x, 32gb Corsair ram at 6000mhz, Sapphire Vega 56, Samsung 990 pro M2, Windows 10

I'm at quite a loss, a little while ago my PC got into the habit of failbooting into Windows. OS would load normally, my AV would load and I could do things normally for about 5 seconds before everything froze. I could not open new programs from any drive or files, however I could still open file explorer and see my files and folders just not open any.
At first a few reboots fixed this and I would just keep my PC on but after a while of this it wouldn't work anymore and I was forced to do a Windows reset, after that it always worked on the first boot after reset but usually not the 2nd so I got into the habit of resetting my windows every other week. Now today not even that worked and I went with reinstalling windows which went smooth until you reach the personalization part. A few times halfway through that bit it would crash, sometimes normally and sometimes my 2nd screen would go off as well as my mouse and it would just be frozen. I finally got it working after a few tries and for once got a bluescreen with a usable error "inaccessible_boot_drive" and after another reinstall I am now finally able to use my computer like normal until either shortly or longly shit goes rogue again.

So, is my M2 fucked, is it my GPU or is there something else?
I don't see how the GPU is part of this at all.
First glance it seems to be the hard drive, as you suspected already. Could be that it goes into read only mode or enough of the file table was cached so you could see files, but not access them. the OS is running in RAM at that moment.
inaccessible boot drive clearly points to the drive or something on the way there. try reseating it, but could just be the drive giving up the ghost
you could also confirm by booting a live linux from a usb/dvd and running some diagnostics on the drive.
which of course would also be a good opportunity to evacuate any important files you can still access before the drive fails for good.
Thanks for the help, ironically right now it still runs smooth as butter and I want to have some trust in Samsung for not having a DOA drive after 6 months.
Luckily everything is backed up on cloud and other drives, knowing Windows I haven't stored critical information on my C drive in years.
I'm going to keep the bloody thing running now for as long as I can and do some testing on it after.
Much appreciation for the quick response, I feel more confident now that it is indeed the M2
anyone else having problems loading content from is2.4chan.org?
how stupid is putting a humidifier close to a PC? what is the reasonable distance?
As long as they're on the same lan it should be fine, just get a router. Might also be able to connect via USB and enable mirroring.
You would want to change the channel from the primary router and the access point would likely mimic the settings
Another anon was complaining about this, several actually, I guess ublock was blocking a cloud flare service? Not sure if that applies for you.
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i am interested in learning hacking, can i get some suggestions on book and other learning material please?
It's actually a better way of storing images. More efficient for the phone and not consistent to rasterize.
How is passkey safer than password + TOTP?

If someone has remote access to your computer via malware couldn't they just steal your passkey PIN/biometrics and that's it? With 2fa they'd at least need to hack two separate devices or hijack the session while you're still logged in.
*more consistent to rasterize
It isn't. It's just less common, which some people probably think is a value.
>With 2fa they'd at least need to hack two separate devices
A lot of people store their passwords and 2fa tokens on the same device they log in from.
somewhere where the output can't be pulled in almost immediately by the computer's fans would be good i guess
i don't live in a place where humidifiers are a thing though. i know someone who lives by a beach and his computer is literally rusty, but that's sea air, which is worse
What's the future of 'no code' software that merely exists inside neural networks? Is it feasible say for military applications?
fine, but from what I can tell it has been for years. why am I getting requests to install that codec on our windows workstations now, from multiple people independently?
has it become a standard where it was not before? was some automatic export conversion deactivated?
yep. worked IT on ships for a while, not a great environment for electronics if they are on deck or in unventilated rooms.
hmm, bet you had a lot of fun replacing fans
i've fixed up this guys' computer before, the important parts hold up pretty well really, but two of the fans had seized and the intake grill was so bad that i felt the need to sand it back and use some zinc spray paint on it
but this is a house next to a beach, on a ship itself i can't imagine, do you get stuff that's a bit more protected, like at least aluminium cases or something?
network ports as well
I'm tech retarded so I'm not sure how that works but is it on 4pleb's end with nothing I can do about it? I turned off my ublock and nothing changed.
something happened and adobe after effect preferences got wiped. Now I have no idea how to change decimal notations in timecode from colon to dots. Please help
Ok same anon here

Is there some sort of passkey app on android you can use to sign in on desktop? I just watched a video where someone showed how to add Google passkey to yubikey, but I don't want to shell out the money on a yubikey quite yet. I want to try using my phone instead of a yubikey or other hardware. Is that possible? Everything I'm seeing is passkey apps for logging in on your phone, not using your phone to login on desktop.
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so....I got a call from my internet provider asking why my router keeps disconecting....is there a way to reset my IP without those faggots bothering me?
nvm I guess there isn't one without powering off and on the modem. Fucking glowies man I bet they read all my shitposting too. God they must be so fucking mindbroken by now
if one were less conspiratorially inclined, this could be a sign of good customer service and infrastructure monitoring.
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I told them....I move furniture a lot....at 3 am in the morning
"Electricity in my building is somewhat iffy, I keep telling my landlord. Nothing you can do, make a note, thanks for asking."
Is your browser up to date? I'm have zero problems with brave on both mobile and desktop.
Hi, I need a Micorfon for my Desktop Setup, any ideas what to get for 20-40€?
Yes, I've tried a few different browsers and even tried it on my phone and it's the same everywhere.
I want to use an android app that uses
as drm. Obviously I haven't bought it, and even if I had, I have the Play Store and Play Services uninstalled. Because of that, when trying to launch the app, I get an error message and the following is logged to logcat:
W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.android.vending.licensing.ILicensingService pkg=com.android.vending } U=0: not found[/code
What is stopping me from compiling the Play Store from source, but changing this function: https://github.com/google/play-licensing/blob/ac02e222a7c2842158103484fbd7fd2a440c364e/lvl_library/src/main/java/com/google/android/vending/licensing/LicenseChecker.java#L140
So that it always runs
Is there something I'm missing here?
Is there any way to do this without JavaScript? Seems like no but I'd like to at least see if anyone has any possible alternatives.
Anyone ever created a custom Minecraft mob? My son was interested and i guess it's a good way of introducing him to programming.
I'm a Java programmer and I can setup an IDE easily but know jack shit about Minecraft and Blender or whatever modelling tool is needed. YouTube is not very helpful I see a bunch of kids videos showing custom mobs but very few actually showing how to do it
It might be possible with a grid of elements with :hover lol. The js solution is much better ofc
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wtf is wrong with my browser?
How do I change the default theme/style in 4chanX?
is the computing cost per prompt for a big LLM like chatGPT only dependent on token count and exec time, or is there something more, like the content of the prompt?

also is this the right place or better in /sci/ ?
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The same way as with vanilla 4chan, the style box at the bottom-right of the webpage. In advanced, you can add custom css too.
What are the security implications of having DRM support enabled in your browser? Or is it just a matter of principles that make people toggle off that option?
Sometimes JSON parsing shits the bed. That or 4chan's CDN. Do an F5 instead of refreshing through 4chanX when this happens. Also you should switch to 4chanx-ts as the main repo is stale and all focus is being shifted toward the typescript rewrite
>use gallery-dl to download all media from a twitter artist
>half the images are just pictures of food or gacha rolls and other irrelevant shit when I just want the art
>want to delete them to save on space and for more organization
>however gallery-dl will just redownload them when I run it again on the same artist in the future to get their new art

Does anyone have an idea how I could get rid of the non-art images while still keeping them in gallery-dl's "memory" of what it already downloaded/what to avoid redownloading?
>My son was interested and i guess it's a good way of introducing him to programming.
I hope this won't backfire. Not every kid who likes minecraft will necessarily do the leap required in order to get into programming. Is the kid interested in redstone circuits and command block scripting? You can do lot of pseudo programming simply with in-game mechanics like learning logical gates or devising scoreboards for minigames. Gauge your kid's interest by seeing how he tackles those problems and more importantly if he's having fun doing so or otherwise you'll just end up forcing something he doesn't care about
Is there gallery-dl documentation about this apart from the linked reply? I'm having trouble figuring out how it works
You can't probably drag it around the screen but you should be able to apply blur filters and static shapes over pictures
Maybe this? https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl/wiki/Config-File-Outline#all-sections-again-including-some-options-as-an-example
And also this I guess https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl/blob/master/docs/configuration.rst#extractorarchive
Thanks I'll check it out
Why won't opensuse connect to the Internet?
There are no connections during or after the installation and I've tried both the net and dvd to see if this will fix it.
Other distros I've had no problem. They have networks appear no problem after set up.
Any advice?
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What's the *most* free LLM?
Bonus if you can download it.
some people need a different type of thing to click in their head. seeing a new mob night be more engaging than making some raggedy binary adder with redstone, as long as he gets it enough that it needs work behind the scenes
I've been asking 'you guys' random A+ cert questions, mostly raid.
I passed Core 1 Today with a 744
Thanks for the help /sqt/
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--help helps

You might also want to take a look at
same happened to me. I was told to try the full iso but meh debian just works
Currently designing a 8088 assembler. I've observed the following potential operands.
Are there any I'm missing?
Thank you kind anon.
Actual stupid question time, because I feel like I've messed up.
/g/, I have everything installed in my HDD. Recently I got a SSD, put it in, and installed Linux on it. Now the system boots from that SSD.
How do I boot the HDD again? Like, it has a bunch of file shortcuts on its desktop. How do I open specifically the desktop for that HDD while I'm running the OS on my SSD?
Are you saying you have windows on your hdd or just that it contains files?
Swap boot priorities in the bios
Its Linux Manjaro on both of them.
The HDD still contains stuff I want to use, mostly games which take a while to download.

I'm already booting from the SSD, though.
tourist from /fit/ here
i have following problem/question:
i got a new laptop with 2x m.2 ssd´s
i have win10 on one ssd and want to
format and install ubuntu on the second
one. i used to have ubuntu alongside win7 or 8
via dual boot a while back and i remember i had to use some program to get a "choose from which drive you want to boot" screen when powering the machine on. will i have to searh
for that or a similar program again or does the bios nowadays
give me that startscreen by itself without doing anything?
Just mount the partitions from your HDD and access them like that.
Check lsblk for a list of block devices.
You might need to boot into it and copy the files separately. May be easier like that
Or like >>101135288 said

Also what distro does everyone like best for gaming?
how to set up OpenVPN where only One Website is using it ??
What do you do when you can't find a book on libgen?
okay uh, >>101134903 here
This truly was a stupid question, nevermind.
(I installed Linux on the SSD while the HDD was disconnected so it didn't show up on the Grub boot menu, I changed it around and now it does)
WD drives are good right, and Segate is crap (in terms of longevity, I don't give a shit about anything else except that it's gonna last a long time)?
Do nvidia/amd gpus work only on x86 or also for other architectures?
i was playing a game and my computerm onitor shut off and my computer fans went to 100%. i left it for 10 seconds to see what it would do but then i turned the power off and restarted it. i have windows, is there a way to see logs of what happened? ive never had a crash lke this before
Probably overheated
what could be over heating though? the fans were at like 20%. if it was overheating wouldnt the fans try to go up to 80%~ before shutting off the computer?
Event manager
I don't think your BIOS/UEFI will help you here. It may, but in all likelihood, you'll probably need to dual-boot again.
The program you used in the past is most likely some derivative of the GRand Unified Bootloader(GRUB.)
In theory, they work with literally any other architecture, so long as the board has a compatible PCIe 4.0 slot.
In practice, only x86 systems have a PCIe 4.0 slot, and even if they weren't the only ones, new drivers would have to be written for the other architectures because they do not exist currently.
Sounds like a GPU crash honestly... Usually they recover after 5 seconds though.
As anon suggested, use the event manager.
looking online with what i saw in event viewer, it might be because a connector is physically loose somewehre, so ill have to check
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Are we still stuck in an age where we have to deal with page breaks in PDF files shitting up content tables or is there a solution?
Is there a /gif/ archive that saves the webms???
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Anons, do any of you know how I open these clips holding some cables inside my laptop?
I've managed to squeeze the ones I wanted to replace out, but I'm afraid to damage the pins of I do the same to put them back in
To put *the new ones in
Why is it that my Asus RT-AC68U router is only getting 210Mbps when the modem is outputting over 900Mbps? The technician just came out and checked out our connection and was stumped. Suggested I get a new router. I've only had this one a few years. Google suggests it's over ten years old though.
recently with Firefox every 4chan board I get long webm loading times and "Video playback aborted due to a network error" or "the vidseo is not supported or something MIME" when trying to load in webms and sometimes it just won't open pictures. This stops and everything works for a couple of minutes and then it goes back to the same shit. Is anyone having the same problems, did something went to shit with Firefox, can it be fixed?
thanks anon i will give it a try then
use a hairdryer to get them slightly warm if they are really brittle. but if they laptop is somewhat new (not that much heat cycles) they usually dont break.
The raspberry pi and other single-board computers (that are often ARM based) have recently featured pcie slots (usually pcie 3.0 x4/x2/x1), the driver support is mostly nothing however.
(mostly nothing for gpu support, nvme drives have decent support)
Is there any way to download deleted YouTube videos that are archived in the Wayback Machine?
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>computer used to run games great
>now shit's slow despite not playing super demanding shit
I don't know what the fuck to do. Why is my shit so slow? Pic related is Task Manager while i'm playing a game.
That's not really showing us much, what processes are running?
how do I market a developer tool with a shoestring budget
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Not a whole lot of major shit. Should I boot up my game again and take a screenshot of the processes while it's running?
Gonna buy a desktop tower soon. Should I bother with liquid cooling if I'm not planning to overclock? It's gonna be a pretty beefy PC and VR ready, etc.
I would probably just copy all the shit I need onto a flash drive and use the reset this PC function personally, but alternatively you can disable your start-up apps and remove that cursed anti-virus.
Depends on what you plan on doing with the computer I guess. Keeping a computer cool is never a bad idea. Thermal throttling exists. If you want the most out of your hardware you're going to want to keep it cool.
The laptop is a couple years old and I really wasn't able to open the clamp thingy after all (and I don't have a hairdryer, unfortunately) so I ended up having to squeeze the cables inside, and thankfully the pins weren't damaged.
Thanks for the help, though. It's good to know those thingies were supposed to be openable. What are they called, btw?
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I want to archive all the community posts from a YouTube channel. Ideally the date, text, and media link downloaded in rows and columns in a spreadsheet. Is there a tool for this?
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>delete the antivirus software
>problem is 90% solved
Holy shit, what have I been missing out on?
i've got a Huawei p10 that crashes every time i try to open a page in the google play store. i can open the app, but if i search for anything it just immediately crashes back to the home screen.
Tried overclocking my CPU with incorrect voltages. Computer blue screened on startup. I fixed it somehow but how do I look for damages? I know some shit happened to the RAM which caused some applications to not run correctly I had to reinstall but I want to just figure out all the things I fucked up on now rather than later.
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Anyone elses xitter feed been filled with tranny shit lately?
Yesterday it was literally every 3rd or 4th post for me, shit with like 5 likes from some rando who randomly mentions being trans, and the only selfies of "women" I see posted up there definitely aren't women.
Tried clicking "not relevant" on them but I'm almost convinced that's making it show up even more.
Probably just followed someone that's big into all that, but it's only really the past week it started, pretty sure I haven't followed anyone new in a while.
Does anyone know of a website where I can see the monthly visits of a website more than the last 3 months that Similarweb gives?
He says, whilst confessing to using faggot Twitter and posting lolicon art.
Your hardware's full potential
That's not a question, but.. go to storage, click on the play store, clear the app cache, then open the app go to settings, go to about, and update the play store. Hopefully that resolves the issue.
yeah tech twitter been pretty bad lately, guess they've started crawling back from mastodon
Are you using wifi? If so, what type of band? (802.11 a/b/g/n/ac)
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>How is passkey safer than password + TOTP?
If you have strong and unique passwords, then realistically it really isn't much different. Passkeys are ideal for enterprises because users are fucking retarded and will all but write their password on the wall of a truck stop bathroom. So replace the password with something much harder to duplicate. A lot of enterprises are making the switch to passwordless.

>couldn't they just steal your passkey PIN/biometrics and that's it?
Passkey shouldn't be stored on a windows computer for obvious reasons. Modern phones are fine because they are much more secure out of the box. Or a hardware key like a Yubikey and secured with a PIN.

>With 2fa they'd at least need to hack two separate devices
Passkeys are considered "unhackable". It's not the key they would hack, it's your session token. There should still be a second factor anyways, like a PIN or biometric anyways.

If you're an average Joe, your biggest concern will be losing access to your passkey. We don't have a helpdesk we can call to reset it for us. Tread lightly. I can't state that any more seriously.

>Is there some sort of passkey app on android you can use to sign in on desktop?
Windows Hello if you're signed into your microsoft account.

>I want to try using my phone instead of a yubikey or other hardware.
Microsoft Authenticator, but I've never tested it with a personal account. Only in enterprise environments.

I'd recommend getting two Yubikeys and a cloud password manager. You can get the cheaper yubikey that only have FIDO2. https://www.yubico.com/product/security-key-series/security-key-nfc-by-yubico-black/. Use the Yubikeys to secure your password manager. Print out recovery codes and store them. Give your password to someone you trust. Don't bother using passkeys for anything else, it's just overkill.
>Asus RT-AC68U
That's a bare Ethernet router so you can simply remove it and then do a speed test by just using your PC/Mac/whatever.
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just looking at them, i would push a wire under one side, then push down the other side to make a gap to pull the wire out
>overclocking my CPU with incorrect voltages
>Computer blue screened on startup
Too low voltage huh? That doesn't cause damage.
The router has a speed test built in, it's hidden in the QoS settings; I am using WiFi though.
We just ordered a AX68U Pro; Should be here on the 30th.
Should I buy a fan or an air cooler to keep my room at room temperature this summer? I need something under 200 euro. Anyone know anything good? It gets really hot in my room when I use my PC.
Window ACs are banned in the EU, otherwise I would've recommended one.
Just get a box fan and run it at night when it gets cooler. Won't solve the daytime, but it'll make it way more bearable far more quickly.
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Is there such a thing as reliable ink for printers? I swear I print out maybe 10 pages of non-pictures, dont use the printer for some months, and coming back to print something it turns out the shit is dried. I want to say its the shitty HP cartridges instead of my printer. Any tips?
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I'm sick of being a paramedic and want be a cybersecurity desk-jockey. What cert should I pick up to start applying? Security+?
1: What city is that?
2: Which of these is better? The 1st has 2x as much RAM but is almost the same price as the 2nd, which makes me think there are some kinds of strings attached
I'm pretty dam sure I went too high.
That makes a lot of sense.
Laser printer.
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I've been using one of the old simple chromecasts, but the lack of network streaming was annoying and the person who lent it to me needed it back.
If I mostly just want ad-free youtube and streaming local video files what would be my best (cheapest and quickest to set up) option?
ChatGPT recommended Amazon Fire TV Stick with a Kodi install.
from one anon to another the entire IT field is in the gutter right now even for people with years of experience. Can't hurt to study up and grab it but on top of all that shit some people with experience are getting bumped down to help desk mines anyway choking out people lower on the totem pole

Check out the Snowball Ice. Often goes on sale.
I use a Fifine K678 is around £40
If internet archive has it try using findyoutubevideo.thetechrobo.ca/, that should give you the direct link on there, then you can just right click -> download
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Hi . You guys seem to be my last hope.i have had someone hack my security camera, but no one believes me
I don't have them hooked up to the internet, but clearly, it's online, but also running a program now that i it didn't come with (the interface is different..I think that's what it's called anyway) .. I'll post photos . If you can help me I'd really appreciate it. How do I track the IP of this person(I think it's my creepy 60 year old neighbour who has admitted to jumping my fence) . I'm actually pretty scared because my dog goes crazy barking at night, and someone rattles my door handles like they are trying to come in. The police don't like me, so they aren't an option.
disconnect the cam and get a new one, you can't trust a compromised system even if you try to fix it. also definitely go to the police or other law enforcement. if you're physically attractive, it might be just a creeper, otherwise someone might prepare to rob your house.
just install oneechan with 4chanx for themes
same shit here, even Chrome doesn't want to open the webms properly. No other internet problems
I pulled an old hard drive of mine out of storage and it's definitely dying, what's the proper way to get the data off of it? Image it and pull data from the image? Most of it is old installed programs I don't need.
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how the fuck do i fix this? im using brave and im not switching to firefox
I really can't go to the police. Long story, but they won't listen to me if I ask them to investigate. I have an 11 year old autistic son, and we sit in bed at night trying not to breathe in fear. It's really bad. . This has been going on for years, and I really want to catch him and go to the police with proof to have him charged. My son said 4 Chan users will know how to trace the IP. So here I am. Is it something I can do myself, our do you have to have good knowledge about computers.. PS. This captcha is awful. So hard to read
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Linux n00b.
Hate MSFT for the Win 11 bullshit.
Want to start playing some Civ/EU4/Eve Online
How do I start?
Running Arch if that's relephant.
Plz help
Does Windows save recently deleted AppData files to another directory before getting rid of them? Some game only keeps a last 100 game record and I'm wondering if I can view older games.
I've got 1.2gbps internet and I can get that full speed when I'm plugged directly into the modem, but my router is only gigabit, so I was looking into upgrading. are there any decent routers with 2 x 2.5gbps ports? all I can seem to find are ones with a 2.5 in port, and then all the outgoing ports are 1gbps, or some big fancy $300 thing with a bunch of 2.5 ports. I'm just trying to get full speed for my pc, and then to have wifi for my phone and cameras and whatnot, and those don't need full speed
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No clue how to fix that, but have you considered trying waterfox? https://www.waterfox.net/download/
How to download the VR version of youtube video?
Take a loot at the AX68U Pro; I just ordered one myself for the same reason.
Might be worth duel-booting, or try opening the games through steam
Mount the disk from a live os and copy the desired files over to another disk. The linux mint installer would work fine for this.
Hard reset them and update their firmware and change the security login information
Do you have any extensions? Have you tried clearing your cache and refreshing the page?
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that works. after turning all my extensions on and off (i have like 30 extensions), i think this was the culprit
Do a custom router or something even weirder: route with your PC.
Been routing with my PC since forever for somewhat similar reasons.
Motherboard and power supply are dogshit on both. You have to go custom to get decent hardware from Cyberpower. Liquid cooling is a liability too. Just pay a local guy if you have a physical disability that prevents you from assembling a PC.
Why are mechanical keyboards made without numpad?
Because you have numbers on top row of keyboard?
I don't even play games. Having a trackball where the numpad goes is peak comfy.
the top row of numbers sucks for entering long numbers often
alternate theory: you sucks at touch typing
But thats so uncomfortable to enter them compared to numpad. Probably cuz im too used to it.
or maybe i don't want to take my left hand off my 3d mouse to enter numbers
what's that ms office activation key whatever github link? zzzz tired of having to reactivate it for Word constantly
we need beginner programmer general 0~2 years + easy project to do
is there a thread on this board for posting pcs? i want to look at cases and components and shit. battlestation thread doesn't quite cover it as it's desks and rooms most of the time
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How do you make a burner alt instagram account?

those meta niggers keep banning me. is it because I don't give them a phone number?
woke my windows 10 desktop up from sleep to a distorted bsod. it was like 4 bsod screens on one monitor with a pixelated bottom. didn't see a specific error code. did a hard reset. event viewer says minidump couldn't be created.

what do?
If you live in America I hear you can buy burner phones.
If I want to hook up my PC to a UPS, how the fuck do I know what the actual power needs of the PC are? Let's say the PC's PSU is 80+ Gold rated 750W. The 750W there is the power it can supply to the PC itself, right? If so, wouldn't the power it draws from the wall (or, hypothetically, the UPS that I haven't bought) be more than 750W?
I tried researching this but only found shit about calculating the PSU wattage needed by other PC components, not about what a PC with a given PSU would require of a UPS.
Maybe one of the reasons this is a stupid question is that my PC will not actually be drawing the maximum amount of power most of the time, but I don't know how to estimate how much power it would draw in typical conditions either.
Maybe I'll just say "fuck it" and buy a UPS that's only good enough to protect my NAS.
Any of you have laptop reccomendatins for someone who will just use it for ms office,facebook, and occasionally genealogy stuff? Also how do find good laptops or determine if one is good?
They have a rating for their max load, either in watts or voltage amps
You need to have an old account pre-phone number mandation, and then use the app to create another accounts
Right, but I wouldn't be in the stupid questions thread if I could get the answer just from "they have a rating". I don't know what to do with these numbers if the 750 W is the max power supplied to the PC as opposed to the max power drawn from the outlet.
>You need to have an old account pre-phone number mandation
if you don't have access to this. what the next best you can do?
>AX68U Pro
are you sure? every spec sheet I'm looking at for that shows only one 2.5 port as well
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Guys my current desktop doesn't support Windows 11 do I have to buy a whole new desktop when Microsoft drops support for 10 next year?
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I don't know how to explain so here you go
Unless your motherboard has a TPM module you install, yes.
Honestly though, I would recommend just sticking with Windows 10 for as long as you can. I dunno what you're using 10 for, but all of that office software should still work.
This one is actually pretty stupid. New to linux and amazon sellers keyword fishing with OS names is niggling at me. Bluetooth dongles are cross platform right? There isn't some driver nonsense I need to worry about?
Can I some how hide a drive or dismount it without physically unplugging it?
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When I'm watching a youtube video, regardless if it's the actual domain or an alternative, at some point the video simply stops. My only recourse to make videos actually play is to open them in new tabs with a middle-mouse click and move the video past the point where it froze to continue watching, instead of watching them on the tab I'm currently using.
Ublock Origin's filters are all up to date, including the recent filters to get past youtube's experimental twitch-like ads. Does anyone know what's going on? It kinda feels like it's playing an ad that I don't see thanks to Ublock.
Anyone here use the talkie app? And know of apps with similar features/AI generation, but truly uncensored/adult? I know of apps like Linky & Museland that let the ai bots say/do pretty much anything, but all of em censor images now.
>24 inch - 1080p, 27 inch - 1440p
Why do most people give this guideline for buying desktop monitors, why is going from left to right considered direct upgrade? Even 24 inch is past diminishing returns, you can't clearly see all of it since the edges go into your peripheral vision, why get even bigger one? Why not 24 inch 1440p which would give you actually significant increase in pixel density as opposed to 27 inch 1440p which is just bigger numbers and price for marginally higher pixel density and even larger section of monitor pushed into peripheral vision?
Have you considered using secret security cams to monitor? Preferably with local wireless data transfer so you don't have to move it to copy footage from it.
If you're using Windows, diskmgmt.msc will let you do that. Just right click on the drive, hit "change drive letter and paths", and punch that remove button.
Brings me back
Which software does /g/ use to design their UI?
The 'standard' for PC monitors is 92-100ppi at ~1m. Using Pythagoras' theorem, sqrt(1920^2+1080^2)/24~=92. I'm looking at a 24" screen at ~1m right now and it's nowhere near filling my fov. Things may be different if you need really close viewing distance b/c odd furniture arrangement or bad visual acuity.

Also I know this is crazy to say on g, but some people use monitors for work, and they quantify diminishing returns in terms of how much extra screen real estate improves productivity rather than how much vidya they can cram in one eyeball.
What's the best and safest place for torrenting software like Adobe Photoshop?
not exactly the same but you could try this

also, does anyone know if there's a 4stats.io for subreddits? i'm mainly looking for measuring average posts per day and the closest i've found is subredditstats.com which only measures from the past 24 hours and isn't very accurate because of reddit's api costs.
It's not so much the place as much as the individual crack/release that you gotta worry about being safe
My chrome browser is switching to "Yahoo Secure Search" by default. I remember a long time ago it did this because McAfee web advisor switches it, but I checked and I don't see the extension there anymore.

Does anyone know what could be causing this? Do I probably have a browser highjacker?
Sounds like it, might wanna scan with malwarebytes
should I backup my files and wipe my computer to ensure the longevity of the laptop?
>should I backup my files
>wipe my computer to ensure the longevity
that's not a thing
>trying to read something online
>get a pop up
>it has a captcha
whats the point?
its a bug, downgrade to <110 or wait.

I already did everything you could search
So Idk what the problem is
This only happens ONCE a day then never again until the next day
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How do I extract the steganography message from this image? I tried using steghide, but it doesn't work on PNG images.
can anyone help me understand why my python doesn't work I tried using jupyter and it changed something so when i try to import modules like matplotlib i keep getting module not found errors. I have tried reinstalling with pip, changing interpreter, and deleting and reinstalling things nothing works. i know that they are installed somewhere but dont know how to get them to work.
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best not that censored paid image geneator? I want to create lewd images, and also not violent but images of pepe the frog hitting someone and Midjourney bot is a cuck beyond believe. Doesn't matter if I am super specific this shit doesn't work... is dalle any better?
Host it locally
Wouldnt I need a stronger GPU though? and pardon for spoonfeed asking but how do I host it locally?
see >>101145622 and >>101146316
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Do you know the algorithm used for the steganograph?
With 32gb of ram, it should be able to, but will probably take a little while
oh I thought you have to delete everything once in a while
A reinstall will do wonders for computer performance, but you don't need to delete EVERYTHING to do this.
My 8 year old lenovo ideapad with windows 10 is slowing down, esp. Firefox, though that might just be because it's my main app. Does closing it and leaving it for a while help? What about restarting?
2010s called
can different dp cables cause different latencies
this could be placebo but i swapped the cables to my two monitors and i feel an increase and decreased latency on the two
You get "delete everything" for free with every OS reinstallation.
>Bluetooth dongles are cross platform right?
To my knowledge yes. But every time you plug in that unbranded $2 chink dongle it's a gamble.

>There isn't some driver nonsense I need to worry about?
If the hardware is very recent you may not have support. Or the support requires getting external drivers and that's a nightmare on Linux.
It's pretty good with ublock.
At the end of the day, how much money did all of the graphics card hoarding miners make through bitcoin's ups and downs? Accounting for all the electrical costs and such.
Ever since the copilot update, Windows performs pretty bad on lots of computers. I can barely get it to use less than 4GB of RAM. Might try googling how to disable copilot and see if that helps.
The people making those dongles don't make the drivers, they don't actually know what's going on. The little chip in there that actually processes everything is going to be made by a small number of companies and most of them universally offer drivers for Linux. Unironically 99.999% of the market works with Linux, so long as you're using a kernel made in the past few years then it already has drivers.
Of course, it's the best browser available
Was it activated on all Windows 10 computers?
Oh I wouldn't know, I just know I've dealt with computers with 8GB of RAM that suddenly have a significant RAM hog on them since two months ago.
No, including VMs I use 4 W10 computers and not a single one of them has received any Copilot shit.
Maybe I just need to restart then?
How can I get a discardable chinese phone number? I want to signup at a chinese website to download some series and I need it to signup. I don't know if it's free but I want to try.
my phone app no longer pass on the voice it gets from my mic, how do i fix it?
How can I jerk off less when sitting on my desk chair stimulates my balls?
Like, the pressure on my balls turns me on and makes me want to masturbate to relieve it... But I need to sit at my desk to work
get another chair, something that doesn't pressure your balls
maybe something with cushion
also try sitting with your legs spread so less pressure on balls
boyfeet sexo
>have had UPS for a while, move it around every now and then
>moved back to my room yesterday
>it's now going in and out of battery mode for a few seconds at times
Could this be caused by the UPS' power cable being loose on the UPS side? When routing the cable around I tried for it to take up less space but in doing so it felt like I might have stretched it a bit/made the cable come off a tiny bit at the corner. I turned it off and checked, gave it a slight push to make sure and the cable seems firm but the behaviour is still there.
Also, regardless of the cause, will this occurring fuck my shit up or should I be fine? My PC didn't seem to suffer while it did that last night but it's still concerning.

Perhaps it's not wordy enough but making it less wordy:
My UPS is going in and out of battery mode, can a loose power cable cause this? Could this damage electronics?
have you tried replacing the ups cable?
Not yet.
well you should. sometimes the cables are the one going bad. just for bending too much.
How in the absolute fuck do I find the account of an old tumblr post from a direct image url alone? On newer posts it says, but for example https://64.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l1c9f2VWqT1qaqyxro1_500.jpg
There isn't.
Tumblr used to offer a page that did exactly that, but it stopped working sometime in June 2019.
The best you can do is images.google.com, with that camera icon, and look for exact size matches. In this case, that image was probably posted here.
You're right, but that was a random example. The actual account I want posted this https://64.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8h78cA5pB1qjv5iyo1_400.jpg
wouldn't the srervice provided by tumbler still be available on wayback machine?
Yeah, I can see why the hell you're having trouble.
Exact Search used to allow you to do all sorts of things, like narrowing dates and even sites, and now it doesn't. I hate how every redesign Alphabet Inc. seems to do results in an objectively inferior product with less functionality than before.
Looks like the image has been around for a while though...
No. A handful of archived pages from that system probably do exist, but it's a backend system and archive.org doesn't save the server, just the webpage that the server sends back.
It's infuriating. I'd even search with tags all day to find it if they didn't gimp that as well, tumblr's search is on par with instagram's.
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