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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

/g/'s Wiki on GNU/Linux:

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>How to break out of the botnet?

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Previous thread: >>101076374
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what’s your favourite:
>linux distro
>linux game
Anonymous 06/22/24(Sat)04:25:03 No.101095154▶>>101095168 >>101095188

I use arch linux.
I want to use a python library called "pygments"
I install the library with "sudo pacman -Syu python-pygments".
But when I try to use the lib, it throws error
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pygments'

Arch wiki says pacman is preferred. Can someone help me out what is the issue? How can I fix this?
Doesn't look very convenient considering that you have to troubleshoot something as simple as installing a python module, anon... with venv you can have all your libraries isolated by project, whatever version you want, and you don't have to worry about them being installed on your system because they all stay in the same directory as your project. Anyway, you know what's best for you, but I'd give it a try if I was you.
are there any guides to customize kde 6
>reads two variables in a while loop like a boss
while read -r incl && read -r redir <&3; do
echo "$incl"
cat mid1
echo "$redir"
cat mid2
done < incl 3< redir | cat start - end > complete.json

>the one I'm using
Is there any way to make a program switch virtual desktops on KDE automatically? Right now if say a program is open on virtual desktop 2, clicking on it does nothing at all if I am on virtual desktop 1, I have to go to virtual desktop 2 and then use the program. I want the program to automatically be moved to the virtual desktop I click on it on. Obviously talking about programs that only allow one instance at a time.
old laptop for my mom, have it running linux mint cinnamon. She is used to windows 10 (desktop she usually uses). Any software recommendation for opening and editing pdfs and word docs while not conflicting with microsoft office?
it's called pygmentize
I want to run a WordPress server on my ~10 year old laptop with 2 gigs of ram, is lubuntu a good choice for something that old? If not, what would you anons suggest?
Which flavour you anons use?
I'm checking out Linux, right now I'm using Linux Mint for start but I want to check out PoP OS, Manajo or Ubuntu now that I know the basics.
Which one you think is superior Plasma or Gnome?
should I get a dedicated ssd to run linux on? Dual booting windows.
Without mentioning which CPU the system has, it's hard to say, anon. It mostly depends on the traffic the website will receive though.

You don't have to, but if you can it also wouldn't hurt.
I have the space in my case for a cheap ssd or hdd. I just want to use it for normal shitposting/browsing etc. but have windows for other productivity.
They all use the same Ubuntu repositories, effectively their only difference is the initial system setup you get after install.
What I'm saying a couple of commands will turn a Mint into Pop for example. Or if you take Ubuntu and remove the Snap system you got something like Mint.
Manjaro? This is an actual fork of Arch Linux, not just something that uses Arch' repositories.
And this doesn't make much sense, I advice you to forget it and go for something like EndeavourOS instead.
I have ext4 prolly with these

base_features = sparse_super,large_file,filetype,resize_inode,dir_index,ext_attr
default_mntopts = acl,user_xattr
enable_periodic_fsck = 0
blocksize = 4096
inode_size = 256
inode_ratio = 16384

how is best to store my memes? shove all pics in /home/user/downloads/ or in /home/user/downloads/dir1,2,3,3 etc or /home/user/dir1,2,3,4 or /home/user/ ??

im considering to move all memes to tag them with tmsu to allow me to find shit im looking for
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What does the filesystem host? Defaults regarding the number of inodes is extremely large so you may want to inode-ratio to something like 64k especially if you only store anime pics.
Gentoo is the only really hardcore inode hog I've come across, it uses the filesystem as a database for it's "packages" and shit.
Do not bother with Manjaro, try EndeavourOS instead.
that was an old script I had and used once, but I re-implemented the double read into a vidir clone
# vimv - vi[m] mv, to rename multiple files in a text editor
# inspired by vidir


cleanup(){ rm -f -- "$originals" "$renamed"; }
echo "$sn: ${*:-"unknown error"}" >&2
exit 1
trap cleanup EXIT

find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -not -ipath "./$originals" -ipath "*$**" | sort > "$originals"
[ -s "$originals" ] || die "$originals: file empty"
cp "$originals" "$renamed" || exit
$EDITOR "$renamed"
diff "$originals" "$renamed" >/dev/null || die "no filenames changed"

while read -r fromFile && read -r toFile <&3; do
echo "$fromFile > $toFile"
[ "$fromFile" = "$toFile" ] || mv -n "$fromFile" "$toFile"
done < "$originals" 3< "$renamed"

the problem is my diff check isn't working properly, it should exit if nothing is different between the two files, but the while loop runs anyway (I added that echo line within it to test). How can I fix it?
So apparently Snapdragon X laptops are on the way. When running Linux on ARM, will I be compiling things all the time or will most software out there be installable?
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well /fglt/, i did it. i installed gentoo. never touched a linux pc prior to this. installed it on my first attempt only using the handbook. what a fun little project. i look forward to playing around with it.

i get it now
Cool, how long was the process?
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>be arch loonix fag
>write shortcut bash alias for stuff like Update (sudo pacman -Syu) and BackUp (rsync -av --delete /home/fag/Media /home/fag/Backup)
>every night do the same string of commnads "Update ; Backup ; poweroff"
>neighbors playing loud jungle music at 2AM
>Realize after I enter those commands I need to play white noise to drown their music out
>Update cancelled
>rsync cancelled after starting
>go to reboot computer
>wont boot
>try again
>definetely wont boot
>insert my arch ISO
>chroot into my Arch root drive
>remove the entries in fstab where the two hdd are auto-mounted
>reboot sytem and boot from installation root drive
>manually mount the two drives (Media and Backup)
They both seem to work and haven't lost massive amounts of data.
My questions are:
>Did I possibly harm the drives in any way by quitting the rsync command and then immediately powering off?
>Is there a good tool to check the health of these drives
>Is there a good tool to check if I corrupted any of the files on either of the drives? Or can I compare the contents of the two drives somehow?
>What could have been causing my system to not boot up before I editied fstab? Could the issue persist if I re-place the auto-mount lines in fstab? I can't check this right now because I must sleep and need the computer to work and blast music
Also just wanted to humble brag about how I fixed my own issue on Arch without bothering you guys.
Did you understand my post?
Did you answer my question(s)?
Are you being /friendly/?
Thanks :D
There was a post in /g/ of the calendar app in KDE behaving weirdly but perhaps intentionally. Does anyone have it? The user clicked up and down but the calendar scrolled left and right.

This isn't to trash on KDE btw. Just keeping it because funi
there seems to be a lot of software with arm builds already available, but youd also be running into a lot of shit that doesnt, so expect to compile a lot either way. and more importantly, id be concerned about little bugs and annoyances in general. i dont feel any operating system is ready for arm yet, except for macos for obvious reasons
tuesday night was when i started and i kept chipping away at it throughout the week. got stumped a few times but managed to figure it out.
Hmm, I wonder about hardware compatibility too, like interfacing with my Arduinos.
Hey, getting tired of Arch/Artix's broken KDE 6 packages forced on to you for no good reason, so I'm looking to switch to either Kubuntu (22.04 or 24.04), or Linux Mint (even if it's not KDE, pretty much for the just works/no snap factor)

Which way should I go?
sex with Ami-chan

You only really run into those problems on Gentoo if you try to stuff it onto a small filesystem. I ran into inode problems when I tried to fit it into 32GB, which caused other problems with packages that are massive pigs to build. Rust needs like 14GB of disk space because who the fuck knows why. This isn't a problem on filesystems that do dynamic inode allocation (eg, btrfs), ext4 does it statically and so you have to think about this shit at mkfs time.
What do you people use for gaming, other than Windows? I think I settled for EndeavorOS once my new PC arrives.
I unironically game on Gentoo. I don't play AAA stuff though
mostly just use whatever vaguely-recent distro you prefer
arch, hyperrogue
You can technically use any Linux distro for playing games if its repos include all the right packages like drivers and such.
Casual here, is Ubuntu still the "just works" distro of choice these days? I'd want an environment where It's easy to set up everything and go like on Steam Deck's desktop mode, but I'm not allergic to a terminal if needed.
They've been doing faggy shit with snaps
Try Mint if you want a beginner distro
Mint is better. It's Ubuntu but not shit.
No, plus it had some spyware controversy. Bazzite literally turns your PC into a steam deck. PopOS, Mint seem to be good options.
i understand that but it really does not make sense to cap it at 100%
More like Bazzite is pretty much just a SteamOS-adjacent distro made with Fedora as the backend instead of Arch.
libreoffice writer?
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one of us, one of us
You won't have harmed the drives, if it is as you say then another rsync should put everything how it should be but that wouldn't explain why it wouldn't boot. Did you get any errors on boot?
When does a new release of Ubuntu actually become usable, with updated ppa and all? Do I have to wait for 24.10?
if you want to get more advanced, study debian and arch. debian is made to be a stable release while arch is meant to be a rolling release, containing all the latest software versions. they both require the user to go deeper during installation than distros like ubuntu, so you'll learn more. the deepest level is gentoo linux where you have to compile everything yourself including the kernel. these distros i listed will allow you to truly understand linux when installed, studied and used. once you have a good understanding of linux, you will understand any distro easily.
Is Nvidia on Linux still a meme? Thinking about making the jump, but I primarily game and use Stable Diffusion on my system. I already know that games with anti-cheat (read: riot vanguard) don't work, and I can get past that, but drivers are my main concern
Laptop can be a bit of a meme, Desktop works great if you can permit non-free drivers. I game and use ML no prob.
I saw some os crashes on various subreddits yesterday after some update, related to Nvidia drivers.
Using Opensuse. Plasma any day, GNOME violates too many established paradigms to be useful outside of curiosity.
what makes it so that those anticheat games dont work?
CUDA usually works fine, games can be a problem
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also now that I am looking at it,
all those systemd tmpfs mountpoints are on /run
which is ALREADY A TMPFS !??

>Quick hacky solution
If I just
umount /run/credentials/*
it gets rid of it and becomes normal again, like it used to before the update (pic related)

Is this a bug? Is this some config file that I have to edit?

anyone else has all those extra /run/credentials on systemd as tmpfs? what gives?
You're better off using something like Ubuntu Server + Cockpit to manage the service from afar.
im on a desktop, running a 7800x3D and a 4080. Good to hear it works
Guessing the drivers Nvidia provides directly aren't the best?
Honestly not even sure, I just hear all over about how games with anticheat usually don't work on linux
>games can be a problem
how much of a problem? I'm not scared to go down a google rabbithole to get something running if it's not plug and play
kind of a meme
some games require a bit of fucking about to make them work
EasyAnticheat and others don't work because they need some 1984 tier bullshit Kernel modules for it to work and they've to use propietary blobs for obvious reasons, both things that neither nobody have bothered to write yet nor most Linux community wants (why i'm gonna allow a Tencent 24/7 log of the processes on my PC just so i share a room with some faggot playing fatherless garbage like Fizz or K'sante?).
Steam was working on something to solve this though i don't think they've released anything yet.
If you're going to hardcode the sigil at least use something other than # or $.
>linux game
does openra and its mods count?
Anyone else just use Linux because it's Kool?
I mean kool like shadow the hedgehog shit.
I don't care about freedom or privacy, I just think Linux is kool.
Is EndeavourOS any good? I'd like to find a barebones distro that "just werks" to tinker with but also have it be piss easy to install without any hiccups. I like that Debian has an easy GUI installer but I don't like how outdated it's packages are. Arch on the other hand isn't easy to install, archinstall is painful to go through and I don't want to think about how I install Linux, but how I use it once it's on the machine and what I want to do with it from there. I'll rice it myself with a WM, DE or w/e, I can handle the terminal, I just want a solid base that's easy to set up.
Has anyone tried this thing?

Looking for ways to make Arch a bit more reproducible.
How do I make youtube links open in freetube instead of the browser when i click them?

>t. mint user
There's a decent youtuber that installed it recently and set it up to play games on steam, whole process (minus install time of the OS) took 25 mins or so. It's great and it's easy to troubleshoots problems since it's Arch. Also GPT knows Arch well.
I don't mind, all I care is that is says 'root" and it is in RED so I know at a glance,
normal users are blue
if (( UID != 0 )); then
PS1="[$c_blue\u$c_nc] $c_green\w $c_BLUE\$$c_nc "
PS1="[$c_red\u$c_nc] $c_green\w $c_RED\$$c_nc "
>freedom or privacy
those are kool to me
Best way to start out. Pretty Kool. You'll end up using arch after some time on endeavour.
Also unless something changed debian's installer is harder to use than the calarmares installer.
EndeavourOS is basically the easiest way to quickly set up a working Arch install in like less then 30 minutes.
>just werks
I know this isn't what you asked but one of the reasons I like to suggest Arch is because when something does go wrong (and it will, lets face it this happens with any OS) having gone through the arch install process and being comfortable with the main concepts will give you a huge leg up fixing it.
Well if I managed to learn how to troubleshoot Windows issues without ever learning what exactly happens during it's installation process I think I'll manage to learn how to troubleshoot Linux issues without going through the command-by-command installation process. It's all down to knowing how the OS works under the hood.
Absolutely, I'm not suggesting you couldn't do it but it'll be easier in future if you take a bit of pain up front at a time of your choosing. As you say it's down to knowing how it works and once you know how it works it only takes about 10 minutes to install Arch manually and the knowledge gained is transferable to any distro.
If you want to learn and don't want to use archinstall. EndeavourOS is the best in slot. Some pro tips, run things thru the terminal if they don't work, make good use of logs. Debian or Ubuntu is for UN Kool people btw
If you replace the \$ with \\\$ it will work the way it should. The shell expects a literal '\$' in the prompt string, which is why it's often defined with single quotes.
>double escaping
Huh? i thought escaping a backwards slash by \\ was a standard across all computing.
PS1 must contain the actual characters \ and $. To do that within double quotes you need "\\\$", otherwise it may parse what follows it incorrectly.
I would like to try vanilla arch but don't see a point when EndeavorOS exists, maybe only as a challenge to see if I really understand partitioning, but kind of feel that it isn't worth my time, plus having to install yay and bunch of other things. I am still debating whether to go for just arch or endeavor, since I'm still a Linux newby (completed a Linux course on Udemy that was in Ubuntu) and did some light backend programming, maybe I should start with Endeavor.
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none of that c code or anything is kool man. I seriously just use Linux because it is kool. I edit configs when I need to I guess but it sucks ass dude waste of time. I try to make my system look kool with kde6 cube and shit but how do I get that cube on bspwm or hyprland?
I've never used EndeavorOS so I can't vouch for it but I know it's well regarded. Perhaps go for that and then if you want to learn more take yourself through a manual Arch install in a virtual machine, lower stakes and you can just pause and come back to it? My motivation for doing Arch (moons ago) manually was that I wanted to feel really confident that I understand what's going on.
I've used it plenty and it's been great to me. I really like its i3 config.
Yeah that's a good idea, I will definitely try it in VM.
Ohhh, you're escaping both \ and $ because $ also gets interpreted, \\ \$, got it.
>install kde on ubuntu
>can't turn down brightness on laptop anymore
>switch back to gnome
>still no
>try a thousand things
>whatever i'll just try out mint anyway
>still no brightness controls
>mint has constant unrelated issues within the first half hour
>reinstall ubuntu and of course no brightness

how did krashde manage to pull this off...
If you want KDE on Ubuntu then just use Kubuntu
>Linux distro
>Linux game

Programs won't switch automatically, what you can do is set a window rule to make the window in question be present in all virtual desktops. See pic rel as an example

I use Debian on my trusty old desktops, Ubuntu on new hardware.
Plasma is superior for me in every aspect.

Depending on your use cases, if the software you use is already packaged then you're set, nothing to do, but, take my example, I program old versions of ruby that I need to compile even under amd64

>Did I possibly harm the drives in any way by quitting the rsync command and then immediately powering off?
HIGHLY unlikely
>>Is there a good tool to check the health of these drives
You can run fsck, badblocks (takes ages tho), smartmontools
>Is there a good tool to check if I corrupted any of the files on either of the drives? Or can I compare the contents of the two drives somehow?
badblocks should cover this
>What could have been causing my system to not boot up before I editied fstab?
Thinking you may have stopped pacman -Syu right when it was updating and you didn't let it finish

Nothing here, all stable

24.04 is my favorite KDE distro so far, if you can live with snaps it's fine

my PS4

They are normally usable at launch date, there are some problematic releases that might seem not properly tested, probably because Canonical rushes them, 24.04 was one of those hence they told 22.04 users that the upgrade will come when 24.04.1 releases, as said, those updates fixes them. No need to wait until 24.10

It is, sometimes works sometimes doesn't, ymmv, I'd go for mounting a windows vm and do vga passthrough if possible

I started using Linux more than 15 years ago because I found it kool, nowadays I use it because I'm more used to it more than anything else
Fuck forgot pic rel
Wow mass reply, not very Kool, but I'll be in you in 15 more years but using openBSD or some dumb shit because it became kooler than Linux
i just to use gnome but I'm blinded on every de and os now.
OpenBSD will never be a viable desktop. Linux only kind of works specifically because corporations use it and have a somewhat vested interest in it.
Never say never old guy, how was Linux gaming 15 years ago?
Still better than OpenBSD. Wine has always worked semi-decently but it only got better thanks to Valve.

The graphics stack is the big thing though. OpenBSD largely rebases that from Linux.

You don't see Intel or AMD or Nvidia (lol) contributing to OpenBSD and never will.
I lashed out real quick my bad, I see you spoke of corpos making Linux work, along with that gaming was inevitable.
Noted. You were right.
anyways what else is there? nobody has a trillion USD to throw around, were all fucked Windows/MacOS/Gnu+Linux. future sucks dude
So what I gathered is, Arch Linux isn't Kool anymore, so gentoo or NixOS? Nix seems pretty Kool, I do like to learn but....
Some glasses dork said freeBSD works with proton(I doubt it) So I can go gassy cobson route with artix, use void, or try freebsd. Or shit my pants in public and use gentoo/NixOS. What would Shadow the Hedgehog Use?
Just use Arch anon
Hey fuckers. Just wanted to say thanks. Laptop went from a piece of shit that took 10-15 minutes before I could watch a YouTube video to 40 seconds from boot. Last few threads people recommended
>Skip on ram
>Linux mint
I'm very pleased.
Check out fedora atomic derivatives
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Glad to hear it anon
Do you clean up your orphaned dependencies? Why? Why not?
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I do use arch and the Shadow shit was messing around too btw. Dunno who is Kooler Brian Fox or Shadow, tough choice
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I moved from Arch to Artix yesterday on both laptop and desktop. feels good to be home
works on my 2 machines, though recent driver versions have "issues" on my laptop (nvidia card not turning off when unused, I know it used to work so that's definitely a driver issue). doesn't bother me much though since it's always plugged. works perfectly on my desktop though (3070Ti)
On Arch it's as easy as typing
paru -c
if you have paru installed.
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Which init?
Kool, btw
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Kool and Kooler, I was considering runit since I have void installed but as long as cobson isn't gonna start gettin gassy I will try dinit.
I'd say try both in a VM and see what you like the most. I picked dinit because its syntax is the closest to systemd and it seemed to be a tiny bit faster at boot while taking up slightly less RAM (not that it matters with 64GB kek)
I'd say so far the only downside I see with it is that it needs another package/service (turnstile) to be enabled to be able to run user (non-root) services, which pipewire/wireplumber seem to need. other than that it's pretty good
freebsd works with wine which proton is based on
steam doesnt work natively on freebsd without using the linuxulator thing
just use fedora because you sound like someone who would wear a fedora if that's what all the cool kids did
turnstile is an attempt by some distro using dinit to incoporate proper systemd user services instead of trying to use superd or runit
linux noob here
Got some rudimentary experience with mint
Learning kali(gonna move to dual boot instead of using live usb) because HTB course.
Anyone have tips to give when learning to use redis in terminal? there is so much to read that it's easy to get lost
No need for a VM I have so many DE's and WM's on this arch install.
No. Ignore that shadow hegehog shit I wasn't expecting serious answers. I have pirated gamed so you are saying they work with FreeBSD?
Why are they so interested in copying Systemd here? I'd much rather see init systems adopt their own way of doing things. For example, I use OpenRC, it'd be neat if that had proper user services in ~/.local/init.d using OpenRC's syntax instead of Systemd.
Well from a systemd user perspective. Runit had me creating the services and symlinks, systemd does all of that for you.
i have multiple displays and speakers connected to my pc. i use bash scripts bound to hotkeys to quickly change the setup via xrandr and pactl. it looks something like this:

xrandr --output DP-2 --primary --mode 2560x1440 --output DP-0 --off --output HDMI-0 --off --output HDMI-1 --off
pactl set-default-sink alsa_output.usb-A-125_Pro_A-125_Pro_A-125_Pro-00.pro-output-0

however i noticed the names of the audio sinks change all the time depending on which setup i'm using and it feels super inconsistent. sometimes my scripts work sometimes they dont. whats the best approach to solve this? i see people use wpctl but honestly i kind of dont understand it how it works yet
>learning to use redis
Tools like redis are best learned on the job or in a project that needs them not on their own imo. What is it exactly you're looking to do?
e.g 1337 hacker, cyber job, infra ops job, tech hobby?
Yes, you had to do it yourself because there's no proper support.

If there were proper support then distros would package services for this, just like they do already for system services. At least if they were interested in integrating properly they would.

Right now I basically do user services as system services but running under my own user instead of root. This works but is a bit clunky and I have to make them all myself too but that's not an issue, I find OpenRC pleasant to work with.
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did pcmanfm always look like this? Could've sworn the arrows used to look different
systemd creates people like me that can barely set symlinks.
you won't write your own service files and you will be happy
am interested in pen-testing. I'm stuck on a machine right now, and I can't seem to find how to properly navigate it.
How bloated is the Telegram flatpak? I don't want it doing something retarded like making a 10gb cache with all the images it loads or max my cpu
I understand that which is why I find it strange that they'd rather copy Systemd instead of adding proper support into the init system.

When the support is already there then like >>101100827 said, you won't have to do anything.

Distros [those that aren't using Systemd] should write patches for the init system they're using and push this work upstream so that everyone can benefit from it.
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severed steel or VRC with frens
Also, there is a walkthrough available, but don't want my hand held while learning
>there is so much to read that it's easy to get lost
I would say this is where the rubber meets the road, systems are poorly secured precisely because there is so much to keep track of.
Relying on courses to teach you offensive capabilities isn't going to cut it, maybe it's enough to spark an interest that you build on but you need to develop the toolbox so that you can learn what you need on your own initiative.
Sorry i know that's a pretty generic response but your question was fairly generic.
if you mean it allows you to start services and whatever, dinit already lets you do that, just as root only, so I need turnstile to start them without root
but as for creating the service files themselves, I already don't need to, since Artix packages them in their repos. packages like pipewire-dinit, wireplumber-dinit, turnstile-dinit, etc, are just premade service files I can just start once installed with sudo dinitctl enable [service]. it's as easy as it gets
it really does just fucking work
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arch btw
I got up from my desk and physically took a kneel.
My Debian install has these weird audio stutters every 4 or so minutes whenever I'm playing a video/audio, and I'm out of ideas already, just can't get this shit fixed or find any clues on the internet on how to fix it. Tried a newer kernel, switched to pipewire (both stable 0.3 and now 1.0 from backports), tried changing pipewire's quantum bit delay, but so far, no luck.

I now found out that my journalctl has those lines popping up whenever the stutter happens, but I couldn't find anything very conclusive, or how it could relate to my audio issues. Well, there was this one reddit thread, but the faggot deleted his messages of course.

jun 22 13:17:58 user rtkit-daemon[704]: Supervising 10 threads of 7 processes of 1 users.
jun 22 13:17:58 user rtkit-daemon[704]: Supervising 10 threads of 7 processes of 1 users.
I want to run linux as close to fulltime as possible. One Windows application I really want to use though is Solidworks, a rather heavy piece of software. I'm kinda torn between having two computers, maybe attempt hardware passthrough with a second card to a virtualised machine.

Anyone else already dealing with this? What's your strategy?
dualboot (easy) or passthrough (harder) are your best bets
if you're feeling adventurous I found this: https://github.com/cryinkfly/SOLIDWORKS-for-Linux
i can't find a kde theme i like
Yeah that's the word, I hate running those long ass scripts that install all sorts of things. There's one for Fusion as well. I wish they would focus on bottles.
Breeze Dark is fine. Customize an accent or color or two and don't overthink it.
at least I checked the script a bit and it seems compatible with a lot of distros, so it shouldn't be too hard to install that way
I've done GPU passthrough and dual boot for this sort of use case and both work really well. Pass through can be fiddly if you're new to terminal/linux work or have niche hardware, dual boot is a breeze if you can give windows it's own disk (and possible even if you can't)
>dual boot is a breeze
I know, sucks balls though
Is gnome gonna look crispy as fuck if I get a high ppi display?
Definitely give pass-through a go then, if the alternative is that you buy another PC then if you don't like it just slap that new GPU in the new PC? When I did this nvidia cards needed a bit of trickery to work because nvidia doesn't like that use cases but amd cards worked out of the box.
nta, how viable is passthrough with a weak igpu like the ones on the last ryzen gen? as in, passing through the dpgu and the igpu just handles the loonix part
Yeah so this is another option I didn't mention for original anon because it can be a little more involved again, If you want to have only one dgpu and you can run everything you need on linux of the igpu then that can work, otherwise you can consider something like this
so you could bring the high performance app from the dgpu onto the screen connected to the igpu (within your linux context)
It's astounding how Totem would need 50% cpu on my laptop for a random video and mpv not even 2%
That means hardware decoding isn't working in totem.
Another option which i wouldn't really recommend but I did for a while is to have your bare metal OS just be a kvm host. You can have a windows + linux guest each with the dgpu but only boot one at a time. This allows you to run other VMs all the time in the background if that works for your use case. You can also get more elaborate like having a cloned configuration for each of the windows+linux driver VMs which doesn't have the dgpu so if you ever are on one and need something from the other you can still boot it up backed by the same storage. This is how I ran linux daily, windows occasionally while having services up all the time before building out my cluster.
Still not working:
XAUTHORITY=/run/user/1001/gdm/Xauthority ssh -Y user@host x2x -north -to :0
Warning: No xauth data; using fake authentication data for X11 forwarding.
Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key
x2x - error: can not open display localhost:10.0

If it's really GNOME related, how come it used to work before? Did something on GNOME's end change with the latest mini update?
Can you have the same panel on every screen in Plasma yet? Last time I used it, you had to manually duplicate the panel for every screen.
Short answer: Try everything it’s all free.
Longer answer: Arch is great for beginners and an excellent learning experience. Void is like Arch’s cooler younger sister if you want something more obscure.
NixOS/Guix are their own beasts and you’ll probably want to be comfortable with a using a “traditional” Linux distro before attempting them.
use celluloid if you want mpv with a gnome-y interface. they should really fold celluloid into the gnome circle/core and deprecate totem.
we need better google drive support
Morrowind if OpenMW counts.
Never used it, what's wrong with it? Plasma has this built it.
Does it offer the ability to have local copies?
just use discordfs
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I want to develop a toy desktop environment with stupid shit like switches and buttons that change the background or run scripts. Which project should I fork? Ideally a DE or WM which is simple and readable over being feature complete - I'd just write it in X11 but I don't know what I'm doing.
That's hilarious. What are the chances they will just randomly decide to delete all your stuff tho
Just write an applet/addon to an existing DE...
I'm not opposed to that. Do you know of a tiny one that has addon support?
With runit and superd you also have to set it up yourself to properly use environment variables so that you can run stuff like waybar through it
No the advantage of systemd --user services is how the user slice thing works and how it properly uses your environment variables so that you can do things like running waybar as a user service instead of autostarting it when your wm loads
Tunstile is trying to find a way to do that with dinit without manual hacks like you would need to do with something like runit or superd
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Wine works under freebsd yes, so any game you have that uses wine can work. There's also a bash script that acts as a crappy substitute for lutris that supports some stuff.
>No the advantage of
I see, that makes sense, thanks for the explanation
that would explain why it can run those services I mentioned above as an user, instead of me having to add them as a startup command in my DE settings, etc. so far it's working pretty well for me even if it's still "experimental" on Artix (only available for dinit and openrc, I don't see anything for s6/runit)
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Can anyone recommend me a new GPU? I have no idea about the prices atm, are they still high? The RX580 works fine, so I'm not in a hurry, but I have some extra cash and kind of want to upgrade. Budget is 400-500, not set in stone I can pay more if it makes sense.

I have a 4k resolution monitor, but I'm fine using FSR, so it does not have to be that powerful that it runs 4k with 60fps.
Aparently asking /hsg/ >>101101914 isn't the way to go about this either... Please help a guy out regarding his computer:
sudo btrfs fi usage /media/user/btrfs
Device size: 14.55TiB
Device allocated: 8.32TiB
Device unallocated: 6.23TiB
Device missing: 0.00B
Used: 8.26TiB
Free (estimated): 3.15TiB (min: 3.15TiB)
Data ratio: 2.00
Metadata ratio: 2.00
Global reserve: 512.00MiB (used: 0.00B)

Data,RAID10: Size:4.15TiB, Used:4.12TiB (99.26%)
/dev/sda 2.08TiB
/dev/sdb 2.08TiB
/dev/sdc 2.08TiB
/dev/sdd 2.08TiB

Metadata,RAID10: Size:10.00GiB, Used:8.32GiB (83.17%)
/dev/sda 5.00GiB
/dev/sdb 5.00GiB
/dev/sdc 5.00GiB
/dev/sdd 5.00GiB

System,RAID10: Size:128.00MiB, Used:464.00KiB (0.35%)
/dev/sda 64.00MiB
/dev/sdb 64.00MiB
/dev/sdc 64.00MiB
/dev/sdd 64.00MiB

/dev/sda 1.56TiB
/dev/sdb 1.56TiB
/dev/sdc 1.56TiB
/dev/sdd 1.56TiB

btrfs fi df /media/user/btrfs
Data, RAID10: total=4.15TiB, used=4.12TiB
System, RAID10: total=128.00MiB, used=464.00KiB
Metadata, RAID10: total=10.00GiB, used=8.32GiB
GlobalReserve, single: total=512.00MiB, used=0.00B

Some say I should rather store all metadata as RAID1 since it barely takes up space and the redundancy protects in case of a 2 drive failure. Do you recommend me doing so and can I simply rebalance with
btrfs balance start -mconvert=raid1 /media/user/btrfs

Also it is obvious there is 4x4TB = 16 TB installed. I would expect 8 TB of space. Is it correct that the discrepancy here between my expectation and the above reports is due to BTRFS allocating space as it is needed ? So if I now chose to dd 3 TB into a file on the drive it would start allocating the 3TiB dynamically ?
I game on a 4k monitor with a 3070Ti, so anything around that power or above will fit the bill
you'd definitely be able to find a used 3080 (maybe Ti) for your budget. maybe a used 6900XT or something like that if you prefer AMD
What command produces that output?
>No the advantage of systemd --user services is how the user slice thing works
Slices are just CGroups. I don't know if Dinit supports this but OpenRC definitely does.
>Tunstile is trying to find a way to do that with dinit without manual hacks like you would need to do with something like runit or superd
The least hacky way would be adding support to the init system. Make the init system aware of user services (it doesn't need to follow Systemd's unit file syntax and probably shouldn't. It should use the exact same syntax it already does) and environment variables (this might mean launching the services from PAM or logind or however Systemd does it and also providing a command to import environment variables and reload the service like Systemd does).
>The least hacky way would be adding support to the init system.
I think that's what dinit is doing through turnstille.
The other thing with superd and runit user services other than having to autostart it when your desktop loads for environment variables is making sure it properly closes itself when you exit the desktop (which i usually have to do manually with pkill -x superd and sv exit with runit)
>this might mean launching the services from PAM
that's pretty much what turnstile does. iirc you have (had) to add a line in your PAM config for it to work, though when I installed Artix bare metal yesterday that line already was there (it wasn't a few weeks ago when I was practicing the install in a VM)
see picrel
I don't know if the arch wiki is accurate on this, but which one's the right path for specific user config files on pipewire?
hibernation is such a cool feature, being able to reboot my pc without having to reopen 50 4chan tabs is nice... only thing i dont like about it is that it dosent prompt me for my password before returning but i could probably run a screen locker before the hibernation command
With a 4k display and an appropriately sized display and 2x scaling it's gonna look fine. For instance with some pricier laptops.
With a 1440p display, you're going to have to do something else. Fractional scaling at this point is absolute fucking garbage. You'll need to instead use a higher font scaling factor. This will make decorations look perhaps a bit more "compact" (not a bad thing in my opinion) while keeping fonts relatively sharp instead of deformed and weird. Fractional scaling is an experimental feature and there's a reason for it: it sucks fucking dick the way it's implemented in plasma, gnome, cinnamon, basically anywhere it will let you.
both are wrong
man pipewire.conf
hey anon, do you know most browsers let you choose to remember open tabs so you can restore them at open? In Firefox you can find this at the top of the settings page.
Isn't that for the server configuration?
yes but im using incognito mode so i can separate it from non-incognito mode if i ever need to log into a google account or something (i just use another web browser for this anyways), hibernation also preserves my tiled wm setup though.
i thought they were the same thing
check man pipewire-client.conf
>yes but im using incognito mode so i can separate it from non-incognito mode if i ever need to log into a google account or something
Use Firefox Containers. There's a Google Container if you only ever need to login to one Google Account for something:

If you want something more then the temporary containers add-on is good:
The way it's implemented in Plasma is fine. It's not even an experimental feature.
It's atrocious in GNOME though
No it fucking ain't. On 1440p on plasma you can very much notice fonts just looking different depending on where characters are on the screen. This is particularly noticeable for instance when you just have the plasma settings window opened and you scroll through the general sections on the left panel. Some characters like m's and n's will be cut off depending on where they are placed vertically. It is dogshit and downscaling will never work right for this purpose. On Plasma it isn't an experimental feature because they don't very much care about getting shit to work fine, just to be there as a feature.
That sounds like some other issue with fontconfig unrelated to scaling. I can't say I've experienced that myself.
they reload the tabs though, which isn't a good thing if you're a tab hoarder
my Firefox only opens the tab I'm on when I reopen it. I have to manually click other tabs if I want them to reload (which is pretty annoying imo)
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Speaking of firefox, I uninstalled it but the fucking mint update manager keeps bugging me about it.
Also I keep having a system report about usrmerge despite it already being installed, something put a lib32 and libx32 in / but without the symlink that the rest have.
Is nvidia like it used to be? Back in the day I installed nvidia-detect package, and used it to determine what proprietary driver package I needed to install.

I had a gtx 770 and it worked great on Debian, so I'm fine with nvidia desu unless it's worse now.
They do this so that the browser launches quickly. I think there might be an about: config entry somewhere to restore the old behaviour but then you're waiting on it to load all of your tabs each time it restarts and also causing loads of unnecessary CPU and network usage.

It's much better to not load the tab until you click on it in my opinion. You're not wasting resources for no reason.
>(which is pretty annoying imo)
exactly, hence you can change it in about:config

>It's much better to not load the tab until you click on it in my opinion.
It absolutely sucks if you have some chat open in a tab but don't get new messages until you clicked on the tab.
it's better now. on Arch if you use archinstall to install your distro it asks you if you want to install the proprietary drivers at some point, if you select them it'll install everything automatically
if you do a manual install (like I did for Artix not long ago) you just install the nvidia package and it'll pull nvidia-utils with it and you'll have something that works. if you need nvidia-settings you'll have to install that yourself, same thing if you want stuff like opencl-nvidia or the 32-bit libraries
>sudo pacman -S nvidia (or nvidia-dkms if you use another kernel than the base one) nvidia-settings nvidia-utils opencl-nvidia lib32-nvidia-utils lib32-opencl-nvidia
is what you're gonna install to have the full package. libva-nvidia-driver for hardware acceleration in the browser on top of that and you're good
AMD is more "just works" though
>also causing loads of unnecessary CPU and network usage
I don't really mind that kek, I have a 5900X and fiber net so it'll be fast regardless
>I think there might be an about: config entry
>exactly, hence you can change it in about:config
good to know, I'll look it up whenever
It's always gonna be worse when it's proprietary shit no one but NVIDIA can improve, they are famed for not caring much about Linux.
You just get the latest 500 series driver available to you, unless you have a really old card. If you have flickering issues or whatever with a driver, try another version.
does the nvidia-dkms have worse performance than the standard driver? i cant get the nvidia driver to work without dkms and linux-lts
it's the same
The "nvidia" and "nvidia-lts" are precompiled kernel modules for "linux" and "linux-lts" kernel packages respectively. If you're using any other kernel, you'll need DKMS. Performance has nothing to do with it.
thank you, couldnt find any info on the performance of them on the internet
>linux distro
GNU Guix and Debian
>linux game
eh don't play games on linux, but I used to play Civ 6 quite a bit and it ran well.

Guix has been a really good experience. It has a Nix OS feel without big corpa and its config files are written in a lisp. :3
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>new update 6.1
>supposed to have tons of bug fixes and changes that make it good
>make everything rounded for some uknown reason
>they add a useless remote viewer function that nobody asked for, literally NOBODY
>retarded dev team leaves in decorations like global themes instead of just making unified color scheme and focusing on one design choice like windows
>retarded devs team leaves in window decorations which use QML, so they lag when maximizing and minimizing(oh well better just leave a broken feature in, that reflects that we totally don't care about polish or the user experience)
>retarded dev team leaves in global themes, not only with them looking like shit, using inferior QML, but they LITERALLY are able to exploit malicious code or DELETE your system by some literal who that uploads a theme
>they unironically think this is fine to implement with new users in a fucking DE that is supposed to compete with windows??!

>still a peristent bug with volume slider lag that still exists
>linux distro
gnu guix
>linux game
Guix ftw! Such an underrated distro. How long have you been on it? What's your DE/WM situation?
I want to like KDE, but there are so many bugs. Gnome is way more stable by comparison.

They need to get rid of all those stupid fucking custom themes, and go the way of windows focusing on polish and a clean desktop instead of retarded infinite customization with shitty user uploaded QML themes
>>retarded dev team leaves in decorations like global themes instead of just making unified color scheme and focusing on one design choice like windows
Choice is a bad thing!!!

Perhaps GNOME might be more your thing. Want to use custom schemes? Fuck you, you can't, libadwaita has everything hardcoded and gtk.css doesn't read Breeze GTK properly (or any other theme for that matter, Canonical had to patch it for Ubuntu to use Yaru and it doesn't work in Flatpaks because of course it doesn't)
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how do i make systemd more private so i don't send information to jews

i removed everything on /etc/systemd/resolved.conf

i disabled systemd-timesyncdd

what i can i do more
Just remove the whole thing and switch to a different distro without it. The attack surface is too big.
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It's not about fucking choice you retarded mongoloid, and this goes for KDE devs I'm talking directly to you.

Leaving in broken custom themes, broken laggy QML window decorations and global themes that LITERALLY HAS THE ABILITY TO EXECUTE CODE AND BE MALICIOUS TO UNSUSPECTING USERS is not about customization, It's literally terrible.

Remove the custom global themes, custom window decorations , rework the customization color and themes tab so when you open it, it looks similar to linux mint where its a color picker and then you can choose cursor themes and sound changes. That's it. Even windows doesn't do custom themes because it's retarded. You don't need endless customization. It's a retarded concept with no quality control.
How to download youtube videos in linux
Guess what computers do? They execute arbitrary code. Wow, scary stuff.

If you don't want your computer to compute then you should throw it away and buy an abacus.
>ground shakes
>abacus executes arbitrary numbers
even the tectonic plates have been compromised by glowies it's so over
On a serious note though, this is all modular. Learn how to configure your operating system.

If you don't want the built-in "rootkit" then uninstall knewstuff.


Note: That despite being a dependency nothing breaks by removing it, even if my Gentoo system does detect a bunch of libraries that need to be re-built nothing breaks except the add-on functionality.

So there, you already have a solution to remove this.
interesting, hypothetically, couldn't kernel modules be "easily" edited by cheaters to hide the cheat processes, or some vm setup?
like every client side solution, kernel acs are bypassed easily and regularly
Yep the whole thing is a total farce. Anti cheat makers are essentially promising remote attestation something that they fundamentally can't deliver so don't expect any reason or logic from them. Many modern cheats already virtualize windows to do their business undetected.
if i have a machine and i install a distro on it, can i make a snapshot of the os all the packages but not of my data, so that anytime i want to put that distro clean on that machine or on another machine with the same specs i dont have to go through for example archinstall all the time
death to america.
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what are we thinking of with server side solutions then? AI detection of behaviour or something?
Uninstalling knewstuff breaks dolphin in plasma 6.1 and some settings
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Yes, it breaks the add-on functionality you're complaining about. The rest works fine.
So I can't use dolphin because I don't want retarded broken community themes filled with malware shitting up my computer customization settings?
You can use it without add-ons. It still works as a file manager just no more downloading remote code and executing it which is exactly what you asked for.
If you want to keep the add-on functionality (removing it altogether is a bit drastic I admit) then you might want to block the store domains instead.

A single firewall rule takes care of all of this.
who the fuck knows honestly
all i know is that i don't care enough to let them poz my kernel
>AI detection of behaviour
Sure, Lots of games have been doing this with ML (or .. stats) since long before it was called AI.
Iraq Lobster
so sacrifice a dedicated machine to moloch and co if you want to game basically, and only ever use it to game.
So Alpine uses BusyBox, but it also uses OpenRC.
I thought BusyBox included the init.
So how and why did they do this?
only a few weeks but i really like it. i want to use sway but otherwise i’ve just been using gnome while i figure out system configuration.
What is the point of KDE 6? Just to throw everything away for no reason?
>I thought BusyBox included the init
Maybe you should double check this theory with the manual.
Got any commands?
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how to fix
noto fonts
or a language specific font if needed
When making a wrapper script for a program that shares the name with the program, how should I call the program in the script to avoid infinite loops? Just typing out the full path for the program?
It's Japanese font and maybe MAYBE Chinese font too. Do I have to install those individually for Firefox or system wide or a font from the aur can fix all of that for me?
install system wide, anon
Thanks for reminding me I need to copy over my fonts folder from win7
They probably do it because it's a minimal distro. I also do this on my Gentoo system and apply a few patches to OpenRC to achieve it. There's a bunch of gotchas with using Busybox's ash as your shell for OpenRC. In particular I had to patch OpenRC to use direct paths to modprobe, the Busybox modprobe applet is pretty shit and can't handle Zstd compressed modules properly.
To port the desktop to Qt 6 and fix longstanding bugs and APIs. Progress is being made even if there are still a few minor bugs here and there.

You probably won't even notice too many bugs unless you go looking for them.
read it, looks to me like it includes its own init. now that
>They probably do it because it's a minimal distro.
I am probably misunderstanding something somewhere, but BusyBox seems to me to use runit as its init, which is even more minimal than OpenRC.

So it looks like Alpine decided that runit wasnt adequate for their particular distro, and opted for OpenRC. Just curious what the reasoning was. I guess OpenRC must have some functionality they wanted that BusyBox/runit didnt provide.
System wide didn't work. Only the Firefox package worked.
OpenRC isn't an init program. Why are you trying to swap init systems when you don't even know what they are?
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Any reasons why Rain World became my Steam icon forever now? lol
Im not trying to swap init systems. I am trying to understand which init setup I want to use on a computer I am about to setup. From memory, last time I installed Devuan, my choices were SysVinit, runit, OpenRC, and I think some others. Perhaps the choices were more nuanced than that.

Im not trying to start an argument here, I am asking a question to gain a better understanding of different configurations I can choose from for an install I am about to setup.
systemd because it works better
Nice lmao
Is immutability a circlejerk or have you guys come across situations where it's saved you? Not sure what it would do for me compared to taking btrfs snapshots. I also heard that it's in some ways more locked down compared to a mutable distro. I do plan to try it out in a VM at some point but trying to figure out what to do for a daily driver type installation that will still see some tinkering early on as I figure out what I need to do to get myself comfy.
I do plan to try out Silverblue*
>With a 4k display and an appropriately sized display and 2x scaling it's gonna look fine.
So let's say 27" 4k, would that be fine?
4k @ 200ppi is 22"
>doesn't that mean 4k monitors are utterly fucked
i thought the problem was custom themes locally executing code that fucks up your system. why would a firewall rule fix this?
Okay friendly Linux /g/entoomen, any of you using an AMD 7950X3D out there? Assuming latest AGESA updates/firmware on the mobo and a reasonably recent distro (Arch or Debian based probably in my case), does it properly apply the right cores/threads to relevant workloads automatically and/or at least have some sort of profiler? When it launched, the 3D cache CPUs, especially the 2 CCD types like the highest end 7950X3D (which has half its cores with extra cache but a slightly slower maximum frequency, the other half had no stacked extra cache but maximum frequency equivalent to 7950X) AMD shit the bed with leaving a way underdeveloped
>Uh okay if Xbox Game Bar is loaded for an application, then make it run on the cache cores as its probably a game, and games have a big benefit from 3D cache!
and as far as I know, almost nothing for Linux. However in the months and year that followed I've heard from others that it is actually much better now , but I'm not sure exactly how ,especially on Linux? Do you have to pretty much manually fuck around with the thread pinning all the time or does the scheduler do a good job?
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set active-region-start-color "\e[1;37m"
set active-region-end-color "\e[0m"
set enable-bracketed-paste On
you won't have damaged your drives/filesystem assume you rebooted normally and not by using the reset button on the case
the issue here is that you interrupted pacman, resulting in a partial upgrade which is explicitly not supported. if you're worried about an unbootable system due to interrupting pacman, you might consider setting up snapshots, namely snapshot before pacman runs (there's hooks to handle this for you), so you can always roll back to before pacman was run if something goes wrong
your current backup solution of rsyncing after pacman is to put it plainly, terrible, if nothing else you have it backwards, you should be backing up /before/ you update
Runit doesn't support dependencies properly. It's great as a process supervisor but that's it.
If you block the store front then you can't download themes in the first place.

Unless you're worried about a compromised application installing a custom theme but that application doesn't have to do that to get arbitrary code running in the first place. Use sandboxes or VMs if you're at all concerned by this.
anyone here has any experience modding pirated skyrim with modorganizer on linux?
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Trying to build a kernel here, what the hell is a "platform device" and how do I list them? There's an Ethernet interface but have no idea how's it connected.
rk_gmac-dwmac ff540000.ethernet end0: Register MEM_TYPE_PAGE_POOL RxQ-0
rk_gmac-dwmac ff540000.ethernet end0: PHY [stmmac-0:01] driver [Generic PHY] (irq=POLL)
rk_gmac-dwmac ff540000.ethernet end0: No Safety Features support found
rk_gmac-dwmac ff540000.ethernet end0: PTP not supported by HW
rk_gmac-dwmac ff540000.ethernet end0: configuring for phy/rgmii link mode

There's nothing on USB and the system seemingly doesn't have PCI(e).
you could play a good number of windows games in linux in 2009, with a performance hit since direct3d>opengl translation was mandatory, as long as they weren't 64bit or d3d10/11-only (most weren't)
things got much better around 2014 when gallium nine showed up, resulting in better performance for direct3d 9 games (and older with tools to run older games with direct3d 9)
then of course dxvk showed up in 2018 and finally direct3d 11 games became viable, i don't remember exactly when 64bit games stopped being an issue, but it was somewhere between those
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So far I've successfully set up the open-webui thing even though I barely understand what I'm doing. The problem now is now there's not enough space in my root partition to download the model file (or even update my packages lol) Is there some way to move the open-webgui installation stuff to my home folder where there's plenty of space? Is it advisable? I'm afraid to use parted because I don't have a way to back up my data right now.
It does though. It's not a very practical service manager for other reasons. Not least because the core design is a logic troll puzzle.
I kept re-writing these functions in scripts so I made them a shell "library" for my other scripts to source.
announce(){ echo "${0##*/}: $*" >&2; }
[ -n "$1" ] && announce "$*"
exit 1

a script to test it
. libdie
announce sneed
echo feed and seed
die charlie
echo farlie and sarlie
i use gpu passthrough for that exact reason (solidworks), now it lives in a window with full gpu acceleration, feels like a normal pc. put it full screen and you can can't tell the difference
I would just rename the script. If you need it to be the program name, you can set it as its alias in your shell.
i have this laptop with an AMD A8 7410 quad core 2.2 GHz, radeon r5 graphics, 8 GB of RAM
it runs windows 10 very well
will it run arch + kde fine?
More then fine
What does the activities rule do? I was looking up how to have different wallpapers for different virtual desktops before and I read you can do it with activities but I couldn't figure out how to do it.
raid1 metadata is fine for raid10, since raid10 is only guaranteed to survive one drive failure anyway
yes, the discrepancy between sizes is because btrfs dynamically allocates 1GiB chunks, which may not necessarily have the same raid mode, so like you have 16TB of raw space, but every time you write 2GiB to it, it creates four 1GiB chunks, one on each drive in a raid10 fashion, using 4GiB of raw space
the "used" numbers you see in the data/metadata sections are how used the currently-allocated chunks are
yt-dlp https://youtu.be/WJndaDpohSY
i'm not an expert in this, but busybox init is extremely basic, afaik it's a pure init and doesn't do things like process monitoring, which has come to be an expected feature. not even things like openwrt rely on busybox init (it uses [it's own?] procd)
openrc has a lot more functionality, including things like service management, which most people will want outside of a static embedded environment
Alpinelinux just gave me a message...
>sh: you need to specify whom to kill
Im glad i took my meds last week...
Bazzite or just fedora?
What's wrong with cmus since the last update or two on Arch? Colors won't display and cmus won't resize itself with the terminal window.
Bazzite is not really meant to be used as a full desktop as it's a SteamOS replacement for a Steam Deck. I mean you could if you wanted your PC to be mainly gameplay focused but like SteamOS it does have a desktop mode. Don't know myself if it's atomic though like SteamOS where you need to install outside programs as Flatpaks if you don't want them deleted during updates.
>linux distro
void or alpine
>linux game
Here's how it looks when the window is shrunk. The artist / title row of the track info is hidden but not the row below it.
What's the GTK equivalent of ms rich text editor. A non-bloated doc writer but with markup possibilities.
Why do you want GTK when QT is better?
because gnome
grub or systemd-boot on arch?
last time i used systemd-boot but having to create the entries yourself is kinda annoying
What is the best terminal font for readability? Bonus points if it has a nerd font version.
Stick with GRUB if you aren't knowledgeable at the quality of your motherboards UEFI implementation.
I prefer systemd-boot even on systemd-free distros (picrel, I'm on Artix). with dracut (official repos) and kernel-install-for-dracut (AUR) it's pretty much automated for me
to edit your kernel parameters you edit the /etc/kernel/cmdline file, to edit dracut settings (add drivers to your kernel, etc) it's a .conf file in /etc/dracut.conf.d/
They both boot your system, but if you want everything to be more automatic you can just install GRUB with the right flags plus efibootmgr, create the GRUB config and you're done. Just remember to remake the GRUB config when GRUB updates.
I just went and compiled it myself to fix it
why is that?
Some manufacturers have absolutely FUBAR UEFI/BIOS implementations, systemd-boot is very heavily dependent on UEFI whilst GRUB isn't.
last time i used systemd-boot it worked fine
nta but it works fine on my 2 machines (Asus mobo on desktop + MSI laptop) too
I'm glad I ditched grub.
I'd try tinycore. L ubuntu is still pretty heavy
If Busybox added dependency support then it's not really Runit.

I can understand them wanting to go with something mature anyway though, plus OpenRC supports features like CGroups properly.
It works fine on most modern machines. They must have been using something prehistoric.
It shouldn't be an issue for modern systems because Microsoft is also on board with UEFI, it needs to work right for Windows.

There are UEFI implementations for BIOS too though which could theoretically be used to run Systemd-boot on top of. Some distros are exploring doing that so they can standardise on one bootloader and give Grub the boot (pun intended).
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Just started getting into theming. Thoughts on this color scheme?
>grub or systemd-boot on arch?
If you're only ever going to boot one OS then it doesn't matter, as long as your motherboard isn't shit you can even boot the kernel image directly.
If you dual boot (or more), having the GRUB boot menu list all your OSes (and possibly automatically remember your last choice) is much more convenient than fucking around with the BIOS. Outside of weird setups, it literally just works.

Use EFI stub, anything else is bloat.
It'll absolutely wreck people with astigmatism.
bc my beloved
What's that?
>have to install the entirety of KDE just to have breeze
holy bloat
Warped eye lens that can't simply be corrected with simple spectacles IIRC.
You mean the contrast is too high? Google's logo is also 100% white in dark mode, FWIW.
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Yeah, you don't even need gnome to end up with adwaita, what a scam.
Basically people who have it can't properly properly read bright colors on dark backgrounds; it causes all the text to become blurry in addition to headaches and fatigue. I've heard you can slightly reduce symptoms by switching to yellow text.
That is because Breeze is a platform theme for KDE. Yes, you have to install the rest of the KDE frameworks to use it.
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Thank god for dark mode switching.
borked in fedora too, just recompile for anyone with the problem
so with this hardware >>101110978
on windows old AMD cards have bad directx 11 drivers and amd never fixed them
do you think i would get better performance on linux even with the wine/proton overhead?
Depends. You'd have to give it a try but AMD didn't really support old hardware properly on Linux either.

There is some support for old cards in amdgpu now but it used to use a different driver that wasn't as good.
amdgpu supports it is GCN 2
I've always liked Plasma more than GNOME, but what the fuck are they doing with Plasma 6? It's like the KDE 4 situation all over again.
I know some people on here seem to read at a 1st grade level...
My original question was:
>So Alpine uses BusyBox, but it also uses OpenRC.
>I thought BusyBox included the init.
>So how and why did they do this?

Your response of "systemd because it works better" seems pretty retarded.
You weren't around for KDE 4 if you think that
Busybox init is not feature enough to use over openrc
>having to create the entries yourself is kinda annoying
its like 4 lines and the wiki gives you an example to copy paste
are zoomers too lazy or something?
Boxes or virt-manager?
grub breaks too often
If I'd like to learn more about Linux/GNU (I used to use Ubuntu in the past) should I try Arch or Gentoo? I've done some research and it seems like for a beginner setting up Arch would be easier than Gentoo where you will have to compile pretty much everything?
Literally never broke for me.
Setting up Arch manually with the install guide near is pretty interesting coming from someone that first did it in a VM. Though it helped to watch some Arch install videos to see what kind of things you should put in your pacstrap first time. I remember using eflinux's tutorials back in the day.
NTA, this was a known common problem with grub last year
I'd say try both. Arch first then Gentoo. I know I did do an install of both even if I stayed on Arch(-based), both can teach you different stuff and Arch is overall easier imo, so better to start with
>Gentoo where you will have to compile pretty much everything?
you can use binaries on Gentoo now. overall compile times aren't that bad on a modern machine though
Exactly what I'm doing. I'm trying to install with youtube video tutorial on other laptop
>you can use binaries on Gentoo now. overall compile times aren't that bad on a modern machine though
I mean compile times is not the issue, I'm looking forward playing with compiling from source code (it seems fun), but I will start with Arch and see if I like it
That's not GRUB breaking, it's Arch updating configs without also updating the loader in the ESP.
And it's a trivial fix if you're an Arch user: boot with archiso or whatever, mount the root and the ESP, chroot, grub-install, reboot.

>last year
It's 2024 my dude. It's been almost two years.
It's dependent on your icon theme.
It was a problem where if you updated your grub config with grub-mkconfig before doing grub-install on a pre-existing grub setup it would break the bootloader
This is the reason why certain Arch users just re-run grub-install and grub-mkconfig every time GRUB has an update. I'm guessing there's pacman hooks on the AUR for it too.
I've never had to do that before until that update
Although chances are high that most people have their mbr set to /dev/sda and their efi partition set to /boot/efi it's still not something you can automate by default just incase it breaks for some user who has an unconventional install
On arch-based there's almost no need to ever do grub-mkconfig since the location of the kernel never changes unless you switch between regular mainline to lts or zen
>And it's a trivial fix if you're an Arch user:
it's still a pain in the ass and something I don't want to have to do.

Also, grub did shit itself for me after updating the loades in the esp last year. It's not fun,
It also pins the application to all activities
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