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Previous thread: >>101095232
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Is this an ugly color scheme?
KDE keeps adding new settings but still no dynamic workspaces?
Can someone, preferably on Arch, test if x2x is working for them? It's software to control the mouse and keyboard on a different computer. It requires an ssh setup though.

Are you the anon who was trying to get it working on gnome x11?
Yes, it's still not working and I cannot find anything online. I thought I could rule out a general fault.

I tried this >>101102174, but it's not working. I'm pretty sure that it's not exclusively GNOME related, because it used to work with it just a few days ago and there was no GNOME update. I have looked at the updated packages, but none of the dependencies were updated.
Plasma or Sway?
but, why?
its acceptable
You did it incorrect, try like this:
 ssh -Y user@host env XAUTHORITY=/run/user/1001/gdm/Xauthority x2x -north -to :0 

Somehow i missed your post last thread, sorry bout that might of saved you a day of headache
How to prevent Firefox from rendering/run things on separate tabs? On windows it works correctly but on Linux various things that should halt still run in the background.
i dont really care as long as all the wlroots cli tools/utils still work
Drew is retarded.
iirc it's related to some drama with debian refusing to package hyprland cuz of its fixed upstream of wlroots, this would circumvent that? just a shot in the dark tho
>X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.
>x2x - error: can not open display localhost:10.0

I think GNOME's Xauthority file is irrelevant, no idea why it creates that one. Running "xauth info" on the remote computer I get:
Authority file:       /home/user/.Xauthority
File new: no
File locked: no
Number of entries: 1
Changes honored: yes
Changes made: no
Current input: (argv):1
uhhh... drewbros? our response???
Does it support VRR and Tearing?
I think the issue is when ssh -Y spawns it sets its xauthority to ~/.Xauthority instead of the one GDM is using
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Want to make a windows XP VM for classic games. Is modifiying virtualbox to support dx3d or libvirt with a single gpu passthrough a better way to do this?
This is a terrible and insecure way to fix it but you can try running this and then start x2x normally without needing to set any env variables
xhost +SI:localuser:$USER
is there some distro that has everything statically linked
i need to make some portable binaries
qemu-3dfx is probably the most performant solution
you can add the static useflag to gentoo to have binaries statically linked
>everything statically linked
anon, this is linux
I have tried
>xauth -f /run/user/1001/gdm/Xauthority
which apparently sets the Xauthority file to be used, but I'm getting the same
>Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified
error. I verified with xauth info that it's indeed using the GDM one and it is.

This works, thanks.
I'm looking into barrier/input-leap as an alternative right now. It seems overly complicated compared to x2x.
How do I remove it again though? I tried
>xhost -SI:localuser:$USER
but after a reboot, it's still appearing in the list.
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>install arch on my laptop
>get hit by the libmount packaging fuckery few months back
>now fails to boot into sddm login, drops into empty tty instead
I was told the arch memes aren't true anons, what the fuck is this shit
>To get things back to normal, with controlled access to the X screen:
xhost - 

I have no idea what GDM is doing exactly with how it sets up the Xauthority file and env varr but if you start gnome from the tty instead of through GDM i think it will use regular ~/.Xauthority and solve all of your issues
For the record, the reason why using xhost is insecure is because anyone logged in as your user has access to the x11 server but in your use-case it might not matter that much
>To get things back to normal, with controlled access to the X screen:
This is really weird. I did that, but after a reboot, the user still shows up on the "xhost" output.

$ xhost -

-- reboot --

$ xhost
access control enabled, only authorized clients can connect

I have no idea why it's still setting that after a reboot.
Have you checked if running x2x still works after reboot without running xhost?
Suppose I seed something for a long time but then distro hop or reinstall. I want to continue to seed when I'm done. How does one resume a torrent given I already have the files, the .torrent file, but a fresh instance of qbittorrent? It should be possible without having to redownload any part of the files, right?
It does. FUCKING HELL. This is so confusing. I looked online and apparently the xhost changes are only temporary, for as long as the X server is running. Rebooting should remove it on its own.

I have also noticed that I am getting different $XAUTHORITY variables depending on how I log-in. In the graphical GNOME session it's indeed /run/user/1001/gdm/Xauthority. But for SSH sessions "xauth info" lists .Xauthority inside the home directory.
Deleting ~/.Xauthority might fix it
It supports VRR, no idea about tearing.
I would go with Plasma. Sway has poor IME support and bad XDG Portal support for things like PipeWire screen sharing (you can only share all monitors and not individual windows)
I had deleted it at a previous step while still experiencing that permanent xhosts change issue.
I'm gonna see what xhosts outputs on a clean GNOME/Arch install. Perhaps it was always there.
Reposting from the last thread.

My Debian install has these weird audio stutters every 4 or so minutes whenever I'm playing a video/audio, and I'm out of ideas already, just can't get this shit fixed or find any clues on the internet on how to fix it. Tried a newer kernel, switched to pipewire (both stable 0.3 and now 1.0 from backports), tried changing pipewire's quantum bit delay, but so far, no luck.

I now found out that my journalctl has those lines popping up whenever the stutter happens, but I couldn't find anything very conclusive, or how it could relate to my audio issues. Well, there was this one reddit thread, but the faggot deleted his messages of course.

jun 22 13:17:58 user rtkit-daemon[704]: Supervising 10 threads of 7 processes of 1 users.
jun 22 13:17:58 user rtkit-daemon[704]: Supervising 10 threads of 7 processes of 1 users.
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You guys know what's the best granny proof distro for this fossil?
Any reason to not use Devuan and Artix?
passing by to say that i hate linux with all my heart and the day companies finally take over your kernel i will be overjoyed.
thanks for stopping by
you got MEMEd
I don't even know anymore.
Installing GNOME on Arch already includes the "SI:localuser:user" for xhosts. So it was there all the time, even before I did this >>101113753.

The question is: why didn't my x2x work then? I don't know what I did in the meantime to fix this. Not even joking, I'm feeling dizzy now after all of this and trying to figure out what I did.
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got this win7 era digital TV USB thing that came with its own antenna and all, how the hell do i use it on ubuntu?

also on a semi-related note whats a good OS for IPTV from a Banana Pi zero? and could it be made seamless with some sort of remote for the Banana Pi?
Is it possible for an adversary to make a USB device (or, for that matter, a CD or external hard drive or any other medium) that will immediately infect my system if I plug it in, even if I don't manually install or execute anything from the USB device?

If the answer is no: Then what if I open and explore the USB device, but still don't install or execute anything? Is the answer still no, or would it then be yes? And if the answer is yes: How?

As a separate but related question: Can an adversary create a malicious file such that if I (willingly) download that file from the internet, it will infect my system even if I do not manually execute or install that file (and I do not manually place it in any autorun/config folder)? If yes, how?
You could try AntiX I guess
If it'll run, Linux Mint, I guess?
Single GPU passthroughs are scary though
>If yes, how?
nice try
>arch memes aren't true
Who told you that?
Went back to Windows a few weeks ago for muh compatibility, hating every second of it. I'm coming back bros, see you on the other side.
>even if I don't manually install or execute anything from the USB device
To be very pedantic, yes. It's pretty trivial to put together a device that pretends to be a keyboard and then opens up a terminal, runs a command to download an program, run it, clean it up and call it a day. In that case, it didn't install or execute _from_ the device, it came from elsewhere. So plugging in and exploring it can still be risky from that perspective. Mind you this is only one of several vectors of attack.
anyone here running bazzite? how is it?
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Why don't distros like Fedora and Opensuse compile the codecs locally to get around the licensing?
Buy them a new second hand thinkpad for cheap, put mint or whatever distro on it for them and keep the fossil for yourself. It doesnt even have to be a t480 or something special just cheap and new enough like the x240/x260 or something.
A 1gb atom laptop is not going to be able to do much these days because the minute the browser is opened which 99% of people use a computer for all your ram is going to be used and your cpu stuck at near 100% with the fans spinning. You can thank modern web development and modern browsers being so bloated and slow
>Noooo goy, don't learn about potential threats so as to better protect yourself against them!
Glownigger detected.
Thanks for the info.
What about the latter scenario, of downloading a file from the internet but not installing/executing it?
It might be okay, but you had better do your research on making a sanitary, isolated environment for doing so. If you have some lingering malicious background process that's waiting for some specific file to be downloaded such that it can be auto-executed, you're fucked. Admittedly, this is not likely if there's a specific program you have in mind you want to check out. Sometimes it doesn't have to be an executable, but a malicious file that gets executed by a compromised version of some program. I think MPV or VLC had a vulnerability (from a dependency) that could execute arbitrary code embedded in a video file if you tried to play it. My point is that some programs can be very clever with how they infect.
It sounds to me like you should watch some vids and do some cybersecurity reading before doing any actual exploratory learning. Just take it slow and be very, very cautious.
Because they would still need external repos for blobs and firmware files with retarded licensing, so there's no point going source based for one package.
>Linux Mint 21.3 Virginia
>one day the audio started fucking up. cuts out every few seconds
>system wide issue browser, mpv, freetube doesnt matter
>sometimes audio crackles

asked for help in a previous thread and an anon gave suggestions but the issue persists. can anyone help? My "monitor" is my tv, the system is connected with a mini dp to hdmi cable
Consumer version or Enterprise version?
Alright thanks
you better off building a second hand ultra cheap pc desu, single gpu passthrough can be a nightmare

Transfer over qbittorrent's config by copying over ~/.config/qBittorrent and making sure your mountpoints are the same

That anon here, have you tried troubleshooting by changing the port and also tv?
Is it just me or plasma 6.1 update on fedora is very laggy? I swear that the 6.0 wasn't slow, but i might be wrong; im not even on nvida, full intel-aviv. Could be the triple buffering they implemented?
Define laggy. It feels exactly the same to me on the Raptor Lake iGPU.
whats a good distro for a Windows Vista era laptop ?
>your current backup solution of rsyncing after pacman is to put it plainly, terrible, if nothing else you have it backwards, you should be backing up /before/ you update
Guess what RETARD
If I run backup then pacman I have to sit there like a fucking cuck waiting for the backup to finish BEFORE I can enter my sudo password and hit Enter after I review the packages ready for upgrade
What kind of FUCKING RETARD would sit there like a cuck waiting for his backup to finish just to type a password and then hit enter
A fucking dunning krooger nitwit reddit posting RETARD that's who
Let me break it down for you, in language even your smooth brain can understand
>I want to go to sleep
>Want to backup and update the system first
>enter sudo password
>wait very little amount of time
>hit enter and update starts
>NOW I can go to bed, instead of sitting there waiting like a FUCKING RETARD KEK REDDIT SOI RETARD
See what I mean? This is what I mean when I say you're fucking retarded AND a fucking cuck soi reddit poster
What kind of limp wristed """"""""man""""""" would sit there and WAIT for a fucking backup I mean holy fucking shit do you REALLY think that's a good idea
You fucking sit there
and fucking WAIT?
Like holy fucking shit dude that's retarded beyond belief I cant even imagine it
IDK about you but my time is ACTUALLY VALUABLE
And i have shit to do in the morning
Like earning money
and fucking whores
and drugs and shit
this grown ass man shit you wouldn't understand lol fuckign LOL
So I don't see the fucking reason to SIT THERE LIKE A FUCKING KEK BITCH waiting for a backup when I could just hit fucking ENTER and let it do its stupid shit while I fucking sleep next to my fucking amazonian WIFE Who sucks that dick every night, she let me fuck her ass whenever I want AND She cook me eggs and taters on a sunday morning
The FUCK Your mama do for you bitch?
Waiting at the computer ass bitch
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>my time is actually valuable
Yeah those two hours I spent back in 2017 writing my dwm config sure did waste a lot of time in the long run. I should really just use Windows where it auto-updates my shit in the middle of my work day, or apple where I have to stop to do an anal scan every couple hours to verify my identiy or Cuckbuntu where I need to fucking replace the entire operating system every year or gentoo where I need to compile a new kernal every day
fucking retard
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I did a system wide package manager upgrade and now OBS hotkeys won't work if I'm tabbed out of the window
How do I fix this and why doesn't shit ever work on arch
I want to open a remote video file (sshfs/sftp) and have it seekable with full network speed for buffering.

>buffer/download is for some reason slow as shit, like a quarter of other solutions but otherwise works as it should
> full speed but downloads the entire file into .cache and plays after that
double commander
>same shit as dolphin and sucks balls anyhow
piping file from ssh directly to mpv
>not seekable even when forced but gets full speed

anyone have a good solution for this before I start installing jellyfin?
Is there any good ffmpeg wrapper for arch that supports vp9?
>why doesn't shit ever work on arch
I thought it was a meme but gaming broke for 2 days on the last kernel
Um, Ffmpeg? What do you need a wrapper for?
I'm stupid and want a GUI
I don't like trying to trim, resize, convert, and stay within the filesize limits for 4chan while using a command line
For 4chan I use this script though:

It's a wrapper that'll do what you want and has sane defaults. Uses Mpv for interactive splitting.
I'll try this, thank you. I've played around with handbrake and it works but it's clunky
I know of a solution that can deal with that but because of your retarded autistic schizo post im going to keep it to myself. Take your meds first before posting next time
use sshfs or nfs
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>I know of a solution
>But I wont prove it
Sounds like you're a liar AND a cuck
oh yeah true, I havent even actually tried proper sshfs. thanks anon
Distro wars thread again? Its the FRIENDLY linux thread fellas
Anyway, youre all stupid and installing debian stable would literally solve 90%of the issues retards ask this thread about daily
what the fuck happened with plasma 6?
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It's because I was using wayland instead of x11
Nothing? It works fine other than the usual churn from moving from Qt 5 to Qt 6 (which actually wasn't that bad this time round).

This is nowhere near as bad as the KDE 4 transition was where distros shipped it in an even worse state when it wasn't ready yet.

Plasma 6 has some rough edges but no big showstoppers. They're patching things up now and cleaning up the rough edges.
>no packages
>deleted packages
>refuse to package packages
>mentally ill devs
no thanks, i'll use arch/artix for desktops and alpine for servers
>mentally ill devs
anon you're in a linux thread
And what do you use to dilate? Does arch come with drivers for that as well?
Probably something lightweight like lubuntu
you dont seem to understand how low the bar is and how mentally ill devs find a way to go even lower
no he's in a gnu+linux thread
you're asking the wrong person, ask the debian devs instead i wouldnt know the answer since i dont need one
How much different are Arch and Debian on the surface? Do most of the same commands work? Do most of the same software work? Could someone for example install a .deb on an Arch system?
>tinkertrannie distro
>not a tranny
Post legs to prove it
hey anons I made a little python program but dunno where to promote it, currently ive only tested it on arch.
anyways here's the link if someone is interested
Hey that looks good, partner. The code is tidy, well organized, well named. Definitely something to be proud of if you're looking for a portfolio project to show off to a potential employer.
thx man, really means a lot to me
>They're patching things up now and cleaning up the rough edges.
Maybe they should at least wait a bit before releasing updates as stable when there are so many bugs.
There's no such thing as bug free, that's a myth. GNOME isn't bug-free, nor is XFCE, MATE, Cinnamon, Budgie, etc.

Delaying the release for no reason is pointless. Yes, the scuff isn't great but it's serviceable, there are no obvious Krashes, it just needs a bit more polish which it's getting with all of the point releases.

You can always go back to Plasma 5 if you don't like it, but that's not bug-free either it's just had more time to shake the bugs out of it.
just wanted to say thx 'non
>>10111111 #
>Delaying the release for no reason is pointless.
Except there was good reason, and they even came out and apologized for the insanely buggy "stable" release.
Clearly they should've done a better job testing. That's the problem. And that will probably never be fixed, they'll redo everything for Plasma 7 and we'll be doing this song and dance again in a few years.
Well, some of us won't.
Flatpaks run on both distros.
Software availability depends on the size of the repositories of the respective distros.
The commands are mostly the same, the differences are related to the package manager, i.e. pacman for Arch, or apt for Debian based distros. GNU / core utils will function the same.
It wasn't insanely buggy. There was an admittedly bad bug they missed which didn't affect everyone, only people with certain hardware.

I've personally not experienced any of those serious issues, it's been rock-solid for me even with the few rough edges. I have different hardware to some people though, for example I don't have any of the issues plaguing Nvidia users because I have a rock-solid all-AMD system.

There were some graphics resets early on, but you can't blame that on KDE, it was an AMD driver bug that they worked around.
Why is there no such thing as an interesting desktop environment? They're all just mac or windows clones...
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nomacs: error while loading shared libraries: libopencv_imgproc.so.409: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

what broke nomacs this time?
You don't push out a half-baked major release like KDE did. Even the fucking portal file picker, one of the most visible pieces of UI, had obvious visual and functional bugs until 6.1, and you're telling me that Plasma 6 didn't warrant even a small delay for basic functionality testing?
I mean shit, maybe I just have standards of quality you do not.
Every desktop paradigm has been tried to death already. Pick one and you'll find something.
The difference between distros is the software repository, the package manager and the update cycle. Other differences are so minor that they usually aren't worth talking about.

So, yes, commands are the same. The software is the same, but you might run into a situation where your distribution has no package of that software in its repository, so you'd have to build from source or get a Flatpak. No, you can't run a .deb file on Arch unless you go deep into the weeds and swap the package manager.
what's your idea of interesting? want an upside down taskbar directly in the middle of the screen? nothing will meet your hipster criteria then.
Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe they didn't find those bugs? When you get it out there to users and people start banging on it they find these little issues.

A huge crash is something obvious that everyone will notice and they'll fix, the more subtle things are harder to find.

At the end of the day nobody forced you to upgrade to Plasma 6. You could have stayed on Plasma 5 for a bit longer.
>Well, some of us won't.
What did you switch or plan to switch to? I'm tired of that shit too but COSMIC is still a pre alpha so I don't know what to use.
Why does kdeconnect transfer files at like 5Mb/s instead of 50Mb/s?
>playing: duvet
I'll check it out sometime, just for that
If you're tired of beta testing then stop using Arch.
You'll still have issues on Debian Stable or whatever else you use though, nothing is truly bug-free, not even Windows or macOS.
Check out Enlightenment or GNUstep
>they didn't find those bugs?
Fucking HOW
Just take the Xfce pill and be happy.
You have a network issue?
Because they missed them. They don't have paid QA. Maybe it's obvious to you but they're only human beings, they can overlook things.
>stop using Arch
How can I stop using Arch? I've never even used it. I'm on Fedora.
>Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe they didn't find those bugs?
Do KDE developers not use their own file picker? Do KDE developers not use Breeze or have eyes to see?
Were they under pressure to rush a release for whatever reason and thus didn't have time to eat their own dogfood?
Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe they didn't find those bugs because they didn't look?
Then you could have stayed on Plasma 5 instead of upgrading.
Of course they use it. You're insulting them now when nobody is perfect, even Microsoft and Apple overlook issues all the time.
kde devs were too busy with pride month, please understand
windows is a KDE clone
How much do KDE devs pay you to shill their shit? GNOME being dogshit doesn't automatically make Plasma good.
Nothing, I just have realistic expectations for a FOSS project.

If you want it to get better than stop sitting on your fat ass and volunteer your time. Test out the development code, report bugs.

As long as it's usable though it doesn't matter if there are minor bugs. At least KDE gets stuff out there, GNOME takes forever to do anything and has to ask a committee for an exception to ship features at the last minute.
>reddit spacing
So you've got no argument. I accept your concession.
>At least KDE gets stuff out there,
My ASS gets stuff out there every day, it doesn't mean I burden other people with my shit.
It's free software, nobody makes you use it. They're not burdening you. They owe you nothing. You didn't pay for it, you don't have a warranty.
Ah yes, the age old excuse for garbage Free software.
It's not an excuse, they genuinely owe you nothing. KDE belongs to everyone. If you want it to get better than do something about it.
Huh, it's working better now. Last time I tried it I only got 5Mb/s even if my phone was on 5Ghz wifi. Now I get closer to 40Mb/s.
I didn't reboot my computer in ages.
Is the default behavior for clipman (xfce clipboard manger), to clear clipboard history?
Is there a way to prevent this?
you must be a kde dev kek, no way you're defending strangers and seething that much unless you're directly involved with the project
I actually understand what Free Software means.
This isn't a paid product, it's not Windows or macOS. There's no big corpo behind it.
It costs you nothing to download the latest nightly KDE Neon and try it out and report any issues you encounter. Why don't you?
No, there's no way to do that.

If you don't like it, submit a bug report or volunteer.

It's Free Software, it belongs to everyone so it's your responsibility to work on it.
So they need more man power and I should volunteer, yet they waste what little they do have rewriting shit every major release, and implementing useless garbage like the floating panel and the new edit mode.
Is it perhaps not that they don't have enough people, but rather that their priorities are fucking retarded?
From my perspective, the KDE project has a huge management problem.

>It's Free Software, it belongs to everyone
You can't be serious.
You don't understand their priorities because you're not a developer. There were good reasons to port to Qt 6 (Wayland bugs got fixed by it, etc) and KF6.

As for management, there is none. This isn't a company, there's no boss constantly looking over your shoulder. Your total disregard for FOSS development is really showing.
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How many KDE bugs is the "environmental sustainability project" going to fix?
>As for management, there is none
That was obvious lmao
Remember to donate! :^)
Ignore her.
So is this the default behavior?
You should go back to Windows to be honest. You're never going to see proper management of a FOSS project unless it has the backing of a company and full-time employees.
>you don't like KDE? go back to Windows
what kind of retardation do you suffer from?
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It's not just KDE, you appear to have a problem with FOSS development in general. It's not just KDE that's like this, everything is. Some stuff is held up by companies like Red Hat and then there's stuff like (Pic related).
>No, you can't run a .deb file on Arch unless you go deep into the weeds and swap the package manager.
There are packages in the AUR that simply download a .deb, extract it and turn it into an arch package.
Oh this is gold. I was going to post a screenshot from part of https://ev.kde.org/corporate/statutes/ with them referring to it as a COMPANY, when Spectacle shat its pants, and died leaving its overlay on screen. Which I could not remove by killing plasma in another VT and ended up rebooting rather than kill X and crash my apps.
I'm so fucking done.
Yes, KDE is a company, but that's mostly for safeguarding reasons. They employ relatively few developers outside of a few that work few Blue Systems and a few that are contracted by companies like Valve to work on very specific things.
This isn't Apple or Microsoft and it never will be. The vast majority of contributors work on whatever they want with little oversight from management or QA, etc.
>they're not a company
>...ok they're a company, BUT
The company owns the trademarks and has agreements with the Qt foundation.
The software is all FOSS, they don't employ most of their contributors.
Maybe, and this is just an idea, maybe instead of hiring designers and engineers for "environmental sustainability projects" they could hire people to work on KDE.

How do you propose they do that exactly? Have you costed how much salary a full-time developer costs? How many developers do we need? For how long? What happens if the can't afford it anymore (are we just going to sack them all? Is that legal?).
I won't give you money, stop begging for donations.
Then don't complain about the quality then. This is mostly all made possible by people working tirelessly in their free time and then you shit on them because you think they owe you.
I didn't know KDE developed libc.so
Storage: /var/lib/systemd/coredump/core.plasmashell.1000.02d9d1e2f34f4bcbab8407f2592c4594.1452.1718915820000000.zst (present)
Size on Disk: 103.4M
Message: Process 1452 (plasmashell) of user 1000 dumped core.

Stack trace of thread 1452:
#0 0x00007862e82a8e44 n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x94e44)
#1 0x00007862e8250a30 raise (libc.so.6 + 0x3ca30)
#2 0x00007862ea7b3643 _ZN6KCrash19defaultCrashHandlerEi (libKF6Crash.so.6 + 0x6643)
#3 0x00007862e8250ae0 n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x3cae0)
#4 0x00007862e82a8e44 n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x94e44)
#5 0x00007862e8250a30 raise (libc.so.6 + 0x3ca30)
#6 0x00007862e82384c3 abort (libc.so.6 + 0x244c3)
#7 0x00007862e8239354 n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x25354)
#8 0x00007862e82b3085 n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x9f085)
#9 0x00007862e82b54ac n/a (libc.so.6 + 0xa14ac)
#10 0x00007862e82b7dae __libc_free (libc.so.6 + 0xa3dae)
#11 0x00007862e908671a _ZN15QQmlContextDataD2Ev (libQt6Qml.so.6 + 0x28671a)

Oh look, a double free.

Look closer at what called free().
They don't develop Qt either for that matter. Sometimes they submit patches to them but they're not Qt developers.
That comes from Qt. Report this to your distribution and get yourself debug symbols. That trace is useless.
Qt is a whole other set of retardation.
so this fucking retarded plasma hater autist is going to spam this thread now
can the fucking janitors do their job please
Qt is a successful cross-platform toolchain. GTK will never have the same notoriety.
The one spamming in this thread is a KDE dev.
Funny, I don't see other Qt apps crashing this much.
Stack trace of thread 17019:
#0 0x00007ed3ed0a8e44 n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x94e44)
#1 0x00007ed3ed050a30 raise (libc.so.6 + 0x3ca30)
#2 0x00007ed3ef79c643 _ZN6KCrash19defaultCrashHandlerEi (libKF6Crash.so.6 + 0x6643)
#3 0x00007ed3ed050ae0 n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x3cae0)
#4 0x00007ed3ecb93979 _ZN7QObject11deleteLaterEv (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x193979)
#5 0x00007ed3cc2808cd _ZN14FirewallClientD1Ev (libkcm_firewall_core.so + 0xe8cd)
#6 0x00007ed3cc280906 _ZN14FirewallClientD0Ev (libkcm_firewall_core.so + 0xe906)
#7 0x00007ed3ecb8aebb _ZN14QObjectPrivate14deleteChildrenEv (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x18aebb)
#8 0x00007ed3ecb90e78 _ZN7QObjectD1Ev (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x190e78)
#9 0x00007ed3cc2aaad0 n/a (kcm_firewall.so + 0xcad0)
#10 0x00007ed3ecb8aebb _ZN14QObjectPrivate14deleteChildrenEv (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x18aebb)

I don't give a shit about GTK. The foot fags have had the stick far up their ass for so long they don't even remember what it looked like going in.
>Funny, I don't see other Qt apps crashing this much.
Different apps are going to run into different issues because not all of them will be using Qt in the exact same way.

Please file those bug reports though. Nobody can fix them if they're not made aware that there's an issue.
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Even the crash viewer is buggy. This is pathetic.
That's normal, the crash handler can be buggy sometimes because of the way it works by hooking things in Qt.

If Qt is really fucked then the crash handler might not work properly. You should report these issues to your distro so they can figure out if it's an issue with their Qt (distros often patch packages. The version of Qt on my Gentoo system is not the same as the version of Qt on your Fedora system) or an upstream issue.
>the crash handler can be buggy
Has anyone gotten Cemu working on linux? It won't detect any games.
It depends on hooking Qt. Guess what happens if Qt is broken?
boa rocks! thx dude
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>mfw reading an old script
captcha: DOAS
Always write code comments for your future self
>it's qt's fault!
Then why is it I only see KApps crashing and nothing else?
Comments are for the weak
Because normal Qt software doesn't even have a crash handler. They don't tell you when something crashes like KDE software does so you don't see it. It will still be logged in dmesg and coredumpctl though.

Also, like I said earlier different software exercises Qt differently. KDE has ran into many different Qt bugs that might never affect some other random Qt app. KDE does a lot of things differently to other Qt apps because of their KDE Frameworks. Sometimes they do custom stuff for their desktop and then run into Qt bugs nobody else has ever seen before. That's going to happen from time to time.
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Is there some gui/bash alternative for crystaldiskmark available for ubuntu, specifically to test the read and write speed of a zpool made with zfsutils-linux?
KDiskMark but don't tell the KDE hater in the thread
it does not have anime girl, sad
>dissing KDE
It just werks. If it doesn't, that's your fault.
I couldn't even find a BeOS clone...
what's bigger, vatican's population or Linux userbase?
Linux userbase, both pale in comparison to the number of people that have been inside your mom though
Haiku is probably what you want but it's not Linux so might not even run properly on your hardware.

They could port their UI to Linux but that has little to no benefit for Haiku and is a bit undertaking:

The post mentions some similar attempts in the past though.
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Lately I have been using these functions as a quick way to both number the lines of a file and print the first/last X lines of it with head/tail. Is there a one-command way to do this with sed or awk, and could it work with multiple files? Sed can number lines with '=', but the numbers appear on different lines to the source text, and have to be piped into another sed to format it like cat -n.
headn () 
case "$#" in
local file="$1"
local file="$2" lines="$1"
return 1
cat -n "$file" | head -n ${lines:-10}
tailn ()
case "$#" in
local file="$1"
local file="$2" lines="$1"
return 1
cat -n "$file" | tail -n ${lines:-10}
tail -n ${lines:-10} <(i=1;while read -r line ; do printf "%d  %s\n" $i "$line";i=$((i+1));done < "$file")
Buy a new laptop
Anon, I use haiku already, but our discussion is the variety of DEs available for Linux. The example given highlights that fact (which it is clearly so, now, I hope).
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Something ain't right.
unreadable and not even what I asked for
Try and drop caches. It should do that automatically but might not be working right:
echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

What's wrong with it? It's one command and works with multiple files just wrap it in an outer loop to iterate over the files.
>all my heart
Don't lie. It's only 92% of your heart.
KDE devs are like Gnome devs: they use MacOS.
I've got news for you. The majority of kernel development is already sponsored by companies. It's been a long time since it was all random people in their bedrooms contributing to it.
>Is there a one-command way to do this with sed or awk
I want to number lines and head/tail them, running one program, optionally with numbering for each file (as in file2 would print 1-2-3...10 for the lines and not 11-12-13..20)
also it flattens out any tabbing
#!/usr/bin/env bash
tail -n "$lines" <(
while read -r line; do
printf "%d %s\n" $i "$line"
done < "$file"
6 while read -r line; do
7 printf "%d %s\n" $i "$line"
8 i=$((i+1))
9 done < "$file"
10 )
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Maybe this is the wrong thread for this, but I am having issues with image.webp.enabled in about:config of palemoon. Even when enabled, captcha just says loading forever. Has anyone fixed a similar issue? It is mainly an issue affeting access to cloudfront for captcha in 4chan, so I am still enjoying palemoon, but it is a big annoyance. Currently on Debian Bookworm using XFCE. I read on the fourms of cloudfront that the issue has been identified since 2023, but they keep saying it was resolved and closing the requests. Maybe cloudfront and Palemoon just don't get along...
Is Enable content-sniffing for WebP images just flawed even on Palemoon v33?
i really like the AUR but i just dont want updates as ofter as arch does it for stuff like kerne, mesa,etc.
so i think fedora might be the best option for me
Yes. For ease of use, prefer the Flatpak version with games on the .wua format.
I'm looking to switch back to Linux when it's time to reinstall my OS, I mostly fucked with Linux Mint on a hand-me-down craptop so my knowledge is next to none on history, but on it systemd loved to crash completely randomly and refuse to shut my puter down if it did. So now I'm looking for one without it so I don't have to suffer that shit again and have to be constantly force-shutting-down my better rig. Deuvan's alright for that, right? Or is there another distro?
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>"wheel" group
Why is there gypsy symbolism in my GNU/Linux system?
>i really like the AUR
You like collection of rando build scripts? I hate it lol.
>so i think fedora might be the best option for me
Ha! Fedora's like an alien world if you've used to vanilla systems like Arch.
If you like building from source AND you like hand picking what to update go for Gentoo. No meme.
idk if smart but I eyeball the changelog thru and do an update if anything relevant gets mentioned. Not all kernel updates necessarily update the parts *you* are running.
>but on it systemd loved to crash completely randomly and refuse to shut my puter down if it did
Bad defaults, I advice against the whole "non-systemd" route, especially if you don't even have a specific init system in sight. (should've asked "give me a distro with Dinit" for example)
And oh, you aren't getting more functionality or anything, you get a crude system that mostly appeals to neckbeards and people in the embedded device business.
alright, fair enough, thanks. Fedora KDE is more or less still in my sights then
finally installed bare sshfs and it's still not quite reaching the speeds I expected, piping a file raw through SSH gets the transfer to 9-10MB/s which seems pretty much like line speed accounting for protocol overhead (4G to home, wireguard and SSH) while SSHFS is around 4-5MB/s even after raising max_conns from fstab. wouldn't expect sftp overhead to gulp half the bandwidth.
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>be retard
>try to debug gimp
>developers ignore me because i forgot to
<optimized out>
and post a long comment full of irrelevant
<optimized out>
annoying everyone on the gitlab by cluttering up the thread
>realize my mistake
reset; flatpak run --command=sh --devel org.gimp.GIMP.Debug//master

bwrap: execvp which: No such file or directory

so i can't debug GIMP before debugging flatpak???
what is it? i use palemoon but i'm not familiar with that
if you're having trouble with systemd waiting forever on shutdown, you might want to just fix the cause of it
that said, i do have

myself, just because on my system and requirements, if something takes longer than 20s to start or stop then it's probably not going to. the default is 90s (1m30s) which is overkill for me, my machine is both not that slow and the services i run are not that big
if a default doesn't suit you, don't hesitate to change it, defaults aren't for everyone, they're designed to be safe
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been using linux for a week, specifically mint. i really love it. feels simple and i've very rarely been using windows. running out of space so i might just completely switch. i'm still going through some problems with running shit but i'll eventually solve them. i'm planning on ricing soon
sounds like the flatpak may not be a debug build and is missing things for that purpose
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>some problems running shit
if it's windows shit look into https://www.winehq.org/
i honestly think it should added to the OPasta
also worth checking out is https://easyrpg.org/player/ (for RPG Maker games)
see >>101123904
In another browser thread, I was tirected to this setting in order to get cloudfront captcha not not just say loading.
for rpg maker MV games i remember someone mentioning how to play them without wine and shit
seems like you need to extract nwjs on the game folder
that option no longer exists in the current version of palemoon
have you messed with image.http.accept, perhaps? i can tell you as someone who only uses palemoon, 4chan/cloudflare is working fine at the moment
You know that shake cursor to make it larger that they just rolled out on KDE 6.1?
That doesn't work for me. Using Arch, Wayland, and installed plasma-desktop. Where do I start looking for the logs on why it does not work?
org.gimp.GIMP//master works
org.gimp.GIMP.Debug//master doesn't
org.gimp.GIMP.Debug/x86_64/master is already installed
org.gnome.Sdk.Debug/x86_64/master is already installed
do I have to compile flatpak or GIMP? I'm on Arch, so there's no separate *-dbg packages
woah, based
How do I get linux to not hurt battery life so bad? Using Ubuntu.
install TLP
Have there been examples yet of a complete distro running on those snapdragon elite notebooks?
What do you guys use for document writing? Libre Office is just unsightly to me.
have you tried the different interface options?
install TLP and enable the service, literally all you have to do. doesn't ubuntu already do this though?
hmm admittedly switching to tabbed does make it a lot better
Depends on what kind of document. Look into LaTeX, I used it for le essays and thesis in college.
I've used it a little bit, it can be hard to get it to do what you want sometimes though. Also where I study they are used to receiving poorly typeset documents coming from Word.
Flatpak isn't broken. It means something is wrong with the Debug build. File an issue on their GitHub:
there's no shame in customising it to be closer to what you're used to
I have not, but thanks for the tip. Any ideas on how to start? Mine appears the same as yours.
encryption creates a bottleneck, you can try and see if nfs will give you faster results or smb
arch users
how has your experience been recently?
tried to install xubuntu and the new installer does not do btrfs
Can someone tell me/point me how do I make/configure Arch to work like out of the box distros where everything works...? I have like 500 packages total and things like mint have about 1.2k to 1.5k I am clueless and the wiki article goes only into basics like pipewire and display manager not media players, text editors stuff like that
Hey fellas, I'm using photoshop for image editing and such, to full-time switch to linux, I need something to replace it. Is it possible for the two things that pop up, Krita and GIMP to replace it, or would I be stuck with photopea?
A youtuber made a decent step-by-step video about it. As for me personally, the moment I got AUR it was basically done.
why not artix?
Read harder
Plenty of YouTubers have recent videos on what to install to get shit like multimedia and games working on steam. Just copy what those YouTubers are doing, 15 mins of work for you.
I want to install a newer version of qbittorrent-nox than what's on the current Ubuntu Server LTS repos. Is this simple enough to do or am I in for a minor clusterfuck meaning I should wait to be able to upgrade to the new LTS version in August instead?
gimp was good enough for me, i did use photoshop before, but not professionally
i've been using arch since 2012, did something happen recently? i haven't noticed anything
I made an effort to learn GIMP before I made the switch to Linux. I expected it to be a pain but I was surprised at how good it was. It was basically a drop in replacement for me as a long time photoshop user.

I've used Krita a bit as well, but nowhere near as much. It's very capable but I found it less intuitive for general purpose tasks. For art and painting though it's first class.

For general image processing imagemagick with some basic shell scripting can also be extremely useful.
i havent updated in 2 months
maybe once a year something breaks and i go check the news and it's an easy fix, more rarely i have to google and find a forum post right at the top of the results and it's an easy fix.
All worth it not to constantly be fighting my OS (windows)
im on windows right now and i have used linux in the past but i end up going back because of familiarity
clipman should only lose history in a crash, not on clean quits
I used to go back and forth (VM, dual boot), took me a while to get comfortable. I had dabbled with Linux a lot, used it on my servers but still wasn't comfortable on Desktop until I did the manual arch install and felt i had good enough understand of the big pieces that I was comfortable tinkering, that knowledge transfers to other distros too.
I see, thanks. I tried GIMP with the photogimp thing and it works out for me, but the problem is the psd files. On some of them, I have text, is there a way to get the text imported as well or I just have to remake everything in a different format?
Well, I thought so, I even tested the logs, nothing odd was there.
I checked clipman cache file, and it was indeed empty.
I don't know really what happened.
I guess off crashed when powering off.
having existing proprietary documents is always a pain when switching software, i haven't used photoshop since like 2009 and i generally didn't do the kind of work that warrants keeping .psd's around, i barely even have any gimp .xcf's around
How to update all packages installed by pip??
it's not unheard of to end up with truncated (empty) files if they were being written during a crash on some filesystems
some programs mitigate this by always writing to a new file then replacing the original rather than directly overwriting the original when saving, but for a more general solution you should look into snapshots
It's nothing important, in fact you could think of it as security feature.
i doubt they put any effort into safely writing to it, i mean it's just a clipboard cache, you shouldn't be relying on it
Is there a good alternative to Peace for eqing Headphones/IEMs?
i use calf studio tools myself, but it's probably overkill, i think more people use pulseeffects, that wasn't around when i started using calf so i haven't bothered comparing them
Chat gpt really makes Arch installation easy, so much more concise than wiki, it becomes literally copy-paste.
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You should replace your brain with ChatGPT, it would massively improve everything.
No shit Sherlock, it really isn't an insult your tiny brain thinks it is.
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You're not very bright, are you.
More than you, which isn't saying much to be fair.
I accept your concession.
how much ram does wine/proton use?
Not much, why?
>0 counter arguments
I accepted yours couple of posts ago :)
because im ram limited
How limited? What do you want to run? The overhead is probably not significant if you're worried whether a Windows program will run and you're previously used it on Windows on the same machine. Just make sure you have a decent amount of swap available.
I ended up figuring out my issue after several hours. The dump I downloaded needed to have a line edited, or else cemu 2.0 and above can' detect it. So it wasn't so much an issue with cemu as it was with the files I downloaded.
You would first need to produce an argument so I may counter it.
Good thing I have already :)
Any specific laptops you could recommend that have no hardware issues with linux? Preferably one that has a massive touchpad a la macbooks.
Intend to use it as desktop replacement.
A majority of laptops built by Dell, Lenovo and HP.
anyone else impatiently waiting for the first Linux to run on Snapdragen X?
No. Arm is locked down garbage.
considering I reached line speeds piping the file through SSH, afaik the encryption should be the same there as with SFTP so I expect it to be some sort of a problem with SFTP. the speed is good enough for now though, just barely streams BD remuxes from my home when I'm away.
I guess... still terrified that I won't know something and I'll get stuck or brick my system and get discouraged... i don't wanna deal with snaps and kubuntus bullshit but if I can't get Arch to work it's gonna be Fedora... ew...
You sound like you use gnome.
im just trying to play games
it might be fuse itself creating the overhead then if it's not ssh encryption
At the event where they showed off those laptops there were some people showing off that you can run linux on them. I am quite exited for it, because my main issue with linux on laptops has been the battery life. It's not horrible, but it's still worse than windows and way worse than macs.
might have something to do with this, considering the issue manifests itself only when connecting to the NAS/network over 4G. trying directly locally there's barely any difference in speed between SSHFS and just piping the file over SSH.
>You sound like you use gnome.
KDE on Wayland actually. I prefer XFCE, but it won't support Wayland for another 40 years.
>systemctl edit something.timer
>save, file appears in the systemd dir
>systemctl daemon-reload
>systemctl status something.timer shows the drop in override
>but the timer still uses the old scheduling from the actual timer file and not the override

What am I missing here?
Me too, I wonder if we can expect them to power some external displays. Via Thunderbolt or whatever.
if you installed arch yourself this is linked at the end of the installation guide
i used that to get arch working with kde plasma the first time i installed
i installed everything i needed during the chroot and managed to get it to work
you will have to read if you want to get into arch, it is a DIY distro after all, but its not that hard
>network doesn't work
>run `sudo modprobe r8169`
>network works

wtf is happening and how do I make it permanent?
look for errors and warnings in dmesg
in winblows i created a folder in my C drive called "shit" and i dumped random executables in there like ffmpeg and youtube-dl and added that folder to path so i could use them in the terminal.

do you guys do something similar with linux? where should i put the shit folder.
~/bin or ~/.local/bin if you don't want to see it
you can just make a bin/ directory wherever (probably under home) and add that to path, sure.
everything installed with the package manager is on the path
there is also folders on your home directory that are on the path as someone already pointed out like .local/bin
>there is also folders on your home directory that are on the path as someone already pointed out like .local/bin
Not on every distro. I had to manually add that on Arch, for example.
you can do what that guy says and try rclone instead or you can try setting up smb/nfs instead and see if it's faster
you can also just have a webserver point to the directory with all your stuff and open the url with mpv that way
why not /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin
- more difficult to backup
- privileges needed to put them there
- the system package manager might overwrite it

If you need it to be available to all users then consider using the system dirs
My Arch does not have ~/bin or ~/.local/bin in its path by default, but I just read and it does document that. That sounds better, I'm using that.
>the system package manager might overwrite it
Nice to see you figured things out, anon!
that's not a directory
it's usually /usr/local/bin
I know the Arch wiki recommend to install fonts into /usr/local/share/fonts so that they don't get overwritten by your package manager, I'm just applying the same logic here
if it doesn't exist you can sudo mkdir it and copy files into the folder and add it to your path, should work fine
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Good for you, wideposter.
that logic makes no sense, bin is supposed to be a subdir of /usr and /usr/local not /usr/share or /usr/local/share
miya-chan best girl forever
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What is this software gore when I reboot from konsole in arch?
I'm partial to Chika, but Miya is great.
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It sits frozen and I have to crash the faptop to get out of it.
kernel null pointer dereference, almost always indicates a software bug. Is your kernel up to date? Can you try another one?
To update kernel I type sudo pacman -Syu? Also worried about the crashing part, how would i know if i corrupted something? rip
guys I need a sanity check:
is audio supposed to get muted when the monitor goes to sleep? idk if I've just never noticed this or if this is new, but all sound (browser, mpv, mpd) gets muted for me when my screen goes to sleep or if I turn it off manually. I use pipewire btw.
>To update kernel
Yep that will update everything including the kernel. This error is like a windows blue screen of death, bad things have occurred and it's probably software but it could be hardware. If it only happens when you shutdown that's somewhat encouraging although I'd still be nervous. If you mean that you're holding the power button or something to hard cycle it then I don't think you need to worry too much as the system is already frozen at that point - although this can be rough on your hardware if you do it a lot.
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Worked :)

Is gpt retarded or is this a valid way to auto update? Should I even be auto updating? Trying to be security conscious.

Get pacman-contrib

Nano into /etc/pacman.d/hooks/99-auto-update.hook

to add:

Operation = Upgrade
Type = Package
Target = *

Description = Automatically updating installed packages
When = PostTransaction
Exec = /usr/bin/pacman -Syu --noconfirm
where should my user program store its logs?
it's meant to be a CLI tool for users, and using /var/ seems a bit heavy, but maybe i'm being dumb.
on kubuntu 24.04 wayland when my monitors go to sleep my primary monitor doesn't properly wake up unless i manually turn it off and back on. wonder if it's a proprietary nvidia driver issue.
usually ~/.cache but try to respect the env variable if you can
New thread:
that hook is something only an AI would write
i don't think it would even actually work, since pacman has a lock file to prevent you running two instances of pacman at a time, and that hook runs pacman while using pacman
python3 -m pip list installed --format json | jq -r ".[] | .name + \">=\" + .version" | xargs -r -I{} python3 -m pip install --upgrade {}

You probably don't want to do that though and should upgrade individually packages for the stuff you care about.
/var/log is fine if it's a system tool and you know permissions and ownership will be set up correctly for you to write to it.

Use ~/.cache like >>101130595 said if you can't guarantee this.
Before actually taking picrel into use: is Armbian the way to go? I'd rather have a rolling release on those things as reinstalls are annoying.
Only need the basic wireless tools, hostapd, nftables and what have you.
You don't really have much choice for a rolling release for ARM systems.

Archlinux ARM is slow with updates nowadays.
Maybe OpenSUSE Tumbleweed has something for ARM?
You could also Gentoo it. They have binary packages for ARM64. It might be a bit slow though, you'd probably be better off building a custom image for it.
alpine edge
I forgot about Alpine. Edge can be a bit unstable sometimes but it's a good distro.
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Only if I could compile it with my insanely powerful $1000 PC. Honestly, the thing would fry and get nowhere with it.

>Tumbleweed has something for ARM
Yes. Only if they provided a root filesystem tarball. Idea being using the old kernel and stuff.
There's a few ways you can actually
Distcc would be the most commonly known way
What about https://pypi.org/project/pipupgrade/
pip packages are usually dependencies for other software and should be managed that software. If you are using pip packages directly you shouldn't assume that they will have a stable interface, that is they may change significantly between versions.
I see, so it's better to make a custom script that update certain pip packages, ones that work on it's own, like tomato-timer, pimg, etc.
For the packages you've mentioned I probably wouldn't update unless i had a specific reason - but yes that would be better than upgrading all packages.
What if I upgraded python version?
I mean currently I'm on 3.11, should I upgrade to the latest python don't I need to move over my pip packages?
I don't think you should need to do that unless we get another major version of python (e.g 4)
And if I did?
Because I'm testing my other machine and all pip packages are gone from the latest python version, many AUR packages would need to be rebuild with the latest version of python as well.
>all pip packages are gone from the latest python version
I might be misunderstanding you, I'm not sure what you mean.
Updating python shouldn't require you to update your pip packages unless it's a major python version change (2-3) (3-4)
>many AUR packages would need to be rebuild with the latest version of python as well
I'm not sure what you mean, installing a new python version won't require you to reinstall those AUR packages and unless you've pulled the latest PKGBUILD they'll be using the same pip packages.
Well, this is my current situation, but I guess it's my fault for not maintaining my arch.

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