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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

/g/'s Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
https://fglt.nl && https://files.catbox.moe/u3pj3i.txt

GNU/Linux Games:

IRC: #sqt on Rizon

Previous thread: >>101113285
i love linux bros
The fuck is this logo?
>Archcraft is just another Linux distribution, made on top of Arch Linux. It uses window managers and lightweight applications, which makes it super fast. With pre-configured settings, Archcraft provides you the best out of the box window manager experience.
Also checcked
archcraft, basically just pre-riced arch with a graphical installer but somehow more unstable
I use mostly default arch with Hyprland.
switched to Tumbleweed yesterday (from Silverblue). feels polished as fuck, everything works. Fedora was fine too actually, both are probably on the same level when it comes to reliability. too bad I had UUID/mount problems (device not found error) on Arch. tried several fixes which did the trick but overall I didn't feel safe using it. still a good distro. which why I came to the following conclusion: Arch, Fedora and openSUSE are the true (and only) kingZzZZ
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Ubuntu. Home.
When will apt autoremove be fixed? If you install a metapackage, decide you don't want something from it later, this naturally makes the metapackage get removed, so all the other packages you use from the metapackage are now marked for autoremove.
Yep, day 12 of Wireguard still not wanting to accept more than one peer at a time, on the same interface or multiple interfaces. With every single example in the man pages, arch wiki, even Linux Cloud Hacks not working.
It's 2024 and Linux desktop environments still install disc burning software by default and not simply as an optional recommended package. Do you even have a disc drive anymore?
Install Opi if you haven't already. It's not just for the OBS repos, but there are "hidden" Opensuse repos it searches from too.
Externally, yeah. But that said, it would be way easier if it instead installed tools for burning to thumb drive.
I guess they continue to keep disc burning software because most of it is a frontend for dd and it allows them to boast additional features.
Your distribution does this. Desktops don't have any default applications installed with them, it's just a desktop shell / panel / etc.

If you avoided the metapackages then you could install whatever you want.
Gnome Disks does that with it's restore option. I've used it to put .iso/.img to many usb flash drives.
Personally, if I was going to use OpenSUSE, I might use Leap instead of Tumbleweed because of that xz thing
Can any anons help, I have windows 10 and minute dual boot on separate drives. For some reason, the linux drive only shows up if I restart once or twice. Every solution I found online is different, how can I fix this? Also for some reason my windows drive in the bios (and mint) are all called ubuntu. Any ideas that wont brick my hardware? All of my work is done from linux
At least it was before Canonical fucked everything up.
Firstly you don't need to worry about bricking your hardware - I wouldn't rule out that something may already be broken based on your description but I don't think we need to assume that is the case and if it is, it wouldn't be because of what you've done.
>I have windows 10 and minute
Windows 10 and linux mint?
>the linux drive only shows up if I restart once or twice
Can you elaborate on this? what do you mean exactly, shows up where? Does it 'show up' on a cold boot (from powered off)?
>windows drive called ubuntu
Is ubuntu installed currently?
Motherfuckers stole my logo
Are Artix and Devuan good? I usually avoid derivative distros.
They're fine
Artix does a better job at multi-init support than Devuan does at the moment though
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How can I set a keybinding so that I press a button (or combo), and have my mouse movement changed to scrolling?
Like what happens when you switch from using one finger to two on a trackpad.
Looking specifically for the command/action/whatever it's called that starts this.
Trying to look it up gives me a bunch of things that I'm not looking for, and I'm lost.
Canonical is CJ
SUSE is Sweet
Microsoft is Tenpenny
Apple is Big Smoke
Yes, sorry I meant to put mint, not minute* kek. It's not showing up in the bios meaning its not booting up. I have it set in the bios to be 1st in order to boot up. Worked fine for like a week and a half then suddenly my motherboard decided one day not to show it. I have fast boot and secure boot both disabled. No ubuntu install currently, although I did have it installed at one point but decided to go with mint instead. Now it still shows up as ubuntu and my windows drive is also called ubuntu. I follow this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWVte9WGxGE on an assrock motherboard
Standard troubleshooting stuff - make sure all your connections are secure - i know it's obvious but i've had this present the weirdest issues myself.
Then a quick way to validate some assumptions will be to boot the system from cold with only the OS disk and no others (do this for both Windows and Mint) and report back.
If with only the Mint disk attached from cold, it doesn't boot, then try to reboot a couple of times and see if it 'comes back'. This will provide some useful troubleshooting information.
Yeah, I have tried booting each on their own separately with the other OS unplugged (if that's what you're referring to?). Windows works fine but mint didn't boot up. However it came with this error:

>error: attempt to read or write outside of "hd0"

I simply reset and then it decided to boot up as if nothing happened. Solutions online typically says to just reinstall linux
I think linux is pretty cool
Ok that is very interesting, that looks like a bootloader error which suggests that it could find the disk but that something else has gone wrong.
Can you take a photo of the boot menu when the disks are attached and when the linux mint disk is not shown?
Can you also please provide the output of
> lsblk
from mint
And if you can post again with a screenshot of the Disk Management UI (win+x, k) from windows showing all disks in your system that would be useful.
>play game on arch with x11, 60 fps stable
>play same game on arch with i3wm, 45-60 fps unstable
is this to be expected or do i need to do some tweaking?
is there a quick way to remove metadata on images like you can with windows in the property menu?
look up exifcleaner linux
or something like how to remove exif data on linux
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Of course, however despite multiple restarts and doing full shut downs, the error wont appear and everything works as it should (I know tomorrow the error may reappear so I could try again). As you can see from the screen shot, ct240 is linux and ct480 is windows (ignore the audio drives). I can live with the names being as they are, its the random "works when it wants to" which is worrying.
GNOME was wrong, a gui desktop is a product and we need to sell to the boomer who burns driving mixes.
Not sure of the menu but i just downloaded from the software manager "metadata cleaner", seems to work well.
oh i found the mat2 package which seems to work well and works through the command line, thanks anyways
Nothing looks obviously wrong, although your mint partition layout looks unusual.
did you use a guided installer or choose this layout?
Do you know what that 1MB partition at the start is?
513M is a very weird choice especially and unusually large if only for efi and not /boot

I think the best thing to do would be to check the Windows Disk Management UI next time the mint boot option isn't present at startup, if the disk doesn't show up then - it's hardware, (chipset,socket,cable,drive..) if it is present then I think it's much more likely to be software (although not 100%).

Big of a long shot but check if your BIOS has selectable boot modes such as Legacy/Bios, UEFI, Hybrid UEFI just be aware that changing this will probably prevent either OS from booting without fixing the bootloaders. If it is present though I could believe something like a buggy hybrid uefi mode and your unusual partition layout could cause weird issues.

Is your linux install relatively new? if so has this issue always been present? if so has that disk been in the machine before linux was installed and been reliable?

Something else you could take a look at is smartmontools
Existing metrics / running tests might reveal issues with the underlying disk if it is hardware
Is there any keyboard shotcut program that doesn't capture the entire keyboard while holding a shortcut? I'd like to be able to use my keyboard while pressing a shortcut keyboard.
xbindkeys and sxhkd don't support this.
linuxchads, please enlighten me for which use cases should one go the Gentoo route and for which the Linux From Scratch route ?
>on arch with x11
This doesn't mean anything. Which DE or WM?
LFS better for learning, wouldn't want to put this on baremetal. Gentoo is a distro with some opinions so you learn less but end with a much more functional system.
>start arch linux™
>forgot to plugin my monitor
>still a blackscreen
>boots fine into sddm
>still a black screen, but I can interact with the system itself
what now?
Gentoo unless your goal is to make your own Linux distribution.

Anything you can do with LFS you can do with Gentoo except it's infinitely easier on Gentoo because Portage is an amazing source package manager full of utility to help you maintain packages and customise the system.
switch into tty and downgrade to the last known good config.
install debian
>downgrade to the last known good config
it's so over
I've never used Artix, but Devuan works perfectly for me.
The only guide I used was this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWVte9WGxGE I swapped the sata cables so linux is the first in the hardware sense and changed the boot order so linux is always first. I have no idea what the 1mb partition is, everything thats there was setup automatically.

Ok, I'll double check windows if that happens. I'm beginning to think its hardware

Yes, I've only had linux mint for about a couple of weeks. No this never happened until recently. I've had ubuntu for about a month I think and before that, this drive was just storage for windows ( I probably should of bought a fresh sdd ). I'll check the BIOS boot modes as well.

I did see somewhere someone mentioned windows tends to boot much faster in dual boots and linux needs sometime to catch up, or something.

Thanks for your help anon. I'm doing some tests with the GSmartControl and if anything strange happens, I'll be back later or in the next thread
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Yeah I think you're right to lean towards hardware, I'd be backing up if there's anything precious on that disk.
lubuntu isnt lightweight since 2018, they even dropped 32bit support
Not him but I think it's lightweight. LXQt is lightweight. It's perhaps not quite as lightweight as LXDE but I think that was based on GTK 2 which wasn't supported anymore, or something.
its not LXQt thats the problem, its the fact that its 64 bit and that it now has a memory frootprint larger than 200 MB (used to be 100 MB on a fresh install)
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What is unironically the best desktop linux distro?
or something else?
gayming is a concern for me as is having a modern compiler
just use debian
it's good
How do you define best?
Sounds like you're just looking for someone to tell you what to use.

I'd look at Arch or Fedora.
Is it stupid to install Linux just because I think it's cool? I learned to use Ubuntu and Debian in a course and constantly thought "huh, neat" but theres basically nothing I do that isn't better or equal on Windows (gaymen and media consoomption).
>I think it's cool
That's where i started about 20 years ago. I feel old after typing that.
It's an operating system. If you can do everything you want to do with it then go for it.
sometimes when opening an image in a very large folder the image viewer takes a long time to open or sometimes not at all, if I open them with the browser they open immediately
do you know of any image viewer where this doesn't happen?
It's probably doing synchronous / blocking I/O on the main thread of the GUI. That's very shitty and should be fixed if anyone cares about the performance of the thing.
>Is it stupid to install Linux just because I think it's cool?
>Is it stupid to install Linux just because I think it's cool?
>Is it stupid to install Linux just because I think it's cool?
I'm trying to do some data recovery with magicrescue and it says to do this:

Make sure DMA and other optimizations are enabled on your disk, or it
will take hours. In Linux, use hdparm to set these options:

$ hdparm -d 1 -c 1 -u 1 /dev/hdb

any chances this will affect the files in any way? any other risks? I'm doing it in an old hard drive that I just use for external storage now
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What is your favorite variant of cowsay or quote generator?
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>but somehow more unstable
Almost always the case with Arch-derivatives. EndeavourOS is the only one I've used that doesn't manage to botch the configs/packages/repos.

Question from me - Dracut vs. Booster? Any thoughts or experiences? For init generation.
>Joe liked my patch so much he merged it into JWM within a minute of me opening the Pull request
Feels good to contribute to underrated projects like JWM
Guise. I think LMDE will bring forth more normies into linux and FOSS as a whole. That's a good thing too.
Booster is way faster but the way grub handles it is kinda annoying if you want it to completely replace makeinitcpio, after removing makeinitcpio you will need to manually delete the old non booster initramfs's.
Just use Debian.
Thank you for contributing to GNU.
Arch, easily. By extension also EndeavorOS, since it's mostly just arch but easier to set up.
>Is it stupid to install Linux just because I think it's cool?
I don't know.
vanilla debian just ain't as polished as LMDE, so no.
Many things we do in life we do simply because we find them cool.
Arch (or Endeavour as mentioned), or Mint (assuming you're ok with Cinnamon/XFCE/MATE)
I'd use normal Mint before normal Debian.
Stock Debian is a fucking mess with how they handle apt and packaging, has been for years. Ironically Debian has always been one of the least stable distros for me, both at work and at home. I finally decided last year to stop giving it a chance.
Thanks. I may just throw on Dracut then, since build time isn't a big concern for me and I'm familiar with it.
>Is it stupid to install Linux just because I think it's cool?
Can you repeat the question?
no its not stupid
EndeavorOS always when you have issues with Arch installing. Even when you don't, literally just saves time in installing things you will definitely want.
I have an old thin client that I want to use as a multimedia PC (Netflix, youtube, Pirate sites, etc). Which would be the best distro for this? I have hear Chrome OS Flex was good, but I have my doubts about google products in the current year (I am no autisticaly oposed to them if they are the best tho).
is there a good simple calendar software for linux mint? i dont want anything that is network based and tries to sync across devices. just a simple calendar on my local computer.
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Bumping because I cannot figure this out, and it's driving me insane.
Is it even possible?
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hello tuggers, I have an issue with mint, I can't find the option to change my keyboard layout. Does anyone know what I could do? arigato desu
Check it's not under Language or Region, etc.
I rembered I chose gayland while logging in because I got used to it thanks to ubuntu, now it all werks under X, arigato though
if thats too hard for you wait until you try restoring the classic taskbar layout since those fuckers removed it from the welcome screen. urgh that was a pain to set up.
just use openvpn bro, it works

Ubuntu and install Kodi on top
Whats the best op/feature thats not zfs.
Still use luks on lvm, lvm on luks.Bare meta luks?
Cant btrfs handle large disks better then xfs?
well my front mic decided to stop working after a reboot
i already now what i'll be doing for the next 4 hours
It is not universally possible. However some apps support autoscrolling. Thats holding the middle mouse button and then moving the mouse will scroll. You can then use input-remapper to make any button on your keyboard a middle mouse button.
please speak up I can't hear you
I'm thinking about transitioning to luks on lvm, lvm is just so damn convenient.
Look up mouse wheel emulation, I use it with trackballs
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Is there a way to disable the highlighting on icons on the task manager panel in kde plasma? I know i can change the colour, but i want the highlighting completely gone, or at least less obnoxious
Not as far as I know. You can try setting it to a darker color to make it less visible.
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I fucking love Endeavour OS, even donated to them just because. The whole system is functional and fast, I had a few problems with mDNS and Avahi but corrected it with a new bios update. I have set up even a single gpu passthrough VM in case I want to play something that I can't through wine. After finishing my thesis and presenting my app, I'm gonna delete Windows once and for all I hope.
>I have set up even a single gpu passthrough VM
I wish I had your dedication
>Is it stupid to install Linux just because I think it's cool?
Doing something because you like it is literally the best possible reason to do anything.
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Wayland global hotkeys / shortcuts when? I want to take OBS screenshots with a button.
There are tutorials for retards online for GPU passthrough. It's not hard...
I'm too big of a retard
Most tutorials are wrong though, at least in regards with the hooks. Virsh does the binding and unbinding automatically and following them leads to problems. Just kill the display server and manager, and wait a few seconds. Also let Windows install the driver (you can check by firstly passing the gpu, quitting and then adding the spice video to see the drivers installing). Also disable Rebar and pass the GPU vBIOS (i can post a few links that helped me)
I'm currently using Arch in a VM daily to test waters, of course using archinstall, how often does arch actually break? Using a basic cinnamon arch install.
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Fresh Artix install, LARBS install failed due to lacking git (I think). So I go to install git by first doing sudo pacman -Sy.
Error bellow in various amounts of failure errors. -Syuu results in the same outcome.
Attempted various mirrors order in /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist to no avail.

:: Synchronizing package databases...
system downloading...
world downloading...
galaxy downloading...
extra downloading...
:: Synchronizing package databases...
system downloading...
world downloading...
galaxy downloading...
extra downloading...
error: failed retrieving file 'system.db' from mirrors.dotsrc.org : Could not resolve host: mirrors.dotsrc.org
warning: fatal error from mirrors.dotsrc.org, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'galaxy.db' from mirrors.dotsrc.org : Could not resolve host: mirrors.dotsrc.org
error: failed retrieving file 'extra.db' from geo.mirror.pkgbuild.com : Could not resolve host: geo.mirror.pkgbuild.com
warning: fatal error from geo.mirror.pkgbuild.com, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'world.db' from mirrors.dotsrc.org : Could not resolve host: mirrors.dotsrc.org
error: failed retrieving file 'system.db' from mirror.clarkson.edu : Connection time-out
error: failed retrieving file 'galaxy.db' from mirror.clarkson.edu : Connection time-out
error: failed retrieving file 'world.db' from mirror.clarkson.edu : Connection time-out
warning: too many errors from mirror.clarkson.edu, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'system.db' from ftp.ntua.gr : Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transferred the last 10 seconds
error: failed to synchronize all databases (unexpected error)
You're offline.
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>spent the whole day tinkertrannying my Debian install
>everything from installing programs, configuring settings, editing config files, making a wallpaper in gimp, etc
>for the last hour i was trying to get a CDE-like theme on MATE
>was able to get NsCDE themes working for the most part
>problem is that the motif titlebars had an ugly color no matter what
>at this point im starting to break down; ive done this shit every day for the past week but kept restarting due to ocd and retardation
>editing a metacity xml and cant stay focused, things stop making sense
>mom walks in
>tells me about how i dont appreciate anything and i dont spend time with people anymore
>tomorrow's my dad's birthday and i havent even started on a card
>spent pretty much the last month in my room (graduated high school in may)
I know nobody is going to read all of that but I needed to get it off my chest. Tinkertrannyism is a fucking mental illness. I don't know if I should just switch to fucking GNOME or go back to Windows or what. May God have mercy on my wretched soul.
where is thing coming from?
Never used a guest profile, does ssh access that?
audit: type=1400 audit(1719279043.179:7): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" profile="unconfined" name="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lightdm/lightdm-guest-session//chromium" pid=762 comm="apparmor_parser"
I feel you anon, that's autism. My suggestion is to stick to something with sane defaults. (I settled down with KDE Plasma)
The issue has resolved itself, gods know how or why.
It's basically just an Arch install pre-installed/configured for you, which yes is super helpful if you want to get into the Arch ecosystem without doing it manually. It's definitely the best auto Arch installer distro out there.
i might have understimated the required effort
god damn it man i cant believe im debugging fucking audio again, it was working a few hours ago...
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>how often does arch actually break?
I figure once a month if you actually used and tested all of their packages.
Minimal installs could just maybe survive an eternity, picture loosely relates.
I'm still plaged by this audio issue and I tried every fix I could find
wasn't your issue a kernel driver one?
Anyone here manage to get Hyprland working on VMware? I don't need spoonfeeding, just reassurance that it is possible, since on their wiki they say it's not officially supported. Already made some progress and got it to launch by installing mesa-dri-drivers, but I have a feeling that it's wrong because those are supposed to be for X
dri-drivers are display-server agnostic, the ones meant for X are normally called xorg-video-amdgpu, xorg-video-intel and so on. If Hyprland launched then you fine, don't expect fast performance tho even if 3d is enabled in the VM
It's insane, it seems to be a common and longtime bug.
The audio detects the headphones as connected, but this derived from the fact that pipewire, pipewire-pulse most likely, can't pick between devices. I tried every fix I could find and nothing. I even tried by blocking the hdmi audio output and disabling the jack detection with hdajackretask, but it now alternates between turning the mic on and off.
I also found this and lmao
>trying to compile blender
>error trying to find libboost1.80
>update apt
>install libboost-dev
>libboost-dev1.74 installed!

How do I fix this? I think I'm on ubuntu 22.04
can someone bake a /vg/ thread or should i just rant/ask here?
Questions about game shit isn't like... banned anon.
anyone here has any experience playing japanese visual novels on linux?
for one, that's up to the distro maintainer, and for two, linux is often used on older computers, and optical drives only started disappearing recently, so many computers people might want to run linux on do have optical drives
ask jp's daily japanese thread. or int's. quizmaster and tatsumoto from jp have guides on how to do it. jp has a ton of shitposting though.
>generate on stable diffusion using windows
>no errors regarding memory when generating
>generate using linux
>OutOfMemoryError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 1024.00 MiB. GPU 0 has a total capacty of 7.78 GiB of which 702.50 MiB is free. Including non-PyTorch memory, this process has 6.22 GiB memory in use. Of the allocated memory 5.98 GiB is allocated by PyTorch, and 96.60 MiB is reserved by PyTorch but unallocated. If reserved but unallocated memory is large try setting max_split_size_mb to avoid fragmentation. See documentation for Memory Management and PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF

anyone know why i'm out of memory on linux but not on windows? this error appears no matter how low i put my resolution for the generation
Honestly, pretty rarely. Arch was my daily driver for a few months (switched to void bc of its bsd influences which is cool) and I never had Arch break on me. I only broke it maybe once when I tried running “mkfs.ext4 /dev/<root partition” which basically erased the whole disk. I’d say you should still be careful but it’s not as dangerous as people say. (And yes, I did update my system regularly)
just how old is this?
hd* was the name given to IDE drives like 15-20 years ago, but in any remotely modern system they've been folded into sd* (originally for scsi drives, now it's used for almost any drive)
well alright

In Neverwinter Nights 1 SOMETIMES when i click save it freezes the computer until i forcefully reboot, this is totally random, could be the first save or the 20, no log or anything. I have tried running the game on wine, disabling save compression and moving the game to another disk but it persists. This sort of thing has never happened to me except one time i used an extension with a memory leak but that was in Windows 7 some years ago
could it be the game leaking all my RAM in less than a second or something to do with the file system maybe? the game barely uses 1 GB and my disks are on ext4
Lada, I have a dumb question:
What is the procedure for getting packages onto an air gapped Linux box?
More specifically, how do I deal with dependencies? Just write down everything I need for when I'm away downloading stuff at another location?

Well, if it doesn't show the different keyboard layouts, you can use the setxkbmap command in your terminal to change it.
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KDE but if it was good

Two options for themes, breeze, and breeze dark.

Colors can be changed, that's it.
Is there something like TinyWall for Mint?
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I know you're not my mini helpers, but I've been trying to get this to be better. I can't get the Preview images to be bigger and show Pictures of Webbums. It all looks like pic related. Is there something I can do to get Big pictures and webbum files to show as pictures?
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I have no idea what webbum or reaction image I'm using because it doesn't show a preview or the preview it does show, is so tiny it's visible by Ants.

What webbum am I posting? I don't even know because there's no way to preview what it is, but I wish I did. Hopefully I won't get banned for this.
works on my machine, wine 8.x
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>System Settings
>Colors & Themes
>Plasma Style
I'm using Oxygen which is like a white glow on the bottom of Icons I'm using. It's not bad, but I'm guessing that's where can change your set up for Icons.
That's honestly very strange, I'm always switching audio devices in pipewire and pulse and never had a problem. A couple of things I think you can try
>Blacklist certain devices by assigning vfio kernel module to them at boot, it is done with PCIIDs
>Add another device in the mix, could be your iGPU's HDMI audio
>When you get device blacklisting working, alternate between devices to see if a certain combination triggers the problem
I still believe you should get another audio device tho
I tried by disabling the audio too but it just turns on and off. I have two daps with dac support, but I haven't tried them, so I dunno if there's any issue with them.
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KDE already has it.
Lightdm is your greeter / display manager. It's the thing you put your username and password into when you login.
Because NVIDIA is notoriously shit. It probably has a memory leak.
This is their way of telling you to switch to AMD where you at least get sane amounts of VRAM as standard (shame about ROCm though).
>Two options for themes, breeze, and breeze dark.
You don't have to use the other themes, you know. Nobody forces you to.

Even GNOME / GTK has a High contrast theme even if most people don't use it.
check if your package manager has an argument for printing the required files to fetch for the operation you want to do, like with pacman for example you can use "p" to print the url's it will fetch. then you can download those elsewhere and copy them to its' cache folder
for updates, you can download the repo db files, copy them over, then do as above
thanks yeah, but im wondering why its running chroumium/needs access to it, and how that would be setup if I've never used a guest user
Probably for the theming? I think that's all HTML. I could be wrong though.

Display Managers are often quite bloated, strictly speaking you don't even need one (on my Gentoo system I log straight into a getty/TTY and start my Plasma desktop by running
Sweet thanks for the info!
Planning on a gentoo/nixOS hobby system next, but trying to learn more from my daily driver (debian) before i make the dive
i'd say most single user desktops don't really need it
besides a pretty login gui, they also provide;
- a lock screen (there are standalone screen lockers)
- a way to switch users without logging off (irrelevant for a single user system, but if you do need it, you can use another VT)
that's about it really, for users who just go straight into a gui and don't leave then it's really not needed
>- a lock screen (there are standalone screen lockers)
Today, with Wayland that largely depends on the architecture of the compositor. Some include the screenlocker inside of the compositor like KDE does with Kwin so that it is directly responsible for screen locking.

I believe GNOME does the latter, delegating this to Gdm and screen locking literally does not work if you don't have Gdm installed and running (this does have its advantages though, mainly you can be sure that even if your compositor has some bugs the screen should in theory always lock securely).
i see, i'm only familiar with x
Ryder: GNOME Foundation
Cesar: Valve
Hernandez: Red Hat
Pulaski: Nvidia
Pendelbury: SCO
Madd Dogg: System76
OG Loc: Purism
The Truth: FSF
Woozie: AMD
Jizzy B: Realtek
T-Bone Mendez: Broadcom
Toreno: Intel
You also have Sway and wlroots that are closer to X11 in behaviour and just treat the screenlocker as a special Wayland client. Anyone can be a screenlocker!
(this is the worst way of doing it)

X11 mostly lets you do whatever you want. The protocol makes it hard to design a secure screenlocker. Something as innocuous as leaving a context menu open that grabs all input can prevent the screen from locking properly when you press Super+L
How long can you go without updating the system on arch? Can i hold for like 3-6 months without upgrading?
You can hold out on upgrading pretty much as long as you want, but just remember to refresh your mirrors with reflector when you decide to, then run
sudo pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring && sudo pacman -Su.
What version of the game do you have?
Why are there no screenshot tools that simply copy to clipboard and do nothing else. I don't need the entire adobe photoshop to pop up and ask me which way to rotate and draw all over it.
>flameshot, shutter, ksnip, etc are all bloated to fuck
>scrot dumps temp files constantly and doesn't actually let you copy to clipboard without using xclip to copy the temp file to your clipboard after the fact with a huge delay
>gnome-screenshot has an unremovable screen flash that interrupts game capture keys causing the hotkey to fail to be recognized
how come i get better/lower cursor latency with WLR_NO_HARDWARE_CURSORS=1? i figured it'd be the opposite. i don't see any downsides so far everything seems to be working the same as with the hardware cursor on except my mouse feels way more responsive now.
spectacle -c
Buggy hardware layer support? When I ran Sway on Nvidia I had to disable this altogether. It works fine with the AMD GPU I have now though.
probably yeah. everything still worked perfectly fine without that variable and i doubt most people would even notice/care about the very small added latency but i'm very sensitive to it so i'll just leave that env on i guess fuck it.
Still interrupts the game capture of the hotkey by running, even with --background and --nonotify
>Game capture
Use Steam's screenshot support
And for non-steam games? Steam games I don't want to shit up my account with by flooding it with random grabs? Theres an in-game screenshot key for a reason.
Then deal with interruptions.

File a bug though, it shouldn't be interrupting anything with:
spectacle -b -n -c

It should run completely in the background. Something is broken somewhere.
You could also use OBS which shouldn't interrupt anything.
It seems any program i'm hotkeying through keyboard shortcuts interrupts the game's recognition of the key itself. Tried to set up Maim to do it as well so I guess it's time to cope and just move the hotkey to a different button.

Yay, I love Mint
Is it possible to configure Gentoo to have newer packages than Arch? Is Chimera Linux good despite not being a major distribution (unlike Arch and Gentoo). What is the most bleeding-edge distro an archinstall n00b can use?

Sent from my Android
sure bro, just be the repo janny
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it's still June. why aren't you using the official RGB logo?
>Is it possible to configure Gentoo to have newer packages than Arch?
Yes, you can do >>101141784 and maintain the packages yourself.

This is actually easier than it sounds sometimes thanks to local overlays. In many cases you can copy and paste an ebuild, re-named with the newer version and run
ebuild <PKG>.ebuild manifest clean merge
and it'll just work assuming there were no major changes made that require updating it.

Gentoo also has live ebuilds in many cases that let you install directly from git sources. I have a ton of live ebuilds installed on my system.
$ qlist -ICv | grep -F -- -9999 | wc -l
That's pretty much perfect. Now I just have to figure out how to build shit myself.
>Have to patch an entire package to turn TRUE into FALSE
Do GNOME fags even?
You should see the discussion about it on the original repo
years of begging for it to be removed or have a toggle on it
Or this
Are distros based on others backwards compatible? Say I'm using mint 21.3 and need to compile something for ubuntu 24.04 would it run?
bumping because i want to know what others use too, ive been using naivecalendar but not too happy with it (symbol fonts are broken no matter what i do, kinda clunky)
The problem with simply stuff is that there's no challange too it and most people who can create applications like that think that you will make your own.
luks on btrfs is probably better if you like the features btrfs provides since it copies from zfs
Dont use chimera, mentally ill dev with a mentally ill CoC for their community
Hes also a proud anarchist with a riseup email, pretty sure its the same guy who did that voidlinux BLM tweet back when he was a void dev
about:config -> widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal.file-picker = 1
If it doesn't work make sure you have the KDE XDG portal installed and restart the browser.
is gnome-calendar not enough? shouldnt mint come with it by default?
>need to pay to use free software
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My trackpad is absolutely disgusting under Linux/libinput. Has anyone ever actually worked with the libinput team to fix their trackpad, e.g. by upstreaming a quirks file? Does the trackpad ever feel as good as Windows?
If you're compiling something in C, pretty sure it isn't gonna work because those distros ship different versions of glibc. Probably the same for C++, although I can't say for sure. Dynamically linked dependencies are also going to be troublesome.
It's worse for C++ because the ABI is even more unstable than C. Libstdcxx is a bitch.
>flameshot is bloated
Flameshot is one of the fastest snipping tools on Linux, fellow retard.
glibc binaries are forwards compatible
if you compile something with an older version of gcc/glibc it will work on newer versions of glibc
Really? Damn, the more you learn. gcc is pretty based ngl
Chimera Linux is good.
Hyprshot is simply better
Why not grim + slurp?
Flameshot runs fine on my Pentium II refurbished PC w/ LXQt, not even as native package but as appimage.
>mentally ill commie dev
I hope so. I will need a substitute for Flameshot once Linux forces me to move to gayland.
Fedora is the closest thing to Arch you could recommend to a newcommer. You have to do minor thinkering, like either enable RPMFusion or use Flatpaks for codecs, and disable some SELinux rules for printers and shit, but is nowhere as DIY as other distros unless you go out of your way to do it.
With firefox, how to re-arrange context menu (Right-click options)?
because every time I update an extension/add-on the order is changed and I'm used to certain order.
Thanks i eventually figured it out yeah, also playing around with Kvantum now
Cool, is there a flameshot without all the editing tools, upload plugins, and other nonsense that only runs for a single purpose which is to copy the full desktop to your clipboard instantly without storing the images elsewhere first?
I don't think you can.
I started my journey with a live boot, then dual booted and slowly but surely moved/deleted everything until only my windows system itself with no data was on that disk.
And I also started using arch more and more, and in the end it was a seamless switch!
All packages I build have PORTAGE_SCHEDULING_POLICY="idle" scheduling, but is there a way to use it for raw make? I am building kernel without portage from gentoo-sources, is setting nice/ionice best I can do?
You can't.
Good luck using anything on Linux.
>Something as innocuous as leaving a context menu open that grabs all input can prevent the screen from locking properly when you press Super+L
... wow. I just tried it and yep, screen won't lock with a menu open. What the fuck is this design.
Bummer. Is there no way to salvage a program made to be compiled on just one distro? I'm pretty new at compiling at all.
nvm, I manged to do it
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>yay a few packages, run system upgrade
>root password stops working, until I restart the system
>getting login screen when I open laptop from sleep (didn't get this before)
Am I under attack, or is something fucked?
>What the fuck is this design.
X11 is dogshit.
I don't use random packages, only ones that I need.
The most dated AUR package I have was last updated 6 months ago.
fuck i want to switch to linux but game compatibility is making me doubt
The only games that truly have a bad time on Linux these days are multiplayer games with kernel level anti-cheats, and some EAC games do have Linux compatibility these days. Just make sure to install the latest proton-ge-custom and use that as your Steam game runner.
Just go for it, you can always go back.
Then grow up. Vidya is for kids.
i also want to play pirated games

trust me i have tried quitting games
What is the wordpad of loonix?
I just want a text editor, as simple as possible but also allows italic/bold? It feels like everything is either office suite or plain text.
>tells people to "grow up" but is a judgy middle school kid
Freetards who respond to criticism with crap like

are keeping free software in the dark ages. Linux will never become a relevant desktop OS until this narcissistic attitude goes away
Game compatibility is good. The main problem is mods (and mod managers).
ok, name which games you need
>check it out
>some isos are behind paywalls
>offers a paid "desktop customization" service
Jesus Christ, is this a thing?
There's non-Steam versions of Proton as well.
yeah i know, that also one of the things that stop me
ubuntu and fedora also have this
abiword might do the trick
This looks like just what I need, thanks anon!
Game compatability will actually be the least of your worries.
It's replacing everything else that is going to make you cry if you're used to certain image editors, media players, or other work related things.
Personally I can't live without https://store.steampowered.com/app/2432040/NejicomiSimulator_TMA02__My_Own_Dedicated_Weak_Pussy_Cow_Vtubers_Confinement_and_Training_ChokeClamping_DeepDigging_RIP_to_her_Life_MasochisticOrgasm_cheeky_big_boob_faphole_understood_her_position/ but luckily its on steam for proton
i mainly want to do programming and play games
ok so install gentoo
check out https://www.protondb.com it doesn't have every game but if there's a few you care about you can get a good feel for compatibility (legit or no). If you're not fanboying adobe or something then other applications work or have good alternatives.
I don't think anyone is fanboying Adobe these days, just needing to deal with them and their mountains of shit because their work needs it.
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i have an external hdd and an internal hdd (latter i named "media") that i can access in windows, but in linux i'm getting this error when i try to access either of them. i used to be able to access both of them in linux.

what gives?
just run fsck /dev/sda2
>WARNING!!! The filesystem is mounted. If you continue you ***WILL***
cause ***SEVERE*** filesystem damage.
you almost got me
i just ran fsck blank on my linux partition though so maybe it would work for the hdds
run `chkdsk /f` from windows if they are NTFS
well then unmount it? retard
To those interested in COSMIC, will you move to Pop OS or hope your distro will package it?
ran chkdsk on both drives and windows found no errors. i was going to install another distro anyway but now i'm just curious wtf is causing this.
If windows boots from this disk, it is likely caused by fast boot. Turn that off, and try again.
iirc there's a tool ntfschk that can "fix" it until you reboot windows, but I'm not sure since it is a long time I've had to do this
Arch and gentoo are the favorites here on /g/ and will very likely package it, so there's little need to switch distros if using those.
Someone on Arch has already packaged all its parts on the AUR as build scripts, so COSMIC officially being put in Arch's repos is an inevitability at this point.
what's so good about this cosmic thing?
It's modern GNOME but actually good/performant.
It's GNOME + KDE without the retarded GNOME devs and KDE bugs.
If you want it do it yourself. We're all programmers here.
>just make your own games
it's never fun to play a game you made, it's like a god enjoying this universe, have you ever seen him do it?
Like >>101144343 said disable fast boot, in Windows AND the BIOS, and reboot TWICE.
>Linux will never become a relevant desktop OS
Gatekeeping is good.
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It's the magick of 4chan frens stooping over your problem
thanks disabling fast boot seems to have worked. to clarify i'm dualbooting linux and windows on an ssd, and it's 2 hdds i couldn't access until i disabled fast boot. although i could access those hdds on linux a couple days ago so idk what changed.
any anons here know how to change the way the border looks in linux mint? as in, how do you remove it and change it to move when holding a key down (I.E, left alt > LMB to drag around a window) I've only ever used arch so I dont know shit about mint, just trying to set up my brothers computer
Disabling hibernation completely on Windows is something I always do these days to combat shit like this happening, but to also have Windows fully shut down when I tell it to by default.
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>>mentally ill commie dev
>Good luck using anything on Linux.
Well, there's Artix and Devuan.
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Hello friends

Im moving to fedora on my main gaming PC. I would like to take advantage of the Zen series kernel for my install. Every guide I found talks about Zen on arch tho.
Can I run Zen kernel comfortably on a vanilla fedora install? Are there any downsides compared to just going with a stock kernel? I know that nobara has Zen patches.

I have no prior experience with custom kernels BTW. Any guides would be appreciated.
If I want to clone my system drive to another clean blank drive. How would I go about doing this?
I want to move my OS to an SSD with a bigger storage.
You should be fine. Custom kernels usually offer additional features and/or better performance, I currently run Artix/zen (but don't notice much difference to be frank).
On Arch it's as easy as just installing the Zen kernel as a package and having your bootloader make an entry for it to use.

You could use something like Clonezilla to do this.
A keybind that launches magick or scrot and pipes it to Xclip to a tmp file is your best bet if you really hate using Spectacle or Flameshot.
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Should I use Artix or Alpine for a non-systemd distro?
Artix so you get the Arch ecosystem.
Take the red-pill and use Alpine with all desktop applications installed via Flatpak
Everyone recommends Mint for beginners, but is it good for gaming, do they update their kernel, drivers and other shit for it?
Can I reistall MacOS if I go balls deep and install ubuntu on my intel mac?
only gentoo is good
It's good for gaming, get Mint Cinnamon Edge.
bluetooth question, Im reading arch docs (https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Bluetooth_headset) and it says
A2DP (advanced audio distribution) provides music-grade stereo output (sink), typically without input (source).
HFP/HSP (hands-free/headset) provides voice-grade mono output and input.
LE Audio is a low-energy audio standard announced in 2020

am I to understand that when using bluetooth. I have to choose between output only or garbage quality input/output?
are there newer alternatives or is that it?
oh, right. using plasma
I discovered something called "FastStream, AptX LL, and "Opus 05 Pro" (a pipewire invention)" exists and maybe it's duplex but I have no idea if it I have to install a plugin-like thing, compile something from source, or what
>I have to choose between output only or garbage quality input/output?
Basically, yes.
However, you are (should be) able to switch between codecs on the fly.
And on other distros? Does the process look just like compiling your own kernel from source and then adding it to boot? So I just download Zen and implement it that way?
Should pretty much be the same way if kernels like Zen are included in their repos.
it's made by a polybar pajeet, what did you expect
best program to edit together videos for memes? nothing too advanced but something capable
This repo is for the modified kernel for nobara, which is just zen+some other vidya stuff patched in (usb polling rate, hardware compat, etc.) no idea what else you have to do after you install it however, not running fedora.
KWin is a good compositor
I think Nobara gets its kernels from COPR. You could add whatever COPR repo they use and install it from there.
I use vidcutter for trimming/editing my porn hoards
Alpine is way too limited in available software, resorting to flatpaks. Artix is the way to go.
>Specific examples of things considered harmful and not welcome:

> Far-right and adjacent movements, tankies, putinists and other equivalent authoritarian chuddery
> Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.
> Complaining about SJWs
> Loud anti-systemd nonsense, dogmatic suckless/”minimalism”, cat-v, cryptocurrencies and other sketchy religious movements
apparently if i open the game manually without lutris it saves fine (tested by spamming quicksave for 2 mins), after i tried this lutris won't even open it and instead outputs the most generic error it has
while im glad to have it "fixed" i wish i could go back to XP where i didn't have to deal with this non sense
Will it be actually released? I'm genuinely worried it might even kill the Pop OS project. Wouldn't developing a brand-new DE from scratch be a heavy burden on a small company? There isn't even a beta (not that I heard of an alpha either). They're also not planning to update to Ubuntu 24.04 as a base yet.
Alrighty, I'll check out copr stuff first and then if I encounter problems I'll go the traditional compile and install way.

How do updates work BTW. Lets say I do a version update (not fedora specific) and get a new kernel. Can I use the older Zen with new system version for the time being?
i fucked up GRUB somehow (dualbooting temporarily windows n arch in a BIOS setting with 2 diff drives) but how the FUCK do i even fix this. SuperGRUB? The installations fine. Prober-OS is fine, i just feel like a total noob even trying to do this. Vms and real installations are not the same at all.
>Am I under attack
VERY unlikely. also: Linux is well known for random fuckery, right?
How long will Debian support 32 bit for? It's the only OS I can really use on my older systems.
bite the bullet and take the time to learn a big one like sony vegas, premiere pro or davinci resolve. Once you got the hang of one, editing together a couple clips, cropping something or adding a caption becomes a 2 minute muscle memory job that still ends up looking far better than anything the retard friendly editors can output. Honestly, worst offender has to be camtasia in that regard, they made editing into an exercise in dragging and dropping but didn't support 60fps rendering for years and still renders choppy output where precise frame timing is simply not a thing.
Excelent question but you can always resort to something like gentoo and build your own 32 bit OS. Ahhhh the power of looniks
Kdenlive is great.
Pop!_OS and its COSMIC project are owned and developed by System76. System76 is a privately-owned for-profit hardware vendor company that has been in business since 2005. They earn their profits entirely from hardware sales, which will happen regardless of what the Pop!_OS team is working on it. Pop!_OS and COSMIC are not "killable".
i once tried to install ubuntu on a different drive and the installer decided to wipe/fuck my boot partition instead of the one i pointed it to.

to fix it i just chrooted into the system and reinstalled the bootloader like the first time i installed it.
>There isn't even a beta
It's still a pre alpha after two years.
>Will it be actually released?
No, it's vaporware. It's a shame because it looks really good.
look into obs websocket
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>need folder tabs
>quest the web for some random 2000 year old ancient Chinese 3rd party software
>linux mint
>ctrl + t

Why was such power hidden from me? What else can mint do that I am missing?
my boi you're just scratching the surface of what you can accomplish with loonix
Is there any X and Wayland latency tests from recent times?
stop shilling this sjw trash
Oh look the anti-systemd schizos were right all along
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What did you expect from a former void developer when they all act the same?
Except for most recent AAA that use all the powers of process for no reason, wine/proton run every game more or less smoothly no?

Also, is Ubuntu or mint still the way to go? I love to customize and I know the basic of the shell but I would rather have a usable system first with no problems except for the ones I make
Maybe not smoothly but they work, you get some minor issues like the video and audio stuttering occasionally and many games don't work at all, aaa or not. And no, use Fedora if you want all that.
A hot-dog stand is also privately-owned and for-profit. Doesn't necessarily mean it has loads of money and manpower to do whatever it wants. System76 is taking a bigger leap than Canonical (with Unity), and that didn't end well. After two years, Pop!_OS is stagnant and there is not a single announcement of a new version based on Ubuntu 24.04, as per custom. Even the donation-based Linux Mint still keeps going. COSMIC is indeed killing a decent project. That's my belief until proven otherwise. If things were fine, System76 wouldn't be so taciturn.
New thread:
>After two years, Pop!_OS is stagnant
It is still receiving regular updates, with the most recent update being Linux 6.9.3 with linux-firmware 20240610.
> there is not a single announcement of a new version based on Ubuntu 24.04
There have been many announcements about this over the last year. They're down to 40 issues left before the first 24.04 COSMIC Alpha images are produced. Complaining about COSMIC when it's about to release its first alpha is asinine.
> If things were fine, System76 wouldn't be so taciturn.
They've been the exact opposite of taciturn. There are monthly updates on the System76 blog. They're constantly answering questions on Reddit, Mastodon, and YouTube. Carl even went to both SELF and LFNW to showcase and talk about COSMIC.
> System76 is taking a bigger leap than Canonical (with Unity), and that didn't end well.
Unity is irrelevant to COSMIC. Canonical was never as serious or committed to it as System76 is to COSMIC. After all, Canonical does not get their bread and butter from desktop Linux sales. They do not generate any revenue by selling hardware to Linux desktop consumers. System76 does.
> A hot-dog stand is also privately-owned and for-profit. Doesn't necessarily mean it has loads of money and manpower to do whatever it wants.
After 20 years in business, if System76 believed they weren't capable of doing this, they wouldn't be doing it. If anything, COSMIC is a brighter future for their desktop hardware platform than sticking to upstream decisions in GNOME. They're doing this because they have the manpower to do what they want.
>Unity is irrelevant to COSMIC. Canonical was never as serious or committed to it as System76 is to COSMIC.
They were at one point. They used to believe in the Linux desktop. Ubuntu was undeniably the most influential desktop Linux operating system at one point, they took Debian and made it actually usable for normal everyday people and really brought things forward.

Now they're nothing but a shadow of their former selves.
Yes, this is the motivation I needed for building the Arch-COSMIC live CD. Thanks anon

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