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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

/g/'s Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
https://fglt.nl && https://files.catbox.moe/u3pj3i.txt

GNU/Linux Games:

IRC: #sqt on Rizon

Previous thread: >>101130777
Can someone explain GPU passthrough to QEMU/KVM to me? If I enable it, will I still be able to use my secondary GPU on the host machine if I I'm not passing it to the guest OS? Or if I enable it can I only use the secondary GPU with the guest OS?
And does everything work well with a Windows VM with GPU passthrough? Will I be able to play games and use Photoshop perfectly just like in Windows?
I think I last played with that in 1998, which according to google is when it came out. crazy I've been doing GUI shit for that long.
How is SteamOS still on Plasma 5? It's been months since Plasma 6 has been released.
In the simple case, yes the second gpu will only be accessible to the guest and things like games, photoshop will work fine in the guest.
There are configurations where you can use that card on the linux host as well and 'unhook' it before starting up the guest but those are more dependent on specific hardware/configuration.
Linux Mint. Home.
That sounds terrible honestly. So I can only use my integrated graphics card on Linux if I enable it and the dedicated graphics card will only work with the Windows VM even if I'm not using it and it's turned off? I guess dual booting is the only option then.
Yes that's exactly what I wanted to post
I've seen people make it work but last time I was using pass through was a few years back and at the time no nvidia cards worked and only a handful of amd cards (to use in guest & host). It might be that the story has improved in that time but I just rely on dual boot now as I need windows so rarely.
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Can someone recommend a FOSS program or plugin that can "remove" video compression artifacts, or tries to "undo" the blockiness caused by compression?

I am looking to remove artifacts from "real" videos, ie videos that originated from a camera (as opposed to cartoons or CGI).
I am guessing this would be a good task for AI.

I cant find too much, what I do find seems to be somewhat old and not have a lot of reviews posted.
I think the 3 I found that seem most like what I am looking for would be:


Are all these good options? Is one better for my use case?
the point of GPU passthrough is as the name implies
you are detaching the GPU from the host machine and adding it go a guest virtual machine
there are ways to do a "virtual" GPU but that's locked behind enterprise software and Hyper-V
and for the second question kinda, you need to do some tweaks to be able to perform like bare metal, you need to have a lot of cores though because if you do a VM on a 8 core, the games that use high core amounts are gonna suck
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To my understanding, updating all of pip packages is not recommended and should manged with whatever application that installed that as dependencies.
With the exception of independent applications installed from pip, such as yt-dlp, etc.
Is that correct?
Yeah but my question was does the GPU become available for use on the host machine when the guest OS that you want to pass it through isn't on. I know I will only be able to use my integrated graphics when I turn on the guest OS but I didn't know that I won't be able to use the dedicated graphics card at all on the host unless I disable passthrough again.
you can set it up that the GPU reattaches to the host when the guest VM is off
Take a look at this example, it's doable but as i said more configuration and doesn't work on all GPUs
>still no Pop!_OS 24.04
It's over.
And 6 is still fucking crap.
Yeah this shit isn't worth it at all. I'm just gonna dual boot.
Rule of thumb is that pip is only for virtual environments and globally installed packages are updated through your package manager.
What about stuff like this
It's a package that's not available through package manger, and I would like to keep it to the latest version?
It's fine, just make sure you know your tools and what to do if it breaks, and never run pip as root, always do a
python3 -m pip install --user
to install it into your user's folder.

It's better to use a venv sometimes for one-off tools/scripts/development stuff/etc.

>never run pip as root, always do a
python3 -m pip install --user
to install it into your user's folder.
That's common sense
>It's better to use a venv sometimes for one-off tools/scripts/development stuff/etc.
Yeah, I should probably do that.
So it's better to update only those packages, how do you do it?
Make a venv:
mkdir -pv qr-generator-venv
cd qr-generator-venv
python3 -m venv .
. ./bin/activate
pip install qr-generator

To upgrade it, just re-create the venv-from scratch again in another directory and pip install it from scratch again.
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Should I use glibc or musl?
This seems counter intuitive.
Are you using another DE or WM now?
glibc is bloat
hello fellow linux users

I have debian running on my homeserver but apparently it crashed and I didn't notice it and it was stuck with some error codes which in my endless genius I just ignored and restarted the machine
can I find the error codes somewhere? where do I find the crash dump?
Still no tearing?
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I just learned about alt-t (word swap) in terminal
"Secure Boot" and Windows "fixing installation" are the enemies of dualboot
Hello, everyone. I'm trying to boot on my EndeavourOS system but with no success. I currently have an SSD with Ubuntu installed and, sadly, I can't uninstall it, since I need to use Ubuntu for some months still. My current partition layout on Ubuntu is this:
/dev/sda1 = /boot/efi
/dev/sda2 = swap
/dev/sda3 = /
On /dev/sda4 is the EndeavourOS root and I also have an HDD where I store data, but I don't think it matters for this context. I simply can't boot into EndeavourOS, it always spits these errors to me:
error: file `/boot/vmlinuz-linux-lts' not found.
error: you need to load the kernel first.

I have already enabled os-prober in /etc/default/grub (also, os-prober wasn't finding EndeavourOS until I mounted /dev/sda4 to /mnt), have already run
sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
, have already added amd-ucode.img to the intrd section in grub.cfg, as well as changed the root flag from /dev/sda4 to the UUID and have already checked if the kernel is inside the boot directory (yes, it is). I don't know what to do anymore, can anyone please help me?
i just use the guides from here
do note that it still requires for your desktop environment to be turned off but at least it's not a full reboot
windows not giving a shit about your boot sector like a true gigachad
Do you prefer plasma-meta or plasma-desktop on Arch?
journalctl -b1 --priority err

that will get you the system log of the last boot (-b1), filtering on error. increase the number after -b to go back to earlier boots. if you don't see what you are looking for, remove the error filter and grep for what you are looking for. you can also use -k for kernel messages, which is the same as the output of dmesg
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someone explain this absolute shit show to me
why is systemd constantly using 100% of my cpu
>systemd-logind uses 80-90% CPU [closed] Asked 6 years, 3 months ago
>Asked 6 years, 3 months ago
>6 years
>still not fixed
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What is the use case?
I don't get why redditors defend systemd.
a reboot fixed it but I can't believe this hasn't been fixed in over 6 years
anything weird on journalctl? my first search result was about a service refusing to start causing a similar issue, but with systemd being so big who knows whats affecting you
oh alright nice
how do I stop systemDICK from rewriting my /etc/resolv.conf?
stop trying to fight systemd
I might've fucked up.
I was trying to format a flash drive and I think I deleted the partition above it in gnome-disks. According to /etc/fstab/, what I actually deleted was my root partition. Yet nothing happened. I'm still using the computer without any issues at all. All my files seem to be right where I'd expect them to be. I can play videos from my video folder fine, can view images all the same. I'm worried that this issue isn't gonna manifest until I reboot.
I thought I had a btrfs system across a 250gb ssd and this 2tb hdd, but nothing seems to have changed thus far. The 2TB drive is listed as "Not Mounted" though and attempting to mount it doesn't work. It's partition type is listed as "unknown" though.
Wtf do i do at this point?
It's over.
Don't symlink its resolv.conf to /etc/resolv.conf, and it won't. Or it shouldn't, on a sane distro.
In Debian it does.
pacman -Rsun or -Rsn? The wiki isn't super clear about the -u flag and I don't want to risk breaking stuff.
Am I stupid for rebinding ctrl+c to copy and ctrl+v to paste? I found having to add shift makes it significantly more annoying for me. I can still interrupt tasks with ctrl+c if nothing in the terminal is selected (I sometimes have to do a single quick click in it for that)
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>pacman -R sun
sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf
Hello, I'm planning on moving over to Linux from Windows. I intend on purchasing a new 4TB MVMe and doing a fresh install. My question to you all is: what kind of partition/file system organization paradigm do you follow? Do you keep the OS, and apps on the same partitions that you keep you personal files and documents on? Or do you split them up into their own partitions?
On Windows, I've gone from storing everything on a single drive/partition, to keeping the OS and Programs on one partition and files on another, and then back to storing most stuff on the same partition, with larger files being stored on a separate physical drive. I've heard opposing opinions on whether it's worth doing it on Windows. I do intend on tinkering around with my Linux install and experimenting.
it's questions like this which make me wish pacman used words instead of letters. apt, pkg, zypper, and dnf are easy to use. pacman is actually fast. why isn't there a package manager that does both?
>why isn't there a package manager that does both?
Single partition is more straightforward, Linux applications are stored differently than Windows' so it's not as easy as "make a partition for Linux apps".
What most people tend to do is have just a separated partition for personal data which is /home
evens i install guix, odds void,
zero debian.
void it is.
what a mess. why would you do something like this
musl is more fun.
the shit people do to avoid just switching to arch lol
I'm currently doing The Odin Project and they recommend you to use Ubuntu, otherwise, they can't provide you support. If I can't dual boot, I'll just switch to EndeavourOS and deal with any problem that might arise.
Just dont use systemd.
pacman -Rns is the most througher removal of a program. Removing it, its config scraps and any dependencies that only it needed.
just dont use systemd
How can I recover files from a partial btrfs filesystem?
I'm this (>>101152178) anon now on a live USB. I took the risk and rolled the dice, but definitely deleted part of my btrfs root partition. It was spread across two devices, one half of which is still in tack. I can't seem to figure out how to get access to that partial system from the live usb however.
I tried mount it as you normally would as well as with with the degraded and devid=1 options set, but that didn't work either. Tried repairing it with via sudo btrfs check --repair /dev/sda3, with no luck.
Not sure where to go from here lol. If I reformat the 2nd half of the btrfs system, will that let me get access to this first half? (assuming that doing so is even possible)
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>need to type tilde twice for it to work properly on Kitty
this sucks, any way to fix this?
I keep everything in a single partition because I have two drivers in my system, but in your case, with 4 TB, I'd give the system 100 GB, create another partition for timeshift with 200 GB (not sure about size and file system in this case, hopefully other anons can give you more precise information), and allocate the rest to a separate /home partition.

Timeshift is a really handy tool you can use to restore your entire system to a previous state. If you have it in a separate partition, you can even recover from catastrophic fuck ups with it. With that, you wouldn't need to separate your programs, and that's probably for the best because going crazy with linux partitions is a recipe for trouble.

Avoid separate partitions for your /boot, /usr, /var and your life will be good.
Just fixed it. Chrooted into EndeavourOS from a LiveUSB, installed grub on my ESP and changed the boot priority to EndeavourOS.
i never used timeshif
and i also dont like separate /home because i dont want to keep all the trash programs create
arch recommends to mount the efi system partition to /boot
just grab another hard drive and install endeavorOS on that drive. You can theoretically run two distros on the same drive but there are obviously stability and permissions issues as you no doubt can tell
oh good. did you check to see if you could boot into ubuntu after that
Yeah, no problem at all. Well, at least for now.
Mounting your efi partition inside /boot/efi is standard, but separating /boot itself from / can create issues if you're on Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, etc. because they don't remove old kernels by default.

>separate /home trash
Just clean it up. Most stuff stored by programs there are only a few hundred MiB at most anyway, so I wouldn't even bother touching them unless it's to deal with conflicting configs bugging a program for whatever reason (never had this issue though).

>women in linux
>uses macos lmao
mac's a BSD distro so it's basically the same thing
of she were using windows maybe I'd understand your complaint
probably until there's so few people using any 32bit x86 that it doesn't make sense to keep putting time and space into it
we're probably not a long way off at this point
it's already being talked about
yes, it is possible to reattach a gpu to the linux host and use it in linux without rebooting, i've done this before, though i've heard that not all gpus like it
>And does everything work well with a Windows VM with GPU passthrough? Will I be able to play games and use Photoshop perfectly just like in Windows?
outside of software intentionally written to detect VMs, it's entirely transparent, like using a physical computer, just about the same performance, too if configured correctly. you can attach more hardware than just gpus as well, like if you have a usb drawing tablet you can attach that (even if linux doesn't have a driver for said hardware)
>arch recommends to mount the efi system partition to /boot
Do they explain it any further? If you ask me, /efi and /boot have different meanings. But sure, your partition table looks prettier when there's only the EFI system partition. AND I admit it, they both 'do boot stuff' so you could use that as a justification.
Fuck this physical drive meme.
>ou can theoretically run two distros on the same drive but there are obviously stability and permissions issues as you no doubt can tell
No. Physical drives have zero meaning. In fact I often suggest people to have a vacant partition just for the sake of distrohopping. Makes no difference if it was located on another physical drive.
Figured out a solution. Just for future reference, mount it using the degraded AND ro flags set (-o degraded,ro). That worked and let me copy all the files in my home dir to another drive.
why the fuck wont xfile recognize my xresources lines? ive already run xrdb -merge .Xresources
XFile.variables.textEditor: nc however its still looking for xedit
i've had success using waifu2x's denoising option to remove dvd video compression artifacts, since they're quite similar to the jpeg artifacts it was designed for
It hasn't improved since then. I remember looking at the different native options for GUIs. The meme about QT being the only good GUI because hey are the last many standing is true. Unless you count shit like WxWidgets and you can accept the shitty Windows reverse engineering and Linux abstractions on top
Wayland is never going to work. I don't care how much you shill it.
In my experience, using pip is always a mistake. You can get away with pip in a virtual environment. But when you need to make it work in a real environment you'll run into headaches and particularly packages headaches.
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>what kind of partition/file system organization paradigm do you follow?
>EFI system partition
>Linux installation A
>Linux installation B
>swap partition
>rest of the drive for /mnt/anime
And some symbolic links:
>/torrent -> /mnt/anime/torrent
>/usr/src -> /mnt/anime/src
>/usr/local -> /mnt/anime/local
(or bind mounts)
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Nothing wrong with secure boot if a normal person could casually roll new keys.
Hi, it's me from weeks ago
I would like to apologize for badmouthing tmux. It seems it wasn't leaking memory after all. I think I was just misunderstanding how it manages memory or something

A 2 week tmux client session was at 200MB RAM usage, which seemed crazy to me, so I did
tmux lsp -a && ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -v pts/0 | grep -i -e RSS -e tmux

And sure enough I had a lot of scrollback. So I cleared scroll back history. But it still had the same memory usage, which was confusing. I left it alone for a while, did other things. When I came back, the memory usage was back at a very reasonable 16MB.

I guess what happens is that it frees the memory, but Linux sees it as available instead of actually free? Like, tmux stopped using the memory and was just waiting for another process to take it up?
You were seeing total memory usage including cache, when the OS or tmux releases the cache then memory usage "drops".
As an example, in my NAS I see 99% memory usage, out of which only 278MB are only used by actual apps and the rest is just cache
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>man cd
>No manual entry for cd
>info cd
>info: No menu item 'cd' in node '(dir)Top'
help cd
It's a shell command, so you use help
man cd also gets a hit for me, from the posix man pages.
It's a bash builtin. On a sane distro `man cd` will bring up bash_builtins.1
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man what the fuck lmao

Though I just tested it on my Ubuntu VM and help cd does indeed pull up the man/help page
$ man what the fuck lmao
No manual entry for the
No manual entry for fuck
No manual entry for lmao

To my surprise there was a posix man page entry for WHAT(1POSIX)
what — identify SCCS files (DEVELOPMENT)
Hopefully with dnf switching to c++ it’ll do both, though Im not entirely sure the slowdown is in the language. Iirc part of the reason it’s so slow is it does a remote metadata check in situations where you don’t really need it.
Can anyone give me some tips, I am on nixOS trying to get pipewire to route audio to my back panel headphone jack on my mobo instead of the shitty front panel one that came with my case.

the problem is that it is recognizing my front audio jack as the only generic analog stereo output and does not seem to want to send anything to the back panel.

Everything in my configuration.nix is fine, I tried fiddling around with all of the channels in alsamixer and still no luck. I know all of my inputs and outputs like the back of my hand I have been having this problem with multiple distros because I am new to linux and I am trying a few out.
Do you have pavu control? It should help to see which device is enabled.
Does it show in alsamixer? Press F6 to see all the available cards.
The generic controller shows up in the F6 selection yes, it is my 2nd card which has an analog and digital output
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>man foot
can we address how there's STILL no 'Search' function in dolphin's xdg portal filepicker? and forget about loading thumbnails in folders with tons of images because some will and some wont making it a pain in the absolute cunt to use. This shit is far from perfect
It should show your headphones, line out and the digital outputs.
If that's the case, set auto-mute to disable. Then use pavucontrol to set the line out as the output device.
do you know where my pipewire.conf file might be if its not in etc/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d/ or usr/share/pipewire?

or generally how to set auto mute to disable
At least you have thumbnails sometimes. I hate the gtk filepicker so much GODDAMNIT FIX THIS SHIT STINKY FEETFAGS.
Built a new computer with the help of a very kind anon from /pcbg/, but I'm having some problems. Disabled Secure Boot in the BIOS first, and then I stuck my Mint USB in and chose "Start Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon (64-bit)" at Grub, but it got stuck on a logo (I think for my CPU) for a while before crapping out with some error messages:
>blk_update_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 0 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x0 phys_seg 1 prio class 0
>Buffer I/O error on dev sda, logical block 0, async page read
And then it listed several systemd tasks that had been blocked for longer than 120 seconds. I tried booting it in compatibility mode, but it just ended up in the same place, albeit more verbosely.
Anyone know what's going on here?
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Which CPU? Mint has an "edge" ISO that they ship with a newer kernel, it might help in your case.
is there any reason for using picom alongside marco/metacity instead of this xpresent thing it's using by default?
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forgot pic
Choose one:
a) X11
b) Wayland
It's an AMD Ryzen 5 5600. I don't think that would require a terribly recent kernel, though.
That being said, I tried the Edge ISO anyway, and it blackscreened after a second or two of the logo. Went back to the regular ISO, this time it does the same thing. But as I was typing this, it suddenly popped up with the same error messages as before. Some cursory googling suggests that it might be a hard drive issue. The question is, would "sda" be the used 2TB SSD I stuck into this computer, or the flash drive?
Base Mint ISOs currently use the 5.15 kernel, while the Edge ISOs use the 6.5 kernel. Pretty big jump.
if you have to ask; glibc
neat, though i can't think of a reason to use it
I wonder if Windows is not shutting down completely. Try disabling Fast Startup. The other possibility is maybe the ISO is corrupt or possibly the tool you’re using to write it is not writing correctly. I think I used rufus personally as another tool I tried that was commonly recommended (don’t remember the name) kept fucking up my flash drive. Or maybe it was Rufus that caused the issue kek. But either way just something to look into
thank you I figured it out, my "headphone" channel was my front jack and my "front" channel was my headphone jack.
a) Past
b) Present/Future
sda is usually the 1st (non-nvme) internal drive the system finds.
That being said, try googling your *exact* SSD model + "linux"; sometimes the things will need some extra config to work correctly, for example my NVME needs that I add

as a boot parameter, otherwise the thing refuses to start at all.
This is an empty hard drive that doesn't have Windows on it. I'm writing to the flash drive with Etcher, as per the Mint website's instructions, but I'll try Rufus.
I've never really trusted Etcher. Had too many issues with it.
Something like Rufus or Ventoy would be much better.
i just want to use linux because i think its cool
What's a good way to maintain your rolling distro, what if Timeshift bugs out?
Use BTRFS with Snapper snapshots.
Hello. I couldn't see any threads on /v/ or /vg/ so I'll post here.

I want to try Linux out. I primarily play video games, but also have questions about some other things.

How well does Battlefield 4 + 1 work?
Is there "NVIDIA sharpening" like on Windows?
How can I disable CPU and GPU power states?
Proton DB is a thing:

>Is there "NVIDIA sharpening" like on Windows?
I don't use NVIDIA so have no idea, but there's VkBasalt:

>How can I disable CPU and GPU power states?
In your BIOS.

GPU power states probably has to be done via something like Green with Envy:
Your iso burn to USB is fucked up. Download a different one and verify checksum after downloading. Don't fuck around with partitioning the USB to have other stuff on it. The only thing on that USB should be the ISO.
What OS (or distro) is on the computer you're using to download and burn the ISO?
Thanks but I own the game on EA app, not Steam. Would that be an issue?
>In your BIOS.
Yeah I am aware you can with the CPU but not the GPU. Windows power plans work differently even with C-States disabled.
Thanks, I'll look into it
if you need to use a python program through pip , use pipx instead to install it
It's not systemd, it's whatever network manager you're using
works on my pc
just keep in mind, gwe is an x11 tool, so you have to set up your system with that in mind.
By the way, I think the best way to compromise between photoshop and linux is running affinity on a vm (it actually seems to work better than photoshop) and mount a folder to the vm.
It's a 2TB Samsung 980 Pro PCIe 4.0 NVMe M.2 SSD. Some googling turned up a forum post from February 2023 suggesting that it might need a firmware update, but all the methods I can find to actually accomplish that require me to boot from a live USB on the machine the drive is in. Which, you know, is the thing I've been failing to do all day. For what it's worth, I did a self-test of the drive in the BIOS and it came out clean.

Unfortunately, Rufus didn't change anything.

I did verify the checksum on the ISO I used, and it was clean as a whistle. Tried Kubuntu 24.04 as well, but it didn't work, either. I'm making sure the ISO is the only thing on this flash drive. I'm doing the downloading and burning on a laptop running Windows 10 Pro. I don't have a Linux installation; that's what I'm trying (and so far failing) to change.
>I'm making sure the ISO is the only thing on this flash drive.
Is the flash drive the same one you tried Kubuntu (is your flash drive fucked?)?
Yes, I've been using the same flash drive this whole time, since it's the only one I have on hand that I'm not using for something else. At this point, I'm thinking either the flash drive (which I recently bought brand-new and haven't used for anything else) or the SSD in my computer (which I recently bought used and haven't used for anything else) is fucked. I'm hoping it's the former.
For what it's worth, it should be something with the usb, because of /dev/sda popping up.
This way just crete an infiite amount of redundant folders in you drive.
Really? >>101156479 said
>sda is usually the 1st (non-nvme) internal drive the system finds.
Since my SSD is NVMe, does that mean sda is referring to the USB? Does it matter that this SSD is the only storage device I have in this thing?
I agree with >>101157624
Your fresh build (with old parts is trying to boot from USB and NOT the SSD. It failed with 2 distro's and that is why I suspect the USB.
When I got into GNU/Linux 3 years ago, I had a pile of DVD (+&-)'s laying around AND my old boxes have optical drives SOoooo, I don't fuck with USB's. I have 20 distros on DVD and the only one that failed is the one I didn't verify checksum.
(I stopped hopping and use Debian stable; works for me, it's not for everyone)
i think systemd supprots both /efi and /boot
i think they recommend /boot just in case you want to use systemd-boot
if you are using grub you can mount it to /efi
Alright, thanks for your input. I guess I'll have to run out and get another USB to try. (You'd think convenience stores around here would carry cheap flash drives alongside their twenty million USB cables, but you'd be wrong.)
I don't know if using Etcher to write the Mint ISO that first time just eternally fucked my drive or what, but when I get a chance, I'll get a new flash drive and write the ISO with Rufus. With any luck, the next thing /fglt/ hears from me will be cries of triumph at getting Mint installed.
You're booting from USB, your computer is ignoring what is (or isn't) on the SSD.
1 more thing, it's been a while for me on windows. Does win10 Pro have an ISO burner? (I burned all my DVD ISOs on a win7 box, windows media player)
Not that I know of. If it does, every single "how to install Linux" tutorial I've seen ignores it in favor of stuff like Rufus or, in Linux Mint's case, Etcher.
because it wont conflict with system python and it's what they literally recommend to do
I dont understand why arch keeps telling people to do /efi when it makes 0 fucking sense outside of grub while every other distro mounts the efi partition to /boot/efi for grub
If you're using a bootloader other than grub you will need to mount your efi partition on /boot otherwise the bootloader will not be able to load the kernel
I'm on Nobara, was thinking if should i switch to normal Fedora or try something else. I'm kinda newbie with Linux, but i learned some things. Was thinking about Arch, but it's scaring me and EndevourOS is kinda outdated?
I can't get audio to work on firefox using firejail. With --noprofile audio works, so I'm guessing it's something in the default firefox profile that's causing it to not work. I'm using pulseaudio btw.
In about:support it says "(remote error)" next to Audio Backend.
I mean, it really depends on your definition of outdated. If you are comfy with Nobara, Bazzite is also an option. It's a compromise between immutable system and being able to do whatever you want with it. Arch is fine as long as you are fine sometimes getting some elbow grease in to fix stuff that might break over updates (mostly missing some configuration). EndeavourOS is arch based that comes with aur enabled, has a graphical installer and comes with their own repos for packages also enabled iirc.
3 years ago when I was installing Ubuntu, their tutorial wanted me to use Brasero. I had problems with it and instead used win7 media player to make my ISO's. My first shot with GNU/Linux was a little rough too. I'm glad I pushed through. Good luck.
im sorry but if you want to boot ISOs ventoy is the best
sorry but im just going to keep using it, its too convenient and you can keep a bunch of isos + other random files on the USB
Ok, so if I have yt-dlp installed, I'd need to delete it and install pipx then re-install it?
How is EndeavorOS outdated? It's literally Arch with easier install.
i don't use firejail nor firefox, but i do use bubblewrap with palemoon, and for sound i have;
--ro-bind-try /run/user/$(id -u)/pulse /run/user/$(id -u)/pulse
I've had a Ventoy USB for years and it's super useful. Installed so many Windows/Linux systems with it.
Ok, cool, you do you. I'm off windows for a few years now, I think the last time I burned an ISO I used... VLC. Next time I do it maybe I'll try ventoy, who knows? Point is, starting with linux I didn't know shit about all the FOSS stuff (except VLC) so I used an ISO burner that I was familiar with.
>secure boot if a normal person could casually roll new keys.
that would defeat the purpose of secure boot
Don't worry about Ventoy advocates, while it is convenient the author makes weird choices building it that would be an ideal mechanism for smuggling in malware. People will argue until sundown about whether or not it is malicious but it's weird and unusual and the author could trivially do things the normal way but doesn't.
I think i will go with EndevourOS for now, Fedora will most likely work like Nobara. If Endevour won't do the trick I can always gry Bazzite. I read some rumors and heard some rumors from a friend that Endevour is outdated. Most likely those are not true
Manajaro tends to stagger updates, if anything, for the sake of "stability" but unfortunately, there were cases where this backfired.
updating my arch system today wish me luck friends
how long has it been anon?
only a couple of months, just finished rebooting now and nothing broke... that was kind of boring...
Not even keyring issues?
EndeavorOS is 99% arch so definitely not outdated, if anything it will break because the newest shit isn't so great. Try EndeavorOS, learn how to maintain it and make snapshot backups, if it's too tedious for you then you can always try Bazzite or something else. There's one YouTuber that showed how to install EndeavorOS and set up steam only a few weeks ago, so you can just copy him.
what's your use case?

Software compiled with glibc is usually a lot faster and also much larger. For embedded systems, musl is sometimes a must, simply due to file size.

On a desktop system it depends on your level of autism I guess. NVIDIA drivers don't work on musl, proprietary software doesn't work in general (you can use the glibc version with something like flatpaks, but then what's the point?), locales can sometimes get wonky and some things like scheduler niceness just doesn't work at all.

Musl is pretty cool, but the vast majority of people will greatly benefit from glibc.
I don't get why KDE and GNOME don't want to add autotiling. Would it really be that hard to do?
nope, im using artix on a really simple system setup (no DE, using bspwm) though
Auto tiling is awful.
just use mint and call it a day
Unlike xz where the malware was being injected as part of the build script you can literally just build your own binaries instead of the prebuilt ones if you want to avoid the risk of malware
All those people want to bitch about it but nobody offers a solution on how to avoid them
They just want to racistly vent most likely.
I do find it strange there isn't a fork that does exactly that, and you won't find me arguing about it on github but it a weird optic for such a privileged piece of software.
Looking into this further, firejail for some reason crashes pulseaudio when launched. I tried googling but found nothing...
Im an idiot. All wanna do is play (steam) games, make shitty videos and edit the odd picture and have the OS get out of the way. Im too stupid to configure arch. I couldnt figure out how to mount drives or install firmware for my wifi card properly

What should I use
The weird thing is that none of those binaries should take long to build in the first place (geom/cryptsetup/dmsetup) but i guess it was easier for the dev when testing shit to not have to rebuild them every time
linux mint
Mint for sure in that case.
that is curious... technically i'm using pipewire as well, though that shouldn't make a difference as you can see i'm using the pulseaudio compatibility, and i don't believe anything about it would differ
firejail has a bunch of "include" style profiles, right? i've used it before, just a long time ago, maybe there's an audio one you can use that includes what you need. mine i'm just writing my own wrapper scripts and i don't bother doing stuff like trimming back /usr contents, mine's mainly to restrict /home access
... retarded question but mounting my window drive so i can access some files wont give me some sort of microsoft virus that will send all my linux drive's files to microsoft right?
Fedora Kinoite
Correct, the code that interacts with those filesystems is still the open source code you have in linux such as ntfs-g
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Had a hunch, emerged pulseaudio-daemon with USE="elogind" and now for some reason it's magically working. They joys of using Gentoo...
what was the hunch? i'm thinking about going back to gentoo, but haven't used it in a long time, since before systemd became common
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I thought it was either caused by firejail, the configuration of pulseaudio, or pulseaudio itself through the way it was compiled or a bug. I pretty much exhausted the firejail options, then tried messing with pulse config files nothing helped so I looked at top/logs and noticed that pulse was crashing when firejail was started which means either some bizarre bug (less likely) or permission issue. The user is in audio group so the only other thing I could think of was elogind, I checked use flags and noticed pulseaudio-daemon wasn't compiled with it for some reason...
Gentoo is great and the few problems you run into are easy to fix 95% of the time these days until you run into an edge case that can take you a bit to resolve. Though you do need the right mindset if you want to use it long term.
Do yourself a favour and use PipeWire
i just had a realization
im using windows 10 IoT LTSC
even if i disable all the data collection shit in the setting, group policy, registry, etc.
how can i trust microsoft?
they can literally do anything once i insall windows

i have used linux in the past, but i always ended up going back to windows
but this is realization is making me want to switch for real
i used it for about a year around 2011, the only reason i stopped was due to old hardware, but more recently i finally have an actual high end cpu
or put another way, it was around when the "10 years compiling!" wallpapers were current, lol
If you suddenly feel so paranoid you might as well just move to Linux I guess? No need to dwell in paranoia.
In X11 Nvidia control panel had a setting called sync to v-blank which you can enable or disable. In Wayland, just like most other settings, this setting is missing. How can I disable it? I need to run an opengl app in unlimited framerate and currently the setting is forcing it to run at my refresh rate.(I know that it does, since disabling it in X11 would fix the problem)
Have you tried to boot into the Linux ISO with secure boot enabled? Some computers are really bitchy and won't boot with it disabled for whatever reason (I have only seen it happening to laptops though). Also don't go back to the old ISO, use Edge. Mint 21.3 still defaults to a kernel released in 2021. It's that fucking old.

/vg/ does have a thread dedicated to linux gaming, but maybe it was down when you looked for it.
Just building your binaries is not enough. At this point, Ventoy has to be audited by someone trustworthy. A dev who shoves blobs without a real need for them could also easily do other crap somewhere else. And the binaries Ventoy is using aren't reproducible, so you can't really check their integrity, only compile your own blobs or trust the chink.
You need a wayland compositor that supports the tearing protocol like kwin for example
What is the equivalent of CrystalDiskInfo to check drive health on linux?
I am on KDE arch. I know about the setting "Screen tearing: allow in fullscreen windows" which works for games but doesn't work with the opengl app I described. I don't think this is related to waylands own built in sync but nvidia specific feature I described that is presumably still enabled without an option to turn it off.
I will try switching to x11, disabling it, and switching back to wayland to see if that works somehow.(Although that is too inconvenient to be a proper solution, there must config that I can edit somewhere.) Later, because I currently have work open.
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maybe this one
It will only tear in fullscreen apps. The there is no tearing on the desktop under wayland.
its arch linux better for gayming than a stable release distro? or it doesnt matter if the software its kinda old?
it's usually better to have newer software, improvements in things like linux (kernel, drivers), mesa (3D library), dxvk (d3d11) etc can improve gaming performance
whether the difference in performance makes up for the peace of mind loss of using less tested software is up to you
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I keep trying to do an arch install using gpt efi. I've given up on doing multiple disks in LVM, I'm just gonna encrypt each physical drive then mount during boot. but the point being is I follow all the steps, partition, use cryptsetup, make filesystems, general admin stuff, generate fstab, edit mkinitcpio, etc. however whenever I try to create a directory at /boot/efi and install grub, it installs fine without any errors, but then I restart and I'm permanently stuck in a loop going back to motherboard bios, it doesn't seem to recognize the actual install. any anons know what could be causing this?
Is there anything like Nix/Guix that is actually FHS-compatible? I like the idea of having this reproducible system where it puts together your whole setup with a config file and it's all declarative and whatnot, but sometimes I might need to run things that weren't built for these non-compliant autismo setups, and I want those to just work instead of having to look for workarounds or alternatives to prevent the distro from shitting itself whenever it encounters something not designed/built around it.
why are round corners not fully round all the time.
Maybe look at fedora atomic derivatives?
I tried it in fullscreen too and it was still capped to my refresh rate (though admittedly I don't know if it is borderless window or proper fullscreen)
Any intermediate-level resources for choosing a distro?
I've used either ubuntu or fedora for most of my adult life. Used to use arch as a teen, and while I have thought about going back to it, I'm always reminded of what a pain in the ass it can be at times. Kinda feel like trying something new though. Mostly use my machine for programming/vidya, if that matters.
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OBS crashes with Xwayland. Any idea why?
I'm experiencing lag when I open a directory with lots of files through the filechooser initially, I guess it's because it generates thumbnails for that directory but the problems persists when I go through the folder to generate the thumbnails. What gives? I'm on KDE plasma 6.1 and QT 6.7.2 and ffmpegthumbs is 24.05.1-2. Any help is appreciated.
Maybe it doesn't work for opengl? Try to pipe through zink and see if it helps.
Yes, you can buy the newest GPU and be sure it will get drivers soon, it's just risky because newest drivers and other updates can be shit and break your system, maybe update once a week after checking the updates on Reddit or wiki.
opinions on writting my build script in fish?
>What gives?
>I'm on KDE plasma 6.1
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Holy shit it works, thank you so much anon!
Doesn't fix the fundamental problem with opengl, and it performs worse, but I like this workaround.
It happens on gnome too unfortunately, anon
I have noticed I sometimes have this problem with folders in my HDD.
It's HDD, smart data indicates nothing to be wrong though. You could be onto something though since saving to my home folder (which is on m.2) causes no problems, which is honestly expected
I hate windows now and I want to switch to clear Linux. I chose clear because I heard that it has very good compatibility with Intel chips and because my brother thinks it's best distro ever for that reason. Is this a good choice or should I go with pop or Zorin?
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>making fish a build dep
neck urself
idk if this is the right place to ask but is there a collection of al lthose "Linux for X" pictures. like for debian, gentoo, arch ect. for lesbians ect
That is not how it works. All distros are "compatible". Clear has some optimizations that let them score better in certain productivity tasks (as seen in phoronix benchmarks). However actually using it is somewhat clunky because of how their package management works.
You can get the same optimizations in other distros as well.
Pop_OS! or Linux Mint. If you opt for the latter, it sticks to a stable (but older) kernel, but you can always update it through a built-in graphical tool. The former updates its kernel through its general update tool, along with everything else on the system.
I broke pipewire/wireplumber and I can't fix, so I'm planning to reinstall the OS. How different Fedora is from Arch?
What did you do to break it, ESLbro?
Saar, I redeemed the rm -r .config/wireplumber and it won't return saar.
Fedora Kinoite
Kudos to Canonical/Ubuntu, NVIDIA and KDE Plasma. Now my laptop is working perfectly after I don't remember how many years. I'm a happy loonix anon, yessir
install opensuse
>second screen connected through hdmi to my laptop doesnt work, its just a zoomed in stretched default background
>install nvidia drivers
>stops working alltogether
>install linux mint
>same shit
>install ubuntu
>works on login screen
>stops working

thanks god it was on an external ssd
into the trash it goes
You must be at least 40 years old.
How does it feel to be an old man on a website full of teens?
Why does steam keep changing my headphone / microphone source on arch? It's driving me crazy every time I open up a multiplayer game it fucks up my audio.

I don't know how to prevent steam from accessing my microphone and unlike windows for whatever reason there's no option to remove my microphone completely from the system settings. Any help?
User error
Anyone? I literally cannot find any help online for something so simple
All I want is to permanently disable my microphone
... pull out the plug?
they're bluetooth headphones so I can't remove the microphone externally
>unlike windows for whatever reason
Windows treats inputs and outputs as individual "devices", ALSA does not. If you want to disable an input or output you have to switch the ALSA profile associated with the audio device.
>bazillion npm dependencies
>one fish depenedcy
Write a Makefile or Justfile if you want to be hipster.
I don't use microphones, but I did once and, if remembered correctly, there's the option to set "audio input" to "none" inside the system's sound configuration. At least, on GNOME or Cinnamon.
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disabling a microphone is usually done by changing the profile of the sound device to be just an output
Not op.
How can I disable it on arch?
I mean my built on one, on the laptop.
that is on arch, it's a screenshot of pavucontrol-qt (pulseaudio/pipewire)
I meant in cli, I'm guessing it would be in the pulseaudio man?
the equivalent to that screenshot for my hardware would be;
pactl set-card-profile alsa_card.usb-Logitech_G935_Gaming_Headset-00 output:analog-stereo
But it is disabled by default on arch is it not?
can I get a recommendation for a live ISO to be used as a sort of utility/emergency/maintenance/back-up etc boot disk?
Looking for something that includes as many utilities as possible. Things like file recovery, disk management, drive SMART data checks, or anything else that might be useful for trouble-shooting or repairing an OS. Ideally something that includes plenty of drivers.
Not sure if relevant, but I would like something that works with decent performance on older computers. I have several Core, Core2, and Pentium M machines. Not sure if older systems can boot from USB, but I also have a Pentium 3 system.
I have never used a flatpak or a snap and I never will
i use hrmpf
download an older version for 32bit
I just use a live disk like fedora and download whatever tools I need
This is KDE, no?
ncurses is fucking cool.
Get the old Hiren'sCD, I think version 15.2
literally 80s tech
Where in the FUCK did I say anything about npm you blithering idiot? Don't make me install arbitrary stupid shit to build a program. There's vast stacks of software built on node. I don't like it, but I understand some of it would be hard to rewrite. There's nothing like that for fish. fish is a toy shell for people who think they're too special for normal scripting.
most of the people here at at least in their mid-late 20s. most kids now don't make their way to 4chan unless they are already embedded in online degen stuff. i feel that this site is generally made up of the same people that were here 10 years ago, except they have jobs and taxes now. which would explain why /pol/ is now the most popular board instead of /b/.
i dont get systemd dbus api
My Libre office just crashed. I'm on peppermint. Which logs can I find the issue in?

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scaling is working well
How can I use easyeffects to limit volume so it doesn't go above a certain amount?
If journalctl --since=2024-06-26 doesn't show anything relevant, open libre office through the terminal and try to reproduce the crash
Yes, systemd aggregates all logs into journalctl.
fellow 1080p kings report in
Does anyone use qubes? Is it just virtualization hell?
>At least it was before I tired to update my Python version
to my understanding, cinnamon is more cpu intensive than xfce. Should I be running xfce if I want to minimize my cpu usage? I have a fossilized thinkpad I want to use for software dev and general browsing, nothing intense but I also want to minimize how slowly it runs
They're pretty much the same, at least from my personal experience. Cinnamon feels laggier in old computers because you can't disable Muffin's compositor.
Hello friends, is there any way to alter FreeType to make text on a qd-oled screen look better? Does anyone have experience with this?
I'm just bored working on some ascii art stuff.
I also made it dash compatible & posix compliant.
# Define the dimensions of a terminal
STTY_SIZE="$(stty size ;)" ;
# shellcheck disable=SC2162 # 'read -r' is not required in this instance.
} ;

# Repeat function on window size change to update LINES and COLUMNS

I'm trying to work on this code block by block and I'm genuinely looking for criticism to improve.
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>somehow my RAM usage is still over 100 mb
What CPU governor should I use for a desktop computer that stays on for weeks at a time?
Will it draw considerably more power and run hotter if I set to performance?
Probably like 15% more on idle.
I'm trying to make it so that dolphin is a certain size when I open it (on KDE). But if I use window rules for it, popup windows (like right clicking a file and opening properties) also get resized to that size. There's an attribute for specifying window types a window rule should apply to, but popup windows are treated as normal windows, not popup windows. I read it might be a wayland issue, but I haven't seen anyone post a solution.
Dolphin remembers the size of its windows, what are you really trying to do?
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I want dolphin to open up to a specific window size every time. I often resize my windows to take up half the screen, which means that when the window spawns it looks like pic related because it remembered it's shape. I want to overwrite it with like 1000x700 or whatever, but without it affecting popups.
Be real with me /g/
I am about to change distro
I'm currently on Ubuntu but it was on an small SSD and I just bought a new M2, so I gotta reinstall
I'm not thrilled with Ubuntu, I dislike the UI and it has had a few issues
I'm thinking arch, but the thing is I actually use my computer a lot for productive stuff, I don't want to tinker
Does it really break or is it a meme?
Also should I go xfce or window manager
And wayland or X11
Get endeavorOS. It's arch but with a simpler setup. And no, arch doesn't break much, unless you use an abomination fork like manjaro.
I don't need endeavor I have installed arch in the past, but I moved back to windows after a while
But I'm here to stay on Linux now, been using Ubuntu for 2 years, I just really need stability, and no debian is not an option I need recent stuff
I depend on my computer and I use Arch, the odd thing occasionally breaks but it's usually a super simple fix you can find on the Arch website under news or in some cases a quick google of the error. If you'd like something a bit more stable but also pretty modern then Fedora might be a good option for you.
I'm not recommending it because I expect you'll NEED it but because it's just more convenient to set up. If you can't use arch you're not gonna be able to use endeavor anyway.
I hate fedora and it's non-free attitude
I've distrohopped a lot in my past and it was probably one of my worst experiences
Also updating every year and everything breaking?
That's just stupid
I like arch because always updating = never updating
Perhaps the gentleman would like Linux Mint? Ubuntu but less shitty, still a little more stable than Arch.
>tranny colors
>Bryan Poerwoatmodjo dev

is ventoy actually safe to use? The unaddressed github issue is kinda concerning
Probably but nobody knows for sure and the Dev doesn't seem to want to address the concerns head on which only adds to suspicion
how much work is it to make a linux distro
Any firewall recommendations for mint? Ideally something really simple.
Like making a crypto currency the answer is, it depends on how much you want to deviate from what already exists. You could reskin something in 20 minutes and call it a new distro if you wanted.
>You could reskin something in 20 minutes and call it a new distro if you wanted.
how do i do that ?
i swear its the same guy whining about ventoy on all platforms
ventoy is GPLv3 software
you are free to fork it and make it "better"
its made by 1 chinese guy, so what
you trust propietary closed source software like windows
Thanks m8.
Okay i was being hyperbolic with 20 mins. Most people wouldn't consider e.g a reskinned Debian to be a new distro even though, if you can distribute it then i guess it is.

You can get a flavour of building a custom debian image here - https://live-team.pages.debian.net/live-manual/html/live-manual/about-manual.en.html#8
Or a custom variant of fedora atomic here - https://pagure.io/workstation-ostree-config

It really depends what your motivations are and what you're trying to achieve.
protip - ALWAYS run pkill -e zoom after using it if you're required to for medical or educational reasons. sometimes it runs in the background and even continues using your camera depending on the version. same with discord. it may just be a glitch but it still isn't acceptable.
I tried running dnf update today only for it to attempt to install nodejs as a weak dependency. It took a while to figure out, but this was caused by something called tree-sitter-cli which itself is a weak dependency of neovim.

Just a heads up in case this happens to anyone else.
Schizo anon with the audio issue here.
I can attest that my issue with the audio switching between profiles is caused by pipewire and not by the bios nor the drivers.
I tested with two of my DACs and both had the same problem, pipewire would switch between available profiles even if the card was turned off.
I believe that the source can be tracked down to pipewire-pulse, as pulseaudio often struggled with this bug. I shall submit an bug to the pipewire repository soon™.
Not if you use the flatpak, it cleans up once you quit the application.
I'm installing Gentoo this weekend on my server. OpenRC and USE flags are such a breath of fresh air for a personal playground OS.
dnf update —opts=no-weak-deps or something like that. You can also set that as default in your /etc/dnf/dnf.conf
I got slightly less lazy and looked it up, it’s actually --setopt=install_weak_deps=false
Stop fantasizing about such things on Linux. I figure there's some sort of mechanism going on
>all the basic tools exist since the 70s
>you can do all your crap with them
>because of that nobody reinvents the wheel
>fast forward to current day
>still no GUI tools
Nobody makes them unless specifically paid to, there's "no fun" in programming GUIs.
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That's the best I found a few months ago (it kinda sucks tho).
One of the added benefits of Flatpak essentially being a container. All of its processes are actually contained within a separate dedicated namespace so it's easy to clean them all up in one go.

Did you know that Flatpak has ps and kill commands?
Yeah. Haven't needed them yet. kill <base process PID> reliably works in my experience.
>I'm not thrilled with Ubuntu, I dislike the UI and it has had a few issues
not sure if this is relevant, but have you tried using other DEs on ubuntu? i've been using xubuntu minimal for a while now and it's been a great experience. i spent a few hours configuring xfce and nvidia drivers when i first installed, but it's been smooth sailing since then.
Floorp can't play the mp4a-latm codec videos for some reason. Anyone having the same issue?
Librewolf works btw and yes I do have libdca, a52dec, gst-plugins etc. Its just floorp being weird and I failed to fix it for a while now.
I'm bamboozled there's no recent version of scrcpy available for Ubuntu
>Distro packages old version that doesn't work with newer phones
>Snap doesn't work at all
>Manually compile -> it works

>I don't want to tinker
Then Arch is not for you

>Does it really break or is it a meme?
It does break, it is not a meme

>Also should I go xfce or window manager
For productivity and not tinkering you should go for a full blown DE like XFCE or KDE but not window manager

>And wayland or X11
Depends on your hardware,

My recommendation: Go for Debian stable with any DE you like, I prefer KDE because of its customization and it just werks

Anon that helped you here. Glad you tested with your DAC's and know wth is going on. How interesting though, have you tried falling back to a pulse-only distro?
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Let's say I install Debian (net-install) from ISO and download a bunch of shit like xorg, customize the wallpaper, set up autologin, choose a WM, and all that good shit. Is there a good way I can patch these changes back to the ISO so I can quickly boot other machines into my fucked up Debian setup?
I'm a bit of a dumbass, so it would please me to no end if this could be easily done and I could larp as the world's least competent Linux Distro dev.
Write down the list of packages you installed and copy your ~/.config and any other dotfiles.
Idk anything about ISO creation, but you could also make something like LARBS. https://github.com/LukeSmithxyz/LARBS
It can be done, but requires quite a bit of tinkering, troubleshooting and getting familiar with ISO building tools.
Here's my suggestion:
>Install your system as you did
>Customize your system
>Grab an external HDD
>Boot a Live CD
>Format your ext HDD for storing a linux installation
>Mount your installation and your ext HDD
>rsync -a as root your installation to your ext HDD
>Update ext HDD's boot manager and fstab
>Reboot and boot from ext HDD
>Changes needed? Just rsync the correct folder from your installation to your ext HDD and you set
New thread:
no, it's pavucontrol-qt on its' own
see if it has a compressor
>tranny colors

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