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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
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Previous thread: >>101150038
I love my Linux, bros
yup, love my looniks
Thanks for the suggestions. My backup plan was basically to make a script that spams apt-installs. I take it ISOs are non-trivial then and no one here bothers with it then - not worth it?
>not worth it?
They're worth it for spinning up the OS unmodified on multitude of machines mostly because they include startup scripts for autodetecting the hardware, which is trivial if you just want to run the OS in a couple of devices.

For ex: I'm in the process of making an Archlinux ISO for running the COSMIC Desktop Environment. It won't make sense to install it to a full hard drive because I want to test it on multiple devices and I won't be storing any data to it. IDK if that makes sense
Redpill me on Universal Blue. The idea sounds good, kind of
idk but bazzinga is chilled a lot lately
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I hate my Linux. But can't change as all the other options assrapes their users 24/7.
it's just immutable nobara linux
That's what Kinoite is; UB/Aurora is yet another layer of stuff on that
i know archiso exists, but even if you create your custom ISO
dont you still need a way to install it to the disk
Floorp can't play the mp4a-latm codec videos for some reason. Anyone having the same issue?
Librewolf works btw and yes I do have libdca, a52dec, gst-plugins etc. Its just floorp being weird and I failed to fix it for a while now and two threads.
That's cool anon. I know network cards often have proprietary drivers, so detecting those would be important. Do you mind if I ask what's involved in your approach? Are there human-readable scripts that you are just editing in the ISO? I suppose you have to package software in the ISO as well somehow
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>way to install it to the disk
Any Linux environment IS the installer.
The so called installers are just Linux systems that come packaged into an ISO9660* filesystem and they usually automatically fire up the desktop environment along with the installer GUI app.

*they don't NEED this but for the sake of compatibility they release their installers as "CD-ROMs"

>no software or drivers
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so how would you copy the contents of the iso to the disk?
Yes, you can figure out the hardware part by not getting random shit for your build.
>no software
>Do you mind if I ask what's involved in your approach?
Sure, so my approach is a little bit different than the rest.
>Building is done in a VM on my home server for automation purposes
>Brought up an Archlinux chroot using systemd-nspawn
>Followed ArchWikli's archiso page for making a base ISO
I'm currently here
>Create custom packages and customize accordingly
>Document steps
>Translate those steps into scripts
>Generate Jenkins jobs to automatically build ISO on code change
How do copy anything anywhere lol?
Usually they don't, they bootstrap packages using their respective package managers. But I assume that counts as "copy" in your books??
At least that's what all deb-based systems, rpm-based systems and Arch does. On Gentoo you got a literal tar archive you extract. And most other distros too offer this "root filesystem tarball" option (which is my favorite).
My bad it is not a systemd-nspawn chroot, instead it is an Archlinux docker container. Which serve the same purpose.
I don't want dbus on my desktop computer.
you rock, thanks anon - there appears to be something similar for debian too called 'live-build'
consider FreeDOS
True, I could just switch to Windows. No bloated, insecure dbus designed by retarded monkeys there. It almost sounds worth it.
Windows is like 80% retarded jeetware by weight and contains the RPC goop that was the direct inspiration for DBus.
How do I install a bluelight filter on Mint + XFCE? I'm starting to see why people say Linux isn't practical.

this is easily the most depressing thing ive watched about linux ever...it's fucking over
i dont get it
woke shit destroying linux
like everything else
I've been using windows 11 enterprise on this gaming pc of mine but recently i've noticed it lagging when i'm doing something as simple as opening task manager or explorer. Been thinking about switching to linux mint, but there's a lot of games on my pc that probably won't work even with wine/proton. What should I do?
You guys were right. It was the USB. Got a new one and it worked perfectly fine. Mint installed without a hitch, and I'm currently basking in the comfiness of my first Linux installation in years. Probably gonna take me a few days to fully transition, but I am one happy camper. Thanks for your help!
Bad USBs are usually the culprit for this kind of shit. This is why I only use Sandisk or Samsung ones.
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Hello. My friend recently downloaded Linux mint and he's loving it very much. Although he told me that he updated his computer and his color is all fucked up. He took a screenshot of thr color red on a Google search, shows as color red. But his monitor is displaying Blue for the color red. So it'd fucking him up as he's a artist, any helps or tips? He showed me a phone Pic of the web result of the color red image showing as blue
For the guy that was looking for a CrystalDiskInfo replacement in the other thread, I found this
not that anon, but damn, this is looking pretty good. I'll compile it to test later
for anyone else on debian thinking about trying this, you will need to install qt6-base-dev to compile it
Check if snapshots are available and rollback till you find one that works: https://linuxmint-installation-guide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/timeshift.html
If they aren’t, I’d try to figure out what was upgraded and downgrade everything particularly if it’s related to graphics/drivers. If that doesn’t work just do a clean install and don’t forget to setup snapshots
finally installed Fedora yesterday on my shitty laptop
it feels soo good man, holy shit

fuck windows forever, never going back
Fedora is so good
Switch anyway. Proton covers a huge majority of games. The last real blocker is kernel level anticheat.
play what runs on linux, ignore what doesn't
I don't play any multiplayer games anyways, I may just shrink my windows partition down and dual boot first to see how I fare first.
workstation or one of the spins
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now that the new gnome broke the dark gtk themes i like im considering switching to budgie. it's literally exactly how i configure my gnome using themes and extensions except... by default instead of requiring extension to PUT FILES ON YOUR DESKTOP LIKE YOU CAN ON EVERY OTHER DE
What the fuck, how has purism STILL not come out with a Librem Mini V3? 4c8t is insulting these days.
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>have 32gb RAM
>this should be 33554432 kB
>cat /proc/meminfo
>MemTotal: 32721600 kB
>832832 kB (813 mb) is missing
>lspci says 256mb is dedicated to the igpu
I don't see it in one of the other categories, so where is that other 557mb?
oh hey, it's my favorite free software logo
how does budgie compare to xfce? it always felt like it was a more polished version of it, but never bothered trying the thing for whatever reason
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If I have the newer kernel already, should I uninstall the old ones or does it not matter
The Gentoo mention was funny at least.
>cant take screenshots when playing steam games
do i need to do something special here?
How about they stop bitching and complaining about the issue and just fork ventoy and remove the binary blobs instead? Nothing is stopping them but instead they would rather just complain until someone else does it. I hate retards who LARP as security experts
Because they'd rather cause drama instead. It is actually very common for projects to bundle dependencies because it makes it easier for developers.

If you stop bundling those things then every developer has to build them on their machine and your build system has to have support for doing that and then you need to support the billions of different compilers distributions use and all of their different quirks.

The person reporting this "issue" even acknowledges that:
>Of course it's convenient, they are prebuild, it's fast and nobody has a problem with it.
They do make a good point about using GitHub CI though but that's not a security thing, that's just a "it's somewhat retarded to be checking binary blobs into a Git repo" thing (although it does happen, linux-firmware is a git repo containing nothing but binary blobs, that's its entire purpose)
Just seems to me like people who're still shellshocked by the xzutil fiasco being overly mousey about any FOSS thing made by a chinese person. Like someone truly could just fork Ventoy and remove the blobs that're getting them rowdy but they just want to complain instead.
so whats the "correct" way to install debian to get
a minimal system?
Do a netinstall, unless you want to install it manually (it's possible to use Debootstrap to do that, after manually partitioning and then you chroot into it to install Grub or Systemd-boot, etc, but it's a bit involved)
Your home folder will contain everything you need, this can be bad or good depending on your perspective.
It has dogshit ugly terminal defaults doe.
Their target audience is uninformed rich people with too much money
From what i saw it was only just 3 binaries that should build very quick: cryptsetup, dmsetup and geli
So it's not like they would take long to build in the first place, it just probably makes life easier for the dev testing shit not having to recompile the blobs every time but that's about it
99% chance that the people paranoid about the xz backdoor have no idea how it works in the first place
Not only that but there’s also a guide on how to do it in the DEV folder. This weekend I’ll try it and report back
You don't have to. Providing you're willing to make some sacrifices it's still very much possible to get away without it:
>Desktop notifications (Gone)
>Polkit (Gone)
>NetworkManager (Gone)
>Any sort of introspection or scripting of the desktop (Gone)
>Reacting to signals/events (Gone)
>Interoperating with other applications (Gone)
>DBus activated services (Gone)
Do any Switch emulators work better on Linux compared to Windows?
They'd work about the same because they use Vulkan/OpenGL. Both Ryujinx and Yuzu's successors would work just fine.
>void still stuck on ffmpeg4
>ffmpeg6 pull request opened more than a year ago still hasn't been merged
This is never going to get merged is it?
Do you really need the latest ffmpeg? I used to run ffmpeg from git sources on my Gentoo system but now I don't bother.

Ffmpeg has a tendency to break things and has to be updated very carefully (carefully re-building all deps as necessary). I'm not surprised they're taking their time.
if i want a partition to auto mount i have to add it to the fstab but what mount options are recommended to add?
UUID=… /path/to/mount/point ext4 defaults
If you have the Systemd virus and this is an external drive you may also want to add nofail
I have my own local build of moonlight-qt and it keeps segfaulting on the newer versions which makes me believe its something to do with ffmpeg being out of date
I dont know why they dont just split ffmpeg4 and 6 like arch does
Probably 384-512MB reserved for crashkernel, and the remainder either disabled (check dmesg), or reserved for specific devices, like DRAM-less NVMe drives.
>I dont know why they dont just split ffmpeg4 and 6 like arch does
For the same reason Void doesn't split other system libraries. It might work for Arch but most distributions only keep a single version of Fffmpeg.
what would be the best filesystem for a partition i want to acces from both linux and windows?
BTRFS if you can install the WinBTRFS driver on Windows, otherwise NTFS.
NTFS works fine.
>all that trash gone
Good. Problem is that some things don't work or crash if dbus is present. Wayland depends on dbus fundamentally.
>Wayland depends on dbus fundamentally.
Wait, really?
In practice you won't be able to run a wayland desktop without, because many dbus protocols are used to make up for wayland's lack of desktop-specific protocols.
if i wanted to use virtual machines, would 200gb be enough for root?
i know when you used the libvirt stuff virutal machines get stored on the root parititon
libvirt uses the concept of storage pools, you can have multiple or just one but it doesn't need to be on the same partition as root. Take a look here
do you recommend a separate /home?
i would like to have just a small root partition and all my files on another parttition
I don't personally use a separate /home partition though it is quite a common setup.
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I've been running Void Linux on my main PC for the past year now and I really like it and its package manager. It runs at like 758 mb of ram running DWM with no programs open and boots fast as shit.
I'm about to build a new PC though, with a fresh OS install. Should I consider Artix? I just noticed all the time when I was using Void, whenever I had an issue or I was installing something, there seemed to be a much simpler/faster solution or method for Arch distros.
>It runs at like 758 mb of ram running DWM with no programs open
is it running from a ramdisk or something?
It's just installed on an SSD.
It does not.
There are Wayland protocols which don't use DBus it's just up to the compositors to implement them.

In general the desktops which use DBus already did so heavily for X11 anyway so Wayland doesn't represent a departure here it's just more of the same.
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>many dbus protocols are used to make up for wayland's lack of desktop-specific protocols
I was thinking of moving to wayland because everyone is pushing it so hard. This made me reconsider, it likely won't be long before the distro forces it on me though. Ever day it seems something like gentoo is the only way out
nta but if you want another partition you could go with /var or /usr/local if you dont want system files in your /home
>It does not.
It does. I realized when I tried to run some Linux software in Windows and macOS. (I was forced to use these for certain things, thought why not use portable Linux GUI programs? A KDE program crashed when the dbus server was not running, it worked when I commented that code and rebuilt.)

>There are Wayland protocols which don't use DBus it's just up to the compositors to implement them.
That is true but anything that actually wants to work under major DEs needs to support the dbus protocol too.
Can this be used for updates too or only when installing a program with dnf?
Lunduke hasn't been worth watching for years since he went full schizo.
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Why does gentoo need to recompile the whole kernel when I only tweaked around with like 2 fucking modules
>he doesn't know
That's because KDE and GNOME both make heavy use of DBus. They already did so for X11 too.

These desktops are not Wayland though, they are but one implementation and this is a bug in the app. It might even be worth reporting that as a bug because KDE software in particular is expected to work without DBus. Many of their software runs on Windows and macOS too and there's no DBus there.
The modules are built as part of the kernel
I know he's the only one covering the transification of the Linux community.
Some nutjob thinks he's a woman is not Linux news. It's crazy and people should talk about it (like Lunduke) but it doesn't directly affect the kernel. The bigger issue is when they try to cancel developers they disagree with. That's happened in Debian in the past, I find it funny he concludes that Debian is just fine. I guess it was a quiet year for them this time around.
I said transification as a double misnomer. The organizations aligned with linux are making the most bizarre of decisions and he's one of the only journalists, if not the only one, covering it.
Fair. A lot of the things Lunduke brings up nowadays are like this though. They're social or political issues. I don't have a problem with him covering that but is he really surprised when other outlets don't?

Most of the technical stuff he brought up was covered by other outlets even though he pretends otherwise.

You have to respect the grift though.
What about when the nutjob who thinks he's a woman holds a position of power and bullies other people because they told another nutjob to fuck off instead of kneeling and kissing their feet while calling their desired pronouns?
Or when the nutjob who thinks hes a woman holds a position of power at debian and uses it to abuse others and when someone else calls them out on it they use their mental illness as a shield because the guy forgot to use the correct pronouns once and ignore all the accusations against them then gets the debian leader to send a hatemob against the person to find an excuse to kick them out. While debian then complains about being unable to find people who want to help with maintaining packages
every god fearing American should have a permissive open source license at home so they can resist the tyranny. A good guy with a fork beats a bad guy with a fork.
>celebrate the much-anticipated release of the first COSMIC Alpha, which is estimated to be ready in late July
We're witnessing the end of GNOME.
And KDE. This will be the end all DE to end all DEs.
>And KDE
If they don't fix Plasma 6, they deserve it. KDE 4 was atrocious, Plasma 5 was good and they messed up AGAIN with Plasma 6.
>COSMIC fully ready late July
Exciting. A better GNOME then GNOME.
Also the logo looks like a little man wearing a VR headset.
KDE is going nowhere fast. I don't even think Cosmic has HDR support yet (that's a KDE exclusive for now).

I respect what they're doing though. I might check it out if it ever gets packaged for Gentoo and works fine with OpenRC (don't know if they make use of any Systemd features like GNOME also does, if so that might be a problem until someone patches it)
They didn't mess up that badly this time around. It's overstated how much of a problem Plasma 6 is. There are some minor bugs and it's in need of more polish still but most things work fine and it doesn't Krash on my machine.
Well someone's already uploaded the source code to build COSMIC already on the AUR on Arch so it'll probably happen with Gentoo as well.
It would be nice to have a Fedora COSMIC Spin. Is there any hope it can happen even though COSMIC is in alpha?
You would have to find a group of Fedora Project members that want it and get them to submit a proposal for the next version of Fedora.

It might be more sane to start with packaging a COPR repo first and then go from there.
>Fedora Project members that want it
they're all GNOME users, bet they'll never allow COSMIC on Fedora kek
what home folder would be appropiate to put my programs
I mean i'd like gnome to crash and burn as well but we both know that's never going to happen and they're still going to hold GTK hostage since it's easier to develop a GTK gui app than it is for QT
Music, Pictures and Videos aren't appropriate, so there's not much left.
binaries usually go in ~/.local/bin
if you really want to you can create a ~/.local/opt folder and dump everything there
.local/bin is the "correct" way of doing it but you can put your programs in whatever folder you want in your /home. Just that if you want to have the program be part of the PATH you gotta set the folder in your .bashrc.
I make a Software folder, where I put anything not installed by the system, and then a subfolder called MyScripts where I put my own shit
If they allow KDE and XFCE and MATE and LXQt, , even Budgie, etc, they'll allow Cosmic too.

It just needs interested people to make it happen.
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Daily reminder that Linux is for elitist faggots that want to spend their entire day fixing petty issues that shouldn't even exist.
>started dualbooting windows and linux a few months ago but barely ever used linux because I felt uncomfortable with it
>not that long ago I figured out that I can mount my windows drive in linux, giving me access to all my files, which made it much more pleasant to use
>decide to try exclusively using linux for 3 days to see how much I can tolerate it
>been using it exclusively for 3 weeks now with no desire to return to windows
Thanks frog-chan
Sounds like the gate was kept
GNOME devs hate COSMIC devs specifically.
They're gnome users not gnome devs. No one hates gnome devs more than gnome users.
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Typing one wrong command and having your system bricked is a good thing
pic rel you
I have never had any complex issues using Linux. You're just projecting.
Why would you type wrong commands?
Yes that describes every OS, good job anon.
Enjoy your spyware and malware because i wont need to. Hope your frog collection doesn't get accidently flagged as malicious by windows defender and automatically deleted without your consent
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windows is spyware
all of microsoft producs collect data, even winget, their "package manager"
Anon that was his point
Avoid using ntfs3 though (kernel module), some people report having corruption issues with it. ntfs-3g works like a charm though.
You can cry about spyware all you want but it just doesn't manifest negatively. What malware? Is the malware in the room with you right now?
Haven't used my laptop in a rong while. I got dualboot win10/linux. I want to wipe everything and do a clean install of just linux.
I'm just not sure if I can fuck anything up when it comes to removing dualboot. Do I need to remove the partitions first or something of that nature?
Frankly, I wish I could handle it. I've been trying to make my own bspwm config for days but holy aids it is fucking convoluted and aids aids aids. Just aids. It makes me feel retarded and I want to kill myself more then usual.
>ntfs-3g works like a charm though.
I've had the same experience. The only downside? is that it's using FUSE.
Which is exactly why they won't block whoever decides to bring it to Fedora. They couldn't care less. GNOME isn't going anywhere for them. All this talk of GNOME somehow being in trouble is realistically nonsense.
>i keep hearing about this HIV but i keep having bareback anal sex and nothing happens
best distro for watching trap porn?
mac OS
I want to bundle some AUR packages into a Live CD in an automated fashion. But, yay and most AUR helpers require the usage of a standard user to build packages (for obvious reasons) how can I either:
>build as root without any prompts, all automatic
>build as normal user with sudo privileges without any prompts
What distro would y'all recommend for a beginner linux user switching over from windows? I have an intel chip and an NVIDIA card. Thanks
Linux Mint
Try it yourself but taking a peek at the code it’s applied to any operation that calls the resolve() function in base.py so I would assume that it does
passwordless sudo/doas
you can save some trouble by just building the packages locally or something and just copying the tar.zst files to install with pacman -U instead of having to rebuild aur packages every single time
Librewolf and Firefox in general started doing this weird resizing/flashing thing on focus change.. anybody know what the deal is?
>passwordless sudo/doas
gotchu anon thanks
>instead of having to rebuild aur packages every single time
I'm aware but I want the build to be 100% reproducible (my autism)
Okay, so, I did it only because I can but, unironically, what's the use case of VM'ing macos on linux? No GPU passthrough, just a qemu vm.
Can you give me a little more explanation about why these are good? thanks
I'm resorting to building only as normal user without installing and then adding the built packages to repository to further install into the Live CD
Probably Xcode and the ability to develop for macOS/iOS
NTAs but the explanation is fairly simple.
>Ready for desktop usage, almost no command line required
>Lots of documentation
>Huge user base
>You got a problem? Most likely another user already had the same one
Forgot another important one, they offer the option to effortlessly install NVIDIA drivers, contrary to other distros.
This is fairly important for beginners
developer shit
testing sites with safari
apple/icloud account for email and stuff
laughing at how shit and bloated slow mac os is to use
i don't know what your build process is like but you can set up makepkg to build all aur packages into the same directory and then point that directory as a repo for pacman and if the package has already been built it should choose the prebuilt package over having to build it from aur
i think you might be able to skip the pacman repo part because yay should be able to choose the already existing prebuilt package in its cache if it exists
This >>101175606
It's useful for QA purposes, specially if the testing application is a native one, there's no workaround it.

Now that your are at it, why don't slap in a cheap RX AMD card for passthrough?
Today I once more got reminded as to why Linux will forever be relegated to being a server OS.

After two years of using Debian on my machine I found out that all this time my DAC was being Limited to 48kHZ sampling rate, even though it supports upwards of 384k.

Since I am running Gnome on Wayland, which defaults to Pipewire, I had to copy the Pipewire and WirePlumber default settings from /usr/share to /etc/config and edit them to allow sample rates higher than 48000 and then having to reboot the system and cat /proc/asound/card2/stream0 to confirm it was working.

Meanwhile, on Windows, I just had to right click the output device, go to properties and change sample and bitrate (which sometimes wasnt even necessary since it often defaulted to the highest setting the device was capable of).

This, then, begs the question: why neither ALSA, Pipewire, Wireplumber and/or Gnome have a graphical way of changing these options? Even if there wasnt an easy way of changing it, why doesnt it, then, default to the highest setting the hardware is capable of and leave it for the application to decide wether or not to resample the audio and to what rate? and if it should not be up to the package default settings, why doesn't Debian change it to always default to the hardware's maximum setting or, at least, provide a warning, prompt during installation or whatever other way of changing this setting?

Even the Debian wiki lacks proper information about this.
i want to change ssd, what's the best way to do it?
i was thinking of installing arch on the new disk, copy all the data i have in the old disk and then swapping them, would that work?
otherwise fresh install and restore from backup
because there's basically no reason to use a rate besides 48kHz
you didn't have to reboot, you can restart pipewire without rebooting
the fact you didn't notice for 2 years should be telling that it didn't matter
This is a usecase very few people have. It's okay to require extra configuration for that.

The Debian wiki is also not really the right place to be looking for docs. You should learn to search better.

A DuckDuckGo search for "pipewire documentation sample rate" immediately brings up multiple different hits.
You're blaming the OS for a user error
nobody cares
go enjoy your spyware and malware
>I had to copy the Pipewire and WirePlumber default settings from /usr/share to /etc/config and edit them to allow sample rates higher than 48000 and then having to reboot the system and cat /proc/asound/card2/stream0 to confirm it was working.
You had to...modify a config file to configure a program?????
Please understand, they're too used to the Windows Registry.
They want to download and execute a batch script nobody understands that leaves your computer with aids at the end of it. That's the ideal way to configure an operating system.
Can you use BTRFS on 20gb drives where zfs isnt an option?
First Linux crisis averted in Ubuntu.
I installed a second SSD and replaced my RAM.
PC worked fine yesterday but after I rebooted today everything went to hell.
At first I located the problem at the NVIDIA drivers not functioning correctly, but as soon as I tried to reinstall, I lost all internet and wouldn't even recognize the Ethernet device. Keyboard was malfunctioning occasionally as well.

After messing around with the BIOS (cause I got a warning after installing the SSD which prompted me to reset BIOS to default or manually configure and I chose default), I used the USB to chroot and update-upgrade everything and then everything started working again.
I'm happy it worked but I am also curious if anyone has any idea what happened?
Should I always update-upgrade when I install new hardware?
>the fact you didn't notice for 2 years should be telling that it didn't matter
I know it doesn't matter. The only reason I decided to change was because I saw it in the log file for the music player.

My point wasn't about if it was useful or not, but that there should be an easily accessible way for changing the setting.

>It's okay to require extra configuration for that.
I agree, but it's also ok to make it somewhat accessible if the user so desire to change it.

>The Debian wiki is also not really the right place to be looking for docs. You should learn to search better.
yeah, I figured that out. The solution was, as you said, indeed in the Pipewire docs.

I'm not blaming it for the default being 48k, I am blaming it for there being no easy (and I mean easy as in "no need to look up documentation) way of changing the setting, like there are in Windows and OSX.

>nobody cares about a user issue in a linux system in a "friendly" thread about linux systems
>go enjoy your spyware and malware
if I did, I wouldn't be using Linux.

>You had to...modify a config file to configure a program?????
you seem to lack the reading comprehension necessary to understand what I meant. Editing the config was not the issue. The issue is there not being a GUI alternative like OSX and Windows have had for a long time, as changing the sampling rate of an audio device, to me, should be a simple and rather common setting to be easily exposed to the user. Either that or you default to the maximum that the device supports.

>They want to download and execute a batch script nobody understands that leaves your computer with aids at the end of it.
which is not what I did, or what a Windows user would have to do in a similar situation. I fail to see your point.

All this yapping and no one came up with a single reasonable excuse to why not implement such a setting in a more easily accessible manner.
>My point wasn't about if it was useful or not, but that there should be an easily accessible way for changing the setting.
that's ok, all i'm saying is that it's not something you'd expect to find in a gui since it's not the kind of setting someone who uses the gui for configuration should have a use for changing
that is, the only use for going over 48kHz is for things like manipulating ultrasonic sound, which is something extremely few people have a use for
how many services do you have running in the background? My void laptop uses like 200 MB in XFCE, with DWM it should be slightly less
>2 years
Funny how you couldn't tell the difference between 48 and 384, huh? It's almost as if you fell for a bunch of maymays.
>still not fixed
Turn off the screen locker or inhibit it with kde-inhibit. I have it off altogether because there is never a situation where I want my system to lock on its own. I'll do it manually if I want to.
lately it started to show the next error when using something with gtk
>symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib64/libgtk-4.so.1: undefined symbol: g_once_init_enter_pointer
searched for the aforementioned lib and added the path in profile
> export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/libgtk-4.so.1
> export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib64/libgtk-4.so.1
but the errors persists and bash says it can't found it before launching any gtk-4 application.
The glibc and gtk are the latest stable available in the manager.
AFAIK, these binaries were compiled with a lib newer than installed right?
One solution would be to compile gtk?
>he issue is there not being a GUI alternative like OSX and Windows have had for a long time, as changing the sampling rate of an audio device
Besides audio engineers/technicians who the fuck is changing the sampling rate of their card so much they need a GUI for it? If it's a one time thing you absolutely do not need a GUI for it.
>you don't need that feature
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Not minimal enough if you want to handle the boot process yourself, or create a container or whatever. Use a tool called Debootstrap, it's kind of like Pacstrap when doing an Arch install.
nofail obviously
I don't. I lock it manually if I leave my PC. Having it auto-lock because you didn't move the mouse or press a key is annoying. I don't know why some people enjoy that.
Floppy disks were cool
>no one came up with a single reasonable excuse
If it's so valuable, why don't you add it anon?
>nobody cares about a user issue in a linux system in a "friendly" thread about linux systems
if you were trying to be friendly you wouldnt start your post with trash talking about linux staying as a server os
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is there something wrong with this script? i wrote it as an autostart script to create separate pulse sinks for my music player so that it doesn't get picked up by OBS (since OBS and many other applications can only pick up on the monolithic "Desktop Audio".)

i mainly ask if there's something wrong with it because it heavily distorts my audio when i start my PC. restarting my plasma session clears the existence of the sinks, and the script only works if i have audio playing, and if something wants to automatically output to either sink that gets created
How is Sway's development so slow? It's way simpler than a DE but it gets updated once a year.
It's a demo, don't expect it to get way better or more complete. Better to track Hyprland
when are we finally going to get a decent fs for ssds
i havent seen any news for ssdfs in a year
what's wrong with the fs we have?
lol what
Not every distro packages it, so I don't want to get used to something that I might not have access to if I change distro.
one man show with critical bugs staying unfixed for months, i dont have much faith in it becoming usable for daily driving any time soon if at all
>whatis ext4 w/discard
What do you use now on SSDs? Btrfs?
that's what i use currently but i've got loads of corrupt unrecoverable files for no discernible reason and it's actually slow as fuck so i'm going to drop it next time i do a reinstall
probably for ext4 like >>101177858 suggested
btrfs is STILL corrupting files?
apparently. i think it was having some issues around kernel 6.7
Corrupt unrecoverable files means your hardware is losing files.
Full data checksum overhead can be a lot depending on the CPU and how fast your SSD is. XFS+LVM is a good choice if that's an issue.
still waiting for the 2-3 fucking year old pull request for ime support that finally got merged to be added to stable instead of having to build sway from the AUR
you're mixing weston with sway
and sway devs would probably take offense to being compared to hyprland especially drew segfault
Is there a way to set environment variables on a Windows executable permanently? Or do I have to create a shortcut like I do currently?
Is it possible to invert the date and workspaces position on GNOME?
>you're mixing weston with sway
yup, you're right anon, my bad
What's a good way to check if URLs work from the command line? I've been using curl -I but I found an URL that is identified as 404 even though I can use mpv to load a stream from it.

>I don't want to get used to something that I might not have access to if I change distro.
what the fuck are you talking about? you can compile it yourself if there's no package
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No they weren't. Too damn small and any proximity to something magnetic was a dice roll on whether your data was still intact. Iomega tried to improve on it with the Zip disks and before that with what became Imation's "SuperDisk" (which Apple quite liked), but you can't fix garbage, all of them were unreliable. And then USB came along and nuked everything.
Also Hyprland is making its way into distros now. Gentoo stable has it. Hyprland is just very new so it'll take a while to hit Debian-main.
>kernel 6.7
Not surprised, ntfs3 got regressions in 6.7 too.
I would be very surprised if Tranian allowed Hyprland on their repos after the Hyprland vs FreeDesktop debacle.
The archlinux packager guy eli schwartz tried to get hyprland removed from gentoo while exposing himself as an illiterate retard who has no idea what the "security vulnerabilities" of hyprland were
Debian will never package hyprland not because of troon drama but because of the bundled vendor wlroots library
Same reason why void doesn't have it either but void also hates the dev as well because they're all mentally ill troons
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>emerge --update --deep --newuse @world
>you can compile it yourself
I don't want to.
until the wlroots dependency is completely gone neither of those distros will package it
Will hyprland ever have proper monocle support without switching out of monocole mode once the window is closed?
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Hmm yeah uh huh but here's my counter point:
>hard to scratch because tape is concealed
>feel nice and tactile to use
>look cool
>you can stack them like a deck of cards
>installed debian after being on windows for a while
>try using chromium
>works fine
>try starting it up again later
>get the stupid restore pages pop up that indicates it crashed before even though i closed it normally
>every time i start the fucking browser that pop up shows up
>look into it further
>the stable version is the same as the sid one
Is this a normal thing or did they fuck up? I ended up switching to RHEL (yeah, kinda overreacted, whatever) for now because of this shit.
bug report if anyone cares. pretty sad
What a mess.
I regret trying out gentoo bros. I don't want to spend my whole day recompiling my kernel and updating but my OCD just jailed me into gentoo
Debian always packages the latest Chromium because the project is too complex for them to maintain a fixed version, and Chromium doesn't have an equivalent to Firefox ESR.
Source based distros are useless in 2024.
55MiB memory usage though
That's why you set your make parallelism to nproc÷2 so you can do other things while your system rebuilds. Only "make menuconfig" should require sustaned attention.
>Hyprland vs FreeDesktop debacle
What's that about? I'm out of the loop.
Hyprland's dev has been accused of being a "bigot" and no one wants anything to do with him now.
>bigot in quotations
No matter how hard you suck his dick you can't deny that he's a bigot
too long; don't give a shit version
>hyprland has a discord
>it's a bit spicy
>tranny from freedesktop org/redhat got wind of a tranny joke in said discord
>makes a blogpost calling out the developer
>developer doesn't grovel and instead writes a polite counter blogpost
>tranny gets him banned from freedesktop
hyprland told an attention seeking pronoun troon in their discord to fuck off by changing their username pronouns or something to dont/care
that's the whole drama
and then years later freedesktop troons started harassing him about it and he told them to fuck off so they banned him
it's gonna be more than a year before debian packages anything new for stable anyway.
More like FreeDicksnip amirite?
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wtf i love hyprland now
do I need to boot into a live usb to restore grub after installing/updating windows on another partition? or can I just boot into my linux install from the boot menu and restore grub from there? all tutorials I found online say you need to boot into a live usb but I don't understand why.
>Gets updated once a year
chimera doesn't have hyprland in its repos either
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void devs are more mentally ill than your average mentally ill dev
i wish i screenshotted the thread where vaxry and the same dev were throwing shit at eachother
That os got the most jeet-like logo I've ever seen
Alpine too.
Maybe because Hyprland on Chimera doesn't make any sense.
wait, people dont use alpine only for docker containers????
that's because its run by a former void dev whos also a proud anarchist
their coc is also mentally ill
another tranny distro like void so that
shouldn't be surprising
Hyprland is packaged on alpine edge testing
I use alpine for servers
It's a distro to turn your PC into a gaming console for couch gaming. Why the fuck would you want to use a window manager for that?
only thing alpine is acceptable on is a vm.
if you can use the boot menu to boot into it then that will work fine.
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Well, I just found of Chimera and ChimeraOS are different things. Now I feel stupid.
I'm talking about Chimera Linux, not ChimeraOS.
Drew DeVault allegedly used it as a desktop.
>arch, gentoo, debian, lfs, mint
Give me a reason to why you need more
>gentoo, lfs
use debian
>Oy Vey! Why would you want to have full control over your system? Let us do the job for you goy!
>use debian
ubuntu-based distros are easier for beginners
They are violating the HTTP standard. This is an issue on their server.

HEAD requests are supposed to return the same Status Code as if you made a GET request.

$ curl -s -o /dev/null -X GET --write-out '%{http_code}' "http://cdns.jp-primehome.com:8000/zhongying/live/playlist.m3u8?cid=gd01"
$ curl -s -o /dev/null -X HEAD --write-out '%{http_code}' "http://cdns.jp-primehome.com:8000/zhongying/live/playlist.m3u8?cid=gd01"

The only way to detect this would be to issue a real GET request and seeing if you get back a response greater than zero bytes. Having to download the entire file is a bit wasteful though.
Funny thing is chimera os came first
>Needing a new release
Compile it yourself.

On my Gentoo system this is as easy as:
smart-live-rebuild -f sway

Maybe if you suck Simon's cock nicely he can put out a new release for you.
For >>101180074 as well
debian has no packages, outdated packages, refuse to package certain packages and removes packages at whim whenever they want for dumb fuck reasons
there really are only 3 distros
mint if you are new
debian if you need a server
arch for your PC
everything else is irrelevant
lfs is cool to do once I guess, if you wanna learn more about linux
gentoo is just turbo-autists wanting to one-up archfags, but it doesn't really bring anything useful to the table for all the time wasted
It's really not that much time wasted, it's not like your computer just bricks itself whenever you compile stuff.
Gentoo supports more architectures than Arch and also has a stable release so it does have some utility still. Portage is also a way better package manager than Pacman, but I guess that can be ignored (it falls into the category of one-upping Arch).
You could also do Rocky on a server and Fedora on desktop as well if you prefer rhel/rpm based stuff
I see, I'll juse use GET then since there are other URLs like that too. Thanks Anon.
If it's for a shell script you can do something like this:

if ! res="$(curl -s -L --fail …)"
echo "Blah blah failed" >&2
exit 1

echo "response: ${res}"
why the fuck are my minimize/maximize/close buttons gone on firefox wayland?

WHAT the fuck...........a doodle shit is this? Same package but switching display servers messes with the toolbar
>minimize/maximize/close buttons
You don't need that.
ebussy can you help me for once
Tell firefox to use a proper titlebar and that won't happen.
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Every couple of years I'll be forced to upgrade my Kubuntu install since it stops receiving updates. And every time I go to upgrade it, something breaks or requires manual intervention.

It will never be the year of the Linux desktop because there are no distros out there that aren't straight fucking garbage. Its 2024, and I can't upgrade Ubuntu without having to fix a bunch of shit. In my case, it doesn't support my GPU drivers. Amazing, so I'll be kicked back to a fucking console screen without a DE until I figure out how to deal with that fucking shit show manually after the rest of the install completes.

Why are Linux DE devs so anti-user? Fuck these absolute clowns
>LTS distro
>not upgrading for years
>suddenly jump years of updates
>expecting everything to go smoothly
use debian testing with KDE, hasn't failed me yet during an upgrade
Just go 5+ years, enable Ubuntu Pro, whatever. Or go the other way and take the rolling release pill.
nothing changed but thanks
Good idea, yeah it's for a Bash script.
Screenshot? It should cause Firefox to not draw its own window decorations. Remember you have to apply the setting.
post restart
still fucked
>right click the title bar
>choose customize
>check the box on the bottom left
wow its that hard?
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.... my dude you included the =0 in the setting name. Set the existing value from 2 or 1 to 0, don't add a new one. Delete that.
this looks like shit
It also proves it's not Wayland's fault (entirely).
Wayland uses client side window decorations. That means every program decides what your title bar looks like and which buttons it has, not your DE.
Wayland is crap.
well get a ff theme that fits your system
ff does the same shit on xorg dumbass
just makes it look worse but fuck wayland I guess. Where are my god damn buttons
Yes, X11 also has a method to hide the window decorations. But until recently that was considered bad behavior to do for normal windows. GTK (aka GNOME cancer) seems to change the default now if the developer of the program enables a certain feature.
I fucking hate it Fuck the Linux desktop. It's crap.
ill concede and use plasma buttons. wierd how chromium still retains its titlebar
There is an option for system window decorations in chromium as well
but why not in firefox? this small fuckup is making me lose my mind but I normally use x11
No it doesn't retard. That's a mutter thing, and not related to the problem op is having.
i wanna do programming and want a distro with up to date packages
is fedora the best option?
i would use the kde spin because i dont like gnome
the fuck are you talking about?
clearly shows it using the systems window decoration
Arch, unironically
less bullshit overall
>Arch just updated Plasma
aw shit. here we go again.
Programming is not a viable criteria for choosing a distro. You can do that on every single one of them.
Choose between fast updating or rolling release.
Opensuse slowroll
Debian testing
Fedora rawhide
Opensuse tumbleweed
debian unstable
It does. It's when a program uses this thing:
Maybe the original problem is different, don't care, fuck GTK, fuck Wayland.
>LTS distros break
>rolling release distros break
Nice OS.
I dont want system window decorations I want the fucking way it ships on x11 with its own bar with normal ass buttons. I get some random aids on wayland

also btw KDE (if this is your fault) fix this gay shit too where is the preview in the mini-player?
Gentoo is actually much more stable than Arch these days and Portage gives you more paths back to normal if something does break.
turn off the titlebar
i am using arch for like 3 years now, never had a problem besides grub. Probably would never had any problem if i used anything else than grub.
doesn't solve the problem but I guess I will and use this theme + kde titlebar. FUCK

for reference this is what it looks like immedietly after switching sessions. jesus christ
You could just use X11 until the bug is fixed instead of reeeeing.
no im gonna fuckin scream and shit my pants because this bug still exists last time I used plasma-wayland-session (6 months ago) and firefox titlebar being fucked is why I never went back.

I am pissed
Hyperland dev is anti-troon. Love that guy.
hahahahaha ahahahahhaah
what a joke
and the project is run by absolute basedboys
real solution: put this in your .bashrc or whatever:


logout and log back in.
is the cursor stuttering when the GPU usage is high on wayland thing ever gonna change or is it one of those things that are pretty much set in stone and the wayland team will never "fix"?. tons of little headaches have been solved over the years for me when i comes to wayland except for that one and i have the feeling that's just the way things are gonna be. i thought it was a wlroots or a compositor specific problem but after testing with gnome i guess that's just the way wayland works.
if this make it the kde-plasma titlebar again im gonna fucking kill you
still broken fuck firefox on wayland im done bro
its fixed for kde as of 6.1
New thread:
one of the things i dont like about arch is that it always has the latest kernel
and the LTS kernel also updates all the time
a lot of times newer kernels introduce bugs
i used to just have a really basic neovim config... 4-5 plugins, telescope being the main one i used.

I decided to try lazyvim and it also has telescope but somehow seems slower. Is there a reason for this?
yes, you're getting old
>I dont want system window decorations
Why not?

Client side decorations were a mistake

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