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sleepy edition

previous: >>101089602

READ THE WIKI! & help by contributing:

>NAS Case Guide. Feel free to add to it:

/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. Know all about NAS? Learn virtualization. Spun up some VMs? Learn about networking by standing up a OPNsense/PFsense box and configuring some VLANs. There's always more to learn and chances to grow. Think you’re god-tier already? Setup OpenStack and report back.

>What software should I run?
Install Gentoo. Or whatever flavor of *nix is best for the job or most comfy for you. Jellyfin/Emby/Plex to replace Netflix, Nextcloud to replace Googlel, Ampache/Navidrome to replace Spotify, the list goes on. Look at the awesome self-hosted list and ask.

>Why should I have a home server?
/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. De-botnet your life. Learn something new. Serving applications to yourself, your family, and your frens feels good. Put your tech skills to good use for yourself and those close to you. Store their data with proper availability redundancy and backups and serve it back to them with a /comfy/ easy to use interface.

>Links & resources
Cool stuff to host: https://gitlab.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted
RouterOS's: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Home_server#Custom
List of ARM-based SBCs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PGaVu0sPBEy5GgLM8N-CvHB2FESdlfBOdQKqLziJLhQ
Low-power x86 systems: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LHvT2fRp7I6Hf18LcSzsNnjp10VI-odvwZpQZKv_NCI
Cheap disks: https://shucks.top/ https://diskprices.com/

RAID protects you from DOWNTIME
BACKUPS protect you from DATA LOSS
enterpise gear is for LARPers
Post racks
low quality ai op pic
made me chuckle regardless
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>learn to ssh
>discover I don't need more than one keyboard/screen for my 2 xubuntu boxes
>do everything but a disto upgrade for old 990fx after learning I can manage the entire system remotely, for changes to the pool and updates
>"oh what a shame i won't be using these skills anytime soon!"
>decide to just run the update locally, just in case
>install -still- fucks up and the system is unrecoverable
>come to find out it only takes about 20-30 minutes to just, set the whole thing up again remotely with backups from the ws x570 ace over ssh/nfs, and an additional hour or 2 to copy everything into a new pool over 10g with no data loss.
Gentle reminder to monitor the state of your backups. We don't get to decide how retarded we are, but we can decide how much that latent mental illness can do us harm.
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That said, as I'm only using that 990fx for a backup node with rsync/nfs/samba, what's a good OS to just replace xubuntu on that machine with? One with similar filesystem structure and inclusion of bash/zsh so I don't need to learn an entire new language to set it up, and hopefully not be as much of a meme as I currently am?
Is it finally time to take that RH124 class, or is there something else for me that's not as hardcore henry?
If I REALLY want multiple HDDs running RAIDZ1/2 and I REALLY want to keep my setup SFF and I REALLY want to get a used SFF machine rather than spend a (relative) fortune building my own thing, is some sort of eSATA JBOD setup a good way to go about it?
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Isn't that like 6gb/s tops? That's no faster than a single consumer sata SSD. There's gotta be at least a few cheap external HBAs from LSI with a low-profile brackets out there.
If you haven't bought your machine yet, think about finding one that can handle a low-profile PCIe expansion card and grab something like that, then you can use whatever garden variety jbod enclosure you like. Preferably a big one.
I don't need an AC unit at home. I think they are shit, a waste of money and pointless. ONly office buildings need AC because they have hundreds of people in the same room. At home you're one, maybe three or four people at most. You don't need AC at your boring and pointless home, it's shit and pointless.
I live in Australia.
I have a 20tb drive that stopped working, as in won't spin up at all anymore. It's almost brand new, less than a year old.
A new drive in that slot works fine so it's not my sata power cable. I checked the connector on the drive and noticed the L part of the power connector is cracked and part is missing. The metal contacts all look fine but when I plug in any form of sata power it refuses to spin up.
There's no visible burn marks or anything either. Is there any way to repair the sata power connector? I have no idea how it cracked, maybe closing the side panel put stress on a cable or something.
StarWind VSAN Free (KVM) appliance to have a management UI for NFS/SMB. But it's meant to be installed as a virtual machine. IIRC it's based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS underneath.
Otherwise, Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS. Ubuntu 24.04.1 will be the next LTS release on 15 August 2024.
RHEL has lots of documentation available too.
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> 19'' aquarium
Holy shit
eSATA is dead, long live SAS HBAs.
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Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, I only got the idea to set up a proper(ish) server a couple of days ago and I'm clueless.
I want a server that would do Jellyfin, torrenting, a NAS and maybe, MAYBE host a game server once in a blue moon (and in the case of a game server I could run it off of an SSD)
In that case I imagine I'd very rarely saturate the eSATA connection, especially since the real bottleneck would be the 1/2.5gb ethernet port.
It might get saturated during re-silvering but even then it would take, what, minutes?

It's kind of late and I'm kind of dumb so a quick google didn't clarify it too much.
Would a SAS HBA work the same way as an eSATA setup? that is, I get an expansion card, some sort of JBOD enclosure with the appropriate port and just slap them together?
you won't save money or space, it will be cable spaghetti, larger, and more fragile than just getting an actual PC case that will fit what you want
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Okay, well I guess that's for the best then. I'll upgrade the distro in august and just do as is, enjoy the fruit of my labor and all that. I think I still have that guide that one anon did dozens of threads ago detailing a StarWind VSAN Free configuration, I'll go rummaging for that to play with in a vm later. Thanks anon.
Electing to use an external sas hba connected to a jbod doesn't interface with your lan in any way - this is an entirely distinct protocol (you would have an additional wire running from your jbod enclosure to your HBA card itself).
Drive size, type and the volume of data are what determine how long a resilver takes. For example, you can resilver a single drive in a raidz2 pool of 6 4TB drives with around 3.5TB of actual data connected via SATA in 2 hours. If that volume of data were instead 10TB, that process would take several hours longer. Given that, you would benefit from using the fastest, most stable protocol available to you, given your usecase.
Thus, an external SAS HBA from LSI.
>Would a SAS HBA work the same way as an eSATA setup? that is, I get an expansion card, some sort of JBOD enclosure with the appropriate port and just slap them together?
Exactly. Once you confirm everything posts and sees each other you just need to hammer in your configs - if you're prepared this process takes like 3 minutes (ZFS isn't retard proof but it can be very straightforward and quick if you take notes). This is the fischer price component of /hsg/; some of this shit is, up to a point, plug-n-play.
Something like this:
>that one anon
t. that same anon (and also the same anon who instructed you to setup ZFS)
(and also the enterpriseschizo)
Hope you didn't use the pcie slot, because qnap is the only ones with a desktop jbod that comes with a proper pcie card and cable for it.
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Thanks for the tips and advice you've given me over the years, my little cluster has shaped up nicely with your input.
>enterpriseschizo has been helping the local retard all along
If this is true I'm loving every laugh. I always liked all the posters here, and the autistic meltdowns along the way have always been entertaining, so that's just the cherry on the cake for me.
Reposting from the previous thread

What am I giving up by going with one big HDD over several smaller HDDs totaling the same capacity under the following assumptions?
1. They cost more or less the same
2. It will be used as a Jellyfin server
3. The vast majority of data would be pirated media which would kinda suck to lose all at once but if I really wanted to recover that data it would just be a matter of downloading them again, a hassle to be sure but nothing more.
4. What little important data would be stored there is already backed up.

Only thing that comes to mind is that I'd lose on the performance improvement of using some sort of RAIDZ configuration, anything else?
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One factor is a 20TB drive isn't going to use 5 times the power. It's going to be virtually the same. Personally I just don't want to have a bunch of different drive sizes.
A 20TB drive isn't going to use 5 times the power of a 4TB drive is what I meant to say.
Your socks are supposed to be the colour of your trousers or your shoes.
Someone tell this guy how to dress correctly, please.
How do you guys store your encryption keys for cloud backups? I'm considering stamping them on metal cards and putting those in some safe place.

Also considering a scheme in which my many clients locally replicate some of my data both to function offline and to act as a backup. Kind of like how bitwarden handles its password vault.
Realistic speed for something like 3 or 4 samsung 990 pros in a raidz1? They say reads up to 7500MB but that seems like a stretch. I don't want to go too overkill for 10 gig networking. This would be apool for everything I have on my pc right now. Memes, porn, videos and such. Lots of random reads and writes.
FIDO2 security key and a password manager (BitWarden), generally? Alternatively AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) where needed (e.g. for HashiCorp Vault automatic unsealing).
Yubikey is practically the only choice for a security key if you work for the U.S. government.
Sup /hsg/ got another truenas question. So I got qbittorrent running with a guide on setting it up with a vpn via custom environment variables. The problem I run into is that when using Gluetun setup most trackers are unreachable except rutracker. I'm guessings this is because some private tracker require the same IP address for both indexing AND downloading torrents. Am I correct as to the symptom of my problem? Or is there another issue i'm not informed of?
Very low. Those are consumer drives with numbers advertised as peak figures and will not sustain loads, unlike enterprise SSDs that can cope with this scenario better.
Would you recommend depending on Bitwarden's hosting or running it on your own (e.g., self-hosted with Vaultwarden?)

Naturally self-hosting your own backup keys can fail badly if it's on the same media it's backing up (and that media fails). Is Bitwarden's client-saving behavior dependable in that situation?

It's not totally rational but I'm not keen to hand the keys over to some third party if I can help it.
Whoops, this post was meant to (You) you.
Do you have a source for that dorky mouse?
Host your own, if you have the infra and don't trust a third-party like Bitwarden, Inc. with your data. BitWarden Docker container + BitBetter is an illegitimate option if you're too cheap to pay for the organization license, comes with a more complete BitWarden API than Vaultwarden.
Store your backups separately from your virtual machine array where BitWarden is running. Should be able to use client-side saved passwords, but you can also print the master password and/or backup encryption key to some safe place. Depends on your threat model.
Ideally you would have some high availability for BitWarden.
i think that theres sum
>T O E H O E
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I do not have the source. Asked the person who posted it on discord and they didn't know. Reverse image search din't turn up anything either.
I got that far but reverse image search doesn't result in any artist or similar work.

Thanks for asking, would have liked to see more from the artist.
Similar eyebrow style.
just hoard ebooks
Week 4 of waiting on my used mobo from China
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How used is it?
>One with similar filesystem structure and inclusion of bash/zsh so I don't need to learn an entire new language to set it up
literally any linux distro
just use debian
Dont tell me you fell for the Huananzhi meme
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Newfag here. I'll be sure to check out your wiki, but give it to me straight: what's the easiest way of setting up a home server if all I want is to stream some music? My plan is to set up a Jellyfin server at my parents house so they can listen to their music from their devices (phones, tv). Should I just buy a random Pi, watch a yt tutorial and be done with it?
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How retarded am I to buy RAM from China? ie.

Currently looking for low-profile UDIMMs and I'm otherwise finding fucking nothing.
Hopefully not enough to burn out the vrms

No, it's just a suspiciously cheap gigabyte prosumer board
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Retard here looking to set up a simple offsite backup - namely using syncthing (with file versioning for a week) to send my files to a raspberry pi at my brother's house. I figure having a live backup of my music and photos plus a nightly backup of my server's data and config protects me if my server catches fire and keeping a week's worth of versioned files protects me from ransomware. Anything else I should consider?
You should not consider using file synchronization with file versioning, it wasn't made for this. Finding which file revisions are the ones you want individually for every file will be pain.
syncthing is not the right tool for making backups.
I was planning an upgrade to 10GbE between my desktop, server and NAS but now I'm wondering if I should just jump to 25GbE. Anyone here running >10GbE?
Ideally I'd want a switch with 4 SFP28 ports plus an RJ45 for internet uplink.
I went the one big drive route and bought a 16TB IronWolf drive.
The benefits I've noticed
>Easier to manage
>Easier to expand later on (just buy a second one)
>Price/TB is better
>Lower power consumption
>Easier to fit in the case
>Don't have to worry about running out of SATA ports
I feel like 4 drives is the sweet spot. Enough to run RAID5, but the time you need more storage the prices are probably good enough that you can ditch all the drives and get new ones, less drives means less chance of one failing.
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On linux, how would one go about and block hundreds of connect-disconnect attempts such as pic related? They are not even auth attemps. Just connections to my smtp server and occasionally some attempt to relay mail.
Well there's always fail2ban. But I mean, if you're certain that your setup is secure and that they'll never succeed, why care?
Would fail2ban work in this situation? I thought it was mostly used against repeated failed auth attempts.
I mainly wants to block them because they clutter my log with their bullshit and just continue to do it ad infinitum
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260aud for 2x32 2666. I'm going to kill myself.
Why low profile
Fail2ban can be configured to read any log and firewall block as long as IPs are given in the log. You'd probably have to write your own plugin for this usecase(maybe not search first) but It could be done
No idea, that's not me. His link just hurt me.
look into navidrome too
>syncthing is not the right tool for making backups.
What about rclone
I'm nta but i use syncthing for sync and restic for backups
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funniest op pic i seen in a while
I'm thinking of buying a synology NAS to build a komga server. Do I really need two bays or just one bay is fine for my intended purpose?
onebay is kinda small
I love you, home server general anons
Nice rack
What tower case is that on the far right?
What selfhosted stuff do you guys use for ebooks/ereaders? I'm slowly working on setting up readarr/calibre/calibre-web but so far readarr seems to not work very well compared to the other arrs
I will look into it then, thanks!
whatever nextcloud comes with
I just updated my Jellyfin client and server to 10.9.6 and new/updated media is no longer getting recognized. Using apt version on debian.
Restarting, removing and readding the media library does not fix this.
What do?
So you remove the library, add it again and it finds all the stuff you had before but not the new files you added more recently? Could it be permissions like maybe your new stuff isn't readable by the jellyfin user?
youre not going to saturate esata
just get an matx case omg, they really arent that big. you could plow like 8 3.5 platters into an old acer veritron case no problem
god i love serial console and having the tty0 console messages fed to the laptop is use to do ssh into the boxes and also the ability to fx with the bios and enter root partition decryption keys on reboots
Yes, ive not modified anything about permissions or anything, unless the update did something.
compare owners/permissions with old/new files, not much else comes to mind
how to do that?
For basic linux help you may have better luck over here anon
image: tailscale/tailscale:latest
container_name: tailscale
hostname: remote
- TS_EXTRA_ARGS=--advertise-exit-node --advertise-tags=tag:container
- TS_STATE_DIR=/var/lib/tailscale
- net
- 63480:63480 #trans peer
- 63480:63480/udp
- net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
- net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1
- net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1
restart: unless-stopped

image: tailscale/tailscale:latest
container_name: tailscale
hostname: homeserver
- TS_EXTRA_ARGS=--advertise-tags=tag:container --exit-node=CENSORED --exit-node-allow-lan-access
- TS_STATE_DIR=/var/lib/tailscale
- net
- 63480:63480 #trans peer
- 63480:63480/udp
- 9091:9091 #trans webui
restart: unless-stopped

image: linuxserver/transmission
container_name: transmission2
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- TZ=America/New_York
- PEERPORT=63480
network_mode: service:tailscale
restart: unless-stopped
- tailscale
Once again asking someone to explain to me how to have working torrenting with properly open ports on my remote server which I'm forwarding my home server's torrenting traffic through (all of this with docker containers). Just doing port:port in docker compose for any other container is enough to open port on remote server for all my other services btw so you understand I'm not going to do any firewall rule bullshit.

This time I'm trying out tailscale, as I couldn't get wireguard or gluetun to accomplish the task my last 3 tries. I've got the remote server set as an exit node, set all that sysctl shit so it forwards stuff properly, opened the port I want to use on remote server to internet, opened that same port to internet on home server, but nada. Can't even connect to trackers, which I could at least do with wireguard/gluetun.
Did this and this and nothing, guess I really shouldn't update things until they actully break becase updates are more likely to just fuck it up
This problem does sound very unusual and I'm struggling to see how it could be due to a jellyfin update. How does your media get to the library folders, has any of that changed/been updated?
I manually copy it there or download it into there, always done that.
To be ultra clear lets say you have media file a which is in your library, you download media file b which doesn't get detected.
When you remove the library and re add it does it find a+b but won't find new c or does it just find a?
Its stuck with what was there before the update, everything added after does not show up even if i delete the library and readd it.
Okay, can you try copying one of the media files that existed before the update and see if that is detected? It should be enough to manually trigger a refresh of the library rather than remove/add it.
I don't use jellyfin's metadata features so i'm not super familiar with how they work but you may need to name it something totally unrelated so it shows up as something else.
Can you also please paste the output of
> ls -lah
in one of your media folders indicating for us some examples that are detected and some that aren't.
>I couldn't get wireguard
>I'm not going to do any firewall rule bullshit
That would be how i would tackle this problem, wireguard and a firewall rule.
I expect the problem with your tailscale setup (beyond no connectivity at all) will be that tailscale won't know that it should forward incoming traffic to your torrent peer/client.
Damn, yeah you're probably right. I have a working existing setup with openvpn and transmission-openvpn but it's setup on a DIFFERENT remote server I'm trying to get rid of, and I'm pretty sure I had to set up forwarding rules to get that working. Ah well, was hoping the containers could magic that shit the same way they open ports magically but I guess it doesn't have a way of knowing what I want to accomplish.
Figure out what firewall is on that other machine and dump it's rules out / adapt for the new machine?
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drwxrwxrwx 3 user jellyfin 4.0K Jun 23 02:20 'Ghost in the Shell (2017)' New not detected at all
drwxrwxrwx 5 user jellyfin 4.0K Jan 25 19:41 'Oppenheimer (2023)' Old detected like before
drwxrwxrwx 3 user jellyfin 4.0K Feb 1 05:11 'RoboCop (1987)' Old detected
drwxrwxrwx 3 user jellyfin 4.0K Jan 31 17:36 'The Matrix (1999)' Old shows up but no metadata after update/readding library dont remember 100%
drwxrwxrwx 3 user jellyfin 4.0K Feb 1 02:42 'The Matrix Reloaded (2003)' Old detected
drwxrwxrwx 3 user jellyfin 4.0K Feb 1 00:48 'The Matrix Revolutions (2003)' Old Detected
Also all my custom artwork has been reset and they've been removed from collections
Damn bro, i just have my windows update automatically when im sleeping
Copy that RoboCop folder, call it "500 Days of Summer (2009)" and make sure the file within the folder is similarly named, refresh library and see if it shows up.

>Ghost in the Shell (2017)
Is this the only new media, or do you have other examples?
please also run the same
> ls -lah
in that GITS folder and dump output

> custom artwork
That will be stored in jellyfin's database associated with the library which yes will have been lost, unless you put your artwork in the filesystem (would be my recommendation) if that is the case please also run
> ls -lah
in one of those folders with custom artwork that isn't showing up
No it doesn't, honestly I think its way too fucked up and is just easier to start clean than attempt to badly fix it and end up breaking something that will make it worse with the next update. I haven't even watched through it yet, just installed it a few months ago and forgot about it once i ran out of storage. Id need to set up collections and artwork again but that at least will surely fix it right?
>No it doesn't
Your issue is strange enough that I wouldn't feel confident to use jellyfin in your configuration without having a better idea of what is going wrong. I say this as somebody who has used jellyfin for a long time. The next thing i would try to do is to figure out why jellyfin isn't picking up your copied version of RoboCop as I would surely expect that to work. I would recommend.
> Navigate to administration-> metada and see if your copied Robocop shows up there
> Check the jellyfin logs
For debian with apt package I think you can do this with
> journalctl -u jellyfin -f
Trigger a library refresh while this is running and look for anything unusual
I manged to obtain a couple of 4TB HDDs for cheap and now I want to build a NAS with them, ideally on a bit of a budget.
My idea currently is to get an aliexpress minipc (about €200, so it has a little bit more kick for transcoding) and a 2-drive USB 3.0 bay (some €40,-), and turn them into a software RAID.

What I'm mostly concerned about, is that every USB drive bay I've been able to find isn't covered, leaving the drives fragile to moving furniture around them, my pets, and the elements. Even if it costs a little extra, I'd like to find a slightly more robust solution.
Does anyone have any suggestions on a specific minipc for this purpose? What about alternative cases that can house a few data drives? Maybe my idea is completely wrong and I should just spend a little bit more money to get something good?
If you're willing to buy used you can get some nice mini / SFF pcs off ebay that can transcode (maybe not 4k.. haven't tried it) for a little less than that. I personally have used a HP elitedesk mini and Fujitsu Esprimo for this purpose.

As for USB disk enclosures, for multiple disk I use Yottamaster, they're overpriced chinese garbage but they work and they look OK. I don't expect them to be super reliable but my oldest has been running 24/7 for over a year and none have given me any problems. However if you're only considering 2 disks, it would be much much cheaper to get noname chinese single disk enclosures from aliexpress, I use some of these also and again, they're 'OK'

>software RAID
Just whatever you do don't use any raid capability offered by these disk enclosures
Already checked there multiples times obviously nothing

It just spams this
[ERR] Error reporting playback progress
jellyfin[2114173]: System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
jellyfin[2114173]: Object name: 'Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager'.
jellyfin[2114173]: at Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager.OnPlaybackProgress(PlaybackProgressInfo info, Boolean isAutomated)
jellyfin[2114173]: at MediaBrowser.Controller.Session.SessionInfo.OnProgressTimerCallback(Object state)
jellyfin[2114173]: [20:39:08] [ERR] Error reporting playback progress
jellyfin[2114173]: System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
jellyfin[2114173]: Object name: 'Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager'.
jellyfin[2114173]: at Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager.OnPlaybackProgress(PlaybackProgressInfo info, Boolean isAutomated)

Library refresh

at MediaBrowser.Controller.Session.SessionInfo.OnProgressTimerCallback(Object state)
jellyfin[2114173]: [20:49:32] [INF] Watching directory /correct/path/0
jellyfin[2114173]: [20:49:32] [INF] Watching directory /correct/path/1
jellyfin[2114173]: [20:49:32] [INF] Watching directory /correct/path/2
jellyfin[2114173]: [20:49:32] [INF] Watching directory /correct/path/3
jellyfin[2114173]: [20:49:32] [INF] Watching directory /correct/path/4
jellyfin[2114173]: [20:49:32] [INF] Watching directory /correct/path/5
jellyfin[2114173]: [20:49:32] [ERR] Error reporting playback progress
jellyfin[2114173]: System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
jellyfin[2114173]: Object name: 'Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager'.
jellyfin[2114173]: at Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager.OnPlaybackProgress(PlaybackProgressInfo info, Boolean isAutomated)
That's the sort of shit I was looking for. Thanks, I hadn't been able to find anything like this yet, for some reason. The price is kind of offputting, but I want to have room for expansion, so more bays is always good.

>If you're willing to buy used you can get some nice mini / SFF pcs off ebay that can transcode (maybe not 4k.. haven't tried it) for a little less than that
I'll be honest I have a lot of trouble picking anything when it comes to computers, and while I could probably get something better off of ebay, aliexpress minipcs have a more limited range of options while having a form factor I really like for the purpose. Unless I can find these form factors on ebay as well, I don't think I want to bother asking a dozen sellers which specific configuration of any given PC they're selling and then dealing with the vast array of options...
FWIW my cheat sheet to buying these things off ebay is 16GB RAM (or more), i5 (or i7) 8th gen or newer. These mini pcs are targeted at thin clients for business so the sellers are pretty good at including the proper specs. I've never had to converse with any before ordering.
synology is far too overpriced for something that simple. Unless you just wanted something with a preinstalled OS?
Look for a tiny/mini/micro lenovo/hp/dell off ebay.
You could get away with an odroid m1s even if your collection is small enough, if you don't mind potentially being stuck on arm ubuntu.

Nobody can tell you how awful a $200 minipc is if you don't tell us what processor it has. It's usually not possible to software raid across usb, you have to rely on their hardware raid or their program.

Look for an HP Elitedesk 800 SFF G3 or later or a HP Z2 SFF off ebay. Usually $100 and will fit your pair of disks.
If you have a case and old power supply lying around, Odroid H4+ and their itx kit.
>It's usually not possible to software raid across usb
I'm nta but why do you say this? I haven't done it but I can't see why it wouldn't work
depends on which synology he chooses.
the cheapest are really cheap and silent and near no maintenance at all
for solely NAS purposes i would go the way of a m-itx combo (with or without pico-psu) in a atx case
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Anybody here made their own router in the 10gig range? (pic related)

Any recommendations. Using AP's through my switch so dont need any POE, WIFI or nothing. Something that can handle 3GB WAN and 10GB network traffic in a router on a stick configuration. (2) SFP+ 10Gig ports + 1 10gb ETHERNET is all I need in terms of ports.

Looking at all the prosumer offerings and was skeptical. Is Openwrt or OPNSense the right way? I googled and a lot of people recommend the banana pi or some N105 Aliexpress mini PCS.
>banana pi
I've got an older bpi and it won't run mainline linux, only images they release which i'm not going to touch. May not be the case with newer hardware but something to consider.
The rk3588 stuff is pretty much fully supported in mainline, it's already good to go if you are just configuring everything with tty and the graphics stack will land soon™.
But i don't know if banana uses that chip on any of their sfp router boards.
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>Just what you see on the wiki pal
(I couldnt resist)
Thanks frens. I guess I'll just have to scrounge ebay for some ridiculous overkill enterprise shit....
Personally using opnsense on an embedded epyc supermicro board with two dual port 10G NICs, it just works.
nta but what model is this anon? supermicro website is having a meltdown for me
This one
but there are other models with 4C/4T and 4C/8T versions I think, those are much cheaper if you don't need the 8C/16T version.
ah i didn't clock you'd slapped a pcie dual nic in, that never occurred to me as a possibility! thanks anon
Yeah I just got a cheap 16x to 2x8x splitter so I have 4x1G ports and 4x10G ports in total. More than good enough for Opnsense and some small VMs on the side.
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>>101042422 (Late, I know)
I've been naming my machine orgs as JAT ever since I was a kid, so it just stayed as a habit. I do actually work at the airline now though.
>restic for backups
cool one, didn't know about it
The usb controller usually obfuscates the disks. There are some that are better about showing individual disks, but most want you to install their program to manage software raid.
Mostly depends on which you get but I think most anons have random problems with them.

I'm really looking forward to the AM5 Epyc
Even looks like Assrock rack has some matx boards with SFP28 ports, but that's probably overkill for what anon wants to do.
>Mostly depends on which you get
Weird, I don't use software raid but i do some quite elaborate things with my disks including in a bunch of USB enclosures. I do have issues like not being able to use SMART but nothing that would prevent using dm-crypt.
My biggest problem with my homelab is naming shit and not wanting to move or lose stuff(ie. get the structure/layout right on the first try). Why am I like this? How do I get into the "move fast qnd break things" mindset?
mdadm* not dm-crypt
You need two different things
One is a stable server you use for data storage, routing, whatever else other shit you want for your home network. And then some toys to play with that don't fuck up your afternoon if you break them.
>Tu Madre
GitOps, there are lots of different implementations. I run a kubernetes cluster, that's overkill to start. I make changes via git, when they fail, i have the history i either fix forward or revert to known working state. I have comprehensive notes stored in the same git repo and i describe my thinking when i'm building something out so when i come back to it years later i can get back into that context, all helps give me the confidence not to worry about breaking things.
enthoo pro 2 server :)
Based ritual poster
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Best board on 4chan.

This board is super comfy. Its like an old Cheers sitcom where everybody kind of knows each others 'names' anonymously.

Genuine FAANG level network engineers dropping truth bombs, totally incompetent people spouting high confidence bullshit (jeets) out of their asses, technical retards (me) who genuinely try to learn more, the thread baker who thanklessly uses actual cool and thoughtful images, the trolls who shit on said thread baker and of course enterprise schizo anon who just comes here to make happy people miserable for some reason.

Im here forever guys.
So many things to do with the home server yet no time
redpill me on ipv6
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net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
Makes sense. How do you store notes about your servers and what you have set up where?
How do you hook up your homeservers to your git repo? Access token or public git repo? Do you have a local git server you use as a fallback? How do you sync them?
It lives
>gpu still plastic wrapped
Finally found a server mobo to build myself a NAS, but it's an itx one with a few caveats on I/O and bandwidth; how would this best be leveraged?
>Two Intel i219 NICs + separate port for ipmi
>Pcie 3.0 x16 slot (x16 mode, or option for bifurcation into x8/x8, or x8/x4/x4 but seemingly not x44)
>4x SATA (7-pin connector; includes one powered header for satadom)
>4x SATA (via oculink breakout; oculink doesn't have pcie mode so no U.3 etc.)
>weird 2242-only M.2 slot for a SATA SSD (disables one of the oculink SATA when in use), or Pcie 3.0 x4 devices; if an SSD or whatever it runs in 3.0x4 mode normally (and disables 4/4 of oculink), but apparently it may accept a 3.0 x1 drive without compromising any SATA ports due to an eccentricity of the bus/bandwidth allocations (cool if true and stable)
My network is gigabit, but my internet speed is FTTN (maxed at 100/40Mb) so I realistically have no use for anything faster than the onboard NICs, plus this system is mainly for archiving stuff.
I need more storage....4tb isn't enough. I NEED MORE

honestly kind of gigabased
i need more home servers
Still a hazard, top-heavy and missing the top bar your pet ate. Only now noticed the top bar is installed at the bottom, and the rails are not upside down.
What does this have to do with servers?
Would help if you could provide the name and model instead of describing its features
Does someone do LLM or the like on their servers? I've been trying to step inside that field as I thought a local assistant with stt and tts would be nice, but I can't find anything solid that it is not "ctrl+c ctrl+v this buncha shit and call it a day" or "download HA and let it do for you"
I don't mean to code it from scratch, I was thinking whisper + piper + something else but I'm kinda lost, so I'm looking to hear from you anons
Anyone got any experience with vPro motherboards like pic related? Does it let you start/poweroff/view screen remotely?
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I looked at this yesterday, actually.
vPro wasn't very relevant for a decade. MeshCommander is better than Intel's own tools, aclaimedly. Now it's a bit unfortunate MKTME (Intel Total Memory Encryption - Multi-Key) x86_64 feature support is locked behind vPro Enterprise capable platforms, so I'm in favor of vPro Enterprise capable CPUs for virtualization.

Software support isn't very good yet for many things, I imagine Hyper-V may be the only one capable of utilizing MKTME right now.
Unless you're training LLMs on your servers, this might be a dead end for computing because NPUs are being pushed to mobile chips to do the processing locally on edge and mobile device instead of querying a server to do the work, even if it's your own server.
I'd look forward towards Intel Core Ultra 2nd gen and the next ThinkPad T14 (Intel), because that defines a "Copilot+" computer. Big corp said so.
Hm, training is not really what I aim for, I could try fine-tunning if I ever learn enough about this.
I was looking more about local processing, small models mostly to throw commands to.
The thing is, since I can't find anything good to learn about it, I don't even knows if I'm asking for something dumb.
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>Does it let you start/poweroff/view screen remotely?
Yes, with a compatible chipset, CPU and Intel NIC.
It's actually Intel AMT, which libretrannies have lost their minds over.
Do you want something like video related (NetworkChuck)?
That's exactly what I don't want. I've seen several videos about the matter doing the same stuff, and they are not quite what I want to.
Slapping 2 urls, blindly copying whatever and call it a day won't teach me anything, because 95% of those videos count of you having a default or previous setup that fits the author's needs.
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I plan to run ethernet cables to several rooms in my house through the attic and I'm a little stumped on how to have the cables set up.

Should I have the cables run directly from the router to the various rooms' wall jacks or is it better to have both ends of the cables be wall jacks and run patch cables from the router to the wall? I appreciate any help. Pic related hopefully illustrates what I mean, my router is mounted to the wall in my office closet and the cables come out from the top.
Patch cables can only be up to 5 or 10 meters depending on if you're reading American or European standards. Patch cables have 8P8C connectors.
Obviously according to pic rel I would terminate permanent links to female wall jacks. Right side of the picture is the more appropriate way.
There's a lot more nuisances to terminating Ethernet correctly, like cable material and wire gauge, but I don't think I need to explain them right now.
What does this have to do with servers?
kill yourself
It's a home server. You can tell because it has ECC RAM (because I love my data).
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Fair enough, my bad; it's an Asrock Rack E3C246D2I + i3 8300 when I can find a cheap one on eBay.
I spent that long poring over the manual and block diagram trying to work out which functions would preclude the use of others I forgot to state the obvious.
Looked like a desktop to me, with the Arc GPU.
How do I use flent to check my network health before I start tinkering with openwrt? I just don't know which metrics matter
I appreciate the comment, thanks.

Length shouldn't be an issue since the servers and modem are both in the closet with the router. But I'm a little confused by the 8P8C connector comment. Can a patch cable not plug into an RJ45 jack? Maybe I'm not using the term patch cable correctly. From what I understand I should be running RJ45 wires, right? From my research it seemed like UTP Solid Cable 23AWG was recommended for running cables through walls, attic, etc.

The cable without connectors is pure copper, twisted pair, typically category 6 rated cable or better at home.
Wikipedia explains RJ45 as follows:
>RJ45 is often incorrectly used when referring to an 8P8C connector used for ANSI/TIA-568 T568A and T568B and Ethernet, however, the plug used for RJ45 is both mechanically and electrically incompatible with any Ethernet port: it cannot fit into an Ethernet port, and it is wired in a way that is incompatible with Ethernet. The connector commonly used for twisted-pair Ethernet is a non-keyed 8P8C connector, quite distinct from that used for RJ45S. The new ARJ45 interface, however, is a plug and jack allowing higher transmission rates, and the jack can, optionally, be backward-compatible with the common 8P8C plugs of Gigabit Ethernet and earlier standards.
Patch cables are stranded copper, with 8P8C connectors as those grip better to stranded than solid copper, used for short distances (up to 5 meters at each end with 10 m total at ends, or up to 10 m at one end and 10 m total if you're following one of the regional standards but I don't remember which region). Solid copper conductors are used for the permanent link, the longer distance (up to 90 m), terminated to female keystones.
Unless you have access to an expensive certifying equipment, you probably shouldn't be terminating your own 8P8C patch cables but buying premade (and still should certify your channels anyway). Terminating 8P8C correctly by hand is difficult for 10 GbE with PoE up to specification, thus why field-termination plugs exist.
>UTP Solid Cable 23AWG was recommended for running cables through walls, attic, etc.
That is valid, as long as you choose the appropriate jacket for fire safety (plenum rated or sometimes LSZH in Europe).

What does this have to do with servers anyway? You're asking home networking or home building questions. >>>/diy/ ? (You)
what server
Wow she's cu-
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I can't reach my proxmox server anymore. The vms are working fine but not the hypervisor. I hate computers.
Did you tag a VM's network interface with a VLAN ID?
NTA but proxmox does that to me from time to time.
If my uptime gets too long, somehow it freezes completely on host level.
I SNEED av1 encoding for jellyfin
I need more magic quadrants
No. I didn't do anything it just doesn't work rn. It did a similar thing when I upgraded the cpu and tried to start it without the gpu, so I think it may be a pci id that has changed. For some reason??? After a restart it's doing the same thing, so I guess it's good that it's right next to my desk. That's a job for tomorrow tho.
I want to do 10GbE.
Which switch should I get? The following are in my budget
Mikrotek CRS305
TP-Link TL-SX3008F
Ubiquiti UniFi 8 Port SFP+ Aggregation Switch (really pushing the budget)
Any other suggestions?
The Ubiquiti is the sexiest but I'm not going to be using any management features so all I care about is reliability and power draw.
I'm not sure if I'll outgrow the 4 port too quickly, as I'll be putting my desktop, server and NAS on it immediately. Not sure what else I'd want on 10GbE but by the time I want two more devices it might be time to move onto 25 or 40GbE

Anything but Ubiquiti.
Spoon feed me, I don't understand that link
Does this switch exist with PoE? I want 2.5GB for some APs and a 10Gb uplink would be useful
Yes, and it has existed for about a decade.
The ones you've listed are equally bad, so pick your poison.
Saucenao and iqdb worked for me why are you using Google
I am a mediaserverlet
Whats the usecase for 10gbe networking at home?
I just learned how to host on something thru the VM on google cloud and now I feel like I am a hacker man!!

Well anyone I'm still confused on how to properly set the route/path for the thing. like when from the localhost to an actual external IP, like how do you deal with that?
transfer files fast between Lan clients
not waiting 99 hours for a backup
and so on
What are my options? I just want to have my three devices connected via 10gb at a reasonable price. Surely it's not that complicated, how are the others bad? I don't care about managed features.
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would a thinkcentre tiny make a good entry-level home server?
8500t sell for a decent price
Ok so only relevantvif you have terabytes of data
would $190 be a decent price for a “refurbished” one?
even with tb's of data, you'd still be bottlenecked by hdd speeds. only way to saturate 10gbe in a home environment is if you have an ssd raid, which 99% of home users dont have because its ungodly expensive.
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>docker app updated
>a plugin it uses stops working because it was built with an older version and the person will probably take 100 years to build a new version
>no problem
>download source from git and build it
>successfully built without errors
>plugin doesnt work
>a dependency the plugin uses was built with a websockets 1.5.1 the docker app requires websockets 1.5.2
>contemplating download source of dependency and building that but afraid of running into slippery slope of dependency build hell

holy moly fuck this
Docker is used because the application is in dependency hell. Just like venv, anaconda, etc for python.
Reminder to not let your application get into dependency hell so you need a container.
i can make a ssd raid for fifty bucks
$50! that's expensive, have you seen the price of Chinese SSDs?
Well, most HHDs can almost saturate 2.5g... So if 10g is worth it depends on the prices in your area.
Also you could have a SSD cache.

Of course, but he means a SSD raid that's actually big enough to store something. Let's say 16TB
>Memes, porn, videos and such
>Lots of random reads and writes
None of those constitute lots of reads and writes by any stretch of the imagination and none of them would benefit from being stored on SSDs. That's one of the least access-intensive and least IOPS-intensive storage workloads imaginable, your videos and meme images are probably going to be completely unused like 99% of the time or something. Are you expecting shitloads of concurrent users or something? If not you're just throwing money away for no discernible benefit by storing fucking video on SSDs over HDDs.
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Pic related is what I tested for my VM storage a while back. These screenshots are taken from a Windows VM running on the specified storage setups. As you can see, ZFS is dogshit slow compared to everything else but comes with a lot of extra features (look into these and decide if they're useful to you). Also this is just mirroring / RAID1 with 2 SSDs, so there's no parity handling required like with RAIDZ1 so while I haven't tested it I'd expect it to scale even worse.
you need to think about everything on path, ram, hard drives, etc. will 25g get bottlenecked somewhere in the chain?
kind of a stretch
I would expect at least 500g ssd and 16g ram for that
you can buy second hand enterprise equipment for the same price as new shitty prosumer equipment
I've recently taken to praying to my switches and fitting them with purity seals. Will this prevent them from being tainted by chaos?
>got a HPE workstation with Broadwell E5-1260 v4
>80W idle out of the box
bros, i should be able to reduce it, right?
My Skylake R330 server pulls ~40W loaded with 2xHDD, 1x2.5" SSD and 1x PCIe SSD while running monerod, qbittorrent and HTTP downloads.
I know Broadwell is one gen older, but it's still 14nm.
Wonder how much of that 80W is due to PSU inefficiency (750W on HPE vs 350W on my R330). I'll start pulling stuff out like i did with R330 and see how low can it go.
seals might clog the pipes, but prayers will help as long as they're the right kind.
reminder that docker has nothing to do with solving dependency hell, if you think this you have no clue what docker is for
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God I wish I had a house already
I want to buy so many QFXs and to build a DC fabric in my lab
Its different now, but my old lab really had an aesthetic
that's quite a hot cpu
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>mfw tenants' bandwidth kept in check thanks to pfsense + proxmox on chink shit pc
it's 22°C idle and 47°C under full load, i think the fans are just too aggressive and pulling lots of power by itself.
I was under an assumption that even power hungry CPUs should idle at similar wattage.
Looks cool anon whatcha storing?
Thanks anon
Not much actually, the drives are rather small(300GB), and the two C240s run as a vSAN. That only leaves around 2TB of storage
Just runs a few servers/services(Monitoring, Logging, Minecraft, etc)
Reminder that any device that renders a service over a (local) network is technically a server and you dont need racks or enterprise hardware to be included
Yes, but let's keep the topic server related. Consumer hardware only questions can go to >>>/g/pcbg/
reminder for enterpriseschizo to kill himself
Don't knock sleeping in a datacenter. Under the raised floor is the best place for a hangover provided you don't snore. And if you keel over you will be undisturbed until they go out of business.
Why are so many programs distributed as docker containers? E.g., Immich, Jellyfin, Vaultwarden, etc
here we go again
>easy to deploy: copy-paste and go
>automation friendly
>no installation dependencies problems
>still as fast as bare metal
might as well ask >>>/g/sqt/
As a user it's a convenient OS independent way to consume applications, it also provides me with 'some' guarantees about how it can or can't fuck up my systems e.g standardised permission model.
As a developer it's a single (relatively) standardized platform to target with a huge community to support and maintain it.
Yeah it's fine if you don't have much storage needs.

Maybe if it's 11th gen or one of the variants that came with a pcie slot. Skip any that include windows or omit the power brick.

Simplest way to isolate what the app needs in one place. Also because unix loves reusing certain tools and configs, so you don't get conflicts from poorly programmed apps trying to rewrite configs on you.
just block all ips from china/russia etc. get a proper spam ip list and then whitelist anything you use yourself.
don't use fucking fail2ban lol you should absolutely not be modifying firewall on the fly lmao. utter retardation.
you can do whatever you wish.
8p8c crimip down connectors are not designed for use on solid core cable which is what you should use for installed cables, yes even the ones that say they do work on solid core cable are lying. so normally you run solid core cable from a jack at a location to a patch panel at a central location where equiptment is i.e. a media cabinet.
if i were you i would run ALL of the cables into the attic and put a switch up there to connect them together.

what the fuck are you talking about
Since docker is superior to bare metal, is there anything you're actually running bare metal because you feel it works out better?

I think the only one for me is webmin, because all the docker images for it are several years out of date.
I’m in the process of building a NAS, and would like some advice. I’m storing a lot of large files (most around 250gb, some as large as 2tb). Is there anything special I need to do or take into consideration? E.g., are some file systems better or worse for large files?
All modern file systems (ext4, btrfs, zfs) are able to easily handle big files, so there's nothing special there.
When choosing a file system you should look at their features and which ones you require like checksumming, RAID/JBOD, deduplication, etc.
As an example: I store a lot of data as well, I have one pool of disks configured in JBOD for dumping data which are 4x4TB drives, 16TB combined using btrfs. And I have a main data 20TB drive with ext4 (because I don't need RAID or JBOD there)
Brocade ICX6450 on ebay
the industry has largely given up on the idea of a stable platform or shared dependencies, so everything just gets dumped into a monolithic container
>the industry has largely unified on a stable platform, called OCI
Secondhand enterprise equipment is large, loud, hot and noisy. The price isn't a big deal, as long as it moves my data reliably
I'm aware, I have nvme ssds in my NAS and server.
much of a downgrade is the 6500t from the 8500t? those are a lot cheaper.
i think i might just bite the bullet though, shipping here is expensive so tech prices especially are always a little high.
4 cores + 6MB total cache vs 6 cores + 9MB total cache
Depending on the workload the 6500T should be good.
I'd want the 8500T if I wanted to run a Minecraft server along with other services for example
NextCloud snap package is the easiest way to deploy and manage NC by far.
I haven't had to touch my install for years, it just quietly sits there and auto updates.
What happens when the 20TB drive fails?
No one checks their network perf?
Never bothered with nextcloud. feels so bloated. I guess it's nice if you have family/friends and want a friendly ui to transfer files.
Get a rack already. Having servers sit on a table like that looks extremely unprofessional.
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I know the Wiki covers this but I thought it prudent to ask anyway because it's pretty subjective and wikis have a tendency to be out-of-date.

Assuming I want Jellyfin, some sort of network storage, maybe the occasional game server (not that I remember the last time I hosted one of those) and would like to keep my options open in case something else catches my interest.
What's the most retard-proof OS I can go with?
I'm not the biggest retard so worst-case-scenario I'd just suck it up and RTFM but I'd like it if as much as possible just werked.
reminder to enterpriseschizoschizo that he will never catch up to how much enterpriseschizo makes
When I have a house and a room to put it in, I will
There is a Sun Systems rack I have saved from FB marketplace I will probably go pick up
God damn those are sexy as fuck, making me regret my investment in poweredges
Currently shopping around for an enclosed rack which might end up in a humid environment. What are some things I should consider?
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Is it bad I regret them?
Loud, aggressive fan curves
Cisco proprietary bullshit
Also it doesn't really fit with the Juniper network, though I am not sure what server vendor really would.
Also have a newer picture of the back since dumping the Mag and SRX
Hello fellow retard, I feel obligated to give a reply, as the autistic larping faggots in this thread are not much help for a simple question like this (despite the fact that it's the right thread to ask).

With the above said, as the other anon said syncthing for syncing and then Restic or Kopia for backup.
>What's the difference?
- Highly regarded and mature
- Very clear functions and commands - better than Kopia in my opinion
- CLI only unless you bolt on a 3rd party GUI like backrest - https://github.com/garethgeorge/backrest
- Can get RAM inefficient particularly for larger scale backups
- Limited to zstd compression to my knowledge
- Newer tool that builds on solid foundations established by Restic, some consider it less mature than Restic given it's age
- GUI included although you'll still want to learn the CLI and understand what it's doing under the hood
- Better support for some cloud options iirc
- Highly efficient
- Selection of compression options at your disposal

Some puritans will recommend Borg or other Linux-only tools. Borg is Python dependent which is fragile and inefficient and Linux-only tools are great... as long as you do everything on Linux.
>inb4 one of them actually reads this reply chain and spergs out
Not putting it in a humid environment
>Is it bad I regret them?
Nah, I'm just going off appearances and assuming they're functionally the same as poweredges.
>Loud, aggressive fan curves
Isn't that the same for all enterprise rackmounts?
>Cisco proprietary bullshit
What do you mean?
I replace it, there's another 20TB as a backup
I mean they compute, so they are just an appliance really.
>Isn't that the same for all enterprise rackmounts?
You use like 10% of a C220 CPU and the fans kick up. Even the C240 idle isn't....quiet, I have heard other vendors are a bit better.
>What do you mean?
Well those fancy NICs that those DACs are plugged into have to be Cisco specific to not kick the fans up, and it took several tries to find the proper NICs, as some while Cisco coded with a Cisco SN, had a bug that made the fans kick up.
I'm assuming a 12k BTU portable AC unit with a built-in dehumidifier should suffice?
rsnapshot is da best
that is all
You definitively don't want your expensive server in a humid environment. Moisture kills. If the basement is humid it has to go inside somewhere unless the basement has a vent with a fan.

IMO best spot for a server is in a living room. Wide open space means the heat dissipated doesn't build up, easy access so it can remain clean/dust/insect free and serves as a conversational piece. Just put some decoration on the top of it.
post your server's electrical usage so far for the month. you do keep track of how much power your server uses, right? minipc/pi fags need not apply. big server boys only
>just put 20U of servers, 10U of batteries, and a 12k BTU portable AC unit in the living room bro!
no lol
Also, my house is ~50-60% humidity right now, I'm in the Dallas area. Isn't that too high?
Haha imagine spending $20 in a single month on electricity for your garbage enterprise equipment hahahahahaa
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Most of that power usage is from having 40x HDD's spinning. I'm only going to upgrade to larger capacities once they start failing.
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what the hell is this? some kind of AR thing?
does your smart plug not expose an api you could use to consolidate the data into grafana with that other stuff
10U of batteries? Why so much? A 2U UPS is plenty enough for 90% home labs.

>and a 12k BTU portable AC unit in the living room bro!
That's the thing. You don't need an AC running if it's in the living room.

>my house is ~50-60% humidity right now
Yeah that's pretty high. Should be around 30~40%.
5x 2U double-conversion UPS. Gotta get that redundancy.
>90% of home labs
Anon I have 12 rackmount servers
Doesnt look like this is going anywhere, I'm gonna get information elsewhere. Thanks
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>Dell SFF pc+ 4bay QNAP NAS
>4,87 USD
Seeing the power bill I was considering upgrading to a more power hungry "server", but currently I dont need more power
>I have 12 rackmount servers
If you have that much equipment and you're asking rudimentary questions like humidity, something is wrong.
Disgusting language
>no he/she bullshit
nope, but someone found a way to reverse engineer kasa plugs to get the data, but it's only for a specific kasa smart plug. Im sure it can work with mine, since it's just a slightly updated version, but it's not really worth bothering with since the kasa app already has the info I need.

My Mini PC uses about that much.
>his days are naps
>his months are honaps
Typical third world scum
>currency is length
>nope, but someone found a way to reverse engineer kasa plugs to get the data, but it's only for a specific kasa smart plug. Im sure it can work with mine, since it's just a slightly updated version, but it's not really worth bothering with since the kasa app already has the info I need.
i have a kasa one too but it's one of the supported ones:
i have not had time to do this yet but my plan was:
>write python script to poll the api for metrics
>call the script in telegraf
>shoot the metrics to influxdb
but i have not had time to do this and it's been months since i got it
oh neat, looks like mine is supported. I was mainly looking at https://github.com/lux4rd0/kasa-collector/ but it seems I can do it myself
No anon, those are thin-clients. They do not have serial-out, BMC management interface, have very few PCIe lanes and expansion capability, and aren't validated for server operating systems, which will severely limit your options of available hypervisors and associated automation software. They may not come with ECC memory support. They will not give you the true business experience.
If thin-clients were good entry-level servers, you would see them being used in datacenters, but you don't see them there because they are not efficient.
do not reply to enterpriseschizo
No need to reply to him; he is absolutely correct. Nothing more to be said.
Did Berners-Lee have IPMI?
Red Hat Enterprise Linux if you apply their RHCSA certification to Ubuntu. See >>101119309.
Why do people set iDRAC to get a static IP instead of using DHCP with DNS registration? I dont get it
>get a
use a*
Enterpriseschizo is also a RHEL shill? Jesus
To avoid a situation where DHCP is down, but the iDRAC needs to be accessible. The time after a complete power outage for example.
So instead of making their DHCP setup (more) resilient and redundant, they ignore it entirely and just go with a static configuration. If the DHCP server is running on that same host for example, this is obviously a decent idea, since the host will be accessible even if the DHCP service is having issues.
And in a home environment, where the network configuration isn't that dynamic/volatile/complex, it's also more sensible to set the configuration manually compared to making DHCP resilient/redundant.
My file server on the same L2 switch (and it's iDRAC too) became unreachable because my mikrotik (which was running the DHCP server) completely shat itself (had to flash it to resurrect it).
Static IPs can save you from that.
I made my own program that checks status of systemd services and saves them in SQLite db
it is in raw C++ so it's super fast and uses htmx for frontend
you gonna post the github or?
>it is in raw C++ so it's super fast
thats good for when i want to check all my services at 60fps
also because you would have to be silly to connect any management interface to any equpitment with internet access
nigga that's 8 lines in bash
Looking for a firewall server that fits the following specs:
>redundant PSU
>2x hot-swap drive bays
>PCIe slot
Is the R330 my best bet? I was hoping for something with less power usage
I see, makes sense
I trust my firewall
$300, but obviously I'd prefer the cheapest solution that fits my requirements
Would you say this is a good value for $175?


I plan to hook up a DAS to it and basically use this as a more powerful NAS.
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>power usage
R330 is suprisingly efficient in my experience. I don't think you can go much lower without building a custom 1U with Atom or ARM board. I've actually considered RockPro64 as my NAS, turns out it only saves me a couple of watts over R330, but otherwise is unusable because of ARMshit issues.
R330 system idle with a single SSD read as low as 25W.
Picrel: R330, 2x 3.5" HDD, 1x 2.5" SSD (system), 1x M.2 SSD in PCIe (cache for HDDs), 1x Mellanox ConnectX-3, running monerod and some HTTP downloads. iDRAC reading is pretty close to what i saw at the wall.
>redundant PSU
gutting the second PSU saves a couple of watts, so if you want to run reduntant, add a couple of watts to the above numbers.
Only because it has 32gb of ram and the non-T variant. The common 16gb don't seem to go less than $160 or so.
How were you expecting to attach a DAS and how many disks? There are EliteDesk 800 G5 SFF for $150+ship that would hold two disks and have pcie slots for an hba.
So when someone says they're running a hardware firewall, is it the same thing as a router? Why separate the two?
Anyone selfhost music? Like with navidrome or similar?

How do you build up a music file collection? Should I try to get on RED or do you use a yt-dlp type tool? I don't like music as much as I do film so I want to try to make the acquisition process as painless as possible
>why don't i looked at any previous thread
>why don't i look the answer up myself
>why am i asking on a chinese cartoon website for babies?
>How do you build up a music file collection
do poor people really need to be concerned about power? i've never been concerned about power in my entire life, but i live in the first world.
That is a good point.. I was expecting to buy something like this and plug it straight into the mini PC via USB


But that's an additional $100 and this whole server thing is new to me and by the time I buy the mini PC + DAS + a hard drive for the DAS I'm looking at around $300-350 total in costs.

One thing I'm noticing as I'm getting into this homelabs community is energy costs are a big thing. I guess that's why I've been worry about buying an older Dell T330 or even one of those EliteDesk SFF computers you recommended. But do you think me running the mini PC + DAS would actually use more electricity than just using a EliteDesk SSF with 2 hard drives in it?

Let me say I'm not really worried about my electricity bill that much but I do not want to see it jump up $25-50 bucks a month over something that is just going to be a hobby at first (which might sound laughable but desu I don't know anything about how electricity is calculated I just pay my bill and leave it at that) so in the grand scheme of things regardless of what I choose it might not even raise my electricity bill that much
I'm eyeballing this system for €65

with no disks, and no ram
i3-6100 should idle very low and mainboard with 5x SATA and 1x m.2 sounds like a great deal for someone looking to start self hosting a lot of their own files (me) if i just throw some old spinners i have lying around into it and a small m.2 ssd for the OS

Any pitfalls I'm oblivious to with this kind of system?
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picrel is main board of that machine, which is pretty cheap by itself but i fancy getting a cheap case/psu combo for a tiny bit more
Oh wow, didn't expect a xeon to be that efficient. For reference, what CPU and how much RAM are you running?
>is it the same thing as a router?
Yes and no.
>Why separate the two?
The security principle is that you need "something" (firewall) that blocks undesired connections from the "outside" (internet).
Now, a router is a device that connects you to the "outside" by routing traffic between networks therefore it makes sense for that device to block the undesired connections, hence becoming a "hardware firewall".
However, there can be routers that do not block undesired traffic, in that case it is possible to install a "software firewall", a piece of software tied to the networking subsystem of an Operating System that does exactly that: block undesired traffic.
idk if that makes sense and solves your questions
>Anyone selfhost music?
I do
>How do you build up a music file collection?
I have a Deezer premium and I use Lidarr, Deemix and Navidrome.
Deezer allows downloading and has FLAC as well. See https://noted.lol/the-perfect-self-hosted-music-server/

You'll get the same pitfalls as any standard desktop system without remote management, nothing special nor server related
Based. I only use consumer-grade desktop systems as disposable processing-only nodes for my cluster.
What does this have to do with servers?
My cluster is composed of consumer-grade desktop e-waste, I'm ok with that.
I just believe that straight hardware questions like:
>can you recommend a mini pc?
>how is this pc build?
Are offtopic because what makes a consumer desktop a server is its software, that said, the discussion should be centered around server software, like:
>Hey I got this problem when migrating a VM between my Proxmox nodes, which are desktop systems
I don't get why it couldn't be used for a server? Maybe I wasn't clear,

>i3-6100 should idle very low and mainboard with 5x SATA and 1x m.2 sounds like a great deal for someone looking to start self hosting a lot of their own files

This was my planned use case. Do I really need specialist hardware to build a NAS and serve some files to myself over the internet?
>don't get why it couldn't be used for a server?
Learn to read, nobody said this can't be used for a server, of course it can, but your question is strictly a consumer desktop one. Go ask >>>/g/pcbg/ any questions you have with your hardware.
Then, install any OS meant for servers like Proxmox, TrueNAS or whatever and when you have questions pertinent to your server OS/software/whatever then come back here
Any anons self hosting a Kanban-board web application like Trello? Experiences? Worth it? Not worth it?
>Kanban-board web application
Whats the point? Just use org mode
>hey go ask /pcbg/ if that makes a good server
You clearly don't have the IQ needed to post here, I'm sorry
>Any pitfalls I'm oblivious to with this kind of system?
Psu connectors
Does it actually have space and enclosures for 5 x 3.5" bays inside?
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I want to setup a home lab to learn linux sysadmin basics (hopefully get a job out of it)

possibly custom build a server for future media storage and streaming, but at the moment its not my priority, I want to learn all this first.

im in between these pcs:
Dell Optiplex 3050 Sff i3-7300
Dell Optiplex 5040 Sff i5-6500
EliteDesk 800 G2 mini i5-6500T

I dont have any idea how much cpu power I would need, im not concerned about power consumption but im on a small budget. any recommendations, feedback?
Thin clients will not give you the true business experience.
NTA but those are not thin clients

If those are thin clients then what do you call a Dell Wyse with a 6W cpu or a HP T530? A mini-slim-thinner client?
My server has an i7 4790 and runs everything easily. Generally you don't need much CPU
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I've got a couple lenovo m900 tiny boxes each with an i5-6500T and 16gb of RAM, cost me about $100 each
one is hooked up to an external 4 bay HDD enclosure and runs jellyfin, *arr, navidrome, bitwarden, and a bunch of other shit in containers on top of rocky 9
the other one runs proxmox and is used for prototyping at work, at any given time it'll have 3-4 different VMs running fairly heavy stuff
I'm considering getting something with a bit more horsepower but honestly if you just wanna learn something cheap will take you way further than you might expect
amazing how much CPU you save when you don't have to worry about dogshit UIs and electron apps bogging everything down
stupid metadata stripping
what does /hsg/ think of guix as a server os?
So the first revelation was realizing I'm definitely not a "music guy" because the concept of dow loading entire albums was foreign to me. It makes sense that's how they're uploaded though.

Thank you for the link. I was hoping to avoid another subscription, trying to replace netflix, hbo max, etc with jellyfin but deezer/spotify just seem too good for music discovery. I always have been comfortable in my music tastes but had a hard time finding new stuff.

Thanks anon, excited to start getting music setup. How about playback where you live? Do you have sonos stuff set up?

new thread you guys:



thanks anons
>saturate 10gbe
If your storage can do 500MB/s for instance it's still way better to have 10G than it is to be limited to ~110MB/s you get on 1G. That's very much so achievable with HDD arrays.
>if you have an ssd raid
10G is like 1.1GB/s in real-world file transfer speeds, quite literally 1 single NVMe SSD is several times faster than a 10G network interface.
whats syour favorite software for virtualzing 1-2 vms on linux?

speicifically like nixos on ubuntu host

on my laptop (thinkpad intel g11)
also macbook m2
and steam deck / android if thats even possible
yeah, it's pretty crazy, it's E3-1270v5, single 8GB ECC 2133 Samsung stick

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